The Ministry of Mines of Afghanistan Quarterly Newsle-er IN THIS ISSUE: Update of mineral tenders currently in progress (p.2) Tender for West Afghan Tajik Oil Basin announced in March 2012 (p. 3) Amu Darya Oil Basin contract awarded in December 2011 (p.4) ‘NaJonal Mining Policy of Afghanistan’ is ready; major updates to Mining and Hydrocarbon Law being prepared (p.8) An insight on Afghanistan’s progress and opportuniJes in the minerals and hydrocarbon sectors UPCOMING EVENTS Ministry of Mines of Afghanistan to par>cipate in the Africa Down Under Conference, Australia The Ministry of Mines will be a2ending the Africa Down Under Conference at the Pan Pacific Perth (formerly Sheraton Hotel) and Novotel Perth Langley, from 29 August to 31 August 2012. The Ministry of Mines will have a separate session dedicated to Afghanistan’s mineral exploraOon potenOal and current investment opportuniOes. There will also be an opportunity for mining companies to meet with Afghanistan’s delegaOon, ask quesOons and get further informaOon. To arrange a meeOng with Ministry of Mines delegaOon please contact: [email protected] InformaOon about the conference can be found at: www.africadownunderconference.com Annual Investment Mee>ng Dubai The Ministry of Mines of Afghanistan will be a2ending this unique event from 1 May – 3 May 2012 that brings together the world’s leading insOtuOonal investors, private financiers, high profile government officials and assets owners. InformaOon about the event can be found at www.aimcongress.com MOM Quarterly Newsle-er Issue 1 April 2012 1 Issue 1: April 2012

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Page 1: The$Ministry$of$Mines$of$Afghanistan$$ - mom.gov.afmom.gov.af/Content/files/MOM Newsletter April-041402.pdf · MOMQuarterly)Newsle-er)April)2012 ) MOMQuarterly)Newsle-er)April)2012

The  Ministry  of  Mines  of  Afghanistan    Quarterly  Newsle-er    

IN  THIS  ISSUE:    •  Update  of    mineral  tenders  currently  in  progress    (p.2)  

•  Tender  for  West  Afghan  Tajik  Oil  Basin  announced  in  March  2012  (p.3)  

•  Amu  Darya  Oil  Basin  contract  awarded  in  December  2011  (p.4)  

•  ‘NaJonal  Mining  Policy  of  Afghanistan’  is  ready;  major  updates  to  Mining  and  Hydrocarbon  Law  being  prepared    (p.8)  

An  insight  on  Afghanistan’s  progress  and  opportuniJes  in  the  minerals  and  hydrocarbon  sectors  

UPCOMING  EVENTS    Ministry  of  Mines  of  Afghanistan  to  par>cipate  in  the  Africa  Down  Under  Conference,  Australia  

 The  Ministry  of  Mines  will  be  a2ending  the  Africa  Down  Under  Conference  at  the  Pan  Pacific  Perth  (formerly  Sheraton  Hotel)  and  Novotel  Perth  Langley,  from  29  August  to  31  August  2012.      The  Ministry  of  Mines  will  have  a  separate  session  dedicated  to  Afghanistan’s  mineral  exploraOon  potenOal  and  current  investment  opportuniOes.    There  will  also  be  an  opportunity  for  mining  companies  to  meet  with  Afghanistan’s  delegaOon,  ask  quesOons  and  get  further  informaOon.      To  arrange  a  meeOng  with  Ministry  of  Mines  delegaOon  please  contact:  [email protected]    InformaOon  about  the  conference  can  be  found    at:  www.africadownunderconference.com    Annual  Investment  Mee>ng  Dubai        The  Ministry  of  Mines  of  Afghanistan  will  be  a2ending  this  unique  event  from  1  May  –  3  May  2012  that  brings  together  the  world’s  leading  insOtuOonal  investors,  private  financiers,  high  profile  government  officials  and  assets  owners.  InformaOon  about  the  event  can  be  found  at  www.aimcongress.com    

MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  Issue  1  April  2012   1  

Issue  1:  April  2012  

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MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  


MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

The  Government  of  Afghanistan  announced  tenders  for  gold,  copper  and  iron  ore  projects  in  London  and  New  York  City  during  2010  and  2011.  IniOal  exploraOon  of  these  deposits  was  conducted  by  the  USSR,  with  more  recent  work  undertaken  by  the  Afghanistan  Geological  Society  and  US  Geological  Society.  For  the  four  gold  and  copper  tenders  launched  in  December  2011,  over  30  expressions  of  interest  were  received  from  internaOonal  bidders.  The  qualified  bidders  will  be  announced  this  month  (April  2012)  with  site  visits  being  conducted  in  May  2012.  The  Ministry  of  Mines  anOcipates  finalizing  these  tenders  by  the  end  of  2012.        1.  Badakhshan  Gold  Status:  Pre  Qualifica<on  -­‐  The  Badakhshan  Gold  tender  covers  a  total  area  of  1,000km2  split  into  four  licence  blocks.  Conceptual  exploraOon  target  types  include:  first,  low-­‐sulphide  quartz  veins  –  mesothermal  gold-­‐bearing  quartz  veins,  and  second  Archean  style  lode  gold  occurrences  –  greenstone-­‐hosted  (shear  zone-­‐hosted)  gold  in  metamorphic  host  rocks.      2.  Shaida  Copper  Status:  Pre  Qualifica<on  -­‐  The  Shaida  Copper  tender  covers  a  total  area  of  250km2.  The  two  licences  are  within  the  Fara  Rud  plutonic  belt  which  consists  of  Cretaceous  and  Oligocene  granite,  granodiorite  and  syenite  intruded  into  older  sedimentary  and  volcanic  rocks.      3.  Zarkashan  Copper/Gold  Status:  Pre  Qualifica<on  -­‐  The  Zarkashan  Copper/Gold  tender  covers  a  total  area  of  484km2.    The  Zarkashan  intrusive  consists  of  quartz  monzonite,  granodiorite  and  quartz  syenite.  MineralizaOon  is  associated  with  skarn  alteraOon  at  the  contact  between  the  Zarkashan  intrusive  and  the  Triassic  and  Cretaceous  limestone.      4.  Balkhab  Copper  Status:  Pre  Qualifica<on  -­‐  The  Balkhab  Copper  tender  covers  a  total  area  of  457km2  split  into  two  licence  blocks.  Contains  deformed  Middle  to  Late  Paleozoic  sedimentary  and  volcanic  rocks  that  are  exposed  in  the  central  parts  of  an  eroded  canyon  of  the  Balkh  River.  The  Paleozoic  rocks  are  overlain  unconformably  by  near-­‐horizontal  Mesozoic  sedimentary  rocks    5.  Hajigak  Iron  Ore  Status:  Bidder  Nego<a<ons  -­‐  The  Soviets  esOmated  the  Hajigak  Iron  Ore  deposit  to  contain  resources    of  1.8  billion  tonnes  with  a  grade  of  approximately  62%  Fe,  predominately  in  the  Russian  P2  classificaOon.  The  Hajigak  tender  will  finalized  by  mid  2012.  For  more  informaOon  also  see:  h2p://www.mom.gov.af/en/page/1382  

For  more  informa>on  please  visit  the  Ministry’s  tender  website  at  hXp://www.afghanmineraltenders.com/  



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MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

CURRENT  TENDERS  Tender  for  West  Afghan  Tajik  Oil  Basin  announced  in  March  2012    The  Ministry  of  Mines  announced  a  public  tender  for  exploraOon,  development  and  producOon  of  hydrocarbons  in  6  blocks  at  the  APPEX  conference  in  London  in  March  2012.      These  blocks  are  Ahmadabad  1,855km2,  Balkh  1,861km2,  Mazar-­‐I-­‐Sharif  2,715km2,  Shamar  2,143km2,  Sanduqli  2583km2  and  Mohammed  Jan  Dagar  3603km2  in  the  Afghan-­‐Tajik  basin.      Interested  companies    should  submit  their  expression  of  interest  by  30  June  2012.    The  blocks  are  located  in  Northern  Afghanistan  in  the  region  surrounding  the  city  of  Mazar-­‐I-­‐Sharif,  where  2D-­‐Seismic  data  gathering  is    being  conducted  to  improve  the  quality  of  available  data  to  bidders.  For  more  informaOon  please  visit  our  website  at:  



Afghan-­‐Tajik  Phase  I  Tender  Blocks  

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MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

On  26  December  2011  the  Ministry  of  Mines  signed  an  exploraOon  and  producOon-­‐sharing  agreement  with    a  joint  venture  comprising  the  China  NaOonal  Petroleum  Company  InternaOonal  and  Watan  Group  (CNPCIW)  for  oil  and  gas  exploraOon,  development  and  producOon  from  the  Zamarudsay,  Bazarkhami  and  Kashkari  blocks  (totalling  3,549km2  )  in  the  Amu  Darya  basin  in  Northern  Afghanistan.        Over  the  next  several  years,  the  CNPCIN  will  be  commencing  producOon  from  exisOng  wells  and  bringing  new  wells  online  to  eventually  produce  a  minimum  of  5  million  barrels  of  oil  per  year  from  2018.  


First  Oil  &  Gas  Produc>on-­‐Sharing  Agreement  Signed  With  Chinese  Joint  Venture  Company  

The  producOon-­‐sharing  agreement  provides  for  4.5  years  of  exploraOon  (with  two  possible  extensions  of  2  years  each)  followed  by  25  years  of  producOon  (with  the  potenOal  to  extend  for  a  further  10  years).      Details  of  the  contract  can  be  seen    under  “Abstract  of  EPSC  at  :    h2p://mom.gov.af/en/page/1384      The  Amu  Darya  Petroleum  Authority  (ADPA)  was  recently  established  to  supervise  implementaOon  of  the  producOon-­‐sharing  agreement.    The  main  goals  of  this  department  are  to  ensure  proper  environmental  protecOon,  financial  safeguarding  and  social  development  over  the  life  of  the  contract.  By  2018,  the  agreement  is  anOcipated  to  generate  approximately  US  $250  million  in  tax  and  producOon-­‐sharing  revenues  for  the  Government  of  Afghanistan.    


Insert  Amu  Darya  Basin  Map  



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MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

EXPLORATION  ROUND  UP  It  is  well-­‐known  that  Afghanistan  is  home  to  numerous  high-­‐grade  coal  deposits.  What  is  less  known  is  the  extent   of   these  deposits   and   the   volume  and  quality   of   coal   available.   From  October   2011   to   February  2012,  the  AGS,  with  the  support  of  USAID,  conducted  an  in-­‐depth  geological  survey  of  the  Dar-­‐i-­‐Suf  coal  fields   in   Samangan.   The   work   consisted   of   surface   and   underground   geological   mapping,   total   surface  trenching  of  600m  and  underground  channel  sampling  in  the  Dan-­‐i-­‐Tor  and  Shabashak  areas.  One  hundred  standard  samples  were  taken  and  the  analysis  of  these  is  due  to  be  completed  in  July  2012.      Although   the   geological   data   collected   during   the   field   season   is   sOll   being   compiled   and   analysed,   the  Ministry   of  Mines   are   confident   that   coal   resources   in   the   Dar-­‐i-­‐Suf   area   are   far   more   extensive   than  previously   reported,   and   numerous   coal   seams   are   amenable   to   modern,   industrial   mining  techniques.   There   is   also   strong   geological   evidence   that   indicates   that   the   Dan-­‐i-­‐Tor   coal   measures  extend  much  further  in  all  direcOons,  but  parOcularly  to  the  south,  than  earlier  surveys  suggest.  It  is  hoped  that  core  drilling,  using  the  new  AGS  drill  rigs,  will  take  place  during  2012  to  confirm  surface  studies.      For  further  informaOon  about  coal  resources  of  Afghanistan  please  see:  h2p://afghanistan.cr.usgs.gov/coal  

The   coal   seams   can  be   grouped   into   at   least   three  disOnct   formaOons  daOng   in   age   from   the  Middle   to  Upper   Jurassic.   The  above  map   shows   the   surface  exposure  of   the   sedimentary   formaOons  with   the   red  arrows  indicaOng  extension  of  the  coal  measures  under  younger  Cretaceous  and  TerOary  cover.  


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MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

NATIONAL  AND  REGIONAL  RESOURCE  CORRIDORS  PROGRAM  T h e   N a > o n a l   a n d  R e g i o n a l   R e s o u r c e  Corridors   Program   aims  to  connect  Afghanistan  to  the   Central   Asian   and  Middle   Eastern   regions  through   the   coordinated  development   of   roads  and   railways   along   with  e x p l o r a O o n   a n d  development   of   the  country’s   energy   and  mineral  resources.  The  US  $3   million   program   is  being   financed   by   the  internaOonal   community,  including   the     Asian  De ve l opmen t   B an k ,  USAID,   European   Union,  World   Bank,   India   and  Japan.    


Hairatan-­‐Mazar  Railway  is  the  first  railway  project  in  Afghanistan.  In  the  first  phase  of  the  project  106km  of  railway  line  has  been  constructed  along  with  staOons  and  other  related  faciliOes  which  are  now  ready  for  use.  


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MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

GOLD  DEPOSIT  AND  POTENTIAL  IN  AFGHANISTAN  Afghanistan  has  the  potenOal  for  many  types  of  gold  mineralizaOon,  such  as:  Alluvial,  skarn,  placer,  vein  hosted  and  porphyry.  Gold  has  been  mined   for  centuries   in  many  areas   including  Takhar  province   in   the  north,  Ghazni,  Zabul,  Kandahar  provinces  in  the  south-­‐west  and  Baghlan  province  in  the  northeast  of  the  country.    There  are  a  number  of  deposits,    some  of  which  have  been  contracted  and  awarded,  some  are  currently  being  tendered.  

Qara-­‐Zaghan  Gold  explora>on  and  exploita>on  project:      This  gold  mine  is  located  in  Qara  Zaghan  village  in  Dushi  District,  Baghlan  Province.  An  area  of  1,257  hectares  has  been  leased  to  a  joint  venture  comprising  Afghan  Krystal  Natural  Resources  (AKNR)  and  Central  Asian  Resources  (CENTAR)  which  will  invest  up  to  US  $50m,  including    US  $12m  for  exploraOon  and  US  $38  million  for  exploraOon  and  exploitaOon  over  10  years.  JP  Morgan  Cazenove  has  provided  the  investment  fund  for  this  venture.    Iden>fied  gold  deposits  with  poten>al  for  tender  for  early  stage  explora>on:  Kundalyan:  copper  gold  deposit  in  Zabul  province,  which  is  localized  along  a  400-­‐m  long  ,  1.5km  wide  inlier  within  a  fault  zone  that  consist  of  altered  limestone,  chert  and  skarn.    There  are  13  ore  bodies  along  the  Kundalayan  fault  zone  and  the  category  C1+C2  reserve  in  the  Soviet  classificaOon  system  are  13,600  tons  of  contained  copper  and  1.1  ton  of  gold  at  grades  of  1.07%  Cu  and  0.9g/t  Au.  Katawas:  located  In  Ghazni  &  PakOka  provinces,  this  is  a  conceptual  target  based  on  geologic  and  remote-­‐sensing  data  and  evidence  of  hydrothermal  alteraOon  and  could  be  an  ideal  junior  company  grass-­‐roots  project.  Ahonkashan:  located  in  Badghis  province,  there  are  six  mineralized  zones  of  700m  to  2,500m  long  and  up  to  75m  wide  and  could  be  ideal  for  junior  or  mid-­‐Oer  company  grass-­‐roots  project.    


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MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

MOM  Quarterly  Newsle-er  April  2012  

BUSINESS  PROFILES  FOR  EXPLORATION  SERVICES  The  AGS  has  recently  acquired  five  new  Chinese  manufactured,  hydraulic,  diamond  core  drill  rigs.  The  two  larger  HYDX-­‐4  track  mounted  rigs  are  capable  of  drilling  in  excess  of  500m  (NQ  size,  47.6mm  core  diameter)  under  ideal  condiOons,  while  the  three  smaller  HYDX-­‐2  rigs  can  be  disassembled  rapidly  with  parts  weighing  less   than   100kg   and   then   and   quickly   transported   and   reassembled.   The   drill   manufacturer   provided  training  on  the  operaOon  of  the  rigs  to  AGS  staff  during  February  2012.  

Both  rig  types  are  ideal  for  Afghanistan  condiOons   as   they   require   small   crews  (4-­‐6   staff)   and   are   easy   to   operate,  maintain  and  transport.  These  modern,  wire-­‐line   drill   rigs   will   greatly   increase  the   capacity   of   the   AGS   to   conduct  mineral   exploraOon   and   resource  evaluaOon.   The   high   quality   geological  data   sets   that   AGS   can   now   acquire  with   these   rigs   will   increase   the   rate  that  new  mineral  prospects  can  be  put  up   for   tender   and   lower   the   risk   for  mining   companies   when   making  investment  decisions.    

Na>onal  Mining  Policy  for  Afghanistan  The  Ministry  of  Mines  has  successfully  prepared  its  NaOonal  Mining  Policy  in  order  to  create  a  reliable  and  comprehensive  framework.  In  addiOon,  sector  policies  for  different  minerals  and  hydrocarbons  have  been  prepared  to  guarantee  a  secure  base  for  the  mining  sector.  The  Cabinet  is  expected  to  approve  all  the  policies  at  the  end  of  May,  2012.  The  Ministry  of  Mines  is  currently  working  on  amendments  to  the  Mining  and  Hydrocarbon  Law  to  ensure  an  investor-­‐friendly  private  sector  for  mining  companies  and  internaOonal  investors.  


Contact  Details:  Office  of  the  Deputy  Minister  of  Policy  and  Promo>on  Mr.  Najibullah  Amirzai    E:  [email protected]  T:  +93  (0)  202  104  370    Investment  Promo>on  Directorate  E:  [email protected]  T:  +93  (0)  752  0764  83  

Cadaster  Directorate  E:  [email protected]  T:  +93  (0)  079  327  1565  Afghan  Geological  Survey  E:  [email protected]  T:  +93  (0)  797  227  212