The Unification The Unification of Italy and of Italy and Germany, 1848- Germany, 1848- 1914 1914 Nationalism and the Balance of Power

The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

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The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914. Nationalism and the Balance of Power. Key Questions. How was the Crimean War a turning point in the diplomacy of the nineteenth century? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

The Unification of Italy The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914and Germany, 1848-1914

Nationalism and the Balance of Power

Page 2: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Key Questions

How was the Crimean War a turning point in the diplomacy of the nineteenth century?

How did Bismarck and Cavour apply the “lessons of 1848” and use Realpolitik in the unification of Italy and Germany?

Analyze the impact of these unifications on the European balance of power, 1871-1914.

Page 3: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Lessons of 1848 1. Nationalism is a powerful

force—Conservatives cannot ignore

2. Slogans, assemblies, barricades cannot achieve unity and revolution—need armies, bureaucracy, industry—POWER!

3. The intervention of outside powers must be avoided or courted

4. Ignore public opinion at your own peril—a new breed of leader

Page 4: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Crimean War (1853-56)—Causes “an avoidable war with significant consequences” The “Eastern Question” Fear of the Russian colossus (the Straits)

•Immediate issue—protection of Christian minorities•Russian ultimatum and Turkish declaration of war (w/French & British backing)

Page 5: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Crimean War—Course * Russia defeats O.E., moves

into Wallachia & Moldavia Fr/G.B. intervene with

ultimatum Russia complies but war

fever too strong Austria—”we will astonish

the world with our ingratitude”

Siege, rifled weapons, trenches, supply/medical issues

Symbol—”Charge of the Light Brigade”

The “only hero”—Florence Nightengale

Page 6: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Crimean War—Consequences Alexander II (1855-81) and need for

reform Treaty of Paris—Russia disgorges

territory & demilitarizes Black Sea Concert of Europe destroyed—”go

one’s own way” Austria isolated, Balkan conflict

w/Russia G.B.—”Splendid isolation” until

1900 France—false impression of

leadership, Napoleon III and nationalism

Piedmont-Sardinia’s bid for friends Sets the stage for unification

diplomacy and patterns leading to WWI

Page 7: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Italy—a “Geographical Expression”

Historical lack of unity, issue of HRE conflict but Pope and Emperor

Habsburg-Valois Wars & foreign domination

Napoleon—spreads nationalism, rev. goals, republics

Congress of Vienna places Italy under foreign control

Revolutions of 1848—role of Piedmont, Roman Republic, etc.

Page 8: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Italian Nationalism

Mazzini and Young Italy (republican)

Garibaldi and Red Shirts (exile)

Carbonari and Metternich

Possible govts.—republic, confederation under Pope, constitutional monarchy (Piedmont)


Page 9: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Piedmont-Sardinia and Cavour Count Camillo Benso

di Cavour—moderate Liberal & pragmatic, Il Risorgimento, personality, fortune in shipping, banking, industry

Econ. expansion—canals, roads, RRs, shipping, industry

Creates modern tax/budget system and army

Page 10: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Cavour’s Diplomacy Crimean War Plombieres (1858) Magenta & Solferino—

Napoleon’s fear Revolutions (1860) and

plebiscites in other states

Garibaldi & Red Shirts into Two Sicilies, up peninsula (Papal States), Piedmont intervenes, Garibaldi relinquishes conquest

Page 11: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

The Future of Italy Proclaimed 3/17/1861 Cavour dies 3 mos. later from

overwork “picking up pieces”—alliance

w/Prussia gets Venetia (1866) & Rome (1870)

Problems—economic underdev., opposition of Papacy, aggressive nationalism, corruption (trasformismo), Mezzagiorno– regionalism

Assessment—”the passion of Mazzini, audacity of Garibaldi, cunning of Cavour”

Page 12: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Germany—the “800-lb. Gorilla”

Failed efforts at unity under Habsburgs

Rise of Prussia (checked by Austria)

Napoleon promoted German nat’lism abolished HRE

German Confederation (from C. of Vienna) dominated by conservative Austria

Passive Prussia—status quo

Failure of 1848—major defeat for Liberals

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The Role of Prussia

Reforms of 1807—army, admin., serfdom

Zollverein (1834) created by List Constitution of 1850

– 3 voting levels (favors Junkers)– Middle class up w/industrializ.– Minister resp. to king not Reichstag

Humiliation of Olmutz stops Prussia attempt

Fred. Will. IV (1840-61)—insane absolutist

William I (1861-88)—intent on army reform & conservative control

Army reforms (1862)—General Staff (von Moltke), needle gun, Landwehr, draft

Page 14: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Bismarck—”iron and blood” Personality—Junker,

Romanticism, diplomatic experience

Allegiances evolve toward world statesman

Appointed Chancellor in 1862

Constitutional Crisis—control of finances & army

“iron and blood”—strategy and rhetoric

Realpolitik—definition and comparison w/Napoleon III & Hitler

Page 15: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

Bismarck’s Realpolitik, Phase I Approach—chess player, opportunist, isolate opponents Polish Revolt (1863)—wins over Russia Danish War (1864)

– Schleswig/Holstein (occup. by Denmark)– Ignores Germ. Conf. & ties Aust. to Prussian aims– Conv. of Gastein—admin. of provinces

Austro-Prussian War (1866)—Seven Weeks War– Goal—eliminate Austria from German politics– Buys French neutrality w/vague promises in

Rhineland– Italy, Russia, and G.B. neutral or friendly– Prussia wins quickly—RRs, organization, weapons– Peace of Prague—Austria surrenders Venetia, bows

out of German affairs, Dual Monarchy (1867)

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Constitutional Arrangements Indemnity Bill (1866)—

causes split of Liberals (National Liberals)

North German Conf.—universal male suffrage (Bismarck’s idea), key role of Chancellor and Prussian Minister of State

Alliances with South German States (Catholic)—looks to French hostility

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Bismarck’s Realpolitik, Part II Isolation of France Vacancy of Spanish throne—

Hohezollern cousin of William I William I withdraws but Nap.

Overplays Ems Dispatch—“red flag for the

Gallic bull” Prussian prep—RRs, staff,

“landscape painters” French military disorganized (Nap.

captured at Sedan) Paris Commune (Nov. 1870-Jan.

1871)—class struggle & creation of Third Republic (bad start)

Treaty of Frankfurt (1871)—5 billion franc indemnity, loss of Alsace-Lorraine (ethnic identity and issues)—concern w/non-Germans

Bismarck, Roon, von Moltke

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Page 19: The Unification of Italy and Germany, 1848-1914

The German Empire

How Germany was made—authoritarian, militaristic, anti-Liberal

Assessing the work of Bismarck & his tactics

Effect on BOP “A Satisfied Giant”

until 1890 when Bismarck dismissed


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Disraeli’s Quote

“There is not a diplomatic tradition which has not been swept away. You have a new world, new influences at work, new and unknown objects and danger with which to cope….The balance of power has been entirely destroyed, and the country which suffers most, and feels the effect of the change most, is England.”