HELP WANTED-FEMALB. WANTED. Mpirleneed OIRLB to work In booti- l.tmler*··. W, 11. ? HAMS, Twelfth ««id Mala Stri-ete. WANTED, An experienced TEACHER to tako charge of a «nmll »ohonl Iti the country! tirnnelics.i lîtigllAh. Advnncril MnthemntlcA. I rehrli nnd latini muM be a Rood tendier of Milite. Andrem WAIIPItAW, enrc till« office. rEAtTHER WANTED.A wAncd, Christian Udy, with rxperlenci«, to prepnrc ? girl nt fifteen for Rsndolt'h-Mnonn Woman'« College In IHglier t'ngllsh. Latin. Mnthemntlcs nnd In- all umcntAl Mu«le: plcs«nnt home, good «nlnry to on« well qiinllfled for the work; no other f'eil npply, Address At once Mr». J. A, onßcinuY, sktpwiui, Va, WANTED, A WOMAN to eook And eletn, alio l:tir»e; brine reference! Rood wnges. Appljr No. *.'.?12 Knut Mnra-hnll. LADY SOLICITOR reaulred at one« for Rloh· inntid nnd nenrh.r towns on snlnryi n light nnd useful nrtlelc. Address CANVASSBH, cnre thi« office. ~ SttUATIONS WANTED.FÈMAUBa WANTED, a position to teach In private famlly Knrllsh, French, I.nlln nnd Musici reference ejchnngod. Pox 81, Mnillson, Va. WANTED, by an experienced lady atenofrrapher, ? pince In Richmond Illrhmond reference given. Addesn Box No. 401, Klneton, N. 0. HELP WANTED.MALE, WANTED, two Sash a«l Door Makers, also one MnuldlnR Mnehlii« Itnnd; steady work, 10 hour«; ntnte pny. Addres« PRTEIlSnUItO BUILDERS' SUPPLY 1*0.. l'eternluirR, Vn. WANTED.Machinists, all round. Pay from S2.2-1 to Î.1.2S per diem. Apply to Donrd of Lnt>or Employment. Nnry Yard, Norfolk, V». AT ONOE.Thirty bright, hustling BAtESMENi ningiiltloont new mnpn from lute survey I npeclnl propojltloiii must apply promptly, stnto nte «nd e.Tperlence. ItUDCIlNS PUBLISHING CO., AtlnntA, On. WANTED, HETY STONECUTTERS! BOc per hour, 8 honrs per day. Apply ROOM Bufi, Lcwln Building, Plttalnirg, G?. WANTED, TOUNO MAN as stenographer and clerk In1 office; must be quick nnd energetic; state experience And salary wanted. A. II.. cato this office. I CAN YOU READ THIS QUOTATION? Solution of puzzle ln yesterday's Tlmes-DIspatch: Spur not a winning horse. SITUATIONS WANTED.MALE. YOUNO MAN of throe yctuV oxporlonoo in of, Deo furniture bininosi! tlenlres pofiltlon; refer' etico furnished from former employer. Ail- flrotw 2fi Etist Rieren th Stroot, Mtinolioster, Vu. WANTED, position M mtiniger of finn i have bren on my fnlhor'fl fnrm till my life «ntl tuno good o«^iprfenc«. Address X, Y. Z,. i-nrc Oil» office. SUMMER BOARDERS. DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY BOARD and sport, Virginia Mountains, nonr ridimmi; home», hiinUiig nnd «.bruiting, tenni« "golf, swimming pool; circulars. RANI10I.P11. KoMilrlt. Vn. TO KEEP COOL. ELECTRIC FANS, Pure Ice Cream, Ices. Sod· .ml everything that'« cooling nt MOESTA ». -w^ÍiL^!T Ë^z!^B' ·'¦.--i WANT£0(T«^^îeTu'"Nr,lne.. MAMAOE* IW tvhnlesftio (trocof*· business. AtlilfM* with reference, hot 117, lilllon, »· rj^_f- WANTFJDTr^e^«Tlrt"AÑr^Í' «"¡,1»» '»«tyl to work timi Ittici· elinrgti nf ?'1."1 ì'Lr\[' »Me»! Mcoinninniln tinti« f**l*'*rf,rt.' A',a,*w* ¦INO. W. DAVIS, «ositeli Bridge. Va._ SEVERAL ÍERBOrHltTííanMte/'.Wj>* 0.ff'«V In eitplt Stato fot" hoiiie of loti* "'""'""ft.""1 nr.v $21 woritlv In crish <·»·?? Tlinrsilny, direct from mnln ?G???, with cxpnri«eii. LO* 1-?????, PO,, Chicago·_^ WANTED, A BOY -who can í«»j· #.??!,· Apply to 3. Vf IfBUOimsn.N AM) BON, 4·0·8 N'orili Fourteenth Strepi._ WANTED, YOUNG "μ??G7?? olty eolleollntl runt bo experienced und n.,V0.rk"'.Ü im."}" tUT expected. Atldre«« lt. V, ·'·. **** ·?·ß ofi fico,_ REGISTERED PhArmÄÖTbT wants · poíltlotl whprc ability nnd Indtistry contiti experienced manager und book-keeper; would prefer small town nnd manage for I·»'?"'««"·.; AcMrcs» CAPSULB, on re Carrier II, Alexandrl«. Vn. WANTlÊD7"re"s7»to7od"ïnUO CLERK. Write, «Wing referencp, age. raptt.cltto. etc., FRBD H. IIOYD, WltirliPBter, V«. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-Janie« Rlvor FARM, 800 »ore·, lnrgo antl excellent dwelling, stable«, barn«, outhouses, fruit true«, ote; convenient·.; to «tnUon on C. nnd «"'?·., Appli* Mrs. Vf. II. AMM.RH, Atronla. Va._ FOR RENT.COTTAOE at Virginia. Boaoh, fur¬ nished, for Itiottlh -G September. Apply to H. A. WAlNWIlIiìIIT ???) CO., No. f>T 1'lnmn Streot. Norfnljt. ^ ''·__._ FOR SALE. FOR RENT.FLAT (fl"t door), three large t'oittioctltig mom», liu'ltidlnK water.· gaa nnd uso of bath; ill!. So. 02-1 North Fourth Street. MISCELLANEOUS. E. A, 0, KELLY AND CO,, of London »nd other European markets, arc netting ¦¦¦ hack for their ????????? Hirer shipper"* from »8 to Sfi.m por bnrrel for red fruits- Stencil·« can ho obtained by writing to ill-iS Park Pince, ?, Y. 1 THE TEE-DEE Dally Business Directory, CARDS under thli head are taken »n thi···« months' contrnct, Unity nnd Sundny, At $1.80 ber month. BICYCLES AND TOYS, TOMPKÎNB' 'OYOLE STORE, 311 Welt Broad. PLUMBING AND MANTBL8. W. Ï, MAHONEY AND CO., 707 Eait MaIb. PHOTOGRAPHERS. TRE DAVIS GALLERY, 88Ï Etat Broad, MINEHAL WATERS. THAW AND GRANT, Rlolimond, V·. .+ ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. W. E. DREW AND CO,, 710 Eaat Main, SEWING MACHINES. THE NEW HOME (Ph. 1445), 902 East Bread, SHIRT-BUILDERS. 8. £, BISHOP, 70S East Main, TIN-PLATE AND STOVES. HARRIS HARDWARE CO,, 409 Eaat Broad, ROOMS FOR RENT. WANTED, / adult oooupanta for large second· licor front ROOM, furnished or unfurnished; convenient to bath. Apply 8 North Flrnt Street. RICHMOND PANPHYStON. RUPTURE AND PILES Cured In 14 day«! no knife; no danger. Itheiimntlsm nnd Chronic Dlsensee cured. I'ree X-Itny examination. Lady Attendenti Mr, Enst Frnnklln, REDUCED PRICES. PRICES REDUCED on watch work! donnine, $1; Mnln Springs. Sii twenty yenrs1 experi¬ ence. WM. TOBIEN, Jr.. 40S K. Hron«l Street, Richmond, Vn. Spectacles nnd Eyeglasses, 2r> cts, All work gunrnntend. WANTED. TRY MoeStA'b coffee OreAm, 11'· dAllotou», WAHTED, buy Feather Bed. hlglié..t cash prices pnldi nlso PentherA ttenomted. 'Phone BTS1. OAHPBit ?????., 120»% W. Ms1« Htroet, city. WANTED, a |ood"buggy HORSE, «tillable for ? doctor! slntn price, which must lie. renaioli· Ahlo. Address DOCTOR, cnre this orfico. WANTED, HtVZnAT~BfMìttì6, If cheap," would purchnnn good Mineral Spring til ,'?,?????? Wnlcr," loented In Maryland or VIP' glnln. Address, with full tinrtlnilnrs, fi. A. llll.MDlltllV, Hotel Itnlelgli, Wnsli., II. C. ÜBNTISTKVI DR, W, ?, DORSET, No, 191 EAtt Broad Btreet. (lold Crowns nnd Bridges, $fi| Gold Fillings. Si up! Silver Filling», fiOc. up. IVoth extrnctcd pnlnless. _ EXCHANGE COLUMN, WANTED, to exchange a eood Upright PIANO for n HORSIÎ, Suitable for light surrey; must be gentle. Address ItOtlSB, cnre thin office. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. SPECIAL MIDSUMMER PRICES in reupholstor- tng Pnrlor Furniture, Couched, etc, CHARLES 0. .TUItnitNB' SON. 410-21 10. Brosd Street. SPECIAL MIDSUMMER PRICES on rouphollter· log PArlor Furniture. Conchen, etc, C1IAR1.F.S 0. JUROP,N8' SON, 41(1-21 I!. Ilrond Street. ICE"CRI-AM' MOEBTA'S Ioe-Cream Parlora are more populat than ever._ ·. platT"For rent. OCCUPANTS WANTED for «ooond-tloor FLAT' nf five room«; prlrnle bntli-room, hot nnd cold wntor. Applv nt fl02 South Third Street. WINES AND LIQUORS, WHY PAY MORE when you enn buy pure four-year-old Whiskey for |2 per RAllon: Old Colonial Whiskey, now leven yenr« old, «it per gallon; shipped In blank boxe» to nny address. All of the lending lirAnds of Wines, Liquor·, nnd full stock of Groceries nt OF.O. M'D. BLAKK'S, 720 Wcet Bromi Street, Rich, mnnd, Vn, noticb. ALL LIABILITY OF Tttll MAObfittÜtltl Fill« IN-RIIIIANCM COMPANY OF MAnDBBURtl, OfiKMANY, In the Slnte of Virginia, hntlm been eniicelled «nil terinlnnted, notice la hif·· hy given Hint ilppllcntlnn hns been n«* to' the lion. A. W, KARMAN, Jr., Trenwiicr ot tbe Slate, for Ihe relenne of Ils deposit of #37,noo, held fol· Ihe benefit of tho company'· policy bolder· Ih Vlrglnln. PAUL fi. liASOlt, U. s, Manager. Aug. 1-20t 1 ItAVR TRANSFERRED ?? Mr NBPRKW, JOSEPH ?, ????. of Hila city, the lumino·· of t'ndorlnkcr, fitnbnliner nnd Funeral Director, no Imi·.' ruminoteli nt First nnd llrnud, nnd now nt No, .ini! W. Hr.mil Ulfnet, Mr. Kein lin· been Associated «lib trie for aevernt years In thn mnungeinent «if ntitd IiiimIiiuss, nnd enn com« Inend him for his efficiency. Thnnklug tnj frlclida for their kindness In the pnst, 1 remnln very truly. .TOH. W, LAUBR. N, IÎ..All persons Indebted to mn will pirns· clnsn nccountn with Mr. Ifnln. JOS. W. taAUBB. Referring tn Ihe «born notice I beg to ··> Ihnt I will continue thn business above men« Honed nt No. 4011 W, Rrnnd Street. I respectfully solicit the consideration nf my friend« nnd n conti nun nee nf Ihnt accorded to my predecesaor, nnd will Rive snine my prompt nnd personnl Attention. Very respectully, Aug. in-trno JOS. M. BAIN. ATTENTION, EAGLES OFFIOAL BADOEB nre now hero nnd pun be purchnsed of the Hi-c- rotary. Offlelnl Hndge (which you must have), 7fio, enc.h; Souvenir Hndge. flOc. enchl Souvenir Butions, 2 for f,c. Von c«n secure ? spechi! rntn of $10.40 round-trip to New York by lenv- Ing Mniidoy Afternoon ? 4ifW by the Southern Rnllwny nnd York River I.Ine; you c«n then Join tbe Norfolk nnd IlnlHinore Aeries «t Bal¬ timore nnd more with lliotn on «peclnl train lo New Vork. fJI'S ntîttNlHtt, Worthy Reero'Ary. BOOK-BINDING -AND PRINTING. BLANK ROOKS made to order; Hagarlne«, Bible«, etc., bnuiiil. -S. 11. ?????8 AND CO., No. 0 Governor Street. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. B. A, GRABBEROER, office 10 N. 20 'phone RI27. Esllmntes furnlched. Repair work ¦ apeelnlty. BIG SHOW OPENS TO-DAY All Ready for the Amateur Circus. DE VAN HAS ARRIVED Wonderful Aerialist Will Present Startling Act.Clowns Ready for the Ring.Some Interest¬ ing Features. The one thing in Richmond to-day.cer¬ tainly In the eyes of a grent many peo¬ ple, including all the children In the city- is the Amateur Circus, which takes place ¡it the Horse Show building iiftérilp'on and night. The Great Do Van has reached the city and has put up the apparatus which he uses Vn his sensational aerial act, known «s tho "Death Defying Heel Swing." Tho rigging: is placed at the very top of tho building, and at this dizzy height the daring performer accom¬ plishes a feat that well nigh defies the laws of gravitation. It i's an act so startling In Its nature that It onuses the .>*cl*lono hold his breath and tremble for the safety of the aerinllst. There are a score of clowns that will not only cause the children to scream with delight, but will wreck the gravity of thoso who have reached mature years. Among them are Charles H, Phillips, T. B. Hicks, Wllkle Freeman, George Pollock, William IT. Allen/ Ixinnle Wil¬ son, Hon. S. L. Kelley, C. O. Savlllo, Hughi Mercer, William H. Thompson, Luther Chentwood, Sain Cook, Albort O. Boshen, Harry C. Glenn, 13. 13. Davis, W. T. Hurt, Lee Lorraine, Isaac Held, Harry Tucker, Thomas J. Farloy, Young Porter, Herbert Huleo and Leonard Noel. TH13 TRAINED P.ONYÍ The trained pony, which will be exhib¬ ited by Mr. Busser, Is a henutlful llttlo animal, and Ib certain to receive the description, by the Indies and children, of "Just too onto for anything." The pony, among other tricks, will seo-saw with two little Í.Í.B-·· A clovor as well as a protty net Is that of Mnxeppn, tho Japnneso ropo walker. Clinton Boyd will dtp a slnck wire act that hoja been pronounctvl ns clover as that of nny professional. The "brother act" of Klndervater and Payno deserves to be featured, as lt will be In both perform¬ ances to-day. In the list of feature acts that of Cap¬ tain Harry Bonavlta Tuckentn must not \>c omitted. ? steel barred arena bus been eroded, similar to tho one used by tho great tralnor of the Bestock show, nnd into this will he placed a lion. Then Cap¬ tain Tuckerlta will enter tho enge, and tlie fun will begin, There are ton many nets on the pro¬ grammo to mention nil of thorn. ? is sufficient to say that each one will servo Its purposo of entertaining and amusing the audience, which promises to fill the Horse Show building. Tickets will bo nn sale to-day at Branch R. Allen's, on Main Street. Until 5 o'clock this after¬ noon tickets may bo secured (nere. After that hour they will bo tip sale nt the Horse. Show building. Tho af¬ ternoon performance commences nt .! o'clock, nml ih«· night performance at 8:4*i. Doors open nn hour earlier, There will be a band concert of thirty minutes before each performance, Tjio show he- Klns promptly nt the hours named, and somo of tho very best arts an· among the opening numbers. OHO WATERMELONS Largest Ever Seen by Reporters Sent from Charles City. Six of ut- Uni! watermelons ne over cam« im > t?,«·· TlmoH-PlHpotcli editorial room«, re-iolied liiere from lioxhury, Charlen City county, nnd the editor and reporter» «-*n- jnved them Immensely. The nielen« were sent by Moeurs, Mars- ton .md SioddaHd, through Mr. J. ?. AVriKiit. rixe of them weighed fifty-two puundb «Mieli inni ihe «--ixth Wim u whopper ?' sixty,nil,,, pound«. They wore hupt on loé at tho Gommer- rh.l Hotel nulli midnight, when Ilio men who write the ".stufi" In tin« pH'/iTH, ns- FlfcU'd by the tolegraph operier* and tho componitore consumed tiiom. with many hind remurh? about the »endors, DR. GRAY T. SNEAD IS AGAIN WINNER Upturns from th«*· pr.niiirv tn nominate a bemocnitlo member of (po Houta fur Princes» Anne county oi) Tuesday re¬ sulted i'> the ronnmlnalt'iii of In. George ? Snead. who ha« represented the conn- tv for »even») terni« In tho lower house. Iir. fir.«ad had thron contestant», hut de¬ feated them all receiving a majority of 30 votes over tha entire Held in a tot;,) vote r,f (??. Pr. Bnoad's vote was Ì06 in 169 for Mr. Hartley, his nearest oppo¬ nent. He carried four of the seven pre* einet« in tlib county, earh of hla oppo- aaa«nu carrylp« hi» home oollln« place. NEW HOUSE AT CEMETERY Much Progress Being Made on the Building. DEATHS IN MANCHESTER Infants of Mr. and Mrs. Williams to Be Buried To-Day.Amendments to Council Rules.Reorganization of Council.Other Items, Manchester Bureau Tlmes-Dlspatoh, 1 No. 1102 Hull Street. ; A report was received from Superin¬ tendent Allen, of Mtiury Cemetery, last night nt the meeting of the Cemetery Committee concorning progress on the new building, which Is going up nicely. Tho new residence will be ln readiness beforo cold weather. Tbo committee transacted routine busi¬ ness DEATH OF TWINS. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams, of No. .Kr7 Bulnbridge Street, mourn the loss of their two llttlo daughters, Margaret Lou¬ ise and Amanda. The children wero twins and wero ten months ef age. One died Wednesday and tho other yesterday. They wero nieces of Ollìcer Alex. Wright. Tho funeral will tako place at 3 o'clock this afternoon from tho residence, being conducted hy Rev. Asa Drlseoll. The In¬ terment will be In Mnurv Cemetery. ' OBDlNANCE AMENDMENTS, At the meeting of the Ordinance Com¬ mittee tho Council rules were nmended so as to conform with tho requirements of tho Constitution. The most Important of these resolutions affect the method of vot¬ ing on appropriations, REORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL. When the Council meets next week, th« form of reorganization will be gone through with, although thero will bo few changes in the complexion of tho com¬ mittees as they now stnnd. Mr. Pntram will continue ns chairman of tho Streets Committee; Mr. Bradley, of tlio Finance Committee; Mr. Owen, of tlio Lands and Buildings, nnd Mr. Abbott, of tlie Ordinances. It is entirely probable that Mr. Reams will succeed Mr. Wakotleld ns president of the lower branch, and Mr. Perdue will continue at the head of the Board of Al¬ dermen. NEW POLICEMEN.·"· Mssrs. Wayuinek and Mooro, the two now policemen, will begin tholr work next Tuesday morning, having already riunll- flod. antl at tho next mooting of the Board, tho force will bo reorganized, by tho election nf a sergeant, and tho fixing of the heats and hours of duty. APPOINTAIENT OF TEACHERS. Teachers for Biilnbrldgc School have beon appointed ns follows: Misses Nocl- wnli Mangimi. Fannie M. Pronch, Ada L. Hall, Ida S. Woodward, Tallii E. Alavo, Gertrude Wolslger, Ida A, Brown, Bessie "Wells, Florence May Bronaugh, E. P, Bolinnnon, Clara E. O'Hrlon, Emmn J, Lamb, Bornico Fahr and Mr. Rudd. Mr. A. II. Fitzgerald Is prlnelpnl and A. J, Ozniar remains as Jnnltor. SMALL TALK. Mr. Mosby Ptilllnm Is visiting his broth¬ er, Mr. ?. T. Pulllnm, In Newport News. Miss Mattie Jenkins, nf Dnnvllle. Is vis¬ iting Mrs. W. C. Fowlkes. No. 207 East Eleventh Streot. Liberty Council. No. 13. Jr. ?. ?. A. M., will run nn excursion to Petersburg over tlie electric road on September 18th. Rev, I. S. Boyles will preach nt Clop¬ ton-Street Church to-morrow morning. There will bo no services at night. Sun¬ beams meet nt 3 P. M. itev. A. t.*. rierrvinnn will nreach morn¬ ing ii ml night at Wr-si End Church. Young people's meeting nt 3 o'clock. Mrs. C. If. Dorset, of Hwanslioro, Is belter. SUNSHINE ROOn More Contrlbutiois Received by Sup¬ erintendent Davis. The "Sunshine Room" fund was niifT- monteil yesterday bv the adiililon of *I4H", mii-'nv p total of "eirvt.s.?. and fcàuperliito.id- ent George ?. «¿avid feel« very much cn- coiirntji'd. TV funds received yesterduv were from the '.Sunshine Club," through Miss Emma Keesnlc'i. t9.B7; ?«. T. Ohrls- tl:in, G Mr llavls wnntr. ???? to completo the room, WA5 BALD SIX YEARS. Three Months of the New Scientific Treatment Restored His Hair. naldnees Is paused by flundhiff, which la caused hy a germ« Kill the germ and It Is almost certain Unit hnlr will «row again, If th'· follicle has not I.? totally deal toyed, Nel» Peterson, <>r l.imo Spur, Mont., siiys: "I lmd been bald six ye« nnd had tiled nil kinds nf 'cure«.' hut without any benefit whatever, uni II I tried Herplclde. November in, iküü, i bpgUIl ilsl'iK llcl'plclde, .-nel In linee month« ? fine grow Mi "f hair covered my head completely." Ask your druggist f.,r Herplclde. Kveryhody run have lux¬ uriant, glossy hair if Herplclde is usci thoroughly, Take no spb»t|tu|o, Hold by leading drugglels- Kr'1"' ''"' In St·« m pa for sampln to The Herplclde Co. |.,. irolt. Ml'-h. Owens ,fc Jllnor Drug Co., Bpeclal Agent. FOR SALE. pOR SALE, Bargains in Building lots. 30 FEET ON CARY NEAR BEECH. 80 FEET ON RANDOLPH NEAR Beverly. 88 FEET ON ? ? KAR TWENTY- slxth Streot. . . ¦10 FEET ON TWENTY-FOURTH AND BROAD STREETS. C. L. & H. L; DENOON, aug29-2t 821 Main Street. For Sale at ! a Sacrifice. ONE OF THE MOST COMFORTABLE homes in tho heart of tho city on tho most desirable part of Grace Street. House In excellent condition, front«! 13 feet and has good de-i'li to w¡de alley; hns detached kltclnn nnd pttiblc. ?,',? owner being called suddenly to the West, has decided to sell. Any one seeking a delightful nnd fashionable home at a moderato price should see me and In¬ spect the premises. L. H. CABELL, 22 North Ninth Sti'eer. aug 29-3t pOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, FARM OF 200 ACRES WITH 9-ROOM Dwelling; large orchard, boms, stables, etc.; about 25 miles from city, on South¬ ern Railway. Will sell at very low ligure or will exchange for city propery. C. L. «5- H. L,DENOON, aug29-2t 821 Main Street. LOST from cont pocket August 27th, IN¬ SURANCE POLICY ON LIFE OF GEORGE K. TAYLOR in Northwest¬ ern M titillai Lifo Insurance Co. Finder will please leave nt SOUTHERN TRUST CO.'S, 1112 East Main St. LEGAL NOTICES. TO W. S. HOYT, GOULD HOYT, CA¬ MILLA S. HOYT, P. S. HOYT AND VASS HOYT: You are hereby notified thnt a tract of land described ns fifty-four (51) acres, part of Sydnor's; iu Tuckahoe Magisterial District. Henrico county, Virginia,' was sold on tlie - dny of-for delin¬ quent taxes, levies, interest and cost due tboroon. for the yenr 1SS7, In tho name of GOULD HOYT AND WIFE, to the Com¬ monwealth of Vlrglnln. An application for the purchase thereof has boen filed in this office, nnd It np- poarlng from the records of this office thnt you are Interesterl In the said land; you are further notified to appear here within four months from the date of this notice, nnd do what may bo necessary to protect your interest. Given under my hand this 7th day of August, 1003. SAMUEL P. WADDILL. Clork of the County Court of Henrico County, Virginia. A Copy.Testo: SAMUEL P. WADDILL. an 8-lnw-lt. Clerk. TO EMMA L. CHAD WICK; You nrn hereby notifichi thnt a lot of land described as four (4) lots, Syd¬ ney, Tuckahoe Magisterial District, Hen¬ rico County, Virginia, was sold on the - day of-for délinquant tnxes, levies. Interest und cost duo thoron in the name of JOHN E. ROBINSON, for tin! years 1S70-1883, to the Commonwealth of,. Virginia. An application for tho purchnso thereof has boen filed In tills office, und it ap¬ pearing from the records of this ,office that you are Interested In tlie snld land, you nro further notlflod to appear hero within four «Ml months from the date of this notice, tinti ilo whiit may be neces¬ sary to protect your Interest. Given under my hand this 7th day of August, 1U03. SAMUEL P. WADDILL, Clerk of tho County Court of Henrico County, Vlrglnln. A Copy.Testo: SAMUEL P, WADDILL, nu 8-ltiw-lt, Clerk. Ite-wrltleii und re-staged, Chu îles H. Vali,'« "ovorlastlng" Devil's Auction held the boards at the Academy last night nini »leased a Mollinomi audience, Just as It luis done many a time before, Ah a vehicle foi' tie Introduction of u wldo range of mechanical, light anil cos¬ tume, effect«, ainl for tin, display of voice, grace and ligure lu the over-popillur hal¬ le!, Vale's piece ha« not yet heen over¬ taken, and it has been running twenty- two years, Tho company now· playing hero measure«, up to the requirements of the pluyrlght, in the mala, though on« or two weak spur« might bo touched with causile. line of Ihe especially good feature« eon- sluts ln th« entertaining aorubtu work of the four Hahiinonsltys, two of tho (nrir- tetto heilig hoy«. James II. Maeklo, Toby. Is half the show, If one to Judge, hy the applause and laughter ho ellclled. To-day ibero will he a rri'illneo In the afternoon and a closing performance at night. An exceptionally large crowd wus out last night, The building waH not un- coml'ort/ible, despite tho heal. MoFadden's Row of Fíate comes to the Academy Monday, and I'leid'« Minstrels promise io draw big erowds at matinee and nlgln performances next Tuesday. Mr. Armitage Awav. Mr. \V. S. Armitage Is ot Belle Ponte, ¡ .Md., where ha »enl to look after « big roofing contract. He will be away abuut 1 » ?/.',*«. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY. August 28th and 29th'. MATINEE SATURDAY. Chnrlot II. Ynlu's Everlasting DEVIL'S AUCTION. Everything new and bettor thnn ovor. Prlcus: Night,'.'oc. to ?1. Matinee. 2Bo. to 75o. PAQINfl ALWAYS COOL. UMdlllUf Afternoon and Evening SIX MUSIGÄTCUTTYS AND VAUDEVILLE STARS. NIQHT-25 nnd SOc. MATINEE.15 and 25c. the Confederate Museum, TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opens daily from 9 A. M, to 5 P. M. Admission. 25 cents. Freo on Saturday». The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN «0 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ADMISSION 25C. . FREE ON SATURDAY,1?. SEALED PROPOSALS. FORT" MYER, VA., Aug. 17, 1903,-Sealed Proposals, in triplicate, for addition to Hospital, will be received until 10 A. AI. SEPT. 1, 1903. The U. S. reserves right to reject or accept nny or nil bids, or any part thereof, information on application. Envelopes containing bids should be In¬ dorsed "Proposals for Addition to Hospi¬ tal," addressed Cnpt. R. Harrison. Q- M. SCMOOL8. H HILL COLLEGE, Ellicott City, Md. A SELECT BOARDINO SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AISD BOYS. Speciul attention to Modern Languages, Science and Commerce. Courses.Literary, Scientific, Comiticr- mereiai. A thorough Preparatory Course for hoys not under twelve ycar3. Send for catalogue. THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS. HÛMPDSN-3IDNEY GüLLbGR. The 128th session will open Wednesday, September H, 1903. Four courses of instruction, leading to the degrees of A. B., B. S., B. L. and A. M. Nine professors nnd instructors. Healthful location. Moral surroundings. For catalogue, apply to RICHARD M'lLWAINE, President, Hampden-Sldney, Vn. Randolph-Macon Institute, Danville, Va. A select home school for forty girls. Some educator's In othor schools pro- nounco tills the best girls' school in Vir¬ ginia. Write for Information. WILLIAM HOLMES DAVIS, Principal. INDUSTRIAL AND ANALYTICAL Tlie tlemaiul for practical clieinltits, gradiniteli of tlio Hchoolti nf Chemistry of tho t.'iilver>ity nf Virginia, ('icoeils tho supply. All who have tliim gratinati·'! wlihlu His ptiat few yenr« linvi· heen promptly located us chemlult» '«ir Iron furnacca, pliouphuto worlm, Bii^nr «nil oil relluerlei«, or ??????- 1r.r Ittdiiatrlia, An indtwtrloui und Intelligent yiiuig man, trnl.I to otucly, crii multo the whole course In uno yenr, l'or further Informa¬ timi iili'ly to I, M. ????, Chairman, Universi ty Stnllon, Clwrlottfsvlllo, Vh. For Volino Ladles. Mary Baldwin Seminary Term l>cKlii» Sept, 3rd, 1003, In Blioniindouli Vnllcjr of Vimini». '-«" «indenta from Ï7 BIMeii im« hcnhIhu. Tenuemoderate, linter«'»y""ií·,?.*·?-,'.·".!*çetalos. Ml·· ?. V, WEIMAH, Principal. ! DEDFORD COUNTY, VA, A thoroughly equipped school, com plete In all lia appointment«, of nigh grade, for boys mid young men, Fop catalogue or Information apply to W. R. ABBOT, Principal, Bellevue P. O., Va. SUM M ?~?G R E60t-tTS. HOTEL WACHÄ^REAGÜE, NEAR COBB'6 I6LAND. All-year-round resort. Four-story ele. vallon; three-story porcili seventy-ihn large, airy rooms. Oood fishing, shoot¬ ing and sailing. Excellent surf bathing. Free excursions on 50-foot launch ,],·,||?. Free ball,s In hotel. Only place on thn coast which offers ao many natural ad- vanii«»·« und iirst-clnss accommodations ¡il inodorato pilcos. Hay birds, iront and ??'·'ß <?" '" près. enl. Sportsmen espo-daliy inviten tn come and bring tholr families- (-omo via Norfolk or Did Point Comfort. Write for references, booklets, Sri: A, H. MEARS, Prop., Wachapreaoue, Va. Mention till« n-inor. The Glebe School, A SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 413 West Grace Street. JTJNIUS E. LEIGH, Head Mnstor. The secontl Ecsslon of this school will hegin Monday Soptcmbor 21, 1003; Prc- pnrcs for colleges and universities. Pri¬ mary Dopnrtinent for small hoys, School limited to twcnty-flvo boys. Knrly regis¬ tration tloslrnblo. Terms: $100 per year; one-half payable on ontrnnco and onc-hnlf pnvatalo ÍVbmnrv 1st ensuing. Address of Head Muster, 321 W. Grace St. RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE, Ashland Vlrginlu. R. E. BLACKWELL, A. M., I.L. D. President. Healthful Location. Thorough Instruc¬ tion. Moderate Charges. Next session will open Sept. 10, 1803. For catalogue apply to Rev. B. F. LIPSCOMB, Secretary nnd Treasurer. RICHMOND COLLEGE Instruction offered I" language», sciences, philosophy, history, and Jurispru¬ dence; Courses of study lead to the degrees nf B. S. ?. ?.. ?. ?., nnd Ilnchelor of LnW. Modern and well equipped llhrnry nnd lnhorotorle». Kelt session begins Sept. 21. Address President F W. BQATWRIGHT, Richmond, Va, An attractive school of great thoroughness for Boys. The plan antl equipment of thn school se¬ cure the best possible «levelopraent of each pupil. Only boys of good character from refined home« nre taken. For prospectus address J. B. I.OVETT. ?. ?.. Principal. = REPORTON ???? CONFINEMENT CASES* UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OFMEDíCíNES.SAa· MEDICINE-DeWTISTRY-PHARMACY ATLANTA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Freo Dlspensnry; only collego operating an scttinl drug store. Greater demand for our gradutttos thnn we can supply. Address OEOROE F. PAYNE, Dean, 21 W. North Are., Atilinta, G», DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY, University Col. lege of Medicine, rtlchmond, Va. One drug store, for teaching and prescription wurk. In actual opération during pnHt ten years; two more added last session. For cntnloguc nddress WILLIAM ?. MILLER, Proctor. PANTOPS ACADEMY, NKAR CnAHLOTTESVlLLE, VA. For Boy«. Fully equipped. Send for Catalogno. JOHN R, SAMPSON, A. M. Principal. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADiElS, Roanoke, Va. OpensSont. 2l,l1X).'i. Onoofthe leading Schools for Young Ladles ln the South. New buildings, plnnosaudoqulpmcnt. Cam pus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley oi Virginia, famed for health. European nml American teachers, Full courue, Conservatory advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Certificates Wollcsley. fitiidents (rom 80 States. For entaloguo nddrew MATTIU G, HARRIS, President, lloanoke, Va. HQLLINS INSTITUTE.VIrginia A'atuhtitlicd in I8.',t lor the Higher Ltlucillon oi Young Ludici faultily .1» gentlemen and in Indies, Enrollment, ¡AI pupils frinii '.1! slates. Fur Illusi rated i'iitiiliigiie.npply to MATTY L, COCKK, I'rcsldent, Hollina, V», CATONSVILLE, MARYLAND. MOUNT DE SALES. ACADEMY OF THE VISITATION. Buildings and grounds extensive nnd attractive, Situation healthful; und view nl Baltimore, hills, river, and bay beauti¬ ful. Accessible by electric ear routes, Thorough work in English, Science, .Music, Art, and Languages. Illustratoti catalo¬ gues sent on application to THE DIRECTRESS; Miss Ellett's School for Girls 112 East Franklin Street, FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. Bryn Muwf Examinational will bo, held In Richmond In 1904. There Will be Special Classes Preparatory to Travel In Europe. Lessons In German will bo given with¬ out extra charge to pupils of six or noven, Terms: twenty to seventy dollars, The number of pupils iu every tlepnrt- inent will be limited. Circulars -nt 112 Enst Franklin Street and nt bookstores. Kindergarten and Sub- Primary, H West Main Street, October I, 1003. MISSES TALCOTT AND SCOTT. TUE BALTIMORE MEDICAL OOLLEOE. Fu-olleut leaching fnellli les large Indurato. ríes rapiieliiiis hospitals uud dispensary; largo elliil.·». Addrom DAVID STREET. M. *j. Dean, 718 I'ark Avenue, Baltimore, Mil. THE KINDERGARTEN NORMAL CLAB8 OF THE AFF0RDBY SCHOOL, No. 2218 North Charles Street. LAURA M, BEATTY, ELIZABETH 8ILKMAN, Associated Principals. wiix B.KneK.N ??t???» *tm. RAILROADS. ATLANTIG COASTLINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DA1LÏ- UYRD-STUEET STATION. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, AUG. 2D. >:06 A. M. A. C. L. Expresa1 to all point· South' ')¦£*} A. M. Petersburg and Norfollc. 12:10 P. M, Petorstuirg and N. «St Vf. Weit. 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. |4:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. fiifiO P. M. Petersburg Local. 7:26 P. M.. "Florida and West Indian Llmltod," to all point« South. »:40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West n:¿0 P. M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. S:43 A. M.-j T.SS A. M., 8:25 ?. ??. except Sunday, 11:25 A. M. 11:00 A. M., 2:0G P. M., 7:20 P. ?., 7:<d P. M., 9:10 P. M. t Except Sunday. C. S. CAMPBELL^ Dlv. Pas·. Agt. Vf. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pas«. Act RE £ ? Richmond. Frederleki 3 G? Ct G? burg & Potomac R. R Train» Leave Richmond.Northward. 3:51 A. M., dully, Byrd St. Through. 6:4? A. M., dally. Main St. -Through. 7:15 A, M., week days. Klba. Ashland ac¬ commodation. 5:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd Ôt .'li rough. 1:40 A. M., weok days. Byrd St. Through. a-':ij,") noon, week days. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. M.. WK<.k days Byrd St. Fred- erlcksburg accommodation. 6:05 P. M., dally. Main St. Through. 6:ffi P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬ commodation. «:??, ?, M.. dally. Bvrd St. Through. Train» Arrive Richmond.Southward. 6:40 A. M., week days. Elba- Ashland no- commodatlon. 8:15 A. M., week days, Byrd St, Fred· erlcksburg accommodation. 8:16 A. M., dally, Byrd Bt. Through 11:66 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:1)5 P. M..· dally. Main St. Through. 3:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬ commodation. 7:16 P. M. dally, Byrd St. Through. G»? P. M., dally. byrd St. Through. 10T29 P. M.¿ dally. Main St. Through. Note.Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cars on nil trains »xceiat local accommodations, W. D. DUKE, C. Vf. CULP. W. P. TAYLOR, Gen'l Man'r. ^ass't Oen'l Man'r. Traf. Man'l lime 14. ions. STEAMBOATS. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CD. Hit-M Una for Norfolk. Leave Richmond dally (foot of Ash Street) 7 P. M. Steamers stop at New¬ port News In both directions. Fare $2.50, Includes stateroom berth: meals, 50c. each.- FOR NEW YORK. By Chesapeake and Ohio Ry., D A. M., 4 P, M.; by Norfolk and Western Ry., 9 A, M., 3 P. M. All lines connect at Norfolk with direct steamers for New York, »ail¬ ing dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. K. F. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Agent. SOS E. Main Street. JOHN "P. MAYER, Agent, Wharf Foot of Ash Street, Richmond, Va. ?. ?. WALKER, V. P. & T. M., Now York, Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. Steamship Lino. Direct Boute to Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I, Steamer« leavo Norfolk for Boston Tues- day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur¬ day at ß P. M. Past-fingers and freight taken for all New England points. Tick¬ ets on sale at C. & O. Ry, and N. & Vf. Ry. offices and No. 819 East Main Street, R. H. WRIGHT, Agt.. Norfolk, Va. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY UNE. Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON¬ DAY. WEDNESDAY und FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk. Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claremònt and James River landings, and connecting at Old Point for Washington. Baltimore and the North. State-rooms reserved for. the night at moderate prices. Elootrio cara dlreot to wharf. Faro only $1.50 and $1 to Norfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for abovo-named places and all points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina, IRVIN WEISIOKR, General Manager. ?,.?. BARBER, Jr.. Secretary. BAY LINE TO BALTIMORE VI« 0. ft 0, Bwy, tad OU Point. U, ? MAII, BOUTE. I.puti) niellinoli«! y|u C. ft O. rtiatlj «[.I'll! Sunday, ut 4 I', M., eoa- »celine ni Old Point with steamer« of 01,1 Buy f.liin, loavlng 7Ü0 P. M., arrivili-; Baltimore 11:110 A. M.. connecting North, limit anil West, Cnr ticket« . ml infor,nnlloii apply to C. & O. Ilwy., Bleb· moud Transfer Ouniiiiiuy, ot B.10 Bunt Mill! St. Clyde Steamship Go.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LIN«. Freight received and delivered duny at C, &. O. R'w'y Co.'h depot, tíeveiueuiiit¬ ami Broad Streets, «MEETINGS. Till'. ?? ? HAI, M RETI NO OF TUE STOCK- holdere of Ihe (i.VNH-UADY COMPANY ivlll In« hehl at tin« nffloe nf the Company, No. 1005 Kiiet Main Street. MONDAT. September llie 7lh, 1Ü03, at 11 o'clock I». M. (???. Vf. ItADT. Secretary. THE ???G??. MEETING OF TUB STOCK« holders of the WATKlNS-COTf HEM. COM¬ PANY will be held at the office of the com¬ pany. No, 1311 En ti Mala Street. Richmond, Va., on THUBSDAT. September 10th, 1003, at 1? o'clock, yi, Ö. »OBKBT80N, Ji.lv in-,? i>r*i-l(leair, RAILROADS. rc*jY Chesapeake ^SsJOs^ S Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Minutas toNorfoik Uii.HL, ««iijl^ltJMj.¿.ASTllUUMj. 7i4t) ?. ??.~ually. Loca! to Newport New» and nay stutlons. 8:00 A. il.--l>iij!y.Limited.Arrives Williams- hurg ?:??0 ?. ?.? Nun-port News 10:30 A. M. Ulti l'uliit JliOO A. M. NorfolK 11 iM A. il. 4:00 I·. M..Week dny».Special.Arrives Wli* flanialiure -1:50 I*. >!.. Newport News 8:50 I*. M. Old Point 0:00 P. M.. NorloU 0:2.*i 1*. M. 6100 I*. M. .Dally.Loenl tn Old Point. 1! AIN LIN B.WKSTBOUN D. lOtlO A. M..Local.Daily to Char lotti» rill·, except Sunday Clifton Forge. 8:00 P. it..Dally.Special to Cincinnati, Louisville, Ht. ?,????a and Chicago. 5:16 I·, il.-Week day».Local to Gordona-rllle. 10:30 G. M.Dally.Limited to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Loula and Chicago. J.\MKB HIVEIt LINK. 10:20 A M, -Dally.Express lo Lynchliurf. Clifton Forge antl principal stations. 8:16 !'. M..Week «lays.Local to Warren. TRAINS Aiutivi: RICHMOND FRO if Norfolk and 01.1 l'oint 10:0.1 ?. M. dnllf, 11:4.1 A M. F.x. Hun., and 7:00 I' M. dati». Newport News Local 7:G».1 I». M. dally. From Cincinnati nnd West 7:45 A. M. «lall» and 3X0 I*. M. dally. Main Line Local frota Clifton Forge H:10 P. M. Br. Sun. from Clfftna Forge, dsllv from Chnrlotti-svlllo. ??p???ßt??? Accolli. 8:.'I0 A. if, Kx. Sun. Jemes Itlver Line Local from Clifton Fore« O:.*)*, I*. M. dally. Worren Accom.-8:40 A. M. Kx. Sun. RICHMOND INO PHTEHSBUR3 ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Eeginning April Ist, I9U2, Cars lc-nv« corner Perry ond tseventB Streets, Manchester, every hour '.on th« hour) from ü A, ,M. lo 10 G. M., last car 11:50 P. M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Hya%» more Street, every hour from G:30 A. BE. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. 10 CENTS.POUND TP.lP-50 CENTS. r.WNoffolk^V/eslern ¦_·..5ttX» LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A. M.·. NORb'ULK LIMITED. Ar. rives Norfolk Ilia) ?. AL Stops only at Petersburg;, Waverly and auifoiK. 9:05 A. AL. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynchburg and Elounoko. Pullulai; Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluerield to Cincinnati; also Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvllle ts Chattanoogn and Memphis. 12:10. P. M.i ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvllle. Lynchburc and Hoanoke, 3:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M Stops only r.\ Petersburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Connect» with stenmcry lo Boston, Providence. New York. Baltimore nnrl Washington. 7:25 P. M. for Norfolk and nil stations east of Petersburg. 9:40 P. M., NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond to Lynchburg nnd Roanoko: PetcrsburB to East Radford; Lynchburg to Chattanoufa. Memphis and New Orleans. Cafe Diluii,* Trnins nrrlvo from the WeBt 7:35 A. SI.. 2:ui P. M. and 9:10 P. ?G.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. nml 7:20 P. M. Office No. KiS Enst Main Street. W. B. BEVILL. C. H. POSLEY, Gen- Pubs. Agent· Dia. Pass. Atrent. SEABOARD Air Line Rajlwav TRAINS LEAVE KICHMOND ¿MiLY. .¿...¿0 Pi M.-r»eabonrrl Mall-10;35 Pi ni.. Seaboard Expros».To Savannah, Jack¬ sonville, Atlanta and Southwest. 9;10 ?. At..Local.For Norllna and Han»· let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:85 A. M..No. 34.4:65 P. M.-No. 60. From Florida, Atlanta and Southwest, 6:30 P. M..From Norllna and local points. City Ticket Office 830 East Main Street. 'Phone 406._._¦ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. aOUEDULE IN KKFl'X'T AUG, 12, 11WJ. i,?? A. ii..Dally. Loral lor cnailutt«. lüiót* P. M.-Ditlly. Limiteli, Bullet Pull. man to Atlanta mid Hirmlngimm, New Orleans, Memphis, Clmtiuiiooga and alt the South, 0:00 P. M..Ex. Sunday. Chase City lo¬ cal. 11:06 P. M.-Dally. Limited! Pullman reudy 9;30 P, M. for all tho South. YORiS RIVES Ï.IME. The favoriti» route to Biltlmore and eastern points, Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. Dally, oxcopt Sunday, 6:00 A. M..Except Sunday, Local mixed for Went Point. 2;lti ?, M..Local for West Point 4:30 P. M..Except Sunday. For West Point, connecting with steamers for Bal- tlninre and river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE H10HMOMD. 6:55 A. Al. and ii:ï5 P. ??..From all th· South, . : 3:2ß P. ??..From Clmrlotte nnd Durham. 8:40 A. M..From Chase City. ß,?5 A. M..Baltimore nnd West Point. 5:10 P. ??..From West Point. C. H. ACKERT. S. H. RARDWICK, a m. a p. a. O, W. WRSTMJHa', I>, P. ?.. Blebmon-I. Va. BEACH PARK, WEST POINT, VA. Special chartered trains leave So. _Ry._Depoti_ Fourteenth St._ DAILY TRAINS EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Richmond 6:30 P. AI. Return¬ ing, leave West Point 10:30 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. L've Richmond 9:30 A. At- & 4 P. M. L'vo West Point S P. AI. «S: 10:S0 P. M.

The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1903-08-29 [p 6]. · HELP WANTED-FEMALB. WANTED. Mpirleneed OIRLB to work In booti- l.tmler*··. W, 11.HAMS, Twelfth ««id Mala Stri-ete. WANTED,

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Page 1: The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1903-08-29 [p 6]. · HELP WANTED-FEMALB. WANTED. Mpirleneed OIRLB to work In booti- l.tmler*··. W, 11.HAMS, Twelfth ««id Mala Stri-ete. WANTED,

HELP WANTED-FEMALB.WANTED. Mpirleneed OIRLB to work In booti-

l.tmler*··. W, 11. ? HAMS, Twelfth ««id MalaStri-ete.

WANTED, An experienced TEACHER to takocharge of a «nmll »ohonl Iti the country!tirnnelics.i lîtigllAh. Advnncril MnthemntlcA.I rehrli nnd latini muM be a Rood tendier ofMilite. Andrem WAIIPItAW, enrc till« office.

rEAtTHER WANTED.A wAncd, Christian Udy,with rxperlenci«, to prepnrc ? girl nt fifteenfor Rsndolt'h-Mnonn Woman'« College InIHglier t'ngllsh. Latin. Mnthemntlcs nnd In-all umcntAl Mu«le: plcs«nnt home, good «nlnryto on« well qiinllfled for the work; no otherf'eil npply, Address At once Mr». J. A,onßcinuY, sktpwiui, Va,

WANTED, A WOMAN to eook And eletn, aliol:tir»e; brine reference! Rood wnges. AppljrNo. *.'.?12 Knut Mnra-hnll.

LADY SOLICITOR reaulred at one« for Rloh·inntid nnd nenrh.r towns on snlnryi n lightnnd useful nrtlelc. Address CANVASSBH,cnre thi« office.


SttUATIONS WANTED.FÈMAUBaWANTED, a position to teach In private famlly

Knrllsh, French, I.nlln nnd Musici referenceejchnngod. Pox 81, Mnillson, Va.

WANTED, by an experienced lady atenofrrapher,? pince In Richmond Illrhmond referencegiven. Addesn Box No. 401, Klneton, N. 0.


WANTED, two Sash a«l Door Makers, also oneMnuldlnR Mnehlii« Itnnd; steady work, 10hour«; ntnte pny. Addres« PRTEIlSnUItOBUILDERS' SUPPLY 1*0.. l'eternluirR, Vn.

WANTED.Machinists, all round. Pay fromS2.2-1 to Î.1.2S per diem. Apply to Donrd ofLnt>or Employment. Nnry Yard, Norfolk, V».

AT ONOE.Thirty bright, hustling BAtESMENiningiiltloont new mnpn from lute survey I npeclnlpropojltloiii must apply promptly, stnto nte«nd e.Tperlence. ItUDCIlNS PUBLISHINGCO., AtlnntA, On.

WANTED, HETY STONECUTTERS! BOc perhour, 8 honrs per day. Apply ROOM Bufi,Lcwln Building, Plttalnirg, G?.

WANTED, TOUNO MAN as stenographer andclerk In1 office; must be quick nnd energetic;state experience And salary wanted. A. II..cato this office. I


Solution of puzzle ln yesterday's Tlmes-DIspatch: Spur not a winning horse.

SITUATIONS WANTED.MALE.YOUNO MAN of throe yctuV oxporlonoo in of,

Deo furniture bininosi! tlenlres pofiltlon; refer'etico furnished from former employer. Ail-flrotw 2fi Etist Rieren th Stroot, Mtinolioster, Vu.

WANTED, position M mtiniger of finn i havebren on my fnlhor'fl fnrm till my life «ntltuno good o«^iprfenc«. Address X, Y. Z,.i-nrc Oil» office.


DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY BOARD and sport,Virginia Mountains, nonr ridimmi; home»,hiinUiig nnd «.bruiting, tenni« "golf, swimmingpool; circulars. RANI10I.P11. KoMilrlt. Vn.


ELECTRIC FANS, Pure Ice Cream, Ices. Sod·.ml everything that'« cooling nt MOESTA ».

-w^ÍiL^!T Ë^z!^B' ·'¦.--iWANT£0(T«^^îeTu'"Nr,lne.. MAMAOE* IW

tvhnlesftio (trocof*· business. AtlilfM* withreference, hot 117, lilllon, »· rj^_f-

WANTFJDTr^e^«Tlrt"AÑr^Í' «"¡,1»» '»«tylto work timi Ittici· elinrgti nf ?'1."1 ì'Lr\['»Me»! Mcoinninniln tinti« f**l*'*rf,rt.' A',a,*w*¦INO. W. DAVIS, «ositeli Bridge. Va._

SEVERAL ÍERBOrHltTííanMte/'.Wj>* 0.ff'«VIn eitplt Stato fot" hoiiie of loti* "'""'""ft.""1nr.v $21 woritlv In crish <·»·?? Tlinrsilny, directfrom mnln ?G???, with n» cxpnri«eii. LO*1-?????, PO,, Chicago·_^

WANTED, A BOY -who can í«»j· #.??!,·Apply to 3. Vf IfBUOimsn.N AM) BON, 4·0·8N'orili Fourteenth Strepi._

WANTED, YOUNG "µ??G7?? olty eolleollntlrunt bo experienced und n.,V0.rk"'.Ü im."}"tUT expected. Atldre«« lt. V, ·'·. **** ·?·ß ofi

fico,_REGISTERED PhArmÄÖTbT wants · poíltlotlwhprc ability nnd Indtistry contiti experiencedmanager und book-keeper; would prefer smalltown nnd manage for I·»'?"'««"·.; AcMrcs»CAPSULB, on re Carrier II, Alexandrl«. Vn.

WANTlÊD7"re"s7»to7od"ïnUO CLERK. Write,«Wing referencp, age. raptt.cltto. etc., FRBDH. IIOYD, WltirliPBter, V«.


FOR RENT-Janie« Rlvor FARM, 800 »ore·,lnrgo antl excellent dwelling, stable«, barn«,outhouses, fruit true«, ote; convenient·.; to«tnUon on C. nnd "· «"'?·., Appli* <° Mrs.Vf. II. AMM.RH, Atronla. Va._

FOR RENT.COTTAOE at Virginia. Boaoh, fur¬nished, for Itiottlh -G September. Apply toH. A. WAlNWIlIiìIIT ???) CO., No. f>T1'lnmn Streot. Norfnljt. ^ ''·__._


FOR RENT.FLAT (fl"t door), three larget'oittioctltig mom», liu'ltidlnK water.· gaa nnduso of bath; ill!. So. 02-1 North FourthStreet.


other European markets, arc netting ¦¦¦ hackfor their ????????? Hirer shipper"* from »8 toSfi.m por bnrrel for red fruits- Stencil·« canho obtained by writing to ill-iS Park Pince,?, Y.

1 THE TEE-DEEDally Business Directory,

CARDS under thli head are taken »n thi···«months' contrnct, Unity nnd Sundny, At $1.80ber month.





SEWING MACHINES.THE NEW HOME (Ph. 1445), 902 East Bread,




WANTED, / adult oooupanta for large second·licor front ROOM, furnished or unfurnished;convenient to bath. Apply 8 North FlrntStreet.


knife; no danger. Itheiimntlsm nnd ChronicDlsensee cured. I'ree X-Itny examination.Lady Attendenti Mr, Enst Frnnklln,


PRICES REDUCED on watch work! donnine,$1; Mnln Springs. Sii twenty yenrs1 experi¬ence. WM. TOBIEN, Jr.. 40S K. Hron«l Street,Richmond, Vn. Spectacles nnd Eyeglasses,2r> cts, All work gunrnntend.

WANTED.TRY MoeStA'b coffee OreAm, 11'· dAllotou»,WAHTED, té buy Feather Bed. hlglié..t cash

prices pnldi nlso PentherA ttenomted. 'PhoneBTS1. OAHPBit ?????., 120»% W. Ms1«Htroet, city.

WANTED, a |ood"buggy HORSE, «tillable for? doctor! slntn price, which must lie. renaioli·Ahlo. Address DOCTOR, cnre this orfico.

WANTED, HtVZnAT~BfMìttì6, If cheap,"would purchnnn good Mineral Spring til,'?,?????? Wnlcr," loented In Maryland or VIP'glnln. Address, with full tinrtlnilnrs, fi. A.llll.MDlltllV, Hotel Itnlelgli, Wnsli., II. C.

ÜBNTISTKVIDR, W, ?, DORSET, No, 191 EAtt Broad Btreet.

(lold Crowns nnd Bridges, $fi| Gold Fillings.Si up! Silver Filling», fiOc. up. IVoth extrnctcdpnlnless. _


WANTED, to exchange a eood Upright PIANOfor n HORSIÎ, Suitable for light surrey; mustbe gentle. Address ItOtlSB, cnre thin office.


tng Pnrlor Furniture, Couched, etc, CHARLES0. .TUItnitNB' SON. 410-21 10. Brosd Street.

SPECIAL MIDSUMMER PRICES on rouphollter·log PArlor Furniture. Conchen, etc, C1IAR1.F.S0. JUROP,N8' SON, 41(1-21 I!. Ilrond Street.

ICE"CRI-AM'MOEBTA'S Ioe-Cream Parlora are more populatthan ever._

·. platT"For rent.

OCCUPANTS WANTED for «ooond-tloor FLAT'nf five room«; prlrnle bntli-room, hot nnd coldwntor. Applv nt fl02 South Third Street.


WHY PAY MORE when you enn buy purefour-year-old Whiskey for |2 per RAllon: OldColonial Whiskey, now leven yenr« old, «itper gallon; shipped In blank boxe» to nnyaddress. All of the lending lirAnds of Wines,Liquor·, nnd full stock of Groceries nt OF.O.M'D. BLAKK'S, 720 Wcet Bromi Street, Rich,mnnd, Vn,

noticb.ALL LIABILITY OF Tttll MAObfittÜtltl Fill«IN-RIIIIANCM COMPANY OF MAnDBBURtl,OfiKMANY, In the Slnte of Virginia, hntlmbeen eniicelled «nil terinlnnted, notice la hif··hy given Hint ilppllcntlnn hns been n«* to'the lion. A. W, KARMAN, Jr., Trenwiicr ottbe Slate, for Ihe relenne of Ils deposit of#37,noo, held fol· Ihe benefit of tho company'·policy bolder· Ih Vlrglnln.

PAUL fi. liASOlt, U. s, Manager.Aug. 1-20t

1 ItAVR TRANSFERRED ?? Mr NBPRKW,JOSEPH ?, ????. of Hila city, the lumino··of t'ndorlnkcr, fitnbnliner nnd Funeral Director,no Imi·.' ruminoteli nt First nnd llrnud, nnd nownt No, .ini! W. Hr.mil Ulfnet, Mr. Kein lin·been Associated «lib trie for aevernt years Inthn mnungeinent «if ntitd IiiimIiiuss, nnd enn com«Inend him for his efficiency. Thnnklug tnjfrlclida for their kindness In the pnst,

1 remnln very truly..TOH. W, LAUBR.

N, IÎ..All persons Indebted to mn will pirns·clnsn nccountn with Mr. Ifnln.


Referring tn Ihe «born notice I beg to ··>Ihnt I will continue thn business above men«Honed nt No. 4011 W, Rrnnd Street.

I respectfully solicit the consideration nf myfriend« nnd n conti nun nee nf Ihnt accorded tomy predecesaor, nnd will Rive snine my promptnnd personnl Attention.

Very respectully,Aug. in-trno JOS. M. BAIN.

ATTENTION, EAGLES OFFIOAL BADOEBnre now hero nnd pun be purchnsed of the Hi-c-rotary. Offlelnl Hndge (which you must have),7fio, enc.h; Souvenir Hndge. flOc. enchl SouvenirButions, 2 for f,c. Von c«n secure ? spechi!rntn of $10.40 round-trip to New York by lenv-Ing Mniidoy Afternoon ? 4ifW by the SouthernRnllwny nnd York River I.Ine; you c«n thenJoin tbe Norfolk nnd IlnlHinore Aeries «t Bal¬timore nnd more with lliotn on «peclnl train loNew Vork.

fJI'S ntîttNlHtt, Worthy Reero'Ary.


BLANK ROOKS made to order; Hagarlne«,Bible«, etc., bnuiiil. -S. 11. ?????8 ANDCO., No. 0 Governor Street.


B. A, GRABBEROER, office 10 N. 20 'phoneRI27. Esllmntes furnlched. Repair work ¦


BIG SHOWOPENS TO-DAYAll Ready for the Amateur



Wonderful Aerialist Will Present

Startling Act.Clowns Ready for

the Ring.Some Interest¬

ing Features.

The one thing in Richmond to-day.cer¬tainly In the eyes of a grent many peo¬ple, including all the children In the city-is the Amateur Circus, which takes place¡it the Horse Show building iiftérilp'onand night.The Great Do Van has reached the

city and has put up the apparatus whichhe uses Vn his sensational aerial act,known «s tho "Death Defying HeelSwing." Tho rigging: is placed at thevery top of tho building, and at this dizzyheight the daring performer accom¬

plishes a feat that well nigh defies thelaws of gravitation. It i's an act so

startling In Its nature that It onuses the.>*cl*lono hold his breath and tremblefor the safety of the aerinllst.There are a score of clowns that will

not only cause the children to screamwith delight, but will wreck the gravityof thoso who have reached mature years.Among them are Charles H, Phillips,T. B. Hicks, Wllkle Freeman, GeorgePollock, William IT. Allen/ Ixinnle Wil¬son, Hon. S. L. Kelley, C. O. Savlllo,Hughi Mercer, William H. Thompson,Luther Chentwood, Sain Cook, Albort O.Boshen, Harry C. Glenn, 13. 13. Davis,W. T. Hurt, Lee Lorraine, Isaac Held,Harry Tucker, Thomas J. Farloy, YoungPorter, Herbert Huleo and Leonard Noel.

TH13 TRAINED P.ONYÍThe trained pony, which will be exhib¬

ited by Mr. Busser, Is a henutlful llttloanimal, and Ib certain to receive thedescription, by the Indies and children, of"Just too onto for anything." The pony,among other tricks, will seo-saw with twolittle Í.Í.B-··A clovor as well as a protty net Is that

of Mnxeppn, tho Japnneso ropo walker.Clinton Boyd will dtp a slnck wire act thathoja been pronounctvl ns clover as thatof nny professional. The "brother act"of Klndervater and Payno deserves to befeatured, as lt will be In both perform¬ances to-day.In the list of feature acts that of Cap¬

tain Harry Bonavlta Tuckentn must not\>c omitted. ? steel barred arena bus beeneroded, similar to tho one used by thogreat tralnor of the Bestock show, nndinto this will he placed a lion. Then Cap¬tain Tuckerlta will enter tho enge, and tliefun will begin,There are ton many nets on the pro¬

grammo to mention nil of thorn. ? is

sufficient to say that each one will servoIts purposo of entertaining and amusingthe audience, which promises to fill theHorse Show building. Tickets will bonn sale to-day at Branch R. Allen's, onMain Street. Until 5 o'clock this after¬noon tickets may bo secured (nere.After that hour they will bo tipsale nt the Horse. Show building. Tho af¬ternoon performance commences nt .!o'clock, nml ih«· night performance at8:4*i. Doors open nn hour earlier, Therewill be a band concert of thirty minutesbefore each performance, Tjio show he-Klns promptly nt the hours named, andsomo of tho very best arts an· amongthe opening numbers.


Largest Ever Seen by Reporters Sentfrom Charles City.

Six of ut- Uni! watermelons ne over cam«im > t?,«·· TlmoH-PlHpotcli editorial room«,re-iolied liiere from lioxhury, Charlen Citycounty, nnd the editor and reporter» «-*n-

jnved them Immensely.The nielen« were sent by Moeurs, Mars-

ton .md SioddaHd, through Mr. J. ?.AVriKiit. rixe of them weighed fifty-twopuundb «Mieli inni ihe «--ixth Wim u whopper?' sixty,nil,,, pound«.They wore hupt on loé at tho Gommer-

rh.l Hotel nulli midnight, when Ilio menwho write the ".stufi" In tin« pH'/iTH, ns-FlfcU'd by the tolegraph operier* and thocomponitore consumed tiiom. with manyhind remurh? about the »endors,


Upturns from th«*· pr.niiirv tn nominatea bemocnitlo member of (po Houta furPrinces» Anne county oi) Tuesday re¬sulted i'> the ronnmlnalt'iii of In. George? Snead. who ha« represented the conn-tv for »even») terni« In tho lower house.Iir. fir.«ad had thron contestant», hut de¬feated them all receiving a majority of30 votes over tha entire Held in a tot;,)vote r,f (??. Pr. Bnoad's vote was Ì06 in

169 for Mr. Hartley, his nearest oppo¬nent. He carried four of the seven pre*einet« in tlib county, earh of hla oppo-aaa«nu carrylp« hi» home oollln« place.

NEW HOUSEAT CEMETERYMuch Progress Being Made

on the Building.


Infants of Mr. and Mrs. Williams to BeBuried To-Day.Amendments to

Council Rules.Reorganizationof Council.Other Items,

Manchester Bureau Tlmes-Dlspatoh, 1No. 1102 Hull Street. ;

A report was received from Superin¬tendent Allen, of Mtiury Cemetery, lastnight nt the meeting of the CemeteryCommittee concorning progress on thenew building, which Is going up nicely.Tho new residence will be ln readinessbeforo cold weather.Tbo committee transacted routine busi¬


Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams, of No..Kr7 Bulnbridge Street, mourn the loss oftheir two llttlo daughters, Margaret Lou¬ise and Amanda. The children werotwins and wero ten months ef age. Onedied Wednesday and tho other yesterday.They wero nieces of Ollìcer Alex. Wright.Tho funeral will tako place at 3 o'clock

this afternoon from tho residence, beingconducted hy Rev. Asa Drlseoll. The In¬terment will be In Mnurv Cemetery. '

OBDlNANCE AMENDMENTS,At the meeting of the Ordinance Com¬

mittee tho Council rules were nmended soas to conform with tho requirements oftho Constitution. The most Important ofthese resolutions affect the method of vot¬ing on appropriations,REORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL.When the Council meets next week, th«

form of reorganization will be gonethrough with, although thero will bo fewchanges in the complexion of tho com¬mittees as they now stnnd.Mr. Pntram will continue ns chairman

of tho Streets Committee; Mr. Bradley,of tlio Finance Committee; Mr. Owen, oftlio Lands and Buildings, nnd Mr. Abbott,of tlie Ordinances.

It is entirely probable that Mr. Reamswill succeed Mr. Wakotleld ns presidentof the lower branch, and Mr. Perdue willcontinue at the head of the Board of Al¬dermen.

NEW POLICEMEN.·"·Mssrs. Wayuinek and Mooro, the two

now policemen, will begin tholr work nextTuesday morning, having already riunll-flod. antl at tho next mooting of theBoard, tho force will bo reorganized, bytho election nf a sergeant, and tho fixingof the heats and hours of duty.

APPOINTAIENT OF TEACHERS.Teachers for Biilnbrldgc School have

beon appointed ns follows: Misses Nocl-wnli Mangimi. Fannie M. Pronch, AdaL. Hall, Ida S. Woodward, Tallii E. Alavo,Gertrude Wolslger, Ida A, Brown, Bessie"Wells, Florence May Bronaugh, E. P,Bolinnnon, Clara E. O'Hrlon, Emmn J,Lamb, Bornico Fahr and Mr. Rudd.Mr. A. II. Fitzgerald Is prlnelpnl and A.

J, Ozniar remains as Jnnltor.SMALL TALK.

Mr. Mosby Ptilllnm Is visiting his broth¬er, Mr. ?. T. Pulllnm, In Newport News.Miss Mattie Jenkins, nf Dnnvllle. Is vis¬

iting Mrs. W. C. Fowlkes. No. 207 EastEleventh Streot.Liberty Council. No. 13. Jr. ?. ?. A. M.,

will run nn excursion to Petersburg overtlie electric road on September 18th.Rev, I. S. Boyles will preach nt Clop¬

ton-Street Church to-morrow morning.There will bo no services at night. Sun¬beams meet nt 3 P. M.

itev. A. t.*. rierrvinnn will nreach morn¬ing ii ml night at Wr-si End Church. Youngpeople's meeting nt 3 o'clock.Mrs. C. If. Dorset, of Hwanslioro, Is



More Contrlbutiois Received by Sup¬erintendent Davis.

The "Sunshine Room" fund was niifT-monteil yesterday bv the adiililon of *I4H",mii-'nv p total of "eirvt.s.?. and fcàuperliito.id-ent George ?. «¿avid feel« very much cn-coiirntji'd. TV funds received yesterduvwere from the '.Sunshine Club," throughMiss Emma Keesnlc'i. t9.B7; ?«. T. Ohrls-tl:in, GMr llavls wnntr. ???? to completo the



Three Months of the New ScientificTreatment Restored His Hair.

naldnees Is paused by flundhiff, whichla caused hy a germ« Kill the germ andIt Is almost certain Unit hnlr will «rowagain, If th'· follicle has not I.? totallydeal toyed, Nel» Peterson, <>r l.imo Spur,Mont., siiys: "I lmd been bald six ye«nnd had tiled nil kinds nf 'cure«.' hutwithout any benefit whatever, uni II Itried Herplclde. November in, iküü, ibpgUIl ilsl'iK llcl'plclde, .-nel In lineemonth« ? fine grow Mi "f hair covered myhead completely." Ask your druggistf.,r Herplclde. Kveryhody run have lux¬uriant, glossy hair if Herplclde is uscithoroughly, Take no spb»t|tu|o, Holdby leading drugglels- Kr'1"' ''"' In St·«m pafor sampln to The Herplclde Co. |.,.irolt. Ml'-h. Owens ,fc Jllnor Drug Co.,Bpeclal Agent.




Beverly.88 FEET ON ? ? KAR TWENTY-

slxth Streot. . .


C. L. & H. L; DENOON,aug29-2t 821 Main Street.

For Sale at !a Sacrifice.

ONE OF THE MOST COMFORTABLEhomes in tho heart of tho city on thomost desirable part of Grace Street.House In excellent condition, front«! 13feet and has good de-i'li to w¡de alley;hns detached kltclnn nnd pttiblc. ?,',?owner being called suddenly to the West,has decided to sell. Any one seeking a

delightful nnd fashionable home at a

moderato price should see me and In¬spect the premises.

L. H. CABELL,22 North Ninth Sti'eer.

aug 29-3t


Dwelling; large orchard, boms, stables,etc.; about 25 miles from city, on South¬ern Railway. Will sell at very low ligureor will exchange for city propery.

C. L. «5- H. L,DENOON,aug29-2t 821 Main Street.

LOSTfrom cont pocket August 27th, IN¬SURANCE POLICY ON LIFE OFGEORGE K. TAYLOR in Northwest¬ern M titillai Lifo Insurance Co. Finderwill please leave nt SOUTHERNTRUST CO.'S, 1112 East Main St.


TO W. S. HOYT, GOULD HOYT, CA¬MILLA S. HOYT, P. S. HOYT ANDVASS HOYT:You are hereby notified thnt a tract of

land described ns fifty-four (51) acres,part of Sydnor's; iu Tuckahoe MagisterialDistrict. Henrico county, Virginia,' wassold on tlie- dny of-for delin¬quent taxes, levies, interest and cost duetboroon. for the yenr 1SS7, In tho name ofGOULD HOYT AND WIFE, to the Com¬monwealth of Vlrglnln.An application for the purchase thereof

has boen filed in this office, nnd It np-poarlng from the records of this officethnt you are Interesterl In the said land;you are further notified to appear herewithin four months from the date of thisnotice, nnd do what may bo necessary toprotect your interest.Given under my hand this 7th day of

August, 1003.SAMUEL P. WADDILL.

Clork of the County Court of HenricoCounty, Virginia.A Copy.Testo:

SAMUEL P. WADDILL.an 8-lnw-lt. Clerk.

TO EMMA L. CHADWICK;You nrn hereby notifichi thnt a lot

of land described as four (4) lots, Syd¬ney, Tuckahoe Magisterial District, Hen¬rico County, Virginia, was sold on the- day of-for délinquant tnxes,levies. Interest und cost duo thoron inthe name of JOHN E. ROBINSON, fortin! years 1S70-1883, to the Commonwealthof,. Virginia.An application for tho purchnso thereof

has boen filed In tills office, und it ap¬pearing from the records of this ,officethat you are Interested In tlie snld land,you nro further notlflod to appear herowithin four «Ml months from the date ofthis notice, tinti ilo whiit may be neces¬sary to protect your Interest.Given under my hand this 7th day of


Clerk of tho County Court of HenricoCounty, Vlrglnln.A Copy.Testo:

SAMUEL P, WADDILL,nu 8-ltiw-lt, Clerk.

Ite-wrltleii und re-staged, Chu îles H.Vali,'« "ovorlastlng" Devil's Auction heldthe boards at the Academy last night nini»leased a Mollinomi audience, Just as Itluis done many a time before,Ah a vehicle foi' tie Introduction of u

wldo range of mechanical, light anil cos¬tume, effect«, ainl for tin, display of voice,grace and ligure lu the over-popillur hal¬le!, Vale's piece ha« not yet heen over¬taken, and it has been running twenty-two years, Tho company now· playinghero measure«, up to the requirements ofthe pluyrlght, in the mala, though on«

or two weak spur« might bo touched withcausile.line of Ihe especially good feature« eon-

sluts ln th« entertaining aorubtu work ofthe four Hahiinonsltys, two of tho (nrir-tetto heilig hoy«.James II. Maeklo, a« Toby. Is half the

show, If one I« to Judge, hy the applauseand laughter ho ellclled.To-day ibero will he a rri'illneo In the

afternoon and a closing performance atnight. An exceptionally large crowd wusout last night, The building waH not un-

coml'ort/ible, despite tho heal.

MoFadden's Row of Fíate comes to theAcademy Monday, and I'leid'« Minstrelspromise io draw big erowds at matineeand nlgln performances next Tuesday.

Mr. Armitage Awav.Mr. \V. S. Armitage Is ot Belle Ponte,

¡ .Md., where ha »enl to look after « bigroofing contract. He will be away abuut

1 » ?/.',*«.


ACADEMY. August 28th and 29th'.MATINEE SATURDAY.Chnrlot II. Ynlu's Everlasting

DEVIL'S AUCTION.Everything new and bettor thnn ovor.Prlcus: Night,'.'oc. to ?1. Matinee. 2Bo.

to 75o.

PAQINfl ALWAYS COOL.UMdlllUf Afternoon and Evening


NIQHT-25 nnd SOc.MATINEE.15 and 25c.

the Confederate Museum,TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS.Opens daily from 9 A. M, to 5 P. M.Admission. 25 cents. Freo on Saturday».





FORT" MYER, VA., Aug. 17, 1903,-SealedProposals, in triplicate, for addition toHospital, will be received until 10 A. AI.SEPT. 1, 1903. The U. S. reserves rightto reject or accept nny or nil bids, or anypart thereof, information on application.Envelopes containing bids should be In¬dorsed "Proposals for Addition to Hospi¬tal," addressed Cnpt. R. Harrison. Q- M.


H HILL COLLEGE,Ellicott City, Md.


Speciul attention to Modern Languages,Science and Commerce.Courses.Literary, Scientific, Comiticr-

mereiai.A thorough Preparatory Course for

hoys not under twelve ycar3.Send for catalogue.


HÛMPDSN-3IDNEY GüLLbGR.The 128th session will open Wednesday,

September H, 1903.Four courses of instruction, leading to

the degrees of A. B., B. S., B. L. andA. M. Nine professors nnd instructors.Healthful location. Moral surroundings.For catalogue, apply toRICHARD M'lLWAINE, President,

Hampden-Sldney, Vn.

Randolph-Macon Institute,Danville, Va.

A select home school for forty girls.Some educator's In othor schools pro-

nounco tills the best girls' school in Vir¬ginia. Write for Information.



Tlie tlemaiul for practical clieinltits, gradiniteliof tlio Hchoolti nf Chemistry of tho t.'iilver>ity nf

Virginia, ('icoeils tho supply. All who have tliimgratinati·'! wlihlu His ptiat few yenr« linvi· heenpromptly located us chemlult» '«ir Iron furnacca,pliouphuto worlm, Bii^nr «nil oil relluerlei«, or ??????-1r.r Ittdiiatrlia, An indtwtrloui und Intelligentyiiuig man, trnl.I to otucly, crii multo thewhole course In uno yenr, l'or further Informa¬timi iili'ly to

I, M. ????, Chairman,Universi ty Stnllon, Clwrlottfsvlllo, Vh.

For VolinoLadles.Mary Baldwin Seminary

Term l>cKlii» Sept, 3rd, 1003, In Blioniindouli Vnllcjrof Vimini». '-«" «indenta from Ï7 BIMeii im« hcnhIhu.Tenuemoderate, linter«'»y""ií·,?.*·?-,'.·".!*çetalos.

Ml·· ?. V, WEIMAH, Principal.


A thoroughly equipped school, complete In all lia appointment«, of nighgrade, for boys mid young men,

Fop catalogue or Information apply toW. R. ABBOT, Principal,

Bellevue P. O., Va.

SUM M ?~?G R E60t-tTS.


All-year-round resort. Four-story ele.vallon; three-story porcili seventy-ihnlarge, airy rooms. Oood fishing, shoot¬ing and sailing. Excellent surf bathing.Free excursions on 50-foot launch ,],·,||?.Free ball,s In hotel. Only place on thncoast which offers ao many natural ad-vanii«»·« und iirst-clnss accommodations¡il inodorato pilcos.

Hay birds, iront and ??'·'ß <?" '" près.enl. Sportsmen espo-daliy inviten tncome and bring tholr families- (-omo viaNorfolk or Did Point Comfort.Write for references, booklets, Sri:

A, H. G· MEARS, Prop.,Wachapreaoue, Va.

Mention till« n-inor.

The Glebe School,A SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

413 West Grace Street.JTJNIUS E. LEIGH, Head Mnstor.

The secontl Ecsslon of this school willhegin Monday Soptcmbor 21, 1003; Prc-pnrcs for colleges and universities. Pri¬mary Dopnrtinent for small hoys, Schoollimited to twcnty-flvo boys. Knrly regis¬tration tloslrnblo. Terms: $100 per year;one-half payable on ontrnnco and onc-hnlfpnvatalo ÍVbmnrv 1st ensuing. Addressof Head Muster, 321 W. Grace St.


R. E. BLACKWELL, A. M., I.L. D.President.

Healthful Location. Thorough Instruc¬tion. Moderate Charges. Next session willopen Sept. 10, 1803. For catalogue apply to

Rev. B. F. LIPSCOMB,Secretary nnd Treasurer.

RICHMOND COLLEGEInstruction I« offered I" language»,

sciences, philosophy, history, and Jurispru¬dence; Courses of study lead to the degreesnf B. S. ?. ?.. ?. ?., nnd Ilnchelor ofLnW. Modern and well equipped llhrnry nndlnhorotorle».Kelt session begins Sept. 21. Address

President F W. BQATWRIGHT,Richmond, Va,

An attractive school of great thoroughness forBoys. The plan antl equipment of thn school se¬cure the best possible «levelopraent of each pupil.Only boys of good character from refined home«nre taken. For prospectus address

J. B. I.OVETT. ?. ?.. Principal.



ATLANTA COLLEGE OF PHARMACYFreo Dlspensnry; only collego operating an

scttinl drug store. Greater demand for our

gradutttos thnn we can supply. AddressOEOROE F. PAYNE, Dean,

21 W. North Are., Atilinta, G»,

DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY, University Col.lege of Medicine, rtlchmond, Va. One drugstore, for teaching and prescription wurk. Inactual opération during pnHt ten years; twomore added last session. For cntnloguc nddressWILLIAM ?. MILLER, Proctor.


For Boy«. Fully equipped. Send for Catalogno.JOHN R, SAMPSON, A. M. Principal.

VIRGINIA COLLEGEFor YOUNG LADiElS, Roanoke, Va.OpensSont. 2l,l1X).'i. Onoofthe leading Schools

for Young Ladles ln the South. New buildings,plnnosaudoqulpmcnt. Cam pus ten acres. Grandmountain scenery in Valley oi Virginia, famedfor health. European nml American teachers,Full courue, Conservatory advantages in Art,Music and Elocution. Certificates Wollcsley.fitiidents (rom 80 States. For entaloguo nddrewMATTIU G, HARRIS, President, lloanoke, Va.

HQLLINS INSTITUTE.VIrginiaA'atuhtitlicd in I8.',t

lor the Higher Ltlucillon oi Young Ludicifaultily .1» gentlemen and in Indies,

Enrollment, ¡AI pupils frinii '.1! slates.Fur Illusi rated i'iitiiliigiie.npply to

MATTY L, COCKK, I'rcsldent, Hollina, V»,


ACADEMY OF THE VISITATION.Buildings and grounds extensive nnd

attractive, Situation healthful; und viewnl Baltimore, hills, river, and bay beauti¬ful. Accessible by electric ear routes,Thorough work in English, Science, .Music,Art, and Languages. Illustratoti catalo¬gues sent on application to


Miss Ellett's School for Girls112 East Franklin Street,


Bryn Muwf Examinational will bo, heldIn Richmond In 1904.

There Will be Special Classes Preparatoryto Travel In Europe.

Lessons In German will bo given with¬out extra charge to pupils of six ornoven, Terms: twenty to seventy dollars,The number of pupils iu every tlepnrt-

inent will be limited.Circulars -nt 112 Enst Franklin Street

and nt bookstores.Kindergarten and Sub- Primary, H

West Main Street, October I, 1003.MISSES TALCOTT AND SCOTT.

TUE BALTIMORE MEDICAL OOLLEOE.Fu-olleut leaching fnellli les large Indurato.

ríes rapiieliiiis hospitals uud dispensary; largoelliil.·». Addrom DAVID STREET. M. *j. Dean,

718 I'ark Avenue, Baltimore, Mil.


No. 2218 North Charles Street.LAURA M, BEATTY, ELIZABETH 8ILKMAN,

Associated Principals.wiix B.KneK.N ??t???» *tm.




>:06 A. M. A. C. L. Expresa1 to all point·South'

')¦£*} A. M. Petersburg and Norfollc.12:10 P. M, Petorstuirg and N. «St Vf. Weit.3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk.|4:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local.fiifiO P. M. Petersburg Local.7:26 P. M.. "Florida and West Indian

Llmltod," to all point« South.»:40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. Westn:¿0 P. M. Petersburg local.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.S:43 A. M.-j T.SS A. M., 8:25 ?. ??. except

Sunday, 11:25 A. M. 11:00 A. M., 2:0G P.M., 7:20 P. ?., 7:<d P. M., 9:10 P. M.t Except Sunday.

C. S. CAMPBELL^ Dlv. Pas·. Agt.Vf. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pas«. Act

RE £ ? Richmond. Frederleki3 G? Ct G? burg & Potomac R. RTrain» Leave Richmond.Northward.3:51 A. M., dully, Byrd St. Through.6:4? A. M., dally. Main St. -Through.7:15 A, M., week days. Klba. Ashland ac¬commodation.

5:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd Ôt.'li rough.

1:40 A. M., weok days. Byrd St. Through.a-':ij,") noon, week days. Byrd St. Through.4:00 P. M.. WK<.k days Byrd St. Fred-erlcksburg accommodation.6:05 P. M., dally. Main St. Through.6:ffi P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬commodation.

«:??, ?, M.. dally. Bvrd St. Through.Train» Arrive Richmond.Southward.

6:40 A. M., week days. Elba- Ashland no-commodatlon.8:15 A. M., week days, Byrd St, Fred·erlcksburg accommodation.8:16 A. M., dally, Byrd Bt. Through

11:66 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through.2:1)5 P. M..· dally. Main St. Through.3:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬commodation.7:16 P. M. dally, Byrd St. Through.G»? P. M., dally. byrd St. Through.10T29 P. M.¿ dally. Main St. Through.Note.Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cars

on nil trains »xceiat local accommodations,W. D. DUKE, C. Vf. CULP. W. P. TAYLOR,Gen'l Man'r. ^ass't Oen'l Man'r. Traf. Man'l

lime 14. ions.



Leave Richmond dally (foot of AshStreet) 7 P. M. Steamers stop at New¬port News In both directions. Fare $2.50,Includes stateroom berth: meals, 50c.each.-

FOR NEW YORK.By Chesapeake and Ohio Ry., D A. M.,

4 P, M.; by Norfolk and Western Ry., 9A, M., 3 P. M. All lines connect at Norfolkwith direct steamers for New York, »ail¬ing dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M.K. F. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Agent.

SOS E. Main Street.JOHN "P. MAYER, Agent, Wharf Foot ofAsh Street, Richmond, Va.

?. ?. WALKER, V. P. & T. M., Now York,

Merchants and MinersTransportation Company.

Steamship Lino. Direct Boute to

Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I,Steamer« leavo Norfolk for Boston Tues-

day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. ForProvidence Monday, Thursday and Satur¬day at ß P. M. Past-fingers and freighttaken for all New England points. Tick¬ets on sale at C. & O. Ry, and N. & Vf.Ry. offices and No. 819 East Main Street,

R. H. WRIGHT, Agt.. Norfolk, Va.


Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON¬DAY. WEDNESDAY und FRIDAY at7 A. M. for Norfolk. Portsmouth, OldPoint, Newport News, Claremònt andJames River landings, and connecting atOld Point for Washington. Baltimore andthe North. State-rooms reserved for. thenight at moderate prices. Elootrio caradlreot to wharf. Faro only $1.50 and $1 toNorfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestrion.Freight received for abovo-named places

and all points In Eastern Virginia andNorth Carolina, IRVIN WEISIOKR,

General Manager.?,.?. BARBER, Jr.. Secretary.

BAY LINE TO BALTIMOREVI« 0. ft 0, Bwy, tad OU Point.

U, ? MAII, BOUTE.I.puti) niellinoli«! y|u C. ft O. rtiatlj

«[.I'll! Sunday, ut 4 I', M., eoa-»celine ni Old Point with steamer«of 01,1 Buy f.liin, loavlng 7Ü0 P.M., arrivili-; Baltimore 11:110 A. M..

connecting North, limit anil West, Cnr ticket«. ml infor,nnlloii apply to C. & O. Ilwy., Bleb·moud Transfer Ouniiiiiuy, ot B.10 Bunt Mill! St.

Clyde Steamship Go.'sPHILADELPHIA,

RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LIN«.Freight received and delivered duny at

C, &. O. R'w'y Co.'h depot, tíeveiueuiiit¬ami Broad Streets,


Till'. ?? ? HAI, M RETINO OF TUE STOCK-holdere of Ihe (i.VNH-UADY COMPANY ivlllIn« hehl at tin« nffloe nf the Company, No. 1005Kiiet Main Street. MONDAT. September llie7lh, 1Ü03, at 11 o'clock I». M.

(???. Vf. ItADT. Secretary.

THE ???G??. MEETING OF TUB STOCK«holders of the WATKlNS-COTfHEM. COM¬PANY will be held at the office of the com¬pany. No, 1311 En ti Mala Street. Richmond,Va., on THUBSDAT. September 10th, 1003, at1? o'clock, yi, Ö. »OBKBT80N,

Ji.lv in-,? i>r*i-l(leair,


rc*jY Chesapeake^SsJOs^ S Ohio Ry.2 Hours and 25 Minutas toNorfoik

Uii.HL, ««iijl^ltJMj.¿.ASTllUUMj.7i4t) ?. ??.~ually. Loca! to Newport New»and nay stutlons.

8:00 A. il.--l>iij!y.Limited.Arrives Williams-hurg ?:??0 ?. ?.? Nun-port News 10:30 A.M. Ulti l'uliit JliOO A. M. NorfolK 11 iMA. il.

4:00 I·. M..Week dny».Special.Arrives Wli*flanialiure -1:50 I*. >!.. Newport News 8:50I*. M. Old Point 0:00 P. M.. NorloU0:2.*i 1*. M.

6100 I*. M. .Dally.Loenl tn Old Point.1!AIN LINB.WKSTBOUN D.

lOtlO A. M..Local.Daily to Char lotti» rill·,except Sunday t« Clifton Forge.

8:00 P. it..Dally.Special to Cincinnati,Louisville, Ht. ?,????a and Chicago.

5:16 I·, il.-Week day».Local to Gordona-rllle.10:30 G. M.Dally.Limited to Cincinnati,

Louisville, St. Loula and Chicago.J.\MKB HIVEIt LINK.

10:20 A M, -Dally.Express lo Lynchliurf.Clifton Forge antl principal stations.

8:16 !'. M..Week «lays.Local to Warren.TRAINS Aiutivi: RICHMOND FRO if

Norfolk and 01.1 l'oint 10:0.1 ?. M. dnllf,11:4.1 A M. F.x. Hun., and 7:00 I' M. dati».Newport News Local 7:G».1 I». M. dally.From Cincinnati nnd West 7:45 A. M. «lall»

and 3X0 I*. M. dally. Main Line Local frotaClifton Forge H:10 P. M. Br. Sun. from ClfftnaForge, dsllv from Chnrlotti-svlllo. ??p???ßt???Accolli. 8:.'I0 A. if, Kx. Sun.Jemes Itlver Line Local from Clifton Fore«

O:.*)*, I*. M. dally. Worren Accom.-8:40 A. M.Kx. Sun.


Eeginning April Ist, I9U2,Cars lc-nv« corner Perry ond tseventB

Streets, Manchester, every hour '.on th«hour) from ü A, ,M. lo 10 G. M., last car11:50 P. M.Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Hya%»

more Street, every hour from G:30 A. BE.to 10:30 P. M.FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL


r.WNoffolk^V/eslern¦_·..5ttX»LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY.

9:00 A. M.·. NORb'ULK LIMITED. Ar.rives Norfolk Ilia) ?. AL Stops only atPetersburg;, Waverly and auifoiK.9:05 A. AL. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet

Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynchburg andElounoko. Pullulai; Sleepers Roanoke toColumbus, Bluerield to Cincinnati; alsoRoanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvllle tsChattanoogn and Memphis.

12:10. P. M.i ROANOKE EXPRESS forFarmvllle. Lynchburc and Hoanoke,3:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE LIMITED.

Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M Stops only r.\Petersburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Connect»with stenmcry lo Boston, Providence. NewYork. Baltimore nnrl Washington.

7:25 P. M. for Norfolk and nil stationseast of Petersburg.9:40 P. M., NEW ORLEANS SHORT

LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond toLynchburg nnd Roanoko: PetcrsburB toEast Radford; Lynchburg to Chattanoufa.Memphis and New Orleans. Cafe Diluii,*

Trnins nrrlvo from the WeBt 7:35 A. SI..2:ui P. M. and 9:10 P. ?G.; from Norfolk11:00 A. M. nml 7:20 P. M.Office No. KiS Enst Main Street.W. B. BEVILL. C. H. POSLEY,Gen- Pubs. Agent· Dia. Pass. Atrent.

SEABOARDAir Line Rajlwav

TRAINS LEAVE KICHMOND ¿MiLY..¿...¿0 Pi M.-r»eabonrrl Mall-10;35 Pi ni..

Seaboard Expros».To Savannah, Jack¬sonville, Atlanta and Southwest.

9;10 ?. At..Local.For Norllna and Han»·let.TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY.6:85 A. M..No. 34.4:65 P. M.-No. 60.

From Florida, Atlanta and Southwest,6:30 P. M..From Norllna and local

points.City Ticket Office 830 East Main Street.

'Phone 406._._¦SOUTHERN RAILWAY.aOUEDULE IN KKFl'X'T AUG, 12, 11WJ.i,?? A. ii..Dally. Loral lor cnailutt«.

lüiót* P. M.-Ditlly. Limiteli, Bullet Pull.man to Atlanta mid Hirmlngimm, NewOrleans, Memphis, Clmtiuiiooga and altthe South,0:00 P. M..Ex. Sunday. Chase City lo¬

cal.11:06 P. M.-Dally. Limited! Pullmanreudy 9;30 P, M. for all tho South.

YORiS RIVES Ï.IME.The favoriti» route to Biltlmore and

eastern points, Leave Richmond 4:30 P.M. Dally, oxcopt Sunday,6:00 A. M..Except Sunday, Local mixedfor Went Point.

2;lti ?, M..Local for West Point4:30 P. M..Except Sunday. For WestPoint, connecting with steamers for Bal-tlninre and river landings.

TRAINS ARRIVE H10HMOMD.6:55 A. Al. and ii:ï5 P. ??..From all th·South, . :

3:2ß P. ??..From Clmrlotte nnd Durham.8:40 A. M..From Chase City.ß,?5 A. M..Baltimore nnd West Point.5:10 P. ??..From West Point.C. H. ACKERT. S. H. RARDWICK,

a m. a p. a.O, W. WRSTMJHa', I>, P. ?.. Blebmon-I. Va.


Special chartered trains leave So._Ry._Depoti_ Fourteenth St._DAILY TRAINS EXCEPT SUNDAY.Leave Richmond 6:30 P. AI. Return¬ing, leave West Point 10:30 P. M.

SUNDAY TRAINS.L've Richmond 9:30 A. At- & 4 P. M.L'vo West Point S P. AI. «S: 10:S0 P. M.