The Trumpeter In This Issue Ash Wednesday-pg. 3 Ashes 2 Go-pg. 2 Birthdays, Baptism Birthdays, Anniversaries-pg. 4 By Water and Word: Paul Lindblom Baptism-pg. 4 Calendar-pg. 7 Daylight Saving Time-pg. 1 Downsizing/Remodeling-pg. 2 Food Festival-pg. 3 From the Pastor-pg. 1 Fundraiser-pg. 3 If You are Hospitalized-pg. 2 In Memoriam-pg. 4 Lenten Midweek Worship-p. 5 Meet our Congregation Coun- cil Members-pg. 6 Remember in Prayer-pg. 2 Souper Bowl of Caring-pg. 3 Soup Kitchen-pg.2 Spring Cleaning of Our House -pg. 1 USD Chamber Singers-pg. 3 Worship Assistants and other Servers-pg. 5 From the Pastor Lent begins on March 1. Ash Wednesday. Why do Lutherans use ashes on this day? Ashes symbolize sev- eral aspects of our human existence: Ashes remind us of Gods condemnation of sin, as God said to Adam, "Dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). Ashes suggest cleansing and renewal. They were used an- ciently in the absence of soap. Even on Ash Wednesday, this most penitential day, we receive ashes in the form of the cross, the same symbol placed on our bodies with water in our baptism. Even in this ashen mark of death, we anticipate the new life of Easter. Ashes remind us of the shortness of human life, for it is said as we are bur- ied into the ground or as ashes are placed in a columbarium. We commit this body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 284). Ashes are a symbol of our need to repent, confess our sins, and return to God. I will have a busy day with ashes this year. I will be one of the Lutheran and Episcopal clergy and lay persons participating in Ashes 2 Go(see article on p. 2). Pastor Jeff Swanson and I will be at the Martin Luther King Transportation Center from 8:00-9:00 a.m. to mark foreheads with ashes. We will also have both a noon and 7:00 p.m. service at Au- gustana. I will also go out to Bickford Cottage at 2:00 p.m. for a brief service. We will have an Ash Wednesday meal at 6:00 served by the Congregation Council. Midweek Lenten services will also be held as is our custom (see article on p. for more information). During the Sundays in Lent we move from JesusTemptation in the Wilderness immediately following his Baptism toward Palm Sun- day and the events of Holy Week. Please join us for all our Lenten services as we gather to give thanks to God for Gods gracious love for us all. Augustana Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa March 2017—Volume 25 Issue 3 Work Days Spring might not officially be here yet, but Lent is a time when we prepare ourselves for the events of Holy Week and Easter. As the warmer weather and lengthening of daylight prompt us to do spring clean- ing at home, we will have the opportunity to do some spring cleaning at our house of worship. Signup sheets with specific areas to be cleaned will be posted on the bulletin board outside Pastors study. Get a group together and clean away! Many hands make light work. Thank you. Daylight Saving Time Springahead an hour before you go to bed on Saturday, March 11. DST begins at 2 a.m. on March 12.

The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),

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Page 1: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),

The Trumpeter

In This Issue Ash Wednesday-pg. 3 Ashes 2 Go-pg. 2 Birthdays, Baptism Birthdays,

Anniversaries-pg. 4 By Water and Word: Paul

Lindblom Baptism-pg. 4 Calendar-pg. 7 Daylight Saving Time-pg. 1 Downsizing/Remodeling-pg. 2 Food Festival-pg. 3 From the Pastor-pg. 1 Fundraiser-pg. 3 If You are Hospitalized-pg. 2 In Memoriam-pg. 4 Lenten Midweek Worship-p. 5 Meet our Congregation Coun-

cil Members-pg. 6 Remember in Prayer-pg. 2 Souper Bowl of Caring-pg. 3 Soup Kitchen-pg.2 Spring Cleaning of Our House

-pg. 1 USD Chamber Singers-pg. 3 Worship Assistants and other

Servers-pg. 5

From the Pastor Lent begins on March 1. Ash Wednesday. Why do Lutherans use ashes on this day? Ashes symbolize sev-eral aspects of our human existence: Ashes remind us of God’s condemnation of sin, as God said to Adam, "Dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis

3:19). Ashes suggest cleansing and renewal. They were used an-ciently in the absence of soap. Even on Ash Wednesday, this most penitential day, we receive ashes in the form of the cross, the same symbol placed on our bodies with water in our baptism. Even in this ashen mark of death, we anticipate the new life of Easter. Ashes remind us of the shortness of human life, for it is said as we are bur-ied into the ground or as ashes are placed in a columbarium. “We commit this body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 284). Ashes are a symbol of our need to repent, confess our sins, and return to God.

I will have a busy day with ashes this year. I will be one of the Lutheran and Episcopal clergy and lay persons participating in “Ashes 2 Go” (see article on p. 2). Pastor Jeff Swanson and I will be at the Martin Luther King Transportation Center from 8:00-9:00 a.m. to mark foreheads with ashes.

We will also have both a noon and 7:00 p.m. service at Au-gustana. I will also go out to Bickford Cottage at 2:00 p.m. for a brief service.

We will have an Ash Wednesday meal at 6:00 served by the Congregation Council.

Midweek Lenten services will also be held as is our custom (see article on p. for more information).

During the Sundays in Lent we move from Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness immediately following his Baptism toward Palm Sun-day and the events of Holy Week. Please join us for all our Lenten services as we gather to give thanks to God for God’s gracious love for us all.

Augustana Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa March 2017—Volume 25 Issue 3

Work Days Spring might not officially be here yet, but Lent is a time when we prepare ourselves for the events

of Holy Week and Easter. As the warmer weather and lengthening of daylight prompt us to do spring clean-ing at home, we will have the opportunity to do some spring cleaning at our house of worship. Signup sheets with specific areas to be cleaned will be posted on the bulletin board outside Pastor’s study. Get a group together and clean away! Many hands make light work. Thank you.

Daylight Saving Time “Spring” ahead an hour before

you go to bed on Saturday, March 11. DST begins at 2 a.m. on March 12.

Page 2: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),


Remember in prayer. . . Robert Barger (Kris Whitsel’s grandfather), Emrich Bell (Seatons’ grandson), Todd Boland (Linda Nygard’s nephew), Oriah Boling-Ellens (Schossows’ niece), Ron Brinck (Macfarlanes’ friend), Jean Clem (Jean Huff’s friend), Clara C. Davis (Ja’Net’s mother), Marian Er-ickson, Mari Ellsworth and family (Amy Swenson’s friend), the family of Charlene Epis, Dave Farley (Nygards’ cousin), Ken File (Sheila Schossow’s father), Barb (Becklund) Filer (former member), Pastor Lorene Glant, Barb Gough (Doug’s mother), Doug Gough, Kris Grunig (Strohbeens’ friend), Jon Hanson (Judy Swanson’s friend), John Hart, Paula Hebron, Ron Houske (Jack Ward’s friend), Judy Howard (Wards’ friend), Keith Howard (Libertos’ friend), Pastor Paul Johnston, Mackenzie Keith (Carl Peterson’s friend), Collin Krause (Sales’ cousin), Lee Lambert (Nygard’s cousin), Betty Larson (Jean Huff’s friend), Ken Lawson (former member), Ron Leninger (Strohbeens’ friend), Kenneth McAlexander (former member Jon’s grandfather), Sara McAlexander (former member), Peter Macfarlane (Steve’s father), Rochelle McCoy (Ja’Net’s friend), the family of Harriette McGuire, Trevor & Nicholle Mammen and family (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin), Ouida Olson, Pastor Tess Panamarow, the family of Deloris Peterson, DuWayne Peterson (Elaine Kreutzian’s brother), Wendy Pohl (Paige Gray’s sister), Rosalie Richardson, Stella Rixner, Sam Sales, Adrian Schubauer (Ja’Net’s grandson), Alice Sea, Cynthia Seymour (Judy Swanson’s friend), Ad-am Smith (Gloria Smith’s grandson), Kristie Smith (Gloria Smith’s daughter), Clayton Swenson (Carla Glass’ grandfa-ther), Chad Wolf (Dick Lindblom’s friend), Leslie Walker (Schossows’ friend), the family of Jack & Jane Ward, Cindy Washinowski, Gary Winters (Nancy Van Meter’s brother), Carol Yaneff (Strohbeens’ friend), Tami Zerr (Lori Pad-more’s sister), and those affected by disasters throughout the world.

Each week we pray for some of the families in the congre-gation.

March 5—Pat Bergstrom; Larry & Nancy Brockshus; Darrel & Christi and Christopher Bullock; Jonathan & Kim Bullock; Myrna Burg.

March 12—Caleb & Kim, Audrey and Evelyn Christopher-son; Tim & Kelsi, Sam, Daphne, and Mila Coles; Pastor Da-vid and Steven Cox; Jeremy & Kris, Austin and Madison Craighead; Lois Daniels.

March 19—Brenda Davis; Craig & Kari, Noah, Ellie, and Abbie Dickman; JoAnn Dickman; Rick Dickson; Dave & Bev Drefke.

March 26—Dick & Marian Erickson; Ginny Ericson; Chris & Debbie and Ben Fegenbush; Cyd Fleckenstein and Emily and Mia Hall; Rosemary Forsling.

If You are Hospitalized... If you are or a family member is hospital-ized and you want Pastor Del to come visit, please call the office or Pastor Del’s cell (712-490-6510). Neither hospital is calling the church with names of those admitted, some-times even when you ask them to! Ja’Net calls both hospitals on Mondays and Thurs-days, but the best way to let us know is if you or your family calls.

Soup Kitchen March 10 and 21 are the dates when members of Augustana help to prepare and serve food at the Soup Kitchen. In the after-noon (2-4), 2 persons to assist in preparing the food and in the eve (4:45-6:30 pm) 8 per-sons assist with serving the meal and clean-ing up. If you are interested in assisting in this ministry, please call Amy Swenson who is our liaison for this service. If you are interested or willing to serve at the Soup Kitchen, please sign up when the boards are passed at Sun-day service, and/or call Amy at 898-9725 to let her know you want to help. Thanks for your service.

Ashes 2 Go Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence.

From the Middle Ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. The reminder that we are dust turns our attention to the creative power of God, and God’s ability to heal the broken-ness in our lives when we offer that broken-ness to God. That turning to God is the work of Lent, preparation for the celebration of Easter. We’re offering ashes at different loca-tions because that reminder of need, humility, and healing shouldn’t be confined to a church building. We probably need it more when we are in the middle of our daily business! The ashes we receive here are to remind us throughout the day of our need for God, and of God’s call to us.

God meets us not only in worship, but in the midst of life, and we offer the opportunity to remember our faith to those whose schedules make it hard to stop and pray with others.

Page 3: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),


Food Festival

The Interfaith Food Festival will be held Sunday, Sunday, March 26, 2017, with a back—up date of April 2 ( in case of bad weather) at St. Joseph’s Cath-olic Church, 1112 8th St. from 12 noon until 2:00 pm. Augustana will again be selling rye bread: we are grateful to Jeff Levine for his generous gift of time and labor to prepare the bread, (if anyone would like to help him, please call Jeff, (494-3498)) or Linda (258-5220). We will be mixing and baking bread on Satur-day, March 25. The Food Festival is an annual fund raiser event to help Siouxlanders who are struggling to feed their families, pay utility bills, assist with chil-dren’s needs, and prescriptions; it is also a great event for good food and fellowship. Each participating church serves their specialty. We also need participants to buy tickets, support and enjoy the festival. Tickets will be available on Sunday, March 19th and March 26th from Nancy or Linda, and also at the door the day of the festival. Tickets are $6.00 each and have 18 punches, to spend at various booths.

Thank you for Souper Bowl of Caring

Thanks to all who generously supported the Souper Bowl of Car-ing. $175 (which will buy 972.2 pounds of food (almost ONE-HALF TON!!) at 18 cents per pound) has

been sent to Interfaith Resources to feed the hun-gry of Siouxland. Also food items have been deliv-ered to First Lutheran Food Pantry. As of February 23, 2017, a total of $7,916,638 has been collected across the country from 5,432 groups reporting. Great things can happen when many groups work together. “God’s work, our hands.”

USD Choir to Perform The University of South Dakota Chamber Singers will present a concert on Friday, March 3 at 7:30 pm. This group has been coming to Augustana for several years and brings a varied program each time. A freewill offering will be received to help defray costs of their tour. Members and friends of Augustana have the op-portunity to house students in groups of 2. The congre-gation provides a meal for them before the concert, but hosts provide snacks and breakfast. Will you open your house this year?

Fundraiser to Fight Hunger At our Fundraiser at Buffalo Alice on February 19, we received $511 from Buffalo Alice and $393 from tips, for a total of $904. This amount is divided between the food pantries of St. Thomas Episcopal Church and First Lutheran Church and the Blessing Box of St. Luke Lutheran Church! Thanks to all who participated and were so gen-erous!

Ash Wednesday With ash and soot we begin this Lenten sea-

son with confession; we begin with Psalm 51; we begin on our knees. On this day this ancient prayer placed on our lips becomes new again: “Have mer-cy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.” We speak our truths from the shadow of our sin, the very shadow that marks our mortality. Like ash traced upon our foreheads, we are marked with the reality of our frailties and fail-ings. It is stark reminder that sin and death are smeared all over us. From this inevitable reality, we cry out for mercy! For as bold as it is to name our sin and sinful ways that lead to death, it is all the more audacious to summon our God! To summon the one who actually has the power to do some-thing about sin and the ways of death! On this day of penitence, through the work and witness of Christ Jesus, we brashly summon God to come, to hear our prayer, and to listen to our confession.

So, with our truths laid bare, we confess our unfaithfulness to God, our lackluster love for our neighbors, our neglect of suffering and injustice in the world. In the same breath, we ask God to wash us, to purge us, and to create in us clean hearts. The smears of sin are washed clean through the love of Christ. And yet, we will leave worship this day still carrying the cross-shaped trace of sin and death upon us. It is a reminder that, even amid our confession, we continue this Lenten season to lis-ten for the perpetual call to return to the Lord our

God who is gracious and merciful, abounding in steadfast love (Joel 2:13).

Page 4: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),



1 Kevin Schwaderer Ray Seaton Klara Winter 3 Aubrey Sea 5 Jacob Stowater Craig Walsh 6 Lois Irwin 7 Nancy Brockshus Margaret Johnson 8 Judy Swanson 9 Connie Larson 11 Lindsey Rixner 12 Erik Lundin 14 Kurt Peterson Jean Turner 15 Domingo Torres 16 Brenna Jennings 18 Andrew Moreland 19 Susie Strohbeen Barb Torticill 20 Abbie Dickman Ellie Dickman DeeAnn Sales 25 Gemma Harry Rosie Stenwall 26 Lois Daniels Matt Heck 28 Diane Gross 31 Greer Macfarlane Bryce Matsuo

March Celebrations

Wedding Anniversaries 16 Kurt & Shannon Peterson 31 Domingo & Andre’ Torres

Baptism Birthdays 1 Mike Larson Ray Seaton 2 Lexy Baier 3 Jackson Wynn 9 Nic McGlothlen 16 Sean McAllister 17 Ellie Frisch Bourne Blake Lindgren Derek Trobaugh 18 Dawson Trobaugh 19 Alex Manning 20 David Mohan 21 Sydnee Wynn 22 Dick Erickson 23 Amy Swenson Anne Winter 24 Nancy Brockshus 25 Abbie Parker 26 Aiden Garbe Spencer Gough 28 Myrna Burg 30 Ben Fegenbush Madeline Hexom 31 Brenna Jennings

If you see a missing name or incorrect date, please advise the office.

Stewardship Corner We hear the following during our

liturgy on Ash Wednesday: “Friends in Christ, today with the whole Church we enter the time of remembering Jesus’ passover from death to life, and our life in Christ is renewed.

“We begin this holy season by ac-knowledging our need for repentance and for God’s mercy. We are created to experience joy in communion with God, to love one another, and to live in harmo-ny with creation. But our sinful rebellion separates us from God, our neighbors, and creation, so that we do not enjoy the life our creator intended.

“As disciples of Jesus, we are called to a discipline that contends against evil and resists whatever leads us away from love of God and neighbor. I invite you, therefore, to the discipline of Lent—self-examination and repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love—strengthened by the gifts of word and sacrament. Let us continue our jour-ney through these forty days to the great Three Days of Jesus’ death and resur-rection.”

Many Christians commit to “giving something up for Lent” as part of their Lenten discipline. What if we did the op-posite? What if we added something to our routine beginning on Ash Wednes-day and continued it at least through Easter Sunday? What if, in the spirit of Christ’s giving himself...all of himself for us, we gave of ourselves for others?

What could that look like? Perhaps you would add a special time for family devotions on the Small Catechism. Per-haps you would pick up an extra non-perishable food item at the store to do-nate to a food pantry. Perhaps you would spend more quality time with your family. Perhaps you would put an extra amount in your weekly offering.

What could that look like for you and your family? Pray about it and talk about it...and then please do it!

By Water and Word Paul Thomas Lindblom was baptized on January 8, 2017. He is the son of Carl & Emily Lindblom. Paul’s sponsor is Great-Uncle Dick Lindblom. Grand-parents are Tom & Mary Lindblom and Lyle & Mary Hamstra. Welcome to the family, Paul.

In Memoriam It pleased Almighty God to receive unto himself the

soul of our sister Harriette Jane (Larson) Dooley McGuire on February 20. Harriette’s memorial service was held at Augustana on February 25.

Rest eternal grant her, O Lord, And let light perpetual shine upon her.

Page 5: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),


Ushers for March Skip Schossow, Captain Jean Huff, Dave Midland, and Mike Moos.

Altar Guild TBA

Funeral Helpers The following are asked to bake a cake or help in the kitchen for funerals during the month. The Funeral Coordina-tor will contact you if needed. Bev Drefke, Ginny Ericson, Rose-mary Forsling, Heidi Graben, Linda Lind-gren, Judy Matsuo and Janet Maxwell.

Worship assistants, you are responsible for serving on the day they are scheduled. If you are unable to

serve on a date scheduled, please arrange for a substitute and notify the office so the correct names may be entered in the bulletin.

Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017—7:00 pm Acolytes—Jackson Wynn and Madalyn Welp Communion Assistant—Isaac Plambeck Assisting Minister—Steve Macfarlane Technical Assistant—TBA

Sunday, March 5, 2017—10:15 am Acolyte—Trevor Welp and Sydnee Wynn Greeters—the Baier family Assisting Minister—Dave Madsen Communion Assistants—Judy Swanson and Christi Bullock (B) Eucharistic Ministers—Judy Swanson and Linda Nygard Technical Assistant—Matt Rixner

Sunday, March 12, 2017—10:15 am Acolytes—Abby Whitsel and Jackson Wynn Greeters—Beth Schwaderer and Dick Sea Assisting Minister—Russ Wooley Communion Assistants—Beth Schwaderer and Amy Macfarlane

(B) Technical Assistant—Emily Hall

Sunday March 19, 2017—10:15 am Acolytes—Lexy Baier and Madalyn Welp Greeters—Bob & Marge Swanson Assisting Minister—Marlene Levine Eucharistic Ministers—Marian Erickson and Nancy Van Meter Communion Assistants—Ollie Nygard and Dick Lindblom (B) Technical Assistant—Austin Baier

Sunday, March 26, 2017—10:15 am Acolytes—Noah Dickman and Mia Hall Greeters—Judy Swanson and Amy Swenson Assisting Minister—Dave Madsen Communion Assistants—Jackson Wynn and Marian Erickson (B) Technical Assistant—Marlene Levine

Sunday April 2, 2017—10:15 am Acolytes—Trevor Welp and Sydnee Wynn Greeters—Ray & Cathy Seaton Assisting Minister—Susie Strohbeen Communion Assistants—Noah Dickman and Abby Whitsel (B) Eucharistic Ministers—Judy Swanson and Deb Fegenbush Technical Assistant—Blake Lindgren

Wednesday Lenten Services March 8—7:00 p.m. “Ten Commandments” March 15—7:00 p.m. “Apostles’ Creed”

March 22—7:00 p.m. “Lord’s Prayer

March 29—7:00 p.m. “Holy Baptism”

April 5—7:00 p.m. “Holy Communion”

Each service will include hymns, scripture, and a short interactive talk on each of the sections of the Small Cate-chism. The services will also conclude with a spoken service of Holy Commun-ion. Please join us each week during this special time of the Church year.

Page 6: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),


These Are Our Installed Elected and Volunteer Leaders: Congregation Council: Caleb Christopherson (President), Martin Sea (Vice-President), Adam Frisch, Jean Huff, Linda Lindgren, Lila Plambeck, Jeff Levine, Marlene Levine (Secretary), Dick Lindblom, David Midland, Bob Swanson (Treasurer). Augustana Lutheran Foundation Board: Dave Madsen (President), Matt Rixner (Vice President), Mike Moreland (Advisor), and Judy Swanson (Secretary), Jeanne Emmons, Carla Glass, Jenna Liberto, Bob Stew-art,

Page 7: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Noon Worship

2 pm Bickford Cottage (ashes)

6 pm Meal

7 pm Worship Service

2 8-9:15 am Siouxland Mental Health 5-9 pm Just for Kix


7:30 pm USD Chamber Singers Concert


9 am TA Training/Review 10 am-Noon Volleyball

5 1st Sunday in Lent


9:15 am Music Staff Mtg. 5-9 pm JfK


5-9 pm JfK

8 10 am Women’s Bible Study 7 pm Worship Service


5-9 pm JfK


Serve at Soup Kitchen 5-8 pm Soccer

11 10-11 am AWE Rehearsal

10 am-Noon Volleyball

8-10:30 pm Spares / Pairs

12 2nd Sunday in Lent

2 pm Magic Club Daylight Savings Begins


9:15 am Music Staff Mtg.

5-9pm JfK


10:30 am –2:30 pm Piece Corps

5-9pm JfK

6:45 pm Council Mtg


9:45am Bickford Cottage 7 pm Worship


5-9 pm JfK


5-8 pm Soccer


10 am-Noon Volleyball

19 3rd Sunday in Lent


5-9pm JfK


10-noon Pas-tors’ Text Study

Serve at Soup Kitchen

5-9pm JfK

22 7pm Worship Service


2 pm Disciple-ship Academy Mtg 5-9 pm JfK

24 5-8 pm Soccer


9 am-1 pm Confirmation Class

10 am-Noon Volleyball


4th Sunday in Lent Noon Inter-faith Food Festival at St. Joseph

27 9:15 am Music Staff Mtg.

5-9 pm JfK

28 10:30 am Piece Corps

5-9 pm JfK

29 7 pm Worship Service

30 5-9 pm JfK

31 5-8 pm Soccer

Sunday mornings: 8:00—Holy Communion, 9:00—Adult Education, Music with Mrs. Wooley,

9:15—Celebration Choir Rehearsal, Sunday School, 10:15—Holy Communion.

March 2017

Page 8: The Trumpeter - HOME | Augustana Lutheran Church... (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Judy Moore (Mary Hettinger’s friend), Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin),

Augustana Lutheran Church

600 Court St.

Sioux City, IA 51101


Office hours Mon-Fri 8:00 am-1:00 pm The Rev. Del Olivier—Pastor

Phone: 712-255-7694 Diana Wooley—Director of Music

Email: [email protected] Bob Barry and Shannon Peterson—Organists

Web site: www.augustanasc.org Bob Barry, Heidi Graben,

Facebook: Augustana Lutheran, Sioux City Angela Iversen, and Shannon Peterson—Pianists

Mark Kochen—Sexton

March 2017 Ja’Net Sides—Office Administrator

Sunday Schedule:

8:00 Holy Communion Worship

9:00 Adult Education, Music with

Mrs. Wooley

9:15 Celebration Choir Rehearsal,

Sunday School

10:15 Holy Communion Worship

—unstaffed nursery available

—handicap accessible

—free taxi to worship—277-0000

Mission Statements:

Church: A welcoming, caring congre-

gation offering opportunities for wor-

ship, spiritual growth, and fellowship.

We express our faith and love to oth-

ers in the name of Jesus Christ.

Staff: We are called to work together

to enhance the community of Au-

gustana Lutheran Church as we

share our ministry of witnessing to the

living God in Jesus Christ, facilitating

the gifts and talents of people.

Congregation Council:

Caleb Christopherson, President

(2018); Adam Frisch (2019); Jean

Huff (2018); Jeff Levine (2017);

Marlene Levine, Secretary; Dick

Lindblom (2017); Linda Lindgren

(2019); David Midland (2018); The

Rev. Del Olivier, Pastor; Lila

Plambeck (2017); Martin Sea, Vice-

President (2019); Bob Swanson,
