The Traveler’s Well Newsletter –November 6, 2012 – Page 1 The Traveler's Well With Scott Wolfram "Move In Harmony With The Sun, Moon and Stars!" [email protected] -or- [email protected] 805.409.4605 www.travelerswell.com November 6, 2012 Dear Friends, first and foremost, our thoughts go out to all who were impacted by the storm on the East Coast. Much has been lost on many levels. Today Mercury turns Retrograde and so, in spite all the attention being paid to Election Day in the U.S.A., I present some ideas for reconsidering the way we view Mercury Retrograde. Also, I have wrtitten about two people who have been in the news a bit lately: Lance Armstrong being stripped of his cycling honors (related to the powerful astrological mid-life crisis of the Neptune square), and George Lucas successfully selling Lucasfilms (related to a Solar Arc). Each have interesting astrological stories to share! As always, Sappho and I look forward to being of service! May you move in harmony with the Sun, Moon and stars! Blessings and peace, Scott Wolfram Mercury Retrograde Mercury Retrograde - Again - Today? Mercury turns retrograde today (November 6, 2012) at 4 degrees of Sagittarius and will move backward through the zodiac, until November 26, 2012, when he will return to his forward or direct motion through the zodiac at 18 degrees of Scorpio. The early degrees of this transit are the same degrees that the transiting North Node has just passed over recently for all of us. Most of you are aware of the standard meaning of Mercury Retrograde as a time to avoid signing contracts, avoid conducting negotiations, avoid complex travel arrangements, avoid interviewing, and avoid purchasing technology or scheduling any sort of conference that is technology intensive. Further, we are told that all of our technology will fall apart during this time bringing much grief. This is the typical understanding of a Mercury retrograde period. Because Mercury will turn retrograde during the voting in the U.S.A., many people are worried about the impact of voting irregularities on who will win the Presidency for the next four years. Since 1900, there have been only four US Presidential Elections when transiting Mercury was retrograde. Of the four, the elections in 2000 (Bush vs Gore) and 1960 (Kennedy vs Nixon) had some degree (or more) of irregularity. The other two elections in 1980 and 1908 had clear and unambiguous results.

The Traveler's Well · reconsidered at this time might also be felt: our visions, our foreign travel, our wisdom, ... The Traveler’s Well Newsletter –November 6, 2012 – Page

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The Traveler’s Well Newsletter –November 6, 2012 – Page 1

The Traveler's Well With Scott Wolfram

"Move In Harmony With The Sun, Moon and Stars!"

[email protected] -or- [email protected] 805.409.4605


November 6, 2012

Dear Friends, first and foremost, our thoughts go out to all who were impacted by the storm on the East Coast. Much has been lost on many levels. Today Mercury turns Retrograde and so, in spite all the attention being paid to Election Day in the U.S.A., I present some ideas for reconsidering the way we view Mercury Retrograde. Also, I have wrtitten about two people who have been in the news a bit lately:

• Lance Armstrong being stripped of his cycling honors (related to the powerful astrological mid-life crisis of the Neptune square), and

• George Lucas successfully selling Lucasfilms (related to a Solar Arc).

Each have interesting astrological stories to share! As always, Sappho and I look forward to being of service!

May you move in harmony with the Sun, Moon and stars!

Blessings and peace, Scott Wolfram

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde - Again - Today?

Mercury turns retrograde today (November 6, 2012) at 4 degrees of Sagittarius and will move backward through the zodiac, until November 26, 2012, when he will return to his forward or direct motion through the zodiac at 18 degrees of Scorpio. The early degrees of this transit are the same degrees that the transiting North Node has just passed over recently for all of us.

Most of you are aware of the standard meaning of Mercury Retrograde as a time to avoid signing contracts, avoid conducting negotiations, avoid complex travel arrangements, avoid interviewing, and avoid purchasing technology or scheduling any sort of conference that is technology intensive. Further, we are told that all of our technology will fall apart during this time bringing much grief. This is the typical understanding of a Mercury retrograde period.

Because Mercury will turn retrograde during the voting in the U.S.A., many people are worried about the impact of voting irregularities on who will win the Presidency for the next four years. Since 1900, there have been only four US Presidential Elections when transiting Mercury was retrograde. Of the four, the elections in 2000 (Bush vs Gore) and 1960 (Kennedy vs Nixon) had some degree (or more) of irregularity. The other two elections in 1980 and 1908 had clear and unambiguous results.

The Traveler’s Well Newsletter –November 6, 2012 – Page 2

If we step away from our traditional understanding of Mercury Retrograde, we can look at Mercury Retrograde a bit differently. The intention of Mercury and of Mercury Retrograde is not that technology and other "things" should suddenly stop working, but rather to explore life from other perspectives. So, why not try something different this time around and think of Mercury Retrograde a bit differently.

My experience is that technology breaks down as frequently when Mercury is direct as during Mercury Retrograde. I find the same to hold true for travel gone bad and contracts that require renegotiation. So, let's start by remembering what a retrograde time offers us.


Meaning of Retrograde Motion

In general, when a planet turns retrograde, we are meant to re-visit the planet, to re-consider how it works in our lives and find new ways to work with the planet and re-solve our outstanding challenges. The key is the "re", which implies the words "again" and "differently", which also implies that life should somehow be different when Mercury turns direct.

So, Mercury Retrograde is a time to reconsider various aspects of life so that we can deepen our present understanding or begin understanding something about our life for the first time in a new and more meaningful way. This is a time to let go of preconceived notions about who we are and the course our life has taken and be open to new possibilities. We are not meant to take anything for granted, but to try to find new meaning. After this period of reconsideration, the new and deeper understanding we gain allows us to make adjustments to our daily life, if necessary.

So, we need to use this Mercury Retrograde period and not be afraid of sending an e-mail or trying

a new piece of hardware or going on an interview, but rather to see our real life from a new


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Mercury and Gemini - Ideas as Pieces of a Puzzle

As the ruler of the sign of Gemini, Mercury and Gemini share a fundamental goal: to explore the

endless pieces of information in life and see how they fit together. It is like having the pieces of two

or three puzzles all mixed up in one box. Mercury and Gemini examine each of the pieces in two


• First, they seek to determine if the puzzle piece a part of the picture on the cover of the

box. Not every idea is one that we should try to fit into our own life. • Second, they try to see how the piece connects with the other pieces and complete the

picture. Mercury and Gemini are about sorting the pieces, then putting the puzzle together and completing the picture.

In real life, this means sorting the information we receive and determining if it has meaning for us

and where it fits in the practical aspects of our thinking and communicating. If a piece of information

does not fit, toss it aside and continue piecing together the pieces that fit and bring the "picture"

together and effectiveness in life.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius - The Pieces and the Big Picture

From November 6 to November 14, this Mercury Retrograde period will begin with Mercury in

Sagittarius. Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius connects our ideas (Mercury) with our vision and

inspiration for life (Sagittarius). The key is that Mercury Retrograde prompts us to consider new

pieces of information or other perspectives and other points of view. Why? Mercury wants our

minds to be flexible to recognize the world as it truly is and not be stuck in opinions based on what

we already know. For example, we don't stop learning when we move from grade school to high

school or from high school to college or from college to real life.

So, the question is are we open to considering another perspective or are we fixed and stuck in our

old ideas and opinions (even if they do not serve us well).

Sagittarius is the zodiac sign that opposes Gemini in the zodiac. Mercury naturally rules Gemini and

we look to the opposing sign, in this case, Sagittarius, for clues about how to bring balance to

Gemini. Mercury will naturally explore most any piece of information. However, Mercury in

Sagittarius wants us to recognize the words and ideas that reveal to us how the world truly works -

for us personally, what has meaning. As a result, Mercury in Sagittarius can help us identify the

words that allow us to explain to others what we believe about life - our philosophy.

Since Mercury is a guide, as he moves in his retrograde motion through Sagittarius, he provides

situations that create new awareness of our path and so that we can re-consider the ideas and

words that form the language of our philosophy. Other areas of life related to Sagittarius that can be

reconsidered at this time might also be felt: our visions, our foreign travel, our wisdom, our faith, our

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method of prayer, what abundance means to us.

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio - Looking beneath the Surface

On November 14,2012, Mercury Retrograde will transition from Sagittarius into Scorpio. If this

sounds familiar, it is because this is the same area of the chart that the transiting North Node just

transited as it moved from Sagittarius into Scorpio. So, these points in our birth charts have been

quite activated lately. While Sagittarius deals with our vision and philosophy, Mercury Retrograde in

Scorpio deals with our deepest emotional wounds and betrayals. It is often the fears around these

wounds and betrayals that keep us from following our visions.

Mercury is the only god who can cross into the boundaries of Hades (the underworld) and not get

lost (and manage to return alive). So, as we delve into our past and look at the wounds that have

held us back, Mercury helps us not to get lost in these thoughts and he actually can reveal a new

path to healing those wounds. Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio wants us to examine our wounds and

emotional fears from an intellectual and objective perspective.

When Mercury moves back and forth between Scorpio and Sagittarius, he is trying to connect our

vision of the future with the power of our emotions. When we find ourselves in moments of fear

(Scorpio), then we are looking to the past. However, Mercury wants us to look forward and to use

our mind to find new solutions to life's existing problems.

Here are a couple of hints to the Scorpio period of Mercury Retrograde.

• First, the solution to our problems lies in the future and not the past. Don't ask what happened before, but what you are going to do in the future.

• Second, to explore our fears and how we do or do not trust so that we can reconsider these aspects of life.

• Third, the solution generally is found when we embrace a change of perspective and not remaining fixed and brooding in old patterns.

• Fourth, the solution lies in using our mind in logical ways to understand life and then to embrace our own personal power, the willpower to make our own decisions and move forward with real confidence.

Mercury Turns Direct - Looking Forward Again

Finally, Mercury will turn direct on November 26, 2012 at 18 degrees of Scorpio, turning the energy

from re-consideration to making new choices. Mercury wants us to be effective in terms of how we

think, the topics we consider to be important and how to go about implementing and sharing our

ideas and opinions.

So, observe this time and 'what goes wrong', but also take some time to reconsider how you think

and communicate - its the Mercury Retrograde thing to do.

Best wishes for taking this opportunity to strap Mercury's wings onto your heels and then enjoying

the ride - it is meant to be fun and informative!

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Mercury strapping on his wings - The Louvre, Paris, France.

Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong's Neptunian Bubble Bursts

The first powerful Neptune-Neptune transit we all experience in life occurs at age 42 as we experience our first transiting Neptune square to our natal Neptune. A square often introduces a test of some sort. In this case, we have a test of how well we have integrated Neptune's highest desire for inspiration or spirituality into our daily life. At this same time, around age 42, we experience our second powerful Uranus-Uranus transit as transiting Uranus opposes our natal Uranus. In this case, the opposition brings full awareness of how well we have integrated Uranus into our daily lives. Together, these transits are known as the mid-life crisis set of transits. Like Lance Armstrong, anyone born in 1971 has been experiencing Neptune square Neptune this year. And, many others of us can remember back to this time in our life (at age 42). For Lance Armstrong, with the loss of his titles as a cyclist and honor in the sports world in the summer of 2012, this major life transit has not unfolded so well. So, let's explore the astrological aspects associated with this time for Lance Armstrong. At mid-life, Uranus attempts to awaken us to what is authentic and unique about us as individuals. Alternatively, Neptune bids us to attend to our dreams and our inspirations and our spirituality, so that they may be lifted from the fog and brought into reality. With transiting Neptune square natal Neptune, we are meant to attend to the spiritual, the inspired, and the magical side of our life. Like a vision of the mists of the mythic isle of Avalon, we yearn to find the part of us that lies beyond the day to day and the simple and obvious aspects of life. Neptune wants something more and particularly, something more meaningful. Above all, that something he seeks is greater, leading us beyond time and toward the cosmic!

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Neptune, the god of the oceans, commanding the power of the waves

However, Neptune also carries a test that we bring the inspirations we have into reality and not to

fall into the trap of Neptune. What is the trap of Neptune? Neptune rules Pisces and the twelfth

house and aspects of ourselves that we keep from public view - the part we remain hidden can

become our own self-undoing from our karmic baggage - illusion, delusion and secrets hidden from

the world that hide the truth. Neptune in this mode can relate to our addictions or how we cheat.

The Mid-Life Crisis transit of transiting Neptune square natal Neptune tests both our awareness of

the need for inspiration and the demand to bring that inspiration into reality - to make it real!

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Lance's Birth Chart - Related to his big vision as an athlete

First, Armstrong's birth chart has a powerful Mars conjunct North Node, suggesting that the path to

his highest potential is through his physical efforts and being a man of action. Thus, his path as an

athlete and cyclist fits perfectly with the intention of his birth chart.

However, it is his Jupiter conjunct Neptune at 0 degrees of Sagittarius that takes his athletic destiny

and amplifies it, makes is bigger, in fact, really, really big (thanks to Jupiter). By the way, almost

everyone born in 1971 has this natal Jupiter and Neptune conjunction. For Lance, he has won far

too many accolades to list here, but they include winning the coveted Tour de France cycling title

for 7 consecutive years (from 1999 to 2005) and being named the Sport's Man of the Year by the

United States Olympic Committee in 1999, 2001, 2002 and 2003. In summary, he has a big,

powerful vision and he appeared to have achieved it!

However, while the combination of Jupiter and Neptune give him the potential for a powerful vision

that he deeply believes in (there is no denying he had a powerful vision for what he wanted to

accomplish), this combination often brings a temptation for the dream to be so big that it can

become larger than what reality can deliver or support. Beneath the scenes his hidden expression

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of Neptune created an atmosphere ripe for addictions (to victory potentially) and to being willing to

cheat to obtain this victory. Naturally, not everyone born in 1971 will experience this extreme

expression of this conjunction, but it now appears to have been reality for Lance.

Further complicating the story of Armstrong's athletic career is his natal Saturn in Gemini, which

opposes his natal Neptune and Jupiter conjunction (his big vision). Saturn is the force of reality and

the truth that unfolds over time and sets up a titanic battle between the dreams of Neptune and the

reality of Saturn. Even though he was awarded titles and honors, the story is not over until the role

of Saturn has been recognized.

So, let's turn our attention to the chronology of events that have unfolded in the past 6 months


Astrological Chronology

Transit 1: The Overall Theme

For all of 2011 and 2012, transiting Neptune has squared Armstrong's natal Neptune and Jupiter.

This is what I call a major transit - one that involves outer planets and impacts our life over a period

of years. When we meet for a transit forecast, we discuss these major transits at the beginning of

the session before we lay out a time line of the year ahead. These major transits take time to unfold

in our lives and represent major themes of our journey that unfold along the way as triggered by

other smaller transits.

This Neptune square tests how well we have brought our inspiration, vision and dreams into reality.

How we have managed to uncover our dreams and allow them flourish. While Lance did appear to

achieve his big dreams, they were not achieved in ethical ways. So, Jupiter rules our ethics and

Neptune was also squaring his Jupiter, which tested his ethics and this test meant they needed to

be exposed (Neptune will enforce change in our lives if we deny the change). Since Neptune rules

cheating and addictions and all of these aspects that were hidden were tested and ultimately

exposed during this time as the transits below unfolded.

Transit 2: Energizing the Crisis

On May 21, 2012, a Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees of Gemini was both conjunct Armstrong's natal

Saturn (reality) and opposed his natal Neptune and Jupiter conjunction (vision). Interestingly, Solar

Eclipses can often be understood using a bicycle analogy. If our momentum is strong and

supportive of our purpose, a Solar Eclipse can propel us forward (literally like the Sun pushing our

bicycle and allowing us to gain speed). However, if our momentum is weak or our purpose not

clear, the Solar Eclipse can topple us (like a bicycle with too little speed - the push from the Sun

topples us over).

In Armstrong's case, the Solar Eclipse both topples his bicycle (literally) and pops the bubble of the

exaggerated dream of Neptune and Jupiter.

One of the keys to a Solar Eclipse is that it's effects can be felt not only in the month before and

after the eclipse, but also for the next six months. What the eclipse is waiting for is for other transits

to trigger the events that actually change our lives.

Transit 3: The Truth Emerges

On June 12, 2012, Lance Armstrong was charged by the USADA (a sport doping authority) of

illegal doping. At this time, transiting South Node was conjunct Armstrong's natal Saturn, serving as

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the trigger that revealed the truth (Saturn) of his past actions (South Node). Also, transiting Jupiter

opposed Armstrong's natal Neptune and Jupiter conjunction, which indicates a culmination and

harvesting of past efforts. In this case, since the big vision of Neptune and Jupiter were

exaggerated, the harvesting did not generate fruitfulness, but rather destruction.

Transit 4: The Details Unfold

On August 24, 2012, Lance Armstrong was given a lifetime ban from the sport with transiting North

Node conjunctArmstrong's natal Neptune and Jupiter conjunction. So, his vision of the future was

destroyed. Also, with transiting Sun conjunct Armstrong's natal Neptune and Jupiter conjunction,

we have a crisis brought into reality.

Neptune can get angry - don't mess with him!

More About Lance Armstrong's Birth Chart - Minor Asteroids

As you know, I find that looking at the minor asteroids associated with Greek and Roman myth can

help to illuminate our birth charts. Here are some important minor asteroids in Lance's birth chart:

• Aesculapia (conjunct his natal Neptune/Jupiter conjunction) - Use of Medicine to promote

the Big Dream

• Daedalus (conjunct his natal South Node) - Use of ingenious devices to achieve success

• Kalliope (conjunct his natal Saturn) - Promoting an 'Epic Story' in an attempt to be known

throughout time

• Arachne (conjunct his natal North Node and Mars in Aquarius) - Objective truth of Aquarius

The Traveler’s Well Newsletter –November 6, 2012 – Page 10

will be the 'sticky / sticking point' that is the battle of Armstrong's life

• Moira (conjunct his natal Saturn) - Truth (Saturn) will reveal fate/final outcome, yet still

Armstrong's choice to employ doping to achieve the Big Dream


The Mid-Life transit of Neptune square natal Neptune is always a time of testing: First, have we

embraced our inspiration/spirituality/dreams in our life, and, second, have we grounded those

inspirations in reality. Both the inspiration and the reality are important to Neptune and to each of

us. We cannot deny the inspiration nor can we avoid the reality.

Many born in 1971 (Jan - Jun 1971 and Sept - early Oct 1971) have Neptune conjunct Jupiter and

have been exploring this question in potent ways in past year and will also in the year ahead. For

those impacted, it is important to embrace our inspiration and spiritual inclinations so that this can

be a time of soul searching to identify:

• What our individual inspiration is,

• What place it belongs in our life, and

• How we can take steps to bring it into reality.

Lance Armstrong had a Big Dream, but simply attempted to deny the reality of Saturn. Saturn and a

practical approach to reality can be one of our best allies, if we honor the truth and embrace

integrity (Saturn words) in our lives.

As Lance looks to move forward on his journey, we wish him all the best as recovers and moves


George Lucas & Solar Arcs

Astro-Quicky - George Lucas and Solar Arcs

While George Lucas is most famous for being the creator of the Star Wars movies, he has also built Lucasfilm, a major movie production company, which also produced the Indiana Jones films. On October 30, 2012, Lucas sold Lucasfilm to the Walt Disney Company, which means that Lucas is a particularly wealthy individual.

When my wife and I met in 1989, one of our main areas of amazement and disagreement of the other related to films. See, I was a Star Trek fan and she was a Star Wars fan. However, we were able to overcome this divide as we each introduced the other to our films. Now, we both eagerly await the next Star Wars films as we watch old Star Trek episodes. Anyway, enough of our geek fest - back to astrology....

So what does astrology reveal about this event? During October 2012, actually from September through November 2012, there are no transits of any kind that suggest any particular luck, good fortune or honor for Lucas. However, if this was a movie, I would announce the arrival of Solar Arc to the red carpet. Solar Arcs often play a key role to understanding the timing of our success and rewards in life. In astrology, the planets move in both real time (like they do in the sky) and also in symbolic time (in the case of a Solar Arc). Solar Arcs are a form of progression, which uses symbolic time to move the planets. Yet, while the technique is symbolic, the results can be very real. In October 2012, Lucas has a Solar Arc that "combines" his Sun (purpose) with his Midheaven (career and status in society). This is one of the most fortunate Solar Arcs we can experience. This suggests that Lucas could be rewarded and have his status in his career highlighted in wonderful ways. You could say, that the Sun / Mid-heaven Solar Arc was saying to Lucas, "May the Force be with you!"