The Tof Child

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Guide for parents and carers

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Page 1: The Tof Child
Page 2: The Tof Child


This book is dedicated to TOF children and their families,in memory of Benjamin Pouncey.

About this book:Co-ordinated and edited by Vicki Martin BSc BVScassistance from Sue Goodley (Nottingham Neonatal Service) and TOF parent Janita Clamp MA.

Illustration & design/layout by Vicki Martin, Andrea Slane

and Jeremy Dix of Vicki Martin Design

(www.vetdesign.co.uk). Published by TOFS, St George's

Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham NG4 2NN.Tel: 0115 961 3092 Fax: 0115 961 3097Email: [email protected] Web site: www.tofs.org.uk

First published in 19

ISBN 0 9536265 0 4

The TOF Child

This book is dedicated to TOF children and their families, in memory of Benjamin Pouncey.

About this book: ordinated and edited by Vicki Martin BSc BVSc, with

assistance from Sue Goodley (Nottingham Neonatal Service) and TOF parent Janita Clamp MA.

Illustration & design/layout by Vicki Martin, Andrea Slane

Jeremy Dix of Vicki Martin Design

(www.vetdesign.co.uk). Published by TOFS, St George's

Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham NG4 2NN.Tel: 0115 961 3092 Fax: 0115 961 3097 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.tofs.org.uk

First published in 1999

ISBN 0 9536265 0 4

Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham NG4 2NN.


Page 3: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Discharge from Hospital ................ 37

Preparing for Discharge ............ 38

Equipment ............................... 39

Feeding .................................... 39

Care of Nasogastric Tubes ........ 42

Care of Gastrostomy Tubes ...... 43

Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux ....... 44

Tracheomalacia........................ 45

Medicines ................................ 45

Chest Infections ...................... 47

Physiotherapy .......................... 47

Additional Problems ................. 47

Follow Up ................................ 48

Genetic Counselling

for Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula ... 49

What is it? ............................... 49

Why did it Happen? .................. 50

Will it Happen Again? ............... 50

Can Anything be Done

to Prevent a Recurrence? ......... 51

Feeding the TOF Child .................. 52

Breast Feeding ......................... 52

Weaning and Solid Foods ......... 52

Practical Tips on Feeding ......... 53

Reluctance to Feed ................... 54

Feed-Related Problems ............. 54

Troublesome Foods .................. 55

Feeding Difficulties .................. 55

Summary ................................ 57

Strictures and Reflux .................... 61

What is a Stricture? ................. 61

Symptoms of Stricture ............ 61

Diagnosis of Stricture .............. 62

Treatment of Stricture .............. 63

Complications of

Stricture Dilatation ................. 64

What is Reflux? ....................... 64

Symptoms of Reflux ................. 65

Diagnosis of Reflux .................. 66

Treatment of Reflux ................. 67


Introduction ..................................... 4

Editorial ........................................... 6

What is TOF / OA? ............................ 7

What is Wrong in TOF/OA? ........... 8

The Need for Surgery .................. 10

Diagnosis ................................... 10

Antenatal Diagnosis of TOF/OA

using Ultrasound ........................ 11

Conditions Occurring

with TOF/OA ............................... 14

Transfer to Another Hospital ...... 14

On Learning Your Child is a TOF ....15

Father ......................................... 16 Mother ........................................ 16

Coming to Terms with Reality .... 17

Post-Operative Period.................. 17

Prenatal Diagnosis ..................... 18

The Management of TOF/OA ........... 21

Specialist Information:

Transfer of the TOF/OA baby ……21

Pre-Operative Management .......... 21

Long-gap Oesophageal Atresia .... 24


Substitution Procedures .................. 26

Colon Interposition .................... 27

Gastric Tube Oesophagoplasty .. 28

Gastric Transposition ................. 28

Post-Operative Care ..................... 29

Outlook ...................................... 29

The Post-Operative Care

of Children with TOF/OA ................ 30 Monitoring ................................. 30

Infusions or Drips ...................... 31

Ventilators .................................. 32 Chest Drains ............................... 33

The Chest Wound ........................ 33

Feeding ....................................... 33

Recovery ...................................... 34

Other Problems ............................ 34


Page 4: The Tof Child

Respiratory Problems in TOFs ........ 71

The Respiratory System ............... 71

Tracheomalacia ................................... 73 Infections .............................................. 77

Outlook in the Longer Term ........ 80

Growth in TOF Children ................ 82

Introduction .......................................... 82

Normal Growth ............................. 82 Factors Affecting Growth

in Children .......................................... 83

Growth of TOF Children.................... 83

Who to talk to if you are worried

about your child's growth .......... 85

The TOF Family .............................. 86

Initial Anxieties .................................... 86 Getting Help and Support ............... 86

Spreading the Load ....................... 87

What to Tell the Child? ...................... 88 The Child's Viewpoint......................... 89

Siblings ..................................................... 89

Play Therapy ................................. 90

Friends ........................................................ 91

Growing up .................................... 92

Moving on ................................................. 93 Summary ....................................... 94

Long Term Outcome;

Results of a Follow-up Study ......... 95

Feeding ............................................. 95

Chest Problems ............................... 95

Exercise, Education

and Lifestyle ............................................ 95

Height and Weight ........................ 96

Lung Function........................................


Summary ....................................... 96

VACTERL ......................................... 98

Diagnosis ................................... 98

Cause ........................................... 98 Antenatal Diagnosis .................... 99

Symptoms and Treatment ............ 99

The VACTERL Child .................. 103

Radial Deformities in VACTERL .. 106

Nomenclature............................ 106

The Forearm Anomaly:

Radial Club Hand. .................... 106 Treatment of the Foreall n ........ 107

The Hand Anomaly ................... 111

Treatment of the Hand .............. 112 Late Reconstruction

and Secondary Surgery ............ 115

Summary .................................. 115

The Role of the Professional;

Who to Ask for Help ....................... 116

Parents' Worries ............................ 120

X-rays ....................................... 120

Antibiotics and Anaesthetics .... 120

Paediatric Resuscitation ................ 121

Glossary ........................................ 124

Index ............................................. 127


Page 5: The Tof Child

Introduction by the TOFS group.

When the parents of a baby diagnosed

with tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF)

or oesophageal atresia (OA) are first

told of the problems which exist and

the operation(s) necessary to correct

any defects, they are not usually in a

suitable frame of mind to absorb all the

information given to them, let alone

understand the technical language.

As the news sinks in, questions arise;

some can be difficult to ask and some

will inevitably crop up at a time when

there is no one to respond. It is hoped

that many of these questions will be

answered in this book.

Later on, when their child leaves

hospital, parents are often told that there

should be no subsequent problems. This

can make them reluctant to go back to

the hospital with queries; however because

the condition is comparatively rare, few

General Practitioners have experience of

tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF) or

oesophageal atresia (OA). The lack of a

local source of advice can be frustrating —

or even frightening — for those involved.

This book contains contributions from

medical experts as well as from parents

and TOFs themselves. The hopes are

twofold; firstly that parents will benefit

from reading the book, but also that

medical professionals and nursing staff —

many of whom may not have encountered

many TOF children, if any at all — will

gain insight into the problems which can

occur in both the medical management

and the day-to-day care of a child with

TOF / OA or VACTERL (a group of

conditions which can include TOF/OA).


The TOF Child

oesophageal fistula (TOF)


rare, few

twofold; firstly that parents will benefit

have encountered

One of the questions which parents

may want to, but cannot or do not ask

is "what are the chances of my child's

survival?" The answer will naturally

depend on the number, type and severity

of the defects, but it is a fact that

nowadays virtually no child dies from

either tracheo-oesophageal fistula or

oesophageal atresia. There is always a

small risk involved in having an

anaesthetic, and that would apply for

any child, TOF or not. There may also

be other problems of a more serious

nature, such as a severe heart defect,

but a child with just TOF and/or OA has

excellent chances of survival.

And how well they can do! Vicki

Martin, who produced this book, was


Richard Briers, patron of the TOFS group.

One of the questions which parents

may want to, but cannot or do not ask

is "what are the chances of my child's


Page 6: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

born with TOF and OA. Having qualified

as a veterinary surgeon, she decided to

combine her knowledge with her artistic

talents to follow a career as a medical

illustrator and designer. She is a keen

sportswoman, and has ridden a bicycle

from Land's End to John O'Groats. At the

1989 TOFS Conference in Sheffield, two

other adult TOFs spoke; Andrew Wood,

the father of three healthy children

himself, and David Bland – who as

well as playing squash, also rock climbs,

hill walks and is a fanatical white water

canoeist. Vicki and David n o w r u n

t h e i r o w n s u c c e s s f u l businesses.

In the TOFS office, letters are regularly

received describing the achievements of

younger TOFs.

Children with TOF and/or OA are

harder work in the early years than a

normal healthy child, but after a few years

they usually improve to such an extent

that for most of the time both the

parents and the children forget that

anything was ever wrong.

The funding for this book has been

provided by the family of a TOF child,

Benjamin Pouncey – who at the age of

6, having overcome various problems

related to the TOF condition, tragically

died in a swimming accident. His family

set up a memorial fund, to be used by

the Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula Support

group (TOFS) for a special project, and

it was agreed that the production of a

book would be appropriate.

This book is therefore dedicated to

TOF children and their families, in

memory of Benjamin Pouncey, with

many thanks to his family and friends.

`Our Son' by the parents of a TOF child

Our son was born i n ' 95

Nine weeks ear ly – lucky to be a l ive

Unable to swallow, he was critically ill

A major op' followed, we watched over him still

Twelve months on, he still cannot eat

He's fed by a pump, but we won't admit defeat

We long for the day when he'll have his first meal

And just can't imagine what rapture we' II feel

An anxious year over, he's still tiny in size

We care for him hourly, but he is our prize

His smile is electric, his heart so strong

He's so young and brave – it all seems so wrong

May '96 bring him only joy

For we love him to bits, he's our special boy


Page 7: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Editorial Vicki Martin BSc, BVSc.

Although I had seen the occasional TOFS

newsletter, the first contact I really had

with TOFS was when I was asked to give a

talk about my life at their conference.

Armed with various slides depicting

myself from before my TOF/OA operation

through to my recent graduation

ceremony, I set out to give a rather

light-hearted account of my progress to


My mother had often spoken of the lack

of support she had received in my early

years, but it was only through listening to

the other speakers and talking to parents

attending the conference that I came to

appreciate the implications of the

problem I was born with and the

importance of the TOFS group for

families. The presence of a source of

advice, support and reassurance does

alot to remove much of the sense of

frustration, despair and isolation that

seems to be all too common.

Once the shock of diagnosis has been

overcome, many of the difficulties faced

by TOF families are of a physical nature

e.g. feeding and respiratory problems.

This book will help parents by providing

factual information about these areas.

However, I hope it will also improve the

quality of life for TOF families by

removing much of the anxiety over the

condition – for after all, life is about much

more than just survival. Although the

early years with a TOF child may bring

their challenges, they will also contain

plenty of pleasurable moments as in any

'normal' family. If this book manages to

facilitate the latter, then my work will have

been successful.

I have learnt a lot in the course of

putting together this book; facts about the

condition, about other people and about

myself. The first was to be expected. The

second was a valuable bonus – sharing

personal moments with parents and other

TOFs, and gaining insight into others' lives

and attitudes. The last was in some ways

quite unexpected ... as a result of some

personal detective work to learn more

about the genetic implications of TOF/OA

and VACIERL, I requested a referral

appointment with the local genetics

service. They decided to run a few tests in

order to ascertain whether I had any parts

of the VACIERL syndrome, and to our

surprise we found that I have only one

kidney and an extra vertebra and pair of

ribs. Neither of these should cause me any

future problems whatsoever although it can

in certain situations be useful to know that

one has only a single kidney and I

therefore now wear a "MedicAlert"

bracelet. At the time I was born the various

tests to check for associated anomalies

were not routinely carried out when a

diagnosis of TOF/OA is confirmed, as they

are now.

My thanks and those of the TOFS group

go to the medical professionals who have

contributed to this book – for without them

the publication would not have been

possible, especially to Sue Goodley at

Nottingham Neonatal Service who helped

with the planning of the book as well as

giving me the chance to visit her Unit and

learn about the initial care of TOF babies.

Special thanks must also go to all the

TOFS members who shared their thoughts

and feelings, and to TOF parent Janita

Clamp who read through the many

responses and organised them into

appropriate sections as well as looking the

book over before going to press.


Page 8: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

What is TOF OA?

J .A.S . Dickson FRCS, FRCSE, FRCPCH , Consultant Paediatric Surgeon,

Sheffield Children's Hospital.

The story of oesophageal atresia can

reasonably be taken to start with this

description from Thomas Gibson's

`Anatomy of Humane Bodies

Epitomized' published in 1697:-

About November 1696 1 was sent for to an infant that would not swallow.

The child seem' d very desirous of food, and took what was offered it in a

spoon with greediness but when it went to swallow it, was like to be choked,

and what should have gone down returned by the mouth and nose, and it fell

into a struggling convulsive sort of fit but the next day died. The parents being

willing to have it opened, 1 took two physicians and a surgeon with me...We

blew a pipe down the gullet, but found no passage for the wind into the

stomach. Then we made a slit in the stomach, and put a pipe into its upper

orifice, and blowing, we found the wind had a vent, but not by the top of the

gullet. Then we carefully slit open the back side of the gullet from the

stomach upwards, and when we were gone a little above half way

towards the pharynx we found it hollow no further we began to slit it open

from the pharynx downward, and it was hollow till within an inch of the

other sl i t , and in the imperforate part of was narrower than in the

hollowed. This isthmus (as it were) did not seem ever to have been hollow,

for in the bottom of the upper, and the top of the lower cavity, there was

not the least print of any such thing, but the parts were here as smooth as the

bottom of an acorn-cup. Then searching what way the wind had passed when

we blew from the stomach upwards, we found an oval hole (half an inch

long) on the fore-side of the gullet opening into the aspera arteria* a

little above its fast division, just under the lower part of the isthmus above


* trachea or windpipe

This dramatic account very clearly

describes the commonest forms of

oesophageal atresia (OA) and tracheo-

oesophageal fistula (TOF).


Page 9: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

What is Wrong in TOF/OA?

The normal oesophagus

The oesophagus (gullet) is the passage

through which food moves on its route

from the mouth to the stomach. It starts in

the neck, just behind the larynx

(Adam's apple), and ends below the

diaphragm where it joins the stomach at

an acute angle.

Oesophageal atresia

The word `atresia' is taken from ancient

Greek and means 'no passage / no way

through.' Thus in oesophageal atresia there

is a break in the continuity of the

oesophagus. The end nearest the mouth is

not attached to the end which enters the

stomach, the gap usually occurring high up

in the chest. The presence of a blind-

ending pouch in the upper oesophagus

means that food is unable to reach the

stomach; any swal lowed mi lk or

sa l iva ins tead returns to the mouth.

The normal trachea

The trachea (windpipe) starts at the

larynx (the voice box, seen from the

outside as the 'Adam's apple' in the neck)

and passes in front of the oesophagus

before it enters the upper chest, where it

divides into two tubes, the main

bronchi, which go to the right and left


Tracheo-oesophageal fistula

A fistula, from the Latin meaning 'a

pipe,' is an abnormal connection running

either between two tubes or between a tube

and a surface. In tracheo-oesophageal

fistula it runs b e t w e e n t h e t r a c h e a

a n d t h e oesophagus. This connection

may or may not have a central

cavity; if it does, then food within the

oesophagus may pass into the trachea

(and on to the lungs) or alternatively, air

in the trachea may cross into the



I n ' A n A t l a s o f O e s o p h a g e a l

Atresia' the German surgeon Dietrich

Kluth describes 93 different variants of

these abnormalities. Fortunately only

five are at all common...

Atresia with lower pouch fistula

In 85% of cases the upper oesophagus

ends blindly, usually in the upper part of

the chest. The lower part starts at the

fistula from the trachea, which is located

near the point where it divides into the

main bronchi.

Atresia without fistula

In 8% of cases there is no fistula.

These babies are often more difficult

to treat because the gap between the

two ends of the oesophagus is usually

very wide and the stomach very small.

Fistula without atresia

Here the continuity of the oesophagus

is not affected, there being no atresia,

however there is a fistula joining the

oesophagus and the trachea. This variation

occurs in about 5% of cases and is often

called an 11 fistula,' although the fistula is

nearly always oblique and therefore more

like an 'N.'

Atresia with upper pouch fistula

Here the fistula runs from the upper

sac of the oesophagus to the trachea. This

is one of many variants making up the

remaining 2% of cases.

Double fistula

Occasionally there may be more

than one fistula present, with or

without an oesophageal atresia.

Laryngeal cleft

In this very rare condition the noimal

separation between the air passage and

the oesophagus fails to form, so that food

spills over into the windpipe on



Page 10: The Tof Child

Types of Oesophageal

Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula

Oesophageal atresiawith lower pouch fistula

(most common type - 85%




The TOF Child

Types of Oesophageal Atresia and

Oesophageal Fistula

Oesophageal atresia with lower pouch fistula

85%) Oesophageal atresia with upper pouch

fistula (less than 2%)

-1._ ` No separation of

upper airway and oesophagus


The TOF Child



Page 11: The Tof Child

The Need for Surgery

TOF/OA requires surgery for

correction of the defect(s);

i) the two ends of the oesophagus must

be joined together to allow the baby to

swallow food such that the nutrients it

contains can be digested and absorbed.

ii) any connection(s) with the trachea

m u s t b e c l o s e d o f f t o p r e v e n t

swallowed food / fluids passing from

the oesophagus into the lungs – also to

stop air passing from the trachea to the

oesophagus and then into the stomach.

Why Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula has to be Treated...

1. With a tracheo- oesophageal

fistula, air can pass from the trachea to

the stomach, causing distension.

2. Food in the oesophagus may

also pass into the trachea and lungs,

causing pneumonia.

Presence of an atresia will affect

the relative likelihood of

these events.

Why Oesophageal Atresia has to be Treated...

1. With an oesophageal atresia, food

cannot enter the stomach and

therefore the baby has no means of gaining nutrition.

2. Unswallowed fluid may also spill

down the trachea into the lungs,

causing pneumon a.


The TOF Child

the two ends of the oesophagus must

be joined together to allow the baby to

swallow food such that the nutrients it

m u s t b e c l o s e d o f f t o p r e v e n t

Diagnosis Pre-

natal diagnosis

Oesophageal atresia may be

suspected before birth:

i) The inability of the baby to swallow

may lead to excess fluid collecting in

the womb in 20-25% of babies. This is

called hydramnios or polyhydramnios.

ii) In those babies with no fistula from

the lower oesophagus to the windpipe,

the stomach is also very small, there being

nothing passing into it to encourage it to

stretch and grow.

The combination of excess fluid around

the baby and a small or undetectable

stomach on a prenatal ultrasound scan is

therefore strong presumptive evidence

that the baby has this rare form of

oesophageal atresia with tracheo-

oesophageal fistula.

iii) The level of alpha feto protein (used

to detect spina bifida and abdominal

wall defects) in the mother's blood may

also be slightly raised.

Under these circumstances, an

amniocentesis test may be carried out,

to exclude the possibility of a

chromosomal (genetic) defect which

may be incompatible with the baby's

survival; examples of such defects include

Trisomy 13, 18 and 21. If these are

present the mother should be given the

option of an elective termination of the

pregnancy. Otherwise, the pregnancy

should be allowed to c o n t i n u e t o

t e r m a n d t h e b a b y delivered by the

normal vaginal route.

The TOF Child

The inability of the baby to swallow

may lead to excess fluid collecting in

25% of babies. This is

In those babies with no fistula from

the lower oesophagus to the windpipe,

the stomach is also very small, there being

The combination of excess fluid around

f alpha feto protein (used


amniocentesis test may be carried out,




delivered by the

Page 12: The Tof Child

Antenatal Diagnosis of TOF 10A

using Ultrasound

by Dr Alan Sprigg

When babies cannot swallow, excess fluid (known as polyhydramnios) accumulates around them in the womb.

This can happen in oesophageal atresia

particularly when there is no fistula. A distal fistula allows fluid a route to the stomach by providing a way for it to travel from the trachea to the oesophagus and on to the stomach, bypassing the atresia.

Polyhydramnios also happens in severe cases of cleft lip (hare lip) and palate but these conditions can usually be picked up on the scan.

Inability to swallow is also seen with brain problems, which can not be seen on a scan.

The other feature which is seen in scans of oesophageal atresia babies, a very small or absent stomach, has to be noted on several examinations to be significant.

Overall it is not possible to put a mathematical figure on the predictive value of these signs. In the commonest form oesophageal atresia with tracheooesophageal fistula, even in the presence of polyhydramnios, it is not possible to make an definite antenatal diagnosis by conventional methods.


Two scans of babies who were horn with

oesophageal atresia.

Both scans show the head to the right as

in the normal scan above them.

i) Neither scan shows a stomach

(compare with the normal scan above).

ii) The black area (fluid) around the

is greater than normal, indicating excess

fluid (polyhydramnios).

The TOF Child


When babies cannot swallow, excess fluid (known as polyhydramnios) accumulates

This can happen in oesophageal atresia

particularly when there is no fistula. A distal fistula allows fluid a route to the stomach by providing a way for it to travel from the trachea to the oesophagus and on to the

Polyhydramnios also happens in severe cleft lip (hare lip) and palate but

these conditions can usually be picked up

Inability to swallow is also seen with brain problems, which can not be seen

The other feature which is seen in scans of y small or

absent stomach, has to be noted on several

Overall it is not possible to put a math-ematical figure on the predictive value of these signs. In the commonest form of oesophageal atresia with tracheo-

fistula, even in the presence of polyhydramnios, it is not possible to make an definite antenatal diagnosis by

Two scans of babies who were horn with

Both scans show the head to the right as

(compare with the normal scan above).

The black area (fluid) around the baby



Normal antenatal ultrasound scan, with

the baby's head and body, bladder (B) and stomach (S) labelled. The black area

immediately above the baby is fluid.

The TOF Child


and stomach (S) labelled. The black area

Page 13: The Tof Child

Diagnosis after birth

With most TOF/OA babies, there is

no warning before birth that anything is

wrong. The main characteristic of

oesophageal atresia in a newborn baby

is the inability to swallow saliva –frothing

at the mouth and 'blowing bubbles.' Fluid

gaining entry to the trachea and lungs,

either through a tracheo-oesophageal

fistula or directly from the mouth down

the trachea, may cause problems with

breathing with the baby making

exagerated efforts to breathe and/or

showing blueness of the lips and finger

tips. Any air passing into the stomach

from the trachea via a tracheo-oesophageal

fistula (often as a result of the respiratory

movements) may also distend the tummy.

If an oesophageal atresia is

suspected, the passage of a tube down

the oesophagus from the mouth will either

confirm the diagnosis (if it is held up in

the blind-ending sac) or exclude it (if the

tube reaches the stomach). It is

important that the tube used is a

reasonably stiff one; too fine a tube

may curl up in the upper pouch and give

a misleading result.

Radiographs (X-rays) of the chest are

essential to see where the tube is being

held up and to examine the lungs and

heart. Radiographs of the abdomen may

also be taken; the presence of air in the

stomach means that the lower oesophagus

is attached to the trachea (i.e. a tracheo-

oesophageal fistula).

Radiographs using barium to further

examine the oesophagus are not usually

necessary. Once the diagnosis has been

confirmed, many surgeons will start the

operation by examining the trachea and

oesophagus using endoscopy (i.e.

bronchoscopy and oesophagoscopy) to

identify the length of the upper

oesophagus and position of any fistulas.


Diagnosis of Oesophageal Atresia



lips and finger



held up in

and give


Radiographs using barium to further

examine the oesophagus are not usually

necessary. Once the diagnosis has been

confirmed, many surgeons will start the

operation by examining the trachea and

In the absence of

oesophageal atresia,

a tube will pass freely down the

oesophagus to the


If the tube will not pass beyond a small distance from the mouth, an oesophageal

atresia is suspected...

...it is very important to use a stiff tube because a flexible one might coil up in an upper pouch, giving misleading results.

Page 14: The Tof Child

Above right:

Radiograph taken looking from the side with the baby facing to the left. The jaws and base of the skull is seen at the top, the

ribs show as horizontal stripes in the chest, and the vertebrae of the spine appear as blocks to the right. The main features are: i) There is air in the stomach (the dark oval shape near the base of the rib cage).ii) A tube has been inserted through the mouth and down the oesophagus. It has been held up at the site of the atresia. These findings indicate that the baby has an oesophageal atresia and a distal tracheo-oesophageal fistula.

Below left:

Radiograph of the chest of a TOF 10A

baby, looking from the front. The ribs

show as horizontal stripes; the spine and

sternum are superimposed in the midline.

i) Barium (a so-called 'contrast agent'

which appears white on a radiograph) has

been given to the baby to swallow; it has

collected in the upper pouch of an atresia

(a little way down from the top, centrally).

ii) The stomach is very distended with air

(the large black circle, bottom right).

The TOF Child

Radiograph taken looking from the side with the baby facing to the left. The jaws and base of the skull is seen at the top, the

There is air in the stomach (the dark oval shape near the base of the rib cage).

A tube has been inserted through the mouth and down the oesophagus. It has

These findings indicate that the baby has

show as horizontal stripes; the spine and

sternum are superimposed in the midline.

te on a radiograph) has

been given to the baby to swallow; it has

collected in the upper pouch of an atresia

(a little way down from the top, centrally).

The stomach is very distended with air


Radiograph of the chest from the front showing the inadvertant and undesired outcome of a contrast swallow. The contrast agent is in the respiratory tract, highlighting the two main bronchi which branch into smaller airways in the left and right lungs. The contrast agent has also gained access to the stomach however, through a fistula. This is not a standard procedure because contrast agent is not good for the lungs.

The TOF Child


Page 15: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Conditions Occurring with TOF/OA

Other associated congenital

abnormalities may also be detected in

the abdominal radiograph.

The commonest are gut problems either

in the rectum (the last part of the large

bowel) and/or in the duodenum (the part

of the small bowel next to the stomach).

These have all been successfully corrected

even in very small babies. Rarely all

three are seen in the same baby.

It is usual to examine the heart and

kidneys using ultrasound scanning;

defects in these important organs are

common because of the associations

between TOF/OA and two groups of

abnormalities – VATER syndrome (more

recently termed VACTERL) and


The letters VATER stand for Vertebral

(spine), Anal (backpassage), Tracheal,

Esophageal (from the American spelling;

the UK spelling is `oesophageal'), Renal

(related to the kidney) and Radial (the

radius bone in the forearm); the extra

letters in VACTERL stand for Cardiac

(affecting the heart) and Limb (since

there are other limb abnormalities other

than those involving only the radius).

There are separate chapters on

VACTERL in this book which give

further details.

The CHARGE association includes

Coloboma (defects affecting the pupil

of the eye), Heart disease, Atresia of

the choanae (the passages at the back of

the nose), Retarded growth, Genital

hypoplasia (underdevelopment of the

genital organs) and Ear anomalies/


Transfer to Another Hospital

The TOF/OA condition requires

prompt surgical intervention, so where

the diagnosis is suspected before birth

it may be decided to arrange delivery

in a special maternity unit which is in

close contact with a paediatric surgical


If this is not possible, it should not

cause a problem – for example, many

years ago a baby born in Hong Kong

was transferred to London for the

operation, and arrived in excellent

condition. As soon as the diagnosis has

been confirmed, transfer to a specialist

paediatric surgical unit is arranged,

accompanied by suitably qualified staff

(this is discussed further in the next

chapter). Since the mother is rarely able to

accompany the baby, a sample of her

blood will be also required for cross-

matching before the operation.

Parents should be able to see and touch

their baby before transfer, and the

father allowed to go with the baby in

the ambulance. Polaroid photographs are

often taken, and copies given to both

parents. Arrangements for mother to

join her baby depend on her health and

how well the receiving hospital is able

to look after her; some hospitals are

reluctant to look after mothers before the

eighth day after delivery.


Page 16: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

On Learning Your Child is a TOF

Dr Lorraine Ludman BSc(Hons) PhD, a Chartered Psychologist, is a Research

Fellow in the Department of Paediatric Surgery, and Honorary Research Fellow in

the Behavioural Sciences Unit at the Institute of Child Health in London. She has worked

as a teacher, music therapist, and then as a researcher in psychology at Great

Ormond Street Hospital and the Institute of Child Health. Her main research interest has

been concerned with infants who require major neonatal surgery for congenital

anomalies; she has studied the psychological effects – social, emotional and

intellectual, on the developing child, as well as the effects on the family as a whole.

Recent work includes a major study of children and adolescents treated for anorectal

malformations, and evaluation of therapeutic intervention with children who have

anorectal malformations and Hirschsprung' s disease. She also lectures part-time in

Developmental Psychology and Health Psychology.

The birth of a baby with a congenital

abnormality such as tracheo-

oesophagea l f i s tula /oesophageal

atresia (TOF/OA), which has not been

identified prenatally, and is therefore

totally unexpected, comes as a great shock

to parents. The first question many

parents ask immediately after the

birth, is "is the baby all right?" To be

told that the eagerly anticipated joyful

event – the birth of a perfect baby – has

not been fulfilled, is very frightening.

Weary and emotionally sensitive after the

physical exertion of giving bir th, to

f ind that the baby needs major

surgery, must be like the worst kind of

nightmare. This crisis, this 'threat' to

their new precious baby, precipitates a

range of responses in different individuals

– grief, disbelief, dismay, numbness and


At first, many parents find it difficult

to understand or take in what was

happening. The world probably seems

unreal and in a turmoil.

"How can this be happening to me?"

"What did I do?"

"Who is to blame?"

"Will my baby die?"

"Will (s)he be 'normal'?"

... are questions voiced or thought

about at the time.

Despite the turmoil however, decisions

have to be made. Because s u r g e r y

n e e d s t o b e c a r r i e d o u t urgently

and hospitalisation is obligatory, the baby

should be transferred to a hospital

specialising in neonatal surgery, unless

there is a neonatal surgical unit in the

hospital where the baby is born. Parents

are asked to give consent for the

surgery and some may even be asked

whether they want to have the baby

christened before the transfer.*

After the initial shock, the role of

each parent generally differs and this

carries with it different stresses.

*If specialist treatment is possible in the hospital where the baby is born, parents will not experience

all the difficulties mentioned in the next section — however, the infant will undergo surgery soon

after birth, and will initially be cared for in an intensive care unit (ICU). Separation of the baby

from the parents is therefore inevitable.


Page 17: The Tof Child

The TOF Child


Depending on her physical

state the mother will generally

remain in the maternity unit after

the baby's transfer. On the other

hand the father may well

accompany the baby to the

specialist hospital. His roles of

keeping the mother informed

about the baby and giving her

reassurance are very important in

helping her cope with the

mixture of emotions she

experiences — loneliness, fear,

sadness, anxiety, impatience,

self-blame, anger — as well as

dispelling any irrational thoughts

about the reasons for the baby's


On arrival, he may have had the

opportunity to meet a member of the

surgical team who would have been

able to give a general explanation about

the baby's abnormality. A more complete

assessment of the baby's condition and

prognosis has to wait until the results

from various investigations become

available and the baby has been seen by

a senior member of the surgical team.

During this initial difficult period

the father may have had the added

responsibility of looking after the

couple's other children, or making

arrangements for them to be looked after,

as well as taking care of household and

family matters. It is quite common for the

effects of the emotional upheaval and the

daily stresses and strains that fall upon

fathers to be underestimated and

overlooked. Moreover, the father may

feel it is unmanly to express his feelings

and anxieties and may be reluctant to

discuss them either with his partner or

with family and friends.


After the baby's transfer many mothers

have to come to terms with being without

their baby. They may become very

anxious and harbour secret fears —

will they be able to love their baby

despite his or her faults? Will they

fail to 'bond' because they have been

separated from their baby? They should be

reassured however. Contrary to a

widespread emphasis in the popular

press and academic literature in the 70's

and 80's on the importance of bonding

and attachment — an 'instantaneous

gluing' which was thought to happen in

the first few minutes after the birth —

there is no strong supporting evidence that

this o c c u r s , o r i n d e e d i s a u s u a l

o r necessary response for the

development of a loving mother-child

relationship. We know that the

development of the bond with the baby

usually occurs over the course of time,

and that this may vary f rom a few

hours or days to several months.

Moreover, separation by itself is not

likely to be the cause of disturbed mother-

child relationships.


Page 18: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Coming to Terms with Reality

After the initial shock, and once the

mother is over the delivery and is able

to visit the baby, life does not necessarily

return to normal. Having to leave the

maternity unit and return home without

her baby is a situation which can be very

traumatic for the mo t h e r . H e r

c i r c u ms t a n c e s a r e contrary to the

expectations of her friends and family

and she may find she is involved in

trying to explain a situation which she

herself does not fully understand. This can

become tiresome and distressful.

Relationships with those close to her, as

well as with acquaintances, can become

strained. Few can understand the situation

the parents are facing or the emotions the

parents are experiencing. Moreover, each

parent will react differently to the

` c r i s i s . ' H o w e v e r c l o s e t h e i r

relationship was before the birth, they

may find it difficult to understand their

partner's behaviour and reactions. Being

able to talk to each other about the i r

fears and anxiet ies is of ten helpful

in overcoming feelings of isolation and

stress. This can however take time, and

may require a lot of patience and mutual


Post-Operative Period

Many mothers have told me that during

the early weeks after the initial surgery,

they functioned as if in a dream. Their

waking hours were often spent in the

intensive care unit or wherever the baby

was being cared for, and the world

around them appeared unreal. In addition,

hospitals and the hi-tech environment of

the intensive care unit were very

frightening for some parents. Getting to

sleep was often very difficult, and in

general they appeared to be existing in a

haze of

constant anxiety. Some mothers told

me that they felt guilty. They found it

very boring and depressing having to

spend most of the early days and weeks

after the initial operation(s) sitting by

their baby's cot. In spite of this, they

felt that they had to do what was

expected of them and were afraid to

discuss these feelings, in case they might

be considered potentially poor and

neglectful mothers. On the other hand,

some mothers became distressed if they

were not able to be with their baby all the

time, and were not given enough

opportunity to participate in their care.

A number of mothers told me that

sleeping at home in their own beds helped

them to feel more secure and more in

touch with reality. If they lived far from

the hospital, and had chosen t o s t a y

i n o r ne a r t h e s pe c i a l i s t hospital,

the ability to return home at least once

or twice a week was beneficial .

Conversely there were those who

would not be apart from the baby; if the

baby was in hospital for several weeks or

even months, this can put quite a strain

on the parental relationship. The father

might begin to feel left out and feel that

his needs (both emotional and physical)

were being ignored. Nevertheless, it is

wise to remember that this particular

problem (a mother's preoccupation

with her baby) is not unique to parents

with a sick baby, since similar problems

occur after the birth of a healthy child.

Many fathers will return to work

shortly after the birth. For some, this

will help as they will be distracted from

dwelling on the baby's problems. For

others, it will just be a further burden

which adds to an already stressful

situation. Those who live some distance

from the hospital may


Page 19: The Tof Child

find it impossible to visit the baby except

at weekends. Consequently the father may

begin to feel somewhat remote from his

partner's problems and anxieties; this can

increase feelings of guilt and be an

additional cause of strain between the


In conclusion, coping with a crisis of

this nature and magnitude will affect

individuals in different ways. Responses

will be determined by a multitude of

factors such as whether they are the

mother or the father, their age, family

and social circumstances, the way they

react to stress, and the severity of the

baby's condition. During the early

traumatic stages, it may help to know

that, given time, the nightmare fades. As

the baby recovers from the operation(s)

and is able to go

home to be

cared for by

his or her

parents, a



pattern of

family life

will, in the

majority of






there may be

many crises

still to come,

many of the

parents interviewed told me that by the

time the baby was 10-12 months old they

could start to compare their baby with

others who had not had such a dramatic

introduction to life, and begin to feel

less afraid for their infant's future



The TOF Child

it impossible to visit the baby except

at weekends. Consequently the father may

remote from his

and anxieties; this can


interviewed told me that by the

12 months old they

Prenatal Diagnosis

In the last few years, it has become

possible to identify a TOF baby before

birth at the time of ultrasound scanning.

Consequently, a small number of parents

may have prior warning that all is not well

with their baby and that he or she may

have OA. Mothers who develop

polyhydramnios in later pregnancy

may also be aware of an impending

abnormal infant.

How do parents cope with this? To

some extent, this may depend on whether

the TOF appears to be an isolated

problem, or part of a constellation of

anomalies. With support and advice from

very well informed professionals, and

possibly families who have been in similar

situations, these parents will have time

to come to terms with the

idea that the baby will not be

'perfect.' This period may

also provide time to

understand and acknowledge

some of the difficulties that

lie ahead. Since a high

proportion of TOF babies

have a very good chance of

surviving the birth and

subsequent corrective

surgery, parents may be less

anxious, and await the birth

relatively calmly. The

manner in which individuals

cope with stress of this nature

will however also depend on their

personality, social situation and the

quality of support from those close to


Prenatal diagnosis may also mean

that the birth may be prearranged to

take place at a specialist centre,

overcoming any need for transfer of

the baby after birth.

The TOF Child

Page 20: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Quotations from TOFs, their families and friends and medical professionals

"The most vivid memory of those blurred

early days was when Jacob w a s

w h e e l e d t o t h e a t r e i n h i s

incubator – so fragile and vulnerable,

and us as parents holding each other

and sobbing feeling helpless and useless. I

cry even now to think of it."

"To see doctors and nurses in the

background running around your

small child I think really brought home

what was really happening to us and

to Jamie as up until then I think we were

wandering about in a daze for the first

4 – 5 weeks, as we were travelling around

60 miles per day to the hospital. I think all

the running around you have to do

doesn't give you any time to think about

what is happening."

"I have never really felt 'why me?' I

believe about 1 baby in 3,000 has problems

like Colin' s, but statistics are meaningless

when your baby is the one. I did feel angry

when I had to go into the day room where

smoking was allowed, to find a phone. I

had been so careful when I was pregnant –

yet my baby had problems, and here were

these women puffing away, whose

babies were healthy. It didn't seem fair. It

also annoys me, even now, if parents

say they were disappointed to have a girl

instead of a boy, or vice versa. I say, as

politely as possible, that they should be

glad to have a healthy baby."

"Nicholas' older brother has a special

relationship with his granny who he had to

live with for some time. He also feels left

out at home because of the attention given

to his brother."

"One of the nurses said to me "Don't

worry – we get plenty of TOFs in

here." Strange as it seems now, at that time

I had never heard the term TOF,' I had

just been told there was a pouch in

Colin' s oesophagus. So I thought she

had said 'We get plenty of tofs in here' ,

meaning that they treated a lot of rich

kids and were therefore well-trained in

giving of their best. I thought this was a

very odd thing to say, and replied Tut he's

just an ordinary little b o y ' w h i c h s h e

m u s t h a v e f o u n d strange. It wasn't

until several days later that I realised what

she had said."

"The initial elation of an apparently normal

home delivery changed by the next day to

shock, anxiety and sorrow as severe

problems presented and prognosis for

Nicholas was poor. The major surgery over

many weeks seemed incredible for such a

tiny baby. The courage and support that

Mary and Paul gave to each other and the

continued care of Timothy (aged 3) was a

real example to all the family as they

waited to discover what the future held."

"I was frightened to begin with as the

child was so ill after birth. As I found

out more about the condition I became

less worried, but those first few months

were terrifying."

"My f irst reaction was horror and

panic. When Nicholas' physical internal

problems were explained to me I did not

expect him to survive. I was amazed at what

was surgically done for his repair and that

it was successful."

"The quote I remember from hospital

during his initial stay was "two steps

forward and one step back," at times it

seemed the numbers were reversed."


Page 21: The Tof Child

"Of course we were all devastated when

Thomas was born to find that he had

lots of problems. The children were

very upset, particularly Ben (8). He

suffered nightmares for about four months

after Thomas was born. Sonja (6) was

much more resilient. It took Ben a week

or two before he would hold Tom, but

Sonja was there just as soon as possible —

in hospital, holding Tom with all his

tubes. Ben and Tom are very close now.

Ben is away at Cardiff University and Tom

misses him dreadfully."

"We were very worried and afraid for

Jordan's life. We were horrified by him

not having a complete gullet and wanted to

know why our grandson? Why our

daughter? How?" Above:

Tom Dobbs awaiting surgery.

Page 22: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

The Management of TOF/OA

Professor L Spitz PhD FRCS, Nuffield Professor of Paediatric Surgery,

Institute of Child Health (University College London) and Great Ormond Street

Hospital for Sick Children, London.


Specialist Information: Transfer of the


Following delivery of the baby it is essential that the airway is kept clear of secretions at all times and that aspiration pneumonia is prevented. This is best achieved by passing a large calibre naso-oesophageal tube of the Replogle type to which continuous suction is applied. If this type of catheter is not available then a similar sized nasogastric tube should be passed into the upper pouch and it should he intermittently aspirated using a hand syringe. The baby's mouth should also be kept clear of secretions by intermittent aspiration of the oral cavity.

The best position for the infant during transfer is supine or on the right side. The baby must he kept warm at all times and transferred in a portable incubator, accom-panied by a qualified nurse experienced in caring for small, at risk infants.

Vitamin K by injection may be given at the referral hospital but if administered this fact must be recorded in the transfer notes and referral letter Fluid administration in the, first few hours of life is not a requirement.

If the baby is premature and/or has breathing difficulties, such as respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation may be required during transfer. This must he carried out with extreme care as it may result in distension of the stomach which will further impair respiratory problems. It is clearly in the best interest of the baby that transfer should take place to a large neonatal surgical unit which is staffed by experienced paediatric surgeons and by fully trained paediatric intensive care

nurses. Units which regularly treat infants

Pre-Operative Management

Emergency surgery for the infant with

oesophageal atresia is no longer necessary.

Indeed, a period of preoperative

stabilisation before submitting the baby

to a major operation will facilitate the

postoperative recovery. The infant 's

temperature should be kept within the

normal range and any fluid or

electrolyte imbalance should be

corrected before surgery. The operation

can safely be postponed until the

daylight hours rather than having to

be carried out in the early hours of the

morning when the surgeon may not be

at his or her best, when theatre staffing is

at emergency levels and when the ward

may have a reduced complement of

experienced nurses. However, the lack of

availability of a regular operating theatre

may dictate that the surgery has to be

undertaken at night rather than waiting

until the following evening.

The only clear exception to this is the

infant who has respiratory difficulties. It

is particularly the premature infant with

respiratory distress syndrome who is at

risk. The baby may require mechanical

ventilation because of the "stiff lungs"

and in the presence of a distal tracheo-

oesophageal fistula, the high pressures

necessary to-keep lungs inflated may

cause a significant proportion of the

inspired gases to escape down the fistula

into the stomach. The stomach becomes

increasingly distended, worsening the

respiratory status, and

Page 23: The Tof Child

the stomach itself may eventually

rupture resulting in a catastrophic

situation which is immediately life-

threatening. We have found that the

best method of managing this

sequence of events is to undertake an

emergency operation to ligate the fistula. If

the infant's respiratory status dramatically

improves, the surgeon may be happy to

continue with the p rocedure , bu t

more usua l l y t he infant's condition

is so unstable that the operation is

best left at this stage and the repair

postponed for a few days when the

problem with the lungs should have


Another circumstance which may delay

surgery or dictate a different approach is

where the infant has a major congenital

heart abnormality. Detailed investigations

of the precise anatomy of the heart will be

required (using echocardiography) and

medical treatment for cardiac failure

instituted. In rare circumstances, where

medical treatment is unsuccessful, cardiac

surgery may be advisable before correction

of the oesophageal atresia in order to give

the baby its best chances of survival.


Primary Anastomosis

The aim of surgery for oesophageal

atresia is to divide the tracheooesophageal

fistula and to perform a `primary

anastomosis,' joining the two ends of

the oesophagus dur ing the initial


Occasionally, primary anastomosis

w i l l n o t b e p o s s i b l e a t t h e f i r s t

operation because the gap between the

two ends of the oesophagus is too

wide. Surgery in these cases is described

later in this chapter, under long-gap

oesophageal atresia.'


The TOF Child

emergency operation to ligate the fistula. If

infant's respiratory status dramatically

infant's condition

Another circumstance which may delay

heart abnormality. Detailed investigations

of the precise anatomy of the heart will be

medical treatment is unsuccessful, cardiac

surgery may be advisable before correction

order to give


ends of

w i l l n o t b e p o s s i b l e a t t h e f i r s t

operation because the gap between the

two ends of the oesophagus is too

Passage of gases into stomach during mechanical respiration in

a TOF baby with stiff lungs due to respiratory distress syndrome


Following pre-operative assessment

and stabilisation, the infant is prepared

for the operative correction of the

oesophageal atresia.

Consent for the procedure is obtained

and the risks of the operation and the

chances of the baby's survival are

carefully explained to the parents.

Upper pouch (atresia)


Gases from mechanical respiration pass into stomach

Enlarged stomach

Risk of stomach rupture

Alleviation of pressure in the stomach by ligation of the fistula

Upper pouch (atresia)

Fistula 'tied off'

Gases confined to


The TOF Child


Gases from mechanical

pass into

confined to

Page 24: The Tof Child

We have recently proposed a new

classification scheme whereby if the

infant 's birthweight is greater than

1500 grams and there is no evidence of

major congenital heart anomaly, the

chances of survival are close to 100%.

the baby weighs less than 1500 g r a m s a t

b i r t h o r h a s a m a j o r congenital

heart anomaly, the chances of survival

are reduced to 60%. If the baby's weight

is below 1500 grams and there is a

major heart anomaly, the chances of

survival are much further reduced to around


The baby is then taken to the operating

theatre where anaesthesia is induced by an

experienced paediatric anaesthetist. The

procedure is carried out under general

anaesthesia with continuous and close

monitoring of all vital functions (i.e.

heart rate, electrocardiogram, blood

oxygen saturation level, body



The usual incision is along a curved

line on the right side of the chest close

to the back to just under the tip of the

shoulder blade. It should not extend close

to the nipple.

Positioning and Incision Site for Surgery

Arm placed alongside


Shoulder blade


The chest is entered between the

fourth and fifth ribs and without opening the membrane which encloses

the lung, the area of the oesophageal atresia

is approached. The distal tracheo-

oesophageal fistula is

Line of incision


Surgery for TOF/OA

Division oftracheo-


Oesophagus Trachea

Closure oftracheal end

of fistula:tube in

upper pouch

Sutures beingplaced for theanastomosisbetween theupper pouch

and distal(lower)



transanastomotictube inserted




We have recently proposed a new

infant 's birthweight is greater than

1500 grams and there is no evidence of a

chances of survival are close to 100%. If

g r a m s a t


of survival

baby's weight

there is a

ced to around

The baby is then taken to the operating

theatre where anaesthesia is induced by an

anaesthetist. The

out under general

continuous and close


The usual incision is along a curved

line on the right side of the chest close

to the back to just under the tip of the

shoulder blade. It should not extend close

opening the membrane which encloses

the lung, the area of the oesophageal atresia

The TOF Child

Division of -

oesophageal fistula

Closure of tracheal end

of fistula:

upper pouch

Sutures being placed for the anastomosis between the upper pouch

and distal



transanastomotic tube inserted




Page 25: The Tof Child

carefully identified and traced towards

its entry into the trachea, where it is

divided and the defect in the trachea

closed with fine interrupted sutures.

The proximal (upper) oesophagus is

now identified with the help of the

anaesthetist applying pressure on the

tube in the upper oesophageal pouch.

The upper pouch is mobilised sufficiently

to allow anastomosis (joining) to take

place with the least possible tension. If

there is significant tension at the

anastomosis, the infant may be electively

paralysed and mechanically ventilated (i.e.

put on a life-support machine') to reduce

the likelihood of a leak in the anastomosis.

The anastomosis is performed using

a single layer of full thickness fine

interrupted sutures. The anastomosis

should be watertight.

Transanastomotic tube

Most surgeons will pass a trans-

anastomotic tube (trans = across;

anastomosis = join) from the nose through

the oesophagus into the stomach to remove

any pressure in the stomach during the

first few days after the operation, and to

allow feeding to o c c u r o n t h e

t h i r d o r f o u r t h postoperative day.

Chest drain

Some surgeons leave a chest drain

in position for up to one week, others

have omitted this as it does not appear

to be of any great value in detecting an

anastomotic leak (a defect in the join

that allows oesophageal contents to leak

into the surrounding tissues).


The wound is closed in layers, with a

subcuticular suture to the skin (a stitch that

is buried in the skin, underneath the

surface). This type of stitch does not

require removal.


The TOF Child

carefully identified and traced towards

The proximal (upper) oesophagus is

The upper pouch is mobilised sufficiently

may be electively

paralysed and mechanically ventilated (i.e.

the likelihood of a leak in the anastomosis.

The anastomosis is performed using

anastomosis = join) from the nose through

the oesophagus into the stomach to remove

the operation, and to

Some surgeons leave a chest drain

have omitted this as it does not appear



subcuticular suture to the skin (a stitch that

Long-gap Oesophageal Atresia

Sometimes the gap between the two

ends of the oesophagus is too large to

bridge immediately (long-gap

oesophageal a t res ia ') and in these

cases a gastrostomy is performed.

A gastrostomy is a tube placed

through the wall of the abdomen (on

the left side) and passes into the

stomach to allow the baby to be fed.

After dividing the TOF, the distal

( lower) oesophagus is c losed off ,

unless it is already blind, and a tube

left in the upper pouch which is either

left attached to a suction machine or

manually aspirated at regular intervals,

to prevent overflow of saliva into the

lungs. This latter tube needs careful

and meticulous nursing care.

The gap between the upper and l o w e r

e n d s o f t h e o e s o p h a gu s i s assessed

radiologically at around six weeks to

ascertain whether a delayed primary

anastomosis is feasible. A delayed

pr imary anastomosis is a direct

joining of the two ends of the oesophagus

which has been delayed to allow the

oesophagus a little further time in which

to lengthen.

The TOF Child

oesophageal a t res ia ') and in these

unless it is already blind, and a tube

manually aspirated at regular intervals,

lungs. This latter tube needs careful


time in which

Page 26: The Tof Child


Detail of gastrostomy tube showing how

the tube is attached

Gastrostomy Tube

Upper pouch(atresia)

with tubeinserted


Front surface of the stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall


The TOF Child

Detail of gastrostomy tube showing how

A further radiological study may be

carried out at 12 weeks but delaying

further than this is unproductive and

child should be submitted to an

oesophageal substitution procedure rather

than persisting with the

intention of perfot ining a delayed

primary anastomosis after 12 weeks

(see next chapter).

If the gap between the ends of the

oesophagus is excessive (for example,

greater than the length of six vertebrae

when viewed on a radiograph), the

surgeon may decide not to wait the six

to twelve weeks before reassessment

as described above, and will instead

proceed immediately to the procedures

related to oesophageal substitution.


The TOF Child

A further radiological study may be

further than this is unproductive and the

oesophageal substitution procedure rather

ining a delayed

y anastomosis after 12 weeks

oesophagus is excessive (for example,

greater than the length of six vertebrae

surgeon may decide not to wait the six

re reassessment

proceed immediately to the procedures


Page 27: The Tof Child


Substitution ProceduresProfessor L Spitz PhD FRCS, Nuffield Professor of Paediatric Surgery,

Institute of Child Health (University of London) and Great Ormond Street

Hospital for Sick Children, London.

There are occasions when a primary

anastomosis (join) of the oesophagus,

either immediate or delayed, may be

considered an impossibility due to the

gap being too wide.

Under these circumstances the baby

is encouraged to thrive until old enough

(around 6-9 months) to undergo an

oesophageal substitution procedure. This is

an operation in which an alternative part

of the gastro-intestinal tract is utilised to

bridge the gap between the two ends of the

oesophagus, so substituting for the

normal oesophagus as a 'pipe' between

mouth and stomach.

During the months before this can be

carried out, the baby needs to gain the

experience of food in his/her mouth, to

learn to chew and swallow, and to

associate that with the feeling of

satisfaction at having been fed. Learning

these actions and associations later on,

after replacement surgery, is very

much harder to achieve.

It is therefore necessary to bring the

end of the upper oesophagus out in the

neck as a cervical oesophagostomy

and to give the infant a feeding

gastrostomy. If there is an associated

tracheo-oesophageal fistula, it will require

division and closure.

Feeding is then provided by the

g a s t r o s t o m y a n d t h e b a b y i s

encouraged to suck and take small

amounts of feed by mouth (`sham feeding,'

described in the next chapter) even though

this will not provide any


The TOF Child

Substitution Procedures Professor L Spitz PhD FRCS, Nuffield Professor of Paediatric Surgery,

Institute of Child Health (University of London) and Great Ormond Street

Under these circumstances the baby

oesophageal substitution procedure. This is

alternative part

ilised to

bridge the gap between the two ends of the

During the months before this can be


after replacement surgery, is very

end of the upper oesophagus out in the

neck as a cervical oesophagostomy

oesophageal fistula, it will require

a n d t h e b a b y i s

amounts of feed by mouth (`sham feeding,'

described in the next chapter) even though

Cervical Oesophagostomy and Gastrostomy

nourishment and will soil the neck at

the site of the oesophagostomy. Failure

of the baby to sham feed can cause major

swallowing difficulties to occur when the

oesophageal substitution is eventually

carried out.

Surgery for additional abnormalities

may be necessary around the time of

the birth. These may be correction of a

duodenal atresia or an anorectal

malformation where either a

colostomy is performed or a perineal

operation is carried out to create an

anal orifice.

Sham feed

Cervical oesophagostomy

Gastrostomy tube

The TOF Child

the site of the oesophagostomy. Failure


Page 28: The Tof Child

There are various options for

oesophageal substitution surgery:

i) colonic interposition

ii) gastric tube oesophagoplasty

iii) gastric transposition

iv) jejunal interposition

v) gas t r i c e l onga t i on The first

three are the most widely used. Jejunal

interposition is rarely

used because of the precarious blood

supply to the interposed jejunal

segment. Gastric elongation by

dividing the lesser curvature of the

stomach has been proposed by Scharli

but is not widely employed.

Colon Interposition

A section of colon is taken from its

normal location in the gut, and

transposed with its blood supply intact

into the chest, where it is joined to the

oesophagus above and the stomach


The Gastro-Intestir

Tract with Long-Gap OA

Oesophagus (gullet)



Jejunum and ileum





(appendix) •

The TOF Child

three are the most widely used. Jejunal

stomach has been proposed by Scharli

transposed with its blood supply intact

This is still the most widely used



i) The length of the graft required is

not a problem, unlike other options.

ii) Provides a tube of a good diameter.


i) Blood supply to the transplanted

section of colon is precarious.

ii) Poor peristalsis (the muscular action

which transports food down the tube).

iii) High incidence of leakage

(30% of patients).

iv) Stricture (narrowing) can occur

(20% of patients).

(v) Redundancy (lack of any muscular

activity) can develop long term.

Colon Interposition


Blood supply

Upper end of oesophagus







Lower end of


Stomach iv

Blood supply to colon

It is then placed in position, between the two ends of the oesophagus,

and sutured in place.

A section of colon is removed from its usual situation,

together with its blood supply...

The TOF Child

The length of the graft required is

Provides a tube of a good diameter.

Poor peristalsis (the muscular action

Stricture (narrowing) can occur

(v) Redundancy (lack of any muscular


Blood supply



Page 29: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Gastric Tube Oesophagoplasty

A longitudinal segment is taken from

the stomach, which is then swung up into

the chest and joined to the oesophagus.


i) Size of the graft is appropriate.

ii) Good blood supply.


i) Very long suture-line.

ii) High incidence of leakage (70% of


iii) High stricture rate (50% of


iv) Reflux commonly occurs.

Gastric Transposition

The whole stomach is freed, mobilised

and transposed into the chest. The upper

end of the oesophagus is then

anastomosed to the top of the stomach in

the neck.

This is a relatively new technique

and its long-term effectiveness is

therefore not yet proven.


i) Excellent blood supply.

ii) Incidence of leakage and strictures

both reduced to 6% of patients.

iii) Relatively simple procedure.


i) Poor gastric emptying.

ii) Bulk of the stomach is in the chest;

the sheer volume of this affects breathing

so that respiratory capacity is reduced.

iii) Reflux can be a problem.

iv) 'Dumping' occurs when food enters

the intestine quite quickly. It causes

sweating, dizziness and diarrhoea. It

usually lasts only a few months and then



Page 30: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Post-Operative Care

Oesophageal substitution, irrespective

of the technique used is a major operation

requiring technical skill, expert

anaesthesia and high level intensive care


Elective paralysis and mechanical

ventilation (using drugs to inhibit

breathing so that respiration has to be

taken over by machines) for a few days

post-operatively are generally

recommended; this puts less stress on

the suture lines and therefore gives them a

better chance to heal.

The commencement of oral feeding may

be a difficult and prolonged process,

particularly if sham feeding was

neglected. For colon interposition and

gastric tube oesophagoplasty patients,

gastrostomy feeds can be used as a

'backup' until oral feeding is established.

For gastric transposition patients, the

stomach itself has been moved, so a

gastrostomy tube is not an option. A

jejunostomy tube (a tube into the

jejunum, which is a part of the gut a

little way below

the stomach)

is therefore


inserted for




Unfortunately, long-term

complications must be anticipated in

all replacement procedures.

For colonic interposition, strictures at

the anastomotic site early on, and

redundancy and food stasis in the long

term are well known problems.

The gastric tube oesophagoplasty is

prone to stricture formation and reflux

of acid content into the upper oesoph-

agus. This may produce inflammatory

changes (Barrett's oesophagitis).

The gastric transposition may be

complicated by delayed gastric emptying

and dumping in the short term, and iron

deficiency in the long term (probably

caused by food moving swiftly

through the part of the gut where iron

absorption occurs, so that there is little

opportunity for uptake).

Should the chosen technique for

oesophageal replacement fail or be

unsuitable, one of the alternative

methods should be implemented.

Reduced respiratory function is a

feature of all oesophageal

replacements but generally the

children cope extremely well.


After a primary anastomosis

failed, Emma Louise Dodd was

given a cervical oesophagostomy

and gastrostomy, and was sham

fed for many months before a

colon interposition was

performed. She has also under-

gone surgery for scoliosis.

She is shown here aged 19 years,

a University student who lives a

full and happy life. Swallowing is

not entirely trouble-free, however

she has been discharged from all

the hospitals she was attending.


Page 31: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

The Post-Operative Care

of Children with TOF/OA RG Buick, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon and AD Lander, Senior Lecturer in

Paediatric Surgery, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Trust.

Most babies with OA and TOF will be

operated on within the first few days of

life. Before the operation, some parents

have the opportunity to see the ward

where the baby will be recovering and

to meet the key medical staff who will

be involved. In this case, much of what

will happen after the operation can be

explained in advance.

However, it is not uncommon for a baby

to be transferred to a more specialised

hospital, many miles from the one in

which they were born and where the

diagnosis came as a surprise shortly after

birth. In many hospitals the condition

may be seen only once a year — or less

— making it difficult for the staff there to

answer all the parents' questions. Parents

are often unable to accompany their baby

to the new hospital; the mother will still be

r eco ve r in g f ro m th e d e l i ve r y o r

perhaps from a caesarean section, and

the father may wish to stay with the

mother or be required to look after other

children in the family. So for many

parents, the first time they see their baby

after his/her transfer is after a major

operation; by this stage, the baby will be

on a specialised ward which is staffed

and equipped to look after little babies.

Seeing their baby in this high-tech

environment can be stressful for parents.

The ward may be called the Intensive

Care Unit (ICU), Intensive Therapy

Unit (ITU), Special Care

Baby Unit (SCBU) or it may just have

its own name, unrelated to its function.

These wards look after those babies

who are very ill or who have had major

operations. Many of the babies are

quite small and may have been born

prematurely. Initially, the ward can be

intimidating and frightening with all

the equipment, noises and flashing lights,

and may seem unfriendly because of the

busy staff, lack of space and the limits on

the number of visitors. However,

parents will soon find that they are

welcome. There will be one specific nurse

looking after the baby during any one

shift; he or she will be able to explain

much about the baby's care and progress,

and can also introduce

parents to the routine of the ward.


Immediately after the operation, the baby

needs close monitoring and frequent care.

Usually a baby is nursed on a special

high table, with sides and an overhead

heater. Most babies have their heart rate,

temperature and blood oxygen saturation

level monitored. There may be a heart

tracing known as an ECG

(electrocardiogram) which is displayed on

a screen; this is obtained through thin

wires attached to the arms and chest.

The blood oxygen saturation level is

monitored from a small device applied to a

hand or foot and

connected by a narrow cable to a


Page 32: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

The Post-Operative Care

of Children with TOF/OA RG Buick, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon and AD Lander, Senior Lecturer in

Paediatric Surgery, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Trust.

Most babies with OA and TOF will be

operated on within the first few days of

life. Before the operation, some parents

have the opportunity to see the ward

where the baby will be recovering and

to meet the key medical staff who will

be involved. In this case, much of what

will happen after the operation can be

explained in advance.

However, it is not uncommon for a

baby to be transferred to a more

specialised hospital, many miles from

the one in which they were born and

where the diagnosis came as a surprise

shortly after birth. In many hospitals

the condition may be seen only once a

year – or less – making it difficult for

the staff there to answer all the parents'

questions. Parents are often unable to

accompany their baby to the new hospital;

the mother will still be recovering from

the delivery or

perhaps from a caesarean section, and

the father may wish to stay with the

mother or be required to look after other

children in the family. So for many

parents, the first time they see their baby

after his/her transfer is after a major

operation; by this stage, the baby will be

on a specialised ward which is staffed and

equipped to look after little babies.

Seeing their baby in this high-tech

environment can be stressful for parents.

The ward may be called the Intensive

Care Unit (ICU), Intensive Therapy

Unit (ITU), Special Care

Baby Unit (SCBU) or it may just have

its own name, unrelated to its function.

These wards look after those babies

who are very i l l o r who have had

major operations. Many of the babies

are quite small and may have been

born prematurely. Initially, the ward

can be intimidating and frightening

with all the equipment, noises and

f l a s h i n g l i g h t s , a n d m a y s e e m

unfriendly because of the busy staff,

lack of space and the limits on the number

of visitors. However, parents will soon

find that they are welcome. T h e re wi l l

b e on e sp ec i f i c nu r se looking after

the baby during any one shift; he or she

will be able to explain much about the

baby's care and p rogres s , and can

a l so i n t roduce parents to the routine of

the ward.


Immediately after the operation, the baby

needs close monitoring and frequent care.

Usually a baby is nursed on a special

high table, with sides and an overhead

heater. Most babies have their heart rate,

temperature and blood oxygen saturation

level monitored. There may be a heart

tracing known as an ECG

(electrocardiogram) which is displayed on

a screen; this is obtained through thin

wires attached to the arms and chest.

The blood oxygen saturation level is

monitored from a small device applied to a

hand or foot and

connected by a narrow cable to a


Page 33: The Tof Child

nearby unit with a screen which also

displays the baby's pulse rate. There

may be a thin wire attached to a foot to

monitor body temperature.


Oxygen saturation and heart rate monitors.

To keep the upper oesophagus clear

of saliva immediately after the operation

suction may occasionally be applied at a

measured distance from the mouth, so

that the inserted tube does not damage

the sutures at the join or anastomosis.

The TOF Child

nearby unit with a screen which also

displays the baby's pulse rate. There

may be a thin wire attached to a foot to

Oxygen saturation and heart rate monitors.

To keep the upper oesophagus clear

of saliva immediately after the operation,

applied at a

the mouth, so

does not damage

or anastomosis.

Infusions or Drips

There may be a number of infusions

of fluid running through tubing to one

or more special needles (cannulas) in

baby's veins. The cannulas are usually

sited on the backs of hands or feet, in the

arms or on the scalp and are secured with

tape. Once inserted they are not painful.

When fluid is running through the cannula

into the vein it is


Jacob Mayo, aged 3 days.

This picture shows the monitoring leads and infusion lines which are commonly used post-operatively. 1. Heart rate and breathing monitors are seen on the chest.

2. The oxygen saturation measuring probe is on the baby's right hand. 3. Intravenous infusions are attached to the right arm. 4. There is a chest drain tube leading away to the bottom right. 5. The baby is attached to a respirator.6. There is a trans-anastomotic tube.

The TOF Child

There may be a number of infusions

of fluid running through tubing to one

or more special needles (cannulas) in the


feet, in the

secured with

are not painful.

When fluid is running through the cannula

This picture shows the monitoring leads and infusion lines which are commonly

Heart rate and breathing monitors are

The oxygen saturation measuring probe

Intravenous infusions are attached to

The baby is attached to a respirator. anastomotic tube.


Page 34: The Tof Child

commonly known as a 'drip' – a term

more applicable to the equivalent system in

adult patients, where fluids are usually

delivered from bottles or 'packs' of fluid

which drips down into tubes. In infants,

fluid administration is now nearly always

controlled by more accurate electronic

pumps; there may be a collection of these

small pumps attached to a stand near the

cot. The infusions may carry drugs (e.g.

antibiotics and drugs for pain-relief) as

well as the essential fluid and salts

(electrolytes) that the baby's body requires.

Ventilators Some babies may need help with their

breathing; this is supplied by a ventilator.

Certain babies may have been on a

ventilator before the operation – even

before transfer – perhaps because of

immature lungs or aspiration pneumonia

(inflammation in the lungs which results

from milk spilling into the lungs; this may

have happened during the first attempts to

feed, from which the oesophageal atresia

was suspected). In the latter situation, it is

likely that the baby will still need to be

ventilated for a period after surgery,

however many

babies who were not ventilated

before the operation will be

ventilated afterwards for anything

from a few hours to a few days.

Some surgeons

choose to paralyse (i.e. give a

drug which prevents movement

and breathing effort) and ventilate

babies for a period of five days if

there is tension on the repaired


The ventilator is usually

contained in a unit on a stand

near the cot. It is connected to

an oxygen supply on the wall

and by two plastic tubes to the



The TOF Child

more applicable to the equivalent system in

fluid administration is now nearly always


near the

body requires.

breathing; this is supplied by a ventilator.

from milk spilling into the lungs; this may

have happened during the first attempts to

was suspected). In the latter situation, it is

T he a t t achment t o t he baby i s

usual ly the thing that f i rs t s t r ikes

parents when they see their baby after an

operation, because the two tubes and their

attachments lie over the baby's face and

forehead. One of these tubes carries oxygen

to the baby; the other takes away the gas

which is breathed out. A smaller tube joins

these two larger tubes to the baby's airway

(trachea) though the nose or mouth.

The ventilator makes a cyclical blowing

noise as it pushes oxygen-enriched air

into the lungs; the tubes to the baby

often move in time with this as the

pressures within them change. If the

baby has been paralysed this action may

repeat between 20 and 60 times a mi n u t e ,

b u t l a t e r o n a s t he b ab y "wakes up"

and makes some efforts at breathing, the

ventilator may help with breaths as little as

5 times a minute.

Ventilated babies usually have an

"arterial line" which allows the oxygen


Eleanor Butcher, 3 days with parents

looking on. This photograph shows the

two tubes leading from the baby's mouth

to the ventilator.

forehead. One of these tubes carries oxygen


mi n u t e ,

s up"

Page 35: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

and carbon dioxide levels in arterial blood

to be measured from samples taken every

few hours. Blood samples taken in this way

are painless and the results allow the

ventilator to be adjusted appropriately.

The arterial line consists of a cannula

which has been inserted into an artery and

is attached to an infusion pump.

Sometimes a blood pressure monitor is

also attached to the line and the results

displayed on a screen.

Chest Drains

The most common operation to repair a

TOF/OA involves dividing the t racheo-

oesophagea l f i s tu l a and joining the

upper and lower parts of the

oesophagus. This procedure is performed

through the chest (as described in a

previous chapter).

Some surgeons leave a plastic tube

in the chest to drain any fluid or air

that might otherwise build up in the

space between the lung and the chest

wall. If the join in the oesophagus leaks,

this fluid will also come out through the

drain. The drain is

attached to a fat rubber tube that is secured

to the cot/incubator and passes to a large

bottle on the floor. The bottle contains

water, and the end of the tube lies below

the level of this water, providing an

underwater seal to the tube that allows

fluid and air to escape from the chest, but

not get back in.

The drain may be left in for just a

few days or until a contrast radiograph

(which uses a special dye in the

oesophagus) has shown that there is no

leakage from the join, usually at about

7 days after the operation.

When the time comes, the tube is easily

removed. The hole closes and heals well

without further intervention and leaves

only a small scar.

The Chest Wound

The incision in the chest is usually on

the baby's right side, below the shoulder

blade, and will have been closed with

dissolvable sutures that lie under the skin.

The wound may or may not have a

dressing; at first the wound may be a little

red but this settles down.


The oesophagus will have been repaired

around a plastic tube 3 or 4 mm in

diameter. This tube allows milk to be

given, either continuously or as small,

frequent meals. The tube passes from the

nose to the stomach and is ca l l ed a

nasogas t r i c or NG tube ; because the

tube passes through the place where the

oesophagus has been joined, or

anastomosed, staff may also call it a

transanastomotic tube. Occasionally

surgeons may remove this tube

immediately after the operation.

Feeding is started anywhere between

2 and 7 days after the operation. Some

surgeons allow this to be by mouth

from the very beginning – others wait until

full feeds have been achieved via the

nasogastric tube. If a chest drain has been

inserted, feeding by mouth may be

delayed for 7 days until the join in the

oesophagus has been shown to be water

tight on a contrast radiograph.

Small or sick babies and those with

other problems or abnormalities may

not be able to feed so promptly or by

mouth. Sometimes the surgeon will have

placed a gastrostomy tube during the

operation, which passes into the stomach

through the front of the abdomen and can be used for feeding.

Intravenous feeding, known as

parenteral nutrition – or sometimes total

parenteral nutrition (TPN) – is also

used. This may be given through a short


Page 36: The Tof Child

cannula in a limb or through a long, very

fine feeding line which has been threaded

up a vein in the head, neck, groin or in a

limb into a big vein near the heart. The

advantage of these "long lines" into bigger

veins is that more concentrated nutrition

can be given than is possible through

normal "drip" lines.


Kris Spender, 19 weeks, being fed. The

tubes under the nose give the baby

supplemental oxygen.


As progress is made the baby will

require fewer tubes and less frequent

monitoring. He or she may move to a

more normal-looking cot, and may even

move to a less intensive ward while

feeding is established.

Most babies are ready to go home after

7-10 days of satisfactory feeding on the

breast or by bottle, but others may take

longer because of prematurity, other

anomalies or feeding / breathing problems.

Every baby is different. Sometimes the

last few days of


The TOF Child

fine feeding line which has been threaded

advantage of these "long lines" into bigger

concentrated nutrition


on the

anomalies or feeding / breathing problems.

recovery are made at the referring

hospital near the parents' home.

When discharged from hospital,

arrangements are made for the surgeons to

see the baby in the outpatient department

to review progress.

Other Problems


A major leak of fluid from the join

in the oesophagus is now an unusual event

thanks to modern surgical advances, but

remains a serious one. If a leakage

occurs, it usually does so in the first

three or four days after the operation. A

leak may be suspected because the baby

becomes ill with a fever, and may require

more oxygen or ventilation. A chest

radiograph may show some air or

f luid around the lung. If there is any

doubt over the diagnosis a small amount of

liquid w h i c h s h o w s u p c l e a r l y

o n a radiograph can be put into the

oesophagus and radiographs taken to

s ee whe the r t h i s appea r s t o l eak

around the anastomosis area at all. A small

leak may be treated with antibiotics and

stopping the feeds by mouth or tube. A

larger leak, which the surgeons believe will

not heal up on its own, will require surgery.


When a baby is born with tracheo-

oesophageal fistula, the trachea is

frequently not as ridged as normal.

Normally the trachea is held open by

stiff rings of cartilage which stop it

collapsing when the baby breathes; these

rings play the same role as the stiff

rings that keep the hose pipe open on

vacuum cleaners. Any area lacking these

supporting rings is likely to be a bit

floppy and may narrow during breathing.

This narrowing may be a minor problem

that the baby grows out

larger leak, which the surgeons believe will

Page 37: The Tof Child

of – however, sometimes when the baby

is distressed and crying the floppy trachea

narrows so much that the baby cannot

breathe and goes blue. If these episodes are

considered severe and/or often enough to

be dangerous, later surgery is often

recommended (see chapter on respiratory



The baby may become yellow, or

jaundiced, during the first week of life.

This is not uncommon in otherwise noinial

newborn babies. This yellow colour

should gradually fade and disappear

without treatment; if the jaundice

increases to a certain level, a special

ultraviolet light will be shone on the

baby to reduce the jaundice.

Gastro-oesophageal reflux

This is another common problem seen

with oesophageal atresia. In this condition,

milk returns back up the o e s o p h a g u s

a f t e r i t h a s b e e n swallowed.

Sometimes stomach acid is also forced

up the oesophagus, where it can cause

inflammation and scarring (see chapter

on Strictures and Reflux).

The TOF Child

however, sometimes when the baby

is distressed and crying the floppy trachea

much that the baby cannot

breathe and goes blue. If these episodes are

considered severe and/or often enough to

recommended (see chapter on respiratory

g the first week of life.

This is not uncommon in otherwise noinial


on the

This is another common problem seen

with oesophageal atresia. In this condition,

o e s o p h a g u s


also forced

it can cause

(see chapter

Quotations from TOF s, their families and friends and medical professionals

"One of the amazing things was seeing

how quickly tiny babies can recover

heal after the kind of major surgery which

would render adults incapacitated for


During Hannah's first week, there were

times when my feeling of separation from

Hannah was overwhelming, particularly at

night when I could hear other babies

crying and I was alone in my room. I often

found I naturally awoke when Hannah was

due her "all care" every 3 hours, and

would trek down to SCBU. The staff were

wonderful, giving us the encouragement

and confidence that quickly enabled us

do tube feeds and cuddle or bath Hannah

with leads and tubes in tow. We were

encouraged to make decisions, whenever

possible, about Hannah's care. After the

first difficult day of trying to breast-feed

when Hannah was 11 days old, I asked if it

was possible for Hannah and I both to be

transferred to the high dependency ward

to establish feeding. This was quickly put

into place and helped enormously. l' 11

never forget that feeling of elation

when Hannah and I were together both

day and night. I couldn't stop looking at


I found it incredibly difficult to leave

Hannah at all, although as the weeks

became months, I knew that I had to

spend the occasional night away from

the hospital."


Jacob Mayo aged 17 months.

This is the baby shown photographed in

intensive care at the start of this chapter.

The TOF Child

families and friends and medical

"One of the amazing things was seeing

how quickly tiny babies can recover and

heal after the kind of major surgery which

During Hannah's first week, there were

times when my feeling of separation from

s overwhelming, particularly at

crying and I was alone in my room. I often

found I naturally awoke when Hannah was

would trek down to SCBU. The staff were


and confidence that quickly enabled us to


We were

encouraged to make decisions, whenever

possible, about Hannah's care. After the


when Hannah was 11 days old, I asked if it

Hannah and I both to be

the high dependency ward

to establish feeding. This was quickly put

into place and helped enormously. l' 11

that feeling of elation

and I were together both

I couldn't stop looking at

spend the occasional night away from

This is the baby shown photographed in

intensive care at the start of this chapter.


Page 38: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

"Steve and I seemed to be emotionally

strong at different times, and with the help

of family, friends and the medical staff, we

were able to encourage one another."

"On the day we left hospital I was very

apprehensive as to what may lie ahead

for him. I am pleased to be able to tell

you, however, since bringing Craig

from hospital that day, we have never

looked back.

I was always careful in the early days

to ensure food was kept in small portions

or reasonably mashed down to be on

the safe side. I kept up with the

communications from TOFS and took

their advice; they were a great comfort

through the early years.

I have taught him not to `eat in a hurry'

He is not under the hospital any more.

The consultant has not seen him since

he was nine and when we did see him

it was always a happy event telling

him how well Craig was."

"In the parents' waiting room at the Neo-

natal Unit there is a photo-album of all

the babies who have stayed on the unit.

Most of them were of TOF babies and

children who had obviously grown up and

were enjoying a happy childhood. It was

that album which gave me and my husband


comfort. To see those children who had

been so ill like our Mark make such a

remarkable recovery gave us tremendous


"I left hospital about four days after Tom

was born and I spent my days at the

hospital with Tom, coming home so that

I was here when Ben and Sonja came

home from school, then once they were in

bed and we'd had a bedtime story, I

returned to the hospital and stayed until

about midnight. It was tiring, but I felt

that it was unfair on Ben and Sonja to

disrupt their lives any more."

"Freddie recovered very well from his

surgery and was able to come home after

two weeks. He was a very tense, unhappy

baby for the first five months a n d I

t h i n k t h e n a t u r a l b on d i n g process

took longer for us than it would have

with a 'normal' child. The trauma and

worry of having a TOF baby robs you of

some of the joy of becoming parents at

first, but once you start to relax and live

with the condition it is amazing how

quickly avoiding! dealing with chokes

becomes part of your routine. Freddie is

now nearly three and is a wonderfully

happy and physical little boy; he has

only had one more stay in hospital to

r e m o v e s o m e p e a s h e w a s

inadvertently given at nursery. Freddie

now has a brother, William. His birth

enabled us to experience some of what

we missed when Freddie was in special

care – the pleasure of taking your

child straight home from hospital and

caring for him during those first few weeks

– but it is strange to have a baby who at

seven months could already munch his way

through foods Freddie cannot manage!"


Page 39: The Tof Child

Discharge from HospitalJM Beck, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, and Penny Seymour,

Neonatal Surgical Outreach Sister, The

Taking your baby home from the

hospital is a big step, but one that you

should be looking forward to. After the

trauma of the hospitalisation period

you will need privacy and time to

establish a routine in the comfort of

your own home.

Planning and preparing for

discharge will help to give you the

confidence you need to handle any

difficulties which may arise. You will

then know where to look for support,

help and advice in case of problems

and what to do in an emergency.

Treat your baby as normally as possible; play with your child, talk to them, provide stimulation, love and security. Remember too that a little discipline and order are required in order to establish healthy routines.

The TOF Child

Discharge from Hospital JM Beck, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, and Penny Seymour,

Neonatal Surgical Outreach Sister, The General Infirmary at Leeds.

hospital is a big step, but one that you

should be looking forward to. After the

trauma of the hospitalisation period

establish a routine in the comfort of

discharge will help to give you the

confidence you need to handle any

difficulties which may arise. You will

then know where to look for support,

help and advice in case of problems

possible; play with your child, talk to them, provide stimulation, love and security. Remember too that a little discipline and order are required in order to establish healthy routines.

Normality also entails attendance a

clinics for developmental checks and

routine health care. Although your

TOF baby may well need some

specialised care, in other respects they

need exactly the same attention as any

other baby.


It is important that your baby is

protected from the common infectious

diseases of childhood, so the full

standard vaccination programme is


Despite the fears and worries

periodically raised about vaccination,

it is beneficial — and for TOF babies

the prevention of whooping cough is

particularly important.

The TOF Child

Normality also entails attendance at

clinics for developmental checks and

specialised care, in other respects they

need exactly the same attention as any

the common infectious

standard vaccination programme is

periodically raised about vaccination,

and for TOF babies

the prevention of whooping cough is


Page 40: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Preparing for Discharge

Babies born with OA/TOF can develop

further problems after they have been

discharged from hospital. It is important

that you have the opportunity to learn as

much as possible about these potential

problems before you go home. Many of

the medical professionals you meet outside

the specialist unit will not be familiar with

oesophageal atresia since it is a relatively

rare condition.

The most common problems to be

aware of relate to feeding, gastro-

oesophageal reflux and respiratory

difficulties, all of which are discussed

in detail elsewhere in this book.

Not all babies born with oesophageal

fistula will have problems, however a

significant number are affected to a

lesser or greater extent. It is therefore

best to be prepared.

Increasing care responsibilities

As the time for discharge from hospital

approaches you will be encouraged to take

an increasing amount of responsibility for

your baby's care.

If your baby is not being breast fed

you will need to learn to make up and

give feeds, either by bottle or tube. You

w i l l a l s o h a v e t o m e a s u r e a n d

administer any medicines accurately

and provide all the normal day to day care

your baby needs.

There may also be 'add on' bits of

care that you will have to be familiar

with, like the management of tubes

and stomas. If physiotherapy, suction or

oxygen are still required in hospital by

the time you are thinking towards

discharge, then it is likely that your baby

will continue to require this at home and

such treatments will need to become part

of your normal routine.

Medical and nursing staff will be

spending time talking to you about

your baby and what extra care, if any,

you will need to learn about and continue

at home.

Discuss your home circumstances

and the level of support available to

you with hospital staff; if there are

problems they are there to help.

Make sure you understand

When you are given explanations in

hospital, do not allow professionals to

get away with jargon that you don't

fully comprehend. If terms are used that

you don't understand, do not hesitate to ask

for the advice to be repeated in simple

language. Many parents report that nursing

staff are far better at explaining problems

and techniques in simple language than the

medical or surgical staff.

A number of explanatory leaflets

are available, the best being produced

by TOFS. Ask what leaflets the unit

has, read them and discuss the contents

with the staff.

Be prepared

The thought that you may one day need

to resuscitate your baby is a very

frightening one. The need very seldom

arises, however it will increase your

confidence enormously if you can have

a demonstration of basic first aid

resuscitation techniques.

Many units have 'dolls' on which

you can practice and videos

demonstrating what to do. (A chapter

discussing resuscitation is found

elsewhere in this book).

The transition period

On the day of discharge you will be

leaving an environment where there is a

team familiar with the care of babies

with tracheo-oesophageal fistula /

oesophageal atresia (TOF/OA) and

associated problems.


Page 41: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

The neonatal surgical outreach nurse,

where there is one, provides an invaluable

link between the hospital, the primary

health care team and yourself.

Your GP, health visitor and other

advisors in your local primary health

care team have, in all probability, never

looked after a TOF baby before. The

emphasis of their interest in your baby is

on general well -being and child

health issues, and they can offer a vast

amount of experience of common

childhood illnesses. These aspects are of

equal importance to the care of the

specific problems with TOF/OA for a

TOF child.

The surgical unit will contact your local

healthcare team before you go home to tell

them about the problems which might be

anticipated and whether any medicines,

equipment or special supplies will be

required. Like you, they must know

what action to take and who to contact if

problems arise.

The neonatal surgical outreach nurse

will be able to provide them with

additional information and assistance

with regard to the TOF/OA condition,

on an ongoing basis. As well as meeting

members of your primary health care

team, the outreach nurse can also visit

you at home and ensure that your baby

gets good continuity of care.


If your baby needs a feed pump, suction

or oxygen at home, this will be provided

and you will be taught how to use it.

Health authorities vary in the

arrangements they make for the supply

of such equipment and with the assistance

they can provide at home. Very often the

surgical outreach nurse or hospital liaison

visitor is the best source for this kind of


Ensure that you know who is

responsible for the supply of equipment,

how to obtain fresh supplies, replace-

ments and repairs. When you leave

hospital you should have sufficient

supplies to last you at least 2-3 weeks

because it takes time for fresh supplies

to be organised.

All these arrangements need to be

planned in advance. You may find it

useful to write down lists of the things

you will need when you go home; you

can then discuss them with staff on the

ward. The more preparation you do

before you go home, the less you have

to worry about when you get there.


Feeding is described in the

following categories:

a) Oral feeding: normal feeding from

the breast or by bottle.

b) Tube feeding: milk is given

directly into the stomach by nasogastric

tube or gastrostomy, or into the small

intestine by a jejunostomy tube.

c) Sham feeding: for babies who have

not yet undergone oesophageal

anastomosis, but have been given a

cervical oesophagostomy where the upper

oesophagus is brought out to the surface

at the neck. A gastrostomy feed is

given simultaneously.

Oral feeding

The normal oesophagus is a co-

ordinated muscular tube which

actively passes swallowed drink and

food from the mouth to the stomach.

It has mechanisms to prevent

regurgitation, or reflux of stomach

contents back up the oesophagus.

Such co-ordinated action is not present

in TOF babies because of the lack of

continuity between oesophageal

segments. They are therefore liable to

choke, splutter and inhale feeds.


Page 42: The Tof Child

T h e s e p r o b l e m s c a n l e a d t o

alarming "blue do's" (cyanotic spells)

due to obstruction of breathing, and panic.

As soon as the baby stops feeding and

takes a breath, their colour will usually

return to normal promptly. If it doesn't,

tip the baby's head down o v e r y o u r

k n e e a n d t a p s ma r t l y b e t w e e n

t h e s h o u l d e r b l a d e s t o dislodge

anything which may be causing an

obstruction. If your baby remains blue and

breathing does not improve, this is an

emergency and you should call or phone

for help at once and begin the

emergency rout ine which you have

been taught.

If your baby starts to have any

problems with feeding, you should

contact the surgical unit.

Poor oesophageal co-ordination means

that TOF babies tend to take longer to

feed. They may need more breaks during

their feed, and suck more slowly to allow

time for the feed to reach their stomach.

Smaller, more frequent feeds are often

better tolerated.

Some babies seem more able to

coordinate sucking and swallowing if

the feed is made a bit thicker.

F e e d i n g b a b i e s i n a n u p r i g h t

position encourages milk to reach the

stomach more easily. Gravity will also

help to prevent gastro-oesophageal reflux

(a problem where the acidic stomach

contents are pushed back up into the

lower oesophagus, causing pain) if the

baby is kept in an upright or sitting

position for an hour after feeds.

Difficulty with feeding will be

aggravated if there is a narrowing

(stricture) due to scarring at the join

between the upper and lower parts of

the oesophagus. Often this problem only

becomes obvious when weaning to

solids starts, so solids should be

introduced into the diet with caution.


The TOF Child

due to obstruction of breathing, and panic.

takes a breath, their colour will usually

If it doesn't,

ns blue and

should call or phone

ordination means

more slowly to allow

to reach their stomach.

stomach more easily. Gravity will also

oesophageal reflux

Should difficulties arise, stop giving solids

until you have consulted your surgeon.

Introduction of solids is not

recommended in any baby before three

or four months of age and can be delayed

much longer if the baby is growing well on

milk feeds alone. (Strictures are discussed

further elsewhere in this book).

Tube feeding

For babies who are tube fed, it is

important (with very few exceptions)

to persevere with some oral feeds. In

many cases, oral feeding can then be

gradually increased and the tube

eventually discarded, in a natural

progression with no sudden changes.

Tips for tube feeding include

encouraging the baby to suck a dummy

during the feed and placing emphasis on

the social aspects of feeding by cuddling

and/or looking at the baby during the


As the child gets older, make sure

that they are included in family meal

times, have the opportunity to taste

and smell food and to copy nonnal

eating behaviour.

Above: Anthony Pierce at 2'12 months, apparently

content with his nasogastric tube.

Should difficulties arise, stop giving solids

growing well on

Page 43: The Tof Child

Nasogastric Tube

If your baby is tube fed for any

length of time, ask for referral to the

hospital speech therapist who can

devise an 'oral stimulation programme.'

This will help to maintain the skills

your baby will need to eat and drink

normally as they grow up. A baby who

does not eat through his/her mouth

may not get to learn how to use their

mouth normally; the exercises from

the speech therapist are designed to

encourage and develop muscular

function and sensation in the mouth,

which will facilitate the transition to

normal feeding later on.

Nasogastric tubes

These may be necessary in the

following instances:

i) babies who are unable to take

adequate volumes orally.

ii) babies who have severe gastro-

oesophageal reflux.

iii) babies who have very small

stomachs and need continuous feeds.

iv) babies with severe oesophageal motility and/or coordination problems.

v) babies who need supplementary

feeds at night to improve weight gain.

The TOF Child

Gastrostomy Babe

Site of anastomosis



If your baby is tube fed for any

length of time, ask for referral to the

hospital speech therapist who can

devise an 'oral stimulation programme.'

This will help to maintain the skills

your baby will need to eat and drink

normally as they grow up. A baby who


may not get to learn how to use their

mouth normally; the exercises from

the speech therapist are designed to

function and sensation in the mouth,

which will facilitate the transition to


stomachs and need continuous feeds.

oesophageal motility and/or coordination problems.

babies who need supplementary

feeds at night to improve weight gain.

If your baby is to be discharged

with a nasogastric tube, you will be

taught how to care for the tube, how to

use it safely, how to check its position

etc. Since babies pull nasogastric tubes

out at the most inconvenient times,

most parents quickly learn to re-pass

them. For those parents who do not

feel confident when their babies first

go home, alternative arrangements can

be made with a local community nurse

or hospital.

Gastrostomy tubes

I f the need f or tube f eed ing

continues or is expected to continue

over several months, a gastrostomy

tube becomes an option. This is a tube

that is positioned during a small

operation, and is inserted directly into

the stomach, through the stomach wall.

It can be left in place for much longer

than a nasogastric tube, is difficult to

pull out accidentally, and is less

obvious since it is hidden beneath the

baby's clothing.

There are a number of different

tubes; if your baby needs one, your

surgeon will select the most

appropriate size and type.

The TOF Child



If your baby is to be discharged

with a nasogastric tube, you will be

taught how to care for the tube, how to

heck its position

etc. Since babies pull nasogastric tubes


them. For those parents who do not

feel confident when their babies first

go home, alternative arrangements can

h a local community nurse

I f the need f or tube f eed ing

continues or is expected to continue

over several months, a gastrostomy

tube becomes an option. This is a tube

operation, and is inserted directly into

the stomach, through the stomach wall.

It can be left in place for much longer

than a nasogastric tube, is difficult to

pull out accidentally, and is less

obvious since it is hidden beneath the

tubes; if your baby needs one, your


Page 44: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Feeding techniques

Feeds given via a nasogastric

or gastrostomy tube can be given

a s s epara t e feeds eve ry 3 -4

hours, or as a slow continuous flow

administered by a computerised


Babies with gastrooesophageal

reflux or small stomachs are amongst

those who m a y b e n e f i t f r o m

s l o w continuous feeding. This

may be given over a 24 hour period,

in which case a portable pump is

essential. Many babies however

manage small, oral feeds during

t h e d a y a n d h a v e t h e i r

continuous feeds over a

10-12 hour period at night. This

minimises disruption to family life

and encourages more noiinal patterns

of eating during the day.

Jejunostomy tubes

Babies with severe gastro-

oesophageal reflux may benefit

f rom jejunal feeding. Babies

who have undergone gastric

t ransposit ion surgery cannot

have a gastrostomy tube inserted

and therefore a jejunostomy tube

is the only option.

The jejunum is at the top of

the small intestine, below the

stomach and duodenum.

A tube into the jejunum can be

positioned either through the nostril

and stomach, via a gastrostomy or

directly through the body wall to

the jejunum.

Jejunostomy is used much

less commonly than gastrostomy

or nasogastric feeding because the

tube is more difficult to position and

care for, and continuous pump

feeding is required over 20-24 hours.

Care of Nasogastric Tubes

Single-use PVC tubes are usually replaced on a weekly basis. Longer term feeding tubes made of polyurethane and silicone can he left in place for much longer periods if they do not become blocked and are not pulled out accidentally. Tubes should be used, changed and re-sterilised according to manufacturer's


The tube length and adhesive tape should he checked at least daily.


Check the tube position before feeding. Its opposite end should he in the stomach, the contents of which are acidic. I f a few drops of fluid which has been aspirated from the tube are applied to blue (alkaline) litmus paper, the paper should therefore turn pink.

The child should be sat up or laid at a 30 ° angle during the feed and for at least half an hour after-wards to minimise the risk of reflux and vomiting.

Bolus feeds are administered either by gravity or via a suitable enteral feeding pump. The paediatric medical staff or dietician will recommend the best method of feeding your child.

After use, flush the tube with 5m1 boiled, cooled water to prevent blockage and reduce the risks of infection.

Vent the tube if the child is unable to burp after the feed or has abdominal discomfort or distension. This involves removing the cap or spigot from the tube, for up to half an hour, to allow air to escape. When disconnecting after feeds, attach a syringe without its plunger in place, or leave the feeding set attached; if food comes hack with the wind, it can get messy! Some children may also require venting before feeds.

Re-passing tubes

When re-passing nasogastric tubes always check the length carefully and mark the depth of insertion with a small piece of tape if there is no obvious mark on the tube. Try different types of adhesive tape until you .find the best for your baby and use alternate nostrils to give the other side of the nose and face a rest.

Drug administration

Medications should be given as suspensions, and diluted using boiled, cooled water. Any tablets must he thoroughly crushed and dissolved before administration.

Flush with boiled, cooled water before and after each medication to prevent the tube blocking.


Page 45: The Tof Child

The TOF Child


Care of Gastrostomy Tubes

Principles of gastrostomy care remain the same whichever type of tube is used.

Before cleaning the gastrostomy tube or site, and before feeding,

wash your hands with soap and water. The skin around the

gastrostomy tube must he kept clean and dry (use warmed saline or water) and should be examined after feeds in case of leakage.

Tissue overgrowth or granuloma can he a problem around

gastrostomies. Using a mild antibiotic steroid ointment

(e.g. Sofradex eye ointment) on the granuloma will keep it

under control.

Baths are allowed; ensure the feeding port is closed and

the skin around the stoma is completely dry afterwards.

The end of the tube must not inadvertantly he left inside the nappy!

When the stomach and stoma are fully healed, usually after 3 -4 weeks, water activities such as swimming may be resumed.

Ensure the tube is well secured.


Check tube placement daily; blue (alkaline) litmus paper applied to fluid

from the tube should turn pink due to acidic stomach contents.

Check the tube length and/or position of the retention disc daily. Check

the balloon weekly (if applicable; not all tubes have balloons).

Ensure connectors for feeding do not stretch the gastrostomy tube. If the

connectors are too large or are jammed in too tightly, the feeding port

will stretch and milk will leak out.


The child should be sat up or laid at a 30° angle during the feed and

for 30 minutes afterwards to reduce the risk of refluxlvomiting.

Bolus feeds should be run in by gravity and should take the same

time as a meal i.e. 15-20 minutes. Never use force.

Continuous feeds should he administered by a suitable enteral feeding

pump. The paediatric medical staff or dietician will recommend the best

method of feeding your child.

After use, flush the tube with 5 -10m1 boiled, cooled water to ensure 'Keeney

and to keep bacteria to a minimum.

Vent the tube if the child is unable to burp after the feed or has abdominal

discomfort or distension. This involves removing the cap or spigot from

the tube, for up to half an hour, to allow air to escape. When disconnecting

after feeds, attach a syringe without its plunger in place, or leave the

feeding set attached; if food comes back with the wind, it can get messy! Some children may also require venting before feeds.

Drug administration

Suspensions are recommended; dilute these with boiled, cooled water.

Ensure that any tablets are thoroughly crushed and dissolved prior to


to prevent blocking. Flush with boiled, cooled water before and after each medication

Page 46: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

With a jejunostomy, the not ' tal

digestive function of the stomach is

bypassed, so food can be more difficult

to digest. Special formula milk may

therefore be needed which is easier to

digest and absorb.

Sham feeding

The importance of promoting normal

patterns of feeding has already been

mentioned. It is particularly important for

babies who have not yet had an

oesophageal repair and who have been

given a cervical oesophagostomy. In this

procedure, the blind end of the upper

pouch of the oesophagus is brought out

as an opening or "stoma" in the side

of the neck, to allow saliva to drain.

A baby with such an oesophagostomy

will also have a gastrostomy tube.

Babies should be breast or bottle fed

a t t h e s a m e t i m e a s g i v i n g a

gastrostomy feed; the milk taken orally

will of course drain out onto the neck.

Any attempts to catch the fluid is usually

in vain (although in larger babies and

older children a colostomy bag may be

useful); wrapping an absorbent towel

around the baby at feed time is often the

best way to soak it up. This procedure is

known as "sham feeding."

Giving a gastrostomy feed at the same

time as a sham feed teaches the baby to

associate sucking and swallowing with the

feeling of a full stomach. It may seem a

waste of milk, and later on of food, since

it is of no nutritional value to the baby,

but it is of great psychological benefit. It

is preparing the way for normal eating

in the future, and gives comfort and

p l easu re a t t he s ame t ime . Af t e r

surgery to reconstruct the oesophagus,

feeding problems are less in babies who

sham fed well.

Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux

There is a valve-like mechanism at

the lower end of the oesophagus which

prevents return of stomach contents to

the oesophagus (gastro-oesophageal

reflux). The mechanism is weakly

developed in most babies, hence their

tendency to vomit at the slightest

provocation. The mechanism increases

in strength and efficiency during the

first few months or years of life.

Because of the abnormality of the

oesophagus in TOF/OA, the tendency to

gastro-oesophageal reflux can be

particularly worrying and severe. It can

contribute to failure to gain weight,

feeding difficulties and chest infections.

Treatment of reflux depends at first

on posture, thickening of feeds, and drugs

to improve the motility of the oesophagus

and to promote emptying of the

stomach. Drugs to neutralise or prevent

acid secretion by the stomach can be a

useful addition which also helps to prevent

the discomfort associated with acid reflux.


Page 47: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

There is often heated debate about

the best and safest posture to counteract

reflux, but there is little doubt that being

kept propped up in a chair (but not

slumped over) is safe, effective and allows

the baby to see what is going on.

When babies are lying down, reflux

is reduced by lying them on their

stomachs, head up, in the prone position.

However, this position is not

recommended for most babies because

of the increased risk of cot death. If a baby

has severe gastro-oesophageal reflux, the

prone position may nonetheless be the

safest option.

If, for medical reasons, your doctor

has advised you to put your baby on its

stomach to sleep, then an apnoea alarm

(a monitor which registers a baby's

breathing and sounds an alarm if breathing

stops) can give additional s e c u r i t y . I t

s h o u l d b e c l e a r l y understood that

any movement a baby makes will be

interpreted by the monitor as breathing and

therefore a baby struggling to take a

breath will not necessarily trigger the


Research has shown that another good

position to minimise reflux is lying on the

left side, probably because it reduces the

pressure on the stomach.

Keeping the baby tipped head up will

help to keep milk in their stomach and

lessen any discomfort in the oesophagus.

Raise the top of the cot or p r am to

c rea t e a gent l e s l ope by placing a

pillow or folded blanket under the

mattrress, but ensure that the slope is not

so steep that the baby slips down under the


Try to avoid lying your baby flat on

their back after feeds. Changing nappies

before feeding will make vomiting or

reflux less likely than doing so when their

stomach is full.

For more information, refer to the

chapter on strictures and reflux.


This can cause problems, but only in

a minority of babies. It is a possible cause

of so-called 'blue do's' sometimes seen in

babies born with OA/TOF.

Positioning can play a part in the

management of this condition: babies

with tracheomalacia can find breathing

difficult when lying flat on their backs,

particularly if they are crying, and may

be more comfortable sat up in a baby

chair. Your doctor will advise you on the

safest sleeping position for your baby.

Babies with tracheomalacia can have

noisy breathing (stridor) when they are

otherwise healthy and well. It can

therefore be a good idea to visit your GP

for the first time when your baby is well,

so that the doctor can hear what this

sounds like. You may need to explain to

friends, relatives and health care

professionals in the community that the

noises your baby makes are quite normal

for them and that they do not have an

infectious condition. Babies with OA/TOF

often have a very distinctive cough

(referred to as 'the TOF cough') which can

sound alarming to others.

For more information, refer to the

chapter on respiratory problems.


Most TOF babies do not require

medication on discharge from the

neonatal unit. Those who do may need

it to control gastro-oesophageal reflux

or because they have other associated

anomalies (e.g. babies with renal problems

may need antibiotics).

If your baby is going home on

medication, find out what it is, why

they need it and how long for. Practise

measuring it out and giving it before

you leave the hospital.


Page 48: The Tof Child

The TOF Child


Anti-reflux medication

Cisapride: increases gut movements and helps the stomach to empty more quickly so that reflux is both less likely to occur and there is less material available to be refluxed back into the oesophagus. Sometimes leads to loose bowel actions, because food passes through the gut more rapidly and there is less time for foodstuffs and liquids to be absorbed.

Ranitidine or Cimetidine: reduce the acidity of the stomach contents, so reducing the risk of damage to the lower oesophagus and preventing

discomfort from acid reflux.

Feed thickeners

The following may he prescribed to keep milk in the baby's stomach and reduce vomiting:

Infant Gaviscon: a powder which can he added to the feed, or given afterwards mixed with a little milk or water. Gaviscon is particularly useful for breast fed babies.

Carobel: an instant thickener, which is added to the feed just before it is given to the baby.

Thixo-D or Thick' n Easy: can be added just prior to feeding or mixed in advance when feeds are prepared and stored before use.

Nestargel: added to recipe when feeds are made up and needs cooling to keep it smooth.


Babies with associated renal complications may he discharged home on a low dose antibiotic. This will discourage some of the common bacteria which lead to urinary tract infections. It will not prevent all urine infections, so if the baby becomes unwell then the urine should always be checked.

Feed supplements

Babies who have had neonatal surgery, particularly those with feeding problems, may need extra calories in their feeds to help them grow. These are prescribed under guidance from a dietician. You will need to know how to make the feeds up before your baby goes home.

Supplements are designed to give calories in the form of carbohydrates and/or fat. They come in powder or liquid form and are added to the feed when it is made up. Common examples are Maxijul, Duocal, Polycal, Liquigen and Calogen.

Giving medicines

Medicines are usually given to

babies as a syrup from an oral

syringe. Many of the doses are very

small and need careful measuring. Oral

syringes for small doses can be

difficult to obtain from the chemist at

home, so take some spare ones with

you from the hospital.

Syringes can be sterilised either in

solution or a steam steriliser. Some

syringe markings fade very quickly

and it may be wise to mark the

correct level with (e.g.) a freezer pen

as an additional guide.

Although there are a few

medicines which can be added to

feeds, most are better given before

the feed, either by syringe or in a

small amount of milk. If medicines

are added to complete feeds and the

baby doesn't finish the bottle, you

won't know how much of the

medicine the baby has had.

Read the instructions on the label;

if medicines which are given once a

day say (for example) 'give at night'

then there will be a reason for this. If

you are unsure what the reason is, ask

before you go home.

Take great care with the storage of

medicines, especially if there are other

children in the house. Some medicines

may need to be stored in a refrigerator,

others at room temperature.

Remember to ask your GP for

repeat prescriptions before you have

run out of medicine, and allow

enough time for a possible delay at the

chemist in case they haven't got it in



Page 49: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Chest Infections Respiratory infections are dealt

with in a separate chapter, but it is

important to be aware that breathing

problems can develop in TOF babies;

if your baby's breathing is becoming

noisier or more difficult, contact your

GP or the hospital for advice.

TOF babies are prone to chest

infections: if they are frequent, further

investigation will be necessary.

Occasionally a recurrence of the

original tracheo-oesophageal fistula

will be detected, but more often than

not no single cause is found.

Contributing factors include gastro-

oesophageal reflux and


Repeated courses of antibiotics and

aggressive treatment of gastro-

oesophageal reflux may be needed.

To help prevent chest infections, good

nutrition, a healthy atmosphere and

absence of overcrowding are all

important. It has been shown time and

again that tobacco smoke in the

household is a risk; if people you

know insist on smoking, keep them

away from your baby and ask them not

to smoke indoors.


Chest physiotherapy is used to

encourage drainage of secretions from

the lungs in babies producing

excessive secretions and/or tending to

inhale or aspirate feed or saliva. It may

be needed by some TOF babies at

home, especially if they have a cold.

The physiotherapy usually consists of

various actions over the chest, while

the baby is lying over your knees. It

must only be used when it has been

professionally demonstrated and

appropriate equipment provided,

because this sort of handling can

encourage regurgitation of stomach

contents and aggravate the situation.

Once the technique has been suitably

mastered, physiotherapy should be

done when the baby's breathing is

moist, bubbly and noisy.

Postural drainage

There are various body positions

which help to drain secretions from

different areas of the lung; several

positions (as taught by the physio-

therapist) are used at each session.


This technique loosens secretions in the chest, and is either done in a rhythmic clapping action with a small `mask' or with a cupped hand.


This is a shaking action using the

hand on the chest, which aims to move

secretions into the larger airways when

the child exhales.

During and/or after physiotherapy it is hoped that the child will cough and clear secretions. Young children may find it hard to cough out the secretions and often swallow them instead; this is not a problem.

Chest physiotherapy is done before

meals, usually three or four times a day.

Each session should last around a

quarter of an hour.

Additional Problems A number of TOFs have associated

anomalies which may add to their care.

P r o b l em s l i k e t h e V A TER

syndrome, congenital heart problems,

the CHARGE syndrome and others

will have been described to you if your

baby is affected, and any care

procedures fully explained.


Page 50: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Follow Up

Whatever happens, prolonged hospital

follow up will be necessary for your

baby. This follow up may be arranged at

the Regional Neonatal Surgical Unit, but it

is often both more convenient and efficient

for routine follow up to be carried out at

your District Hospital, at a special clinic

attended by one of the surgeons from

the Neonatal Surgical Unit together with

the local paediatricians.

The purpose of these follow up

clinics is twofold:

i) to check on your baby's progress —both

the particular medical problem(s) and

general growth and development,

ii) to allow you to discuss

problems that have arisen at home and

to try to answer any questions that you


The dosage of any medications may

need adjusting to allow for the baby's

growth, which is best assessed by

routinely weighing the baby at each

check-up under the same conditions and

on the same set of scales.

Arrangements for further investigations

and treatment may be made; if there are

feeding problems, an assessment has to be

made whether these might be caused by

a stricture at the anastomosis, gastro-

oesophageal reflux, or poor oesophageal

motility. Feeding problems may be

aggravated by tracheomalacia, which is

often associated with breathing

difficulties; signs of chronic chest

problems need to be looked for and

appropriately dealt with.

Advice on weaning and the introduction

of various foods may be given, including

advice on types of food to avoid if there

are problems related to oesophageal

motility, stricture, or gastro-oesophageal


(the chapter 'Feeding the TOF Child'

also gives further information).

Remember that it is not necessary to

wait for a routine follow up appointment

if there is something that you are

worried about. The neonatal unit or the

ward where your baby was nursed, will

always be happy to speak to you over

the telephone, or to make special

arrangements to see your baby if


Keep a record of important telephone

numbers next to your phone.

Finally ...

Many babies have their TOF repaired,

go home and thrive without requiring

re-admission to hospital or any

unusual treatment.

It is not always possible to predict

which babies will develop problems after

discharge, so it is wise to be prepared.

The more complicated your baby's

surgery, the more likely they a r e t o

h a v e d i f f i c u l t i e s w i t h

swallowing or feeding at some stage.

If your baby does have problems,

be reassured that they will diminish

with time.

The vast majority of TOF babies grow

up to be healthy adults who lead normal,

active lives.


Page 51: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Genetic Counselling

for Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula Dorothy Trump MD MRCP and Helen Firth MRCP DCH,

Department of Medical Genetics, Addenbrooke' s Hospital, Cambridge.

People often seek genetic counselling

to find out more about a specific condition

which has occurred in a member of the

family. They are referred to a Clinical

Genetics Centre by their General

Practitioner and will be offered an

appointment with either a Clinical

Geneticist (a doctor) or Clinical Nurse

Specialist in Genetics. During the

appointment the counsellor (the doctor

or nurse specialist) will often draw a

family tree in order to identify any other

relative who may be affected by the same


The process of genetic counselling

seeks to answer four common questions:

What is it?

Tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF)

can occur in isolation or as part of a

variety of different conditions. One UK

study found that just under half the

time (45%) TOF occurs in isolation as

the only developmental anomaly.1 In

the remainder of instances it occurs

together with other congenital anomalies.

Isolated TOF (i.e. TOF without any other

anomaly) is a 'one

off'occurrence. Where it occurs with

other anomalies there is usually an

underlying diagnosis, which falls into

one of four categories:

i) the commonest is an 'association'

such as VACTERL and CHARGE

ii) the next main group is that where

there is an underlying chromosome

abnormality e.g. Downs syndrome or

Edward's syndrome

iii) occasionally TOF is associated

with exposure to an environmental

agent e.g. excessive vitamin A or

maternal alcohol abuse. TOF is also

more common amongst twins

iv) very rarely TOF occurs as part of a

syndrome specified by a single gene

e.g. Treacher-Collins syndrome.

Below; a family tree

A geneticist will often ask for details of three generations of a family and will then draw a 'pedigree diagram' such as this to summarise the information gained. Studying the pattern of occurrence using this kind of chart helps to predict the

likelihood of recurrence.


Page 52: The Tof Child

The TOF Child


Diagnostic categories associated with TOE.

Why did it Happen?

It is usually not possible to answer this

question precisely. Most of the time we do

not know why a TOF occurred. However,

given the immense complexity of the

embryological processes involved in

forming a baby it is perhaps not surprising

that occasionally one of these processes

goes slightly awry.

During the sixth and seventh week of

pregnancy, the upper part of the primitive

foregut divides lengthways into a

digestive tract (oesophagus) and a

respiratory tract (trachea).2 If this process is

disturbed, a TOF may occur.


Embryology ... the oesophagus and

trachea develop from the primitive foregut

during the 6th and 7th week of pregnancy.

The disturbance can be due to one of the

situations described above – a genetic

or chromosomal problem affecting this

stage of development, or exposure to toxic

environmental agents – but is it usually not

possible to determine exactly why it


Will it Happen Again?

Fortunately in the great majority of

instances the answer is very reassuring

and recurrence is unlikely. Isolated TOF

occurs as a sporadic 'one-off' event and

the chances of a recurrence is

approximately 1%.3 Likewise TOFs

occurring as part of an 'association'

are usually sporadic and also have a

low recurrence risk, in the region of

3%. In the few instances where an

environmental agent has been identified,

steps can be taken to avoid exposure in

a subsequent pregnancy. It is therefore

appropriate to be optimistic about a future

pregnancy since the chance of a recurrence

of TOF is low.

Rarely TOF may be a feature of a

rare genetic disorder. It is listed as a

feature of more than 20 very rare genetic

syndromes.4 Many of these follow

predictable Mendelian inheritance

patterns; the recurrence risk is that of

the underlying disorder, which is usually

high e.g. 25-50%. The geneticist will

explain the inheritance pattern and

recurrence risks to members of the family.

In some cases a genetic test may be

available (e.g. Treacher-Collins syndrome)

and this would be discussed during the


Specialist genetic advice should be

sought, but is especially important where:

i) a TOF is not isolated, but occurs in

conjunction with other anomalies

ii) more than one individual in the

family is affected by TOF.


Page 53: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Category of individual Isolated 'Associations' Complex


Parents with one affected child: seek individual risk to future children 1% 3% advice

Individual with TOF: seek individual seek individual seek individual

risk to their own children advice advice advice

Siblings of individuals with TOF: seek individual risk to their children

negligible negligible advice

Can Anything be Done

to Prevent a Recurrence? With the exception of TOFs

occurring as part of a rare genetic

syndrome, the chance of a recurrence of

TOF is low.

Detailed anomaly ultrasound

scanning by an experienced person can

sometimes indicate a TOF antenatally. If

there is oesophageal atresia the baby is

unable to swallow the amniotic fluid

which therefore accumulates. This is

tellned `polyhydramnios.' The baby's

stomach may also appear small.

Absence of these signs may provide

reassurance in a subsequent pregnancy.


TOF Hannah Sancto with her younger

sister Rebecca, a healthy baby born

without the TOF condition.


Recurrence risks for TOF.


1. David T. J. and O'Callaghan S. E. (1975). 'Oesophageal atresia in the South West of England.'

J Med Genet 12: 1-11.

2. Moore P. 'Development of the Trachea' in 'The Developing Human Clinically Oriented Embryology' (5th edition), WB Saunders, Philadelphia: 227-29.

3. Warren J. E. K. and Carter C. 0. (1979). 'Offspring of patients with tracheo-oesophageal fistula.'

J Med Genet 16: 338-40.

4. Winter R. B. M. (1996).

London Dysmorphology Database, Oxford University Press.


Page 54: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Feeding the TOF Child

JWL Puntis BM DM FRCP FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist,

The General Infirmary at Leeds, also Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics and Child

Health, University of Leeds and Celia Shore, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Queen

Elizabeth Hospital for Children, London.

Feeding problems, although not always

present in children born with TOF/OA,

are understandably a major cause of

concern to parents – who may feel that

one of their basic roles has been denied

by a child who will not or cannot eat.

In 1988 a questionnaire survey was sent

to all 230 families belonging to the

Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula Support

group (TOFS) requesting information

about their experiences with feeding. 124

replies were received and for comparison,

parents of 50 children without any kind of

surgical or medical problems were also

interviewed (the `control' group) using the

same questionnaire. While it is possible

that families of TOF children with severe

feeding problems would have been more

likely to answer the questionnaire than

those with children who had little or no

difficulties (indeed this seems to have been

the case given the high proportion of

children with delayed repairs /

oesophagostomy), some detailed and

useful information was collected which

gives an idea of just how frequent feeding

problems are, and how they tend to

improve over the course of time.

When analysing the results, the children

were divided into two groups; firstly those

who had their oesophagus joined up at the

first operation (`early join,' 74%) and

secondly – the minority – those who had

an oesophagostomy before more definitive

surgery at a later date (late join,' 24%).

Breast Feeding

There is no reason why TOF infants

cannot be breast fed once oral feeding

is permitted. In the survey, 50% of `early

join' mothers and 28% of 'late join'

mothers had breast fed their baby for an

average period of two and a half months.

This rate was a little below the

percentage of all infants who are breast

fed in England and Wales (about 65%,

falling to 45 % by 6 weeks).

Although some hospital staff may have

counselled against breast feeding, there is

no good reason for this in any baby who

would be considered able to bottle feed,

whether the surgical join-up operation was

an early or late one.

No mothers in the survey who breast fed

reported giving up due to difficulties

related specifically to a TOF repair.

Weaning and Solid Foods

Feeding times should be relaxed and

unhurried, with the baby held relatively

upright to assist swallowing.

Weaning does not need to be delayed

and solids can be introduced from 3 to 4

months. This is important since it

seems likely that children are particularly

receptive to new tastes from around 4-6

months of age, and become more

conservative if their experience remains

limited. Difficulty coping with lumpy

food may mean that soft puree baby

foods must be given for longer than

normal. When lumps are introduced,

plenty of fluid should be given with

meals, and the


Page 55: The Tof Child

older child must be reminded to chew food

well and not to hurry. The social aspect of

meal times is important to all of us, and

eating with others has an effect of

increasing food intake. The coughing and

spluttering child should be allowed to

recover and continue with eating rather

than being made to feel excluded from the

rest of the family meal.

Practical Tips on Feeding

Parents need a great deal of support

and advice when it comes to weaning

and eating, and families should be

encouraged to ask to see the dietician

each hospital visit, or a specialist nutrition

nurse if one is available in their area.

Questions and discussions with the GP

and health visitor about feeding

management should also be encouraged

together with use of appropriate

supporting information sheets or leaflets

(see references).

Parents should be encouraged to use

home cooked food when changing from

puree foods to more lumpy textures,

since many commercial wet and dry

foods contain lumps, which my cause

coughing and choking

Vegetables, soft rice or pasta

can be well mashed with a fork,

adding pureed meat or fish. Sauce

or gravy to make food moist is

valuable for swallowing food

trouble free. Fresh fruit may be

mashed, such as banana, ripe

peaches or strawberries.

The TOF Child

older child must be reminded to chew food

aspect of

of us, and

coughing and

be allowed to

recover and continue with eating rather

than being made to feel excluded from the

eal of support

and advice when it comes to weaning

encouraged to ask to see the dietician at

each hospital visit, or a specialist nutrition

their area.

with the GP

management should also be encouraged

supporting information sheets or leaflets

Parents should be encouraged to use

home cooked food when changing from


and dry

my cause

Fibrous fruits like pineapple,

oranges and blackcurrants are not

suitable for weaning foods, and

should be avoided.

Fruits that are cooked such as apples and

pears can be mixed with yoghurt or

fromage frais to introduce babies and

young children to more interesting and

nutritious foods.

As the

baby's teeth

come through at about 7-8 months,

encouragement with chewing may be

stimulated with finger foods that are crisp

or firm e.g. sweet and savoury crackers,

grated cheese, well cooked carrot slices,

green beans or thin strips of ham. All of

these will dissolve easily once in the

mouth and so reduce any coughing and

choking that may

occur from pieces becoming stuck.

Drinks from a beaker or feeding bottle help with


The TOF Child

Fruits that are cooked such as apples and

young children to more interesting and

stimulated with finger foods that are crisp

or firm e.g. sweet and savoury crackers,

carrot slices,

of ham. All of

easily once in the

any coughing and

occur from pieces becoming stuck.


Page 56: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Reluctance to Feed

Reluctance to feed can arise in any

child who has been very ill, unable to

eat, and therefore deprived of the normal

oral stimulation which is part of

feeding. Inflammation of the oesophagus

due to reflux or stricture can also be a

cause of poor feeding or feed refusal

since swallowing is then painful; this may

occur even when vomiting is not a

prominent symptom.

Most TOF children should not fall

into this category. Those who cannot have

their oesophagus joined up early on are

given a cervical oesophagostomy and

receive 'sham feeds' by mouth. Food then

come out of the upper pouch of the

oesophagus, which now opens onto the

neck. At the same time, feeds are given

directly into the stomach through a

gastrostomy tube. In this way, the child

learns how to suck, swallow, and to

enjoy different tastes and textures until

they have grown enough for further

surgery which will allow them to eat food

in the normal way.

Feed-Related Problems

The following graph shows how often

parents reported feed related symptoms

with two or more milk feeds each day.

The average age for starting solids

was 4 months in the normal infants,

and 6 months in the TOFs. Later on,

normal infants were on average

introduced to lumpy foods at 8 months

and TOFs at 12 months.

Whilst it is clear that even normal

children may have some feed related

problems, the questionnaire showed

that the frequency of these had halved

by weaning, and they had virtually

disappeared completely by the age of

one year. In contrast, TOF children were

five or six times as likely to be considered

slow with feeds or to experience coughing

and choking, and twice as likely to vomit

during feed or refuse to take milk

altogether. This situation had not

changed very much by the time solid

food was being introduced, but did seem

to improve considerably over a longer

period of time. Of 88 TOF children at

one year of age, only 18 (20%) were

free of all feed related symptoms, but

amongst 21 children who had been

followed up for s e v e n y e a r s , 1 2

( 5 7 % ) w e r e completely symptom


Once children in 'late join' had

undergone further surgery and closure

of oesophagostomy they had a similar

frequency of feeding difficulties to `early

join' children.


Page 57: The Tof Child

Troublesome Foods

Although it is clear from this and other

studies that feeding problems generally do

get better with time, some TOFs may

continue even in adult life to associate

swallowing problems with

certain types of food which they

then avoid. This is probably

because there is still some incoordination in the

oesophagus. In the

survey the most

frequently identified

"problem" foods were

meat (37% of children), apple (23%),

bread (23%), oranges (14%) and raw

vegetables (12%). These are foods which take longer to grind

up when chewing and tend to be

swallowed as larger lumps.

In fact, a further 38 problem

foods were listed, but often only

one item was mentioned by any

one family. Making sure that

food is well

chewed seems to be the message here,

together with the acknowledgement

that it is often impossible to predict

whether or not particular foods will cause

difficulties in any one individual.

Feeding Difficulties

There are a number of reasons why TOF

children have feeding difficulties.

Normally, food is propelled through

the oesophagus by a wave of muscle

contraction which sweeps it along down

to the stomach.

In TOF children, this process is never

completely normal (even in the child

without symptoms). Coughing or choking

occurs when incoordination of the

oesophageal muscle means that food or

fluid stays in the oesophagus and spills

back into the trachea. Sometimes on a

radiograph, fluid can

The TOF Child

Although it is clear from this and other

studies that feeding problems generally do

get better with time, some TOFs may

continue even in adult life to associate

meat (37% of children), apple (23%),

bread (23%), oranges (14%) and raw

chewed seems to be the message here,

together with the acknowledgement

whether or not particular foods will cause

There are a number of reasons why TOF

Normally, food is propelled through

contraction which sweeps it along down

In TOF children, this process is never

completely normal (even in the child



food or

and spills

back into the trachea. Sometimes on a

be seen to go up and down the

oesophagus like a yo-yo.

Less commonly, there may be a

narrowing (stricture) at the point in the

oesophagus where the surgeon has joined

the two ends together, which

simply doesn't open up to let food

through. This is usually caused by

a natural process of scarring as

the wound heals, and is

treated using dilatations

(stretching). Gastro-

oesophageal reflux is

another cause of

feeding difficulties; both

of these problems are discussed in a

separate chapter.

Sometimes food — or occasionally

an unusual object swallowed by a

young child, often

termed a 'foreign

body' — may get

stuck in the I —

oesophagus and

cause a blockage

(obstruction). This

can be either 'functional'

(due to incoordination of the

oesophageal muscle, so that food is not

propelled down to the stomach) or

`mechanical' (due to a stricture i.e. a

physical narrowing of the oesophagus

due to scar tissue such that solids cannot

pass through).

Whatever is involved in the blockage,

the obstruction it causes may mean that

swallowing even saliva from the mouth

is impossible.

If the child becomes very distressed

the blockage fails to clear within an hour

or two despite taking sips of water,

hospital assessment will be necessary. You

should telephone your local paediatric unit

and arrange to go to the ward. This kind of

problem is more common in the early

years after surgery and rare beyond ten

years of age.

The TOF Child

narrowing (stricture) at the point in the

oesophagus where the surgeon has joined

through. This is usually caused by

a natural process of scarring as

treated using dilatations

oesophageal reflux is

feeding difficulties; both

or occasionally

an unusual object swallowed by a

young child, often

termed a 'foreign

may get

oesophagus and

cause a blockage

muscle, so that food is not

physical narrowing of the oesophagus

due to scar tissue such that solids cannot

Whatever is involved in the blockage,

mean that

the mouth

If the child becomes very distressed or

the blockage fails to clear within an hour

hospital assessment will be necessary. You

r local paediatric unit

and arrange to go to the ward. This kind of

years after surgery and rare beyond ten


Page 58: The Tof Child

Oesophageal Function

Normal: wave of peristalsis moves food down the oesophagus

Oesophageal incoordination: muscular activity is abnormal

Stricture: narrowing prevents food passing through the oesophagus


The TOF Child

Oesophageal Function

Normal: wave of peristalsis moves food down the oesophagus

Oesophageal incoordination: muscular activity is abnormal

Stricture: narrowing prevents food passing through the oesophagus

The TOF Child

Page 59: The Tof Child


From the survey it appeared that most

parents felt they had not been warned

about feeding difficulties likely to be

encountered at home, or given advice

regarding diet and weaning. Some parents

stated that feeding difficulties dominated

their lives and many expressed feelings

of isolation and helplessness.

Further Reading

1. Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula – TOF's

Guide to Weaning Foods. Leaflet by

Celia Shore, sponsored by Milupa

and available from the Queen

Elizabeth Hospital, London E2 8PS.

ISBN 1 898081 15 8.

2. "What's for Dinner Today, Mum?"

A short guide to weaning.

Leaflet available from the Department

of Health, PO Box 410, Wetherby,

LS23 7LN.

3. Puntis JWL, Ritson DG,

Holden CE, Buick RG.

Growth and feeding problems after

repair of oesophageal a t res ia .

Arch Dis Child 1990; 65: 84-88 (this is

the TOFS survey).

4. Smith IJ, Beck J.

Mechanical feeding difficulties

a f t e r p r i m a r y r e p a i r o f

oesophageal atresia. Acta Paediatr

Scand 1985; 74: 237-9.

5. Orringer MB, Kirsh MM, Sloan H.

Long-term esophageal function

following repair of esophageal atresia.

Ann Surg 1977; 186: 436-43.

6. Dellert SF, Hyams JS, Treem WR,

Geertsma MA. Feeding resistance

and gastroesophageal reflux in

infancy. J Paediat Gastroent Nutr

1993; 17: 66-71.

The TOF Child

From the survey it appeared that most


to be

encountered at home, or given advice

regarding diet and weaning. Some parents

stated that feeding difficulties dominated

y expressed feelings


Leaflet by

by Milupa

E2 8PS.

"What's for Dinner Today, Mum?"

Leaflet available from the Department

of Health, PO Box 410, Wetherby,

Growth and feeding problems after

repair of oesophageal a t res ia .

88 (this is

a f t e r p r i m a r y r e p a i r o f

oesophageal atresia. Acta Paediatr

Orringer MB, Kirsh MM, Sloan H.

repair of esophageal atresia.

Dellert SF, Hyams JS, Treem WR,

Geertsma MA. Feeding resistance

infancy. J Paediat Gastroent Nutr

In children who have been joined up

early on, swallowing difficulties should

be anticipated – although some seem to

have no problems at all. Experienced

nursing staff, dieticians, speech therapists

and occupational therapists may be able to

give useful advice. Much practical and

emotional support for parents struggling

with feeding difficulties has come from

other parents within support groups such as

TOFS, many of whom have seen their

children get over their problems and grow

to be strong and healthy.

Quotations from TOF s, their families and friends and medical professionals

"Jacob is now 17 months old and won't

eat or drink anything. We try and be

positive that things will improve, but

feel we need more help on the psych

ological difficulties of re-learning

swallowing and not retching and

panicking every time food goes into the

mouth. We have had to fight hard for

the support we do receive, which is

hard with all your other worries."


James Wharfe at 1 year, who had a

gastrostomy tube until 27 months old. At 14

years old, he is said to eat like a horse!

The TOF Child

In children who have been joined up

early on, swallowing difficulties should

although some seem to

nursing staff, dieticians, speech therapists

and occupational therapists may be able to

Much practical and

for parents struggling

with feeding difficulties has come from

other parents within support groups such as

many of whom have seen their

get over their problems and grow

and friends and medical

"Jacob is now 17 months old and won't

eat or drink anything. We try and be

positive that things will improve, but

feel we need more help on the psych-

panicking every time food goes into the

mouth. We have had to fight hard for

gastrostomy tube until 27 months old. At 14


Page 60: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

"The pressure on TOF families is huge.

When you tube feed it's such a

performance wherever you go. My

husband used to go fishing and I was so

desperate one day to get out of the house I

took the stand and fed her out of the car

window in a field. The sickness and mess

was always a problem. You were always

tense hoping she wouldn't bring any

food back and at other children's parties

you had to explain to people without being

boring. Those curled up bibs were a


"On buying him his first ice-cream cornet

he turned it upside down as he was

more interested in the wafer as he hadn't

been allowed it before."

"We used to lie to strangers about his age

– he only weighed 12 lbs aged one. a

photographer said how alert he was for a

10 week old (he was 10 months at the

time but I didn't explain.) He gulped some

fillet steak which he had taken from

someone else's plate age 6. The surgeon

said there was enough meat for a pie

stacked in his gullet. I was very

embarrassed, it seemed as though I'd been

feeding him giant fillet steaks."

"Our lasting memory of the postoperative

period has to be the sham feeding, and the

look of horror on the face of a workman,

who was artexing our ceilings. He came

to ask me a question as I was feeding

Alexander and the vision of me standing

with a syringe of milk in one hand and a

bottle in the other along with the

squelching noise coming from Alexander's

neck region, was all too much for him, he

made a very fast exit."

"But we have to admit all the hard work

of sham feeding is worth every second, just

to see Alexander tucking into his meals

with no problems is a pleasure."

"Breast feeding was a very difficult task.

After surgery Catherine refused the breast

and would fight whenever she came in

contact. I expressed and tried to put her to

the breast for 10 minutes at every feed. At

about 4 weeks I discovered nipple shields

and so she fed from me happily for the first

time. After a hernia repair at 3 months

while still half asleep she fed without the

nipple shield! It was a wonderful moment.

Catherine was breast fed for 17112 months.

I feel that breast feeding her was my

greatest ever achievement."

"I have always been told he will eat one

day, but as the months pass you do start to

wonder if people are telling you the

truth. Well last month Matthew actually

took some yoghurt in his mouth and

swallowed it. I just couldn't believe it, I

don't know how to explain it. He still

takes small amounts but it is a start and

I can actually see a small hole at the end

of the tunnel."

"I had no idea what was in store when I

started giving him solid food. It took hours

to get anything into him; even scrambled

egg had to go through a sieve, and often

enough he brought it all back up again.

At one stage, when he was a little older,

I used to count out, individually, ten Rice

Krispies, which (if I was lucky) he could

eat, without milk. He used to look at the

food the other children had, and say

hopefully 'tiny bit?' (having heard me

say he could try a tiny bit on a few

occasions). He longed to eat crisps, but

could never keep them down. It was

wonderfu l when we found he could

cope with Skips. His brother and sister

naughtily taught him to make a sicky

noise and say "been sick," which had

me rushing up with a cloth a few times, to

find it wasn't true!"


Page 61: The Tof Child

"I nearly burst with love and pride when we first took him to a Beefeater Restaurant (he was 3) and he managed a Mister Men meal of soup, fish-stars, potato-letters and baked beans, followed by clown sundae ice-cream, without getting stuck once."


Freddie Clamp-Gray enjoying his 2nd

birthday party with the help of Wotsits, thin

crust pizza and potato salad.

"One amusing thing that Philippa sometimes does when she's stuck is to bounce around on her hopper. I don't know if it helps but she at least feels as if she's doing something."

"She is used to drinking at mealtimes – between mouthfuls and before she starts eating – and even close relatives cannot help themselves commenting that the f luid wil l f ill her up. She ignores this and so do we, because this together with chewing food very extensively has enabled her to eat more or less "normally." If she feels unable to cope with something in her mouth, she will remove it – say grape skins or a tough piece of meat."

The TOF Child

"I nearly burst with love and pride when we first took him to a Beefeater Restaurant (he was 3) and he managed



birthday party with the help of Wotsits, thin

sometimes does when she's stuck is to bounce around on her hopper. I don't

t least feels as

"She is used to drinking at mealtimes between mouthfuls and before she

and even close relatives cannot help themselves commenting that the f luid wil l f ill her up. She

because this

extensively has enabled her to eat more or less "normally." If she feels unable to cope with something in her

say grape

"Rachelle' s school friends don't tend to invite her home for tea or to parties because their parents are terrified of her getting something stuck and not being able to cope. This is very unfair on Rachelle. We have had to stop going out to restaurants so often and can't just pop into McDonald' s because Rachelle can't cope with the food there."

"We know that Olivia feels different at mealtimes, at nursery, birthday parties and family gatherings. She looks nervous and uncomfortable. As she watches

what others are doing you can tell she wants to join in by eating normally but doesn't feel she can or know how."

"Our son has been extremely lucky in that he has never had any problems following the repair of his OA at birth. He was breast fed until 11 months; went on to solids at four months and eats whatever we eat. In the beginning I would never let anyone else feed him would not have those worries now."

"Laura's school provides supervised lunch times but they call me in if she has a bad choke. I asked them to normalise the situation as much as possible which they have done. I don't want Laura to feel too different from the other children."

"Eleanor has been attending nursery school for a few hours a week since she was 19 months old. She stayed for lunch from 21 months old and we ensured the nursery nurses were fore-warned about Eleanor's occasional problems of getting food stuck. Also that they were not to put any pressure on her to eat (I could top her up with a gastrostomy feed when I got her home). We feel sure that Eleanor was encouraged with her eating by sitting with and watching other

children at mealtimes."

The TOF Child

"Rachelle' s school friends don't tend to invite her home for tea or to parties because their parents are terrified of her getting something stuck and not being able to cope. This is very unfair on Rachelle. We have had to stop going

often and can't

Rachelle can't cope with the food there."

"We know that Olivia feels different at mealtimes, at nursery, birthday parties and family gatherings. She looks nervous and uncomfortable. As she watches

others are doing you can tell she wants to join in by eating normally but

"Our son has been extremely lucky in that he has never had any problems following the repair of his OA at birth.

; went on to solids at four months and eats whatever we eat. In the beginning I would never let anyone else feed him I would not have those worries now."

"Laura's school provides supervised lunch times but they call me in if she

normalise the situation as much as possible which they have done. I don't want Laura to feel too different from

"Eleanor has been attending nursery school for a few hours a week since she was 19 months old. She stayed for lunch rom 21 months old and we ensured the

warned about getting

not to put could top

her up with a gastrostomy feed when I eel sure that Eleanor

eating by


Page 62: The Tof Child

"He started on solid foods (a very, very

sloppy consistency) at five months old.

failed at all attempts to introduce any

second stage foods and eventually gave

up trying until I felt he was more able.

He ate 'mush' until he was quite old.

He disliked intensely any commercial baby

foods and I always gave him ordinary food

blended and sieved. His general health

improved during the summer of 1996 and

I requested to visit a speech therapist

after reading an article on a child with an

eating disorder. Through my own efforts

we visited a wonderful lady who

specialised in feeding difficulties. This

visit began the road to recovery. Kris

was introduced to 'bite and dissolve'

finger foods which he took to instantly. I

was advised never to introduce lumps into

food but just to make the consistency

firmer. Over the next few months I

followed her advice to the letter and Kris

made rapid progress. He is now 23

months old and eats an almost normal

diet. I do not however give him foods

that I feel may cause a problem. I spend

more time preparing Kris's food. He eats

all cooked veg and fruit, but I avoid

giving him all foods of a solid

consistency such as raw veg, apples and

foods in a natural skin such as sausages

and oranges. Meat he has shredded to a

crumb-like state."

"Sarah says she feels different at school

dinner time because she has two drinks

instead of one, and other children say it's

not fair. She tells them it's because she

gets `stucks' ."

"Whenever Sarah attends a party with

her friends I tell the parents her problem

but without trying to alarm them. School

have been good, but sometimes I feel if she

hasn't got something stuck for some time,

they forget to give her extra drinks. I

have to go and remind them."


The TOF Child

"He started on solid foods (a very, very

sloppy consistency) at five months old. I

failed at all attempts to introduce any

second stage foods and eventually gave

up trying until I felt he was more able.

He disliked intensely any commercial baby

foods and I always gave him ordinary food

summer of 1996 and

he took to instantly. I

to introduce lumps into

as sausages

two drinks

children say it's

have been good, but sometimes I feel if she

"Harriet's brother is four years old. He

is wonderful with Harriet and asks if

she can eat things before he gives her

anything. He has accepted her problems

more easily than anyone."

"Sometimes when I have things like lamb

chops or chewy meat I feel a lump in

my throat, so to get rid of it I push with

my thumb to help the food go down."

"Having a TOF child is a full time job.

My son Matthew is 2 and is still tube

fed overnight and we have just started

introducing food to him. A meal time

for Matthew takes over an hour to

complete. I can't go to work as I can't

leave him with anybody."

"...one of the hardest things is when you

see other children eating in, say, a Mac-

Donald's – they don't know how lucky

they are. Matthew is the happiest, most

contented child I know. He never cries,

whines or complains even though he has

probably had more operations than most

people would have in a lifetime."


Leslie Brown aged 11 months. Leslie took some 16 months to get to the stage of attempting to eat finger food; at 11

months she had a jejunostomy tube.

Page 63: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Strictures and Reflux Mark D Stringer MS FRCS FRCP, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Leeds.

Both of these are quite common in infants

born with oesophageal atresia with or

without a tracheo-oesophageal fistula, but

only a minority will require open surgery to

correct the problems.

What is a Stricture?

A s t r i c t u r e i s t h e c o m mo n e s t

problem requiring surgical treatment after a

TOF repair, occurring in about one third of

babies, particularly in the first few months

after surgery. It is a narrowing in the

oesophagus, usually due to scarring at the

join (the anastomosis) between the upper

and lower parts of the oesophagus, in

which case it is called an anastomotic

stricture. Occasionally, a stricture develops

lower down in the oesophagus and in this

area it is usually due to gastro-oesophageal

reflux. Very rarely, children with TOF/ OA

are actually born with a stricture in the

lower oesophagus; this is termed congenital


Anastomotic strictures are more likely

in certain infants, in particular, those

where the surgical join in the oesophagus

has been particularly difficult because of

the wide gap between the ends of the

oesophagus. If the anastomosis is under

tension, the blood supply to the join site is

impaired and it will tend to heal as a

tougher and more fibrous scar. Some of

the old-fashioned stitch materials like

silk were more likely to cause strictures.

Strictures are also believed to be

worsened by gastro-oesophageal reflux;

acid from the stomach damages the

delicate join in the oesophagus and

encourages more scarring.

Symptoms of Stricture

Typically, symptoms develop within a

few weeks or months after the baby's

oesophagus has been joined up. The baby

may be slower to feed or may choke and

splutter during the feed. This is not a

'one-off' episode, but happens with each

feed. A stricture may become apparent for

the first time when the baby is tried with

solid food. Advice should be sought from

the surgical unit.

Not all swallowing problems are due

to strictures. We know that abnormal

contractions of the oesophagus (called

dysmotility) and difficulties with learning

to feed are important causes of feeding

problems in some TOF children (see

Chapter 'Feeding the TOF Child').

In older children with a stricture,

there may be difficulties swallowing

lumpy food but it is important to

remember that TOF children often have

difficulties in this area anyway.

Types of Stricture


Page 64: The Tof Child

If a child has previously coped well

with a certain consistency of solid food

and then starts to have problems with

swallowing, this suggests a stricture.

Dealing with obstructions

Occasionally, a piece of solid food may

actually get stuck in your child's

oesophagus (called a bolus obstruction).

This may be vomited back or remain stuck

and cause distress.

Once the child has calmed down,

see if they are dribbling their saliva.

If they are, then there is a complete

blockage and you will need to seek

expert medical attention.

If the child is not dribbling, try and

get them to sip some water since food

materials will often dissolve and pass

through. If the child cannot tolerate

liquids within an hour or two then you

will need expert advice.


The TOF Child

with a certain consistency of solid food

Occasionally, a piece of solid food may

This may be vomited back or remain stuck

If the child is not dribbling, try and

get them to sip some water since food

materials will often dissolve and pass

thin an hour or two then you

A f o o d b o l u s o b s t r u c t i o n c a n

happen in an oesophagus with only a

minor narrowing and typically occurs

with unchewed lumps of meat, apple,

sausages, etc. However, a food bolus

obstruction can also indicate a stricture

that needs dilatation. Very occasionally, a

stricture comes to light if a child swallows

an unusual object (known as a foreign

body) such as a coin which then gets


Diagnosis of Stricture

A stricture can be confirmed using

either of two techniques:


The child is given a drink of barium

or some other safe liquid which shows

up white on a radiograph. This is done

in the radiography department where

the passage of the dye (called a contrast

material) is watched in motion as it goes

down the oesophagus. The use of X-rays in

this way is called fluoroscopy.

A stricture may be seen.

Alternatively, there may be minimal

narrowing in the oesophagus in which

case the feeding difficulty has another

cause such as oesophageal dysmotility.


The other way to diagnose a stricture

is to look down the oesophagus with a

telescope (called oesophagoscopy), a

procedure which requires a short


Anastomotic stricture: contrast material

(e.g. barium) is seen outlining the

oesophagus down to the s tomach ( the

white area at the bottom). An anastomotic

stricture can be seen about a third of the

way down this view. The white stripes passing

from top left diagonally downwards are the

ribs; the thicker hand passing them at

right angles in the top left is the spine.



rays in

Alternatively, there may be minimal

narrowing in the oesophagus in which

case the feeding difficulty has another

Page 65: The Tof Child

general anaesthetic and is necessary in

cases of persistent food bolus obstruction

since the obstructing material can be

removed with the aid of the endoscope.

Grasping forceps can be passed

through the endoscope and the material

withdrawn with the scope, or the food

can be dissolved with squirts of water,

or occasionally, the food bolus can be

simply pushed on down the oesophagus

into the stomach.


Foreign body in the oesophagus.

The patient has swallowed dye (contrast

material) which has flowed around the

foreign body to outline the oesophagus.

The foreign body (the circular, white area)

is lodged above an oesophageal stricture.

The TOF Child

tic and is necessary in

cases of persistent food bolus obstruction

removed with the aid of the endoscope.


withdrawn with the scope, or the food

of water,

bolus can be

the oesophagus

The patient has swallowed dye (contrast

material) which has flowed around the

foreign body to outline the oesophagus.

The foreign body (the circular, white area)

is lodged above an oesophageal stricture.

Treatment of Stricture

A stricture can be successfully treated

by stretching it up (called a dilatation).

This is done under a general anaesthetic

but can be carried out in several ways.

Most commonly, the surgeon passes

telescope (called an endoscope or

oesophagoscope) down through the mouth

to the level of the stricture. Then a fine

plastic rod is passed through the stricture.

A series of gradually larger rods are then

passed through until the stricture has been

sufficiently dilated.

An alternative method is for an X

ray doctor (radiologist) to pass a thin

flexible wire (known as a guide-wire)

through the stricture whilst checking

its position with a radiograph. Once

the wire is safely through the stricture

and into the stomach, a thin hollow plastic

tube is passed over the wire and down into

the oesophagus. This tube has a balloon

on the end which can be gently inflated

when it lies across the stricture. As the

balloon is blown up, the stricture is

dilated (called balloon dilatation).

The TOF Child

A stricture can be successfully treated

by stretching it up (called a dilatation).

general anaesthetic

out in several ways.

Most commonly, the surgeon passes a


a fine

plastic rod is passed through the stricture.

A series of gradually larger rods are then

passed through until the stricture has been

An alternative method is for an X-

ray doctor (radiologist) to pass a thin


through the stricture whilst checking

the wire is safely through the stricture

and into the stomach, a thin hollow plastic

down into

has a balloon

ich can be gently inflated

stricture. As the


Page 66: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

When performed by experts both

methods are safe and effective and relieve

the symptoms. The child is able to feed

within a few hours and is often able to

go home the same day or soon after. A

chest radiograph may be performed to

check that there is no sign of a

complication (see below).

A very small number of strictures keep

coming back despite repeated dilatations.

In these circumstances any gastro-

oesophageal reflux must be treated since

the presence of stomach acid in the

oesophagus may be aggravating the

situation. Occasionally, further operative

surgery may be needed.

Some surgeons try injecting the

stricture scar tissue with steroids which

have an anti-inflammatory effect. This

injection can be carried out with a special

needle through the endoscope. The

idea is that when the stricture is then

dilated it might heal with less scarring

and therefore be less tight.

Other options include actually cutting

out the stricture and rejoining the

oesophagus or considering a major

operation to replace most of the

oesophagus. Such operations include

removing most of the oesophagus and

using a piece of large bowel to bridge

the gap between the healthy upper

oesophagus and the stomach (colonic

interposition) or bringing up the stomach

through the chest and joining it to the

upper oesophagus in the neck (gastric

transposition). (See chapter on

Oesophageal Substitution Procedures).

Complications of

Stricture Dilatation

Stretching a stricture can lead to

complications but these are rare when

the procedure is performed by

experienced personnel.

The most worrying complication is

splitting the oesophagus which causes it

to leak (called an oesophageal perforation).

This is most often recognised by seeing a

pocket of air outside the oesophagus on

the chest radiograph or if the child

becomes unwell after the dilatation. An

oesophageal perforation can be dangerous

and requires prompt treatment with

antibiotics, intravenous fluids and

sometimes, a tube put into the chest to

drain away any infected fluid. Oesophageal

perforations are rare and this kind of

treatment would allow most to heal up.

Only rarely would an operation be required

for this complication.

Any child born with a cardiac (heart)

abnormality ought to receive antibiotics

before the dilatation to minimise any

chance of an infection settling in the


Anastomotic strictures usually get better

after one or two dilatations but

occasionally, several stretches are

necessary. If the stricture keeps coming

back, it might be because there is a

p a r t i c u l a r l y d e n s e s c a r a t t h e

oesophageal join, it may be because gastro-

oesophageal reflux is making the stricture

worse, or it may be because there is a

congenital stricture. These problems all

require separate solutions which may

involve further surgery.

What is Reflux? Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is

the involuntary passage of gastric contents

into the oesophagus. With GOR, as the

stomach empties into the bowel (the

duodenum), part of its contents are also

squeezed back into the oesophagus. Since

the stomach contents are acidic ,

i r r i ta t ing acid passes into the


The lower oesophagus has several

features that normally prevent GOR


Page 67: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

causing problems. There is a sort of valve

in the lower oesophagus made up of a

high pressure area, a sharp angle between

the oesophagus and stomach and a

pursing of the lining of the oesophagus at

its junction with the stomach. This valve-

like mechanism is not s t rongly

developed in normal babies and

explains their tendency to vomit. This

tendency reduces during the first few

months or years of life as the antireflux

mechanisms in the oesophagus get


In TOF babies, GOR is even more

common. This is partly because the

o e s o p h a g u s h a s n o t d e v e l o p e d

normally and partly because repair of

the oesophageal atresia often pulls the

junction between the oesophagus and

stomach upwards, weakening the

antireflux barrier. TOF babies can

therefore vomit more easily than normal

babies. In time the tendency to GOR

lessens, but in some children with

repaired oesophageal atresia, GOR causes

major problems. GOR is more likely to

be a problem if there has been a wide

gap between the oesophageal ends and the

repair has been particularly tight.

Antireflux mechanisms

Symptoms of Reflux

Remember that all healthy babies

have a tendency to GOR which

improves with time, so the question

really is whether GOR is causing a

problem in your baby – rather than

whether GOR is occurring at all.

Reflux causes frequent vomiting after

feeds. This is not the small mouthfuls of

vomit (`possets') seen in all babies, but

the vomiting of large amounts of the feed.

This can happen immediately after a feed

or occur repeatedly right up until the

next feed. If GOR is severe, the baby has

great difficulty gaining weight because

he/ she is unable to absorb all of the feed.

Other problems may also occur.

The oesophagus may become sore

from the acid (the adult equivalent

which is heartburn) leading to

irr itabil ity and poor feeding in the

child. In some cases, bleeding from the

oesophagus causes anaemia or signs of

blood in the vomit (haematemesis).

Anastomotic strictures can be made worse,

as mentioned previously.

Rarely, reflux can happen so quickly

that it leads to the baby inhaling vomit,

leading to a chest infection or difficulty

with breathing. In severe cases, the

baby may temporarily stop breathing

(called 'apnoea').

Most TOF babies have mild reflux

( i .e . a tendency to vomit ing af ter

feeds) which gets better by itself or

with medicines but a few have severe

reflux which needs intensive treatment

with several medicines or even an



Page 68: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Diagnosis of Reflux

Listening to the history often gives the

doctor vital clues as to whether GOR is

causing problems. Sometimes, it is

difficult to tell whether a TOF baby's

feeding problems are due to GOR or a

stricture or some other problem. There are

several ways to diagnose GOR.


The commonest method is to get the child to swallow some dye (contrast

material) in the radiography department.

Normally, the stomach contracts and

empties the dye into the first part of

the bowel (the duodenum). The dye is

prevented from passing upwards into

the oesophagus by the valve-like

mechanism mentioned above. If the child

has gastro-oesophageal reflux, as the

stomach contracts to empty, the dye is

also seen travelling up the oesophagus.

The severity of the reflux can be

assessed by how much dye passes

upwards and whether it just enters the

lower oesophagus or passes right up to

the throat.

pH Study

This involves passing a fine tube

through your child's nose down into the

lower oesophagus. A radiograph is

sometimes necessary

to check the position

of the tube. The tip of

the tube has a small

sensor which

measures the

surrounding acidity

(or pH) which is

recorded by a small

computer. The pH

study usually runs

for 24 hours, during

which the child can

eat and drink and live

a fairly normal life

within the constraints

of the equipment (as

carried by the boy

shown here).

Any antireflux

medicines must be

stopped before the test

to avoid giving a false reading. Normal children have a

little acid in the lower oesophagus for

brief periods only (less than 5-10% of

the time) but children with significant

GOR have acid present for much longer



Gastro-oesophageal reflux: contrast

material (white) is seen passing up the

oesophagus from the stomach (the round,

solid-looking area on the right), as

indicated by the open arrows. The slightly

cloud-like accumulations of contrast

material below and to the left of the

stomach represent stomach contents

which have passed on beyond the stomach

into the duodenum and small intestine.


Page 69: The Tof Child


Persistent gastro-oesophageal reflux

of acid causes the lining of the lower

oesophagus t o become in f lamed

(called oesophagitis) and this redness

and soreness can be seen by endoscopy



Oesophagoscopy: normal lower

oesophagus, viewed through an endoscope.


Oesophagoscopy: endoscopic view of

lower oesophagus, with oesophagitis.

The TOF Child

oesophageal reflux

of acid causes the lining of the lower

oesophagus t o become in f lamed

(called oesophagitis) and this redness

seen by endoscopy

oesophagus, viewed through an endoscope.

lower oesophagus, with oesophagitis.

Milk scans

These are used in some centres. This

technique is also known as gastro-

oesophageal scintigraphy and involves

the baby taking a small amount of radio

active material by mouth, followed by a

milk feed; the baby is then scanned by a

special camera which detects the

distribution of the radioactive marker.

test does not require sedation and the

radiation dose is less than that involved in

performing a barium meal. The presence of

radioactivity in the oesophagus indicates

GOR but there is none of the anatomic

detail seen with a barium swallow which is

the more popular investigation.

Treatment of Reflux This depends on the severity of the

reflux and how much trouble it is causing

your child.

Mild GOR, which is probably present

in all TOF infants (and many otherwise

healthy babies), tends to improve spont

aneously with age and often gets a little

better when the baby is able to wean on to

more solid food. Simple measures that are

helpful include changing the position of

your child (posturing) and, in babies,

thickening the milk.


There has been some argument about

the best and safest posture to counteract

reflux. GOR tends to be worse when lying

flat and therefore a gentle raise of the

head of baby's cot can be useful.

can be done by putting a pillow or folded

blanket under the mattress to create a

gentle head-up slope. Never attempt to let

your baby sleep directly on a pillow

which could be dangerous. During the day,

keeping your baby propped up in a chair

(but not slumped over) can help prevent

reflux. Changing the nappy before feeds

makes vomiting

The TOF Child

. This

oesophageal scintigraphy and involves

the baby taking a small amount of radio-

active material by mouth, followed by a

milk feed; the baby is then scanned by a

ioactive marker. The


radiation dose is less than that involved in

performing a barium meal. The presence of

radioactivity in the oesophagus indicates

GOR but there is none of the anatomic

llow which is

reflux and how much trouble it is causing

Mild GOR, which is probably present

in all TOF infants (and many otherwise

improve spont-

aneously with age and often gets a little

better when the baby is able to wean on to

more solid food. Simple measures that are

helpful include changing the position of

your child (posturing) and, in babies,

re has been some argument about

the best and safest posture to counteract

reflux. GOR tends to be worse when lying


head of baby's cot can be useful. This

can be done by putting a pillow or folded

attress to create a

attempt to let

which could be dangerous. During the day,

keeping your baby propped up in a chair

(but not slumped over) can help prevent



Page 70: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

less likely than doing so when his/her

tummy is full.

Milk feed thickeners

There are many varieties of milk

thickeners. These are some of the

commoner ones:

Carobel, Nestargel

Made from Carob seed flour. Added

just before a feed to thicken it instantly.

Thixo-D, Thick and Easy

Made from maize starch. Can be added

just before a feed or mixed in advance

when feeds are prepared and stored.


A powder which can be added to infant

formulas or given after a breast feed.

Feeding your baby with slightly

smaller volumes of milk given at more

frequent intervals may also be helpful.

If your child has bad reflux with

frequent vomiting, oesophagitis, recurrent

stricturing or poor weight gain, then

treatment with antireflux medicines or

antireflux surgery will be necessary.

Antireflux medicines

Antireflux medicines work in different

ways. In general, they either reduce the

severity of the reflux by improving the

downward movement (i.e. motility) of

the oesophagus and stomach, or by

reducing the acidity of the stomach so

that the reflux is less damaging to the

oesophageal lining.

These are the names of some

commonly used drugs:

Motility drugs

Cisapride (Prepulsid ®) and domperidone

(Motilium ®) act by strengthening the

antireflux valve at the bottom of the

oesophagus and speeding up stomach

emptying. There has been a lot of concern

about cisapride in premature babies and

this has caused a 'knock-on' anxiety

concerning the use of this

drug in GOR generally. Most clinicians

are still using the drug since it can be very

helpful; there are, however, various

precautions to be taken, which you must

discuss with your doctor.

Acid lowering drugs

Cimetidine (Tagamet ®) and ranitidine

(Zantac ®) are the drugs most frequently

used to lower the stomach's acidity.

Omeprazole (Losec ®) is a more powerful

acid-lowering drug.

Other medicines

Gaviscon contains antacids and tends to

float on top of the feed, thickening it.

Any medicine can have side effects

but these are not known to be common

with these drugs. Occasionally, a child

may get diarrhoea with cisapride,

develop unusual movements or a rash –

in which case you must stop the medicine

and seek medical advice. Cisapride must

not be given together with certain other

medicines such as erythromycin (an

antibiotic) or fluconazole (sometimes used

to treat thrush) because harmful effects

have been reported in this situation.

Any unusual reaction to a medicine

should always be reported to your doctor

and the drug should be stopped at least


Medicines are usually given to babies as

a syrup from a syringe which allows you to

measure small doses. You should be given

a supply of syringes from the hospital as

small syringes are n o t a lw a ys e a s y

t o ge t f r o m t h e chemist. Most of

these medicines are best given before

feeds. However, Infant Gaviscon is

supplied as sachets which need to be

mixed with the feed or, in breast fed

infants, mixed with water and given after

the feed. Remember to s tore the

medic ines safely out of reach of other

children (some need to be kept in a fridge).


Page 71: The Tof Child

Antireflux medication often needs

to be continued for many months and

can then be gradually removed when

the reflux has improved. In some

children, reflux is persistent but mild,

causing occasional heartburn or

discomfort but never severe enough to

need surgery. In these patients, antireflux

medicines need to be used occasionally or

only when they have symptoms.

Sometimes, infants and children do not get

better with the m e d i c i n e s o r t h e y

h a v e m a j o r problems with reflux such

as repeated stricturing, chest infections

from overspill of gastro-oesophageal


Duodenum Stomach

The fundus of the stomach isw r a p p e d a r o u n d t h e l o w e r

oesophagus, creatin a valve to prevent refl ux


Nissen Fundoplication Fundus of stomach

Sling around oesophagus


Opening in diaphragm

for oesophagus

Opening in diaphragm tightened


The TOF Child

Antireflux medication often needs

to be continued for many months and

ed when

children, reflux is persistent but mild,

discomfort but never severe enough to

need surgery. In these patients, antireflux

medicines need to be used occasionally or

Sometimes, infants and children do not get

m e d i c i n e s o r t h e y

problems with reflux such

as repeated stricturing, chest infections


the stomach is w r a p p e d a r o u n d t h e l o w e r

into the lungs, persistent severe

oesophagitis or inadequate weight gain.

In these children antireflux surgery has

to be considered.

Antireflux Surgery

The usual antireflux operation is known

as the Nissen fundoplication. There are

others, for example the Thal fundoplication

– the choice of antireflux operation partly

depends on what your surgeon believes

gives the best results –but for TOF

children the Nissen operation is usually the

one selected.

The Nissen fundoplication is a fairly

big operation. Most paediatric surgeons

do the operation through a cut in the upper

part of the tummy but some surgeons are

evaluating whether doing the procedure

through multiple telescopes (`keyhole

surgery') has any advantages.


In the Nissen fundoplication, the lower

oesophagus is freed up and the top part

of the stomach (known as the `fundus')

is wrapped around the lower oesophagus

to make a valve at the junction of the

oesophagus and stomach. The hole in

the diaphragm through which the

oesophagus passes is also tightened.

With an experienced surgeon, the

operation can be done safely with few

serious risks.

Use of gastrostomy tube

Sometimes a feeding gastrostomy is

inserted at the same time to provide

supplementary feeding afterwards.

Gastrostomy feeding may be given as a

continuous overnight feed with a pump

or as separate volumes (boluses) during

the day or a combination of both,

depending on the needs of your child (see

the section on gastrostomy feeding in

the chapter on Discharge from Hospital).

Sling around oesophagus

Gastrostomy tube

The TOF Child

oesophagitis or inadequate weight gain.

antireflux surgery has

The usual antireflux operation is known

as the Nissen fundoplication. There are

others, for example the Thal fundoplication

the choice of antireflux operation partly


children the Nissen operation is usually the

The Nissen fundoplication is a fairly

big operation. Most paediatric surgeons

do the operation through a cut in the upper

surgeons are

the procedure

In the Nissen fundoplication, the lower

oesophagus is freed up and the top part

of the stomach (known as the `fundus')

ped around the lower oesophagus

oesophagus and stomach. The hole in

operation can be done safely with few

Sometimes a feeding gastrostomy is

Gastrostomy feeding may be given as a

continuous overnight feed with a pump

or as separate volumes (boluses) during



the chapter on Discharge from Hospital).


Page 72: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Post-operative considerations

Creating a valve at the lower end of

the oesophagus prevents reflux of gastric

acid, thereby allowing any oesophagitis to

heal. Vomiting is abolished and

stricturing improves. T h e

o p e r a t i o n i s u s u a l l y v e r y

successful but has some disadvantages.

Firstly, the child may not be able to

burp and can therefore be more

`windy' (called gas bloat); this often

improves after a few months and if

there is a gastrostomy tube in place,

you will be taught how to wind your

child through this.

Secondly, the child may have some

retching instead of vomiting; again this

often disappears after a few weeks or

months. Because part of the stomach is

used to create the antireflux valve, the

stomach volume is a little smaller to begin

with and smaller, frequent meals are

needed. In a crisis, your child may learn

to vomit past the valve but if your

child is poorly and keeps trying to

vomit, it is best to open the gastrostomy

tube to relieve him/her. If your child does

not have a gastrostomy

tube and is unwell with repeated retching,

it may be necessary to bring him/her to

hospital to have a nasogastric tube passed

to relieve the discomfort. It is

especially important to seek medical

attention if your child has bad tummy

pain and retching since this could mean

a blockage in the bowel due to an internal

scar (adhesions) from previous surgery.

Rarely, a fundoplication causes

intermittent diarrhoea or sweaty

episodes (`dumping') after a feed or,

if the valve is too tight, swallowing

difficulties occur.

Repeat surgery

Nissen fundoplication may stop working

properly in some cases after a few

months or years because the valve

weakens and then some of the symptoms

of GOR return. In this case, antireflux

medicines may be effective but if the

reflux is severe, the operation needs to be

repeated. A 're-do' Nissen fundoplication

means undoing what is left of the old

stomach wrap and doing the operation



Page 73: The Tof Child

Respiratory Problems in TOFs

by Una M MacFadyen, Consultant Paediatrician, Stirling Royal Infirmary.

The Respiratory System

The respiratory system starts at the nose

and extends through the trachea, bronchi

and bronchioles to tiny air sacs (alveoli)

the lungs, where oxygen passes from the

air to the blood. Every tissue in the body

needs oxygen for it to work properly;

oxygen carried in the blood is pumped

around the body by the heart and

delivered to the tissues.

Because of the vital importance of

respiration, the body has natural defence

systems in the respiratory tract to

protect it from damage and to help it

recover from illness or injury.

The lining cells of the respiratory tract

are uniquely designed to do different

jobs. For example, the hair and cells

lining the nose filter out dust and other

particles in inspired air. Some of these

cells (goblet cells) also produce mucus (a

specialised, sticky fluid) that will mop up

anything that might irritate the airway;

mucus also helps to keep the air warm

and moist,

Ciliated Cells and Goblet Cells

The TOF Child

Respiratory Problems in TOFs

by Una M MacFadyen, Consultant Paediatrician, Stirling Royal Infirmary.

The respiratory system starts at the nose

and extends through the trachea, bronchi

and bronchioles to tiny air sacs (alveoli) in

the lungs, where oxygen passes from the

tissue in the body

to work properly;

blood is pumped

Because of the vital importance of


protect it from damage and to help it to

The lining cells of the respiratory tract


jobs. For example, the hair and cells

and other

particles in inspired air. Some of these

cells (goblet cells) also produce mucus (a

specialised, sticky fluid) that will mop up


mucus also helps to keep the air warm

Ciliated Cells and Goblet Cells

protecting the lower airway from getting

too dry. Other cells (`ciliated cells') have

tiny arm-like projections (`cilia') which

wave continuously in a to-and-fro

motion. Collectively, these cilia act

like a microscopic conveyor belt

which carries particles trapped in the

mucus to the pharynx where both the

mucus and its trapped impurities can

either be swallowed or coughed out.

Action of Cilia

Trachea The Lower Respiratory Tract


Right lung


The TOF Child

protecting the lower airway from getting

too dry. Other cells (`ciliated cells') have

like projections (`cilia') which

motion. Collectively, these cilia act




Respiratory Tract


Page 74: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Further down the airway, cel ls

lining the trachea do a similar job in

clearing even smaller impurities in the

air. Here the cilia have to carry the mucous

coating upwards (and therefore against

gravity) to the pharynx; this is known as

the `mucociliary escalator.'

During infections (e.g. coughs and

colds) mucus production is increased

to speed the removal of bacteria. The

airway also becomes more sensitive

meaning that accumulations of mucus

or irritant substances are quickly

coughed out. Reflex coughing also

occurs if something goes down the

wrong way on swallowing.

What is different in the TOF?

In the commonest type of TOF/OA

there is a blind ending upper oesophagus

(the atresia) and a connection between

the lower end of the oesophagus and the

trachea (the fistula). Other forms of TOF

have different connections but the

effect on the tissues of the oesophagus

and trachea are the same:

i) the muscle of the oesophagus is

interrupted at the atresia and even after

the repair there will be an area of the

oesophagus that does not transmit

swallowing action (peristalsis) as

smoothly as normal.

ii) the supporting tissue of the trachea

called cartilage (the gristle) is not fully

formed at the site of the fistula. The

cartilage forms arches around the front

of the trachea to give it support and to

hold it open all the time. Without this

cartilage the trachea is softer than it should

be. If there is a long section without

cartilage this can cause floppiness of the

trachea called tracheomalacia.

iii) the air filter cells (goblet cells and

ciliated cells) are replaced at the site of

the fistula by less specialised cells

(squamous cells) that are less efficient at

keeping the airway protected. After a

TOF repair a deficiency is therefore present

in the mucous coating and the conveyor

belt system.

In the baby born with TOF/OA

there is an abnormality of the structure

of both the respiratory tract and the

oesophagus. The trachea sustains a major

surgical injury in the first few days, yet in

almost all cases recovers well so that

there are no long term serious problems by

the time the TOF child has grown up.

Respiratory consequences of the differences in the oesophagus

The problems with swallowing in a

TOF child can have secondary effects on

the respiratory tract. In the immediate new-

born period before the oesophagus is

repaired, saliva or any milk that they try

to swallow will spill over into the

trachea causing coughing and choking.

After the TOF repair this "spill over" can

still happen if the repair site in the

oesophagus narrows (oesophageal stenosis)

so that swallowed liquids get held up in the

oesophagus. Some babies with TOF

develop problems with gastro-


Page 75: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

oesophageal reflux, when the lower end

of the oesophagus has a tendency to fill

up with stomach contents after a meal.

This sometimes allows

aspiration (the passage of material into

the respiratory tract) to happen quite a

long time after drinking or eating. A few

such babies tend to wheeze when there is

reflux into the oesophagus without

aspirating, so different kinds of tests

and treatments may be needed to find out

what is actually happening before treatment

can be given.

Respiratory consequences of the differences in the trachea

Most people hardly notice that they

have any mucus to clear and just

automatically clear their throat while

the cells lining the trachea do the rest of

the job. In a TOF child, the gap in the

normal protective lining cells (at the site

of the fistula) can be enough to make the

clearance of mucus less efficient and/or

the mucus drier than normal. The child

may therefore have to cough hard to

clear this mucus.

The `TOF cough' results from the need

to clear this dry mucus by coughing

through a trachea with a slightly floppy

section that makes the flow of air less

smooth during the cough. Anything that

increases mucus production will make

the TOF cough worse, e.g. colds, liquids or

food getting into the airways (aspiration) or


When are problems at their worst?

The problems with the respiratory tract

following TOF repair tend to be at

their worst in the first two years.

This may be because the trachea of normal

infants contains immature cartilage which

is quite soft. The area of absent cartilage

from the TOF trachea has a much greater

effect when surrounded by a softer

cartilage framework; when there has been


growth of the normal section of the

trachea and the tracheal cartilage is

firmer, the deficit is easier to cope with.

In addition, many normal babies tend

to reflux during the first year, so any

problem related to reflux will therefore

show at its worst. The repair site

occupies a large part of the young baby's

oesophagus so any section that is

narrow or has poor activity has a major

effect on function.


Most babies who have had a TOF

repair do not have major difficulties

coping with tracheomalacia and it

becomes less and less significant as they

get older.

There are however a small number who

have serious problems because the

trachea actually collapses so that no

air can pass through it. In its most severe

form this complication causes problems

which have been referred to as 'near

death episodes,'when the baby seems to

be choking and unable to breathe.

Because these are rare, many doctors

have never witnessed one of these

episodes. It helps enormously if parents

are able to describe what happens in as

much detail as possible, since the child

is often perfectly well by the time they

get to hospital or are seen by a doctor.

The factors causing the airway collapse

can sometimes help to explain the time

of the attacks and the way in which the

child is affected:

Airway collapse when breathing in

When we breathe in, we suck air into

our lungs through the airways. The

lungs are filled with air like a bellows as

the chest wall moves out and the

diaphragm muscles move down. The

walls of the airways outside the chest

tend to be pulled in during this


Page 76: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Effects of Tracheomalacia


Page 77: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

action. Normal people feel this when

they try to take extra large breaths

through the nose and feel a 'drag' on

the windpipe.

If the trachea is floppy this 'drag' draws

the walls of the trachea together; without

the normal supporting cartilage the

trachea may close off completely. This is

like suffocation and is very frightening

for the baby (and anyone who witnesses

it). The baby goes blue and may lose

consciousness or have a brief convulsion.

This is obviously very dramatic,

nevertheless the baby relaxes as he/she

becomes unconscious which allows the

trachea to open up again; breathing is

then at once effective.

If the baby is still conscious with their

mouth open, gently pulling the tongue

forward may help as a first aid measure to

open the airway.

If however the baby is unconscious

and not breathing, blowing gently into

the airway by mouth to nose-and-mouth

respiration is the correct course of action.

Airway collapse when breathing out

If the trachea is floppy in the lower

part (within the chest) then its walls

will be pulled open during breathing in

(inspiration). Breathing out (expiration)

is usually simply a relaxation from the

effort of breathing in and causes no

difficulty. The only times when a

physical effort is made to breathe out

are when crying or coughing hard. Babies

with severe intra-thoracic tracheomalacia

may experience

tracheal collapse during these moments.

As above, they can go blue and lose

consciousness, at which point they relax

and the airway opens up again. If a

quick recovery does not occur, the airway

can be gently blown open with mouth to

nose-and-mouth breathing.


The infant with severe tracheomalacia

usually becomes symptomatic around the

age of 4-6 months when there may be an

exaggeration of the TOF cough, excessive

wheezing or cyanosis (blue attacks)

during feeding. In extreme cases, the

infant may experience acute life-

threatening episodes.

For a doctor, the story of a baby

going blue with hard crying may

suggest common breath holding

attacks. However, these tend to occur

in older toddlers who are either angry

or very upset, and happen at the end of

a big breath in or out; the 'near death

episodes' usually happen in the midst

of a normal crying spell. Observers who

can observe and describe these kind of

details about the episodes can help greatly

in making a correct diagnosis.

In addition to problems due to the

pressure changes of breathing efforts, a

soft trachea can also be squashed from

the outside. This may occur when a

narrowed oesophagus causes a hold up,

so that the upper oesophagus fills up

and stretches so much that it pushes

against the neighbouring trachea. Without

a strong enough cartilage framework to

keep it open, the trachea can become

closed off until the oesophagus empties –

either by a vomit or by the contents

passing through the narrowed region. The

same situation can arise if the lower

oesophagus fills up with refluxed stomach

content. The latter episodes can be hard

to explain as they may not seem to

be l inked to any reason for a

breathing problem, but again the more

detail observed the better.


Page 78: The Tof Child

Tracheal Compression

by Oesophagus


Left lung



Swallow fills out oesophagus

above stenosis

Wall of trachea


Distension above


Distension following reflux

Wall of trachea


Reflux distending oesophagus


The TOF Child

Tracheal Compression Tests for tracheomalacia

There are a number of different tests

that can be done to help with diagnosis

of tracheomalacia, but since there is often

more than one problem present it can

be difficult to work out which is the

most important for the baby, and then to

decide on the best treatment.

Most babies have some floppiness in

the trachea after a TOF repair, but the

majority are not troubled by it and any

problems will improve with age. It is

therefore not enough simply to look for

floppiness, especially when a problem in

the oesophagus may actually be the origin

of the symptoms.

Tracheomalacia also needs to be

distinguished from gastro-oesophageal

reflux, which can present in a similar



The diagnosis of tracheomalacia can

be suspected on a lateral (side-on)

radiograph of the neck during inspiration

and expiration, which will show a

collapsing trachea.

A barium meal study is often useful to

check for any oesophageal malfunction.


Bronchoscopy (looking into the airway

via an endoscope) is the most reliable

method of reaching a diagnosis. The area

of collapse is classically 2-3 cm above

the bifurcation (splitting) of the trachea,

where the tracheooesophageal fistula

entered the trachea.

Respiratory function tests

Tests of the baby's breathing can

measure how much work the baby has

to do in breathing in and out, but cannot

give information about the length of the

trachea which is abnormal.

When the extent of the problem has

been ascertained, treatment options can

be discussed and any actions planned.

fills out oesophagus

Wall of trachea


The TOF Child

Page 79: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Treatment of tracheomalacia

Surgery for tracheomalacia aims to

give the trachea extra support.


This operation involves placing

s t i t ches to a t t ach the wal l of t he

trachea to the back of the breast bone

(the sternum). These sutures anchor

the trachea and make it more difficult

for the walls of the lower (intrathoracic)

trachea to collapse together. The procedure

can help if the tracheomalacia is mostly in

the lower trachea and the baby has

problems during expiration.


The aorta is a major artery which

l i e s i n f r o n t o f t h e t r a c h e a . I n

aortopexy, the aorta is displaced forwards

by suturing it to the back of t h e

s t e r n u m ( b r e a s t b o n e ) ; t h i s

maintains the trachea in the open position.

The procedure acts at the precise site of the

collapse in the lower trachea and is

instantaneously effective in relieving the

obstructive symptoms.

Which of these operations is used

depends on the site of floppiness and what

the surgeon thinks will work best for

the individual baby.


Both of the above operations work

best for intrathoracic tracheomalacia

that is short enough to be supported by

a few stitches. If the floppy part of the

airway stretches down into the smaller

a i r wa ys (b r on ch i ) i t ma y n o t be

possible to give the wall of the trachea

support f rom the outside. In such

cases, a tracheostomy tube may be

inserted to ensure that the baby has a

safe airway.

This involves making an opening in

the front wall of the trachea in the

neck, and placing a little tube through

the opening to hold the trachea open

all the time. In severe cases of

bronchomalacia (where the floppiness

stretches beyond the trachea into the

bronchi) it may be necessary to apply

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway

Pressure — a constant flow of air or

oxygen at a pressure that gives extra

support to the airway from the inside)

or the modification known as BIPAP.

Very few TOF children have this

type of problem and most who do

have a good chance of improving

greatly with treatment and age.


There is no evidence that TOF children

have more respiratory infections than

other children, but they may have more

trouble coughing enough to clear the

airways of the extra mucus during

normal infections.

Most childhood chest infections are

caused by viruses. The body fights these

by producing specific antibodies which

endow the child with resistance to

future attacks by the same virus.

This defence system is called the immune

system; TOF children have a normal

immune system and make antibodies in

the normal way. Viruses are not killed

by antibiotics; some viruses irritate the

airways and cause them to become

swollen and tight.

Problems arise with TOFs"normal'

chest infections for two reasons:

i) the impaired clearing of airway

secretions can allow mucus to settle in

the lungs. Bacteria (germs) can gather

in these local accumulations of mucus

and cause a more serious infection to

develop. This is often called a 'super-

infection' because it is on top of the first

infection — not because there is anything

very special about the germ involved.

Bacteria are killed by antibiotics, so if

there are signs that a virus infection has

not cleared naturally then antibiotics are

recommended. Often antibiotics are given

right from the start


Page 80: The Tof Child

of respiratory infections in young TOFs

because they are likely to have difficulty

coughing up phlegm. As the child gets

older he/she may not need so many

antibiotics. Taking antibiotics does not

stop the body's own defences from

fighting the virus and the child will build

up immunity in the normal way. Most

bacterial infections respond to the

common antibiotics, but occasionally extra

courses or wider acting (`broad-spectrum')

antibiotics are required. This especially

applies if an area of the lung has

abnormally small airways, as with

bronchomalacia or bronchiectasis (where

the walls of small airways are weakened

and stretched so that infection

Constriction of the Airway in Respiratory Disorders

Normal mucus

Normal small airway bronchiole)

Lining Muscle in wall

Tight (constricted) e.g. mild asthma

Muscle tightens


Swollen with mucus (infection)


Tight and swollen with mucus

(severe asthma or asthma plus virus infection)


The TOF Child

biotics, but occasionally extra


collects in tiny sacs deep in the lungs).

In such cases chest physiotherapy helps

to clear secretions from the lungs and

antibiotics may be prescribed for an

extended period (weeks or months)

until the lungs are completely clear of

signs of persisting infected phlegm.

ii) the airways of TOF children may be

more sensitive to viruses causing swelling

and tightening, making it hard to move

air in and out. The effect is the same as is

seen in asthma and responds to the same

type of treatment.

Prevention of sensitive or tight airways (`wheeze')

When the airways narrow from swelling

or tightening, the child feels that he/she

cannot breathe properly. This is very

frightening and can be dangerous if so

little air moves that the amount of

oxygen reaching the blood is reduced.

There are several ways of preventing

and/or treating this situation.

i) protect the lungs as far as

possible by having the child immunised

against whooping cough, Hib

(Haemophilus influenzae), measles and,

if advised by your doctor, against

influenza and pneumococcus.

ii) avoid situations that cause the problem.

This may be easier said than done, but for

example if you know the child is

sensitive to animals then it is wise to

avoid getting a furry pet.

iii) one of the commonest causes of

wheezing in young children (and also

of more troublesome respiratory

infections and ear infections) is being

in an atmosphere where people smoke

(passive smoking). Avoiding smoking

in the home where chesty children live

is therefore important.

extended period (weeks or months)


same as is

to the same


influenzae), measles and,

Page 81: The Tof Child

Treatment of sensitive or tight airways ('wheeze')

i) keep calm and know what to do to help

the child. The muscles which tighten

around the airways react to fear and

anxiety; children are very sensitive

fear in adults, so it helps if adults know

how to deal with breathlessness and can

give the child confidence. Learn the basic

treatment steps, what to give when and

how to get help when needed, and you will

be helping your child.

ii) medications: 'drug' is the technical

name for medication i.e. the word does

not mean the same as the addictive drugs

you read about in the papers. These fall

into two main categories:

Relievers (bronchodilators)

These work by making the tight

muscles around the airway relax and

most effective when inhaled directly into

the lungs. They act quickly which

`relieves' both the breathlessness and

the fear that accompanies it. The effect

wears off in four hours or less, so treat

ment may need repeating frequently.

There are various inhaler methods

which allow different ages of child to

breathe in the medication:

puffers: metered dose inhalers.

spacers: demand less co-ordination to

use but are bulky.

dry powder inhalers: where the child

sucks the dose into the lungs.

nebulisers: convert the drug into a fine

mist which is administered through a

mouthpiece or mask.

Several pharmaceutical companies

manufacture relievers, so there are a

number of different names for the

same kind of drug (Ventolin, Bricanyl,

Aerolin). Most in the UK come in a blue

container, so this is the one to use when

sudden tightness occurs.

The technique for use of relievers

The TOF Child

keep calm and know what to do to help


around the airways react to fear and

anxiety; children are very sensitive to


and can

child confidence. Learn the basic

treatment steps, what to give when and

how to get help when needed, and you will

medications: 'drug' is the technical

name for medication i.e. the word does

not mean the same as the addictive drugs

ou read about in the papers. These fall

muscles around the airway relax and are

most effective when inhaled directly into

the breathlessness and

the fear that accompanies it. The effect

wears off in four hours or less, so treat-

There are various inhaler methods

which allow different ages of child to

ordination to

where the child

convert the drug into a fine

mist which is administered through a

armaceutical companies

manufacture relievers, so there are a

number of different names for the

same kind of drug (Ventolin, Bricanyl,

Aerolin). Most in the UK come in a blue

container, so this is the one to use when

or use of relievers

should be explained by a doctor or nurse

who can make sure that the treatment

plan makes sense both to the child and

parents, and that when and how to get

emergency help is fully understood.

Other less common relievers which

act in slightly different ways may be

recommended for children with more

troublesome asthma symptoms. These

have a longer lasting action; examples

include salmeterol (Serevent) and

theophylline (Uniphyllin).

The wheeze of some very young

babies is more due to swelling than

tightening of the airway muscles and

so they may not respond to the usual

bronchodilators. Such babies may be

treated with ipratropium (Atrovent).

Preventers (prophylaxis)

Because the airways are sensitive even

when they are not tight, it is often

preferable to use a regular treatment which

helps them to withstand whatever irritates

them. This both reduces the number of

breathless attacks and makes reliever

treatment more effective.

Preventers are administered in the

same ways as the relievers. There are

two main types – sodium

cromoglycate (Intal, in a red and white

pack) and inhaled steroids (usually in a

brown or orange pack, e.g. Pulmicort,

Becotide, Aerobec). Although the steroid

preventers are related to the


...follow the instructionsprovided by your doctor

or as given by the literature with the inhaler

The TOF Child

should be explained by a doctor or nurse

who can make sure that the treatment

plan makes sense both to the child and

parents, and that when and how to get

Other less common relievers which

recommended for children with more

troublesome asthma symptoms. These

have a longer lasting action; examples

tightening of the airway muscles and

Because the airways are sensitive even

preferable to use a regular treatment which

helps them to withstand whatever irritates

them. This both reduces the number of

breathless attacks and makes reliever

Preventers are administered in the

There are

cromoglycate (Intal, in a red and white

pack) and inhaled steroids (usually in a

brown or orange pack, e.g. Pulmicort,

Becotide, Aerobec). Although the steroid

instructions provided by your doctor

literature with the inhaler


Page 82: The Tof Child

strong steroids that are taken by mouth

for other conditions, the dose is so small

when breathed into the lungs that they

are much safer than oral steroids. They are

not at all like the body building steroids

that some athletes take against medical


If the airways become very swollen,

the response to relievers may not be

adequate. The child may then need a short

course of stronger steroids (e.g.

prednisolone), taken by mouth, to reverse

this potentially dangerous problem. Your

doctor will advise when this is

required. When used in this short

term manner, the risks of steroids are far

less than the risks of being unable to


Outlook in the Longer Term

TOFS children, on average, have more

respiratory symptoms than other children.

This is most marked in the first nine

years, however in most cases they can

be just as fit and active as their friends of

the same age, albeit perhaps needing

some medication to help. As they grow

older any symptoms often improve

greatly, although specialised breathing

tests may still show differences from


Perhaps with the exception of

activities depending on above average

lung function or those where exposure

to airway irritants is common, there should

be no restrictions on what a TOF can do

for work or for leisure.


The TOF Child

strong steroids that are taken by mouth

are much safer than oral steroids. They are

If the airways become very swollen,

adequate. The child may then need a short

problem. Your

are far

TOFS children, on average, have more


to airway irritants is common, there should

Quotations from TOF s, their families and friends and medical professionals

"However much you convince yourself

that it doesn't bother you, it is actually

very difficult to cope with the stares

and comments you receive when your child

barks away in John Lewis."

"Henry has his amazing TOF cough which

always causes much attention. It causes

even more of a stir when he does it in

conjunction with picking up a discarded

cigarette butt in the park!"


Craig Palmer, 10 years.

and comments you receive when your child

Page 83: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

"It wasn't until I had sat in a GP's waiting

room with Eleanor who gave a "TOF

cough" did I realise the true intolerance

of other people! The bark is there,

particularly on those days when she has a

cold and chestiness. People will always

stare or comment, and there was a time

waiting to be seen in a Casualty

Department that some people actually

moved away from us! Even today, it is the

most common statement made to her –

"Oh, you have got a bad cough"– even

among people who are aware of her


"Strangers told us we shouldn't take out

a baby with such a bad cough –this

became very irritating and gave insight

into the impact of well-meaning but

ignorant people who assume all kinds of


"Sometimes my brother will wake up

during the night coughing and

spluttering. When I was young this used

to scare me because I thought he was

choking but now I understand the

problem it's OK."

"The rest of the family have dealt with

the TOF condition very well – maybe they

fuss a little too much over asthma, colds

and the TOF cough which we get used to

and learn to ignore the stares and

comments of complete strangers."


Page 84: The Tof Child

Growth in TOF ChildrenPAT Chetcuti DM FRCP FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatrician,

The General Infirmary at Leeds


Parents of TOF children are sometimes

concerned about their child's growth.

For these children, milk — the source of

energy promoting growth — is unable to

pass through to the stomach and small

b o w e l a t b i r t h . E v e n f o l l o w i n g

corrective surgery, complications may

be present which threaten the supply of

nutrition, mostly in the first two to

three years of life.

This chapter considers noll _ ial

growth, factors which influence growth

and growth as it specifically relates to

oesophageal atresia.

Normal Growth

The most important influence on a

child's height and their future height as

an adult is parental height. Generally,

tall parents have tall children and small

parents have small children. However,

a tall and a short parent may have a child

who is tall, average or short, and

occasionally the height of grandparents

has a bigger influence on a child's stature.

Despite these obvious observations, many

genetically small children are referred to

the medical services for assessment.


Representation of a growth chart, showing

the different centile lines. Different charts

are used for boys and girls; usually a

series of measurements are taken of

height to determine the 'growth velocity.'

(Illustration based on the Buckler Tanner

growth chart, © Castlemead Publications)


The TOF Child

Growth in TOF Children DM FRCP FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatrician,

b o w e l a t b i r t h . E v e n f o l l o w i n g

corrective surgery, complications may

nutrition, mostly in the first two to

nce growth

child's height and their future height as

parents have small children. However,

occasionally the height of grandparents

has a bigger influence on a child's stature.

Despite these obvious observations, many

Representation of a growth chart, showing

the different centile lines. Different charts

are used for boys and girls; usually a

series of measurements are taken of

growth chart, © Castlemead Publications)

Growth Charts

Growth charts are available for

children, based on measurements in

large numbers of normal children of

different ages. Charts exist for males

and females and consist of different

centile lines. The 50th centile line is

the average line. The majority of

children have heights between the 97th

centile and the 3rd centile.

In assessing growth in children, a single

measurement is of limited value. Several

measurements over a period of time —

preferably at least a year — will

determine the rate of growth, known as

the height velocity. The height velocity

might show that (for example) a short

child is growing normally or a tall child

has stopped growing.

0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8

height (cm)

97th centile

50th centile

3rd centile

—age (years)








Page 85: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Crucial Periods in Growth

Growth is at its fastest in the first

20 weeks of foetal life. Any major health

events in the early weeks of the

pregnancy can have a significant effect

on the process of growth. Growth in the

first 2 years of life is also rapid, and –

like foetal growth – is predominantly

dependant on adequate nutrition.

Whilst growth remains important

throughout childhood, the final important

phase of rapid growth occurs in

adolescence; prior to this growth spurt, the

growth rate tends to slow down. Pre-

pubertal growth occurs mainly in the

limbs whereas pubertal growth occurs

mainly in the trunk.

Growth hormone is important in

influencing growth in older children,

and the sex hormones have a role in

the pubertal growth spurt.

Factors Affecting Growth in Children

Nutrition Lack of nutrition, to the foetus or in the

first year of life, for whatever reason, may

result in stunting of growth –possibly with

lifelong consequences.

Chronic Illness

Rare chronic disorders affecting the

bowels, kidneys, heart and lungs can affect

growth. This is the result of a

combina t ion of decreased ca lor ie

intake and the increased energy

requirements that children have in coping

with these illnesses.

S y n d r o m e s a n d

Chromosomal Abnormalities There are a few rare conditions which

may be inherited or occur by chance in

which children are born with a number

of different abnormalities and despite

good nutrition do not grow normally.

Growth Hormone Deficiency

This is rare, occurring in 1 in 4,000

children, and can occur at any age.

Children with this problem either fail to

grow or grow poorly despite a d e q u a t e

n u t r i t i o n . C a r e f u l investigation

reveals that their growth hormone levels

are low. It is very important to make this

diagnosis because these children respond

well to growth hormone replacement.

Children who grow poorly for the

other reasons stated above, including

inadequate nutrition, have normal

growth hormone levels and therefore

do not respond to extra doses of growth


Growth of TOF Children When assessing growth in a TOF

child, one must consider two factors;

size at birth and subsequent growth.

Some infants with oesophageal atresia

are small at birth. The reasons for this

are unclear because in foetal life the

nutritional supply comes from the

placenta. It may be that those with

poor growth at birth have other major

problems such as heart problems which

have affected their growth.

In a review of over 300 children and

adults born with oesophageal atresia

the majority had grown normally. The

graphs on the next page illustrate the

distribution of height measurements on

the centiles. The findings are very

encouraging. While there are slightly more

in the lower growth centiles, p r o v i d i n g

e v i d e n c e t h a t g r o w t h problems

and poor weight gain are more

prevalent in children under 5 years

of age, the vast majority have a final adult

height which is normal.

In practical terms, parents may be

relentlessly pursued about their child's

undernourished appearance by well-


Page 86: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

meaning relatives, friends and health

professionals inexperienced in managing

children born with oesophageal atresia.

This can cause unnecessary distress and

anxiety which may rebound on the

children themselves, affecting morale.

In the longer term however the figures

suggest that the majority experience `catch

up' weight gain to achieve a normal final

adult height.

Inadequate Nutrition

If there are significant problems

with feeding, such as solids impacting

the gullet (oesophageal obstructions) or

vomiting, then the nutritional intake may

be reduced. This is most likely to be a

problem in the first years of life. With very

careful management

however – stretching of narrowed areas,

and medical and sometimes surgical

treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux

– nutritional depletion can be minimised.

Some TOF children may be given oral

concentrated nutritional diets or

supplements to boost calorie intake; very

occasionally a gastrostomy (a tube

inserted directly into the stomach) is

needed to maintain nutrition.

Respiratory Problems

For the first few years of life after

surgical repair, it is common for TOF

children to have a persistent cough and/or

recurrent minor chest infections. Rarely,

the chest infections may be more severe

and infants may be chronically breathless.

In this rare situation, the extra energy

used to breathe out can result in poor

weight gain because the dietary intake is

not adequate to allow for this.

Other Associated Problems

Half of all children born with

oesophageal atresia have other significant

abnormalities. The majority of these

abnormalities are not major. However

some children may have


Percentage distribution of all TOF patients

for height centiles: there are slightly more

patients in the lower growth centiles.


Percentage distribution of adult TOFs for

height centiles: the distribution is normal,

indicating that any growth problems in

early life have been overcome.

abnormalities that might affect growth,

particularly children with heart problems,

chromosomal abnormalities or


Growth holinone deficiency is not

associated with oesophageal atresia,

therefore growth hormone treatment is

not beneficial in short children or children

with poor growth velocities.


Page 87: The Tof Child

Who to talk to if you are

worried about your child's


Parents with concerns about their

children's growth should make contact

with the surgeon and centre where the

initial surgery took place to discuss

their worries. For parents moving

around the UK, all Medical Schools

Teaching Hospital Centres in the

country will have a Paediatric Surgical

Department with experience in

oesophageal atresia and its

Quotations from TOF s, their families and friends and medical professionals

"I wonder whether the TOF condition

has affected Thomas' growth, particularly

in the early years when his diet was

limited, or should I say hampered, by

the condition. Did it actually put him off

eating quantity of food?"

"I feel different when all my friends

are doing things I can't do and when

people call me small!'

"We would like Chris to gain a little more

weight and be a little taller. It only

worries us when he gets upset because he

says he is the smallest in his class."

"Craig is eleven now. He has never had

problems with eating, he eats everything

– he has never needed a dilation. The

only reminder is a `TOF bark' when he

has a cough. He only has the occasional

chest infection, no more than any

'normal' child. He has lots of stamina,

he plays football, golf and swims very

well. His weight is average for his age,

he's a super boy!"

The TOF Child

Parents with concerns about their

children's growth should make contact

with the surgeon and centre where the

initial surgery took place to discuss

around the UK, all Medical Schools and

country will have a Paediatric Surgical

families and friends and medical

"I wonder whether the TOF condition


limited, or should I say hampered, by

him off

"I feel different when all my friends

are doing things I can't do and when



worries us when he gets upset because he

"Craig is eleven now. He has never had

problems with eating, he eats everything

he has never needed a dilation. The

bark' when he

has the occasional

s of stamina,

and swims very

well. His weight is average for his age,

complications. Advice and referral to

these can be obtained directly from a

General Practitioner.

Another important source of help is

the Liaison Surgical Nurse Specialist.

These are very experienced Senior

Nurses attached to most Paediatric

Surgical Units who often visit and get

involved with families at home.

Remember that even though

problems may seem very difficult at

the time, the longer tern' outcome in

teiins of growth is very good.


James Wharfe, 14 years, who had a

gastro s tomy tube un t i l t he age o f 27

months. After various set-hacks James now

enjoys an active life and is reported to eat

`like a horse' although remaining slim.

The TOF Child

complications. Advice and referral to

these can be obtained directly from a

Another important source of help is

aison Surgical Nurse Specialist.

Surgical Units who often visit and get

problems may seem very difficult at

tern' outcome in

gastro s tomy tube un t i l t he age o f 27

hacks James now

enjoys an active life and is reported to eat


Page 88: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

The TOF Family

Dr Glenys Parkinson, 0 T PhD (Developmental Psychology) is a Chartered

Clinical Psychologist, working at the Brookside Family Consultation Clinic in

Cambridge, where she often uses play therapy to help children with emotional

psychological problems. She also has 15 years' experience in the paediatrics

department of Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, where she works closely with

the play specialists who prepare children for medical procedures.

This chapter looks at the way the TOF

condition affects the family.

Letters and questionnaires from many

families have documented the experiences

of TOF children, siblings, parents,

grandparents and friends. Extracts from

these communications have been grouped

to illustrate the key points, with an

accompanying narrative.

Initial Anxieties

It is devastating for parents to realise

that their soon to be born or born child

has a serious problem. When the news

comes that surgery is required, their joy is

turned into anxieties... how can such a

small baby be operated on?

"Waiting for Freddie to come out of

surgery was dreadful. We were both

exhausted but unable to rest; we had only

just got to grips with the basic condition

as described by the surgeon and until

the operation was over we would not know

the extent of the problems. We had

barely held our baby and now his life

was in someone else's hands."

"I wondered how a baby with such

enormous physical problems could

survive. Feeding is such a fundamental

requirement that it necessarily affects

relationships in ways which are

impossible to know."

The message that comes through from

those who contributed to this book is that

parents do cope — not without cost — but

they manage to give their child as

normal a life as possible. It isn't easy.

"I think my sister wishes the family would

sometimes realise the extra work load she

has and the worry she often feels.

Because Matty looks and acts like any

normal child, people don't realise the

extra work and stress a TOF child can


Life with a TOF child is seldom easy

with demands being made upon all

three generations of the family. Daily life

and routines are never the same again.

But as time goes on, consideration turns

to the wider view; what about baby-

sitters, nursery school, children's parties?

Getting Help and Support

A child in a wheelchair gives other

people a notion of what to do; a child

with no obvious sign of difficulty may

be overlooked by others, not taken

seriously enough, or taken so seriously no-

one is willing to take responsibility.

"Over the years-we have come up against

problems getting people to understand

TOF. Parents of school friends don't

understand and think you are a bit

neurotic and overprotective. The school

have been quite good but


Page 89: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

there is still a lack of knowledge. That

has always been an obstacle – trying

to get the message through. They often

take it quite lightly and think you are

fussing! This makes one quite angry

and a little anxious should your son

get into difficulties when having tea

somewhere. Then, if you over explain they

get frightened of feeding him!"

The focus on the child is a two fold

problem: it is very difficult to avoid

being overprotective, and such a focus

tends to make siblings feel this child is

special and is 'worth' more than they are.

"As a baby my family were frightened

of handling Emma and wouldn't baby-

sit. However, they call her their

`miracle' and have a closer relationship

with her than they might have done were

she not a TOF. Grandparents still panic

when she goes into hospital and one set

cannot face visiting."

There is an understandable terror of

dealing with a child who may choke.

Coping with this means acquiring the

skil ls and feel ing protected while

doing so, in order that the anxiety may

diminish. Parents normally get the

opportunity to learn the necessary

skil ls during the period when their

child is in hospital. Since every child is

different these skills are fine-tuned

over a period of time and it is easy to forget

that others have not had the benefit of this

supportive environment when the child has

been discharged.

However, it is important for all sorts

of reasons that others are able to feed

and handle the TOF child. It helps to

take the focus off the affected child if

an aunt, uncle or grandparent can feed

all the children, not just the `nolinal'

ones. It also means that if parents fall

ill or are otherwise engaged, there is

someone who can be called in to help.

Once the parents have gained

confidence in dealing with the baby, it

might be helpful to have a grandparent

or baby-sitter watch for some time; then

deal with the baby themselves with

mother or father standing by. Then with

the parent in the kitchen, in the garden,

outside the gate ...

"Grandparents spoil him and treat him

as though he were made of china but as

time goes on they are getting better"

Eventually the carer may have the

confidence to deal with the child

themselves, having done so in protected

circumstances. It is very important that

both the carer and the parents feel

confident that the baby is in safe hands.

Communication and time can reap

enormous rewards in this respect.

"The family dealt very well with his

condition. We always asked lots of

questions so everyone has a good

understanding and was involved in

bringing about Louis being well."

Spreading the Load

The pendulum can swing the other way;

the parents feel such guil t a t

having produced a baby with a TOF

that they want to 'make up for i t . '

Parents' job is to protect their young; when

they feel they haven't done so of course

they want to compensate for it. However,

in reality parents also need time to be on

their own and should not hope to devote

every moment to the child, nor to take

responsibility for every component of their

care. To attempt to do these things does

not help anyone. It would be useful if

consultants could tell parents that it is NOT

their fault – nobody could have prevented


The best way to bring a TOF child up

is to treat him or her the same as their sibs

whenever possible. This will


Page 90: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

not be feasible all the time because of

the risks of choking, the anxiety over

having someone else look after the child,

the problems of diet, weight, growth etc.

Nonetheless, there are ways of sharing

these burdens.

If possible the parent should find a

doctor, dietician and health visitor they

have confidence in. The dietician can

advise on appropriate food for growth, the

doctor or health visitor on development.

Parents do not have to carry the whole of

the burden themselves; they carry the most

onerous part – the anxiety – already. Let

someone else, with the necessary

knowledge, do the monitoring.

When there is the need to seek

immediate medical attention, it may be

arranged with the consultant beforehand to

go straight to the ward where the child has

been treated (if this is local) to be seen by

the consultant or senior registrar; the nurses

should also know what to do. If these kind

of arrangements are not made for you, it is

well worth asking; a note from the

consultant confirming that this

permission has been granted may also

be beneficial. If the specialists who treated

your child in the early weeks and months

are not local, alternative arrangements must

be made; this book may also be of


What to Tell the Child?

When is the best time to tell the TOF

child about their difficulties? It has been

found to be useful to do so as soon as

possible. From a very early stage the child

should be told in words he or she can

understand what the difficulties are.

Most children are aware of their

condition from an early age and their

first attempts as language may lead them to

describe the feeling if something is stuck in

their oesophagus. Teinis such as "Got a

stuck," or "Got stuck" followed by "Got

stuck gone" are examples.

Explanations from the parent or carer

can be very simple at first, for example

"When you eat something, you have a

tube leading from your mouth to your

tummy. The food you eat makes you

grow. Your tube is not as wide as

other children's, so you need to drink to

make the food soft."

A demonstration can be made with

some plastic tubing and wet sand, which

has difficulty passing down the tube.

Water allows it to pass freely.

Young children need to see something

'concrete' rather than just a picture or

photograph – which will only mean

something to them when they are rather


"There have been some lighter

moments over the years however.

It was very comical hearing my two

year old son coming out with words

straight from a medical dictionary. He

often asked our friends and visitors if

they had an oesophagus."

When young the child can feel very

alone. The presence of the parents'

visit can make all the difference and

provides the basis for a secure future.

"When I was younger I used to get ill

in the night and cough. My mother,

who is a light sleeper, used to hear me

and come and see me. It used to make

me feel very close to my mum.

Now I don't cough so much but I still remember the feeling of closeness."

As the child's understanding grows,

the information can be elaborated on.

Always explain things truthfully, however

in simple terms. That way information can

he expanded and parents don't have to

say: "It wasn't quite how we told you


Some families find that compiling a

scrapbook with photographs starting from

birth, including some of the child


Page 91: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

in hospital and then at home,

accompanied by simple captions is

beneficial. Looking at these may be

painful for parents, but children are

often fascinated by a book about them

and can accept what has happened in a

very matter-of-fact way.

The Child's Viewpoint

Children soon learn how best to get

their parents' attention and a TOF

child may use his/her condition to test

boundaries at home. If a child can

manoeuvre parents into doing things he

wants, he feels he is stronger than they

are. It may bring satisfaction in the

short term, but in the longer term it

makes the child feel unsafe because

underneath it all, he knows how fright-

ened he can be. If he is stronger than

his parents, who can take care of him?

"Jake already understands that feeding

is an issue that causes frustration and

concern and he can play on the stress we

feel as parents."

Young children with illnesses or disabilities often think they are being punished for something. An explanation of their condition helps this, but one or two play therapy sessions with an exper-ienced play therapist can also assist.

Children express things with play they don't have words for; thoughts come to the surface and can be expressed non-verbally in play.

This gives the therapist – who is seen as authority – the opportunity to say:

"Some children think that because they have something different about them, they have done something wrong. I am telling you that this is not so. It is very unfair you have trouble with your throat and lots of other children don't, but it is not your fault."

"I recall enormous stress around feed

times as a child but didn't think much

of it. Now, as an adult, I can recognise

an underlying sense that I was at some

level 'at fault' for any problems in the


Later in life, to understand how the anxiety

around my condition must have affected the

family, and to recognise that it was not my

fault, is an

enormous relief"


The child is not the only one who

may feel guilty. Siblings often resent a

newcomer in the family, or they resent

the time taken for a child with a

disability. Some even wish they were

the TOF child. These feelings are

absolutely normal and children should be

encouraged to express such feelings,

hard though it is for parents. As with the

TOF child, the siblings should have

explanations as soon as possible.

"I'm told that when my mother was

pregnant with Simon my favourite game

was using her as a trampoline, and

I've always felt a sense of guilt that

somehow this was connected to his

being a TOF, it was only when I really

understood what TOF is that I no

longer felt this guilt."

"Looking back I appreciate how hard

my mother tried to spend time with us

older kids and to visit Simon in hospital.

However, I was only two when he was

born, and one of my earliest memories

is resenting the fact that my mother was

never at home at bedtime. I didn't really

get to know Simon until he was

permanently at home, before that he was

just something covered in wires. In fact I

only enjoyed going to visit him

because of the hospital play room."


Page 92: The Tof Child

Play Therapy

Dr Glenys Parkinson uses Projective Play

Therapy which was developed by Margaret

Lowenfeld. The child uses the available toys

as they wish, to express thoughts and feelings

which may not have been given words.

The therapist reflects back what the child is

doing and may make general comments such

as "lots of children may think ..."

This is a non-intrusive form of therapy;

the relationship between the child and

therapist is not worked with — only the

child's thoughts and feelings, as expressed

through play. Children love coming for this

work and look forward to it.

Which children benefit?

Children exhibiting the following

behaviours may benefit from play therapy:

• Behavioural difficulties

• Being sad over a long period

• Short temper

• Aggression • Worries over illness

• Withdrawal, inability to make friends

Making friends is possibly the best

prognostic sign and is therefore important

to take note of. Friends are a valuable source

of support and without them, a child may

feel very isolated.


GPs will normally refer to a psychiatrist

at the local Child and Family Centre, who

usually works with other colleagues such as

Clinical Psychologists, Speech Therapists or

Occupational Therapists. These work

together as a team, and the most appropriate

person to see the child and family will be

decided on together.

After the first consultation, the family may

be seen together, or the child may be seen


Not all clinics offer play therapy.


The TOF Child

Dr Glenys Parkinson uses Projective Play

Therapy which was developed by Margaret

Lowenfeld. The child uses the available toys

as they wish, to express thoughts and feelings

The therapist reflects back what the child is

doing and may make general comments such

intrusive form of therapy;

the relationship between the child and

only the

child's thoughts and feelings, as expressed

through play. Children love coming for this

Children exhibiting the following

Making friends is possibly the best

prognostic sign and is therefore important

to take note of. Friends are a valuable source

of support and without them, a child may

GPs will normally refer to a psychiatrist

at the local Child and Family Centre, who

usually works with other colleagues such as

Clinical Psychologists, Speech Therapists or

Therapists. These work

together as a team, and the most appropriate

person to see the child and family will be

After the first consultation, the family may

be seen together, or the child may be seen

In sand tray work, the child is given a free choice from a selection of toys.

Wet or dry sand can be used: the therapist reflects on what the child is doing, always working with the child.

Mosaics are a little different; whereas sand tray toys have their own identity, mosaics can be given meaning(s) from the child's thought's and feelings. The

variously coloured shapes can be assembled into something which is either concrete or abstract. The child's thoughts and feelings about the mosaic are explored afterwards.

Page 93: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

On the other hand they may also feel protective, and worry about their sibling with TOF.

"I get worried when she goes into

hospital. I don't like her being away. I

like playing with the hospital toys and

visiting the nurses. I know sometimes

she has to go into hospital but I don't

like her upset."

"I love him so much because I waited so

long for my brother to come home from

hospital. He was so small when I saw him

born, but I couldn't cuddle him with his

tubes. I like him, he's nice, he's special to

me. He's my brother"

"Emma and I are very close (mother)

and we both try not to overprotect but

probably fail. We do try and encourage

her to be physically active to build her

strength and become adventurous. Adam,

her five-year-old brother, has a good

relationship with Emma, helped by the

fact she has always brightened and

smiled even on her worst days in hospital

when he comes to visit her."

It is quite possible for these

contrasting feelings to go together, one

being experienced one day, the other

another – or even both together.

"I couldn't help feeling a bit jealous of

all the t ime my parents spent with

Colin. However, I also remember feeling

a great affection for Colin and a sense

of protectiveness towards him. One

memory which sticks in my mind is

trying to feed Colin a packet of crisps,

which he found very difficult to eat. I sat

with him patiently for what seemed like

hours, giving him tiny pieces of crisp

alternated with a drink. He almost

managed it, and I was so disappointed

when he ' got stuck' as we used to call it.

People who didn't know about his TOF

would get alarmed when he started to

choke and cough,

but for me it was just a part of life. I

forgot that other children didn't have to

worry about what they ate. It is not until

now, looking back, that I realise how

incredibly brave and courageous Colin

was, to struggle through he hard times and

keep going."

Having a brother or sister with TOF

brings its problems, however many

seem to have gained in some way from

the experience.

"It was very traumatic and stressful at

times but we feel that we have learnt a

great deal from our younger brother's

stay in hospital."

"Tim was almost four-and-a-half years

old when Matt was born. We explained

as best we could why Matt was still in

hospital and how we would have to

gastrostomy tube feed him. Tim took

this all very well, and so when I was

allowed home from Aberdare Hospital

we took Tim with us to see Matt for the

first time (my husband had been to see

Matt several t imes but T im and I

hadn't seen him). Tim wasn't allowed

into the Special Baby Care Unit and so

he had to be lifted up to look through

the glass in the door. The nurse lifted Matt

from the incubator and held the open

ended gastrostomy tube aloft. Tim

looked lovingly at his little brother and

then, in a loud excited voice, said, "I can

see his stomach pump!" "


The support of friends can be a

huge help to the TOF child, their

siblings and parents.

For parents, in particular, friends can

be an important safety valve, giving

them the chance to discuss issues and

voice fears that other members of the

family are too close to. Parents may

find that they confide closely in certain


Page 94: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

friends and down-play things with

others in order to preserve a 'normal'

social life.

"Many of my friends are often over-

concerned about her health and

probably feel I should 'wrap her up

warmer' , others are very supportive

and lend an ear when I am down."

Friends can often seem overprotective:

"Friends have been concerned and

wanted to help, however, they can be

overpowering. You may need time alone

considering all the stress involved.

However, it helps to talk."

Entirely the wrong kind of response

can also be given, although well-meaning.

This is demonstrated by the following

words from a TOF parent:

"I gave my sister something to study

when she was training to be a nurse."

Even when the right response is

given, at times it just isn't enough.

"We have a few close friends who are

really good and understanding. Most

people don't have any idea what it's

like however and mothers commenting

on his size and speech etc., or trying to

compare drives me insane! Parents with

healthy children will never understand the

feeling of seeing your child suffer with a

long-term condition."

The support gained from friends is

crucial. However, in order to avoid

embarrassment, any particular difficulties

which the TOF child has should be

explained; siblings can also be

encouraged to explain about the TOF

condition to their friends.

"Though Simon is now fine, his regular

mealtime vomiting was unpleasant. As

a family we soon became used to this, yet I

remember feeling embarrassed by my

friends' reaction to him, as it was this that

made me realise he was

`different' . A few months ago Simon was

discharged from hospital and the entire

family felt a sense of relief. Though we've

always accepted him the way he is, that

occasion made us appreciate how lucky

we are that he now leads a totally normal


The opportunity to meet with a group of

other TOF parents – especially those

whose children are older so that they can

pass on the benefit of their experience –

can be very helpful to parents who feel on

their own.

"The contact I have had with other TOF

parents with older children, breast

f eed ing counse l l o r s and 24 hour

contact with the nurses at Great Ormond

Street has been extremely useful. During

visits home in-between hospital stays I

have taken Amy to a couple of postnatal

classes at which I have managed to be

open about her condition, gaining interest

from outsiders. This has been very

important as it is too easy to feel different

and alone with suppressed emotions!"

Growing up

Moving on to playgroup constitutes

another milestone, as does nursery and

school. This book will be valuable to these


"Playgroup were marvellous and managed

well without complaint. Nursery was a

disaster – they made a huge deal out of

Nicholas problems and I got quite

depressed about his condition and my

ability to cope. School have been

marvellous. The school doctor got a bit

overexcited, probably because she sees so

many ordinary children. Because we

moved just before Nicholas started school

the other parents do not know him and I

get the feeling he is regarded as very


Page 95: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

naughty by other mothers. (He isn't,

he's just astonishingly lively)."

"Eleanor started primary school when

she was four-and-a-half and I had briefed

her teacher about TOFs with the aid of

the helpful TOFS Group leaflet. They all

must have read it and t ak en i t o n

b o ard b ec au se so m e months later, I

heard that the dinner ladies paid

particular attention to the fact that

Eleanor must drink plenty of fluid while


As the child grows up, details can be

added to the explanations. Up to at least

7 or 8 years of age, demonstrations will

aid a child's understanding, and help

them to cope with his/her difference.

Some children will find this difference

hard to cope with, especially as they

grow older.

"Philippa feels left out sometimes, as she

can't eat the same as her friends. At school

she has a lunch box, as do the majority of

six-year-olds, so no-one is any the wiser.

She misses eating chips and looks forward

to being older when she should be able to

manage them. She doesn't want to stand

out as being different from the other


"Philippa's problems have not affected her

schooling, apart from occasional time-off

for check-ups. One friend's mum daren' t

have Philippa for tea in case she gets

stuck, although I think the fact that the

children can be argumentative perhaps

had more to do with it. She's OK at parties.

I used to look to see what was on the menu

and point out to Philippa what not to have.

She now knows for herself what to avoid."

Other children are capable of being

open about their condition.

"Charlie had a foley catheter for a long

time before getting a gastrostomy button.

The day after his button was fitted he went

to nursery determined to show all his


When I collected him later in the day it

was to be told by the staff that Charlie

and his button had kept the other children

quiet for some time.

Apparently, they had all disappeared into

the play house and were found lying on

the floor, T shirts pulled up, using cups

and saucers as 'buttons' so they could be

like Charlie. Shoe laces were removed

and used as extension sets and kettles in

place of 50ml syringes.

I never expected anything like this level

of acceptance from Charlie's peers and

he was so pleased that everyone liked

his new button – what more could we ask

for from the under fives?"

Moving on

The strain of a TOF child can be

enormous on families. Different

aspects of the experience stand out for

different families.

"All the problems made me much closer to

my TOF daughter than I might otherwise

have been and the memory of that time

remains to get me over 'teenager'


"Something out of the ordinary seems to

polarise people – they either embrace the

challenge with enthusiasm (or well-

disguised fear) or don't want to try and

understand or accommodate."

"I have a very close, caring relationship

with Lorenzo (TOF/VACTERL) as we

have been through so much together. I

think Joe, Lorenzo's brother, suffered

slightly because of all the extra


Page 96: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

attention Lorenzo got. We still find it

difficult to cope with, it has affected our

lives very deeply; we are all closer and are

all involved in Lorenzo's care. Friends try

and understand but it's impossible – they

don't understand our continual underlying


"I was frightened to be left alone with

Ryan. He would choke and take his

breath, so my daughter could not

consider going back to work at all. All

in all it has made us closer, but been very

stressful on us all."

"Even now, when he is so fit and well,

we often look at him and remember what

happened. It never leaves you."

Nonetheless, families come through

the challenges and learn to come to terms

with and even to cherish the special nature

of the experience.

"I think that we are a closer family

because of the trauma of having a

TOF child."

"Alistair was our first child and we tended

to feel he was very special to us because

of his condition and problems. The

arrival of our second child showed us

that the way we felt was because they were

ours, not because there were problems. I

did have to learn to relax and cope with

Alistair's problems and this probably

made me more relaxed with our other two

children, but I think this is probably true

with the oldest in every family – problems

or not.

We have moved house since Alistair had

much of his surgery and went through the

main recovery phase. If the subject arises,

we explain what Alistair was born with

and the main reactions are interest in the

condition and s y m p a t h y a t w h a t h e

h a d t o g o through. We have held

regular coffee mornings for TOES in the

village in an

effort to raise people's awareness, but

talk about it less as Alistair gets older

– he finds it embarrassing to be singled

out, as any teenager would."

Summary In summary, although a TOF child is

different, and family life is very much

affected by the arrival of a TOF child, it

is important that the child is not lead

to feel different – at least not so far as


The anxieties associated with the

c on d i t i on c an h a ve an e no r mo us

impact on a family but friends and

relatives together with the backing of

the medical team can help by offering

practical help and emotional support.

Patience and understanding may be

required for others to accept the

condit ion, but the rewards of such

initial efforts are well worth it – not

only for the parents' peace of mind and

well-being, but also for the child's

development in the long-term. If help

is needed, ask for it.

The term 'a TOF' – which is often

used – can too easily become a 'label'

for what is in many ways a normal child

with a particular difficulty, born to live

a fulfilling and enjoyable life:

"I was very scared, especially as he

choked quite badly the first time I looked

after him. I panicked but once he's

done it to you know what to look out

for and to expect the next time. It never

stopped me looking after him or treating

him any differently."


Page 97: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Long Term Outcome;

Results of a Follow-up Study PAJ Chetcuti DM FRCP FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatrician, The General Infirmary at Leeds

Considerable information has been

provided on the possible problems

encountered in children born with TOE

This gives rise to two questions ... how

common are these problems and do they

improve as the child gets older?

These questions were answered by a

detailed follow up study from Melbourne,

Australia in 1987. A total of 366 patients

who had undergone TOF surgery (from the

first successful operation in 1948 to those

of the mid-1980's) were invited to attend

the hospital for review. Over 300

attended and half were adults. Patients

and/or their parents were asked about their

current health and previous problems;

height and weight measurements were

taken, a clinical examination made and

lung function tests performed.


One in 3 under 5 years of age

experienced feeding difficulties with food

sticking and vomiting but this improved

dramatically in older children. Two thirds

had been re-admitted to hospital due to

swallowing problems, mostly in the

first 5 years of life; just under half had

needed a minor operation to stretch a

narrowing in the oesophagus at the

original operation site (a dilatation

procedure). Two thirds of adults stated

t h a t t h e y w e r e a w a r e o f m i l d

swallowing difficulties, however this

did not interfere with what they ate and

they were able to manage such

difficulties by drinking fluid with their

meals. Only one adult had a narrowing

in his oesophagus which needed a

dilatation procedure.

Chest Problems

Nearly half had been admitted to

hospital with 'noisy' breathing and

chest infections; again the majority of

these episodes were in the first 5 years

of life. The characteristic `TOF cough' was

present in three quarters under 5 years of

age, but became less frequent and less

severe in older children. Just under half the

adults said that whenever they coughed it

was still the harsh brassy cough, but that

this did not trouble them at all. Minor

chest infections occurred in only 1 in 5

adults, but responded very quickly to

antibiotics and did not require hospital

admission. One third of adults

occasionally experienced a `wheeze' (a

whistling nose coming from the chest)

but in over half this was because they had

asthma and was unrelated to the operation.

Exercise, Education and Lifestyle

Two thirds of older children and adults

felt that they were extremely fit and

regularly took part in sports where they

competed equal ly wi th thei r peers.

The rest reported only a slight reduction in

ability to sustain vigorous exercise

compared to their peers.


Page 98: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

40% of 5-10 year olds missed more

than one week of school per year because

of illness compared to 20% of 10-15

year olds. Only 10% of adults missed more

than one week of work because of any

illness. They were involved in a wide

variety of occupations and all said that

their operation(s) had not interfered with

their choice of career. The majority of

adults were married and their 15 children

were born with no significant health


Height and Weight

The height measurements in the group

were similar to children and adults who

had not experienced any major

illnesses. 10% were extremely thin, but

these were nearly all under 5 years of

age, suggesting that nutrition and

weight gain improved in older children

and adults.

Lung Function

Tes ts showed tha t 1 i n 10 had

slightly reduced lung volumes and lin

5 had slight obstruction to the flow of

air out of the lungs. The patients with

these findings were in no way

disadvantaged and led normal lives.


A number of children born with TOF

will develop feeding difficulties and

chest problems. These problems are

always at their worst in the first 2 years of

life and after 5 years of age are

uncommon. Some parents experience

great difficulties in these early years and

may need considerable support.

However, this very large study – the

largest of its kind on TOF follow up in

the world – is very reassuring. It shows

that the majority of children are able to

participate fully in sport and to live up

to their full academic potential.

Furtheimore, they grow up

comparable to their peers and their

achievements as adults are not

impaired by their earlier problems.

Quotations from TOF s, their families and friends and medical professionals

"Despite Jacob's continuous hospital

admissions during his first year (and his

inevitable small size), he makes up for

this in strength of character and cheeky

charm. He is already walking and is

incredibly curious and determined."

"It has undoubtedly been a very difficult

time – Jacob was our first child and we

spent much of his early life in hospital. He

still doesn't eat and is slow to thrive.

Despite all this he is our complete and

utter pride and joy and we love him with

a surging protectiveness that is hard to


"Hannah is a lively 2 year old now, and

although she has regular 'sticking' and

'choking' instances, and a cough that

everyone remarks upon, we enjoy a

wonderful 'normal' family life. We now

have another daughter, Rebecca, who

seems perfectly healthy and we look

forward to a positive future."

"James is a very lively, funny boy who

enjoys every minute of his life and

perhaps doesn't take things for granted,

like so many of us do, without realising

it often enough. We're so lucky to have

James. James is a perfect example to

show that this condition can be overcome

with the best possible outcome."

"I believe she is some sort of 'miracle'

child to come through all she had to

suffer in her baby and infant life. She is

very special."


Page 99: The Tof Child

"Matthew is now nearly eight. A strong

willed energetic lad who is madly keen on

football. TOF has not held him back and

he is a picture of health. He is a real

success story and an encouragement to

all TOF parents."

"Ben has been relatively healthy for a

TOF. He has been dilated 3 times –Oxford,

Bristol and Montreal, Canada. Fortunately

we were well insured!!! He liked to visit a

variety of hospitals! Winter coughs were a

major problem until we discovered a

wonderful GP who liaised with Oxford. We

always kept a low dose antibiotic ready

and used it when and if we needed it. He

seemed to grow out of it at about 7 years

as our Consultant had predicted although I

never really believed it could happen.

He is now 10 years old. Happy and

healthy. He still gets stuck occasionally,

but pushes it down with a drink. He

represents the county in gymnastics, plays

the trumpet and leads a normal life. The

traumas were many along the way but

he's been worth every minute. We also

have an eight year old daughter who has

no problems at all."

"For my second baby I was booked into

different hospital where they had the

facilities for high-image scanning in order

to look out for a possible TOF, and at

about 29 weeks we saw our baby actually

swallowing! In our heart of hearts we

were not entirely convinced he was fine

until he was born and breastfed very

efficiently within 45 minutes of being


"Matthew (7) is obviously aware of his

condition. We have never made a big issue

out of it and have not therefore explained

the what TOF actually is. He still thinks

the scars came from when he rescued his

Dad from sharks in the sea! We will

explain it to him, quite openly, when he

has a more understanding mind."

The TOF Child

"Matthew is now nearly eight. A strong-

willed energetic lad who is madly keen on

football. TOF has not held him back and

health. He is a real

encouragement to

"Ben has been relatively healthy for a


Bristol and Montreal, Canada. Fortunately

we were well insured!!! He liked to visit a

variety of hospitals! Winter coughs were a

em until we discovered a

wonderful GP who liaised with Oxford. We

always kept a low dose antibiotic ready

and used it when and if we needed it. He

seemed to grow out of it at about 7 years

as our Consultant had predicted although I

could happen.

healthy. He still gets stuck occasionally,


life. The

way but

We also

have an eight year old daughter who has

"For my second baby I was booked into a

image scanning in order

to look out for a possible TOF, and at

t 29 weeks we saw our baby actually

hearts we

he was fine

efficiently within 45 minutes of being

"Matthew (7) is obviously aware of his

ever made a big issue


still thinks

the scars came from when he rescued his

explain it to him, quite openly, when he


Sandra Kay Lawton at age 3 years.


Christine Micolaud, who was born with

TOF/OA, photographed on her wedding

day. She is now mother to two chidren.

The TOF Child

Christine Micolaud, who was born with

TOF/OA, photographed on her wedding

day. She is now mother to two chidren.


Page 100: The Tof Child

The TOF Child


R Lee BMedSci, Senior Medical Student and L Kapila OBE FRCS, Consultant

Paediatric Surgeon, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham.

WATER' is an acronym for:

Vertebral (spinal) defects

Anorectal atresia (failure of the anus

and lower end of the gut to form)

Tracheo-oesophageal fistula with or

without Esophageal atresia

(American spelling)

Renal anomalies (abormalities of the

(kidney) and radial limb dysplasia

(abnormal forearm development).

The relationship between these

congenital anomalies was first noted in

1968, when it was called Say-Gerald

Syndrome. Other synonyms have included

Kaufman syndrome, PIV and PIAVA, but

the term which is currently favoured (and

is replacing VATER) is VACTERL. The

extra letters stand for Cardiac (heart) and

Limb defects respectively. They were

added because it is now appreciated that

over 70% of affected children have heart

problems, and limb abnormalities are not

always restricted to the forearm, with

40% of cases having defects of the foot or


Diagnosis To qualify as a `VACTERL' child, three

of the seven components mentioned above

must be present. There may also be any

number of other characteristics which

occur more frequently in affected

children than the rest of the population;

these include ear abnormalities, genital

anomalies, cleft lip and/or palate, thumb

abnormalities, various changes in gut

development and in the fetus , the

presence of a single artery in the

umbilical cord (normally there are two).

No individual

is likely to display all these features

and no two individuals are likely to be

affected in exactly the same way.


It is estimated that for every 6,250

births, one child will have VACTERL.

This is rare compared with many other

conditions; one baby in 2,500 is born

with cystic fibrosis, and one in 700 has

Down syndrome. Large numbers of

patients are required to scientifically study

any medical condition, so the small

numbers of children with VACTERL, and

their wide variety of features, has made

research difficult. Consequently, little is


Growth of the fetus in the womb is

enormously complex. The original two

cells (the sperm and the egg) which

combine and develop into a new

individual divide, and their progeny

divide and so on, until the millions of

cells which make up a human being

are formed. This is not just a process

of multiplication, and different cells

take on different jobs. Large groups of

cells will become muscle, others will

make up bone and eventually every type

of cell in the body is represented.

Ensuring that the right cells go to the right

place at the right time is a delicate task; in

spite of the massive scientific efforts

aimed at understanding the intricate

mechanisms involved, many pieces of the

jigsaw are still missing.

The cause of VACTERL is unclear.

One theory suggests that cells are

disrupted at an early stage of develop-

ment. There are only three types of cell


Page 101: The Tof Child

in the three-week-old fetus, one of which

is called a mesodermal cell. These cells go

on to form the gut wall (including the

oesophagus), the kidneys and bone

(including the spine and the skeleton of the

limbs). In principle, a change in a

mesodermal cell could result in a change in

any of these body parts, which would

explain the wide variety of abnormalities

present in VACTERL. Efforts have been

made to identify agents, such as drugs,

which could adversely affect these cells,

but so far nothing has been proved.

It is important to stress that VAC

_____ IERL is not an inherited

condition. This means that the future

offspring of a family with one

VACTERL child have no greater chance

of having VACTERL than the children of

unaffected families. There is, however,

an exception to the rule. Chromosomes

are the inherited structures of DNA which

determine everything about an individual.

Two chromosomal abnormalities (the

more common of which is Edwards

syndrome) may result in the features of

VACTERL –two rare cases in which the

cause of VACTERL is known. In order to

exclude this, the chromosomes of all

VACTERL babies are examined.

Antenatal Diagnosis

The regular use of ultrasound to

examine the fetus is greatly increasing

the number of abnormalities detected

before birth. Many VACTERL babies

will not be picked up during a routine

scan, but in pregnancies which merit

detailed ultrasound investigation it is

more likely that skeletal abnormalities,

kidney defects and a single umbilical

artery will be seen. Perhaps, as ultrasound

scanning continues to improve, ante-natal

diagnosis of VACTERL will become the


The TOF Child

old fetus, one of which

cell. These cells go

on to form the gut wall (including the

(including the spine and the skeleton of the

mesodermal cell could result in a change in

any of these body parts, which would help

explain the wide variety of abnormalities

present in VACTERL. Efforts have been

made to identify agents, such as drugs,

could adversely affect these cells,

This means that the future

VACTERL child have no greater chance

of having VACTERL than the children of

unaffected families. There is, however,

an exception to the rule. Chromosomes

res of DNA which

determine everything about an individual.

Two chromosomal abnormalities (the

result in the features of

two rare cases in which the

cause of VACTERL is known. In order to

the chromosomes of all

examine the fetus is greatly increasing

the number of abnormalities detected

before birth. Many VACTERL babies

will not be picked up during a routine

can, but in pregnancies which merit

detailed ultrasound investigation it is

more likely that skeletal abnormalities,

kidney defects and a single umbilical



ACTERL will become the

Symptoms and Treatment

VACTERL children are categorised

as TOFs because this is a cardinal feature

of the condition, but their problems and

hospital management differ because of

their multiple abnormalities. Only 60% of

all `VACTERLs' will have a TOF to


Vertebral Abnormalities

Vertebrae are flat bones which are

stacked on top of each other to form the

spine. If they are deformed, an abnormal

spinal shape may result (` scoliosis' or

`kyphosis'). Abnormal bone develop

ment may also be accompanied by

abnormalities in the associated muscles

and nerves, and these children can appear

slightly lopsided if the left and right

sides of the body are affected unequally.

Fortunately, these deformities are often


Treatment of an abnormally shaped

spine depends on the severity of the

deformity. If minor, no intervention may

be required. More severe cases often

necessitate use of a brace (a contraption

worn by the child which exerts a force in

order to straighten or prevent further

curvature of the spine). This is a long term

option and can be worn for

several years. Gross

distortions require

surgical correction as

they may cause severe

disability, perhaps

decreasing the size of the chest and

therefore the

space available

for the lungs to

expand. This is

a major


with a long




The TOF Child

VACTERL children are categorised

as TOFs because this is a cardinal feature

of the condition, but their problems and

hospital management differ because of

malities. Only 60% of

stacked on top of each other to form the

spine. If they are deformed, an abnormal

spinal shape may result (` scoliosis' or

`kyphosis'). Abnormal bone develop-

abnormalities in the associated muscles



sides of the body are affected unequally.

Fortunately, these deformities are often

an abnormally shaped

deformity. If minor, no intervention may

necessitate use of a brace (a contraption

worn by the child which exerts a force in

curvature of the spine). This is a long term



Page 102: The Tof Child

Anorectal Atresia

This is a broad term which describes

range of abnoinialities. At one extreme,

children have an intact bowel with a

blind end Clow imperforate anus'). At the

other extreme, the bowel stops quite some

distance short of what should be the anal

opening, and there are often abnormal

connections between the bowel and the

bladder or vagina.

A low imperforate anus is treated by

a single surgical procedure soon after

birth which has few long-term

complications. The more severe (high)

case requires two or three separate

operations, the first of which creates a

`co los tomy. ' This i s an a r t i f i c ia l

opening in the skin which is attached

to the bowel on the inside and a plastic

bag on the outside. It enables the child

to defaecate and is easily managed by

regular bag changes. In subsequent

operations the bowel and anus are

reconnected and, after healing, the

colostomy is closed. Continence will

develop if the surrounding muscles and

nerves are able to function adequately.

Cardiac Abnormalities

`Ventricular septal defect' (VSD) is

the commonest type of cardiac abnormality

(abnormality of the heart), a c c o u n t i n g

f o r mo r e t h a n t h r e e - quarters of all

cases. It is a hole in the wall that

separates the two large chambers of the

heart. Consequently, the heart does not

function efficiently. The child is

symptom-free if the hole is small, but a

doctor would be able to detect it. Moderate

cases may cause breathlessness on

feeding and recurrent chest infections,

but these problems tend to subside with

age. Babies will be short of breath at an

earlier age with severe defects and often

sweat. They may be underweight and

become severely ill.


The TOF Child

This is a broad term which describes a

children have an intact bowel with a

blind end Clow imperforate anus'). At the

other extreme, the bowel stops quite some

A low imperforate anus is treated by

complications. The more severe (high)


opening in the skin which is attached

to the bowel on the inside and a plastic

bag on the outside. It enables the child

the commonest type of cardiac abnormality

c o u n t i n g

quarters of all

is small, but a

le to detect it. Moderate


Anorectal Atresia and Hypospadias.

T h i s c h i l d d o e s n o t h a v e a n a n u s

(anorectal atresia) and his urinary orifice

is situated on the under-surface of the penile

shaft (hypospadias).

He also has an abnormal connection

between the bowel and bladder; faeces

are therefore seen at the urinary orifice.

With all VSD's there is a greater risk

of heart infection, and in mild cases the

only treatment is a course of antibiotics

given before surgical or dental procedures.

In moderate cases, children can

accumulate excess body fluid, and this is

usually controlled wi th tablets .

Surgery to c lose the defect is largely

reserved for the severe case which does

not respond to medication. This is best

done as a single operation, during which

the function of the baby's heart and

lungs are taken over by a machine.

There are many other heart defects

which may occur in isolation or

accompany a VSD.

The TOF Child

Page 103: The Tof Child

Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula with Oesophageal Atresia

Symptoms and treatment do not

differ from other TOFs.

Renal Anomalies

These fall into two main categories;

total failure of one or both kidneys to form,

and 'other' anomalies.

Absence of both kidneys has sinister

implications and may be detected ante

natally by ultrasound. A single absent

kidney is however entirely symptomless,

because the remaining kidney can fully

compensate for the deficiency.

The 'other' category is vast, including

abnormally small (` hypoplastic') kidneys,

abnormally shaped kidneys (e.g.

'horseshoe kidney'), abnormally placed

kidneys (e.g. 'pelvic kidney'), abnormally

arranged kidney cells (e.g. `polycystic

kidney') and abnormal structures which

communicate with the kidney (e.g. an

abnormal blood s up p l y , o r an

a bn or ma l s ha pe o r number of the

tubes (ureters) which run between the

kidney and bladder).

These are not always associated

with malfunction, but problems arise

The TOF Child

fall into two main categories;

total failure of one or both kidneys to form,

Absence of both kidneys has sinister

implications and may be detected ante-

natally by ultrasound. A single absent

kidney is however entirely symptomless,

cause the remaining kidney can fully

The 'other' category is vast, including


'horseshoe kidney'), abnormally placed

kidneys (e.g. 'pelvic kidney'), abnormally

arranged kidney cells (e.g. `polycystic

structures which

the kidney (e.g. an

r of the

run between the

These are not always associated

with malfunction, but problems arise

when the kidney cells do not work

efficiently, either because they never

developed properly or because they have

been damaged. The latter is commonly

caused by an obstruction to urine flow,

particularly at the junction of the kidney

and ureter. The resultant backlog of urine

is often associated with infection and the

baby may have diarrhoea, a fever,

vomiting and be slow to gain weight.

Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent or

treat infection a n d t h e o b s t r u c t i o n

i s r e l i e v e d surgically. If only one

kidney is involved the other will always


Left kidney



Normal kidneys Line of rib


Right k i d n e y '


Pelvis —

The TOF Child

developed properly or because they have


urine flow,

of the kidney

backlog of urine

with infection and the

prescribed to prevent or

a n d t h e o b s t r u c t i o n

kidney is involved the other will always





Page 104: The Tof Child

Renal abnormalities

Ureteric duplication

Crossed renal ectopia

Hypo plastic Horseshoe kidney kidney


Unilateral agenesis

(one kidney)

Pelvic kidney

The TOF Child


Radiograph of a grossly enlarged kidney

filled with contrast. Urine is produced by

this kidney, but cannot leave via the ureter

because of an obstruction.

Polycystic kidney

Radiograph of a grossly enlarged kidney

filled with contrast. Urine is produced by

this kidney, but cannot leave via the ureter

Page 105: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Limb Abnormalities

The forearm (the part of the arm

between the elbow and wrist) contains

two bones, the ulna and radius. Partial

or total failure of the radius (and the

muscles which attach to it) to develop

is frequently associated with VACTERL.

Characteristically this causes the hand

to lie at a right-angle to the forearm

and usually the thumb is also malformed

or absent. Considerable deformity and

disability may result.

Initially, the affected arm is passively

corrected with a splint. This is followed

by an operation between the age of 6

and 12 months to realign the hand and

forearm. If the thumb is absent a second

procedure, called 'pollicization', is

used to create a surrogate thumb by

rotating the index finger. Physiotherapy

is an important part of the rehabilitation

process and a considerable degree of hand

function can be restored.

Further details about these problems are

given in the following chapter.


Radial club hand, a characteristic limb

anomaly in VACTERL children.


Hospitals are a second home for

VACTERL children. They receive

intensive medical attention, both to treat

the immediate problems and to monitor

their progress. This involves frequent

consultations with a variety of specialist

doctors, in addition to intensive general

health surveillance, such as regular growth

checks. The impact of such prolonged

hospitalisation should not be

underestimated. Although VACTERL

children have comparable intelligence to

their peers, their social integration and

development is almost inevitably affected.

Ultimately, the future of an affected

child will be determined by the success

of their treatment. Residual problems may

cause long-term disability, the severity of

which will vary between individuals and

depends on the number and type of

defects. In the majority of cases,

continued medical support will be

required, but this does not prevent a

VACTERL chi ld f rom leading an

active, independent and fulfilled life.


1. Bayne L.G. (1993). Radial Club Hand

(Radial Deficiencies) in

` O p e r a t i v e H a n d S u r g e r y , '

Churchill Livingstone, New York.

2. Beals R.K. and Rolfe B. (1989).

`Current Concepts Review VATER

Association. A Unifying Concept of

Multiple Anomalies.' The Journal of

Bone and Joint Surgery 71-A: 948-


3. Buck-Gramcko D. (1985).

aadialisation as a New Treatment

for Radial Club Hand.'

The Journal of Hand Surgery

10A: 964-968.


Page 106: The Tof Child

4. Chen J.M., Schloss M.D. and Laberge J. (1991). 'Extensive Upper Aerodigestive Tract Anomalies in `VACTERL' Association.' Archives of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 117: 1407-1410.

5. Jablonski S. (1991). Jablonski's Dictionary of Syndromes and Eponymous Diseases, Krieger Publishing Co.: 624.

6. Khoury M.J., Cordero J.F., Greenberg F., James L.M. and Erickson J.D. (1983).

`A Population Study of the VACTERL Association: Evidence for Its Etiologic Heterogeneity.' Paediatrics 71: 815-820.

7. Merlob P. and Naor N. (1994). `Drug Induced VATER Association: Is Dibenzepin a Possible Cause?' [Letter]. J Med Genet 31: 423.

8. Morris P.J. and Matt R.A. (1994). `Oxford Textbook of Surgery,' Oxford University Press.


The TOF Child

9. Sadler T.W. (1990). `Langman's Medical Embryology,' Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.

10. Say B. and Gerald P. (1968). `A New Polydactyly/Imperforate-Anus/Vertebral-Anomalies Syndrome?' [Letter].

The Lancet 2: 688.

11. Strickland J.W. and Kleinman W.B. (1993). 'Thumb Reconstruction for Congenital Absence' in 'Operative Hand Surgery,' Churchill Livingstone, New York: 2044-2073.

12. Weaver D.D., Mapstone C.L. and Yu P. (1986). 'The VATER Association. Analysis of 46 Patients.' Am J Dis Child 140: 225-229.

13. Wiedemann H.R., Kunze J., Dibbern H. (1992). NATER Association,' in 'An Atlas of Clinical Syndromes. A Visual Aid to Diagnosis,' Wolfe Publishing Ltd.: 548.

Ben Gordon, VACTERL child

Ben was born with TOF/OA, radial club left hand and a vertebra missing. Left; Ben aged 14 months.

Below; his 4th birthday, after surgery on his arm; Ben is in the middle near the

base of the photograph.

The TOF Child

Page 107: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Useful Resources and Support Groups for VACTERL

Information about VACTERL can be gained from TOFS office: additional contact

details may also be available from your hospital.

Association for Children with Heart Disorders Postal contact through umbrella group,

Children's Heart Foundation (see below)

Tel: 01706 213632 (Helpline)

Email: [email protected]

Web site: www.heartchild.info

British Kidney Patient Foundation

Bordon, Hants GU35 9JZ

Tel: 01420 472021/2

Web site: www.britishkidney-pa.co.uk

Children's Heart Foundation

52, Kennington Oval, London SE1 1 5SW

T e l : 0 80 8 80 8 5 00 0 (F re ep ho ne

9.30am – 9.30pm)

Email: [email protected]

Web site: www.childrens-heart-fed.org.uk

Contact a Family

(source of contact details for other medical

support groups and charities) 209-211

City Road, London EC1V 1JN Tel:

0808 808 3555 (Helpline open loam-4pm,


On-line helpline through web site

Web site: www.cafamily.org.uk

NASPCS (National Advisory Service to Parents of Children with a Stoma) 51 Anderson Drive, Darvel,

Ayrshire KA17 ODE

Tel: 01560 322024

Email: [email protected]

Web site: www.naspcs.co.uk

REACH: The Association for Children with Hand or Arm Deficiency PO Box 54, Helston,

Cornwall TR13 8WD

Tel: 0845 1306 225

Email: [email protected]

Web site: www.reach.org.uk

Sacral Agenesis Contact Group

15 Elizabeth Gardens, Dibden Purlieu,

Southampton, Hants SO5 4NF

Tel: 023 8084 2661


Association for People with Lower

Limb Abnormalities

Lymm Court, 11 Eagle Brow, Lymm,

Cheshire WA 13 OLP

Tel: 0871 717 0044 (Helpline open

Monday-Friday, 9.30am - 4.00pm)

Email:[email protected] Web


Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula Support (TOFS)

St. George's Centre, 91 Victoria Road,

Netherfield, Nottingham NG4 2NN

Tel: 0115 961 3092

Email: [email protected]

Web site: www.tofs.org.uk


Page 108: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Radial Deformities in VACTERL By Simon P.J. Kay, FRCS, FRCS (Plastic Surgery), Consultant Plastic Surgeon,

St James University Hospital, Leeds.

The VACTERL anomaly includes the

component 'radial.' This refers to radial

dysplasias which affect the forearm and

hand. In order to understand these

conditions, one must be familiar with

the basic anatomy of the forearm.


The forearm is made up of two bones;

the ulna which hinges with the upper arm

humerus, and the radius which swivels

around the ulna as the hand rotates.

Because the hand can rotate from the

elbow so that the palm faces forward or

backwards, the borders of the forearm are

not named inner and outer but are named

after the underlying bone; radial or ulnar.

The thumb therefore lies on the radial

border of the hand while the little finger

lies on the ulnar border.

Forearm Viewed from the Front

`Dysplasia' simply means abnormal

development. In radial dysplasia there

is a variable degree of abnormal

development on the radial border of

the forearm and hand. Radial dysplasia

may occur in one or both arms, and is

particularly commonly associated with

the VACTERL anomaly, but may occur

on its own or in association with other


The resulting deficiency is best

considered in terms of the forearm

deformity and the hand defonnity. These

do not necessarily correspond; a major

abnormality of the thumb may be

present with a minor abnormality of

the forearm (or vice versa).

The Forearm Anomaly: Radial Club Hand.

The normal hand articulates with both

the radius and the ulna at the wrist.

The articulation with the ulna is relatively

small and the radius provides more of the

support for the hand.

In radial dysplasia the soft tissues

and flesh of the forearm are affected as

well as the bone. The arrangement of

muscles and nerves may be abnormal

and some are commonly absent.

The degree to which the radius is

abnormal is variable; in the most


Arrangement of forearm bones. Note how

the radius rotates around the ulna and

each border of the hand is named after the

underlying bone when the palm is facing

forwards and the elbow is by the side (the

so-called anatomical position).


Page 109: The Tof Child

severe cases the radius is completely

absent and the elbow joint may be

disturbed or even fused with no

movement possible. In the mildest of

cases the radius is merely slightly smaller

than the other side and there is minimal

deviation at the wrist. Between these two

extremes there may be a small remnant of

radius, or the radius may be only partially


In any case where the distal part (hand

end) of the radius is absent, there may be

an abnormal bar of gristle connecting the

remnants of the radius to the hand. This

gristle remnant is known by the German

word `anlage' and has a very limited

ability to grow. It is attached to the radial

border of the hand and wrist; as the ulna

grows in the mother's womb, lack of

growth in the radial anlage draws the

hand into a deviated "club" position.

Anlage Results in Deviation ofthe Hand with Growth...

The degree to which the hand and wrist

deviate at birth and thereafter depends on

the degree to which support is lacking (i.e.

the nature of the remaining bony

platfoiin on which the hand sits) and the

degree to which the

The TOF Child

movement possible. In the mildest of

cases the radius is merely slightly smaller

than the other side and there is minimal

deviation at the wrist. Between these two

extremes there may be a small remnant of

us, or the radius may be only partially

In any case where the distal part (hand

end) of the radius is absent, there may be

an abnormal bar of gristle connecting the

radius to the hand. This

gristle remnant is known by the German

and has a very limited

It is attached to the radial

hand and wrist; as the ulna

the mother's womb, lack of

the radial anlage draws the

Results in Deviation of

The degree to which the hand and wrist

deviate at birth and thereafter depends on

the degree to which support is lacking (i.e.

hand sits) and the

anlage tethers the wrist, meaning that

the ulna pushes the wrist further and

further into deviation as it grows in length.

Another important component of the

deviating force is muscle action. Once the

wrist has begun to deviate, muscle

activity will tend to exacerbate the

deviation as the wrist is levered about its

fulcrum or point of contact with the


Muscle Pull Causing Hand Deviation

Treatment of the Forearm

Treatment of the wrist and forearm may

not be seen as a priority at the time

of birth. However, by the time the child

reaches adolescence, many of the other

anomalies in the VACTERL syndrome

will either have been successfully

addressed or be of little consequence.

The wrist and hand may then be the

most significant and enduring stigma of

the condition and may be the only part

that is causing any form of disability.

Surgical treatment is by no means

automatically indicated and there are

complex decisions to be made along

the way before deciding what

treatment may be appropriate.

Remnant of radius


Muscle pull

The TOF Child

anlage tethers the wrist, meaning that


of the

deviating force is muscle action. Once the

about its

Muscle Pull Causing Hand Deviation



of birth. However, by the time the child

reaches adolescence, many of the other

anomalies in the VACTERL syndrome


be the

stigma of

only part

Surgical treatment is by no means

automatically indicated and there are

complex decisions to be made along


Page 110: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

The Immediate Neonatal Period

It has been shown that splinting and

passive stretching exercises for the

wrist and elbow can not only maintain

whatever motion is already available,

but can also improve an initially poor

range of motion. Such exercises may

also lessen the degree of deviation at

the wrist.

The application of splints to a

neonate's arm is extremely difficult

and can be very trying for both the

physiotherapist and the mother. For

this reason many surgeons prefer to

guide their patients in gentle but firm

and frequently repeated passive

stretching exercises in the wrist and

elbow. If these are begun early in a

child's life they will be taken as normal

and will not provoke distress.

Most children with radial dysplasia have

good or normal flexion and extension

(bending and straightening movements) in

the elbow. In patients where the range of

motion is restricted, any improvement

as a result of therapy is welcome, even

if the child is unable to move the elbow

voluntarily. Once the flexibility of the

joint has been regained, the ability to

move the joint can be restored by

surgery, provided the joint remains

supple and mobile.

P h ys i o t h e r a p y a l o n e w i l l n o t

resolve the wrist contracture and

d e v i a t i o n b u t t h i s s h o u l d n o t

discourage parents from an exercise

regimen. Any improvement in the

range of movement in the joint will make

subsequent surgery and splinting more

effective and less complex.

Surgical Treatment of the Elbow

If the elbow is completely rigid,

treatment may not be possible.

In some cases it is possible to

surgically release the structures at the

back of the elbow or any bony bridge

between the forearm and the upper arm

(synostosis) in such a way as to allow

some assisted or passive motion to be

restored. Thereafter voluntary movement

and physical strength may be restored

to the elbow by transferring a muscle

from the wall of the chest. This can be

very successful in restoring to the child

the ability to bend and sometimes to

straighten the elbow. However, it is not

indicated in all cases, depending on the

initial condition of the elbow.

Many surgeons prefer to delay this

surgery until the age of three or four years

when the structures in the region of the

elbow are more mature, while others

prefer to restore elbow bending at as

early an age as possible in order to

facilitate subsequent decisions about

the management of the wrist.

Surgical Treatment of the Wrist

Much of the surgical management

of the wrist was pioneered during the

Thalidomide epidemic of the 1960s.

Not all children should have the wrist

straightened; in particular those children

with VACTERL anomaly having rigid,

straight elbows should only have wrist

surgery under unusual circumstances and

after careful discussion. If the elbow is

unable to bend, the presence of a bent

wrist and short forearm can be an

advantage in personal hygiene and


T h i s k i n d o f s u r g e r y i s a l s o

relatively contraindicated in cases with

other serious complications.


Page 111: The Tof Child

Surgical endeavours to straighten

wrist have undergone many advances and

changes. In principle, the tight structures

which are tending to deviate the wrist (the

skin, the radial anlage, the abnormal

muscles, and the tight joint capsule and

lining of the joint) are divided or

lengthened and the wrist is therefore

able to rotate straight on the end of the


In practice, the wrist can be very tight

and difficult to free up. Several solutions

to this problem have been found,

including removing bone from the wrist

so that the hand can sit straight on the end

of the ulna, or removing a slot of bone

from the wrist so that the wrist fits like

a cap over the end of the ulna.

The latter procedure is known as

centralisation and is preferable because

removing bone from the ulna could affect

growth. The end of the ulna is where its

longitudinal growth occurs; removal of

or damage to the end of the ulna may

therefore result in an even shorter

forearm than would normally be the case.

The surgeon may be

unable to straighten the



The TOF Child

Surgical endeavours to straighten the

advances and

tight structures

which are tending to deviate the wrist (the

anlage, the abnormal

tight joint capsule and

the wrist is therefore

able to rotate straight on the end of the

In practice, the wrist can be very tight

and difficult to free up. Several solutions

the wrist

t straight on the end

removing a slot of bone

so that the wrist fits like

and is preferable because

removing bone from the ulna could affect

th. The end of the ulna is where its

occurs; removal of

or damage to the end of the ulna may

forearm than would normally be the case.

The sensitive 'growth zone' at the

of the ulna can also be damaged by

excessive pressure; for this reason it is

better to remove bone from the wrist

than to force the wrist bone over the

ulna under great compression.

In recent years there has been a move

towards distraction lengthening in

which a frame is placed on the hand

and forearm in such a way that pins

through the ulna and pins through the

hand can be moved apart gradually (1mm

a day maximum) so as to gently stretch

and 'grow' the hand into a straighter

position prior to surgery. The result of this

is that there is little or no compression

when the hand is finally surgically

straightened on the wrist.

This procedure has proved very

effective although in many units use of

the technique is only in its infancy and

surgeons are still learning the risks and

benefits of the procedure.


Radiograph of a child with a distraction

device on both sides of the wrist.

Sometimes these are only put on one side.

The TOF Child

The sensitive 'growth zone' at the tip

excessive pressure; for this reason it is

better to remove bone from the wrist

than to force the wrist bone over the



n the hand

hand can be moved apart gradually (1mm

a day maximum) so as to gently stretch

position prior to surgery. The result of this

here is little or no compression

effective although in many units use of

the technique is only in its infancy and

surgeons are still learning the risks and

Radiograph of a child with a distraction

Sometimes these are only put on one side.


Page 112: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

I f l i t t le or no bone has been removed in order to accommodate the hand and wrist on the end of the ulna, then the hand may be pushed slightly further across towards the ulnar border of the forearm and the tight muscles of the wrist reorganised so as to balance the hand on the end of the ulna. This

procedure is known as radialisation and has the theoretical benefits over centralisation of resecting less bone, being less likely to interfere with growth, and allowing more mobility at the wrist (because the muscles are restored and the ulna is not placed in the slot within the wrist).

Prot racted spl in t ing may be

necessary after centralisation or

radialisation. At the time of surgery a

pin is placed through the wrist and the

ulna and this serves as an 'internal

splint' which may remain in place for

a year or even more after surgery and

may be augmented by an external

splint. It may be necessary to continue

splinting for many months or even years

before the ulna gradually broadens and

becomes a more stable platform on

which the wrist may balance.

In practice it has proved very difficult

to obtain reliable and reproducible

results with radialisation. In both

centralisation and radialisation further

surgery for rebalancing may be

necessary even quite early after the

first procedure and certainly is not

unusual at least once during the growth

of the child.

At the time of radialisation or

centralisation there is a deficit of skin

on the radial border of the wrist and an

excess of skin on the ulnar border of

the wrist. Various operations have been

devised to redress the balance between

these two areas but all the procedures

result in scarring on the back of the

wrist and in some cases may give rise

to slow healing in at least one part of

the wound. This is not usually painful

or disturbing for the child.

At the time of radialisation or centralisation the surgeon will be able

to inspect the tendons which pass from the forearm to the hand as well as the muscles and soft tissue structures in the hand itself. This may be important in planning surgery to the hand later.


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Surgical Treatment of the Forearm Bones

Frequently the restrictions causing

hand deviation also affect the growth

of the ulna bone.

When the radius is partially or

completely absent and there is an

unyielding anlage connecting the elbow

to the wrist, then not only will the wrist

deviate but the ulna may be forced to grow

in a curve (i.e. to 'bow').

This bowing can become extreme and

result in a 90° bend in the forearm. It

may also result in a twist in the forearm

because of the complex arrangement of the

anlage. These abnormalities may lead to

an apparently shorter forearm than is

truly the case.

At the time of the operation for

radialisation and centralisation of the

wrist, the surgeon may choose to

straighten the forearm bones by

rearranging wedges of bone within the

middle of the arc and the ulnar. These

will be held in place by the same pin

that holds the wrist.

There has been some discussion about

the pros and cons of distraction

lengthening of the foreatm after the

wrist has been centralised (this is in

distinction to the distraction lengthening

mentioned previously, which serves to

straighten the wrist prior to surgery and

which may be undertaken from a very

early age –even in the neonatal period).

Distraction lengthening of the forearm

bones is generally considered to be an

option for later in the child's life and the

benefits of this may, in some patients

eyes, be outweighed by the

disadvantages. These need to be discussed

carefully with the surgeon undertaking the

procedure, and include minor infections,

pain, discomfort and scarring as well as

the possibility of poor healing and


It should be recognised that any

distraction lengthening may need to be

repeated a number of times while the

child is still growing.

The Hand Anomaly

In radial dysplasia, the major anomaly in

the hand is a variable degree of hypoplasia

of the thumb and abnormalities in the long

tendons which pass to the remaining

fingers. Hypoplasia simply means

undergrowth and hypoplasia of the

thumb has been classified by the German

surgeon Blauth as follows:

Type I: slight reduction in size but all

structures normal.

Type II: small thumb with abnormalities

of the muscles and tendons, instability

(wobbliness) of the middle joinfof the

thumb and a tight restricted web space

between the thumb and index finger.


Page 114: The Tof Child

Type III: small skeleton of the thumb,

abnormalities of many if not all of the

muscles, abnormal stiffness in all of the

thumb joints and a highly abnormal first

web space. The position of the thumb may

also be abnormal.

Type IV: a 'floating' thumb attached

by only a thread.

Type V: total absence of the thumb.

The abnotnialities of the thumb are

surprisingly often overlooked when they

are mild at birth. The decision whether or

not to treat the abnormality when it is

found is not always straightforward.

Treatment of the Hand

Type I

Type I hypoplasia needs no treatment

since function is virtually normal.

Type II

Type II hypoplasia often requires three

elements in treatment, all of which may be

undertaken at one stage.

Firstly, the tight web space between

the thumb and index finger is released

with skin grafts or the transposition of

skin from an adjacent area.

Secondly, the wobbliness or instab

ility of the middle joint (the metacarpo

phalangeal or MCP joint) of the thumb

is addressed. This is either through

ligament reconstruction or, in more severe

cases, by making this joint rigid. The

latter may sound drastic, however the

main functional ability of the thumb

comes from the joint at the base of the

thumb and rigidity at even one or even

both of the other joints is functionally

preferable to floppiness or instability.

Finally, the abnormality in the

muscles of the thumb is addressed.

Many surgeons believe that these

abnormalities should be corrected at

the same time in order to prevent


The TOF Child


web space. The position of the thumb may

are mild at birth. The decision whether or

Type II hypoplasia often requires three

elements in treatment, all of which may be

Firstly, the tight web space between

the thumb and index finger is released

with skin grafts or the transposition of

Secondly, the wobbliness or instab-

ility of the middle joint (the metacarpo-

phalangeal or MCP joint) of the thumb

ligament reconstruction or, in more severe


Type III thumb.


Type IV thumb.


Type V thumb.

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The TOF Child

recurrence of the tightness in the first

web space, which might otherwise occur if

the thumb is not sufficiently active to

'exercise' the skin on the hand.

Some surgeons prefer to rearrange

the long tendons of the forearm to

allow the thumb to be moved away from

the palm or to rotate across the palm while

other surgeons prefer to move one of the

small muscles from the little finger

border of the hand in order to provide this

function. On rare occasions, it is

necessary to restore the long tendon that

allows the thumb to bend; this is usually

best left until such time as the child is

able to cooperate with rehabilitation.

Types III, IV and V

In Type III the widespread nature of

the abnormalities is such that one has

to consider complete reconstruction of

the thumb.

Type IV and V patients have no

option other than to do nothing or

undergo such surgery.

Many surgeons have sought to

avoid this and have subdivided Type

III in order to identify those cases in

which the existing inadequate thumb

can be preserved in large part and

elements of the skeleton and the joints

replaced by microsurgical transplant-

ation from the foot. Some of these

pioneering works have proved successful

but it is still to early to make widespread

recommendations about these techniques.

Instead, in appropriate cases,

reconstruction of a very functional and

aesthetically pleasing thumb can be

completed by transferring the index

finger. This operation is known as

pollicisation. It may seem extraordinarily

severe because it sacrifices an apparently

normal index finger in order to construct a


however i t is an operation which is

very well understood and has proven

to be very reliable and reproducible. In

cases where the index finger is normal

and functional, a very good thumb results;

the choice is therefore between a four

fingered hand without a thumb or a

three fingered hand with a thumb. So

crucial is the function of the thumb to

the function of the hand as a whole that

most surgeons believe that the child

is better served by the creation of a three

fingered hand with a thumb.

Cosmetically most surgeons also find

such a hand less bizarre and noticeable.


The Type IV case shown on the previous

page, following pollicisation.

Timing of Surgery

Much has been written about the pros

and cons of timing of the various stages

of surgery. What is not in doubt in

syndromes such as VACTERL and Holt-

Oram anomaly is that life-threatening

conditions take precedence.

Under the best possible conditions many

surgeons prefer to complete radialisation or

centralisation of the wrist and straightening

of the forearm (assuming a normal elbow)

by six to eight months of age, leaving

the child free to have a pollicisation

procedure if appropriate (see below) at

about one year to eighteen months of age.


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The TOF Child

Where the wrist does not need

centralisation or radialisation, the

pollicisation procedure may be

brought forward.

Some surgeons have indicated that there

is a penalty for delaying this surgical

timetable. Others increasingly feel that

such an opinion is based on assumptions

rather than fact and that only the

progressive deformity of the wrist needs to

be treated early, after which the non-

progressive abnormality of the thumb

may be treated at a more c o n s i d e r e d

t i m e p r o v i d e d i t i s completed well

before school years.

Contraindications to pollicisation

Not all children with a Type III or

worse thumb should undergo a

pollicisation procedure.

Parental attitudes should be considered

carefully and their wishes taken into

account. Children with a normal hand on

one side have a less imperative need for

reconstruction on the opposite side.

This is not to say that reconstruction

should not be offered to those children;

many experienced surgeons feel that cases

in which only one hand i s

a f f ec ted benefit just as much from

surgery as those in which two hands are


More importantly however, the

condition of the index finger and the

other fingers is pivotal in deciding

whether to reconstruct the thumb.

The final functional quality of the

pollicised thumb is determined mostly

by the ini t ia l qual i ty of the index

finger. In some cases the fingers are

incapable of independent movement, have

abnormalities including duplications or

deviations within the structure of the

finger, or have stiff joints and poor

movement. In these cases a poor thumb

will result and pollicisation may not be


Some severe anomalies of the forearm

muscles and tendons noted at wrist

surgery may also make the surgeon

decide against pollicisation.

An important relative contraindication is

the 'occasional' or inexperienced

surgeon. Pollicisation is an operation in

which experience is of enormous benefit

since the procedure is quite complex.

Parents may feel reassured by seeing

examples of other cases treated at the

surgical centre.

Pollicisation is contraindicated in

the uncorrected wrist. This is because

the radial border (thumb border) of the

hand in the uncorrected wrist is not the

side which first approaches an object.

Such children almost universally have

a prehension (grasping) pattern which

uses the little finger (which is in their

case the leading edge of the hand) as the

thumb, meaning that objects are usually

held between the little finger and ring

finger. If the wrist is corrected relatively

late in the child's development (perhaps

because of late correction of the elbow)

then the child may have become so

accustomed to this pattern of grasp that

after pollicisation the pattern is hard or

slow to break and the child neglects the

new thumb. The decision whether or not to

offer pollicisation requires experience and

judgement on the part of the surgeon.

Dogmatic opinions about absolute

contraindications to surgery in these cases

are rarely valid and provided a good thumb

is reconstructed following correction of the

wrist and elbow most children of an

appropriate age will revert to using the

thumb rather than the little finger.

Some children make use of both

patterns of prehension; this is perfectly

reasonable since it adds rather than detracts

from the functional repertoire of the hand

and also improving its cosmetic



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The TOF Child

Late Reconstruction and

Secondary Surgery Late reconstruction and secondary

surgery are very common in radial

dysplasia. Each element of the

dysplastic forearm may need further

help as the child grows.

The elbow may need further help

with bending, the forearm may need

straightening or distraction

lengthening later in the growth period,

the wrist may need revision of

centralisation or radialisation and, in about

25% of cases following pollicisation, the

thumb may require muscle transfer to help

with the opposition movement (rolling

across the palm) of the thumb. The latter

movement will never be as fluid and

functional as in the normal thumb but

can be very satisfactorily restored at

pollicisation; even when restoration at

the initial operation is not complete,

subsequent muscle transfers may greatly

improve this movement.


Radial dysplasia as part of the

VACTERL anomaly may seem the least

of the child's worries at birth when

tracheo-oesophageal fistula, cardiac

anomalies or renal anomalies may be

urgently requiring attention.

After the other anomalies have been

corrected, the radial dysplasia may how-

ever be more of a restriction for a child.

Treatment of this condition is specialised

and is best conducted in a surgical unit

where the whole repertoire of forearm

and hand reconstruction is available.

Staged and repeated operations are often

necessary, in combination with specialised

physiotherapy (much of which can be

done at home) and splinting.

The functional and cosmetic outcomes

are frequently rewarding, however depend

not only the skill, experience and devotion

of the whole team caring for the child

(including the parents) but also the extent


severity of the original deformity.


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The TOF Child

The Role of the Professional;

Who to Ask for Help by Suzanne Goodley SRN SCM, Family Care Sister, Nottingham Neonatal Service.

During pregnancy and maybe before, you

will already be aware of a number of

health professionals. The health

professionals most of us know about are

members of the primary health care team,

which comprises the following (listed in

alphabetical order):-

Community midwife

General practitioner

Health visitor

Practice nurse

When a baby is sick, premature or

requiring surgery and therefore needing

admission to a Neonatal Intensive Care

Unit (NICU), additional professionals

will be involved in the care of the baby.

The following will be added to the above

list (again in alphabetical order, so as not

to indicate any one as being more

important that another):-

Chaplains of various denominations



H o s p i t a l m i d w i f e

Liaison health visitor

Neonatal nurse / advanced

neonatal nurse practitioner

Neonatologist or paediatrician

O p h t h a l m o l o g i s t

Paediatric surgeon

P h y s i o t h e r a p i s t



Social worker

Speech therapist

The roles of these medical

professionals are now explained in

more detail.

Community Midwife

The community midwife is trained to

care for mothers and babies pre-natally,

ante-natally and post-natally up to 28

days after delivery. During the course of

the pregnancy parents will have come to

know and trust the midwife; even where

the baby needs to be moved onto a

neonatal unit the midwife should still be

aware of progress and will often remain

in close contact.

General Practitioner (GP)

This is your family doctor who you

should already know. A GP cares for

family health needs from his/her local


Health Visitor

The health visitor is a qualified nurse

who has had extra training to practise as a

health visitor and is responsible for you

and your children until they reach

school age. Their responsibilities include

helping with health

promotion/preventative medicine,

running well baby clinics, dealing with

social, emotional and environmental

issues, and performing regular child

assessments to monitor a child's progress

with reference to recognised

developmental milestones. Usually the

health visitor will

introduce themselves to a family ante-

natally – if not already known to you

through previous children – but will

otherwise be in contact either soon after

delivery or once the baby is home.


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Practice Nurse

A general practitioner usually has at

least one nurse attached to their practice

who is responsible for nursing duties

within the practice and may therefore

be known to many of the patients. The

practice nurse's involvements include well

woman and man clinics, wound dressings,

removal of sutures, immunisations and


Chaplains of Various Denominations

Most hospitals have a chaplain

a t t a c h e d t o t h e m , i f n o t a f u l l

chaplaincy service. They are there to

give spiritual, emotional and practical

support and are always on hand, day or

night. If you wish to have your baby

baptised they will be able to perform a

simple service for you.


A dietician is trained in nutrition. Advice

is often sought from them in caring for sick

babies regarding the correct type and

amount of feed to give to enable them to

grow. Some babies have unique

requirements after surgery and therefore

need special diets.


This is a doctor who specialises in

genetics, the study of the genes and

chromosomes in the many cells which

make up each individual. Sometimes

having a baby with an abnormality

such as TOF can have genetic

implications for you and your children,

and therefore you will be referred to one

of these specialists if either you make a

request for this, or if the doctor believes it

to be advisable.

Hospital Midwife

The hospital midwife is trained in

the same way as your community

midwife, but works in a hospital

setting. She will be responsible for the

mother's post-natal care while she is

resident in the hospital. Postnatally a

mother needs to be seen daily by a

midwife for the first ten days, and then

at less frequent intervals for up to twenty-

eight days afterwards, depending on


Liaison Health Visitor

This is a health visitor based within a

hospital whose role is to communicate

with other health professionals. They

will normally inform the health

visitors in the parents' local area that a

baby on their case load is a patient on

a neonatal unit, and then keep them

informed and up to date on the baby's

and family's well being. In some units

they also act as a support person for

the family, instead of the role of a family

care sister.

Neonatal Nurse

The nurses on a neonatal intensive care

unit are trained nurses who have taken

on additional training to be able to

specialise in caring for premature

and sick babies, and are therefore well

qualified to care for your baby.

Most neonatal intensive care units use

what is called a 'named nurse' or `primary

nurse' system. This means that, within a

short time of your baby being admitted

to the unit, a nurse will be named as the

person with some increased responsibility

for their care. Obviously this nurse

cannot be on duty al l the t ime, but

wi l l identi fy the baby's and the

family's needs, write an appropriate

nursing care plan and ensure that this is

carried out, sharing care with other

nurses in her absence. Units work shift

systems which vary from unit to unit,

but you no doubt will soon become

familiar with the system employed.


Page 120: The Tof Child

Apart f rom the nurses actual ly

caring for your baby on a day to day basis,

some units have other specialist nurses to

help care for you and your baby during you

stay. These may be introduced as a

'family care sister,' a title which is self

explanatory; the sister cares for the whole

family, encompassing the entire

scenario of having a sick baby, and

all the emotions that entails. Other titles

used for such a nurse might be 'paediatric

community sister' or `liaison neonatal

nurse,' but the aim of them all is the same.

They will sometimes start their relationship

with parents antenatally, introducing

families to a neonatal intensive care unit

prior to delivery, and will follow the whole

family through to discharge home,

ensuring that the transition from a


Lesley Brown, 1 year, who had a long gap

OA and spent a long time in hospital; the

nurses became very fond of her ...


The TOF Child

caring for your baby on a day to day basis,

some units have other specialist nurses to

help care for you and your baby during you

title which is self

explanatory; the sister cares for the whole

be 'paediatric

nurse,' but the aim of them all is the same.

start their relationship

prior to delivery, and will follow the whole

Lesley Brown, 1 year, who had a long gap

OA and spent a long time in hospital; the

stressful neonatal intensive care unit to

the hopefully relaxed atmosphere of

home goes as smoothly as possible.

In some neonatal intensive care

units all babies automatically have

their hearing tested (and it is hoped

that in the near future universal testing

of all babies born will be carried out.)

The person performing this test is

usually another neonatal nurse, who

has undertaken further training to be

able to test babies' hearing. This test is

not harmful to the babies. Special

equipment measures the response

from the auditory (hearing) nerve to

quiet sounds played into their ears.

The test is done when the baby is asleep.

Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (ANNP or NP)

This is a neonatal nurse who has

several years experience and has

undertaken further extensive training.

This enables them to carry extra

responsibilities, although how these

are expressed varies between units.

Not all units have ANNPs. Most

commonly they are on the unit to give

expert continuing clinical care of babies,

often in a role very similar to that of

the junior doctors.

They may attend deliveries of sick

babies to provide resuscitation, perform

routine baby examinations on the

postnatal word or work on the

neonatal unit where they are able to

provide advanced care for sick babies

often in place of or alongside junior


Neonatologist or Paediatrician

A neonatologist is a doctor who

specialises in the new-born infant.

A paediatrician is a doctor who

specialises in all children, from newborn

to adulthood.

There will be a team of doctors on a

Neonatal Unit led by a consultant –

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The TOF Child

either a consultant neonatologist of

consultant paediatrician – and they are

in overall charge of the baby's care. They

usually make daily ward rounds and are

often on the unit during normal working

hours and when on call.

Next in line are the senior

registrars/registrars; these are senior

paediatricians who are working towards

becoming a consultant.

The senior house officers (SHOs) are

the junior doctors who, along with the

nurses, are responsible for the day to

day work and running of the unit.

Al though j unior , they a re usual ly

trained in the speciality of neonatology

or paediatrics.

Medical students do not work in

neonatal intensive care units, but may

be present from time to time, just as



This is a doctor who specialises in

e ye s . B a b i e s t ha t h ave r e q u i r e d

neonatal intensive care and needed

oxygen therapy as part of their treatment

will have their eyes checked routinely by

an ophthalmologist.

Paediatric Surgeon

A paediatric surgeon is a consultant

who specialises in the childhood

conditions which require operations,

and will be the doctor who performs

the surgery on your baby. If the condition

was diagnosed before delivery, hopefully

you will have been introduced and the

condition and operation explained.


A person trained in the body's

movement by natural forces, who may

be required to help with your baby's

breathing post-operatively, and also with

general development later.


This is a consultant doctor who

specialises in the interpretation of

radiographs (X-ray pictures) and scans

e.g. ultrasonographs, CAT (Computer

Assisted Tomography) scans, NMR

(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, sometimes

called MRI or Magnetic Resonance

Imaging) scans, and will probably need

to examine radiographs of your baby

before and after surgery.

Any special scanning procedure

that your baby requires will be

explained to you by a doctor.


This is a person trained to perform

radiographs and ultrasound scans.

Social Worker

Social workers in a neonatal setting

are able to help families with any practical

issues that arise during the hospitalisation

period – such as travel expenses,

accommodation and care of other children

– as well as offering emotional support

and advice on benefits and family

entitlements which may be available.

In some units it is the social worker

who takes on the role of support person

for the family.

Speech Therapist

This person is trained to help with

speech and language development

problems. They are also often very

useful with babies with feeding

problems because they have expertise

in dealing with such difficulties.

Other Medical Professionals

The professions listed above are those

most often involved in neonatal intensive

care, but there may be others who you

may come into contact with. Do not be

afraid to ask who they are and what they

do if you are unsure; they are there for

your benefit, so make use of them!


Page 122: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Parents' Worries JWL Puntis BM DM FRCP FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist,

The General Infirmary at Leeds, also Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics and

Child Health, University of Leeds.


Children with OA/TOF often require

repeated X-rays in the early weeks of

life, both before and after surgery. Both

parents and doctors worry about the risk

of X-rays, particularly whether they

will increase the chance of cancer

developing in childhood or later life.

However, these risks are extremely low.

In a recent study of small babies in a

neonatal unit,' many of whom had a

considerable number of X-rays, the

calculated dose of radiation received

was reassuringly small. Even in the child

who had the largest number of X-rays (far

more than most TOFs need), the amount

of radiation was estimated to be

equivalent to three months of the natural

background radiation to which we are

all exposed in our daily life. The increased

risk of cancer in this child was worked out

as being 1 in 60,000.

Despite this low risk, doctors are taught

to carefully consider whether or not any

X-ray examination is really necessary

before making a request, and the

smallest dose of radiation possible is

used. Overall, the benefits of any X-

rays in terns of treating the child far

outweigh any potential radiation risks.

Antibiotics and Anaesthetics

TOF children may also need a number

of anaesthetics and frequent courses of

antibiotics. The situation is very similar

to that of X-rays in that there are risks

involved, but they are very small and

greatly outweighed by the risks of not

having an anaesthetic or failing to treat

an infection.

Once again it is important for doctors to

be certain that a procedure requiring an

anaesthetic is really necessary (usually

there is little doubt about this) or that

there is a bacterial infection demanding

treatment. Children operated on for TOF

will almost certainly be anaesthetised

by a very experienced senior

anaesthetist who has special expertise

in dealing with young children.

The most likely risk from antibiotics

is a reaction to the drug, for example a

rash, or diarrhoea. These usually resolve

when the antibiotic is stopped and are

rarely life threatening.

Parents may worry that children

will 'get used to' antibiotics, so that

their effectiveness wanes over time. This

is not the case, although very frequent

(almost continuous) antibiotic treatment

may encourage the development of

germs in the body that become resistant

to the effects of the antibiotic. This

would be an unusual situation in the

child with TOF who requires intermittent

treatment, and in fact is rarely a problem

in those children with other diseases

such as cystic fibrosis who need

intermittent courses of antibiotics for their

whole life.


1. Sutton P.M., Arthur R.J.,

Taylor C., Stringer M.D. (1998).

Ionising radiation from diagnostic

x rays in very low birthweight babies.

Arch Dis Child: 78: F227-F229.


Page 123: The Tof Child

The TOF Child

Paediatric Resuscitation David A Needham GIFireE, REMT(p), DipAdEd, Medical Rescue, Nottingham

Every parent or carer of a child worries

about the possibility of their child choking

or being involved in some other mishap

that stops them breathing. Anyone with a

TOF child will almost certainly worry

about this kind of thing even more.

A respiratory arrest (inability to breathe)

catches some TOF parents completely

unawares because they have not been given

the slightest hint from medical staff that

this may occur. Medical staff sometimes

withhold information from the parents of a

sick child in the (often misguided) belief

that the truth will terrify them. If

however the risk of respiratory arrest is

not explained, parents can then find

themselves in a critical situation, the

outcome of which is largely dependent

upon them, for which they have not had

the opportunity to confront in their

minds – let alone train for.

Some TOF children have what is

known as a "floppy trachea" and a few

may need to undergo corrective surgery

for this problem. Whilst these children

will have a slightly increased risk of

choking, it does not automatically follow

that they will definitely have a fatal

choking episode.

The number of children who die of

asphyxia in the UK is very small.

Respiratory arrest in children is usually

recognised quickly and action is taken

before it degenerates into cardiac arrest

as well. Whilst most Accident and

Emergency Department staff are unaware

of the complexities of the TOF child's

problems, and some may not even have

heard of the condition, they are well

trained to deal with the acute

crisis of a non-breathing child, whatever

the cause may be.

Rather than becoming continually fearful

about their TOF child suffering respiratory

arrest – even making themselves ill

with worry – it is far more useful

for parents to channel energy into

working out an action plan so that

everyone knows what action to take if the

occasion should arise. Having some

notion of what to do makes the risk of

respiratory arrest much less of a concern;

parents cope much better once they are

confident about what to do. Many parents

have successfully resuscitated their child;

some have done it more that once. Parents

should realise that the outcome does

not have to be bad; you can make a

difference by preparing now in case the

crisis occurs.

Resuscitation is a skill and skills are best

learned through doing. Most TOF parents

leaving paediatric units will be taught

how to resuscitate their baby using a

mannikin. Failing this, the most

a p p r o p r i a t e w a y t o p r e p a re i s b y

a t t e n d i n g a t r a i n i n g s e s s i o n i n

r e s u s c i t a t i on ( o r ga n i s a t i on s a n d

addresses can be found at the end of this

chapter). Additionally, inside the front

and back covers of this book you will find

charts on resuscitation (one for infants, the

other for children) which you can refer to,

if the need should ever arise.

A lot of misinformation about

resuscitation is often revealed at

resuscitation classes and this needs to be

clarified. The following pages provide

a n s w e r s t o s o me o f t h e c o mmo n

questions that people ask (or sometimes are

too self-conscious to ask).


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What should I do if my child

is choking and coughing?

The fact that your child is coughing is a

good sign; it shows that they still have

some control over their airway and they

are trying to eject the foreign matter. In

order to cough, the child has t o t a k e

a i r i n t o t h e i r l u n g s a n d therefore

they are still breathing. However, this

threat to the airway may deteriorate to a

complete obstruction and then cessation

of breathing, so some supervision is


Calmly encourage the child to cough,

incline the child forward so that gravity

is helping the object to fall out of the

mouth. If this does not help, slap the child

on the back between the shoulder blades

with the heel of the hand to try to

dislodge the foreign matter. If the foreign

body still remains stuck, then you must

resort to abdominal or chest thrusts to

dislodge it.

How much air should I blow

into the child when I am performing mouth to mouth?

This obviously depends on the size of

the child or infant.

As a general rule, the amount of air

that you could hold in your mouth with

your cheeks puffed out is about right

for small infants. Larger children will

obviously need more air to ventilate their

lungs and it is important that you look

at the child's chest when blowing into

them. When the chest rises, you have

given enough air.

If you continue to force air in after the

chest has fully risen then you may

cause damage to the lungs, but what is

more likely is that the air will follow

the route of least resistance and end up

in the child's stomach. This may cause

vomiting, or more seriously it may fill

the stomach so full of air that the lungs

cannot expand properly; this would

eventually lead to you not being able

to blow any air into the child's lungs.

Your lungs can easily expel 1.5 litres

of air in one long breath. A child's lungs

will only take 0.5 litres, or possibly

less. Remember this and do not be


I have heard about mouth to

nose resuscitation; is this more

effective than mouth to mouth?

The short answer is no. Mouth to mouth

and mouth to nose are equally efficient,

but sometimes circumstances make it

difficult for people to get an effective seal

around the child or infant's mouth. In that

case, do not hesitate to use mouth to nose.

In the past, the teaching has been to carry

out mouth to mouth-and-nose when

resuscitating infants. Recent research

shows that mothers do not have a

sufficiently large mouth to form an

adequate seal over both the mouth and

nose of their infant. My advice to people

is to ensure that a good seal is made to

connect with the child or infant's airway,

even if that means only doing mouth to


When I did a first aid course,

we always checked for a pulse at the neck, and not the

wrist. I have since then heard

that you should check an infant's pulse on the upper

arm. Which is correct?

A pulse can indeed be obtained at all these

sites, however the best to use varies with

the individual situation and what you

are trying to achieve.

Checking for a pulse at the wrist is OK

in some circumstances, but is never

acceptable if someone has stopped

breathing and you need to detect whether

their heart has stopped.


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In infants, the pulse in the neck is often

difficult to locate due to their chubby

necks. You may find it easier to detect

a pulse on the inside of the upper arm,

behind the biceps muscle.

NB When measuring the pulse rate in beats

per minute, don't spend a whole minute

doing it! Count the beats for 15 seconds;

double this figure, then double it again

(i.e. multiply it by four; doubling it twice

is easier when under pressure!) to give

the pulse rate for a minute. Practise this

when your child is well and sleeping or

sitting on your knee.

What if I can detect a pulse,

but it is very slow and weak, and my child is unconscious?

Because the pulse is slow and weak,

this means that the heartbeat is slow and

weak. This in turn means that the blood

supply to the brain will not be adequate –

and in fact this is probably the reason

that the child is unconscious.

You must begin chest compressions on

any infant or child who has a pulse rate

of less than 60 per minute. This will

increase the blood output from the heart

and will therefore increase blood flow

to the brain, which is critical to survival.

What should I do if my child stops breathing, but still has a

fast strong pulse?

If you encounter these circumstances,

then you have caught the problem at a very

early stage, before respiratory arrest

deteriorates to cardiac arrest. If you take

the correct action promptly, the outcome of

the episode is likely to be good.

Give mouth to mouth (or mouth to

nose) at a rate of 1 breath every 5 seconds,

and continue to monitor the pulse. If the

pulse stops or drops below 60 per

minute, then commence chest

compressions as well as mouth to mouth.

What if I am not completely

sure that my child has stopped breathing — can I do

harm by beginning mouth to


If it is such a fine judgement about

whether a child is breathing or not, then

start mouth to mouth without delay. In

practical terms, you will not cause any

harm. If the child makes respiratory

efforts (i.e. tries to breathe) then you

should try to synchronise your breaths

with this respiratory effort.

I have heard that if someone has not been breathing for 4

minutes, irreversible brain damage will o c c u r . B e a r i n g

t h i s i n m i n d , should I stop

mouth to mouth after four minutes if the person is not

breathing for themselves?

Absolutely not! You are providing the

person with oxygen through your mouth

to mouth ventilation, and you are

circulating this oxygen round the body in

the bloodstream by the chest

compressions you are doing. You are

the only thing that is keeping their brain

alive. By doing mouth to mouth (and

chest compressions when necessary)

you are "buying time" for the

ambulance crew to arrive and commence

advanced emergency care techniques. Do

not stop!

Resuscitation courses

Medical Rescue

Contact David Needham; address

available from the TOFS office.

St John Ambulance

Contact the local division or the

County Office. In Scotland, contact the

Director General in Glasgow or your local

Committee Secretary.

British Red Cross

Contact your local branch headquarters. 123

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The TOF Child


Vicki Martin BSc BVSc and Sue Goodley, Nottingham Neonatal Service.

amniocentesis: a test whereby amnotic fluid

is sampled by insertion of a needle. Tests

on this fluid can give information about the

baby's health.

amniotic fluid: water around the baby in the


anastomosis: 'join' — as in oesophageal

anastomosis, where the two ends of the

oesophagus are stitched together in

oesophageal atresia.

antibiotic: medication used to treat bacterial


anus: external opening of the rectum

(backpassage)... anal: relating to the anus.

aortopexy: surgical procedure used in the

management of severe tracheomalacia, in

which the aorta (a major artery which lies in

front of the trachea) is anchored to the sternum

(breast bone). This has the effect of opening

up the trachea.

asthma: respiratory disease often associated

with difficulty in breathing and a cough.

atresia: term taken from ancient Greek, meaning 'no

passage / no way through.' For example, in

oesophageal atresia there is a break in the

continuity of the oesophagus.

bacteria: cellular agent causing disease...

distinct from a virus.

barium: is often used as a contrast agent in

radiography: it shows up on radiographs (`X-

rays')... a barium meal can be swallowed to

show up the gastro-intestinal tract... a barium swallow shows up the oesophagus... a barium study is a sequence of radiographs taken

over a period of time to show the passage of

material through the gastro-intestinal tract.

bowel: intestines... the small bowel is the small

intestine (upper intestinal tract, that which

follows after the stomach): the large bowel is the large intestine (lower intestinal tract,

between the small intestine and the rectum).

bronchi, bronchiole: the branching airways

after the splitting of the trachea (bronchi

then bronchioles).

bronchoscopy: endoscopic examination of

the airways.

cardiac: related to the heart.

CHARGE: acronym describing a group of

anomalies which are sometimes associated

with TOF/OA. The letters stand for: Coloboma

(defects affecting the pupil of the eye), Heart

disease, Atresia of the choanae (the passages at

the back of the nose, Retarded growth, Genital

hypoplasia (underdevelopment of the genital

organs) and Ear anomalies/deafness.

congenital: deformities or diseases which are

either present at birth or, having been transmitted

direct from parents to offspring, become obvious

some time after birth.

contra-indication: term which relates to a

medicine or procedure... a contra-indication

describes a situation in which that medicine

or procedure should not be administered or

carried out. For example, asthma is a contra-

indication for the drug ibuprofen.

CPAP: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

—the application of a continuous positive

pressure to the airways, used (for example) in

the management of tracheomalacia to keep the

airways open.

dilatation: term used to describe a procedure

undertaken to widen a narrowing (stricture).

distal: the end furthest away (cf. proximal:

the closest end).

duodenum: the first part of the small

i n t e s t i n e , j u s t a f t e r t h e s t o m a c h .

electrolytes : medical usage o f th i s t erm

relates to the salts found in body fluids, for example

sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium etc...

electrolyte imbalance: abnormality of the

relative concentrations of body salts.

endoscope: medical instrument with a tube-

like structure, through which the inside of the

body can be examined. Endoscopes can be

rigid or flexible tubes incorporating either

fibreoptic or video technologies: the image is

seen either via an eyepiece or on a television

screen. -

fistula: term from the Latin meaning `pipe...'

an abnormal connection running either between

two tubes or between a tube and a surface. In

tracheo-oesophageal fistula it runs between the

trachea and the oesophagus.


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fluids: medical usage of this term relates to

the administration of fluids into the blood stream, via an intravenous drip or pump.

foreign body: medical usage of this term

relates to the abnormal presence of a

particle or object... an oesophageal foreign

body is a swallowed item which is

abnormally present in the oesophagus.

gastric: relating to the stomach.

gastrostomy: surgically-created connection

between the inside of the stomach and the

body wall.

gastro-oesophageal reflux: the involuntary

return of gastric (stomach) contents to the

lower end of the oesophagus.

gullet (see oesophagus).

haematology and biochemistry: the study of

the blood components... haematology relates

to the cellular content, biochemistry to the

chemical components.

hypoplasia: decreased (less-than-normal)


immunity: resistance to disease... immune

system: the body's armoury of defences

producing resistance to disease. immunisation: the artificial creation of immunity against specific diseases.

incision: surgical cut.

inflammation: the body's reaction to injury

(caused by e.g. trauma or disease). anti-

infiammatories: drugs given to reduce


inpatient: patient receiving medical attention

while resident in the hospital (cf. outpatient:

patient seen during a short visit to hospital).

kyphosis: abnormal curvature of the spine to

give the appearance of a 'rounded back.'

ligate: surgical term — to 'tie off' with a knot.

medical: non-surgical management of disease

(vs. surgical, involving physical intervention

i.e. an operative procedure).

mucus: moist fluid which is found (for

example) in the normal airways where it

helps to trap small particles e.g. dust.

nebuliser: device which administers a drug to

the airways.

neonatal: newly born.

oesophagus: gullet, the tube taking food from

the mouth to the stomach.

oesophageal incoordination: lack of

coordination of the muscular activity of the


oesophageal substitution procedure:

replacement of (a part of) the oesophagus

with another part of the gastro-intestinal


oesophagostomy: surgical creation of a

connection between the oesophagus and the

body wall (skin)... cervical oesophagostomy:

connection of the oesophagus to the neck.

oral: relating to the mouth.

outpatient: patient seen during a short visit to

the hospital (cf. inpatient: patient receiving

medical attention whilst resident in hospital).

p a e d i a t r i c : r e l a t i n g t o c h i l d r e n .

paediatrician: doctor who has specialised in

the treatment of childhood disorders.

peristalsis: wave of muscular activity, in

e.g. the oesophagus or intestine, which

transports the contents along the gut. pH:

acidity... pH monitoring: the monitoring of

pH (performed in the diagnosis of gastro-

oesophageal reflux, in which case the monitor is

positioned at the base of the oesophagus, j us t

b e fo r e i t e n t e r s t h e s t o ma c h) .

pneumonia: inflammation of the lungs.

aspiration pneumonia is caused by the

entrance of fluids into the respiratory tract.

pollicization: the surgical reconstruction of

thumb by transferring the index finger.

polyhydramnios: condition in which an

abnormally large amount of fluid is present in

the womb: often associated with TOF/OA in the

baby. Also known as simply 'hydramnios.'

prenatal: before birth.

primary health care team: the team of medical

professionals who are involved in local health

care... includes (e.g.) the general practitioner,

practice nurse, health visitor etc.

progeny: offspring (sons and daughters).

proximal: the closest end (cf. distal: the end

furthest away).

radiograph: an X-ray image... radiography:

the taking of X-rays.

radiology: the study/interpretation of


radial dysplasia/aplasia: abnormality of

development of the radius, a bone in the

forearm: this is a condition affecting some

VACTERL children.

rectum: backpassage, the last part of the

gastro-intestinal tract.

reflux (see gastro-oesophageal reflux).

renal: relating to the kidneys.


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respiration: breathing... respirator: a machine

which 'breathes for' the patient...

respiratory distress syndrome: complex

condition affecting newborn babies, in which

respiration does not occur normally.

resuscitation: life-saving procedure(s) involving

bringing an unconscious person back to

consciousness by stimulation of the respiratory

and/or circulatory systems.

scoliosis: abnormal curvature of the spine in a side-

to-side direction.

sham feeding: procedure carried out with

babies who have not received an anastomosis

(join-up operation) on their oesophagus, but

have received a cervical oesophagostomy and

gastrostomy. Food is given by mouth, but exits

at the neck through an oesophagostomy (a

surgically created opening of the upper

oesophagus at the neck). Simultaneously,

food is given straight into the stomach via

the gastrostomy tube (a surgically-created

opening of the stomach at the body wall). In

this way the child learns to eat and swallow,

and to associate this with the feeling of

`being ful l , ' in preparat ion for later l i fe

when their mouth has been surgically reconnected

to their stomach and normal feeding can begin.

stricture: narrowing... most often - but not

always — referring to a narrowing of the

oesophagus at the anastomosis (join-up) site.

Can also be congenital (present at birth) or

subsequent to gastro-oesophageal reflux.

sutures: surgical stitches.

symptom: the problem reported by the patient.

TOF cough: characteristic 'barking' cough

often exhibited by TOF children, caused by

a degree of tracheomalacia.

trachea: windpipe... the main airway from

the mouth/nose to the branching bronchi

and bronchioles which lead into the lungs.

tracheomalacia: 'floppiness' of the trachea.

tracheopexy: surgical procedure used in the

management of tracheomalacia, in which the

trachea is anchored to the sternum (breast

bone) in order to open up the airway.

tracheostomy: the surgical creation of a

connection between the trachea and the

skin at the neck, and the insertion of a tube

into the trachea to preserve a clear airway.

Used in the management of severe


transanastomotic tube: a tube which is

placed in the oesophagus and runs across the

site of an anastomosis (join-up) into the stomach.

This enables the baby to be fed milk while the

operation site heals.

ulna: bone in the forearm: the upper end of

the ulna is the so-called 'funny bone.'

ultrasonography: diagnostic imaging procedure

in which an ultrasound scan is performed which

produces 'real-time' images of the internal

body structures using sound waves.

VATER: acronym for a group of disorders

often occurring together. The letters stand for

Vertebral (spine), Anal (backpassage), Tracheal,

Esophageal (from the American spelling; the UK

spelling is `oesophageal'), Renal (related to

the kidney) and Radial (the radius bone in the

forearm). VACTERL: more correct/up-to-date

acronym, in place of VATER (above): the extra

letters in VACTERL stand for Cardiac (affecting

the heart) and Limb (since there are o ther

l imb abnormali t ies other than those

involving only the radius).

ventricular septal defect (VSD): defect in

t h e w a l l d i v i d i n g t h e l e f t a n d r i g h t

ventricles (the lower chambers in the heart)

m e a n i n g t h a t o x y g e n a t e d a n d d e -

oxygenated blood mixes and the transportation

of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues is

inefficient. The circulation in the lungs is also

subject to abnormally high pressures, which can be


ventilation: medical usage generally refers to

mechanical ventilation, in which a machine

`breathes' for the patient (the machine is

called a ventilator, which is the same as a


vertebra: each of the bones which makes up

the spine is called a vertebra.

virus: infective agent causing disease... distinct

from a bacteria and not susceptible to antibiotics.

vital functions: term often used to refer to the

basic bodily functions monitored during

patient care, e.g. breathing, circulation and


vomiting: 'being sick.'

VSD (see ventricular septal defect).

weaning: introducing solid food as well as

milk into the baby's diet.

windpipe (see trachea).

X-ray (see radiograph).


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Index A acid lowering drugs 68 advanced neonatal

nurse practitioner 118 Aerobec 79 Aerolin 79 alpha feto protein 10 amniocentesis 10 anaesthetics 120 anastomosis 22 anlage 107 anorectal atresia 100 antibiotics 77, 120

for renal anomalies 101 antireflux medicines 68 antireflux surgery 69 aortopexy 77 aspiration pneumonia 32 asthma 78 atresia. See oesophageal atresia

Atrovent 79

B Barrett's oesophagitis 29 B e c k , J M 3 7 B e c o t i d e 7 9 Bland , David 5 b l u e d o ' s 4 0 bonding 16 Bricanyl 79 bronchodilators 79 Brown, Leslie 60, 118 Buckler Tanner chart 82 B u i c k , R G 3 0 Butcher, Eleanor 32

C cardiac abnormalities 100 Carobel 68 centralisation 109 cervical oesophagostomy 26 chaplain 117

C H A R G E 1 4 chest drain 24, 33 chest infections 47, 77, 95 Chetcuti, PAJ 82, 95 C i m e t i d i n e 6 8 Cisapride 68 Clamp, Janita 6 Clamp-Gray, Freddie 59 cleft lip 98

club hand 107 colon interposition 27 colostomy 100 community midwife 116

Dickson, JAS 7 dietician 117 d i l a t a t i o n 6 3 , 9 5 distraction lengthening 109 D o b b s , B e n 2 0 Dodd, Emma Louise 29 d o m p e r i d o n e 6 8 Downs syndrome 49 dumping 28, 70

E ear abnormalities 98 education 95 Edward's syndrome 49, 99 endoscopy

for diagnosis of OA 12 for diagnosis of reflux 67 for diagnosis of stricture 62 for diagnosis of TOF 12 for stricture 63 for tracheomalacia 76

exercise 95

F feed thickeners 68 feeding 52-57

breast feeding 52 oral feeding 39 post-operatively 33 problems 54 reluctance to feed 54 sha m feed in g 4 4 solid foods 52 troublesome foods 55 tube feeding 40 weaning 52

Firth, Helen 49 fistula. See tracheo-oesophageal fistula

friends 91

G gas bloat 70

gas tr ic t ransposi t ion 28 gastric tube oesophagoplasty 28 gastro-oesophageal reflux

35, 40, 44, 55, 64, 67, 72 diagnosis 66-67 surgery 69 symptoms 65

gastrostomy 24, 41, 69

care of 43 for reflux 69

Gaviscon 68 general practitioner 116 genetic counselling 49 geneticist 117

genital anomalies 98

Gibson, Thomas 7

Goodley, Sue 6, 116

Gordon, Ben 104

grandparents 87

growth 82-85

growth hormone 83

H haematemesis 65

health visitor 116

Holt-Oram anomaly 113

h o r s e s h o e k i d n e y 1 0 1

hospital liaison visitor 39, 85

hospital midwife 117

hydramnios. See polyhydramnios

hypoplastic kidneys 101


imperforate anus 100

Intal 79

Intensive Care Unit 30

Intensive Therapy Unit 30

ipratropium 79


jaundice 35

jejunostomy 29, 42

K Kapila, L 98

Kaufman syndrome 98

Kay, Simon PJ 106

Kluth, Dietrich 8

kyphosis 99

L Lander, AD 30

laryngeal cleft 8 Lawton, Sandra Kay 97 Lee, R 98 liaison health visitor 117

limb abnormalities 103

Ludman, Lorraine 15

M MacFadyen, Una M 71 Martin, Vicki 4 Mayo, Jacob 31, 35

medications 46 MedicAlert 6 Micolaud, Christine 97

milk scans 67

monitoring 30

motility drugs 68

Motilium 68


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The TOF Child


nasogastric tube 41 care of 42

Needham, David A 121 neonatal nurse 117 neonatologist 118 Nestargel 68 Nissen fundoplication 69


oesophageal atresia 8 conditions occurring with 14 diagnosis 12 long-gap 24 pre-natal diagnosis 10, 18 with lower pouch fistula 8 with upper pouch fistula 8 without fistula 8

oesophageal incoordination 55 oesophageal obstruction 55, 62 oesophagostomy. See cervical


ophthalmologist 119


paediatric surgeon 119 paediatrician 118 Palmer, Craig 80 parents 15, 86 Parkinson, Glenys 86 pelvic kidney 101 pH Study 66 physiotherapist 119 physiotherapy 47

for radial dysplasia 108 PIAVA 98 Pierce, Anthony 40 PIV 98 play therapy 89 pollicisation 113 polycystic kidney 101 polyhydramnios 10, 51 Pouncey, Benjamin 5 practice nurse 117 Prepulsid 68 preventers 79 Pulmicort 79

Puntis, JWL 52, 120


radial dysplasias 106

the hand anomaly 111-112 treatment of the elbow 108 treatment of the forearm 107-111 treatment of the hand 112 treatment of the wrist 108-111

radialisation 110 radiographer 119 radiography

for OA 12 for reflux 66 for stricture 62, 64 for tracheomalacia 76

r a d i o l o g i s t 1 1 9 r a n i t i d i n e 6 8 r e g i s t r a r 1 1 9 r e l i e v e r s 7 9 r e n a l a n o m a l i e s 1 0 1 respiratory arrest 121 respiratory distress syndrome 21 respiratory function tests 76 resuscitation 38, 121


salmeterol 79 Sancto, Hannah and Rebecca 51 Say-Gerald Syndrome 98 school 92, 96 scoliosis 99 senior house officer 119 Serevent 79 Seymour, Penny 37 Shore, Celia 52 siblings 89 single umbilical artery 98 s o c i a l w o r k e r 1 1 9 sodium cromoglycate 79 Special Care Baby Unit 30 speech therapist 41, 119 S p e n d e r , K r i s 3 4 Spitz, Prof L 21, 26 Sprigg, Alan 11 stricture 55, 61

anastomotic 61 and reflux 61 congenital 61 diagnosis 62 surgery 64 symptoms of 61 treatment 63-64

Stringer, Mark D 61 surgery for TOF/OA 21-25

discharge from hospital 37 follow up after 48

leaks after 34 long term outcome 95-96

oesophageal substitution p r o c e d u r e s 2 6 post-operative care 30-35 pre-operative management 21 primary anastomosis 22 surgical outreach nurse 39


Tagamet 68

Thal fundoplication 69 theophylline 79 Thick and Easy 68 Thixo-D 68 thumb abnormali t ies 98 TOF cough 45 , 73 , 95 total parenteral nutrition 33 tracheo-oesophageal fistula 8

conditions occurring with 14 diagnosis 12 double fistula 8 H fistula 8 without atresia 8

tracheomalacia 34, 45, 72 tests for 76

treatment 77 tracheopexy 77 tracheostomy 77 transanastomotic tube 24, 31 transfer to another hospital

14, 15, 21

Treacher-Collins syndrome 49 Trump, Dorothy 49


Uniphyllin 79


vaccinations 37 VACTERL 98-104

antenatal diagnosis 99 VATER 98 ventilator 32 Ventolin 79 Ventricular septal defect

(VSD) 100 vertebral abnormalities 99 vomiting 65, 95

w Wharfe, James 57, 85 wheeze 78, 95 Wood, Andrew 5


X-rays 120


Zantac 68