The Ultimate - Amazon S3...The Ultimate Foodie Detox Diet ... it’s like a well oiled machine. you can train like an animal, eat like a horse, sleep like a baby and grow like a weed

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Page 1: The Ultimate - Amazon S3...The Ultimate Foodie Detox Diet ... it’s like a well oiled machine. you can train like an animal, eat like a horse, sleep like a baby and grow like a weed
Page 2: The Ultimate - Amazon S3...The Ultimate Foodie Detox Diet ... it’s like a well oiled machine. you can train like an animal, eat like a horse, sleep like a baby and grow like a weed

The Ultimate Foodie Detox DietAre chemicals holding you back from your true health potential?

Do you want to TrAnsForm your boDy from the inside out?

Are you reAdy to feel AmAzing?

Juice fasting doesn’t fit your life style

you like to eat

you have lower belly bloat or you diet and workout but still can’t lose weight

you live in a populated and polluted area

you have trouble sleeping, have little energy, or can’t focus

every day our bodies are inundated with environmental toxins. These toxins come from the air, the food we eat, and even from skin care products we use.

Unfortunately, there is little that we can do about the air we breathe aside from moving to the country far away from car and industrial pollution. But even then, we cannot fully eliminate airborne chemicals.

We don’t generally think of food as toxic but it really can be! Meat and dairy deliver a hardy dose of hormones and antibiotics while grains, fruits and vegetables have pesticides and other chemicals– not to mention GMOs. Then there is other junk that we consume such as preservatives, artificial flavors and sweeten-ers from processed foods, caffeine from coffee and tea, excessive amounts of salt and sugar, as well as chemicals from cigarettes, prescription drugs, and alcohol.

Sadly, yes, many topical solutions, beauty items and creams have a host of chemicals that saturate our cells and virtually poison us from the outside in. Enter cell damaging free-radicals.

5 Reasons why this detox is for you!

why should you detox?

whole foods

Page 3: The Ultimate - Amazon S3...The Ultimate Foodie Detox Diet ... it’s like a well oiled machine. you can train like an animal, eat like a horse, sleep like a baby and grow like a weed

whole foods

Obviously we cannot become bubble people living in sterilized environments. We can do the best with what we have adding living plants and air purifiers to our homes, eating organic, non-GMO whole foods, and choosing our skin care products wisely.

Another “trick” is partaking in detoxes. Detoxing the body has been used to get rid of unhealthy toxins and buildup in our cells and tissues for centuries.

One of the healthiest and most natural ways to detoxify the body is through a raw food diet or cleanse. A raw food diet rids the body of harmful toxins and cleanses and rejuvenates the body as well as strengthens the immune system.

fight back against toxins

A raw food diet can reduce inflammation from toxins which cause symptoms like irrita-bility, bloating, feeling tired and much more. Raw fruits and vegetables have naturally occurring enzymes that aid digestion leading to better uptake of nutrients. When we cook food, it destroys these enzymes as well as phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. When we eat raw foods these nutrients work for us, nourishing our cells while eliminating toxins.

did you know that a simple food such as celery can help eliminate heavy metals from your body?

Honey, coconUt oil and many otHer natural items have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and help reduce inflammation.

why raw foods?

essentially, sprouting and soaking increase the life and vitality contained within them!

Soaking nuts and seeds begins the process of germination thus breaking down the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. This in turn makes the nutrients a lot more readily available. There is also research to suggest that soaking your nuts and seeds for long periods of time actually increases their nutritional value.

The same holds true for sprouting. The natural agents that protect them from early germination can wreak havoc in our digestive system. Soaking and sprouting replicates germination, activating and multiplying nutrients (particularly Vitamins A, B, and C), neutralizing enzyme inhibitors, and promoting the growth of vital digestive enzymes.

why does this protocol call forsprouted and soaked items?

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tHis Process Has transformation clients

melting off body fAt...WHat is it? yoU ask...A 5 dAy Juice detox!

by now, you already understand how important nutrition is to muscle

growth and fat loss.the foods you eAt Are literAlly the building blocks for All muscle groWth And Are the foundAtion for fAt loss. This is a basic fact. But even if you’re eating the exact right foods in the perfect

quantities, none of it matters if you’re not digesting them.


the ApproAch We tAke With our clients is cAlled the “AlphA step” becAuse it’s the beginning step in trAnsformAtion.

it’s the most importAnt Aspect to your success.this hAs chAnged thousAnds of PeoPle's liVes And if

you let it in, it is About to do the sAme foR you. :) (Pinky sweAR)

THE TruTH is MOsT pEOplE ArE NOT EffECTivElY DigEsTiNg THE fOOD THEY EAT AND CONsuME and this, more than anything else, is why most people struggle to change their bodies significantly. They remain stuck... shaking their fist at

the “fit Heavens” to give them just one chance to have the delicious, sexy body they’ve always wanted but could never have.

Page 5: The Ultimate - Amazon S3...The Ultimate Foodie Detox Diet ... it’s like a well oiled machine. you can train like an animal, eat like a horse, sleep like a baby and grow like a weed

let me break it down a little more for you.

how is my digestion screwing up my results?

After indulging in lots of consistent, heavy food intake, your body’s digestive system becomes overworked and underpaid, which eventually leads to it going on strike– among a huge range of other problems - and prevents muscle growth and fat loss.

due to mucus build-up and over-taxed digestive systems, full break-down of foods becomes neArly impossible.

this leaves your body unable to extract essential nutrients from the foods you consume. often making it impossible to function normally, let alone ideally, or optimally…the result is your inability to build lean muscle and lose fat. period.

this is where everything just flows. your body doesn’t have to work hard... it’s like a well oiled machine. you can train like an animal, eat like a horse, sleep like a baby and grow like a weed. if putting on muscle and/or losing fat doesn’t come easy to you, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from poor digestion right now.

the most common symptoms of poor digestion are: infrequent, insignificAnt, or inconsistent boWel movements.

it sounds strange, but your bowel movements are maybe the best indicator of how well you’ll be able to pack on muscle and lose fat. ideally, you should be having bowel movements every day at the same time (one or more a day mini-mum), release about 10 to 12 inches a day, and they should all be very smooth with easy, quick clean-up. in other words – they should be big, come out easy, and quick to wipe.

AlPhA stAte


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if you’re farting a lot, and it always smells awful, you are not breaking down the foods you eat. This is not a normal symptom you have to live with!

smelly and frequent gas

After each meal, you should feel energized and alert – not tired, bloated, and sick. it’s normal to feel improvements as soon as you begin to make changes to your nutrition.

let’s get into hoW it Works...

tired, bloated, sick feeling after eating high protein meals?

for a period of five days, you will actually be eating almost no food – and the food you do put in your system is strategically used to clear your digestive tract. there is also no weight training allowed during this week.

i knoW A lot of my clients get nervous When they heAr this... don’t Worry you Are not going to lose muscle When doing this And you’ll inevitAbly be losing body fAt!

How the reset is performedDays 1, 2, and 3

do not drink the juice unless you feel you need it! do not force-feed yourself juice.

drink as much water as possible throughout the day, preferably with a little bit of lemon juice squeezed in (unlimited amounts) i also put a dash of pink himalayan sea salt in it... (see video) drink up to 2 cups of fresh fruit and vegetable juice every two-three hours (from 10 to 12 cups a day).


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if you want to see continued good results: fitlife.tv recommends continuing juicing minimally 1x/day once you complete the protocol.

Take one of these two options to prevent constipationa)1 tbsp psyllium husk with two cups of water immediately after waking up and imme-diately before bed. Check the ingredients on many popular fiber supplements and you will find they are made from psyllium. if you are unable to get Any psyllium at all, and you know this for a fact, then any non-flavored fiber supplement will do.

b) 1-2 tbsp chia seeds in 8oz of water daily

Day 4sAme As first three dAys but noW you’ll consume egg Whites. have two servings of -6 egg whites. 1 for breakfast and 1 for dinner. have the whites on an empty stomach. you can cook these in coconut oil and add any combination of the following: sea salt, pepper, dill, cinnamon. Continue to have your juice as normal, in between your egg white meals.

Day 5sAme As dAy 4 but noW you cAn Add more complex proteins.select from this list: white fish, chicken, or ground turkey. have this for dinner. Continue juicing in between your egg whites breakfast and your complex protein dinner.

Day 6 & 7begin introducing A cleAn diet of Whole-food-bAsed options.for best results and easiest transitioning following the below guidelines:

consume smaller meals (50-75% your normal portions) base your food options on 1-ingredient items (whole foods). for example - asparagus, tomato, chicken, beef, peppers, etc.

notice how you digest each new food you introduce. post Alpha reset, you’ll be much more sensitive to food allergies etc.


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When to fast:

vegan/vegetarian options:

if you’re ready to embark on your transformation process...

i can’t promise great results if you skip out on the 5 day fast.

egg whites and Animal Protein Alternatives...

immediAtely before beginning A neW Workout routine (Week 1) Anytime you experience sloW digestion before you Attempt to conceive if you’re experiencing sloW fAt loss or muscle gAins if you’re experiencing skin irritAtion of Any type


chances are, you’re not fully digesting your foods properly now. very few people do.detoxification through juice fasting is critical in body transformation. doing a 5 day fast will aid in improving your digestion and enhance the results you see in the following weeks.in fact, the results you experience will feel almost unnatural. This is one of the keys to maximum muscle growth and fat loss. Your body will, for the first time in a long time, actually be breaking down, digesting, and using all the nutrients you provide it. I’m confident you’ll be amazed by what your body is capable of once you begin taking care of it.

ground flaxseed “egg Whites”combine 1tbsp milled flaxseed and 3tbsp water, mix well and let rest for 1-2mins. this should look gelatinous. then consume as you would the egg whites

tofu scramble drain 1 block of firm tofu, slice into 1inch cubes, and crumble in hands, Add to pan with coconut oil (season with sea salt, pepper, dill, etc. ) cook for 3-7mins

protein powder Add protein powder (any form that you digest well) to meals or create a shake

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What to expect during/after the fast:


sluggish And mAybe tired in the first three dAys Your body will likely end up feeling pretty sluggish and tired for at least the first three days of this program. Your brain may get a bit foggy, and in some cases, you may even experience sores developing in your mouth.

This is normal. your body is detoxifying, repairing, and clearing out your digestive system. Also, you’re experiencing an unusual state: calorie deficit while consuming nutrient-dense foods. This may translate into a foggy-headedness at times.

little to no boWel movements during your fAst This is because you’re not consuming much fiber (if any) or solid foods. Don’t worry, consume chia seeds or psyllium husk as instructed above.

Adverse reAction to re-introduced foods during dAys 4-7 +This is commonly experienced if you are mildly allergic or intolerant to the reintroduced food. Too often at Fitlife.tv we witness members having adverse reactions to the following and hence recommend permanently removing them from your diet: wheat (gluten) dairy (pasteurized milk) Sugar Soy (occasionally)

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detox delightQ½ cucumber Q½ lemon Q½inch ginger root Q2 cArrots Q1 Apple Q3 stAlks of celery Q2hAndfuls spinAch

beet the bulge Q2 chArd leAves Q1hAndful of mint (1-2 sprigs) Q2 cucumbers Q½ beet

leAn, meAn And greenQ1 lemon Q½ cucumber Q2 cArrots Q1bunch WAtercress Q1inch ginger root this Juice is greAt for colds And nAuseA. it is Also greAt for smoother, Age-defying skin.

zip zAp zing JuiceQ½ beet Q½ cucumber Q½ lemon Q2 stAlks celery Q1hAndful cilAntro Q1hAndful chArd Q1inch ginger root this A poWerful Juice to drink before A meeting And When you need extrA brAin poWer. this Will give your brAin the zip-zing thAt it needs to focus on the tAsk At hAnd And get stuff done.

my JuiceQ4 Apples Q1inch ginger root this is my fAvorite fruit Juice. first of All, i love the flAvor of Apple Juice, And When the ginger is Added it gives it An AmAzing kick.of course, i’m the guy Would cheW on ginger if it WAs Around me. mmmm. this is A greAt one for cold prevention As Well.

beAt the street JuiceQ1 beet Q4 stAlks celery Q1 lemonthis A Juice i like to drink before A long run. this gives me sustAinAble energy And it tAstes delicious. be cAreful At first, though, if you’re not used to beets.

all juice recipesthe following recipes are suggestions designed for beginners. if you’d like to swap these for your own creations that is completely ok.


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nite nite sleep tight JuiceQ1 cucumber Q2 bok choy Q2hAndfuls spinAch Q1 lemon Q2 kAle leAves

pAssion JuiceQ1 pineApple round Q1 bunch of grApes Q½ lemon Q8 strAWberries Whether you WAnt to impress you significAnt other, or Just loving yourself, try this Juice on for size. it Will mAke your tAste buds stAnd up And stArt hugging eAch other like crAzed hippies.

green mAchine Q1hAndful of pArsley Q2 kAle leAves Q½inch ginger Q8 stAlks celery Q½ green Apple

plumtAstic Q1lArge plum Q1cup grApes Q1 blood orAnge Q4 stAlks celery

i love life! Q1 broccoli heAd Q3 cucumbers Q1 green Apple Q1hAndful of mint

six pAck JuiceQ1hAndful of pArsley Q2 kAle leAves Q2 cucumbers Q1 lemon Q½ Apple

betA greensQ1 collArd green leAf Q1hAndful of dAndelion greens Q2 cucumbers Q4 cArrots

six pAck JuiceQ1hAndful of pArsley Q2 kAle leAves Q2 cucumbers Q1 lemon Q½ Apple

flJ #2 Q2 cArrots Q2 Apples Q2hAndfuls spinAch or other green leAfy vAriety


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flJ #3 Q1 cucumber Q½ lemon Q3 stAlks celery Q2hAndfuls spinAch

super green liver cleAnseQ1dropper of milk thistle Q2 stAlks of celery Q1 cucumber Q1hAndful of pArsley Q1hAndful of lettuce Q1 lemon

green monsterQ1hAndful of pArsley Q2 kAle leAves Q2 chArd leAves Q3 romAine leAves Q1hAndful of dAndelion greens Q2 green Apples

c.A.r. Q1 yelloW bell pepper Q2 cucumbers Q1hAndful of pArsley Q½heAd of romAine lettuce

c.A.r. 2Q2 grApefruits Q1 cucumber Q1hAndful of pArsley Q2hAndfuls of dAndelion greens

Arms ‘n AbsQ1hAndful of kAle Q1hAndful of cilAntro Q8 stAlks celery Q1 green Apple

energizer bunny Q1hAndful of mint Q1hAndful of pArsley Q½inch of ginger Q2 cucumbers Q2 cArrots

body cleAnse

Q2 Apples Q1 cucumber Q4 stAlks celery Q1 lemon Q1cup crAnberries Q1inch ginger Q1 beet


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do i really have to soak and sprout my grains, legumes and beans?Yes. However, if you chose not to soak and sprout you should avoid these foods entirely and simply eat more fruits and vegetables in their place.

do i really have to soak my nuts and seeds?No. Although soaking disarms the inedible tannin and toxins that reside in the nut, you should be eat-ing them in low enough quantities that you won’t be affected. Keep nuts and seeds to 1 oz or 1 tbsp from butters or avoid entirely.

i am so hungry! Am i doing something wrong?Yes, you should be eating so many fruits and vegetables and drinking so much water that you remain full throughout the day.

my weight didn’t change. is this normal?You may not notice any physical changes after a detox but just know that internally, things are getting cleaned up. You may even notice skin irritation or head-aches. Try exfoliating or dry brushing to help your skin eliminate chemicals and drink plenty of water to ease headaches caused by the circulating toxins (or lack of caffeine).

What do i do once the 5 days are over?Congratulations, you have made it a step closer to having a cleaner, better functioning body. Don’t stop now, eating healthy and clean is essential for looking and feeling your greatest.

tips for remaining detoxedstrive to drink 1 gAllon of pure, filtered WAter every dAy. use fresh squeezed lemon juice or Acv for added benefits.

AlWAys consume As mAny orgAnic fruits and vegetables as possible every day. if you cAnnot Afford orgAnic, search out the dirty-dozen and scrub all other fruits and vegetables with a good veggie-wash to remove waxes and pesticides.

buy non-gmo foods.

search out animal protein and dairy from sources that do not treat their animals with excessive Antibiotics And hormones.

do reseArch on skin care and beauty items so you can be an informed shopper.

Just say no to smoking and other drugs.

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DISCLAIMER: The techniques, strategies, and suggestions expressed here are intended to be used for educational purposes only. The author, Drew Canole, and the associated www.fitlife.tv are not rendering medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury.

It is imperative that before beginning any nutrition or exercise program you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physi-cian.

Drew Canole and Fitlife.tv claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the material presented here. Products Disclaimer: Drew Canole (and www.Fitlife.tv), the manufacturers and distributors assume no liability or responsibility for ac-cidents or injury to persons or property that result in connection to of The Juice Detox or Fitlife.tv. Copyright © 2013 Fitlife.tv

Graphic content created by Carol Lehmann of FITLIFE.TV