Saturday Special at the Jandary Sale af White 59c to 89c Boudoir Caps Se One table full of beautiful Boudoir Cap*. 300 In all, and roost remarkable ar» the value* at 39c. Caps of Satin, t'rep* de ("hlne. Metallle Cloth and Silk Marquisette; clever and attractively trimmed with chiffon, dainty lace, ribbon and silk rosebud*. Dink, blue and other delicate shade* ?Tklrtf K1««r January Clearance Sale ot Drugs and Toilet Needs Reduced prices on the many litUe neces*ltle* find almost dally use for. your savin** will be considerable when buying Drugs and Toilet needs at these rates: FOR CHAPPED HANDS 15c size Benzoin and Almond Lotion at. lie 90c Hlnda' Honey and Almond Lotion at .H>e 50c size £>era Face Cream at U!l# 80c aiaa Or. Charlee' Flesh Food at 25c life Mlro Dvno Cold Cream at... |C FACE POWDERS JbOc aize Exora Face Powdsr for 75c size llys' Face Powder for .-»!*<? 50c aize Comtease (Ed Pinaud) Face Powder ?£."»<* $1.00 aize Mary Garden Face Powder for. Ss# IN THE DRUC, SECTION Rape's Diapepain, for stomach trouble. special Phenolax Wafers, 100 In a bottle. apeclal.... Nuxated Iron, nerve tonic, »|x*lal rtIK Sloan's Liniment, pain killer, special 'iitC Danderine Hair and Scalp Tonic, special... 'Mr Eau de Quinine, «;alp tonic. *pecial 13* ? lifter Mala Floor, The Bon MarchE P ike Street Secend Avenue Urwii Mrrat tIIi«U4IM For Saturday?at the January Clearance Sale The Racks of Suits at $8.00 and $11.00 Have Been Refilled Refilled With Suits That Were Originally Priced at $11.95 to $35.()0 Suits at 1 Suits at $8.00 A (\A rf) ' $11.00 In serges, /p 9 A \ \ In broadcloth, cheviots and hm \ 7i I"T ser s es - P°P* poplins, with 3&j ; \Jf "W . '> litis and chev- velvet or sell \ A . i \ v. N lots, in green, trimmings?a / , \ r \ ' , \ few fur /; P// i | , brown ' black trimmed | | i- 1 ? , (,r lue Suit \ alucs that will be a -ur|>ri-e to all «ho see them They'r,- style* that arc pleading and nu>st wanted ?with loo>e or plaited backs some flaring from tbc waist halt or full belted or without belt. The large *clt and velvet collars arc the latent, but the small tailored collar* are also correct. Winter Coats at $12.50 to $14.50 AT OUR JANUARY SAM OF WOMFVS COATS A »ale of Coats, one that insures unusual value, a* they are .il! late splendid winter coatings, in plain, mixture-and tweed-, with *clt ..r trimmed collars the convertible kind, belted, senii-bcltcd or loose flaring effect* 1917 Sateen Petticoats $1.25 WITH TRIMMED FLOUNCES OF \ \RIOUS SI VI I S Uood quality Petticoats of sateen, in black and odor* I'hey ire generou-ly full, with deep, prettily trimmed flounces in different - t> lc-. finished at the top with distil adjustable waist band. ??============== "«\u25a0 ?»«> rioor Clearance Economies in the Self-Service Shoe Shop The Clearance Sale is even able t" reduce price* in the "Self-Service" Shoe Shop, on the Lower Main Floor, where price* were so very low it was hard to sec how they could be cut any further. WOMEN'S BUTTON (Ti AND LACE HOOTS «J>±.UU Hroken hUm In Wonn'i Knots. button or tare style*. and your choice of patent iMlber, irunmetal and tan ealf, $1 Oo a pair BROKEN LINES OF (To OO WOMEN'S BOOTS Women's button and lare style Boots, In tan calf and patent leather. with welt sole* and low or hlKh heel*. 12 2S a pair WOMEN'S PATENT (TO /;o LEATHER SHOES^.OO Patent leather. button or lace fl(«ot« neat shspes with welt sole# and l>ouls leather a Rood assortment of *l*e*. CHILDREN'S OC RUBBER BOOTS Children's Boot*, made of Rood quality rubber, size* sto 10Uj at $! .1 pair, on sale In the Self Service Shoe Shop. Saturday Specials in Underwear Children's Union Suit* at 50c Children'* heavy cotton flew ?? line'! I'nion Hultn. white for «lrl*. Kray for boys, 2 to 10 >e»r*. BOc: 12 to 16. 6&c. Children's Union Suits at $1.25 Cblldrtn's Kray part wool I'nion Htiit* for boy§, nizoH 2 to H your*; white for fcirl*. 2 to 1*» yearn. Children's Union Suits at $1.50 200 women'* white part wool I'nion Hull*, with high neck, long sleeve* and ankle length. slzea 34, and 38. ?f lilirr Mala I lunr. A Clearance of Men's Shirts at 59c AND SOMETHING YOU DON'T OFTEN SEE IN SHIRTS AT 59c 1 "They're Guaranteed Fast Colors" ' A clearance of all broken lines of men's less cxpcn- T \/ ?ifr) sive Shirts at one price?s9c?on Saturday. /:/ It will likely he the last 50c Shirt for some \ m time to come?frr»m the looks of the cotton market \ / / f^r »o better take advantage of this sale if you want some V / / )'/ inexpensive Shirts. ALL SIZES FROM 14 TO 17/., IN BLUE, BLACK, PURPLE, IN PLAIN AND FANCY STRIPINGS ON WHITE GROUNDS. MADE IN THE CON- VENIENT COAT STYLE, WITH SOFT OR STIFF CUFFS. ?Hiorr, I.owfr Mnln floor. Saturday Specialt in the Pare Food Store Announcing the Removal of the Butter 40c a Pound DELICATESSEN Freeh Churned Washington Creamery Butter to the Grocery Section, Fourth Floor, Derimald Canned Milk, delivered with other Center Groceries, 3 can* for iiOe For Your Greater Convenience have moved Japan Head Rice, extra good grade; a 5-pound I»>-lir over t>> the Grocery Section, sacV for where It will bcoomn part and parcel of the Hon _ ? . . , . .... Msrchen Pure Food Htore. We think that you Mayflower Coffee, freshly roasted, special, lb. ;£sf win approve of till* move?nx you will now lie Lea he's Shaker Salt, will not rake or lump, ! h l ' l *' to * lvfi your ordera for Grocerloa. Dairy a package He Product* and Dellcateaaen Food ato the one clerk _ , _ , ~ ? at the one time, and have them nil (tent out to- California Layer Figs, Rood quality table Fig*. aether. ft pound .... 17 Chipped Beef, fn li auppl'.. poMll |Or Seeded Raisins. Happy Home. Reliance or Maxl- App , e Bu ? er , Te . r; Hr ,u. n hrarxl. a pound 1»f- --mum brand, 3 packages for a pkg 154* l. . . Alaska Herring, medium tilze; for Saturday only, Quaker Oata, large size package*, each || f special, each . .'l'if ?Fourth Floor. ?Fourth Floor. THE SEATTLE STAR Outbursts of Everett True WITH LESS THAN $5 NO. 7124 FINDS AN UNEXPECTED FRIEND (Thii it the third of a »tr.of atoriet written by a man paroled from the penitentiary at Walla Walla latt week. While in prison, he wai editor of "Th# Viewpoint," the prlaon paper.) By No. 7124 Mv conversation with Shorty Jack, in which be related some of his experiences in seeking and holding jobs, handi- capped not onlv by ln> prison record, but, if his statements were to be believed, by police persecution as well, gave me i nrw fr"in which to view the statu- of the man jn-t released from prison. Within the next few hours I met three other men whom 1 I had known in Walla \\ alia, and their experiences were not dissimilar. Ml had arrived at their destinations practically penniless. Unless immediately able to secure employment, jthey were confronted with literal starvation, beggary, or a re- sumption of criminal practices, on parole, had had to borrow \u25a0 in order to pay transportation, j no monetary provision for tho One of them could have secured ] n position aa porter In a wholesale ' house, hut wo*. of cnurae. unable ! to provide ratUfactorv reference* Another had been itlvn "30 day* I lor vagrancy In a neighboring city. I nnd, ui*>n etplrallon of hi* sen jum e, had l>een ordered out of! 1 town. The third had secured work thru the parole office, but enervated by the poor food and foul air of the prison, wit* physically unable to perform the work provided for him ? hlch was at hard lal>or. He had no trade had lost touch *lth the world during hla Imprisonment and. at the time I met him. wa*; I dftpfriti. Wants to Co Straight He e\en contemplated relinquish- ing hi* parole and voluntarily re ' urnlng to prison II" must have lM*-n desperate Indeed I found no self |n Seattle entire -1 ly without trlends or acquaintances to whom I could apply, with no . |iro«|iecta of employment and with less than $'? In my p»< ket. I had spent the better part of ;the day looking for work and I was not at alt fastidious as to | -\u25a0 hil I would do. I.lke "Shorty Jack" antl the oih ! | er*. I wanted mil want now to' co straight. I have discussed thl* matter with 1 hundreds of men. ami I am abso j I lutely convinced that the groat ma | lorlty of thoso leaving prison do *0 j r |(h the firm determination to go I straight. They realize beyond all question that 1 rime does not pay; and. leav- ing aside the matter of moral com pi.nctlon (altho even thit Is an lm |sirtant factor with moat), the* I now they cannot get away with It for an* length of time The rrlt leal point In their lives is the day of their release Thl* is the time above all others when they are in need of encouragement anil friend liv guidance. And. unfortunately, this I* the time when such cneotir agement seams to be most lacking Looks for Job I spent almost the entire day in search of a Job. when I noticed the sign of a man who bad visited the penitentiary a few weeks previous-1 ly. Acting 011 Impulse, I entered tils pla"e of business, secured an Inter- view, and briefly staled that I had lust left Walla Walla anil was look- ing for work. With a hearty hand clasp that put new life. Into me. he led me Into his private office mi'! 1 naked what I wanted to do what j I could do I started to explain that I had Jusl been released on conditional pardon, when lie Impa- tiently Interrupted me 1 "I don't give a rap If you cs c.apeil The Important fact Is thai you're away from that place and that you need work." Then, with kindly bruaqunrlc, lie said: "Haven't you an overcoat?" Gives Him Overcoat Without awaiting a reply, he grabbed the phone, callo I up his residence, and directed Ilia! a spe clftcnlly described overcoat be sent ; to his office at once j lie airily waved aside my pro- tests by saying: J "1 never use 11, and you'll need < )ne. who had been released money from Ins fellow-inmates (The state makes absolutely >se released on parole ) lit this wosthor. A w»y (or tile ' "into of Washington to turn » man \u25a0 Ml! of prison " If rv«*rr man Irnvtnc prtnon mot with a l»t»ptlon like till*, the prnla- Irm of rrridlvlitn would no longer ;w-rplc* our p<'iioloßl»tai and aoelol <?*!*!» I was down In the mo'ith, *0 to speak, when Shorty" Jack slunk away after my brief meeting with him Hut before the dav was over 1 falrl> bubbled over with happl-' no** I did not then know?nor do I yet know what sort of employ-' inenl I could get. But the cordial fellow«hfi> shown tne by this busi- ness man at once gave me a better outlook He's j Salesman talked thing* over Oni> lm-? niMllaic result I* this serle* of ar ! iclos. I am n«)l a newapsper man Inm a salesman But until lam : permanently located, 1 f«>r>| thai I ran do no bettor aervlce to society than to get It boiler acquainted »Ith thope who have lived behind those gray wall* at Walla Walla It la In tlila spirit that I write (hear article* for The Star. SHORT NEWS THE FIRST aid bill was llldors etl Thursday at a conference 011 so- cial legislation of the Central Coun- cil of Social Agencies. In the Y. M C A THE DEPARTMENT Of agrl culture has announced that the state of Washington's share of park roml fund would amount to |!>I,!H4 till* year. I. W. W. attorneys will argue be- fore the. supreme court on January 12 for a writ of mandate calling for another Judge to hear the Kvcrett murder cases. FRUIT GROWERS of the state are split In their battle over grail lug rules at the North Yakima con- vention. BUNJI SUZUKI, the Japanese Samuel (Join |>ers. left Seattle Fri- day for his home, after an exten- sive lour of thf states. MRS MAY LYNCH Is the t,..« president of the Women's Seattle Commercial Club, as a i+sult of the annual meeting Friday night, in Ihe Chamber of Commerce JUDGE o. G. ELLIS has been elected chief Justice of the supreme ' ourt, 10 succeed Chief .lustier Morris. JAMES BARCLAY and Alexander Herman, two old-time prospectors of Alaska, were killed Thursday by a snow slide near McCarthv, Alaska PRESIDENT WILSON granted Kdwnid Ma vher Iy, Indian, st nteiic ed to he hanged at Spokane for killing Ills sweetheart, a respite to Itrv nnd obtain a commutation of M«'iit«'ncp SEATTLE AUTOMOBI LISTS with dirty license plates must pol isli them or else lake chalices 011 arresl and a Sl-Vl'loe SEARCHERS FOR Mr ami Mrs Otto I'owell. lost near Alder, have I practically given up hope or rind j 1118 the bod lux In, tlin deep snow. FHHMCK&NELSON jßueneit Salesroom Mil I ' ' r T-TT~ ? Advanced Styles in J? New Afternoon. Frocks I v at $16.75 *f. LIM'T ' T US'I the sort of Dresses that are Riven most active n J St . rvia . j? manv womenS wardrobes ? one-piece . .'< ' models ot (,repe de Chine and laffeta. Many are sam- ?| "/ I j \\\ pies," only one of a kind. / ||j \ They introduce advanced styles, liton, pocketed and J ?'/ Mil over-drape effects among them?and the colors include Mi (...Id, lan, Keseda, Wistaria, Copenhagen, Dark-blue and I'urple. // ,\ Priced at $16.75. ?l:«(rtl)*at Htltiroun. V /n the January Display of Dainty New Undermuslins Attractive Values as Follows: Envelope Chemises 50c, 55c, 59c, 69c, 75c, 79c and 95c AT s«c \ serviceable embroidery edge drawn with ribbon the only trimming on well-made, simply-designed Envelope t hemises of s«>it nainsook. AT 79c - Normandy motif* in combination with fine \ alcn- ciennes and ribbon-run beading arc used for trimming very attractive Knvelopc Chemises of sheer lingerie cloth. Gowns, 75c, 95c, $1.19 and $1.25 AT 95c - At thi\u25a0» price there are many pretty styles, in (aOwn-< > ? pink bati-te with han<l-embri>i<|ered Dresden <le signs, pink crepe pli-se with blue or rose butterfly pattern ; and soft, -.liccr lingerie cloth, having yoke *(t in with Valenciennes insert>«>ti matched by an edge; also Pink I'repc Gowns patterned with blue- bird design. AT 91.25 An especially pretty style at thi- pricc is made up in fine, sheer lingerie cloth, kimono style, with hand made lace yoke. Long White Skirts, 59c and 75c AT 59c Long White Skirts of nainsook, with deep ruffle of embroidery flouncing. AT 75C A full double flounce fashioned of tucked lawn and embroidery flouncing trims very attractive Skirt* of nainsook. DRAW T.RS in the January Display feature a wide variety of style*-. at 25c. 35c, 45c and 55c. ?-liaaement SilPiroom. Corset Covers 25c, 45c and 59c at 59c ( Mic of many pretty styles at thi>- price lias short lacc sleeves, and trim- ming of embroidery motits *ct in with Yal. insertion. AT Included in tlic wide as- sortment at this price arc ( <>r>-et Covers with trim- ming of Yalcnciennes or Normandy Yal. motifs. Yal. lace insertions, or simple embroidery edges drawn with ribbon. AT l»sc Many good styles to choose from, made of soft nain- sook with trimming of three rows of Yalcnciennes insertion sewed together <>r Swiss embroidery and \ alencicnncs insertion com- -1 'tne<! ?Basement Saleroom. Ostrich Ruffs Reduced to $1.00 EXt KPTIONAT. value*, these Ostrich Ruffs in all-black, all-white, and com- binations of black and white, j green and white, white and black and other shades. Reduced to Sjll.OO. ? ll*R«m*nt Salesroom. Chiffon Scarfs Reduced to 50c CHIFFON* SCARFS in fancy bordered effects, in a number of desirable evening shades, reduced to !>Oc each. ItANrturnt Saleroom. Handkerchiefs, 5c Each MFN'S White Cotton Handkerchiefs in IS- incli size, with or ' 4-inch hem, alsn Woman's Plain Handkerchiefs with embroid- ered corner or colored rolled edge, and Boys' ( olured-bor- der Handkerchiefs. Priced at .V each. ?-BaiPtnint Salesroom. New Satin Hats, $5 and $7.50 T~\ I SKiN'I .I) especially for between-season wear mJ are the-e good-looking Hats of satin in black and colors. I here arc I urbans, 1 ricorncs. irregular Sailor* and Spanish Sailors of the most becoming tvjtes with simple trimmings?a bead ornament, ribbon bow or feather effect providing just the right touch. Prices $5.00 and 87.50. ?naxemrnt Salesroom. 50 Boys' Overcoats Reduced to $2.65 \ hRCOATS iif chinchillas mPMbmI brown and gra> tancv coatings in pinch-back and belted models. buttoning to neck. Sizes .* to 7 tv bJ years. Well-tailored, with heavy ?) 1 lining. Kxceptional values at 52.65. if , "* ' ? Salesroom U 50 Pairs of Growing Girls' Shoes \u25a09 Reduced to $2.95 Pair A pictured. < .rowing <,irls - Shoe-. in patent leather /fl ** de-irahle high -cut pattern, on English-style last, with low heel. Size- to <> reduced to $2.95 pair. Misses' and Children's Gun-metal Calf Button Shoes, very cable and low prieed : >i i?. «. t,. S. SI. 50 pair. S 11, SI .75: 11' 1 to 2. $2.15 pair. Children's Gun-metal Calf Boys' Gun-metal Calf But- Misses'and Children's Gun- Button Shoes on ton an( j L,a CC Shoes. metal Calf Button Shoes. V. U r' as ''. TV good fitting and verv made on hroad-toe last, <»'Vs .l-.Tr : J ' servie?ahlc. size-. «) to , N ,V. th . h . lack waterproof 1' S'lH) irtir I tn ' "Neolin" >ule. Sizes B'^ Same Htyle in tan I.otUK , ' * ? ? ii <i > , ?_ n , .-Hlf, mlfps Bto X. $_? oo puir; $2.2.1 pair; 2' .to <>. $2.50 , ' ' ,w " ?11 -l" *'* to It, »2.25 imlr pair. j - P"ir. ? n.iMcinftit Bultaroom.

THE The MarchE FHHMCK&NELSON - …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1917-01-05/ed-1/seq-14.pdf · JbOc aize Exora Face Powdsr for 75c size llys' Face Powder for.-»!*

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Saturday Special at the Jandary Saleaf White

59c to 89c Boudoir Caps

SeOne table full of beautiful Boudoir Cap*. 300 In

all, and roost remarkable ar» the value* at 39c.

Caps of Satin, t'rep* de ("hlne. Metallle Cloth and

Silk Marquisette; clever and attractively trimmed

with chiffon, dainty lace, ribbon and silk rosebud*.Dink, blue and other delicate shade*

?Tklrtf K1««r

January Clearance Sale otDrugs and Toilet NeedsReduced prices on the many litUe neces*ltle* w«

find almost dally use for. your savin** will be

considerable when buying Drugs and Toilet needs

at these rates:

FOR CHAPPED HANDS15c size Benzoin and Almond Lotion at. lie90c Hlnda' Honey and Almond Lotion at .H>e50c size £>era Face Cream at U!l#80c aiaa Or. Charlee' Flesh Food at

25c life Mlro Dvno Cold Cream at... |C

FACE POWDERSJbOc aize Exora Face Powdsr for75c size llys' Face Powder for .-»!*<?50c aize Comtease (Ed Pinaud) Face Powder ?£."»<*$1.00 aize Mary Garden Face Powder for. Ss#

IN THE DRUC, SECTIONRape's Diapepain, for stomach trouble. specialPhenolax Wafers, 100 In a bottle. apeclal....Nuxated Iron, nerve tonic, »|x*lal rtIKSloan's Liniment, pain killer, special 'iitCDanderine Hair and Scalp Tonic, special... 'MrEau de Quinine, «;alp tonic. *pecial 13*

? lifter Mala Floor,

The Bon MarchEP ike Street Secend Avenue Urwii Mrrat tIIi«U4IM

For Saturday?at the January Clearance Sale

The Racks of Suits at $8.00and $11.00 Have Been RefilledRefilled With Suits That Were Originally Priced

at $11.95 to $35.()0

Suits at 1 Suits at$8.00 A (\A rf)


$11.00In serges, /p 9 A \ \ In broadcloth,

cheviots and hm\ 7i I"T ser s es - P°P*

poplins, with 3&j ;\Jf "W .'> litis and chev-

velvet or sell \A . i \ v. N lots, in green,trimmings?a / ,

\ r \' , \

few fur /; P// i | , brown ' black

trimmed | | i- 1 ? ,

(,r lue

Suit \ alucs that will be a -ur|>ri-e to all «ho see them They'r,- style* that arc

pleading and nu>st wanted ?with loo>e or plaited backs some flaring from tbc waist

halt or full belted or without belt. The large *clt and velvet collars arc the latent, but

the small tailored collar* are also correct.

Winter Coats at $12.50 to $14.50AT OUR JANUARY SAM OF WOMFVS COATS

A »ale of Coats, one that insures unusual value, a* they are .il! late

splendid winter coatings, in plain, mixture-and tweed-, with *clt ..r trimmed collars

the convertible kind, belted, senii-bcltcd or loose flaring effect*

1917 Sateen Petticoats $1.25WITH TRIMMED FLOUNCES OF \ \RIOUS SI VI I S

Uood quality Petticoats of sateen, in black and odor* I'hey ire generou-ly full,

with deep, prettily trimmed flounces in different - t> lc-. finished at the top with distil

adjustable waist band.??==============

"«\u25a0 ?»«> rioor

Clearance Economies in theSelf-Service Shoe Shop

The Clearance Sale is even able t" reduceprice* in the "Self-Service" Shoe Shop, onthe Lower Main Floor, where price* wereso very low it was hard to sec how theycould be cut any further.


Hroken hUm In Wonn'i Knots. button or tarestyle*. and your choice of patent iMlber, irunmetaland tan ealf, $1 Oo a pair


Women's button and lare style Boots, In tan

calf and patent leather. with welt sole* and low

or hlKh heel*. 12 2S a pair


Patent leather. button or lace fl(«ot« neatshspes with welt sole# and l>ouls leathera Rood assortment of *l*e*.


Children's Boot*, made of Rood quality rubber,

size* sto 10Uj at $! .1 pair, on sale In the Self

Service Shoe Shop.

Saturday Specials in UnderwearChildren's Union Suit* at 50c

Children'* heavy cotton flew ?? line'! I'nion Hultn.white for «lrl*. Kray for boys, 2 to 10 >e»r*. BOc:12 to 16. 6&c.

Children's Union Suits at $1.25Cblldrtn's Kray part wool I'nion Htiit* for boy§,

nizoH 2 to H your*; white for fcirl*. 2 to 1*» yearn.

Children's Union Suits at $1.50200 women'* white part wool I'nion Hull*, with

high neck, long sleeve* and ankle length. slzea34, and 38. ?f lilirr Mala I lunr.

A Clearance of Men's Shirts at 59cAND SOMETHING YOU DON'T OFTEN SEE

IN SHIRTS AT 59c 1"They're Guaranteed Fast Colors"


A clearance of all broken lines of men's less cxpcn- T \/ ?ifr)sive Shirts at one price?s9c?on Saturday. /:/

It will likely he the last 50c Shirt for some \ mtime to come?frr»m the looks of the cotton market \ / /f^r»o better take advantage of this sale if you want some V / / )'/inexpensive Shirts.


?Hiorr, I.owfr Mnln floor.

Saturday Specialt in the Pare Food Store Announcing the Removal of the

Butter 40c a Pound DELICATESSENFreeh Churned Washington Creamery Butter to the Grocery Section, Fourth Floor,

Derimald Canned Milk, delivered with other CenterGroceries, 3 can* for iiOe For Your Greater Convenience w« have movedJapan Head Rice, extra good grade; a 5-pound I»>-lir over t>> the Grocery Section,sacV for where It will bcoomn part and parcel of the Hon

_ ? . . , .....

Msrchen Pure Food Htore. We think that youMayflower Coffee, freshly roasted, special, lb. ;£sf win approve of till* move?nx you will now lie

Lea he's Shaker Salt, will not rake or lump, ! h l ' l*' to *lvfi your ordera for Grocerloa. Dairya package He Product* and Dellcateaaen Food ato the one clerk_ , _

,~ ?

at the one time, and have them nil (tent out to-California Layer Figs, Rood quality table Fig*. aether.ft pound .... 17 Chipped Beef, fn li auppl'.. poMll |OrSeeded Raisins. Happy Home. Reliance or Maxl- App , e Bu ? er , Te. r; Hr ,u. n hrarxl. a pound 1»f---mum brand, 3 packages for a pkg 154* l. .

.Alaska Herring, medium tilze; for Saturday only,Quaker Oata, large size package*, each || f special, each . .'l'if

?Fourth Floor. ?Fourth Floor.


Outbursts of Everett True


(Thii it the third of a »tr.of atoriet written by a manparoled from the penitentiary at Walla Walla latt week. Whilein prison, he wai editor of "Th# Viewpoint," the prlaon paper.)

By No. 7124Mv conversation with Shorty Jack, in which be related

some of his experiences in seeking and holding jobs, handi-capped not onlv by ln> prison record, but, if his statements

were to be believed, by police persecution as well, gave mei nrw fr"in which to view the statu- of the man jn-t

released from prison.Within the next few hours I met three other men whom

1 I had known in Walla \\ alia, and their experiences were notdissimilar. Ml had arrived at their destinations practicallypenniless. Unless immediately able to secure employment,jthey were confronted with literal starvation, beggary, or a re-sumption of criminal practices,on parole, had had to borrow

\u25a0 in order to pay transportation,j no monetary provision for tho

One of them could have secured ]n position aa porter In a wholesale 'house, hut wo*. of cnurae. unable

! to provide ratUfactorv reference*Another had been itlvn "30 day*

I lor vagrancy In a neighboring city.I nnd, ui*>n etplrallon of hi* senjum e, had l>een ordered out of!1 town.

The third had secured work thruthe parole office, but enervated by

the poor food and foul air of theprison, wit* physically unable toperform the work provided for him? hlch was at hard lal>or. He had

no trade had lost touch *lth the

world during hla Imprisonmentand. at the time I met him. wa*;

I dftpfriti.Wants to Co Straight

He e\en contemplated relinquish-ing hi* parole and voluntarily re' urnlng to prison II" must havelM*-n desperate Indeed

I found no self |n Seattle entire -1

ly without trlends or acquaintances

to whom I could apply, with no .|iro«|iecta of employment and withless than $'? In my p»< ket.

I had spent the better part of;the day looking for work and I

was not at alt fastidious as to |-\u25a0 hil I would do.

I.lke "Shorty Jack" antl the oih !| er*. I wanted mil want now to'co straight.

I have discussed thl* matter with 1hundreds of men. ami I am abso j

I lutely convinced that the groat ma |lorlty of thoso leaving prison do *0 jr |(h the firm determination to go Istraight.

They realize beyond all questionthat 1 rime does not pay; and. leav-ing aside the matter of moral compi.nctlon (altho even thit Is an lm|sirtant factor with moat), the*I now they cannot get away with Itfor an* length of time The rrltleal point In their lives is the day

of their release Thl* is the timeabove all others when they are inneed of encouragement anil friend

liv guidance. And. unfortunately,this I* the time when such cneotiragement seams to be most lacking

Looks for Job

I spent almost the entire day insearch of a Job. when I noticed thesign of a man who bad visited thepenitentiary a few weeks previous-1ly.

Acting 011 Impulse, I entered tilspla"e of business, secured an Inter-view, and briefly staled that I hadlust left Walla Walla anil was look-ing for work. With a hearty handclasp that put new life. Into me. heled me Into his private office mi'! 1naked what I wanted to do what jI could do I started to explainthat I had Jusl been released onconditional pardon, when lie Impa-tiently Interrupted me

1 "I don't give a rap If you csc.apeil The Important fact Is thaiyou're away from that place andthat you need work."

Then, with kindly bruaqunrlc, liesaid: "Haven't you an overcoat?"

Gives Him OvercoatWithout awaiting a reply, he

grabbed the phone, callo I up hisresidence, and directed Ilia! a speclftcnlly described overcoat be sent

; to his office at oncej lie airily waved aside my pro-tests by saying:

J "1 never use 11, and you'll need

< )ne. who had been releasedmoney from Ins fellow-inmates

(The state makes absolutely>se released on parole )

lit this wosthor. A w»y (or tile' "into of Washington to turn » man

\u25a0 Ml! of prison "

If rv«*rr man Irnvtnc prtnon motwith a l»t»ptlon like till*, the prnla-Irm of rrridlvlitn would no longer;w-rplc* our p<'iioloßl»tai and aoelol<?*!*!»

I was down In the mo'ith, *0 tospeak, when Shorty" Jack slunkaway after my brief meeting withhim Hut before the dav was over1 falrl> bubbled over with happl-'no** I did not then know?nor doI yet know what sort of employ-'inenl I could get. But the cordialfellow«hfi> shown tne by this busi-ness man at once gave me a betteroutlook

He's j SalesmanW« talked thing* over Oni> lm-?

niMllaic result I* this serle* of ar! iclos. I am n«)l a newapsper manInm a salesman But until lam :permanently located, 1 f«>r>| thai Iran do no bettor aervlce to societythan to get It boiler acquainted»Ith thope who have lived behindthose gray wall* at Walla WallaIt la In tlila spirit that I write (heararticle* for The Star.

SHORT NEWSTHE FIRST aid bill was llldors

etl Thursday at a conference 011 so-

cial legislation of the Central Coun-cil of Social Agencies. In the Y. MC A


culture has announced that thestate of Washington's share of parkroml fund would amount to |!>I,!H4till* year.

I. W. W. attorneys will argue be-fore the. supreme court on January12 for a writ of mandate calling foranother Judge to hear the Kvcrettmurder cases.

FRUIT GROWERS of the stateare split In their battle over graillug rules at the North Yakima con-vention.

BUNJI SUZUKI, the JapaneseSamuel (Join |>ers. left Seattle Fri-day for his home, after an exten-sive lour of thf states.

MRS MAY LYNCH Is the t,..«president of the Women's SeattleCommercial Club, as a i+sult of theannual meeting Friday night, in IheChamber of Commerce

JUDGE o. G. ELLIS has beenelected chief Justice of the supreme' ourt, 10 succeed Chief .lustierMorris.

JAMES BARCLAY and AlexanderHerman, two old-time prospectorsof Alaska, were killed Thursday bya snow slide near McCarthv, Alaska

PRESIDENT WILSON grantedKdwnid Ma vher Iy, Indian, st nteiiced to he hanged at Spokane forkilling Ills sweetheart, a respite toItrv nnd obtain a commutation ofM«'iit«'ncp

SEATTLE AUTOMOBI LISTSwith dirty license plates must polisli them or else lake chalices 011arresl and a Sl-Vl'loe

SEARCHERS FOR Mr ami MrsOtto I'owell. lost near Alder, have

I practically given up hope or rind j1118 the bod lux In, tlin deep snow.

FHHMCK&NELSONjßueneit Salesroom

Mil I ' 'r T-TT~ ?

Advanced Styles in

J? New Afternoon. Frocks

I v at $16.75*f. LIM'T '

T US'I the sort of Dresses that are Riven most activen J St. rvia . j? manv womenS wardrobes ? one-piece

. .'< ' models ot (,repe de Chine and laffeta. Many are sam-

?|"/ I j \\\ pies," only one of a kind.

/ ||j \ They introduce advanced styles, liton, pocketed andJ?'/ Mil over-drape effects among them?and the colors include

Mi (...Id, lan, Keseda, Wistaria, Copenhagen, Dark-blueand I'urple.

// ,\ Priced at $16.75. ?l:«(rtl)*at Htltiroun.

V/n the January Display of

Dainty New UndermuslinsAttractive Values as Follows:

Envelope Chemises50c, 55c, 59c, 69c, 75c, 79c and 95cAT s«c

\ serviceable embroidery edge drawn with ribboni« the only trimming on well-made, simply-designedEnvelope t hemises of s«>it nainsook.

AT 79c -

Normandy motif* in combination with fine \ alcn-ciennes and ribbon-run beading arc used for

trimming very attractive Knvelopc Chemises of

sheer lingerie cloth.

Gowns, 75c, 95c, $1.19 and $1.25AT 95c -

At thi\u25a0» price there are many pretty styles, in (aOwn-<

> ? pink bati-te with han<l-embri>i<|ered Dresden <lesigns, pink crepe pli-se with blue or rose butterflypattern ; and soft, -.liccr lingerie cloth, having yoke*(t in with Valenciennes insert>«>ti matched by anedge; also Pink I'repc Gowns patterned with blue-bird design.

AT 91.25An especially pretty style at thi- pricc is made upin fine, sheer lingerie cloth, kimono style, withhand made lace yoke.

Long White Skirts, 59c and 75cAT 59c

Long White Skirts of nainsook, with deep ruffleof embroidery flouncing.

AT 75CA full double flounce fashioned of tucked lawnand embroidery flouncing trims very attractiveSkirt* of nainsook.

DRAW T.RS in the January Display feature a widevariety of style*-. at 25c. 35c, 45c and 55c.

?-liaaement SilPiroom.

Corset Covers25c, 45c and 59c

at 59c( Mic of many pretty stylesat thi>- price lias shortlacc sleeves, and trim-ming of embroidery motits*ct in with Yal. insertion.

ATIncluded in tlic wide as-sortment at this price arc( <>r>-et Covers with trim-ming of Yalcnciennes orNormandy Yal. motifs. Yal.lace insertions, or simpleembroidery edges drawnwith ribbon.

AT l»scMany good styles to choosefrom, made of soft nain-sook with trimming ofthree rows of Yalcnciennesinsertion sewed together<>r Swiss embroidery and\ alencicnncs insertion com-

-1 'tne<! ?Basement Saleroom.

Ostrich RuffsReduced to $1.00

EXt KPTIONAT. value*,

these Ostrich Ruffs inall-black, all-white, and com-binations of black and white, jgreen and white, white andblack and other shades.

Reduced to Sjll.OO.? ll*R«m*nt Salesroom.

Chiffon ScarfsReduced to 50c

CHIFFON* SCARFS infancy bordered effects,

in a number of desirableevening shades, reduced to!>Oc each.

ItANrturnt Saleroom.

Handkerchiefs, 5c Each

MFN'S White CottonHandkerchiefs in IS-

incli size, with or ' 4-inchhem, alsn Woman's PlainHandkerchiefs with embroid-ered corner or colored rollededge, and Boys' ( olured-bor-der Handkerchiefs. Pricedat .V each.

?-BaiPtnint Salesroom.

New Satin Hats, $5 and $7.50T~\ I SKiN'I .I) especially for between-season wearmJ are the-e good-looking Hats of satin in blackand colors.

I here arc I urbans, 1 ricorncs. irregular Sailor*and Spanish Sailors of the most becoming tvjtes withsimple trimmings?a bead ornament, ribbon bow orfeather effect providing just the right touch. Prices

$5.00 and 87.50.?naxemrnt Salesroom.

50 Boys'Overcoats

Reduced to $2.65\ hRCOATS iif chinchillas

mPMbmI brown and gra> tancv coatings inpinch-back and belted models.buttoning to neck. Sizes .* to 7

tv bJ years. Well-tailored, with heavy?) 1

lining. Kxceptional values at52.65.

if , "* ' ? Salesroom

U 50 Pairs of Growing Girls' Shoes\u25a09 Reduced to $2.95 Pair

A pictured. < .rowing <,irls-

Shoe-. in patent leather/fl ** de-irahle high -cut pattern, on

English-style last, with low heel. Size- to <> reducedto $2.95 pair.Misses' and Children's Gun-metal Calf Button Shoes, very

cable and low prieed : >i i?. «. t,. S. SI. 50 pair. S11, SI .75: 11' 1 to 2. $2.15 pair.

Children's Gun-metal Calf Boys' Gun-metal Calf But- Misses'and Children's Gun-Button Shoes on ton an( j L,a CC Shoes. metal Calf Button Shoes.V. Ur' as ''. TV good fitting and verv made on hroad-toe last,

<»'Vs .l-.Tr : J ' servie?ahlc. size-. «) to ,N,V.th . h.

lack waterproof1' S'lH) irtir I tn ' "Neolin" >ule. Sizes B'^

Same Htyle in tan I.otUK , '*

? ? ii <i > , ?_ n ,

.-Hlf, mlfps Bto X. $_? oo puir; $2.2.1 pair; 2' .to <>. $2.50 ,

'' ,w" ?11 -l"

*'* to It, »2.25 imlr pair. j - P"ir.? n.iMcinftit Bultaroom.