Nutrition 2.1 - The Plateau Buster! - Nutrition 2.1 is designed for after your 14-19 day detox or whenever you feel you need to speed up your results

The Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula Level 2 Protocolsplans/TFT...2) Keep busy; plan your day -it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide

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Page 1: The Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula Level 2 Protocolsplans/TFT...2) Keep busy; plan your day -it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide

Nutrition 2.1

- The Plateau Buster! -

Nutrition 2.1 is designed for after your 14-19 day detox or whenever you feel you need to speed up your results

Page 2: The Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula Level 2 Protocolsplans/TFT...2) Keep busy; plan your day -it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide

Your 7 Day Nutrition Plan

7:15am Between 8-12 12 Lunch Between 12-6pm 6 - 8PM 8pm onwards

Monday - On Training Day’s you are allowed Post Training Carbs, such as sweet potato, Brown Basmati if needed.


1 Litre of Greens Drink

2 Green/White Tea

Poached Chicken Salad. (chicken, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, watercress, cashew nuts, olive oil garnish) - keep 1 chicken breast for next day.

1 Litre of Water

2 Liqourice Tea up till 4pm

Tulsi Tea 4pm onwards

Prawn Stir fry (prawns, mange tout, onions, chilli peppers, crushed garlic, bean sprouts, spinach)


Tulsi Tea


1 Litre of Greens Drink

2 Green/White Tea

“Chick & mix” (recipe attached below)

1 Litre of Water

2 Liqourice Tea up till 4pm

Tulsi Tea 4pm onwards

Burgers (mince, onion, chilli spice, garlic, mixed herbs, 1 egg) with spicy parsnip/ turnip chips and spinach - make 6 and keep 3 for next day.


Tulsi Tea

Page 3: The Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula Level 2 Protocolsplans/TFT...2) Keep busy; plan your day -it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide

7:15am Between 8-12 12 Lunch Between 12-6pm 6 - 8PM 8pm onwards


1 Litre of Greens Drink

2 Green/White Tea

3 Burgers, spinach & Cucumber saladYoghurt and chive dip

1 Litre of Water

2 Liqourice Tea up till 4pm

Tulsi Tea 4pm onwards

Spinach and Pepper Omelette


Tulsi Tea


1 Litre of Greens Drink

2 Green/White Tea

Salmon fillet with mashed turnip topped with asparagus.

1 Litre of Water

2 Liqourice Tea up till 4pm

Tulsi Tea 4pm onwards

Take-away Style Kebab with Parsnip Chips - original recipe book (keep half for tomorrow)


Tulsi Tea


1 Litre of Greens Drink

2 Green/White Tea

Take-away style kebab from last night with spinach and cashew salad drizzled in olive oil

1 Litre of Water

2 Liqourice Tea up till 4pm

Tulsi Tea 4pm onwards

Soup - Red Lentil, Chickpea and chilli soup

(Recipe Attached below)


Tulsi Tea

Page 4: The Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula Level 2 Protocolsplans/TFT...2) Keep busy; plan your day -it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide

7:15am Between 8-12 12 Lunch Between 12-6pm 6 - 8PM 8pm onwards

Saturday Clean Fry Up: Clean Sausages, eggs, grilled tomatoes, 1 slice of RYE bread. Tomato Pure dip (like ketchup)

1 Litre of Greens Drink

2 Green/White Tea

Tuna Steak with Asparagus topped Sun Dried Tomatoes, drizzled with a small amount of Balsamic Vinegar

1 Litre of Water

2 Liqourice Tea up till 4pm

Tulsi Tea 4pm onwards

Spicy Chicken skewers & salsa dip.

(Recipe Attached below)


Tulsi Tea

Sunday Live Greek Yoghurt, seed mix, cinnamon, banana

1 Litre of Greens Drink

2 Green/White Tea

Roast Beef Dinner (No potatoes, use GF Gravy)

1 Litre of Water

2 Liqourice Tea up till 4pm

Tulsi Tea 4pm onwards

Homemade chilli made with Turkey Mince, spices, chopped tomatoes, peppers and onions.

Water, Tulsi Tea

*When Fasting make sure you take on board plenty of fluids

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“Chick N Mix”:


1 chicken breast, sliced 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 1 pepper (any colour) 1/2 an aubergene 1 garlic clove, crushed 1/2 red onion 1 tsp of chilli powder 1 tsp paprika


Add the chicken breast to a pan of boiling water and begin to poach. Whilst the chicken is poaching in the pan, make a start on the sauce.

For the ‘mix’ sauce add the tinned tomatoes to a pan and turn to low-medium heat.

Chop the pepper into strips, dice the aubergene into 1cm cubes and add them to the tomatoes. Cook until the aubergene is soft before adding all of the rest of the ingredients.

Stir well and serve on top of the sliced chicken which should be cooked by now.

Page 6: The Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula Level 2 Protocolsplans/TFT...2) Keep busy; plan your day -it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide

Red Lentil, Chickpea and Chilli Soup:


2 tsp cumin seeds large pinch chilli flakes 1 tbsp olive oil 1 red onion, chopped 140g red split lentils 850ml vegetable stock(gluten free) or water 400g can tomatoes, whole or chopped 200g carton chickpeas or 1⁄2 a can, rinsed and drained (freeze leftovers) small bunch coriander , roughly chopped (save a few leaves, to serve) 4 tbsp Live Greek Yoghurt, to serve


Heat a large saucepan and dry-fry the cumin seeds and chilli flakes for 1 min, or until they start to jump around the pan and release their aromas.

Add the oil and onion, and cook for 5 mins.

Stir in the lentils, stock and tomatoes, then bring to the boil. Simmer for 15 mins until the lentils have softened.

Whizz the soup with a stick blender or in a food processor until it is a rough purée, pour back into the pan and add the chickpeas.

Heat gently, season well and stir in the coriander. Finish with a dollop of live probiotic yogurt and coriander leaves.

Page 7: The Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula Level 2 Protocolsplans/TFT...2) Keep busy; plan your day -it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide

Spicy Chicken Skewers:


2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped 1 tsp of ginger 1 small onion, roughly chopped 2 tbsp agave nectar 1 tbsp Tamari sauce 2 tbsp Olive oil 2 small skinless boneless chicken breast fillets , cut into cubes 1 red peppers & 1 yellow pepper, seeded and each cut into 10


Mix the garlic, ginger and onions to a paste in a food processor. Add the agave nectar, Tamari sauce and olive oil, then blend again. Pour the mixture over the cubed chicken and leave to marinate for at least 1 hr, but preferably overnight.

Thread the chicken and peppers onto 8 wooden skewers before cooking on a griddle pan for 7-8 mins each side or until the chicken is thoroughly cooked and golden brown.

Turn the kebabs frequently and baste with the marinade from time to time until evenly cooked. Arrange on a plate, scatter with the remaining peppers and side salad and eat with your fingers.

These are best served with a garlic yoghurt or home made salsa dip.

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Intermittent Fasting FAQs

Q1. Won’t I feel tired and woolly headed if I fast?

A. Contrary to what most people believe, intermittent fasting can lead to an INCREASE in energy and mental focus rather than increased fatigue. It's to do with the sympathetic/parasympathetic relationships in your central nervous system. Eating creates numerous 'rest and digest' phases, which can create mental slowness and reduction of energy whereas fasting puts the body on alert.

Q2. I want results and I agreed to follow your advice, so I’m in. Any tips for a first-time faster?

A. 1) Remember, it’s all mental not physical2) Keep busy; plan your day - it helps if work is busy or you have meetings or you have a hair app or a massage or decide to tidyout cupboards or sort through your wardrobe etc. Anything to keep your mind off food. 3) Plan a nice healthy low carb dinner to look forward to – but not something like a casserole where the smells will tempt you forhours before it’s ready 4) Read up on IF - it helps if you understand.5) Remind yourself how many times you have skipped meals unintentionally in the past because life got in the way; just becauseyou are planning to skip a meal this time doesn’t mean it has to be harder. 6) Have lots of hot drinks - hot water and lemon or your favourite herbal/fruit teas – as they help with hunger pangs and if you’refeeling cold.. 7) Keep an extra jumper with you in case you get cold.8) Don’t leave food on view – put it all away in the cupboards/desk drawers etc including the fruit bowl.9) If possible, don’t prepare food for other people during the day or plan a food shop10) When you break the fast, have a meal not a snack, so you don’t start binging on snacks.11) Do your exercise as usual.12) Don’t think you’ll ‘try’ fasting, but rather that you will fast13) Remember it’s only as hard as you chose to make it – a positive state of mind is key14) And it’s only until dinner : )

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Q3. Surely this is really hard and I’ll hate it?

A. It’s only hard if you chose to make it hard, and no, I don’t think you’ll hate it. Many people love it in fact and live by it everyday.

Many scientific studies link fasting to positive health benefits including possibly even living longer. If you want to read the science behind this then have a read of Brad Pilon’s Eat Stop Eat book, which is where we compiled most of our research.

Q4. What about the supplements during a fast?

A. Keep taking all your supplements as normal except protein shake (if you are taking).

Q5. And how about coconut oil - can we have that?

A. Not while fasting, no.

Q6. What can I eat during fasts?

A. Nothing. You can (and should) drink lots of water plus herbal teas, but no food of any description.

Q7. Can I still have my lemon water?

There’s not enough ‘food’ in lemon water to worry about, so yes. Also any other herbal teas are ok.

Q8. I'm at a conference tomorrow and was wondering what I would eat, so this sure answers that question and makes it all easier!

A. A lot of people love how simple fasting makes food on days when they away from home. It’s a great tool for days when you know the only food available will be less than ideal such as travelling, conferences etc.

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Q9. I managed 15.5 hours, but caved in and ate a late something. Was there any point in fasting as I didn’t make 16 hours?

A. It's better to draw it out to as close to 16 hours as possible as the really great hormonal benefits of the fast really only start to kick in after about 15 hours. You haven’t wasted your time (as long as you didn’t binge at lunch), but every hour after 15 would make a positively big difference.

Q10. I thought it was important to always eat breakfast to get the metabolism going.

A. The old 'you must eat breakfast' is a bit of a red herring. It's useful if you tend to either under eat or if delaying eating means that you tend to binge when you start eating but, mostly, frequent eating is not beneficial. The exercise kick starts your metabolism just fine.

Q11. I feel so, so hungry, any advice or tips to get through this??

A. ‘Hunger’ is 99% psychological hunger and not physiological.There are still plenty of calories in your stomach and fat stores meaning your body is not truly craving food but your brain is sending signals inline with your normal eating habits as its designed to do, but would happily re-regulate these messages if IF was regular. Find something to do to distract yourself, drink plenty of water with lemon or herbal tea and you'll be fine. You’re only ‘skipping’ breakfast right?.

Q12. I know it’s in my mind, but my belly is growling!

A. Discipline, my friend, discipline (and lots of hot drinks : )). Look upon those growls as body fat complaining about being used.

Q13. I loved fasting. How often and how long can I do it?

A. You can carry on with intermittent fasting indefinitely, fasting everyday in this manner but I’ve found taking every 5th week of works great for results. All you got to ensure is that during your non-fasting periods you eat good quality nutritious food.

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Q.14 Does the fast go from the time we start our pre-fast meal to the time we start our post-fast meal, or from the time when we END our pre-fast meal to the time we start our post-fast meal... e.g. I ate dinner starting at 8pm but ended eating at 8:45pm - so is my next meal tomorrow at midday or at 12.45pm?

A. You don’t need to worry too much about 45 minutes. Once you are over the 15 hour mark it shouldn’t make a dramatic difference. But if you want to be 100% exact, the next food should come at 12.45pm. You can in fact change the times in which you fast i.e. you could fast from 10pm until 2pm if you really wanted to but I found 8pm – midday the best.

Q.15 I’m fasting and freezing! Is this normal?

A. Some people do find that they are cold all day when fasting. An extra jumper and hot drinks will sort you out. There’s no scientific explanation right now to explain this.

Q.16 How do I avoid binging after my fast?

A. One of the best ways to avoid binging is to make sure that you eat a meal when you break the fast. Even if you have to stop early, it’s best to eat a meal rather than a snack – if you don’t satisfy the appetite properly when you first break the fast your body may well keep asking for more food leading to a binge.

Q17. You’re kidding, aren’t you? Surely no one actually fasts like this!

A. Well, actually many people do, regularly, I do and so do a lot of TFT students. Many of our members fast regularly through choice.

Q18. I just think it’s wrong and I’m not doing it!

A. Ok that’s fine. We’re all grown-ups and it’s your decision. Just remember that the best results come from the highest adherence. Any changes you make or things you choose not to do mean you’re deviating from the program and your results may well be affected.