THE SUN TUESDAY AUGUST 19 1902 10 I v ft c COAL STRIKE CONFERENCE A WKJJ77VO AT SENATOR QUAYS HOUSE AT ATLANTIC CITY Senator Quay and Penroie Meet Dle tw rrom the Mine notions and A rce- to Act Tonrthrr In Effort to Ir fret a Settlement To Sleet Later ATLANTIC CITY AUR 18The conference over the coal strlkfl situation occurred to- night at United States Senator Quays on Hamp hlro avenue nml Is that Senator quay and Ills col leaguo United Stats Senator Holes Ien rose will nrrnnRo for n conference In Phila- delphia probably on next KrlcUy with representatives of tho coal o orntor loaders of tho minors organizations and prominent railroad olllclnln Tho outlook is that tho Philadelphia con- ference probably will end In the tetlle- ment of the Ktrlko an both sides It MIIIIS nro willing to make concessions to rmtoroj- xiaco In tho anthracite refiions The delegation hero tonight represented tho- Ipoplos Alliance of VllkcsHnrre 1ii Tim delegation from tho oonl regions which arrived hero this ovenlng connoted of 11 J Armstrong a Fittston merchant Chairman Oeorgo 1 Llewellyn attorney of WllkeaDnrre Ixwis HnmmorliiiK United Minn Worker WilkeHHarre J M of Iuorno Patrick Xnrtnn oxCommUslonor- nf Kuzorno county Thomas Parker jeweller Michael Murray merchant VilkohHirn lolni- Hmoulter of tho Nnntlcoko National flank tnerelinnl of Xantlcoko J J merchant PitUon Solomon of the Trader Coal and Solomon llacharach of VllkosDnrro clerk to Clov Stone Statements were inndo to tim Senators regarding existing conditions mid the ilif- forenees tho miners nigh the opera- tors by Messrs Armstrong Llewellyn Jones Parker Hmoulter- Deeblo and ilacharach were to the effect that the miners nnd thEIr families arc In great want and that loeal lm lnes In greatly affected The miners it WItS stated want a fair KV- Klorn of weighing ami ten hows pay for eight hours It was tho opinion of some of tho delega- tion that even H coticosilons were not granted the operators the men might lw with a lay with ten hours pay Quay and Penrosn listened very attentively to alt the statements that wero asked many vhleh showed that they wero deeply In- terested In the settlement of at n early date wa the general opinion of dele gates that of miners anti could l o brought together a settlement could readily N senators Quay and Penrosn agreod to do all In p wer to bring about a wttlement of the strike liv arbitration- and made tim statement th y are and willing to meet the representa- tive of the miners ROIl operators or nt any tlmo or place may agreed At thin conclusion of the confrenco l was stated that Senator Pcnroso would net In thorough harmony with Senator uay and n would lx ar ranged between the Senators nnd John Mitchell and George F HOAr President of tlm Reading Railroad This is to occur In Phila- delphia next Friday JtflVIVfl COM AT TOWEtt CITY Hrookslilp Colliery He ltn to Itreik the Strike POTTSVILLB Pa Aug IS One hundred nnd twenty men including the bosses aro now regularly employed at the Ilrookside colliery at Tower City ono of the largest of tho Philadelphia and Heading com- pany operations With this forco tho colliery has been able to operate partially toal IH being token from tho brca t that wore worked up to tho face prior to tho strike and it is being prepared for ship- ment This with the of stock coal at Good Spring and the screenings- at the Kalmla colliery U giving a large yield The mine officials In that section say that they have an abundance of unskilled labor and that they could operate at least one colliery any tlmo chose Union men admit that unskilled labor is plentiful nnd that many are willing to work but con- tend that till licensed mlnuni will stand linn and will not resume until collections aro They ore authority for tho that what union men are at work were permitted by tho union to go to work Tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron Company in paying big wages to tho men at work Firemen aro receiving from to 3 for a shift of eight hours SCIUNTOX Pa Aug 18President Nich- ols of District Xo 1 gave an interview to the newspaper hero today denying that President Mitchell Intends to leave for New York on Thursday to havo a con- ference with J Pierpont Morgan Nichols says that ho hail n long conference with Mitchell jut before Mitchell left for tho and ho knows that nothing of tlm kind was contemplated at that time and nothing has occurred since to chango Mitch ells plans INDIANAPOLIS Aug 18 President Mitch- ell of the United MIne Workers whllo on his way to visit Ills family nt Spring Val- ley Ill was asked hero alMiut the report of an expected early settlement of tho strike that there was no basis whatever for such n Ho said that no negotiations pending and thaI h to to Pennsylvania on Wednesday and continue tho pi Aug J8Strlkers and business men nil over the coal region lire in it ferment over two rumors ono that President Mitchell hits been called to Now York to receive an oiler of concessions from tho operators on Wednesday tlm other that he an J Morgan on Thursday to enl strike know no foundation for either that Mitchell Is now nt his homo in Spring Ill and that he will return to Wednesday night Tho arrested at thin WarlIke washery lifter the riot of last Thursday wero Iw fore Judge mornlne for a corpus hearing Burgess ton and President of Council lames wero the chief witnesses A of strikers testified Tho evidence was that the guards were to blame for tho wholo trouble that they fired while the crowd was orderlv- atid that much of the firing was done whllo the crowd wan fifteen to twenty feet away from the muzzles of tho Tho cross examination resulted In runny contra- dictions Judge thrci of the under Joo ball were the ones Identified as hooting The others wero discharged After he was notified the attorneys of the company that work would at on Wed nnd If there was disturbance troops would bo asked for nt once The I hlgh has adopted a novel In preparing Its for work lights have been placed around It and them during the make the approaches ns light as to that no chance of any force attacking tho colliery without seen the guards mining of coal will begin President Anthony S Ambrosn of the National Slavonic Society arrived today an tall ew e r t r ho C ldont Dbl r j I i I t j 1 I mace tao I wet 1 ARm i h en Co I I h th In Ila 4 of- t IerLriteiu lent r between I thin the meet p est i number ale t t p 1 Valley I 1c lJr r m iz J T ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = from New York and will a week in tho coal region Inquiring Into dillon of tho society who tire striking miners If they are want ho will se that are provided for Tho society for He 1 the miners to obey the law and remain orderly LET COAL PRICES ATOE Dealers Attempt o Uegulatlon Winter Heating Jam I Ion ComIng Ip It was expected yesterday that the com- mittee appointed by Coal Dealers Association to regulate the price of would meet early title week to consider tho expediency raising the retail schedule Price Tho committee however has decided to take no further action this week Homo of tholewes of offices and build Ings hay been looking forward to the possibility of tho strike Instlni Into the winter In which case the problem of steam heating will become a very Interesting one to owner nnd tenants In cases where the lessor contracts to heat the buildings and fails to do attempts would of course bo made to break A real estate dealer said yesterday on this point Homo the no doubt would Ixi lfid to have a point like this raised In order to get n excuse breaking their leases It would bo n question that would have to hi decided the courts Another dealer said that In ease anthra- cite Is available all the htiillng will be haw done with and the Health flour he thought will surely have In let enforcement of tho ortll- nanro alone Tlm demand for soft coal was reported yesterday liy coal dealers to have Increased city In the lut few days FATiivit Four Hundred Print at Funeral of nil- HaniriHirKM Popular More titan four hundred priests partici- pated yesterday in the requiem mass for this Inrroll tlm pastor of tile Church of St Vincent do Paul in North Sixth street who died lost week nt Sarnloga And 15001 people not only tile parishioners but rnembersof other churches tho church and the street in front of It from Bedford to Origgs avenue Tim wrvlce begun with the chanting of tho prayers for the dead huh an hour later the IIIOKH was begun Bishop McDon- nell of Brooklyn won thin relvbrant the Hev William J deacon the Hev- FrancU X Ludeke subdeacon Mgr McNamarn flrtt assistant priest and the Ilevs M J Moran and Woods dfnoons of honor Tho Hev Idwnrd W McCartv the pastor of till Church of St Augustine who was a classmate of Father at Niagara University delivered He in part There Ili the remains of of this hot thnt Im hud Ther tu lifeless liody of cnn of the zeal flits pastors of our diocese Tlior in at the end of IllS lone day of labor I on who huts m rnt rlf- williiinly for tho lory of tiod for the letter miiit of mm I with for I have known him well for forty years He vasnlways vlucrlnesx of htonii he found that his burlier was light sail his yoke was swpft lie wns n not prlMly mil any for him Xo project nh t hits Intenst that did rat or upon sacerdotul work Ills nature was ionertitratcil upon special fltld of labor He threw into his whole heart his whole mind his wholo streiiKth from that day thlrty ven years iieo when 1m lay rout of the Attar Ordlnntlon to one whero lie lies at the foot of the Altar of WE ninsAMS APART MiiMlrrrra timeral llrrH Takes Place Today Charles C Hubsam who killed his wife Knimn on Saturday afternoon anti then committed suicide was burled yesterday In Lutheran Cemetery his funeral taking place from the houso at 440 Willis avenue tho doubhi tragedy occurred Very few people followed tho body to tho ceme- tery although a crowd of several thou- sand gathered near the house to see the cofliu carried out Tho funeral of the murdered woman will take ilncn today but her mother Mrs Miller hits arranged to have tho interment- In u different H hotly was out In tho Ilubsamfl on floor of the house Willie hat of was In tho apartments of Mrs Miller on the floor above declared that she did not want her body to rent anywhere near would not even con- sent to funeral on the same day CAPSlXEl Till ST LAIWEXCK- 10Yearnhl lIe DruvtiinlIIU Two Com panlon Hr ciir OoDKNsnciio Aug 19 Oeorgo Strecter 10 years of age of this city was drowned in the St Lawrence River after- noon Streuter and two other young men were sailing near Chimney Island when a heavy gale boat All wero thrown in water Two of tho party who could swim managed to hold on to tho upturned boat hull hInd Strectcr who could not swim the arm Becom- ing cxhnuhlvd the boys lot go of Strteter who said I et inu go boys nnd save yourselves Streeter sank and never cnmn to the surface Tiro two other boys to tho boat and were rescued an exhausted condition lie Mat lilt and May Illelf lie Doesnt- Somrliod Kite Slay Francis Longobucco who lives at Six- tieth strret Fourteenth venue Bath head wns from his dinner table last night by a man who said that ho had- a letter from mother Tho man asked Longobucco to outclde- as ho wanted to talk to him confidentially went man struck him on tho head with a knocking hint down Then ho jumped on him finally threw a him in leg The man fled nnd I ongobucco said that ho didnt recognize The ItalIans at Beach said that it wits not necewHirv for I to di- vulge tlmname of Ills assailant Tho matter would bo settled they lidded when recovered lie was taken to Hospital- at Coney Island Tlm doctors will Veterinary Icljhlou Free of IIU Wife A report of Rtterea Ferdinand Kidman filed yesterday In tho Court finds thnt John A Leighton a veterinary sur T on who esninines the horses bought- by the city nnd Is n professor In a college entitled to a of absolute divorce against deft rude M LeIghton Tho coresKjrul nt In the case was Capt William Ixickhart of the Canadian steamer Print Edward referee finds that she was intimate Iickhart at the lintel Duffer in St John last June It Is recommended that the five children of the Lelghtons go to Dr Leighton A creditors petition In bankruptcy has Oven flied niwlnsl Hllverthnu V Co Mnx- nml ihrabatn Siltrrthnii miniifacturers of tlunrs nt ISO Kist Nlnetyelehth street The llnlillltles nre fnnoon until the iistcts onv- Of It Is sild the firm nianiifnrliired n cheap rlenr hut Ihori wn no money In It ns huh to uiert with tho competition of the Tobi ro Tru t A rredltorx In binkriintcy ha been filed t Otto K of briildi USIlroad vWllllnm M T produce romnil lon rrrhnnt nt stfct mad an- a litnini nt to CharlvH K Jlycr without preference hal sro hleh lot tIU bur Curl I Y on pr I not 0 Irate hI hi H11 I hero lad fOld alI IX cal ltlUIUt 111 t 7iIJ Inc ane The trimming Q f tlh anthra- cIte ill Ii ii I t t lie t ri itt It 1I 4 hureli luau 1 tier lit ltno ledge t N lv initirect I y who itt RIEI Ito Test crilay daughters St t Ito lie IiuisIn1 TronbIe hat e lit it Inn s lInt 0 fie tiirr a nil lit 2 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± W For dollars and cents worth of wear day in and night out no cloth we know bettors serge Serges that wont fndo or fuzz- or fray or black 15 to KOOEHS PKKT or COMPANY IK n r Warren opposite my Hall HJ ror tJlh- anil 140 to 141 Mb Ave t 0 Drooilway cor 3d and i Writ HI St W till order b mill LABOR IN SESSION IN TRENTON COFISCATIO 01 ATlllliriTEC- OM iivis inuAinilio- rprnmrnt llperallnn of tile illnrN l slrnl lint Areiinirnlx Prnuikp the IaMlnic of the llpriom Mia p fur llrlrcolrs Who Art Sot rnlnti ushers TnnVTOv K J AUR is The Now lor spy Stnto Frdpratlon of Labor composed of rrpnwntativ4 from tho unloim of the Stat HH annual con vontlon her today Thorn too doli prrsont nnd owing to a disputo ovr It win 4 oclock In the afternoon Lefom the convention wttlcd dovn to buMwM Tho main discusxlon wa on thin strike In the anthracite coal roRlon tho subjocil- H lng brought up by a resolution intro- duced by ThomaM McHugh of Newark pxprerwiiiR sympathy with tho inlnorn anti urging thin governor and United States Senators from Now Jireoy to s tholr- Kcotl offices In securing i Nttltiiipnt of Tho resalutlon was far too mild to the views of nanny of tho delogaton sktrd on a moro radical expression by tho federation This afternoon a Mibstltuto n i was Introduced demanding In imperative that tho Oovprnmtiit forthwith con flscnto tho anthracite coal mines arid op erato thorn ThU was moro to tho hiking of the delegates and was IUWMH without uojumont It was that copies bo to President Koosovnlt and the mom of tho New JerMy delegation In Con KreA The convention refused to seat James Waller of Newark roprewntiiiB tho Pat terninaherH Association of New York nnd vicinity on tho grounds that it ts wii i n loi from the national HII organization Mr Waller protested vigorously declaring to tho of his association to pay tax to tho National Patternmakers IJ UKUO of North America was duo to tho withdrawing of funds from that Iwlys treasury for which no account hind been given and other statements as to the Influence being exerted hun led to u ftormy Settle In which was freely passed was a candidate for secretary- of tho federation hits rejection was a vote of 451011 complications grow out of a resolution appearing nt tomorrows session with hints riot iliK the union label bo ejected com- pelled to bus nuts Mug Tho resolution was pressed in wriousnoss- Sonio of the wante l it to apply to shots clothing arid other articles U was freely admitted that If it wen It would many of tho delegates In nn condition- A modified resolution wns passed urging laboring men to purchase union Committees wero named to suggest action on of child mind with roferenco to what was termed tho indiscriminate granting of InjunctlonH by Stato and Federal Judgou The com mltteps will report tomorrow IILACKSMITHS OV STIltKE Ten Per Sent Advance In HRgei anti IMIotir U y nanted10Hi lrn Out DenmtuU made a week ago on tho em- ployers by tho blacksmiths in New York nnd Us vicinity art memlwrs of then International Brotherhood of DlackHiniths unit Helpers went into effect yesterday naIl about llXiO blacksmiths and heli rn went on Btriko to enforce them Tin demands are for a minimum wngo scale of 350 a day for tho blacksmiths a 10 per cent increase to those earnlni 13fl a day n ten JKT cent advance to thn helpers anti a nine hour workday Of tho strikers about 250 wore In hhlpynrd and drydooks iti Now York city Tho strikers till belong to Defender Union tw of tho International Drotherhood of Illacksmlths und Helpers AJnong tho shipyards affected by tho strike were tho yards of Townsend A Downey at Shooters Island whuro tIll ors yacht Meteor was built thin Iron at tho foot of white fifty blaekt mlths iiuit work and tIme t lie boken whero sixteen blucksmithti and ers work The last tine grunted tlm demands of tho later In Tho striker reported Into afternoon that fourteen firms employing SOU of tho strikers granted Among them were said to bo this Shields Forgo Company Urooklyn lleltienhauser Bro tho Iron Works Manhattan amid tho Fox Holler Works A report that thin bollormaknrs and other strike In thero would l a general shipbuilding strike was denied both by of Itho Urotherliood of and Iron Shipbuilders and the ropresontntlvcn of thin Suirt J P of Morse Iron If not return to work Thi Htriko had no effect whatever on work- at tho navy All tho blacksmiths and their employed there wild they wero entirely wages STItlKK AT COVLlt CASTLE Nuiilnlon 3lrn Follow Kxamplp of Inlnn mil Out Horh Pont WAHiiiNoroN L I Aug IHMoro trouble Is being experienced by tho con- tractors nt work on Gould Castle on the estate of Howard iould nt Sands Point Several weeks ago the union carjionters- employod on the estate went on strike and wore out theIr places by nonunion men it nonunion men who have gone out learning bv ru- mor that probably a KPttlemont would lx leached ar union which would result in tho installation of union nonunion men d work on Saturday noon Tho union men are to return to work 3 nra all lull Ion tnt ulcer ru 1 all a ho employee lolo mIl hue ned that Ihl pct tlitt Ie Ilt I began wit tito struggle term order d lit lie s the t lie hit thiat hum lie orks says company can an niicn wants rhlelIh era t ln Ira un eat rs lie st < > ¬ < ¬ < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < W L 3o V Ij mado and soul moro teens Welt IlimdSpwed Pro rcs shoes In fIrst six months of 1IMK than any other muiiufucturer In tho world ItKWAKD will be paid to ono 9 I WjVfW u disprove statement Vf DrtUKlAi 150 lioe nr worn morn In nil utatlon f life than any other make lieenuse are tlm only 1M shoA that In every wiy ciiial tlimo costlnj VfW atnl They are tlin worM Tlifiw rpaini W 1 Douglas makes antI moro mens SUM shoc than any other manufacturer In thn worM Best Imported and American bathers f fl Total Salum I Cl 1flQ 891 dfl Enamel Box Calf Calf Colt vfcl Kid National 234000000 nora SHOES YOUTHS 17S Shine nmll satin Cntaloc tics VnM flolor Kyrl K1T TORK KTOI1ES 41 orllintt Strut MIIro IJSISi Uroidnar by 1 VV I lfiIVS llrnrktnn M- Slll Thlnl TI- S t HT4 Thlnl itinuf- 8I KUblh litniit 05 H an SlrrrlI- IIIOOKIVX itO llrotdnif litftj Hro j lit 1nlton Street IDI Firth Aifnur- JFKSK1 ITT H mirl li ne KUARK- JSS Brmd fltrett UNION S H 0 E MADE WORLD who his I 1 they Ell n Heyls Moth I 1902 I I Month 2 I I I I U BEST IN lie utica tIm are I I SIX I i rip Six 2 etc tiel I htraiaay 2 flroaIeT I I Ill lth Street I I < > > > > nanr nut IITTAIERH SKIT Three aiKlldalpH Arru Apalntt Him for HIP oiiRriss JOHNSTOWN N Y Aug is Tonight- it is said that Charles 11 Knor the wealthy gelatine manufacturer of Johnstown may lx nominated for member of Congrocw new Twentyfifth district Whether Mr lnox will mako a light for nomina- tion against Congressman Utlauer is not known It is snUI however that some of tho lending Hepubllcnns or thin county are particularly nnxioiip fur Mr Knox to enter the rnco and will give him their support There are four candidates for the nomi- nation Stewart of Montgomery Kinerwm of Warren nail Kmx of Fulton county Tho contest is becoming more and more Interest lug especially with regard to Mr Mttnuor it understood that he tine of President Oov Odell and I by Plutt Stnto Committppman Jacob Snell of Fonda is still arrayed against antI in Ililtun soot f littauers former friends now opposing hum Jnhntntcn just printed tine article which in TIIK on Thurwlay with reference to Con grnwtnnn Mttauers tight for tho nomina- tion and says TilP purports to give sotnn Insldo facts ns to mixup In this Con- gress district und particularly ns to the situation feeling In county There is sufllcient truth In tho article to lead to conclusion that TIIK Sr has been given information by some ono who is on tho insido of Fulton county politics Tho fact that Republican mittoo take sortie nt Its moot- ing on In Now York toward ending the deadlock In this district im to the representation to tho Congnvw con- vention from various counties Is n to thin loaders of the party par- ticularly in Montgomery counties ns members of tho Congress committees from thoso counties wero anxious to ham the Committeo settlo the matter Tho Fulton and Saratoga representatives however were not in favor interfering Con- gressman Stewart attended tho mooting of the Stnto Committei Mr Stewart had hopes of being nominated for Congress In now district nnd has of Commllteoman Such Another meeting of tho Congre committee la hooked for tonight at Saratoga Springs U will bo tho ninth conference SAIIATOOA Aug iv committee for the new Con- gress district appointed to llx the repre- sentation In of each of the flvn counties In thin district met gain nt the Hotel orden ami adjourneil nt mldiiiuht until lomunow morning at U This committee has met and adjourned on an average of twice a week past three weeks and there- fore nothing ti nocomplMied Tho counties In the district nre Saratoga Fulton and Hamilton Montgomery and Warren Tho of the committee from Saratoga Montgomery count lew desire that each county sluill liavi the in tlm Congress that It huts In the Stato convention namely Saratoga eleven delegates nnd nine Montnoitury eight nnd Warren six Should such In- ngreed upon It practtrnlly insure thn- renomitmtlon of Congreseinan Lucius N Mttiiuer- Tho committeemeii from Fulton Hamilton nnd Warren counties Insist each shall the shmo number of delegates anti are not particular what thnt shall IM that If they can wcuie Mich u representation thy cnn compn s thn In the convention Intll tho last vote tnlien tonlnht on tho- uehtl n of tho committeo StaN deadlocked on every whch was brought to n vote reason hint was a final majority for an adjournment until wns be- cnuso Mr Kmerson of Warren county fell nsleep on former Sheriff Wordcns lounge hotel night Irk Insisted on hav- ing him for a heel Kmerson promptly voted with Senator Hrackett and for nn adjournment and took- n room upstairs ini iiiinrr nut siiEiAiin xoir- W Acalntt Him In the la t lly i m- palltn and Jot Low J of Brooklyn who was ono of thin most supporters of Soth Low arid time outer fusion candi- dates In tho last campaign amid who was appoInted Deputy Water Commissioner for Ilrcoklyn nnd Queens who is now r a political prophet TIne Brooklyn tltiitn yesterday him this oats ninn who jeop- nnllro a Republican victory is M- Shopnrd a year titus Stilt and only the strongest sort of a Democrat ran I not r nard Color ns ctrong enough to win Mr is tho only man Will in esti- mation can com out victorious I will work for his nomination Last year Mr optwisod Mr Shield arils Ho now mils that his for Mr as well HH for Mr Sliepard Is Increasing ills In a great nature cnld s peakIng of the and hU are profound and splendid Ill 1 bring Imf owl Helot o lonal tonl hl all nfl hat I The Ir a Jot hrrly n cal ro roll hlrt l4IliIll at lou for- t Ito I Ito Ilittmmer mid iadi leg opposed hAt i a nor count dir lIt th nfl I lie lIen arren tit Stat lie Ill Stat i lie t lie ciii vent cleiek uuini I hot ni itch at iiui CiltiSe lti Ii tll reFntah Ion se oil hi cull ntlnuil how ever din tatier t ion I Ito inorli Old t for SuiiilomtIii nil iv lull it rdquut ly iosl Ii I I It nu t tihhlcnmi rd nil uiul rat len a > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ° TAMMANY HOLLERS FRAUD IIOIllllFin MACHIATIOS- TO II7V AT TIIK PRIMARIES Jail YamiA Cry for Solute of Il Who Here Imminent In HIP Organ nil Sa Prctl unit Van llorsrii AboM the Storm Thin wonderful precision with which coolIng events foretold in that intuit vulunblo publication lcvtriit Old 1uli- ticiana Almanack and Guide to the Ninth Dixtrict was proved yesterday by thin holler hat went up from Tammany Hall In Mr Dovurya Almanack the public is warned to look out for cries of fraud from between Aug 15 arid 3- 1Yohterday ti you went that cuuiu be hcaid- in all tIll districtH where thelo are lights Tammany men Hail lorn of time Sport Murphy chainnaii of tIme Three multi tho Twentieth Mc Mahon leader of thu Seventeenth Col Murphy of thu First John A Dooner the mitt Senator Wash legion Plunkitt of time County Court Houso and the Fifteenth had a locked doors with David N Carvalho time hand- writing expert nnd when Latin out said that gigantic enrollment frauds wen being anti that Sing Sing yawns for HUIIIO of perpo- traioM Men who have been prominent in the organization will go to jail said The tfiiiirdians ni thn ballot who were Tammany had lien thin manner hi which money hind been used In fiphtst which are made them hint enrolled Democratic voters belonging to the nntlCrrkor faction Tammany Hall had been imK rtc l Into their dUtrictfl for tho of voting them at tie primaries that they could that moral per- version ns hind evidence of could In thin community they declared that something must b something to do themselves for sanctity of the franchUn- Bad did most of time talking John J Welsh Is fighting him Mr Dunn Kild that Mr was voters nnd Mr Dunn line never been aeeuHed of spending money although j ho I a man the ho said that John F Carrolls friends In the district were ruovlng men into the district to vote for Mr Carroll- to tho great ilNlrww of Whispering Larry Delmour Mr was men into the Ninth district nnd flattery Finn with doing tho saute in Mr Carrnlho went he looked mvMcrlous and ho was- i tilt of secret tint would tuin- thn ton u red and when they lH cnmo known Tom Dunn last that ho alone I was responsible for hitting Carvalho He Cnrvnlho wan hired bv lawyer David Marks whom I had Instructed to- nccuro some competent person to look for evidence of Democrat le enroll inint In district He found a numI- HT of enrollments In handwriting so ex- actly similar that N no doubt were written by the person A report Is to be bo handed to me In a few lays He was working fcr m nlonnnnd his Investigation was confined exclusively to Im nut oUter districts hUt while Im not looking for Devery frauds theres cue 1 want to about that nnd that is I wish I could nlone In nn lot some night when ho hall left his pistol nl home When this wan rejieated to Devery ho Ha Id Dunn said that Haw haw haw In President Voorhls of tho llonnl of Flections hints lute clerks nt work the transfer blanks which havo IHOII received In cacti whero thorn is anything about thin blank to arouse su Mr Investigates the of thin notary at thin nfllcn of tho County Clerk ono of the detectives nftlgned to hi burenu to look tim voter who seeks to trans- ferred Tho Law Conimittoo of tile Re- publican county organization carrying- on of the Elections District Is carrying on another All the Tam- many mm are Investigating each other therti is It is likely tti l discovered of ngoncics Yoorhls said yesterday that this afternoon ho might IHJ somethIng nlxiut the musters hut hint know anything about them until HIP figures mire Tho in Ninth district say that they have trannferrtxl 573 voters that district Ix uls Muninger Sties han loader says She hanips probably morn moved in anti n captain has started n hotel In West street for them Frank J loodwln tho Croknr leader eiitimates that Iout voters liavn lieen transferred Into tIme dis- trict for purposes Mr o xlwin says that great l ien prac While twothirds f tho Triumvirate wns yelling fraud yesterday President County lenernl Committee was making some re marks about them Murphy McMuhon and Haffcn woro ap lan In o lorgo th th n f ail all i Wtl mOl urv I WIn aWRY Id alt Ir t alI hl flow I roll Ihwu lao onom o I I J Ill Tile I Cr V her lu eli weit t hi t lit iUT I lie Hall declared I hen TIle ito with Importing t a lithe blue sit Ia t rict s It lu t hat t lie imisa it lint oiritl tan t he 1 lie Ito hint l iiiu Lu > ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ R U Vltty ft Cf AHrtcfkmt An Thin l w MHWIfflflBn We buildinff this Fall when we move into our new store Broadsvay at Sixth Av Hih to th St Suits and Closing out Womens Suits and price cuts many and deep Two hints Womens Skirts nude of brown light and gray homespun cheviot flounce finished with several rows of stitching sold elsewhere at 5 50 our price 391 Womens Fancytailored Suits nuJi of gray an1 black chev- iots canvas and Hton and blouse models nicely trimmed and lined with talTeta flounced skirts most of them nude over silk petticoat redued from 1974 to SI 4 74 Misses and Childrens Dresses Misses Shirt Waist Suits made of percales and chambrays trimmed with lace and embroidery flounce skirts sizes 12 and 14 years reduced ji Children Highneck Dresses made of chambrays and striped pinciait trimmed with white pique and embroidery full skirts sizes 4 to IJ years reduced from to 91 Childrens Dresses highneck sailor and Russian effects made blue rose pink madras lawn and gingham also white lawn trimmed In n large of styles sizes 4 to 12 years reduced from 203 to v I Womens Underwear Womens Lisle Thread Vests Richelieu ribbed low neck trimmed with wide lace sleeveless armholes trimmed with silk tape reduced from 39c to 29c Womens Fine Swss Lisle Thread Vests low neck trimmed with silt tapes reduced from 64c 1 close our Skirts ar Wlkin plaid b1Ck med- ium panel dam s d I II I I to 49c I PrIes Both Sidu 14th St y will bile 1 I 4ci sleeveless > ¬ = Womens Silk and Cotton Shaped Ribbed Vests high neck long and short sleeves handcrocheted front and neck Pants to match knee length French bands re n duced from 98c to C I Hens Underwear J Mens Gintiine French Ba briggan Shirts Frenh necks silk long and short sleeves Drawers to match doube gussets seams and suspender loops reduced to Mens Imported Brown Lisle Thread Shirts Drawers to match reinforced seats double gus- sets and suspender loops reduced from to O- Mens 100 Negligee Shirts White Corded Madras black stripes and figures detached cuffs No one need care for a better mad or nicer looking Shirt for general knock- about wear They are high class dollar qualities Because the season has been weather surprises and anomalies the Shirts are 44c pointed to that committee to fill n gap arid any extraordinary powers said Mr Van Hoesen I dont see makes much dlflercnct ono WRY or the other whether they continue in their present posi- tions or not they are not tho party nnd never have The news- papers have tried to wake thorn as in order to heap ridicule on this imrty I have no doubt that a leader will grow up from time party will win Ninth OMIATK COLEll HE CANT inN Two Dissimilar Opinions lloth of Which Might Work Out In Practice George M Von Hoettcn president of tho Democratic County General Committeo present a Tammany institution put a few hours yesterday In time Coler Fnmo Factory Color should bo nominated said Mr Van Hoesen Ho could be elected Gov- ernor of thin State and he might havo been elected Mayor on the Tutnnviny ticket lust fall The lenders wanted him hut Mr Crolier defied them J Haniden Dougherty announced yes terdav that Color riot win Edward M Shepard i the only man who could victory said he COOK SAYS 0 TO lulL DorMit rare to Met toler and Cook Iliad tIle State Ticket ROCIIKKTKK Aug 18 A from Al- bany says thnt David I Hill selected Itird S Color us the Democratic nominee for Governor and is seriously considering the Hon Frederick of for If Mr Hill Is considering my name for olllco I know nothing It raid Sir Cook this afternoon I am not a cmi- dtdaln for Lleutenantdovernor or for oilier ofllee I have plenty to do right hero- In Rochester Paynp iamion In Milne- PonTWND Me Aug 18 The Dolphin with Secretary Moody PostmasterGeneral- Piyno and Congressman Cannon of Illinois on Into Harbor this afternoon They went to Poland Spring rail to pa n nlzht will return tomorrow The Mf tlier The procure wan low jrMrrdiy over all the country rave for moilrratrly hlili rr oo the Soulli Atlantic util North Parinc ooasli lu the Cnilril Ht trt tare was a trouicb of drprrwlon- MtnitlnC from norlhcrn Trxaa uorlhraMwaril to soulhtrn Mlnnt l which cau ln nhowen Mid tbunilrMlorini In Nebraska Iowa WlMniuIn- MianrMitit Illlnoh Indiana and Mlchluan and Ihrralralac condltloni ovrr thr Lakes with a few ci tlrrcd nhuwrrs citendlnit trite northern Ntw At many larri In the Central Stain the rainfall measured over an Inch Thunder shoneM occurred In the OIly mornlue ou the iulf oJa at New Orlrann II was warmer In the Middle Stale and In the Central MlulMlppI lbs chinicei were Might In Ihl city the day fair and warmer wind light In fresh southerly average humidity u per cent barometer corrected to read to sea level a A M 0 a P II flit lempersturi r e4 r rrurJel r tile- GcUl thermometer aa l M tee auia la r- muurier at irt l i l l u u ua- nexed uble oTfMI 5u f Ofliffli suniI- VK mill 1MI 1901- I A il W C P U 1U 72 Hil 7il 71 9PM 74 7j 7J- i K u w u urn 71 iy n- WAIIIINUTON foiKC r rotc TOU T TO Monnow for titittrn Yurlt lovft to rf ti and to narrate frnlt loutrt Ulnli rot sew Kncland smut warmer today and to mo mm fresh Mouth wind For western 1enniylvanU and western New York meal rains and cooler today fair tomorr- ow wind tblllluc to north ronls i from- c 44C r8 lit ill ali ant M a wa ork laDle wh re a I I A b lou Ill 73 7 feb c been Lleiutniauit t uiii Mewl I lou rd lie 2382 till iou la 7ee Vii hoary ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > < > > ¬ > Svis Lisle Thread Inion Suits three styles to select from low neck rend arm holes and high neck with short sleeves knee lenjh duced from 168 to voC Mens Half Hose Mens Imported Cotton Half Hose double soles heel anJ toes black tan and slate and Black Lisle Threid Half Hose split soles at IQC Fancy Cotton Hnlf Hose handembroidered figures and silk clocking on black grounds at ZH Mens Cotton Half Hone enhanced by vertical on black blue and gray grounds j J Mens 600 Bath Robes Mens Bath Robes made of sfr viceable thread looped surface Turkish toweling handsome in colors that we guaran be fast They are finished with hoods and girdles The same styles and qualities are sold by others at 5600 choice 349 IN BATTLE WITH LADRONE- SCOSTAIIIrARY LOSE FOCR 31 K IV 0E 1HUIT EAIt MAM LA Kill Six of time Outlaws Other Kklrml hf Near raUlpKilltnr of n Manila Newspaper Coinlcteil of AKltator In Manila Int Inilrr Arrrst- SpfctiJ Deipalett la THS Srx MANILA AUR 18 Thirty members of tile roriRtabulnry In charge of nn Ameri can Inspector pncounlered a strong f rr of ludrcnert near Manila yesterday TI Inxpectur was wounded anil four union kllV- lIllenforcements arrived and mn tnl lary killed and capluriHl five liiilr iiP- HHeports from CnvIM toll uf wveraUliii inches between tim cotistabuliiry an l tlroiuM In which Iho Inltrr hind plevi men killed Tliwn wen1 niMinbem f F- iznnlos gang ilip constabulary sufferwl 1- 1rasuallles The lkt have nrrested the labor nr- tntor Los HoypM who was ocetised if n- timldathiR cigar iiinnufafilurers duriin riven strike The libel CIIBO thin editors of t newspaper Inedom resulted todav In vcrdiet of guilty which was prcitiotliifPil I r lude Ambler was reserved uiiil- tlm can against thi sauna paper which wns begun today IK finished The twentyflvu mutineers of tho cons lug steamship DoKHCrmnnos who wereovrr powered by the constabulary lifter hnvin killed engineer nail threo sailors wounded thin captain two mutt and n pv- fenior have lw en placed in jail TIe ol jict of thin mutiny WIIH ti Kwuro lV i Thstenmer haul welhed anchor after mutineers hn n sump l control when tin constabuhrv hoarded her A mvaK llslit ensued in tlm forecastlo which rwullfd in coma pleto defeat of the native mutineers URLS ASSMIT CAIGIIT- HPS an Italian and the XPW High Ilrldco- Statluns rirdt 1rlsonpr- Throo young gIrls who on Wolf avenue HiRli were walking nlons- Offden avenue lact night when nn Italian Mepped out of a patch of woods and Krnblxd ono of thorn Maria Thompson Her com- panions rnn and got Policeman nnlttiuicp of n mounted polio man was with the girl but had not harmed her Ho was taken to new the first prisoner Imitieht- Ihero the Ftatlon was In July Ho said ho was Alexander Vnlllno hind IV sewed In a pocket in his under clothing Liquid Air Co llparlnit llriclnt hearing before Justice Mayer of the Court of Kiwlal Sessions in which th affairs of the Triplcr LIquId stir Company wero under Investigation commenced y1 terday afternoon The proceeding were conducted by AsHihtant ll tricf Attorney Train and scorn not OJMH to the pulli After the hearlnK Mr Train said that tin days proceedings were morely preliminary Ilo also said that nothing morp would I e- dono until October Tho only examined yenterilnv was J M Jloon oi- of tho first promoters of thin company who testified a to its early history hum You Co AW y take NiW York wltli you You will ftnil It oil la THE bujc and btM At Womens ire 3 1 49 pa- tters I c- at th J- lIhirl Labor ibIS I Iii six lie tim hue against a Soul mice hit inn lie ant I rasilre aboard lit ibmlhi t lie lit lived Bridge I t I IC C t lie I lid is it si rug tim since lie Tim sit ns ¬ > < > > < ¬

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-19 [p 10].€¦ · 10 THE SUN I TUESDAY AUGUST 19 1902 v f t c COAL STRIKE CONFERENCE A WKJJ77VO AT SENATOR QUAYS HOUSE AT ATLANTIC CITY Senator

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-19 [p 10].€¦ · 10 THE SUN I TUESDAY AUGUST 19 1902 v f t c COAL STRIKE CONFERENCE A WKJJ77VO AT SENATOR QUAYS HOUSE AT ATLANTIC CITY Senator


v f t c



Senator Quay and Penroie Meet Dle twrrom the Mine notions and A rce-

to Act Tonrthrr In Effort to Irfret a Settlement To Sleet Later

ATLANTIC CITY AUR 18The conferenceover the coal strlkfl situation occurred to-

night at United States Senator Quayson Hamp hlro avenue nml

Is that Senator quay and Ills colleaguo United Stats Senator Holes Ienrose will nrrnnRo for n conference In Phila-

delphia probably on next KrlcUy withrepresentatives of tho coal o orntorloaders of tho minors organizations andprominent railroad olllclnln

Tho outlook is that tho Philadelphia con-

ference probably will end In the tetlle-ment of the Ktrlko an both sides It MIIIIS

nro willing to make concessions to rmtoroj-

xiaco In tho anthracite refiions Thedelegation hero tonight represented tho-

Ipoplos Alliance of VllkcsHnrre 1ii

Tim delegation from tho oonl regionswhich arrived hero this ovenlng connotedof 11 J Armstrong a Fittston merchantChairman Oeorgo 1 Llewellyn attorneyof WllkeaDnrre Ixwis HnmmorliiiK

United Minn Worker WilkeHHarreJ M of Iuorno

Patrick Xnrtnn oxCommUslonor-nf Kuzorno county Thomas Parkerjeweller Michael Murray

merchant VilkohHirn lolni-Hmoulter of tho NnntlcokoNational flank tnerelinnlof Xantlcoko J J merchantPitUon Solomonof the Trader Coal and Solomonllacharach of VllkosDnrro clerk to ClovStone

Statements were inndo to tim Senatorsregarding existing conditions mid the ilif-

forenees tho miners nigh the opera-tors by Messrs Armstrong Llewellyn

Jones Parker Hmoulter-Deeblo and ilacharach

were to the effect that the minersnnd thEIr families arc In great want andthat loeal lm lnes In greatly affectedThe miners it WItS stated want a fair KV-Klorn of weighing ami ten hows pay foreight hours

It was tho opinion of some of tho delega-tion that even H coticosilons were notgranted the operators the men might lw

with a lay with tenhours pay

Quay and Penrosn listenedvery attentively to alt the statements thatwero asked manyvhleh showed that they wero deeply In-

terested In the settlement of atn early date

wa the general opinion of delegates that ofminers anti could l o broughttogether a settlement could readily N

senators Quay and Penrosn agreod todo all In p wer to bring about awttlement of the strike liv arbitration-and made tim statement th y are

and willing to meet the representa-tive of the miners ROIl operators ornt any tlmo or place may agreed

At thin conclusion of the confrenco l

was stated that Senator Pcnroso wouldnet In thorough harmony with Senator

uay and n would lx arranged between the Senators nnd JohnMitchell and George F HOAr Presidentof tlm Reading Railroad

This is to occur In Phila-delphia next Friday


Hrookslilp Colliery He ltn to Itreik theStrike

POTTSVILLB Pa Aug IS One hundrednnd twenty men including the bosses aronow regularly employed at the Ilrooksidecolliery at Tower City ono of the largestof tho Philadelphia and Heading com-

pany operations With this forco thocolliery has been able to operate partiallytoal IH being token from tho brca t thatwore worked up to tho face prior to thostrike and it is being prepared for ship-ment This with the of stockcoal at Good Spring and the screenings-at the Kalmla colliery U giving a largeyield

The mine officials In that section saythat they have an abundance of unskilledlabor and that they could operate at leastone colliery any tlmo chose Unionmen admit that unskilled labor is plentifulnnd that many are willing to work but con-

tend that till licensed mlnuni will standlinn and will not resume until collectionsaro They ore authority for tho

that what union men are atwork were permitted by tho union to goto work

Tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal andIron Company in paying big wages to thomen at work Firemen aro receiving from

to 3 for a shift of eight hoursSCIUNTOX Pa Aug 18President Nich-

ols of District Xo 1 gave an interview tothe newspaper hero today denying thatPresident Mitchell Intends to leave forNew York on Thursday to havo a con-

ference with J Pierpont Morgan Nicholssays that ho hail n long conference withMitchell jut before Mitchell left for tho

and ho knows that nothing of tlmkind was contemplated at that time andnothing has occurred since to chango Mitchells plans

INDIANAPOLIS Aug 18 President Mitch-ell of the United MIne Workers whllo onhis way to visit Ills family nt Spring Val-ley Ill was asked hero alMiut the reportof an expected early settlement of thostrike that there was no basiswhatever for such n Ho said thatno negotiations pending and thaI h

to to Pennsylvania onWednesday and continue tho

pi Aug J8Strlkersand business men nil over the coal regionlire in it ferment over two rumors onothat President Mitchell hits been called toNow York to receive an oiler of concessionsfrom tho operators on Wednesday tlm otherthat he an JMorgan on Thursday to enl strike

know nofoundation for either that Mitchell Is nownt his homo in Spring Ill and thathe will return to Wednesday night

Thoarrested at thin WarlIke washery lifterthe riot of last Thursday wero Iwfore Judge mornlne for a

corpus hearing Burgesston and Presidentof Council lames wero the chiefwitnesses A of strikerstestified Tho evidence was that the guardswere to blame for tho wholo trouble thatthey fired while the crowd was orderlv-atid that much of the firing was done whllothe crowd wan fifteen to twenty feet awayfrom the muzzles of tho Tho crossexamination resulted In runny contra-dictions Judge thrci ofthe under Joo ballwere the ones Identified as hootingThe others wero discharged

After he was notifiedthe attorneys of the company that work

would at on Wednnd If there was

disturbance troops would bo asked fornt once

The I hlgh has adopted a novelIn preparing Its for

work lights have beenplaced around It and them during the

make the approaches ns lightas to that no chance of anyforce attacking tho colliery withoutseen the guards mining of coalwill begin

President Anthony S Ambrosn of theNational Slavonic Society arrived today


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from New York and will a weekin tho coal region Inquiring Intodillon of tho society whotire striking miners If they are wantho will se that are provided forTho societyfor He 1

the miners to obey the law and remainorderly


Dealers Attempt o Uegulatlon WinterHeating Jam I Ion ComIng Ip

It was expected yesterday that the com-mittee appointed by Coal DealersAssociation to regulate the price of

would meet early title week to considertho expediency raising the retailschedule Price Tho committee howeverhas decided to take no further action thisweek

Homo of tholewes of offices and buildIngs hay been looking forward to thepossibility of tho strike Instlni Into thewinter In which case the problem of steamheating will become a very Interesting oneto owner nnd tenants In cases where thelessor contracts to heat the buildings andfails to do attempts would of course bomade to break A real estatedealer said yesterday on this point

Homo the no doubtwould Ixi lfid to have a point like this raisedIn order to get n excuse breaking theirleases It would bo n question that wouldhave to hi decided the courts

Another dealer said that In ease anthra-cite Is available all the htiillng will behaw done with and theHealth flour he thought will surely haveIn let enforcement of tho ortll-nanro alone

Tlm demand for soft coal was reportedyesterday liy coal dealers to have Increased

city In the lut few days

FATiivitFour Hundred Print at Funeral of nil-

HaniriHirKM PopularMore titan four hundred priests partici-

pated yesterday in the requiem mass forthis Inrroll tlm pastor of tileChurch of St Vincent do Paul in NorthSixth street who died lostweek nt Sarnloga And 15001 people notonly tile parishioners but rnembersof otherchurches tho church and thestreet in front of It from Bedford to Origgsavenue

Tim wrvlce begun with the chantingof tho prayers for the dead huh an hourlater the IIIOKH was begun Bishop McDon-nell of Brooklyn won thin relvbrant theHev William J deacon the Hev-FrancU X Ludeke subdeacon MgrMcNamarn flrtt assistant priest and theIlevs M J Moran and Woodsdfnoons of honor Tho Hev Idwnrd WMcCartv the pastor of till Church of StAugustine who was a classmateof Father at Niagara Universitydelivered He in part

There Ili the remains of of this hotthnt Im hud Ther

tu lifeless liody of cnn of the zealflits pastors of our diocese Tliorin at the end of IllS lone day of

labor I on who huts m rnt rlf-williiinly for tho lory of tiod for the lettermiiit of mm I withfor I have known him well for forty years

He vasnlways vlucrlnesxof htonii he found that hisburlier was light sail his yoke was swpftlie wns n

not prlMly mil anyfor him Xo project nh t hits Intenstthat did rat or upon

sacerdotul work Ills nature wasionertitratcil upon special fltld of laborHe threw into his whole hearthis whole mind his wholo streiiKth fromthat day thlrty ven years iieo when 1mlay rout of the Attar Ordlnntlon to

one whero lie lies at the foot of the Altarof


MiiMlrrrra timeral llrrHTakes Place Today

Charles C Hubsam who killed his wifeKnimn on Saturday afternoon anti thencommitted suicide was burled yesterdayIn Lutheran Cemetery his funeral takingplace from the houso at 440 Willis avenue

tho doubhi tragedy occurred Veryfew people followed tho body to tho ceme-tery although a crowd of several thou-sand gathered near the house to see thecofliu carried out

Tho funeral of the murdered woman willtake ilncn today but her mother MrsMiller hits arranged to have tho interment-In u different

H hotly was out In tho Ilubsamflon floor of the

house Willie hat of was In thoapartments of Mrs Miller on the floor above

declared that she did not wanther body to rent anywhere near

would not even con-sent to funeral on the same day


10Yearnhl lIe DruvtiinlIIU Two Companlon Hr ciir

OoDKNsnciio Aug 19 Oeorgo Strecter10 years of age of this city was drownedin the St Lawrence River after-noon Streuter and two other young menwere sailing near Chimney Island whena heavy gale boat Allwero thrown in water Two of thoparty who could swim managed to holdon to tho upturned boat hull hInd Strectcrwho could not swim the arm Becom-ing cxhnuhlvd the boys lot go of Strteterwho said

I et inu go boys nnd save yourselvesStreeter sank and never cnmn to the

surface Tiro two other boys to thoboat and were rescued an exhaustedcondition

lie Mat lilt and May Illelf lie Doesnt-Somrliod Kite Slay

Francis Longobucco who lives at Six-

tieth strret Fourteenth venue Bathhead wns from his dinner tablelast night by a man who said that ho had-a letter from mother Thoman asked Longobucco to outclde-as ho wanted to talk to him confidentially

went manstruck him on tho head with aknocking hint down Then ho jumped onhim finally threw ahim in leg

The man fled nnd I ongobucco said thatho didnt recognize

The ItalIans at Beach said that itwits not necewHirv for I to di-vulge tlmname of Ills assailant Tho matterwould bo settled they liddedwhen recovered

lie was taken to Hospital-at Coney Island Tlm doctorswill

Veterinary Icljhlou Free of IIU WifeA report of Rtterea Ferdinand Kidman

filed yesterday In tho Court findsthnt John A Leighton a veterinary surT on who esninines the horses bought-by the city nnd Is n professor In acollege entitled to a of absolutedivorce against deft rude M LeIghtonTho coresKjrul nt In the case was CaptWilliam Ixickhart of the Canadian steamerPrint Edward referee finds that shewas intimate Iickhart at thelintel Duffer in St John last June It Isrecommended that the five children of theLelghtons go to Dr Leighton

A creditors petition In bankruptcy hasOven flied niwlnsl Hllverthnu V Co Mnx-nml ihrabatn Siltrrthnii miniifacturers oftlunrs nt ISO Kist Nlnetyelehth street Thellnlillltles nre fnnoon until the iistcts onv-Of It Is sild the firm nianiifnrliired ncheap rlenr hut Ihori wn no money In It ns

huh to uiert with tho competition ofthe Tobi ro Tru t

A rredltorx In binkriintcy habeen filed t Otto K

of briildi USIlroadvWllllnm M T produce romnil lon

rrrhnnt nt stfct mad an-a litnini nt to CharlvH K Jlycrwithout preference

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WFor dollars and cents worth of

wear day in and night out nocloth we know bettors serge

Serges that wont fndo or fuzz-

or frayor black 15 to


IK n r Warrenopposite my Hall

HJ ror tJlh-anil 140 to 141 Mb Ave

t 0 Drooilway cor 3dand i Writ HI St

W till orderb mill


COFISCATIO 01 ATlllliriTEC-OM iivis inuAinilio-

rprnmrnt llperallnn of tile illnrN l

slrnl lint Areiinirnlx Prnuikp theIaMlnic of the llpriom Mia p furllrlrcolrs Who Art Sot rnlnti ushers

TnnVTOv K J AUR is The Now lorspy Stnto Frdpratlon of Labor composedof rrpnwntativ4 from thounloim of the Stat HH annual convontlon her today Thorn too doli

prrsont nnd owing to a disputo ovrIt win 4 oclock In the afternoon

Lefom the convention wttlcd dovn tobuMwM

Tho main discusxlon wa on thin strikeIn the anthracite coal roRlon tho subjocil-H lng brought up by a resolution intro-duced by ThomaM McHugh of NewarkpxprerwiiiR sympathy with tho inlnorn antiurging thin governor and United StatesSenators from Now Jireoy to s tholr-Kcotl offices In securing i Nttltiiipnt of

Tho resalutlon was far too mild tothe views of nanny of tho delogatonsktrd on a moro radical expression by thofederation

This afternoon a Mibstltuto n i

was Introduced demanding In imperativethat tho Oovprnmtiit forthwith con

flscnto tho anthracite coal mines arid operato thorn ThU was moro to tho hikingof the delegates and was IUWMH withoutuojumont It was that copies bo

to President Koosovnlt and the momof tho New JerMy delegation In Con

KreAThe convention refused to seat James

Waller of Newark roprewntiiiB tho PatterninaherH Association of New York nndvicinity on tho grounds that it tswii i n loi from the nationalHII organization Mr Waller protestedvigorously declaring to tho

of his association to paytax to tho National Patternmakers IJ UKUOof North America was duo to thowithdrawing of funds from that Iwlystreasury for which no account hind beengiven

and other statements as to theInfluence being exerted hun ledto u ftormy Settle In which was freelypassed

was a candidate for secretary-of tho federation hits rejection was avote of 451011

complications grow out of aresolution appearingnt tomorrows session with hints riotiliK the union label bo ejected com-pelled to bus nuts Mug

Tho resolution was pressedin wriousnoss-

Sonio of the wante l itto apply to shots clothing arid other articlesU was freely admitted that If it wen Itwould many of tho delegates In nn

condition-A modified resolution wns passed urging

laboring men to purchaseunion

Committees wero named to suggestaction on of child mindwith roferenco to what was termed thoindiscriminate granting of InjunctlonH byStato and Federal Judgou The commltteps will report tomorrow


Ten Per Sent Advance In HRgei antiIMIotir U y nanted10Hi lrn Out

DenmtuU made a week ago on tho em-

ployers by tho blacksmiths in New Yorknnd Us vicinity art memlwrs of then

International Brotherhood of DlackHinithsunit Helpers went into effect yesterday naIlabout llXiO blacksmiths and heli rn wenton Btriko to enforce them

Tin demands are for a minimum wngoscale of 350 a day for tho blacksmiths a10 per cent increase to those earnlni 13fla day n ten JKT cent advance to thn helpersanti a nine hour workday

Of tho strikers about 250 woreIn hhlpynrd and drydooks itiNow York city Tho strikers till belong toDefender Union tw of tho InternationalDrotherhood of Illacksmlths und HelpersAJnong tho shipyards affected by tho strikewere tho yards of Townsend A Downey atShooters Island whuro tIllors yacht Meteor was built thin Iron

at tho foot ofwhite fifty blaekt mlths iiuit work

and tIme t lieboken whero sixteen blucksmithti anders work The last tine grunted tlmdemands of tho later In Thostriker reported Into

afternoon that fourteen firmsemploying SOU of tho strikers granted

Among them weresaid to bo this Shields Forgo CompanyUrooklyn lleltienhauser Bro

tho IronWorks Manhattan amid tho Fox HollerWorks

A report that thin bollormaknrs and otherstrike In

thero would l a general shipbuilding strikewas denied both by of IthoUrotherliood of and IronShipbuilders and the ropresontntlvcn of thin

Suirt J P of Morse Iron

If notreturn to work

Thi Htriko had no effect whatever on work-at tho navy All tho blacksmiths andtheir employed there wild they weroentirely wages


Nuiilnlon 3lrn Follow Kxamplp of Inlnnmil Out Horh

Pont WAHiiiNoroN L I Aug IHMorotrouble Is being experienced by tho con-tractors nt work on Gould Castle on theestate of Howard iould nt Sands PointSeveral weeks ago the union carjionters-employod on the estate went on strike andwore out theIr placesby nonunion men it nonunionmen who have gone out learning bv ru-

mor that probably a KPttlemont would lxleached ar union whichwould result in tho installation of union

nonunion men dwork on Saturday noon Tho union menare to return to work








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W L3oV Ij mado and soul moro teens Welt IlimdSpwed Pro

rcs shoes In fIrst six months of 1IMK than any other muiiufucturer In thoworld ItKWAKD will be paid to ono

9 I WjVfW u disprove statementVf DrtUKlAi 150 lioe nr worn morn In nil utatlon f life than any other

make lieenuse are tlm only 1M shoA that In every wiy ciiial tlimo costlnj VfW atnlThey are tlin worM Tlifiw rpaini W 1 Douglas makes

antI moro mens SUM shoc than any other manufacturer In thn worMBest Imported and American bathers f fl Total Salum I Cl 1flQ 891 dfl

Enamel Box Calf CalfColt vfcl Kid National 234000000nora SHOES YOUTHS 17S Shine nmll satin Cntaloc tics

VnM flolor KyrlK1T TORK KTOI1ES

41 orllintt StrutMIIro

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Slll Thlnl TI-

S tHT4 Thlnl itinuf-8I KUblh litniit

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Three aiKlldalpH Arru Apalntt Himfor HIP oiiRriss

JOHNSTOWN N Y Aug is Tonight-it is said that Charles 11 Knor the wealthygelatine manufacturer of Johnstown maylx nominated for member of Congrocw

new Twentyfifth district WhetherMr lnox will mako a light for nomina-tion against Congressman Utlauer is notknown It is snUI however that some oftho lending Hepubllcnns or thin county areparticularly nnxioiip fur Mr Knox to enterthe rnco and will give him their support

There are four candidates for the nomi-nation Stewart of Montgomery Kinerwmof Warren nail Kmx of Fultoncounty Tho contest is becoming moreand more Interest lug especially with regardto Mr Mttnuor it understood that he

tine of PresidentOov Odell and I by

Plutt Stnto Committppman Jacob Snell ofFonda is still arrayed againstantI in Ililtun soot f littauersformer friends now opposinghum Jnhntntcn justprinted tine article which in TIIK

on Thurwlay with reference to Congrnwtnnn Mttauers tight for tho nomina-tion and says

TilP purports to give sotnn Insldofacts ns to mixup In this Con-gress district und particularly ns to thesituation feeling In countyThere is sufllcient truth In tho article tolead to conclusion that TIIK Sr hasbeen given information by some ono whois on tho insido of Fulton county politics

Tho fact that Republicanmittoo take sortie nt Its moot-ing on In Now York toward endingthe deadlock In this district im tothe representation to tho Congnvw con-vention from various counties Is n

to thin loaders of the party par-ticularly in Montgomerycounties ns members of tho Congresscommittees from thoso counties weroanxious to ham the Committeo settlothe matter Tho Fulton and Saratogarepresentatives however were not in favor

interfering Con-gressman Stewart attended tho mootingof the Stnto Committei Mr Stewarthad hopes of being nominated for CongressIn now district nnd hasof Commllteoman Such Anothermeeting of tho Congre committee lahooked for tonight at Saratoga SpringsU will bo tho ninth conference

SAIIATOOA Aug ivcommittee for the new Con-gress district appointed to llx the repre-sentation Inof each of the flvn counties In thin districtmet gain nt the Hotel ordenami adjourneil nt mldiiiuht until lomunowmorning at U This committee hasmet and adjourned on an average of twicea week past three weeks and there-fore nothing ti nocomplMied

Tho counties In the district nre SaratogaFulton and Hamilton Montgomery andWarren Tho of the committeefrom Saratoga Montgomery count lewdesire that each county sluill liavi the

in tlm Congressthat It huts In the Stato convention namelySaratoga eleven delegates nnd

nine Montnoitury eight nndWarren six Should such In-

ngreed upon It practtrnlly insure thn-renomitmtlon of Congreseinan Lucius NMttiiuer-

Tho committeemeii from FultonHamilton nnd Warren counties Insisteach shall the shmo numberof delegates anti are not particularwhat thnt shall IM

that If they can wcuie Mich urepresentation thy cnn compn s thn

In the conventionIntll tho last vote tnlien tonlnht on tho-

uehtl n of tho committeoStaN deadlocked on everywhch was brought to n votereason hint was a final majority foran adjournment until wns be-cnuso Mr Kmerson of Warren county fellnsleep on former Sheriff Wordcns lounge

hotel night Irk Insisted on hav-ing him for a heel Kmersonpromptly voted with Senator Hrackett and

for nn adjournment and took-n room upstairs

ini iiiinrr nut siiEiAiin xoir-W Acalntt Him In the la t lly i m-

palltn and Jot LowJ of Brooklyn

who was ono of thin most supportersof Soth Low arid time outer fusion candi-dates In tho last campaign amid who wasappoInted Deputy Water Commissioner for

Ilrcoklyn nnd Queenswho is now

r a political prophet TIne Brooklyntltiitn yesterday him this

oats ninn who jeop-nnllro a Republican victory is M-

Shopnrd ayear titus Stilt and only the strongestsort of a Democrat ran I not rnard Color ns ctrong enough to win Mr

is tho only man Will in esti-mation can com out victorious Iwill work for his nomination Lastyear Mr optwisod Mr Shieldarils Ho nowmils that his for Mr aswell HH for Mr Sliepard Is Increasingills In a great nature cnld speakIng

of the and hU areprofound and splendid


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Jail YamiA Cry for Solute of IlWho Here Imminent In HIP Organ

nil Sa Prctlunit Van llorsrii AboM the Storm

Thin wonderful precision with whichcoolIng events foretold in that intuitvulunblo publication lcvtriit Old 1uli-ticiana Almanack and Guide to the NinthDixtrict was proved yesterday by thinholler hat went up from Tammany

Hall In Mr Dovurya Almanack the publicis warned to look out for cries of fraudfrom between Aug 15 arid 3-1Yohterday ti you went that cuuiu be hcaid-in all tIll districtH where thelo are lights

Tammany menHail lorn of time

Sport Murphy chainnaii of tIme Three multitho Twentieth Mc

Mahon leader of thu Seventeenth ColMurphy of thu First John A Dooner

the mitt Senator Washlegion Plunkitt of time County Court Housoand the Fifteenth had a lockeddoors with David N Carvalho time hand-writing expert nnd when Latin out

said that gigantic enrollmentfrauds wen being anti thatSing Sing yawns for HUIIIO of perpo-traioM

Men who have been prominent in theorganization will go to jail said

The tfiiiirdians ni thn ballotwho were Tammanyhad lien thin manner hi whichmoney hind been used In fiphtst whichare made themhint enrolled Democratic voters belongingto the nntlCrrkor faction TammanyHall had been imK rtc l Into their dUtrictflfor tho of voting themat tie primaries that theycould that moral per-version ns hind evidence of couldIn thin community they declared thatsomething must b something

to do themselvesfor sanctity of the franchUn-

Bad did most of time talkingJohn J Welsh Is fighting him Mr DunnKild that Mr was votersnnd Mr Dunn line neverbeen aeeuHed of spending money although

j ho I a man theho said that John F Carrolls friends In the

district were ruovlng meninto the district to vote for Mr Carroll-to tho great ilNlrww of Whispering LarryDelmour Mr was

men into the Ninth district nndflattery Finn with doing tho sautein

Mr Carrnlho went he lookedmvMcrlous and ho was-

i tilt of secret tint would tuin-thn ton u red and when theylH cnmo known

Tom Dunn last that ho aloneI was responsible for hitting Carvalho He

Cnrvnlho wan hired bv lawyerDavid Marks whom I had Instructed to-nccuro some competent person to look forevidence of Democrat le enrollinint In district He found a numI-HT of enrollments In handwriting so ex-actly similar that N no doubtwere written by the person A reportIs to bebo handed to me In a few lays He wasworking fcr m nlonnnnd his Investigationwas confined exclusively to

Im nut oUter districtshUt while Im not looking for Devery fraudstheres cue 1 want to aboutthat nnd that is I wish I could

nlone In nn lot some nightwhen ho hall left his pistol nl home

When this wan rejieated to Devery hoHa Id

Dunn said that Haw haw hawIn President Voorhls of

tho llonnl of Flections hints lute clerks ntwork the transfer blanks whichhavo IHOII received In cacti wherothorn is anything about thin blank to arousesu Mr Investigates the

of thin notary at thinnfllcn of tho County Clerk ono ofthe detectives nftlgned to hi burenu tolook tim voter who seeks to trans-ferred Tho Law Conimittoo of tile Re-publican county organization carrying-on

of the Elections DistrictIs carrying on another All the Tam-many mm are Investigating each other

therti is It islikely tti l discovered of

ngoncics Yoorhls saidyesterday that this afternoon ho might IHJ

somethIng nlxiut the mustershut hint know anythingabout them until HIP figures mire

Tho in Ninth district saythat they have trannferrtxl 573 votersthat district Ix uls Muninger Stieshan loader saysShe hanips probably mornmoved in anti ncaptain has started n hotel In West

street for them Frank J loodwlntho Croknr leader eiitimates that Ioutvoters liavn lieen transferred Into tIme dis-trict for purposes Mr o xlwinsays that great l ien prac

While twothirds f tho Triumvirate wnsyelling fraud yesterday President

Countylenernl Committee was making some re

marks about themMurphy McMuhon and Haffcn woro ap


















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R U Vltty ft Cf AHrtcfkmt An Thin l w


We buildinff thisFall when we move into

our new store Broadsvay at Sixth Av Hih to th St

Suits andClosing out Womens Suits and price cutsmany and deep Two hints

Womens Skirts nude of brown light andgray homespun cheviot flounce finished with several rows

of stitching sold elsewhere at 5 50 our price 391Womens Fancytailored Suits nuJi of gray an1 black chev-iots canvas and Hton and blouse models nicely trimmedand lined with talTeta flounced skirts most of them nude over silkpetticoat redued from 1974 to SI 4 74

Misses and Childrens DressesMisses Shirt Waist Suits made of percales andchambrays trimmed with lace and embroidery flounce skirtssizes 12 and 14 years reduced ji

Children Highneck Dresses made of chambrays and striped pinciaittrimmed with white pique and embroidery full skirts sizes 4 to IJyears reduced from to 91Childrens Dresses highneck sailor and Russian effects madeblue rose pink madras lawn and gingham also white lawn trimmedIn n large of styles sizes 4 to 12 years reduced from 203 to v I

Womens UnderwearWomens Lisle Thread Vests Richelieu ribbed low necktrimmed with wide lace sleeveless armholes trimmedwith silk tape reduced from 39c to 29c

Womens Fine Swss Lisle Thread Vests low necktrimmed with silt tapes reduced from 64c


close our


Wlkin plaid b1Ck med-ium panel

dam s





Ito 49c I


Both Sidu 14th St y










Womens Silk and Cotton ShapedRibbed Vests high neck long andshort sleeves handcrocheted frontand neck Pants to match kneelength French bands re nduced from 98c to C

I Hens Underwear J

Mens Gintiine French Babriggan Shirts Frenh neckssilk long and shortsleeves Drawers to matchdoube gussets seams andsuspender loops reduced


Mens Imported Brown Lisle ThreadShirts Drawers tomatch reinforced seats double gus-

sets and suspender loopsreduced from to O-

Mens 100Negligee ShirtsWhite Corded Madras black stripesand figures detached cuffs No oneneed care for a better mad or nicerlooking Shirt for general knock-

about wear They are high classdollar qualities Because the seasonhas been weather surprisesand anomalies the Shirts are 44c

pointed to that committee to fill n gap aridany extraordinary powers said

Mr Van Hoesen I dont see makesmuch dlflercnct ono WRY or the otherwhether they continue in their present posi-tions or not they are not thoparty nnd never have The news-papers have tried to wake thorn as

in order to heap ridicule on thisimrty I have no doubt that a leader willgrow up from time party

will win Ninth


Two Dissimilar Opinions lloth of WhichMight Work Out In Practice

George M Von Hoettcn president oftho Democratic County General Committeo

present a Tammany institution puta few hours yesterday In time Coler Fnmo

FactoryColor should bo nominated said Mr

Van Hoesen Ho could be elected Gov-

ernor of thin State and he might havo beenelected Mayor on the Tutnnviny ticketlust fall The lenders wanted him hutMr Crolier defied them

J Haniden Dougherty announced yesterdav that Color riot win

Edward M Shepard i the only manwho could victorysaid he

COOK SAYS 0 TO lulLDorMit rare to Met toler and Cook Iliad

tIle State TicketROCIIKKTKK Aug 18 A from Al-

bany says thnt David I Hill selectedItird S Color us the Democratic nomineefor Governor and is seriously consideringthe Hon Frederick of for

If Mr Hill Is considering my name forolllco I know nothing It raid

Sir Cook this afternoon I am not a cmi-dtdaln for Lleutenantdovernor or foroilier ofllee I have plenty to do right hero-In Rochester

Paynp iamion In Milne-

PonTWND Me Aug 18 The Dolphinwith Secretary Moody PostmasterGeneral-Piyno and Congressman Cannon of Illinoison Into Harbor thisafternoon They went to Poland Spring

rail to pa n nlzht will returntomorrow

The Mf tlierThe procure wan low jrMrrdiy over all the

country rave for moilrratrly hlili rr oo theSoulli Atlantic util North Parinc ooasli lu theCnilril Ht trt tare was a trouicb of drprrwlon-

MtnitlnC from norlhcrn Trxaa uorlhraMwarilto soulhtrn Mlnnt l which cau ln nhowenMid tbunilrMlorini In Nebraska Iowa WlMniuIn-MianrMitit Illlnoh Indiana and Mlchluan andIhrralralac condltloni ovrr thr Lakes with a fewci tlrrcd nhuwrrs citendlnit trite northern Ntw

At many larri In the Central Stain therainfall measured over an Inch Thunder shoneMoccurred In the OIly mornlue ou the iulf oJaat New Orlrann II was warmer In the Middle

Stale and In the Central MlulMlppIlbs chinicei were Might

In Ihl city the day fair and warmer windlight In fresh southerly average humidity uper cent barometer corrected to read to sealevel a A M 0 a P II

flit lempersturi r e4 r rrurJel r tile-

GcUl thermometer aa l M tee auia la r-

muurier at irt l i l l u u ua-

nexed ubleoTfMI 5u f Ofliffli suniI-VK mill 1MI 1901-

I A il W C P U 1U 72

Hil 7il 71 9PM 74 7j 7J-

i K u w u urn 71 iy n-


for titittrn Yurlt lovft to rf ti and tonarrate frnlt loutrt Ulnli

rot sew Kncland smut warmer todayand to mo mm fresh Mouth wind

For western 1enniylvanU and western NewYork meal rains and cooler today fair tomorr-ow wind tblllluc to north


i from-c







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Svis Lisle Thread InionSuits three styles to select from

low neck rend armholes and high neck with shortsleeves knee lenjhduced from 168 to voC

Mens Half HoseMens Imported Cotton HalfHose double soles heel anJtoes black tan and slate andBlack Lisle Threid Half Hose

split soles at IQC

Fancy Cotton Hnlf Hosehandembroidered figures and silkclocking on black groundsat ZHMens Cotton Half Honeenhanced by vertical onblack blue and gray grounds jJ

Mens 600Bath RobesMens Bath Robes made of sfrviceable thread looped surfaceTurkish toweling handsome

in colors that we guaranbe fast They are finished

with hoods and girdles Thesame styles and qualities are soldby others at 5600 choice 349




Kill Six of time Outlaws Other Kklrml hfNear raUlpKilltnr of n ManilaNewspaper Coinlcteil ofAKltator In Manila Int Inilrr Arrrst-

SpfctiJ Deipalett la THS SrxMANILA AUR 18 Thirty members of

tile roriRtabulnry In charge of nn American Inspector pncounlered a strong f rrof ludrcnert near Manila yesterday TIInxpectur was wounded anil four union kllV-lIllenforcements arrived and mn tnllary killed and capluriHl five liiilr iiP-

HHeports from CnvIM toll uf wveraUliiiinches between tim cotistabuliiry an l

tlroiuM In which Iho Inltrr hind plevimen killed Tliwn wen1 niMinbem f F-

iznnlos gang ilip constabulary sufferwl 1-

1rasualllesThe lkt have nrrested the labor nr-

tntor Los HoypM who was ocetised if n-

timldathiR cigar iiinnufafilurers duriinriven strike

The libel CIIBO thin editors of t

newspaper Inedom resulted todav In

vcrdiet of guilty which was prcitiotliifPil I rlude Ambler was reserved uiiil-tlm can against thi sauna paperwhich wns begun today IK finished

The twentyflvu mutineers of tho conslug steamship DoKHCrmnnos who wereovrrpowered by the constabulary lifter hnvinkilled engineer nail threo sailorswounded thin captain two mutt and n pv-fenior have lw en placed in jail TIe oljict of thin mutiny WIIH ti Kwuro lV i

Thstenmer haul

welhed anchor after mutineers hn

n sump l control when tin constabuhrvhoarded her A mvaK llslit ensued in

tlm forecastlo which rwullfd in coma

pleto defeat of the native mutineers


HPS an Italian and the XPW High Ilrldco-Statluns rirdt 1rlsonpr-

Throo young gIrls who on Wolfavenue HiRli were walking nlons-Offden avenue lact night when nn ItalianMepped out of a patch of woods and Krnblxdono of thorn Maria Thompson Her com-

panions rnn and got Policemannnlttiuicp of n mounted polio

man waswith the girl but had not harmed

herHo was taken to new

the first prisoner Imitieht-Ihero the Ftatlon was In JulyHo said ho was Alexander Vnlllnohind IV sewed In a pocket in his underclothing

Liquid Air Co llparlnit llriclnthearing before Justice Mayer of the

Court of Kiwlal Sessions in which thaffairs of the Triplcr LIquId stir Companywero under Investigation commenced y1terday afternoon The proceeding wereconducted by AsHihtant ll tricf AttorneyTrain and scorn not OJMH to the pulli

After the hearlnK Mr Train said that tindays proceedings were morely preliminaryIlo also said that nothing morp would I e-

dono until October Tho onlyexamined yenterilnv was J M Jloon oi-

of tho first promoters of thin company whotestified a to its early history

hum You Co AW y

take NiW York wltli you You will ftnil Itoil la THE bujc and btM At




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