THE SUN MONDAY JANUARY 26 1903 h I I 3 RLi r s 1s I ov4r Ihnjt lout nit and une Ifll- rtal I C B lx fey p4I- Win4 Oft who nd- heni i hip d Th con that t he- ret1 in- fle th- th Iyth on1- aah c- ito for kvd kIcno tior- flr ton his thor jig It sit lou hat be at ncr Ut- vkl Max only ety 7waa lis- wjh and lots who 34l1- I Mid It it- n ting eged- n in- satd noen eon oris con tutit ng- arge and ker the kiln riot- S tO two cke4 act- on rupnt gain the d g 0 BABOON BORN IN BRONX AttniTlOX TO THE COXIVI- OF STttAXOK rOVOSTEttH Slide the Mother Hun It While Rnbbe the Fattier Roars Little Siberian Hear Itlni of Neglect Hailing Canadian Porcupine on a Dottl- rin of the rnmst of menagerie events KliiBcelelnnted In tho New York ZcOlogfc- Inrk A was horn lie monkey and Sunday visitors witn ed a of affection the port of tho proud mother Sin1 the mother In a stately longftrtneI- mbo n from West Africa Hho wa puj rha d from Carl years ago From t he t lino of t ho owning of tho e HH hart l een quartered with her main huh until recently when n plnc d In n cage by bench The two bal ooiis vlUi their d veloi d arms and limbs and their coats or brilliant yellow hair have always favorite On account of his elongated iwk njid his interest in everything that hipieti SimieM mate hat been llubfvr by the keepers rrntu the time the Junior Rubber wan born to the clewing of the building ypsterda mother and father exchanged roars punts of parental congratulations that made thus building ring TIP mUch cherished baby U covered with n cat of Mack hair Its face arid cars an pink U ith eyes big and black and an ex iTv fli in of extreme folemnity the young lor red curlouMy at vlltors every f w KAcouds time of tor which it would It fan against tho mothers breast nn affection almost human Susie lli tightly to her and grunUd sus- piciously as visitors lingered about her pflge During the few weeks a number o rare animals been born in tho pirk Four days ago on of the Siberian U ap daTe birth to a tingle cub Bears are tel torn born in captivity and even when urn the mother generally neglects them For two days the little fellow larger than a guinea pig although the mother weighs nearly 300 pounds appeared to be receiving the proper oars and nourish meet It waa cautiously visited by Kwpei- MulvehlU at frequent intervals Lute lr the of the second day Muhrehll discovered that the mother had wilfull- nhanged her sleeping quarters and the tiny newcomer had become thoroughly chilled It waa brought to the reptile hous warmed and placed la cotton while Mveral keepers were scurrying for foster mother returned and the little bear was Immediately In her charge Tho foster mother all in tier had weakened the cub which died early the next morning One of the strangest In the Park U n porcupine which received touch the same treatment from in mother as did the bear Keeper Greebe is Oils odd baby a and although in it must be han- dled with care Apparently it is covered with long gray cactus I pleasant to the touch compared the creature With a might he called decidedly bowlegged Greebes ulcer pet like a dog unnoticed- In house eccentric conditions attend the rearing of a of fernie lance During the volcanic disturbances In Martinique the curator of in he a letter nondent In St Lucia explaining that thousands of the had been smothered in tho Pele- eMlja colricldenco the ship bringing ti letter North carried a female Ivinc of the kind In arty zoological institution In this country So deadly- ire ti M snakes that few care to iiem A month after her arrival the uiDrl ed reptile hoiiM staff by giving birth to young Ih young art in With the exception of the all re mblt the mother but this portion of their body Is a livid yellow Within after no died in less than a minute from a roko of their fangs These young vipers are Always born possession l oUon fangs and are at once to shift for themselves The mother pays no attention to A is rare n captivity elaborate preparations to the lassfronted boxes was at on oe constructed n cacti box two of the little snakes vent wartored Each compartment contained a miniature branch o climb upon and to used in shedding lie skin a sheet of blotting kept ninMonpil at all times The blotting th atmosphere of the boxes damp which c wax necessary for wet of I ho young FViMened various boxes a unll chart on which was to be marked he date when a reptile took food The nalte were fed with tiny frogs onci in iir snakes are feeders In ivitv and only ton of the little vipers be an feeding Thet am thriving grow X Tho rest of the are a mpiilsory manner Frogs legs are run throats a slender cp nnd although they are slightly fuller than the ones which teeth rily vigorous and healthy is tlm of the curator they will feeding soon of their wird WOES SEW WASXT UPVXK- MKiutre Ha an Kxcllent Explanation for llli failure to Keep Ills Feet A innii who said he was Peter McGuire nnl that bo lived at SS5 Fiftyfourth tr t which Is a stable was arraigned yesterday in the West Side police curt cluirgod with intoxication Police um Keuney Moglntrata Breon that he found floundering around in Siclith avenue last night And have you got to say to that Mediiri the Magistrate- I hal n w iho your Honor What huts that got to do with it VY 1I your Hlverence I mean your Honor kin yer Itlvvroncea pardon did ever T nn eriws thn wooriu a tmlr av phoes Did Th MftKistratn in the affirmative iio A Honor Sure I Ulilnt kaiw mu feet and A Lilt drunk Vl 1 rtnnt know nliout that said the Mag Ilrat but tho excuse is a now one Your hr to Iw somewhat worn now Jo I Hie and Me if you can keep on your rnirr mrn FEUOW FEELING niiiilnt Hob A Fireman nreaiue He Had llren One Illinself- Ntw RociiKU X y Jan 25 Tho- I tw of Mrs Oulnan In Drake avenue was rr l lx l n ao nndthe burglars car rd f ff and jewelry Iwlonglng I half a dozen boarders Jack Grugan Mo driver for tho Xow llochello Fire Do l rtin iit l t a gold watch he imvived a by iiiaJI containing Jita- l irkie was a note which read like this Since taking your watch I have learned you an a fireman and Mn the irt T fireman tnyw lf and havn a friendly liriK for von If I bach known that mil ironuui I would have never tAken vat and I have returned It an soon Mlblo 1 i pncknR WM mailed to Xew York It PARK ill baboon In hOE on I two hOI she th 1 hide Wit pst abut a plat a r ot squeals It fPU t to the Park It onl I 11 them prO be rAY o I hv An I hop that West toll Lat noddEd an fet wok tem hat I J to tIfF monkey mate enormously been named and they scarcely afternoon sent placed plaintive the frhlutneu Mi appropriate label was prepared specimen wa4 he ready 1 I fat was I carpet uw lw I tnhutlrig tie that the engine used ho > > ¬ > < > ¬ > < LIEUT EVAXS EXONERATED Acquitted by the Court Martl t That Trl Him for Neglect of Duty NonroLE Va Jan 25Meut H Evans Jr U 8 A who was tried by martial at Fort Monroe last week UK t the of neglect of duty and eion today that In was arrested on Oct 31 last and was only released on Dee 3 after he had been for fortynine days deprived of an officers privileges Under the army regulations ono no must be tried within ten days unit tin pout should be remote The charges preferred against Lieut Evans said That First Lieut H Clay Evans student officer In the Artillery School nl Fort did wilfully neglect the course of work prencriboi for him by Capt X C Davis Instructor- in Artillery School In tin iieiwrtmcnti of electricity mines and mwhanUm that the neglect was between the 10th and 20th September last Upon the the ixttirt which consisted of Major Best president and ten other artillery officers with Copt Harris Judge Advocate the prosecution failed to sustain the charges and Lieut Evans was acquitted Major Charles Evans ol Tennessee Lieut Evansn cou ln a Spanish- war veteran was counsel for Lieut Evans LlfUt Evans who saw service In China and the Philippines saUl today that ht was absent from instruction duty on the days named only because he woe ill from the effects of hardships endured In service Uo i u innnly fellow anti I popular wllli officers and men at the fort C5t n Edgar Allen formerly United States District Atornoy at Norfolk who U n firm frieml of IJput Evanss father former Commissioner of Pensions said today that there was no evidence upon which to try Lieut that lila exoneration WOH Alen is a veteran of the Civil War is prominent in the Grand Army of t he Republic and In t he Republican party in Virginia A HELLO FROM THE ttOCKlES What D You Think Tile Telephone Clrli- Thrrr Have Got Raise of Wages What do you think of that remarked- one of the hello girls in a downtown tele- phone exchange yesterday turning to tin girl who sat given t ho Rocky Mountain girls an Increase In their wages You know they have a union out there which recently irgnnized and they threatened to go on strike unless the company increased their wugos SIS a company has given In and theyll the Increase from the 1t of February Thats a week from today What do think of that How do you know Inquired the other girl Why I Just got It over the wire from a friend of came the answer It must bo true for it CHIIU druight frim Chicago along time lire Why Idldnt know they had telephone the Rocky Mountains remarked tin other girl I didnt know they had any of Chicago iit me tell you continued I ho first speaker 1 got it straight und It true news came to nu a little while ago by telegraph ami partly by A it tin line I wouldnt be a telephone girl out there remarked the be dieud ful among them Mormons I oIl the gIrls have the fume husband But tell me how you got the IIOWK In the first place remarked the girl who hud the aii operator iu Salt Lake City sent It along to snottier who sent the liens to Payne Idaho and Payne sent it to Tree and Utah True neiit to a nt Dillon who Bent it to another friend of tnlne at Butte Mon My friend there win thou news to Helena to her friend in Cheyenne Wyo and it to her at Neb where Bryan lives und nho told it to a telegraph operator who knew a friend- of when he ttent the news to friend in Chicago the wilt it on to me Strange isnt it how can news right out of the heart of the Rocky Mountains just been telling to a friend of mine who a telegraph operator- in the Western Union tended to the news to a friend of his who was a telephone operator in Boston who had another an operator iu the If I alone In a Rocky Mountain central office Id be seared to sit the time remarked the other all the time that a bear lion might In to me some night that Id be on night Id rather be here in New without an increase in wag wouldnt you Sure came the answer you hear nil the news lucre anyway and more invitations to dinners theatre parties Hello George did you get for me HOSTILE TO TEXXESSIK- MUiltflppI Wants to Know Why Her NrUli bor Wont Vive fp Alleged Criminal NKW OHUEANB Jan 2S There may be a severance of friendly relations between Mississippi and Tennessee a a result of the treasury scandal proceedings Time official of Mississippi are anrloui to learn if it Is to be the policy of the State of TennesMo to refuse requisitions drawn legally charg- ing a plain offence where there every Indication that the man can nccure a fair trial in the State hat wants him If here Is a to deliver Armntead the Mem- phis charged with handling the money taken from the Mississippi State treasury it Is probable that a of will be by Mississippi stead to uov gone Into office as tlm sueitMor of who twice refused to deliver rtnstead up to the Mississippi authorit once on the l that thu millet meRit was defective and charged no offence next on the ground hail hero Is small doubt of hi acquittal If ov Frailer refiws It then the of through her officials may retaliatory measures Dtvorrni firsntrrt b ImlKe llotiihlunA- MSTKBIIAM X V Jan 2SIn on Item today SIS with reference to Judge Houghton having yesterday granted four llvoroes it was stated that McCros was divorced from tier husband John icCrosBPn that the couple were married husband and never n heard from hi wife H is true that an Interlocutory decree granted trs MoCrossen husband resides Schenectady Mary iiiociirw Iw i tamed an and it was tier day following their marriage July 18 Trophy for the Twent llilnl Hrelmrnt Brevet BriuOen UanleJ Appleton of Seventh Regiment by hits taff vent over to Brooklyn Saturday night the Twentythird Itogimmit Iu its conclusion of some manoni vres won at three contests for winners Mirer trophy the f future conteSts offered court charge accused a Mono day Evan r mon- thS OU ply L th Crt vou t MId ICu A requisition he for who Hov and that huo lot to rot It for trial I adopt In sell Jul 18 and th b i Mocliricu who the to avenue the M ot Icagle to the trophy which the to bon owe ot the committed a tu The tel cit send Vest was be- thinking the wIll Arm Frazier line lust fInally decided If ov Frazier grants Arinctacl may be to Jaekon but The that the day following disappeared ivaN hubafld the ItO attended review In Beulford Brooklyn At Charles the Brooklyn tim silver regimental shooting team three WinflinW being necesUY the It wait ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > MR HOWARDS LOVE LETTERS THE rAiTon ii77irniirs PET 770V Foil IXVKST1GATIOX- Hy a Vote of Majority of IIU parMilanr tIle tliurch Withdraws Slrmbei ship In time iiwterly Meetlns Tim tlaklng It an Inilrprmirnt liurili BATAVIA X YInn 25 Tlio Rev George N Howard Pastor of the flank Ktinot Rijitirt Church thin publication of who love letters has iiu od a big Kcnsatloi hero and who lathoroU2hinveRtl gallon has repudiated his call for on council and to prevent Investigation hat organized n bolt In his church Hy this a majorlt of his parUlilniiers a now church Into existence and a bitter feud IN on between tutu divided factions Till is the climax up to date of the fliullti of n bunch of love letters sent to Panto Howard by women They were gath crud tip in ccrn M by his boarding mistress Mrs Mlllan Clement and parted together Then she sought to prevent tho lnstnlllni of Howard as poxtor und the Hov Cyrus A whom hhe took counsel with Howard said her was all mi Invention and the church trustees took hi word for it and hn was Installed Immediately h brought suit to recover 10000 damagM from Mrs lenient unit Johnson for slander and nl o t i letters which ho admitted were his Incn then hero has U en one among tho two factions over tin merits of tho Tlm niitlHowardilei HUV that a ninrriiHl man receiving love letters from other women of ini aHhmo tones which they btitmyed Is not Jut tlm sort of ixThon to minister to their fiiritim welfare from the pulpit Howard Kile he courted an Investigation anti the churcl sent u jxtltion to M etlni of B Churches held In Uile Tin Quarterly InuuedUitely granted r of rhiiroh which called for thu upN inlnient nf three from their body Howard wanted a Iu says Komu of hw own friends on tho council and Hnt a petition linking ior npjMilu- tnitiit of two mliii ter from two more to be appointed front his church and a fifth to npiKilnted four inlnLstem ThU alo va grouted Xov- hu says that the first petition wn potton up and hustled through by miretire ent and tliat filgiuittiiiM were obtained to a manner not ooiisiKtunt with honor He nNo protests nijalnst the council whieh- h nt le l for hliii elf Thn Hov I 11 DurkvH of Itochester- cliulrinun of Hiutu Prohibition Com- mittee former jjistor of the Untavia- Iliurch wan iiaiiicil by the Quaneriy Meit- ini the ljivoMitaiicn Hi until l iMereiifiiiis and llcwatd- Miys that nut pillule at any that le is inteirtted in KIV- Sthnt In if tile mini whu nil hayu i slitter and propos ti nt thai inivrvM- nnit li ikH after Ho also objeciH the Her Or Pirsons ut wliu viis up pointed a one uf the tlvn 10 ait- an he fays i iiit lit the district and ban no biHinc to hit He also nfcra- to fiiit that 1arriOiH has till of 1 I wliich he mivs any buy for US Howaui with ilfuliiiK Into touii and at a wen s slon to undermiiK hU HO H ivpulatlnn ho wn inuaehliiK tlf wild of God from his pulpit- It wai to Howard that the council WHS to ovent and llfty tneinlwrH- of tin rhliT h were KCH II to the weekly prayer inwlinK without any aiitioimcc- iiicnt a biMiiiefs ion wan to H held afterward After the service of prayer Howard played his and lens wore nml tlm church de- clined to appoint two initii rH to itt with other inn Then a leoliitloli was utiiiriiiiu illy adopted wlthdrnwuii the- Ihiireh from memlM in the Quarterly Motiii and making it an entirely Inde- pendeni rhtirrh lr of th cnuncll will held in I i announced renarde t of nny views hat Howard may hold Tlio Mitt provided for any jssil i cxintiiinency namiiiK emergeniy of who will act Iri present Howard do s not ct to th re The seKi in will under t ho Church laws he is barred from having legal unel there Tho Church law allows howover- meml rs of tie Hritavia churrli In Hood o be present but other pulill- oprons are enranee tun liiv t lHtix which Howard in tK anxious to ICLMIIJ of will- be oflered in oviil tir hue o nre still in lbs Mrs Cleiuetit and niv still to be used ill her deforce III the xiillliK- flatider action Howard tiidonvoiid to- Kcun an which would prevent Mr v il lcr i oflered them If would pub- licly ndmit their ownersblp which lie has- praciioaly ikiiie by he action to- f s iinnt rn itts Senator rsil i Hill Oellinllliic Their llu lne llnrlono Senator Thomas lrmicis inidy emo- crntlc of tlo minority in the upper HOUMI has Introduod a huh affecting stenographers In tho Xcw York city courts puxzls them as to itt ptlrpowH The lull intends to amend sec- tion 82 of tho Cud of Civil Iroriduri rel- ativoto these Monographer declaivs Lad Mflincraliher 1M III tills Bit is nn nfllr r of tln or court for fir tiy- whuh i and utah the liKchnri of 11s iluilis mint suit Millie tlio Colistitiitiotiil oath of and mile the jnie In the ofti of the cl rk of nut or in the Minr iint I ourt In tin of tin clerk of ilieroiiiit y whet o the trim or the lut iisjilt hy whlili or by hinD lie iiliiillilcil A pel son I M h pointed to Ilie oOlre nf MCMfiiri unto III lie strnovraplilc art Xo r of court In the cliv or Xew York stnll T heioiilf illti ll directly nr Indlroctly us cuimnitinc imity partner stockholder r otJiirwl in or in the per formaiK of my null HI i voik or ImMn- rrelntlnc to tin preparation or prlrtiriK I niiv- ciisc or lillY nr liny ris- contalliiin excepting on iiiipeil or nny hill of exception r papers on troll nnn millions or briefs points or roini il in tiny ca itomllnir In Mir court In said If nf In tlio city or New Vorls HU- Ihe or beiiiiie MI Interested in any Miili work of t roiiaintlon of union the- me shall be clnvolved upon lilin by law iu linll forfeit his olllce The bill wns read twice nnd referred to Cotiunlttrrt on Codes of which Senator is chairman ronK OF ir svir HOSPITAL nn04M Iatlents Were Treated lucre The dir tor of Mount Sinai Hospital leld fiftieth nntiitnl moot hug yesterday n thou Inlted Hebrew Charities llullding rwtiviii a ivpori that nVit hind IHOII trenkd patients dmlttod to tlio hospital Tlm sum of i83StX was received in IwqiieBtc making total contiibiitlon of tl caono An ddltlonal 150000 Is required to complete ho new hospital building now being erected n the Fifth avenue block between hOIst lOJd streets Thn now will require fJ5CKX for mamtonnnc to membership in tho hospital in the lat year tonl A lifpniz i portrait of President Isaac allaeli was ycMorday The old nicers were redacted Elv more wit iut c nr tmm uny drAIn Knr York i4tl Check 16 Iatk IlACf A tr rom Aful John I story the pUt t t b ton 10 at lit t C cal pall I II lat I Hnla hit I x I 11n jIlt I hI t I aIr utah Ill I I nOl ill Ii Ill 11 t I a r Ill url hat SlfdI hill n ar have W Abl nld mAntP and E 0 I a Free- Will In- vestigating any springs mecover coat ititiiitiq wrangle itO t lie lie Quam ttrlv Ieet lug I t lit multi lsiii he the Cjiifieiico is t lie t lie Ii hit uislde u a Itt iii tIoe are Iim rio lie II 1Ol Iii 11 It tit j I or t hit t lit oil i t vIi lie I II o ant i I set 1l in I uothi I t hit bitt trig via ii lila v vet tttg un t lure t lit int a tic I e hit I t ii rid standi rig t A o f N luii iiiPt III iIh lii Vi hg ho liii ugh ii I get which fled ltt er rig t jus t u I ttTii alp cc cult tnri ii i it st I a ii ft 10gm phir JI I lit I I Iii hshcig Nearly car2al1HNh th icu and case anti flu II hiatt chikrlt hurter Light leM centS Uhutim < < < < < > ¬ < > > > > > < ¬ > > ¬ < > < ¬ < > < > < > TOIFV SUBSCRIBES 93S30OO Brunswick to t Secure a Steel Industry lincxswiCK Qa Jan was held hero last night to consider sltlon to donate 200000 cash as a bonus to the Mohawk Valley Steel anti Wire Corn pany of Worcester Mass to a with n dally capacity of 1000 product The meeting was so enthusiast that the city and county officials 100000 and the citizens mado up scrlptlon of 225000 additional thus over- subscribing the amount called for The plant will t e in operation within four- teen months and will employ from 400 to Cooo hands The town Is wild with joy and tho official of tho Mohawk Steel nnd Wire Company who are lucre are satisfied that they have east their lines In pleasant places SVLtnAX IULL WILL SIIIXE Syndicate f Diamond loanrrs to help Out the Hon Florrlei Fullitwm At the annual ball of the FlorrIe Sulllvar Association In Everett Hall next Home surprises will be sprung on the elt of tho Ikiwery and the reformed and un- reformed Kngelltes of de Ate Hosej tho lawyer is responsible for of He has promised to make this affair so swell that till guys uptown who pull off spiels In the WaldorfA torl will U running i Cf Imitations of It this rest of the winter Among tho Innovations are a cotillon n lugpunching contest and clog dancing The participants in the cotillon had a re hoamd yesterday afternoon In the Kngu- lHochstlm Hotel in Fwsex street and alter four hours hard work announced that many more reheuraals were needed lead the cotillon and if thn- Siilllvutis iiavo got pull enoupji Maggie will small sIlver corkscrews Every- man will wear evening dress and sweaters Ixt barred except In the gallery where the ostracized Hut sit Among those who will occupy boxes according to the announcement of the Committee on Wetgoods are Terry Mc Govern Congressmen U H SnlTior and Senators Foley and Ulordan Aldermen Porgos antI Harburger Simon Mayor of Second avenue Lawyer Al Kramer the Epicurean Club from tho Atlantic Garden 1hll To lend brilliancy to the affair a number of Host will loan a peck or FO of diamonds to those vouched the SulllvatiH The pawnbrokers ore pro- tected loss a company hut to guard aKahist ab at all the entrances who haw previously l oen Introduced to till the diamonds At mid- night there will a parade around the halt of alxmt two hundred memlierM of the Eagles The oMraclxiid set on their way to lint cnllery will b furnished with er- rolUirs they niu t wear throughout mid last night that Hon Flonle determined to thus silt out- s Inc any of the famous Martin Kngel Association balls Carriages may Iw ordered at 8 o clock In thou momiii- tTF tinT ItAIlt l IFIL STIIHFT llonsnrii llpenwnrk Klorklnit MiKr the Hulk of the Kildrnce Gallagher of the Ellal etli Street station heard recently that n disorderly resort was running III a room In Pell street and with two of his men he visited the plant curly on Sunday morning Tho- x li v found three women and two China men and two Japanese drinking tea to got her According to the police the room HUH gorgeously furnished The captain picked out a woman who until she wax Daisy Howard as the proprietor and the others along as witness When wete In the Toinbn p iliff Capt Gallagher hadnt much to except a tliii of the Howard womans coiitilino of which the most conspicuous feature va the UKklngH They were block oral In his detectives agreed with him In the description that the lioo luaU any evidence that tho place was disorderly discharged all prisoneis- IMIS sMEit Tin ritisFTsU- arltlnK Awoke tile Hmutholil llrfore the Title e Ipitatr The array of preKnts ought have been iiiihsing from engagement reception of Max lieUrskln antI Sadio Clare Klauni III the lpb rykin houi 30 West llJth- MrLit Lift night hut for the family ling Thn ptiMMitH cure on view on the MKIIIU floor utah family say they were worth lit IMIII WOKI Early on Saturday morning tIle barking tif tho dog in the aroused Max IJeliernkiii anil he awoko his father Ilclxrskin They fotNil the dining room and banmen strip ed of silver cut and clntlUng burglars hall dog before they had a chaniv- to get upstairs The place th ir lost at IJtiOO- fLOHH FltOV GAHItET A HOIHHT- To llel Frrct a llillliiliiB tile Paterson v H r A- IAiKnsov Jan SS Garret A Hohart mold Itn s mind liainford Bros yesterday contributed 111100 itch to the fluid for a home for the Young Womens Christian which has purchased the old situ of the Second Church which was destroyed by fire Two oommiltees are at work collecting fur I ho nSW horn One committee takes contributions of llooo and it hon obtained thirteen subscriptions The other committee seeks it l with much suc- cess flit now building will ciwt about 4nnOii Tlie Vteatncr Tie tnrai from the Trnnri r Vallf pt rt- nortlii tw rJ and w central yrstrnlij imirnlne- un the New coa t At nlcht It ku n anti sat lirlnr fullowrd by cliartnr rniiUtllniu Snow trll ovrr ull this ruimtry from Ihr Ohio unit Triins valleys and Iron Ibc Iikr npr hue Mldillr Xr Knxlauil Slalrs- riic fait train Puce to ilrLt Inrbrs There w s A nfroiid lu area over the Nuriliwett which moved lu hum the Nonli Iarlfle The tunperature rfnulned lnluw frtrzlnrovcr alt the eircpt llir hilt It WM roldrrlu the upper Mlmlulppl States and In thIs city snow fell tbrourbout the d r until 4 oclork M Th total rail was 4 InchM wlnit was to hlch northeast hlcbrit vrloclty attics nn hour lilibrit ttniprrsturc i lonrtt 21 ilcf rrc humldltr M prr cent tmromrter- mrrrctrd to trail to sPa level at A U 30 IP HyiyT- ne trmpcraturr yt M retarded br the jffrlnl thermometer and all bjr THE ness ttirr- j i rH the street unit It shown la UK an- aeied lallf- OffOal fluii Ofiltla f vni1- M1 IMS i OI mica ivoj- A Mi3 M 21 37 S- SIM ii so Js H MV m USC 31 7 9t- ITimilNClTONTORRCillTFOIlTOlltTiNn TO MORROW roe Cistern imtirn IfnnivltanHi a ul- iu JtrsV rloutfy tatlay far tamarrov vet rhinO itniptralurti nortlwttf irtnd fcnn0- Tor New and tomorrow lowljr rlslnc teniperalurei fresh nortb to north wlnda- Cor the District of ColumbIa Maryland Vlrrlnla Mitt ixlawarr lair todAjr lnerratn cloudlnnu- n mormw with rising temperature lIght variable nnrtJ For western Puituylvanla and western New ork fair todar sad tomormw with slowly riling temperaturE variable wind becomlnc- resh south Sum 25A meting sro plant vote Friday ItOtlf Clint hL favors mllut the fomrn WI I ovmuitig 1tOlf t lie Dais apt took t c lurt ln I 1 rnl I t II a tiielit for onl 011llItJ had tilsiutic amid Cat ties rtloll I 0 rare II rda run e s I 12 teaS irfdbfr o 1a eMI Ga GlveThat Valley moat the ltW vlhl is helm lit t lie hiv utrral vicleuits dec open- work see Got lie c Leon- A glues A seocini hum atuil Jets rrtionui duet lens country L3Le brisk aye las S 3 MId 26 NeiL York ¬ ¬ > > < ¬ > ¬ > > > Typewriter desks are a specialty here Export Prices HALE DESK CO IS STONE ST next Product Exchange MIDGETS TO GIVE A BANQUET ADMIHAL AO MHS HOT TO E- TERTAIX THEIH Fill EX DS Are SOft Ilotrlkerprn In White PlaIn anti the Ilinbaiirt Longr- Itllli GIants on the Htagpllow ant HhrnThry Fell in Love anil Jot Married Preparations am being made In White Plains for celebrating the tlilrtynilh annl vernary of the bIrth of thin wife of Jack HantKlller Jack amid dont In fairy pnlacv nor are they at- tended by fairies Nether do they live 01 angel cake Of tho people of White Plains are aware of till fuel that the Giant Killer and Mil wife own a hotel In the county seat of WeHtohoHtcr It U hue Hotel Ad mlral named after Its midget owner Ad- miral Pot The only nlmit he ever slew were stage giants Folks who attended the theatres away back in this MM when tilt Iiliputian company played Jack tutu Giant Killer will remember Admiral Dot In the title role He I only 48 Inches high although he in now 39 years old and hits little wife IB just one Inch taller tItan held In private lifo he is known us Leopold Kahn He was kjicnui H Admiral Dot when lie played in Pocahontas and the farce Toodle with the liliputlati company Admiral Puts wife wwi known to the public lu Lottie Swartwood That was lx fore she married the Admiral She In jiiHt as handsome today as she was when dim travelled with KoripniigliH Crout as- a member of the Royal Midget Company playing III lulllvers Travels as the hairv Queen This was away back In 1690 Admiral Jut joined Koropatighs Show alMiut that time Ir wantliiTc he flrel met mid tel in lnVf vart wood The little pecple wanted to get marrlotl right away Tlirir parent Ijtcaiixe they were not of the sutne tvligtoU1 belief The Admiral was a Jew Ml Swnrtwood was i Prenbyterlan lInt slit loved the Hunt Klllnr Just the name and told lien parents Hint not hint could lop the marriage The Admiral parentu would oorwtnt to the marriage one condition tnly That was that Miss Swartwood embrace the iHwidh Shut did BO anti the little iviiple were married III Victoria Hall III this city The marriage ceremony was performed on Sunday Aug 14 1H 2 After taking a bridal tour lusting four weeks and vUlllng the various teafhure- tedort thuAdmiral anti hits wife niried out part of a contract by travelling with a fhow fir four months anti then tetiirned to V ik where they hired u tiny Hut und eirt tu liotiwkieplng till Admiral und hi wile hud fcaved tin uiderable money ion they hail coined JuM how much caved the Admiral never made public A year nflcr their warring the bruilKht tiniest that uver was btirn Ilien the Ad- miral und huts wife went on H visit to While Plains and learned that they could buy un oldliue hotel there for little money Both had t cd at the lending hotels of und America und as guests had learned HUflictetit about the busluem tu know lion II tliKtclass hotel KhuUld tie conducted So they purchased this hotel aituuted oslt the III this village ol White Plains and there they hnv resided eer winci lIme baby dually grew bigger than its father utah probably have tried to run thus hotel at the ago of 1 Admiral motherinlaw had not interfered Slit weighs over 200 pounds Shut went to iMjJde the family becatiM business MI good that a cashier was needed III i t urani Ever since that time the Admiral anti his wife have been Iimlilnic money To lock after the hud to erect u platform behind tlie bar PO as to bo tall to reach tutu bottles That platform Is there today It tuna resulted For instance when two men walked into the hotel barroom one last week and ordered drinks they found a man liliiml this who weineu to l e U big heavyset goodlonklnc with a heavy black tramp l and u ke l for a flee Didnt I tell you to keep out of here roared man bar in a voice that sounded like a bla t from the throat of John L Sullivan Didnt I tell to keep out of lucre If I come out from behind hail Ill throw you over the rail- road trucks Tile tramp sneered and remarked You aint big enough to do that The strangers were for they belle the bartender with the bass d i voice would come aiotind carry out his threat Again tin mumbled something and tilt man thai bar liuide a move to do what he said lind do When he reached tilt end of the his heutl and tlio iNllevcd he hud reached down to net a dill Then M the tramp fled towatd the dour the man tit tag wnddlod orotund In trout of the bnr und the Mrangers saw that he teas only 4 hut They lunch not noticed him down Hie flight of stairs at of the not know that he wu the famous Admiral Hut lot acts OH general Mipeilntondenl of tilt hotel neil lioses the big chamber- maids and waitres iH8 Admiral Dot Uirn In San Francisco In IS4 He grew like other for three years and then he stopped growing IIU was a big d tailor The wife was In County this State antI many of hour rela ct111 reside there le invited In the to be held in the Admirals hotel Neither thou Admiral nor wife would announce thn date for holding of the for they N they ire o id in notoriety now have Kttlcd d wn life Hut thin innounconieiit will be mails a few days ofj tlrno for the party end ilmw from all over the country will be invited will In the iqunrn dances a band of midget musicians tvlll produce the music waiters will serve at the banquet that is In follow J tm In a MMKMMMt Ull Ural SOCR LAKE Tex Jan 5 Arrange nents have been practically completed whereby John W Gates James A Drake associates Including J H CulUoan to take over the Roche option on the ropertr of the Sour Lake Company fnchidf the land in Lake oil field The option calls fur a of 1000000 What pay Roche has been learned The will be made for Texa which U pin control of the Beaumont property The o the his all with lilt Ii t IIII 0 Ijitli n lUll bar thu n Rt time da lair 1II11 anti I loa 11 I lilt hl h tilt nit Liar nldt horn t ho 11 t lt and are beet not tile to wife re- side course tutu Lot t it aft See Is Bat Ii big a- sulam ics at t I tot strangrs all shiocjc lou rttntler slit t t lie I t lscl im amp U isuu u5Riil SI ti tigers wii n k Mrs was his the t lest thou wet which ¬ < > ¬ ¬ > > pitman i o invite attention their Model Dreuei Tor Street Evcninj ocmloni itillable or present and for early Spring wear Orders executed for Fine Costumes at short notice and at moderate cost Tallorlog lad Rooms TblrJ That TIlE GLOVE of Glace and Suede KJdsWns In Evenfnj and Street shades Men Women and Children Thii Is made for and sold only Ty HEALTH INSURANCE FOR HORSESH- ow horses liavo you How much does each How earn many days In the year Is each horse sick Can you to stand iou We guarantee to minimize the number of days the betas In sick No man can absolutely guard orcnrele ni iw to exposure but we nan BO build- up syhlem that it will bo to resist of dlseai Salt U the essence of Um life of the blood Every animal needs it We give it In our BLUE CRASS MEDICATED SALTS Salt is tho base and the flavor We hivo added a low hormluf remedies which this bowels and keep thin pore blood and tone upthes- yntern generally nothing organs their functions perfectly so that tho can resist for fret booklet tho the horto and their treatment Trial package of Blue Grass Salts sent on application AMERICAN STOCK SALT CO of Oberlin Ohio C A McCULLY N Y Agent 2IS Montague Street BROOKLYN N Y J to and I also I I I uu AU UA n M VEX or toTe I crtt t 1 mnn f10 1 the to S Dreaim lng I w I I 5 I I nub I 3 stttnl t I < > TO IVHIFY Till IASSAIC Tile State Comiiiltslonu Plan ov Mar pliy It TIm Valley District Sewerage Commission of the State of Now Jersey has made public Its report to the Legislature upon thin redemption of the Pasalo Hlver hntweon Paterson and Its mouth from the vent condition of filth and Twenty separate tntini- ripalltieH are Interested In tim problem us contributors to the pollution of the river In genetal tIle district commission agrees upon the plans proposed by the State Suw crags CommUslon of last year involving the construction of a big trunk sewer from the Paten on Falls through Passaic Nutley Belleville and Newark und ncro Newark Hay through Bayonne und out Into Now York Bay with an outlet at Kobblnn Rcof It Is ettlmateil that the sewer with its seven branches draining Orange liist Orange Hlooiiiflelil Hldgo Mont chair Oarfield Rutherford Xoith Atllng tutu Keurny East Newark and Harri on will cot ISVKiouo incluhive of several pumping The main which will follow tho wet lank of tlm Paalc to I twenty six and a half mile in from Its Mitirce at Iatowon to its outflow in New York Bay there will be a big pumping Nation on i dge of under Newark hay and up this hill to tho highest in wlieuco it will flow gravity to Hobbins Heel llio charges for original count ruction will full ui m tho vatioui cdintnunities- lienollled In proportion to their present ratabks nnd malntfiiancn Ijo charged to the amount nf wag each A providing for carrying the Com miVMnmus Into cTcct will ltro In tho UgisUituic tomorr w by J It of wnrk and it Is expected thai It will bo carried It is hat It will m vt with utrong opposition from various of the State Murphy is wrongly III favor of menHirv the UM 1 county are united in the eTort to tflss The river U so Illthy and the tench from the water Is so strong specially in the hummer months living- on Idler batik is asking for its purification Tho water Is as blank as ink and refuse Iroin till mills of Pateiwn and Paosido i covered with a flint of oil from the nnd ieels with the sewage of the Oranges Patei on lluthcrford Newark smaller towns which drain into it U is expected that that big sewer anal the etifom d UM will restore to tIn river the otditlona which a ol H century ago when hilt and smelt went caught as far up OH Paoiilc and tin water HO clear the Iwttom could foin- ot n d of fifteen fe l Now an object cannot SOMI llltetii incItes under water Thi engineers plans contemplate the discharge of ewerago Into u channel fathoms In New York Hay within the jurisdiction of the State of Now Jersey and In a t d wivy The State nhlted for an to aM tho work Ucauw thn whole Stnf will bo materially Ixncfltcd III health Md wettlth- WOMAX HAlKS V COIttT Four nlcoiiicii to nrr MM IJcr- trtide HHKIIC troll tilt Itnnnt Mrs Ccrtrildo unglue wife of Chnrlo A ITague a consulting enplncor living at SO Twentieth tticot walked iiit the J rfjrMin Market police court yesterday morning and cried I hive tied through the etorm In my life Sho first a warrant for HIP arrest of n Hackenvick woman anti then I R II an Incoherent talk about Pn Mdeiit nml Kaiser Wllholm She n fu d to talk to the Magistrate antl and tried to Induce to go with hint hut shin refused Mr Hagun to bellow that hi was ano She l tn r Iv hysterical ho wild Mr had to from tlio courtroom by four policemen Atlarnr rrni ral mil llwinlre nnlgrr to Give ill Time to Untie of Flint llrputv- Oswroo N Y Jan 5 Attorney npneial Cumieen hon naked Judge Charles N Bulger to te lRti thu oflico of Mfmlripnl Court Judgn in thIs city Ufouj takliiK tin office of First Deputy AltorneyGenural In The Is strongly opposed to Judge Uulper attempt to offices and him to hula whole time and bttcmlMi to thti duties of Urst Many Ugal matters of great importance Judge on arid Mr Cun neen has him to rellovo Mr Coman on Feb I U in saId that r irill tender his resignation to Mayor Baker cm that date Paf all iou will h till the to the b mst I dl hor ld all the IWIIILlvm1I rt flntol irK ivnllcth walt boo 1 I I far- o Favors pohlut ion 1 len stat senor Newark force let duct I > oi thiut bill lii flame pst demanded eIt Her her wit vT nz2X tftI vrriri a Jud ci < > > < > > < > > > < OLU CLO ISAACS XO MOTtE Original S4rat Cost Man Departs Irom Ilaxter Street Forever Jonoph Isaacs the old clo man retired Into private lifo after morn than fifty years of great activity liaxt or street His former place of business on tha corner of Hazier antI Ieonord ulnflft opposltn- Mullierrr Bend Park Is tenntnlcM The old awning over tutu door flutters lu soot blackened rags front thus rusty sign framo and little boys have smnxhed nil the window- pane all the way up to tho third lloor Melancholy silence pervades thin bulldlnR where Isaacs won tho reputation of l eln the original liandmodown man whofo coats could bo had for 35 cent andup Before retiring from busltHf bones bought a threestory red brick ibvelljig 1 Stanton street l wicn Elrtrlilge and AUn streets whole lie now with Ills wife Anulc and his son LouN In wliosn riamu the clothing InHnoKS wa roiiductod for vcnrs Iraaot IH imw 7s cars oil When wmt to llastcr Hlrut yeum It knuwn at Oramn t tt ntid It was his HUCCOSM In thy linndninduwii line that attracted the clithtor of Original Jacobcs About twentyfive years ago for bus niece reasons ho tfoMd to run his stole undor his own name Tlm sign over thai door A Isaacs A Son Joseph IKJUUU however continued to Jourtwtn years the little building opjxMiio Mulberry Hciul Park was moved ill A few years later when tin Jolm Ktmmons put up the largo factory adjoining stoic an effort inadi to buy the clothIers Tlinn followed years of negotiations l fw for h n o and lot wIllIe Isaacs demanded 35onu Mntttr might have mmalnid that way until now hunch not Isaacs nat with a dfMiK lniin m- In a teal deil a year ago Ho hind not to to Sltnmonncom but to purchaso sotro adjoining lots and put up n of huts own The owner of then lot R offeipd them for I12VW hut leaacs would give only S12J While he won dallying thus com- pany stepped the higher price tin old mans plans own triangular lot os too for a modern structure with an almluift awl all Iho other modem unitary urrongomcnts required by law In the of his an offer of l3 wi for hit hulldlriK from the Simmons Mid aciipird it Ever since In tilt tvtinnieiit been wishing In linilrii- To Vtcd tile lieu 1C t iv llrury MOUNT VKIINON N Y Jan 2V The en gnRoment if Miss Jnntiio Mnkvl of J3 North Terrace avenue Mount Vrnnn to the Hev Edward 0 W Moury of Now York hunt boon announced Mi Mrikp Is n worker in the home mltiormry fleM In tho Middle Church of Now York of which Mr Mcury Is assistant minister MADISON SQUARE Vnsr GLOVES Sjitible fur AuoToWlirj Driv- Skitin c Ruuun Real Rtindrti linrJ Hf4ijrC f 5 ir lined lonjt wri ti Knit VW nt See ijfnti toe i brateJ Cuonl and Sill Goin 131KIJCH- lPPnXDALK Al Koiirnt Horn PWlAiJerph- UonJxnXI IttdcrteUClilpprniUtc midK 9 months llclntlx nml trtfn ire rr pfrtrnlly lnttM it- ntlinil ontfM it the utllf nmrch Aronntl the romrr Twenty ninth it nr r Hfh v- Xlnnrtny 1111 X ai lto i M Inleimrrt- lititnwnod Kcn iln At tunrril cl- J lDlciboltoni tun e0 SIxth nv Xe oU- DASA On rrl y J n 3 nt her r rtncr- XlxWrxt wtli M Julliltr lUnnah HIIIIW rl- Ktriinnl P Dana Iunrrnl V irsldrnir Mrnd y J n irt At it- iVIork rlce mll tlirarn ln on piptup- lcA ropy OHOSJIVX At hl Intr iMlrtnrr SI4 Vhrmft horn M llmoiilvn Horlm imijru 7 ymm- Iiinfnl Services on Tuf il jr J n 27it 2 P If Interment v r prtVAt- eH10HRfr IHlCKd ld tot Uiiiw sad cmlA- EMaa discarded clxuio M NAfTAU TM kUi ar 4 has I 1 1 I ti1 i L J reel s 4 y ago writ ii 4 t was I mnununn f and c t wits flu t lie est ate i sell hail I 1 F iu dSfliu I ii 11 ll i I I 3 I I J Jlbt 4f I j if I b iksikln Skin Squirrel J ret the tt Fir j ear l gt J patio II X St I j ut I F 4 agol 4 j w- mttIIss PERSON4tS I I- I S I dtssandi tar < ¬ > > > < > < < <

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-01-26/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · THE SUN MONDAY JANUARY 26 1903 h I I 3 r RLi s 1s I ov4r Ihnjt lout nit and une Ifll-rtal

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MidIt it-

ntingeged-n in-







S tOtwo









Slide the Mother Hun It While Rnbbethe Fattier Roars Little SiberianHear Itlni of Neglect HailingCanadian Porcupine on a Dottl-

rin of the rnmst of menagerie eventsKliiBcelelnnted In tho New York ZcOlogfc-

Inrk A was hornlie monkey and Sunday visitors

witn ed a of affectionthe port of tho proud mother

Sin1 the mother In a stately longftrtneI-mbo n from West Africa Hho wa pujrha d from Carl years agoFrom t he t lino of t ho owning of tho

e HH hart l een quartered with hermain huh until recently when

n plnc d In n cage by benchThe two bal ooiis vlUi their

d veloi d arms and limbs and their coatsor brilliant yellow hair have alwaysfavorite On account of his elongatediwk njid his interest in everything thathipieti SimieM mate hat beenllubfvr by the keepers

rrntu the time the Junior Rubber wan bornto the clewing of the building ypsterda

mother and father exchanged roarspunts of parental congratulations thatmade thus building ring

TIP mUch cherished baby U covered withn cat of Mack hair Its face arid cars anpink U ith eyes big and black and an exiTv fli in of extreme folemnity the younglor red curlouMy at vlltors every

f w KAcouds time of tor which it wouldIt fan against tho mothers breastnn affection almost human Susielli tightly to her and grunUd sus-piciously as visitors lingered about herpflge

During the few weeks a number orare animals been born in tho pirkFour days ago on of the Siberian U apdaTe birth to a tingle cub Bears are teltorn born in captivity and even whenurn the mother generally neglects them

For two days the little fellowlarger than a guinea pig although themother weighs nearly 300 pounds appearedto be receiving the proper oars and nourishmeet It waa cautiously visited by Kwpei-MulvehlU at frequent intervals Lute lrthe of the second day Muhrehlldiscovered that the mother had wilfull-nhanged her sleeping quarters and the tinynewcomer had become thoroughly chilled

It waa brought to the reptile houswarmed and placed la cotton while Mveralkeepers were scurrying forfoster mother returnedand the little bear was ImmediatelyIn her charge Tho foster mother all intier had weakened thecub which died early the next morning

One of the strangest In thePark U n porcupine which receivedtouch the same treatment from in motheras did the bear Keeper Greebe isOils odd baby a and although

in it must be han-dled with care Apparently it is coveredwith long gray cactusI pleasant to the touch comparedthe creature With a mighthe called decidedly bowlegged Greebesulcer pet like a dog

unnoticed-In house eccentric conditions

attend the rearing of a of fernielance During the volcanic disturbancesIn Martinique the curator of inhe a letternondent In St Lucia explaining that

thousands of the hadbeen smothered in tho Pele-

eMlja colricldenco the ship bringingti letter North carried a female

Ivinc of the kind In arty zoologicalinstitution In this country So deadly-ire ti M snakes that few care toiiem A month after her arrival theuiDrl ed reptile hoiiM staff by giving

birth to youngIh young art in

With the exception of theall re mblt the mother but this

portion of their body Is a livid yellowWithin afterno died in less than a minute from aroko of their fangs These young vipers

are Always born possessionl oUon fangs and are at once

to shift for themselves The motherpays no attention to

A is raren captivity elaborate preparations

to thelassfronted boxes was at on oe constructedn cacti box two of the little snakes ventwartored Each compartment contained

a miniature brancho climb upon and to used in sheddinglie skin a sheet of blotting kept

ninMonpil at all times The blottingth atmosphere of the boxes damp

which c wax necessary for wetof I ho young

FViMened various boxes aunll chart on which was to be markedhe date when a reptile took food Thenalte were fed with tiny frogs onci in

iirsnakes are feeders In

ivitv and only ton of the little vipers bean feeding Thet am thriving grow

X Tho rest of the are ampiilsory manner Frogs legs are run

throats a slendercp nnd although they are slightly

fuller than the ones which teethrily vigorous and healthyis tlm of the curator

they will feeding soon of theirwird


MKiutre Ha an Kxcllent Explanation forllli failure to Keep Ills Feet

A innii who said he was Peter McGuirennl that bo lived at SS5 Fiftyfourthtr t which Is a stable was

arraigned yesterday in the West Side policecurt cluirgod with intoxication Policeum Keuney Moglntrata Breon that he

found floundering around inSiclith avenue last night

And have you got to say to thatMediiri the Magistrate-

I hal n w iho your HonorWhat huts that got to do with itVY 1I your Hlverence I mean your Honor

kin yer Itlvvroncea pardon did everT nn eriws thn wooriu a

tmlr av phoes DidTh MftKistratn in the affirmative

iio A Honor SureI Ulilnt kaiw mu feet and A Lilt drunkVl

1 rtnnt know nliout that said the MagIlrat but tho excuse is a now one Your

hr to Iw somewhat worn now JoI Hie and Me if you can keep on your

rnirr mrn FEUOW FEELINGniiiilnt Hob A Fireman nreaiue He Had

llren One Illinself-Ntw RociiKU X y Jan 25 Tho-

I tw of Mrs Oulnan In Drake avenue wasrr l lx l n a o nndthe burglars carrd f ff and jewelry IwlonglngI half a dozen boarders Jack GruganMo driver for tho Xow llochello Fire Dol rtin iit l t a gold watch heimvived a by iiiaJI containing Jita-

l irkie was a note which read like thisSince taking your watch I have learned

you an a fireman and Mn theirt T fireman tnyw lf and havn a friendly

liriK for von If I bach known thatmil ironuui I would have never tAken

vat and I have returned It an soonMlblo

1i pncknR WM mailed to Xew York




baboon In










abut a


a r ot squeals It


to the ParkIt






rAYo I hv


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frhlutneuMi appropriate label was prepared

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tnhutlrig tie

thatthe engine used ho










LIEUT EVAXS EXONERATEDAcquitted by the Court Martl t That Trl

Him for Neglect of DutyNonroLE Va Jan 25Meut H

Evans Jr U 8 A who was tried bymartial at Fort Monroe last week UK tthe of neglect of duty and eion

today that In was arrestedon Oct 31 last and was only released onDee 3 after he had been for fortyninedays deprived of an officers privilegesUnder the army regulations ono nomust be tried within ten days unit tinpout should be remote

The charges preferred against LieutEvans said

That First Lieut H Clay Evansstudent officer In the Artillery School nlFort did wilfully neglect the courseof work prencriboifor him by Capt X C Davis Instructor-in Artillery School In tin iieiwrtmcntiof electricity mines and mwhanUm thatthe neglect was between the10th and 20th September last

Upon the the ixttirt whichconsisted of Major Best president and tenother artillery officers with Copt HarrisJudge Advocate the prosecution failedto sustain the charges and Lieut Evanswas acquitted Major Charles Evans olTennessee Lieut Evansn cou ln a Spanish-war veteran was counsel for Lieut EvansLlfUt Evans who saw service In Chinaand the Philippines saUl today that htwas absent from instruction duty on thedays named only because he woe ill fromthe effects of hardships endured In serviceUo i u innnly fellow anti I popular wllliofficers and men at the fort

C5t n Edgar Allen formerly United StatesDistrict Atornoy at Norfolk who U nfirm frieml of IJput Evanss father formerCommissioner of Pensions said todaythat there was no evidence upon whichto try Lieut that lila exonerationWOH Alen is a veteran ofthe Civil War is prominent in the GrandArmy of t he Republic and In t he Republicanparty in Virginia


What D You Think Tile Telephone Clrli-

Thrrr Have Got Raise of Wages

What do you think of that remarked-one of the hello girls in a downtown tele-phone exchange yesterday turning to tingirl who sat given t ho

Rocky Mountain girls an Increase In theirwages You know they have a union outthere which recently irgnnized andthey threatened to go on strike unless thecompany increased their wugos SIS a

company has given In and theyllthe Increase from the 1t of February

Thats a week from today What dothink of that

How do you know Inquired the othergirl

Why I Just got It over the wire from a

friend of came the answer Itmust bo true for it CHIIU druight frimChicago along time lire

Why Idldnt know they had telephonethe Rocky Mountains remarked tin othergirl I didnt know they had any ofChicago

iit me tell you continued I ho firstspeaker 1 got it straight und It true

news came to nu a little while agoby telegraph ami partly by

A ittin line

I wouldnt be a telephone girl out thereremarked the be dieudful among them Mormons I oIlthe gIrls have the fume husbandBut tell me how you got the IIOWK

In the first place remarked the girlwho hud the aii operator iu SaltLake City sent It along to snottier

who sent the liens to Payne Idahoand Payne sent it to Tree and UtahTrue neiit to a nt Dillonwho Bent it to another friend of tnlne atButte Mon My friend there win thou

news to Helena to her friend in CheyenneWyo and it to her at

Neb where Bryan lives und nho toldit to a telegraph operator who knew a friend-of when he ttent thenews to friend in Chicago the wilt iton to me Strange isnt it how can

news right out of the heart of the RockyMountains just been telling to afriend of mine who a telegraph operator-in the Western Uniontended to the news to a friend of hiswho was a telephone operator in Bostonwho had another an operator iu the

If I alone In a Rocky Mountaincentral office Id be seared to sit thetime remarked the other

all the time that a bear lionmight In to me some night that Idbe on night Id rather be herein New without an increase in wagwouldnt you

Sure came the answer you hear nilthe news lucre anyway and moreinvitations to dinners theatre partiesHello George did you getfor me


MUiltflppI Wants to Know Why Her NrUli

bor Wont Vive fp Alleged Criminal

NKW OHUEANB Jan 2S There may be

a severance of friendly relations betweenMississippi and Tennessee a a result of thetreasury scandal proceedings Time officialof Mississippi are anrloui to learn if it Is

to be the policy of the State of TennesMo

to refuse requisitions drawn legally charg-

ing a plain offence where there everyIndication that the man can nccure a fairtrial in the State hat wants him If hereIs a to deliver Armntead the Mem-

phis charged with handling themoney taken from the Mississippi Statetreasury it Is probable that a of

will be by Mississippi

stead to uovgone Into office as tlm sueitMor of

who twice refused to deliverrtnstead up to the Mississippi authoritonce on the l that thu milletmeRit was defective and charged no offence

next on the ground hail

hero Is small doubt of hi acquittal Ifov Frailer refiws It then the of

through her officials mayretaliatory measures

Dtvorrni firsntrrt b ImlKe llotiihlunA-

MSTKBIIAM X V Jan 2SIn on Item

today SIS with reference to JudgeHoughton having yesterday granted four

llvoroes it was stated that McCroswas divorced from tier husband John

icCrosBPn that the couple were married

husband and nevern heard from hi wife H is true

that an Interlocutory decree grantedtrs MoCrossen husband resides

Schenectady Mary iiiociirw Iw i

tamed an and it was tier

day following their marriage July 18

Trophy for the Twent llilnl Hrelmrnt

Brevet BriuOen UanleJ Appleton of

Seventh Regiment by hits

taff vent over to Brooklyn Saturday nightthe Twentythird Itogimmit Iu its

conclusion of some manoni vres

won at three contests

for winnersMirer trophy thef future conteSts offered











ply L






A requisition he forwho


and that huo

lot to rot It

for trialI




Jul 18 and th


Mocliricu who



theM ot Icagle

to thetrophy which the

to bonowe ot












wIll ArmFrazier line


fInally decided If ov

Frazier grants Arinctaclmay be to Jaekon but


that the day followingdisappeared




reviewIn Beulford Brooklyn At

Charles the Brooklyntim silver

regimental shootingteamthree WinflinW being necesUY

the It wait











THE rAiTon ii77irniirs PET770V Foil IXVKST1GATIOX-

Hy a Vote of Majority of IIU parMilanrtIle tliurch Withdraws Slrmbeiship In time iiwterly Meetlns Timtlaklng It an Inilrprmirnt liurili

BATAVIA X YInn 25 Tlio Rev GeorgeN Howard Pastor of the flank Ktinot

Rijitirt Church thin publication of wholove letters has iiu od a big Kcnsatloihero and who lathoroU2hinveRtlgallon has repudiated his call for on

council and to preventInvestigation hat organized nbolt In his church Hy this a majorltof his parUlilniiers a now churchInto existence and a bitter feud IN on betweentutu divided factions

Till is the climax up to date of the fliulltiof n bunch of love letters sent to PantoHoward by women They were gathcrud tip in ccrn M by his boarding mistressMrs Mlllan Clement and parted togetherThen she sought to prevent tho lnstnlllniof Howard as poxtor und the Hov CyrusA whom hhe took counsel with

Howard said herwas all mi Invention and the church trusteestook hi word for it and hn was InstalledImmediately h brought suit to recover

10000 damagM from Mrs lenient unitJohnson for slander and nl o t i

letters which ho admitted were hisIncn then hero has U en one

among tho two factions over tinmerits of tho Tlm niitlHowardileiHUV that a ninrriiHl man receiving love lettersfrom other women of ini aHhmotones which they btitmyed Is not Jut tlmsort of ixThon to minister to their fiiritimwelfare from the pulpit Howard Kilehe courted an Investigation anti the churclsent u jxtltion to M etlniof B Churches held In Uile TinQuarterly InuuedUitely granted

r of rhiiroh which calledfor thu upN inlnient nf threefrom their body Howard wanted a Iusays Komu of hw own friends on tho counciland Hnt a petition linking ior npjMilu-tnitiit of two mliii ter fromtwo more to be appointed front his churchand a fifth to npiKilnted fourinlnLstem ThU alo va grouted Xov-hu says that the first petition wn pottonup and hustled through by miretire ent

and tliat filgiuittiiiM were obtained toa manner not ooiisiKtunt with honor

He nNo protests nijalnst the council whieh-h nt le l for hliii elf

Thn Hov I 11 DurkvH of Itochester-cliulrinun of Hiutu Prohibition Com-mittee former jjistor of the Untavia-Iliurch wan iiaiiicil by the Quaneriy Meit-ini the ljivoMitaiicn Hiuntil l iMereiifiiiis and llcwatd-Miys that nut pillule at any

that le is inteirtted in KIV-Sthnt In if tile mini whu nil hayu i slitterand propos ti nt thai inivrvM-nnit li ikH after Ho also objeciH theHer Or Pirsons ut wliu viis uppointed a one uf the tlvn 10 ait-an he fays i iiit lit the districtand ban no biHinc to hit He also nfcra-to fiiit that 1arriOiH has till of1 I wliich he mivs any buyfor US Howaui withilfuliiiK Into touii and at a wen s slon

to undermiiK hU HO H ivpulatlnnho wn inuaehliiK tlf wild

of God from his pulpit-It wai to Howard that the council

WHS to ovent and llfty tneinlwrH-of tin rhliT h were KCH II to the weeklyprayer inwlinK without any aiitioimcc-iiicnt a biMiiiefs ion wan to H heldafterward After the service of prayerHoward played his andlens wore nml tlm church de-clined to appoint two initii rH to itt with

other inn Then a leoliitloli wasutiiiriiiiu illy adopted wlthdrnwuii the-

Ihiireh from memlM in the QuarterlyMotiii and making it an entirely Inde-pendeni rhtirrh

lr of th cnuncll willheld in I i

announced renarde t of nny views hatHoward may hold Tlio Mitt

provided for any jssil i cxintiiinencynamiiiK emergeniy

of who will act Iri presentHoward do s not ct to th re TheseKi in will under t ho Churchlaws he is barred from having legal unelthere Tho Church law allows howover-meml rs of tie Hritavia churrli In Hood

o be present but other pulill-oprons are enranee

tun liiv t lHtix which Howardin tK anxious to ICLMIIJ of will-

be oflered in oviil tir hue o nre stillin lbs Mrs Cleiuetit and niv stillto be used ill her deforce III the xiillliK-flatider action Howard tiidonvoiid to-

Kcun an which would preventMr v il lcr i

oflered them If would pub-licly ndmit their ownersblp which lie has-praciioaly ikiiie by he action to-

f s iinnt rn ittsSenator rsil i Hill Oellinllliic Their

llu lne llnrlonoSenator Thomas lrmicis inidy emo-

crntlc of tlo minority in the upperHOUMI has Introduod a huhaffecting stenographers In tho Xcw Yorkcity courts puxzls them as to ittptlrpowH The lull intends to amend sec-tion 82 of tho Cud of Civil Iroriduri rel-

ativoto these Monographer declaivsLad Mflincraliher 1M III tills Bit

is nn nfllr r of tln or court for fir tiy-

whuh i andutah the liKchnri of 11s iluilis mint suitMillie tlio Colistitiitiotiil oath of andmile the jnie In the ofti of the cl rk ofnut or in the Minr iint I ourt In tin

of tin clerk of ilieroiiiit y whet o the trimor the lut iisjilt hy whlili or by hinDlie iiliiillilcil A pel son I M hpointed to Ilie oOlre nf MCMfiiri unto

III lie strnovraplilc art Xor of court In the cliv or Xew

York stnll T heioiilf illti ll directlynr Indlroctly us cuimnitinc imity partnerstockholder r otJiirwl in or in the performaiK of my null HI i voik or ImMn-rrelntlnc to tin preparation or prlrtiriK I niiv-ciisc or lillY nr liny ris-contalliiin excepting on iiiipeil or nny hillof exception r papers on troll nnn

millions or briefs points orroini il in tiny ca itomllnir In Mir court Insaid Ifnf In tlio city or New Vorls HU-Ihe or beiiiiie MI Interested in any Miiliwork of t roiiaintlon of union the-

me shall be clnvolved upon lilin by lawiu linll forfeit his olllce

The bill wns read twice nnd referred toCotiunlttrrt on Codes of which Senator

is chairman

ronK OF ir svir HOSPITAL

nn04M Iatlents Were Treated lucre

The dir tor of Mount Sinai Hospitalleld fiftieth nntiitnl moot hug yesterdayn thou Inlted Hebrew Charities llullding

rwtiviii a ivpori that nVithind IHOII trenkd patients

dmlttod to tlio hospital Tlm sum ofi83StX was received in IwqiieBtc making

total contiibiitlon of tl caono Anddltlonal 150000 Is required to complete

ho new hospital building now being erectedn the Fifth avenue block between hOIst

lOJd streetsThn now will require fJ5CKX

for mamtonnnc tomembership in tho hospital in the lat year

tonlA lifpniz i portrait of President Isaacallaeli was ycMorday The old

nicers were redacted

Elv more witiut c nr tmm uny drAIn Knr Yorki4tl Check 16 Iatk IlACf A tr



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Brunswick to t Securea Steel Industry

lincxswiCK Qa Janwas held hero last night to considersltlon to donate 200000 cash as a bonusto the Mohawk Valley Steel anti Wire Cornpany of Worcester Mass to awith n dally capacity of 1000product The meeting was so enthusiastthat the city and county officials

100000 and the citizens mado upscrlptlon of 225000 additional thus over-subscribing the amount called for

The plant will t e in operation within four-teen months and will employ from 400to Cooo hands The town Is wild withjoy and tho official of tho MohawkSteel nnd Wire Company who are lucreare satisfied that they have east their linesIn pleasant places

SVLtnAX IULL WILL SIIIXESyndicate f Diamond loanrrs to help

Out the Hon Florrlei FullitwmAt the annual ball of the FlorrIe Sulllvar

Association In Everett Hall nextHome surprises will be sprung on the eltof tho Ikiwery and the reformed and un-

reformed Kngelltes of de Ate Hosejtho lawyer is responsible for of

He has promised to makethis affair so swell that till guys uptownwho pull off spiels In the WaldorfA torlwill U running i Cf Imitations of It this restof the winter

Among tho Innovations are a cotillonn lugpunching contest and clog dancingThe participants in the cotillon had a rehoamd yesterday afternoon In the Kngu-lHochstlm Hotel in Fwsex street andalter four hours hard work announcedthat many more reheuraals were needed

lead the cotillon and if thn-Siilllvutis iiavo got pull enoupji Maggie

will small sIlver corkscrews Every-man will wear evening dress and sweaters

Ixt barred except In the gallery wherethe ostracized Hut sit

Among those who will occupy boxesaccording to the announcement of theCommittee on Wetgoods are Terry McGovern Congressmen U HSnlTior and Senators Foley

and Ulordan AldermenPorgos antI Harburger SimonMayor of Second avenue Lawyer

Al Kramer theEpicurean Club from tho Atlantic Garden

1hllTo lend brilliancy to the affair a number

of Host will loan a peckor FO of diamonds to those vouchedthe SulllvatiH The pawnbrokers ore pro-tected loss a companyhut to guard aKahist ab

at all the entranceswho haw previously l oen Introduced totill the diamonds At mid-

night there will a parade around the haltof alxmt two hundred memlierM of theEagles The oMraclxiid set on their wayto lint cnllery will b furnished with er-

rolUirs they niu t wear throughout

mid last night that Hon Flonledetermined to thus silt out-

s Inc any of the famous Martin KngelAssociation balls

Carriages may Iw ordered at 8 o clock Inthou momiii-


llonsnrii llpenwnrk Klorklnit MiKrthe Hulk of the KildrnceGallagher of the Ellal etli Street

station heard recently that n disorderlyresort was running III a room In Pell streetand with two of his men he visited theplant curly on Sunday morning Tho-x li v found three women and two China

men and two Japanese drinking tea togot her According to the police the roomHUH gorgeously furnished

The captain picked out a woman who until

she wax Daisy Howard as the proprietorand the others along as witnessWhen wete In the Toinbnp iliff Capt Gallagher hadnt much

to except a tliiiof the Howard womans coiitilino of whichthe most conspicuous feature va the

UKklngH They were block oralIn his detectives agreed

with him In the descriptionthat

the lioo luaU any evidence that tho placewas disorderly discharged allprisoneis-

IMIS sMEit Tin ritisFTsU-arltlnK Awoke tile Hmutholil llrfore the

Title e IpitatrThe array of preKnts ought have been

iiiihsing from engagement receptionof Max lieUrskln antI Sadio Clare KlauniIII the lpb rykin houi 30 West llJth-MrLit Lift night hut for the family lingThn ptiMMitH cure on view on the MKIIIU

floor utah family say they were worthlit IMIII WOKI

Early on Saturday morning tIle barkingtif tho dog in the aroused MaxIJeliernkiii anil he awoko his father

Ilclxrskin They fotNil the diningroom and banmen strip ed of silvercut and clntlUng burglars hall

dog before they had a chaniv-to get upstairs The placeth ir lost at IJtiOO-


To llel Frrct a llillliiliiB tile Patersonv H r A-

IAiKnsov Jan SS Garret A Hohartmold Itns mind liainford Bros yesterdaycontributed 111100 itch to the fluid for ahome for the Young Womens Christian

which has purchased the oldsitu of the Second Churchwhich was destroyed by fire

Two oommiltees are at work collectingfur I ho nSW horn One committee

takes contributions of llooo and ithon obtained thirteen subscriptionsThe other committee seeks

it l with much suc-cess flit now building will ciwt about4nnOii

Tlie VteatncrTie tnrai from the Trnnri r Vallf pt rt-

nortlii tw rJ and w central yrstrnlij imirnlne-un the New coa t At nlcht It ku nanti sat lirlnr fullowrd by cliartnr rniiUtllniuSnow trll ovrr ull this ruimtry from Ihr Ohio unitTriins valleys and Iron Ibc Iikrnpr hue Mldillr Xr Knxlauil Slalrs-riic fait train Puce to ilrLt Inrbrs Therew s A nfroiid lu area over the Nuriliwett whichmoved lu hum the Nonli Iarlfle

The tunperature rfnulned lnluw frtrzlnrovcralt the eircpt llir hilt

It WM roldrrlu the upper Mlmlulppl States and

In thIs city snow fell tbrourbout the d r until4 oclork M Th total rail was 4 InchM wlnitwas to hlch northeast hlcbrit vrlocltyattics nn hour lilibrit ttniprrsturc i lonrtt 21

ilcf rrc humldltr M prr cent tmromrter-mrrrctrd to trail to sPa level at A U 30

IP HyiyT-ne trmpcraturr yt M retarded br the

jffrlnl thermometer and all bjr THE ness ttirr-

j i r H the street unit It shown la UK an-

aeied lallf-OffOal fluii Ofiltla fvni1-M1 IMS i OI mica ivoj-

A Mi3 M 21 37 S-SIM ii so Js H MV m

USC 31 7 9t-


roe Cistern imtirn IfnnivltanHi a ul-

iu JtrsV rloutfy tatlay far tamarrov vetrhinO itniptralurti nortlwttf irtnd fcnn0-

Tor New and tomorrowlowljr rlslnc teniperalurei fresh nortb to north

wlnda-Cor the District of ColumbIa Maryland Vlrrlnla

Mitt ixlawarr lair todAjr lnerratn cloudlnnu-n mormw with rising temperature lIght variable

nnrtJFor western Puituylvanla and western Nework fair todar sad tomormw with slowly

riling temperaturE variable wind becomlnc-resh south


25A meting

sro plant




Clint hL favors




ovmuitig1tOlf t lie



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A seocini hum



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3 MId 26

NeiL York




> < ¬







desks are a

specialty here

Export Prices

HALE DESK COIS STONE ST next Product Exchange




Are SOft Ilotrlkerprn In WhitePlaIn anti the Ilinbaiirt Longr-

Itllli GIants on the Htagpllow antHhrnThry Fell in Love anil Jot Married

Preparations am being made In WhitePlains for celebrating the tlilrtynilh annlvernary of the bIrth of thin wife of JackHantKlller Jack amid dont

In fairy pnlacv nor are they at-

tended by fairies Nether do they live 01angel cake Of tho people of WhitePlains are aware of till fuel that the GiantKiller and Mil wife own a hotel In the countyseat of WeHtohoHtcr It U hue Hotel Admlral named after Its midget owner Ad-miral Pot The only nlmit he ever slewwere stage giants Folks who attendedthe theatres away back in this MM whentilt Iiliputian company played Jack tutuGiant Killer will remember Admiral DotIn the title role He I only 48 Inches highalthough he in now 39 years old and hits

little wife IB just one Inch taller tItan heldIn private lifo he is known us Leopold KahnHe was kjicnui H Admiral Dot when lieplayed in Pocahontas and the farce

Toodle with the liliputlati companyAdmiral Puts wife wwi known to the

public lu Lottie Swartwood That waslx fore she married the Admiral She In

jiiHt as handsome today as she was whendim travelled with KoripniigliH Crout as-

a member of the Royal Midget Companyplaying III lulllvers Travels as thehairv Queen This was away back In 1690

Admiral Jut joined Koropatighs ShowalMiut that time Ir wantliiTc he flrel metmid tel in lnVf vart wood Thelittle pecple wanted to get marrlotl rightaway Tlirir parent Ijtcaiixe theywere not of the sutne tvligtoU1 belief TheAdmiral was a Jew Ml Swnrtwood wasi Prenbyterlan lInt slit loved the HuntKlllnr Just the name and told lien parentsHint not hint could lop the marriageThe Admiral parentu would oorwtnt tothe marriage one condition tnly Thatwas that Miss Swartwood embrace theiHwidh Shut did BO anti the littleiviiple were married III Victoria Hall III

this city The marriage ceremony wasperformed on Sunday Aug 14 1H2

After taking a bridal tour lusting fourweeks and vUlllng the various teafhure-tedort thuAdmiral anti hits wife niriedout part of a contract by travellingwith a fhow fir four months anti thentetiirned to V ik where they hiredu tiny Hut und eirt tu liotiwkieplngtill Admiral und hi wile hud fcaved tinuiderable money ion they hail coined

JuM how much caved theAdmiral never made public A year nflcrtheir warring the bruilKht tiniest

that uver was btirn Ilien the Ad-miral und huts wife went on H visit toWhile Plains and learned that they couldbuy un oldliue hotel there for littlemoney Both had t cd at the lendinghotels of und America und as guestshad learned HUflictetit about the busluemtu know lion II tliKtclass hotel KhuUldtie conducted So they purchased thishotel aituuted oslt theIII this village ol White Plains and therethey hnv resided eer winci

lIme baby dually grew bigger than itsfather utah probablyhave tried to run thus hotel at the ago of 1

Admiral motherinlaw had notinterfered Slit weighs over 200 poundsShut went to iMjJde the familybecatiM business MI good that acashier was needed III i t uraniEver since that time the Admiral anti hiswife have been Iimlilnic money To lockafter the hud toerect u platform behind tlie bar PO as to botall to reach tutu bottles Thatplatform Is there today It tuna resulted

For instance when two men walked intothe hotel barroom one last week andordered drinks they found a man liliimlthis who weineu to l e U big heavysetgoodlonklnc with a heavy black

tramp l andu ke l for a flee

Didnt I tell you to keep out of hereroared man bar in a voicethat sounded like a bla t from the throatof John L Sullivan Didnt I tellto keep out of lucre If I come out frombehind hail Ill throw you over the rail-

road trucksTile tramp sneered and remarked

You aint big enough to do thatThe strangers were

for they belle the bartender with thebass d i voice would come aiotind

carry out his threat Again tinmumbled something and tilt manthai bar liuide a move to do what he saidlind do When he reached tilt end of the

his heutl and tlioiNllevcd he hud reached down to net adill Then M the tramp fled towatd thedour the man tit tagwnddlod orotund In trout of the bnr und theMrangers saw that he teas only 4 hutThey lunch not noticed him down Hieflight of stairs at of thenot know that he wu the famous AdmiralHut

lot acts OH general Mipeilntondenlof tilt hotel neil lioses the big chamber-maids and waitres iH8

Admiral Dot Uirn In San FranciscoIn IS4 He grew like other for threeyears and then he stopped growing IIU

was a big d tailorThe wife was In

County this State antI many of hour relact111 reside there le invited

In the to be held in theAdmirals hotel Neither thou Admiral nor

wife would announce thn date forholding of the for they N theyire o id in notoriety nowhave Kttlcd d wn life Hut thininnounconieiit will be mails a few daysofj tlrno for the party end ilmw

from all over the country will beinvited will In theiqunrn dances a band of midget musicianstvlll produce the music waiterswill serve at the banquet that is In follow

J tm In a MMKMMMt Ull UralSOCR LAKE Tex Jan 5 Arrange

nents have been practically completedwhereby John W Gates James A Drake

associates Including J H CulUoanto take over the Roche option on the

ropertr of the Sour Lake Companyfnchidf the land in

Lake oil field The option calls fur a of1000000 What pay Roche has

been learned The will bemade for Texa which U

pin control of the Beaumont property





lilt Ii






bar thu

n Rt time






11 I lilt

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wife re-



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SeeIs Bat Ii

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strangrs all shiocjc

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thou wet









pitman i o

invite attention their Model

Dreuei Tor Street Evcninj ocmloni itillable or

present and for early Spring wear

Orders executed for Fine Costumes at short notice and

at moderate cost

Tallorlog ladRooms TblrJ That


of Glace and Suede KJdsWns In

Evenfnj and Street shades Men

Women and Children

Thii Is madefor and sold only Ty

HEALTH INSURANCE FOR HORSESH-ow horses liavo youHow much does eachHow

earnmany days In the year Is each horse sick

Can you to stand iouWe guarantee to minimize the number of days the betas In sick No man can

absolutely guard orcnrele ni iw to exposure but we nan BO build-up syhlem that it will bo to resist of dlseai

Salt U the essence of Um life of the blood Every animal needs it We give it Inour

BLUE CRASS MEDICATED SALTSSalt is tho base and the flavor We hivo added a low hormluf remedies which

this bowels and keep thin pore blood and tone upthes-yntern generally nothing organs their functions perfectly so that tho

can resist for fret booklet tho the hortoand their treatment Trial package of Blue Grass Salts sent on application


2IS Montague Street BROOKLYN N Y






uu AU UA n



toTe I crtt t1 mnn f10





Dreaim lng I

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I 5


nub I


stttnl tI




Tile State Comiiiltslonu Plan ov Marpliy It

TIm Valley District SewerageCommission of the State of Now Jerseyhas made public Its report to theLegislature upon thin redemption of thePasalo Hlver hntweon Paterson and Its

mouth from the vent condition of

filth and Twenty separate tntini-

ripalltieH are Interested In tim problemus contributors to the pollution of the river

In genetal tIle district commission agreesupon the plans proposed by the State Suw

crags CommUslon of last year involvingthe construction of a big trunk sewer fromthe Paten on Falls through Passaic NutleyBelleville and Newark und ncro NewarkHay through Bayonne und out Into NowYork Bay with an outlet at Kobblnn Rcof

It Is ettlmateil that the sewer with itsseven branches draining Orange liistOrange Hlooiiiflelil Hldgo Montchair Oarfield Rutherford Xoith Atllngtutu Keurny East Newark and Harri on

will cot ISVKiouo incluhive of severalpumping The main whichwill follow tho wet lank of tlm Paalc to

I twenty six and a half milein from Its Mitirce at Iatowon toits outflow in New York Bay there willbe a big pumping Nation on i dge of

under Newark hay and up this hill to thohighest in wlieuco it willflow gravity to Hobbins Heel

llio charges for original count ructionwill full ui m tho vatioui cdintnunities-lienollled In proportion to their presentratabks nnd malntfiiancnIjo charged to the amount nf

wag eachA providing for carrying the Com

miVMnmus Into cTcct will ltroIn tho UgisUituic tomorr w by

J It of wnrkand it Is expected thai It will bo carried

It is hat It will m vt withutrong opposition from various ofthe State Murphy is wrongly III

favor of menHirv the UM 1 countyare united in the eTort to

tflssThe river U so Illthy and the tench from

the water Is so strong specially in thehummer months living-on Idler batik is asking for its purificationTho water Is as blank as inkand refuse Iroin till mills of Pateiwn andPaosido i covered with a flint of oil fromthe nnd ieels with the sewage ofthe Oranges Patei on lluthcrfordNewark smaller towns which draininto it

U is expected that that big sewer anal theetifom d UM will restore to tIn river theotditlona which a ol H

century ago when hilt and smelt wentcaught as far up OH Paoiilc and tin water

HO clear the Iwttom could foin-ot n d of fifteen fe l Now an objectcannot SOMI llltetii incItes under water

Thi engineers plans contemplate thedischarge of ewerago Into uchannel fathoms In New YorkHay within the jurisdiction of the State ofNow Jersey and In a t d wivy TheState nhlted for anto aM tho work Ucauw thn whole Stnfwill bo materially Ixncfltcd III health Mdwettlth-


Four nlcoiiicii to nrr MM IJcr-

trtide HHKIIC troll tilt ItnnntMrs Ccrtrildo unglue wife of Chnrlo A

ITague a consulting enplncor living at SO

Twentieth tticot walked iiit theJ rfjrMin Market police court yesterdaymorning and cried

I hive tied through the etorm In

my lifeSho first a warrant for HIP

arrest of n Hackenvick woman anti thenI R II an Incoherent talk about Pn Mdeiit

nml Kaiser Wllholm She nfu d to talk to the Magistrate

antl and tried toInduce to go with hint hut shin refusedMr Hagun to bellow that hiwas ano She l tn r Iv hystericalho wild Mr had tofrom tlio courtroom by four policemen

Atlarnr rrni ral mil llwinlre nnlgrr toGive ill Time to Untie of Flint llrputv-Oswroo N Y Jan 5 Attorney

npneial Cumieen hon naked Judge CharlesN Bulger to te lRti thu oflico of MfmlripnlCourt Judgn in thIs city Ufouj takliiK tinoffice of First Deputy AltorneyGenuralIn The Isstrongly opposed to Judge Uulper attempt

to offices andhim to hula whole time and bttcmlMito thti duties of Urst Many Ugalmatters of great importanceJudge on arid Mr Cunneen has him to rellovo MrComan on Feb I U in saId that

r irill tender his resignation to MayorBaker cm that date

Paf all



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Original S4rat Cost Man Departs IromIlaxter Street Forever

Jonoph Isaacs the old clo manretired Into private lifo after morn thanfifty years of great activity liaxt or streetHis former place of business on tha cornerof Hazier antI Ieonord ulnflft opposltn-Mullierrr Bend Park Is tenntnlcM Theold awning over tutu door flutters lu sootblackened rags front thus rusty sign framoand little boys have smnxhed nil the window-pane all the way up to tho third lloorMelancholy silence pervades thin bulldlnRwhere Isaacs won tho reputation of l elnthe original liandmodown man whofocoats could bo had for 35 cent andup

Before retiring from busltHf bonesbought a threestory red brick ibvelljig 1

Stanton street l wicn Elrtrlilge and AUnstreets whole lie now with Ills wifeAnulc and his son LouN In wliosn riamuthe clothing InHnoKS wa roiiductod for

vcnrs Iraaot IH imw 7s cars oilWhen wmt to llastcr Hlrut yeum

It knuwn at Oramn t tt ntid Itwas his HUCCOSM In thy linndninduwiiline that attracted the clithtor of OriginalJacobcs

About twentyfive years ago for busniece reasons ho tfoMd to run his stoleundor his own name Tlm sign over thaidoor A Isaacs A Son Joseph IKJUUUhowever continued to

Jourtwtn years the littlebuilding opjxMiio Mulberry Hciul Parkwas moved illA few years later when tin Jolm Ktmmons

put up the largofactory adjoining stoic an effort

inadi to buy the clothIersTlinn followed years of negotiations

l f w for h n o andlot wIllIe Isaacs demanded 35onu Mntttrmight have mmalnid that way until nowhunch not Isaacs nat with a dfMiK lniin m-In a teal deil a year ago Ho hind

not to to Sltnmonncombut to purchaso sotro adjoining lots

and put up n of huts ownThe owner of then lot R offeipd them forI12VW hut leaacs would give only S12JWhile he won dallying thus com-pany stepped the higher price

tin old mans plansown triangular lot os too for amodern structure with an almluift awl allIho other modem unitary urrongomcntsrequired by law

In the of hisan offer of l3 wi for hit hulldlriK fromthe Simmons Mid aciipird itEver since In tilt tvtinnieiit beenwishing In linilrii-

To Vtcd tile lieu 1C t iv llruryMOUNT VKIINON N Y Jan 2V The en

gnRoment if Miss Jnntiio Mnkvl of J3North Terrace avenue Mount Vrnnn tothe Hev Edward 0 W Moury of Now Yorkhunt boon announced Mi Mrikp Is nworker in the home mltiormry fleM Intho MiddleChurch of Now York of which Mr Mcury Isassistant minister


GLOVESSjitible fur AuoToWlirj Driv-

Skitin c

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lined lonjt wri ti Knit VW ntSee ijfnti toe i brateJ Cuonl

and Sill Goin


lPPnXDALK Al Koiirnt Horn PWlAiJerph-UonJxnXI IttdcrteUClilpprniUtc midK9 months

llclntlx nml trtfn ire rr pfrtrnlly lnttM it-ntlinil ontfM it the utllf nmrch Aronntlthe romrr Twenty ninth it nr r Hfh v-

Xlnnrtny 1111 X ai lto i M Inleimrrt-lititnwnod Kcn iln At tunrril cl-J lDlciboltoni tun e0 SIxth nv Xe


DASA On rrl y J n 3 nt her r rtncr-XlxWrxt wtli M Julliltr lUnnah HIIIIW rl-Ktriinnl P Dana

Iunrrnl V irsldrnir Mrnd y J n irt At it-iVIork rlce mll tlirarn ln on piptup-

lcA ropyOHOSJIVX At hl Intr iMlrtnrr SI4 Vhrmft

horn M llmoiilvn Horlm imijru7 ymm-

Iiinfnl Services on Tuf il jr J n 27it 2 P IfInterment




eH10HRfr IHlCKd ld tot Uiiiw sad cmlA-EMaa discarded clxuio

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