The Truth About Hypnosis by Jim Katsoulis and Tellman Knudson Transcription with Special Guest Joe Vitale, creator of The Hypnotic Writing Wizard

The Truth About Hypnosis · The Truth About Hypnosis by Jim Katsoulis and Tellman Knudson Transcription with Special Guest Joe Vitale, creator of The Hypnotic Writing Wizard

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The Truth About Hypnosis

by Jim Katsoulis and Tellman Knudson

Transcription with

Special Guest Joe Vitale, creator of

The Hypnotic Writing Wizard

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Tellman: Alright. Welcome, everybody to the call. This is Tellman Knudson, and I am here with Dr. Joe Vitale. Joe is really one of the most interesting people I think you'll ever come across. I have known of Joe and known Joe for several years now. He was one of the early guys whom I started following when I first got on the internet and was a full time hypnotist trying to figure out how to go from hypnosis one on one to selling hypnosis and working with hypnosis on a large scale globally using the internet to make it happen and I spent a lot of times studying Joe, created a product with Joe very early on and have since gotten to know him very, very well as his career has just exploded. Joe Vitale has been in the movie, The Secret, if you're wondering where you may have heard his name before. He has been on Larry King several times and he is in nine other movies that are either already out or in the process of coming out. Right now, Joe Vitale is probably one of the best-known people associated with hypnosis who is alive today and he’s applied it to so many different areas of his life we probably won’t even have time to touch on them all here during this call. And so I'm personally looking forward to hearing your insights, Joe, on what hypnosis is, how it works, what is real about it, what isn’t, and what are some of the best ways to apply it in your life. So, I'll be asking you some of those questions throughout the call here. So, with all that said, welcome, Joe, to the call, I'm really glad to have you here with me.

Joe: Well, I'm honored, thank you. I'm flattered that you've invited me to be among the chosen few, I guess, as we would say. So, thank you. I'm ready to welcome you all whenever you are.

Tellman: Let me just start … what got you interested in hypnosis in the first place? Joe: Yeah. That's interesting. When I was a kid, I was very much interested in mind power,

in psychology, into the spiritual side of things; and even though I was 13, 14, 15, 16 years old, I was going to the library, and I was reading in that particular section in self-help. And you don't have to go very far in the self-help or psychology before you start coming across the hypnosis books.

And when I did, I was absolutely hypnotized, no pun intended. I was riveted. I was

mesmerized with the stories of these that were happening to people, patients who were

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being cured when nothing else seemed to be curing them. They seemed to be going into a trance and a good doctor would guide them into uncovering the reason why they had a skin problem or a health problem of some sort. And I was just absolutely fascinated.

For a kid, who wanted to know the further reaches of human potential, the further

reaches of our mind because I just knew that there was more to life and more to my own human abilities, hypnosis gave me a ticket into some powers that other people weren’t aware of.

So, when I was a kid, I was learning it. I practiced on myself. I practiced on kids who

were my neighbors who were courageous enough to experiment with me. But it was very early on. I just was fascinated.

Tellman: Interesting. Now, Joe, I know that there are a lot of hypnotists out there both practicing

and not practicing, people who have studied in books, people who have taken certification programs, people who have seen clients, who are seeing clients, who stopped seeing clients, and one of the things that I've noticed about many hypnotists is that many hypnotists have a very hard time making money.

Historically, going to some of the different conferences that are out there, talking to

hypnotists on the phone, giving advice to various hypnotists for whatever reason, many hypnotists have had a very, very hard time actually making money for themselves. And I know that you are a multi, multimillionaire and everywhere I look, I see your name associated with hypnosis in some way, shape or form.

What would you say is the key to a hypnotist, someone who’s studied hypnosis in whatever capacity, turning that around and using it in an ethical, moral way to make an insanely large amount of money? What makes the difference between a wealthy or well-off hypnotist and someone who’s struggling just to make ends meet?

Joe: That is such a wonderful question and such a wonderful opening. I'm tempted to say you can leave the phone now, and just leave me alone for the next hour because I can go on a soapbox and tell you exactly what’s going on because this is not unique to hypnotists. You will find the same kind of inability to make money from their business with massage people, with psychologists, with reiki masters, with any variety of people who are trying to be self-employed. It is not unique to hypnosis but since we're talking

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about hypnosis, I'll hone in on that a little bit. What we're really addressing here is a person’s belief about money, deservingness, and their own ability to make a difference. That's what’s really going on.

I've seen this in my own life. I've seen this with clients. I've seen this at other people

when I look around and say, “Why is one person doing well in this business, and somebody else with equal skills and seems to be doing some sort of marketing isn’t doing so well?”

And there are some subconscious issues going on which is so appropriate to talk about

here because any hypnotist knows that what you wanna work with is not the conscious mind so much, it’s the unconscious mind. That's where all the memory are, the images are, the programming are.

Well, almost without exception, everybody listening has an issue with money. When

you get past that issue, money starts coming into your life but on a fundamental level, that's interesting I'm using the word “fundamental. Almost all of us believe money is evil. And we believe money is evil because of the biblical reference, ‘The love of money is the root of all evil.”

And most of us have taken that and ran with it. And if that's in our mind anywhere, you

can go and do all the marketing you want, you can stand and do talks all you want, you can do any kind of innovative things publicity wise and you will constantly find a way to shoot yourself in the foot. You will self-sabotage your own success because, consciously, you're saying, “I want money, I want business, I'm a good hypnotist.” But, unconsciously, you're believing money is bad, keep it away from me. Rich people are evil. Money is evil. Keep it away and you will find ways to keep it away.

So, one of the first things I tell people is, “You have to get clear of your own beliefs

about money and deservingness, and one of the places to start is to realize the love of money is not the root of all evil. The lack of money is the root of all evil, lack of money.

The second thing to realize here is that rich people don't love money, they love freedom;

and money helps give them freedom. They use money as a way of keeping score, the old Donald Trump thing, “you can love him or you can hate him.” But Donald Trump is out there making a difference in his world because he plays the game of deal making and how he knows if he’s winning or not is if he’s making money from it.

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But I heard a definition of wealth recently that said, “Wealth is what you have left after

you've lost all your money.” Tellman: Interesting. Joe: “Wealth is what you have left after you've lost all your money.” Donald Trump,

obviously, had been in debt in the past. He had been a bad name in the past. He was, basically, bankrupt in the past, but he was not unwealthy. And because he had his compass, he had his inner power, he had his whole sense of deservingness, he rebuilt his empire on the outside.

So, when you ask me about the difference between the one hypnotist who’s doing well

and the other one who isn’t doing well, a whole lot of it has to do with what’s going on inside of both of those people. One knows, “I deserve to do well.” One knows there's nothing wrong with having money. “I'm gonna use it for good purposes, for myself, for my community, for my family, whatever.”

But the other one is not so sure about their deservingness. Maybe they have self-

doubts about their ability to help people. Maybe they have self-doubts about themselves and deserving good in their lives. But, most likely, the larger thing going on is that they have issues with money itself.

So, I can talk about marketing, I can talk about publicity, I can talk about advertising, I

mean, one half of my life is devoted to all of that. But the other half of my life is devoted to this inner world; and hypnosis knows how to go into the inner world and that's where, I think, the change has to be made before any of the marketing publicity or advertising actually works.

Tellman: Wow! So, we've gone on this pretty heavy stuff pretty fast. So, how would someone go

about actually making that change? I mean, it sounds like it doesn't matter who you are or even what you're doing professionally or to what degree you're using hypnosis whether it’s a hobby or a career. How would someone go about actually making that change in themselves? I mean, we have a lot of professional hypnotists on the line. We have a lot of people who are exploring hypnosis for the first time.

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Joe: Yeah, that's a great question, too. Well, I've made a lot of products and a lot of books and a lot of audio programs. I don't want this to be a promotional call. I just wanna say there are resources out there and you can look them up easily either by name or somebody else’s that you like. The resources are there.

Okay, but I wanna be practical on this call. I wanna give people tools that they can walk

away with. The very first thing everybody has to address is the whole issue of “I don't love myself.” Across the board, everybody has that as an internal program. Now, you can get rid of it, you can override it, you can change it, you can do it with a wide variety of things, and methods, and methodology. But you have to first assume it’s correct, it’s actually there. It’s alive in you. It’s part of your computer program in your subconscious wiring.

“I don't love myself.” It’s one of the most insidious ones. We concluded that when we

were kids growing up when everybody was telling us that we were doing things wrong, and what we wanted to be was wrong, or we wanted to be a hypnotist, and somebody said that was wrong.

And we came to the conclusion, “I must not be good enough. I must not be right. I

must always be wrong. I must not be lovable. I must not be likeable.” This is alive in virtually everybody until they take the time to look at it.

So, the first thing I'm saying here is to assume it’s true, assume that on some level, you

don't love yourself. The second thing to do here is to begin to love yourself. Now, how do you that?

Obviously, there are some things you can do with self-talk and I'm a great believer in

self-talk. Part of the hypnosis trance is to realize that on a conscious level, you're already talking to yourself. Most of us condemn ourselves. Most of us criticize ourselves. Our self-talk is absolutely horrible.

If any of our friends or neighbors or family spoke to us out loud the way that we speak to

ourselves in our head, we’d wanna kill them. But we put up with that crap, and what we wanna do is to change it. What you wanna do is to start saying things like, “I'm doing the best I can. I love myself. I appreciate myself. I deserve good in my life.” And then you would take it even deeper and start to rationalize what you would do with that good.

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I remember one time I had dinner with Jack Canfield, the Chicken Soup for the Soul co-author of that whole series of empire of books; and he said he was making so much money from those book sales. He was getting checks every month that were staggering, and he was embarrassed by it. Then he felt guilty by it. It was [inaudible] all of his self-doubt, his worthiness program.

And so what he had to do was set up this system. He rationalized the money coming in. He decided it was worth it to him, and he said, “I'm gonna give away one-third of it; I'm gonna invest one-third of it; I'm gonna spend one-third of it. And so, by setting up a system of justification, he made receiving that much money fine. As a result of doing it, he’s received even more money. And I think all of us have to do that. I had to look at it, as I was getting more and more successful, and more and more books were coming out, and more and more audio programs were coming out, that I'm going on TV … there have been movies and my success was just skyrocketing into outer space. The sky is no longer the limit. I've gone past the sky. But inside myself, I had to deal with, who am I? And am I worthy of this? Am I deserving of all of these? Am I loving myself? And as I looked at it and made peace with all of these, it just got better and bigger and more wealth came in, more opportunities came in. You mentioned I'm in nine or so movies. There's more than that coming. I keep getting asked to be in movies. I keep getting book deals. I have more products coming out. I was just told today that my audio program with Nightingale-Conant called The Missing Secret is their number one bestseller of 2008. It’s on the front of the catalogue, it’s on the back of the catalogue. This just keeps pouring in. But, Tellman, I was the guy 30 some years ago who was on the streets of Dallas starving. I didn't feel I deserved anything then, and the things I tried weren’t working because I was self-sabotaging them. Part of my message is that life is a process of awakening which again sounds like I'm making a pun here since we're talking about hypnosis and going into trance. Well, I think we're all in a trance at one sort or another; and for a long time, I was in this trance that I didn't deserve things. I wanted to do well. I wanted to be an author. I wanted to

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be off the street. But some part of me wanted to punish me and keep me down, and keep me feeling guilty. I had to do the internal work to awaken from the trance of limitation, to get into what I'll call the trance of abundance. I think all our life is a trance. It’s like which one do you wanna be at? So, again, I'm getting on my soapbox. You can shut me up anytime.

Tellman: You can just keep going because this is so powerful and so illuminating and so needed. So, when we're talking about making some of these shifts and making some of these changes, do you recommend that people do this on their own?

Joe: No. Tellman: Do you recommend that they do it in a group with other people? It’s one of these things

where when you finally realize, “Okay, you know what? I'm not gonna listen to all the stuff that my parents told me and I'm not gonna listen to all the stuff that my friends have said, and I'm not gonna listen to all the stuff that my teachers have said.” Right? Getting past that on the subconscious level is a whole another deal. And a lot of times, the people in your life may not necessarily be ready to make that same leap as you. And a lot of times, I've found that you can be met with [inaudible] skepticism when I want to change something significant about my life and the way that I'm doing things.

Joe: Yeah, that's a profound insight and question, too. Well, the first part of the answer is

yes, you can do it on your own. I mean, I was reading books by Cindy Petri and Robert Stone when I was a kid and putting myself into self-hypnosis. I was able to do some re-wiring and changing and making myself more self-confident when I was a shy kid.

So, you can do it on your own, but in my experience, you can only go so far in doing it

on your own. If you wanna make massive, deep, permanent change, I think you need support. It’s much more powerful to have a mentor to go to, a coach to go to, a hypnotist to go to, somebody who has already done it, somebody who is detached from you, you know, very detached, not you personally but each of us is very attached, we're very attached to our programming, our thought processes.

In fact, we don't even see our thought processes because it’s how we think. We take it

for granted. We don't question it because we don't know what to question. But

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somebody outside of you can help you see your programming. It can help you see the wiring, and I think that is the way to fast track and turbo charge your change.

Be with a support group which can be a mastermind of people all going for the same

goal, or be with somebody who’s skilled enough to help you get through the maze. So, the first answer is, yeah, you can do it on your own. There are CDs out there, self-hypnosis whatever, even stuff on websites you can do. Books are very powerful. I'm a bookaholic. I always say read a book but as much as I love books and CDs and the web and all of these, I believe it’s only gonna take me so far in baby steps; and if I really wanna just jump the hurdles and break records and create a new benchmark, I've gotta get help. That's my personal belief.

Tellman: Awesome, awesome. So, in terms of hypnosis, I know that you've personally applied

this in a lot more areas in your life than simply, you know, how to make more money for yourself …

Joe: Yeah. Tellman: … and how to be willing to accept more money into your life. What are some of the

different areas that you've personally applied hypnosis either with yourself or working with other people that are of note?

Joe: Hypnosis has been life changing for me. You know what, I sit here and I think, yeah,

I've been on Larry King, I've been on Donny Deutsch, and all these movies, a part of me is truly baffled. I'm proud of myself but I'm truly baffled because growing up as a very shy kid, I didn't wanna be in front of anybody. I didn't wanna be in front of one person, let alone a crowd, let alone in front of a movie camera or TV camera. I didn't wanna speak.

When I had my first book published, I learned that I had to speak. If I wanted to sell that

book, I gotta market it, and one of the best ways to market is to stand in front of a room, speak to the crowd; if they like me, they’ll run at the back of the room and buy the book afterwards. I forced myself to speak. My very first talks were horrible for, at least, me because I was so nervous. I would lean against the wall, shaking, afraid that I was gonna pass out and slide to the floor, just throwing up all over myself.

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I was just terrified of it; and what I did to get over this was put myself into self-hypnosis. There was an audio tape at that time, way before CDs, way before the internet, and I would listen to this audio tape, and it would lead me into imagining myself, first of all, in front of a group. And I found just by imagining myself in front of a group, I started to get more comfortable with the thought of being in front of the group.

And then, I would go through this imagery experience or hypnosis and see myself

delivering my talk, and I'd see myself doing it with strength. I'd see myself doing it smiling and at ease. And then, I'd see myself at the end of the talk getting this standing ovation and I'd feel the rush of it. I mean, I really got into the trance-like experience of pretending it’s a hallucination, this didn't happen. This was what I was putting into my brain, what I was programming myself for to happen.

And when I did that, oh, my God, the miracles occurred. I would get up and I would

stand in front of people with confidence. I would speak to them with this articulation, and this directness, and this power that led to … at the end of it, they gave me a standing ovation. I still marvel at that. I'm gonna laugh [inaudible] 20:19 This is how powerful hypnosis is. It can take a shy kid who doesn't wanna talk to anybody and put him on Larry King.

Tellman: Right. Joe: This is the power of it and I've done that so many times especially in the early years. I

remember I spoke in Chicago one time and I was really nervous about it because this was a prestigious event. There were several hundred people. That was a biggest crowd that I had spoken to up to that point in time, and I guess this was 20 years ago or 15 years ago. And I was really almost terrified about doing that.

Well, I just went back into putting myself into a relaxed state, closing my eyes, getting

myself into that trance that I did by self-inducing it, and then I played the film in my head of how I wanted it to go. Now, when I actually went to speak, I still remember the event because I spoke right after somebody else and the first person got up there and he did his power point and he did his stumbling along and everybody applauded. That was the kind of talks they were used to.

Well, I got up there; it was a volcano. I just blew up everybody away. I'm not saying

this to brag, I'm saying that hypnosis helped pull out of me the power and potential that

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was sitting there all along. If it wasn't for the hypnosis to kinda pull back the veil, unplug my own power, and help me train my brain for where I wanted it to go, I would have been either not in front of those people at all because I would have been too terrified or I would have just given a lame performance that I would have regretted because I would not have enjoyed it.

So, right there alone, overcoming the fear of speaking in my life is one of the powerful

gifts of all so, thank you, hypnosis and wherever that all came from. Tellman: Yeah, without a doubt, that's a big deal with a lot of folks. Now, there's one thing that

none of the other hypnotists that are involved in this whole series can talk about which is hypnotic marketing. You are the king of hypnotic marketing in using the techniques, the principles, the ideas found within hypnosis in order to grow your business at such a dynamic rate.

What can you tell me about the whole concept of hypnotic marketing and hypnotic writing in order to really help grow your business or whatever it is you're doing?

Joe: Yeah, that's a great question, too. Well, obviously, hypnosis has influenced my life and

transformed it not just on the inner personal stuff that I just confessed (I don't think I've ever told those stories before) but also from a business standpoint. I mean, my company is called Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., my books have been like Hypnotic Writing and Buying Trances. I have a software program called Hypnotic Writing Wizard. I mean, I'm known as the hypnotic writer, if not the father of hypnotic writing. I'm known as the creator of hypnotic marketing. I talk about hypnotic publicity, hypnotic advertising, hypnotic storytelling, hypnotic subconscious programming. I can go on and on and on with this whole line of products that have a hypnotic theme to them.

On one level, it’s been a catchy name for a unique business but on a deeper level, this

has been authentic in the case of me using hypnotic principles to do my marketing. The easiest way to explain this is to look at hypnotic writing. As I mentioned, I'm a bookaholic. I love reading books. I love writing books. It’s one of my great passions. I think it’s my calling in life. And for the longest time, I would read books and novels like books by Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway and Jack London and Shirley Jackson and William Saroyan, and I'd read those works of fiction long before I knew about marketing or copyrighting, and I would read them and go, “How did these people manipulate the language to make me laugh, to make me cry, to make me feel

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something? What are they doing with the same alphabet that I have access to, the same dictionary that I have access to? What are they weaving together to make me feel these emotions?”

And I was just perplexed and fascinated. I was like a detective. [inaudible] 24:37

what’s the mystery here? How do I crack the code of using this literary writing ability to actually influence people? And I would work at it. I would study their writings, and I would process all of it within me, and I'd write articles myself, and I wrote plays. I had a play produced in Houston in 1979 in a playwrights’ film festival, I don't even remember, that was ’79. Gees, time flies.

But I'm studying all this literature stuff wanting to know how these literary classic authors

manipulate the readers by using the words. And then, later when I learned about copyrighting, I'm reading great sales letters, letters from David Garfkinkle and Robert Collier … oh, a great guy, Robert Collier … I mean, read these letters and say, “How does that guy or woman or whoever was writing the letter use language to get a complete stranger to send money to them?”

It was just like, how was that humanly possible? How are they doing it? And so, I

would explore that. I would explore what the elements are in copyrighting that are making people buy. What’s the persuasion going on? What’s happening there?

And so, it was my interest in both of those that led to hypnotic writing. I found that there

was an element in hypnosis in both, great literature and in great copyrighting. Now, I've spoken to the National Guild of Hypnotists, as you know, many times and you've met me there many times, and I've spoken there about hypnotic writing; and what I would explain to people is that there is a regular trance where your eyes are closed and you are relaxed and we all know that. Every hypnotist on the call knows that one.

But there's also a waking trance. That's where your eyes are open but you're still in a

trance because you're focused on something in front of you and the rest of the world, for the most part, is tuned out. Great authors, great copywriters, great fiction writers know how to put you in a waking trance. And when I stumbled on that and started to pursue it so I can teach it to other people, I was on to a gold mine. I was on to a gold mine, for me, personally, because I started writing like that.

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I would write using a lot of stories, for example, because that's an element of hypnosis, that's an element of hypnotic writing. It was one of the elements in great literature. It was one of the elements in great copywriting.

Tell a good story. There would usually be conflict in it. There would usually be

repetition in it. There would usually be some sort of resolution at the end of it. So, I pulled from all of these and created this new thing called hypnotic writing which I use to write my e-mails, I use to write my websites, I use to write even my books.

I can't tell you how many times people would read one of my books such as The

Attractor Factor and they’ll walk up and say, “I was mesmerized by your book.” And they would go on to say, “I felt like you only wrote it to me.” And I'd thought to myself, “Mission accomplished,” because when I write my e-mails, my websites, and my books, I want to put them in a waking trance. I want to be so focused, so compelling that they can't be distracted. I mean, a bomb has got to go off, something really distracting has got to get them because I worked hard to put them in a waking trance through hypnotic writing.

But all of them came from my study of hypnosis, my study of literature, my study of

copywriting, and then practice, practice, practice so I can get to the point where I can teach in the courses I mentioned. I even created a software program that [inaudible] people how to do this for themselves, Hypnotic Writing Wizard.

Tellman: Awesome, awesome. You know, you talk about the story a lot which clearly is a huge

component of engagement on any level, right? And you started looking at Ericksonian hypnosis and all this; it links back in a lot of ways that we don't have time to cover us. Is there a video?

Joe: There are so many [inaudible] connections, it’s unreal. And the interesting part is that

it’s not all just about writing. I mean, part of [inaudible] too you're telling a story right now as people are listening and everything else. So, what types of people in your experience benefit the most from learning hypnotic writing?

Tellman: Well, I think, first of all, everybody would benefit because they're speaking or writing all

the time. I hadn’t written a book called Hypnotic Speaking. I did get the domain but I haven't gotten around to doing it. But, at the same time, whether you're writing or you're speaking, you want to talk in a way that captivates people.

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There was a book, it’s long out of print. It’s called The Magic Power of Emotional

Appeal by Roy Garn, and that book changed my life because he, basically, said people are only focused on what’s in their lives or basically, about four things and romance was one, and money was one, and self-preservation was another one, and I forget the fourth. It might just be plain survival.

And if you didn't speak to any of those key interests right there, people might be looking

at you, but they're not listening to you. So, I'd learned because of that book that whether I was writing, whether I'm speaking, whether I'm doing an interview, I'm on TV, I'm on a radio, it doesn't matter where I'm at, if I don't speak to that person, that listener, that watcher’s interest, then they're not gonna go into that waking trance that I want them to be in.

So, to answer your question, everybody needs to learn this but, particularly, anybody in

business. A lot of people, whether they're hypnotists or anybody else are complaining that I don't like to do selling, I don't like to do marketing, I don't wanna do advertising, and they have a bad attitude towards it. Well, I don't blame them on one level because the attitude they have towards it is not the same attitude I have.

They do have a bad attitude because they think that they're manipulating people or

they're persuading people against their will. I'm dead set against that. What I say is I have a new definition of marketing. My definition of marketing is it’s sharing your love for your product or service with the people who are going to most welcome hearing about it. I wanna say that again. It’s sharing your love for your product or service to the people who are gonna most welcome hearing about it.

But how do you share your love? To me, selling stories is the easiest way to do it. The

old, used car salesman’s approach of just walking up to somebody and trying to get them to buy a new car whether you listen to them or not, or find out if they want a new car or not doesn't work.

But if you start talking about somebody whom you heard about who did hypnosis and

they lost weight, or somebody who came to you and they did a hypnosis session or two and they quit smoking, or somebody else who had come to you and they had a relationship problem, or they had some sort of health problems and they did hypnosis under your care and they got better, if you can tell those stories, not if, when you tell

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those stories with detail, with specifics, with the emotion, with sincerity, without trying to club somebody with the story but just let them hear it and come to their own conclusion, then you're using the principles of hypnotic writing or hypnotic speaking in natural conversation, and that’ll help increase business.

Tellman: Awesome, awesome. So, when we're talking about increasing business, this isn’t just

about increasing business for hypnotists to get more hypnosis clients, of course. Joe: No. Tellman: It’s to be for many different types of people utilizing what they know about hypnosis or

even don't know yet about hypnosis and generating business. Now, could this be for a new business or does it have to be an established business?

Joe: It can be for any business, anybody, anytime, any category. What I'm talking about

here really is sharpening your communication skills and, I guess, if I've taken hypnosis and taken it into a slightly different direction instead of taking the principles of hypnosis and use it to help me a better communicator in writing and speaking.

Whenever I'm talking, including on this conversation with you, I'm using principles of

hypnosis. I'm often repeating myself. Well, if you see a hypnotist, they very often don't say it one time, “You are getting sleepy.” They say it several times. Why are they saying it several times? Repetition is one of the ways you get a message into the mind.

Advertisers know about this without knowing anything about hypnosis, but they know

they can't say their message one time, they have to repeat it. It’s the same thing with telling stories. You wanna have many stories but you'll know

there's a lot of professional speakers if you follow them around on the circuit, and it could be Tony Robbins, it could be any other speaker you admire, they have their pet stories that they've told many times because they know they had them polished, they got all the details to them, and they always work.

Well, anybody can do this. If you're starting up a dry cleaning store, that's fine. As you

are gathering business and you're gathering the stories, you pay attention to them and you start repeating them. You might repeat them in your web copy or your sales copy or in conversation with anybody you talk to.

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If you're opening up a pizza parlor or if you're opening up a hypnosis business, or a car

mechanics place, all the principles are the same. What we're trying to do here is refine your communication ability by keeping the human mind in mind and using hypnosis to captivate the mind. This is not about manipulation. This is about having crystal clear communication. That is the big difference.

Tellman: Interesting. So, do you wanna walk through how we might go about writing a hypnotic

ad … Joe: Sure. Tellman: … or the practical application of some of these principles? Joe: Yeah, we can look at it as an ad or probably, everybody is gonna write a website at

some point or even an e-mail (overlay) Tellman: Let’s do an e-mail, that's it, a hypnotic e-mail. Joe: Yeah, let’s go with an e-mail because that’s one of my most fun things to do. I mail a

lot, you know that, and I work very hard to get the very first subject line, that very first line that anybody sees to be captivating right there.

So, in other words, when you look into your e-mail box and you see who it came from,

and it does mean something to have a recognized name there because it means that there's going to be some sort of built-in rapport, there's already an agreement or a level of trust that’ll make it easier for your e-mail to be opened.

But whether that's your first e-mail to go out or not, the subject line is still important.

You might be on my e-mail list for 10 years or more, but if my subject line doesn't sound of interest to you and if you're busy that day, you're not gonna open my e-mail. You're not gonna know whatever was in there. I might have said I'm gonna send you a check for $25,000. But you'll never know it because you didn't open the e-mail up.

This is so important. The subject of the e-mail is like a headline on an ad; it’s like the first line in a sales letter; it’s like the copy on an envelope if you're doing direct mail; it’s like your opener if you're trying to get a date with somebody at a bar. I mean, this is so

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important. And I almost sweat over it. I looked at that and keep thinking to myself, “Okay, what is the message that I want to communicate? So, I'm thinking about what’s in the body of the e-mail itself and what it is I can say that will cause them to open this with intrigue, with suspense, with eagerness. Now, I have some tips that I use all the time. For example, I love to open with a question, but I don't open with just any question. My question has to be one they cannot answer. This is important because too many people will say something like, “Would you like to have more money today?” I'm just, of course ad-libbing this. And, obviously, almost everybody wants to earn money but if they see that as a headline in an e-mail, they're gonna go, “Well, yes, I want money,” and just delete it.

Tellman: Right. Joe: They won’t open it because it’s gonna look like it’s a come-on, like a scam, like it’s not

important. So, I don't wanna ask, “Do you want more money today?” They can say yes or no which is not good either. Yes or no means their mind is closed. Yes, they want more money but there's no further dialogue. No, I don't want any more money and they're not even gonna open the e-mail. So, yes or no doesn't open the mind for a conversation or for an opening to your message.

So, I'd like to ask something that can't be answered unless they’d read my e-mail. And that could be, “What are three ways to have more money today?” Or, “What is the best way for you to increase your income?” Or, “Which of the following three methods will bring you more money by Friday?” Now, I like the last one the best, just off the top of my head, because you can't answer that one for sure unless you open the e-mail and see what the different methods are that I was referring to. So, you can see just by me right now focusing on writing an e-mail to somebody, how much time and thought I'm putting into the subject line because I know I gotta build curiosity with that alone. So, if I did go with the headline which of these three methods will help you make the most money by Friday, then when I go into the body of the letter, I need to build on what I just began. And I don't have to do it right away. There is a little forgiveness there, and this from a hypnotic standpoint is a great opening to get something into somebody’s mind.

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They're opening the e-mail now. They're expecting to learn about the three different ways to make money. But if my first paragraph says something like, I don't know, “My friend down the street opened up his business at 5 o’clock on Friday and you won’t believe what happened to him.” And then, my next line is, “What are the three different ways to make money by Friday?” Let me tell what they are and I go through, though … when I've opened the door in their brain, some part of them now has a curiosity that’s on high alert, and now people can skim the e-mails and there are skimmers and there are word-for-word readers, but I've opened their minds to get a message in. I can go through what the three different methods are to make money by Friday, and hopefully, at least, one of them is something I wanna tell somebody or sell somebody. And then, towards the end of the e-mail, I might close the story I began by saying, “Well, the person who opened that business on Friday found that the best way for them to make money was to actually get Hypnotic Writing Wizard and start writing better e-mails or whatever that happens to be. So, again, I'm spontaneously creating this fabricated e-mail for you as an example. I would go through the whole thing. When I write e-mails, I try to have tight margins because not everybody is reading an e-mail on a computer screen. They're looking at their BlackBerrys and their iPhones. I use a lot of one sentences because I want them to grasp the thing and just keep going. Too many sentences, too much text is gonna be too uninviting and too hard to read. I have always have a PS. I am known to have a PS. I have PSs on my blog. I have PSs on every e-mail. I have PSs on every website because from direct marketing, I knew, I learned, and I never forgot that people always, always, without exception jump to the PS, read the PS, and some people would leap over the entire e-mail and go right to the PS. So, the PS is not a postscript. To me, it’s not an opportunity for a powerful statement. I, sometimes, will use two or three PSs. If you use more than that, it’s overkill, and it seems very weak and very obvious to me. So, just off the top of my head, that's some examples of how I would write an email.

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Tellman: Awesome. Wow, very, very powerful stuff. So, Joe, for people who have some pre-existing interest or some degree of working knowledge of hypnosis from either reading a book or taking a course or whatever the case is, what would be the single biggest thing that you would suggest that people do in order to get more out of what they’ve already learned in terms of hypnosis? What’s the next best step to take with hypnosis in your life if you wanna go further with it?

Joe: What a great question! I think there are so many different things I can say, there are a

couple of things that come to mind that are just racing up as the ones to shout out. The first is to think bigger, and bolder, and more outrageously than you ever thought before. Obviously, there's competition out there, there's competition in every business and that's good. If there wasn't competition, you're in some sort of business, it’s probably not gonna do very well.

So, you wanna stand out from the competition but what are you going to do? I think

they have to think bigger, bolder, and more outrageously. I don't know if you were around, Tellman, when I did this, but many years ago, Mark Joyner contacted me and he wanted me to help him do a promotion for something he was selling. And he asked for my help with coming up with some sort of publicity attention getter. And I was really busy, I was really stressed but I love Mark and I said I'll think about it. And I left my office and I went downstairs and it was nice out and I jumped in the pool and I was really frustrated. I'm swimming around. I'm splashing, I'm going, “Oh, that damn Mark Joyner, here he is asking me to do something for him again.” And what am I gonna do, what am I gonna think, what the hell, what am I supposed to come up with? You know, do I have to actually hypnotize this guy on the internet and let everybody watch it?

And then, I stopped and I thought, “Oh, wait a minute, maybe I can be the first guy in

history to hypnotize somebody over the internet.” And I went to Mark Joyner and I said, “I don't know if you're gonna like this or not, but I just came up with this idea. It’s big, it’s bold, and it’s outrageous.”

He loved it and we actually did it. We actually set it up where we started announcing

that for the first time in history, I'm gonna do this hypnosis live over the internet and people can tune in to it with a webcast like you listen over the phone and I was going to actually hypnotize Mark Joyner and then get all of his secrets out of him. And we really built this thing up, and we actually did it.

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And what I did because people listening will probably be curious about how I pulled it off, I knew I could not hypnotize him over the phone while 15,000 people were listening because 15,000 would now be in a trance. So, what I did was hypnotize Mark Joyner earlier in the day, gave him a code word, and then when we were live on the call, when it was time to hypnotize him, I just said the code word then reinforced it. And so that's how I got away with hypnotizing him.

From a marketing standpoint, this all ties in. This outrageous stunt got record breaking

numbers of people on the phone and on the web to watch this thing happen, and then, and I think this is the most brilliant thing of all that Mark and I did, we got people on with the idea that we were gonna hypnotize him and then get all of his secrets out of him, and I kept announcing from the moment we began the call that I will soon be hypnotizing Mark Joyner, and I kept them on that call while we described what he was selling, and I didn't put him into hypnosis until like 45 minutes into the call. So, we had 45 minutes of opportunity with wide open minds, eager minds to hear all about the product he was selling and then the last 15, 30 minutes was him being in the hypnotic trance which immediately wasn't all that sexy because he just turned really quiet; he answered my questions; he wasn't hiding anything so there are no real secrets. [inaudible] tell the truth all along.

But my point here is that I had to think of something bold, big, and outrageous to get

attention and to make money; and we did it. A lot of people who still heard that call are still talking about it today.

But that's what I would say. First of all, think bigger than ever before. Think out of the

box. Forget about limitations. The wonderful thing about hypnosis is that it suggests, implies, and can lead you into having a no-limit thinking ability. You can remove the limits, the barriers, the constraints that are in your mind and in your belief and start coming up with stuff people have never done before.

And then, I think the second thing I would say and it’s probably self-serving but I think

this is really powerful, the software I created. Hypnotic Writing Wizard has been designed to help anybody improve their writing and speaking ability by using hypnotic principles, the very ones I created.

I created the software. It is based on my material. I worked with a software

programmer who only made it for me. So, this is not anybody else’s software, this is not

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influenced by anybody else’s work. This has hypnotic trances on it to help people get into that waking trance mode. It has a readability formula on it to help people analyze the hypnotic ability of their writing once they’ve written it. I've got a formula in there to walk people through how to write a sales letter, with how to come up with the headline.

That de luxe version of Hypnotic Writing Wizard has things like my Swipe file in it, and if

anybody knows any of my copywriting, you know that Swipe file is the treasure. That's the Fort Knox, That’s my collection of words, and sentences, and phrases, and statements that I use within copy to make it more powerful and persuasive. And then there are graphics within this one, there’s sound within this one. All of these were designed to put you into a riding trail, and then when you're going through the software, it helps you improve your writing and speaking ability.

I mean, I've got rave reviews from Joe Sugarman, the guy who sells these BluBlocker

sunglasses, a master writer himself. He loves the program. Bob Bly, a master copywriter, he’s written over 50 some books, he loves it. Armand Moran and a whole bunch of internet marketers is a long list of people on the website you can get at, if you like … they raved about this program, “I use this program. It’s one of my own secret weapons, Hypnotic Writing Wizard.”

So, when it comes to improving, extending, going beyond where you're at, I think, first of

all, the whole mindset … think big, think bold, think outrageous, and second of all, get Hypnotic Writing Wizard. If you're serious about improving your business, your hypnotic writing skills, then by God, show it. That's a small amount into the software for PC and get Hypnotic Writing Wizard. Just blow the competition away.

Tellman: Yeah, you guys can go to www.truthabouthypnosis.com/wizard to get Hypnotic Writing

Wizard right now. It’s an awesome program. It’s open on my desktop right now. It’s absolutely fantastic and you can use it to really take all these principles, concepts, and ideas that Joe was talking about and put them to good use in your life and to simply put, ramp up, and increase your ability to make money for yourself, for your own business, or even for someone else.

If you work for someone else in someone else’s business, this is a great way to get an

immediate raise by becoming the marketing and advertising guru of the company. So, this is an amazing piece of software that will teach you a huge amount of stuff.

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Now, what else do people get with this program, Joe, because I know there's so much that you have packed into it?

Joe: Well, I don't have the website in front of me so I don't have all the bells and whistles but

I do know that there are teaching modules for everything that you wanna write because I was thinking when we were putting Hypnotic Writing Wizard together, I didn't want it just to be for somebody who was writing copy. I mean, I am a copywriter. I write sales letter but I know people write books, and so I set it up to help them write their books. It’ll go through chapter by chapter, and I use it to help me frame my thinking.

One of the big problems that people have when they sit down to write down a book and

I do believe everybody in business should be considering writing a book or booklet or a how to manual. It’s great publicity, it’s another product to sell. But a lot of people sit down and they don't know where to begin. They're overwhelmed with their own thoughts or their inability to get clarity.

And so, in Hypnotic Writing Wizard, they can actually select that they're gonna write a

book and they can start working on each chapter. For example, if you're writing articles which is another whole segment in Hypnotic Writing Wizard, articles can be outlined within it and then you're prompted to come up with better ways to say it and to think more hypnotically about saying it.

And another element in here is writing publicity releases, news releases. I think all of

these are important. Not enough people in business are sending out news releases at all. They don't know how to do it. Well, this software program shows you how to do it, it walks you through it step by step, and then one of the zingers is that everybody who is in business needs to speak. They either speak to their clients and, hopefully, they speak to groups whether it’s a local group or a big population of some sortm whether it’s a convention going on.

But how do you speak with hypnotic captivation? That's part of what’s in Hypnotic

Writing Wizard because I learned how to do that, and to the best of my ability, I do it every time I speak, and I keep getting asked to speak more and more so I must be doing something that's working.

So, there's that element of how to write your next speech. Well, you can outline it within

Hypnotic Writing Wizard, you can flesh it out, and when you're done with any of these,

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you can copy and paste it into word or wherever you're comfortable in fleshing it out more, but you might even just use the Hypnotic Writing Wizard and stop there because you'll get so much clarity out of it. But those are just some of the things I can remember, but it’s a very deep, very involved yet fun way of doing things. I've actually heard people say it’s like playing a video game because you're not hurting yourself, you're not really struggling with it. You're actually having fun. Oh, I just thought of something else, Tellman.

Tellman: Yeah. Joe: This software has something that I had never seen before but I absolutely am so proud

of myself that we put it in. It’s something that I call the unconscious writing generator. You open up Hypnotic Writing Wizard and you select that button, and your screen go blank except for a little green dot.

Tellman: Oh, wow. Joe: Now, why is that important? Because this is your opportunity to just start typing without

editing, without left-brain interference, without worrying, without struggle. This is the number one reason people don't write or speak better. They are caught up with the rules of language. They're always worried about their spelling, their punctuation, their sentence structure, where they're going, their whole timeline, whether they're coherent or not. And the truth of the matter is, if you can shut that left brain down long enough to get the word on paper or on a computer screen, everything you are worried about improves.

Your spelling improves, punctuation improves, creativity improves, that all gets better

naturally but most of us don't know how to do that. So, with the computer, you can shut it down, or in Hypnotic Writing Wizard, you have the little green dot on the screen to just comfort you, to just kinda let you know, “Hey, we're still here, don't worry, you can type.”

And you start typing and after you've typed 15, 20 minutes, whenever you are done, you

just hit the enter key (I believe it is) and the screen comes up, all of your words are saved, and now you can play with them if you like, but you'll be dazzled because you're unconscious mind, as we all know in hypnosis, is so much wiser and more resourceful than our conscious mind.

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But most of us when we start writing try to control it with our conscious, and we end up being restricted and unpleasant in what we communicate. But if you can turn that off, trust the unconscious, it comes through, wow, you dazzle yourself and everybody else.

This is why I often say that when I sit down to write, I'm often as surprised as anybody

else by what I come up with because I allowed it to come from a deeper treasure within me. Hypnotic Writing Wizard shows you the way.

Tellman: Awesome. Well, Joe, this has been an absolutely phenomenal [inaudible] I really

appreciate all the different insights and ideas that you've shared with us here on this call. Is there anything that you would like to leave everybody with before we wrap it up?

Joe: Yes. I will leave everybody with the idea that you're already in a trance. It’s a trance of

limitation and that you can actually choose to be in a trance of superhuman power, ability, and abundance. It all begins by looking with inside yourself and just flipping the switch to say, “I am now the hypnotic writing wizard. I am now successful in my business. I deserve it; and the wealth, the money, the fortune is all coming to me now.

Tellman: Awesome. Well, thank you very much, Joe, and thank you everybody who are listening

in. We will talk with you on the next call. This is Tellman Knudson with truthabouthypnosis.com and I highly encourage you to pick up the Hypnotic Writing Wizard by going to www.truthabouthypnosis/wizard. Thanks again, Joe.

Joe: Thank you. I enjoyed it. God speed all your listeners.