THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED Folder Title: Country Photographs - Colombia - Loan 502 - Photographs Folder ID: 1719625 Fonds: Records of Office of External Affairs (WB IBRD/IDA EXT) Digitized: August 28, 2014 To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business. The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright. Please refer to http://www.worldbank.org/terms-of-use-earchives for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers. THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2012 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: www.worldbank.org PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED

THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

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Page 1: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood



Folder Title: Country Photographs - Colombia - Loan 502 - Photographs

Folder ID: 1719625

Fonds: Records of Office of External Affairs (WB IBRD/IDA EXT)

Digitized: August 28, 2014

To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business.

The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright.

Please refer to http://www.worldbank.org/terms-of-use-earchives for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers.

THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2012 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: www.worldbank.org


Page 2: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood


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R2002-11 0 Other#: 39

luntry Photographs - Colombia - Loan 502 - Photographs


Page 3: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

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Page 4: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

J.Do~0~=00-1 On 3ml 291 1967 s the v1CfCT!1

P. 1q!:~ mat .e a. loan t~qui ·alenli to 9 million t · fJSist in fina.ncing proj ~c·~ f'or the developiool:rc, of ag. iculi ... ural production in ·:..he 1 -:-.pm.-t ~me' t c.f .Atlant.ico in nor.:'· ern Colo:r-bi o T'ne proj e it~. olves in•i ation and f.ood con·'·rcl T. 70l"'ks tor 24 .500 a .. res and is the first stage of a :orog.t:ti.m ., · · irr·l ~ate a Stt·bs~.a."'ltiaJ. y 1 ..,. er are in the sa:me vic:tni tyo 'f:h" i,;:.r!g ted area -: lJ. be ).I·tonsi"\r0ly ctuti"' a+ed m.ai ly ~: th h:i.gh=value crops .or exp rt The p. ojectt ·~ill cou"'·-~ib . .:t, ~ t TJG'I.r¥. ·'.he ~r~ ·a.i.Jm ... nt, of a prirae.ry goa.l of lombi.an. eeo:Lo ni~ ·policy <"""" di ve:csi:~ica:~:ton of agr.icul: : 1 .. e to lessen i~e dependence on coffl;!)a ru::td ·t;o increaao;. ... xpor-t. ea .. nings a

The lo· "- w s 11'k"1'le to In~t~ .uta CoJ or,o:lano de la fieform.a Agraria (nqcOP.A)~ -which ~as :;)stubli~ ·h d in 1961 to ir-.~: leme .· · e grarian r form. lmro It has sine ecoma major ver ·~ant Qj,.gency for ~gricultural deve opme t i active in developing land ·to increase ~ .ictutur<.!l. · · roduction as 11 a.

· in lf' d distri · . .rc,ion. Since the A*' ·an ~ico project is ·technic y c plicated and C¥Ures a hi !I :leg~w--ee of xperie and kill ot ilm ava ·lable in Co1o.uib .. a, INCORA dll engage oon.sulta.Ilts .for he planning, op rat·· on manageme t of the projec-~· throughout the co ... truction period and fo~ at lea~t five year ther af era

1 ong ti preoe t at the sig ing· of tha· loan docum nt i re, rom left to righ • His lli~c· ll ncy Hernan ECYa.v x· i · o·· _Z}l.ga_, 1\mbas a.dor of ·colombia to the Uni"'~ d S·tate ; to , ~~de ereld Vic Pre ident of orld Bank; and Dr. Enriqae Pe a. C · argo Gans~a.l w.nl!'t0 er o£ . ;CORA St ing: .Dri) Jo •gfJ 1·1 j · a-Pala. io r f ~~R~~. "'"~ - ' fu· lo

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Page 5: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 6: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

WORLD BANK 1818 H Street, .W., Washington, D. C., 20433, U.S.A.

L0-502-CO-ls On June 29, 1967, the WORLD BANK made a loan equivalent to $9 million to assist in financing a project for the development of agricultural production in the Department of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood control works for 24,500 acres and is the first stage of a program to irrigate a substantially lar­ger area in the same vicinity. The irrigated a rea will be intens·ively cultivated, mainly wi t h high-value crops for export. The project will contribute toward the attainment of a primary goal of Colombian economic policy--diversification of agriculture to lessen the dependence on coffee and to increase export earnings.

The loan was made to Institute Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA), which was established in 1961 to implement the agrarian reform law. It has since become a major Government agency for agricultural development and is active in developing land to increase agricultural production, as well as in land distribution. Since the At lantic~ project is technically complicated and requires a high degree of expe­rience and s kill not now available in Colombia, INCORA will engage consultants for the planni~g, operation and management · of the project throughout the construction period and for at least five years threafter.

A young farm worker on cooperative tomato farm.

Pl~ase credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Jaime Martin.

Page 7: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 8: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

WORLD BANK 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington D. C., 20432, U.S.A.

L0-502-C0-2s On June 29, 1967, the WORLD BANK made a loan equivalent to $9 million to assist in financing a project for the development of agricultural production in the Department of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood control works for 24,500 acres and is the first stage of a program to irrigate a substantially lar­ger area in the same vicinity. The irrigated area will be intensi vely cultivated, mainly with high-value crops for export. The project will contribute toward the attainment of a primary goal of Colombian economic policy--deversification of agriculture to lessen the dependence on coffee and to increase export earnings.

The loan was made to Insti tuto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria ( JNCORA), which was established in 1961 to implement the agrarian reform law. It has since become a major Government agency for agricultural development and is active in developing land to increase agricultural production, as well as in land distribution. Since the Atlantica project is technically complicated and requires a high degree of expe­rience and skill not now available in Colombia, JNCORA. will engage consultants for the planning, .operation and management of the project throughout the construction period and for at least five years thereafter.

Farmer picking pepper on a cooperative farm in Atlantica region, Colombia.

Please credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Jaime Martin. 1974

Page 9: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 10: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

WORLD BANK _1_8_18_H ___ ~-·-·, W shington D. C., 201433~ U.S.A.

106/67i (Lo-502-CO) On June 29. 1967 9 the ~!ORLD BANK made a l oan· equtval ent to $9 million to assist in financing a project for the development of agricultural production in the Department of Atl ntico in northern Colomb ia. The project involves irri gation · and flood control works for ·24,500 acres· and is the fir st stage of a program to ir rigate a substantia l ly lar­ger area in the same vicinity. The irrigated area will be in tensively cultivated, mainly with high-value crops for export. The project will contribute toward the attainment of a primary goal of Col ombian economi c policy--dive rsification of agriculture to lessen the dependence on coffee and to increase export earnings.

The loan was made to Institu te Coiomblano de la Reforma Agraria (I NCORA), whtch was establi shed in 1961 to . implement the agrarian reform law. It has since become a major Government agency tor agricultural development and i s active in developing land to inc rease agricultural product ion, as well as in land distribution. Since the Atlantica project is techn ica ll y complicated and requires a high degree of expe­rience and skill not now avai l able in Colombia, INCORA will engage consultants for the planning, operation and management of the project throughout the construction period an9 for at feast five years thereafter.

Farmers picking green peppers on an irrigated . cooperative farm in the Atlantico · region of Colombia-

Please credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Edwin G. Huffman ciBRD 1974

Page 11: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 12: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

WORLD BANK 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington D. C.~ 20433, U.S.A.

L0-502-CO- 4s On June 29, 1967, the WORLD BANI" made a loan equivalent to $9 million to assist in financing a project for the development of agricultural production in the Department of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves -i rrigation · and flood control works for 24,500 acres and is the first stage of a program to irrigate a substantially lar­ger area in the same vicinity. The irrigated area will be intensively cultivated, mainly with high-value crops for export. The project will contribute toward the attainment of a primary goal of Colombian economic policy--diversification . of agriculture to lessen the dependence on coffee and to increase export earnings.

The loan was made to Institute Colomblano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA), which was established in 1961 to implement the agrarian reform l aw. It has since become a major Government agency for agricultural development and is active in developing land to increase agricultural production, as well as in land distribution. Since the Atlantica project is technically complicated and requires a high degree of expe­rience and skill not now available in Colombia, INCORA will engage consultants for the planning, operation and management of the project throughout the construction period and for at l~ast five years thereafter.

A farmer picking green peppers on an irrigated cooperative farm in the Atlantica region of Colombia.

Please credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Edwin G. Huffman ciBRD 1974

Page 13: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 14: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

. • \MJRLD BANK PHOTO LIBRARY 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Tel: 202/477-8350 or 477-8351

COLOMBIA Atlantica Irrigation Project IBRD (Lo-502-CO) Refer to Bank Press Release No. 67/32

106/68e Irrigation structure in the Atlantica region

Please credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Jaime Martin-Escobal, 1974

Page 15: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 16: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

• ~RLD BANK PHOTO LIBRARY 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Tel: 202/477-8350 or 477-8351

COLOMBIA Atlantico Irrigation Project IBRD (Lo-502-CO) Refer to Bank Press Release No. 67/32

106/68f: Atlantico region. Farmer picking pepper on a cooperative farm.

Please credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Jaime Martin-Escobal, 1974

Page 17: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 18: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

• WORLD BANK PHOTO LIBRARY 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Tel: 202/477-8350 or 477-8351

COLOMBIA Atlantica Irrigation Project IBRD (Lo-502-CO) Refer to Bank Press Release No. 67/32

106/68g : Atlantica region. Laborers picking pepers on a cooperative farm.

Please credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Jaime Martin-Escobal, 1974

Page 19: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood
Page 20: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE …pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/755271412356900075/wbg... · of Atlantica in northern Colombia. The project involves irrigation and flood

m WORLD BANK PHOTO LIBRARY 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Tel: 202/477-8350 or 477-8351

COLOMBIA Atlantica Irrigation Project IBRD (Lo-502-CO) Refer to Bank Press Release No. 67/32

106/68h: Atlantica region. Farmer picking pepper on a cooperative farm.

Please credit: WORLD BANK PHOTO by Jaime Martin-Escobal, 1974