THE WEATHlftlECAST un. rair and warmer; light vKMHMHs. Detailed weather reports will be foikid on pure' IT. ()l, I, XXX. - NO. 292. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913. Copyright, 1I3, Iu the Sim I'rlntlrtu mid I'ubUihUig Attociatlon. PRICE TWO CENTS. ENGINEER UNFIT, EXPERT INSISTS nh Ml:i mi1 tor Wreck Flatly I i lo the New 1 1 ii veil. I IMiiMIM-TKXT- . UK SAYS (ionoiiil Manager to Change Sslcin of Assigning New Drivers. HUM. VI MKTHOP 1'AILTY I'mlor uiToin(iit With Eni- - jilntrc .Mini ill 1 op of "Sj.iit'e- - lio.inl" (toos Out First. !;! 'T. Conn. June IS. , i N- w V U New Haven nnd llart-- ; r.1 H.il'r nil heard one of their own ,pfTr witnesses testify at tho Joint ses-- f in of the Interstate Commerce Com-ni!- .' n .ml Pihllc Vtllltles Commission lit Charles .1. Dohetty should . vp ...i'f been permitted to run Kn- - llw i. ..I.... .mat.,..! ...1.. llln iHnln .n. i.l if in thi Stnmfnrd vutds Inst TTirsitiv .ni Killed six passengers. Tii-1- . in on top of thnt, this witness :,itl t .it' in 111 opinion no railroad . ....... ..I.I 1.....I... I. I. t .11 IC' IllMI.I UMllU jutui.v 'll ioi - - ii, ..n eiiKine 10 a man or. uoncrty s IV ' .ITU''. !' the borings before Coroner Ihilnn li nl I no ins nnci investigations utiuer th.. s ipervision or tin interstate Com- - nrrro Commission and thp Public f t 111 - j C 'mnilsslon havo developed any-,:i- c. it is the Impression that something radically wrong with the system of aliening engineers inai u as ueen inrceu 1 'he New York. Now Haven and Hart- - t ! II..H . ... ... T . i a u ....it....! .... V.A i'ii.. in;, iiiiiii.mi kt me r,i m.irt n u .i s. ami uenerai .Manager C I. Uardo declared utter the hearing he would extend himself to tho lit- - mo' t nave uie present system cnantTcd. Terms nf Aurern.ent. a Under an agreement with Its own men, ntl azreemont to wnlcn tile lirothurhnod if I.ni'nmnlil-.- . l'.nirlne.ri nnd Vlri.m.in i ii'i tt ' no. in,.' tw iiuven roao iihim .. .1 V , - nf..r V... ,ns I. ...m "s.., .. u tx .eer. Krom thW list men are su- - In I to run passenger ttalns, and the, - . m:ta wno is at me I eau oi tne 1st must ie' . c mnce or rnuat ue nam for os ne . T'lo list Is arbitrary; names .ir from the top, and It may happen. , ild In the case of Doherty. rhat thoi a man has nover before had charge i icomotlve on n bin train. Do-- H .id made his "maiden trip" only ll'ini. the ratal run. . Mr I'.ardo took n hand In the oues- - u launch i s I nf .., ... .i ,.. .1 ... 0 .... t ''i-ii- .i li.liui iiMKeii 1,1111 11 ue 'ui.- 'he position of the distance und rie biennis with respect to the iIIh- - ne I'Hveen make any (I tun ore t., eng neer who was nil- - nn .1 predetermined stop. The , Minnliln'l .Need .Ixnnl. "ir w 1. , .' i l nininn in- - iiiu.i mum t, .,i... i.. ,i...r ...... ...i 1.' al nil'.'" queried Mr. Hardo. answered Mr. Lnncuu. Id he know when to apply his w.'h,u. seeing slt:al f he e mus, stop anyway?" , That is 11 matter of judgment. '1- - nier has poor Judgment the ' ' help An engineer' IV ' I Midgment uud poor brakes Is i) i - r.,1.1-- . than 11 poor engineer I brakes. Il Isn't possible to! I engineer out of trouble.'1 "i.it s your opinion of the kind 11: or ,1, t i....l .... .1... ....... I.... i.- -' .mi 111.3 1,, .111 ,11 , iihiii'i tv rirtiii.rti-T-' i' ihe best locomotive air brake j ' satisfied that the perform- - "'' ' 'I. engine the tet.ts of was satisfactory ns trains ' "f poor engineers and poor 'id Chief inspector Uelknup! - lie Commerce Commission, V ilM. ' II. 11 vol e In. si eimilil mi I Inn t' "1 1, .mers und good brakes?" '' o answered the witness, "ii' ' ppiid over room. ' inlsalo.ier ' " " iei C. McChord of the "intnirce Commission H of .Strattlel l Hotel. ' -- ,t Chairman Itlchard T. - I bnrsiore Ii. Ford and John '' i " unneeliciit Public I iii.li. on Philin J. Iiohertv and 'i Hiiknan the lines- - i' he Ciiinuierce Cominlsslnii ' 1'ieiijamin I. Spock nnd Id 11 .' s.il with Mr. Ilaiilo il Superintendent C. N. "'I if the railroad company. ' I tliload ep.IM-l'- Were ex-- " 'o II .nil sheets, time liol ks I "f I'oherty'H train. v .Id uidli ate that engine 133S nc iiiIIoh mi dour hi It 'iibiook and .Stamford, but lit- - ' i war I I in nil record be- - ol thllt lain- - hud l en some-- 1 .. . n.ni .. n - liiuiii upon again to re- - oiv iiim down .ii testlfvinu last be- - tur C. "iPhi-In- lie wis lieinblliur " maieii ile.'ii ilpiion of , 111 mt iio.ii In-.- : had lo h,. " Pi d whic he iccoven d His Quittlnuvd un Fourth Page, j BISHOP SLAPS AT CARNEGIE. lcel Vln.ier ,., of A nlMHnnlain ! Itellulnus Schools. Ati.v.mv, (in, June l.s.. The ic.ciitlv announced uift $ i.uimi.uoo to the Van- - "loin I nlv.-rsli- of Nashville, Tenil.. .v Andrew Carnegie In, arcoidlllg to Bishop Wniion Candler of the Southern Methodist Chuivh. not n gift at hut an attempt to "steal" the inedlir.il f the Institution from the hutch "in order t , , set up a medical school .fashioned according to the pe- culiar IiI.-ii- ,if Mr, Carnegie and his edueiitUmnl employees." Vnnderhllt Cnlverslty Is under South- ern Methodist auspices and the Church H now pushing a suit to give It complete control. In making his sift Carnegie comments on this and snvs It will be unfortunate for the unlverslly If the Church wins, as he does not believe In denominational control of educational institutions, (if this statement Hlsh.m Candler says: "CurneKl,. puts his offer In such rela- tion to this suit us to make it tanta- mount to il.inUillIK money before the public with the purpose of InfiucucInK the ciii-- lie 11N0 denies the ability of any nnd nil Churches to mamiKe and control educational Institutions, a piece of Ignorance. "I cannot doubt that this Impudent P,roponl of the uRKresslve and unnostlc steclmonirer will provoke the Indicat- ion of the Christian people of nil de- nominations in the country and Incur the emphatic disapproval of all thlnklns men. This undisKiilfed attempt a Christian unlversltv Is in UeepInK with the well tlxed purpose of iiutaRonlsm to Church schools which Mr. CarneKlo has pur.sued for a Ioiik time. Southeru Methodists will not allow Van-derbl- lt to be Carnenlelzed." POLICE HORSES IN SURF DO LIFE SAVING STUNT i Hrinjr Two Youngsters Throiijrli llivakers ami Then Tow Launch to Safotv. Two mounted policemen plunged into the surf at the end of the Ocean park- way. Coney Island, lait nlttht and res- cued n launch party of sex en whose motor h.vd stalled. The swImmlnK horses, ridden by Joseph J. McDonald and Edward Cody of the Coney Island Mounted Police. Were cheered by a crown oi two tnolUMIUl on the beach hundred automobiles parked behind ' the biilkh-a- d made a Kallery row. About 7 o'clock, when there was larse crowd on the beach, a launch was pimsInK the foot of boulevard some distance out. There Is u Jetty minimi; oui ui mis point. There was ith on h u ine itoai sihtiiho h mnl. II. .1.. I Then cum. sereiittiu frnin ,l... women i the launch. l McDonald saw that boat was . ..... i ,,e,jiess anu was unit nc townni Hie Je. ne mew nis un m h and gnlhn.il for the beach approach. Both horses splashed into the water together, nosed around tint first olap- - P'" wave and then settlel down to i 'luf'l swim. The men crouched over I their necks. What the crowd sow were I i.i iimiorineii neads anil a mi, .1..-- ,, making their way toward the horn ench lilnn ... li..l.l iiu lit..,. .......... .1. - .11 - ....i. un mi, uuif ine n) pry u" PoKHIlile. there was 11 child. These u'f'' Introduced to the willing mothers I"" ""' '"'inii as ""'" 01 u, ixenmare street and ""nil 01 UJ wrnnu and they chattered excltedlv annul bow ui.iiiiiiiiin uiiu papas nan Kone out to P.ockuway Beach that morning In the ship Washington, run by Michael l.i.,,. of 6. H CiUn street The horses had plunged In again and were dracelnir ttie hnnnh 1, ...-- . .i... " ii.iiiu tne 'beach. Mr. and Mrs. Antony Justu and viir !n""i h!"C weren't "l ""' t motor ! f out. The pollcrmen went to the Park. way Baths to dry off. The two horses were cheered all down the line. OLD STAGE ROMANCE REVIVED. - " nrnrm iisuaiiu h rum Whom Mhe W'nn Purled. Poston', Mohh.. June IS. Thn renewal of an old love story resulted In tho yesterday morning at Itevere of Vlnle Daly, an nctreas, and John P. Kohl of ChlcuKn, her former husband. Their first marriage was annulled at the Instance of Kohl's father In Chicago four years ago, following 11 secret wed- ding. The second marriage wan utmost 11a secret the first. At least Jack Kver-har- of Itevere, the bride's step- father, Insists that while the marriage took place yeMerday he does not know the details yet. Thn bridegroom is a son of the late Chillies K. Kohl of Chlcngo, who wua 1 president of the Western Vaudeville .Managers Association and was worth about IS.uoo.OOO when he died In 1910. He was very fond of his son and he t , , Canada on business. MURPHY MAN IS BARRED. I'roKreolv es lo lie ameil b Wllana In Certain Plneea. Wvsiii.x'dToN, June is.- - An attempt of' '" After Patrick J. Ijingan, brake There were cheers when the horse--- , .r for the and J.ackn- - mon reached the und turned to n: t tilrond. had submitted utatis- - rome back. The floundering hends of nf 'be test runs made vesterdav the horses appeared and in the nrins in .ill. them should an at much. r.. in '. nnd the I'resldes. c. pre- - tho I'llll- - ii.-- i did The iioieij eVeryiMHly " miiiln mat luoui. Friday ihe the the lilmself. all. to The the the line- - street good cave 11s w, of Chenango', succeeded in un- nominal iiiii wiinurnwn after, of rein I" uie py ITCSIUCIII Wilson. Senator n'Gormau did not oppose the Mr ...i.i. ..r .ft... .i wuonn.n.ii o. iioiiiniiiuon auer ne w.ih ny on Burleson of ,me ,y mnn that tu appoint Flulgun would be openly lo recognl.e the Tain- - many forces lii Chenango. man has concluded all alon j tn accent the recommendations nf county chajr-- , nay men In t, ogrea.lve district. TAKES JERSEY CITY TREASURY BY FORCE ('oimiii.vMoiii'i' Hrt'tisinot' (ids n l.(tcksiiiilli ami Itronks (lie Door. SCII I'M AW Xhh COXTKST lie .Maiiitiiins 'I'lint ('omiiiis-sio- n (Jovcnnncnl Was Not I. ('U ally Adopted. lirulKe HienslilKer. Dlteclol' of lieveiille mid of .ler!lt.vlu City, forcibly tool: )o"sesion last nlfiht of the City Tieasurer's ottlce on the'' ground Hour of the City Hall, which Or I O. I'. Schumann, City Tieasurer the Wittpenn adiiiluls-trillio- had flatly refused to surrender. Kntrance was effected with the of a lockmilih who opened the outer and frtt- - Iniioti .1 . I. .til .1 II . lie..,,,..,, I.v,,..,. , huh i d to prevent Interference. Locks were chiiiiKed all around and Mr. Schumann will hae difficulty In Keitlili; in tculay ir he tries, II,. will also he in the position now of helns I obllKed to do fhe tlKhtlnK In the courts ! to tusi the legality of the adoption of commlsiilon o eminent by the people of Jersey City InMcad of (oiupellliiK th administration to prosecute the battle. HiensillKer went to the City Hall n Ik with tile In his eye. Me had been authorized by the Hoard of Commis- sioners to exercise the authority of Clt Treasurer until one Is nppoluted am; he made up his mind to have access to the City Treasurer's safes, in which weie tucked away at least JSC.Oflu worth of unsold city bonds. All the city's cash for which Schumann had been lespnnsl-bl- e Is In five clt banks. Se h u in n nil's l.mi , rr I'riilrals. llrenslnger was accoiniiunled by Lawyers John Milton nnd John Llentle and Director of Public Safety Frank Hague, who has chalge of the police department and who ordered the police- men on the Job. It didn't take the locksmith long to open the front door ami It didn't take l"?K for I,f"rn,"r. i ti toiniitui Counsel Warren for Schumann. to tlnd out what was KOlns on. i .,. . ., lie k" ', " 0 Ullir, III, I,'.' MP his work of the night "Breaking In, uie you.' Iiiiiulied-- . ' Dixon In a ton.- - that meant much. ieS. I III 1.1 I'" -- S.SSlOO, BJ 111 IUMI sillBel 'and you'll have to get out of .... lll-lc- , The Corporation lllllsel Weill out under ii otest ComiulHslonei lteiislm;er renewed h. demaniU, yejt.Td.i foi all bonds .inJ ..'uiseo lie un-,.,,- The . City Clerk Michael Fatten and visited the banks wheie the illy funds ate Mr however, h.id perron- - ally served nolne-- . that only his checks must be honored He was accompanied to the banks bv Wairen Dixon, who claims uiiii in ih Mini urpoiduuir (tiutri. Haul. Will Honor I l,rel.. I At the I'nlon Truat Company ijomnus sloner Bienslnger was Infoiined that This possible Mich meet-- I wireless reports ago leral tlml Booxev. to told Cashier have Caslens the .National asked Ire for Mt. net the cur- - hi.,..- - for not to' an until ur HEALING, The for In as did the A red hot meeting of the Commls-- 1 sinners Is this of department and Is to be made. John Milton Is for Corporation Counsel, Walter L. for Corporation and John Bentley for Assistant Corporation mr itenlley says he will be Cor- poration Attorney or nothing and Milton to the Job him if Is appointed. of Kalian .Vol Worried. skin Mayor Fugan eald: "We have every reason to satisfied with the of commission government up to the present time. All the nflb.stlnir lo the new ' " situation. have no doubt the In the City soon be BrensliiKer said: "By-Jul- 1 must have 1 to meet expenses, payrolls and charges. ....... tl.ii Li thai llinj. tlitt nmirlu. have amoothed out the hitch caused by Hchumnnn'a refusal to recog-- , nine the new city Kovernment. If the school teachers and city employees ' do not get their checka by that time i ' they will who Is to blame." I j SULZER. I 'liinl'n Ihe (intrriiur Will " mill tliu.il line's l.eller. I .i,i Sulrer wa lil by II. T Oxuiird, ihe Amerlcun Heel Sugar o "II, T, entertained tlx... In New " us ,1. effect." wrote Gove In r.nponse a for comment the and on Major Gove's In the Ihtl the were tenon of Hie inmtnlii.n which InvcHtlgiiteil the sugar h,. no. .. i.,.'.. the said: "You can the smiled nnd "Roll . the New Yolk J U(.K,.,, t0.,ia the read ' to land been!,,,, al Pnjte.1 Slates Senate ;successiui, it charging that inquiry Into the beet sugar lobby, In Finlgan. Senator rec Major Gove wrole to C. omm.-ndc- lor postmaster at Norwich.w. Huinlln that Har.lwlolt commit-N- . Y, wus a Murphv man nnd heme the House, of SuUer was pingresshe, Stephen J then a bad been "elilerlalned" chairman has In , Having i on- - iniormru the charge c,alr- - Ityan Mr. rrior. Open under aid u - , , uew last Ml . , ' ' I One hi Interest .. , $12,000 FOR SUFFRAGE FIGHT. Ituphm nf lnrllMiriiniili anil O. II. P. Heliuolil Conlrlblllor. lrial f.thlr Drumlrh In Tiic Si lll luPKHT, .lime IS. The International Woman SuffriiKe Alliance Ht Its session y adopted a i exululloii In favor of ii policy of Keneial political , neutrality, but of iiillltant nntiiKonlsm toward parties which oppose woman sufTr.'iKo. It was aureed to riilac $K',."00. a year to prosecute the movement. Several donations current ycHr were announced. These lnelmlnl J.'iOO . fiom Mrs. Currle Catt, of the alliance: the Duchess of Marlborough, formerly Miss Consuelo Vanderbllt: ISOO from Mtn. ( II I'. Ilelmont and S2..( fiom the Coun- tess Mailer. The vallous societies guaranteed the of the SIL'.r.OO. The coilKless dlscilsed n ploposal lo ttv tint li..wltiii.it'titi'u nf tli ititiVAtiinnt London and transfer the wotk there' irolll tile Kotterillllll Ollllei Ol Hie SHI- - finite iiewsiaier Jim No de- - elslon was reached on the pioposltion A motion to establish un International pless buteail for the pill ose of supply - Iim news of the woman siilTri.Ke mm e- - tneut was rejected by a small Theie was an luterestlui; Incident at the i lose of lo-d- .i s session. Several delegates boai. led t, st t ( ar and were ttiiiiir..lli t ..mut iiIvhi ii u I Hilll1tit u nf the cotmie.s. man alose and offeled his suit lo one of the eldest of the dele-- ; "Id. howewi. that Whit man s Dear-L-iiii- .s ulin .li'illne.l lo take It. s.ivlnk't luir whm mil Hint of mall who had ...,..,s,. d not up. We are tichtluH I h much amilnsi uhllenesa h iikiiis. e oeuee m un .iiallt " WIRELESS DRAWBACKS REMOVED BY INVENTION , K.nirlili Kniiiiicer Savs (ieiierator Will llevolution-iz- e i Ktheric Teleirrapli v. I il'. tltlltrf. In Till. Six Los-iKiN- . June lx. The Krruiim Stun- - i'ird nsctihiT- - to William Durtnall. an English engineer, an Invention which will possibly teiolutlonle etherlc telR- - rniihv nnd make the long distance wneless coinmeicbilly possi- ble. The Invention consists of an electric generator rap.niie oi iirooui'ing neavy cuirents with alternating freu.n. v of ' in.nuu to .10.11(10 .riods per second Hotll W.KTW! ""d, "'I L . L, ' ' lack of such generators A wireless tel- - . n.a greatly higher than the frequency of u , I... u. ....... , ,",......,.. wiiiii" ill" eon teiii-- i in ,ii.- - i 'Kiajib Isrea'Iv Inriensed bv these ' rents. Hitherto tt has been o imnrin t : dynamo of large output ' 'which is iMp'ible uf producing such cur- - ' rents Ml Durtn.illV inwntlon. It Is said. oicn.mies all these dlffii It pro-'"- " "on ..lo.-- ....rr - ..r i.ii, fr.... I....I. . I.IIIKir ,'! .1 'l III,.' Illll'i 111,1111, whli h urodl nolviihase alternnllnr- - 1 linos. . ne .is )f vara,,,,. fn.,,u,.m.v. gen- - i mediately obtalmd his cieduutials from... ., ,.,.,,. ,, . 1 de- posited. .Sihuiu.inn. til k, the currents of given and age Th'ri and loltnge ),v ,ul'11'' menus ..r ., r!..s .,c ...I. ' choice would f a special power executive comniiitee ' W Bank wus big- dlstrl- - Htatements would yesterday would him answer s' iiimuo nvttot, meeting board . Trust refused to,, ll..er Call Klve a definite answer, also First National Bank. a "Mn." expected when a slated Attorney Attorney, refuses take offered McDermott operation ar!lk rimlillv themse I office Hettled." I 1,230,001) uv ' other ' know "ROT!" r'vnci York. with, I learn. good te.iuest prediction imter Hanlwlck Industry. uUvn,rv hoped, said. letter pationage Tuesduy Michael whom O'Gorman U,u.i, Aaron 'u.,. Ityan, member, declarhiK Chapman piesldeut from letii.ilnder Notftiitill. tnajoilty. , a woinens women Mkii.,; telephone . ' ultles .i , volt-,"1- freiiuenev develop, Chairman Mercantile Company afternoon, difficulty impossible ' , v h h ( ,t ,,.,.,..,,. revolution .meed The11s11.il difficulties which present themsi'lvt s in shape of ,ne therebj avoldi d, The Inventor maintains lb11 it Is ."upicme i Justice scudder yesterday mled on the ethlos etlipiette horse the ' latitude that should allowed In the matter free speech, John Ulyman, .1 uaUed dim or particulars In IIK'llllSI Nathan Galflllkel ! S.I.OOO. To the best of Ills r colleellim said "Vu a skin. You skinned out ISO for that horse. Von cheat and everybody you business with." "There nothing to this suit." said Justice "and I believe I'll deny motion Anyhow. 1 doubt f ntlpf'eil Mlnt.,in.,.it -- ... . lnn, ,'"u;'' .. '"'"w . '' '"e o. a noise deal. ' SEEKS "VOTES" WITH PUSHCART. HnlTraHell Peddles Rulti.n. Nll, llnm.ers In lish VlnrLel. MlHI'. ''le,'"r Kivlnir Isn't exactly a 1!,'!,w"';' " lmH a pushcart e I " V... """ ""' license Is " . nd she . " J""'' I'"""-"- In Mniiu ih 1 1"?U'- Is "t selling ,H1"' however, but nullum cnloti buttons, ban- ners, parade postals, talcum powder needles, pins, thimbles mill baskets . ' ' 'ei,,, ii. ii ' ' x loll the I. el looi nl." ., , . in, i, ...e voicei. fcpeeih in Yiddish hown. ;, bAY 0S0L BETRAYED FRIENDS. IIiihiii MciiiImt Miiit- - llrre II UK- - Minn rullrr, Mm in u. H in uiih is .' !a nee , 'ai,'.. , rv- - ... ni ',. i hS.. 7 .V".' (.T"1' "! 111,11 itfvi-iiii.,- betrayed many of his executed. Sensa,loa a. e ,m;t Ni.tHiiinii: run: iahi.i-- ; iimirmu.' Huridi')': tiTXmZl-M,!'t"','yiy'- nl I WHITMAN SEES T. R.; RETURNS SMILING "I'OIKIH ii,.(,.Vm 'I'lmt I Hull Miiimo Will lilnoi IiIm.!..i .III I IIIIWI ii I'inii I. I Attoriit'.v. HANKS OIT FOR COI.ONKh Hut Thinks l.ieiiteiiants Will Help Prosecutor. iNstrict .Mioincy ,niimnn jo.irnej e om lo "ly.-i- ei d.ij niriu.i, nun n (lnd called on Hoosevell. NothhiK bv.n said bv either the , , , A . that '" """'V " ' inference Mr. Whitman left his office without mciitlnnliiK his to his staff I Wltlier Col. Koosevelt nor .Indite ...,,, .,,, ,.., ,i,u,i ,,f '"- - "nfe.elue llUht It must j m,.t seilous rebuff T(l( ,,,rl,t Attomev was accom- - p.inled to oyster Bay by Justice l'"rnnk- - lln Chase llo.M of the Court Special Sessions, a Pronresslve and a slam h friend of Col. lloos fit. The visit was lesiilt an invita- tion extended lo Mr Whitman by the Colonel week. ItiiosrveM KmiInIii Inlerenl, ftoowevelt made this brief ineiit tcK.irdlllK the confereni e last nlKht: "I am a Nassau county uud have Interest In the Muyoiulty oulsthut eveiy koihI cltl.en has, that I hope to see ninnlnuled the man who make the let Ma.vor, If elected, and who best chance of belnK eleited. And should be Klad lo see a special effort made to jtet greatest possible number of Pronresshes lo themseUeH at the primaries as to who that man should be." Judge Whitman would only sa that the Imitation been extended to hi 111 last week and thit the meet 111 k had in.illill.v ti, tin U'llli ulul'imi'iili, ...'.,1 KrHK.H w Ulri, c . , .rilr..l- - , V-- w v.i. " " ! ll' ''"""'V T'!"!' I" Wnod- - of the same party's Brooklyn or gaubatlon before the fusion slate mak ers on Tuesday. Wnultl l.rttr to VulrM. Sidelights on the s'tuatlon 88 It affects the attitude of the Progressive party tnwuid Judge Whitman were got yes- terday, from u Progiesitive of some Iti- - fluenre. This man, while not presuming V" "'" "' "mieralooU Mr. Koosevelt s post - it was to leave the choosing of a candidate to the members party at the illiect primaries. ne auoe.i tnat I 01. Itooseielt. wt,h "xhrr men Prominent in the 1,1,1 uo, wltl' f,lv'1- - 1,11 ' stateinents of Piancls W. Bird or Tnno- - be left to the voters should not be mide fur them in advance by patty "''i"1,',!' T'1' ''Peirlier said for one 'v'ganled such a course as the uiily 'logical one for the Progressive patty tu follow, cotlsldei Its origin. not be surprised If a meeting of Pro uresslve leaders In the city should be called and a rebuke administered hoi It to Bird Woodruff. "The Idea that Col. Koosevelt or his followers I11 the Progressive party are opposed 10 a candidate for the Mavoialiv lust lieiau-'i- i niiulliliia ... be a Republican Is absurd." he contln-- 1 lied. "Col. Koosevelt Is not taking an active part In the New York Mayoralty eumualuii. so fur m I 1. ..... ..'. talnly will not dictate a candidate to whom bis fnllnu .111 hoe- - i....u. ...... .v...... Mtitnvirl 1 .Ili..n'l J I ir v.. ...n. peimlt any other leaders to dictute who the voters of the party shall or shall not suppoit." The Hull Mooser said he was certain the party would not Indorse Mayor Gaynor. Speaking only for himself, he said he believed the tiuesiiou soes before the Progressives at the primaries the voters would Indorse Mr. Whitman by a large mujorlty. He added thai those closest to the Colonel In the parly i .Hi- ndis In New York would, In bis opinion, advocate Mr. Whitman's Indoisctnc nl. EXPECT WHITMAN BOOST. . lte..il.ll.H.i. frol.alil) will In.lnr.e ' llUlrlet illurue fur laor. The Kepiibllian county coiumlttee s expeclrd to take action toward Inducing fusion committee to take Charles t' Whitman as candidate for .Mayor. The executive committee will consider a resolution In behalf of Mr. Whllman but It Is supposed it will not lake the shape of an ultimatum to Ihe however close that limy ! ' the Inienl behind the lecoinmeu-- 1 , The comity lommillee will meet at Murray Hill l.yieum. 'Ihe leaders iH'ii large attendance a demon. I ulrufhiii In fui'in1 nf Vli IVItlt . ' ' W',' i'' """-- " " ' !'."u" 1",l"rHP'' M? .V"1" l,1.ai''v' Arr I i'Hnt1trown..n.l Frank l.i.ntry. district I resn.unon a. men 111 .nr. ivniimsn u-- thruuah. It district or- - Bunl.iillons fro,,, passln separate In-- , dorsemenls for anybody for Mnvor. I..,- -' Ual cause- - were nsalRiied yesterday fori tne ni'tiiM or .mi. nrown ana .nr. wintry. I.RKAT HKAR $UNQ WA.TKB, Mc, pr cms of I lltoppl bittlet -- iii,, 'l;,v "'5' Woodruff against Whitman H Mlt))i, miflnB um as . .., ,,..,. , ,,,.,.., , ....Ion the ground that the would checks be honoi ed the bank to construct machines officials del Idcd to do at that the commercial us., of a' Heliul.r lender., ing of the following telephone n distance of sev-- I Their- were some time the visit of .Schumann. hundred miles be Immediately lt already expressed At the Hudbon County National jxisslble and will harden the himself as appiov-M- r. Urenalnger by Ham- - ment of centres f,)r wireless lnt' of """ elialrmun'M earlier uvl Drayton that he to waltjbntlon nf corrtspondence. opposing Mr. Whitman, and Tim Sun's a fewr days. Cashier Albert at. ... . iufoiiiunt said that he Third Hank wait ror arter of the of directors. sH,rr -- eiier tho Hppolntment law Sllll tie the departments that Tieasurer's will Commissioner will Mr. l SAYS 'iov. Companv 10 "eutcrinlnnient" i... Governor Governor Via Mogresslve .'oucernlng IMnoirnts has the not of which county Mri the the J.'.OO lor ofthes.Aes tnc the or nieih.inlc.il the eiitrlfugal foues niirt tn Brooldvn of dealing and be the principals of liveryman, had a his slander for Gurflnkcl hud are me do is the fl. , l,iu.," '"'come . iter the ""'""'''lie will tills M will be ( for 'n It ,T I Lender hud and destination last be w,, of the of last Col. man is. will has the I the ex- press had II,.. vU ,llM ruff It of the In com- - Iooli uud he lug Mr. und Mr. that ,i,.,,i.i if Ihe the that a and put prohibited Mr. S,L hud , ' 5 t ''TV,. ZFT ".",,fnr Mr- - WlHlmon W' l,l,,d' ' ''- - I'ro- - solution or the second Duma, was em- - gressive county lommltlee. in ed to- - ployed by the secret po he and with the' gelher the executive committee and .. ,i,i n... , ,.n,. .. ... . a, i lomnvdc,, who aflerwaid . revelnllnns predicted. PrtinnybntiU hbe that Bird FIGHT $1,260,000 POLICIES. Insurance Companies raoteil Pay- - nienls In Plorldn Man' Helm. IIai.timorb, June 18. The Now York Mutual and other life und uccldent In- surance companies took the first step y toward contesting tho payment of policies to the amount of 1,U50,000 taken out by Kdward O. Painter, the fertilizer magnate of Jacksonville, Flu., shortly before Ills death. Painter drowned on May 22, It whs not known whether he had fallen over- board ncrldentnlly or hud committed suicide. In order to ascertain whether he had taken poison an analysis nf the man'a stomach was made bv Dr. Charles !'. Olaser, a Baltimore chemist, who leported that there was no trace of poison. The Pulled Slates Fidelity and (!uar-iinle- e Company, In which Painter had un accident policy for fso.unn, asked for an injunction to restrain the client- - j 1st from turning over any part or "the organs, specimens or remains" The companies claim a right to the organs for autopsy purposes. A policy for $10,000, In which Miss Okie C. Painter, aged 2S, was named ns bene-ftiiar- was tlLfd as un exhibit DIX FOR THE PHILIPPINES ! O'lliiriiifin llrenninieiiiU lllin, hul WIIsiiii l.imir. Wasiii.xuton, June IS. The appoint- ment of John A. DIx to bn (iowrnor-licnera- l of the Philippines Was in Ki d upon President Wilson by Senator O'doinian iirv Senator ( called a: the While IIiiiim' espei tally to present the mime of Mr. l. Senator O'tJorman e'iiessed the opin- ion that (lov. IMx'a experience an Gov- ernor of New York had fitted him well for the executive duties of the Insular Government. He said he thought tho Administration would be exceedingly fortunate In souring a man of Gov. Dix's ability to head the Philippine In the time that will elapse be. fn-- e a Philippine Independence Mil In passed. President WIlMin's fi lends, despite tM vigorous recommendation which Sena- tor O'Gorman made, Incline to the belief that Gov. DIx will not be the Admtnls-tlon'- s choice for the Governor-Generalshi- AMERICAN. BUT CAN'T SPEAK IT. Mnjiir HlaLe, llaek Prom Pern, lias tpenl Life In Mellon. Major James S. Blake of the Mexican aim, who has been military attache of his country In Peru. Chile and ArRvitlna for elghteeti months, arrived yesterday on the Holland-Americ- a steamship Ryn-ila- and will sail for Mexico y on the Ward liner Morro Castle. He la a native American, but can speak no KiiRlUh, because he has spent nearly all his life In Mexico, having been edu cated In the Mexican Military Academy He said, In French, that he had n'l grandfather In this city and an uncle,'1 but that he feared he would not be able to see them, because he was anxious to , know how his dlsttuhed country ws mnkinir .00 t j GIRAFFE COMMITS SUICIDE. ' 'f I.. rout Inlmnl smashes sUutl Hlln.l Mull In Purls '.no. lrenl Vohtr Hri'itr, in Tin Si Pviiis, June IS, The xoo In th" .lar-1II1- 1 des Pl.intes was 11 niene of excllr-me- this afternoon when a gliaffe standing fifteen feet high committed ' suicide. Hundreds of persons saw suddenly swim; his neck vio- lently sevetal times ugalnet the wal j A final swing smashed his skull and , the giraffe fell dead. j The keepers of the you sa th- - ani- mal j had displayed signs of melancholia for the last week. Some people ex pli-- s the opinion that what he iieedeil was fresh hay. I HORSE CAR LINE ABANDONED. I'raeks In Hpirnlrriiih 1, ml i:iK.. lerulla Mreetw tu He Torn I i. rue .ew 1 nn Hallways Company got permission .vesterdav fiom t ie Public Service Commission U) abandon the o'.tt '""''e car line on Seventeenth and High- - teeiith siieets between Hi oadway and i Avenue A. The comuanv tiled soine loin ago with the commission a lenllliate of abandonment and elerda ihe com- - ...isN.un upproveu ll. The commission Insists that the iom- - pany shall take up the t nicks at Its ow n expense and restore the stieets to the city within three months, Is The Central Crosstown line, which comprises the Seventeenth and Eigh- teenth street lines, has a bonded Indebt- edness of $'.'.0,000. MILITIA ALONE FOR FRANCE. .In i. res flake Inn l)n iech .taulnat .'I tear Term. Sprrial Cubit Jrnpofc. lo Tin: Si Paiiis, June 18. M. Jntires, the So- cialist leader, finished the speech which he hexan yesterday against the three year mllltarv service bill this mornlnc. He spoke during the entire morning Ulliix. fiom ii o'clock until 11. M. .Inures closed by urging the aban- donment of the reicular army fur a pnpulnr national mllltla force. tn DIES OF STEEPLEJACK HEART. .In Km Prank Suceauil.s in tears uf .Nrrtuna Kirlteuirni, of John Frank, steeplejack to whom painting tlagpoles and other objects 'Hundreds of et above Ihe Krouiid was .., of tho day' work for many I .!...! . 1...., i .11., .L. . nvt-nut- ! umJ roiirtiMiith Htrrcl yoster- - Hoy afternoon, while on his way to St. Vincent's Hospital, M.eorMnK to Dr. Sawver of St. Vln- - ..'. ,h continual nervous excite- - nient under which 'rank had worked fr ' venrs had weakened his heart. V., FiunlJwne 19 years oui and lived at m- - xi r nl f,,Zwi best known r Uiomp who car l " h ' I1 . ' ( HERE'S THE NEW CURRENCY BILL Administration Measure Is Ready for Introduction on Mondny Next. KKVOIT VhMi KAI.SKl) Many Democrats Kxpected to loin in Fight on tt:mU-inj- r Scheme. B1IVAX 0BJKCTI0XS MET President's Power on Federal Reserve Hoard to Re Increased. WILSON TO READ MKSSAliK Will Vvfto Passage of Fiscal l.oo iKlntion llofoi'i' Ses- sion Knds. r Main Provisions - of Currency Bill pOl.ljpWIMi me tin? main pro- - viaioiiH of the Administration's currency bill: . It create Federal Reserve Hoard consiatiiiR of nine members, three of whom are. to be chosen by the President, with the consent of the Senate, and three by the Fed- eral reserve banks, the other three to be the. Secretary of the Treas- ury, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Comptroller of t lie Currency. ' us ex officio members. This board is empowered tn di- vide the Fiiiti.'d StnteH into twelve districts with n Federal reserve bunk in each, having a paid up, unimpaired capital of at leuM, $:,000,000, each national bank in the district contributing; 'JO per cent of its paid up capital. Fetler.il reserve bank is to have nine, directors, three of ihem to be designated by the central con- trolling organization, three lo repre- - sent the stock holding bunk, and three who must not bo cornicclcd with any bank, to represent the agricultural, commercial and In dustrial interests, of the distrii The bill authorizes a $504,03.1.0:10 issue nf treasury notes which the Federal reserve bunks can call for on deposiiing collateral in the hnpe nf notes and bills oH'ep d 11 liiem I'm- - risiismiiiii bv member li'iiiks They tllllHl keep in their v.iuh H H'.vrve depiisii ol .'I;! -- :i per cctit nf l!n- - Hc.iMiiy Holes 111 their liatuls, The l'iv ii'.iiiriirg iinuotial bank iissociiilions to deliver a certain amount of i uiieil Sntes registered bnndk tn the Treaury of Ihe I'niteil Si.iics bei"o entering into blinking bi;siiess js repealed Hank with ni least $,iKi(i.ooi cap-- j ilal to be perinilletl 10 e,lublih biiiiuin iibrnail lo lurthcr Atneri- -' an common Wisiii'.i.Tcx. June is. After further onfetvin i' mi the curiency hit Presldeiiu, sou. hih Cabinet membeis and the Admlnlttrallon leaders In Con- - 5Hs tlnd themselves In substantial agreement on the principal features of the mensuie While the hill Itself has not been made public officially Tim Sl. able to present a complete outline of the bill, with the text of the more Im- portant sectloiiF. This bill In the one which whs aftteed upon by the President, his advisers and members of the Banking nnd Currency Committees in Congress a day or two ago and the President asserted this ' morning that there had been no serious disagreement since and that changes de- cided upon at last night's White House conference related only tn matters of minor detail. riuioslf Ion of Board. It Is understood that one of Ihe chnnges made In the bill at the sug- gestion of the President was In regard the composition of the Federal board. As printed and original agreed to the bill provided for the ap- pointment of three members of this board by the President with the consent the Senate, the election of three by the Federal reserve banks and the re- - mning thne to be ex officio mrmbe. s ,le Hecretary of the Treasury, the Sec retary of Agriculture and the Conip. roller of the Currency, The change that has been made In the bill Is In the direction of giving the President Kreater power over this Fed- eral reserve boaril which will control the Issue of the new Treasury notes to the Federal retierve banks, It Is understood that Hecretary of State Bryan and othera expressed the fear that the plan as orlg- - in.. ,!.. ,. i,i i. ,h. i,- -i, ... mu,'h p"w''r ,," K',',,'l", r,''"'ry it 1. believed that th- - ""m,",r "f 'epresenlatlves to he ap. pointed by the President has been In- - 'creased and the number to represent Put lllkr.i:rIK Hull Uti'i: fcl-i:- ( m.. , the Federal reserve hanks decreased. .MVM2t-'LJ'u,.,,'if!'- w' :,,mJ:KT This l, however, merely matter of . Us., Hey sdv- .- J tb, KeMr p,,. nuttf.

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-06-19 [p ].un. THE WEATHlftlECAST rair and warmer; light vKMHMHs. Detailed weather reports will be foikid on pure' IT. ()l, I,XXX.-NO. 292. NEW YORK, THURSDAY,

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THE WEATHlftlECASTun. rair and warmer; light vKMHMHs.Detailed weather reports will be foikid on pure' IT.

()l, I, XXX. - NO. 292. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913. Copyright, 1I3, Iu the Sim I'rlntlrtu mid I'ubUihUig Attociatlon. PRICE TWO CENTS.



nh Ml:i mi1 tor Wreck FlatlyI i lo the New

1 1 ii veil. I


(ionoiiil Manager to Change

Sslcin of AssigningNew Drivers.


I'mlor uiToin(iit With Eni- -

jilntrc .Mini ill 1 op of "Sj.iit'e- -

lio.inl" (toos Out First.

!;! 'T. Conn. June IS.

, i N- w V U New Haven nnd llart-- ;

r.1 H.il'r nil heard one of their own

,pfTr witnesses testify at tho Joint ses-- f

in of the Interstate Commerce Com-ni!- .'

n .ml Pihllc Vtllltles Commissionlit Charles .1. Dohetty should

. vp ...i'f been permitted to run Kn- -

llw i. ..I.... .mat.,..! ...1.. llln iHnln

.n. i.l if in thi Stnmfnrd vutds InstTTirsitiv .ni Killed six passengers.

Tii-1- . in on top of thnt, this witness:,itl t .it' in 111 opinion no railroad

. ....... ..I.I 1.....I... I. I.t .11 IC' IllMI.I UMllU jutui.v 'll ioi- - ii, ..n eiiKine 10 a man or. uoncrty s

IV ' .ITU''.!' the borings before Coroner Ihilnn

li nl I no ins nnci investigations utiuerth.. s ipervision or tin interstate Com- -

nrrro Commission and thp Public f t 111 -

j C 'mnilsslon havo developed any-,:i- c.

it is the Impression that somethingradically wrong with the system of

aliening engineers inai u as ueen inrceu1 'he New York. Now Haven and Hart- -

t ! II..H. ... ... T. i a u ....it....! .... V.Ai'ii.. in;, iiiiiii.mi kt mer,i m.irt n u .i s. ami uenerai .ManagerC I. Uardo declared utter the hearing

he would extend himself to tho lit- -

mo' t nave uie present system cnantTcd.

Terms nf Aurern.ent. aUnder an agreement with Its own men,

ntl azreemont to wnlcn tile lirothurhnodif I.ni'nmnlil-.- . l'.nirlne.ri nnd Vlri.m.ini ii'i tt ' no. in,.' tw iiuven roao iihim

.. .1 V ,- nf..r V... ,ns I. ...m "s.., .. u

tx .eer. Krom thW list men are su- - InI to run passenger ttalns, and the,- .

m:ta wno is at me I eau oi tne 1st mustie' . c mnce or rnuat ue nam for os ne .

T'lo list Is arbitrary; names .irfrom the top, and It may happen. ,

ild In the case of Doherty. rhat thoia man has nover before had charge

i icomotlve on n bin train. Do-- H

.id made his "maiden trip" onlyll'ini. the ratal run. .

Mr I'.ardo took n hand In the oues- -



s I nf.., ... .i ,.. .1 ... 0 ....t ''i-ii- .i li.liui iiMKeii 1,1111 11 ue

'ui.- 'he position of the distance undrie biennis with respect to the iIIh- -

ne I'Hveen make any(I tun ore t., eng neer who was nil- -

nn .1 predetermined stop. The


Minnliln'l .Need .Ixnnl."ir w 1. ,

.' i l nininn in- - iiiu.i mumt, .,i... i.. ,i...r ...... ...i

1.' al nil'.'" queried Mr. Hardo.answered Mr. Lnncuu.

Id he know when to apply hisw.'h,u. seeing slt:al f hee mus, stop anyway?" ,

That is 11 matter of judgment.'1- - nier has poor Judgment the

' ' help An engineer'IV ' I Midgment uud poor brakes Isi) i - r.,1.1-- . than 11 poor engineer

I brakes. Il Isn't possible to!I engineer out of trouble.'1

"i.it s your opinion of the kind11: or ,1, t i....l .... .1... ....... I....i.- -' .mi 111.3 1,, .111 ,11 , iihiii'i

t v rirtiii.rti-T-'i' ihe best locomotive air brake


' satisfied that the perform- -"'' ' 'I. engine the tet.ts of

was satisfactory ns trains

' "f poor engineers and poor'id Chief inspector Uelknup!

- lie Commerce Commission,V ilM. ' II. 11 vol e In. si eimilil mi I Innt' "1 1, .mers und good brakes?"'' o answered the witness,

"ii' ' ppiid over room.

' inlsalo.ier' " " iei C. McChord of the

"intnirce Commission

H of .Strattlel l Hotel.' -- ,t Chairman Itlchard T.

- I bnrsiore Ii. Ford and John'' i " unneeliciit Public

I iii.li. on Philin J. Iiohertv and'i Hiiknan the lines- -

i' he Ciiinuierce Cominlsslnii' 1'ieiijamin I. Spock nnd

Id 11 .' s.il with Mr. Ilaiiloil Superintendent C. N.

"'I if the railroad company.' I tliload ep.IM-l'- Were ex-- "

'o II .nil sheets, time liol ksI "f I'oherty'H train.

v .Id uidli ate that engine 133Snc iiiIIoh mi dour hi It

'iibiook and .Stamford, but lit- -' i war I I in nil record be- -

ol thlltlain- - hud l en some-- 1

.. . n.ni ..n - liiuiii upon again to re- -oiv iiim down.ii testlfvinu last be- -

tur C. "iPhi-In- lie wis lieinblliur" maieii ile.'ii ilpiion of ,

111 mt iio.ii In-.- : had lo h,." Pi d whic he iccoven d His

Quittlnuvd un Fourth Page, j


lcel Vln.ier ,., of A nlMHnnlain! Itellulnus Schools.

Ati.v.mv, (in, June l.s.. The ic.ciitlvannounced uift $ i.uimi.uoo to the Van- -

"loin I nlv.-rsli- of Nashville, Tenil...v Andrew Carnegie In, arcoidlllg to

Bishop Wniion Candler of the SouthernMethodist Chuivh. not n gift at hutan attempt to "steal" the inedlir.il

f the Institution from thehutch "in order t , , set up a medical

school .fashioned according to the pe-culiar IiI.-ii- ,if Mr, Carnegie and hisedueiitUmnl employees."

Vnnderhllt Cnlverslty Is under South-ern Methodist auspices and the ChurchH now pushing a suit to give It completecontrol. In making his sift Carnegiecomments on this and snvs It will beunfortunate for the unlverslly If theChurch wins, as he does not believe Indenominational control of educationalinstitutions, (if this statement Hlsh.mCandler says:

"CurneKl,. puts his offer In such rela-tion to this suit us to make it tanta-mount to il.inUillIK money before thepublic with the purpose of InfiucucInKthe ciii-- lie 11N0 denies the ability ofany nnd nil Churches to mamiKe andcontrol educational Institutions, a

piece of Ignorance."I cannot doubt that this Impudent

P,roponl of the uRKresslve and unnostlcsteclmonirer will provoke the Indicat-ion of the Christian people of nil de-nominations in the country and Incurthe emphatic disapproval of all thlnklnsmen. This undisKiilfed attempt

a Christian unlversltv Is inUeepInK with the well tlxed purpose ofiiutaRonlsm to Church schools which Mr.CarneKlo has pur.sued for a Ioiik time.Southeru Methodists will not allow Van-derbl- lt

to be Carnenlelzed."



Hrinjr Two Youngsters Throiijrli

llivakers ami Then Tow

Launch to Safotv.

Two mounted policemen plunged intothe surf at the end of the Ocean park-way. Coney Island, lait nlttht and res-cued n launch party of sex en whosemotor h.vd stalled. The swImmlnKhorses, ridden by Joseph J. McDonaldand Edward Cody of the Coney IslandMounted Police. Were cheered by acrown oi two tnolUMIUl on the beach

hundred automobiles parked behind '

the biilkh-a- d made a Kallery row.About 7 o'clock, when there waslarse crowd on the beach, a launch

was pimsInK the foot of boulevardsome distance out. There Is u Jettyminimi; oui ui mis point. There was

ith on h u ine itoai sihtiihoh mnl. II. .1.. I

Then cum. sereiittiu frnin ,l... women i

the launch. l

McDonald saw that boat was. ..... i,,e,jiess anu was unit nc townni Hie

Je. ne mew nis un m h and gnlhn.ilfor the beach approach.

Both horses splashed into the watertogether, nosed around tint first olap- -P'" wave and then settlel down to i

'luf'l swim. The men crouched over I

their necks. What the crowd sow were I

i.i iimiorineii neads anil a mi, .1..-- ,,

making their way toward the horn

ench lilnn... li..l.l iiu lit..,. .......... .1. - .11 -....i. un mi, uuif ine n) pryu" PoKHIlile. there was 11 child. Theseu'f'' Introduced to the willing mothers

I"" ""' '"'inii as""'" 01 u, ixenmare street and

""nil 01 UJ wrnnuand they chattered excltedlv annul bowui.iiiiiiiiin uiiu papas nan Kone out toP.ockuway Beach that morning In the

ship Washington, run by Michaell.i.,,. of 6. H CiUn streetThe horses had plunged In again and

were dracelnir ttie hnnnh 1, ...-- . .i..." ii.iiiu tne'beach. Mr. and Mrs. Antony Justu andviir !n""i h!"C weren't

"l ""' t motor! fout. The pollcrmen went to the Park.way Baths to dry off. The two horseswere cheered all down the line.


" nrnrm iisuaiiu h rumWhom Mhe W'nn Purled.

Poston', Mohh.. June IS. Thn renewalof an old love story resulted In tho

yesterday morning at Itevereof Vlnle Daly, an nctreas, and John P.Kohl of ChlcuKn, her former husband.Their first marriage was annulled at theInstance of Kohl's father In Chicagofour years ago, following 11 secret wed-ding.

The second marriage wan utmost 11a

secret the first. At least Jack Kver-har-

of Itevere, the bride's step-father, Insists that while the marriagetook place yeMerday he does not knowthe details yet.

Thn bridegroom is a son of the lateChillies K. Kohl of Chlcngo, who wua 1

president of the Western Vaudeville.Managers Association and was worthabout IS.uoo.OOO when he died In 1910.He was very fond of his son and he

t , ,

Canada on business.


I'roKreolv es lo lie ameil b WllanaIn Certain Plneea.

Wvsiii.x'dToN, June is.- - An attempt of'

'" After Patrick J. Ijingan, brake There were cheers when the horse--- ,.r for the and J.ackn- - mon reached the und turned to

n: t tilrond. had submitted utatis- - rome back. The floundering hends ofnf 'be test runs made vesterdav the horses appeared and in the nrins

in .ill.

them shouldan







pre- -


I'llll- -

ii.-- i did



eVeryiMHly "miiiln

mat luoui.Friday

ihe thethe







line- -






of Chenango', succeeded inun- nominal iiiii wiinurnwn after, ofrein I" uie py ITCSIUCIII

Wilson.Senator n'Gormau did not oppose the Mr

...i.i. ..r .ft... .iwuonn.n.ii o. iioiiiniiiuon auer new.ih ny onBurleson of ,me ,ymnn that tu appoint Flulgunwould be openly lo recognl.e the Tain- -many forces lii Chenango.man has concluded all alon j tn accentthe recommendations nf county chajr-- , naymen In t, ogrea.lve district.



('oimiii.vMoiii'i' Hrt'tisinot' (ids n

l.(tcksiiiilli ami Itronks(lie Door.


lie .Maiiitiiins 'I'lint ('omiiiis-sio- n

(Jovcnnncnl Was NotI. ('U ally Adopted.

lirulKe HienslilKer. Dlteclol' oflieveiille mid of .ler!lt.vluCity, forcibly tool: )o"sesion lastnlfiht of the City Tieasurer's ottlceon the'' ground Hour of the CityHall, which Or I O. I'. Schumann, CityTieasurer the Wittpenn adiiiluls-trillio-

had flatly refused to surrender.Kntrance was effected with the of alockmilih who opened the outer andfrtt- - Iniioti .1 . I. .til .1 II .

lie..,,,..,, I.v,,..,. ,

huh i d to prevent Interference.Locks were chiiiiKed all around and

Mr. Schumann will hae difficulty InKeitlili; in tculay ir he tries, II,. willalso he in the position now of helns


obllKed to do fhe tlKhtlnK In the courts !

to tusi the legality of the adoption ofcommlsiilon o eminent by the peopleof Jersey City InMcad of (oiupellliiKth administration to prosecute thebattle.

HiensillKer went to the City Halln Ik with tile In his eye. Me had beenauthorized by the Hoard of Commis-sioners to exercise the authority of CltTreasurer until one Is nppoluted am; hemade up his mind to have access to theCity Treasurer's safes, in which weietucked away at least JSC.Oflu worth ofunsold city bonds. All the city's cashfor which Schumann had been lespnnsl-bl- e

Is In five clt banks.Se h u in n nil's l.mi , rr I'riilrals.

llrenslnger was accoiniiunled byLawyers John Milton nnd John Llentleand Director of Public Safety FrankHague, who has chalge of the policedepartment and who ordered the police-men on the Job.

It didn't take the locksmith long toopen the front door ami It didn't takel"?K for I,f"rn,"r. i ti toiniitui CounselWarren for Schumann.to tlnd out what was KOlns on. i.,. . .,

lie k" ', " 0 Ullir, III, I,'.' MP

his work of the night"Breaking In, uie you.' Iiiiiulied-- .

'Dixon In a ton.- - that meant much.ieS. I III 1.1 I'" -- S.SSlOO, BJ 111 IUMI

sillBel 'and you'll have to get out of....


The Corporation lllllsel Weill outunder ii otest

ComiulHslonei lteiislm;er renewed h.demaniU, yejt.Td.i foi all bonds .inJ

..'uiseo lie un-,.,,-


City Clerk Michael Fatten and visitedthe banks wheie the illy funds ate

Mr however, h.id perron- -

ally served nolne-- . that only his checksmust be honored He was accompanied tothe banks bv Wairen Dixon, who claimsuiiii in ih Mini urpoiduuir (tiutri.

Haul. Will Honor I l,rel.. I

At the I'nlon Truat Company ijomnussloner Bienslnger was Infoiined that

This possible Michmeet-- I

wireless reports agoleral tlml Booxev.

totold Cashier


the .National asked






cur- -

hi.,..- -



to'an until ur HEALING,

Thefor Inas did the

A red hot meeting of the Commls-- 1

sinners Is thisof department and

Is to be made. John Milton Isfor Corporation Counsel, Walter L.

for Corporation andJohn Bentley for Assistant Corporation mr

itenlley says he will be Cor-

poration Attorney or nothing and Miltonto the Job him if

Is appointed.of

Kalian .Vol Worried. skinMayor Fugan eald: "We have every

reason to satisfied with theof commission government up to thepresent time. All the

nflb.stlnir lo the new' "situation. have no doubt the

In the Citysoon be

BrensliiKer said: "By-Jul-

1 must have 1 to meetexpenses, payrolls and charges.

....... tl.ii Li thai llinj. tlitt nmirlu.have amoothed out the hitch caused

by Hchumnnn'a refusal to recog-- ,nine the new city Kovernment. If theschool teachers and city employees 'do not get their checka by that time i

'they will who Is to blame." I




'liinl'n Ihe (intrriiur Will " milltliu.il line's l.eller.

I .i,i Sulrer wa

lil by II. T Oxuiird,ihe Amerlcun Heel Sugar o

"II, T, entertained tlx... In New "us ,1. effect." wroteGove

In r.nponse a for commentthe and on Major

Gove's In the Ihtl the weretenon of Hie inmtnlii.nwhich InvcHtlgiiteil the sugar

h,. no. .. i.,.'..

the said: "You canthe smiled nnd

"Roll .

the New Yolk J U(.K,.,, t0.,ia the read '

to land been!,,,, al Pnjte.1 Slates Senate;successiui, it charging that inquiry Into the beet sugar lobby, In

Finlgan. Senator rec Major Gove wrole to C.omm.-ndc- lor postmaster at Norwich.w. Huinlln that Har.lwlolt commit-N- .

Y, wus a Murphv man nnd heme the House, of SuUer waspingresshe, Stephen J then a bad been "elilerlalned"

chairman has In ,


i on- -

iniormruthe charge c,alr- -


Mr. rrior.




u -,




. ,' ' I







Ituphm nf lnrllMiriiniili anilO. II. P. Heliuolil Conlrlblllor.

lrial f.thlr Drumlrh In Tiic Silll luPKHT, .lime IS. The International

Woman SuffriiKe Alliance Ht Its sessiony adopted a i exululloii In

favor of ii policy of Keneial political ,

neutrality, but of iiillltant nntiiKonlsmtoward parties which oppose womansufTr.'iKo. It was aureed to riilac $K',."00.a year to prosecute the movement.

Several donations current ycHrwere announced. These lnelmlnl J.'iOO .

fiom Mrs. Currle Catt,of the alliance: the

Duchess of Marlborough, formerly MissConsuelo Vanderbllt: ISOO from Mtn. (

II I'. Ilelmont and S2..( fiom the Coun-tess Mailer. The vallous societies

guaranteed the ofthe SIL'.r.OO.

The coilKless dlscilsed n ploposal lottv tint li..wltiii.it'titi'u nf tli ititiVAtiinnt

London and transfer the wotk there'irolll tile Kotterillllll Ollllei Ol Hie SHI- -

finite iiewsiaier Jim No de- -

elslon was reached on the pioposltionA motion to establish un International

pless buteail for the pill ose of supply -

Iim news of the woman siilTri.Ke mm e- -

tneut was rejected by a smallTheie was an luterestlui; Incident at

the i lose of lo-d- .i s session. Severaldelegates boai. led t, st t ( ar and werettiiiiir..lli t ..mut iiIvhi ii u I Hilll1tit u nfthe cotmie.s. man alose and offeledhis suit lo one of the eldest of the dele-- ; "Id. howewi. that Whit man s Dear-L-iiii- .s

ulin .li'illne.l lo take It. s.ivlnk't luir whm mil Hint of mall who had...,..,s,. d not up. We are tichtluH I

h much amilnsi uhllenesah iikiiis. e oeuee m un

.iiallt "



K.nirlili Kniiiiicer Savs

(ieiierator Will llevolution-iz- ei

Ktheric Teleirrapli v.

I il'. tltlltrf. In Till. SixLos-iKiN-

. June lx. The Krruiim Stun- -

i'ird nsctihiT- - to William Durtnall. anEnglish engineer, an Invention whichwill possibly teiolutlonle etherlc telR- -

rniihv nnd make the long distancewneless coinmeicbilly possi-ble.

The Invention consists of an electricgenerator rap.niie oi iirooui'ing neavycuirents with alternating freu.n. v of '

in.nuu to .10.11(10 .riods per second Hotll

W.KTW! ""d, "'I L.L,

' 'lack of such generators A wireless tel- -

. n.agreatly higher than the frequency of

u , I... u........ , ,",......,..wiiiii" ill" eon teiii-- i in ,ii.- - i

'Kiajib Isrea'Iv Inriensed bv these '

rents. Hitherto tt has beeno imnrin t : dynamo of large output '

'which is iMp'ible uf producing such cur- - '

rentsMl Durtn.illV inwntlon. It Is said.

oicn.mies all these dlffii It pro-'"- " "on..lo.-- ....rr - ..r i.ii, fr....

I....I. . I.IIIKir ,'! .1 'l III,.' Illll'i 111,1111,whli h urodl nolviihase alternnllnr- -

1 linos. . ne .is )f vara,,,,. fn.,,u,.m.v. gen- - imediately obtalmd his cieduutials from... ., ,.,.,,. ,, .







currents of given andage Th'ri and loltnge ),v ,ul'11''menus ..r ., r!..s .,c ...I. '


would fa special power

executive comniiitee '


wus big- dlstrl- - Htatementswould

yesterday wouldhim

answer s' iiimuo nvttot,meeting board .

Trust refused to,, ll..er CallKlve a definite answer, alsoFirst National Bank. a "Mn."

expected whena




refuses take offeredMcDermott


ar!lkrimlillv themse



I 1,230,001)



other '




York.with, I learn. good


prediction imterHanlwlck



letterpationage Tuesduy

Michaelwhom O'Gorman U,u.i, Aaron

'u.,.Ityan, member,


Chapmanpiesldeut from











ultles.i ,



develop, Chairman

Mercantile Company




', v h h ( ,t ,,.,.,..,,.

revolution .meed The11s11.ildifficulties which present

themsi'lvt s in shape of,ne therebj avoldi d,

The Inventor maintains lb11 it Is

."upicme i Justice scudderyesterday mled on the ethlos

etlipiette horse the '

latitude that should allowedIn the matter free speech,

John Ulyman, .1 uaUeddim or particulars InIIK'llllSI Nathan Galflllkel !

S.I.OOO. To the best of Ills r colleellimsaid

"Vu a skin. You skinned outISO for that horse. Von cheat and

everybody you business with.""There nothing to this suit." saidJustice "and I believe I'll deny

motion Anyhow. 1 doubt fntlpf'eil Mlnt.,in.,.it -- ... .

lnn, ,'"u;'' .. '"'"w. '' '"eo. a noise deal. '


HnlTraHell Peddles Rulti.n. Nll,llnm.ers In lish VlnrLel.

MlHI'. ''le,'"r Kivlnir Isn't exactly a1!,'!,w"';' " lmH a pushcart

e I" V... """ ""' license Is" . nd she

." J""'' I'"""-"- In Mniiu ih

1 1"?U'-Is "t selling,H1"' however, butnullum cnloti buttons, ban-ners, parade postals, talcum powderneedles, pins, thimbles mill baskets. ' ''ei,,, ii. ii ' ' x loll the

I. el looi nl." ., , .in, i, ...e voicei.fcpeeih in Yiddish hown.


IIiihiii MciiiImt Miiit-- llrre II UK- -Minn rullrr, Mm in u.

H in uiih is .' !a nee ,

'ai,'.., rv--



7.V".' (.T"1' "!

111,11 itfvi-iiii.,-

betrayed many of hisexecuted. Sensa,loa

a. e

,m;t Ni.tHiiinii: run: iahi.i--;

iimirmu.' Huridi')':




"I'OIKIH ii,.(,.Vm 'I'lmtI Hull Miiimo

Will lilnoi IiIm.!..i.III I IIIIWI ii I'inii I. I



Hut Thinksl.ieiiteiiants Will

Help Prosecutor.

iNstrict .Mioincy ,niimnn jo.irnej e

om lo "ly.-i- ei d.ij niriu.i, nun n(lnd called on Hoosevell.

NothhiK bv.n said bv either the, , , A . that

'" """'V " ' inferenceMr. Whitman left his office without

mciitlnnliiK his to his staffI Wltlier Col. Koosevelt nor .Indite...,,, .,,, ,.., ,i,u,i ,,f

'"- - "nfe.elue llUht It must

j m,.t seilous rebuffT(l( ,,,rl,t Attomev was accom- -

p.inled to oyster Bay by Justice l'"rnnk- -

lln Chase llo.M of the Court SpecialSessions, a Pronresslve and a slam hfriend of Col. lloos fit.

The visit was lesiilt an invita-

tion extended lo Mr Whitman by theColonel week.

ItiiosrveM KmiInIii Inlerenl,ftoowevelt made this brief

ineiit tcK.irdlllK the confereni e lastnlKht:

"I am a Nassau county uud haveInterest In the Muyoiulty oulsthut

eveiy koihI cltl.en has, that I hopeto see ninnlnuled the man whomake the let Ma.vor, If elected, andwho best chance of belnKeleited. And should be Klad lo see aspecial effort made to jtet greatestpossible number of Pronresshes lo

themseUeH at the primaries as towho that man should be."

Judge Whitman would only sa thatthe Imitation been extended to hi 111

last week and thit the meet 111 k hadin.illill.v ti, tin U'llli ulul'imi'iili, ...'.,1

KrHK.H w Ulri, c ., .rilr..l- - , V-- w v.i." " !

ll' ''"""'V T'!"!' I" Wnod- -

of the same party's Brooklyn orgaubatlon before the fusion slate makers on Tuesday.

Wnultl l.rttr to VulrM.Sidelights on the s'tuatlon 88 It affects

the attitude of the Progressive partytnwuid Judge Whitman were got yes-terday, from u Progiesitive of some Iti- -fluenre. This man, while not presuming

V" "'""' "mieralooU Mr. Koosevelt s post -

it was to leave the choosing ofa candidate to the members partyat the illiect primaries.

ne auoe.i tnat I 01. Itooseielt.wt,h "xhrr men Prominent in the

1,1,1 uo, wltl' f,lv'1- - 1,11 'stateinents of Piancls W. Bird or Tnno- -

be left to the voters should not bemide fur them in advance by patty

"''i"1,',!' T'1' ''Peirlier said for one'v'ganled such a course as the uiily

'logical one for the Progressive patty tufollow, cotlsldei Its origin.

not be surprised If a meeting of Prouresslve leaders In the city should becalled and a rebuke administered hoi Itto Bird Woodruff.

"The Idea that Col. Koosevelt or hisfollowers I11 the Progressive party areopposed 10 a candidate for the Mavoialivlust lieiau-'i- i niiulliliia ...be a Republican Is absurd." he contln-- 1

lied. "Col. Koosevelt Is not taking anactive part In the New York Mayoraltyeumualuii. so fur m I 1. ..... ..'.

talnly will not dictate a candidate towhom bis fnllnu .111 hoe- - i....u. ...... .v......Mtitnvirl 1 .Ili..n'l J I ir v.. ...n.peimlt any other leaders to dictute whothe voters of the party shall or shallnot suppoit."

The Hull Mooser said he was certainthe party would not Indorse MayorGaynor.

Speaking only for himself, he said hebelieved the tiuesiiou soes beforethe Progressives at the primaries thevoters would Indorse Mr. Whitman by alarge mujorlty. He added thai thoseclosest to the Colonel In the parly i .Hi-ndis In New York would, In bis opinion,advocate Mr. Whitman's Indoisctnc nl.



lte..il.ll.H.i. frol.alil) will In.lnr.e'llUlrlet illurue fur laor.

The Kepiibllian county coiumlttee sexpeclrd to take action towardInducing fusion committee to takeCharles t' Whitman as candidate for.Mayor. The executive committee willconsider a resolution In behalf of Mr.Whllman but It Is supposed it willnot lake the shape of an ultimatum toIhe however close that limy !

'the Inienl behind the lecoinmeu-- 1

,The comity lommillee will meet at

Murray Hill l.yieum. 'Ihe leadersiH'ii large attendance a demon. I

ulrufhiii In fui'in1 nf Vli IVItlt . '

' W',' i'' """--" " '

!'."u" 1",l"rHP'' M? .V"1" l,1.ai''v' Arr I

i'Hnt1trown..n.l Frank l.i.ntry. district I

resn.unon a. men 111 .nr. ivniimsn u--

thruuah. It district or- -Bunl.iillons fro,,, passln separate In-- ,dorsemenls for anybody for Mnvor. I..,- -'

Ual cause- - were nsalRiied yesterday foritne ni'tiiM or .mi. nrown ana .nr. wintry.

I.RKAT HKAR $UNQ WA.TKB,Mc, pr cms of I lltoppl bittlet --iii,,

'l;,v "'5' Woodruff against WhitmanH Mlt))i, miflnB um as ..., ,,..,. , ,,,.,.., , ....Ion the ground that the would

checks be honoi ed the bank to construct machinesofficials del Idcd to do at that the commercial us., of a' Heliul.r lender.,ing of the following telephone n distance of sev-- I Their- were some timethe visit of .Schumann. hundred miles be Immediately lt already expressed

At the Hudbon County National jxisslble and will harden the himself as appiov-M- r.

Urenalnger by Ham- - ment of centres f,)r wireless lnt' of """ elialrmun'M earlieruvl Drayton that he to waltjbntlon nf corrtspondence. opposing Mr. Whitman, and Tim Sun'sa fewr days. Cashier Albert at. ... . iufoiiiunt said that he

Third Hankwait ror arter

of the of directors.sH,rr

-- eiier

tho Hppolntment law


tie the












Governor Via

Mogresslve .'oucernlngIMnoirnts has the

not of whichcounty





tnc the ornieih.inlc.il

the eiitrlfugalfoues

niirt tnBrooldvn

of dealing andbe the

principals ofliveryman, had

a his slanderfor

Gurflnkcl hudare me




,l,iu.," '"'come. iter


""'""'''lie willtills


will be

( for

'n It ,T I




last be



the of





has theI








of the

In com- -





Mr. und Mr.






a and

put prohibited


S,L hud


' 5 t ''TV,. ZFT ".",,fnr Mr- - WlHlmonW' l,l,,d' ' ''- - I'ro- -

solution or the second Duma, was em- - gressive county lommltlee. in ed to- -ployed by the secret po he and with the' gelher the executive committee and.. ,i,i n... , ,.n,. .. ... . a,i

lomnvdc,, whoaflerwaid .

revelnllnns predicted.





FIGHT $1,260,000 POLICIES.

Insurance Companies raoteil Pay- -nienls In Plorldn Man' Helm.

IIai.timorb, June 18. The Now YorkMutual and other life und uccldent In-

surance companies took the first stepy toward contesting tho payment

of policies to the amount of 1,U50,000taken out by Kdward O. Painter, thefertilizer magnate of Jacksonville, Flu.,shortly before Ills death.

Painter drowned on May 22, It whsnot known whether he had fallen over-board ncrldentnlly or hud committedsuicide. In order to ascertain whetherhe had taken poison an analysis nf theman'a stomach was made bv Dr.Charles !'. Olaser, a Baltimore chemist,who leported that there was no traceof poison.

The Pulled Slates Fidelity and (!uar-iinle- e

Company, In which Painter hadun accident policy for fso.unn, askedfor an injunction to restrain the client- - j

1st from turning over any part or "theorgans, specimens or remains" The

companies claim a right to theorgans for autopsy purposes. A policyfor $10,000, In which Miss Okie C.Painter, aged 2S, was named ns bene-ftiiar-

was tlLfd as un exhibit


O'lliiriiifin llrenninieiiiU lllin, hulWIIsiiii l.imir.

Wasiii.xuton, June IS. The appoint-ment of John A. DIx to bn(iowrnor-licnera- l of the PhilippinesWas in Ki d upon President Wilson bySenator O'doinian iirv Senator (

called a: the While IIiiiim' espei tally topresent the mime of Mr. l.

Senator O'tJorman e'iiessed the opin-ion that (lov. IMx'a experience an Gov-ernor of New York had fitted him wellfor the executive duties of the InsularGovernment. He said he thought thoAdministration would be exceedinglyfortunate In souring a man of Gov.Dix's ability to head the Philippine

In the time that will elapse be.fn-- e a Philippine Independence Mil Inpassed.

President WIlMin's fi lends, despite tMvigorous recommendation which Sena-tor O'Gorman made, Incline to the beliefthat Gov. DIx will not be the Admtnls-tlon'- s

choice for the Governor-Generalshi-


Mnjiir HlaLe, llaek Prom Pern, liastpenl Life In Mellon.

Major James S. Blake of the Mexicanaim, who has been military attache ofhis country In Peru. Chile and ArRvitlnafor elghteeti months, arrived yesterdayon the Holland-Americ- a steamship Ryn-ila-

and will sail for Mexico y onthe Ward liner Morro Castle.

He la a native American, but can speakno KiiRlUh, because he has spent nearlyall his life In Mexico, having been educated In the Mexican Military Academy

He said, In French, that he had n'lgrandfather In this city and an uncle,'1but that he feared he would not be ableto see them, because he was anxious to

, know how his dlsttuhed country wsmnkinir .00



'fI.. rout Inlmnl smashes sUutlHlln.l Mull In Purls '.no.lrenl Vohtr Hri'itr, in Tin Si

Pviiis, June IS, The xoo In th" .lar-1II1- 1

des Pl.intes was 11 niene of excllr-me-

this afternoon when a gliaffestanding fifteen feet high committed '

suicide. Hundreds of persons sawsuddenly swim; his neck vio-

lently sevetal times ugalnet the wal j

A final swing smashed his skull and ,

the giraffe fell dead. jThe keepers of the you sa th- - ani-


had displayed signs of melancholiafor the last week. Some people expli-- s the opinion that what he iieedeilwas fresh hay.



I'raeks In Hpirnlrriiih 1, ml i:iK..lerulla Mreetw tu He Torn I i.rue .ew 1 nn Hallways Company got

permission .vesterdav fiom t ie PublicService Commission U) abandon the o'.tt'""''e car line on Seventeenth and High- -

teeiith siieets between Hi oadway and i

Avenue A. The comuanv tiled soine loinago with the commission a lenllliate ofabandonment and elerda ihe com- -

...isN.un upproveu ll.The commission Insists that the iom- -

pany shall take up the t nicks at Its ow nexpense and restore the stieets to thecity within three months, Is

The Central Crosstown line, whichcomprises the Seventeenth and Eigh-teenth street lines, has a bonded Indebt-edness of $'.'.0,000.


.In i. res flake Inn l)n iech.taulnat .'I tear Term.

Sprrial Cubit Jrnpofc. lo Tin: SiPaiiis, June 18. M. Jntires, the So-

cialist leader, finished the speech whichhe hexan yesterday against the threeyear mllltarv service bill this mornlnc.He spoke during the entire morningUlliix. fiom ii o'clock until 11.

M. .Inures closed by urging the aban-donment of the reicular army fur apnpulnr national mllltla force. tn


.In Km Prank Suceauil.s in tears uf.Nrrtuna Kirlteuirni, of

John Frank, steeplejack to whompainting tlagpoles and other objects

'Hundreds of et above Ihe Krouiid was.., of tho day' work for many I.!...! . 1...., i .11., .L. .

nvt-nut- ! umJ roiirtiMiith Htrrcl yoster- -Hoy afternoon, while on his way to St.Vincent's Hospital,

M.eorMnK to Dr. Sawver of St. Vln- -

..'. ,h continual nervous excite- -

nient under which 'rank had workedfr '

venrs had weakened his heart.V.,FiunlJwne 19 years oui and lived at

m- - xi rnl f,,Zwibest known r Uiomp who

car l " h 'I1 .'




Administration Measure IsReady for Introduction

on Mondny Next.


Many Democrats Kxpected toloin in Fight on tt:mU-inj- r



President's Power on FederalReserve Hoard to Re



Will Vvfto Passage of Fiscal l.ooiKlntion llofoi'i' Ses-

sion Knds.

rMain Provisions

- of Currency BillpOl.ljpWIMi me tin? main pro- -

viaioiiH of the Administration'scurrency bill: .

It create Federal ReserveHoard consiatiiiR of nine members,three of whom are. to be chosen bythe President, with the consent ofthe Senate, and three by the Fed-eral reserve banks, the other threeto be the. Secretary of the Treas-ury, the Secretary of Agricultureand the Comptroller of t lie Currency. '

us ex officio members.This board is empowered tn di-

vide the Fiiiti.'d StnteH into twelvedistricts with n Federal reservebunk in each, having a paid up,unimpaired capital of at leuM,$:,000,000, each national bank inthe district contributing; 'JO per centof its paid up capital.

Fetler.il reserve bank is tohave nine, directors, three of ihemto be designated by the central con-trolling organization, three lo repre- -

sent the stock holding bunk, andthree who must not bo cornicclcdwith any bank, to represent theagricultural, commercial and Industrial interests, of the distrii

The bill authorizes a $504,03.1.0:10issue nf treasury notes which theFederal reserve bunks can call foron deposiiing collateral in the hnpenf notes and bills oH'ep d 11 liiemI'm- - risiismiiiii bv member li'iiiksThey tllllHl keep in their v.iuh H

H'.vrve depiisii ol .'I;! -- :i per cctitnf l!n- - Hc.iMiiy Holes 111 their liatuls,

The l'iv ii'.iiiriirg iinuotial bankiissociiilions to deliver a certainamount of i uiieil Sntes registeredbnndk tn the Treaury of Ihe I'niteilSi.iics bei"o entering into blinkingbi;siiess js repealed

Hank with ni least $,iKi(i.ooi cap-- jilal to be perinilletl 10 e,lublihbiiiiuin iibrnail lo lurthcr Atneri- -'

an common

Wisiii'.i.Tcx. June is. After furtheronfetvin i' mi the curiency hit

Presldeiiu, sou. hih Cabinet membeisand the Admlnlttrallon leaders In Con- -

5Hs tlnd themselves In substantialagreement on the principal features ofthe mensuie While the hill Itself hasnot been made public officially Tim Sl.

able to present a complete outline ofthe bill, with the text of the more Im-

portant sectloiiF.This bill In the one which whs aftteed

upon by the President, his advisers andmembers of the Banking nnd CurrencyCommittees in Congress a day or twoago and the President asserted this


morning that there had been no seriousdisagreement since and that changes de-

cided upon at last night's White Houseconference related only tn matters ofminor detail.

riuioslf Ion of Board.It Is understood that one of

Ihe chnnges made In the bill at the sug-gestion of the President was In regard

the composition of the Federalboard. As printed and original

agreed to the bill provided for the ap-pointment of three members of thisboard by the President with the consent

the Senate, the election of three bythe Federal reserve banks and the re- -

mning thne to be ex officio mrmbe. s,le Hecretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Conip.roller of the Currency,The change that has been made In the

bill Is In the direction of giving thePresident Kreater power over this Fed-eral reserve boaril which will control theIssue of the new Treasury notes to theFederal retierve banks, It Is understoodthat Hecretary of State Bryan and otheraexpressed the fear that the plan as orlg- -

in.. ,!.. ,. i,i i. ,h. i,- -i, ...mu,'h p"w''r ,," K',',,'l", r,''"'ry

it 1. believed that th- -""m,",r "f 'epresenlatlves to he ap.pointed by the President has been In- -

'creased and the number to representPut lllkr.i:rIK Hull Uti'i: fcl-i:- ( m.. , the Federal reserve hanks decreased.

.MVM2t-'LJ'u,.,,'if!'-w' :,,mJ:KT This l, however, merely matter of

. Us.,Hey sdv- .- J tb, KeMr p,,. nuttf.