United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) In collaboration with The University of the West Indies St. Augustine Centre for Gender and Development Studies Report Workshop on Gender, Peace and Development in the Caribbean September 19 th -20 th , 2001 Rm.101, Faculty of Engineering, UWI, St. Augustine The Gender, Peace and Development Research Project and Workshop is a collaborative effort of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Centre for Gender and Development Studies of the University of the West Indies

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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO)

In collaboration with

The University of the West Indies

St. Augustine Centre for Gender and Development Studies


Workshop on

Gender, Peace and Development in the Caribbean

September 19th-20th, 2001

Rm.101, Faculty of Engineering, UWI, St. Augustine

The Gender, Peace and Development Research Project and Workshop is a collaborative effort of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Centre for Gender and Development Studies of the University of the West Indies

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Table of Contents

Title Page Introduction 1 Opening Ceremony 3 Structure and Format of Workshop 5 List of Members of Catalyst Group 7 Workshop Evaluation 9 Participants’ List 12 Financial Statement 18 Appendices 9 Appendix I Project Staff Appendix II Photographs of the Workshop Appendix III Copy of feature address by Dr. Michael Kaufman Appendix IV Copy of newspaper clipping on the Workshop Appendix V Copy of Opening Ceremony and Workshop Programmes Appendix VI Copy of INSTRAW Article distributed to Particpants

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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Gender, Peace and Development in the Caribbean

Workshop to present Research Findings

September 18th-19th, 2001

Introduction and Background to the Workshop Within the framework of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s (UNESCO) programme for Women and Culture of Peace, the regional research project on Gender, Peace and Development was initiated to:

Document research and development work being completed or in progress on gender, peace and development in the Caribbean.





Identify existing areas of need and propose a programme of strategies to address these needs in gender, peace and development in the Caribbean.

Identify potential partners from the research community, the public, private and NGOs sectors and development agencies who can collaborate in addressing the needs.

The project was implemented in two parts:

An exploratory study of the organizations, programmes and research being done and completed on Gender, Peace and Development in the Caribbean.

This study was coordinated by Dr. Gwendoline Williams and administered by the Centre for Gender and Development Studies (CGDS) of the University of the West Indies on behalf of UNESCO. Two teams from the St. Augustine and Mona Campuses of the University of the West Indies conducted the research. The members of the teams were Mr. Tracy Hackshaw and Ms. Gabrielle Henderson from St. Augustine Campus and Ms. Shakira Maxwell and Ms. Nicola Smith from Mona Campus. Ms. Olatz Landa, a Basque Volunteer with the UNESCO Kingston Office also functioned as a member of the Mona Team.

The teams were led by a project management team comprising Dr. Rhoda Reddock and Dr. Kamala Kempadoo, Heads of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at St. Augustine and Mona respectively, and Mrs. Claudia De Four, Head of the West Indian Division, UWI Main Library (St. Augustine) who provided documentary support.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

A two-day stakeholder workshop to: 2)

a. Share with participants the results of the exploratory study

b. Identify additional strategies, documents and materials not captured in the research

c. Develop a draft programme of activities to address the existing areas of need. The Workshop deliverables were to:

1. Organise a workshop on Gender, Peace and Development in the last quarter of 2001,

2. Invite participants from among researchers; the private and public sectors;

community groups; possible funders working on gender and peace indicating collaboration between UNESCO, the centre for Gender and Development Studies and the Gender Consulting Team led by Dr. Gwendoline Williams,

3. Arrange workshop agenda in such a way that the Gender Consulting Team can

present findings of their research and draft programme of activities on Gender, Peace and Development,

4. During the workshop encourage feedback such that a programme can be agreed


5. During the workshop encourage discussion such that researchers; public and private sectors; community groups; possible funders can indicate their willingness/capability to implement aspects of the programme,

These deliverables are presented in the body of this report. The Workshop to present the findings took place from 19th-20th September 2001 at Rm. 101, Faculty of Engineering, the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Day One-Tuesday 18th September, 2001 Opening Ceremony The workshop opened with a small ceremony chaired by Dr. Claudia Harvey, the UNESCO Regional Representative to the Northern Caribbean. Dr. Harvey chaired on behalf of Dr. Rhoda Reddock, Head, the Centre for Gender and Development Studies.1 Present at the head table were Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie, Principal of the St. Augustine campus, Dr. Gwendoline Williams, Project Co-ordinator, and Ms.Eunice Smith, Programme Assistant, Women and Culture of Peace Unit, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. Unfortunately, the tragic circumstances of September 11th in the United States affected the proceedings of the workshop in unforseen ways. The feature speaker, Dr. Michael Kaufman, founder and co-chair of the White Ribbon Campaign, the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women, and international consultant in gender studies, had to cancel his engagement . However, it would be remiss if this report did not formally acknowledge the efforts of Dr. Kaufman and the staff of the UWI Campus Information Technology Services and Distance Education Departments to facilitate a presentation by tele-conference for the occasion. Appendix III contains the transcript of the taped contents of a shortened version of his speech. Approximately 60 persons attended the ceremony comprising representatives from a wide cross section of society. Representatives included officials of UNESCO, UNIFEM, UNDP, ILO, Amnesty International, senior management of the University, academic staff, students, members of the private sector, NGOs and representatives of women’s organisations . The programme for the evening consisted of opening remarks by Dr. Harvey, a welcome address by the Campus Principal, Dr. Tewarie, remarks by Ms Eunice Smith of UNESCO and a synopsis of the research project by Dr. Williams, the project coordinator. An invocation dance was performed by Ms. Crystal Chaitram, a secondary school student, and student of the Nirtanjali Dance Theatre and two steelpan musical solos, performed by Mr. Mikhail Salcedo, student of the Centre for Creative and Festival Creative Arts, UWI, St. Augustine. In her opening remarks, Dr. Harvey introduced the project, identifying its importance in today’s society and apologised for the change in programme. Dr. Tewarie in his opening remarks indicated that this was his first welcome address in a forum of this nature since assuming his new role as Principal. He thanked those in attendance for taking the time to attend the ceremony and for participating in the workshop. He described the workshop as of great significance especially in light of the 1 Dr. Reddock did attend the opening ceremony but did not feel able to chair the session because of the recent death of her father.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

recent events of September 11th and the possibility of war given the terrorist attacks in the United States. He noted the irony of welcoming the participants to a workshop on peace and development against such a backdrop of violence. He noted that the workshop was a culmination of a regional research project sponsored by UNESCO, and applauded the organisation for its pioneering and relevant work and for involving the University, through the Centre for Gender and Development Studies in the project. Ms. Eunice Smith in her address on “Gender Socialization and a Culture of Peace” conveyed greetings on behalf of UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. She gave a brief background to the project locating it within the wider UNESCO Programme on Women and a Culture of Peace. As the initiator of the Caribbean aspect of this programme she described the research project which preceded the workshop, as an exploratory one and as important for the Caribbean region. She described the Women and a Culture of Peace Programme, citing similar workshops which had been held in Asia and Africa. She expressed thanks to the researchers and commended the team for their dedication and hard work. Dr. Williams in her delivery presented a summary of the research results indicating that this project was ground breaking and presented an enormous undertaking. She outlined the methodology used in the research stage of the project and explained that there were two separate teams, one covering the Northern Caribbean and the other the Southern Caribbean. The two reports were then combined to produce one Final Report document for the workshop, of which an abbreviated version, a working paper, was circulated to participants prior to the workshop. She outlined the main issues and recommendations arising out of the research. She commended the researchers in particular for their achievements, in spite of limited finances, in what was a difficult task in a previously unresearched area.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Day 2 Wednesday 19th September, 2001 Format and Structure of Workshop The workshop was structured to facilitate active involvement with the process and interaction among participants. The format included research presentations, panel discussions, general discussions and responses and working groups. Dr. Gwendoline Williams acted as workshop facilitator. The programme began with an icebreaking session led by Dr. Williams. Participants were asked to write, then share, their expectations of the workshop. They were asked why they chose to attend the workshop, what they thought would make the workshop successful and to agree on some ground rules on the way the participants should relate to each other. Session 1: Presentation of Research Process and Research Findings Background to the Project Presenters: Ms. Eunice Smith and Dr. Claudia Harvey Ms. Smith and Dr. Harvey, outlined the background to the project and the rationale for developing such a project in the Caribbean. They expressed their keen desire for the programme and their expectations for the outcome at the end of the workshop. Presentation of Research Findings Dr. Williams then gave a presentation on the issues arising from the research. This was followed by a general discussion with questions being directed to the researchers on various aspects of the research. The discussion highlighted the massive undertaking of the research and the tremendous interest it generated among the participants. Panel Discussion – Responses to the Research Findings A panel discussion entitled “Responses to the Research Findings” followed after the break for lunch. Panelists included Dr. Innette Cambridge, lecturer, Social Work and former coordinator of the Trinidad and Tobago Peace Centre, Mr. Jerome Teelucksingh, M. Phil Student, UWI and founder of ARTOM (Association for the Re-orientation and Transformation of Masculinity), Mr. Gregory Sloane-Seale, YMCA, Youth Outreach Programme and Ms. Rowena Kalloo, of the Anti-Corporal Punishment Campaign, Women Working for Social Progress(Working Women). The panelists gave their perspectives on the research findings from the view point of their activities. They fielded questions from the audience and were able to provoke intense debate among participants. Task Setting in Small groups: the Way Forward The last session of the first day ‘‘Task setting in small groups: the way forward” ended with a discussion and task setting for the following day. At the end of this session, the planning committee met to discuss the structure, goals and activities for the second day as well as to discuss the events of the day.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Day 3 Thursday 20th September, 2001 Session 2: Engendering A Culture of Peace for Development Review of Day 1 The programme for the second day began with a review of Day 1 then participants were organized into four working groups with the task of developing strategies for implementing a programme on Gender, Peace and Development for the Caribbean region. Some participants who attended day one did not attend day two for various reasons, but there were also a few participants who arrived for the second day only. Session 3: The Way Forward: Towards a Programme of Gender, Peace and Development in the Caribbean. Presentations and Proposals by Groups Participants worked in their small groups through the morning session then regrouped. In this session, participants made their group presentations and proposals on the way forward, followed by a lengthy discussion on the proposals. Participants were asked to indicate their support and commitment to the programme by filling in a form designed for that purpose. Most participants expressed their personal or their organization’s interest in being a partner in this process. Summary of Proceedings and Closing Ceremony The evening ended with a summary of the day’s proceedings by Dr. Williams and a small closing ceremony with the presentation of gifts to the researchers.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Potential Members of Catalyst Group

Country Organisation /Individual Contact Information

Trinidad and Tobago

Institute of International Relations

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad Tel: 1-868-662-2002 ext.3237 Contact: Anthony Gonzales, Ag. Director or [email protected]

Amalia Hosein 197 old Clarke Rd., Penal, Trinidad Tel: 1-647-6931 [email protected]

The Cotton Tree Foundation

C/o Tyler Consulting, 7 Leona Ave., Cascade, Trinidad and Tobago Tel: 1-868-627-1910 Fx: 1-868-624-1359 [email protected] Contact: Susan Granger-Tyler

Inter-Religious Organization (IRO)

C/o T.M.L Inc., League Centre, St. Joseph, Trinidad Tel: 1-868-645-4541(w) 1-868-623-5559(h) Br. Noble Khan, The President

Women Working for Social Progress

14 Niles St. Tunapuna, Trinidad Tel:1-868-663-9509 [email protected] Contact: Elizabeth Nicholas

Women’s Leadership and Enhancement Institute

Gender Affairs Division, Ministry of Empowerment Tel: 1-868-623-7329 [email protected] Contact: Anne Marie Anthony- Darneaud

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)

Benbow Rd., off Wrightson Rd. POS, Trinidad and Tobago Tel: 1-868-625-9622 Fax:1-868-627-8764 [email protected] or [email protected] contact:Svenn Miki Grant/Sandra Pyke-Anthony

India Self Employed Women’s Organisaton(SEWA) Jawahar Lal Nehru University, India

C/o C4, Benedict Gardens, Tunapuna Rd., Tunapuna, Trinidad Tel: 1-868-662-6239 [email protected] [email protected] Pretti Misra


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Regional Organizations

Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA)

P.O. Bag 442, Tunapuna Post Office Tel: 1-868-663-8670 [email protected] Ms. Nelcia Robinson/Jacquie Burgess

Unicef Caribbean Area Office

P.O.Box 1232, Bridgetown, Barbados Tel: 1-246-2119 Fx: 1-246-436-2812 [email protected] contact:Mr. Abaubacar Saibau, Area Representative/Ms. Elaine King, Project Officer

Centre for Gender and Development Studies, Mona

The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston7, Jamaica Tel:1-876-977-7356 Fx:1-876-977-9053 [email protected] contact: Shakira Maxwell/ Beverly Shirley

Nicola Smith Rm.35, Sociology Dept., University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston7.,Jamaica 1-876-977-0315 [email protected] contact:Nicola Smith

International Organisations

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation(UNESCO)

Office of the Representative to the Northern Caribbean The Towers, 3rd Floor, 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston5, Jamaica Tel:1-876-929-7087 [email protected] Contact:Dr. Claudia Harvey

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)

Benbow Rd., off Wrightson Rd. POS, Trinidad and Tobago Tel:1-868-625-9622 Fx.1-868-627-8764 [email protected] or [email protected] contact:Svenn Miki Grant/Sandra Pyke-Anthony


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Workshop Evaluation

Participants’ Responses

Participants were asked to complete an evaluation form which was used to gauge the impact of the workshop on the participants. Participants were asked to identify their expectations for the workshop, which sessions were most useful and to comment generally on the workshop. Overall, participants felt that the objectives of the workshop were met and that it was very informative and participatory. Most participants expressed a willingness to be part of follow-up activities and /or to see a programme of activities developed based on the discussions in the workshop. Three persons expected to acquire an increased knowledge of the concepts of gender, peace and development and the way in which they can be operationalised, as well as the overall effort in the Caribbean region. One person expected a discussion on the issue of race and the way it relates to Gender, Peace and Development in the region. Three participants stated that they expected to develop a framework of activities for promoting gender, peace and development and a culture of peace in the Caribbean. Most of the participants agreed that their expectations of the workshop had been met. Two participants indicated that their expectations were partially met, while one person (who expected a discussion on race in relation to gender and development) indicated her expectation was not met. Most of the participants felt that all the sessions were useful since they were interconnected. One person felt that they were all useful but expressed the view that there needed to be more deliberate attempts to think critically about constructs and strategies since these were necessary for successful implementation. Three felt that the working group session was most useful. One person stated that the working group session was least useful since participants were asked to devise strategies based on a report in which fundamental conclusions were questionable. Participants were asked to give suggestions and comments on the workshop. Some of the responses were:

• Very informative, peaceful • Keep in touch with the participants and develop a plan of action that the partners

will be responsible for implementing • Enjoyed the lively and informed discussions and the comments and interchange in

the plenary sessions • I look forward to the revised version and the sharing of the final document


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

• Need more male voices/participation • Need to study the revised research report before endorsing it • More concrete recommendations in the working document

One participant commented that the workshop offered a start to incorporating gender sensitivity to discussions of peace and development but identified the need to address concrete issues such as:

• Institutional capacity to keep efforts going • Strategies for mainstreaming gender planning into the public budget process • More media involvement and community participation and • Incorporating gender into building partnerships with the private sector

In determining whether any aspects of the workshop could have been organized differently, one participant felt that the workshop should have preceded the research project to enable better input on crucial issues of methodology and definitions, and that the full report should have been circulated prior to the workshop. One identified that the session ‘The Way Forward’ could have been organized differently. One participant felt that given the magnitude and scope of the issues it would have been useful to have another day with more in-depth analysis. Three participants felt that more people could have attended. Most participants felt that the objectives of the workshop had been met. One participant felt the objectives were not met, and two participants felt that the objectives were partially met. The participants raised several issues during the course of the workshop. Some of the most pressing issues focused on the need to:

- Engage in on-going dialogue on peace, gender and development – indeed further

discussion is needed for defining the terms “peace” and “gender” for the Caribbean. Moreover, participants felt that it was especially important that in the discourse, gender should not be interpreted as exclusive of threatening to men.

- Engage in on-going research of gender, peace and development, particularly to obtain

more empirical data. - Ensure that strategies for research should be analytic to determine what is and also

why and include perspectives to drive action.

- Ensure that strategies/interventions for gender, peace and development would be balanced towards women and men. In addition, strategies/interventions should see men and women as non-homogenous groups.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

- Mobilise greater resources to introduce/expand gender and peace efforts. Moreover, ongoing support was needed to ensure that existing, successful programmes can be replicated to benefit more persons over time.

Participants indicated that they were pleased with the workshop in general. There was a tremendous amount of praise for the work of the young professionals who conducted the exploratory study. Participants indicated that the work demonstrated that there was substantial capacity within the Caribbean to carry on gender, peace and development work. The majority of the participants indicated a willingness to be partners in furthering the programme of Gender, Peace and Development in the Caribbean.

Participants also expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to learn more about gender, peace and the work of UNESCO.


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

The University of the West Indies St. Augustine

The Centre for Gender and Development Studies

In collaboration with UNESCO

Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Participants’ List






Rasheed Allaham Justice of the

Peace/member of the IRO

Inter Religious Organisation (IRO)

34 Calcutta Road, # 2 Central Park, Balmain, Couva, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-636-8878

Anne Marie Anthony-Darneaud

National Co-odinator, Women’s Leadership and Enhancement Institution

Gender Affairs Division, Ministry of Empowerment and Consumer Affairs

Cor. Jerningham Ave. and Queen’s Park East, Belmont, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-623-7329 Fax: 1-868-627-8303 [email protected]

Camille Antoine Outreach and Research Officer

Centre for Gender and Development Studies

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago,

Tel: 1-868-662-2002 ext.3549 Fax:1-868-662-2002-ext.3572 [email protected]

Aska Aoshima UNV-Gender Specialist

UNICEF Caribbean Area Office Bridgetown, Barbados

Tel: 1-246-436-2119 Fax: 1-246-432812 [email protected]

*Vanessa Bailey Manager, Human Resources

Alstons Marketing Co. Ltd. (AMCO)

Uriah Butler Highway, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-671-2715 Fax: 1-868-671-2857 [email protected]

Rosalie Barclay Researcher N/A N/A Tel: 1-868-649-2466 [email protected]

Donald Berment Secretary Men Against Violence against Women

#45 River Estate Circular, River Circular, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-637-0924 Fax: 1-868-623-0193 [email protected]

Alicia Blackman Clerical Assistant Centre for Gender and Development Studies, St. Augustine

University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-2002-ext 3549 [email protected]

Theresa Brown -Alves

Student Social Work Dept. University of the West Indies, St.Augustine

9 Sunflower Drive, Edinburgh Gdns. Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-672-3167 760-5343

Joy C. Braithwaite Consultant United Nations Children and Education Fund (UNICEF)

UN House, #3 Chancery Lane, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-623-7056 ext.249 Fax: 1-868-623-1658 [email protected]

*Bridget Brereton Deputy Principal The University of the West Indies, St.Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Office of the Deputy Principal, UWI, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-1621 Fax: 1-868-645-8415 [email protected]


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop






Jacqueline J. Burgess Administrative Officer

Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA)

P.O Bag 442, Tunapuna Post Office, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago

Te1:1-868-662-1231 Fax:1-868-663-6482 [email protected]

Dr. Innette Cambridge

Lecturer, Sociology/Social Work

Dept. of Behavioural Sciences, University of the West Indies, St.Augustine Campus

St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-2002 ext.3062

Roberta Clarke

Social Affairs Officer

UNECLAC 66 PARK St. Port of SPAIN, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-623-5595 [email protected]

Aileen Clarke Director Gender Affairs Division

Ministry of Community Empowerment, Sports and Consumer Affairs

Tel: 1-868-623-7032 [email protected]

Juliana Daniel Undergraduate Student

Dept. of Behavioural Sciences, University of the West Indies

P.O.Box 911, Castries, St.Lucia, W.I/ Milner Hall, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel;1-868-662-2002-ext.2161 1-758-450-5019(St.Lucia) [email protected]

Claudia Linda De Four

Librarian University of the West Indies, St.Augustine Campus

St.Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-2002 ext.2261 [email protected]

*David Dolly Lecturer Agricultural Ext., University of the West Indies

St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-645-0196 [email protected]

Tracy Evans Research Assistant Institute of International Relations, UWI, St.Augustine Campus

St.Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel; 1-868-662-2002ext.3237 Fax: 1-868-663-9865 [email protected]

Maalita Ata Ahmed Farag

Post Graduate Student, History Dept.

Faculty of Humanities, UWI, St.Augustine

Pierre St. 2 Gauhshi trace, Charlieville, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-2002-ext.3311

Veronica Farrell Teacher-Educator Corinth Teachers’ College

Corinth Rd. via Ste. Madeline, Cocoyea Village,via San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-652-5762 [email protected]

Sandra Gift Sub-regional Coordinator, UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network

UNESCO 15 Wainwright St., St.Clair, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-622-0091 Fax: 1-868-628-4827 [email protected] / [email protected]

*Verna St. Rose Greaves

Amnesty International, Trinidad and Tobago

#5 O’ Donahue St., Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago(H)

Tel: 1-868-637-1166 [email protected]

*Tracy Hackshaw Consultant Illuminat 61-63 Edward St. POS, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-627-4203 [email protected]


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop






Dr.Claudia Harvey Unesco

Representative to the Northern Caribbean

UNESCO Office of the UNESCO Representative to the Caribbean, The Towers, 3rd Floor, 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5, Jamaica, WI

Tel: 1-876-929-7087 Fax: 1-876-929-8468 [email protected]

*Jacqueline Hazel-Williams

Computer Information Instructor

Computer Information Technology Services (CITS)

University of the West Indies, St.Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-2002 ext.2441 [email protected]

Gabrielle Henderson Researcher/Consultant

64 Dolphin Court, Westmoorings by the Sea, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-633-9172 [email protected]

*Merle Hodge Lecturer/Member, Working Women

University of the West Indies, St. Augustine /Working Women

Hodge Trace, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-645-3232 ext.2036

Amalia Hosein Post Graduate Student

Dept. of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, St.Augustine

St.Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-754-1587 [email protected]

Anesa Hosein Student, Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, University of the West Indies

195/197 Old ClarkeRd. Clarke Rd. Penal, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-647-6931 [email protected]

Ronald Huggins Student University of the West Indies, St.Augustine Campus

#90 Alice St., St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-754-8162 rhugginsab@yahoo

Shirley Ann Hussen Post Graduate Student

Centre for Gender and Development Studies, UWI, St. Augustine

7 Fitzallen St., Point Cumana, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-632-1710

Stanley Jones Student Dept. of Behavioural Sciences, UWI, St. Augustine

761 Cone Shell Drive, Bon AirWest, Arouca, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-642-4605 [email protected]

Dr. Vena Jules Senior Lecturer School of Education University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-7329 Fax: 1-868-662-6615 [email protected]

Rowena Kalloo Teacher/Activist Working Women Lot 16 Poolside 2, Maracas Valley, St.Joseph, Trnidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-8874 Fax: 1-868-663-8369 [email protected]

Dr.Kamala Kempadoo

Associate Professor, Women’s Studies

University of Colorado

CB 246, Baulder Co 80309, USA

[email protected]

Olatz Landa Consultant UNESCO 4 Kensington Crescent, Kingston5, Jamaica, WI

Tel;1-876-906-7267 [email protected]

Maria Mason-Roberts Consultant Tel: 1-868-632-1121 Fax: 1-868-633-3797 [email protected]


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop






Shakira Maxwell Assistant Lecturer/

Researcher Centre for Gender and Development Studies, UWI, Kingston

University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica

Tel: 1-876-977-7365 Fax:1-876-977-9053 [email protected]

Deborah Mcfee Project Officer Gender Affairs Division, Ministry of Community Empowerment, Sport and Consumer Affairs

8 Queen’s Park East, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-623-7032 Fax: 1-868-627-8303 [email protected]

Trevor Millett Journalist 1 Sinanan Gardens, Saddle Rd’ Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-674-9169 [email protected]

Solange Mike Jnr. Research Fellow

Institute of International Relations

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel:1-868-645-3232 ext.2289

Pretti Misra Research Consultant

Jawahar Lal Nehru University/ Self Employed Women’s Association. India

C4 Benedict Gardens, Tunapuna Rd. Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662 6239

Debbie A. Mohammed

Jr. Research Fellow

Institute of International Relations

University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662 2002 Ext. 3246 [email protected]

* Patricia Mohammed Head/ Snr. Lecturer Centre for Gender and Dev. Studies, Mona

University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 2 Jamaica

Tel: 1-868-696 1006 [email protected]

*Baldwin Mootoo Pro Vice Chancellor, Research

University of the West Indies, Office of Research

Office of Research, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-5023 [email protected]

*Folade Mutota Co-ordinator Women’s Institute for Alternative Development

72 Real Street, San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-638 0984 [email protected]

Clare Newstead PhD Student University of Washington, Seattle

Dept. of Geography Box 353550 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA

[email protected]

*Denise Noel – De Bique

Gender Fund Coordinator/ Consultant

Canadian International Development Agency

C/o Canadian High Commission, 3A Sweet Briar Rd. St. Clair, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel:1-868-622-6232 ext.3455 [email protected]

Natasha Ofosu Journalist Trinidad Guardian 22-24 St. Vincent St POS, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-623 8870 Fax: 625 7211

Gaietry Pargass Attorney at Law LP52B La Boya Rd. Maracas Valley, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-663 5758 [email protected]


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop






*Prof. Christian Posthoff

Head of Dept. Math/Computer Dept., Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, UWI

Dept of Maths and Computer Sciences, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662 2002 ext.2048 [email protected]

Ceronne Prevatt-Wiltshire

Reki Master and Curriculum Supervisor

RCRL McBean Couva, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-622 0272 [email protected]

Vasant Ramkissoon Director, Mediation Centre

Ministry of Community Empowerment

MTS Plaza Arranguez Main Rd., Aranguez, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-638 8133

Leela Ramdeen Attorney at Law 15 Pinewood Avenue, Ridgeview Heights, Tacarigua, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-640 6428 [email protected]

Deopersad Ramoutar Student/ Prison Welfare Officer

Prisons Division 4 – 6 Easy St., Fyzabad, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-677 5548

Sheila Rampersad Member/ Lecturer Women Working for Social Progress/Dept. of Liberal Arts, UWI

14 Niles St. Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-663 9509 [email protected]

Dr. Rhoda Reddock Head/Senior Lecturer

Centre for Gender and Development Studies

University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662-2002ext 2533 Fax: 1-868-662-2002-ext.3572 [email protected]

Marcia Riley Secretary General, T&T Nat. Comm. For UNESCO

15 Wainwright St. St. Clair, POS, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-622 0939 [email protected]

Patsy Russell Research Fellow Centre for Monetary Studies

C/o University of the West Indies, Centre for Monetary Studies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-645 1174 [email protected]

Margaret G. Sampson-Browne

Ag. Woman Police Inspector

T&T Police Service Level 4, Police Admin. Blg. Sackville 7 Edward Streets, POS, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-627 0744

*Stephanie Seguino Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Centre for Gender and Development Studies, St. Augustine,

Associate Professor of Economics, University of Vermont, USA

Dept. of Economics, University of Vermont, Old Mill 338, Burlington, VT 05405-4160, USA

Tel: 1-802-656—0187 Fax: 1-802-656-8405 Tel: 1-868-662-2002 ext. 3568(T& T) [email protected]

*Grace Sirju-Charran Head /Snr. Lecturer Dept. of Life Sciences

Dept. of Life Sciences UWI St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662 2002 (3110) [email protected]

Gregory Sloane-Seale

Manager – Youth Outreach Programme

YMCA of T&T Benbow Rd. Off Wrightson Rd. POS, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-625 9622 [email protected] or [email protected]

Nicola Smith Researcher UWI, Mona Sociology Dept. Room 35 UWI, Kingston 7, Jamaica

Tel: 1-876-977 3385 [email protected]


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop






Eunice Smith Asst. Programme

Specialist UNESCO 7 place de Fontenoy

75352 Paris 07 SP Tel: 331-45681082 [email protected]

Salanche Thomas Member, WINAD/ Student, Faculty of Humanities

WINAD (Women’s Institute for Alternative Development)

19 Devenish St. Arima, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-766 7807 [email protected]

*Kartheeya Tripayni Technology Manager

Chem Clean Ltd 1 Trinicity Industrial Estate, Trincity, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-662 6237

Susan Granger-Tyler Director Tyler Consulting Ltd. Management

7 Leona Ave Cascade POS, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1868-637 1910 [email protected]

Winthrop Wiltshire Ex UNESCO/Reiki Master

CL# 4 LA Reine Court Flagstaff POS, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1-868-628 0779 [email protected]

Dr. Gwendoline Williams

Consultant Dr. Gwendoline Williams and Associates

17 Hibiscus Drive, Macoya Gardens, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel:1-868-662-8120 Fax:1-868-645-0480 [email protected] [email protected]


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Gender, Peace and Development Workshop Estimated Cost: US $4,000 (excludes airfares and accommodation)

Financial Statement


Rental of Venue Rm. 101 Fac. Of Engineering 134.00 Opening Ceremony Sound/taping

Banner Flowers

168.07 34.00 14.29

Welcome Reception Catering (food and service) Cultural activity

470.58 50.42

Workshop Facilitator Assistance with interactive components of the workshop


Logistical Support/Communications

Faxes/postage/overtime/telephone 229.29

Lunch and Coffee breaks 55 x 2 days at TT$50.00 924.37 Rental of Chairs/Tables/Plants


Badges Participants’ badges 17.12 Stationery Pens, paper, folders, labels, ink 593.41 Printing of Reports Toner, paper 370.57 5% contingency 191.29 University Common Service Fee


TOTAL 4017.06


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Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop

Appendix 1 Project Staff Researchers Mr. Tracy Hackshaw Ms. Gabrielle Henderson Ms. Shakira Maxwell Ms. Nicola Smith Ms. Olatz Landa Pena Project Management Team Coordinator - Dr. Gwendoline Williams Dr. Kamala Kempado Ms. Claudia De Four Dr. Rhoda Reddock Workshop Administration Coordinator - Ms. Camille Antoine Ms. Alicia Blackman Ms. Glenda Ottley Rapporteurs Ms.Olatz Landa Pena Ms.Maria Mason-Roberts Reproduction Ms.Vere Malco


Page 22: The University of the West Indies - UNESCOportal.unesco.org/fr/files/25106/11078525529gender...The University of the West Indies St. Augustine Centre for Gender and Development Studies

Report of the UNESCO Gender, Peace and Development Workshop