1 1 f J FINANCIAL 25 Broad Street New York October To the Holders of Income fond of MEXICAN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY Limited- At the request of holders of abovementioned bonds who hay not yet deposited the same the tim for the deposit of bonds under ou offer of August 10 1903 is extended to the close of business o October 31 J903 CO for Meilcan Central Railway Co Limited CINCINNATI LEBANON NORTHERN RAILWAY Cl TREASURY DKIAHTMICN- TPlttaliurih October I 1903 First Consolidated Mortgage 4 Gold Hond of this Company to the amount oi wll bo 1 UHW at the of Company The Formers Loan and Trus Company of York under tho following pru visions the Sealed the sale or said oond will be received at the ot said Rallwa Company In the City ot New Yorlc on or boron and bonds oHcreil at the lowest not excel Ing and Interrat will be accepted und for Should bonds of illtrrrcnt be offrrei at the same price the number t f 50 shall b on a pro rata bats prac In proportion to the whole number of Proposals to sell bonds to the Sinking Fun must be the hands of The Farmers Loan an Trust Company boforo noon Saturday Octobei Slit 1003 j MKN1T Treasurer COAl AM 1R CtlMIAIST 6 Sinking Fund Gold lionds- Motlre Is hereby glvrn pursuant to the term of the Trust Deed tinted the llrst October 189 that the undersigned as Trustee wilt rerelvi- aealed proposals up tu tlme 1 M on the twentlrtt day of lual for the sulo 10 It of bonds u above described at n price not exceeding 100 and accrued Interest to an amount sufficient ti use the sum of J1577317- OONTINKNTAI TUVST COMPANY OF CITY OF NKW YO11K Trustee New September JH Wll DIviDENDS AND lVTKHEST THIS CHICAGO ItOCK ISLAM AND PACIFIC KAILWAY Office of Asihtunt Treasnrpr New Yorl October 5 ItXU The Board of Directors of The Island and Pacific Company have de dared a dividend of T 0 PER cir on the alack of that October 1 03 to stockholders of record October HI 1IXU The transfer books will rloso October 18 at S oclock P M find open acalu October SO 1093 at 10 oclock A M- GEO T DOOOS Asst Treasurer TIlE ROCK LSLAM COMPANY Office of AMlntunt Trraiurer Now York October S 1903 The Board of Directors of rUe Island Com- pany have declared the regular dividend PER un the preferred stock of that Vovombcr 2 1003 to atockholders of record October HI 1IW3 The transfer books for the preferred slack will close October 10 1M3 at 3 P and open again October in Mo at in oclock A M i EO T 110105 Asst Treasurer MOIlTHiniV SECURITIES COMPANY New York October U 1B03 There his boon this day declared a dividend of one and oneeighth 11MI per cent on the capital Mock of this y blfl November 3 1003 to stockholders of record on that date For this dividend and also ton the purposes of the annual meeting of stockholders to be November 9 1IM1 too stock transfer books will be at noon lOuts and reopened- at 19 oclock A M November 10 1903 E T NICHOLS Secretary UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Men Convertible 4 liond 6 due November 1 1003 from the abovementioned Bonds will be paid at maturity upon presentation at the oBIco of the Treasurer of the Company No 120 Hroadway New York N Y Packages coupons may bo left for vertUcatlon on and after Monday October 20 1IXX1 The Hooks ron the registration and transfer of the above bonds wilt bo at noon ou Satur- day October t 1003 be reopened at 10 A M on Monday November 2 ASirHICAN TKLKPIIONB AND TKIKCKAPIl COMPANY A Dividend of Uno and a Halt Dollars per aha will be paid on Thursday October to stock- holders of at the of business on WedJiea day September 1903 transfer books will be closed from October 1 to October 14 IIMI both days Included WILLIAM DItlVEH 1ieosurer New York September IB 100- 3iolf Ship Island Railroad Company Common Stock Dividend A quarterly dividend of ONE 1 PEn CENT on the bus been declared payable Oc- tober IS 1003 n E POWEHS Treasurer FISK 3J Cedar M N Y Financial Inlted State Nterl Corporation A Quarterly dividend 10 of OVE AND TlinEE PER CENT on the Preferred stock pajabls November Id 10f 3 was declared October 0 to stockholders of record October M Transfer books close at 3 P M october 50 and reopen at 10 A M November 17 HIC1IAHI TIllMMIn Kecritnr- yEIKCTIONS AM TIlE CONEY ISLAND AND I1HOOKLYN- KA1LKUAU COMPANY De and Franklin Aves Ilroolclyn N Y Oct 5 1M3 The annual meeting ot the stockholders of THE CONEY IUIOOKLYN RAILROAD COMPANY tic tlie election of Directors and Inspectors of election to serve the rnsulng will be at the offlce of tho Company on Jonday October la 1103 Polls oi cn at 11 A M and close 12 M The transfer books of the Com- pany will close Thursday October S at 3 M and reopen Tuesday October o at 10 A U DUNCAN II CANNON Secretary MONEY Alt EXCHANGE Money on call 22H per cent last loan JH Per tent ruling prier per cent 1lmo money at 5 per cent sixty days S cent for ninety days 5 per cent for four mouths 5 per cent for five arid six months s cent for neven and fight months Commercial paper Is quoted at fl rent for prlnm names receivable other immes 8 27 por cent The easiness of tho foreisn exchange mar ket at the close of met week continued through- out the early hours of business mand sterling with quotations prac- tically unchanged hut orion fell off 5 points An Is tlm rain on Mondays commercial were plentiful nnd of the for remit tariee beonmn moro and tlio market clopiil steady Posted rateit weru nuoteil at HR3 bills und J4W for short Aotunl rates Long blHs482i 5S4R2S Hi ht drafts JHSIii- 7l48Wj cabin transfers 48rtajs worn quoted at iSOK fur lonit atid- 818H for short lUlohsinarlCH wero limited at 04 flI for Ion anti O5i for sitar lullderH were quoted at 40 llll for long and 40KW40 lt for Domestic excban n on Now Yorlc discount and Charleston Hanks nt discount Savannah ltd ween aiXu discount San Francisco c St Ionis 40o priinilum Chi caifo lOo Clnnlnnittl nr New Orleans Commercial tl21 dUrount hnnkn pur IlttsburK 3 c iireiniiiin St 1iuil tOte premium 1Dc discount Minneapolis Inr Montreul rjlelil priinluin 40r priMliluni JOIIH Xii discount In Jondon I ii7l pr cent Hurt of discount In market for shun rind three months silk iiin per rent run ols for money cloned at M rilii and for the acnount at H f Paris ridvioes iinoti i pr cents 75 lunllnifH Tim ilHoount per rent Kxchimirion London 21 fraiifs centlinoit llerlin ad- vices iiuoti Ixrlwturii on lomlon u marks JIM pfennigs Thu prlvuli rule of dlfJiount per cent Now York Clearinir llousn rtatprnent Knhiinirex 14142001111 balineen S9 1115133 HubTreasury debit balance priic of Inr silver In Xew KUlto liar rlosed nt 27Kd Mexican dollarM worn iiioted- XONMEMllKH H weekly statiinint of averws of tint IrnnKs- of lliU thy ler y illy iiml llobolieii which not iiiembirs nf ihi New York tlrnrtnir AsMiPlatlon IntrO which tInfoil n Mime of tho- nieinberi l us followi 10 3 Chiintu illieouott- liivuimints 711731400 7 27liiO Inc iMW Mrciilitlon IMIHOO I6202HO Inn Net dci iu ifi with C o 5iti o 210100 With and truit anl i 3l82ii i 2iOi2 oo Inc tvj oo banknotes 4OM70o 4 i IMIKIO Specie irHijiii 3432200 line I34KX Total reserve I3i37iiw IJOSOHOOO f rvo required 3l 77ra 31 t 37I7SO- VJUamlSKK fi 1 l1KS the hereby LADENBURO TUALMANN FOR e mora l I to the of suob f paid bund chad T I CATER of TiE Rook O Hock ot CIT 1101 I t C- Ot Frt o i cod FInEI o S TCr 15 Ium coo It o nO ISO Alt o alb A U tree 1 Ih- J J u his I ton- e It balks I Ion 07 rat of Is 2 I t i I Yor MIr 4 1 STAT f NT- h el 1 I 131111 r o r1 Inc tend and Inc Ilcll S Dec tW I L I I I TIlE XEt FIJM I nenc 1 the i the time xiiaIitn iuriiai pur- r i3 i 5 J h L 4 fl t 3 foil 1AN- i L 2 9 I t I S p f h l c a M 4 I 1t 4 iT If tt t 1 s I V CItOUY t 44 4 9 1 o 4 I o t t 1 V t i 4 1 4 T IEEflNGS- OflIeut t 4 I if 0 Ins tc 1i l4t r S 23 er S ci i ft t j if i ic tint 7 ratics 0 t b i o I 0 roc i I L tin Ll I t I 4 4 I frito cit Snui tt- v I it I I r lit I s ii- I lint loin r lid loans lien lire Ii orals I fetrel Inc i lane i- s e ° > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < < ¬ < < < < < < ° FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL MONDAY Oct 12 Despite enormous pressure brought t bear upon the entire security list by pro fennlonol speculators and sales of stoc for London account far thnn ha recently been the case Htandnr railway Bharot dealt In on tho Stock Ex- change today closed at actual above or hut littlo quotation- of Saturday Operators for tim fall con centrututl their efforts it Is true on th industrial shares but dealings In tho rail- way stocks were still largo and that thes stocks held so well under the doprensini Influences of the day proves that tho occupy a position of intrinsic strength The railroad stocks may or may not b sold out as many good judfiw of th market affirm but they havo at least reached a point of quoted value where something other than weakness in distant quarters of tho market is required to affec them A very considerable decline wai forced in the price of the United State Steel common tho stock selling down t iyt a new low record Generally speak- Ing all of the shares of the companies In over steel for rnllrom uses were There has never been an more than a limited market for these P- Ccurities and efforts to sell any consiclernbli quantity of their shares produce undo any circumstances a violent decline ii their price quotations lint current dis- cussion ns to the business prospects o these companies should tlon of facts like todays record of tin weekly movement of merchandise ovei the Western railway lines with Its of car shortage and certain Indicatioi of an amount of railway tonnage that wll offer for an indefinite time to come in volumi- as largo as these railways have known nJ any time within tho lost five years 4 market feature of the day was the very large purchases of United States Sloe in this tock boinf on a much larger scale than in the commor shares by a firm of brokers who are vera often entrusted with the execution of the market orders of tho most powerful financin interests known to Wall Street The same olosB of buying was visible in Amalgamated Copper Tho only railway stock on the list that was weak in the trading was South- ern Railway preferred The fall in price hero might havo due to genuine sniff for European owners But the explanation commonly accepted on the floor of the Stock Exchange was however that the selling was part of the systematic plan now adopted by the bearish element oi giving the appearance of weakness when- ever possible to the of a certain class Londons sales of securities hero today amounted to nearly 75000 shares and were doubtless brought about by the fortnightly settlement of Stock Exchange transactions now in progress in the London market- It is difficult to say to what extent these sales may have been caused by the real uneasiness which now evidently prevails in European financial circles over tho strained relations between Russia and Japan There was no little talk here to the effect that difficulties of this description might become an added factor of embar- rassment in our own financial situation Experienced speculators were of course under no such delusion Whatever the chances may be of hostilities between the two countries nothing Is more cer- tain than that that character would be one of the strongest arguments for high prices for American securities that could possibly bo framed The exports of our foodstuffs would under suoh circumstances immediately and enormously Increase at no doubt a higher range of and the business of our railway lines terminating on tho Pacific Coast would likewise be greatly augmented Tho disturbing rumors which were set afloat on Saturday regard- ing trouble in Pittsburg and Montreal wore unheard today and worn very clearly room trading fictions That there has boon a good deal of forced liquidation recently for Pittsburg account is of course unquestioned Such developments as the amazingly favorable Government report- as to the corn and wheat crops the fall In sterling exchange duo to larger offerings- of cotton and commercial bills tho very great gain shown by the September figures- of South African gold production for Sep- tember over those of the month before and of September lost year renewed evi- dence as to the ease in tho money situation afforded by another break In time money rates and by larger purchases of commercial paper unheeded by the rank nnd file of speculators today They wore none tho logs Important for nil that and their power will in duo time bo exerted On the produce exchanges tho price of corn nnd wheat fell in response to the publi- cation of tho October estimates There has been somo disposition to criticise these estimates on the ground that they lo not fully represent the supposed damage o tho corn crop It is interesting o note therefore that the figures aro concurred in by all tho leading private crop few York Stock Exchange Sales Oct 12 CIOSINQ riUCEH OF UNITED STATUS Ainu nm Add irS3srOUU 107W 1 10 11IH- US2so 4 13S 138 4s c new 1 33 13- tocoup108it 10U Mregnl Jyi- U tscoup U leg 11 Oil II 1H DOSoM lau An or HE it llOYDS nn Arbor 1st 4s FtWorth I 1st Southern 5s moo tiaiz 10000101 1000 i raia- McbTopitife 4 Green llayWcst coos I 1 ilrbKcrU I0001IMM 11 HID IHU 70UOI OlH 400011VM4 A T SF adj 4s Cicu Electric ooo 1 2 true tola I000ni34 Union Pacific 4 stamped Hocking Val 4ts 2000 MOO IDA limO I oofa IntAfJtNorth 2d 6000 OftlR 50001003J- nil4 Ob gold 4s Kansas CltyKo 31 5000 I 8000IOO 5000 5II01OOI- OOO IMI7H Lark 0000 I OOla loot I Ig Union Pacine cv 500 liioii riiiio Ha lii7 i tall Ohio ais Lou A Nosh 4s 1000I4- inoooii M nnooiHiH loooo i7fl- altAOh SW 34s I Southern 1100HHlu 25ioullj Soon HHU 210UOH7 ftOOO UIHt- urCIt 4 Nor Is- IfiOOO IOaiH SOOOlOOUl 2000 14 naii Southlst loot 1 OOla I20000I7NI- OII01 0114 rnoo I Unlteil R R San 2000 I Olln MrllVK KUViiled lent PaclttJ tsl nffblcago 11 loooo717s 5000OR 2000 I 4 14 1S 4s HUH Mei iiiu ii 2000 I OIli 1000 0713 I USSteelsf5i- ntral 500l70la IB00007O model uniH lisa Cent let Ini 11- hes A Ohio 4js 2000 I 3nn 150000 70 I 0 I lj 40011 4l boot 701s 511 1st 105000 7O- Ihl 4 Alton ttis 7001 I Do I a 10007014- 20007Ii4M KTufT5i ISHOO iiiimr4iii 1000 OH losoool- oiifli Ii Mil Kan itTe ti 10000 4 2IMIO 2IOOI7O- II7H Mi IaelHc5ilJI7 UIOOO IHKU- iiiiiiii ii u iiiiio JHMW ODIH noon I I 7 Uolarine is liiJii I2u0i II II a i st in 61 o iii 5000HO H ioo loooo 11117 ft llrln 1st IIIIID ioii- o0a 7 Nat II R iif Met KIIKHI OII7H prior lien 41js liono lisa 5llOIlll7ri7U- OO I OIIII N V Cent U43js IIIODO 70i- ii Ri i1 it 1000 no 21000 nii7H N Y iai Klec lgt 15000 Min- iIU0073 II4I4 1000 HUM 7MOH 1001 RNIJ 1011 Olll- yI40007aia NVDllt Weatii 7000 Hns OU IAODO lll7u- AUDI7134 NorfolUtVVe 74010 Olla 7000D40H 5001 220007034 IOOO l4 4 MOOD ID M North Paclflc 4j liooo 011- 42IU04704 25000 1OOI4 300lg IOOO HHIa 3ZOOO 1 OOOg 10000 2UIMI 10000 OO7S 2 40 H8- 7HDD70 looo I 0014 40004 nH 2004 7OU neOOOlHl- gUHliMiyu suoo looia 4 og o heaver prO turing com- plaint been stock name slat BONDe- d a Mil JOB lAI OUJ I I U 0 12 ttlanlic CLine Steel IF 4000 1000 4 0 Cent I Mo 7 7 OIH- I UOo I a I 1 12 Chi I onu I I I Chi I 0 I I Chi Chi I t I l en- gaged lsticians lO7o ti 4 3s Olin 81 4s I SOil tiC 4 Ii 0 union U Mnnon cot It 4s Miitattttn Ity4 01111 0 0 I Iran fdj Ii 0001 7 fly NJI pi flint 7 tub 3c II I 8 iiin4Enet 70 0 Ill IiIIJ 01 2 a loni 4 12 ii t 23 Ii I t Nor deb I 9110 I ii It 05 it di I lut 4s I JOt 4s loon 71100 too lieGe 1 II 1 2110 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > North FaeUe Ii 10000t8C- hlcacaTerm 4i 4007 tOCO7OU 30000B 1000068O- CCAStLcm49 20007UU IOOO OrUail eooo O9- 5000007S JOOO 98 8000 691- ErleIcnna Or Short Line ta col tr 4 0000111U 1000 or Short Ua 4i IBOOO 691- OC 0 i SI 2001 8034 1000 693 8000 691 110 IB 20000081a IOOO 09 Col Fuel1 m 68 IOOO 91 1000U7 100090a4 7000 69S- ColFu ltlron cv Peo lea it 0 en 1000 691- I10007D 12000 099- isooo7034 Pitta cm Chi S looo oui- loooo7 a St L r U looo 09S- IOC0070 2000 I 071a 27000 091 Colo Southern 4a Heaillntini 4j 7000 O- U2000HI 11000 ooo ooii- Conn Tobacco 4 2000 OOI 10000 09- 12300002la HeadJersey Ceo 0000 003- ioooaafts col tr 4i 23000 7O 500080 8000 00- 310l0l02la 8000 70 2000 2000 7O- I20003osiia soooionia ssooo 093 140000214 13000 1 45000 091 City Gas 5a St LA IronMt4a 8000 093 2000 00 2000 83 4 000 007- Det U 4 M St LaNai Fr tug 10000 70 500070 1000 8134 IOOO 097- 10010HO 7000 10000 090- 10007I78 5000 8 17 SIOOQ 091 500080 8000 8134 178000 091 15000 81 nrUtete- d180008O 8000l4U 800 70 DistillersSecur 300 007- Hies Cor 51 St Louis SW id 800 001 0000 08 200000 4 300 681- 1000081a Si L S W en is 800 093- ETVAOrnta WabiwiH- Utooolloifl 3000oou aooo 110 1000 SanAnAPaasM 2000 1143 Erie prior 4i 300074 4000110 500073Is Wabash B Erie cm 41 South Pacific U IOOO 02 508080 20000 O2- l2ooo8usSo pac orcai 8000 oaa 100081114 stamped West Shore 4s 200083 80P0108U registered A 2000 Gal A IOOO IOO- Wex4 Pac let 3000 08 Wlacoiullk Ceo 4 Tex 4 Pac 1st 5i 1000089 2000 1 Total sales of bonds par value 13040000 RAILROAD AD OTIIEIl SHARES Low Cloi Nil rat ing CAffi ffitet tit ZOO Allis Chmrs 8 I 80700 Amal Cop 37 300g 30U 1 soon Am Car K 2123 SOU EO 4233- 050AmCrpf 7134 03 00 0 ISO Am Ora Tw Ola Qa flla 1 Am HAL 234 Sla 2la f 0 434 CIO Am Ice St IQIj 1BIB 1730 I Sfls 1 Ha 1000 Am Loco pf 78U 73 7414 43 300 Am Malt pf 10 10 10 12150 Am Smelt 40 3114 30 B 3 1400 Am Smell p 87 80I 88la 12440 Am Sugar 10B7a 1071s 10704 11 100 Am Wool 734 73a 734 100 Am Wool pf 08 671a 07la 3 173 Anaconda 041g B3 04lafH45- SOO At Tit SK 036u 62 03 a I 1552 A TASK pt 87 la 8634 87 ft- 20JSO Dal A Ohio 73U 72 IJSUal 4 Oh pf 8034 8014 8034 11240 IIR Transit 32ta 3034 3314 6650 Can Pacific 1 18la Hi 700 chcs oh 20 aeia so 4700 Chi Alt 434 B3la 231s HiI- CO Chi 4 Alt pf 02 02 US 1345 Chi A N WI OOU 103 100 Hi- IOOCN wptioau 103U 10114 11 1530 ChlOt W 1434 14U 14 4 100 0 Gt W pf A 66 04 04 1 14S20 AStP1367g I34 8 13668 3IOCCOSIL 70 QOSa 70 11 Iroo Col 1 36 33 34 41 zoo Col H 04 I 10 10 300 Col South lifts 11a lies 250 Col So lit p 48 48 48 125 Col Ho 3d pf 1834 1834 1834 1 300Con 7 1 170 170 1 1075 Con Tob pf 00 BO 00 2475 Corn Prod 24la 22 23lall 1083 Corn Pro pf 70 73la 73ia 11 800 Del A HudlflO 160 100 I W2301S 230lg I BOO Den 4 RO 1 BU IB 18 1 400 DenARO pf G6In 04 04U31 100 Des M 4 FD 1 4 14 14 I 44 Dot lilly 6934 60 69 2 100 Pet So pf IB 18 18 1 48S Dlstlra Secu alia aoa 1 a i 4125 Erie 27 20ls 2034 9107 Erie 1st pf 601a 1620 Erie Id pf 47 Gen KICo141 130 142 Gt Nor pt 1 OO 100 IOO HocUValpf 77 77 ion Ilomestake 60 63 04I 051a 40U 47 1401s 37 100 Ii 77 1 60 8- Ult7 III 20 12712 1 20 + 7831st Paper H 8 lUsH 1040 Int Paper pf 02 00 60 zoo tnt Pump 33 33 33 1 200 Int Pump p 70 70 70 4 600 Iowa Cenpt 32 301a 32 640KCFSpf 03 02U 03 7 lou A Nash OOla Bfllg OOla ZOO Man Bench 7 7 7 1 2000 Manhattan 30 120 1 207g oo Metst Ityl03ia 102 103ia 1100 Met Secu 701a 741a 731a r 1400 Mex Con 1 0 4 101s 1O3- 4SOOMStL 43la 41 43la 01 GOO MS PASS U 04 03 03 2 250 MSPSSM pl 10 110 llfl 3 400MK4T 10U 1634 10U- laOQUKATpl 3334 33 33 1 10200 Mo Pacino 8734 8034 87 n SOO Nat 30 4 30 OOlsHB3- 0 Nat Lead 1234 1 21a 12la 1 3 Nat Lead pf BOIg 8 Dig fiOls 1 200 Nat HUM p 38la 37 38la H BOON V Air 111 12I3 100 1120CB- OO 10 1143a 116la 1 211fl 20 825 Nor A West OOla 60 4S5 No Am Co 72 70 213811- COU 72 13 2100 Out A West 1 07g 1 Ola 1934 200 Pac 421a 4 21a 421a I 100 02 62 Pac I OU 10 02- 10U 14 4J200 1 I I Ilia 1173s 1315 Gas 801a U 70la 76la 70la a- ISOPCCAStL 60U 6014 eflUl34 8150 Prei M Car 3 Ha 201a 30 Ha 1810 PrevSCarp 74fl4 71U 72 3 300PiillnlCar210 210 210 2 loo Hjr St Sp 17 I Ua lOlalln- aa rtystspn P 70 72ia 7212 14 2000 Rrp Steel 8 7U 7UHa 4100 Rep Steel p fl Sfl 64R COla1 40500 Reading 4434 4434 8 100 Read 1st pf 701a 761a 76la- 200Head2pf 02 0134 01B4413J0- 1UO Rock Islnd 241s 233s 2312 In 300 Hock lsd p 6Rls 671a 6818 220 14 14 14 lOOStJftOUp 3J 32 32 0 200 Slovs Suet y4la 24 24 1 SlossShcfp OH 08 08 4 t 200SISF 2 pf 44 44 44 la TOOStLASW 121a 121a 12la U- 210StIASWp ailHfl 21 238 fta- lOOSt P 4 O130 120 120 3la 10050 Sou Iao 40 3S34 301a T- Hirsii sou Ry Oo I Ha loos s- S730 Ry Co p 723s tlla 70la3 1430 0 A I 2RU 27Ia 27lalU lOCaTes Par 23 2134 32U 14 17U 17U 17U la 015 Twin CRT 84 R2 2 27 lie u iidc ppr OB osu flou Ha 17500 Union Pac OOls 1734 flflSg 120 Un Pacpf 84U H4 84 U Ion In Fruit 14 04 114 2la oo Un II In pf 48 Inn USIiplOOB- OOLS It A Con 0 37lR 500 US Leather 07 200 UK lrath p 70 100 Hu ber 10 IIS Hub pf 30 47s 48 la 100 100 OU- Ols 07H U- 30la 30lal 014 034- 70os 708 3- II 0 3ft 30 1 MOOO USSlrel 1 37o 12la 1234 Ha 41100 II S Steel pi OOIH 57la 834 la 550 VaCar Cit 1Hr- OOO Vabash 17U 17Ia- IM34IU lion Wnliushnf 2 U 2H8 20 34- IOO West house I3 133 iii 1 rio W CnlonTel H2 100 WA IK 14I3 14IB I4IB 7fl 100 WA L K I p 4 Ha 41 620VLB pf 22U 20I3 BHsMa 730 WIs Cent I 0 I03 103s U zoo Sis Cent pf UOU 30 4 IB- 1ital tales u itucUx 783 200 ituici dnmsKsp221- IlliClilmi 7 lIlt Ch pf until Copper 11 in A im- m A CO p ID m CU Co 20j rn 06- m Cot Oil 2- m Cot Oil p 10 ml Tel Co 21 210 10 2U- U Uc Gas pf B5M- 7A LKfc W 24 2 ail I K4 DO 110 12 S3 4 70 Loud Nub CCM M- Zl 7 10 HtJMtnUatlan130 MOM 28 uetainy io ioau- BO M 7314 7tf 39 10H IOM oo I 6 000 a 2000691 Luis SI L v Penna cv 0 St L Wtl Del St SW I 3000 DIg I I len len loon 400010312 I S zoo Am Ice 34 lOIs I Am Loco I 7314 la I 73 I 17S ChI M F 100 14 g I 1 7230 I NY Cent 400 NYC SI Coat p 00 Mal I 14 Ito 8D 100 I ala Huh Goo h 14 I SOl nn Ion 14 7 U tOp I S 30 41 I 30a 1591 itJkSd Ifeo M W pI C I Ian CYo p taCo Coal 3s 200010 0000 I Irou 5000 rein Louli 11 01 nono Her Sin 6812 lISQti 8 1 Sb > I I di 2 30 1 14 Gas 1 De1L 2ij0l 2 Cent 1 > II DIsCo 1 734 8014 Mar 4 6 lq 714 Tol4LW i 1719 I fl6 82 042 IAThIVJ iIf ICES Astenl hid lOre Co tMng Island 6 ilceob kn s- seo s tn > > + + + + > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + > > + > < + + Bit Aia xpraul7- Amarasj X- Am Hide L 2 AmHALpf t Amlcepf IBM Am Lin Oil M Am Lin Oil p Zft Am Loco ll Am Loco pi 74 Am Malt 9 pf 14 39M Am Smelt pf 8 H- Am Snuff 00 Am Snuff pf 70- JAmSucarl07H Am Sue pf118- AmTAOCo 7H- MAmTATCol21 Am Wool 7M Am Wool pf es Ann Arbor 20 AnnArborpt Anaconda 3- At T AS P 3- MAtTASFp 7M Bait A Ohio 73 Belt A Ob pf 6M- BklimltT UK BkyuUOu177- Brnswlc Co 3- Bi anPio n Bull R A Pp Dutterlck Co 47 Can South n 81 Can Pac 117M- Cbes AO 29 Chi A Alton 23 i Chi A 81M CM B A Q 183 Cbl Ot West 14M Chi Ot W A J 2BH Chi Ot W dab BSH Chi W133- CtIM ASt P135tj- ChlMAStPpl70M Chi Terminal M Chi Terml p 16- CUIUnTrao 44 CloLoAW 35 Cle Lo A W p 75 Col Fuel A Ir 34 Col HO A I 0 Col Southn lUi Col So 1st pf 47 18 j Con Oas Cant Tob pf 90 Corn Prod 23Vi Corn Prod pI 73M Del A Hud 14091 18 Den AH Opt 4M- DesMAFD 14 Del Southn M- Det So pf 13 5 M- DIsSecur 21J- JDS3AA 714 D SSAA p 10H Erie H Erie 1st pf 6JX 4 H- EvATH 44 72 Ft VADC 3M nEleoCol49 Ot North p 151 87 7 Illinois Centl2Si lot Paper U tnt Paper pf 80 lot Power 2 hit Pump 31 Int Pump pf Iowa Central IS Iowa Cent pf 82- Kan A Mich 20 ItS MlchOenl118 125 7 UlanAStL 43- JMUAStLpf 2 10 USPA3SM 83 8- S MSPASSMpllS 117- 10M KTpl 33M 34 30 UoPaclflo 87M 7 12 Nat Bis Co 35W 38 78 NatDlaOopf 08 101 4 I2H 13 18 Nat pf SOVJ 88 50 Nash CASt L 88 00 seWNatRRMexp 3 39 110 UM 20 80 N J Central 130 154 107HNYADOOI10 118 118 NY Central113H 118 82 NYCAStL 21H 22 113 NYOAStL IplOO lie 8Vi NYOASIL 3p 53 0 89 NY Dock 18 20 32 NY Dock pf 40 82 NYNHAH1B3 18- 84M Nor A West B8M 88i- S7H North Am 7 IK 72 9 19 87 42 47 32H PaoOomip to lie 183 Pao Ooaat ip UOM 54- en Pacific IBM 20 127 117 144 PeoOLAOOo88M 89 18 19 82 PCOAStL 88 89 118 PCOAStLp 90 98- 29M PrdStOu 1 K 30 24 71M 72 82M PuUmDPC r210 212 200 Ry St Spf 18 1C- 70W Ry St Spc pf 72 72 14M 80 90 83 Reading 44W 44 27 Read lltpt 74 78 88 Read 81 8J 138 Hepbc Steel 7W 7 135J1 Rep Steel pf 88 37 172 Rock Island 23 23- OH Rock laid pf 5 SO 17 Rubber Odi 14 IS 8 RUbOdspf 87H 72 80 SlOMShef 24 27 85 SloaaSbefpf 88 70 34StLASP 82 80 12 StLASPlp 80 70 Kan City So 31 12U II 19SLSWpf 29 30 172 StPAOml20 121 OOH So Paclnc 3 H 101 24 1 H 1C 74 So By Co pf 70 70 130 stanRATw 1 1 27M 2- 7lMTexPLT 24 27 80 Texas Pac 21H 22 Third AvRRlOO 103 9 TStLW 17 IT 18 TSt 24 25 Twin City 82J 83 22 Un Paclflc 68 88- s 83M 34- KM United Frta 93 93- joMUS PrMS 9 65J4 U S Leather 8M 7 47 USLeatapf 75H 76 50 USRltyACSi 5M 60 3 37 US Rubber M II 142 33 37 170 US Steel Co I2K 127 70 B9M W 79 18 19 12 M VaCarCopf 85 00 llii Wabash KM 18 80 Wabun pf 28 M 29 30 WellsFEip200 210 32M West Un Tel 81M 2 73 West h l 33 133 19 Wetghselpl62 175 33 Wheel LK 14 141 30 WALElpf 41 42 84 WALEJpf 21 22 18 Wll Central 15H IS- 31M Wll Cent pt 33M 38 TIlE OUTSIDE MARKET Tire outside market was weak I sympathy with the lower pricoei of Industrial on the Stock declines were pretty general throughout the list Th greatest pressure to be alrectec against Orceno Copper which ns low as 14 and dOlled at aJmos 1 points blow Its on bnturday This was considerably the raos actively dealt In and over 4000 o It hands Northern Securities wm also weak and at one time down to 83 i point below Its price but It eubse recovered the entire and closed at S4 With the exception of the two securltlfi referred to tine market was nlthotiBh It was weak throughout Oil was the one stock on the list that showed any strength It at 020 and on trans- actions of lots sold tip to 825 closing a 622 an advance of 2 from Saturday christ The Seaboard Air Line were neglected nnd leiwer The common closei nt 12 the preferred at 2l Two hundred shares of Transit changed hnnds at 82 and 81 respectively sale of this WM at 83Vi The transactions In the market today were as follows High Lou Clot fait lug nt tit int 100 American On 3M 3K 3K 3V 700 Am Can pf 30M 28M 20 HttAmWrttPpf 12 12 12 12 200 Day St Oaj M M M 54 DrltUh Cop 2M 34 2V 900 era Foundry 100 Con Lake 9 H H H 200 Oold Hill Cp H H H 4100 16J 14 14V 100 Hark 1 OH 1 OU lOVi 200 Havana Tob 22 22 21 21 MM InterborRT 82 82 81 81 1300 Man Trans 1 IN J 1118 lllt2- M No Am L A P 0 6U 6 o- ffl N 84 84 83 84 3M Seabd AL I 2H 1 S 12 oo seabdALpf 21 2 US 21M 2114 200 SeaboardSAI 28 20Ji 26i 2 H 69 Standard OtlO20 020 020 022 100 StL Trans 10 10 10 10- BOKDI 15000 AmstmOJa104 104 104 104 1000 Stand M 5s 00 00 00 00 LATEST QVOTATIONS OF INAC- TIVE OUTSIDE STOVKS American Can reason American Can preferred a Am De rarest WtreleM Tel Co American Writing Paper common 2H American Wrttlnf Paper proferrei 11 American Wrltlnr Paper bonds 67M- Utlllsh Columbia Copper 2K rooklrn and New York Ferry 3 Ilrooklyn and N Y F percent 08 hay State Oas Irooklyn Rapid Transit 4a Duff A Suaquehanna preferred 80 Central Foundrycommon Central Foundry preferred Central Foundry 8 per cent Somprewed Air nlldated Lake Superior como n olldated Lake Superior pfd iniolllated Refrigerator Co Dominion Securities Srlellallway 80 Electric host common 1 8 Urctrlc heat preferred lleclrto Vehicle common 4lj- Ilectrtc Vehicle preferred 0 Electric tad Reduction common 5l ctrlo Lead Reduction preferred Empire Steel common Smptre Slid preferred Ilectro Pnrumatlo K Jold 11111 Copper M- Jrerne Consolidated Copper I 4il- ackensack Meadows Company li tall lavana Tobacco common 20 Havana Tobacco preferred 27 International Mercantile Marine ilj International Mercantile Mar pf 1 2 International Mercantile Marbdi 07 Intrrboroufh Rapid Tranalt International Salt Trust receIpts 1 0 International Hilt t percent 30 Llfbl Fuel sad P of W Vliflnla aUiL- ackawanna te l WH paid Uanlialtao TransIt 1U- Uonlreal earl SOMalI Copper New York Transportation NortlMrnttacurltle SUM few Stress Rallwar corn 8 wOrleaoaatfMtRallwr Pfd HHH- J wtrIfao etr Hf Kp ro n 7BM- JIU Kit valor Coropeny eoramoa 9 0- IU Blevator Company prtf 80 i yal lUklnr Powder tomraon I 10- yal IMJdna Powder 07- iftrC4vrUfbiMiiiiiM 0 i IOO 4 Am Joe 4 17 J Nat Lad A Mal Am 87 SO Out wet Mal PonDa 7U Pea East Prd p AJIn p COO St L OOH 8eo Co Chi 01 W B Zd pI N 8 H 11SILSP2PU4 47H SILBW Col So 2dpl 170 i So Ry Co DI L W30H TennO o I L W p Del U ny n Pac pl 100 Erie 2d pt H Ev T II pI US RtyO p 9 S Rub pt hock US Sleel Cop Hock Val pl VaCor Co KCISWp 17 P to Bnd 14 sccurll shares l Mues Opt 28 H Iii 1 I I I Oreene C Cpo IOU Mead 1 O 1 1 300 Alan Cop curlll I 2 3 2 2J 12 61 2H 6 05 H 78 90 I H 8 12 8 52 I H U 3 4 8 10 new w1 88 0 60 6 10 I U I I 10 p H f 14 I It Signal 00 I 4 i 100 aOi 83 I 80 h J 82 27 111- 0a fI 400- 111tr I Asked 344 Ask 1034MKT 16 s Nat ER 2 p 634NOrWIp 7314 St Cat Hwy 45 230i4 Den RO 4 a Val 93 g hov Standard 34 > 7144 lokent 33 2034 5 34 4 34 4 434 25 4 4j 34 4 4 21 40 434 234 3734 33 134 4 43 4 Orleans 834 01034 86 99 100 > < > > < < < < < > < < ¬ > > > < St Louti TraaalV commonu Seaboard Air Line common Seaboard Air Semlnole Copper Standard Oil Co of N J Storage Power Tennessee Copper Tonopah Oold Mining Co Union Copper United Copper United Railways of St Louis peal Union Typewriter Union Typewriter lit preferred Union Typewriter2d preferred Worthlngton Pump preferred White Knob Copper BOSTON CLOSING QUOTATIONS BA1LROAD STOOlS W Ails Bid Al lt WeaffhaeB 85 70 Boat A 250 81 IM Wool H7M Wool pf 81V- JOJRAS Y131 1S M1NINH TI i- OJRASYo UH Wvent u 3 Flt nbur pflSI 135Vi Wlouet 4 4 19 20 Unatrrated seu a M 7 0 Itex Central HVf Anaconda 1M4 191 Arcadlaa 75 SO Old Colony 202 Arnold 25 M 7M 77W AtlantIc 7 Pete Warn pf 07 70 Hlngham SOJJ Bonanta S- iWB3HH81 2- WBSHBpf108 soaps 93Vf 94 B UTel4a Oil 8j- BoaOaUdj ron Scott 81- MuOen4i 73 UOUtplno- MOMpflnc NYANEIaMilOlM- NYANEUI7I I03 Weal Tel 51- MI1C1LL4MIOO 3 4 12 14 Brlttab Col Centennial 1 M- Cochltl Con Mer IM 1 ContlnIZAL Range 0 S S Daly West SB 38 Elm River 3 2 Kranklla 7M 8 Oranby 4 100 Isle Royale fM d Mayflower 82f 100 Merced Am TelATell21 12IM Michigan 8 AroTATru Mohawk 35 36 ATTsubal Mont Bolt 70 81- VAmAgCn II iiM Old Cell Cop lou OJ 71 old Dora EH 0 Ceatral Oil Oaceola Parrot 16H Dom Coal 88tj 08 Pheenlx 4 j Dom Coal 83 D iron A Sll Hi 0 Rhode Isld Hi Edison Klec 235 Santa Ft Oen Elec 140 144 Shannon B 31 Tamarack 70 73W 70 Tecumseh UtxTel I NK Gas 4 C 123 United Cop Planters Planters Seattle Elec Seattle C pf 90 Swift 100 Shoe Melts 27 United Fruit 93- US Oil 0 West Tel pf Trinity Cop Union MInIng J 17 Utah S4J 78 VictorIa JH 81 Wuhlncton 101 Wlnona i 30 Wolverine 27M Wyandot 7S 100 4 IAMD ITOOCI Annlstoa 10 boston 4M- M EMI Daiwa 5 6 PHILADELPHIA QUOTATIONS Alkali Am Ill Co 41V 4 L I- Camb Steel Ig- fConTrncNJ 5tt Ills Steel V- iKlec Stor 49 40 EICoAm 7 FalrmtPkTr InsCoofNA 24 LehlghNav 2- I Valley RR 35 1 Nat Asphalt North Pa 102 104 NewkPa5all2 Its PhllaCo J1J4 38 PeoTrac4sIOl 102 Penn RR 58H Un Trac 4J 07 97V PaSted 4H Pa Else Veh J Pa E Veh pf I PhllaKlCo a- PhllaRT 112 12 M- SutqlrASt M Td faterfl UCosofNJ200 2 Union Trac 42W U0ail Co 7- 1Welsbach Co 2J BONDS ACoofAS- sIndPRySi10 107 NJConSsl03M lot CHICAGO CLOSING QUOTATION nil MUd Am Can Co S Am Can Co 29 Radtor 4814 Am Rdtr p 117 floe Board 274 SX hoc Bd IHVj 18- kChlUnTn 4 8- ChlUnTn pf 35 City Ry 170 180- Dla Match 121 130 LakeSlElev MetWSEIe 17 19 MetWSEIpfta Nat Biscuit M4 3M Nat ISis M 09 Nat Carbon 20 Nat Carb pf to 89- WNChlStRy 80 99 9 9ft 86U 271 w ss- SUBTREASURY TRANSACTIONS SATCTDAT Pall by SubTreasury to hack I3293C Paid by banks to SubTreasury 3721C Low to banks on days transactions I428C- H1NCK rRIDAT weT Paid by SubTreasury to bank STOJOC Paid by banks to SubTreasury 7I92 Loss to banks JI22C Gain to bnnks same period previous week J4its COMMERCIAL Cotton Declines Then Ualllen ClMc Die ppolntlnn War News Has DepressIng EfTect nut Hecelpli Oelow and Shorts Covrr Grain Ensle Worlds Wheat Slilpmrnt- Uqnlilatlon Coffee Firmer MONIUT Oct 12 Oiuiv Whent Spot woe dull Sales Onoo hush No 2 red new Vo under Nw York December No iNorth era New York 5c over No i Northern Duluth 5o over The Northwestern receipts were 037 cars against 113S last week and 1333 lAst year Chicago 163 cars agnlnst 75 lapt wrel and 117 Inst year Futures closed JSc to llc lower Sales 1400000 bush Prices at follows Open lllo OB COst Irer ina sit nl inc NIght December May S5j 847i- j83j 82 Oats were steady on the spot Sales I4on bush Standard while 42 jci 2 white 43o No 2 white 4lic No 2 mIxed 40jc- Rye was steady No 2 estern dc c I f Harley was new 4Hc c I f liurinlo Corn was steady Sales UHOOn bush IncludIng 64000 for export No 2 while new 10 arrive lIe yellow 54ic Futures closed He lower Sales 00000 bush Prices ns follows Open High Low Clai Peer ina est elf trig Affil November 5l7j 51j 6I December lilji 515 May 4 f 0i 40 solj The following shows iho visible supply Oct 10 Off II HVfUj1- 0C3 1002 Wheat 20MSX 28111000 Inc lt7 000 Corn 839M100 ZSI1UH lice 682000 Oats eMliuM H33 uuo Inc 308000 B8i iUMtfnoo Inc 81000 Barley 4M9t Vwiocio Inc 712OK Tho crap movement was as follows New York rntal earn Oata ItvHarlev Receipts 495JJ 05400 10lm o iO Exports M7S8 R023 211H Receipts 81000 278000 25OOH JOOi 153000 Shipments jeiono o20oi 35Sono 1000 18000 Receipts 307000 2H7000 183000 Shipments I2 ioi Miono 341100 There was a slowdedlnn in wheat owing to large worlds shipments a better Government limn expected the decline at tire Stock Exchange rasler market lncrenslng country ofler- iiis and a pretty good sized increase In visible The warlike news from the Far Kant had no effort Decent buyers sold out there was more or less lelllng for a turn on tire Shrill tilde the Northwest vita selling at Chicago foreign houses had sdl ng orders the cash trait was sluggltli there a lack of Influential buying There acre a ev scattered rains In tile Northwest Paris ad nnced 111 to JO centimes hut Liverpool was un banged to Md lower ond d higher 0 4d lower The worlds shipments were 1219000 hitch against 0907n ucck and 1318010 lest The amount on pawage cli rented 1110000 bosh The visible gained 1670000- msh Chicago received IK tars Including I of ontraet The primary reoelpla were 1337- KW hush l7p o i t year A Broom tall cable said Itouminla The droiifht has been somewhat relieved by rains which fallen In lartlk of the country morn Is expected Italy wheat Is oniclally nt I7020oi iush a compared with IJIflflnnw last year A Paris The liullelln iln Ilalln buries ti Miirthtx has IIH detail estimate if the wheat crop of Olin world and estimates shortage of over 07or noi imMi and declares tin Top l prIor In quality The French erop Is given is over ioo l hush utmost the argest un record but this total Is nil lerded lor home cnnsuniptliin Tile crop of a I Europe will fall mooomx Inmh br u last year The denelt In about 410001X111 l uih but Its aurplui Is still over 000001100 bimh Is placed at 20WWi iO hush nit Ihe exportable surplus Il0i100i hush rue itlvin liusii dfcreasB from last far from North mind South Vmerlea given as 4li U liu li tine cjiuorUM- iupply 11 given as IMUIIIUI busb mm tin Ililled tales IUO oi from aod 7iX ooi from h Argentine Corn on ioveriimnil fiiiurt belter than exprrlrd iiT a Muldatlon and Tine camrs tern to Md lower Chicago received 351 cars ncludlnf 22 of contract grade The primary were 444000 mush avalnst ear line vlilblr deerrwfd buth The vorldi Jiblpmrnti wrrr bush l 089000 lest week and MKouu yea The iovrrnrnent report Is taken to Indicate a of 0TOfl400 Oslo Were euler with other rain harris Cabs It Co were good buyers at Tbe vltlblt bush rrrrlvrd 367 ran of which 8 were of eon ran trade FIQUR Oulel and atead Salem 000 bbl were 443 tibia and I403U lOtobUaodBMlaaekj Wlatcr la Buper r lJU AtIIt ISH I lit I 3 Line preferrlKl lit O 90 890 H 2R 20 OJ tI U 9 14 1 62H 94 I 00 03 107 07 103 1 a 1 P 0 Alb U7 p 7 Bolt A We b- BoIEIIS H CS Elco Elo of A mZJ S IOU Iloat CCO 4 8 Cal ltecIa421 455 AID 14 15 110 C 4 S U Majestic Pneu AID I ali 7 l r2 Cum Tel IN 4J lull srI Iii Gas 91 pt TrlUouoln New ED Tel U S 2 3 7 e2 OJ 9 Wetrn Tel 5 Did BId Aktlf 421i ConLSup r ISh 61 Phlla t Erie Ii I 52 7t M 2 a pl Bid Asked S- Am 2 So Side Elev St Sta Car WCIIISt 000 Expec- tation Large S5 512 82 o led I 5 rl 1 IIUI tire london ar nave Tile year u c 1 ln e tlc I e04lJrt r oT Jt tr u t r 15J 22 IL 3 S 1 I 834 Mum lieu Ill NYNH II Ia5 Ill 4 MasC0d S- Am 4 lIt Ui ili 931 Mas 85- Mb43 Uaa 104 3 13 Asked 79 I 3 52 734 23 2114 823 29341 lOIS tty 444 43 9034 9334 oa nun las Iieall lie ri tie 6sisn inc ii I ni minim tin a via 6930110 itt 0o West Increased 5 sick bbl tw > < < > < < > = = TRlWr C6MPANIE0 TKV8T COMPANIES Chartered 1822 The Farmers loan and Trust Company tfos 22 William St New York Oapital 1000000 Undivided Profits 7000000 COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY- OF NEW JERSEY IB Exchange Place Jersey City N J to P R R Perries Capital OOOOOO Surplus Profits S1800000 SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS OFFICERS John W President OMTI W Young VlcePrnldent William J Fltld Treasurer 8 ldent S Perkins AMI Treasurer Oacar L Uabtlman VlcePrci and Secretary J Richard Tennant Stcittmrr DIRECTORS WALTER E AMMON OSCAR L QUDELMAN nonKUT H McCURDY AUGUST BELMONT JOHN W HAKUBNDERQH ALLAN L McDIRUOTT C LKDVARD GEORGE G HAVKN JAMES G UOROAN FREDERICK O UOURNE JAMES N JAHVIE HOHKKT S floss WILLIAM URIVKERHOPP WILLIAM n JENKINS EDWIN A STEVEN JOHN B CARSCALLEN CLARENCE II KELSEV EllEN I THOMAS KREDERIC CROMWELL QUOTAV 15 KISSEL StYLES TIERNEY- C C CUYLKR HENRY LEMBECK JAMES JACOB J DETWILLER JAMES A MACDONALD CORNELIUS VANbERBILT CHARLES D DICKEY RICHARD A McCURDY JOHN J VOORHEE3 r c c I It 16 1820 1 Robert Jay hut r N lJt J w W WrWt jr u aS wonOE w YOUNG One 13 No 2 sliM SS310 clears t38SattSS- Ntmlfhtl M75HH390 patents 4tl2S Snrini In bbla Clears straights t4IOftl44U- patenis t4SOQit7SC- OTTOH Spot cotton here was unchanged Sales 300 and 3400 dellxerct on contracts Middling uplands oeoc aialns- 8Wc last year New and OMc agalns Dole Augusta rose Uc Now Orleans llOc Liverpool advanced 4 on the spot with sale futures declined 2 to 3 Mum Chester was dull The following shows the re celpts Port receipts 49040 54908 6837 New estimated tomorrow 10473 I5a Galveston estimated tomorrow 2500057000 27203 Z253 Augusta 2590 3431 2071 Memphis 4032 4328 1247 St Louis 520 187 338 Houston 13000 HC82 14411 Houston estimated to morrow 1950021000 22273 2883 The following shows the movement at the towns Receipts Shipments Lost Last TodaV ttetlt Vest 27131 25409 4082 23499 24U1 301 The close was with prices 1 poln lower to 2 higher Estimated sales 175000 bales Prices as follows lltglttit Lowftl dating October 919 810 917891 November 923 012 u22402 December 931 918 9290S January 920 817 928 92i February 830 o8 983 920 93t 83 April 825 023 933V33 939 0211 93I 93 June 937 097 9358l 3i July 830 928 938tt03l There was as early decline In cotton on cables the war oems and further de at the Stock Exchange together with i lack of ouulde speculation the dulness of Kal River and an absence of aggressive support Then too the Continent was selling to some extent am there was no great pressure to cover shorts In splti of the fact that the short Interest Is undoubted large Hut later on the steadiness of the SIlO markets and the light receipts especially at Interior loanS enticed a rally to which a tone In the later dealings nt the Stock Kxchangi contributed Local shorts covered and Ne- Orleans sent some buying ordersanil n large locn home bought January and March em a pretty fall scale It narrow speculation because thcwlros to the Vestnnd South were work- Ing badly The market showed resistance to t decline In of tine dulness of speculation end the unfavorable financial and political news tot the reason mainly that the crop movement Is un- elouhtedly falling below expectations and there Is a manifest disposition to lower crop estimates Atwood Vloletl Co sold If during the past six weeks that l since the brglnnlng of thl rn on with oil the Incentive of higher prices than list year tint movement Is now Iris than It was at this time In l0 the statement l quite luMIIUil that It Is unlikely the movement wit run ahead the movement i f st year any month during thr current season In which event the present crop would not exceed 10loofiOO btles because the tendency to exist on the lit pros We there- fore our own estimate for the current crop of 100341 to 10500000 heIrs maximum Instead ol maximum the c tlmatc we commlttrel ourselves to on the ll th till There Is n lack ol by the cotton trade of tine possibilities of a smell this season to continued iliM rorntlon which cart only be accounted leciuseof on the part of many to consider the height of the morse than 15 having once themselves to thm assertion the majority are not sufficiently familiar with crop movements In past years eir the present year or err not suf In touch Southern hnten anil merchants to lie able to Inform themselves ns to the true condition of the cotton crop now being gathered It Is quito on the cards for thIs crop to be a as Theodore Price said There Is relitlvely no demand from My advices from Full River Providence and lloston and other centres nf time spinning Industry soy that It Is Imposstlle to oven at concessions and spinners are afraid to buy became they cannot their and In ninny Instances cannot negotiate their paper In my It Is no a ques- tion as to size of tItus cotton crop The mInIS mum of cotton with which tIn ran br kept reasonably active Is the measure of this years In America and In the trade Is likely to receive a serious rlirck In tine war now Imminent between enl Russia CorfZB Hlo on the spot was snooty at Hr fur No 7 Sales 2000 lungs lOin No 7 Futures advance 5 points but reacted closing steady utth sales of 51000 bags Havre advanced lf to and Hamburir f to H pfg American ware- house dellverle1 last week 133007 bags against WK13 In time previous week and illMi last year Hlo was unchanged Mlom hags stock WHOOO exchange unchanged at 12 Santos receipts 20ooobngs stock 1355000 Prices as Illgltst IOIMX Closing January 523 510 sreigjto- Fehrunry 515520 March 540 530 525 VM April 535U540 SIllY 565 550 64SB350 June 550jt5W July 515 5 ft SV 36fl August r00 V15 September 575 570 SmtU70 October 415470 November 405 4 SO 47Sa4W December 515 505 S003S05 There was a slight rte In coffee enrly In the day on higher European cnbles a little foreign buying and together with local outside buying but the demand soon felt ofT and on liquida- tion principally In November prices reacted METALS metal were somewhat easier on troth sides of the water today Copper- In London declined 2s fld for spot to 54 5s 5i for fiilures to 53 17s M Tin there declined 12s M for spot to 113 12s Pil and 7s M for futures to 114 7s Speller was unchanged at 20 Tile following are the quotations of the Metal Exchange Copper lake spot I335e electro- lytic spot I31215C castIng spot lIt 25024 tJ5 cleid 4 50e spelter fle Iron North- ern No 1 X in J17 No 2 Ifl Vo 3 IHfflllS southern No 1 foundry 5 11560 No I soft llSatLVRO No 2 soft H45oa i5 Iron warrants nominal steel rails at mills I2H NAVAl STOIIES Spirits of Itirpfntlne ei d- tKt Common to good strained was quiet at Il325ail4 for mess Lard was dull prime Western J725 cIty M25 a 75 rellned Continent 1750 Tallow Dressed hogs HsWjr lImiter Creamery extras 2lc rlrits I0ffl20i5e Stale tubs firsts l a line Cheese State f c small colored or white laneS 121 large I2e Nearby fresh atherfd calms 2no Western 35c 12 There was a better market In sympathy with lighter receipts of hogs an nf bOo In priori at the yards and because of the better shipping demand ftc lard There was some eater shorts and the bulls were Inclined lo press thHr advantage a little The volume of trading was moderate Receipts of hogs today were only 17000 the effect of last weeks Im reductions In prices The weight of tact weeks arrivals here averaged 215 pounds ax corn with 255 the previous week and 2SO the corre- sponding week last year SreiAB Haw ants firm at 3jc for Ml lest Refined was In fair demand and llrnr granulated 47Jc- rmrAttO 12 These were indayi Prices Open high Lout rim Irtr- Whrat Ila I t i line Klahr Oct mewl 7DH 7ll 71 U May 7M 7PU 7DJJ December 7M u 9U lIce olin 7M 7oj 7 i 79- 1Deeember 4Mt lf 46 May il 4 M 4SJ Dull October December 3S 37 aMi 3i 37i 3- 797t 31 3 J October 870 D77IJ 1170 fl74 e87U January 875 em 70 IPO 875 8 3 aTHj fl 6711 October i 48 January 841J4 Iort- Or toiler January lies 50 141 8V 15 M 45i tM 84U- l M iir3 ana I uu- A for Last Lou Todsu 15eek Yea thir- teen dis- appointing tIm was a rather for crud was uincluangml pig rosin flits fROVIsIninR lork 4340 bloom Oct nm for 96 teSt and 1104e let 7l ri- ictoluer 4ii 41i 44s 4144 4f34 4I34 ue hay Idi > NO jib 6 41 6 leG 6 6 1121 1100 1103 r > > > > < < < > PROPOSALS AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Room No 207 Stewart Building No 330 New York October 6 TO CONTRACTORS JOints or proposals for dolnr the work and fur the called for In the approved form of contract now on iSle In the of the Aqueduct for furnishing deliver tog and placing sluice and drain valves with the necessary lifting machinery ladders etc required at the Park Reser- voir The the of New York will be received at this offlce until twelve oclock noon on Thursday October 22 1903 They will be as soon thereafter as possible and the award of the contract for doing said and furnishing the materials required will be made by sold Com- missioners M soon thereafter aa practicable Blank forms of said approved contract the specifications thereof and bids or proposals and proper for their enclosure other Information can be obtained at the above offlce of time Aqueduct Commissioner on application to the Secretary particulars see COy RtcorS pub- lished at No 2 City By order of the Aqueduct Commlasloners EYCK President HARRY w WALKER secretary AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS OFFIC Room No 207 Stewart Building No 280 Broadway New York October i 1903 TO Bids or for doing the work and furnish lag the materials called for In the approved form of contract now on Ole In the once Commissioners lot furnishing delivering erect Ing and placing cock valves castings and ladders for the Jerome Park Reservoir Bor- ough of The Bronx the City of New York will be at this office twelve oclock ooon on Thursday October 22 1903 They will be pub- licly opened by the Aqueduct Commissioners u soon thereafter as nod the award of time contract for said work and furnishing the materials required will be made by sold Commis- sioners as soon thereafter as practicable Blank forms of said approved contract and the thereof or proposals sail proper for enclosure form other Information can be obtained at the above office of the Aqueduct Commissioners on application to the Secretary particulars see Clip Record pub lished at No 2 City Bji order of the Aqueduct Commissioners EYCK President HARRY W WALKER Secretary OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER 209 Thames St R I Oct 12 1903 Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until 12 sos II 1903 for constructing frame Hospital and frame Stewards Hodman Infor- mation furnished on application U S reserves right to reject or accept any or part thereof Envelopes proposals to bo Indorsed for Public Fort Hodman Mean Capt H C HODGES Jr U S Infantry Q M OFFICE OF TOtS COMMISSIONERS D C Wash ington October 3 1903 Sealed proposals will be received at tIlls once until 11 noon Satur day October 17 1003 for grading and regulating the roadway over and approaches to the Massa- chusetts avenue bridge across Creek Blank forms of proposal specifications and all neces- sary Information may be at the Office MACFARLAND HENRY L WEST H C NEW COMER actlngl Commissioners I C ENGINEER OFFICE U S ARMY Room 2 Custom House Norfolk Vn Sealed hoists at Fort Monroe Va will be re celved here until 12 M Nov II 1903 and then Itch opened Information furnished on applica- tion E WINSLOW Capt Engrs- Om R UARIBTS Open IHth Low Cia Pete tit lag Night Wheat tit 78 Ity May 7fM M Duluth Dec 77Vi 77H nil May Toledo Dec 85 tSft 8 N May 85 85W Kansas 7W 67Vj Lice 65 85 May 83Vf 83JJ 82H Corn Kan M 37H 37 37 Live Stock Market MONDAY Oct U Receipts of beeves for two days wrens 4333 bead Including 05 ears for export alive 118 for slaugh- terers and M for the market Steers fell off 1015c closing dull bulls and cows on light receipts were steady to lOt higher The yards were about Common to choice native steers sold at t390tt 355 per 100 lbs stags at t3 W bulls at 123521325 cows at lVrf 310 with no prime fat cows offered Dressed beef In fair demand steady at fl JWc lb extra beef sold as high as 9Uc erpool and London live cattle and sheep steady Exports today none tomorrow 1500 beeves 1100 sheep and 4400 quarters of beef Receipts of calves for two days were 1731 head Including Ill for butchers l13fl for time market Veals were not brisk hIlt prices firm to 35o higher on light receipts grasstrs also were selling strung but with a about 400 nero likely to go over No Western calves offered Common to cholro veals sold at i5aJ85 per 100 lbs selected lots at J culls at MtltlOO graders and fed calves nt t3 3 50 yearlings at t2S5a 2 5 City dressed veals lint at SjilSo II with extra carcasses bringing 13lc country dressed Hrm at TKll c Receipts of sheep and lambs for two days were 11IHO head Including 7 cars for alive 18 for slaughterers and T1VI for the market making with the stale 3Hj cars to be sold fiood sheep were active sad lint others steady lambs were lIe to SOc higher nearly all the stock was cleaned- up Common Hi prime sheep sold at 1260314 per inn his choice at t425 ordinary to choice lambs at MCOtfl50 culls at 475 Canadian lambs atI- flSSfJfilSO Dresed mutton firm at f 7Hc lb dressed lambs at Sftllc Receipts of hogs for two wero 7481 head Including 2000 for tIme market Prices were fully 2Sc State and Pennsylvania hogs were fairly quotable at n fl23 per light pigs quotation FINANCIAL NOTES 11 F Wlnchell nt of flt San Francisco has moon appointed KtMiprni nittnagor of the Rock to A wise roiilirnwi yesterdny Mr the plane on next nnd will move head ItmrterH In ClilcnKo- W K Drown Omen bull cotton leader Is blllllllK Coffff The Blorklioldern of the Old Dominion Mlnlnv and Company hav- nnuthorlid tin directors to Inmin t7 OiX eliit lieinds for unultfr The directors hun also IHPII authorized lo- ellspouc of thin treasury Htook- Fiui Inrn rrudi rtthber him lieon offeriil in llonton nl for with futures fl a pound Till1 or n drop of in to 12 CVIIIH a pound from this high lUiiriH of the liisf ftw The InlUil out 110311111 on iiicoiitit of a tour itrnplilc triiiiiffr from rinn FrunclHoo A 1redltorn petition In Imiikruptcy hud jecii tiled nuiilnxt David Levy und Dnvtd- Uirliiiiiin il Levy A Co wholesale dealern- n KimiU nt 26 hunt rourtli Blreit- hitlvi1 of the Inllrd Hint oiirt IIIIH aiipolnteel Hubert A Incu rc lvi r if hi1 Wolf n Jobber In 2l Ilroud- ay iniiiln fi to- ilorriH Ctikor who wild that tOne llttbllltliH ire i I later creditors petition Ip bunk unify WItS against Mr ooa Judvi- ppolote II lOot by the Aqueduct of the EngIneer CommIssioner I C It 13 F for furnishing nail installing chain am- munItion MinaeapoIi Dec 7034 7974 7531 7934 7 777k 7 6434 90 86 6734 O- 1St Louis 4344 434 CIty Dec 5- 7StLotlIl Dec 41 404 403 4114 Ll ann r nrati the I takes Smell tag I II ireiinsnt o II 04 sell eftu Ics Siiiilrcnstir y- iuliul IIllallti45 lrouililis I FIll t lii A jut Ill 11st net I S- PIn ill eli kit at S 20J 000 and tine liCtU4l aaoia 000 o hrs filed the Illetrict Court Edward 43 Benedict receiver 4J4i441 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > >

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-10-13 [p 8]. · 2017. 12. 16. · Posted rateit weru nuoteil at HR3 bills und J4W for short Aotunl rates Long blHs482i 5S4R2S Hi ht drafts JHSIii-7l48Wj

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-10-13 [p 8]. · 2017. 12. 16. · Posted rateit weru nuoteil at HR3 bills und J4W for short Aotunl rates Long blHs482i 5S4R2S Hi ht drafts JHSIii-7l48Wj


f J


25 Broad StreetNew York October

To the Holders of Income fond of


COMPANY Limited-

At the request of holders ofabovementioned bonds who haynot yet deposited the same the timfor the deposit of bonds under ou

offer of August 10 1903 is

extended to the close of business o

October 31 J903


for Meilcan Central Railway Co Limited


TPlttaliurih October I 1903

First Consolidated Mortgage 4 Gold Hondof this Company to the amount oi wllbo 1 UHW at theof Company The Formers Loan and TrusCompany of York under tho following pruvisions the

Sealed the sale or said oondwill be received at the ot said RallwaCompany In the City ot New Yorlc on or boron

and bonds oHcreil at the lowest not excelIng and Interrat will be accepted undfor Should bonds of illtrrrcnt be offrreiat the same price the number t f 50

shall b on a pro rata bats pracIn proportion to the whole number of

Proposals to sell bonds to the Sinking Funmust be the hands of The Farmers Loan anTrust Company boforo noon Saturday Octobei

Slit 1003j MKN1T Treasurer

COAl AM 1R CtlMIAIST6 Sinking Fund Gold lionds-

Motlre Is hereby glvrn pursuant to the termof the Trust Deed tinted the llrst October189 that the undersigned as Trustee wilt rerelvi-aealed proposals up tu tlme 1 M on the twentlrttday of lual for the sulo 10 It of bondsu above described at n price not exceeding 100

and accrued Interest to an amount sufficient tiuse the sum of J1577317-


New September JH Wll



New Yorl October 5 ItXU

The Board of Directors of TheIsland and Pacific Company have dedared a dividend of T 0 PER cir on thealack of that October 1 03

to stockholders of record October HI 1IXU

The transfer books will rloso October 18 at S

oclock P M find open acalu October SO 1093

at 10 oclock A M-

GEO T DOOOS Asst Treasurer

TIlE ROCK LSLAM COMPANYOffice of AMlntunt Trraiurer

Now York October S 1903

The Board of Directors of rUe Island Com-pany have declared the regular dividend

PER un the preferred stockof that Vovombcr 2 1003 toatockholders of record October HI 1IW3

The transfer books for the preferred slack willclose October 10 1M3 at 3 P and openagain October in Mo at in oclock A M

i EO T 110105 Asst Treasurer


There his boon this day declared a dividendof one and oneeighth 11MI per cent on the capitalMock of this y blfl November 3 1003

to stockholders of record on that dateFor this dividend and also ton the purposes

of the annual meeting of stockholders to beNovember 9 1IM1 too stock transfer books willbe at noon lOuts and reopened-at 19 oclock A M November 10 1903

E T NICHOLS Secretary

UNION PACIFIC RAILROADMen Convertible 4 liond

6 due November 1 1003 from theabovementioned Bonds will be paid at maturityupon presentation at the oBIco of the Treasurer ofthe Company No 120 Hroadway New York N Y

Packages coupons may bo left for vertUcatlonon and after Monday October 20 1IXX1

The Hooks ron the registration and transfer ofthe above bonds wilt bo at noon ou Satur-day October t 1003 be reopened at 10A M on Monday November 2


A Dividend of Uno and a Halt Dollars per ahawill be paid on Thursday October to stock-holders of at the of business on WedJieaday September 1903

transfer books will be closed from October1 to October 14 IIMI both days Included

WILLIAM DItlVEH 1ieosurerNew York September IB 100-

3iolf Ship Island Railroad CompanyCommon Stock Dividend

A quarterly dividend of ONE 1 PEn CENT onthe bus been declared payable Oc-tober IS 1003

n E POWEHS TreasurerFISK 3J Cedar M N Y


Inlted State Nterl CorporationA Quarterly dividend 10 of OVE AND

TlinEE PER CENT on the Preferredstock pajabls November Id 10f 3 was declaredOctober 0 to stockholders of record October MTransfer books close at 3 P M october 50 andreopen at 10 A M November 17

HIC1IAHI TIllMMIn Kecritnr-



De and Franklin AvesIlroolclyn N Y Oct 5 1M3

The annual meeting ot the stockholders of THECONEY IUIOOKLYN RAILROADCOMPANY tic tlie election of Directors and

Inspectors of election to serve the rnsulngwill be at the offlce of tho Company on

Jonday October la 1103 Polls oi cn at 11 A Mand close 12 M The transfer books of the Com-pany will close Thursday October S at 3 Mand reopen Tuesday October o at 10 A U


MONEY Alt EXCHANGEMoney on call 22H per cent last loan

JH Per tent ruling prier per cent 1lmomoney at 5 per cent sixty daysS cent for ninety days 5 per cent forfour mouths 5 per cent for five arid sixmonths s cent for neven and fightmonths Commercial paper Is quoted atfl rent for prlnm namesreceivable other immes 8 27 por cent

The easiness of tho foreisn exchange market at the close of met week continued through-out the early hours of businessmand sterling with quotations prac-tically unchanged hut orion fell off 5 pointsAn Is tlm rain on Mondays commercial

were plentiful nnd of thefor remit tariee beonmn

moro and tlio market clopiil steadyPosted rateit weru nuoteil at HR3bills und J4W for short Aotunl ratesLong blHs482i 5S4R2S Hi ht drafts JHSIii-7l48Wj cabin transfers 48rtajs

worn quoted at iSOK fur lonit atid-818H for short lUlohsinarlCH wero limitedat 04 flI for Ion anti O5i for sitarlullderH were quoted at 40 llll for long and40KW40 lt for

Domestic excban n on Now Yorlcdiscount and Charleston Hanks

nt discount Savannah ltd weenaiXu discount San Francisco c

St Ionis 40o priinilum Chicaifo lOo Clnnlnnittl nr NewOrleans Commercial tl21 dUrount hnnknpur IlttsburK 3 c iireiniiiin St 1iuil

tOte premium 1Dc discountMinneapolis Inr Montreul rjlelilpriinluin 40r priMliluni JOIIH

Xii discountIn Jondon I ii7l pr cent Hurt

of discount In market for shun rindthree months silk iiin per rent runols for money cloned at M rilii and for the

acnount at H f Paris ridvioes iinoti i p rcents 75 lunllnifH Tim

ilHoount per rent KxchimirionLondon 21 fraiifs centlinoit llerlin ad-vices iiuoti Ixrlwturii on lomlon u marksJIM pfennigs Thu prlvuli rule of dlfJiount

per centNow York Clearinir llousn rtatprnent

Knhiinirex 14142001111 balineen S9 1115133HubTreasury debit balance

priic of Inr silver In XewKUlto liar rlosed nt

27Kd Mexican dollarM worn iiioted-


weekly statiinint of averws of tint IrnnKs-of lliU thy ler y illy iiml llobolieii whichnot iiiembirs nf ihi New York tlrnrtnirAsMiPlatlon IntrO which tInfoil n Mime of tho-nieinberi l us followi

10 3 Chiintuillieouott-liivuimints 711731400 7 27liiO Inc iMWMrciilitlon IMIHOO I6202HO Inn

Net dci iu ifiwith C

o 5iti o 210100With and

truit anl i 3l82ii i 2iOi2 oo Inc tvj oo

banknotes 4OM70o 4 i IMIKIOSpecie irHijiii 3432200 line I34KX

Total reserve I3i37iiw IJOSOHOOOf rvo required 3l 77ra 31





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Despite enormous pressure brought tbear upon the entire security list by profennlonol speculators and sales of stoc

for London account far thnn ha

recently been the case Htandnrrailway Bharot dealt In on tho Stock Ex-

change today closed at actualabove or hut littlo quotation-

of Saturday Operators for tim fall concentrututl their efforts it Is true on thindustrial shares but dealings In tho rail-

way stocks were still largo and that thesstocks held so well under the doprensiniInfluences of the day proves that thooccupy a position of intrinsic strengthThe railroad stocks may or may not bsold out as many good judfiw of th

market affirm but they havo at leastreached a point of quoted value wheresomething other than weakness in distantquarters of tho market is required to affecthem A very considerable decline waiforced in the price of the United StateSteel common tho stock selling down t

iyt a new low record Generally speak-

Ing all of the shares of the companiesIn over steel for rnllrom

uses were There has never been anmore than a limited market for these P-Ccurities and efforts to sell any consiclernbliquantity of their shares produce undoany circumstances a violent decline ii

their price quotations lint current dis-

cussion ns to the business prospects o

these companies shouldtlon of facts like todays record of tinweekly movement of merchandise oveithe Western railway lines with Its

of car shortage and certain Indicatioiof an amount of railway tonnage that wll

offer for an indefinite time to come in volumi-

as largo as these railways have known nJ

any time within tho lost five years 4

market feature of the day was the verylarge purchases of United States Sloe

in this tock boinfon a much larger scale than in the commorshares by a firm of brokers who are veraoften entrusted with the execution of themarket orders of tho most powerful financininterests known to Wall Street The sameolosB of buying was visible in AmalgamatedCopper Tho only railway stock on thelist that was weak in the trading was South-

ern Railway preferred The fall in pricehero might havo due to genuine snifffor European owners But the explanationcommonly accepted on the floor of theStock Exchange was however that theselling was part of the systematic plannow adopted by the bearish element oigiving the appearance of weakness when-

ever possible to the of a certainclass

Londons sales of securities hero todayamounted to nearly 75000 shares and weredoubtless brought about by the fortnightlysettlement of Stock Exchange transactionsnow in progress in the London market-It is difficult to say to what extent thesesales may have been caused by the realuneasiness which now evidently prevailsin European financial circles over thostrained relations between Russia andJapan There was no little talk here tothe effect that difficulties of this descriptionmight become an added factor of embar-rassment in our own financial situationExperienced speculators were of courseunder no such delusion Whatever thechances may be of hostilities between thetwo countries nothing Is more cer-

tain than that that character wouldbe one of the strongest arguments for highprices for American securities that couldpossibly bo framed The exports of ourfoodstuffs would under suoh circumstancesimmediately and enormously Increase atno doubt a higher range of and thebusiness of our railway lines terminatingon tho Pacific Coast would likewise begreatly augmented Tho disturbing rumorswhich were set afloat on Saturday regard-ing trouble in Pittsburg and Montrealwore unheard today and worn veryclearly room trading fictions That therehas boon a good deal of forced liquidationrecently for Pittsburg account is of courseunquestioned Such developments as theamazingly favorable Government report-

as to the corn and wheat crops the fall Insterling exchange duo to larger offerings-

of cotton and commercial bills tho verygreat gain shown by the September figures-

of South African gold production for Sep-

tember over those of the month beforeand of September lost year renewed evi-

dence as to the ease in tho money situationafforded by another break In time moneyrates and by larger purchases of commercialpaper unheeded by the rank nndfile of speculators today They wore nonetho logs Important for nil that and theirpower will in duo time bo exerted On

the produce exchanges tho price of cornnnd wheat fell in response to the publi-

cation of tho October estimates Therehas been somo disposition to criticisethese estimates on the ground that theylo not fully represent the supposed damageo tho corn crop It is interestingo note therefore that the figures aroconcurred in by all tho leading private crop

few York Stock Exchange Sales Oct 12CIOSINQ riUCEH OF UNITED STATUS

Ainu nm AddirS3srOUU 107W 1 10 11IH-US2so 4 13S 138

4s c new 1 33 13-tocoup108it 10U Mregnl Jyi-U tscoupU leg 11 Oil II 1H DOSoM lau

An or HE it llOYDS

nn Arbor 1st 4s FtWorth I 1st Southern 5smoo tiaiz 10000101 1000 i raia-

McbTopitife 4 Green llayWcst coos I 1

ilrbKcrU I0001IMM11 HID IHU 70UOI OlH 400011VM4

A T S F adj 4s Cicu Electric ooo 1 2true tola I000ni34 Union Pacific 4

stamped Hocking Val 4ts 2000MOO IDA limO I oofa

IntAfJtNorth 2d6000 OftlR 50001003J-

nil4 Ob gold 4s Kansas CltyKo 31 5000 I

8000IOO 5000 5II01OOI-OOO IMI7H Lark 0000 I OOlaloot I Ig Union Pacine cv500 liioii riiiio Ha lii7 i

tall Ohio ais Lou A Nosh 4s 1000I4-inoooii M nnooiHiH loooo i7fl-altAOh SW 34s I Southern1100HHlu 25ioulljSoon HHU 210UOH7 ftOOO UIHt-

urCIt 4 Nor Is-

IfiOOO IOaiH SOOOlOOUl 2000 14naii Southlst loot 1 OOla I20000I7NI-

OII01 0114 rnoo I Unlteil R R San2000 I Olln MrllVK KUViiled

lent PaclttJ tsl nffblcago 11 loooo717s5000OR 2000 I 4 14 1S 4sHUH Mei iiiu ii 2000 I OIli1000 0713 I USSteelsf5i-ntral 500l70la IB00007Omodel uniH lisa Cent let Ini 11-

hes A Ohio 4js 2000 I 3nn 150000 70I 0 I lj 40011 4l boot 701s

511 1st 105000 7O-Ihl 4 Alton ttis 7001 I Do I a 10007014-20007Ii4M KTufT5i ISHOO

iiiimr4iii 1000 OH losoool-oiifli Ii Mil Kan itTe ti 10000


iiiiiiii ii u iiiiio JHMW ODIHnoon I I 7 Uolarine is liiJii I2u0i II I I a

i st in 61 o iii 5000HO H

ioo loooo 11117ft llrln 1st IIIIID ioii-

o0a 7 Nat II R iif Met KIIKHI OII7Hprior lien 41js liono

lisa 5llOIlll7ri7U-OO I OIIII N V Cent U43js IIIODO 70i-

ii R i i1 it 1000 no 21000 nii7HN Y iai Klec lgt 15000 Min-

iIU0073 II4I4 1000HUM 7MOH 1001 RNIJ 1011 Olll-yI40007aia NVDllt Weatii 7000 Hns

OU IAODO lll7u-AUDI7134 NorfolUtVVe 74010 Olla

7000D40H 5001220007034 IOOO l4 4 MOOD ID M

North Paclflc 4j liooo 011-42IU04704 25000 1OOI4 300lg


2UIMI 10000 OO7S 2 40 H8-7HDD70 looo I 0014 40004 nH

2004 7OU neOOOlHl-gUHliMiyu suoo looia 4 og o











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North FaeUe Ii 10000t8C-hlcacaTerm 4i 4007tOCO7OU 30000B1000068O-CCAStLcm49 20007UU IOOO

OrUail eooo O9-5000007S JOOO 98 8000 691-

ErleIcnna Or Short Line tacol tr 4 0000111U 1000

or Short Ua 4i IBOOO 691-O C 0 i SI 2001 8034 1000 693

8000 691110 IB 20000081a IOOO 09

Col Fuel1 m 68 IOOO 91

1000U7 100090a4 7000 69S-ColFu ltlron cv Peo lea it 0 en 1000 691-I10007D 12000 099-isooo7034 Pitta cm Chi S looo oui-loooo7 a St L r U looo 09S-IOC0070 2000 I 071a 27000 091

Colo Southern 4a Heaillntini 4j 7000 O-U2000HI 11000 ooo ooii-

Conn Tobacco 4 2000 OOI 10000 09-12300002la HeadJersey Ceo 0000 003-ioooaafts col tr 4i 23000 7O

500080 8000 00-310l0l02la 8000 70

2000 2000 7O-I20003osiia soooionia ssooo 093

140000214 13000 1 45000 091City Gas 5a St LA IronMt4a 8000 093

2000 00 2000 83 4 000 007-Det U 4 M St LaNai Fr tug 10000 70

500070 1000 8134 IOOO 097-10010HO 7000 10000 090-10007I78 5000 8 17 SIOOQ 091500080 8000 8134 178000 091

15000 81 nrUtete-d180008O 8000l4U 800 70

DistillersSecur 300 007-Hies Cor 51 St Louis S W id 800 0010000 08 200000 4 300 681-1000081a Si L S W en is 800 093-

ETVAOrnta WabiwiH-Utooolloifl 3000oou aooo 110

1000 SanAnAPaasM 2000 1143Erie prior 4i 300074 4000110

500073Is Wabash BErie cm 41 South Pacific U IOOO 02

508080 20000 O2-l2ooo8usSo pac orcai 8000 oaa100081114 stamped West Shore 4s200083 80P0108U registered

A 2000Gal A IOOO IOO-

Wex4 Pac let 3000 08 Wlacoiullk Ceo 4

Tex 4 Pac 1st 5i 10000892000 1

Total sales of bonds par value 13040000


Low Cloi Nilrat ing CAffiffitet tit

ZOO Allis Chmrs 8 I

80700 Amal Cop 37 300g 30U 1

soon Am Car K 2123 SOU EO 4233-050AmCrpf 7134 03 00 0

ISO Am Ora Tw Ola Qa flla 1

Am HAL 234 Sla 2la f0 434

CIO Am Ice St IQIj 1BIB1730 I Sfls 1 Ha1000 Am Loco pf 78U 73 7414 43300 Am Malt pf 10 10 10

12150 Am Smelt 40 3114 30 B 31400 Am Smell p 87 80I 88la

12440 Am Sugar 10B7a 1071s 10704 11100 Am Wool 734 73a 734100 Am Wool pf 08 671a 07la 3

173 Anaconda 041g B3 04lafH45-SOO At Tit SK 036u 62 03 a I

1552 A TASK pt 87 la 8634 87 ft-

20JSO Dal A Ohio 73U 72IJSUal 4 Oh pf 8034 8014 8034

11240 IIR Transit 32ta 3034 33146650 Can Pacific 1 18la Hi

700 chcs oh 20 aeia so4700 Chi Alt 434 B3la 231s HiI-

CO Chi 4 Alt pf 02 02 US

1345 Chi A N WI OOU 103 100 Hi-

IOOCN wptioau 103U 10114 11

1530 ChlOt W 1434 14U 14 4100 0 Gt W pf A 66 04 04 1

14S20 AStP1367g I34 8 136683IOCCOSIL 70 QOSa 70 11

Iroo Col 1 36 33 34 41

zoo Col H 04 I 10 10300 Col South lifts 11a lies250 Col So lit p 48 48 48125 Col Ho 3d pf 1834 1834 1834 1

300Con 7 1 170 170 1

1075 Con Tob pf 00 BO 002475 Corn Prod 24la 22 23lall1083 Corn Pro pf 70 73la 73ia 11

800 Del A HudlflO 160 100 I

W2301S 230lg I

BOO Den 4 R O 1 BU IB 18 1

400 DenARO pf G6In 04 04U31100 Des M 4 FD 1 4 14 14 I

44 Dot lilly 6934 60 69 2100 Pet So pf IB 18 18 1

48S Dlstlra Secu alia aoa 1 a i

4125 Erie 27 20ls 20349107 Erie 1st pf 601a1620 Erie Id pf 47

Gen KICo141 130142 Gt Nor pt 1 OO 100IOO HocUValpf 77 77ion Ilomestake 60 63

04I 051a40U 47

1401s 37100 Ii

77 1

60 8-

Ult7 III 20 12712 1 20 +7831st Paper H 8 lUsH

1040 Int Paper pf 02 00 60zoo tnt Pump 33 33 33 1

200 Int Pump p 70 70 70 4600 Iowa Cenpt 32 301a 32640KCFSpf 03 02U 03 7

lou A Nash OOla Bfllg OOlaZOO Man Bench 7 7 7 1

2000 Manhattan 30 120 1 207goo Metst Ityl03ia 102 103ia

1100 Met Secu 701a 741a 731a r

1400 Mex Con 1 0 4 101s 1O3-4SOOMStL 43la 41 43la 01

GOO MS PASS U 04 03 03 2250 MSPSSM pl 10 110 llfl 3400MK4T 10U 1634 10U-

laOQUKATpl 3334 33 33 1

10200 Mo Pacino 8734 8034 87 nSOO Nat 30 4 30 OOlsHB3-

0 Nat Lead 1234 1 21a 12la 1

3 Nat Lead pf BOIg 8 Dig fiOls 1

200 Nat HUM p 38la 37 38la HBOON V Air 111 12I3 100 1120CB-

OO 10 1143a 116la 1

211fl 20825 Nor A West OOla 604S5 No Am Co 72 70

213811-COU72 13

2100 Out A West 1 07g 1 Ola 1934200 Pac 421a 4 21a 421a I

100 02 62Pac I OU 10

02-10U 14

4J200 1 I I Ilia 1173s1315 Gas 801a U

70la 76la 70la a-

ISOPCCAStL 60U 6014 eflUl348150 Prei M Car 3 Ha 201a 30 Ha1810 PrevSCarp 74fl4 71U 72 3300PiillnlCar210 210 210 2loo Hjr St Sp 17 I Ua lOlalln-aa rtystspn P 70 72ia 7212 14

2000 Rrp Steel 8 7U 7UHa4100 Rep Steel p fl Sfl 64R COla1

40500 Reading 4434 4434 8100 Read 1st pf 701a 761a 76la-200Head2pf 02 0134 01B4413J0-

1UO Rock Islnd 241s 233s 2312 In300 Hock lsd p 6Rls 671a 6818220 14 14 14lOOStJftOUp 3J 32 32 0200 Slovs Suet y4la 24 24 1

SlossShcfp OH 08 08 4t 200SISF 2 pf 44 44 44 la

TOOStLASW 121a 121a 12la U-

210StIASWp ailHfl 21 238 fta-

lOOSt P 4 O130 120 120 3la10050 Sou Iao 40 3S34 301a T-

Hirsii sou Ry Oo I Ha loos s-

S730 Ry Co p 723s tlla 70la31430 0 A I 2RU 27Ia 27lalUlOCaTes Par 23 2134 32U 14

17U 17U 17U la015 Twin CRT 84 R2 2 27lie u iidc ppr OB osu flou Ha

17500 Union Pac OOls 1734 flflSg120 Un Pacpf 84U H4 84 UIon In Fruit 14 04 114 2laoo Un II In pf 48

Inn USIiplOOB-OOLS It A Con 0

37lR500 US Leather 07200 UK lrath p 70100 Hu ber 10

IIS Hub pf 30

47s 48 la100 100 OU-

Ols 07H U-

30la 30lal014 034-

70os 708 3-

II 03ft 30 1

MOOO USSlrel 1 37o 12la 1234 Ha41100 II S Steel pi OOIH 57la 834 la

550 VaCar Cit 1Hr-

OOO Vabash 17U17Ia-IM34IU

lion Wnliushnf 2 U 2H8 20 34-

IOO West house I3 133 iii 1

rio W CnlonTel H2100 WA IK 14I3 14IB I4IB 7fl100 W A L K I p 4 Ha 41620VLB pf 22U 20I3 BHsMa730 WIs Cent I 0 I03 103s Uzoo Sis Cent pf UOU 30 4 IB-

1ital tales u itucUx 783 200 ituici

dnmsKsp221-IlliClilmi 7

lIlt Ch pfuntil Copper 11

in A im-m A CO p ID

m C U Co 20jrn 06-

m Cot Oil 2-

m Cot Oil p 10

ml Tel Co 21

210 10 2U-

U Uc Gas pf B5M-

7A LKfc W 24 2

ail I K4 DO 11012 S3 470 Loud Nub CCM M-

Zl 7 10HtJMtnUatlan130 MOM

28 uetainy io ioau-BO M 7314 7tf39 10H IOM

o oI 6




LuisSI L v Penna cv


St L Wtl


St S W


3000 DIg





400010312I S

zooAm Ice 34

lOIs I

Am Loco


7314 laI

73 I 17S









NY Cent400 NYC SI


00 MalI 14

Ito 8D100 I


Huh Goo h 14





7 U tOp

I S30

41 I


1591 itJkSdIfeo M


I IanCYo p




0000 I



Louli 11



Her Sin 6812


8 1






30 1


Gas 1

De1L 2ij0l


Cent 1 >






4 6





1719I fl6

82 042

IAThIVJ iIf ICESAstenl hid


Co tMng Island 6


kn s-

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> +





BitAia xpraul7-Amarasj X-

Am Hide L 2AmHALpf tAmlcepf IBMAm Lin Oil M

Am Lin Oil p Zft

Am Loco llAm Loco pi 74Am Malt 9

pf 1439M

Am Smelt pf 8 H-

Am Snuff 00Am Snuff pf 70-JAmSucarl07HAm Sue pf118-AmTAOCo 7H-MAmTATCol21Am Wool 7MAm Wool pf esAnn Arbor 20AnnArborptAnaconda 3-

At T AS P 3-MAtTASFp 7MBait A Ohio 73

Belt A Ob pf 6M-

BklimltT UKBkyuUOu177-Brnswlc Co 3-

Bi anPio nBull R A PpDutterlck Co 47

Can South n 81

Can Pac 117M-

Cbes A O 29Chi A Alton 23 iChi A 81MCM B A Q 183

Cbl Ot West 14MChi Ot W A J

2BHChi Ot W dab BSHChi W133-CtIM ASt P135tj-ChlMAStPpl70MChi Terminal MChi Terml p 16-

CUIUnTrao 44CloLoAW 35Cle Lo A W p 75Col Fuel A Ir 34Col HO A I 0Col Southn lUiCol So 1st pf 47

18 jCon OasCant Tob pf 90Corn Prod 23Vi

Corn Prod pI 73MDel A Hud 14091


Den AH Opt 4M-

DesMAFD 14

Del Southn M-

Det So pf 13

5 M-

DIsSecur 21J-JDS3AA 714

D S S A A p 10HErie HErie 1st pf 6JX

4 H-

EvATH 4472

Ft VADC 3MnEleoCol49Ot North p 151


Illinois Centl2Silot Paper Utnt Paper pf 80lot Power 2

hit Pump 31

Int Pump pfIowa Central IS

Iowa Cent pf 82-

Kan A Mich 20

ItS MlchOenl118 125

7 UlanAStL 43-


10 USPA3SM 83 8-

S MSPASSMpllS 117-

10M KTpl 33M 34

30 UoPaclflo 87M 712 Nat Bis Co 35W 3878 NatDlaOopf 08 101

4 I2H 13

18 Nat pf SOVJ 8850 Nash CASt L 88 00seWNatRRMexp 3 39

110 UM 2080 N J Central 130 154

107HNYADOOI10 118118 NY Central113H 118

82 NYCAStL 21H 22113 NYOAStL IplOO lie

8Vi NYOASIL 3p 53 089 NY Dock 18 2032 NY Dock pf 4082 NYNHAH1B3 18-84M Nor A West B8M 88i-

S7H North Am 7 IK 729 19

87 42 4732H PaoOomip to lie

183 Pao Ooaat ip UOM 54-

en Pacific IBM 20127 117144 PeoOLAOOo88M 89

18 1982 PCOAStL 88 89

118 PCOAStLp 90 98-

29M PrdStOu 1 K 3024 71M 7282M PuUmDPC r210 212

200 Ry St Spf 18 1C-

70W Ry St Spc pf 72 7214M 80 9083 Reading 44W 4427 Read lltpt 74 7888 Read 81 8J

138 Hepbc Steel 7W 7

135J1 Rep Steel pf 88 37172 Rock Island 23 23-

OH Rock laid pf 5 SO

17 Rubber Odi 14 IS8 RUbOdspf 87H 72

80 SlOMShef 24 2785 SloaaSbefpf 88 70

34StLASP 82 8012 StLASPlp 80 70

Kan City So31

12U II19SLSWpf 29 30

172 StPAOml20 121OOH So Paclnc 3 H 101

24 1 H 1C

74 So By Co pf 70 70130 stanRATw 1 1

27M 2-7lMTexPLT 24 2780 Texas Pac 21H 22

Third AvRRlOO 1039 TStLW 17 IT

18 TSt 24 25Twin City 82J 83

22 Un Paclflc 68 88-

s 83M 34-

KM United Frta 93 93-

joMUS PrMS 9

65J4 U S Leather 8M 7

47 USLeatapf 75H 76

50 USRltyACSi 5M

60 3 37

US Rubber M II

142 33 37

170 US Steel Co I2K 127

70 B9M W79 18 19

12 M VaCarCopf 85 00

llii Wabash KM 18

80 Wabun pf 28 M 29

30 WellsFEip200 21032M West Un Tel 81M 2

73 West h l 33 133

19 Wetghselpl62 175

33 Wheel LK 14 141

30 WALElpf 41 42

84 WALEJpf 21 22

18 Wll Central 15H IS-

31M Wll Cent pt 33M 38


Tire outside market was weak I

sympathy with the lower pricoei of Industrialon the Stock declines

were pretty general throughout the list Thgreatest pressure to be alrectecagainst Orceno Copper which

ns low as 14 and dOlled at aJmos1 points blow Its on bnturdayThis was considerably the raosactively dealt In and over 4000 oIt hands Northern Securities wmalso weak and at one time down to 83 ipoint below Its price but It eubse

recovered the entire and closedat S4

With the exception of the two securltlfireferred to tine market was

nlthotiBh It was weak throughoutOil was the one stock on the list that showedany strength It at 020 and on trans-actions of lots sold tip to 825 closing a622 an advance of 2 from Saturdaychrist The Seaboard Air Line wereneglected nnd leiwer The common closeint 12 the preferred at 2l Two hundredshares of Transit changedhnnds at 82 and 81 respectively

sale of this WM at 83ViThe transactions In the market today were

as followsHigh Lou Clot

fait lug nt tit int100 American On 3M 3K 3K 3V

700 Am Can pf 30M 28M 20HttAmWrttPpf 12 12 12 12200 Day St Oaj M M M

54 DrltUh Cop 2M 34 2V900 era Foundry100 Con Lake 9 H H H200 Oold Hill Cp H H H

4100 16J 14 14V100 Hark 1 OH 1 OU lOVi200 Havana Tob 22 22 21 21MM InterborRT 82 82 81 81

1300 Man Trans 1 INJ 1118 lllt2-

M No Am L A P 0 6U 6 o-

ffl N 84 84 83 843M Seabd AL I 2H 1 S 12

oo seabdALpf 21 2 US 21M 2114200 SeaboardSAI 28 20Ji 26i 2 H69 Standard OtlO20 020 020 022

100 StL Trans 10 10 10 10-BOKDI

15000 AmstmOJa104 104 104 1041000 Stand M 5s 00 00 00 00


American Can reasonAmerican Can preferred aAm De rarest WtreleM Tel Co

American Writing Paper common 2HAmerican Wrttlnf Paper proferrei 11American Wrltlnr Paper bonds 67M-

Utlllsh Columbia Copper 2Krooklrn and New York Ferry 3Ilrooklyn and N Y F percent 08hay State OasIrooklyn Rapid Transit 4a

Duff A Suaquehanna preferred 80Central FoundrycommonCentral Foundry preferredCentral Foundry 8 per centSomprewed Air

nlldated Lake Superior comon olldated Lake Superior pfd

iniolllated Refrigerator Co

Dominion SecuritiesSrlellallway 80Electric host common 1 8Urctrlc heat preferredlleclrto Vehicle common 4lj-Ilectrtc Vehicle preferred 0Electric tad Reduction common5l ctrlo Lead Reduction preferredEmpire Steel commonSmptre Slid preferredIlectro Pnrumatlo K

Jold 11111 Copper M-

Jrerne Consolidated Copper I 4il-

ackensack Meadows Company litalllavana Tobacco common 20

Havana Tobacco preferred 27International Mercantile Marine iljInternational Mercantile Mar pf 1 2International Mercantile Marbdi 07Intrrboroufh Rapid TranaltInternational Salt Trust receIpts 1 0International Hilt t percent 30Llfbl Fuel sad P of W Vliflnla aUiL-ackawanna te l WH paidUanlialtao TransIt 1U-

Uonlreal earl SOMalI CopperNew York TransportationNortlMrnttacurltle SUMfew Stress Rallwar corn 8

wOrleaoaatfMtRallwr Pfd HHH-J wtrIfao etr Hf Kp ro n 7BM-JIU Kit valor Coropeny eoramoa 9 0-

IU Blevator Company prtf 80i yal lUklnr Powder tomraon I 10-

yal IMJdna Powder 07-iftrC4vrUfbiMiiiiiM 0 i IOO


Am Joe 417

JNat Lad

A MalAm

87 SO

Out wet

MalPonDa 7U

Pea East

Prd pAJIn p


8eo Co

Chi 01 W B

Zd pIN

8 H


Col So 2dpl170 i

So Ry Co

DI L W30H TennO o I

L W pDel U ny

n Pac pl


Erie 2d ptH

Ev T II pI US RtyO p9

S Rub pt

hock US Sleel Cop

Hock Val pl VaCor Co






sccurll shares






1 I I I

Oreene C Cpo IOUMead 1 O

1 1

300 Alan Cop

curlllI 2







I H8 128 52


348 10

new w1 88

0 606

10I U I




14I It

Signal 00

I 4i 100

aOi 83I


h J



fI 400-


Asked 344 Ask

1034MKT 16


Nat ER 2 p



St Cat




Den RO






hov Standard


7144 lokent33












4 434

Orleans 83401034










< <

> <






St Louti TraaalV commonuSeaboard Air Line commonSeaboard AirSemlnole CopperStandard Oil Co of N JStorage PowerTennessee CopperTonopah Oold Mining CoUnion CopperUnited CopperUnited Railways of St Louis pealUnion TypewriterUnion Typewriter lit preferredUnion Typewriter2d preferredWorthlngton Pump preferredWhite Knob Copper


BA1LROAD STOOlS W AilsBid Al lt WeaffhaeB 85 70

Boat A 250 81IM WoolH7M Wool pf 81V-


OJRASYo UH Wvent u 3

Flt nbur pflSI 135Vi Wlouet 4 4

19 20 Unatrrated seu aM 7 0

Itex Central HVf Anaconda 1M4191 Arcadlaa 75 SO

Old Colony 202 Arnold 25 M7 M 77W AtlantIc 7

Pete Warn pf 07 70 Hlngham SOJJ

Bonanta S-iWB3HH81 2-


93Vf 94B UTel4a

Oil 8j-

BoaOaUdjron Scott 81-

MuOen4i 73UOUtplno-MOMpflncNYANEIaMilOlM-NYANEUI7I I03Weal Tel 51-


12 14

Brlttab Col

Centennial 1 M-

CochltlCon Mer IM 1

ContlnIZALRange 0 S S

Daly West SB 38Elm River 3 2

Kranklla 7M 8Oranby 4

100Isle Royale fM d

Mayflower 82f 100Merced

Am TelATell21 12IM Michigan 8AroTATru Mohawk 35 36

ATTsubal Mont Bolt 70 81-VAmAgCn II iiM Old Cell Cop lou

OJ 71 old Dora EH 0Ceatral Oil Oaceola

Parrot 16HDom Coal 88tj 08 Pheenlx 4 jDom Coal 83D iron A Sll Hi 0 Rhode Isld HiEdison Klec 235 Santa FtOen Elec 140 144 Shannon B

31 Tamarack 7073W 70 Tecumseh

UtxTel IN K Gas 4 C

123 United CopPlantersPlantersSeattle ElecSeattle C pf 90Swift 100Shoe Melts

27United Fruit 93-

US Oil 0

West Tel pf

Trinity CopUnion

MInIng J 17Utah S4J

78 VictorIa JH81 Wuhlncton

101 Wlnona i30 Wolverine27M Wyandot 7S 100


10 boston 4M-M EMI Daiwa 5 6


AlkaliAm Ill Co 41V

4L I-

Camb Steel Ig-fConTrncNJ 5ttIlls Steel V-

iKlec Stor 4940

EICoAm 7FalrmtPkTrInsCoofNA 24LehlghNav 2-

I Valley RR 351

Nat Asphalt

North Pa 102 104 NewkPa5all2 ItsPhllaCo J1J4 38 PeoTrac4sIOl 102Penn R R 58H Un Trac 4J 07 97V

PaSted 4H

Pa Else Veh JPa E Veh pf IPhllaKlCo a-

PhllaRT 112 12M-

SutqlrASt MTd faterflUCosofNJ200 2

Union Trac 42WU0ail Co 7-1Welsbach Co 2J

BONDSACoofAS-sIndPRySi10 107NJConSsl03M lot


nil MUdAm Can Co SAm Can Co 29

Radtor 4814Am Rdtr p 117floe Board 274 SXhoc Bd IHVj 18-kChlUnTn 4 8-

ChlUnTn pf 35City Ry 170 180-

Dla Match 121 130LakeSlElev

MetWSEIe 17 19MetWSEIpftaNat Biscuit M4 3MNat ISis M 09Nat Carbon 20Nat Carb pf to 89-WNChlStRy 80 99

9 9ft86U 271w ss-



Pall by SubTreasury to hack I3293CPaid by banks to SubTreasury 3721C

Low to banks on days transactions I428C-H1NCK rRIDAT weT

Paid by SubTreasury to bank STOJOCPaid by banks to SubTreasury 7I92

Loss to banks JI22CGain to bnnks same period previous week J4its


Cotton Declines Then Ualllen ClMc Dieppolntlnn War News Has DepressIng

EfTect nut Hecelpli Oelowand Shorts Covrr Grain Ensle

Worlds Wheat Slilpmrnt-Uqnlilatlon Coffee Firmer

MONIUT Oct 12 Oiuiv Whent Spotwoe dull Sales Onoo hush No 2 red new

Vo under Nw York December No iNorthera New York 5c over No i Northern Duluth5o over The Northwestern receipts were037 cars against 113S last week and 1333 lAstyear Chicago 163 cars agnlnst 75 lapt wreland 117 Inst year Futures closed JSc to llclower Sales 1400000 bush Prices atfollows

Open lllo OB COst Irerina sit nl inc NIght


S5j 847i-j83j 82

Oats were steady on the spot Sales I4onbush Standard while 42 jci 2 white 43oNo 2 white 4lic No 2 mIxed 40jc-Rye was steady No 2 estern dc c I fHarley was new 4Hc c I f liurinloCorn was steady Sales UHOOn bush IncludIng64000 for export No 2 while new 10 arrivelIe yellow 54ic Futures closed He lowerSales 00000 bush Prices ns follows

Open High Low Clai Peerina est elf trig Affil

November 5l7j 51j 6IDecember lilji 515May 4 f 0i 40 solj

The following shows iho visible supplyOct 10 Off II HVfUj1-

0C3 1002

Wheat 20MSX 28111000 Inc lt7 000Corn 839M100 ZSI1UH lice 682000Oats eMliuM H33 uuo Inc 308000

B8i iUMtfnoo Inc 81000Barley 4M9t Vwiocio Inc 712OK

Tho crap movement was as follows

New York rntal earn Oata ItvHarlevReceipts 495JJ 05400 10lm o iO

Exports M7S8 R023 211H

Receipts 81000 278000 25OOH JOOi 153000Shipments jeiono o20oi 35Sono 1000 18000

Receipts 307000 2H7000 183000Shipments I2 ioi Miono 341100

There was a slowdedlnn in wheat owing to largeworlds shipments a better Governmentlimn expected the decline at tire Stock Exchangerasler market lncrenslng country ofler-iiis and a pretty good sized increase In visibleThe warlike news from the Far Kant had no effortDecent buyers sold out there was more or lesslelllng for a turn on tire Shrill tilde the Northwestvita selling at Chicago foreign houses had sdlng orders the cash trait was sluggltli there

a lack of Influential buying There acre aev scattered rains In tile Northwest Paris adnnced 111 to JO centimes hut Liverpool was un

banged to Md lower ond d higher0 4d lower The worlds shipments were

1219000 hitch against 0907n ucck and1318010 lest The amount on pawage cli

rented 1110000 bosh The visible gained 1670000-msh Chicago received IK tars Including I ofontraet The primary reoelpla were 1337-KW hush l7p o i t year A Broomtall cable said Itouminla The droiifht has been

somewhat relieved by rains which fallen Inlartlk of the country morn Is expected Italy

wheat Is oniclally nt I7020oiiush a compared with IJIflflnnw last year

A Paris The liullelln iln Ilallnburies ti Miirthtx has IIH detail estimateif the wheat crop of Olin world and estimates

shortage of over 07or noi imMi and declares tinTop l prIor In quality The French erop Is givenis over ioo l hush utmost theargest un record but this total Is nillerded lor home cnnsuniptliin Tile crop of a IEurope will fall mooomx Inmh br u last yearThe denelt In about 410001X111 l uih but Its

aurplui Is still over 000001100 bimhIs placed at 20WWi iO hush

nit Ihe exportable surplus Il0i100i hushrue itlvin liusii

dfcreasB from last far from North mind SouthVmerlea given as 4li U liu li tine cjiuorUM-iupply 11 given as IMUIIIUI busb mm tin Ililledtales IUO oi from aod 7iX ooi fromh Argentine

Corn on ioveriimnil fiiiurtbelter than exprrlrd iiT a

Muldatlon and Tine camrstern to Md lower Chicago received 351 carsncludlnf 22 of contract grade The primary

were 444000 mush avalnstear line vlilblr deerrwfd buth Thevorldi Jiblpmrnti wrrr bush l089000 lest week and MKouu yea The

iovrrnrnent report Is taken to Indicate a of0TOfl400 Oslo Were euler with other

rain harris Cabs It Co were good buyers atTbe vltlblt bush

rrrrlvrd 367 ran of which 8 were of eonran trade

FIQUR Oulel and atead Salem 000 bblwere 443 tibia and I403U

lOtobUaodBMlaaekj Wlatcr la Buper

rlJU AtIIt

ISHI lit I 3

Line preferrlKl lit O

90 890H

2R 20OJ tI

U9 141 62H

94 I 0003 10707 1031 a 1 P


Alb U7 p 7

Bolt A We b-


ElcoElo of A m Z J S


Iloat CCO4 8

Cal ltecIa421 455AID 14 15


C 4S




Iali 7 l r2

Cum Tel IN4J

lull srI

IiiGas 91


New ED TelU S



7e2 OJ

9Wetrn Tel 5

Did BId Aktlf

421iConLSup r

ISh61 Phlla t Erie

Ii I52




a pl

Bid Asked



2 So Side ElevSt Sta CarWCIIISt




S5 51282


led I













lne tlc I


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Mumlieu IllNYNH II Ia5



MasC0d S-






Mas 85-

Mb43 Uaa

104 3 13








tty444 43

90349334 oa




lie ri

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iiI ni minim

tin avia



0o West Increased

5 sickbbl






< <


= =


Chartered 1822

The Farmers loan and Trust Companytfos 22 William St New York

Oapital 1000000Undivided Profits 7000000


IB Exchange Place Jersey City N J to P R R PerriesCapital OOOOOO Surplus Profits S1800000


John W PresidentOMTI W Young VlcePrnldent William J Fltld Treasurer

8 ldent S Perkins AMI TreasurerOacar L Uabtlman VlcePrci and Secretary J Richard Tennant Stcittmrr


r c

c I


16 1820


Robert Jayhut

r N

lJt J w W WrWt jr u aS


One 13 No 2 sliM SS310 clears t38SattSS-Ntmlfhtl M75HH390 patents 4tl2S SnriniIn bbla Clears straights t4IOftl44U-patenis t4SOQit7SC-

OTTOH Spot cotton here was unchangedSales 300 and 3400 dellxercton contracts Middling uplands oeoc aialns-8Wc last year New and OMc agalnsDole Augusta rose Uc Now Orleans llOcLiverpool advanced 4 on the spot with sale

futures declined 2 to 3 MumChester was dull The following shows the recelpts

Port receipts 49040 54908 6837New estimated

tomorrow 10473 I5aGalveston estimated

tomorrow 2500057000 27203 Z253Augusta 2590 3431 2071Memphis 4032 4328 1247St Louis 520 187 338Houston 13000 HC82 14411Houston estimated to

morrow 1950021000 22273 2883

The following shows the movement at thetowns


Lost LastTodaV ttetlt Vest

27131 25409 408223499 24U1 301

The close was with prices 1 polnlower to 2 higher Estimated sales 175000 balesPrices as follows

lltglttit Lowftl datingOctober 919 810 917891November 923 012 u22402December 931 918 9290SJanuary 920 817 928 92iFebruary 830 o8

983 920 93t 83April 825 023 933V33

939 0211 93I 93June 937 097 9358l 3i

July 830 928 938tt03lThere was as early decline In cotton on

cables the war oems and further deat the Stock Exchange together with i

lack of ouulde speculation the dulness of KalRiver and an absence of aggressive support Thentoo the Continent was selling to some extent amthere was no great pressure to cover shorts In spltiof the fact that the short Interest Is undoubtedlarge Hut later on the steadiness of the SIlOmarkets and the light receipts especially atInterior loanS enticed a rally to which atone In the later dealings nt the Stock Kxchangicontributed Local shorts covered and Ne-Orleans sent some buying ordersanil n large locnhome bought January and March em a pretty fallscale It narrow speculationbecause thcwlros to the Vestnnd South were work-Ing badly The market showed resistance to tdecline In of tine dulness of speculation endthe unfavorable financial and political news totthe reason mainly that the crop movement Is un-

elouhtedly falling below expectations and there Is amanifest disposition to lower crop estimates

Atwood Vloletl Co sold If during the pastsix weeks that l since the brglnnlng of thl rn onwith oil the Incentive of higher prices than listyear tint movement Is now Iris than It wasat this time In l0 the statement l quite luMIIUilthat It Is unlikely the movement wit run aheadthe movement i f st year any month during thrcurrent season In which event the present cropwould not exceed 10loofiOO btles because thetendency to exist on the lit pros We there-fore our own estimate for the current cropof 100341 to 10500000 heIrs maximum Instead ol

maximum the c tlmatc we commlttrelourselves to on the ll th till There Is n lack ol

by the cotton trade of tine

possibilities of a smell thisseason to continued iliM rorntlon whichcart only be accounted leciuseofon the part of many to consider the height of themorse than 15 having oncethemselves to thm assertion the majorityare not sufficiently familiar with crop movementsIn past years eir the present year or err not suf

In touch Southern hnten anilmerchants to lie able to Inform themselves ns tothe true condition of the cotton crop now beinggathered It Is quito on the cards for thIs cropto be a as

Theodore Price said There Is relitlvely nodemand from My advices from FullRiver Providence and lloston and other centresnf time spinning Industry soy that It Is Imposstlleto oven at concessions and spinnersare afraid to buy became they cannot their

and In ninny Instances cannot negotiatetheir paper In my It Is no a ques-tion as to size of tItus cotton crop The mInISmum of cotton with which tIn ran br keptreasonably active Is the measure of this years

In America and In thetrade Is likely to receive a serious rlirck In

tine war now Imminent between enl RussiaCorfZB Hlo on the spot was snooty at Hr

fur No 7 Sales 2000 lungs lOin No 7 Futuresadvance 5 points but reacted closing steadyutth sales of 51000 bags Havre advanced lf to

and Hamburir f to H pfg American ware-house dellverle1 last week 133007 bags againstWK13 In time previous week and illMi last yearHlo was unchanged Mlom hags stockWHOOO exchange unchanged at 12 Santos

receipts 20ooobngs stock 1355000Prices as

Illgltst IOIMX ClosingJanuary 523 510 sreigjto-Fehrunry 515520March 540 530 525 VMApril 535U540SIllY 565 550 64SB350June 550jt5WJuly 515 5 ft SV 36flAugust r00 V15September 575 570 SmtU70October 415470November 405 4 SO 47Sa4WDecember 515 505 S003S05

There was a slight rte In coffee enrly In the dayon higher European cnbles a little foreign buyingand together with local outsidebuying but the demand soon felt ofT and on liquida-tion principally In November prices reacted

METALS metal were somewhateasier on troth sides of the water today Copper-In London declined 2s fld for spot to 54 5s

5i for fiilures to 53 17s M Tin there declined12s M for spot to 113 12s Pil and 7s M for futuresto 114 7s Speller was unchanged at 20Tile following are the quotations of the MetalExchange Copper lake spot I335e electro-lytic spot I31215C castIng spot lIt25024 tJ5 cleid 4 50e spelter fle Iron North-ern No 1 X in J17 No 2 Ifl Vo 3IHfflllS southern No 1 foundry 5 11560 No I

soft llSatLVRO No 2 soft H45oa i5 Ironwarrants nominal steel rails at mills I2H

NAVAl STOIIES Spirits of Itirpfntlne ei d-tKt Common to good strained

was quiet at Il325ail4 formess Lard was dull prime Western J725 cItyM25 a 75 rellned Continent 1750 TallowDressed hogs HsWjr lImiter Creamery extras2lc rlrits I0ffl20i5e Stale tubs firsts l aline Cheese State f c small colored or whitelaneS 121 large I2e Nearby fresh

atherfd calms 2no Western 35c12 There was a better market In sympathy

with lighter receipts of hogs an nf bOo

In priori at the yards and because of the bettershipping demand ftc lard There was some eater

shorts and the bulls were Inclinedlo press thHr advantage a little The volume oftrading was moderate Receipts of hogs todaywere only 17000 the effect of last weeks Im

reductions In prices The weight of tactweeks arrivals here averaged 215 pounds ax corn

with 255 the previous week and 2SO the corre-sponding week last year

SreiAB Haw ants firm at 3jcfor Ml lest Refined was In fair demand and llrnrgranulated 47Jc-

rmrAttO 12 These were indayi PricesOpen high Lout rim Irtr-

Whrat Ila I t i line KlahrOct mewl 7DH 7ll 71 UMay 7M 7PU 7DJJ

December 7M u 9UlIce olin

7M 7oj7 i 79-

1Deeember 4Mt lf 46May il 4 M 4SJ

DullOctoberDecember 3S 37

aMi 3i 37i

3-797t 31

3 J

October 870 D77IJ 1170 fl74 e87UJanuary 875 em 70 IPO

875 8 3 aTHj fl 6711

October i 48January 841J4

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Stewart Building No 330New York October 6

TO CONTRACTORSJOints or proposals for dolnr the work and fur

the called for In the approvedform of contract now on iSle In the of theAqueduct for furnishing delivertog and placing sluice and drainvalves with the necessary lifting machineryladders etc required at the Park Reser-voir The the of New Yorkwill be received at this offlce until twelve oclocknoon on Thursday October 22 1903 They willbeas soon thereafter as possible and the award ofthe contract for doing said and furnishingthe materials required will be made by sold Com-missioners M soon thereafter aa practicable

Blank forms of said approved contract thespecifications thereof and bids or proposals andproper for their enclosure

other Information can be obtained at theabove offlce of time Aqueduct Commissioner onapplication to the Secretary

particulars see COy RtcorS pub-lished at No 2 City

By order of the Aqueduct CommlaslonersEYCK President

HARRY w WALKER secretary


Stewart Building No 280 BroadwayNew York October i 1903

TOBids or for doing the work and furnish

lag the materials called for In the approved formof contract now on Ole In the onceCommissioners lot furnishing delivering erectIng and placing cock valves castingsand ladders for the Jerome Park Reservoir Bor-ough of The Bronx the City of New York will be

at this office twelve oclock ooonon Thursday October 22 1903 They will be pub-licly opened by the Aqueduct Commissioners usoon thereafter as nod the award of time

contract for said work and furnishing thematerials required will be made by sold Commis-sioners as soon thereafter as practicable

Blank forms of said approved contract and thethereof or proposals sail

proper for enclosure formother Information can be obtained at the

above office of the Aqueduct Commissioners onapplication to the Secretary

particulars see Clip Record published at No 2 City

Bji order of the Aqueduct CommissionersEYCK President



Sealed proposals In triplicate will be receivedhere until 12 sos II 1903 for constructingframe Hospital and frame Stewards

Hodman Infor-mation furnished on application U S reserves rightto reject or accept any or partthereof Envelopes proposals to boIndorsed for Public FortHodman Mean Capt H C HODGES Jr U SInfantry Q M

OFFICE OF TOtS COMMISSIONERS D C Washington October 3 1903 Sealed proposals will bereceived at tIlls once until 11 noon Saturday October 17 1003 for grading and regulatingthe roadway over and approaches to the Massa-chusetts avenue bridge across Creek Blankforms of proposal specifications and all neces-sary Information may be at the Office



Custom House Norfolk Vn Sealed

hoists at Fort Monroe Va will be recelved here until 12 M Nov II 1903 and thenItch opened Information furnished on applica-tion E WINSLOW Capt Engrs-

Om R UARIBTSOpen IHth Low Cia Pete

tit lag NightWheat tit78 Ity

May 7fM MDuluth Dec 77Vi 77H nil

MayToledo Dec 85 tSft 8 N

May 85 85WKansas 7W 67Vj

Lice 65 85May 83Vf 83JJ 82H

CornKan M 37H 37 37

Live Stock MarketMONDAY Oct U

Receipts of beeves for two days wrens 4333 beadIncluding 05 ears for export alive 118 for slaugh-terers and M for the market Steers fell off 1015cclosing dull bulls and cows on light receipts weresteady to lOt higher The yards were aboutCommon to choice native steers sold at t390tt 355per 100 lbs stags at t3 W bulls at 123521325 cowsat lVrf 310 with no prime fat cows offeredDressed beef In fair demand steady at fl JWc

lb extra beef sold as high as 9Ucerpool and London live cattle andsheep steady Exports today none tomorrow1500 beeves 1100 sheep and 4400 quarters of beef

Receipts of calves for two days were 1731 headIncluding Ill for butchers l13fl for time marketVeals were not brisk hIlt prices firm to 35o higheron light receipts grasstrs also were selling strungbut with a about 400 nero likely to goover No Western calves offered Common tocholro veals sold at i5aJ85 per 100 lbs selectedlots at J culls at MtltlOO graders and fed calvesnt t3 3 50 yearlings at t2S5a 2 5 City dressedveals lint at SjilSo II with extra carcassesbringing 13lc country dressed Hrm at TKll c

Receipts of sheep and lambs for two days were11IHO head Including 7 cars for alive 18 forslaughterers and T1VI for the market making withthe stale 3Hj cars to be sold fiood sheepwere active sad lint others steady lambs werelIe to SOc higher nearly all the stock was cleaned-up Common Hi prime sheep sold at 1260314 perinn his choice at t425 ordinary to choice lambsat MCOtfl50 culls at 475 Canadian lambs atI-

flSSfJfilSO Dresed mutton firm at f 7Hclb dressed lambs at Sftllc

Receipts of hogs for two wero 7481 headIncluding 2000 for tIme market Prices werefully 2Sc State and Pennsylvania hogswere fairly quotable at n fl23 perlight pigs quotation


11 F Wlnchell nt of fltSan Francisco has moon appointed

KtMiprni nittnagor of the Rockto A wise roiilirnwiyesterdny Mr the planeon next nnd will move headItmrterH In ClilcnKo-

W K Drown Omen bull cotton leader Is

blllllllK CoffffThe Blorklioldern of the Old Dominion

Mlnlnv and Company hav-nnuthorlid tin directors to Inmin t7 OiX

eliit lieinds for unultfrThe directors hun also IHPII authorized lo-

ellspouc of thin treasury Htook-

Fiui Inrn rrudi rtthber him lieon offeriilin llonton nl for with futures

fl a pound Till1 or ndrop of in to 12 CVIIIH a pound from this highlUiiriH of the liisf ftw

The InlUilout 110311111 on iiicoiitit of a tour

itrnplilc triiiiiffr from rinn FrunclHoo

A 1redltorn petition In Imiikruptcy hudjecii tiled nuiilnxt David Levy und Dnvtd-

Uirliiiiiin il Levy A Co wholesale dealern-n KimiU nt 26 hunt rourtli Blreit-hitlvi1 of the Inllrd Hintoiirt IIIIH aiipolnteel Hubert A Incu rc lvi r

if hi1Wolf n Jobber In 2l Ilroud-

ay iniiiln fi to-

ilorriH Ctikor who wild that tOne llttbllltliHire iI later creditors petition Ip bunkunify WItS against Mr ooa Judvi-




by the Aqueduct

of the EngIneer CommIssioner I C It 13 F

for furnishing nail installing chain am-


MinaeapoIi Dec 7034 79747531 79347

777k 7

6434 9086

6734 O-1St Louis 4344 434

CIty Dec 5-7StLotlIl Dec 41 404 403 4114








Smell tag

I II ireiinsnt o

II 04 sell

eftu Ics Siiiilrcnstir y-


IIllallti45 lrouililis


FIll t liiA jut Ill 11st net

I S-

PIn ill eli kit atS

20J 000 and tine liCtU4l aaoia 000 ohrs

filedthe Illetrict CourtEdward 43 Benedict receiver








