THJS SUN JMHK- noro MiiM ily n man rlw to dlsttno- rtfitorVconiMtho pabllocnrtosltrtof- l ° lUilKut Ulm aiiouuh lila works have ° npiroelfiteJtho tnrontof Emllo- Knorally nnit ddtltMratoly ne- Thobooli UtlioninuBomoono- i LI J tut I wus Is fr rrom holllnn UoJ ricanla this French wrllor No trnco- sjjlm Ills novulg Hod liters Is lu bo found In tllcul1J ur liluofrointljirkiioeB Lettho- aJat of Ax > in oi ami the Tuulu do- UkW Mouret JuJito Jor hlinaslf- i ronicmbor n mo ljat lioviie bearing tho Jbor33 in tho Via ilollivloBcherln llfish- BMk t ttrmU TrlMtewhlch nlthouali Ithail king peculiarities I couIJ not forbear nJ at whenever I pn cd br on my wnr to- Itwns polntnl out to- thn former resilience ol tho Kmrlncor Kola who ImJ loutr llml abroad aucecssfulrr Ills profession In nrloua countries Cl1e J to rnrB to Jtoc tn- t ° t fortlUVatlon Hero ho married nail Euillo wis born In 1810 TUraaytmrsJ- jter HiJ > ° x ° lftmil ha service ot- lh Eadnwr <5 J nud tho family nmov d- Ibittcf uiiino U still linked with som- jclportant liydraulio works such no tho Alx- pjuJ Tliu drawings tlioroof now ornnmnot the w H of Hi ronlistio norellsts wrltlnc room The ability of tho omrtnoer mn > lu o low ncknon Indeed but hh rlnht to bo pntd for lu labor wnn not Ills child TYILJ only 7 yenni- rlJ when tho poor mnn dlod of crluf owlnir to the flninflnl cmbnrrnsaiunnt la lilch his law luUluil lii > olcd htm Ills ullo botiiKthuu nt Puns tl iwd T fithcrloss child In tho Collcco- of Louis lo Qrnnd Tho boy was culnlnif a- CoUon record of dlllcenco Induutry and broil rlenoy la his studied whim tho widow a Uutl- iotO the fiuorubJo Ixuo ot a liiWBiilt vun- Isbwlnnd sho vran oblluud to tuku him from colltira Tlio poor lady howovor worked uluht and dny nnd continued to oduente lier oun well us ho conkl Whoover In nwire of the umll remunerntlon nt Paris for nrodlowork wilt nmlerstnnd tho etrucRlus of thnt noblo soul Emllo understood them well nnd though n- yonncstcr so earnestly endeavored to cot tomithlnu to da thnt ho finally secured n posi- tion ¬ lu Uio Custom House with a salary ot 17 per month As wna tho cnso with many younu- Bjonattlmt time Victor HUEO wns Zolas Ideal Jlo know nil lila poems by henrt Thorownn- ootamoro thorouKh romancer than Imlle lite- IItine for lluiro bordered on veneration nnd hoT- TOS perfcctlv happy when In tho ovonlnir ho- itaA for his mnthor somo of tho Odes nnd Bn- lhls or Uio Orlontnles nhluh despite all that may ba said lu bohnltot his suUtotiuon- tvorl ° will remnln tho poets miuiterpleoos Hut owlncc to somo political chuniiu In Uio COB torn IIouso nJmlnislration tho poor fel- low ¬ was bofora lone discharced He wnn- dored throuuh Iuris niiilos lr aud unmindful of all Uiat WHS uoltia on around him He would otton pnsa awhole dny slttine on n bencli In the Gordon of Luxembourir writing vers s while hl pocket nnd stomnoh ero nmptr Onodny while he was seated In tho rtnthooii squnro a- slrl with whom ho was well acquainted np- proachcd him Her toclh wore clmtterlnK ylth cold I havo boon unnblo to cot n sou said she and hava eaten nothing foe tho last twenty four hours Neither hnvo I replied Zoln ITothouffht While nnd then takIn r off his coat nnd handlncr- it to her he added Tnko tilts tothollontde- Tiilfi and buy sorao dinner Ho quickly disappeared nnd returned to his cnrrot In his shirt slouvos Ho had parted with Hi only winter coat Somo time afterward thanks to tho exertion o his fathers friends ha secured a situation a- n shipping clerk and pucker In Hachottos pub lishlnc house nt n salary of 250 n yonr which Beamed to him almost n princely Income Mean- while ¬ tho sight of books had ocnlu awakened his literary ambition Hi mnda paeknces dur- lnc th day and dovotod tho ereatust part of the cliilit to nrltini poetry Onco hoventured to- epoak about his literary productions to the bend of the linn Monsieur UauJietta had uncom ¬ mon Iwirnlnc and waa eenorally unprejudiced but he hud his own opinion on thn poflnlbUlty of- beinir nt once a cood packer and a poet and bade Zoh tako his cnolco between preserv Inc Ills place nnd orshipplnc tho muses IIuuicr had rendered Zola a practical man bo- cruo up poetry and was soon appointed advertising clerk of tho house with a salary of COO Hut by liemir brought Into contact with advertising agents and journallsf his literary lontrlniTs ns f prted their sway upon hl mind with Kruntcr Mronetli than ever He wrote and publisliud Lt t Conteo dn Ninon but his pub- lisher ¬ wns not Iluheuo Tho book broueht Him t on o irto public notice Ho Improved tho opportunity and naked employment on tho- plalTol theVjnio Kditor VlllemiiiHnnt ever reidr to appreciate talent made him book ro fower Tfioeent W K oil braod byola with n twmiuet su h ns w III lone occupy n plaeu In the annals nf Vniiulrard streit wliiiro he lived In a brilhint ipeich lie Bald that ho considered hl entry Into journalism ns Ills dcllvernneo ram bun aucratie H rltiidn and ho mluht liavoaddud from romanei TranNformatlon- waiinmur morneonipletu Xola tliruw hlnisfll- 1x dr and soul Into the lluht nculnst all innnner- of ld ili m with tin flr of n southerner and th 8tiiWxirnnfl of n northerner NeMrhosn Ipun UN H more confbtent with that which he IxlleMd was the truth Theru Is not a sinule word In all ho has written that Is at vnrlnne with tho most daring realism or ns ho culls It IllltUrHlHMJ lliro l IIJH createst merit Do Amlcls nays n lias fiiin Into th nlr with one kick nil tlin tollot artiilS of lltirature nnd has waihpd- vilh a dMicloth nf irray linen thn hcillrcncd law ot Truth He has written th llrst popular rmvul which l ar roallv thn odor of the people JUlllllinu this oflici hitIIIIH t rhii Iraen driven iwjond hla art but has opened In art now rsjIcsthrouKli whleh MI o frnnh horizons Sim has taucht colorp blows of thn chlorl- eliaillnuri forms and nnan ot rv ry nature ftom wtilli the thousand otlur cinhiHPH can derive an Immenee ndvnntnuH althnut they K toutnn another road Umird mi uutlruly dlf lurent iroal- It w 111 not be nmlss to investigate under what Mr Mimi tanees this radical chance cnmo nbou- trlauhirt hnd nlnady nbtalnol nn enormous KUBCU8S by his Mademolselli IJovary Thotto Blami su Tw ln of 1runch lit ratur tho liroth- r n nourt with their Ocrmlnlo l icor- uuc had made n stop further toward tho theory that uventhlnfc in iiHtur is worth nr liMioruini mentation Mini that thn Improvement nt tli human rncudnm not i p nd on tin iJoalbfHion ofllfxbuton lt most faithful rcpro- uuetlxn i pclnlly ns rcuiinls Its lowest and reo uli ii tlnirfeatures I hnlrbookswerernad with nvldity Itonllum madw rvcry day now i et tfc mall branch of art Cf innuii painter wh o darlnu urpas od v n Courbits nt triutid publle attention thouuh hla pilntlnira- vor Inviirinbly njrtid by tin Bilon chiefly tin Hwnint nf tlnlr obscenity OaimiM painted KiiMhltiKthnt happened to ftll under his yed Jim who has Hintn ntlnlnml tho rwputatlon of nnivLi urtlxt piiHhod tintiirallxni In palntlnw to Itu uunohtlimitiiridleulliiuthu idealfcivniu Mtliotr Mt imislii slavi hli enpjInK nature Una dislnlnlni to ndmlt within tin compass of frt antthfncr but tlio materialistic surfaiii of- jilnKi All lliosci men were Xi las IMIinntn friends to tbo lint of which bo ndded Courbct Duranty nnd- i Daudet AlthouKh tho latter to nnothor hchool ho sympathlziid- i the new Impulse thnt nil tlicsn hotlioadod SOUHB men ImprcsBcd iipon art Ho saw no reiuun hytho lownr utrata of boelety should not lini thuir po t and iiovullut and why lh y tnijuli IIQ iKiiutillcui with an Idtnllam Uiat th y fM fur from poesinnlnff Wlint elsn wns rn- pulnil to render ola n thornuuh realist H t uiuii thi HtHiidardliearir of thin uohool Ills irioach ukhl their batiks bywritlnu uovula I paintliiK Xohi by throwinc himself Into w > imlly pre n nclnc tho most exposed to HOWS Imhecamn thu most violent of the bam iiHLuckud mid hnwfd n Cassaitnac HBO ilon n twtiall of liopelean llonaiwrtium and lUxihe In Ji defiuee of hociall in and Communism iniBG ila was chnrcid with > rltlnu tho r JliW of tho Salon for fiaarn lilt first nrtlclo SlWVl B Rulnr fltorrn Thn battln intorl wtwhlmanilhomadi n buteherr of all th- of Hie French artlatlu world Kvon the f 8 TO which hus MVHr beun open to the bolduat sortlons was obll ed to bow to public opln S0 and 7t n WUH ordered to suspend his tho Pf r009 0 nls fourth rtlolti enil by VlllHmeodant ho had a creat f trouhli to cet nuythlnu to do Tliln wa period of his life Itwaslhonthatt- o uffrSJ Io8t li tt anJ BruKtfo TO tirnvdlr Xgln nmt wroto for ollur n ws Cil eri but tli violciicD of til atliirko ui on- vrfk rnrir nmn or iirtlut who ill d not B n him renilnrml lonu animoctlua wltli l ot ilium lniK KHlbl ills uctlcle Thu- lt r tliu trKls11 tubJluliuil lu Ie Cor 1 I0 Wlui tnCoBUiipriiuoil Zoln- llln llnv WM ilrnwlni nrnr In liliiirtlcliH wuulil Iw lidliiHilT Hlmoit- ijauer la Iarls Tlio succcua Uu hoU ob rtnno- nd W M aUirlj of Mur- wmoiwSIjBtiTfiH ol mrlB riy So I8W en urmrKd him to watt n Boarri o rennenun that woo Id Inimiu him from Wiiat for leurrt tnoomoarut brlDK Into uOocta plan wnlch hohadcontompmtodfornlonitttmp- 31io Ideix of wrltlnir n uerles of phyi loMirl citlr MBm M Ural tiiwwtid Heelf to hhtmliul whU h WM wrltluu iliulelolno IVral a- novol which liln pg pon nn Incident In tho life of n hl wllh which tlm author hnd becoma aoijimlnlBd Heine abandoned by thn mnn nha loveii lh HIT nft r Bemo limn mnrrles nnother nnd has Inter on a child who IB a IlkoncsH of liar llrnt locr I rota thnt moment tlte pluu of a vast work of fiction lllUHtratlntf philological nroUleoi firwhil throUKh hl mind nud- no traced nt oncn thu unnnnloulcnl treu thnt ho hnfl called 1iwo dAmoar Aucord Inuly hn vrunt to BOO th publlxher IM- crolx nnd offered to wrlto for him ft 8 rlea of twenty novels llhmtratlnn thn llfo of thtf Huennd Kmplro Thn bnrunln WH con- cluded ¬ upon this boaia oUwiwto r cclTo f UK- v month for ten year ami wno yearly to do Ihor tlio copy for tivo novefs which worn to fo- comethniialillBhorV nbHolutexpmpertr for t n- yrmmfrora publication olnwiwthu nniU > ledU- rt > nl iza Uin dream olh la llfu to retire to the coun ¬ try nnd live like n peaceful fnrnierlu a voltage Barronndml by chickens and rabulls Tho war like nornlifit TlioUkn a rnvlnil IconooUwt U never tlrud ot bruakina thu lmaa ot tho old beliefs nbhnrs noise nnd Is n Hermit by tern crnmoTil The Ufa o hi prediction mis- rtoimly ndiiruror V by tho llM olutloaoI th llrin vvhon only two volumes of tho- rn now famous Borlea hnd been Uaiuid but llx enterprising younu Cliarpeutlar had aiiC4 oidU bltt father in thu- inaniitfemnnt of hta willknovu uubllahlnk housii and ho offered to carry out tho treaty thai ola hud nljtnmj with Luorolx Atthuimd- of thnv txura bowavtr Xolji owed hl pub Ibther 2000 Uo had reuularlv drawn his salary but habitually working very slowly hnd failfii to dellvor th rniutruit numburof vol- umra Ho wu reiiutxttud to cull upou thn puli- ll lier and ovpxtHdn lebukobut viut Krcutril with tho following wonls I mak a Kood- ilinl of nioanr out of your novels I will not tako advantage of a coutmu that v oil v urn com ultti by tncesslty Lit us slijn n new ono to which I will Kivn n retronctho Tmt Not only vou uw ma notlilnif but It In I who oxvo > ou SilKW IKni U tlm num Awonllim- to thu now contractZoln riciihni n rojnny mion- thtimiliiof his books Hh yeiirly Income ink lottlnto consldroilou bli imy for nrtluloH Unit h vuiids lo ik Itubdlau ruviow uov< ixvuraaua- J4 000 It was TurcuenlotT who procured for him thn place as literary oorrespondent for the lluMlnu ruvlevr- NotwUlmtaudlnK hla flerca way of writing > Ia Is vmluently coodnatured ever ready to render servlcu to hla friends stf adfnnt nnd lov- ing ¬ nnd abovn nil orderly lu hla hnbita As regards hla private life he had boon compared to a saintly country priest His uxiMinco writes Albert WollT elides on even monot- onous ¬ unvaried Ho rlAns alwuy at the umu hour Inginlla himself botoro lilBwrltlnc desk takea up the novel he has In hand nnd writes every morning ih snm number of pnxe ju t as n clsrk would do his biiHluoM corraaiioud- cnco Hu iii umur overwhelmed by llta of lazl- nefls or by unusual deslru to woik Tn IB south- erner ¬ Is n cold an a Laplander Ha nnvor- leiivea nnvthlng to chance luaplrntlun obuts him at the needed moment U nuvur ovur- worka her but sho owes him rreulnrlya cer- tain ¬ numb r ot lines very day and ho must havu thorn Hi days work U divided Into two pnrta Tho mornlnc belongs to thn novelist nnd tho afternoon to the journal Wlinn thn clock Mrlkea twelve ho goes to his brfMkH t wltUh Is onu of Ujs gntvi occupations He U a groat oatur liruoXfist OVT Ho invnrtnhly takes a imp Me- awnkfa n journalist am procoud iuat ns rneth- oillciUlyto writoolthur hia dianialio uriticUma- In which ho tears to pieces all thu plata thnt- havn been producod during the week or tho critical wAnysi that he monthly sends ti > thu- HuttAlan ruvtuw That onu on Truncli uovel- Itut la not yvt forgotten When ho U leproichxd for tho violence uf hla attacks hu woudem thnt- pvoplH may uet angry at him nnd coolly answers They mny vvrlto anything they wittb aDout my worku and I have a right to hay of others all that I hiuk I uunnot under Btand iu fautvvhy his crltica should bo so bittur- ogntust him hi right to build up ft new order of Ilction balnggruutud Ills principles mny bo faulty perhaps his talent might hnvo shone more brightly hnd he dealt with subjects less revolting but It is doubtful whether he would havo attained hi profeiwrd objort which la thu reform of the lowint cltuutu of 1rench society had hestnpprHl Uort of thnt vivid and thorough picture whiuh he pruaouU of Uiulr vices oa for two or thrfi weeks at n time will never pns thu threshold of tho garden that on1 circles hla house In the Hue do Boulogne where hn lives with his motber his wife and big two llttln girls Ha tto- ldoia goes Into soelutv mullolous people any on account of his uglinexs andconvcrHiitlonal dulness which oxposn him to unfavorable Com- parison ¬ with many literary men not half BO clover ha Tho trim reaxon probably Is thnt- hu conaidera it nn Intolerable drudgery to con- form ¬ his mind and manners to the convention- ality ¬ by wblen BWlXy la governed He arcopta- nn Invitation to dinner but from his Triund- Chnrpxntlur Whun thn converMitluu grows lively he Iweotnea rr tless As soon as to can leavatho table hn rrtlrea Ui sonifl lonely room stretchf blmsulf in an armchair and soon 6luou> hU orientcan nap Ha must have nt least tvvelvo hours of sleup every day or hn do a not foel likohlmsplf If hopays no vIsltKhe lovesto have hla friends nth Is hou His mo tnmldiiO- UB inltorB uro Flaubert Dnudet the Goncourt brothers SInuet nnd n few young m n of bis- aehool Onco a month TurguenlefT Flnubort Zola nnd the brothers Qoncourt InkebreakfaBt together Everytltnothoydo so n discussion on the lltornry merit of some French claosin author arises which koups them chained W the tablo for half the day oln has n sort of veneration for Flaubert whom he rcognl7es as his master He claims for hlniBUlf only thn secondary nils of- standardbearer and surely no one Is moro apt to defend It than ho If ho has Bowed death around him it has boen rather to bring intoAi- llef tho flgnrett of his friends than his own He- hnsboon accused of vanity and pnsumption and of building his reputation on the ruins of others II refuted tho charge in n letter to Albert Wolff of th Fiamu from tlio columns of which the nttack WBB directed against him In- an article entitled Tho Dream of Sir Zoln- MIPAI Dec3 I8TH- Thpn my fellow brotier of the ire v sou think ihat I- atu cxtrt tuely vjiInT Thnt It l mv vainlr uhlch illctAtn- nn NKe > an l that 1 extcrntliinlp no fellow urltfrilno- rilt rto mike a iftuu ri i jrnund niywlf A tinv inlni- Liliun tlili thai you tlirun Ufcro the pub ic f <l ut rta- MIII a lilll- clilnt Iranknoi tliatof n amUtlnni m n > Pa you thlriK f fttn ito tnlrc n nut lo torriHi tint by pfOln Inutl- l> thnt ivhlcli other Are contf nte 1 to murmur t phut All ila rs t in Kit Tu follow iich a btmutr ono imi t- huvo vrhriUy rcnnunCPtl recotui eiiM anil hoauri Ifouo- r iuhl rtUn ha litu t lmn iniuu kiltl Itl- Mouhati dprrlbil the ilrriiiild Vtctur llllzo or tho- itrrniu if Cntitbit but not ttic itrr in nf Xola Victor Htuonntl rourlnt nrflhe two IVIN of tht hyimrtroi- ihliM ir <i nalitr of the innn who lur lack nf rrlticlvin- nm M MI Into I VCN AH for me 1 am tint tho MiMler i f- n llon ol a lUM 1If A II > ou ull UuJi ulilor lira miitic autlinr romit ictri itlHa > Iroiil the rame utiuiili- Mihit hrncc nil IhU KrrrainlUK- MVHill alii inn not no lriH2 a > fU rcni to ttelirvt- I l m whole w tk lu th bpllif IhAt 1 urn JIM i tint ami- In tho ilroiru f t nnnr nty mauuprriiit > o nmn U m r- hartiSM i IM ilnubtol hiniM U t nurk but lu A lever anil- In continual tprrur not to untitlj m > Hlf- Iivotcdly ciur K OLA When I hear people cnlllnc Zola n photog- rnphir rathnr thnn nn artist I cannot forbear Binlling Hu IH now prHparlng Nairn tho- il mghter of Grvnlno in JjA Bommolr Tho l jok will Introduci thi reader to tin ileml- mondo under tho empire Now this pho- tographer ¬ knows little from personal experl- unmof tho world hn Is to dehcrlbe He IB not nciiualnted with n Hlnuie woman of tho boudoir he has BPOII variety iutri ses only on tho stage and eocottes only In tlmlr Ixixrs at th theatre or In the Mrect His Informutlon on thu sub je t comes ehleflv from his friends 1 his novel will howeverbo roillstlo In thuhlgheKt degree with pictures such ns perhaps onu would fancy onlyn thorough man of thn world could pre- sent ¬ Hera lies tho great talent of Zoln He does not need to see that which he pilnts Ho- Is gifted with a power of divination sunli us no other man HUB ov r given token of Yetsomo critics deny him Imaginative power No author hns boon more roughly handled by Zoln than thu luminous stars of the Trench Btngn Dmnim Feulllct and Sardou Hnrn- HernhanU nn onrnest ndmlrcr of his works onco Introducid him to Perrln tho nmlnblo di- rector ¬ of the Comedln rrnnenlse ell mv dear Zola Bald Perrln tapping thn nov HstH shoulder I read your dramatic critMsms with great interon nnu perhaps you are sometimes right when you bury your teeth In thn nenli of our dramatists but how cnn I- hnlplt Until you bring mo a play bettor than theirs I nm bound to oftor to my public thn- workB of Auginr Dtimns Feulllnt and Hardou Thus It am thnt Zola after writing Thereso- Itofjuln whleli had a great BUCCOSS nt the Theatrn dn In Henaissancn In 1873 and Les- Horltlera Itahourdln n humorona play which wai reprwionted In 1874 nt tho Theatrn Clnny Is now trying his hand at a piece for thn first thcntra In tho world It is said that Nana will furnish tho subject for H Lot the render speculate nt will upon thn subject As for me- I nm ready to wag r that It will provo revolting to many n delicate mind but surely will not barm half as many women ns has Dumnss Ide- alistic ¬ conception of La Dnme nux Camellas- I3mllo 2olu IB strongly built slightly re- sembling ¬ In flguro Victor Hugo though rather stouter than ho and not quite BO tall He walks as straight as nn arrow Hla face la framed by very black and thick beard and hair which by contrast Intensify tho palencHS of his countenance Da Amlcls completes hla portrait by saying that when lin saw him in his writing room hn wns In- Bllpper without collar or cravat nnd woro a- loosn unbuttoned iack 4 whloh nllowud ono to- a o hla full protruding llguro well adapted for breaking tlm waves of literary hatred and Ire Hufh is tlin man whoni nfltr the Assom- molr appearflcl Bomo Parisian criticsrepro- honied a bund of vlctf nnlf u bruta Ilko- Jnutiur a beiifct like BocSaK and us uglyn specimen Qf tho human rac as ll ugim the gruvo digger MAUJUCK MAUBIS Th ilctri nil the lintel JVomrAt MWn on Oain- tItU to be hoped that tliU f roe country will n er know tlieilav when It will bo nrceiurr for trav- lltriMIUiitHpli h al inliotul ktruurt iJtaw v- a nice fionl room for lira Jhruiliui r iU HUnp litiiH nt of on r- Iroftena 1lk County Hunter July 1U Wltonever I- knar tf any feller teHtlrv i ll ii I cnaC klp but thlnU cf the way Jerry Oraoaln got t u- loit tr moran thirty yo r ago ovur on th- Bliholy Mobba taint nolhln to l u h about but Ill bast i I dont alt rid of n hn t > o- Btipordswona hllnriDtisRss every time that thing cornea bank t mo Acid tho old 1iko County man laughed lone and loud oei tho recollection Jnrry nius ba crowdln snvoatj Booty clns now nhea llvadon Hattlennako Creole all his life I guess Theres n plla o1 Now York folks kno rs him for him n hla boys a grant huntora- n fishers nhl bouso inhangln upplacafor thoM follnra tht cornea ont from tho city a calls omBelfd sports Hldon that Jorryaplnco Jlnes that o1 Bam Wnlllss that curous old rooster tht marrlwl Madam Ponoeay th play actor woman which comes out with her tamly ovry- auramoc a stays la h r house nonr Jcjrys They suom t think a heap o th1 old man though heSi a totuch un n mustabeon hldin- lomairt when plltcnosai won diatribtod Mo u- Jurry uaety bo kind n thick u luvro buntixl year In n year out tgethcr a put tho slugs Int moroa a tow door n boar Th wag Jerry n his boys kd clean out a- birroom durln tha good oldfnahutl rough n tumbles vra usty have was choerln t BCO It- wtHlikoamallpaxgaln through anlggoraet- tlomnt Th Grecians wna tough Una n didnt think no moro obncklln Inter n boar Oin they did of thrashln n stouk o buckwheat Shouldnt think they did Why dads leather brooches I thors waiit nono ofem but M n gone out t ras- cle w Ith a bvnr a blamu ululit wlllluur thn thed- ngonuathrnshln TOUCU wnnt no namufo- rburlnthwnr oldJorry wnsdrnftd Jorry never liad no Immpeddym nt In his Bpooehn- on ordnary caslons kd dispose of moro CUBS words tth mlnnto thn any other mnn on th KaUlosnuka Ive stn > young ltaltteHiiak ra which was j 1st Inlth ruddimntB o sweariu- so t speak look with waterlu mouths nt lurry when ho wan splnnln out norno- o bin be t uns n then shako their bonds a walk off a much a t Bay Thero aint no use I cant nuvor git up t that Hut when Jerry heard hn w a drafted thnt unction jlct bgan t1 find out what there WHS In th old mnu Hu lutorduced aotne spouimenta o th English language nlong thcreek tht skoort mostoth InlmutanUi outn their wits 8om of out was nfevrdthtthvlcinltrd bo treated t1 n Bhowar like bodoiu n Qmorrur had n they left for bhholy Illoomln Grove n Lnckawnck Thero was one old ltattlnnak r whloli d otole morn tnnburk cord wood hoop pole n railroad UPS tlin uny other man In til woods n which hud thren wivesn not ono ofem dead Ho Bald hed bed dflhn kd stand aoch ungodliness s Jerrisn went overtth Fnllan got drunk n- utityed drunk for threu days ji nights I wnnt over In that section jlat then but they tolldme tht Jerry quit awenrln In about a wuxkn tbou wildtlit he teltalittln Ilko hla- s lf n If th Oovormntwnnteil him thoj hot to- conio n git him but thnt theyd net t look out n little Tflillo thny was trlttln him H didnt answer 111 call n ttur nulT ucorpln thrco- HojHrs wns sent to fetch Jorry In Jerry ruadn n tort outn his house n told the SOJBFS thtl- lley bolter nottry to takn him Thny did try n Jerry shot n wounded two o thu corpl- m n n they went back In a dny r two they Btnt a bigger torcn after Jerry n captured him Ha was took to Ihllndelfyn stood n llrst- clasa cliauco o1 twin shot Ha would a boon hot too f hadnt n been tht ho hnd a good friend In Allnn Cuthbart n redhot Hepubllcnn laid 11 man tht hod n haapo inlluoimoe How ho got Jurry clear nobody uovt r kuowd but be did n tho old man come back n crowln Ilko a- llghtlncock lled not only elcannd out pooly- nluh all the best fighter o Itattlennake u Mi holy ho paid but hod lived t1 have n tufslu- wth tho hull durn United States Oovorment n com out bully There u ty bo a school liousoonthShholy Creak bout two mile from Jerrys house Thero hudnt never beun no such thing s preachln In- thnt country nearer n Hhholy rr llloomin Grove T vraa long lu October n th dour liuutlu was bettor n t d been in a coous agn 3t n Jorry was out nvry day n M had deer nhnngtn all otur th woodB Thurrt wna n MctbodUt prencbor vvhlcU d t eon holdln dli- tractud meotlnB down In Uio Pocono regionn which d converted a heap o tough sinners mong tho hunters down that way Ho ovtm fetchnd old Sam Ward whloli had the name o bein th wickedest man on th Pocouo I dunuo whether Sam contlnord In tho faith r not but If hadld thoroll be aomn fun whon they go giuher up his anbus wh u Uubrul blown fr he- wis chawed up bonos buttons n nil by a boar twenty year ago And that chnwin knocked tba spots outn tanin fullers tht nllors- arifled tht beta wouldnt oat a human feller citizen Snm was cauipiudown on tho headwaters o tha Big lUipfiklll Hit didntc- omn in lh BottliMnunt when tho nuimon was over They looked for him but nuvar kdllnd him Ham had n blue Manuel hiintlnshirt with brasa buttons on t a big ns n half dollar There want notuln liket In thn hull section Long In April after Sam disappeared Miiun o th Im don n there killed a big bear on the Pocouo hon they dissected tli ttjar they found a handful obruse buttons lu hi utomiek They wan tho OIKM tht old Bnm d hail on hla shirt Tli thing was plain 8am had tnoklcd th- Iwar n didnt make hla plnt The boar M Ixen hungry n had taken thold man inu didnt tako time to bplt out the buttons Tho- ywint digestibli ua mush n them they wiu Now I bll vn In a hurtvilter n nil that Hut I bo gouged f I kn see how thoyre gain to pui Ham Viird tgcthur oglu tli way ho wns th lost tlmo wo druv for deer on old IOMIIO riT Wellt got uoiaod round thtihnoly tht thin prenchnr WIIB coin In up t have n season With thHiitllesnakes Hn Intended t open up In thold schoolhotisn Idunno what bin name wia but they called him thu Mountain Itangur Ho did come upn th uuoplo come from al round t hear him pruach Jerry n mu kupoii- a huntln deer Ono day ono o th Itiickmori- Kiys met mon Jerry on Hooky Hill Hod b en- liItin In some o th lvgt inter thoy kep over I th falls n thoro was fight In hi in blggern u- llvu prong buck Itoys enjs ho dyo want t BOO some fun o was nllua In for fun n said wed jests lleve Indulge In a little hnrmlens mirth not All right BIIVB hn My old woman s- Bpondiu durn nunr all bur time over tthf- tdioolhoiiac longo th Jlountrtin ItanuiTn I hear shes got th power n n splllnher Itinga n Bhoutiii how 1 calolatn t go ove- thire n ilcan out thMountain hanger so t t broak th nuns gently t 111 old woman tht I- dont provo o her conduct lo long n BUO inn bunt th mcitln- lilaukmer vvunt no slouch In n fight Jorry didnt euro anything about breakin up th- meotln no more n I did butf there Was n- rhanun fr a littlo muss wo wanted tsou how td como out So wu went along olilackmer Wu kd hour th Jtangei lav In t down heavy t Ills nuienco long fore wu got tthHchool house Hu had n voice like a wounded bear Wo got t tliBchoolhousan went in Thhou- wns full n uouiu o th wust o Itnttlommkoi- Bojourners was In th eongregashn N thoynl looked durn Berlom too Tho Hanger Hero ilescrlblu to oin 111 Inku Ilit wns burn In with brlnmtuti n from th uxprts- slon on th faces o1 th old sinners WHS pooty plain tht they begun t think twa- smjrou limutlit tluty got thuir things tgetlie- t takn nother tack Jerry u inn took a sea near tho door but lilaukmer knp light on up tnrdB th table whuro th preneher was Th Hanger must a been six foot nn half tall for ho lowered alien o that tablo Ilko n poplar tree abovo a gnto post H vviw rawbonud u n elk n when hu brought IB lint down on th tablo looked like n bunlH heart n all th winders shook Dlackmer walked plum up t th fron- o th table n Btopped- Keti hero Jlittersnld he to thpreacher this durn IIOIIBOIIBO B gone fur enough Ivo- comn huro t clean you out n put a plop lo t Tho Itiinger didnt any n word Hu steppni out from behind Ills tablen kotrhln Jllaek- mervvilli onn hand hnturned htm clean rouml II then grabbed lilackmer Home way but couldnt t ll hown raised him plum over III head Without movln from his tracks lie Biting Ulackmer nerops tho room n clnai through a window snsh n nil I looked out i fen lllackmer pick hlB nl up n without look In buck put In his bent licks for the nlkhest piece owood I think you kdnhung voiir hut on JorryH oyeB thny stood out BO It beat nny thing hed nvur see n Itlnckmer wna durn mm- a good n fighter Jnrry hlssolf- Tho Itanger walked back t his place g coo a n new noweumbor- Ilrothorn nud alutern hn aald rollgn makes us strong With th faith Ivo got there aint nono o sou but kd n dono tho samo thing g I done jeHt now Jerry novor took his oyn ofTn th Itnngn till tlio mectln wn out Ho kun talkinal about how quick n Bllck th Hanger tiad cookci- Ulnekmera BOOBO n how dtirn funnyt w- nthttwas nil oncount ohavlnrollgn Jorry want back t meetln that night n Bald next da hu guesad ho wouldnt go n huntln but d tem mectln ngln I was nieerd th man was goln- crnzy but I stuck to him n went I moetln loo- Thnext night Im n hen thief f Jerry dldn- go forrd n jinn tli mourners which was sum tough coons I tell you ulltcut u long Btory short throe night itcrwd Jurry got th power Jnitwhlttaku- Jsrvls I but didnt hn holler T took four men thold himn I gureu twas n hour lore b got down t things un this mundane niicur lining round tli1 neighborhood huntln but didnt got mnelin ngln Th1 unit Sunday I took my lumn n one o Jerry u n though Id go out n drivu a deer On my way t th woods I linen tht Jerry was goln t toll hi- xporinncx In mnotln thnt mornln Toko bsrrv HamuayH 11uiysiilt 1 mutt taku Ih- nInfrtllbnbijltern Inllfo o Duvy Crockett- Ho 1 marchod overtIhHchool housn wllh rn gun on my Hhoulder n th dogs u follorlu mu- iHOtniyrlMe up IUMII tho hide o thu HchoolI- IOUBO door on ih oualiln n went In Jerry i jest begun t tell what hn rnmnmberd bout hla self I wjau I kd a took It down U gUa hl plflhauflkftdnUaptnevaranyman ATCT Upd Ijd been ft speakln fr nn hour rn nil niB ei r oonTCrtswn rt ninfcfrr filing litfm with heir Ibootl Vontr ttxm off on th rid ITO 1- inrrd n hound It wns ono p Jerry n no- itsuko n twas a brlnglnnddcrBiiuflr trtrds- u e ool hnirac Tisrtr hwnl th1 rnti I too n- ftil nmr him kind o1 misj hh ancle t UrtnnI- hdo Bkin bl yo tip tU ridge lu IU Uruntlqn th noise Tho dog oomo nnarnr n nenrdr n dont tMnk I ne Iwcnr ft noorfcr tftnctio- njliln Ihn hn vvim n glvln Ih dner Je ry- OT on talkln bnt tho swont bgmt f Btnnd out uMla forrli n nm rtnnn In front o hit earn kd hnrdly atny In thhouso for I knowd- Mcfly wheru that ili t was goln to crops th- iltholjr n I fcnowd I kd git thuro ngithlmi- BUrafldncks awlniB 13ut I wanted towiUch Try Thn doer wns glttlnnocIoBo now thnt- li dog kd be heard nlinoBt nhiikln tha win ¬ ders Jerry begun t talk kind o random Ilk- okpplonktnuptlvrldgt n All of n niddlnta- ltr btukhove In alght waklnfttmlght forth hliolynclearln thirty fsut atajuuip Jorry lvoonn spring n vms out o thtlnor- A ftvoproflg buck I nni hollered nmr d ftlouif inllo awn Jesttliuu ho BUU my gun u grahonn bnr- Awny ho went Mr thrnnnrnrnt thShholy- n I nft f him ToreTfigolth iri > thd nr had got t th water n tli next mlatlo lltinul w ut- rlflu over on th tunway comubody was them cnrtaln- It dont make anvdlffreneo nald Jerry whos klllod that door Jly dog Urtod I u- m golu I luivi V Wogotttirninwar n them th deer lay dend AblgBtraapIn fuller tht I didnt know Stood over tn loadlu h In gun Thats my deer said Jerry Tr mydnc- Btnrtid tn run t n n Id a klled It certain 1C you git that door mild tho stranger jouvit got to llcU ni Jnrry laid down MB gun I kn do that sure n cune Jorry Tfhls- pnrwl t1 roe fur Ive got rnllglon- Ha walked plum up ttU stranger nsaunrcd oft The strnngor let out for Jerry n Jerry fell B if hed lmen sent for with n club Then they clinched n If ever any onn did git a proper good druKalu out that was Jurry Ho lilvo U- u th stranger took th deer Mectln was out whon we got ba k Thero- fnco wns n look on Jorrrft that mndo mn laugh every time I lookil nt him Hu didnt snya word for n good while Then hn snld Tin dmnpulnlnd Jim I hnd my syo on hrna tollorn tht Ivo wanted to lick for tun year but havu been n leetln skittish bout ncklln em I cnlclnted on thlB rollgn n- lulpln mn out Now you see I cant depend on- t nlmdlsapplntedr Jerry didnt go t meetln ngln b causa ho- irnird thntHomn o th folks found fault with his oavlnlhsArvlcoon n Sunday t shoot a dear If theyio BO pertlculer s that said he Irt em run their own mevlinhou H- N thats thn way Jerry got rellun nlostt- agnovoron thu Itnttlcsnako thirty oar ago A CltAZY FOTICfVAy- Tnlo n futln C rt nc fc d On I with Ourlnnd ot Flaur > r- At tho oponlnff of tho Tombs Tollce Omirt- ycBterdny morning the policemen who filled tho dingy dark dirty hall wero astonished nt sce- ne ¬ Roundsman Iltchnrd noleman of the court squad btalk Into the court with clusters of wild ftold flowers In garlands and chains around ilm Houndsman Doleman wns appointed on tho- Kjlleo force In 1861 llama made roundsmani- n 1SOS Four months ago ho wna transferred to tho Tombs Police Court On Friday no hnd com mnn J of the Miundntthn Special Sessions Court nnd It was then noticed that he nctod- strnngcly Justice Wnndell nt tho opening of tho courl- snw Dolimnn walking up nnd down tho hnl with a largo boutiuct of wild flowers In hla but- tonhole ¬ He noticed llolcmnna strange actions nndaaw thnt his faca wna deathly pale The Justlcu dlrwted Sergeant Woo lruff to plnoe- lioUmnn uudnr arnHt Uolemnn told the Jus- tice ¬ thnt he wns going to bo married to Miss Martha OToole and ho Invitud the JliBtlcoto- tho wedding In lji t Thlrtyllrnt street IIIB evening Ho asnurfd Justice Wandell thn temperance was all humbug and wanted him to join him In drinking a keg of bofr Ilolo- niau was known as a Btrivt advocatu of tnm- poranct nnd Justlcn Wnndell ntoucosurmisei- thnt hlsbrnln was nfTeeted- PoliCH Hurgcon Durn found that Dnloman hail lnn struck over two yonrs go and woo Buffering from foftoningof the brain and ad- vtgml his Immediate transfer to tha Insane Asylum Al noon fourstnlwnrt policeman woro ordoroi- to takn Uio unfortunatu man In an nmbulau o- to Uelleruc Ilospltal Tb Jnl SHiiMped- W ll lr ril f II yoo that qnf rr st ry Itt triM a B rrtur i that wa read Uul there ar thlniis wt cant account ftf- Auil ono ol thama a luuV lUn Bill Job and I ff rre on the rralrlf- On long hoi day In la t July Down where TOU Hie Bpanltli inoa Twin r akt that reach up ta Uie ky- VTetl ai t intil twA tiot ni tlazrt- Anil no ft e Iiaule il oft lor thf nltfht AiM inaileV camp tlou n in ft v allty- At nrc oclock and itrnck a llnht- Tor hot or coU we want our cofTee- Ma jacks anJ t aeon rtK Inr too So M llllaui made a tire lor mliper- M hllu I ti d un a mule or two The mule it Oh yet e hnl iom forty To take on down to ttanu r- Owikrd b > a man who llred lu licnver- U S tradur Iio maje It ia Two aicd mulri t put on picket Atid tlrove the pin uhcro they could p m- Arounil th ucca hi ad an cacliu And nil IhLiiikulvc ullh LuITaluKraJl Alter awhile I heard Bill calllm And on a pan KO rub a lub And a I tell the mulct a grazing lojiin llic buj and uckle grub Well when e KOt anny with mij per e cut wllh plics to NrnnLc and reft- I told A > arn about the Indian Hut illlam truin ed it nlth hit bell And there we lay and took It ea- T lkiii ol home and fcivapidn view Of mine mid cattle And hcep and greaaeri- Ot San Juin elrilciaiiJ L u1 lllc tow Dill for awhile kept looLlnu upward And then la words that Mclmd like eluhl Said he Ol boj theres t o kUionJir That look just like a pair of ejcs- A pair of c > e that ouco I worshipped And luied tht owner of Indeed 8hedcad tto nun nnd Jnck h > thunderl- Tlum muks arc un n hte ttaniKdel And ure rnouKh wlihoat a warning The wholo band itsrted on a run And struck out ni rtli likw bloudod racert- As if the dovil vta ln tach out Wo caticht our liorno Mnehed tho eaddlei Never tiipmiE a word to ay Mounted in hanlu anl ut lur tho inmcrf- Alriad at left t twolulU awa- I mind the moon was jut a rllnir The alar looked like u million o e And a we rode thu ivemnl to wonder And fciuint and blink In rial gurpriH- Rnt on e went find made n rumptii- Tli at vtould Imve nkid the dead tlmt night Twa rich tu ft the wolve unllmlier And Anluloue kl uut uf HKhtl- Htlll on HC went the nlktit was passing The air was Krowlnic cold and raw Fast na we wtnt tho mules went faster Until wu reached the Arkan There Rill declared that we would act em And run em In sumo hu coiral Hut nhen tlii > reached tin blank old river The all rushod la and thruutli inill melll They stopped In drink nboro Pwldo Then took tho road to Cotton winid Their feet just went like tenor drums sir A cavalr charge aint half u good At DC ml Van ilianch a fresh as eier They up and skipped like birds a a > And what wit atriuitfc they unit on skipping Ckar Ihruuich the ntiiht until broad dajr And o at last we foun I It useless Tu slash ahead on auch a ride And Just let KO the whole blank outfit A the vtarbled up the bin Uitide That day we heard they got to Denver Ami made It llrely paaslnx through At ten the lifxt they slshlnl Irccley And truck acros the Cache It 1ou Where did we find em Now youve got met We heard trom every man wu met Ol furly mule a going northward And Ilill Job twears theyre going yctlJ- CKOUI UUXIBTT Alisduu In u llurmc- fonlhi Jlullai IttnM- Mr Hnwp who dwella some flvo miles nnrlh > t el ili i ll > n < olilifd to niiuiit a ilm huro u Mimda > etenln The anlinil was lillfn nhmt inoiilln ailohy arihlililii On HiiliiMny evi nliu III ImrM iliowul riniliHii ol Innnit lit blliiik ilMill on H- iudes and Una anil miaiptiu at it mhliitf tint ram villliln nach It bit a cow that w < In the lot nllh I and thru in Inui ho allnl tOiich Mr Ilitwp ha vine klllfd Tho raid itmmiil iliMsoil linn iroin the lot vtra Uuu > mJ uuik Jtv muliu liuihvtlb JVOT jivaivs jtUT- KM Hrvn Tn f i nmti1ftte Ort A tthttoOtfsrdcd muti with hrlffltt eyes nn- JBlbllfewit fucfr rtnd choory manners wnwoixn- Ind rt letter ypMerdny n ft reporter for Tim Sun ont rd hi oflliM EndoBfit with tho letter woro two photouraDliBorto sliottl nan fullface- vlow of n youtitr man sail Uio othur uliuwliida- prolllo vlew You cantint discover tlio BZO ot nil thobunips from pliotoiiraulis can jou tho visitor asked Wo dont look nt tha bumps on a in nils- headtho phrenologist explained Wodont euro much about bumps Tho Professor draw tho outlines of n tend on- tho opened cntolopo nnd mado tho half of HM oval to roprwoMit nn ear Within thocnrvohe- mods a dot From th dot bo drew divorcing lines to all tho upper part of tha head from tha- O as OYor nearly to tho back ol the neck Tha completed fliiura resvmbled a fan spread wide open Now tbo Professor continued tho oarln- dlontcs tho position ot tho central bnso ot ovory persons brain Theso llncp may bo supposed to pass from tho baso upward nnd sldowlso to each of tho organs at tha surf nee of the brnln- Thoy represent tho brain fibres Dumps nro very well In their way nnd HomotlnuB wo find thorn vary lures and prominent but It la tho- leiikLh of thesis liruln llbrcs that o try to dls- COVIT Do you see how far It Is from the opttu Inn In tlmtnr of thin yoiiiut man tnkinuup tho- jirolllo photnjjrnph lothu uptxir back tmit of- hi head I ln lias lnriu HOlfisteoni yet thero- la o Blinrp iirotubrrnncti IlrtniieEt nnd up- luolinthciiiiis and coulluuUv kludrvd oruntis- fiurroundliiK solfcstooin iiro all tolerably do voloned- Uut con you read chnrnctorwltu accuracy by mi nns ot photocrnphu 1 why Iho run re iuo n man In Ohio sent ma- nliotoKriiplii ot hut daughter und nf hor suitor Un roto thnt thoiountr mnn had Ixen court Inif her for six months that hl business oro- ilnt miJ chariutvr woro Ko d and tlmt ho- KIVI promlKo of bultiir nn tinoxcoptlonablo- husbanil Hit that nuvurlholuBs hn wnntod to know whether tholr UBiKwItiouH andtaniDur- ninonta wor snub ns would comluie tohnuDlII- CSH In married Tliu I looked nt their photo arauhs and tliou wrote n reply I Informnd tho- fntlmr thnt nn ricnrdod toinpernmont and cor- tain other Inherltod elinritclarlstks tint OIIII- Kpoopln inlulit properly bu mated but I ulto told hlDi that the jotini manns Ineklnc in cnnHc- Iontlousness that ho waxsolllKh trnnnlcnl nnd- lucllued u Immorality Vhreu years nftor- wnrd tho vouotf womnu cullod ou me In New YorK to thank mn personally for Bnvltic hfr from llfolnne unhapplnose At her dithers request sliu had broleu h r ouuauenuiit Hud IK lonKafterwnrd thoyouns nmnn trunchnr- nctnr wns Hindu plnln to nlL Ho robbed his employer of n Inme sum of money und ran nway In company with n woman of bad char nctur After living with him n low months la- Uuiiada this wonmn qulltix him Lwauso ho- uiis In tho habit ot nbiifiini her nnd eho returned home her fneo still show ln marks ol- hli brutnllty Sho betrayed his wh ruHl iun to- tlm i oll i and the youni man nas sent to KttUo prison for tho robborr Of whnt classes nnd nirea and of which iez- arn moil of your patromi- Of all claass atcvs nd ex s Sometlmps n party ol mnn will come In after dinner when they nre nil ftellaa Lood Tliolr object Is thn fun to bo derived from llBtonlneto whntlstnld- of each other I conerully mannico to Injuet n- creutdenl ol holi9omo truth Into my remarks on such occasion In your ordinary examinations can > nu afford to tell olT U9tvt truths about a person Inlwnyfl toll tho nbsoluto truth There I- Bsomithliitf about human nature that may strlkn you na very peculiar Tho truth about u nuns characterpuiornllr pleimes him Koreftmpli- If > ou should tell a man who wns sellleh and hrutnl that he was so careful of the rlulitbof otnern tnitt ne often encrinceii ins own orii you About I tell a mnn in whom conacientiouH- noxs and lutreoableness woro largely developed that happen what might ho would ulwnytt get ovory penny that belonged to him each would bo U pleaed and the Bellltth man would be- vuryaugry If on thu other hand you should rmersn tha statements each would bu well plenaed 11 ut how Is it whon n mother comes to you bringing a httipld boy with evil propensities for examination Huppooaha Is H iioodtnudur- honrted conscientious wonmn will eho be pleased with thn truth about her child Tills nald the Professor Is tho saddest thing I liavoiouxperlunco Mam atlmu I havu- oiven n woman such as you have described enter my office with nu unruly child whosn selrisl propensities wuru unduly developed I woulti know well enough that tho mother Interpreted each iilocuol wllfulnissoHevtdHncoof hor boys diiiartniss nnd energy tlhe could neu In It only ntdgnthnt hor boy would mnku his way In tho world nnd that porno day ho would bo an honor to her repaying her for all troubles and nerl 11 on hu account In snah n caso I do not o course tell the mother that her boy will bo I thief or a murderer I do not know that he wll- be I tell her In plain solemn language tho- tuMrichs to M tlmi I illscover 1 toll her the danger In which tho child Mnnas cnreluily anil- apoclflenlly so thut she fully comprehends It- I point out to bur vvhunou thu danger comes nnd how It is to be met nnd comiuercd If possi- ble ¬ by education Then I givu her what hope I can based on tho greater or less development of tho mental nnd spiritual part of Ills brain I Bliow Her how aim can mako one characteris- tic ¬ operate to nullify another ami I mako her understand how very grunt modifications of the brain may ho brought about by education This U nil I ojin do nnd 1 0111 do no less Doeent this often iniiki tin mother Uoub- tho genuineness of phrenology No If liercounein for Imr child wnrelosi- U probably would dt 80 Also vvhun Idcacriln- charnitorlntlu after chnrnctPrlHtlcof thi clilli- Rho recognles the truth of what I siy am feels that I havua knonlidKu surer nnd moio- pdiietrnting than hern I havo no doubt tha niter tdie goes homo ahu begins lo persundu- hurattt thnt I nm wrong but what I luuetial- reinnin with her nnd If ihu U n vvlson vvnl- IK an iiiToctloniio mother It aids hor in bring ing up her child Too niton il i thu case how uvor that sho has turrlblo pioof iu after years of tlin truth of wliut 1 told her Isupioso vou i u uouiu rumarkablu vnr- lotlol liuinnn miture- Oh JCH 1 remember nl out flftern years ngonrmv lixtking south cimt In to have hlH- hi id eanilned Hu hnd vury largo liuigiiagi and Inrgo inlrlhfulness but with lil nllly- Mnnll he was tnlknllvi and humorous vvltlinu proper inMo or good judgment In his fun Yet on tlm whole ho had a pretty fair character oinnilned his bend and gavo him his chart Now you nay I am huuiat hu bald lo- jou belluvu it fVrtilnly11 replied verywell I will eomn In tomorrow nm pay vou for this exninlnntlon All rightI siud and out ho mtrchod My- nmnnueiiHlx laughed ns miieli nstosiv Yoi- nro cmight for once but I hnd no finr Hi- ioiiHCi ntloiisneea TIIS largii hut 1 didnt ivl- on thit bo inuvh nh I did onhi Inrgo niipro- IwUlviiiess 1 knew tho prospoet of gratlfvlm hlh pnB lon for prniHo would draw him biek with tho power of a Hixiutilo team Sur enough back ho emnu thu next day and pati- me tho money Then thu laugh viib on ui > Bide iiiiij iinnituii A- Mr Ilnlitcnili Viiiirriiiiuliililc Mltlinp In 11- 11iKlllr Hotel K S Adams night cloik in tho 1ncill Hotel in Greonvrlch htreet wns sitting in th- ofilco nt 20 minutes to 4 on Irldny morning vvlicn hn beard a criiHh nnd thu thud of n heavy bod > striking on tho floor of tlm washroom IliiHlnng Intothat room ho found H I1 Hnlatent- of Nicholson 1a lying liicenulblo on th tiles Und only In hfb shirt and bluoding profusely from outs In his hem nnd feot Pr Dlocey was mint for nnd he ndvi ed llnlstonds inimedlnti removal to the Chiimbeis blrctt HoHpltnl U lo Injiiieii man was etlll uncoiiBflouo but In- gloamul nt InterviilH His loft nrm vvax foiim to ho iHral d from tlio ulbow down Ynstnr- ilay hu lay unconscious In thu hospttnl nnd Ir H II Throop of berarlon vrho Find fieen son for Bnld thnt his condition was dangerous though not hopeluss- Mr HalHtead IH a wellknown lumber dealer of Nicholson and n brother of W T Hnlstend Huporlntundnntnf tho Delaware Ijicknwnnni and ncstern Hnllroad who lives In berantim HH camo to this cit > on Tliuruda > and me- Buvernl friends In thu raclllo Hotel Mthom- of these Mr Hhnndley of lllnghaniton ho won to bed at 11 oclock lioth occupying rooms which Is on the second lloor The window o thu room Is dlroctlv over the washroom which has a glass root Mr Hliandley henrd nollilng- of Mr llalbtoad ami know nothing of thu avcl dunt until told of It The window Hill la nbou three feet from tho floor In front of th win ¬ dow Mood a chair It was thought that Mr HalMead had But In thu window with hla f et In tho chair fnllcn asleep anil gnnii out of DID window backward throucli tho skylight to tho- lloor bnnenth His brother Huperintundcn Haletead hUbrothurlnlnwliisphyHiciHii am- othur frlemlH camo inimedlately to tlm city am- uru now watching by hie bedside In tho hospital A Dtisd Mnn on IIor buok- nin tin Ifttf Orlmttt VwinriTl- fOTOv InJuly iH Today at aboil lulD i Uiurk tvat ndlntf aluutt tll linbllc rniil ni ont luur nillei aho0 a hiniti n un the flinu II mil load nmr Ihudlllwer HKC he HH n mall ruling In u IvancL nt him HIP pirtun In adtanro cuntlmiid to ri te lurnnrd a Htiorldtitiiiirr Yind llun lell heavily Iron lilihoriu lien tehe liII Mr Jiiiik anhid nllhlnmitnk Imr dMincu ol Iliu man and remarkul > mend nm are rldinmtr luw A luxrn cli by ansHcrul Jr Ouiik ilinii ii ilrud mil > hortl aitir an the man tell Xlr Oulrk alter accrtiiiiiin thai th mat wasdfii I inlonara Uio autliorliii na thu UMU wa pininiiiU lrontlil li irn Mlnri lir J il IHIM un an a jury irlKnlid tulnake the nrul er rxumlniilluii an- UIMUV rtd thai hn us flint tin 4 niLrln ntiir thu cintriiei tlu fun hea I Tho mnn nnmo I lrnistDu- ml > uiir nun mi iiujir arristlliric lugriieiaiil onn InOwii nlioare iuyiw J ID hac luuimlilej Hit uiut CATBKJLLS CM IK VI 1OSSILS- Tfho Aag- lliortgh Ih towft8hli of drtRkllli- ft dodp cfmnnel flmt tllovmtur has worn In tno- ocks Tho other morn na a onrty of Indivn nnd gentlemen went nlnnictlio rocky bauka of tho- trtani with hummers in llielr liitnJe lu pur- ult of geologlcnl apuclmeiiH of whUh tduto nro- nnny In tha formntluus if this region When hoy wcro nbout four inllrn from tlio mouth of- ho creek they climbed from Its rocky bed nud- ollovvedannrrowpnth thnt ran parallel with hn stream Thoy hnd gono but n short lUtnncoboforetho lenders feet dl npp nMd In- nholotlmt proved tob tho mouth of B cavern fho dirt wns dug nwny nnd th party tinared Iowa into tlio dnrknnaa 7hoy lighted rt bun llo of Kwvea and threw thoblimlug buneli Into hecavern H foil nbout thirty fuel and Uio- Ight revunlod A largo room In which uro many tnlnctltua and ttalagmlloa A ropo was yro- curednnd oiado fast to n true nnd ono of tho party descended hand over hand Tho ropo roved too short to reach tlm bottom nnd tho explorer dropped off from Its end to land In water knoo deep Others ol tho mnto members of Urn party woul dowo Caudles wnruproourod- n n neighboring honed and tha Interior of th- MM rn was Illuminated It was found to bo- orly feet high nnd It wns cut up Into mnny apartments hy the partitions fnrmnd of stnlno- tlt and stalagiDit 8 muotlng butweun thu floor and tho roof Tho xplornr found It vary difficult to movo about by mason of n great numbur of hard pro Ictlons from tho fioor nud the Hides When heir eves hnd becoma accustomed lotho dim IgBt llivwi luojocltoiis weru found to bo fonaU- uhoiijunilsupou tbotianiuls of which vvero ro- vialod Tho petrlfnclionn hnd resisted eheinl fill action und thn Bolter rook In which thorhndi- eun Imbedded bud crumbled away leaving horn In bold rollof Many of them worn sr well preserved that tha Innor convolutlous of the Hlmll wuro without an Iniporfcttlnu Trllobitvs were found In groat numlHra and hernnftor nn- ibsolutely P rf iot trllobitn will bu loan a rarity n irnologUnl colluctiuus Nimr Ibecontro of tba- cawrn n larga head of fo sll coral was found it wa evenly eontetl with tUe dripping ot limn water nud tha hnxogotml thulls showed with ireat plainness Thoanapdly shells known ns- Dracniopoda and splrlfers woro ovorywhora- sonm uncased n was th cornl In tho calcare- ous ¬ coating and others woro strewn ovnr tho- loor In n confusion thnt vvoitM hnvn inadnjor- oim tho InJirt ot a professional fowl I hunUir- 1roin this loom the explorers pntsed through a Binall aperture nnd found thomsolvoa In Htlll another hall so hul Hint no top could bo neon Tho numerous pillars of limy struc- luruwere ftlll contlnund hut tho strtictiire of- tlm rock Beuuiod to ohimuu to elutu und the lns lls tliat vvero so disagreeable to walk upon vveru entirely nbBnt On of thn party struck n txudant mass with n largu rouk nud down It came striking ou tho luirdened floor with a- loud crimh nnd breaking Into n thousand pieces It wns a long tlmu buforn tbo ochu dioil away Itreumndto coma back again lui It wunt rolling through tho balls nnd otlmr halls far beyond ns ynt unexplored In thU masa of- debriHvrare found soiuo curious niinuin thnt- nt first wuro thought to bo human but alter nn- examlnntion thoy provod to bo the romnlnsof- Uhus On 90IUU ol thealatcs wnro glinpea of- flflbes perfect to tho llfo every fin iindBCJito being ruproducod In HIOSM ourtous Uli tho- vcrttjbriuwns axtundcd Into tho top fin of tho tall Somo of tno long spines must from their groat size have bolongudto flah ov r fifty foot In Icnutn Thoy ar particularly lutvrnstlng- as they are according to evolutionists thu stepping atones to tho reptiles One for tX- amplo hod tho clmnictoriKties of u turllo its ptddlea nnd covering plates anotlier known us tho rocroiteiit having features of somo of- thu sculling reptiles On thu slate vvero beau- tiful ¬ and graceful tracings of marine plants in a varhty of forms showing thnt tho senx of those days weru much more densely populated with tho lower forms thnn now Keyond this Hall apnenrod Htlll another nar- row ¬ but HXtrnnixly bright and from this led Innumerable passages thut KM to caverns bu- vond This hall too wns sot In corals shells Ao an though purposely designed and among thn moat beautiful wuro tlio graouful lily en- ermites It wns n living orgnnixm nearly allied to tile stnrflah but perched upon n stem and when unfoldtd It wiui ouo ot tho richest orua- mnnts of the Devonian seas Tliu cave is easy of ncceM nnd Is nn object ot great curiosity It will before long bo thoroughly explored Already otto person claims to havo gone In nt one entrnnca nnd to- ha a found his way out near the top ol a hill a mho and u naif away irzro CAJT EXPLAIN rnisT- u Bomnrkubl n Mtory u 3ET r- VM Tulil CvBOcrnlnji u l > oj- To Tito KniTon OF TUB Sun My eld- est brother a farmer lives In tbo western part of Pennsylvania and among tho outfits of his ooinliluiimcnt wns a black and tan dog of un- common sagacity At tho outbreak ot tho war ot tho rebulllon two of my brothers sous mero- bovs joined tho Army ot tho Potomac In an angle of tho public road In front of his hoiiao- vns a considerable mound formed of the wnstu- of mnny woodpiles for successive years From this angle tho road trended southward nnd by I the boya wont forth to join their regiment Seatod on thnt mound Priam thnt was tho dogs namo silently watched their duparturo until they worn lost to view In tho distance Then ho went back to his lair and thero ho lay for mnny du > s unusually quiet and ovidenth sorrowing Attorn month or moru hnd passei- In this way one dny Priam ran out from hlseo elusion took his plant on that mound nm facing southwardly cried Ilko n human l elni in distress for about tno hours 1 hen he wen buk to hib lair and vuus nuict home days alterwaril leltersfrom thn bom wiro received They vere innlatll nt thu lime of Uio doga dimoiibtrntlon butcaiin thrntigh unhurt Theo conlomponity fneln were ntrnng sug- ge tioiiA to tho family that Priam poAscs ei Borne quality of know lug those distant 0curl- eiiees at tho limp of them but still It was too unllkuly for belief just then HlRMiangn be- hnvlor on thnt dai was uuvvuver BUliMantially repented during every Piihscirient Imttlo li- hldh tlmboiH participated until tlmy endud their livis in tliu Aiidcrsonvillu prison pen J ho dogn last outhiirct of Inmnnlntlon wna nearly contltmoim from Ilm beginning of tlm battle in which tho Inds vvcru captured tint I their death After this Pi him becainn IvvdI- hgly stilly nnd cross to nil comers No mutter how near a neighUoi lived or how vvoll known tho dog dunled that inluliljor enlraiuo to tliu- premNen until called oft hy onn of the family In ISfill I vifllk1 my hrother for thu Hint tlmo- In fortytwo veirn Of courxelvvns as a tola stranger lo all of them The fnmllv knew o- nm only hv livatsay Tho dog knew nothing iinKhs indeuil hn tindurbtood what was said li- tho family when I happened to bu tlielr thomc My oxpivted vlHlt abntit thit tlmo doubtles- gnvo mu a pronilnenco In that pnrtleulnr vvhiil multiplied Ills opiHirlunlllis ol learning Bomn Hung about nm nnd If ho knew whnt thuy pali- bu vvns equally prepared with them to uxpec- AK I walked down tho Innn to my brother liiniso I netiend a dog It wan Frlnm looklnt nifbijunru in thu fnoo over thn gate W ilium liebitatlon I iinfnolonnd nnd went Inshlo Th- tlojtnrneil mid trotted ny the steps liofore 11- 1ienll > wagging his tall and ovioioually look- Ing back nt menu thoiitli toned whether I un- ilnrrtood him nnd w isLimiiig Thnfiont iloo- bnl 111 open lie led thu way through tho house to- oneof lie bick doors nud thiri wo found HI elderly lady my brothers wife 1orgetllng tin dog In thu gin tings I did not notice how o- vv hen hu went out Hut soon afturward I HI him at thn front gutu again as whim I np- Pioai lied It Thin Kiiigln nnd l olnted MIMI h- nlnn ol his surly nggresilveni s In MHngim1- a Mai Htiungnr enter the tiremlspH nuchal loiiked fuinlhhed another tliemu forHiieeula- tlon as lo its nu ailing ami thu oncliiHlon vva that Pi lam recngnl id in mv coiiiitiMianco which hu bad Hcannuit HO closely u rolatlvu o his innBtoirf family ow how urn wo to necount for tho mornthnn liuinnn Kagnulty of Priam ill nil thnt and es- peclally IIIH Hi luliromun lami ntatlotiH with tin o ill leu In which his two young masters parllo- lpittd and nuvur n false alarm nor nnoniin ion V J 0 KEOKUH Iowa July 2a 1879 At 1 hllea IloekaV- inn tltl Ow r ifi tri iJitt Into the rht r they tvdrd fir On r Hit nhiilluns with laiuh nnd shout hi indiae nt Uil on the rocks that lav Hate nhen the alttrnuun tidti t out Illne ot the pea it was In their es Hold of Ilm nn It nas In their hair l urns thuy lauuhed ilid tlm m itdi ns bravn VVh should they tiemhlc why nocd the tarttJ- tacsrrd and rulilnt asiUrk as nUlit Only n lulliiu ul loim liir crown Inn nlllie bifur ihr riKk iilnic Mrutethv fliriu briakirs tu pull tlim down Tnvreh matiten her siinnv head 1ruiidly n tmiirisi her cnnvn ui uuld Lilllkihllulv inorkini ttip bu nicer r uc llnllUrt dllinlod h mal lens buld All they foiaul lint the tide hn J turned I Hl lt nut Mlil lljiikli ria Intntho river nou iiialiml M low unr Ihu shulluni n up tin > and Only a inil iK < il > rulllnn stream onlv tin turn 11 thu oiitnu It le- Qfuili it mutt d as ihr izvntlt u Iruam VMiun them ll iiwil hupe iiml l 1ieJ- lllBhir and hUlicrlt lulvnol- cluirrliulili siinil lirndl ol nun I Jiroii r nud inr lunaursn lied Caronu kurruw to tti ML uu I uu- lAhllirro l null lu the nurf to nlirlit rnliuil In UR > n irol uigjiniuim lla liii nieh nlher Iwiimalilens drift i > hlv ua tlm inovnlijhl i auh liiut 11 toli41- lt t HUMAIIDA Iti D VOiVt111 IETTllIM tX JT131KIY THJ1C3 fore Antnvr < Ihnt TenOnllsin- J Krir PisiM- eTbtftKnrTofioi TltKHUN Sfr In rcpfyfo- l te1iir ihiy Hrr I brif lenvc tnKilbmlt the follow n The rimplc wnjti Mie this nml prcttami uf a- Imtlnii kln1 IMunulv Ihi it iH ral ea o I lltereloro will irniluce a formula and snbstitiite Ihn elien values In Iho- eilncrd formuln nn t Mitiln the rtolrfd remilt Ul ft number il ualluns uf whlskpy In en orleinall In aik- ut b simiiinl ul wat r adied each and overt time lei number or nch addltt n now tiinpuM Ilm wlun nn- dwilcrtnmls Ircely and Irt x numner nl ilnlluns of- ihin r < uimnln4aitiir liulillUonaur wawr TIHIIK licinx lumber ol K lonsufn mlxturo of both lulls which l rninuu < ttlmct Tlu wine escapes at n ratcofbgalT- lH a inantlty of wlna whleli escape In t tlmu is b a t- it x Ilierod l nivl nfaetor hnl an e nr n lon of differ onllam > I > iucaxiariaUiverMl a It uuw Uiteiirala- w havo t luir x + i constanL Vow since wlisa t- U b a- XI t tost Ea where n In the base of Nap Inn v item ot uuarUlima I 03j fapnroxlnntclvl Sub bt- titutc lorn 10 t 10 Kiln K wo Imre E1U 1 utn IOMIIJ rtsnlt My mMlalilnc Uio At uuyou will cuurec A f vur on n rcmlwr Tnw K M rA itf- rtrvior HifltQYcntiiuUiuioontcfjiulozr IlOMOKf N Tf rrtK KHITOR or TIIK Rix f Following Is au- AiiHirpxIu Uio uhi kv pr kin lit tlic ilntiUv 11iiifitKi whltkri wnnlrnwn- hi tho M cuiul itn LMikiiif tlio wlinktiv wH ilritwn- un INy Uilnl iliv riuiuinr il te wMk o wasiJMHii- u ttiAtotirili i1nvTAMi nf oriho whl Kcy vrnnlrrtwn- Oti tUu lUtti tUv lotilHinjiiiJuf ibt wltHkci wm drawn Oil tlin aixtli dny iWHOHxorxj of the whlsKvy w- dr ni Oil the netcntli dny 1U1U1KXX > UJ of tho wliiskcy- jKilraarii On Uir UjhUi U y 47rC Wl XXXXiHJ of tho liUkcj- rOiiiltetUMlhdiy 430t7UllKiiXAHKio of tli wblaker- Uio vlilikey- Toinldruwn In ton days tlirec quarters ot the original CATikKitb MuCNtiit House July 30- To TUX HDITOU nr Tuy bis r In your luue ot T- CorUy rt P K tlesfri sotno mnttiPtmittrlnt ttnolre a- prnliluu hiclj lu in linl IK I wUh I luul holliliu inora- OiUicult to tin ttiniitu Kiihc mich i r tilcnii nltlioiiKli I tin iiutnucb ul DinUiviimUcljui Ou Uie fir rtay tht- kw HoiilJ tf ntiiln it KullutH t ulilikiM anl luMuitcr- HC I H1 c it Inn of Iil ki > mil Hi C lllfMU or- attur t hlnltlit 7 Ut ol wliitltev uu 1 71 ofwnu r futirl- tirtn il or whi kc uul J INnf wnter nttliilirMhlS- fv rilKHi irtlluiK wnirr 4 t l ixtlt ilrty whl kV- J1IU kaltuiK Mntur H CiVi Mciith iU > hUkoy- 43H17JI wnlrr Ml CIJTlt ninth il iy w iI ruto- rJuljJv WILL KKfrvf- TuTHKl mru or Tun hrx Sir The niiiountof iljkey- f ol mnn lutt kit wticu ho Rot home dcinnlnl nti th- ItinUtjr ol tit wnUkty nn4 llu iiomtmu ol tho tait 1rlmet- Kt ntmM IMO niiAiml at tliu holtum mil tio- utii nu woabl hvu cot nil th whlkey il lie tap tift- iiCLiititilK botluni or Iho ktic A tbcjp article woull- mve eiHno to tho top niut ulio wrtuUI hnvi Imd ivlr f r- ivr tipple unleM 0iu tnppid th kca lurthcr up U th- ovroliihli hail inlxctl ixrfcctty tlio lien t ot the rmnlly- vouldlmrM loun1 3 4brt7fH4Ul uftllotn ot wiiUkiy In the nlxtiir vrhtn ha pot hume > KW VOHK July 1 OrtTLrXifiNDSCHOLi- RToTHKlmToiiorTiiK3ox Ar Iii aniwerto > our cor ul tlio iwth iiiHt1 nsiHcUull > mL mil tlio- an iinnwer to hU Mlilskei i roiiitit lil- kuv rtnialhluiflnketf at th en Jut ton days u 4 fcWl aaiK- NllOIIS J9- t IrironnrTnESii SiV I think I can nohc tho- In m bkm lodny Hex nUthe to tilery and w tcr iu nttswnrt 5it > lloiu t quart 1 pint + ltiUKJul > W- TOTUK ARITUMRTICUN- I KDITOK or TUB Sir mate the answer to- iaiu ol Tlmkry- JL m tron A di Ice to lh Tbln Yonnr Mqtu- To TUB KUITOU av TUB Sux S r I fear It- untlicr UU In Uie Uj tocuulnbutQ my share ufnJvIco- to the Uilii ouiiij tnnn hut n I had not had time to write before I hop you will nllow nio to M my mntill ray o- fttohlt Illumination ami tliron4h our culumni for ht li roproruUitUe of a tery Urne class of tht Ameri- can people and I quite agree witlt hini that tor a ver on- In lienlth to be a living thadow or an thlnit nppruacliln- It U a tlilnc to be nslmnieil of- I llihik Another T was Htrht when ho toVl oor Ihln- lvutl that to riwfroiu eicryincal a little hungry Jut hat he duL not want to do Nothiiu could be more irrttlonnl for of COUFM nil tho tnue ho wa tilutloI- tuiUiry hi Mtnl toicc would bo ficdliiicnn the torr up ub tfliiCBol his body on Uiater > Ut heUscianx- li u ibonl Icovr r Ms burnt Itxtuad cf upon the finul mi ill lor which lit hun tr w callluic Thr German hltld that huiiKer In uenttenlnif that In onler nt rrto- tucllu pantfi they break Uiclr fbst tttrvnsttieii them Kel n ilnv call It live Umr ady and whatatnt- olid ran they arc Jtv laclhui t t uUice vlven the thin yotum man in- ni jiulstntnt wa thut rouuvllliu him toliHc otT tot ilcufl f toixtitniiunnl lenuuets li i ald to be owing tu the fuel thut ttic f I iirotlnclnjt lcnRiit oftlie food nro rejected fntt mlnf bInjjai lihtlUtHlby itieoDtanUinianJ- Uie ute of Ua ur baUI > lntix lliut undenvy Mori- u er ten aiut rtfTia HTC tifrvous KtlnitUutt Tliey tako- tbe pUcv oftolltl I ix I and b tow upon tlu UoJy Uin- ponry m nf tower tint n Tilt or nmwitlir Hhre otit- lcoiwquintli no rt ni atrvuztli > o thhi nr nrvutM r er- K IU tlioff tore aiiit t irtii ulBTl MO i r HI ntllii ted with rfck ur IK no h MttUch houl u thnn 1 an a ic- Un tu iicr iiu hLitdtchv lur twuiii jcir truin a- Mron fnt ro < nn I hi tlthj rl I brcnnen thin wrali and iklicitr wtinau whual ka htid ah HliHIif Two > T u tfo JJIMMIP tc i inJ cuiTie In IIOK ot curlns my he idaclKi nn I not only nm 1 now c niparnit ly tree from th in but I am rtbo erf itlv tu iu > nrprl neirly- H n nut i I In in otith un t wi r I an lupo into k > tiiiui uc trdiiiiii i iilntnittruw iiiiinv a mroin b l ri <crlpil iM lur ttilnnesi then IH n inllutv T ire olMfji nitl cotfn itw little or no tobicco diink inlU or uf r bti r il tin lnriiit ril Hii nut prtxluit lihimin < niid the itttr PIIIIJ h i r a rul iio f Mtr pn nnuh in n i l lo luKf iaMitrrtu LXvroitH1 lu the otMimilr and lnt but nut hrtit derelup the imiHlet hy uy iJ tt1c f xcrcme or- b bmitu 1n bly the imrfiiti ul the thtiMoutu man wirthKeiu > o n iiiluof Mple wfio itrantc tra n1- coiKe und wo ut tin ITIIMI it re pajtiiit fur It If 3 on ne married rcojilv wnuld nhtjn nun ti uul intlre- til IUTO aihl di tilifit liqimri uniil alter tlif UIV KIWU- liii tu all the chilUtMi tiny ixpctt tt linvc not only wuulii they be ron r miJ it ITHI Bonier tht mm1 they iTuudh voittbuiiMtritbly IiealUiier utid handujmur oil sprli- uAfbrlheKt TndietMhey hno m > drprrit jm- tuithy lur too much tit u ita iihbecomlrm nnd much iimr- oIncomeiueit than too little The onlv hi forthimtn- tu follow Uio Itmmittf a> fliria ul dut ant tu train Hum In into rcrKnnabe illm n inm Mhrthur ton thin or too Int it reniutiH tru in iur > CBW I n 4- f tif rriirtttt Irltr It lUfUUl1 U till ruftJ to U lllty- na to ocry oUicrdcsirnble thlnj MAT BUY One More Siiuke Ntory- To THE EDITOR or THE bus Sir Ono day Ifl t wnk a busiitst call tuo inutothe ininiiitjin of- 1ike Oomit li AfUr n dcuVhlfnl rl Ic to Ml > la- tliu Hric rout mint1 hojt ot the I d r Ilotd nt thitI- LO took me tuukr hh wiinr or riitlicriu hH luck boirJ wutrnnrum ride uj tin iiiuiiutnlrH toJoiio J ike- nu Actot tlinUiiuiion AHWI iru triMlliuv up thu- hillid ro pus d H little clcnn d pi m win n n n an- unialnuU and mu ntt i tiii holli r mrroiin Itil b a- b i uf onions the uih inttbk aiiiutuml- til iutcd r lint on earth do tho pc- my Ktt to tut litre onu union OnltiH1 hfl rcfllcd wntc ntinti 1y An vtt i Mt i inriltt r n u nurkitiz tho wi Inr of tha- ciiuntn thn nnKi hturii ot 1n M otiurul tu me- an I I rt I Ui then mn rOmki t uruuul liertT- un r M Kiulikliun mvi l lmt > kind I I lmiiiiod- liu ullou Uintli iv tulUlnttirlr tnlU he replied Mi u rimiuuln r tli it ontou t KO wu Juit p i i J wi I- Itho nM i inmn uno lvrs tin re < n vt r > nnnoitt nt- duroti nnil ntif tii last inuniiRr hih tltu u out intkiiu bin ktfU rru u rtltltkii ike bit lur sho n- Muiiii Htk Slut uot ull tluiuji but the Hialti dU II- HtMvU nun iis out tiiin thi nxl tin auJ luunl it ill idjiMt wlKie It h id hit her l- llunl > Ihvm Up- To TITR KWTOU OK THR 8UMVir Tlm nd- co of a UiHinl Jurur to poUriuuu Dictum thruiuh Tim 8tcjll will do well ton mcinUr Atlliutuli uetiniy not nllixicct to be clnUUd Mill tin if it nn hnmun- ho yoon the ino t innocent nnd iiiittiiectins nn fin I lilniell in the in ltionoi nit unonder ni tin jriult ni In- n t nrt i ihtMli tun w i inn tti bu n mutter nt iitu r in dlllt li IILU lu til iujt i In HMD U III II ftpi lllUK tiMilU tiniti liii rnan inilnrtt- I IIUM oil n mull rul when nadin tho itcointi ol- thi1 ntMp In IMPM 11 111011 Irtw ri nk r tl in nnnf- h nliiu uiiMis tiu tliur ui tinin U mt t ikn jiut thu emir rci intnuil iliinl lur i thv tnu JH if tin hi li Iniiiiiitc I h 4in > utlti r iuIl tn I hit hit n h Mm miul Hun tn iriMt m biuu tncil in tiKir- OUIMIHI i mu ni tin mint jKrtiliur iminunitu en jni b > HUM umthtt J> mv th it YI h ti litn of- lk i II n tu p hov to jirirf i I huH tho n t t in rnt- ittnp i tllui deviltry uill use nu Umu Ut uuuu unuii llrin JnrnrN MI tl nt- A ti iiiiplu Jitliiiit nr ttii nnntnnrj nnniu r ot ohtnin in n In wniil I i ri n t n t UM tn lu tr li ol tho- iikU s u ot Hie club b > lonnrdly Iolli t nn- ASTI KlrMlM 3- lAiUIre t the iH t rrh Iltintfir Man To TIIK KWTOU OF THK HUN Sir You nsk- MVImt cftn he dono lor the jounx mnrwlio flnnhun- wlf BptcohleMf rMechlen it tindoubudt ho oil mural cunscicntiolM nnl iiuloilinniUly hctxitite The llntKiualitiik MU rni ittorll > the itti r muht U- inlli luLiirM to nncuiiifortrtblu n I M n inu h it Mo- Jmn me mute nt the Him nnt ntlin tnt tint he 3 > hu IIM IH knrli lv lnuk at tnt nvxt r n he- mu ts tint ± o i m rl sj iili1 i ridintly linn Jin unh Wii t oxouoiiH Hi it H bv ni tuil i oin- bitMith tho uurll Ih itm t nl in bit r ti- lwl li lit t in t do in > I tti r N hi n In uuiki s u t hit iniii th it iiinu nu I ri tllv iutn iii i Im tnniaon trill lie lll bt th riM bow tii ll v in pitIn I H fin tind wort Hint hi li ait Lt him ttiku it L int n b w- evir lr t lolluvntu iiM n t ilt rt th it ill unH piovu- n itK iil hi min it much toiiriitr an to m it tnlni- cocrrirt h mid In bhniil i obiiuMi u tu m h I piopla- a the r tiij i li nrc tiu tu him Not CUMCO- STo TIIK Knrrnn or TIIK Hus Sir Will you bo kin 11 n mli tu iniorin u ti M II cm wlit thep the city MI ii > thulav luiiiKii ho ubnuiul ul tin in my tittljii oi tin CAit i i i t TIL 1

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1879-08-03 [p 3].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1879-08-03/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · noro MiiM ily n man rlw to dlsttno-rtfitorVconiMtho pabllocnrtosltrtof-

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1879-08-03 [p 3].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1879-08-03/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · noro MiiM ily n man rlw to dlsttno-rtfitorVconiMtho pabllocnrtosltrtof-



noro MiiM ily n man rlw to dlsttno-rtfitorVconiMtho pabllocnrtosltrtof-

l°lUilKut Ulm aiiouuh lila works have°

npiroelfiteJtho tnrontof Emllo-Knorally nnit ddtltMratoly ne-

Thobooli UtlioninuBomoono-i LI J tut I wus Is fr rrom holllnn

UoJ ricanla this French wrllor No trnco-

sjjlm Ills novulg Hod litersIs lu bo found In

tllcul1J ur liluofrointljirkiioeB Lettho-aJat of Ax > in oi ami the Tuulu do-

UkW Mouret JuJito Jor hlinaslf-

i ronicmbor n mo ljat lioviie bearing thoJbor33 in tho Via ilollivloBcherln llfish-

BMk t ttrmU TrlMtewhlch nlthouali Ithailking peculiarities I couIJ not forbear

nJ at whenever I pn cd br on my wnr to-

Itwns polntnl out to-

thn former resilience ol tho KmrlncorKola who ImJ loutr llml abroad aucecssfulrr

Ills profession In nrloua countriesCl1e J to rnrB to Jtoc tn-


°t fortlUVatlon Hero ho married nail

Euillo wis born In 1810 TUraaytmrsJ-

jter HiJ > ° x °lftmil ha service ot-

lh Eadnwr <5 J nud tho family nmov d-

Ibittcf uiiino U still linked with som-

jclportant liydraulio works such no tho Alx-

pjuJ Tliu drawings tlioroof now ornnmnotthe w H of Hi ronlistio norellsts wrltlncroom The ability of tho omrtnoer mn > lu olow ncknon Indeed but hh rlnht to bo pntd forlu labor wnn not Ills child TYILJ only 7 yenni-

rlJ when tho poor mnn dlod of crluf owlnir tothe flninflnl cmbnrrnsaiunnt la lilch his lawluUluil lii > olcd htm Ills ullo botiiKthuu ntPuns tl iwd T fithcrloss child In tho Collcco-of Louis lo Qrnnd Tho boy was culnlnif a-

CoUon record of dlllcenco Induutry and broilrlenoy la his studied whim tho widow a Uutl-

iotO the fiuorubJo Ixuo ot a liiWBiilt vun-

Isbwlnnd sho vran oblluud to tuku him fromcolltira Tlio poor lady howovor worked uluhtand dny nnd continued to oduente lier ounwell us ho conkl Whoover In nwire of theumll remunerntlon nt Paris for nrodloworkwilt nmlerstnnd tho etrucRlus of thnt noblo soulEmllo understood them well nnd though n-

yonncstcr so earnestly endeavored to cottomithlnu to da thnt ho finally secured n posi-


lu Uio Custom House with a salary ot 17per month As wna tho cnso with many younu-Bjonattlmt time Victor HUEO wns Zolas IdealJlo know nil lila poems by henrt Thorownn-ootamoro thorouKh romancer than Imlle lite-IItine for lluiro bordered on veneration nnd hoT-

TOS perfcctlv happy when In tho ovonlnir ho-itaA for his mnthor somo of tho Odes nnd Bn-lhls or Uio Orlontnles nhluh despite allthat may ba said lu bohnltot his suUtotiuon-tvorl ° will remnln tho poets miuiterpleoosHut owlncc to somo political chuniiu In UioCOB torn IIouso nJmlnislration tho poor fel-


was bofora lone discharced He wnn-dored throuuh Iuris niiilos lr aud unmindfulof all Uiat WHS uoltia on around him He wouldotton pnsa awhole dny slttine on n bencli In theGordon of Luxembourir writing vers s whilehl pocket nnd stomnoh ero nmptr Onodnywhile he was seated In tho rtnthooii squnro a-

slrl with whom ho was well acquainted np-

proachcd him Her toclh wore clmtterlnK ylthcold

I havo boon unnblo to cot n sou said sheand hava eaten nothing foe tho last twenty

four hoursNeither hnvo I replied Zoln ITothouffht

While nnd then takIn r off his coat nnd handlncr-it to her he added Tnko tilts tothollontde-Tiilfi and buy sorao dinner

Ho quickly disappeared nnd returned to hiscnrrot In his shirt slouvos Ho had parted withHi only winter coat

Somo time afterward thanks to tho exertiono his fathers friends ha secured a situation a-

n shipping clerk and pucker In Hachottos publishlnc house nt n salary of 250 n yonr whichBeamed to him almost n princely Income Mean-while


tho sight of books had ocnlu awakenedhis literary ambition Hi mnda paeknces dur-lnc th day and dovotod tho ereatust part of thecliilit to nrltini poetry Onco hoventured to-

epoak about his literary productions to the bendof the linn Monsieur UauJietta had uncom ¬

mon Iwirnlnc and waa eenorally unprejudicedbut he hud his own opinion on thn poflnlbUlty of-

beinir nt once a cood packer and a poet andbade Zoh tako his cnolco between preservInc Ills place nnd orshipplnc tho musesIIuuicr had rendered Zola a practical man bo-

cruo up poetry and was soon appointedadvertising clerk of tho house with a salary of

COO Hut by liemir brought Into contact withadvertising agents and journallsf his literarylontrlniTs ns f prted their sway upon hl mindwith Kruntcr Mronetli than ever He wrote andpublisliud Lt t Conteo dn Ninon but his pub-lisher


wns not Iluheuo Tho book broueht Himt on o irto public notice Ho Improved tho

opportunity and naked employment on tho-plalTol theVjnio Kditor VlllemiiiHnnt everreidr to appreciate talent made him book ro

fower Tfioeent W K oil braod byola withn twmiuet su h ns w III lone occupy n plaeu Inthe annals nf Vniiulrard streit wliiiro he livedIn a brilhint ipeich lie Bald that ho consideredhl entry Into journalism ns Ills dcllvernneoram bun aucratie H rltiidn and ho mluht

liavoaddud from romanei TranNformatlon-waiinmur morneonipletu Xola tliruw hlnisfll-1x dr and soul Into the lluht nculnst all innnner-of ld ili m with tin flr of n southerner andth 8tiiWxirnnfl of n northerner NeMrhosn

Ipun UN H more confbtent with that which heIxlleMd was the truth Theru Is not a sinuleword In all ho has written that Is at vnrlnnewith tho most daring realism or ns ho cullsIt IllltUrHlHMJ

lliro l IIJH createst merit Do Amlcls naysn lias fiiin Into th nlr with one kick nil tlintollot artiilS of lltirature nnd has waihpd-vilh a dMicloth nf irray linen thn hcillrcncdlaw ot Truth He has written th llrst popularrmvul which l ar roallv thn odor of the peopleJUlllllinu this oflici hitIIIIH t rhii Iraen driveniwjond hla art but has opened In art nowrsjIcsthrouKli whleh MI o frnnh horizons

Sim has taucht colorp blows of thn chlorl-eliaillnuri forms and nnan ot rv ry natureftom wtilli the thousand otlur cinhiHPH canderive an Immenee ndvnntnuH althnut theyK toutnn another road Umird mi uutlruly dlflurent iroal-

It w 111 not be nmlss to investigate under whatMr Mimi tanees this radical chance cnmo nbou-trlauhirt hnd nlnady nbtalnol nn enormousKUBCU8S by his Mademolselli IJovary ThottoBlami su Tw ln of 1runch lit ratur tho liroth-

r n nourt with their Ocrmlnlo l icor-uuc had made n stop further toward thotheory that uventhlnfc in iiHtur is worth nr

liMioruini mentation Mini that thn Improvementnt tli human rncudnm not i p nd on tiniJoalbfHion ofllfxbuton lt most faithful rcpro-uuetlxn i pclnlly ns rcuiinls Its lowest andreo uli ii tlnirfeatures I hnlrbookswerernadwith nvldity Itonllum madw rvcry day now

i et tfc mall branch of art Cf innuii painterwh o darlnu urpas od v n Courbits nttriutid publle attention thouuh hla pilntlnira-vor Inviirinbly njrtid by tin Bilon chiefly

tin Hwnint nf tlnlr obscenity OaimiM paintedKiiMhltiKthnt happened to ftll under his yedJim who has Hintn ntlnlnml tho rwputatlon ofnnivLi urtlxt piiHhod tintiirallxni In palntlnwto Itu uunohtlimitiiridleulliiuthu idealfcivniuMtliotr Mt imislii slavi hli enpjInK natureUna dislnlnlni to ndmlt within tin compass offrt antthfncr but tlio materialistic surfaiii of-jilnKi All lliosci men were Xi lasIMIinntn friends to tbo lint of which

bo ndded Courbct Duranty nnd-i Daudet AlthouKh tho latter

to nnothor hchool ho sympathlziid-ii the new Impulse thnt nil tlicsn hotlioadod

SOUHB men ImprcsBcd iipon art Ho saw noreiuun hytho lownr utrata of boelety shouldnot lini thuir po t and iiovullut and why lh ytnijuli IIQ iKiiutillcui with an Idtnllam Uiat th yfM fur from poesinnlnff Wlint elsn wns rn-

pulnil to render ola n thornuuh realist Ht uiuii thi HtHiidardliearir of thin uohool Illsirioach ukhl their batiks bywritlnu uovula

I paintliiK Xohi by throwinc himself Intow > imlly pre n nclnc tho most exposed toHOWS Imhecamn thu most violent of the bamiiHLuckud mid hnwfd n Cassaitnac HBO ilon

n twtiall of liopelean llonaiwrtium and lUxiheIn Ji defiuee of hociall in and CommunisminiBG ila was chnrcid with > rltlnu tho rJliW of tho Salon for fiaarn lilt first nrtlcloSlWVl B Rulnr fltorrn Thn battln intorlwtwhlmanilhomadi n buteherr of all th-

of Hie French artlatlu world Kvon thef 8 TO which hus MVHr beun open to the bolduat

sortlons was obll ed to bow to public oplnS0 and 7t n WUH ordered to suspend his

tho Pf r009 0 nls fourthrtloltienil by VlllHmeodant ho had a creat

f trouhli to cet nuythlnu to do Tliln waperiod of his life Itwaslhonthatt-

ouffrSJ Io8t li tt anJ BruKtfoTO tirnvdlr Xgln nmt wroto for ollur n ws

Cil eri but tli violciicD of til atliirko ui on-vrfk rnrir nmn or iirtlut who ill d not B

n him renilnrml lonu animoctlua wltlil ot ilium lniK KHlbl ills uctlcle Thu-

lt r tliu trKls11 tubJluliuil lu Ie Cor1 I0 Wlui tnCoBUiipriiuoil Zoln-

llln llnv WM ilrnwlni nrnr InliliiirtlcliH wuulil Iw lidliiHilT Hlmoit-ijauer la Iarls Tlio succcua Uu hoU ob

rtnno-nd W M aUirlj of Mur-

wmoiwSIjBtiTfiHol mrlB riy So I8W en urmrKd him to wattn Boarri o rennenun that woo Id Inimiu him fromWiiat for leurrt tnoomoarut brlDK Into uOoctaplan wnlch hohadcontompmtodfornlonitttmp-31io Ideix of wrltlnir n uerles of phyi loMirlcitlr MBm M Ural tiiwwtid Heelf to hhtmliulwhU h WM wrltluu iliulelolno IVral a-novol which liln pg pon nn Incident Intho life of n hl wllh which tlm authorhnd becoma aoijimlnlBd Heine abandonedby thn mnn nha loveii lh HIT nft rBemo limn mnrrles nnother nnd has Interon a child who IB a IlkoncsH of liar llrntlocr I rota thnt moment tlte pluu of avast work of fiction lllUHtratlntf philologicalnroUleoi firwhil throUKh hl mind nud-no traced nt oncn thu unnnnloulcnl treu thntho hnfl called 1iwo dAmoar AucordInuly hn vrunt to BOO th publlxher IM-crolx nnd offered to wrlto for him ft8 rlea of twenty novels llhmtratlnn thn llfo ofthtf Huennd Kmplro Thn bnrunln WH con-cluded

¬upon this boaia oUwiwto r cclTo f UK-

v month for ten year ami wno yearly to doIhor tlio copy for tivo novefs which worn to fo-comethniialillBhorV nbHolutexpmpertr for t n-yrmmfrora publication olnwiwthu nniU > ledU-rt

>nl iza Uin dream olh la llfu to retire to the coun ¬

try nnd live like n peaceful fnrnierlu a voltageBarronndml by chickens and rabulls Tho warlike nornlifit TlioUkn a rnvlnil IconooUwt Unever tlrud ot bruakina thu lmaa ot tho oldbeliefs nbhnrs noise nnd Is n Hermit by tern

crnmoTil The Ufa o hi prediction mis-rtoimly ndiiruror V by tho llM olutloaoI th

llrin vvhon only two volumes of tho-rnnow famous Borlea

hnd been Uaiuid but llx enterprising younuCliarpeutlar had aiiC4 oidU bltt father in thu-inaniitfemnnt of hta willknovu uubllahlnkhousii and ho offered to carry out tho treatythai ola hud nljtnmj with Luorolx Atthuimd-of thnv txura bowavtr Xolji owed hl pubIbther 2000 Uo had reuularlv drawn hissalary but habitually working very slowly hndfailfii to dellvor th rniutruit numburof vol-umra Ho wu reiiutxttud to cull upou thn puli-ll lier and ovpxtHdn lebukobut viut Krcutrilwith tho following wonls I mak a Kood-ilinl of nioanr out of your novels I will nottako advantage of a coutmu that v oil v urn com

ultti by tncesslty Lit us slijn n newono to which I will Kivn n retronctho TmtNot only vou uw ma notlilnif but It In I whooxvo > ou SilKW IKni U tlm num Awonllim-to thu now contractZoln riciihni n rojnny mion-thtimiliiof his books Hh yeiirly Income inklottlnto consldroilou bli imy for nrtluloH Unith vuiids lo ik Itubdlau ruviow uov< ixvuraaua-J4 000 It was TurcuenlotT who procured forhim thn place as literary oorrespondent for thelluMlnu ruvlevr-

NotwUlmtaudlnK hla flerca way of writing> Ia Is vmluently coodnatured ever ready torender servlcu to hla friends stf adfnnt nnd lov-ing


nnd abovn nil orderly lu hla hnbita Asregards hla private life he had boon comparedto a saintly country priest His uxiMincowrites Albert WollT elides on even monot-onous


unvaried Ho rlAns alwuy at the umuhour Inginlla himself botoro lilBwrltlnc desktakea up the novel he has In hand nnd writesevery morning ih snm number of pnxe ju tas n clsrk would do his biiHluoM corraaiioud-cnco Hu iii umur overwhelmed by llta of lazl-nefls or by unusual deslru to woik Tn IB south-erner


Is n cold an a Laplander Ha nnvor-leiivea nnvthlng to chance luaplrntlun obutshim at the needed moment U nuvur ovur-worka her but sho owes him rreulnrlya cer-tain


numb r ot lines very day andho must havu thorn Hi days workU divided Into two pnrta Tho mornlncbelongs to thn novelist nnd tho afternoon to thejournal Wlinn thn clock Mrlkea twelve hogoes to his brfMkH t wltUh Is onu of Ujs gntvioccupations He U a groat oatur liruoXfist

OVT Ho invnrtnhly takes a imp Me-awnkfa n journalist am procoud iuat ns rneth-oillciUlyto writoolthur hia dianialio uriticUma-In which ho tears to pieces all thu plata thnt-havn been producod during the week or thocritical wAnysi that he monthly sends ti > thu-HuttAlan ruvtuw That onu on Truncli uovel-Itut la not yvt forgotten When ho U leproichxdfor tho violence uf hla attacks hu woudem thnt-pvoplH may uet angry at him nnd coollyanswers They mny vvrlto anything theywittb aDout my worku and I have a right to hayof others all that I hiuk I uunnot underBtand iu fautvvhy his crltica should bo so bittur-ogntust him hi right to build up ft new orderof Ilction balnggruutud Ills principles mny bofaulty perhaps his talent might hnvo shonemore brightly hnd he dealt with subjects lessrevolting but It is doubtful whether he wouldhavo attained hi profeiwrd objort which la thureform of the lowint cltuutu of 1rench societyhad hestnpprHl Uort of thnt vivid and thoroughpicture whiuh he pruaouU of Uiulr vices

oa for two or thrfi weeks at n time willnever pns thu threshold of tho garden that on1circles hla house In the Hue do Boulognewhere hn lives with his motber hiswife and big two llttln girls Ha tto-ldoia goes Into soelutv mullolous people anyon account of his uglinexs andconvcrHiitlonaldulness which oxposn him to unfavorable Com-parison


with many literary men not half BOclover ha Tho trim reaxon probably Is thnt-hu conaidera it nn Intolerable drudgery to con-form


his mind and manners to the convention-ality


by wblen BWlXy la governed He arcopta-nn Invitation to dinner but from his Triund-Chnrpxntlur Whun thn converMitluu growslively he Iweotnea rr tless As soon as to canleavatho table hn rrtlrea Ui sonifl lonely roomstretchf blmsulf in an armchair and soon6luou> hU orientcan nap Ha must have nt leasttvvelvo hours of sleup every day or hn do a notfoel likohlmsplf If hopays no vIsltKhe lovestohave hla friends nth Is hou His mo tnmldiiO-UB inltorB uro Flaubert Dnudet the Goncourtbrothers SInuet nnd n few young m n of bis-aehool Onco a month TurguenlefT FlnubortZola nnd the brothers Qoncourt InkebreakfaBttogether Everytltnothoydo so n discussionon the lltornry merit of some French claosinauthor arises which koups them chainedW the tablo for half the day olnhas n sort of veneration for Flaubertwhom he rcognl7es as his master Heclaims for hlniBUlf only thn secondary nils of-

standardbearer and surely no one Is moro aptto defend It than ho If ho has Bowed deatharound him it has boen rather to bring intoAi-llef tho flgnrett of his friends than his own He-hnsboon accused of vanity and pnsumptionand of building his reputation on the ruins ofothers II refuted tho charge in n letter toAlbert Wolff of th Fiamu from tlio columns ofwhich the nttack WBB directed against him In-an article entitled Tho Dream of Sir Zoln-

MIPAI Dec3 I8TH-Thpn my fellow brotier of the ire v sou think ihat I-

atu cxtrt tuely vjiInT Thnt It l mv vainlr uhlch illctAtn-nn NKe > an l that 1 extcrntliinlp no fellow urltfrilno-rilt rto mike a iftuu ri i jrnund niywlf A tinv inlni-Liliun tlili thai you tlirun Ufcro the pub ic f< l ut rta-MIII a lilll-

clilnt Iranknoi tliatof n amUtlnni m n > Pa youthlriK f fttn ito tnlrc n nut lo torriHi tint by pfOln Inutl-ll> thnt ivhlcli other Are contf nte 1 to murmur t phut Allila rs t in Kit Tu follow iich a btmutr ono imi t-

huvo vrhriUy rcnnunCPtl recotui eiiM anil hoauri Ifouo-r iuhl rtUn ha litu t lmn iniuu kiltl Itl-

Mouhati dprrlbil the ilrriiiild Vtctur llllzo or tho-itrrniu if Cntitbit but not ttic itrr in nf Xola VictorHtuonntl rourlnt nrflhe two IVIN of tht hyimrtroi-ihliM ir < i nalitr of the innn who lur lack nf rrlticlvin-nm M MI Into I VCN AH for me 1 am tint tho MiMler i f-

n llon ol a lUM 1If A II > ou ull UuJi ulilor liramiitic autlinr romit ictri itlHa > Iroiil the rame utiuiili-Mihit hrncc nil IhU KrrrainlUK-

MVHill alii inn not no lriH2 a > fU rcni to ttelirvt-I l m whole w tk lu th bpllif IhAt 1 urn JIM i tint ami-In tho ilroiru f t nnnr nty mauuprriiit > o nmn U m r-

hartiSM i IM ilnubtol hiniM U t nurk but lu A lever anil-In continual tprrur not to untitlj m > Hlf-

Iivotcdly ciur K OLA

When I hear people cnlllnc Zola n photog-rnphir rathnr thnn nn artist I cannot forbearBinlling Hu IH now prHparlng Nairn tho-il mghter of Grvnlno in JjA Bommolr Thol jok will Introduci thi reader to tin ileml-mondo under tho empire Now this pho-tographer


knows little from personal experl-unmof tho world hn Is to dehcrlbe He IB notnciiualnted with n Hlnuie woman of tho boudoirhe has BPOII variety iutri ses only on tho stageand eocottes only In tlmlr Ixixrs at th theatreor In the Mrect His Informutlon on thu subje t comes ehleflv from his friends 1 his novelwill howeverbo roillstlo In thuhlgheKt degreewith pictures such ns perhaps onu would fancyonlyn thorough man of thn world could pre-sent


Hera lies tho great talent of Zoln Hedoes not need to see that which he pilnts Ho-Is gifted with a power of divination sunli us noother man HUB ov r given token of Yetsomocritics deny him Imaginative power

No author hns boon more roughly handled byZoln than thu luminous stars of the TrenchBtngn Dmnim Feulllct and Sardou Hnrn-HernhanU nn onrnest ndmlrcr of his worksonco Introducid him to Perrln tho nmlnblo di-rector


of the Comedln rrnnenlseell mv dear Zola Bald Perrln tapping

thn nov HstH shoulder I read your dramaticcritMsms with great interon nnu perhaps youare sometimes right when you bury your teethIn thn nenli of our dramatists but how cnn I-

hnlplt Until you bring mo a play bettor thantheirs I nm bound to oftor to my public thn-workB of Auginr Dtimns Feulllnt and Hardou

Thus It am thnt Zola after writing Thereso-Itofjuln whleli had a great BUCCOSS nt theTheatrn dn In Henaissancn In 1873 and Les-Horltlera Itahourdln n humorona play whichwai reprwionted In 1874 nt tho Theatrn ClnnyIs now trying his hand at a piece for thn firstthcntra In tho world It is said that Nanawill furnish tho subject for H Lot the renderspeculate nt will upon thn subject As for me-I nm ready to wag r that It will provo revoltingto many n delicate mind but surely will notbarm half as many women ns has Dumnss Ide-alistic


conception of La Dnme nux Camellas-I3mllo 2olu IB strongly built slightly re-


In flguro Victor Hugo thoughrather stouter than ho and not quite BO

tall He walks as straight as nn arrowHla face la framed by very black and thickbeard and hair which by contrast Intensifytho palencHS of his countenance Da Amlclscompletes hla portrait by saying that whenlin saw him in his writing room hn wns In-Bllpper without collar or cravat nnd woro a-

loosn unbuttoned iack 4 whloh nllowud ono to-a o hla full protruding llguro well adapted forbreaking tlm waves of literary hatred and Ire

Hufh is tlin man whoni nfltr the Assom-molr appearflcl Bomo Parisian criticsrepro-honied a bund of vlctf nnlf u bruta Ilko-Jnutiur a beiifct like BocSaK and us uglynspecimen Qf tho human rac as ll ugim thegruvo digger MAUJUCK MAUBIS

Th ilctri nil the lintelJVomrAt MWn on Oain-

tItU to be hoped that tliU f roe country willn er know tlieilav when It will bo nrceiurr for trav-lltriMIUiitHpli h al inliotul ktruurt iJtaw v-

a nice fionl room for lira Jhruiliui

r iU HUnp litiiH nt of on r-Iroftena 1lk County Hunter

July 1U Wltonever I-

knar tf any feller teHtlrv i ll ii I cnaC klpbut thlnU cf the way Jerry Oraoaln got t u-

loit tr moran thirty yo r ago ovur on th-Bliholy Mobba taint nolhln to l u h aboutbut Ill bast i I dont alt rid of n hn t> o-

Btipordswona hllnriDtisRss every time thatthing cornea bank t mo Acid tho old 1ikoCounty man laughed lone and loud oei thorecollection

Jnrry nius ba crowdln snvoatj Booty clnsnow nhea llvadon Hattlennako Creole all hislife I guess Theres n plla o1 Now York folkskno rs him for him n hla boys a grant huntora-n fishers nhl bouso inhangln upplacafor

thoM follnra tht cornea ont from tho city a callsomBelfd sports Hldon that Jorryaplnco Jlnes

that o1 Bam Wnlllss that curous old roostertht marrlwl Madam Ponoeay th play actorwoman which comes out with her tamly ovry-auramoc a stays la h r house nonr JcjrysThey suom t think a heap o th1 old manthough heSi a totuch un n mustabeon hldin-lomairt when plltcnosai won diatribtod Mo u-

Jurry uaety bo kind n thick u luvro buntixl yearIn n year out tgethcr a put tho slugsInt moroa a tow door n boar Thwag Jerry n his boys kd clean out a-

birroom durln tha good oldfnahutl rough ntumbles vra usty have was choerln t BCO It-wtHlikoamallpaxgaln through anlggoraet-tlomnt Th Grecians wna tough Una n didntthink no moro obncklln Inter n boar Oin theydid of thrashln n stouk o buckwheat Shouldntthink they did Why dads leather brooches I

thors waiit nono ofem but M n gone out t ras-cle w Ith a bvnr a blamu ululit wlllluur thn thed-ngonuathrnshln TOUCU wnnt no namufo-

rburlnthwnr oldJorry wnsdrnftd Jorrynever liad no Immpeddym nt In his Bpooehn-on ordnary caslons kd dispose of moro CUBSwords tth mlnnto thn any other mnn on thKaUlosnuka Ive stn > young ltaltteHiiak rawhich was j 1st Inlth ruddimntB o sweariu-so t speak look with waterlu mouthsnt lurry when ho wan splnnln out norno-o bin be t uns n then shako their bondsa walk off a much a t Bay Thero aint no

use I cant nuvor git up t that Hut whenJerry heard hn w a drafted thnt unction jlctbgan t1 find out what there WHS In th old mnuHu lutorduced aotne spouimenta o th Englishlanguage nlong thcreek tht skoort mostothInlmutanUi outn their wits 8om of out wasnfevrdthtthvlcinltrd bo treated t1 n Bhowarlike bodoiu n Qmorrur had n they left forbhholy Illoomln Grove n Lnckawnck Therowas one old ltattlnnak r whloli d otole morntnnburk cord wood hoop pole n railroad UPStlin uny other man In til woods n which hudthren wivesn not ono ofem dead Ho Baldhed bed dflhn kd stand aoch ungodliness sJerrisn went overtth Fnllan got drunk n-utityed drunk for threu days ji nights

I wnnt over In that section jlat then butthey tolldme tht Jerry quit awenrln In abouta wuxkn tbou wildtlit he teltalittln Ilko hla-s lf n If th Oovormntwnnteil him thoj hot to-conio n git him but thnt theyd net t look out nlittle Tflillo thny was trlttln him H didntanswer 111 call n ttur nulT ucorpln thrco-HojHrs wns sent to fetch Jorry In Jerry ruadnn tort outn his house n told the SOJBFS thtl-lley bolter nottry to takn him Thny did tryn Jerry shot n wounded two o thu corpl-

m n n they went back In a dny r two theyBtnt a bigger torcn after Jerry n capturedhim Ha was took to Ihllndelfyn stood n llrst-clasa cliauco o1 twin shot Ha would a boon

hot too f hadnt n been tht ho hnd a goodfriend In Allnn Cuthbart n redhot Hepubllcnnlaid 11 man tht hod n haapo inlluoimoe Howho got Jurry clear nobody uovt r kuowd but bedid n tho old man come back n crowln Ilko a-

llghtlncock lled not only elcannd out pooly-nluh all the best fighter o Itattlennake uMi holy ho paid but hod lived t1 have n tufslu-wth tho hull durn United States Oovorment ncom out bully

There u ty bo a school liousoonthShholyCreak bout two mile from Jerrys house Therohudnt never beun no such thing s preachln In-thnt country nearer n Hhholy rr llloominGrove T vraa long lu October n th dourliuutlu was bettor n t d been in a coous agn3t n Jorry was out nvry day n M had deernhnngtn all otur th woodB Thurrt wna nMctbodUt prencbor vvhlcU d t eon holdln dli-tractud meotlnB down In Uio Pocono regionnwhich d converted a heap o tough sinnersmong tho hunters down that way Ho ovtmfetchnd old Sam Ward whloli had the name obein th wickedest man on th Pocouo I dunuowhether Sam contlnord In tho faith r not butIf hadld thoroll be aomn fun whon they gogiuher up his anbus wh u Uubrul blown fr he-wis chawed up bonos buttons n nil by a boartwenty year ago And that chnwin knockedtba spots outn tanin fullers tht nllors-arifled tht beta wouldnt oat a humanfeller citizen Snm was cauipiudown on thoheadwaters o tha Big lUipfiklll Hit didntc-omn in lh BottliMnunt when tho nuimon wasover They looked for him but nuvar kdllndhim Ham had n blue Manuel hiintlnshirt withbrasa buttons on t a big ns n half dollar Therewant notuln liket In thn hull section LongIn April after Sam disappeared Miiun o thIm don n there killed a big bear on the Pocouo

hon they dissected tli ttjar they found ahandful obruse buttons lu hi utomiek Theywan tho OIKM tht old Bnm d hail on hla shirtTli thing was plain 8am had tnoklcd th-Iwar n didnt make hla plnt The boar MIxen hungry n had taken thold man inudidnt tako time to bplt out the buttons Tho-ywint digestibli ua mush n them they wiuNow I bll vn In a hurtvilter n nil that Hut I

bo gouged f I kn see how thoyre gain to puiHam Viird tgcthur oglu tli way ho wns th losttlmo wo druv for deer on old IOMIIO riT

Wellt got uoiaod round thtihnoly thtthin prenchnr WIIB coin In up t have n seasonWith thHiitllesnakes Hn Intended t open upIn thold schoolhotisn Idunno what bin namewia but they called him thu Mountain ItangurHo did come upn th uuoplo come from alround t hear him pruach Jerry n mu kupoii-

a huntln deer Ono day ono o th Itiickmori-Kiys met mon Jerry on Hooky Hill Hod b en-liItin In some o th lvgt inter thoy kep overI th falls n thoro was fight In hi in blggern u-

llvu prong buckItoys enjs ho dyo want t BOO some

funo was nllua In for fun n said wed jests

lleve Indulge In a little hnrmlens mirth notAll right BIIVB hn My old woman s-

Bpondiu durn nunr all bur time over tthf-tdioolhoiiac longo th Jlountrtin ItanuiTn Ihear shes got th power n n splllnherItinga n Bhoutiii how 1 calolatn t go ove-thire n ilcan out thMountain hanger so t tbroak th nuns gently t 111 old woman tht I-

dont provo o her conduct lo long n BUO

inn bunt th mcitln-lilaukmer vvunt no slouch In n fight Jorry

didnt euro anything about breakin up th-meotln no more n I did butf there Was n-

rhanun fr a littlo muss wo wanted tsou howtd como out So wu went along olilackmer

Wu kd hour th Jtangei lav In t down heavyt Ills nuienco long fore wu got tthHchoolhouse Hu had n voice like a wounded bearWo got t tliBchoolhousan went in Thhou-wns full n uouiu o th wust o Itnttlommkoi-Bojourners was In th eongregashn N thoynllooked durn Berlom too Tho Hanger Heroilescrlblu to oin 111 Inku Ilit wns burn Inwith brlnmtuti n from th uxprts-slon on th faces o1 th old sinnersWHS pooty plain tht they begun t think twa-smjrou limutlit tluty got thuir things tgetlie-t takn nother tack Jerry u inn took a seanear tho door but lilaukmer knp light on uptnrdB th table whuro th preneher was ThHanger must a been six foot n n half tall for holowered alien o that tablo Ilko n poplar treeabovo a gnto post H vviw rawbonud u n elkn when hu brought IB lint down on th tablo

looked like n bunlH heart n all th windersshook Dlackmer walked plum up t th fron-o th table n Btopped-

Keti hero Jlittersnld he to thpreacherthis durn IIOIIBOIIBO B gone fur enough Ivo-

comn huro t clean you out n put a plop lo tTho Itiinger didnt any n word Hu steppni

out from behind Ills tablen kotrhln Jllaek-mervvilli onn hand hnturned htm clean roumlII then grabbed lilackmer Home way butcouldnt t ll hown raised him plum over IIIhead Without movln from his tracks lieBiting Ulackmer nerops tho room n clnaithrough a window snsh n nil I looked out ifen lllackmer pick hlB nl up n without look Inbuck put In his bent licks for the nlkhest pieceowood I think you kdnhung voiir hut onJorryH oyeB thny stood out BO It beat nnything hed nvur see n Itlnckmer wna durn mm-a good n fighter Jnrry hlssolf-

Tho Itanger walked back t his place g cooa n new noweumbor-

Ilrothorn nud alutern hn aald rollgnmakes us strong With th faith Ivo got thereaint nono o sou but kd n dono tho samo thingg I done jeHt now

Jerry novor took his oyn ofTn th Itnngntill tlio mectln wn out Ho kun talkinalabout how quick n Bllck th Hanger tiad cookci-Ulnekmera BOOBO n how dtirn funnyt w-nthttwas nil oncount ohavlnrollgn Jorrywant back t meetln that night n Bald next dahu guesad ho wouldnt go n huntln but d temmectln ngln I was nieerd th man was goln-crnzy but I stuck to him n went I moetln loo-Thnext night Im n hen thief f Jerry dldn-go forrd n jinn tli mourners which was sumtough coons I tell you

ulltcut u long Btory short throe nightitcrwd Jurry got th power Jnitwhlttaku-

Jsrvls I but didnt hn holler T took four menthold himn I gureu twas n hour lore bgot down t things un this mundane niicurlining round tli1 neighborhood huntlnbut didnt got mnelin ngln Th1 unit SundayI took my lumn n one o Jerry u n thoughId go out n drivu a deer On my way t thwoods I linen tht Jerry was goln t toll hi-xporinncx In mnotln thnt mornln Toko

bsrrv HamuayH 11uiysiilt 1 mutt taku Ih-nInfrtllbnbijltern Inllfo o Duvy Crockett-Ho 1 marchod overtIhHchool housn wllh rngun on my Hhoulder n th dogs u follorlu mu-iHOtniyrlMe up IUMII tho hide o thu HchoolI-IOUBO door on ih oualiln n went In Jerry ijest begun t tell what hn rnmnmberd bout hlaself I wjau I kd a took It down U gUa hl

plflhauflkftdnUaptnevaranyman ATCT UpdIjd been ft speakln fr nn hour rn nil niBei r oonTCrtswn rt ninfcfrr filing litfm withheir Ibootl Vontr ttxm off on th rid ITO 1-

inrrd n hound It wns ono p Jerry n no-itsuko n twas a brlnglnnddcrBiiuflr trtrds-u e ool hnirac Tisrtr hwnl th1 rnti I too n-

ftil nmr him kind o1 misj hh ancle t UrtnnI-hdo Bkin bl yo tip tU ridge lu IU Uruntlqnth noise Tho dog oomo nnarnr n nenrdr ndont tMnk I ne Iwcnr ft noorfcr tftnctio-

njliln Ihn hn vvim n glvln Ih dner Je ry-OT on talkln bnt tho swont bgmt f Btnnd outuMla forrli n nm rtnnn In front o hit earnkd hnrdly atny In thhouso for I knowd-

Mcfly wheru that ili t was goln to crops th-iltholjr n I fcnowd I kd git thuro ngithlmi-BUrafldncks awlniB 13ut I wanted towiUchTry Thn doer wns glttlnnocIoBo now thnt-

li dog kd be heard nlinoBt nhiikln tha win ¬

ders Jerry begun t talk kind o random Ilk-okpplonktnuptlvrldgtn All of n niddlnta-

ltr btukhove In alght waklnfttmlght forthhliolynclearln thirty fsut atajuuip Jorrylvoonn spring n vms out o thtlnor-

A ftvoproflg buck I nni hollered nmrd ftlouif inllo awn

Jesttliuu ho BUU my gun u grahonn bnr-Awny ho went Mr thrnnnrnrnt thShholy-n I nft f him ToreTfigolth iri > thd nr had

got t th water n tli next mlatlo lltinul w ut-rlflu over on th tunway comubody was

them cnrtaln-It dont make anvdlffreneo nald Jerry

whos klllod that door Jly dog Urtod I u-

m golu I luivi VWogotttirninwar n them th deer laydend AblgBtraapIn fuller tht I didnt knowStood over t n loadlu h In gun

Thats my deer said Jerry Tr mydnc-Btnrtid t n run t n n Id a klled It certain

1C you git that door mild tho strangerjouvit got to llcU ni

Jnrry laid down MB gunI kn do that sure n cune Jorry Tfhls-

pnrwl t1 roe fur Ive got rnllglon-Ha walked plum up ttU stranger nsaunrcd

oft The strnngor let out for Jerry n Jerry fellB if hed lmen sent for with n club Then theyclinched n If ever any onn did git a propergood druKalu out that was Jurry Ho lilvo U-

u th stranger took th deerMectln was out whon we got ba k Thero-

fncowns n look on Jorrrft that mndo mn laughevery time I lookil nt him Hu didnt snyaword for n good while Then hn snld

Tin dmnpulnlnd Jim I hnd my syo onhrna tollorn tht Ivo wanted to lick for tun

year but havu been n leetln skittish boutncklln em I cnlclnted on thlB rollgn n-

lulpln mn out Now you see I cant depend on-tt nlmdlsapplntedr

Jerry didnt go t meetln ngln b causa ho-irnird thntHomn o th folks found fault with hisoavlnlhsArvlcoon n Sunday t shoot a dear

If theyio BO pertlculer s that said heIrt em run their own mevlinhou H-

N thats thn way Jerry got rellun nlostt-agnovoron thu Itnttlcsnako thirty oar ago


Tnlo n futln C rt nc fc d On Iwith Ourlnnd ot Flaur > r-

At tho oponlnff of tho Tombs Tollce Omirt-ycBterdny morning the policemen who filled thodingy dark dirty hall wero astonished nt sce-ne


Roundsman Iltchnrd noleman of the courtsquad btalk Into the court with clusters ofwild ftold flowers In garlands and chains aroundilm

Houndsman Doleman wns appointed on tho-Kjlleo force In 1861 llama made roundsmani-n 1SOS Four months ago ho wna transferredto tho Tombs Police Court On Friday no hndcom mnn J of the Miundntthn Special SessionsCourt nnd It was then noticed that he nctod-strnngcly

Justice Wnndell nt tho opening of tho courl-snw Dolimnn walking up nnd down tho hnlwith a largo boutiuct of wild flowers In hla but-


He noticed llolcmnna strange actionsnndaaw thnt his faca wna deathly pale TheJustlcu dlrwted Sergeant Woo lruff to plnoe-lioUmnn uudnr arnHt Uolemnn told the Jus-tice


thnt he wns going to bo married to MissMartha OToole and ho Invitud the JliBtlcoto-tho wedding In lji t Thlrtyllrnt street IIIBevening Ho asnurfd Justice Wandell thntemperance was all humbug and wanted himto join him In drinking a keg of bofr Ilolo-niau was known as a Btrivt advocatu of tnm-poranct nnd Justlcn Wnndell ntoucosurmisei-thnt hlsbrnln was nfTeeted-

PoliCH Hurgcon Durn found that Dnlomanhail lnn struck over two yonrs go and wooBuffering from foftoningof the brain and ad-vtgml his Immediate transfer to tha InsaneAsylum

Al noon fourstnlwnrt policeman woro ordoroi-to takn Uio unfortunatu man In an nmbulau o-

to Uelleruc Ilospltal

Tb Jnl SHiiMped-

W ll lr ril f II yoo that qnf rr st ryItt triM a B rrtur i that wa read

Uul there ar thlniis wt cant account ftf-

Auil ono ol thama a luuV lUn

Bill Job and I ff rre on the rralrlf-On long hoi day In la t July

Down where TOU Hie Bpanltli inoaTwin r akt that reach up ta Uie ky-

VTetl ai t intil twA tiot ni tlazrt-Anil no ft e Iiaule il oft lor thf nltfht

AiM inaileV camp tlou n in ft v allty-At nrc oclock and itrnck a llnht-

Tor hot or coU we want our cofTee-

Ma jacks anJ t aeon rtK Inr tooSo M llllaui made a tire lor mliper-

M hllu I ti d un a mule or two

The mule it Oh yet e hnl iom fortyTo take on down to ttanu r-

Owikrd b > a man who llred lu licnver-U S tradur Iio maje It ia

Two aicd mulri t put on picketAtid tlrove the pin uhcro they could p m-

Arounil th ucca hi ad an cacliuAnd nil IhLiiikulvc ullh LuITaluKraJl

Alter awhile I heard Bill calllmAnd on a pan KO rub a lub

And a I tell the mulct a grazinglojiin llic buj and uckle grub

Well when e KOt anny with mij pere cut wllh plics to NrnnLc and reft-

I told A > arn about the IndianHut illlam truin ed it nlth hit bell

And there we lay and took It ea-

T lkiii ol home and fcivapidn viewOf mine mid cattle And hcep and greaaeri-

Ot San Juin elrilciaiiJ L u1 lllc tow

Dill for awhile kept looLlnu upwardAnd then la words that Mclmd like eluhl

Said he Ol boj theres t o kUionJirThat look just like a pair of ejcs-

A pair of c > e that ouco I worshippedAnd luied tht owner of Indeed

8hedcad tto nun nnd Jnck h > thunderl-Tlum muks arc un n hte ttaniKdel

And ure rnouKh wlihoat a warningThe wholo band itsrted on a run

And struck out ni rtli likw bloudod racert-As if the dovil vta ln tach out

Wo caticht our liorno Mnehed tho eaddleiNever tiipmiE a word to ay

Mounted in hanlu anl ut lur tho inmcrf-Alriad at left t twolulU awa-

I mind the moon was jut a rllnirThe alar looked like u million o e

And a we rode thu ivemnl to wonderAnd fciuint and blink In rial gurpriH-

Rnt on e went find made n rumptii-Tli at vtould Imve nkid the dead tlmt night

Twa rich tu ft the wolve unllmlierAnd Anluloue kl uut uf HKhtl-

Htlll on HC went the nlktit was passingThe air was Krowlnic cold and raw

Fast na we wtnt tho mules went fasterUntil wu reached the Arkan

There Rill declared that we would act emAnd run em In sumo hu coiral

Hut nhen tlii > reached tin blank old riverThe all rushod la and thruutli inill melll

They stopped In drink nboro PwldoThen took tho road to Cotton winid

Their feet just went like tenor drums sirA cavalr charge aint half u good

At DC ml Van ilianch a fresh as eierThey up and skipped like birds a a >

And what wit atriuitfc they unit on skippingCkar Ihruuich the ntiiht until broad dajr

And o at last we foun I It uselessTu slash ahead on auch a ride

And Just let KO the whole blank outfitA the vtarbled up the bin Uitide

That day we heard they got to DenverAmi made It llrely paaslnx through

At ten the lifxt they slshlnl IrccleyAnd truck acros the Cache It 1ou

Where did we find em Now youve got metWe heard trom every man wu met

Ol furly mule a going northwardAnd Ilill Job twears theyre going yctlJ-


Alisduu In u llurmc-

fonlhi Jlullai IttnM-Mr Hnwp who dwella some flvo miles nnrlh

> t el ili i ll > n < olilifd to niiuiit a ilm huro uMimda > etenln The anlinil was lillfn nhmtinoiilln ailohy arihlililii On HiiliiMny evi nliu IIIImrM iliowul riniliHii ol Innnit lit blliiik ilMill on H-iudes and Una anil miaiptiu at it mhliitf tint ramvillliln nach It bit a cow that w < In the lot nllh Iand thru in Inui ho allnl tOiich Mr Ilitwp ha vineklllfd Tho raid itmmiil iliMsoil linn iroin the lot vtraUuu > mJ uuik Jtv muliu liuihvtlb

JVOT jivaivs jtUT-

KM Hrvn Tn f i nmti1ftte Ort

A tthttoOtfsrdcd muti with hrlffltt eyes nn-JBlbllfewit fucfr rtnd choory manners wnwoixn-Ind rt letter ypMerdny n ft reporter for Tim Sunont r d hi oflliM EndoBfit with tho letterworo two photouraDliBorto sliottl nan fullface-vlow of n youtitr man sail Uio othur uliuwliida-prolllo vlew

You cantint discover tlio BZO ot nil thobunipsfrom pliotoiiraulis can jou tho visitor asked

Wo dont look nt tha bumps on a in nils-headtho phrenologist explained Wodonteuro much about bumps

Tho Professor draw tho outlines of n tend on-

tho opened cntolopo nnd mado tho half of HM

oval to roprwoMit nn ear Within thocnrvohe-mods a dot From th dot bo drew divorcinglines to all tho upper part of tha head from tha-

O as OYor nearly to tho back ol the neck Thacompleted fliiura resvmbled a fan spread wideopen

Now tbo Professor continued tho oarln-dlontcs tho position ot tho central bnso ot ovorypersons brain Theso llncp may bo supposedto pass from tho baso upward nnd sldowlso toeach of tho organs at tha surf nee of the brnln-Thoy represent tho brain fibres Dumps nrovery well In their way nnd HomotlnuB wo findthorn vary lures and prominent but It la tho-leiikLh of thesis liruln llbrcs that o try to dls-COVIT Do you see how far It Is from the opttuInn In tlmtnr of thin yoiiiut man tnkinuup tho-jirolllo photnjjrnph lothu uptxir back tmit of-hi head I ln lias lnriu HOlfisteoni yet thero-la o Blinrp iirotubrrnncti IlrtniieEt nnd up-

luolinthciiiiis and coulluuUv kludrvd oruntis-fiurroundliiK solfcstooin iiro all tolerably dovoloned-

Uut con you read chnrnctorwltu accuracyby mi nns ot photocrnphu 1

why Iho run re iuo n man In Ohio sent ma-nliotoKriiplii ot hut daughter und nf hor suitorUn roto thnt thoiountr mnn had Ixen courtInif her for six months that hl business oro-ilnt miJ chariutvr woro Ko d and tlmt ho-

KIVI promlKo of bultiir nn tinoxcoptlonablo-husbanil Hit that nuvurlholuBs hn wnntod toknow whether tholr UBiKwItiouH andtaniDur-ninonta wor snub ns would comluie tohnuDlII-CSH In married Tliu I looked nt their photoarauhs and tliou wrote n reply I Informnd tho-fntlmr thnt nn ricnrdod toinpernmont and cor-tain other Inherltod elinritclarlstks tint OIIII-Kpoopln inlulit properly bu mated but I ulto toldhlDi that the jotini manns Ineklnc in cnnHc-Iontlousness that ho waxsolllKh trnnnlcnl nnd-lucllued u Immorality Vhreu years nftor-wnrd tho vouotf womnu cullod ou me In NewYorK to thank mn personally for Bnvltic hfrfrom llfolnne unhapplnose At her dithersrequest sliu had broleu h r ouuauenuiit HudIK lonKafterwnrd thoyouns nmnn trunchnr-nctnr wns Hindu plnln to nlL Ho robbed hisemployer of n Inme sum of money und rannway In company with n woman of bad charnctur After living with him n low months la-Uuiiada this wonmn qulltix him Lwauso ho-

uiis In tho habit ot nbiifiini her nnd ehoreturned home her fneo still show ln marks ol-hli brutnllty Sho betrayed his wh ruHl iun to-tlm i oll i and the youni man nas sent to KttUoprison for tho robborr

Of whnt classes nnd nirea and of which iez-arn moil of your patromi-

Of all claass atcvs nd ex s Sometlmps nparty ol mnn will come In after dinner whenthey nre nil ftellaa Lood Tliolr object Is thnfun to bo derived from llBtonlneto whntlstnld-of each other I conerully mannico to Injuet n-

creutdenl ol holi9omo truth Into my remarkson such occasion

In your ordinary examinations can > nuafford to tell olT U9tvt truths about a person

Inlwnyfl toll tho nbsoluto truth There I-Bsomithliitf about human nature that may strlknyou na very peculiar Tho truth about u nunscharacterpuiornllr pleimes him Koreftmpli-If > ou should tell a man who wns sellleh andhrutnl that he was so careful of the rlulitbofotnern tnitt ne often encrinceii ins own oriiyou About I tell a mnn in whom conacientiouH-noxs and lutreoableness woro largely developedthat happen what might ho would ulwnytt getovory penny that belonged to him each wouldbo U pleaed and the Bellltth man would be-vuryaugry If on thu other hand you shouldrmersn tha statements each would bu wellplenaed

11 ut how Is it whon n mother comes to youbringing a httipld boy with evil propensities forexamination Huppooaha Is H iioodtnudur-honrted conscientious wonmn will eho bepleased with thn truth about her child

Tills nald the Professor Is tho saddestthing I liavoiouxperlunco Mam atlmu I havu-oiven n woman such as you have described entermy office with nu unruly child whosn selrislpropensities wuru unduly developed I woultiknow well enough that tho mother Interpretedeach iilocuol wllfulnissoHevtdHncoof hor boysdiiiartniss nnd energy tlhe could neu In It onlyntdgnthnt hor boy would mnku his way In thoworld nnd that porno day ho would bo an honorto her repaying her for all troubles and nerl11 on hu account In snah n caso I do not ocourse tell the mother that her boy will bo I

thief or a murderer I do not know that he wll-be I tell her In plain solemn language tho-tuMrichs to M tlmi I illscover 1 toll her thedanger In which tho child Mnnas cnreluily anil-apoclflenlly so thut she fully comprehends It-

I point out to bur vvhunou thu danger comesnnd how It is to be met nnd comiuercd If possi-ble


by education Then I givu her what hopeI can based on tho greater or less developmentof tho mental nnd spiritual part of Ills brainI Bliow Her how aim can mako one characteris-tic


operate to nullify another ami I mako herunderstand how very grunt modifications of thebrain may ho brought about by education ThisU nil I ojin do nnd 1 0111 do no less

Doeent this often iniiki tin mother Uoub-tho genuineness of phrenology

No If liercounein for Imr child wnrelosi-U probably would dt 80 Also vvhun Idcacriln-charnitorlntlu after chnrnctPrlHtlcof thi clilli-Rho recognles the truth of what I siy amfeels that I havua knonlidKu surer nnd moio-pdiietrnting than hern I havo no doubt thaniter tdie goes homo ahu begins lo persundu-hurattt thnt I nm wrong but what I luuetial-reinnin with her nnd If ihu U n vvlson vvnl-

IK an iiiToctloniio mother It aids hor in bringing up her child Too niton il i thu case howuvor that sho has turrlblo pioof iu after yearsof tlin truth of wliut 1 told her

Isupioso vou i u uouiu rumarkablu vnr-lotlol liuinnn miture-

Oh JCH 1 remember nl out flftern yearsngonrmv lixtking south cimt In to have hlH-hi id eanilned Hu hnd vury largo liuigiiagiand Inrgo inlrlhfulness but with lil nllly-Mnnll he was tnlknllvi and humorous vvltlinuproper inMo or good judgment In his fun Yeton tlm whole ho had a pretty fair characteroinnilned his bend and gavo him his chart

Now you nay I am huuiat hu bald lo-jou belluvu it

fVrtilnly11 repliedverywell I will eomn In tomorrow nm

pay vou for this exninlnntlonAll rightI siud and out ho mtrchod My-

nmnnueiiHlx laughed ns miieli nstosiv Yoi-nro cmight for once but I hnd no finr Hi-ioiiHCi ntloiisneea TIIS largii hut 1 didnt ivl-on thit bo inuvh nh I did onhi Inrgo niipro-IwUlviiiess 1 knew tho prospoet of gratlfvlmhlh pnB lon for prniHo would draw him biekwith tho power of a Hixiutilo team Surenough back ho emnu thu next day and pati-me tho money Then thu laugh viib on ui >


iiiiij iinnituii A-

Mr Ilnlitcnili Viiiirriiiiuliililc Mltlinp In 11-

11iKlllr HotelK S Adams night cloik in tho 1ncill

Hotel in Greonvrlch htreet wns sitting in th-ofilco nt 20 minutes to 4 on Irldny morningvvlicn hn beard a criiHh nnd thu thud of n heavybod > striking on tho floor of tlm washroomIliiHlnng Intothat room ho found H I1 Hnlatent-of Nicholson 1a lying liicenulblo on th tilesUnd only In hfb shirt and bluoding profuselyfrom outs In his hem nnd feot Pr Dlocey wasmint for nnd he ndvi ed llnlstonds inimedlntiremoval to the Chiimbeis blrctt HoHpltnl U loInjiiieii man was etlll uncoiiBflouo but In-gloamul nt InterviilH His loft nrm vvax foiimto ho iHral d from tlio ulbow down Ynstnr-ilay hu lay unconscious In thu hospttnl nnd IrH II Throop of berarlon vrho Find fieen sonfor Bnld thnt his condition was dangerousthough not hopeluss-

Mr HalHtead IH a wellknown lumber dealerof Nicholson and n brother of W T HnlstendHuporlntundnntnf tho Delaware Ijicknwnnniand ncstern Hnllroad who lives In berantimHH camo to this cit > on Tliuruda > and me-Buvernl friends In thu raclllo Hotel Mthom-of these Mr Hhnndley of lllnghaniton ho wonto bed at 11 oclock lioth occupying roomswhich Is on the second lloor The window othu room Is dlroctlv over the washroom whichhas a glass root Mr Hliandley henrd nollilng-of Mr llalbtoad ami know nothing of thu avcldunt until told of It The window Hill la nbouthree feet from tho floor In front of th win ¬

dow Mood a chair It was thought that MrHalMead had But In thu window with hla f et Intho chair fnllcn asleep anil gnnii out of DIDwindow backward throucli tho skylight to tho-lloor bnnenth His brother HuperintundcnHaletead hUbrothurlnlnwliisphyHiciHii am-othur frlemlH camo inimedlately to tlm city am-uru now watching by hie bedside In tho hospital

A Dtisd Mnn on IIor buok-

nin tin Ifttf Orlmttt VwinriTl-

fOTOv InJuly iH Today at aboillulD i Uiurk tvat ndlntf aluutt tll linbllcrniil ni ont luur nillei aho0 a hiniti n un the flinu

II mil load nmr Ihudlllwer HKC he HH n mall rulingIn u IvancL nt him HIP pirtun In adtanro cuntlmiid tori te lurnnrd a Htiorldtitiiiirr Yind llun lell heavily Ironlilihoriu lien tehe liII Mr Jiiiik anhid nllhlnmitnkImr dMincu ol Iliu man and remarkul > mendnm are rldinmtr luw A luxrn cli by ansHcrulJr Ouiik ilinii ii ilrud mil > hortl aitir anthe man tell Xlr Oulrk alter accrtiiiiiin thai th matwasdfii I inlonara Uio autliorliii na thu UMU wapininiiiU lrontlil li irn Mlnri lir J il IHIM un ana jury irlKnlid tulnake the nrul er rxumlniilluii an-UIMUV rtd thai hn us flint tin 4 niLrln ntiir thucintriiei tlu fun hea I Tho mnn nnmo I lrnistDu-ml > uiir nun mi iiujir arristlliric lugriieiaiil onnInOwii nlioare iuyiw J ID hac luuimlilej Hit uiut



Aag-lliortgh Ih towft8hli of drtRkllli-

ft dodp cfmnnel flmt tllovmtur has worn In tno-ocks Tho other morn na a onrty of Indivn nnd

gentlemen went nlnnictlio rocky bauka of tho-trtani with hummers in llielr liitnJe lu pur-ult of geologlcnl apuclmeiiH of whUh tduto nro-nnny In tha formntluus if this region Whenhoy wcro nbout four inllrn from tlio mouth of-

ho creek they climbed from Its rocky bed nud-ollovvedannrrowpnth thnt ran parallel withhn stream Thoy hnd gono but n shortlUtnncoboforetho lenders feet dl npp nMd In-

nholotlmt proved tob tho mouth of B cavernfho dirt wns dug nwny nnd th party tinaredIowa into tlio dnrknnaa 7hoy lighted rt bunllo of Kwvea and threw thoblimlug buneli Intohecavern H foil nbout thirty fuel and Uio-Ight revunlod A largo room In which uro manytnlnctltua and ttalagmlloa A ropo was yro-

curednnd oiado fast to n true nnd ono of thoparty descended hand over hand Tho ropo

roved too short to reach tlm bottom nnd thoexplorer dropped off from Its end to land Inwater knoo deep Others ol tho mnto membersof Urn party woul dowo Caudles wnruproourod-n n neighboring honed and tha Interior of th-MM rn was Illuminated It was found to bo-orly feet high nnd It wns cut up Into mnny

apartments hy the partitions fnrmnd of stnlno-tlt and stalagiDit 8 muotlng butweun thu floorand tho roof

Tho xplornr found It vary difficult to movoabout by mason of n great numbur of hard proIctlons from tho fioor nud the Hides Whenheir eves hnd becoma accustomed lotho dimIgBt llivwi luojocltoiis weru found to bo fonaU-uhoiijunilsupou tbotianiuls of which vvero ro-

vialod Tho petrlfnclionn hnd resisted eheinlfill action und thn Bolter rook In which thorhndi-eun Imbedded bud crumbled away leavinghorn In bold rollof Many of them worn sr well

preserved that tha Innor convolutlous of theHlmll wuro without an Iniporfcttlnu Trllobitvswere found In groat numlHra and hernnftor nn-ibsolutely P rf iot trllobitn will bu loan a rarityn irnologUnl colluctiuus Nimr Ibecontro of tba-

cawrn n larga head of fo sll coral was foundit wa evenly eontetl with tUe dripping ot limnwater nud tha hnxogotml thulls showed withireat plainness Thoanapdly shells known ns-Dracniopoda and splrlfers woro ovorywhora-sonm uncased n was th cornl In tho calcare-ous


coating and others woro strewn ovnr tho-loor In n confusion thnt vvoitM hnvn inadnjor-

oim tho InJirt ot a professional fowl I hunUir-1roin this loom the explorers pntsed through

a Binall aperture nnd found thomsolvoa In Htlllanother hall so hul Hint no top could boneon Tho numerous pillars of limy struc-luruwere ftlll contlnund hut tho strtictiire of-tlm rock Beuuiod to ohimuu to elutu und thelns lls tliat vvero so disagreeable to walk uponvveru entirely nbBnt On of thn party struckn txudant mass with n largu rouk nud down Itcame striking ou tho luirdened floor with a-

loud crimh nnd breaking Into n thousandpieces It wns a long tlmu buforn tbo ochu dioilaway Itreumndto coma back again lui It wuntrolling through tho balls nnd otlmr halls farbeyond ns ynt unexplored In thU masa of-debriHvrare found soiuo curious niinuin thnt-nt first wuro thought to bo human but alter nn-examlnntion thoy provod to bo the romnlnsof-Uhus On 90IUU ol thealatcs wnro glinpea of-

flflbes perfect to tho llfo every fin iindBCJitobeing ruproducod In HIOSM ourtous Uli tho-vcrttjbriuwns axtundcd Into tho top fin of thotall Somo of tno long spines must from theirgroat size have bolongudto flah ov r fifty footIn Icnutn Thoy ar particularly lutvrnstlng-as they are according to evolutionists thustepping atones to tho reptiles One for tX-amplo hod tho clmnictoriKties of u turllo itsptddlea nnd covering plates anotlier knownus tho rocroiteiit having features of somo of-thu sculling reptiles On thu slate vvero beau-tiful


and graceful tracings of marine plants ina varhty of forms showing thnt tho senx ofthose days weru much more densely populatedwith tho lower forms thnn now

Keyond this Hall apnenrod Htlll another nar-row


but HXtrnnixly bright and from this ledInnumerable passages thut KM to caverns bu-vond This hall too wns sot In corals shellsAo an though purposely designed and amongthn moat beautiful wuro tlio graouful lily en-ermites It wns n living orgnnixm nearly alliedto tile stnrflah but perched upon n stem andwhen unfoldtd It wiui ouo ot tho richest orua-mnnts of the Devonian seas

Tliu cave is easy of ncceM nnd Is nn objectot great curiosity It will before long bothoroughly explored Already otto personclaims to havo gone In nt one entrnnca nnd to-ha a found his way out near the top ol a hill amho and u naif away

irzro CAJT EXPLAIN rnisT-

u Bomnrkubl n Mtory u 3ET r-

VM Tulil CvBOcrnlnji u l> oj-To Tito KniTon OF TUB Sun My eld-

est brother a farmer lives In tbo western partof Pennsylvania and among tho outfits of hisooinliluiimcnt wns a black and tan dog of un-common sagacity At tho outbreak ot tho warot tho rebulllon two of my brothers sous mero-bovs joined tho Army ot tho Potomac In anangle of tho public road In front of his hoiiao-vns a considerable mound formed of the wnstu-

of mnny woodpiles for successive years Fromthis angle tho road trended southward nnd by I

the boya wont forth to join their regimentSeatod on thnt mound Priam thnt was thodogs namo silently watched their duparturountil they worn lost to view In tho distanceThen ho went back to his lair and thero ho layfor mnny du > s unusually quiet and ovidenthsorrowing Attorn month or moru hnd passei-In this way one dny Priam ran out from hlseoelusion took his plant on that mound nmfacing southwardly cried Ilko n human l elniin distress for about tno hours 1 hen he wenbuk to hib lair and vuus nuict home daysalterwaril leltersfrom thn bom wiro receivedThey vere innlatll nt thu lime of Uio dogadimoiibtrntlon butcaiin thrntigh unhurt

Theo conlomponity fneln were ntrnng sug-ge tioiiA to tho family that Priam poAscs eiBorne quality of know lug those distant 0curl-eiiees at tho limp of them but still It was toounllkuly for belief just then HlRMiangn be-hnvlor on thnt dai was uuvvuver BUliMantiallyrepented during every Piihscirient Imttlo li-

hldh tlmboiH participated until tlmy endudtheir livis in tliu Aiidcrsonvillu prison pen

J ho dogn last outhiirct of Inmnnlntlon wnanearly contltmoim from Ilm beginning of tlmbattle in which tho Inds vvcru captured tint I

their death After this Pi him becainn IvvdI-hgly stilly nnd cross to nil comers No mutterhow near a neighUoi lived or how vvoll knowntho dog dunled that inluliljor enlraiuo to tliu-premNen until called oft hy onn of the family

In ISfill I vifllk1 my hrother for thu Hint tlmo-In fortytwo veirn Of courxelvvns as a tolastranger lo all of them The fnmllv knew o-

nm only hv livatsay Tho dog knew nothingiinKhs indeuil hn tindurbtood what was said li-

tho family when I happened to bu tlielr thomcMy oxpivted vlHlt abntit thit tlmo doubtles-gnvo mu a pronilnenco In that pnrtleulnr vvhiilmultiplied Ills opiHirlunlllis ol learning BomnHung about nm nnd If ho knew whnt thuy pali-bu vvns equally prepared with them to uxpec-

AK I walked down tho Innn to my brotherliiniso I netiend a dog It wan Frlnm looklntnifbijunru in thu fnoo over thn gate W iliumliebitatlon I iinfnolonnd nnd went Inshlo Th-tlojtnrneil mid trotted ny the steps liofore 11-

1ienll > wagging his tall and ovioioually look-Ing back nt menu thoiitli toned whether I un-ilnrrtood him nnd w isLimiiig Thnfiont iloo-bnl 111 open lie led thu way through tho house to-oneof lie bick doors nud thiri wo found HIelderly lady my brothers wife 1orgetllng tindog In thu gin tings I did not notice how o-vv hen hu went out Hut soon afturward I HIhim at thn front gutu again as whim I np-Pioai lied It Thin Kiiigln nnd l olnted MIMI h-

nlnn ol his surly nggresilveni s In MHngim1-a Mai Htiungnr enter the tiremlspH nuchalloiiked fuinlhhed another tliemu forHiieeula-tlon as lo its nu ailing ami thu oncliiHlon vvathat Pi lam recngnl id in mv coiiiitiMiancowhich hu bad Hcannuit HO closely u rolatlvu ohis innBtoirf family

ow how urn wo to necount for tho mornthnnliuinnn Kagnulty of Priam ill nil thnt and es-peclally IIIH Hi luliromun lami ntatlotiH with tino ill leu In which his two young masters parllo-lpittd and nuvur n false alarm nor nnoniin

ion V J 0KEOKUH Iowa July 2a 1879

At 1 hllea IloekaV-

inn tltl Ow r ifi tri iJittInto the rht r they tvdrd fir

On r Hit nhiilluns with laiuh nnd shouthi indiae nt Uil on the rocks that lav

Hate nhen the alttrnuun tidti t outIllne ot the pea it was In their es

Hold of Ilm nn It nas In their hairl urns thuy lauuhed ilid tlm m itdi ns bravnVVh should they tiemhlc why nocd the tarttJ-

tacsrrd and rulilnt asiUrk as nUlitOnly n lulliiu ul loim liir crownInn nlllie bifur ihr riKk iilnicMrutethv fliriu briakirs tu pull tlim down

Tnvreh matiten her siinnv head1ruiidly n tmiirisi her cnnvn ui uuld

Lilllkihllulv inorkini ttip bu nicer r ucllnllUrt dllinlod h mal lens buld

All they foiaul lint the tide hn J turned IHl lt nut Mlil lljiikli riaIntntho river nou iiialiml M lowunr Ihu shulluni n up tin > and

Only a inil iK < il > rulllnn streamonlv tin turn 11 thu oiitnu It le-

Qfuili it mutt d as ihr izvntlt u IruamVMiun them ll iiwil hupe iiml l 1ieJ-

lllBhir and hUlicrlt lulvnol-cluirrliulili siinil lirndl ol nun I

Jiroii r nud inr lunaursn liedCaronu kurruw to tti ML uu I uu-

lAhllirro l null lu the nurf to nlirlitrnliuil In UR > n irol uigjiniuimlla liii nieh nlher Iwiimalilens drifti > hlv ua tlm inovnlijhl i auh liiut 11 toli41-



fore Antnvr < Ihnt TenOnllsin-JJ Krir PisiM-

eTbtftKnrTofioi TltKHUN Sfr In rcpfyfo-ll te1iir ihiy Hrr I brif lenvc tnKilbmlt the follow

n The rimplc wnjti Mie this nml prcttami uf a-

Imtlnii kln1 IMunulv Ihi it iH ral ea o I lltereloro willirniluce a formula and snbstitiite Ihn elien values In Iho-

eilncrd formuln nn t Mitiln the rtolrfd remilt Ul ft

number il ualluns uf whlskpy In en orleinall In aik-ut b simiiinl ul wat r adied each and overt time lei

number or nch addltt n now tiinpuM Ilm wlun nn-dwilcrtnmls Ircely and Irt x numner nl ilnlluns of-ihin r< uimnln4aitiir liulillUonaur wawr TIHIIK licinxlumber ol K lonsufn mlxturo of both lulls which l


ttlmct Tlu wine escapes at n ratcofbgalT-


inantlty of wlna whleli escape In t tlmu is b a t-

it x Ilierod l nivl nfaetor hnl an e nr n lon of differonllam > I > iucaxiariaUiverMl a It uuw Uiteiirala-

w havo t luir x + i constanL Vow since wlisa t-

Ub a-

XI t tost E a where n In the base of Nap

Inn v item ot uuarUlima I 03j fapnroxlnntclvl Subbt-

titutc lorn 10 t 10 Kiln K wo Imre E1U1 utn IOMIIJ rtsnlt My mMlalilnc Uio At uuyou

will cuurec A f vur on n rcmlwrTnw K M rA itf-

rtrvior HifltQYcntiiuUiuioontcfjiulozrIlOMOKf N

Tf rrtK KHITOR or TIIK Rix f Following Is au-AiiHirpxIu Uio uhi kv pr kin

lit tlic ilntiUv 11iiifitKi whltkri wnnlrnwn-hi tho M cuiul itn LMikiiif tlio wlinktiv wH ilritwn-

un INy Uilnl iliv riuiuinr il te wMk o wasiJMHii-u ttiAtotirili i1nvTAMi nf oriho whl Kcy vrnnlrrtwn-

Oti tUu lUtti tUv lotilHinjiiiJuf ibt wltHkci wm drawnOil tlin aixtli dny iWHOHxorxj of the whlsKvy w-

dr niOil the netcntli dny 1U1U1KXX > UJ of tho wliiskcy-jKilraariiOn Uir UjhUi U y 47rC Wl XXXXiHJ of tho liUkcj-

rOiiiltetUMlhdiy 430t7UllKiiXAHKio of tli wblaker-

Uio vlilikey-

Toinldruwn In ton days tlirec quarters ot the original

CATikKitb MuCNtiit House July 30-

To TUX HDITOU nr Tuy bis r In your luue ot T-CorUy rt P K tlesfri sotno mnttiPtmittrlnt ttnolre a-

prnliluu hiclj lu in linl IK I wUh I luul holliliu inora-OiUicult to tin ttiniitu Kiihc mich i r tilcnii nltlioiiKli Itin iiutnucb ul DinUiviimUcljui Ou Uie fir rtay tht-kw HoiilJ tf ntiiln it KullutH t ulilikiM anl luMuitcr-HC I H1 c it Inn of Iil ki > mil Hi C lllfMU or-

attur t hlnltlit 7 Ut ol wliitltev uu 1 71 ofwnu r futirl-tirtn il or whi kc uul J INnf wnter nttliilirMhlS-fv rilKHi irtlluiK wnirr 4 t l ixtlt ilrty whl kV-J1IU kaltuiK Mntur H CiVi Mciith iU > hUkoy-

43H17JI wnlrr Ml CIJTlt ninth il iy w i I

ruto-rJuljJv WILL KKfrvf-

TuTHKl mru or Tun hrx Sir The niiiountof iljkey-f ol mnn lutt kit wticu ho Rot home dcinnlnl nti th-

ItinUtjr ol tit wnUkty nn4 llu iiomtmu ol tho tait 1rlmet-Kt ntmM IMO niiAiml at tliu holtum mil tio-

utii nu woabl hvu cot nil th whlkey il lie tap tift-iiCLiititilK botluni or Iho ktic A tbcjp article woull-mve eiHno to tho top niut ulio wrtuUI hnvi Imd ivlr f r-

ivr tipple unleM 0iu tnppid th kca lurthcr up U th-ovroliihli hail inlxctl ixrfcctty tlio lien t ot the rmnlly-vouldlmrM loun1 3 4brt7fH4Ul uftllotn ot wiiUkiy In thenlxtiir vrhtn ha pot hume

> KW VOHK July 1 OrtTLrXifiNDSCHOLi-

RToTHKlmToiiorTiiK3ox Ar Iii aniwerto > our corul tlio iwth iiiHt1 nsiHcUull > mL mil tlio-an iinnwer to hU Mlilskei i roiiitit lil-

kuv rtnialhluiflnketf at th en Jut ton days u 4 fcWl aaiK-NllOIIS


t IrironnrTnESii SiV I think I can nohc tho-Inm bkm lodny Hex nUthe to tilery and w tcr

iu nttswnrt 5it > lloiu t quart 1 pint +ltiUKJul > W-


IKDITOK or TUB Sir mate the answer to-

iaiu ol Tlmkry-

JL m tron A di Ice to lh Tbln Yonnr Mqtu-

To TUB KUITOU av TUB Sux S r I fear It-

untlicr UU In Uie Uj tocuulnbutQ my share ufnJvIco-to the Uilii ouiiij tnnn hut n I had not had time to writebefore I hop you will nllow nio to M my mntill ray o-

fttohlt Illumination ami tliron4h our culumni forht li roproruUitUe of a tery Urne class of tht Ameri-

can people and I quite agree witlt hini that tor a ver on-

In lienlth to be a living thadow or an thlnit nppruacliln-It U a tlilnc to be nslmnieil of-

I llihik Another T was Htrht when ho toVl oor Ihln-lvutl that to riwfroiu eicryincal a little hungry

Jut hat he duL not want to do Nothiiu could be moreirrttlonnl for of COUFM nil tho tnue ho wa tilutloI-tuiUiry hi Mtnl toicc would bo ficdliiicnn the torrup ub tfliiCBol his body on Uiater > Ut heUscianx-li u ibonl Icovr r Ms burnt Itxtuad cf upon the finul miill lor which lit hun tr w callluic Thr Germanhltld that huiiKer In uenttenlnif that In onler nt rrto-tucllu pantfi they break Uiclr fbst tttrvnsttieii themKel n ilnv call It live Umr ady and whatatnt-

olid ran they arcJtv laclhui t t uUice vlven the thin yotum man in-

ni jiulstntnt wa thut rouuvllliu him toliHc otT totilcufl f toixtitniiunnl lenuuets li i ald to be owing

tu the fuel thut ttic f I iirotlnclnjt lcnRiit oftlie food nrorejected fntt mlnf bInjjai lihtlUtHlby itieoDtanUinianJ-Uie ute of Ua ur baUI > lntix lliut undenvy Mori-u er ten aiut rtfTia HTC tifrvous KtlnitUutt Tliey tako-tbe pUcv oftolltl I ix I and b tow upon tlu UoJy Uin-ponry m nf tower tint n Tilt or nmwitlir Hhre otit-lcoiwquintli no rt ni atrvuztli > o thhi nr nrvutM r er-K IU tlioff tore aiiit t irtii ulBTl MO i r HI ntllii ted withrfck ur IK no h MttUch houl u thnn 1 an a ic-U n tu iicr iiu hLitdtchv lur twuiii jcir truin a-

Mron fnt ro < nn I hi tlthj rl I brcnnen thin wraliand iklicitr wtinau whual ka htid ah HliHIif Two>T u tfo JJIMMIP tc i inJ cuiTie In IIOK ot curlns myhe idaclKi nn I not only nm 1 now c niparnit ly treefrom th in but I am rtbo erf itlv tu iu > nrprl neirly-H n nut i I In in otith un t wi r I an lupo intok > tiiiui uc trdiiiiii i iilntnittruw iiiiinv a mroin

b l ri <crlpil iM lur ttilnnesi then IH n inllutv T ireolMfji nitl cotfn itw little or no tobicco diink inlU oruf r bti r il tin lnriiit ril Hii nut prtxluit lihimin < niid

the itttr PIIIIJ h i r a rul iio f Mtr p n nnuh in n ill lo luKf iaMitrrtu LXvroitH1 lu the otMimilr and lnt butnut hrtit derelup the imiHlet hy uy iJ tt1c f xcrcme or-b bmitu 1n bly the imrfiiti ul the thtiMoutu manwirthKeiu > o n iiiluof Mple wfio itrantc tra n1-coiKe und wo ut tin ITIIMI it re pajtiiit fur It If3 on ne married rcojilv wnuld nhtjn nun ti uul intlre-til IUTO aihl di tilifit liqimri uniil alter tlif UIV KIWU-liii tu all the chilUtMi tiny ixpctt tt linvc not onlywuulii they be ron r miJ it ITHI Bonier tht mm1 theyiTuudh voittbuiiMtritbly IiealUiier utid handujmur oilsprli-

uAfbrlheKt TndietMhey hno m > drprrit jm-tuithy lur too much tit u ita iihbecomlrm nnd much iimr-oIncomeiueit than too little The onlv hi forthimtn-tu follow Uio Itmmittf a> fliria ul dut ant tu trainHum In into rcrKnnabe illm n inm Mhrthur tonthin or too Int it reniutiH tru in iur > CBW I n 4-

f tif rriirtttt Irltr It lUfUUl1 U till ruftJ to U lllty-na to ocry oUicrdcsirnble thlnj MAT BUY

One More Siiuke Ntory-To THE EDITOR or THE bus Sir Ono day

Ifl t wnk a busiitst call tuo inutothe ininiiitjin of-

1ike Oomit li AfUr n dcuVhlfnl rl Ic to Ml > la-

tliu Hric rout mint1 hojt ot the I d r Ilotd nt thitI-LO took me tuukr hh wiinr or riitlicriu hH luck

boirJ wutrnnrum ride uj tin iiiuiiutnlrH toJoiio J ike-

nu Actot tlinUiiuiion AHWI iru triMlliuv up thu-

hillid ro pus d H little clcnn d pi m win n n n an-unialnuU and mu ntt i tiii holli r mrroiin Itil b a-

b i uf onions the uih inttbk aiiiutuml-til


lint on earth do tho pc-my

Ktt to tut litreonu union

OnltiH1 hfl rcfllcd wntc ntinti 1yAn vtt i Mt i inriltt r n u nurkitiz tho wi Inr of tha-

ciiuntn thn nnKi hturii ot 1n M otiurul tu me-an I I rt I Ui then mn rOmki t uruuul liertT-

un r M Kiulikliun mvi l


kind I I lmiiiiod-liu ullou Uintli iv tulUlnttirlr tnlU he replied

Mi u rimiuuln r tli it ontou t KO wu Juit p i i J wi I-Itho nM i inmn uno lvrs tin re < n vt r > nnnoitt nt-duroti nnil ntif tii last inuniiRr hih tltu u out

intkiiu bin ktfU rru u rtltltkii ike bit lur sho n-Muiiii Htk Slut uot ull tluiuji but the Hialti dU II-HtMvU nun iis out tiiin thi nxl tin auJ luunl itill idjiMt wlKie It h id hit her l-



Ihvm Up-

To TITR KWTOU OK THR 8UMVir Tlm nd-co of a UiHinl Jurur to poUriuuu Dictum thruiuh

Tim 8tcjll will do well ton mcinUr Atlliutuli uetiniynot nllixicct to be clnUUd Mill tin if it nn hnmun-ho yoon the ino t innocent nnd iiiittiiectins nn fin I

lilniell in the in ltionoi nit unonder ni tin jriult ni In-

n t nrt i ihtMli tun w i inn tti bu n mutter nt iitu r indlllt li IILU lu til iujt i In HMD U III II ftpi lllUK tiMilUtiniti liii rnan inilnrtt-

II IIUM oil n mull rul when nadin tho itcointi ol-thi1 ntMp In IMPM 11 111011 Irtw ri nk r tl in nnnf-h nliiu uiiMis tiu tliur ui tinin U mt t ikn jiut thuemir rci intnuil iliinl lur i thv tnu JH iftin hi li Iniiiiiitc I h 4in > utlti r iuIl tn I hit hit nh Mm miul Hun tn iriMt m biuu tncil in tiKir-OUIMIHI i mu ni tin mint jKrtiliur iminunitu enjni b > HUM umthtt J> mv th it YI h ti litn of-lk i II n tu p hov to jirirf i I huH tho n t t in rnt-ittnp i tllui deviltry uill use nu Umu Ut uuuu unuiillrin JnrnrN MI tl nt-A ti iiiiplu Jitliiiit nr ttii nnntnnrj nnniu r ot ohtnin

in n In wniil I i ri n t n t UM tn lu tr li ol tho-iikU s u ot Hie club b > lonnrdly Iolli t nn-

ASTI KlrMlM 3-

lAiUIre t the iH t rrh Iltintfir ManTo TIIK KWTOU OF THK HUN Sir You nsk-

MVImt cftn he dono lor the jounx mnrwlio flnnhun-wlf BptcohleMf rMechlen it tindoubudt hooil mural cunscicntiolM nnl iiuloilinniUly hctxititeThe llntKiualitiik MU rni ittorll > the itti r muht U-inlli luLiirM to nncuiiifortrtblu n I M n inu h it Mo-

Jmn me mute nt the Him nnt ntlin tnt tint he3 > hu IIM IH knrli lv lnuk at tnt nvxt r n he-

mu ts tint ± o i m rl sj iili1 i ridintlylinn Jin unh Wii t oxouoiiH Hi it H bv ni tuil i oin-bitMith tho uurll Ih itm t nl in bit r ti-lwl li lit t in t do in > I tti r N hi n In uuiki s u t hitiniii th it iiinu nu I ri tllv iutn iii i Im tnniaontrill lie lll bt th riM bow tii ll v in pitIn I H fintind wort Hint hi li ait Lt him ttiku it L int n b w-

evir lr t lolluvntu iiM n t ilt rt th it ill unH piovu-n itK iil hi min it much toiiriitr an to m it tnlni-

cocrrirt h mid In bhniil i obiiuMi u tu m h I piopla-a the r tiij i li nrc tiu tu him Not CUMCO-

STo TIIK Knrrnn or TIIK Hus Sir Will youbo kin 11 n mli tu iniorin u ti M II cm wlit thep the cityMI ii > thulav luiiiKii ho ubnuiul ultin in my tittljii oi tin CAit i i i t TIL