THE SUN 0IDTOBER 9 il c I r M 1903 l HONOURABLES STILL HOLD QU AXD ALL TilE ACIETS ALSO nvK THE DEADLY FEASTS Earl iirrakfatt at the Waldorf In tin Cold Urny llawnof the Morning Afte Sherry Auto Ride anil Breakfast a- fUremont Story Tolling lire hid Hot titS Xext Fair Hinds ip the nay That Uiltli hymn of tho Aroliipelag about the cold gmy dawn of the morning after loesut apply to the allies of London Proton ami Now York Not a man wo lost in tin battle of the Honourablos the Ancients at Sierryn and there were no quittiM yesterday morning when the Old Oiiaril of New York sounded the ad- vance on Claremont for breakfast Preliminary morning rations of chops gait fiwh and bromo seltzer were issuei early at the Waldorf for the Honourabli Artillery Company of London and Ancient and Honorable Artillery Compan of Boston But the real breakfast wa served up on tho tanks of the Hudson with Mnjor Brigg and his comrades of the It was an international breakfast I hogan at noon tflth grave fruit from Call fornia and by 3 oclock in the afternoon the last drop of Vermont maple syrup lad Ixtii poured onto the last fragment o English muffin In tho three hour Interval Imtwwn the fruit und the muffins 50 casei of wino magnums 15 cases of Scotch 200 partridges 1000 eggs several busheli of mushrooms and about all the whltefml that could he caught In Lake Superior for the occasion were seized and dinposcr of without any noticeable damage to the general appetite for an Informal cold luncheon which was nerved later in the afternoon at the Old Guard Armory or Broadway after a remarkable story tolling bout warriors dressed for the weather 11111 didnt care If they were drenched when they reached Claremont The original plan of going up there by way of the Park and Riverside Drive In a procession of open automobile was carried out regard lens of the ptorra The Londoners wore serge short and fatigue cap with sliver buttons and with shoulder knots of steel mail to dUtlnguiah the artillerymen from the In- fantrymen The latter carried their swag ger sticks The artillerymen had riding whips If anybody has an Idea that these distinguished Britishers dont look like real soldiers he should see them in fatigue uniform charging up Claremont the teeth of a storm When the Old Guard reached the Wal dorf to resume Its duties aa boat and moor and found that the bad put aside their swords and guns and coats and bearskins the rushed back to their armory to change their clothes too They swagger sticks or o all barrelled straws instead of sldeanns and muaketa Before the hotel the Earl of Den In command of the Honourablee sent a cable his and Honorary Colonel of the company King VH 001 want to Just what he had cabled but the purport message was that this Is a one of Its moat noticeable characteristics is Its capacity- for visitors a good Earls opinion seems to shared by all the men command Col and Lady Denbigh rode to Clare aocom tenay was automobile Lady Denbigh and were the ladies at the breakfast They were cheered as stepped from autos for the Claremont The Ladies Gods Fairest Creation That offered Major Briggs and it was followed by the For Shes a Jolly Good Fellow sticks and whips instead of something Vhen we arrived in Sew York the said and realized that we wore to be entertained the Old Guard I re called a former order on a famous field of battle Up guards and at em But then- I decided as well surrender first M last The Bo r war was a triflj to this I saw the herculean build of tho Old Guard I know that our little nineinch li iianlpaa an They would never come out on other side They would be absorbed and assimilated iron constitutions- and we have to explain to our Oftlco at homo how we had our equlp tnfnt So we have put aside our arms till wo get outoide of military Jude thanked Uw rectal with the battle the Britishers and Lady and most of tho visitors from and Boston stoppKl at Clip J W Asiwll of the Old Guard the man who wes to it that everybody Is happy minute brought sou- venir of the A British Captain Ea i tho New York Captain a silk Union Jack and Iady her name on it Tho real thing in the of a time time the visitors called it Old Guard Armory where the ftory toilers of tho three commands got tog ther with the doors locked and a bottle or two for every talo The lone from woe allowed ta Hi room all through the telling Last night the and Londoners attended the Old Guard Fair at Madison Garden in a body Thy are to go to Washington today TIll managers of the fair allowed the Minutfl Men Washington organized in 1901 to givH what of th old Continental drill Thoro was nobody lluw to say that It wasnt but Hi London remarked that- if did drill that way he couldnt understand how they won their Lout and Laity Denbigh Col Hedges and Mrs Baylor left the fair early went to lackH Theatre whero they had a box UKITISll IlMi OV HALE STAflKT- nan In million unil IMilently Plaewl Sonic One Him Dislikes tile Ancients Iflrly yentenlay morning one of the poiictiii Ti on duty In the City Hall Park found i HI to the base of the statue of Nathim Hale a British flag that had been toro Inlo ribbons Pinned to it was a card which lore on one side the words I it forBft and on the other side the letters S The attention of weal called to the tattered ensign by the boot- black who a year ago his picture in impunt of a tale of won and lost again 27000 on the racetracks on tips him leadem police confiscated OBrien of the City Hall station thirks that It WWi to the menu during night ardent who is with the hospitality that U being Company of Lon- don H inters S A R are tonnt fr Son of the aitrl that fwillngn of Individual wlio iuicrd the flag at the of statue c n dfKrinlnol by Its mutilated con- dition CoP OBrlon unld that he Imd detailed men to investigate the maltnr lint touch il and the Old Guard lib blue- coats me a to Ed ward moat with of the Old Guard knd Dalton ot Col BId ot the tncients by his daughter cr end made quick through the rain and the toast WM Tho only other toast was to Major Briggs and the Guard The I proposed It and In a little told why had swagger I more deadly W lien bayonets would In attack- If Wl a hoin thrust wed lose the bayo dlrotlon Earl and was On Ui way hack from Claremont rordI- II Grants TooTh ood Joll however late In the afternoon at the remaini- n the JIlt inntal fI ht I b J A It the rolman th the the but latrlot disgusted hlnkK the voll the the the I two It h not tk L In Ih InlldllIt m Sum botts The Massa- chusetts Mfs g speech got ziets War wa Square C We Tam- many Othe tin sac t5l waa ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ LIVE TOPICS ABOUT TOHV One of the regular figures on Fifth ave- nue nightly is rather terrifying to tho who see him for the first time He is ai undersized man comfortably dressed H raves at the top of his voice against wealth shakes his list at the tall buildings on th avenue and exhibits symptom o violent rebellion against the soda He occasionally runs after car rmccH occupants ileslstH after a few tluit he is harmless and he needs only word or look from them to mibside inti City Hull Park offers varied fields of ac tlvlty for the small boy ranging from bath in the fountain to sliding down the Hall steps on a board A number of boy of all have been In the park almos boy curried small box and every few he picked something up it into the box are you boys doing asked stranger Sure and peaches too the boy holding up an earthworm Not BO very long ago a safe expe was summoned from this city all the to Mexico with his expenses paid in order to open a time lock safe in which mechanism had stopped He travelle for six days and went straight t the Mexico whither been summoned Ho walked once the safe ascertained the character of lock and then rigged a tripod had the safe clear of H gave it a gentle the clock began t tick and the travelled city richer by a handsome fee The ringing of a alarm will at- tract attention to a particular build In rather more quickly than ro t other hi- cldents as every policeman knows Some of the burglar alarms which ring In popu- lous thoroughfare early in tnt evening are on this account the objects of suspicion and exceeding dislike on the part of the police The suspicion Is that the alarms are to purposes No that aint no I policeman to a wondered at the of the man In blue when the alarn bell somewhere behind a display was working hard to attract at I call a periodical It goes off at this time ore coming out of the theatres Ill tel that gent a pawnbroker what I think I catch him on my day turn While most of the owners of barber dont care whether their employees receive tips from patrons or not the experience o the Broadway barber who recently die played a announcing his as a no tip promising that any of his men a would be discharged- has caused some of the others to do some thinking about the tipping practice The owner of the shop In is dis- played says since its appearance ago his business 4 per cent Two small newsboys who stand under th elevated station at Eighth avenue arid 125th street have a scheme for making rainy evenings profitable The newspaper business for such evenings is dull but Instead of selling out their stock at a loss and going home as most newsboys do these it out later than usual During- a rainstorm one day last week a man passing along 125th street was unlucky to his umbrella blown out He discarded the umbrella and It With a little umbrella was soon as as ever well dressed man without an urn wella offered to hire it for half a dollar for ii homeward Journey and Jimmy chew ullv consented along Since then on any the boys seen under elevated station with two an opportunity o escort some unprotected person or a small fee Pays bettern de newspaper business n de the other night In response to congratulations- The Rev Dr GreeT future coadjutor Bishop Potter was always a man of action In his administration of his duties ien When there were Indications several ago that the Oeary law was to be unforced Immediately Dr Oreer who has mlxpion of more than 600 Chinese imme- diately telephoned to Joseph H Choate now Ambassador to England to retain him said was him to accept Dr Oreers offer The clergyman started downtown to discuss Mr Choate and if possible urge him to change bin mind On at Mr office he learned that the Chinese Six had already retained the lawyer to argue the same side of the case that Greer favored Determined to the lawyer In some even If he could not a fee Dr from his the Chinaman over whom the tout ate was made This luckless Celestial recovered his liberty when It that was amenable o the law there was no way of him Pedestrianlsm a a means of exercise rows more difficult In this city every year The crowds on the streets have increased until at certain times of the day the which would naturally looted for walking by men going to and rom business are too Lull for comfort- it was not very that a very agreeable thoroughfar- eor the man to combine air rid exercise with his progress to and from ds office But now afternoons- he street Is in many almost im lasoablo Elm street ever again putored to any reasonable condition rams likely to the road to health and future But there are unfortunately few signs there that will soon pos without an Trio most up to dale piano organ in New York plays at Broadway and Thirtyfourth street and is covered with biblical texts which soeni strangely at variance with the clwrnoter of the miisio it provides Us- obj ct is to call attention to the solicitations of a Salvation Army officer who rattles a few pennies In a tin cup and vociferously begs for more Thin organ lias the newest in town No song that makes n In musical three or vaudeville Is long out of this instruments repertoire Tho tunes mny not bo in the to the texts on the cover but they are selected by n very experienced Person who knows that a piano to Its own must something moro Mlwrere from H tore or tho Infwrmowo from Cavnllorin Bring has cwised ln bo a transient diver- sion Three years of great popularity hove made It ns traditional as tho form of gambling which It supplanted Whether persons It brought Into a they luul never known before will also ru main them is a question which tho norm found never would have known for tho skill which madethem amount of coronets Nom But they are likely to no longer T e order know I qUlct City nightly of late on Jtrn arc lights Each a i a the reply BaIt echoed the spectator replied way the m around the and fixed manwho about the first time shops two one ot the retrieved manipulation the An- other with ream to ue In court the constitu- tionality of the law Mr Choate ttle phone deep It Com- panies re- taining Ore er n only woe deport- Ing thor- oughfares bee R O tum Rhed place In the waking tune or an Trova or four X pc to of their forer through Women club hit the gol In mInd during Ist few In plAY not lltollf14i hy ant e bait was oor cia can- to I hut tea will he nowadays lust lea an lie present Bason lut answer outside social circles the especially ecstaticallY tuiem ore such rabb partners In layer tins ypzuruuind ft the was for any L t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WHY TIlE COLLIER KW tARCK MIOH- HE CALLEIt nESVnilECITIOX I Tip Old Hones of the Marryat Novel RatU- Grrwiomely All Through It Heally Scarab for a Situation Willie at HI Old Self Would He Welcomed Bach The operation of extracting sunshine froze cucumbers goes bravely on in dramatic world Tlio latest oxhumatloi from the cntacoml sof fiction saw the ligh at tlm Bijou last night and with the of William Collier lieu old bones of Cap- tMarryats Japhet In Search of His Father wore rattled to the title of Are You M Father Ernst Lacy was the resurrec- tionlstl The result was almost some Marryats fun was of the athletic breezy variety He dearly loved a practice joke and tho rougher it was the better In this he is the lineal descendant of Samue- Smollett substituting caricature for char- acter broad farce for comedy The tri- angular duel In ond of his tales isnt i Midshipman Easy is the top notch o Marryats delightful humor And then he loved to poke fun at the phrenologist and physiognomists Japhet in Search o- Hll Father is one long gibe at the human noseAre You My Father may be describe as one long search for a situation To bi sure the novel affords few but the adapts knew that In advance So did Mr Calls His audience knew It when the curtail fell after Act HI cfti the most axtraordinar combination of happenings outside o frank crazy farce comedy Perhaps the Joke was on the house Mr Collier may have boon indulging in one o- Ms mystifications for he played his par of the apothecarys apprentice as thougl- crageay had been his school meianohol his daily nourishment- He could not help being funny Hi was born so Rut it was fun for the curtain had saw the material with which hi had to work Frankly Are You Mj Father is a series of disconnected epi- sodes some comical many dull a few sad There were several speeches of the broadest pattern real conver- sational there were also several crusty oaths roundly delivered IE the old Mr Lacy has assembled an apothecary- a howling swell a choleric General a bishop with a a with a secret a farcical Irishman a timid and go erratically matters Mr wanders looking for the nose of his father There is a book for There wore some bright delivered by the star his simulate madness was one of the few sane moment of the evening Louise Allen has been better cost Merlon carried off the honors as Lady Her with Japhet when she reveals the of her was excellently acted George Noah wo the beau Hugo Toland a Indian Herbert the apothecary Brigham Boyce the bishop a character There was laughter in the audience for without the was bleak as Mr Collier would say and the speech was with the gratitude of stormbound Are William Collier Willie we have missed you Come back in any one of old characters and all will for- given SLIM THRONGS AT THEATRES Rain Hurt the Playhouse Keorlpti Iladly Last Night The rain played havoc with the attendance t the theatres last night Many of the ilayhoupes had very slim audiences There- re a many visitors In town and the of seats has been large for a week Persons who held tickets used them even if they did get wet in going to the theatre There was little or no sale of seats last night In many of the houses the curtain was held five or ten minutes to give ticket holders a chance to arrive Although there was an opening at the Bijou Theatre the house was not full at 830 oclock Fifteen minutes later tho curtain wont up Then wns such a crush of carriages on that moved at a snails 8 oclock there was a of Brondwuy cars from Twentythird street 10 street had HO much trouble in discharging their pas- sengers in the rain that they the from running on crush in the cars and on trains was even more marked when the theatres poured their crowds Into the street A by James Blame was upset by trolley car In front of Weber and that caused a troublesome mixup of vehicles Elaines back was hurt He was taken to the New York Hospital- S w of Playi and Players Charles Frohraan will reopen Mrs Os irns Playhouse on Wednesday Oct 31 the Vaudeville Theatre presenting Mme harlott Wlehe and hercorapanyof French ctors who are expected to arrive In New York on Saturday It is Mr Frohmans iiirpose to make the Vaudeville ap rma- jent French theatre giving several short lavs at each performance f Academy of Music be on Oct 20 will Agnes both Joseph Wheelock Jr Lionel Barry core Bennett Herbert Standing Ralph Thomas McGrath Tully Katherine Gray eymour HAMILTON FISH LAID UP Symptom of Appenclleltli Which Abate Under Treatment Hamilton Fish Assistant United States Treasurer I laid up at the Republican in Fortieth street threatened of appendicitis Mr Fish wa taken 111 late on Wednesday afternoon on a Broadway car was his usual health when he the car down- town after leaving hl office When the car got to Fortieth street Mr Fish wa Differing severe pain The was stoppnd nnd a carriage took him to the Henulilican Club Dr Koliert summoned and ho found hynipToTrm of appendicitis Mr Flnli a restless night but wax con- siderably Improved The symptom under treatment he improves as rapidly today M ho did able to to MM horns In Garrisons before e two daughters cam down from Garrisons and with him at the Hub for tome time yeHtPr day but they returned to their home night Mrs IrvHaiirt In lakrwood Mrs Grover Cloveland who has b i ill han gone to lakewood to recuperate The lintel annex which was to have bn n occupied presIdent of tho hotel Nathan Kotlcn for Mrs Clnvelnnd when her for rooms at the hotel was re- ceived a lintel will not be- Dpepert until November Mm i to upend kewood I L a the aid gre and crown del checksand heroine The In the como Abbot BOne wa ttd r our n god roadway cot Fields as The The Frank Ray lnlde1 and Cub WIt an hoarded ar Ahh at there I no though opprat- lng Fish It IK said he be pet Mr ready Ion the up ore week t ARE YU MY FATHER and a natured and rime a company Beet flockman Marion Vest was Mr is will FIshs the Cleveland t 1 > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ PUBUCATISNi Published this day Mr JOHN MORLEYS life of William Ewart Gladstone In three octavo volumes illustrated with portraits etc Cloth 1p0 net THE BOOK GOSSIP FROM LONDON CALLS IT this longexpected eagerlyawaited workT- HE DAILY CHRONICLE London quotesMr MORLEY as having said thai two men made him and adds repays the debt to one of the two by handing posterity a brilliant record of the great life the result of several years strenuous labor THE TIMES assigns it even greater value as history than biography since the true stories of Majuba the etc are told as never before A cablegram to the NEW YORK HERALD says that wonder at its long delay will cease in view ofthe tremendous labor involved since Mr MORLEY was obliged to examine personally about 0000 docu- ments of value in Mr Gladstones collection some- thing like 150000 letters written by the statesman and in addition all of the applicable government documents In short London forecast 0f tht coming paBHshln season is 14 First and foremost is Mr Morleys Life of Gladstone which alone should serve to mark the winter season of 1903 above all others of recent years- C F Cs London letter in Tht Litirarg World Published THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 60 Fifth Avenue New York The New York Dramatic SeasonA- ND THE THEATRICAL FEATURES OF The illustrated Sporting News ARE FULLY INAUGURATED THIS WEEK A Dramatic Encounter In Fleet Street the first of a series of articles to be by John Kendrick who will write on theatrical for no other weekly Ernest Haskells Portrait of Mrs is Langtry- is of a series which he will draw weekly during the season his subjects being people of in the and theatrical The Features Descriptive of Sport include articles on Football Automobiltng Golf and Racing The Goshen and Brockton Horse Shows and the Development of the Pointer are subjects of timely interest PUBLISHED 45 PICTURES TEN CENTS A COPY 1 POAT A- I I dow great- as Sudan lie Bangs not spring 1111 N IIII H II TODAY rr 5 IIH I I III IIII i < ¬ ¬ Only Married Men for lurom In Rupert Ilimlms pink silk wrapper and the of corespondents named are the strik Ing features of the divorce suit pending between Rupert playwright author sculptor poet artist In general and his wife Agnes Wheeler Hughes who was Miss Agnes Wheeler Syracuse Hughm onco wrote a play Will Peo- ple Say He nnd his wife are now won- dering what the jury will say Only men wore accepted n jurymen Mrs Hughes began a suit for a separation alleging cruelty Hughes replied with a counter stilt for a divorce which was on trial before Supreme Court Justice Clarke and a jury yesterday Hughes named eight men as coresp nd- unls William Herbert Reynolds Capt It Lemley Crowell Campbell Arthur Max Karger Robert J Grant James C Beehe and J Marmaduke Robin- son Karger is a Chicago musician Coun- sel declined to reveal the profession or busi- ness of the titers and Conover were in court They were youthful clean shaven and well dressed Mrs Hughes n woman of thirty witha pleasing laos She was accompanied by her father and mother from Syracuse W TJ Mathot for Mr Hughes read rimony taken by commission in London or Mra Maude Wilkinson who knew the whn they lived in England In 1001 Her testimony related to the jislts of apt emley and the pink silk wrapper Mile Jeanne Crepin a governess 18 years old testified that she saw Mrs Hughes kiss R bert J rant drink whiskey receive n visit from Mr Reynolds Also she saw Mrs Hughes dnd Conowr kissing Who did the kissing asked Mr Both of win togezer responded the French woman Hughe is n Lieutenant in the The that Crowell Campbell called on regimental nights only and when Hughes was at the armory M TIlE SEAfiOERS ChIef JimtlCT Fuller BPtiirns Sir Thomas Llploii Sill To l j Chief Justine Melville W Fuller of the United States Supreme Court his wife and his daughter Miss F L Fuller who have lx en abroad on vacation three mouths returned yesterday by the White Star liner and Chief Justice Fuller will zombie wit duties rn Monday Other passengers aboard the Majisti were K Ilerson Mr and Mrs 0 Loult A Mr and fr Mar- shall Field Hon John C Gray Mr- MnrgHret Began Mr and Mrs D Forest W Sate Copt 0 A Thomson and F Tumors The White Star liner Odric will sail for Liverpool tomorrow morning with every stateroom and with one of largest lists of the year Among those have Arranged to cross on Odrlnar Kir Thomas the Kent County cricket George Hartley C M P Or Hans Schwogel VlcoConsulat HC NorniWi Second Secretary of the British promoted to St Petersburg and Seymour Now Yorkers who are booked ere Mr M Abeca i 8 M J Slice Dr ijton Walter M- TauiilB and Mr and Sirs v I Wl ct10lENTi nh ore Hul- A most Hughes and of ent It marred Hen In the alway liter In her ton elbe o and Ion Sir and B the K Dr with at who Among lIE NIMES Play erighi hedge the- e with Max iarger nut hughes received wrap- per Mrs thomas Mrs F Stills 11ev Storra George the his Washington has been English acior Cole- man ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ HARPERS The fi50 Illustrated Chicago Tribune says Few books of fiction or of fact contain such a rattling crashing stun- ning description of a cav airy charge into certain death as is found in one of the earliei chapters and there are many other spirited scenes Paradise By ROBERT W CHAMBERS author of Cardigan Illustrated by Andre BROTHERS SQUARE NEW YORK M ed n s 0 t I lugneo HARPER Cast ¬ GOSPEL IVUVS IMMORAL Twentyfive of Them a Heslcrn Professor Are Set to Dance Music TOPEKO Kai Oct 8 Prof Penny teacher of music at Wnshbnrn College startled tIlt students today by declaring that there were twentyfiv Immoral songs In the hymnal The Gospel he wild contain a number of wags which are immoral and ought not to be used I do not moan that tho words are immoral but the music I include in this lint of Immoral songs six waltzes two twosteps nnd seventeen polkas I do not think words to such music are inspiring or millubln for religious exer- cises God Be With You Till W Meet Again is one of the songs tIthe professor classes as Immoral because of the music Shall We Gather at the River is another Hereafter music of lIre twnntep or polka order will be ruled out at Wash burn This is one of the strongest Congregational schools in tire West CROSS P4ITEI O rifE WALL The Strange Hrance her flue Body of Mr hrlle In OKHTKO Explained OSWEOO N Y Oct 8 The appearance of a cross on the wall of the room In which the body of Mrs Catharine Kelley of 231 Fifth street lay awaiting burial and which attracted has been explained St Louiss Church becom- ing alarmed at the extent to which tItus supernatural appearance had taken an invwtl He ninbecl off some of the totlxo mine and discovered that a had been painted on the wall ago Kalso been brushed over and the WOK just Beginning to show through this coat TbeteTall Frllowi Will look Down on Von A fivefoot man with a sixfoot sense of importance was walking down Nassau street the other when he found hU way blocked by a tall youth stnndingxi a cor nerAre you a asked the five footer moHt sarcastic tones M No Im not a lamppost replied th tall one Who are you way Saps of Inn waltz West hold cross ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ HAle Jlesurdos oils Vollalreii tales Moll Flanders Ovid MarMalt Kiilcrnnu Any book PKATT let fith av n SK II TS BIJOU g sS111 COLLIER III AIIK MV FATIIKK7 HOKM IN New irnnpi I N i M A T O J II A II I s 1 li Iumittmcilout A IHERSTIXE HEIHKED Sugar iiianv i lnK tnmetered The officers of the American Sugar Company repliwi to Deputy Water Conimi Hioner Van ldji tineV de- mand for S25fiOO dun he the city for unmelered water used during tho post six yemx at its works in Kent avenue The directors mind stockholders or the company declare that if unmotered water was il was without their knowledge or consent While not it wilful party lo any theft of water tho company woulil be lo rectify nny lin at- tention had boon to them The officer of tin rebuked Mr Van Id ivtine for making charge public as he ndmltted his had been completed Mr Van to out the letter from tin company It in nM that he was called to account by Commis- sioner Monroe for making serious charges before nil were known HERE TO FEEl IMWIES HOST Zion Illi el Man HIM lUve to Provide Two llally for 3SOO Frank W Cotton the Zion City hotel manager who will look after the feeding- of Dowles Hcptoration Host arrived here from Zion City yesterday SIr Cotton will cater only for the rank and file of the Host Fire more important brethren will go to first class restaurants Mr Cotton will have to provide two day breAkfaat and of the Host At luncheon They will that meal in whatever of the they happen to be making their house to canvass The restaurant at the Garden will bo turned over to the Host 00 00- EDEN I WAX C Chomlng music Ifnl the I th lot meaL to for 1 who provide hell own lust 5 F Pit I Ingly Re- lining have alleges used isl ore I will have shift themselves will wiilt era r J ct Sas > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ 23d St CoatlnaoaiVatdeTlllc llelWlUn kin A Co Lions Car rollAvonConMdy A 23 HltStarAots 2S Jr FLORENOB JUKE DMALCOLM WILLIAMS and i Stock Favorites Coat Vaude I the Palate of the Kl i A boll ot1 s IflriL Ol Nancy Stank 1ATI MeAl PEARL LANDERS and U I J Other Stock Favorttiw lUg Vaudf THBATHB liway SlStUSt OU Evei 8M Mat Saturday LAST WEEK tills TIIKATHK NEXT WKHK AT TIlE NEW EMPI- BEJOHN DREW NEXT MONUAV t i u E n Daniel I ruhman- la the miracle by tire auUut ol- If I Were entitled THE PROUD SEATS NEW EMPIRE A 40Ut9l CHARLES FROHMAX Manatet OPENS TUESDAY OCT 13 NOW ON SME THKATRE BHW 3UH 3 I5 Mat Wed Tile llty Sir Cranes alt th ati has grown f lias In Uncle Peter a charaottr- thnt rlnzs true Herald V IX in THE CRANE SPENDERS Genuine and hrciest enWrUlnmcnt Eve CRITERION CIIAIIIFS HAWTREY THEATHB 44th St Evgs h Slat Saturday THE MAN FROM BLANKLEYS THKATRE Mill St and D way UAnnlulV MntsWed It Sat mm m VI M e I I Write Fitch ELLIOTT HER OWN THEATRR 27thSt ft MttdAv Evz 81U Mat Saturday 25- Eucacment ends Saturday Nov 14 STEPHEN III VQQPQ PUIMIPS Hlil En agem ot Nov U Tickets purchased on tic woMhlttM d 43d St EXT LYnlO 7th Av MONDAY SEATS NOW SELLING FOR MR RICHARD MANSFIELDi- n OLD HEIDELBERG flADISON SQUARE THEATRE Evenings Blp Slats Thiirs Sot 210 GRACE GEORGE in Pretty Peggy CASINO W t S fdayJt5- Turlght at 8li and PAY TEMPLETON LAST a WEEKS Mats Thurs and Sat 230 THE EARL OF PAWTUCK- ETW LLA C and30tlt 1 Evenings 120 Hats Wwl Sat atatlSi- QTUaratlnK and World APES Latest Musical lilt TONIGHT GARDEN AKMT ASP NAVY GENliHAL ADM 50c BOXES 4 KESD SEATS MURRAY HILL THEATRE LexAvefttd SI Evits at 815 Satjit HARRIGAN Odder Cover PRICES to 150 llway 45th St Klawft Kangn EvrnliiksiH 8 sjfk IP Mats vnl Sat KIow Ktlandcra HC iVi lift in nu li Pioducllnn Low Wallaces- PHKES SOc 51CO ISO all Reserved roadway and J3d St- M Mat Sat P Hcnrlk 1IKI1DA MARTA OF THE LOWLANDS SEATS NOW ON SALK 41d St Bill Ave Prices2Sc DllOO- Matlncc SaturUij Checkers Sundaj Tell MarksConcert THBATHB iitM rinciF TUES BABES in TOYLAND DENT lits A Sit Mat I srATS NOV SEATS I UYd Malt ec OV SALE AGADEM V OF MLSII Hlh Nt ft irving Place LAST TWO CHAS WARNER A DRINK Prices MSOloo Situ d Sat 2 Bve8l3 BELASCO THEATRE fli- avM Ilrlaio an uncos for a limited tcnson THE AIIUfl OF TIlE QOIlS- H Kvus 815 Matlrec Sit 2tS Hr MARIE CAHILL hOUSE In ACV HKOWX- NeJt iVwk 1 lin I KIMiirs TinSilver Sltip r THEA run list SI llrondway JOHNSON 2 i Hearts Courageous Drmdway and cotli St ijullti llatlnro IJullr- JIAIili DIIIMSIKIi DAILY A HILTON U Sully Krnrst llotrai 11 nl WIlUcj list SlrpUrin n d Collln ft Hart Kt- cKNICKERBOCKER ttSti TUB ROGERS BKOS IN LONDON InM Wciln Mnli ic in mo row at Z- II TrtDIA idNt liwnv 7th Av KV nH Mat Vcrt st THE FISHER MAIDEN I KNICKERBOCKER BURLESQUE- R5BI PASTORS Klein OU Hrj A MrUrrson Drawre iSh rtrUIl- la llcWItl VntcrniHin Trust lltrllrti 0nilni WEBER FIELDS ffl Hhst t liiiinr nnnl- lsssA11 i I4h Ml Thr lir th av Mali Ved a Sat AMMUW t Wrrkt AUKAII M naurlmult4 XA IOOLK HSKI Mir of 3l jrd- SiMcjlMnllnrrTiurtlii IIKDHAUAO- MfllGRAND t T KEITHSIC- X IV fi I07ti Mil M Vr1 ftS1t- MM IIMIISO fkVKIllii ANI PAKTEU- Hwij litKST SHOW IVTOWN ACTSW- lthtitIPIIIfKSVtr anfl MiI- RVINCS IlACK THKATIIK Kvrli at 8JO- TII night SIt Mnt A Kvir IiJtlUM- K Franz farce Corned u a b r k ra PROCTOR iT ly25c O J 6th j IB at old SpaD Mal Mal Thurs and HERaLD CAPTAIN H PRINCE d a IN CAPTAIN DREW DIEPPE SAVOY 1 I rn I I ivetrics WAY ARDEN D way al R Mat Wtd Su ends MAIDS ale way OH PERlRMWEn S11V PRINCESS St KS t SQUARE I I as Wed 25c populare 1 81 Mal Stat bctsoat len a MRS WEI lhs01s tJAILEt 3 MAJESTIC EKS I Iat I BLANCHE SATES In AI BROADWAY C I R C L E hS I r V I DEWEY ST lnfllt r o 0CI9 k DEE leA A C K END THEATRE I So J WIi- on real I MO RO- c anord J j AIRU NT Fisher a tnt rirnn Ill a JtiPPE tiny a Pad 515 U t3 LITTLE 1L1 A a 29th Evja 530 I tIED PEOOYEEEPARIS F Kegs c NEW v Managers t m 11 flu uafl az air I t5I r icix TUESDAY OCT iiEilluN tOO v4 cuT Mettle MitineeTodayus- rit tIght Sirucil i3r 11th Si rear 34 tve win a heat tiuty VEST weeI iies tIre vu Mali eat a > > > > > °

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-10-09 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-10-09/ed-1/seq-7.pdfTHE SUN 0IDTOBER 9 il I c r M 1903 l HONOURABLES STILL HOLD QU AXD ALL

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THE SUN 0IDTOBER 9 ilcI r M1903 l



Earl iirrakfatt at the Waldorf In tinCold Urny llawnof the Morning AfteSherry Auto Ride anil Breakfast a-

fUremont Story Tolling lire hid HottitS Xext Fair Hinds ip the nay

That Uiltli hymn of tho Aroliipelagabout the cold gmy dawn of the morningafter loesut apply to the allies of LondonProton ami Now York Not a man wolost in tin battle of the Honourablosthe Ancients at Sierryn and there wereno quittiM yesterday morning when theOld Oiiaril of New York sounded the ad-

vance on Claremont for breakfastPreliminary morning rations of chops

gait fiwh and bromo seltzer were issueiearly at the Waldorf for the HonourabliArtillery Company of London andAncient and Honorable Artillery Companof Boston But the real breakfast waserved up on tho tanks of the Hudson withMnjor Brigg and his comrades of the

It was an international breakfast Ihogan at noon tflth grave fruit from Callfornia and by 3 oclock in the afternoonthe last drop of Vermont maple syruplad Ixtii poured onto the last fragment oEnglish muffin In tho three hour IntervalImtwwn the fruit und the muffins 50 caseiof wino magnums 15 cases of Scotch200 partridges 1000 eggs several busheliof mushrooms and about all the whltefmlthat could he caught In Lake Superiorfor the occasion were seized and dinposcrof without any noticeable damage to thegeneral appetite for an Informal coldluncheon which was nerved later in theafternoon at the Old Guard Armory orBroadway after a remarkable story tollingbout

warriors dressed for the weather11111 didnt care If they were drenched whenthey reached Claremont The originalplan of going up there by way of the Parkand Riverside Drive In a procession ofopen automobile was carried out regardlens of the ptorra

The Londoners wore serge shortand fatigue cap with sliver buttons

and with shoulder knots of steel mail todUtlnguiah the artillerymen from the In-

fantrymen The latter carried their swagger sticks The artillerymen had ridingwhips If anybody has an Idea that thesedistinguished Britishers dont look likereal soldiers he should see them in fatigueuniform charging up Claremontthe teeth of a storm

When the Old Guard reached the Waldorf to resume Its duties aa boat and moorand found that the bad put asidetheir swords and guns and coatsand bearskins the rushed back totheir armory to change their clothes tooThey swagger sticks oro all barrelled

straws instead of sldeanns and muaketaBefore the hotel the Earl of Den

In command of the Honourablee senta cable hisand Honorary Colonel of the companyKing VH 001want to Just what he had cabled butthe purport message was that thisIs a one of Its moatnoticeable characteristics is Its capacity-for visitors a goodEarls opinion seems to shared by allthe men command

Col and Lady Denbigh rode to Clare

aocomtenay was automobileLady Denbigh and were the

ladies at the breakfast They werecheered as stepped from autos

for the ClaremontThe Ladies Gods Fairest Creation

That offered Major Briggs and itwas followed by the For Shes aJolly Good Fellow

sticks and whips instead of something

Vhen we arrived in Sew York thesaid and realized that we wore to

be entertained the Old Guard I recalled a former order on a famous field ofbattle Up guards and at em But then-

I decided as well surrender firstM last The Bo r war was a triflj to this

I saw the herculean build of tho OldGuard I know that our little nineinch

li iianlpaa an

They would never come out onother side They would be absorbed andassimilated iron constitutions-and we have to explain to ourOftlco at homo how we had our equlptnfnt So we have put aside our armstill wo get outoide of military Jude

thanked Uwrectal with the battle the Britishers

and Lady and most of tho visitorsfrom and Boston stoppKl at

Clip J W Asiwll of the Old Guard theman who wes to it that everybody Is happy

minute brought sou-

venir of the A British Captain

Ea i tho New York Captain a silk UnionJack and Iady her nameon it

Tho real thing in the of a timetime the visitors called it

Old Guard Armory where theftory toilers of tho three commands gottog ther with the doors locked and a bottleor two for every talo The lonefrom woe allowed ta

Hi room all through the tellingLast night the and Londoners

attended the Old Guard Fair at MadisonGarden in a body Thy are to

go to Washington todayTIll managers of the fair allowed the

Minutfl Men Washington organized in1901 to givH whatof th old Continental drill Thoro wasnobody lluw to say that It wasnt but

Hi London remarked that-if did drill thatway he couldnt understand how theywon their

Lout and Laity Denbigh Col Hedgesand Mrs Baylor left the fair earlywent to lackH Theatre whero theyhad a box


nan In million unil IMilently PlaewlSonic One Him Dislikes tile Ancients

Iflrly yentenlay morning one of thepoiictiii Ti on duty In the City Hall Parkfound i HI to the base of the statue ofNathim Hale a British flag that had beentoro Inlo ribbons Pinned to it was a cardwhich lore on one side the words I it

forBft and on the other side the lettersS

The attention of weal calledto the tattered ensign by the boot-black who a year ago his picture in

impunt of a tale ofwon and lost again 27000 on the

racetracks on tips himleadem police confiscated

OBrien of the City Hall stationthirks that It WWi to the menu

during night ardentwho is

with the hospitality that U beingCompany of Lon-

don H inters S A R aretonnt fr Son of the

aitrl that fwillngn of Individualwlio iuicrd the flag at the of statuec n dfKrinlnol by Its mutilated con-dition

CoP OBrlon unld that he Imd detailedmen to investigate the maltnr lint





OldGuard lib


me a to

Ed ward

moat with of the Old Guardknd Dalton ot

Col BId ot the tncientsby his daughter cr

end made quick through the rainand the toast WM

Tho only other toast was to Major Briggsand the Guard The

Iproposed It and In a little told whyhad swagger


more deadly



bayonets would In attack-If Wl a hoin thrust wed lose the bayo

dlrotlonEarl and was

On Ui way hack from Claremont rordI-II



however late In the afternoon at the


the JIlt inntalfI ht I



the rolman



thebut latrlot disgusted

hlnkK thevoll

the thethe


twoIt h not tk

LIn Ih InlldllIt






























LIVE TOPICS ABOUT TOHVOne of the regular figures on Fifth ave-

nue nightly is rather terrifying to thowho see him for the first time He is aiundersized man comfortably dressed Hraves at the top of his voice against wealthshakes his list at the tall buildings on thavenue and exhibits symptom oviolent rebellion against the sodaHe occasionally runs after carrmccH occupantsileslstH after a fewtluit he is harmless and he needs onlyword or look from them to mibside inti

City Hull Park offers varied fields of actlvlty for the small boy ranging from bathin the fountain to sliding down theHall steps on a board A number of boyof all have been In the park almos

boy curriedsmall box and every few he pickedsomething up it into the box

are you boys doing askedstranger

Sure and peaches toothe boy holding up an earthworm

Not BO very long ago a safe expewas summoned from this city all theto Mexico with his expenses paid in orderto open a time lock safe in whichmechanism had stopped He travellefor six days and went straight tthe Mexico whitherbeen summoned Ho walked oncethe safe ascertained the character oflock and then rigged a tripodhad the safe clear of Hgave it a gentle the clock began ttick and the travelledcity richer by a handsome fee

The ringing of a alarm will at-

tract attention to a particular build In

rather more quickly than ro t other hi-

cldents as every policeman knows Someof the burglar alarms which ring In popu-lous thoroughfare early in tnt evening areon this account the objects of suspicionand exceeding dislike on the part of thepolice The suspicion Is that the alarmsare to purposes

No that aint no Ipoliceman to a wondered at the

of the man In blue when the alarnbell somewhere behind adisplay was working hard to attract at

I call a periodicalIt goes off at this timeore coming out of the theatres Ill telthat gent a pawnbroker what I think

I catch him on my day turn

While most of the owners of barberdont care whether their employees receivetips from patrons or not the experience o

the Broadway barber who recently dieplayed a announcing his as a no tip

promising that any of his mena would be discharged-

has caused some of the others to do somethinking about the tipping practice Theowner of the shop In is dis-

played says since its appearanceago his business 4

per cent

Two small newsboys who stand under thelevated station at Eighth avenue arid125th street have a scheme for makingrainy evenings profitable The newspaperbusiness for such evenings is dull butInstead of selling out their stock at a lossand going home as most newsboys dothese it out later than usual During-a rainstorm one day last week aman passing along 125th street was unlucky

to his umbrella blownout He discarded the umbrella and

It With a littleumbrella was soon as as ever

well dressed man without an urnwella offered to hire it for half a dollar for

ii homeward Journey and Jimmy chewullv consented along

Since then on any the boysseen under elevated station

with two an opportunityo escort some unprotected personor a small fee

Pays bettern de newspaper businessn de theother night In response to congratulations-

The Rev Dr GreeT future coadjutorBishop Potter was always a man of

action In his administration of his dutiesien

When there were Indications severalago that the Oeary law was to be

unforced Immediately Dr Oreer who hasmlxpion of more than 600 Chinese imme-

diately telephoned to Joseph H Choatenow Ambassador to England to retain him

saidwas him to accept

Dr Oreers offer The clergyman starteddowntown to discuss MrChoate and if possible urge him to changebin mind On at Mroffice he learned that the Chinese Six

had already retained the lawyer toargue the same side of the case thatGreer favored

Determined to the lawyer In someeven If he could not a

fee Dr from histhe Chinaman over whom the tout

ate was made This luckless Celestialrecovered his liberty when It

that was amenableo the law there was no way of


Pedestrianlsm a a means of exercise

rows more difficult In this city every year

The crowds on the streets have increased

until at certain times of the day thewhich would naturally

looted for walking by men going to and

rom business are too Lull for comfort-

it was not very thata very agreeable thoroughfar-

eor the man to combine airrid exercise with his progress to and fromds office But now afternoons-he street Is in many almost imlasoablo Elm street ever againputored to any reasonable conditionrams likely to the road to health and

future But there are unfortunately fewsigns there that will soon pos

without an

Trio most up to dale piano organ in New

York plays at Broadway and Thirtyfourthstreet and is covered with biblical textswhich soeni strangely at variance with theclwrnoter of the miisio it provides Us-

obj ct is to call attention to the solicitationsof a Salvation Army officer who rattles afew pennies In a tin cup and vociferouslybegs for more Thin organ lias the newest

in town No song that makes nIn musical three or vaudeville Is

long out of this instruments repertoireTho tunes mny not bo in the

to the texts on the cover but theyare selected by n very experienced Personwho knows that a piano to Itsown must something moro

Mlwrere from H

tore or tho Infwrmowo from Cavnllorin

Bring has cwised ln bo a transient diver-

sion Three years of great popularity

hove made It ns traditional as tho form of

gambling which It supplanted Whether

persons It brought Into a theyluul never known before will also ru

main them is a question which tho

norm found

never would have knownfor tho skill which madethem

amount of coronets NomBut they are likely to no longer





I qUlct


nightly of late on Jtrnarc lights Each a

i a

the replyBaIt echoed the spectator








about the first time



one ot theretrieved manipulation the





to ue In court the constitu-tionality of the law Mr Choate ttlephone deepIt




taining Ore ern

only woe



oughfares bee


tum Rhed


In the



or an


or four

Xpc to of

their forer throughWomen

club hit

the golIn mInd during

Ist few In plAY

not lltollf14i hy



bait was







will he


lust lea an



Bason lut answeroutside

social circlesthe

especially ecstaticallY tuiem

ore suchrabb partners Inlayer tins

ypzuruuind ft

the was for any

L t









Tip Old Hones of the Marryat Novel RatU-Grrwiomely All Through It HeallyScarab for a Situation Willie at HIOld Self Would He Welcomed Bach

The operation of extracting sunshinefroze cucumbers goes bravely on indramatic world Tlio latest oxhumatloifrom the cntacoml sof fiction saw the lighat tlm Bijou last night and with theof William Collier lieu old bones of Cap-tMarryats Japhet In Search of His Fatherwore rattled to the title of Are You M

Father Ernst Lacy was the resurrec-tionlstl The result was almostsome

Marryats fun was of the athleticbreezy variety He dearly loved a practicejoke and tho rougher it was the betterIn this he is the lineal descendant of Samue-Smollett substituting caricature for char-acter broad farce for comedy The tri-angular duel In ond of his tales isnt i

Midshipman Easy is the top notch oMarryats delightful humor And thenhe loved to poke fun at the phrenologistand physiognomists Japhet in Search o-

Hll Father is one long gibe at the human

noseAre You My Father may be describeas one long search for a situation To bi

sure the novel affords few but the adaptsknew that In advance So did Mr CallsHis audience knew It when the curtailfell after Act HI cfti the most axtraordinarcombination of happenings outside ofrank crazy farce comedy

Perhaps the Joke was on the house MrCollier may have boon indulging in one o-

Ms mystifications for he played his parof the apothecarys apprentice as thougl-crageay had been his school meianoholhis daily nourishment-

He could not help being funny Hiwas born so Rut it was fun

for the curtain hadsaw the material with which hi

had to work Frankly Are You MjFather is a series of disconnected epi-

sodes some comical many dull a fewsad There were several speeches of thebroadest pattern real conver-sational there were alsoseveral crusty oaths roundly delivered IE

the oldMr Lacy has assembled an apothecary-

a howling swell a cholericGeneral a bishop with a awith a secret a farcical Irishman a timid

and go erraticallymatters Mr wanders

looking for the nose of his fatherThere is a book for

There wore some brightdelivered by the star his simulatemadness was one of the few sane momentof the evening Louise Allen has beenbetter cost Merlon carried off

the honors as Lady Herwith Japhet when she reveals theof her was excellently acted

George Noah wo the beau Hugo Tolanda Indian Herbert theapothecary Brigham Boyce the bishop

acharacter There was laughter in theaudience for without the was bleak

as Mr Collier would say and thespeech was with the

gratitude of stormboundAre William Collier Willie we

have missed you Come back in any oneof old characters and all will for-



Rain Hurt the Playhouse KeorlptiIladly Last Night

The rain played havoc with the attendancet the theatres last night Many of the

ilayhoupes had very slim audiences There-

re a many visitors In town and theof seats has been large for a

week Persons who held tickets usedthem even if they did get wet in goingto the theatre There was little or nosale of seats last night

In many of the houses the curtain washeld five or ten minutes to give ticketholders a chance to arrive Althoughthere was an opening at the Bijou Theatrethe house was not full at 830 oclockFifteen minutes later tho curtain wont up

Then wns such a crush of carriages onthat moved at a snails

8 oclock there was a ofBrondwuy cars from Twentythird street10 street had HO

much trouble in discharging their pas-sengers in the rain that they the

from running oncrush in the cars and on trains was

even more marked when the theatrespoured their crowds Into the street A

by James Blame was upset bytrolley car In front of Weber

and that caused a troublesome mixup ofvehicles

Elaines back was hurt He wastaken to the New York Hospital-

S w of Playi and Players

Charles Frohraan will reopen Mrs Os

irns Playhouse on Wednesday Oct 31

the Vaudeville Theatre presenting Mme

harlott Wlehe and hercorapanyof Frenchctors who are expected to arrive In New

York on Saturday It is Mr Frohmansiiirpose to make the Vaudeville a p rma-

jent French theatre giving several shortlavs at each performance

f Academy of Music beon Oct 20 will Agnes

both Joseph Wheelock Jr Lionel Barrycore Bennett

Herbert Standing Ralph ThomasMcGrath Tully Katherine Gray



Symptom of Appenclleltli Which AbateUnder Treatment

Hamilton Fish Assistant United States

Treasurer I laid up at the Republicanin Fortieth street threatened

of appendicitis Mr Fish

wa taken 111 late on Wednesday afternoon

on a Broadway car was his usual

health when he the car down-

town after leaving hl office When thecar got to Fortieth street Mr Fish

wa Differing severe pain The was

stoppnd nnd a carriage took him to theHenulilican Club

Dr Koliert summoned and ho

found hynipToTrm of appendicitis Mr

Flnli a restless night but wax con-

siderably Improved Thesymptom under treatment

he improves as rapidly today M ho did

able to to MM horns In Garrisons beforee

two daughters cam downfrom Garrisons and with him atthe Hub for tome time yeHtPr

day but they returned to their homenight

Mrs IrvHaiirt In lakrwoodMrs Grover Cloveland who has b i ill

han gone to lakewood to recuperate Thelintel annex which was to have

bn n occupied presIdent of tho hotelNathan

Kotlcn for Mrs Clnvelnnd when herfor rooms at the hotel was re-

ceived a lintel will not be-

Dpepert until November Mmi to upend kewood











The In the



wa ttd









The The


Ray lnlde1 and

Cub WItan




at there I no though opprat-

lng Fish It IK said

he be





up ore week t


and a naturedand



company Beet

flockman Marion




is will




t 1











Published this day


William Ewart GladstoneIn three octavo volumes illustrated

with portraits etc Cloth 1p0 net


this longexpected eagerlyawaited workT-


as having said thai two men made him and addsrepays the debt to one of the two by

handing posterity a brilliant record of thegreat life the result of several yearsstrenuous labor

THE TIMES assigns it even greater value as history thanbiography since the true stories of Majuba the

etc are told as never before

A cablegram to the NEW YORK HERALD says that

wonder at its long delay will cease in view ofthetremendous labor involved since Mr MORLEY was

obliged to examine personally about 0000 docu-

ments of value in Mr Gladstones collection some-

thing like 150000 letters written by the

statesman and in addition all of the applicable

government documents

In short London forecast 0f tht coming paBHshln season is

14 First and foremost is Mr Morleys Life of Gladstone which alone should

serve to mark the winter season of 1903 above all others of recent years-C F Cs London letter in Tht Litirarg World

Published THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 60 Fifth AvenueNew York


The illustrated Sporting NewsARE FULLY INAUGURATED THIS WEEK

A Dramatic EncounterIn Fleet Street

the first of a series of articles to be

by John Kendrickwho will write on theatricalfor no other weekly

Ernest Haskells Portraitof Mrs


is of a series which he willdraw weekly during the season hissubjects being people of in the

and theatrical

The Features Descriptive of Sport include articles on Football Automobiltng Golf andRacing The Goshen and Brockton Horse Shows and the Development of the Pointerare subjects of timely interest











spring1111 N IIII H II








Only Married Men for lurom In

Rupert Ilimlmspink silk wrapper and the of

corespondents named are the strikIng features of the divorce suit pendingbetween Rupert playwright authorsculptor poet artist In general and hiswife Agnes Wheeler Hughes who was MissAgnes Wheeler Syracuse Hughm

onco wrote a play Will Peo-

ple Say He nnd his wife are now won-

dering what the jury will say Only

men wore accepted n jurymenMrs Hughes began a suit for a separation

alleging cruelty Hughes replied with acounter stilt for a divorce which was on

trial before Supreme Court Justice Clarke

and a jury yesterdayHughes named eight men as coresp nd-

unls William Herbert Reynolds CaptIt Lemley Crowell Campbell Arthur

Max Karger Robert J Grant

James C Beehe and J Marmaduke Robin-

son Karger is a Chicago musician Coun-

sel declined to reveal the profession or busi-

ness of the titersand Conover were in court They were

youthful clean shaven and well dressedMrs Hughes n woman of thirty witha

pleasing laos She was accompanied by

her father and mother from SyracuseW TJ Mathot for Mr Hughes read

rimony taken by commission in Londonor Mra Maude Wilkinson who knew the

whn they lived in England In

1001 Her testimony related to the jisltsof apt emley and the pink silk wrapper

Mile Jeanne Crepin a governess 18

years old testified that she saw MrsHughes kiss R bert J rant drink whiskey

receive n visit from Mr Reynolds Alsoshe saw Mrs Hughes dnd Conowr kissing

Who did the kissing asked MrBoth of win togezer responded the

French womanHughe is n Lieutenant in the

The thatCrowell Campbell called on regimentalnights only andwhen Hughes was at the armory M


ChIef JimtlCT Fuller BPtiirns Sir ThomasLlploii Sill To l j

Chief Justine Melville W Fuller of theUnited States Supreme Court his wife

and his daughter Miss F L Fuller who have

lx en abroad on vacation three mouthsreturned yesterday by the White Star liner

andChief Justice Fuller will zombie wit dutiesrn Monday Other passengers aboard theMajisti were

K Ilerson Mr and Mrs 0 LoultA Mr and fr Mar-

shall Field Hon John C Gray Mr-

MnrgHret Began Mr and Mrs D Forest W

Sate Copt 0 A Thomson andF Tumors

The White Star liner Odric willsail for Liverpool tomorrow morning withevery stateroom and with one oflargest lists of the year Amongthose have Arranged to cross onOdrlnar Kir Thomasthe Kent County cricket GeorgeHartley C M P Or Hans Schwogel

VlcoConsulatHC NorniWi Second Secretary of the British

promoted to St Petersburg and Seymour

Now Yorkers who are booked ereMr M Abeca i 8 M J

Slice Dr ijton Walter M-

TauiilB and Mr and Sirs v

I Wl ct10lENTinh ore Hul-



ofent It



In the

alway liter In her



and Ion Sir and B

the K Dr


at who


lIE NIMESPlay erighi




with Max iarger nut

hughes received wrap-


Mrs thomas Mrs F

Stills 11ev Storra




Washington has been

English acior










ChicagoTribunesays Fewbooks of fiction orof fact contain such arattling crashing stun-

ning description of a cavairy charge into certain deathas is found in one of the earlieichapters and there are many otherspirited scenes


author of Cardigan

Illustrated by



M edn s0


I lugneo





Twentyfive of Them a HeslcrnProfessor Are Set to Dance Music

TOPEKO Kai Oct 8 Prof Pennyteacher of music at Wnshbnrn Collegestartled tIlt students today by declaringthat there were twentyfiv Immoral songsIn the hymnal

The Gospel he wild containa number of wags which are immoral andought not to be used I do not moan thattho words are immoral but the music Iinclude in this lint of Immoral songs sixwaltzes two twosteps nnd seventeenpolkas I do not think words to such musicare inspiring or millubln for religious exer-cises

God Be With You Till W Meet Againis one of the songs tIthe professor classes asImmoral because of the music Shall WeGather at the River is another

Hereafter music of lIre twnntepor polka order will be ruled out at Washburn This is one of the strongestCongregational schools in tire West


The Strange Hrance her flue Bodyof Mr hrlle In OKHTKO Explained

OSWEOO N Y Oct 8 The appearanceof a cross on the wall of the room In whichthe body of Mrs Catharine Kelley of 231

Fifth street lay awaiting burial andwhich attracted hasbeen explained

St Louiss Church becom-ing alarmed at the extent to which tItus

supernatural appearance had takenan invwtl

He ninbecl off some of the totlxomine and discovered that a had beenpainted on the wall ago Kalso

been brushed over and theWOK just Beginning to show through

this coat

TbeteTall Frllowi Will look Down on Von

A fivefoot man with a sixfoot senseof importance was walking down Nassaustreet the other when he found hU wayblocked by a tall youth stnndingxi a cor

nerAre you a asked the fivefooter moHt sarcastic tones

M No Im not a lamppost repliedth tall one Who are youway














HAle Jlesurdos oils Vollalreii tales MollFlanders Ovid MarMalt Kiilcrnnu Any bookPKATT let fith av



HOKM IN New irnnpiI N i M A T O J II A

II I s 1 li Iumittmcilout

A IHERSTIXE HEIHKEDSugar iiianv i lnK tnmetered

The officers of the American SugarCompany repliwi to Deputy

Water Conimi Hioner Van ldji tineV de-

mand for S25fiOO dun he the cityfor unmelered water used during tho postsix yemx at its works in Kent avenue

The directors mind stockholders or thecompany declare that if unmotered waterwas il was without their knowledgeor consent While not it wilful party loany theft of water tho company woulilbe lo rectify nny lin at-

tention had boon to themThe officer of tin rebuked

Mr Van Id ivtine for making chargepublic as he ndmltted his

had been completedMr Van to out

the letter from tin company It in nMthat he was called to account by Commis-sioner Monroe for making seriouscharges before nil were known


Zion Illi el Man HIM lUve to ProvideTwo llally for 3SOO

Frank W Cotton the Zion City hotelmanager who will look after the feeding-of Dowles Hcptoration Host arrived herefrom Zion City yesterday SIr Cotton will

cater only for the rank and file of the HostFire more important brethren will go tofirst class restaurants

Mr Cotton will have to provide twoday breAkfaat and

of the Host At luncheon

They will that meal in whatever ofthe they happen to be making theirhouse to canvass The restaurant atthe Garden will bo turned over to the Host





Chomlng music






meaLto for

1who provide hell own

lust5 F




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23d StCoatlnaoaiVatdeTlllc llelWlUnkin A Co Lions CarrollAvonConMdy A 23 HltStarAots 2S


i Stock Favorites Coat Vaude

I the Palate of the Kl i A

boll ot1 s

IflriL Ol Nancy Stank 1ATI MeAlPEARL LANDERS and

U I J Other Stock Favorttiw lUg Vaudf

THBATHB liway SlStUStOU Evei 8M Mat Saturday



Daniel I ruhman-la the miracle by tire auUut ol-

If I Were entitledTHE PROUD





I5 Mat WedTile llty Sir Cranes alt th ati

has grown f lias In Uncle Peter a charaottr-thnt rlnzs true Herald


Genuine and hrciest enWrUlnmcnt Eve



THEATHB 44th StEvgs h Slat Saturday



UAnnlulV MntsWed It Satmm m VI M e I I Write Fitch


THEATRR 27thSt ft MttdAvEvz 81U Mat Saturday 25-

Eucacment ends Saturday Nov 14


Hlil En agem ot Nov U

Tickets purchased on tic woMhlttM



flADISON SQUARE THEATREEvenings Blp Slats Thiirs Sot 210

GRACE GEORGE in Pretty Peggy

CASINOW t S fdayJt5-Turlght at 8li



Mats Thurs and Sat 230


ETW L L A C and30tlt 1

Evenings 120 Hats Wwl Sat atatlSi-QTUaratlnK and World

APES Latest Musical lilt



MURRAY HILL THEATRELexAvefttd SI Evits at 815 Satjit

HARRIGAN Odder Cover

PRICES to 150

llway 45th StKlawft Kangn

EvrnliiksiH 8 sjfk IPMats vnl SatKIow Ktlandcra HC iVilift in nu li Pioducllnn

Low Wallaces-PHKES SOc 51CO ISO all Reserved

roadway and J3d St-

M Mat SatP Hcnrlk 1IKI1DA


41d St Bill AvePrices2Sc DllOO-Matlncc SaturUij

CheckersSundaj Tell MarksConcert

THBATHBiitM rinciF


AGADEM V OF MLSII Hlh Nt ft irving PlaceLAST TWO

CHAS WARNER A DRINKPrices MSOloo Situ d Sat 2 Bve8l3


avM Ilrlaio an uncos for a limited tcnsonTHE AIIUflOF TIlE QOIlS-

H Kvus 815 Matlrec Sit 2tSHr MARIE CAHILLhOUSE In ACV HKOWX-

NeJt iVwk 1 lin I KIMiirs TinSilver Sltip rTHEA run list SI llrondway

JOHNSON2 i Hearts Courageous

Drmdway and cotli Stijullti llatlnro IJullr-

JIAIili DIIIMSIKIi DAILY A HILTONU Sully Krnrst llotrai 11 nl WIlUcjlist SlrpUrin n d Collln ft Hart Kt-


II TrtDIA idNt liwnv 7th AvKV nH Mat Vcrt s t



PASTORSKlein OU Hrj A MrUrrson Drawre iSh rtrUIl-la llcWItl VntcrniHin Trust lltrllrti 0nilni

WEBER FIELDS fflHhst t liiiinr nnnl-

lsssA11 i

I4h Ml Thr lir th av Mali Ved a SatAMMUW t Wrrkt AUKAII

M naurlmult4 XAIOOLK

HSKI Mir of 3l jrd-SiMcjlMnllnrrTiurtlii IIKDHAUAO-



X IV fi I07ti Mil M Vr1 ftS1t-MM IIMIISOfkVKIllii ANI PAKTEU-


lthtitIPIIIfKSVtr anfl MiI-

RVINCS IlACK THKATIIK Kvrli at 8JO-TII night SIt Mnt A Kvir IiJtlUM-

K Franz farce Corned u a b r k r a


6th jIB

at old SpaDMal Mal Thurs and





I rnI




Dway al R Mat Wtd Suends








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