VOLLlIL-h- O. 276. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 15. 1876. " PRICK TWO CENTaT THE CONVENTION AT WORK U.A1HK' WB1BSM CONTHOLL1HQ TUB OBtlAMKATMOM. sMward feWPberwon ol Pennsylvania flba srvaaat Pr,eidcnl- - A Probable Comal. I aatlaa ta Drfral Itlalne-lle- n. IUI sMrtklag tbt Krtnoif af the OBeeelllea. I'tNciNNATf, Jini 14. There wa tiothinn Impressive in Hi opening scenes of lha -- iih National Republican Conventl hi. Tha building In wtrloh It Ik IipUI i au old woodeo itrucliire situ .ted In Ihe din Ir' oitltin of the city, and et least a mil from in nearest of tha throe principal hotila. It wss built several years ago for .wr il rihililiion purposee. and In. with ihe eiciptluii of iherentral puillnn, a low, rambling ttruot'ire of the moat ordinary rhiiraotrr. The p rt fr the meeting ot the Conven- tion waa used during the Grand Kipo-Ulo- n of for the H.irngerfest. Tha decoration of toll hall sm exceedingly cheap nnd lawdiv, and aitofothur there la a faded, tumble- - lown about whole pine th.t l euacee-nv- e of the proent rondltlon of the llepuhlltan " pii'.r The gall rlea, whlsh eilend around thrrn side, of the hall, were about h.ilf tided wlili apertvtoH, nldla the railed seats In the resr of the e.sae, which occupy about f lue II or apace, were nearly- - ailed by tun Inrllod gucta. The speech of the Hon. S. D. Morgan, Chair-gis- n of the National Exocutlve Com in It tee, calling Ihe Convention to order, waa r.ither and common plaee. but still there waa a quint In It at reform measure!. It teemed to me, while detailing to the epeach. that the au- thor ef It waa ot tha opinion that altogether be waa tha man who wa In every way unobjection- able, aad about tbe beat men that tha Conven-tlo- n could fall back on for a Procidentia! cnndl-dat- a after all the other ambliloua aaplranta for that honor bad been killed off. The tpeech of tha temporary Chairman, tha Hon. Theodora L. Pomeror, waa about aa lona again aa It ahould hare been, but It waa ntverlbelee pointed and bald. Mr. Pomeror la tha devoted frlead of Senator Conkllng. and bellevea him to be the pobloet and ablaat ot modem states-ma- n Ha bellevea alto that tha man who la ohnean to be tha ttaodard bearer ot the Republican nartr In tha coming contact mutt be tri loal of that tteadftet and tterllng honour wnich the people desire to tea eiempllled Id tha administration of our affaire. He dooa not believe that either Mr. Blaine or Mr. Morton oome up to tha requirement of tbe lw In their peraonal and poiltloal cbarecterlailea, and ha adroltlv In hla tpeei h that tha weal or woe of the Republican party depended very much upon the charaotar ot tha candidate itlected by tha Convention. HOW OlO. WM. CCHTIR WAI HirBIVID. After the varloua committee! had bean and tha ineuiliere thereof bed with- drawn, there waa for rt ahorl time aome little eoofutlou m the hall, the delegatee moviug about on tbe floor and conversing with each other In ihe inld-- t ut thla dlaorder Uao. Wil- liam ('urtia startled everybudt bv announcing from bit place In the New York delegation that ba h d committed to hla eh arse anaddreia pre- pared by tbe Heform Club of New York, with tnitruollona to read tbe aaiue to the National Bapublloun Convention, and be detlred permit-Io- n at this time to perform the talk itelgned htm. There were tome manifestation! of oppo- sition from different parte of tbe hall, hut that were drowned by loud callt for Cur-ti- e and tha addrese. It waa noticeable, however, that thee ralla came principally from the t pactatort In tha galleries, and not from delegatee. Mr. Curtla began to read aald much atonement and nolae; and hla fiiendt vocifer- ously demanded that ba should make hit deliv- ery tram the platform. Accepting thlt Invita- tion, Mr. Curtis wont upon tha etaga and road In a moat admirable m.onar tha formal Indlot- - which he bed prepared i galntt the machlue of the party. Occttlooally aoma of anlmadvaralona upon tha corruptlone In every branob of our civil eervloe applauded, but In a weak aaa baiting Hie allusion to the control which Senator Imant exercitee over the appointment! to oBoee in New York waa hleaed. and to hla esvsi reflection upon tbe Presl and tbe Forty-thir- d (iogrete for violating plighted tervlce. faith ot the party to reform tbe frlendt of Brletow, who were more in tbeaallerlea than among tbe deiagatee, applauded Mr. Curt it loudly aa ba concluded tbe reading of the eddree. and attempted to call biiu out for a tpeecn, but their volcea wer drowned In tbe Itrce yella whlcu were tent up for fliii Logan. It. it ttueemanwaa aeated at the rttr of the slag, but aa he it a modest wan and little inclined to speech-- n aklnv. be did not reapond promptly. In th me n time a delegate from Mlaeouri bad att ra ted tbe attention of tbe Chairman, who rapped violently for order, and flnillr succeeded in quieting the uproar auBclently to ena'le the delegate to be beard. Tbe obleet the gentleman fr. in Missouri had In vlt w wan to treat tbe aooreta 1ml read in at conteinp.uout a manner .'t possi- ble and thlt he pro reded to do, by moving . that li slid all other document of a Hue charac- - tor be referred 10 the Cmmlttee on Kctolu- - ttont without belnj r. ad and wt.hm.i deb.t,-- , Tnit uiotlou w t , arrlrd with a wlni liurrab.aod Ihui me maiolne puiiticiani gut tteu nub Ooorge Wtilium Curtis. KPILCB MAKING. Tbe callt for Logan were no-- renewed, and b. re ponded In a i.petci spec! .Ilv noialiie ft r the inuiuarou-- executl. n It did to the Klng'a Kui.i.h. However, if I.og.n grammar wit oad tuu ln logic wune. ttlil b.f teiitimeiut putted tht o rt of tbe groundlinga. I here wua, tald Login, but one letue in the coming content which tbaorbed tbe attention uf the loyal biimm. and that waa to prevent tbe overthrow o! lue (Joreriiment bv Hie DemocrUa of the Twnh and their Soutbein rebel allien. Fulled lu their effort, to (irtroy ihe rei.ujjllc b,J force, I thtM bid men, tald Logan, menu to do It In aa- - Wkr' l0' l" poetatelon of the Jlovarinnent. and then In u urate a new rebel- - llun iy uatslnating thu ciiaracler of all the irett moii In the Hepu' ll an party. ThU rxpr. ti n auited the Blnlne delegtet and striker., and In several mlniile- - tpey made tno old oiualtlon builulng tieinble wltu the thunder,, of their appl aie. I. ii lia'ng i uncluded. there were loud callt oi. ll, pari uf the llrittow and other J ti,eii ( i, u, liitHlev. wiiiln Hume of the frlenda ' I g; IHjilno et up ruunter irv foi Bob liigerat.il ot IiIiii.h (jen. Miile. however, cot ihe I "'"J "'"de a Hiweih tpvd.llv aimed at 2'fi ."1 '" n "' event of bit nonilnatlon win i, ,.() ruinp.ilgn d cumenl for the i ppu- - r ,n during the cum eat. El but. of (l" i. ex Senator Huwurd of MirMgau, E ' 'i'"" named ()..roet from New York. tuil rrj DougL.aa also made epeecnes, but they . I ,."J "'tfeible uearilig on the content for a I !. '! Garnet g t ill a good lick. However, "e rieedni ,n'i avmg Bank iwludle. .Hid I Si ! nl""nu makera to pin In Jut a little J"ne io ihe rngura who under the I nT. I'lul Milnropi and republicanism Hole L m iml.it".'!' ".g ui'.' m u. ilin wlte recoio- - "'"d In alienee ; there wat I Sv.,,,,, commendatory retpouee, but there i u,J''r" ol apidauae when Fred Uouglaaa tl K... Iul "' uuiiaento abou' Huuthern out- - a 3!fuV"d ,he '""of tbe hepubllcan n.rty to I 1. "whuie dutvto the colored people lu not r I 'h v,,t.r forty a. ret and a mule, and I J'di uI "o'diera to take hlui lo the Z I BI.AISI MAN rOlt CRAIRMAK. At tbe ounclualuii of Uouglaaa'i tptei.b, the U8.f u I'erinantnl Orgaunatlon re- - Kn,d Ihe election of ihe Hon. Edward Mc 'nu! "' 1'enn.vlvnila for President waa a 5, aurprne. but not mora to to the reat of hj '"dieih e than u. mat tentleniaii hlinaelf. adninai la i noli e, lu far at capabilltiee u'l, ? di. iea of i be poallion are concerned. I 5.V Bl,wever. one of Hi iliie't wainietl fritnda, TjJ 011 '" tlou i .in evidence of Ine Maine B Er ' etfi'gth Hi lue Convenilon. It la h !fu"'attl'Utlo i .n i.inovet Mr. McHiemon ILo' "'"deliberaiioiitof me i'eiiuaylvai.la dvle- - I SSH?"' deieui.1 ,,k to reiiie during Hie aa r" " ol the ( nveniion but at Ihe tame time '" lua lotluence. n .1 only eiih the ufk'.n,lJ,,,l d.g'ee. out with thute f inn u; s'tn 1 on etfc, i of the speei li of (Jen. J I bV J"' 11,0 u"" of the Ke iiriui;!. read 'urn., w.,,, uooo ,bieiii), u .ui.glng to I Ibu """"""reH I,, .M, 111 ine. but t hla w t more a. I r" Ui en, ,Uiu ed i.v nu frlemla caplulllig ll,''rga.iu.l, u, of theCilivenllliu ' ;ir- I'l ' liiendt nude of km x' oi.tii, I,., ,j , ,), orjanlxolon touiaV'1' ""'"' ( ii"l 'II advised. They SI ti,.n ", '""fled the iiermaiient oBli en ol au"'ieiitioo in ii,,uii, iv after (ieii. Logan tblili'l 1,11 i""h it tony had luoiigli d- - am ik.i., ' u'' d'.'igihia the kuff.led iT!J s jf v r, reputing landldaie input I aoaZu. st.Kjker li ,s line that none of mote M ir,7! " '"l l" Hawlev. were very dan-- lui hn!"""1 " 'd carried witiiU ml Iti.r, '"l '"' " waa a piece of aCiJ i. ' '' 'iid lolitical manasera mm noilMve graiiiecl to their opponents. M H J """"'l Til I.OUH1N AIJA1NST III Al.1l. taatnnir,,iu'1' "''''blted by Illalnt'i frleiiilt 111 H!,l"tx" "ifiiiiA.linn opened the rv a of m Zu.,l0,enu They bad aouoted the d.nger- - 3a,ii";Ur n Hleliia pariv . but when K mf SaJSfro'''' el1''1,11'011 ' lie power tliey real- - B Ibutu!. ,u!u"rtiu eofeffi c ing apeedlly a com- et fiZ. ,lle ' itered ouuotltlon to Mr. mm ae, iud welding it ueaiuat bltn at aa early a moment ea poeatbte. Thv had u to tnla lime oaloul.ited largolv upon the InBuenoe of ihe two newtoaftert her wolca have been Untie hut ehnt Into lllalne all tne Urn. Tne Com nitre Ml tbit mm nine devoted an an-tl- psge toiht reproduction of the Kither let-tor- n and eitracte from various Independent newsnapert conniieutlug on Mi. Blalnn'a record. The edl. oriel page of the tame paper w.ia filled with eh rp attackann Hie cmdldate from Maine, while the Onaclle waa almoai ailed withacaih- - Ing arllclee iilmed In the a direction What effect three newapapera will have In rallying too optioneiiia of fllaiiie rein ma to be aren, but tliey, Mae Hawiet'a e, oh h ive err-- t liny made no imnre-a- b u on hit tup oriert I on the routrarv bit Inenda e lok cloeer io hlia thauevei neiori t nil profuse t dvtplae all tbe efforts of lil enemies toucf mi liliny this tori of warfare. Tno tien a from lllalne tp t eiicouragl g that hit Indole here tav lb u the only His"ible p 'iillngeocy In whl.li he could have bean or tented le not to be nip ehond-- d. When Ihe tele ram f rum hie on w e received thu evemiig Hniiooin ftiir that Mr. Ill lue lieu gone out lor a dr.ve alio fei'ielart Fleo, the Udell rnihu aniam prevnllod ht the llurm t House. Hut It niuat not be eiippoaeu that ilie men who are op-i- i, mig lllalne ete going lo suffer an tngloriotit j defeat II tlu v c n prev. lit It. liev are makiug , tne moat (ietieraue iff-.ri- lo rouibine tne trenglli at llrlelow, Morion, Conkllng, Hayea, and Hnitianl, up on some one of me Uve above-i- i lined c iudlj te or on a new man. ih-- v, how- ever, have many eeeuilugly iiisuiuiouniable In tn s Ir way. oasrAUi.aa m thb way or A combination In the Bret place, the Pennsylvania delegation Cannot be trauslerred from lla'tranit to any man but III .ine. lu the eame way Unlo cann.it be handed over mild to air tner candid ite alter Hayee la out ot tha way. Tha Morton atrenglh In Mlaauurl la an.itber untranaferraole eel of delegatee. Tnev are Morion list cholc. aad llltnne aeonnd, and there they will go if Morion la withdrawn. 1 he) New York delegation can- not be handled much better loan eltner of theee, while the New ttngljnd delegate! who are for Bristow will not go to Conahng, Morton, or Hartranft. The Blaine men proleei to laugh at thlt attempt lo combine ag.il net their favoi Ite. They eay that Jutl aa aoon at tha newt of thla move haa tpretd abroad, delegatee who bad not even algnlled their Intentlou ot coming to them after their favorites are out uf th way, bad been to eee them and to ear that they would not be forced Into a combination to beat Blaine; they wuuld Hand by thalr Aral choice ae long ae the e waa any chance, but whan ha waa out of tbe way they would go to Blaine. Tbe anti-Blal- men en tbe Committee on Kulet endeavored to deal a deadly blow at him by re- porting a rule that would bind eai h and every delegation to vote at a unit, but tfali waa voted, dowu bv a large majority. Another providing that there ehould bo oo changei of votta before th retult of a ballot waa announced waa, how-eve- r, adopted by a email majority. Thla the Blaine men do not regard at poaltively Inimical to them, becauaa In tome luatance It will work to tbelr benelt. They lay that eeverai of their Meade ea th committee weretnot at th meeting aad they will be ready to- morrow morning and move a recontlderatiou of tne vote by which thla rub waa adopted. If tnev do not tuocevd in having It rem inded lu committee, they will oppo lie adopflun In th Convention. Th Morton men are holding a grand rally to- night In tbe Grand Hotel, aud appear well tatlt-fle- with the appearance of tblugt. Thev de- clare that they will not agree to withdraw Morton to make another man over Blaine. I lie truth la that tbey cannot trantfer their votes in tbe South, eolid. to any other candidate. i he Committee on Ciedeutlalt. It It under ttood, have determined to keep out tbe Spencer dele tlon from Alabama and admit tbe delegation. At ine Blame men have a majority of thla committee It Is fair top etuuie that I be men who are let in have agreed to vote for Hlalue. The alluatloo. therefore, at thlt hour ilu P. M.) li comparatively unchanged. It Is, of course. roaeible that a combination may be effected o'cluok uiorning. but It does not appear piobaile. Ihe friends uf Norton count 9U7 votes ; Brlatnw. It It aald, will have IS), and Conkllng. a); but these Include many cumidl.neiit.iry votes, tonit ot watch will undoubtedly go to Blaine aa a second choice in preference to any third man. What effect a tremtndnut onslaught on Blaine In Ihe OaulU and Commercial morning uiav have, of ooune cannot be guested, but it eeeiut to me tbat It le now loo late to accouipllah any- thing lo thla wav. Th obancee, therefore, are nearly all In favor of Blaln' nomination but there la a poealblllty of hi defeat. One thing la oertaln, th Igbt la going to be but and bitter, and what- ever the retult mar be than wiU be bad blood afosjaoej m OBBMAjni AOAjarr bi-a- i, Tbe Germane are, it it aald at hall-ps- tt ten to. night, being arrayed aolidly against Blatoe. The argument used it tbat If Blilne It nominated, he cannot cam Ohio. Indiana. Wisconsin, and Illi- nois. The Hayea men are being anouuraged to tuck, with tut nope held out mat he may be the coming man. It It necetaary to carry Hamilton county In order to carry Oblo thlt fall, and that caunut be dnue wlt.iout tbe German vote. The Connecticut politician, with lien. Hawley at tbelr bead, are making a furious effort to create the belief tbat with Bristow or Hare fur a candidate thev can carry their rltate. What all tneae different Influences may accomplish to- morrow it the topic but whatever la accomplished In the w iv of a com- bine. Ion lo night will ne at a very lale buur, and tnerefure the puulic will have to await the de- velopments of the coming d y before It knowi who li to be ibe choice of the Convention. Tbe Prea Ben of ibe Proceedlaae. Cincinnati, June 14. Tbe sixth National Convention of tbe Republican pany met here at nuun to day In the Exposition Building. Ihe attendance it greater than at any previous gathering of tbe party, and embraced the most noted men In Itt rankt, who either eat upon the floor at delegates or at guests of honor upon the raited platform In the rear of the presiding officer. Tbe delegatee were admirably grouped on tbe floor facing tbe platform. 'I he mild mast of New York men occupied the left centre. On their right were the New England Stttet funned in tingle tie, Maine at the held and Huode Island In the rear, wltb Iowu Imnie llaie-l- y behind ber. To tbe left of New York and fronting tbe ttage wt Indt-u- a, aud behind her the Morton men of Tennessee, and Georgia. To the left again came Kentucky and tbe Carolina, with Virgin! bringing up the rear. The exueme left flank was .il ottod to the white hailed l'eiinsylvanlana, nho cunio to fjgiit for Hartranft. ibe right flank fell to thu lot of Ohio. Behind w re pi iced In ti.eorder of niiit Illinois, V.icnlgan. end Wisconsin, the 1'einto-ria- l oelei.aet and th e from oine of tbe pet y tttalea were tucked uwav In the rear. At a few mill .tun after -' o'clock the Conven-tlo- u wai called lo oiu. r by U iv. K I). Morgan, Chairman of ihe Hepubllcan Nation. Commit- tee. He Introduced iho llev. llr Mulo-ru- f Co- vington. K v., who inaue a prujer, after vtbku Gov. Morgan said : GOV. MOHOA.V J SPEECH. GaNTir-gi- f or tuk Covvi.vtios The day ani the dour luv, iirrneillor win nine of ihe Iteua.ilUsU party aei, UiWIetl lu aselui It lo nunil l.tte e lor i'mliti il aiiU Vu P. of it States. If I except the I uui. ulluu of lent, II e (Itltli'S atncli till, lulclhkeilt emit half lo perloiin ia couiparlsoo wirti former o les are the mosi Iuiput taut of all our lo June, lsttl a. w rt tu lite toldrt f tne aur lur tin pre.ervatioii of lue L'tilon. We had gri al arniU' In thu ti Id. out they li.ul .icnleviM only partial success, and atim ,uicreiul nlwaya at a very grtti cost of lire. The pravest ana best of our ruuug nieu lied la,h-- in by tens aad hundreds of thousands, and aert 1j i rUon at Auuer sunville aud Ijbhy. Preaiueut l.mco,n. seieoteeo montht prior to tuls. htd oy iirocltrustion, but onl) ts t war inttinre, drilareti tie sieves Irte, shile their mar. ten kepi ibeou wlihtn tnelr lluee and held run domin- ion i ver tbew It wat Itieu mode.lly sugtaei,led by your Lhslrmtuof tbe National Committer mat ti e I'oiiicd-hu- would uut ill cb rge lit whole duly uulet'. auio g its other rrtolvfs ti bhixilu deilartfui sui.li an tnieou-men- t tf ike iit'tenalt unrt'tutiou ut wnmu, a uen adopt-ei- i ny Ilia requ, le Miinner in Htttes, lore . pruliliilt African sltrary uu tins contlntnt. Toe suirgestlon a st received wuit unexampled entuuoasm by ina Conven tluu Tne re.oiulixu lo iei urc rile uailoual oleaamg wa. wrlttiii in our party olailorui on trial day Loth Hou.es uf Congress vert soou after passed Ihe reqiiued amenoiuenr. Ivrnly i.ln uriUo Sialcl rail-le- 11. 1ie uuble proilsililed tie result lo lue people, aliu from that Imiir to Hit. the .mi nt,t not risen up ua butiU'.nau. nor aei upon a aoire in a:l t ils fair lajjil Not to ilie Sol ,ll. uol to ilie boillli, tint lu tllsl buprrille oellig al 'lie woc,ilil o . t.ie ileal tul s of nit ous a. aid al Hie sgairs ot laiilvl ,uals lei u. give ail the glory Gov. Morgau urged an adherence to honest money, anal suggested a constitutional making the Piesidentlal term six je.i s, and the incumbent Ineligible fur reelection. I Abplao-- e lie also favored the elvai of Ihe civil heruco bv Inalituliug nil needlul nnd proper rof onus, nd tne mild te noiv n bhoiild lie men wlimo Uvea give ..aaoi ..nee uf their svinoathv witb retorui. Gov. loi u'an llieu nominated the Hon Theo- dore !. l'oiuaro. ,. New York for temp rary Chnlruian. which a i'gie'-i- l t" liov ll.,l win, of Mi tuaao, nnd liov Van lth.lt, of II. n de l oiuliii led Mr. P nu mi In toe clnur. l .ion being lntiodiKcil, Mr. i'oinoroi auke as follows : mil roMr.Koy s speki ii Kvents have rnated each other so raniliv, from the laaugaralliu of Alir-.ha- Llatula lu Ilie il ing of ibr A.'i iiiilar.'lou ol lii ii Oram, rr.ug ililiii n luhuanieiusl ili.ii.ges In Ihe wh 'e tueurt and iirnilH-,- oigovemm iii, Hut uu i unsidi ration of tnun in man. , r I, pr, i ludisl ti i an oi rsaioii such as tin. Uriel is uay be cou.lnire.l ihe en.tei.ee t f the Kepuulu uu parry none oilier lu the hi. buy of fie uanon haa lor in loi ; a i useeu'ivc if rl n cn'rulied I s guveriiui'-u- wli io ui m ot,a erlug pupulsr defeat, tad aim wi Biaimiua popmar Je.il msy ot puloical . cenilaiicy loiig ooutianed byaaypsrry.it I. wlibiii the uower of ibis" uuriutluaio draianue the tonuug I'ra.l-Sen- t of ihs Ualted k'ai 1. our folly may coucedr a hat laewlidotnof lie oapotitlou cabaot achieve-o- ur at aelat laovewberTBai au.h defeat caa coiuo froui ao ot er source We are not inei here ea contending itclioat wilhiu the ptny lo lest uaetr varloua leadertblp our relallvi airtiuMk. but at reprntaieilvM HejepUag high ret poaHWllf ie ix tract froso the rraclbie of coatlauag etHaloaa that type ot A men nan altteewisaehip which nail a aeeepV ed st the wur.hr embodiment of the prlacleie of the parly, Men, ae cell st aieeeeree, are to oe weighed la Ihe oaltnre dnnna tht coining eanvaat, an nether Siu.i oe found wat ting lo intnre tiiciett. The l(epue party cannot combine to live br rtteon ef II an endld aohlevrinente of the I'ast, nor tbe Kemoeretlt eiuecl lo he reluraed to power upon itegllller Iatrtv of reform in the future. In former days, ween nartr net were firmer, whet ae Inunedisie nresiiure of Impending ntlli all calsmltloe hedged ut about, an rooipened oar y Bdelity. the plat- form e.rried a'otin Ibe man, whoerer at inlg t be. Party lies ar tooeei noa . en no plti lorm Is ounvant e pouen i float an uuaoiiby rendideie. Taenuvitiy if t e eoi'tiioi'iice of inei mmiatroive policy oft I R' ptttiiirBii p 'fly, widte nut aosppate't In lininedlate reeulM, ia at r .iniiitndlng reaped! .g future eonae. a' any 'hue la Its We ar t l,lnat niienceaas mi, il miaa on, and thretois hat no hmieraci mi to live Well, if It hit, mil I ie lim- - lor lla omio ntloii ha iciite, il ian on trlunirVn nl y, cxclslinlog with the snostle of oll, "1 hive lo ight a mol fH , and have k pi tne Isllti " The niiasiiin of the tu iMho'id or the Republican party, oar mi tl u of is to ei.tthii.ti on sure founda- tion., ari'i m keseciir,' iir the coiuiug ages, ihe frnl I 01 ihewar i'h, n 1l.il,edeiiv il to ihe Imnvbl nal cit'ten fr m ihe Fourteen e snd Kifiei-ni- ( MUtlita tlon I Amen on nl lire lo lie se tire thr. tigli euib tp proiTiste leai.lition ss ronareti tuty devise 1 sag ihe Ireedineii of ih Miiiith if they are ready io areept Ihe lleiniM lane n rty sa Ihe siurie of power from wide l.toflowihea prunriaie ii.giiatoe fogivsetTert lo iim-- iiiirndiiienis. 1 a. a a . uidlu public if the only narrhv that esi.t . In Ihe Hontu lo lay Is hot tin nar-- i by i au.ed by the opposition of ihe liemocrntlc par v, a aur to tin prlnclplea t n pied in the work of re anil now s pirl of the Hindainental I wo I e land . 'Ihe PenioTttic pary tlms m a( ed it'e situ- ation rrapertliia Ihe aacre. ni .a ol the nalloual debt lid Ihe iht .ulabiinr of tin ittiioual rretlit, itidyetiweny mlhion dolnrs of laittlnn will not mur good the loss tu It.e ntiMTican people frin the 3'iiuii and unnefl"Sh r sunn lo and mtentl as of thai parts lu reaard to trie pavnifut uf the Snuelpal of the pu die debt. From the laf ption Heparin an p.ny In 1HM,, II haa kept paie with the proei est of tne ilrnei. a. ceptlag the early aoded retpon.lhtlity of war, eirianclpallon, Illation, and re- ion, eniil the hrietiiaet eeeet ,.r Atneneta Leattrur hut the die siuiy ut the Kpubliten party. Of the whole mass of Itseonallltitlo' tl sro-- linrn'ttnd e enieimeDts. it takca the ri'spunsihility with out apology. It has often erred, bnt li has aever feared to sol, and through Its action the nation hta lived. Tneie bat been corruplbiu. but when u wat dltrovered tbe or Irr went forth, " Let uu guilty man escape," aad the nrd r hai beea executed. 1 here hat been want of harmony, but a platform unwavena , lu III drclaralloa of principle., wua candidates wormy of II, will weld together, as of oid. Into in unconquerable array, tbe great liberty-loving- , majority ef voles ot Ibe Taited Slalet, iuc tittup witb enduring luccete tbe results ot the deileerausai of thu i oavealloa, Th tpeech waa delivered with eufnelent to b htard throughout the ball, and Ite varloua poiota were received with applause which on eeverai ocraeloni waa tumuliuoua. Tbe reference to the order, " I.tt no guilty man etoape," waa received with great applai ae, which waa renewed when the tpeaxer laid, "Tbat order has been executed." TMB COMMITTKBS. The roll of th Stat and Territories, except Ihote In wblcb then are contesting delegations, was called for tbe nomination of the varloua commute. Th following Is th Committee n Retolutlont : Arkansas, c. ('. Wtttrs ; Arltoaa, H. I'. MrConnlck , rslifurnis, Charles r kd, lounectlrut, Jusepn K. hawley i Colorado, James B. Bedford Ilsaolt. An dnw Mclleach i Dilaeire, Kll H. B isyi Urorgla, Hsa-r- M. larnrri Illinois, c h. Fsrwell , Indiana, l ol R. w. Thompson ; Iowa, Hiram Price i Idano. Austin tsiv get Kant-s- , J. U Tbtekiri Ktnlucki, Jet D. Heed: LrmiMaaa. Henrv D. Mossi wttae. Nelson Diaglv. .fr . Maryland, Ir H.btelver; Mtatacbusettt, Bdwtrd L. Pierce i Michigan, H I Beicwlu i Mmnetoti. j R. Vtlktleldi Mississippi, ( W. cl.rkei Mo.nurl R T. Van Horn; Montana, P. Menderti New Mexico, a. a Aitel . Neors.aa, A. R. Tinney : Nevada, J P .rones, New Hiinpebire. ( ate. H. Barnt. New dertev. Pr, d A. Polls. New Ton, (lis.. E tstnitb ; N rt iirolmt, P t. Bsdarr. Ohio, aw rd ( ol- - tiregnn, II K Ulne. . Pennsylvania, Pdwans tli Phersoti ; Ithoile Isia d, Cna Noiirse , Booth ( arohns. I) W i tumiber. Isln , Telaa, fc .1 llavts t reunesare. A Frei msti , t tlh J II Mekean, NeruH'li . U H lliyrlow i Wro Miller i West Vlrglula, J. M I), tin. cotistn. Oen .las. H Howe; Hasbtugton. Siwood kviasi viyoming. tsoi, uinion. Mr. Mcl'ht sonof Pennttlvanla offered a reeo- - lutlon that when the Convention adlourns It be to 11 o'clock at which time It will pro aed to the nomination, with two tpeechee of ten iniDiilet each or one uf twenty minutes, for each notnloee. tteferred to the Committee oo Hulet. THB OBRMAIf HBPl'BLICAN PI. ITroHM. Mr. Vance of New York offered a resolution of the National German Hepubllcan Convenilon, favoring rl in arhoola, compulsory edu- cation, aud tha taxation of church property. Tbit received applauae. The reiolutlont alio oppoted compulsory obaervinoe of the Sabbath and State recognition of ect ; favored legisla- tion to protect emigrants, and oupod any aaalaat foreign born allien. Civil eervte reform wa urwwd. and Inflation and ra pudlatlwi atrongly eoodemaod. Tne reolulleeat were referred to the Committee on Credential. Mr. Dleteadurf of Vlraiola auggeeted th of a meeting of that committee at once, ae It waa impossible to do any Dusineas until It wa known who eouipoieu the Conven- tion. The Chair called on the committees to meet at the right ut th Cbalr, to be aasigued to ihtlr roomi by th Hergeulil-at-Arm- i. On th withdrawal of th ommltteei the band struck up a lively tuar, and the delegatee took tbe opportunity to move around and dis- cus tbe eliuallon. While the committee! were abtent the band waa kept fully occupied, lo the dlsgutt of those deleg tel who wished tu fill in with patriotic epeeehee. Thla arrangement teemed to give aatitlaciiori to the majority of the Convention, but at one point a email, uiping v. ice In one of tue galleriet cried out. " Hpeeeli, Gov. Hawley." The tuggeetlnn was favorably received, but uo ipetcb wat forthcoming by Mr. Huwley. TTtB REfOHM nxri'BIlCANt HEARD. Geo. W. Curtu uf New York prettnted an ad- draaa of the Uepublictn Kelorm CI ib of New York, which be aaked to buve read. Object on l Ing made, tne uoestl ,n was pul to thu Con- vention, which decided by an nverwnelmlng vote to hear It. Mi. Curtis. In response tu cnlit to take ti e platform, proceeded to tbe etage amid wild applauae fr in both floor. uid galler- ies, and read the id d reat uf June 9. as heretofore published. T e .illusion In the t. tu a reiuni to specie bavmenis ; ibe broken promises of the I'n tldent and t'onaresi; tbo proposition to put loo lull' leal power of the counirv Into the hind, of the Democratic party unkaa thv Convention by lit i.onnnatlous ex- press a determination to reform tblugt gener- ally, were r celvod with .. pplaui-e- . Mr. Curtu wat etcorted to hit teat amid a etorm ' f cbeert. A Delegate from Mlttnurl 1 move that th document lutt read by the gemleiiiaii be re- ferred to tbe Committee on Reiolutluui with- out debate. A Delegate from Montana I move that the addres. lie adopted m the uuae uf tult Couveu tlon. ICriea uf " No. no." Toe Chairmen It is referred to the Commit- tee cn He.o.utioiia without detmte. Mr. Masun uf Ne Vurk otTcrod a preamble art; res, lutlon th it win ri',i we reineiuii r tilth giatuude ihe servlcet of trie loyal nomiMi of tbe i iintry; resolved, lunt we fay, r ine bestowal of political tigbtto all l,ai cil I 'it- -, rvg.,i? Ies f 1 sex. llognui alio apol till... Heferrcd lo : lio (Joiuiniilce un ltsoliitlons. tin inolioli of Mr. 1 lerce of Massai'liusetts. It tv. rceoivcd thai ell addresses, uu inoriala, iiid rnsnlii'.iont be referred nitiiuiit or debate. am. LDOAN ( ll.LEIl OCT. Geti. Locau, being luudly called lor, nddrei-se- the I 'invention. He stid tbo it,iproat ning i aiu-- l igu cviiienllv promts e lo he one of no oidi-n.ir- ) character The attitude of the opponents uf the lie putil ic.in party shows that the time h.ii come ugaln when evert patriot itiouid buckle on hla armor to preserve the fruits of the iremendoul struggles uf the p.isi, lnne.nl of handing ibem over to the hands of our lo. a for destruction. I.el there be. then fore, no uncer- tain sound In the ulutfuriii lo he enunciated here on any tiueition that ia a vital imestliin before the American people. Title la a Hepubllcan Convention, and ahould be c ptureil only bv Republicans urged to tba duty of protecting American ciliaene ai well at home ae ou the high seae or In for- eign land!, lUreat applauae.) Tbat la nut a government of freedom which will allow us i iiixeiu to be robbed, oppreeted, and murdered. It treat applause.) I be way tu piutei t our i it to execute the luws, and to Hint end let ut place In the chair a man wno will execute the l,.wi id lualiilalii everj cIHkui lu bit rights slid privileges. .Applause. Ho said an uffurt la now making to tlesiroy tut Gov- ernment, not nv force of urms, tint oy capturing the Government end nullifying every law (laseed for ibe purpote of protecting tne i lilzub. he Ural step it bv the aaasliiailun of tha private character ut every leading Hepulillcan bv si proceeo lists, by using the dinger of tU.lruiilon io plunge into the vitals of lue met wuo have ttood ttrinly to too prmnnlM of liberty. I riim.iituone ai piauao ) Ml. I. gan - id Hist whoever tne Convention ahull nninl-nai- will be bis man. and who ver Is n mlnntod will be elected. (Applause He cloeeil with cuuneei tu u tluMiesa aud modor-tto- n. OKI.. IIAWI.KY M)T SO S t Ml L' IN C. Gtn. Hawley being vucliemuhl , i .ill il f r, look trm platfor'ii mid aiiob ghr-ei- t for his in iiul 11,'tusi) liiueb bee uiso of pliyslcsl llidl-- p Ha regreiteil ilia' be c uld not belli ve vnh Gun. Logan, that all the Hep il ilciu pui'tv ti..d lo do was to iiuiiiinutt a ticket and c houid sine that vtu can cl-i- t it, 1 hue baa boon grow- ing up fur some iluie in the cuuutiy aw.uo-apr- e ,d and aerloua illst ti.f.clioii It is ai.np'e common aenae lo ret "uiiliu It. I Applauae. J An ufUcer gulng Into buttle iinilel .landing bis viouud aud the power of hie en, lines (applause la well uu hla way to victory. N,.vv, gentlemen, when )uu have numiimied voiu , jndid..tjs , ,.d l.ad down your pl.itforiu -- if vuiir pluttf rni delliies, anu propuunds sound Iteuubll-csi- i duct luce, and your cnnditlule i e an abl liniiorti ill, true ltepubllc ,n, 1 snail go tu wtuk wlib all my In.. 1 ami strength tu elect blui. Hut now it the lime ; Ihia fleili ull, Una uluht, tuliuorruw, are precious hours I, riou lo a, i id what vou will do, and how you will do it. Applauto. 1 enter into no i riicul.ri, but you kuow, all of yuu, there It nut a man In thla Convention who doeau't know that you can to ootid uut yuurtelve wltbla tbo nest fortv-olg- hour that th thr or four montht' R'rh before u will be unavailing. (Apulau. io eupport any gnod, found Moan who wa nomloated her; hut prctlcst wisdom required euoh nomination aa will and ought to latisfy th publio aem and demand!. (Applauae 1 It alao required a rigid, honeet, faithful redemptlun of th prnmiae lo reiuni epttt payments, at not only due tu the national honor, but aa inseparable and prerequlsit to he return of commercial prosperity, Applauae. n concltialon, he taid i There It e profound inxkstr thnmghoat the whole Betiuidiraii p rli hslwt shall give new eearancee to the ruuniry that e.l lie affairs ere to he stimliayiered with high Honor and aad I net the sacred fraets ot onVeiioldcre in this country ire Indeed t u re i trulls, and era not io oe triftfo Willi by corrupt and de- signing men. jlauid cheers. I do nul In any scn-- e oe isvln.f the repunllc i r the HeaanHraa P'rty. Ine gi i t mills ol oar people have lo their minds fidelity to iv ry iiemiirnl, every nohl and every hKli ideal. We mve neen npiifieil, un ler ihe provide nee of Uo I, wlinia these fine, i' years, to si e nea t,lury In lue in tnun n mni' ew glory In ihit flsir, snd when the ssiiuinc .ii.d iiopeiui end hoimrihie yminr mm nun In high , i luce inflhig aim those noble duiies. teidiag onm ' nu rliiss tnrui le unwertny nira lor low, prneutl, en merely pirtiesn motives t when lie tee. men in oBtce wiiiKlug at lorrupiion, au ovenooaiue it aad Srtlonmc It because ot ptrlltan biieiliy.ne becottsae and mat genera, uucontent prev lit in iii.lniul this i li try in ne n.lnd. of mr nublttt men, snd I n.uit not ne disregaided by tne Coaveatloa If ee wish euooots. I cheer .1 A VOll'B PH 'M OHIO. Gov. Novel of Ohio, in an. war to loud cilia, 0 line forwerd and addressed the Convention. He a .Id the people In thla Centennial vear demanded mure uf Republican reproanutaiivea than etr before. He had no evinptl iy with those who would destroy tbe chant ler of our great men fur political purposes, but the spin- - of cm Idem, nnd the disposition to thr piiriaottloii ot the Government, are commendable. Applauee.l The Republican party challenge hulieat crill-olan- i. When we discover th evet and raaoali In tne party w propose tu drive theui out of the party Into the one where they belong. (Laugh- ter and applauM.l Aato th candidate of thlt Convention, we of Ohio aak only tbit: We light nobody, we aaaail no man'i reputation; who- ever you nominate, we will try and help to elect bun. Applause 1 All we want ia a men. In the Bret place, wuu Is honest cheers ; In the sec- ond place, w want a man of comprehension enough to know what II right and what la wrong applauae; aud, In the third place, we want a man who II brav nough and atrong nough tu carry out bit convlotloni. Cloare.I Give ut a man of great purity of private lite, and an unexceptionable public record, and count un Ohio next November, tlsviid cheer. 'Ihe Kev. Highland Garnet next briefly ad- dressed lb Convention. He waa followed by Gov. Howard ot Mtcblgan, who aald that hla State would caat her vote for aoy candidate th Convention might nominate. Io cooclunun Guv. Howard aald : " Kred Douglm It in the hall. He lan't much blacker than I am, but he I marter. and 1 hope yuu will give him a call." A motion by a delegate from Michigan to ad- journ until 10 o'clock morning wa lost. 1h Convention then raised a unanimous cry tor d Douglaai. who cam forward to th platform, and wa rtd with an outbumof applauae and cueera that ihouk tne walls uf th hail. PUD. DOl'OLAM't RPBBCK. After thank ma tbe Convention for th warm, the cordial invitation extended tu bltn, Mr. Douglaii aald tbat th thing In which h felt the dpt Intereet. and th thing In which n believed Ibe oountrv felt the deeoett intereii, waa whether the print Iplea involved In the war are to be dearer to the American people In tbe coming polltlol itruggl than any other princi- ple! we hate. "You have emancipated us," he id, vou have enfranchised us, and I thank vou for I'. Hut what duet your emancipation, what duel your enfrancntierneut. amount to. If the bl.ick man, after Having been made free, Is unaole lo exercise tbat freedom -- if, altar Hav- ing been freed from the alavrhilder'i lean, ne It lu be tubject to the alavoholder'i abot gun i" Furthtr on be tald . 1 he Quettion ao it. no yea mean lo make good the prumlaes in your Cutntitutloo fill not to nit of finance, ltlxuetof more in yoar sdnnnlstea. tlou ipjlsuse ) I bedeve ibere it hoaeeiy la ine American people hoatiy In the men whom yoa elect -- wisd.ni in me uivo to manage ibosc sgaire, but tell me. if your beans be at my bean, mil tbe liberty wineb you have .earned for the black mta lo this country tbm bt mstniaiatd. t Applause.) Yoa say. some of you. lest you ran get tioug w tnout tie vole of the black maa ef tha Booth. oe, urn aaay Be peteibie. bnt I douot II. At au rtte wc, la eraer to secure out protection bereeffer, feel the aeed, la tie can aidate whom y a win plaes before the ceaatrr. ol tbt attureace that tht black sua shall walk tetbe Ballet eel la safety, even If we aav to bring a bay oaet heala ae (aeplaat. 1 aeat I aav Useee leeTags taat the uevtraaieat el the OaTle Itaies aaaj we nsersJ teelusg ef u eoaatry wuitprmadue Mm f veaiMaoai M kaveKvet. voa Btv eeuTVlhe aautber of yoar sleterloa atsoallltaa lltses tve oe s,x it least ot Ike old master BUtee of tht Sootn. fCbeers Pot I have no voiee to adores voa tnv luager, aaa you may new move dowu taere for au es iouruuieui Lubier tad applause. TMB PBBMAMBirT; OBO ANIXAT10BI. Mr. Ixirlng of Maatachuaett then came for- ward, and read the f uilowiug report uf the Com- mittee on Gi ganlxatlou : President Edward McPiieraon of Peantytvanta Alsnaiua. XI. W. uiooa t idtornli, George 8. hraus, CVloradu, Hoary MrAlbtter, MsrtlaJ Biieidon, Delaware, uwvld VV.Moor-Piund- . tieirgl, R L. Moll . II taois, John Tnna-ke- Indiana. James a Prster , ws, w. J. fititw , K.atti, William Msrtmdsle. Keeturky. K. wier- I. uisisua, tleorge Y. Kilso, Msiae.J. b Uroan.Mary land, lime A oar . Mteaicnue, tie, P A. chsdouurue; Mlculgaa, Henrv P Baldwin; Mlnuetoit. L Hogen ; Mi u.lppl, M Hbsu.estet. Missouri, u A. Kmnclu-bni-g- , Neeritkt. 11. H. Koiey , Nvaaa, Ihos. tVrsn , w Hinipslilre, A K Htraw, New Jeraev, Win A eiil; New York Marsli..l 11 brooks North i in In i, Jsuiet II. Harris, Ohio Henlsmiu F Wsue, Oregon, , I. H. Foter , ., .1 uiiila Outline . ithoue l.lah'l. Henrv Hue. ard . ft into t arohni. D II t leaves, leiuies.ee, Rorare II. Harrison, lx.s, A R Norton. Vennoui, Oeorge lloae. Virginia, H. II. i trier. Ke.t Vng.uls, v K. eteventon ; a iscnu.ln, .Its Binkh ArUons, Deforest Porter Dakota. Alexau.er l.uabe , Dl.lrlcl of oluui-hi- t , Idaho. Aus u Sevsge ; Monlsns, HenJ J H. litem. New Mesico. Hamuel 11. Aneil; I'lih, Jae H. MtKetu. wasblugion, Liaood kvaus, vvyouung, Wui. Iliti on Print ipal Hecretary J M Bean ot Wisconsin, and out as.ltant for each Male. 1 he Committee furl he' reported that they had aubinltted uo name for Vue I'residcnt and for St ties where there ire cuuleata. I'D report waa adopted Ibe retiring Ibalrman then Introduced the Hon. Edward McPheraun uf Pennsylvania a permanent President, and lie was received with eUecrs. Mr. Mcl'braun aald : MB. M'HH BRBON'B PKX'R. Gbntlxmim or tbx t'oavasTtos: No one of yon kbuas better than uivtelf how entirely uaworthy I am of this high honor It his come to uie, not only un sought, but witn a feeling ot anso ute aud uncontrolla- ble urotNe, but I have been reared lu ttie.choolof duty, and In the po'ulca ot Penn.rlrtnia it is s fundamental doetriut rhat every Hrpuolloan h.i! du Ins whole t.ut lippeurl. sua. there- fore. 1 em here lo rcpt ihle honor, tendered , yoi r , liiiul'tee, snd ra Itteil t y yourse ves. aa an hoiiwr teiub e i to tne great o.d t oiiilli owes 'li who-- i ha. e t Hi, it out o' ut l gslea, en ' Ills i ,inv. nu n. no e ikoH in nu one of ihe great miitcels haa .ne i rer f. re, a loau-- an i ui lilsiiul un.jl i uvih u.i she t ' . In' '.. ti all o libit' il. Haul Lie to the enemy t - 'I Ui. M li Ii II, ,.,!, in i iiill lot. , or a.tvMil'ig list .i.ol i i'i mal 'App oi.e tiT D to loll lip. f T HO' h' 'lillic h t UU. I U V' u tio il lllSj lift .'It II .a iv II n t.lf liet In ot Hole to b m list sin ha. loML' te ti. anil I K4V it Wl'l, ill re peel, i re.i.o-- l in lue IP'i u ,1. au csutua. it btei.. Ine t i ir is res'lr fcr Ui'lms.. Tne President announced that the C imnilttee on Hilles would nieel at I o'clock nt the tilli.oii House, and tbat tnev lo make a repoil in lue iworuliig. He also soggestvtl the appoint- ment of a no ii ber of the Com inn tee on ttt solu- tions to take the pl tee vacated hv Ills elev.illon lo i he chair ; and. acconlinaly. VV llliam II. Maun wio. nelecled, un inoii, u uf S liltam Cuinbaca uf ludl.ina. I bv Convention then adjourned until 10 A. M. A BUIHT01T ui:mosi HATIOS. Oeecea Richard statllh Hereaaded aad I tier-la- g W rda of Wisdom. Cincinnati, Juuo U- .- A liuca ami en- thusiastic llilatovv mruilng waa held at the Opera House and wat addrcaed by several prominent delegates. After the adjourn- ment Ilie crowd marched tu the GI aou Home, nlieis they serenaded the New York Haforin Club; ihence tu the Unmet House, where they icrcti.iilnd Senator H trlan, and finally to the Grand Hotel, wlieie they tailed uut George William Curl Is. During the evening onu of the bunds of inunic topped lu front of the H.u.lU ofltce an 1 sere-nido- d It. A large crowd weie attracted, anu calls being made fui Deacon HI, hard Hmlth, lie came lo one of t he w Indow a of the second flour and apoke aa folluwe ( irirss 1 hard.y feel like venturing ru iiii.'. rt i mi, t - ' 'i sili i r i, i. t in re ti ' ihui n h' ne suit i oi, f i. ion liuialitt I, ki- tten i . a wai, wio n In 'v w ,l ,ilin to luaae a sp t a St I ' Vr'Alnl ou the ijti ,.11 ,i of riV, r S'.'l 'alb I'll 1, oveioeiii-- , a nli li ass .t ilKpat, il sine in be pu n s of ti'o- - si lut-- i. ut oia .lib ai Hon o ui ite a .lie. lt, Ut the nil I til I oliveullon ahull Is t t'tl'liur fur ilie pur use of iinuiln ling i isniP-t- i li fiu tin' I'. t Itb in y I ,uiiii'.te yoj a. in I nil lik. me lot. I' yuu win. l. g Mug to be h mlim l, but It. I. Ju. wnul hsvv bet it riving tu nu I olll aualiltr) t i, l Ru llial Itu no ui it irn lite b. 1 L.iow. Atll'i' last aiT'tuuis 'ill the i uiiiiltlt-- v re V l roii.itlei a.ii ,e,id l'h"ie .ire sltoiit title, n el gait-- ertiint- -i up sit tgeuuei I it unhtr iiuati. I) for Mieiu there sre ouly ?'H in ine i.uv, utbiii. 1 e, oa t t reiie, I l gat it I is as a t rt' t al lime 111 the lite of ihe kieal an'i grand Hi piinociin piriy, iut I do nul prupuee lo sp ak luiitglu tor llieu, hut for the ciue. I e.tiiui the tstlsf fsi above the men. The ailleesa of Ihe Hepubltran nvrly lu Ihe api roacnlng cuulesl la uf fai Uloie e to rae ball Ihe run cess of suy man, ami 1 oniy t'ouslder a una in su tar is he may be Instrumental in iciliiig the grtat party to vlciuiy. In i perfectly aatlall i lu my uwu mind, aud I du nul wtut tu nun the fetiligs ul my geail uiaa who may have hit ereferenret, fur wt all hava a right (e uur inference; I do not want to hart the feehugs uf tuyoody. hut It occurs tu au UuM there ere eetidldiiee aow promluant before tbt ltepuoiican Cunveniloa hole tiwlwu, If nounneted, would be eioeedli.gly auXculi If bui lBipo.ipl, ub the vtktr bind, tui at aaadMate srhote aovalaaMea woM, la say aatnlaa, lead to eerlala aaeerte. Tlup beta the cue, N wan t me that th Conven. lion whlen e ikt to be tbe lepresenlttivt body ot lb HeoabllasB psrty should iaie aoriakt. I feel satis ' that with BeoJ B. Rrkttow at our e iiutdate there eoaal beaoruk st.,li. (Appitei .l If thev ire not satis-tt- i with Bnttnw giv, at (fsyea. Loud eheen.) It they can ml unite oa Hayee, let them give aa ihe wir Governor of Indiana. I am satisfied with either of thete three gentlemen, Ind there are twenty others whom I e mid name who mar be nourl oat d, against whom nothing is to be a.ld. Bat It teem, to me tne doty ot tm Oouvrnlnm Is to a cer. tea) eno give to the people the mto that Ihey demand. Wen laall le.d ut to victor,, end net rlta unfeei. If neh a one aha, I re nominated he wi I he elected st Ibe aext Preeidrnt ot tbe tinned Btates. I thaak yea, gentlemen, for your attenllou. POOL ON Till OiajfllNNATt rtANDinATM. In the New York 'I urf Kxehan laat night pool wet aold on the Ihnotnnatl nomination i r t ii ch Am Iton i ftrnrh j net on rmet. ' ftli fVps Aintet On. i'O'U. r nine .. 1M l.si Onnt (3 a0 C. kiln 9 o Jewell .... t - ftritiow . 10 tu Morion W ihliitrne .. U lb Pield K S llsiea.. .. It IS - KIT ie riiOTOOHAPIIM BY HVK HKPOBTBK. Mr, farl' l.H Hr Poaad at lh Cen- tennial Kxhibllloa. In April Mra.Carl, of N Mlduogo street, tlronk-ly- a, bought I coffee ind cskf stand IB Chatham street. New York, from one Kufus Dill, who, after the bsrgaln, aaked her to a low her twelve year o d aon to go 1 the Centennial grounda with him he woul J hot c 'nsent i hut on April to Ihe lad iiiasnpea ed hire received a po t il card tiylng that he had gone to tee, hal did lot believe he hid, Tht police worked toe How lor ber. aad the wenl restlessly through New Terk, Brooklyn, en I Philadelphia, searching fur to r rnlld. Bht worried tnt Philadelphia oflcrn into s mart ictlvs taarrh, d'le went thither last week axala, and luckily found her boy walamg in the ttreet with Dill. Bhe hid Dill loeied np fltepi are lo be taken to have 1 I brought here on a requisition. He wlil he irleo for tbuuctloo. The Oik ttreet poliot give Dill a haa aamt. Th Kllllag of PhlhB Mtlohl by hla With. An lnqut waa held yeaWrday In tb caa of Philip Btlehl, who died la Relievos Ro.pllal of a atab wound Indicted by bit wife, Victoria Atsend, Mr, tlehl'i mother, tettlted thet they lived at 17 Kldrtdge ireet, apart from Bileiu. He did lot upport hit wife, hat vlilled hsr there. On the morning of Miy W BHeBI knocked at the door of their room. He knocked nu wife dowa wltb hit Bit as tnt lei him la. Re iken beat end soused ber and her mother, ind thretteaed to kill them both. Then he dragged hla wife from tbe huuae. Tbe witness next taw her daughter supported by tome woru-- who tht tsld hid laved ber life at Eidrtdge and Delancer ttreeti. Bbe next taw Btiebt ia tbt police titloa Bht did bo! tee tny knlft la Met. Btlenl'i biuaa al any time. Tba nollee letiiaod that Bllthl bad eaiu hie wife atabbed hlra. The verdict waa tbit Mrt. Btlehl atabbed ber hnthaad la self defence, and Corontr Bickhuff hud ber In tow bail, wblcb was furnished. a Th .Matter Car Ballden' Cavatle. About Mventy of th repreeentatlve car build-i- n la la United Btstea met la eauaal convention 1b tbe Dread Ceatral Hotel yeattrday, tbe Pretldeal, Le aader Oarer, la the chair. A committee reported oo the idntahillty ef ipplying Ihe continuous train brake, to freight cart. A loag dlecutiion ensued, la whtca all the member, admitted the great merit of the brake la stvtoi life and properly By preventing accidents. A wat ntaaed recommending trt idoblloo if the brge br all railroad managers Mr vy. K. Cham, herlln read a committee report on the ventlltnoi, aud lighting of rare. Beeertl Inventors were In the room, and ti.rirmlnla.ure a a, hlnerv wa piled high upuu all Ibe llblse Mr. H A ftouge of New York prepchlcdl cunip icated aii'llngenloieaptirttu. by wblcb a itream of cold or hot llr lil.y he pourlovr coistalitl7 tiuougn a car. Mr. I. s iisr lug of Brooklyn alao prt tented a moJet of i ventilating rusctuu- -. Ilamaa Bodlea la the Rivera. Th nud body of an unknown man, about forty yeara old, five feet leven Inches high, wltb a h rt blsca beard, was found off Hsneioe'a Poial, near Perl Morris. The ho y of a female Infant wai found off Seventh ttret I, Kilt river. Tbe body of a man. dreaaed In a dark nek coat, veal, and pantalooaa. was found off Pier vs. North fiver. He wat ugbi comaltxioaed. bad red hair, and smooth taee. A struger of about ihlny-fiv- Jutnpeu off the aler at Tweaty.tilrd ttrtal, Eiai river. I sat evening, in the pocket of a cost that ae bid left on tbe pier wit a tora taveioae, jtmaraed ftabway, N. J., addressed to Mr. A MbortsT 0Ur Shot. Jtyha O'Tool, who kep a MUlor'e boarding htaai al H Oliver street, wet yesterday cosaaalttsst to tk Tomb to iwali the retail of tht pistol Hot would which he infflcted npon Btephea It Rownaa. of the or-- roi arrest dei artmeni lu the Bbrig1. oflce. O'looie idnilu tntl ne fired me shot but Inittta Uiet he did II lu lf defence, on Tueader evening be met Kuwean luaHuuth street salooa. o'looie ssvs that Huwnan abused hlm.and thenaeaaulted him. Tnen he (OToole) shot Ktwiian In the cheat. Kownao wa. taken to bta home io Henry street, aud hla pbysi una thluk hla re. covery dou itiui. He waa apeecaltst and uaabit to move his limot lilt nighi. Hallroad Faroe Auneaored Veetrrdav. The fares on tht Pennsylvania, the llaltlmor tad Ohio, the New Tork Central, tbe Or.nd Trunk, and tbe Erie Rallwiy to tie West, are aacoureed to he To Cincinnati, 1 1, Indianapolis, till; Cbicago, 13; l.ou-li- t ilie, fib t. Lou's, (17. Tne trie began yesterday 1. sell rickets to Ctles, Auburn, and tien.va il $4 , to oswego. to Hoeoi ster, I'ensnoalgu , Ctle-- uls. Le Hoy. Hattvia, and Attica, tt.ivo: ruuud trip tickets. Mi Buffalo or Niagara rails, tf. round trip iicaeis, IP, to Duii'.iri, ihe N, w 1 ork Central milamut lit old rates to clues in this Histc. Another Hreeklya Harder. Early on the morning of May 30, lhoa. Robert- son f Stot Humooldt ttreet, Brooklyn, Frank Bei'ten, aud .Inn llnetger oflu Ten Ryck street assaulted Pilllp tisperof 174 Teo tvek si reel, striking him uver tbe rUht eye e.iih tnme bluut Late tin night the police discovered tr,at t uper was il the point of dei'h, snti i oroner Notsn w ,s sent lor lo last ine tuie mortem depo.iti m ,tutic lite k, the new official In tne kastt-r- Diatrlel, Imtieltl of lioldl ig Ihe prlaonera tolt'tltlte eneut of t super's tuui ie., nned rto'icrt sou 110. slid dlseh ,rged Pealleu snd lluetgt-r- . ilfllceil wa.c itti night lo rearrest the men. A Pnr Woinaa'a lf tallatlna. Bridget Hxrry waa arraigned in the VVashlng-lo- n pla e Pol ce Court yesterday on the complaint of lbs Weed Sewing Machine Company, bus was charged with malicious ml. chief in entering the office of tb coramur ind hretklng two sheets or g set tibe itd m deienee thai all months ago she purchased t machine from the company fortl lo be paid for lu uiontl.lv ol 110. 8iie naidtaA- mu failing to meet the last psyiuelit, the eompsiiy se ti d the mat lilue. In .no commuted the offem e cuurged. Ju.uco Dulfy relitatd ber. Trouble on a Ball field. Yoaterday afternuon the llobuken Base flail t Inn ef llojukeu saseuibied ttu the enclosed grouud n lersey nvenue Jermv t llv, to plays iiiaie.i gsine w fh the Atsskst luti of N, sr Y ra When n jtiii e waa t altrd, uni of the lask I 111 wss obji i led 0 !,y the Hub men l ill bee t.a I . l il !! . f I'm b h.loual e.'lh. snd the llotiok t ipt uu leru.el to put About I.ishj list! psol ilo-i- iiiirame nio.iy, sua they beeilne vert A it luimtutul, sud a .qtUtl 01 pul tl" tliart.i thu ground! Troltlug at I'lreiweod Park. There were three trots on the Fleetwood Para Lourae v sterday, under the auaplcea of the earatoga Htsbles Ironing Association The flrl waa won nv J lurphv'a b. g. Jake 11, "S. lu '.' ,1, '.114, uuil tv's riiere went su heat. In Uo- snoi.drsic, Wine wa. Itually wou by ,1. 1 s o. g A i.siewirt, lu tllw H tltl, and i he tiurtl race ass a , n oy A Udell's s g. mr Henry, lii '.' Sul( :nis4, and ! n Koli e wss c'uatly couteated, aLU Hi. It hg was vety lively. A Pamaaa Piece al' Property Mold. .fiiincey I'ourt, hearing the, numbers ,17. 3'.l. 41. li d :l Wan street, being til fe. i final, so ftct n .1, with an avrrtge depth of 11H reel, was sold by aui tma Il lllit r irbsugu asieerounis ye.lerdsv A iiiurtvage for fin ,0"0 aaa hit titled in the prite tl lite hiddin r began al lifiai.tMsi, and 11 was aob, in no- orient an Vto'ens Insurance lotup.tii. fnt f.'t.tl.. m n. ei Irtlug leases uf the lenanls einhe i the 1.1 uf May, 1177, Tbe lladlnc of Children Hemalna. Iaipentert at work at U'l Kultoii stroet, Brook- lyn yraterday afternoon discovered tieneaf h tha finer of the .lore Ihe skeleton of a Itild. wrapped lu female Ihe head was derailu-- from the rent of ihe 0 ru . 1 in pi e ha. b n u. ,1 fur s long tin., aa a thesp loilgb g hi u.e I'he ilea inly ef a fitnub thud time ti h. obi tvav found lu the ulgltt .cvengtr's scow oil Ws.idugtuu avenue, Itruoklyu, yesterday. A YVomau'a SMili-lde- Ou Sunday Mrs. Trim Is licit, of 177 l'.i iQc strei I, Newsrk, lie levlhg lion .he was neir or t I. I if C'tUHitiuplion, ptociiri tl an old knife, un tfter 011 11a im at t ut' ot In r si ill, unit' I an srtt ry, aud has -- luce db d A Poltc rmiiire I, Im. Frederick Hcliwlnuel. of .Nl Mulberrv tin n', the hoy who wss be.il'-- sinl kit m l wi ').rr 1, i v Orllci r Mllcll II. Oh the 7111 ot Mll.a s tepor.t tl ,lj tg l.fl hlght. lu.ltilor links h.i. lil.t'le h.11 1:1 a UL llllat Mllcll ll. Hrather Hnweu Itniscg the Wind. Mr Henrv I'. Iloumi has 111 'rttr Iim leal- - ilent e hi tl los al re, I, r oa II. fol t.to o, lu luv or of Hit uutlable Life Ahmu s t oiupeu) A Newark Hoy llrowuert. Y slerU.tv aftei 11 ion t i itl na ne I Dillon, of w'5 Hh' rtleldnnet. Netiirt- - arh In tl' r si 111 tl f poud near Ine buidler.' llonie, fen In ami na diuwutd. Ntws lor Hall Plavera. No. no of Ihe Itoyt of th H'or!,, ready thlt m ratug. couialna the beginning et the exelllng ttory ctoed " Base Bail Bob, King uf iba Third Batt."-A- st. "Paral'o, th Mustang Rider," out y In Jumo'i lyuUpstd Buy if 4iu4iss.T.4a(ak Ball Plavere. Alteailea I Joe Btarl, aad other qually oelbrtd htll playert, Bay leiru afswpuiat from " Base Ball Burj, King of Ibe Third Utte," whust story Ii begun la Mu. M ol tht akitf lOH W( ey, ttu vrhlB..df. BLAtttB't rntmnn oojrixuHT. rrwaariaa far a Mraad KastleaHaa fstasetiag la WaahlagMva. Wabhiwoton, June) li. Bom of tbo mott oareful of polltlolane. In oonratlun here tbl evening, oi r that thev doubt Blalne'i ultimata lUooeH. There le an rxoess sj enthualaam Jutl now mad manlfeei.but It may not be strong nough to asreep everything before it. Certain- ly then can b no objeotlon mad to Blaln on account of th condition of his health. He wa abl y to aat quit heartily, and thla after- noon n want out for ehorl rid. Hie phy tlclans have enjoined upon him the great ot hla abstaining lrnm any ex- citement, and he la now well enough lo realm tb Importance of following their directions, lie will go to Mount Plea nt to morrow, suburban reanrt aome ill inliei In tne oountrv, where ne will remalu tur the pre-n- t. Hit f lentlt are preparing fur a grand rail-fl- c tlon evening In caie ne Is nomi- nated at Oinolnnntl. A large pi I form la being ereote on tne oo.-- space In front of tu Cdlr H II for that purpose. One objeut of this Oeinnnairatlon II 10 prevent e general ruan of iieonle to Mr. UI In' house In cane uf nit nom- ination It Ii tliougnt tuat tne excitement of euoh an event wuuld lie very liijurlt tut tu t.l ui lu tbe prceetit critical ooudllion uf Im health. Hla remov .1 to th country If be I able to go before in anal returns are received iroiu ilie Convention, la an- other mainod of precaution adopted by lilt fnenda auu phyalclans to avoid mental and phys- ical exertion contetiuent upon a vlsilatloufiom th eager populace. Thee preparation are ooneldered as an evidence of tht fal'b of th Blaine people here lo hit ttreugth at Cincinnati, and th certainty of hla tuocess before th Con- vention. In tbe event of hit failure to carry the Convention, the ratification of tb lucoestful ueudldat will go n all th itru. rilsT KAHTKBK VOMVt.lCATIOK. Tha Beraegavlalaa Chief Keeolvlaa ia Ba Ject th Arealatlea. Loirooir, June 14. Tbt Urttnd Vizier of Turkey has wrlttan a vry conciliatory and friendly reply to Prlno Milan' xplanatlon of th Servlio armamant. H xpr lympatby with Sarvla'a position, and nyi tb Port I not unmindful of Bervli'i autonomy and privlleg. It admit tbit tnr have been violation or th fruntlr oy both parti, and promt to appoint pedal delegate to confer wltb Servian delegate upon th tnaana ol preventing auub violation in future. Kaotba, Jun It. Information received br from Ulavonlo lourctt layi that th Herxego-vlnla- n chle.'s bay hld a meeting and rtaulved to reject th armlatlce. Auatrla will grant no further relif to tba Hersegovlnlan rfuge. Th relief committ are now deitltut at fund. THE lATHMT OLD WOBLD MMWB. Ytrdar' Pla Raelag at tba Aaeat Haalh Mwtlag-T- ba ffavarllee agala Baala. Lohdob. Jun 14. Brilliant waatbtr graced tbe second of the Atcot Heat.i meetlnf. Tbe three event on the c ,rd tuotl worthy or note were the Corontlion tutket. the Hoyil Uunl cup, and a match ract for 6.000 between Mr. John Danny's 0. b. Contro-vrrty- , ind Mr. II. Bird', ch b. Low under. For the Coronation ttaket a field of tevtn hortea fece.i the eurter. Footstep Isnded the prlte, with Ap-- ind Arena 1 dtid ben for the second piece, tad teti fourtn. The latest belting on this race waa V tu I each agaluat Fo'ttttep and Levant, and 10 tut each ag.tiiet Appeal and Arena. Fur ibeKuval Hunt cup tbolerge field of twentr-tw- florae a alerted, with hiiieoia the I svurlle at 6 lu i. Tne race was woe by Hop Bloom, who started with jo to 1 eielnil bim, D.fbam oeiug eecoa t. Thorn Iblrd. Ecromie fourth, lud tbe fsvori e eleventh Ihe lest betting on Ihle race was 6 10 1 sgaiast nplaoss, 7 to 1 aealntt hcrossau, to tu 1 agaiuil Hop Biauaa, aad 26 lo 1 each agaluat Dalnaa and I horn. The match race for kA.000 between Controverey and Low leader, who gave Ceatrorerty Id puuudt, wat won by tbe former. Tha PrahaM Katatu af Wlaalaw. Lobdoh. Jun It. Oeorge Bvereil, clerk for the aaUaaael tmtlnest of the Berne Ofxce, aald that be tkouid thtak that Wlaalow weald Be rsleaaM at he xaewt of ao lappleaeatary treaty Oraat Bniala aad ihe Dolled State havtag been siesS t. Ttje J ansae "a deantea will d Bead opoo whether Blr John Holker, tha Ailorney btaarsf, baa beea instructed to bold uut the hope thai an agreement will ba retched, but be waa not aware whether bir Julin Holker bad beeu ao inelracled. Mr. It ve rest also tald thai appllcailou was madt to Justice Liud.ey 00 June for a writ of hibei. corpus for Charles Brent, tbe Luultvliie forger, then Ju.tlce Lmdiey reminded ibe case lu June 16 fur the cuutid-tretlo- a of tbe tub court. Tha Taxailee af tiermna la ('aba, BBRLIN, June H. -- Tbe Oft. (n! (pittite liyt that tne Impentl flnvernment tome time tgo opened s with Hpaln to free Oerman residents in Coha from the extraordinary war taxes levied tut rv. Differ- ence iro.e respecting the Interpretation uf the trestles un this subject, aud a settee of difficulties, ibt luding tbe genersl political suusilon. aere put forwsr 1 as pre- venting ftpaiu from to Oeimauy'a uem uu-- . (lermany. however, his ubtuued 'li- - roncestlon tint uroceea uf distraint aud tort d .ale. of r penv for of sai.l taxes shall be suspended in the cases of R.iini'iu restdeott until su andertiaudlng it tittiued. The Rcllgleui Rlo'laa In Belalaa. Bhi srL, J .ne (treat agitation still prevails, but there has leat dlturbtnce y than yetterday. Bauds uf rioters continue to boot and hist in front ut tbe Cithulle institutions, dome ain dates hive beeu broken, ind a few srreslt nude. A Ca duel t'uuut I hss net cilb I tor to lilurr.iw. Al Antwerp ins i'l.lurbaLCt.a a ere renea etl ttedty. Many thetiaanils uiarc'ied thi .gh shunting "Dowu with the Miuisit rr." Ibe nub afacard aud wrr k' d 1 (' tllio'tc in.ntiil The gea arnies cusiged upon the rioters tun set, nl persous auio wuunucd. A number uf irrvals hsve bt.-- madt. Political txcllcnient In Parle. Paris. June 14. Pretldetit MacMahon nitured Mlbl-tr- r Dufsure yestertlsy that he intindcd to remain neutral in u-- mailer of M. buff-r- cauniuaty for ihe fct.atr it ernaaaya tne Mtni-tr- won d regard M. Buffet's eb to. in si an set of h isnMiv on th part of rhe bt uale. and wouid r slgu. Im- .ffalr cau.es eicite mem. It Is salt, if t'ie faMt.ft abou relgn a d a new one be formed out or nt Highi. the Chamber uf Deputies Wuulu relu.c tu vute il.c Image. The (ilbralmr Hlollu:. London. Juris 14, I he riot at illorallar on till atll lUrl-til- aSS tetWeiU t, rat ,11 .3 hot. Slid bo.t'i en. iUl.'U' ttns ant l 'i, a v,re U Mai v pirllclpa ,t wrc I irown luto thew-ttfi- , ' in ii. lie t, r.- ,tl 1, .1 ne ,t , ao it- l t verb a oi l li.K'p. r, ort .1 otii-r- . Hie triutoe or giustutl m a tit i man .nl lor . ti ig a lauv society and Hell Inn lu Peril. I' tins June 14 lllshop H.ip inloiii hna wrll-le- u a psii.pni l eatltletl " V nitii. r are w- going " It ciibtvor lo .how tat sod, tj. s i nligouatein the grestest p ' thr Uiti rhe li'Mn.tts l tio.ri-- s of sthei.m no i.stert llsin Tuc mio, tatioii is aidtly circu aud sutl causes a sensallon lleunsenlit's Warning. Ill t I1ARU-- T. June 14. I'lisy Itouoianlati Oov-rmi- nl ml ah ortler reliluitilng fortlgiirrs of ibe for coL.plrlhg ou Us ttirilur agalu.t ftir-Ig- n Stale, and lur iraffb slug lu aim. I'laela a t'eateealwl Mhow. l'llll irikl. Pill. June 14 A Ttuklih .'aft1-- un the Kilubirlou grotihds as. turned Into a verb ty show, slnM-lu- . anddsuitug of au ohjs. iluuabl-- kind he li.gdol'ebv rarklsh uieu and aoiiten he noe ag tinst charging sdnltsslou fee wis evaded bv tduiltllug nonody who aould hut buy t cup ul tuffee al iatnti five. cuts, mis sfternooh the Director oeneral ordered a police ruld, ind the show waa cloaed. Cruelly bv Tlaakrd llebbrrt. Nafhvii.i.b, Pa., June 14. I'bree masked men laat nign' broke lulu the ikmi.u of Hamu, I Abraham, wea'lhy fanner ri.ltllhg three mllea from this plsce, slut plsi ed a ha ler aroun I h's net and thrrstened to h ng hull If he dm not tie, Iver Ins money Aft, r i t only tortiirlua l Abr itiania and hi. wife by burning tin ir ft et, lue uu., leaiila fie , isait g wllh tticui Ida lu wuuey and a valuable horse sud i tigsy. The Amri'lcau Klflemen. The final competitluu for iilaces In ilie Icainwas endi d on t leetltnoor range ye.ri t div Ihe un I irservi', tviti their total icori., an Karatll a!l lly.l , se U n H.I h.imi, si,, V I, hi! nee, SU , ec affer, WW lil.ui, sial tlriltuult, S'.', Allueia U, ;i7, J.Stl, ,al, IVa.l. bui he, it'4. I'i lidded with a Pilclifnrli. I.evv is Walu ii, oi 1'il'orsvtli stre . i"anelletl a, th to o pin ui at 1. 4 its In I .t ;hl arol wia Mahtnil with a hlti bf ra by the sit r, Iwo it tl e ilon,: tlitt , If nl It', ii t ,1 a ,iitl s t IM ao.ii'l .tppiilau as loi ttl u, mill' Kl'lll'lg. ttieet slat. ail 1'br Palliu'e ot it HntiiiiM I ' I s sat llavtN t, June It M llolauli.le ,V I , import- er i I'll tl I' it pr.iv i.it n. ui iiii.ti t r.,1.11' t 1'htlr It ill itl, s lit this lalaud are ft luialed at oi '.ooo llrailc Park Kacei. BoaTOV, Tune II I'he fir- -t re, " for tVVI in r o, wa. tv. n by Holer , time, 2 'tl. - hi. J'ib'., II Ine secoud was wou ''y 1. 1. Cnnpiii in . 41, a. Ja's- THE DILLIARD EXPERTS I H pBoammma or thb tovbmambnt im h ,H IBT MO HALL. H A fVBleadld nam heivvaaa William PIatt4sB If' and Albert I .M tlial Beat with Vvrllte iMoa Luim Might. 1 .immmml The Uttb frame of tbe billiard tourna v mnt waa played In Irving Hall last night bp , William hexton and Albert Oarnhtr. lb hall , fH wa overflowing for the first tlrn in lb tnurn. ( jH roent. muoh curiosity being mnlfeitd to know bow Hextoa would far In a MO point gam with , u eatilful in advert ry at the aentlemanlp flmjaami Prenchmaa, Bxlou won tit lead, aud mrtrd iftmmfl off aa though b latendad to wlp out 'stassmml hit defeat by Hloanon by aollnaln lli almmmm! wonderful record In Phlladelphli. Scoring from VrftH tha apot he left th ball together In tha upper '' mmmmm! left corner. H aoored up to 84, and retired with - eH 80. Oarnler forced tb pi iv from tb Hart, making a magnificent run of Tl and following II taesssssmml with 1, 7, l. 8, fill, and It. making his tot I at tha sssssmmm! and of the seventh Inning 887, Bexton bavnia 'tmmmmml meanwhile ru do only B4. Ilmmmmfl Tne young Amcrictn then went to work, ami wnen he reaolied 73 a freexe caused the balls to be aput ed. and lie uilss d hie next abut by a 'ATH hilr. Both pi ivers tnen had turren Inning. f'mmmmV Oarnler rolled up 80 in hie eleventh Inning, ler- - ''mmmmV Ir compoaed of hla beautiful draw and niaasd Mmmm shots, and uiipliiMMitl It It bv a d .H 80 in hie thirteenth Inning. Sexton, meanwhile, 'H was experiencing recurrence of the luok thai ffBEH beaet bim in tne early stagea of the game, and i fggggggga bis total waa only 141 at tb end ol tb txtoth 'gggggggfl Inning, whli Oarnler wa 847. ! i mmmH i nu in young American eooweu nia mevtia i ajBJBBBJSJSJ again. By playing as nearly as posslbl rep. Idassssssmm tltlon of his last oonslosr :bi run. h rolled up k!sssssssssssl 100 with tb balls atill well In hand. A ahot or , mm two linprleuoed thm in tb right upper oornar. mmmmV a position not desirable on account of th barred I'aaaaaaaamm crotch ehot. II, however, avuldtd penalty, t'kimmmV and played within a foot of tba oornar until ha heasssssssssi bad toured 47 more, whan a spread abot for smmmH gathering lft tb thr bill almoai frostn to ' itAWJBBBBJ tha upparrail wltb th cu ball ouUld. Ha i vjgggggggl next md 148, tb lirgail run ol th gam. BBBBBBBBJ OarnUr aat down after orlng 8 point, and, ' IVJasaBBw Bexton retumtd hit play, acorlng SB, placing tb fgTgggggl atting even at Stf. Uarnter brok th tl by a BEBBB in run of 8; Sexton mad 8. OarnUr nxt ran 86. B H Bxtun having mid hit third ahot, Oarnlar R mmmm added 87 mora tu hla (core, giving bim again a U . fafafafafj olaar lead of 78 polou. U jjfggggg. Bexton corraUed tb ball agtln In tha left H 1 lowar oornar, and whan h had run 40 they wi , mmmm (till than. A Jourov along tb lowar rail nt-- 1 , Mmmm tad !M mor. Somewhere In tb nlnttM lha vfaVaVaVJ bull war Juit wbr h itarUd wltb thm. H ,. mmmH bad reaoued ISO when tba balls wera ball way; , jWMm along tb uppr rail. Ba than bad 8 to make to , MTggggrJ beat Oarnler run of 188 to tb second gam. ' MfggggrJ hitherto tb largt made In th tournament. aBBBBBBBJ H mad the 8 point, and continued to Mora ' ijwgggggrj until be illppcd up In an eaay half msaA draw grgggggm at 177. 1 b wire thin uowd Beaton tdO, Uar- - ffH nlertSJ. Uaniler'i next lgbt Inning ddd only 18 Bfffal to bta icor'. Baxton waa leemlnglv x- - T VAVaTI Iiolnti by It ley exert lont, thro tluiee scalterlog I .'H bails for trifling rum that leemed well dlinoaad fAVAfATB to yield hltn tb gam. At th end of tb lf.8-- 8 H twentv-nlnt- h Inning he stood it 864. He mar-- gggggjj aballed the b.tlle again along th lower rail, nd ''ssmmV coaxed them along until bo had made tba ra- - jTggggB quired 48 polnli. 7l.,rnler waa left at 441. Sex- - aTfl tun's average waa 80. Oarnler' e, 188 8V. mWM Ibereeult ruakei a tie between baxton and , VAfB Rudolph for th 8nt prize, each having lost ABBKH one gam and woo two. lbey will playoff tb fffgyfl ti in a SUU point game this eveulng In Irving ilssaamV Hall. lb third gam between C. Dion and Maurlo gggggVJ Daly, In tb 2,(WU point match for $8,000 wa mWM opened br Dion I nt night, wbo, at tb close of th Bagggga sixth inning, wllh th l.UUO with which h itoird) , B8Jwgg credited, bad icored 1,084 point ; Daly wltb 888 to his credit, having toured 1,08. In hit eighth In- - gggggl nlng Dion mad aepiendid break for 41. Daly fol- - iffBBBBSj lowed with 68. Dion'e 8n carom, and Dsly'a mWM bank a, ruahion-k- i and clever mtsi4twera U "fH mott Ilk saw revelatloot In tha uluo of buV kjwggl Hard. .'IB There waa a repetition of tbl txccptlonaltg 'mwm baautlful play In tba tanth Inning, and Dalf ;WBBBJ claared 111. At tba oloaa of th eleventh in- - efaffgggl nlag tba eoor ateod, Dalv 1 J40, Dion 1,087. iMmm Another tne run of 88 ant Daly up Into hi Vgggg thlrtaanib hundred, whtl Dloa was at 1.08. ' MWM Whan tha eighteenth Inning wa closed th mwt aaara stood 1.386 to 1.186 In f ivor of Daly. 'TH lo tbe tweuty-art- l tuning Dalv again ahowad mmM forth tb strength that Is In htm. He sought ' -t- wj-tBJ for a long tim. by mesne of long draw, round mwM th table allots, and difficult benka, to gat tba Wmm red end while In poeltion for nursing, ind ba Jmrnt ucceeded. HI Judgment wa never bettor mwm shown than in thla part of hla gams, snd bis Wm delicacy of touch not s 'rpasssd In any game 'Vgam ever played. Tb mult of tb run was 104 Wm points. The score ttt this a lag wat: Daly, 1.464; Dion, 1.140. ffS Daly's tweutv second Inning nettad bim 48, ' gggm and gate bim 1,500 pulnts, leaving Dion it 1,141. WJBJ Paly having started with 886 to his credit. mm made SUs points. Hit average waa therefore mm T! His average fur ibe laUd nolut was ex-- gfggl act Iv 16. Dion's average for laat nlght'a play waa laas UM than 7. anil fm tht whole plav 14 7 11. His best WM run was 01. Daly's beat runs were AD. ItH. and 111. WM In the closing gsme Daly has SOU to make, Dion bit. IIHKIi OF LIVE. ( Deliberate fsalclde by (strychnine af a "ea l upialn'e Lonely t lie. fmW When Mr. Kaynor of Hlvernead, laong Island, Kjsfl returmd Irom New Turk to bit home, oa bsturday 'gggsl night .stl, he found his wife dead, bns was Ivlog upon ' ' mH the bed, fuily dressed, sud the dueler wao wss cslied , in hrlkri d th .1 .he had neea dead twenty four hours. t VH Net e u: her ueigtioort bid seen ber tince tbe Wedaee , 1 mm da urevb ii.. A p ip rcuntaitilug a.tme an ycaalue wai 1 4tEl found upon tnesiove near her. snd ou the bed wat a I )sBN 1. icr, staling that the had the drug lucnibcr I ' 4m aeary eit.tc.u e, and decntlng us i dec u;ou btr. ' . Prumtie flrtt dose tbe bad feb uo resulia, toil but lit a ln tie from the t'coud, which induced herta ihlnkiuat ' - sfji tt e drugglbl had impo.ed morptilue upou ner, but the ' WM proposed iy try t thl d dote, which ippeiraucet ludi- - , WSB cs'! he abl wlib more Hurt ess The flrtt ptn uf ihe letter wa. a rim n wiih Ink sud the lilt inpenitl, the MM wrltinr b.vlug douhiiess been Bulabed sf er she nsd. taken the l ttr.t portion of the poison sud thrown herself jH tui the bed to die. hhe had seen fur kotue lime rather fl et ce itr e In her wars si eplhg all day, waking all i.lght. , aw alwavs very uervuut, ulten vluleul, slid eoulpl lined ry ' IH much of t ie fi tjnent sn.ene sI ruin huuic uf tier but. aVJ baud, who aat captain of a schooutr. fBB Tbe Daagera ol the Promenade. ''sfl As Mi-- s lteoect'it Johni n of OS Sixth avenue M a at pa. tins the Klflh Avennt Hotel ye.lerdiv the was lot,' etl on ihe shoulder bys person behind her, ind on AV tu t. ng in r i" 'mi '"tkivas si. it io t ir tin her hand. 9 iua-iiio- followed the thief lo Seventh avi tiue and .m til. Itu sin' tl In Ut liiiiitl'i .ttiei station ha 2 , ml ie in Walter e i hspiuan of u: Wm lulrty. ai illi all et It C The llaae Hall Field. ' T.te Ht. I. ins I Inn defeated the llnatons la J on e.lei .1 iv .''loo It till STIU tl - t I. Ul.,1. AB Ihe Ar of UrooMy i delevled a moe cm- - , Wt poa .iiiitiiilt tr ll.oatil iilveralt) alum 111. Utoa 1' tl lu I'm adelphls, the Altilellrs defeated the t'lncln- - A n .i '.'o lo s. 1. Sea Haven, the Loulsvllles defeate'l Ihe New If llaveua J to .', 1 ' (lllver Coller'e Deienee. Nxwrn niiil. Jxna 14- - After Hie ind'cfeil llo U"i , a , r. n .tl te.i ifleil lh it obv r t ot It mni Lane w ere w'u i nolng rhelr work for lite temperance it Pro ii. rr," d, it e llev .lohu o, ,isius, lu ri nii'lsl, e that he esw bnih I oft r snd ane i n t' e Sunday in uutallah. and on succeeding days, and that tuey were aober till ir wltnes.t s torrohorsled htm 1 he Wealhrr OOJce Predlcllen. Mouth and e at wltiils. slight t banges In teiu perature and pressure psr'ty t loti-l- seat er, ei, -- pt pos.lbly conunued cloud sua fug uu lue Immediate ' cossi jo I ti sun ahoit roirx. I m Mine, lay Vert Is at the I t leinan House. Header.-Marriag- es have tu be recorded la Nea .'tr.ey. hunnyslile Idcnic, SuUer'a East II. ver Cars .lui..' '7 The application to vacate the probate of A T. t Sit tvart . sill U let iraable st 11 u'tlot s I ay ( li..rles il... who abducted Katie Vu it ct w, a, ass I aid up lo the Pullcv Ceulial toll Uut Uigl't I lie Mtaona of this city resolved la- -' eveintig nol to partlt it am at t ood) lo a 1 ourih i f Jin) tnuoit. al- - it oil , Hilly ll.irrv's hem Ot a' tim fllot.e tun aft ou nl, evening. In, Ins. d.,..t.e , n to Ut a gil.ll atf.ll I he New York eoriaspon I ..flue I'oiiriei- - Ji :o(Bt)lln Mr. - a . i ' .0' Ml Iv s in , , ,f i . , .t' ' a it. itl liu oil ,.y Il i U.i tlr.lt It llietlii I. Hi ui't'ii l't U n ol fired two l!e - ' t ' la t il liultv I' ii ''- - '1 ' ' a ill Ulna lit , ..' ttii . , 'til t tv I 'h.ii ly .lioiigt-- ,, ii ' . ' lo 'e it' .1 hi K , v ill a ni j, b il in t u n - . t ' v r r ii 'leu of it: io ui, .a, ,t II t- .1 I.. it io ir it.- i.l a ill l u . ' '' uu. it sa ui ' ty . II in mi tar, all. i ml ol it to, liv Ol del ol .llltlt'e ll.lt i bfol I, In lliui'-lsrl- llsn .i u ' v il ir ' lo 1' i'n u iv 'lot t a to et lup.els the elslini allon of Dittli lb. Mr IhMV la 1., at l 'ie rt s.iK i.e.- f lit ui) ' t. a, a . a , I luvlgor.led. L'alH. Albert De Inoot, Hit designer of tli Vsadi ibilt bruissv, tun u als presesled the ststu uf Krauklil lo tne pr n'ers and tr" 'I f tea Vork. sat baptiaedby the rVr llr Deeui. of Iht 1 bureb of the ' blnlgert. In tbit illy. Iat -- undsy morulua. On lha previous Buudai the euagregatiuu htd the plteitiit s IMItalug le as tlos.uejt sddreet Uaiu him. M

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1876-06-15 [p ]

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1876-06-15 [p ]

VOLLlIL-h- O. 276. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 15. 1876."




sMward feWPberwon ol Pennsylvania flbasrvaaat Pr,eidcnl- - A Probable Comal.

I aatlaa ta Drfral Itlalne-lle- n. IUIsMrtklag tbt Krtnoif af the OBeeelllea.

I'tNciNNATf, Jini 14. There wa tiothinnImpressive in Hi opening scenes of lha -- iihNational Republican Conventl hi. Tha buildingIn wtrloh It Ik IipUI i au old woodeo itrucliiresitu .ted In Ihe din Ir' oitltin of the city, andet least a mil from in nearest of tha throeprincipal hotila. It wss built several years ago

for .wr il rihililiion purposee. and In. with iheeiciptluii of iherentral puillnn, a low, rambling

ttruot'ire of the moat ordinary rhiiraotrr. The

p rt fr the meeting ot the Conven-

tion waa used during the Grand Kipo-Ulo- n offor the H.irngerfest. Tha decoration of

toll hall sm exceedingly cheap nnd lawdiv, andaitofothur there la a faded, tumble- - lown

about whole pine th.t l euacee-nv- e

of the proent rondltlon of the llepuhlltan

" pii'.r The gall rlea, whlsh eilend aroundthrrn side, of the hall, were about h.ilf tidedwlili apertvtoH, nldla the railed seats In theresr of the e.sae, which occupy about

f lue II or apace, were nearly- - ailed bytun Inrllod gucta.

The speech of the Hon. S. D. Morgan, Chair-gis- n

of the National Exocutlve Com in It tee,calling Ihe Convention to order, waa r.ither

and common plaee. but still there waaa quint In It at reform measure!. It teemed tome, while detailing to the epeach. that the au-

thor ef It waa ot tha opinion that altogether bewaa tha man who wa In every way unobjection-able, aad about tbe beat men that tha Conven-tlo- n

could fall back on for a Procidentia! cnndl-dat- a

after all the other ambliloua aaplranta forthat honor bad been killed off. The tpeech oftha temporary Chairman, tha Hon. Theodora L.Pomeror, waa about aa lona again aa It ahouldhare been, but It waa ntverlbelee pointed andbald. Mr. Pomeror la tha devoted frlead ofSenator Conkllng. and bellevea him to bethe pobloet and ablaat ot modem states-ma- n

Ha bellevea alto that tha manwho la ohnean to be tha ttaodardbearer ot the Republican nartr In tha comingcontact mutt be tri loal of that tteadftet andtterllng honour wnich the people desire to teaeiempllled Id tha administration of our

affaire. He dooa not believe thateither Mr. Blaine or Mr. Morton oome up to tharequirement of tbe lw In their peraonal andpoiltloal cbarecterlailea, and ha adroltlv

In hla tpeei h that tha weal or woe of theRepublican party depended very much uponthe charaotar ot tha candidate itlected by thaConvention.

HOW OlO. WM. CCHTIR WAI HirBIVID.After the varloua committee! had bean

and tha ineuiliere thereof bed with-drawn, there waa for rt ahorl time aome littleeoofutlou m the hall, the delegatee moviugabout on tbe floor and conversing with eachother In ihe inld-- t ut thla dlaorder Uao. Wil-liam ('urtia startled everybudt bv announcingfrom bit place In the New York delegation thatba h d committed to hla eh arse anaddreia pre-pared by tbe Heform Club of New York, withtnitruollona to read tbe aaiue to the NationalBapublloun Convention, and be detlred permit-Io- n

at this time to perform the talk itelgnedhtm. There were tome manifestation! of oppo-sition from different parte of tbe hall, hutthat were drowned by loud callt for Cur-ti- e

and tha addrese. It waa noticeable,however, that thee ralla came principally fromthe tpactatort In tha galleries, and not fromdelegatee. Mr. Curtla began to read aald muchatonement and nolae; and hla fiiendt vocifer-ously demanded that ba should make hit deliv-ery tram the platform. Accepting thlt Invita-tion, Mr. Curtis wont upon tha etaga and road Ina moat admirable m.onar tha formal Indlot- -

which he bed prepared i galntt the machlueof the party. Occttlooally aoma of

anlmadvaralona upon tha corruptloneIn every branob of our civil eervloeapplauded, but In a weak aaa baiting

Hie allusion to the control which SenatorImant exercitee over the appointment! to

oBoee in New York waa hleaed. and tohla esvsi reflection upon tbe Presl

and tbe Forty-thir- d (iogrete for violatingplightedtervlce.

faith ot the party to reform tbefrlendt of Brletow, who were morein tbeaallerlea than among tbe deiagatee,

applauded Mr. Curt it loudly aa ba concludedtbe reading of the eddree. and attempted tocall biiu out for a tpeecn, but their volcea werdrowned In tbe Itrce yella whlcu were tent upfor fliii Logan. It. it ttueemanwaa aeated atthe rttr of the slag, but aa he it a modest wanand little inclined to speech-- n aklnv. be did notreapond promptly. In th me n time a delegatefrom Mlaeouri bad att ra ted tbe attention of tbeChairman, who rapped violently for order,and flnillr succeeded in quieting theuproar auBclently to ena'le the delegateto be beard. Tbe obleet the gentleman fr. inMissouri had In vlt w wan to treat tbe aooreta1ml read in at conteinp.uout a manner .'t possi-ble and thlt he pro reded to do, by moving

. that li slid all other document of a Hue charac- -tor be referred 10 the Cmmlttee on Kctolu- -ttont without belnj r. ad and wt.hm.i deb.t,-- ,

Tnit uiotlou w t , arrlrd with a wlni liurrab.aodIhui me maiolne puiiticiani gut tteu nubOoorge Wtilium Curtis.KPILCB MAKING.

Tbe callt for Logan were no-- renewed, andb. re ponded In a i.petci spec! .Ilv noialiie ft rthe inuiuarou-- executl. n It did to the Klng'aKui.i.h. However, if I.og.n grammar wit oadtuu ln logic wune. ttlil b.f teiitimeiut puttedtht o rt of tbe groundlinga. I here wua, taldLogin, but one letue in the coming contentwhich tbaorbed tbe attention uf the loyalbiimm. and that waa to prevent tbe overthrowo! lue (Joreriiment bv Hie DemocrUa of theTwnh and their Soutbein rebel allien. Fulledlu their effort, to (irtroy ihe rei.ujjllc b,J force,I thtM bid men, tald Logan, menu to do It In aa- -

Wkr' l0' l" poetatelon of theJlovarinnent. and then In u urate a new rebel- -llun iy uatslnating thu ciiaracler of all theirett moii In the Hepu' ll an party. ThU rxpr.ti n auited the Blnlne delegtet and striker.,and In several mlniile- - tpey made tno old

oiualtlon builulng tieinble wltu thethunder,, of their appl aie.I. ii lia'ng i uncluded. there were loud calltoi. ll, pari uf the llrittow and other

J ti,eii ( i, u, liitHlev. wiiiln Hume of the frlenda' I g; IHjilno et up ruunter irv foi Bob liigerat.ilot IiIiii.h (jen. Miile. however, cot ihe

I "'"J "'"de a Hiweih tpvd.llv aimed at2'fi ."1 '" n "' event of bit nonilnatlonwin i, ,.() ruinp.ilgn d cumenl for the i ppu- -r ,n during the cum eat. El but.of (l" i. ex Senator Huwurd of MirMgau,

E ' 'i'"" named ()..roet from New York.tuil rrj DougL.aa also made epeecnes, but they

. I ,."J "'tfeible uearilig on the content fora I !. '! Garnet g t ill a good lick. However,"e rieedni ,n'i avmg Bank iwludle. .HidI Si ! nl""nu makera to pin In Jut a little

J"ne io ihe rngura who under theI nT. I'lul Milnropi and republicanism HoleL m iml.it".'!' ".g ui'.' m u. ilin wlte recoio- -

"'"d In alienee ; there watI Sv.,,,,, commendatory retpouee, but therei u,J''r" ol apidauae when Fred Uouglaaatl K... Iul "' uuiiaento abou' Huuthern out- -

a 3!fuV"d ,he '""of tbe hepubllcan n.rty toI 1. "whuie dutvto the colored people lu notr I 'h v,,t.r forty a. ret and a mule, andI J'di uI "o'diera to take hlui lo the

Z I BI.AISI MAN rOlt CRAIRMAK.At tbe ounclualuii of Uouglaaa'i tptei.b, the

U8.f u I'erinantnl Orgaunatlon re- -

Kn,d Ihe election of ihe Hon. Edward Mc'nu! "' 1'enn.vlvnila for President waa a

5, aurprne. but not mora to to the reat ofhj '"dieih e than u. mat tentleniaii hlinaelf.

adninai la i noli e, lu far at capabilltieeu'l, ? di. iea of i be poallion are concerned.I 5.V Bl,wever. one of Hi iliie't wainietl fritnda,TjJ 011 '" tlou i .in evidence of Ine Maine

B Er ' etfi'gth Hi lue Convenilon. It lah !fu"'attl'Utlo i .n i.inovet Mr. McHiemon

ILo' "'"deliberaiioiitof me i'eiiuaylvai.la dvle- -I SSH?"' deieui.1 ,,k to reiiie during Hieaa r" " ol the ( nveniion but at Ihe tame time'" lua lotluence. n .1 only eiih theufk'.n,lJ,,,l d.g'ee. out with thute f innu; s'tn 1 on etfc, i of the speei li of (Jen.

J I bV J"' 11,0 u"" of the Ke iiriui;!. read'urn., w.,,, uooo ,bieiii), u .ui.glng toI Ibu """"""reH I,, .M, 111 ine. but t hla w t morea. I r" Ui en, ,Uiu ed i.v nu frlemla caplullligll,''rga.iu.l, u, of theCilivenllliu

' ;ir- I'l ' liiendt nude ofkm x' oi.tii, I,., ,j , ,), orjanlxolontouiaV'1' ""'"' ( ii"l 'II advised. TheySI ti,.n ", '""fled the iiermaiient oBli en ol

au"'ieiitioo in ii,,uii, iv after (ieii. Logantblili'l 1,11 i""h it tony had luoiigli d- -am ik.i., ' u'' d'.'igihia the kuff.lediT!J s jf v r, reputing landldaie inputI aoaZu. st.Kjker li ,s line that none of mote

M ir,7! " '"l l" Hawlev. were very dan--lui hn!"""1 " 'd carried witiiU

ml Iti.r, '"l '"' " waa a piece ofaCiJ i. ' '' 'iid lolitical manaseramm noilMve graiiiecl to their opponents.

M H J """"'l Til I.OUH1N AIJA1NST III Al.1l.taatnnir,,iu'1' "''''blted by Illalnt'i frleiiilt 111

H!,l"tx" "ifiiiiA.linn opened the rv a ofm Zu.,l0,enu They bad aouoted the d.nger- -

3a,ii";Ur n Hleliia pariv . but whenK mf SaJSfro'''' el1''1,11'011 ' lie power tliey real- -

B Ibutu!. ,u!u"rtiu eofeffi c ing apeedlly a com-et fiZ. ,lle ' itered ouuotltlon to Mr.mm ae, iud welding it ueaiuat bltn at

aa early a moment ea poeatbte. Thv had u totnla lime oaloul.ited largolv upon the InBuenoeof ihe two newtoaftert her wolca have beenUntie hut ehnt Into lllalne all tne Urn.

Tne Com nitre Ml tbit mm nine devoted an an-tl-

psge toiht reproduction of the Kither let-tor- n

and eitracte from various Independentnewsnapert conniieutlug on Mi. Blalnn'a record.The edl. oriel page of the tame paper w.ia filledwith eh rp attackann Hie cmdldate from Maine,while the Onaclle waa almoai ailed withacaih- -

Ing arllclee iilmed In the a direction Whateffect three newapapera will have In rallying toooptioneiiia of fllaiiie rein ma to be aren, buttliey, Mae Hawiet'a e, oh h ive err-- t

liny made no imnre-a- b u on hit tup oriert Ion the routrarv bit Inenda e lok cloeer io hliathauevei neiori t nil profuse t dvtplae all tbeefforts of lil enemies toucf mi liliny this tori ofwarfare. Tno tien a from lllalne tp t eiicouragl gthat hit Indole here tav lb u the only His"iblep 'iillngeocy In whl.li he could have bean ortented le not to be nip ehond-- d. When Ihetele ram f rum hie on w e received thu evemiigHniiooin ftiir that Mr. Ill lue lieu gone out lor adr.ve alio fei'ielart Fleo, the Udell rnihuaniam prevnllod ht the llurm t House. Hut Itniuat not be eiippoaeu that ilie men who are op-i- i,

mig lllalne ete going lo suffer an tngloriotit j

defeat II tlu v c n prev. lit It. liev are makiug ,

tne moat (ietieraue iff-.ri- lo rouibine tnetrenglli at llrlelow, Morion, Conkllng, Hayea,

and Hnitianl, up on some one of me Uve above-i- ilined c iudlj te or on a new man. ih-- v, how-

ever, have many eeeuilugly iiisuiuiouniableIn tn s Ir way.

oasrAUi.aa m thb way or A combinationIn the Bret place, the Pennsylvania delegation

Cannot be trauslerred from lla'tranit to anyman but III .ine. lu the eame way Unlo cann.itbe handed over mild to air tner candid ite alterHayee la out ot tha way. Tha Morton atrenglhIn Mlaauurl la an.itber untranaferraole eel ofdelegatee. Tnev are Morion list cholc. aadllltnne aeonnd, and there they will go if Morionla withdrawn. 1 he) New York delegation can-not be handled much better loan eltner of theee,while the New ttngljnd delegate! who are forBristow will not go to Conahng, Morton, orHartranft. The Blaine men proleei to laugh atthlt attempt lo combine ag.il net their favoi Ite.They eay that Jutl aa aoon at tha newtof thla move haa tpretd abroad, delegateewho bad not even algnlled their Intentlou otcoming to them after their favorites are out ufth way, bad been to eee them and to ear thatthey would not be forced Into a combination tobeat Blaine; they wuuld Hand by thalr Aralchoice ae long ae the e waa any chance, but whanha waa out of tbe way they would go to Blaine.Tbe anti-Blal- men en tbe Committee on Kuletendeavored to deal a deadly blow at him by re-porting a rule that would bind eai h and everydelegation to vote at a unit, but tfali waa voted,dowu bv a large majority. Another providingthat there ehould bo oo changei of votta beforeth retult of a ballot waa announced waa, how-eve- r,

adopted by a email majority. Thla theBlaine men do not regard at poaltively Inimicalto them, becauaa In tome luatance It will workto tbelr benelt. They lay that eeverai oftheir Meade ea th committee weretnotat th meeting aad they will be ready to-morrow morning and move a recontlderatiou oftne vote by which thla rub waa adopted. Iftnev do not tuocevd in having It rem inded lucommittee, they will oppo lie adopflun In thConvention.

Th Morton men are holding a grand rally to-night In tbe Grand Hotel, aud appear well tatlt-fle-

with the appearance of tblugt. Thev de-clare that they will not agree to withdrawMorton to make another man over Blaine. I lietruth la that tbey cannot trantfer their votes intbe South, eolid. to any other candidate.

i he Committee on Ciedeutlalt. It It underttood, have determined to keep out tbe Spencerdele tlon from Alabama and admit tbe

delegation. At ine Blame men have amajority of thla committee It Is fair top etuuiethat I be men who are let in have agreed to votefor Hlalue.

The alluatloo. therefore, at thlt hour ilu P. M.)li comparatively unchanged. It Is, of course.roaeible that a combination may be effected

o'cluok uiorning. but It doesnot appear piobaile. Ihe friends uf Nortoncount 9U7 votes ; Brlatnw. It It aald, will haveIS), and Conkllng. a); but these Includemany cumidl.neiit.iry votes, tonit ot watchwill undoubtedly go to Blaine aa a secondchoice in preference to any third man. Whateffect a tremtndnut onslaught on Blaine In IheOaulU and Commercial morning uiavhave, of ooune cannot be guested, but it eeeiutto me tbat It le now loo late to accouipllah any-thing lo thla wav.

Th obancee, therefore, are nearly all In favorof Blaln' nomination but there laa poealblllty of hi defeat. One thing la oertaln,th Igbt la going to be but and bitter, and what-ever the retult mar be than wiU be bad bloodafosjaoej m OBBMAjni AOAjarr bi-a- i,

Tbe Germane are, it it aald at hall-ps- tt ten to.night, being arrayed aolidly against Blatoe. Theargument used it tbat If Blilne It nominated, hecannot cam Ohio. Indiana. Wisconsin, and Illi-nois. The Hayea men are being anouuraged totuck, with tut nope held out mat he may be thecoming man. It It necetaary to carry Hamiltoncounty In order to carry Oblo thlt fall, and thatcaunut be dnue wlt.iout tbe German vote.

The Connecticut politician, with lien. Hawleyat tbelr bead, are making a furious effort tocreate the belief tbat with Bristow or Hare fura candidate thev can carry their rltate. What alltneae different Influences may accomplish to-morrow it the topic butwhatever la accomplished In the w iv of a com-bine. Ion lo night will ne at a very lale buur, andtnerefure the puulic will have to await the de-velopments of the coming d y before It knowiwho li to be ibe choice of the Convention.

Tbe Prea Ben of ibe Proceedlaae.Cincinnati, June 14. Tbe sixth National

Convention of tbe Republican pany met here atnuun to day In the Exposition Building. Iheattendance it greater than at any previousgathering of tbe party, and embraced the mostnoted men In Itt rankt, who either eat upon thefloor at delegates or at guests of honor upon theraited platform In the rear of the presidingofficer. Tbe delegatee were admirably groupedon tbe floor facing tbe platform. 'I he mildmast of New York men occupied the left centre.On their right were the New England Stttetfunned in tingle tie, Maine at the held andHuode Island In the rear, wltb Iowu Imnie llaie-l- y

behind ber. To tbe left of New York andfronting tbe ttage wt Indt-u- a, aud behind herthe Morton men of Tennessee, andGeorgia. To the left again came Kentucky andtbe Carolina, with Virgin! bringing up therear. The exueme left flank was .il ottod to thewhite hailed l'eiinsylvanlana, nho cunio to fjgiitfor Hartranft. ibe right flank fell to thu lot ofOhio. Behind w re pi iced In ti.eorder of niiitIllinois, V.icnlgan. end Wisconsin, the 1'einto-ria- l

oelei.aet and th e from oine of tbe pet ytttalea were tucked uwav In the rear.

At a few mill .tun after -' o'clock the Conven-tlo- u

wai called lo oiu. r by U iv. K I). Morgan,Chairman of ihe Hepubllcan Nation. Commit-tee. He Introduced iho llev. llr Mulo-ru- f Co-vington. K v., who inaue a prujer, after vtbkuGov. Morgan said :

GOV. MOHOA.V J SPEECH.GaNTir-gi- f or tuk Covvi.vtios The day ani the

dour luv, iirrneillor win nine of iheIteua.ilUsU party aei, UiWIetl lu aselui It lo nunill.tte e lor i'mliti il aiiU Vu P. of

it States. If I except the I uui. ulluu of lent,II e (Itltli'S atncli till, lulclhkeilt emit half lo perloiinia couiparlsoo wirti former o les are the mosi Iuiputtaut of all our lo June, lsttl a. w rt tulite toldrt f tne aur lur tin pre.ervatioii of lue L'tilon.We had gri al arniU' In thu ti Id. out they li.ul .icnleviMonly partial success, and atim ,uicreiul nlwayaat a very grtti cost of lire. The pravest anabest of our ruuug nieu lied la,h-- in by tens aadhundreds of thousands, and aert 1j i rUon at Auuersunville aud Ijbhy. Preaiueut l.mco,n. seieoteeomontht prior to tuls. htd oy iirocltrustion, but onl) ts twar inttinre, drilareti tie sieves Irte, shile their mar.ten kepi ibeou wlihtn tnelr lluee and held run domin-ion i ver tbew It wat Itieu mode.lly sugtaei,led by yourLhslrmtuof tbe National Committer mat ti e I'oiiicd-hu-

would uut ill cb rge lit whole duly uulet'. auio gits other rrtolvfs ti bhixilu deilartfui sui.li an tnieou-men- t

tf ike iit'tenalt unrt'tutiou ut wnmu, a uen adopt-ei- i

ny Ilia requ, le Miinner in Htttes, lore . pruliliiltAfrican sltrary uu tins contlntnt. Toe suirgestlon a streceived wuit unexampled entuuoasm by ina Conventluu Tne re.oiulixu lo iei urc rile uailoual oleaamgwa. wrlttiii in our party olailorui on trial day LothHou.es uf Congress vert soou after passed Ihe reqiiuedamenoiuenr. Ivrnly i.ln uriUo Sialcl rail-le-

11. 1ie uuble proilsililed tie resultlo lue people, aliu from that Imiir to Hit. the .mi nt,tnot risen up u a butiU'.nau. nor aei upon a aoire in a:lt ils fair lajjil Not to ilie Sol ,ll. uol to ilie boillli, tintlu tllsl buprrille oellig al 'lie woc,ilil o . t.ie ileal tul sof nit ous a. aid al Hie sgairs ot laiilvl ,uals lei u.give ail the glory

Gov. Morgau urged an adherence to honestmoney, anal suggested a constitutional

making the Piesidentlal term six je.i s,and the incumbent Ineligible fur reelection.I Abplao-- e lie also favored the elvai ofIhe civil heruco bv Inalituliug nil needlul nndproper rof onus, nd tne mild te noiv n

bhoiild lie men wlimo Uvea give ..aaoi ..neeuf their svinoathv witb retorui.

Gov. loi u'an llieu nominated the Hon Theo-dore !. l'oiuaro. ,. New York for temp raryChnlruian. which a i'gie'-i- l t" liov ll.,l win,of Mi tuaao, nnd liov Van lth.lt, of II. n de

l oiuliii led Mr. P nu mi In toe clnur.l .ion being lntiodiKcil, Mr. i'oinoroi auke asfollows :

mil roMr.Koy s speki iiKvents have rnated each other so raniliv, from the

laaugaralliu of Alir-.ha- Llatula lu Ilie il ingof ibr A.'i iiiilar.'lou ol lii ii Oram, rr.ug ililiii n

luhuanieiusl ili.ii.ges In Ihe wh 'e tueurt and iirnilH-,-

oigovemm iii, Hut uu i unsidi ration of tnun inman. , r I, pr, i ludisl ti i an oi rsaioii such as

tin. Uriel is uay be cou.lnire.l ihe en.tei.ee t f theKepuulu uu parry none oilier lu the hi. buy of fieuanon haa lor in loi ; a i useeu'ivc if rl n cn'ruliedI s guveriiui'-u- wli io ui m ot,a erlug pupulsr defeat,tad aim wi Biaimiua popmar Je.il msy ot puloical .cenilaiicy loiig ooutianed byaaypsrry.it I. wlibiii theuower of ibis" uuriutluaio draianue the tonuug I'ra.l-Sen- t

of ihs Ualted k'ai 1. our folly may coucedr a hatlaewlidotnof lie oapotitlou cabaot achieve-o- ur

at aelat laovewberTBai au.h defeat caacoiuo froui ao ot er source We are not inei here eacontending itclioat wilhiu the ptny lo lest uaetrvarloua leadertblp our relallvi airtiuMk. but atreprntaieilvM HejepUag high ret poaHWllf ie ix

tract froso the rraclbie of coatlauag etHaloaa thattype ot A men nan altteewisaehip which nail a aeeepVed st the wur.hr embodiment of the prlacleie of theparly, Men, ae cell st aieeeeree, are to oe weighed laIhe oaltnre dnnna tht coining eanvaat, an netherSiu.i oe found wat ting lo intnre tiiciett. The l(epue

party cannot combine to live br rtteon ef IIan endld aohlevrinente of the I'ast, nor tbe Kemoeretlt

eiuecl lo he reluraed to power upon itegllllerIatrtv of reform in the future. In formerdays, ween nartr net were firmer, whet aeInunedisie nresiiure of Impending ntlli all calsmltloehedged ut about, an rooipened oar y Bdelity. the plat-form e.rried a'otin Ibe man, whoerer at inlg t be.Party lies ar tooeei noa . en no plti lorm Is ounvante pouen i float an uuaoiiby rendideie. Taenuvitiyif t e eoi'tiioi'iice of inei mmiatroive policy oft IR' ptttiiirBii p 'fly, widte nut aosppate't In lininedlatereeulM, ia at r .iniiitndlng reaped! .g future eonae.

a' any 'hue la Its We ar t l,lnatniienceaas mi, il miaa on, and thretois hat nohmieraci mi to live Well, if It hit, mil I ie lim- - lorlla omio ntloii ha iciite, il ian on trlunirVn nl y,cxclslinlog with the snostle of oll, "1 hivelo ight a mol fH , and have k pi tne Isllti "The niiasiiin of the tu iMho'id or the Republican party,oar mi tl u of is to ei.tthii.ti on sure founda-tion., ari'i m keseciir,' iir the coiuiug ages, ihe frnl I01 ihewar i'h, n 1l.il,edeiiv il to ihe Imnvblnal cit'ten fr m ihe Fourteen e snd Kifiei-ni- ( MUtlitatlon I Amen on nl lire lo lie se tire thr. tigli euib tpproiTiste leai.lition ss ronareti tuty devise 1 sagihe Ireedineii of ih Miiiith if they are ready io areeptIhe lleiniM lane n rty sa Ihe siurie of power fromwide l.toflowihea prunriaie ii.giiatoe fogivsetTertlo iim-- iiiirndiiienis. 1 a. a a . uidlu public if the onlynarrhv that esi.t . In Ihe Hontu lo lay Is hot tin nar-- i

by i au.ed by the opposition of ihe liemocrntlc par v,a aur to tin prlnclplea t n pied in the work of re

anil now s pirl of the Hindainental I wo I eland . 'Ihe PenioTttic pary tlms m a( ed it'e situ-ation rrapertliia Ihe aacre. ni .a ol the nalloual debt lidIhe iht .ulabiinr of tin ittiioual rretlit, itidyetiwenymlhion dolnrs of laittlnn will not mur good the

loss tu It.e ntiMTican people frin the3'iiuii and unnefl"Sh r sunn lo and mtentl asof thai parts lu reaard to trie pavnifut uf theSnuelpal of the pu die debt. From the laf ption

Heparin an p.ny In 1HM,, II haa kept paiewith the proei est of tne ilrnei. a. ceptlag the early aodedretpon.lhtlity of war, eirianclpallon, Illation, and re-

ion, eniil the hrietiiaet eeeet ,.r AtnenetaLeattrur hut the die siuiy ut the Kpubliten party.Of the whole mass of Itseonallltitlo' tl sro-- linrn'ttnd

e enieimeDts. it takca the ri'spunsihility without apology. It has often erred, bnt li has aever fearedto sol, and through Its action the nation hta lived.Tneie bat been corruplbiu. but when u wat dltroveredtbe or Irr went forth, " Let uu guilty man escape," aadthe nrd r hai beea executed. 1 here hat been want ofharmony, but a platform unwavena , lu III drclaralloaof principle., wua candidates wormy of II, will weldtogether, as of oid. Into in unconquerable array, tbegreat liberty-loving- , majority ef voles otIbe Taited Slalet, iuc tittup witb enduring luccete tberesults ot the deileerausai of thu i oavealloa,

Th tpeech waa delivered with eufnelentto b htard throughout the ball, and

Ite varloua poiota were received with applausewhich on eeverai ocraeloni waa tumuliuoua.Tbe reference to the order, " I.tt no guilty manetoape," waa received with great applai ae,which waa renewed when the tpeaxer laid,"Tbat order has been executed."


The roll of th Stat and Territories, exceptIhote In wblcb then are contesting delegations,was called for tbe nomination of the varlouacommute. Th following Is th Committee

n Retolutlont :

Arkansas, c. ('. Wtttrs ; Arltoaa, H. I'. MrConnlck ,

rslifurnis, Charles r kd, lounectlrut, Jusepn K.hawley i Colorado, James B. Bedford Ilsaolt. Andnw Mclleach i Dilaeire, Kll H. B isyi Urorgla, Hsa-r-

M. larnrri Illinois, c h. Fsrwell , Indiana, l ol R.w. Thompson ; Iowa, Hiram Price i Idano. Austin tsivget Kant-s- , J. U Tbtekiri Ktnlucki, Jet D. Heed:

LrmiMaaa. Henrv D. Mossi wttae. Nelson Diaglv. .fr .

Maryland, Ir H.btelver; Mtatacbusettt, Bdwtrd L.Pierce i Michigan, H I Beicwlu i Mmnetoti. j R.Vtlktleldi Mississippi, ( W. cl.rkei Mo.nurl R T.Van Horn; Montana, P. Menderti New Mexico, a. aAitel . Neors.aa, A. R. Tinney : Nevada, J P .rones,New Hiinpebire. ( ate. H. Barnt. New dertev. Pr, d A.Polls. New Ton, (lis.. E tstnitb ; N rt iirolmt,P t. Bsdarr. Ohio, aw rd ( ol- - tiregnn, II KUlne. . Pennsylvania, Pdwans tli Phersoti ; IthoileIsia d, Cna Noiirse , Booth ( arohns. I) W i tumiber.Isln , Telaa, fc .1 llavts t reunesare. A Frei msti ,

t tlh J II Mekean, NeruH'li . U H lliyrlow iWro Miller i West Vlrglula, J. M I), tin.

cotistn. Oen .las. H Howe; Hasbtugton. Siwoodkviasi viyoming. tsoi, uinion.

Mr. Mcl'ht sonof Pennttlvanla offered a reeo- -

lutlon that when the Convention adlourns It beto 11 o'clock at which time It willpro aed to the nomination, with two tpeecheeof ten iniDiilet each or one uf twenty minutes,for each notnloee. tteferred to the Committeeoo Hulet.

THB OBRMAIf HBPl'BLICAN PI. ITroHM.Mr. Vance of New York offered a resolution

of the National German Hepubllcan Convenilon,favoring rl in arhoola, compulsory edu-cation, aud tha taxation of church property.Tbit received applauae. The reiolutlont aliooppoted compulsory obaervinoe of the Sabbathand State recognition of ect ; favored legisla-tion to protect emigrants, and oupod any

aaalaat foreign born allien. Civileervte reform wa urwwd. and Inflation and rapudlatlwi atrongly eoodemaod. Tne reolulleeatwere referred to the Committee on Credential.

Mr. Dleteadurf of Vlraiola auggeeted thof a meeting of that committee at

once, ae It waa impossible to do any Dusineasuntil It wa known who eouipoieu the Conven-tion.

The Chair called on the committees to meet atthe right ut th Cbalr, to be aasigued to ihtlrroomi by th Hergeulil-at-Arm- i.

On th withdrawal of th ommltteei theband struck up a lively tuar, and the delegateetook tbe opportunity to move around and dis-cus tbe eliuallon. While the committee! wereabtent the band waa kept fully occupied, lo thedlsgutt of those deleg tel who wished tu fill inwith patriotic epeeehee. Thla arrangementteemed to give aatitlaciiori to the majority ofthe Convention, but at one point a email, uipingv. ice In one of tue galleriet cried out. " Hpeeeli,Gov. Hawley." The tuggeetlnn was favorablyreceived, but uo ipetcb wat forthcoming by Mr.Huwley.

TTtB REfOHM nxri'BIlCANt HEARD.Geo. W. Curtu uf New York prettnted an ad-

draaa of the Uepublictn Kelorm CI ib of NewYork, which be aaked to buve read. Object onl Ing made, tne uoestl ,n was pul to thu Con-vention, which decided by an nverwnelmlngvote to hear It. Mi. Curtis. In response tu cnlitto take ti e platform, proceeded to tbe etageamid wild applauae fr in both floor.uid galler-ies, and read the id d reat uf June 9. asheretofore published. T e .illusion In the t.

tu a reiuni to specie bavmenis ; ibe brokenpromises of the I'n tldent and t'onaresi; tboproposition to put loo lull' leal power of thecounirv Into the hind, of the Democratic partyunkaa thv Convention by lit i.onnnatlous ex-press a determination to reform tblugt gener-ally, were r celvod with .. pplaui-e- .

Mr. Curtu wat etcorted to hit teat amid aetorm ' f cbeert.

A Delegate from Mlttnurl 1 move that thdocument lutt read by the gemleiiiaii be re-ferred to tbe Committee on Reiolutluui with-out debate.

A Delegate from Montana I move that theaddres. lie adopted m the uuae uf tult Couveutlon. ICriea uf " No. no."

Toe Chairmen It is referred to the Commit-tee cn He.o.utioiia without detmte.

Mr. Masun uf Ne Vurk otTcrod a preambleart; res, lutlon th it win ri',i we reineiuii r tilthgiatuude ihe servlcet of trie loyal nomiMi of tbei iintry; resolved, lunt we fay, r ine bestowalof political tigbtto all l,ai cil I 'it- -, rvg.,i?Ies f 1 sex. llognui alio apol till... Heferrcdlo : lio (Joiuiniilce un ltsoliitlons.

tin inolioli of Mr. 1 lerce of Massai'liusetts. Ittv. rceoivcd thai ell addresses, uu inoriala, iiidrnsnlii'.iont be referred nitiiuiit ordebate.

am. LDOAN ( ll.LEIl OCT.Geti. Locau, being luudly called lor, nddrei-se-

the I 'invention. He stid tbo it,iproat ning i aiu-- ligu cviiienllv promts e lo he one of no oidi-n.ir- )

character The attitude of the opponentsuf the lie putil ic.in party shows that the timeh.ii come ugaln when evert patriot itiouidbuckle on hla armor to preserve the fruits ofthe iremendoul struggles uf the p.isi, lnne.nl ofhanding ibem over to the hands of our lo. a fordestruction. I.el there be. then fore, no uncer-tain sound In the ulutfuriii lo he enunciated hereon any tiueition that ia a vital imestliin beforethe American people. Title la a HepubllcanConvention, and ahould be c ptureil onlybv Republicans urged to tba duty ofprotecting American ciliaene ai well athome ae ou the high seae or In for-eign land!, lUreat applauae.) Tbat la nut agovernment of freedom which will allow usi iiixeiu to be robbed, oppreeted, and murdered.It treat applause.) I be way tu piutei t our i

it to execute the luws, and to Hint end letut place In the chair a man wnowill execute the l,.wi id lualiilalii everj cIHkuilu bit rights slid privileges. .Applause. Hosaid an uffurt la now making to tlesiroy tut Gov-ernment, not nv force of urms, tint oy capturingthe Government end nullifying every law (laseedfor ibe purpote of protecting tne i lilzub. heUral step it bv the aaasliiailun of tha privatecharacter ut every leading Hepulillcan bv si

proceeo lists, by using the dinger oftU.lruiilon io plunge into the vitals of lue metwuo have ttood ttrinly to too prmnnlM ofliberty. I riim.iituone ai piauao ) Ml. I. gan- id Hist whoever tne Convention ahull nninl-nai-

will be bis man. and who ver Is n mlnntodwill be elected. (Applause He cloeeil withcuuneei tu u tluMiesa aud modor-tto- n.


Gtn. Hawley being vucliemuhl , i .ill il f r,look trm platfor'ii mid aiiob ghr-ei-t for his in iiul11,'tusi) liiueb bee uiso of pliyslcsl llidl-- p

Ha regreiteil ilia' be c uld not belli vevnh Gun. Logan, that all the Hep il ilciu pui'tvti..d lo do was to iiuiiiinutt a ticket and c houidsine that vtu can cl-i- t it, 1 hue baa boon grow-ing up fur some iluie in the cuuutiy aw.uo-apr- e

,d and aerloua illst ti.f.clioii It is ai.np'ecommon aenae lo ret "uiiliu It. I Applauae. J AnufUcer gulng Into buttle iinilel .landing bisviouud aud the power of hie en, lines (applausela well uu hla way to victory. N,.vv, gentlemen,when )uu have numiimied voiu , jndid..tjs , ,.dl.ad down your pl.itforiu -- if vuiir pluttf rni

delliies, anu propuunds sound Iteuubll-csi- iduct luce, and your cnnditlule i e an abl

liniiorti ill, true ltepubllc ,n, 1 snail go tu wtukwlib all my In.. 1 ami strength tu elect blui.Hut now it the lime ; Ihia fleili ull, Una uluht,tuliuorruw, are precious hours I, riou lo a,i id what vou will do, and how you will do it.Applauto. 1 enter into no i riicul.ri, but

you kuow, all of yuu, there It nut a manIn thla Convention who doeau't know that youcan to ootid uut yuurtelve wltbla tbo nest

fortv-olg- hour that th thr or four montht'R'rh before u will be unavailing. (Apulau.

io eupport any gnod, foundMoan who wa nomloated her; hut prctlcstwisdom required euoh nomination aa will andought to latisfy th publio aem and demand!.(Applauae 1 It alao required a rigid, honeet,faithful redemptlun of th prnmiae lo reiuniepttt payments, at not only due tu the nationalhonor, but aa inseparable and prerequlsit tohe return of commercial prosperity, Applauae.n concltialon, he taid i

There It e profound inxkstr thnmghoat the wholeBetiuidiraii p rli hslwt shall give new eearancee tothe ruuniry that e.l lie affairs ere to he stimliayieredwith high Honor and aad I net the sacredfraets ot onVeiioldcre in this country ire Indeed t u re i

trulls, and era not io oe triftfo Willi by corrupt and de-signing men. jlauid cheers. I do nul In any scn-- e

oe isvln.f the repunllc i r the HeaanHraa P'rty. Inegi i t mills ol oar people have lo their minds fidelity toi v ry iiemiirnl, every nohl and every hKli ideal. Wemve neen npiifieil, un ler ihe provide nee of Uo I, wliniathese fine, i' years, to si e nea t,lury In lue in tnun nmni' ew glory In ihit flsir, snd when the ssiiuinc .ii.diiopeiui end hoimrihie yminr mm nun In high ,

i luce inflhig aim those noble duiies. teidiag onm 'nu rliiss tnrui le unwertny nira lor low, prneutl,

en merely pirtiesn motives t when lie tee. men inoBtce wiiiKlug at lorrupiion, au ovenooaiue it aadSrtlonmc It because ot ptrlltan biieiliy.ne becottsae

and mat genera, uucontent prev litin iii.lniul this i li try in ne n.lnd. of mr nubltttmen, snd I n.uit not ne disregaided by tne CoaveatloaIf ee wish euooots. I cheer .1

A VOll'B PH 'M OHIO.Gov. Novel of Ohio, in an. war to loud cilia,

0 line forwerd and addressed the Convention. Hea .Id the people In thla Centennial vear demandedmure uf Republican reproanutaiivea than etrbefore. He had no evinptl iy with those whowould destroy tbe chant ler of our great menfur political purposes, but the spin- - of cm Idem,nnd the disposition to thr piiriaottloii ot theGovernment, are commendable. Applauee.lThe Republican party challenge hulieat crill-olan- i.

When we discover th evet and raaoali Intne party w propose tu drive theui out of theparty Into the one where they belong. (Laugh-ter and applauM.l Aato th candidate of thltConvention, we of Ohio aak only tbit: We lightnobody, we aaaail no man'i reputation; who-ever you nominate, we will try and help to electbun. Applause 1 All we want ia a men. In theBret place, wuu Is honest cheers ; In the sec-

ond place, w want a man of comprehensionenough to know what II right and what lawrong applauae; aud, In the third place, wewant a man who II brav nough and atrong

nough tu carry out bit convlotloni. Cloare.IGive ut a man of great purity of private lite, andan unexceptionable public record, and count unOhio next November, tlsviid cheer.

'Ihe Kev. Highland Garnet next briefly ad-dressed lb Convention. He waa followed byGov. Howard ot Mtcblgan, who aald that hlaState would caat her vote for aoy candidate thConvention might nominate. Io cooclununGuv. Howard aald : " Kred Douglm It in the hall.He lan't much blacker than I am, but he I

marter. and 1 hope yuu will give him a call."A motion by a delegate from Michigan to ad-

journ until 10 o'clock morning walost. 1 h Convention then raised a unanimouscry tor d Douglaai. who cam forward to thplatform, and wa rtd with an outbumofapplauae and cueera that ihouk tne walls uf thhail.


After thank ma tbe Convention for th warm,the cordial invitation extended tu bltn, Mr.Douglaii aald tbat th thing In which h feltthe dpt Intereet. and th thing In which nbelieved Ibe oountrv felt the deeoett intereii,waa whether the print Iplea involved In the warare to be dearer to the American people In tbecoming polltlol itruggl than any other princi-ple! we hate. "You have emancipated us," he

id, vou have enfranchised us, and I thankvou for I'. Hut what duet your emancipation,what duel your enfrancntierneut. amount to.If the bl.ick man, after Having been made free,Is unaole lo exercise tbat freedom -- if, altar Hav-ing been freed from the alavrhilder'i lean, ne Itlu be tubject to the alavoholder'i abot gun i"Furthtr on be tald .

1 he Quettion ao it. no yea mean lo make good theprumlaes in your Cutntitutloo fill not to nit offinance, ltlxuetof more in yoar sdnnnlstea.tlou ipjlsuse ) I bedeve ibere it hoaeeiy la ineAmerican people hoatiy In the men whom yoa elect-- wisd.ni in me uivo to manage ibosc sgaire, but tellme. if your beans be at my bean, mil tbe liberty winebyou have .earned for the black mta lo this countrytbm bt mstniaiatd. t Applause.) Yoa say. some ofyou. lest you ran get tioug w tnout tie vole of theblack maa ef tha Booth. oe, urn aaay Be peteibie. bntI douot II. At au rtte wc, la eraer to secure outprotection bereeffer, feel the aeed, la tie canaidate whom y a win plaes before the ceaatrr.ol tbt attureace that tht black sua shallwalk tetbe Ballet eel la safety, even If we aav tobring a bay oaet heala ae (aeplaat. 1 aeat I aav UseeeleeTags taat the uevtraaieat el the OaTle Itaies aaajwe nsersJ teelusg ef u eoaatry wuitprmadue MmfveaiMaoai M kaveKvet. voa Btv eeuTVlheaautber of yoar sleterloa atsoallltaa lltses tve oes,x it least ot Ike old master BUtee of tht Sootn.fCbeers Pot I have no voiee to adores voa tnvluager, aaa you may new move dowu taere for au esiouruuieui Lubier tad applause.


Mr. Ixirlng of Maatachuaett then came for-ward, and read the f uilowiug report uf the Com-mittee on Gi ganlxatlou :

President Edward McPiieraon of PeantytvantaAlsnaiua. XI. W. uiooa t idtornli,

George 8. hraus, CVloradu, Hoary MrAlbtter,MsrtlaJ Biieidon, Delaware, uwvld VV.Moor-Piund-

. tieirgl, R L. Moll . II taois, John Tnna-ke-Indiana. James a Prster , ws, w. J. fititw ,

K.atti, William Msrtmdsle. Keeturky. K. wier-I. uisisua, tleorge Y. Kilso, Msiae.J. b Uroan.Maryland, lime A oar . Mteaicnue, tie, P A. chsdouurue;Mlculgaa, Henrv P Baldwin; Mlnuetoit. L Hogen ;Mi u.lppl, M Hbsu.estet. Missouri, u A. Kmnclu-bni-g-

, Neeritkt. 11. H. Koiey , Nvaaa, Ihos. tVrsn ,w Hinipslilre, A K Htraw, New Jeraev,

Win A eiil; New York Marsli..l 11

brooks North i in In i, Jsuiet II. Harris,Ohio Henlsmiu F Wsue, Oregon, , I. H. Foter ,

., .1 uiiila Outline . ithoue l.lah'l. Henrv Hue.ard . ft into t arohni. D II t leaves, leiuies.ee, RorareII. Harrison, lx.s, A R Norton. Vennoui, Oeorgelloae. Virginia, H. II. i trier. Ke.t Vng.uls, v K.eteventon ; a iscnu.ln, .Its Binkh ArUons, DeforestPorter Dakota. Alexau.er l.uabe , Dl.lrlcl of oluui-hi- t

, Idaho. Aus u Sevsge ; Monlsns, HenJ J H.litem. New Mesico. Hamuel 11. Aneil; I'lih, Jae H.MtKetu. wasblugion, Liaood kvaus, vvyouung, Wui.Iliti on

Print ipal Hecretary J M Bean ot Wisconsin, andout as.ltant for each Male.

1 he Committee furl he' reported that they hadaubinltted uo name for Vue I'residcnt and

for St ties where there ire cuuleata. I'Dreport waa adopted

Ibe retiring Ibalrman then Introduced theHon. Edward McPheraun uf Pennsylvania apermanent President, and lie was received witheUecrs. Mr. Mcl'braun aald :

MB. M'HH BRBON'B PKX'R.Gbntlxmim or tbx t'oavasTtos: No one of yon

kbuas better than uivtelf how entirely uaworthy I amof this high honor It his come to uie, not only unsought, but witn a feeling ot anso ute aud uncontrolla-ble urotNe, but I have been reared lu ttie.choolofduty, and In the po'ulca ot Penn.rlrtnia itis s fundamental doetriut rhat every Hrpuolloanh.i! du Ins whole t.ut lippeurl. sua. there-

fore. 1 em here lo rcpt ihle honor, tendered, yoi r , liiiul'tee, snd ra Itteil t y yourse ves. aa an

hoiiwr teiub e i to tne great o.d t oiiilli owes 'li who-- i

ha. e t Hi, it out o' ut l gslea, en ' Ills i ,inv. nu n.no e ikoH in nu one of ihe great miitcels haa .ne i rer

f. re, a loau-- an i ui lilsiiul un.jl i uvih u.ishe t ' . In' '.. ti all o libit' il. Haul Lie to the enemy

t - 'I Ui. M li Ii II, ,.,!, in i iiill lot. , ora.tvMil'ig list .i.ol i i'i mal 'App oi.etiT D to loll lip. f T HO' h' 'lillic h t UU. I U V' utio il lllSj lift .'It II .a iv II n t.lf liet In ot Hole tob m list sin ha. loML' te ti. anil I K4V it Wl'l, ill re peel,i re.i.o-- l in lue IP'i u ,1. au csutua. it btei.. Inet i ir is res'lr fcr Ui'lms..

Tne President announced that the C imniltteeon Hilles would nieel at I o'clock nt the tilli.oiiHouse, and tbat tnev lo make a repoilin lue iworuliig. He also soggestvtl the appoint-ment of a no ii ber of the Com inn tee on ttt solu-tions to take the pl tee vacated hv Ills elev.illonlo i he chair ; and. acconlinaly. VV llliam II. Maunwio. nelecled, un inoii, u uf S liltam Cuinbaca ufludl.ina.

I bv Convention then adjourned until 10 A. M.

A BUIHT01T ui:mosi HATIOS.

Oeecea Richard statllh Hereaaded aad I tier-la- g

W rda of Wisdom.

Cincinnati, Juuo U- .- A liuca ami en-

thusiastic llilatovv mruilng waa held at theOpera House and wat addrcaed byseveral prominent delegates. After the adjourn-ment Ilie crowd marched tu the GI aou Home,nlieis they serenaded the New York HaforinClub; ihence tu the Unmet House, where theyicrcti.iilnd Senator H trlan, and finally to theGrand Hotel, wlieie they tailed uut GeorgeWilliam Curl Is.

During the evening onu of the bunds of inunictopped lu front of the H.u.lU ofltce an 1 sere-nido- d

It. A large crowd weie attracted, anucalls being made fui Deacon HI, hard Hmlth, liecame lo one of t he w Indow a of the second flourand apoke aa folluwe

( irirss 1 hard.y feel like venturing ruiiii.'. rt i mi, t - ' 'i sili i r i, i. t in reti ' ihui n h' ne suit i oi, f i. ion liuialitt I, ki-

tten i . a wai, wio n In 'v w ,l ,ilin to luaae a sp t aSt I ' Vr'Alnl ou the ijti ,.11 ,i of riV, r S'.'l 'alb I'll1, oveioeiii-- , a nli li ass .t ilKpat, il sine in be pu n sof ti'o- - si lut-- i. ut oia .lib ai Hon o ui ite a.lie. lt, Ut the nil I til I oliveullon ahull Is t

t'tl'liur fur ilie pur use of iinuiln ling i isniP-t- ili fiu tin' I'. t Itb in y I ,uiiii'.te yoj a. in I

nil lik. me lot. I' yuu win. l. g Mug to be h mlim l,but It. I. Ju. wnul hsvv bet it riving tu nu I olll

aualiltr) t i, l Ru llial Itu no ui it irn lite b. 1

L.iow. Atll'i' last aiT'tuuis 'ill the i uiiiiltlt-- v reV l roii.itlei a.ii ,e,id l'h"ie .ire sltoiit title, n

el gait-- ertiint- -i up sit tgeuuei I it unhtr iiuati.I) for Mieiu there sre ouly ?'H in ine i.uv, utbiii.

1 e, oa t t reiie, I l gat it I is as a t rt' t al lime 111 thelite of ihe kieal an'i grand Hi piinociin piriy, iutI do nul prupuee lo sp ak luiitglu tor llieu,hut for the ciue. I e.tiiui the tstlsf fsi abovethe men. The ailleesa of Ihe Hepubltran nvrlylu Ihe api roacnlng cuulesl la uf fai Uloie e

to rae ball Ihe run cess of suy man, ami 1

oniy t'ouslder a una in su tar is he may be Instrumentalin iciliiig the grtat party to vlciuiy. In i perfectlyaatlall i lu my uwu mind, aud I du nul wtut tu nun thefetiligs ul my geail uiaa who may have hitereferenret, fur wt all hava a right (e uurinference; I do not want to hart the feehugs uftuyoody. hut It occurs tu au UuM there ere eetidldiieeaow promluant before tbt ltepuoiican Cunveniloa

hole tiwlwu, If nounneted, would be eioeedli.glyauXculi If bui lBipo.ipl, ub the vtktr bind, tui at

aaadMate srhote aovalaaMea woM, la say aatnlaa,lead to eerlala aaeerte.

Tlup beta the cue, N wan t me that th Conven.lion whlen e ikt to be tbe lepresenlttivt body ot lbHeoabllasB psrty should iaie aoriakt. I feel satis 'that with BeoJ B. Rrkttow at our e iiutdate there eoaalbeaoruk st.,li. (Appitei .l If thev ire not satis-tt- i

with Bnttnw giv, at (fsyea. Loud eheen.) Itthey can ml unite oa Hayee, let them giveaa ihe wir Governor of Indiana. I am satisfiedwith either of thete three gentlemen, Ind there aretwenty others whom I e mid name who mar be nourloat d, against whom nothing is to be a.ld. Bat Itteem, to me tne doty ot tm Oouvrnlnm Is to a cer.tea) eno give to the people the mto that Ihey demand.Wen laall le.d ut to victor,, end net rlta unfeei. Ifneh a one aha, I re nominated he wi I he elected st Ibe

aext Preeidrnt ot tbe tinned Btates. I thaak yea,gentlemen, for your attenllou.

POOL ON Till OiajfllNNATt rtANDinATM.In the New York 'I urf Kxehan laat night

pool wet aold on the Ihnotnnatl nomination ir t ii ch Am Iton i ftrnrh j net on

rmet. ' ftli fVps Aintet On. i'O'U.rnine .. 1M l.si Onnt (3 a0C. kiln 9 o Jewell .... t -ftritiow . 10 tu MorionW ihliitrne .. U lb Pield K Sllsiea.. .. It IS -

KIT ie


Mr, farl' l.H Hr Poaad at lh Cen-tennial Kxhibllloa.

In April Mra.Carl, of N Mlduogo street, tlronk-ly- a,

bought I coffee ind cskf stand IB Chatham street.New York, from one Kufus Dill, who, after the bsrgaln,aaked her to a low her twelve year o d aon to go 1 theCentennial grounda with him he woul J hot c 'nsent i

hut on April to Ihe lad iiiasnpea ed hire received apo t il card tiylng that he had gone to tee, hal did lotbelieve he hid, Tht police worked toe How lor ber.aad the wenl restlessly through New Terk, Brooklyn,en I Philadelphia, searching fur to r rnlld. Bht worriedtnt Philadelphia oflcrn into s mart ictlvs taarrh, d'lewent thither last week axala, and luckily found her boywalamg in the ttreet with Dill. Bhe hid Dill loeiednp fltepi are lo be taken to have 1 I brought here ona requisition. He wlil he irleo for tbuuctloo. The Oikttreet poliot give Dill a haa aamt.

Th Kllllag of PhlhB Mtlohl by hla With.An lnqut waa held yeaWrday In tb caa of

Philip Btlehl, who died la Relievos Ro.pllal of a atabwound Indicted by bit wife, Victoria Atsend, Mr,tlehl'i mother, tettlted thet they lived at 17 Kldrtdgeireet, apart from Bileiu. He did lot upport hit wife,

hat vlilled hsr there. On the morning of Miy W BHeBI

knocked at the door of their room. He knocked nuwife dowa wltb hit Bit as tnt lei him la. Re iken beatend soused ber and her mother, ind thretteaed to killthem both. Then he dragged hla wife from tbe huuae.Tbe witness next taw her daughter supported by tomeworu-- who tht tsld hid laved ber life at Eidrtdgeand Delancer ttreeti. Bbe next taw Btiebt ia tbt policetitloa Bht did bo! tee tny knlft la Met. Btlenl'i

biuaa al any time. Tba nollee letiiaod that Bllthl badeaiu hie wife atabbed hlra. The verdict waa tbit Mrt.Btlehl atabbed ber hnthaad la self defence, and CorontrBickhuff hud ber In tow bail, wblcb was furnished.


Th .Matter Car Ballden' Cavatle.About Mventy of th repreeentatlve car build-i- n

la la United Btstea met la eauaal convention 1b

tbe Dread Ceatral Hotel yeattrday, tbe Pretldeal, Leaader Oarer, la the chair. A committee reported oothe idntahillty ef ipplying Ihe continuous train brake,to freight cart. A loag dlecutiion ensued, la whtca allthe member, admitted the great merit of the brake lastvtoi life and properly By preventing accidents. A

wat ntaaed recommending trt idoblloo ifthe brge br all railroad managers Mr vy. K. Cham,herlln read a committee report on the ventlltnoi, audlighting of rare. Beeertl Inventors were In the room,and ti.rirmlnla.ure a a, hlnerv wa piled high upuu allIbe llblse Mr. H A ftouge of New York prepchlcdlcunip icated aii'llngenloieaptirttu. by wblcb a itreamof cold or hot llr lil.y he pourlovr coistalitl7tiuougn a car. Mr. I. s iisr lug of Brooklyn alao prttented a moJet of i ventilating rusctuu- -.

Ilamaa Bodlea la the Rivera.Th nud body of an unknown man, about

forty yeara old, five feet leven Inches high, wltb a h rtblsca beard, was found off Hsneioe'a Poial, near PerlMorris.

The ho y of a female Infant wai found off Seventhttret I, Kilt river.

Tbe body of a man. dreaaed In a dark nek coat, veal,and pantalooaa. was found off Pier vs. North fiver. Hewat ugbi comaltxioaed. bad red hair, and smooth taee.

A struger of about ihlny-fiv- Jutnpeu off the aler atTweaty.tilrd ttrtal, Eiai river. I sat evening, in thepocket of a cost that ae bid left on tbe pier wit a torataveioae, jtmaraed ftabway, N. J., addressed to Mr.

A MbortsT 0Ur Shot.Jtyha O'Tool, who kep a MUlor'e boarding

htaai al H Oliver street, wet yesterday cosaaalttsst totk Tomb to iwali the retail of tht pistol Hot wouldwhich he infflcted npon Btephea It Rownaa. of the or--

roi arrest dei artmeni lu the Bbrig1. oflce. O'looieidnilu tntl ne fired me shot but Inittta Uiet he did IIlu lf defence, on Tueader evening be met KuweanluaHuuth street salooa. o'looie ssvs that Huwnanabused hlm.and thenaeaaulted him. Tnen he (OToole)shot Ktwiian In the cheat. Kownao wa. taken to btahome io Henry street, aud hla pbysi una thluk hla re.covery dou itiui. He waa apeecaltst and uaabit tomove his limot lilt nighi.

Hallroad Faroe Auneaored Veetrrdav.The fares on tht Pennsylvania, the llaltlmor

tad Ohio, the New Tork Central, tbe Or.nd Trunk, andtbe Erie Rallwiy to tie West, are aacoureed to he ToCincinnati, 1 1, Indianapolis, till; Cbicago, 13; l.ou-li- t

ilie, fib t. Lou's, (17. Tne trie began yesterday1. sell rickets to Ctles, Auburn, and tien.vail $4 , to oswego. to Hoeoi ster, I'ensnoalgu , Ctle--

uls. Le Hoy. Hattvia, and Attica, tt.ivo: ruuud triptickets. Mi Buffalo or Niagara rails, tf. round tripiicaeis, IP, to Duii'.iri, ihe N, w 1 ork Centralmilamut lit old rates to clues in this Histc.

Another Hreeklya Harder.Early on the morning of May 30, lhoa. Robert-

son f Stot Humooldt ttreet, Brooklyn, Frank Bei'ten,aud .Inn llnetger oflu Ten Ryck street assaulted Pilllptisperof 174 Teo tvek si reel, striking him uver tberUht eye e.iih tnme bluut Late tin nightthe police discovered tr,at t uper was il the point ofdei'h, snti i oroner Notsn w ,s sent lor lo last ine tuiemortem depo.iti m ,tutic lite k, the new official Intne kastt-r- Diatrlel, Imtieltl of lioldl ig Ihe prlaoneratolt'tltlte eneut of t super's tuui ie., nned rto'icrtsou 110. slid dlseh ,rged Pealleu snd lluetgt-r- . ilfllceilwa.c itti night lo rearrest the men.

A Pnr Woinaa'a lf tallatlna.Bridget Hxrry waa arraigned in the VVashlng-lo- n

pla e Pol ce Court yesterday on the complaint oflbs Weed Sewing Machine Company, bus was chargedwith malicious ml. chief in entering the office of tbcoramur ind hretklng two sheets or g set tibe itd mdeienee thai all months ago she purchased t machinefrom the company fortl lo be paid for lu uiontl.lv

ol 110. 8iie naidtaA- mu failing to meet thelast psyiuelit, the eompsiiy se ti d the mat lilue. In

.no commuted the offem e cuurged. Ju.ucoDulfy relitatd ber.

Trouble on a Ball field.Yoaterday afternuon the llobuken Base flail

t Inn ef llojukeu saseuibied ttu the enclosed grouudn lersey nvenue Jermv t llv, to plays iiiaie.i gsine

w fh the Atsskst luti of N, sr Y ra When n jtiii ewaa t altrd, uni of the lask I 111 wss obji i led 0 !,ythe Hub men l ill bee t.a I . l il !! . f I'mb h.loual e.'lh. snd the llotiok t ipt uu leru.el toput About I.ishj list! psol ilo-i- iiiiramenio.iy, sua they beeilne vert A it

luimtutul, sud a .qtUtl 01 pul tl" tliart.i thuground!

Troltlug at I'lreiweod Park.There were three trots on the

Fleetwood Para Lourae v sterday, under the auaplcea ofthe earatoga Htsbles Ironing Association The flrlwaa won nv J lurphv'a b. g. Jake 11, "S. lu '.' ,1, '.114,uuil tv's riiere went su heat. In Uo- snoi.drsic,Wine wa. Itually wou by ,1. 1 s o. g A i.siewirt,lu tllw H tltl, and i he tiurtl race ass a , n oyA Udell's s g. mr Henry, lii '.' Sul( :nis4, and ! nKoli e wss c'uatly couteated, aLU Hi. It hg wasvety lively.

A Pamaaa Piece al' Property Mold..fiiincey I'ourt, hearing the, numbers ,17. 3'.l. 41.

li d :l Wan street, being til fe. i final, so ftct n .1,with an avrrtge depth of 11H reel, was sold by aui tmaIl lllit r irbsugu asieerounis ye.lerdsv A iiiurtvagefor fin ,0"0 aaa hit titled in the prite tl litehiddin r began al lifiai.tMsi, and 11 was aob, in no- orientan Vto'ens Insurance lotup.tii. fnt f.'t.tl.. m n. eiIrtlug leases uf the lenanls einhe i the 1.1 uf May, 1177,

Tbe lladlnc of Children Hemalna.Iaipentert at work at U'l Kultoii stroet, Brook-

lyn yraterday afternoon discovered tieneaf h tha finer ofthe .lore Ihe skeleton of a Itild. wrapped lu female

Ihe head was derailu-- from the rent of ihe0 ru . 1 in pi e ha. b n u. ,1 fur s long tin., aa athesp loilgb g hi u.e I'he ilea inly ef a fitnub thudtime ti h . obi tvav found lu the ulgltt .cvengtr'sscow oil Ws.idugtuu avenue, Itruoklyu, yesterday.

A YVomau'a SMili-lde-

Ou Sunday Mrs. Trim Is licit, of 177 l'.i iQc

strei I, Newsrk, lie levlhg lion .he was neir o r t I. I ifC'tUHitiuplion, ptociiri tl an old knife, un tfter 011

11a im at t ut' ot In r si ill, unit' I an srtt ry,aud has -- luce db d

A Poltc rmiiire I, Im.Frederick Hcliwlnuel. of .Nl Mulberrv tin n',

the hoy who wss be.il'-- sinl kit m l wi ').rr 1, i v

Orllci r Mllcll II. Oh the 7111 ot Mll.a s tepor.t tl ,lj tgl.fl hlght. lu.ltilor links h.i. lil.t'le h.11 1:1 a UL llllatMllcll ll.

Hrather Hnweu Itniscg the Wind.Mr Henrv I'. Iloumi has 111 'rttr Iim leal- -

ilent e hi tl los al re, I, r o a II. fol t.to o, lu luv orof Hit uutlable Life Ahmu s t oiupeu)

A Newark Hoy llrowuert.Y slerU.tv aftei 11 ion t i itl na ne I Dillon, of w'5

Hh' rtleldnnet. Netiirt-- arh In tl' r si 111 tl fpoud near Ine buidler.' llonie, fen In ami na diuwutd.

Ntws lor Hall Plavera.No. no of Ihe Itoyt of th H'or!,, ready thlt

m ratug. couialna the beginning et the exelllng ttoryctoed " Base Bail Bob, King uf iba Third Batt."-A- st.

"Paral'o, th Mustang Rider," out y InJumo'i lyuUpstd Buy if 4iu4iss.T.4a(ak

Ball Plavere. Alteailea I

Joe Btarl, aad other qually oelbrtd htllplayert, Bay leiru afswpuiat from " Base Ball Burj,King of Ibe Third Utte," whust story Ii begun la Mu.

M ol tht akitf lOH W( ey, ttu vrhlB..df.

BLAtttB't rntmnn oojrixuHT.rrwaariaa far a Mraad KastleaHaa fstasetiag

la WaahlagMva.

Wabhiwoton, June) li. Bom of tbo mottoareful of polltlolane. In oonratlun here tblevening, oi r that thev doubt Blalne'i ultimatalUooeH. There le an rxoess sj enthualaam Jutlnow mad manlfeei.but It may not be strong

nough to asreep everything before it. Certain-ly then can b no objeotlon mad to Blaln onaccount of th condition of his health. He waabl y to aat quit heartily, and thla after-noon n want out for ehorl rid. Hie phytlclans have enjoined upon him the great

ot hla abstaining lrnm any ex-

citement, and he la now well enoughlo realm tb Importance of following theirdirections, lie will go to Mount Plea ntto morrow, suburban reanrt aome ill inliei Intne oountrv, where ne will remalu tur the pre-n- t.

Hit f lentlt are preparing fur a grand rail-fl- c

tlon evening In caie ne Is nomi-nated at Oinolnnntl. A large pi I form la beingereote on tne oo.-- space In front of tu CdlrH II for that purpose. One objeut of thisOeinnnairatlon II 10 prevent e general ruan ofiieonle to Mr. UI In' house In cane uf nit nom-ination It Ii tliougnt tuat tne excitementof euoh an event wuuld lie very liijurlt tuttu t.l ui lu tbe prceetit critical ooudllionuf Im health. Hla remov .1 to th country

If be I able to go before in analreturns are received iroiu ilie Convention, la an-

other mainod of precaution adopted by liltfnenda auu phyalclans to avoid mental and phys-ical exertion contetiuent upon a vlsilatloufiomth eager populace. Thee preparation areooneldered as an evidence of tht fal'b of thBlaine people here lo hit ttreugth at Cincinnati,and th certainty of hla tuocess before th Con-vention. In tbe event of hit failure to carry theConvention, the ratification of tb lucoestfulueudldat will go n all th itru.


Tha Beraegavlalaa Chief Keeolvlaa ia BaJect th Arealatlea.

Loirooir, June 14. Tbt Urttnd Vizier ofTurkey has wrlttan a vry conciliatory andfriendly reply to Prlno Milan' xplanatlon ofth Servlio armamant. H xpr lympatbywith Sarvla'a position, and nyi tb Port I notunmindful of Bervli'i autonomy and privlleg.It admit tbit tnr have been violation or thfruntlr oy both parti, and promt to appointpedal delegate to confer wltb Servian delegate

upon th tnaana ol preventing auub violation infuture.

Kaotba, Jun It. Information received brfrom Ulavonlo lourctt layi that th Herxego-vlnla- nchle.'s bay hld a meeting and rtaulved

to reject th armlatlce. Auatrla will grant nofurther relif to tba Hersegovlnlan rfuge.Th relief committ are now deitltut atfund.


Ytrdar' Pla Raelag at tba Aaeat HaalhMwtlag-T- ba ffavarllee agala Baala.

Lohdob. Jun 14. Brilliant waatbtr gracedtbe second of the Atcot Heat.i meetlnf. Tbe

three event on the c ,rd tuotl worthy or note were theCorontlion tutket. the Hoyil Uunl cup, and a matchract for 6.000 between Mr. John Danny's 0. b. Contro-vrrty- ,

ind Mr. II. Bird', ch b. Low under.For the Coronation ttaket a field of tevtn hortea

fece.i the eurter. Footstep Isnded the prlte, with Ap--

ind Arena 1 dtid ben for the second piece, tadteti fourtn. The latest belting on this race waa V tuI each agaluat Fo'ttttep and Levant, and 10 tut eachag.tiiet Appeal and Arena.

Fur ibeKuval Hunt cup tbolerge field of twentr-tw-

florae a alerted, with hiiieoia the I svurlle at 6 lu i. Tnerace was woe by Hop Bloom, who started with jo to 1eielnil bim, D.fbam oeiug eecoa t. Thorn Iblrd. Ecromiefourth, lud tbe fsvori e eleventh Ihe lest betting onIhle race was 6 10 1 sgaiast nplaoss, 7 to 1 aealntthcrossau, to tu 1 agaiuil Hop Biauaa, aad 26 lo 1 eachagaluat Dalnaa and I horn.

The match race for kA.000 between Controverey andLow leader, who gave Ceatrorerty Id puuudt, wat wonby tbe former.

Tha PrahaM Katatu af Wlaalaw.Lobdoh. Jun It. Oeorge Bvereil, clerk for

the aaUaaael tmtlnest of the Berne Ofxce, aaldthat be tkouid thtak that Wlaalow weald Be rsleaaM

at he xaewt of ao lappleaeatary treatyOraat Bniala aad ihe Dolled State havtag been

siesS t. Ttje Jansae "a deantea will dBead opoo whether Blr John Holker, tha Ailorneybtaarsf, baa beea instructed to bold uut the hope thaian agreement will ba retched, but be waa not awarewhether bir Julin Holker bad beeu ao inelracled. Mr.Itve rest also tald thai appllcailou was madt to JusticeLiud.ey 00 June for a writ of hibei. corpus forCharles Brent, tbe Luultvliie forger, then Ju.tlceLmdiey reminded ibe case lu June 16 fur the cuutid-tretlo- a

of tbe tub court.

Tha Taxailee af tiermna la ('aba,BBRLIN, June H. --Tbe Oft. (n! (pittite liyt that

tne Impentl flnvernment tome time tgo opened s

with Hpaln to free Oerman residents in Cohafrom the extraordinary war taxes levied tut rv. Differ-ence iro.e respecting the Interpretation uf the trestlesun this subject, aud a settee of difficulties, ibt luding tbegenersl political suusilon. aere put forwsr 1 as pre-venting ftpaiu from to Oeimauy'a uem uu-- .

(lermany. however, his ubtuued 'li- - roncestlon tinturoceea uf distraint aud tort d .ale. of r penv for

of sai.l taxes shall be suspended in the cases ofR.iini'iu restdeott until su andertiaudlng it tittiued.

The Rcllgleui Rlo'laa In Belalaa.Bhi srL, J .ne (treat agitation

still prevails, but there has leat dlturbtnce y

than yetterday. Bauds uf rioters continue to boot andhist in front ut tbe Cithulle institutions, dome aindates hive beeu broken, ind a few srreslt nude. ACa duel t'uuut I hss net cilb I tor to lilurr.iw.

Al Antwerp ins i'l.lurbaLCt.a a ere renea etl ttedty.Many thetiaanils uiarc'ied thi .gh shunting"Dowu with the Miuisit rr." Ibe nub afacard audwrr k' d 1 (' tllio'tc in.ntiil The gea arnies cusigedupon the rioters tun set, nl persous auio wuunucd.A number uf irrvals hsve bt.-- madt.

Political txcllcnient In Parle.Paris. June 14. Pretldetit MacMahon nitured

Mlbl-tr- r Dufsure yestertlsy that he intindcd to remainneutral in u-- mailer of M. buff-r- cauniuaty for ihefct.atr it ernaaaya tne Mtni-tr- won d regard M.Buffet's eb to. in si an set of h isnMiv on th part of rhebt uale. and wouid r slgu. Im- .ffalr cau.es eicitemem. It Is salt, if t'ie faMt.ft abou relgn a d anew one be formed out or nt Highi. the Chamber ufDeputies Wuulu relu.c tu vute il.c Image.

The (ilbralmr Hlollu:.London. Juris 14, I he riot at illorallar on

till atll lUrl-til- aSS tetWeiU t, rat ,11 .3 hot. Slidbo.t'i en. iUl.'U' ttns ant l 'i, a v,re UMai v pirllclpa ,t wrc I irown luto thew-ttfi- ,

' in ii. lie t, r.- ,tl 1, .1 ne ,t , ao it- l t verb a oi l

li.K'p. r, ort .1 otii-r- . Hie triutoe or giustutl m atit i man .nl lor . ti ig a lauv

society and Hell Inn lu Peril.I' tins June 14 lllshop H.ip inloiii hna wrll-le- u

a psii.pni l eatltletl " V nitii. r are w- going " Itciibtvor lo .how tat sod, tj. s i nligouatein thegrestest p ' thr Uiti rhe li'Mn.tts l tio.ri-- s ofsthei.m no i.stert llsin Tuc mio, tatioii is aidtlycircu aud sutl causes a sensallon

lleunsenlit's Warning.Ill t I1ARU-- T. June 14. I'lisy Itouoianlati Oov-rmi-

nl ml ah ortler reliluitilng fortlgiirrs ofibe for coL.plrlhg ou Us ttirilur agalu.tftir-Ig- n Stale, and lur iraffb slug lu aim.

I'laela a t'eateealwl Mhow.l'llll irikl. Pill. June 14 A Ttuklih .'aft1-- un

the Kilubirlou grotihds as. turned Into a verb tyshow, slnM-lu-. anddsuitug of au ohjs. iluuabl-- kind heli.gdol'ebv rarklsh uieu and aoiiten he noe ag tinstcharging sdnltsslou fee wis evaded bv tduiltllug nonodywho aould hut buy t cup ul tuffee al iatnti five. cuts,mis sfternooh the Director oeneral ordered a policeruld, ind the show waa cloaed.

Cruelly bv Tlaakrd llebbrrt.Nafhvii.i.b, Pa., June 14. I'bree masked men

laat nign' broke lulu the ikmi.u of Hamu, I Abraham,wea'lhy fanner ri.ltllhg three mllea from this plsce,slut plsi ed a ha ler aroun I h's net and thrrstened toh ng hull If he dm not tie, Iver Ins money Aft, r i t onlytortiirlua l Abr itiania and hi. wife by burning tin irft et, lue uu., leaiila fie , isait g wllh tticui Ida lu wuueyand a valuable horse sud i tigsy.

The Amri'lcau Klflemen.The final competitluu for iilaces In ilie

Icainwas endi d on t leetltnoor range ye.ri t

div Ihe un I irservi', tviti their total icori.,an Karatll a!l lly.l , se U n H.I h.imi, si,,V I, hi! nee, SU , ec affer, WW lil.ui, sialtlriltuult, S'.', Allueia U, ;i7, J.Stl, ,al, IVa.l.bui he, it'4.

I'i lidded with a Pilclifnrli.I.evv is Walu ii, oi 1'il'orsvtli stre . i"anelletl

a, th to o pin ui at 1. 4 its In I .t ;hl arolwia Mahtnil with a hlti bf ra by the sit r, Iwo ittl e ilon,: tlitt , If nl It', ii t ,1 a ,iitl s t IMao.ii'l .tppiilau as loi ttl u, mill' Kl'lll'lg. ttieetslat. ail

1'br Palliu'e ot it HntiiiiM I ' I s sat

llavtN t, June It M llolauli.le ,V I , import-er i I'll tl I' it pr.iv i.it n. ui iiii.ti t r.,1.11' t

1'htlr It ill itl, s lit this lalaud are ft luialed at oi '.ooo

llrailc Park Kacei.BoaTOV, Tune II I'he fir- -t re, " for tVVI in r o,

wa. tv. n by Holer , time, 2 'tl. - hi. J'ib'., II Inesecoud was wou ''y 1. 1. Cnnpiii in . 41, a. Ja's-

THE DILLIARD EXPERTS I HpBoammma or thb tovbmambnt im h ,HIBT MO HALL. H

A fVBleadld nam heivvaaa William PIatt4sB If'and Albert I .Mtlial Beat with Vvrllte iMoa Luim Might. 1 .immmml

The Uttb frame of tbe billiard tourna vmnt waa played In Irving Hall last night bp ,

William hexton and Albert Oarnhtr. lb hall , fHwa overflowing for the first tlrn in lb tnurn. ( jHroent. muoh curiosity being mnlfeitd to knowbow Hextoa would far In a MO point gam with ,

u eatilful in advert ry at the aentlemanlp flmjaamiPrenchmaa, Bxlou won tit lead, aud mrtrd iftmmfloff aa though b latendad to wlp out 'stassmmlhit defeat by Hloanon by aollnaln lli almmmm!wonderful record In Phlladelphli. Scoring from VrftHtha apot he left th ball together In tha upper '' mmmmm!left corner. H aoored up to 84, and retired with - eH80. Oarnler forced tb pi iv from tb Hart,making a magnificent run of Tl and following II taesssssmmlwith 1, 7, l. 8, fill, and It. making his tot I at tha sssssmmm!and of the seventh Inning 887, Bexton bavnia 'tmmmmmlmeanwhile ru do only B4. Ilmmmmfl

Tne young Amcrictn then went to work, amiwnen he reaolied 73 a freexe caused the balls tobe aput ed. and lie uilss d hie next abut by a 'ATHhilr. Both pi ivers tnen had turren Inning. f'mmmmVOarnler rolled up 80 in hie eleventh Inning, ler- - ''mmmmVIr compoaed of hla beautiful draw and niaasd Mmmmshots, and uiipliiMMitl It It bv a d .H80 in hie thirteenth Inning. Sexton, meanwhile, 'Hwas experiencing recurrence of the luok thai ffBEHbeaet bim in tne early stagea of the game, and i fgggggggabis total waa only 141 at tb end ol tb txtoth 'gggggggflInning, whli Oarnler wa 847. ! i mmmH

i nu in young American eooweu nia mevtia i ajBJBBBJSJSJagain. By playing as nearly as posslbl rep. Idassssssmmtltlon of his last oonslosr :bi run. h rolled up k!sssssssssssl100 with tb balls atill well In hand. A ahot or , mmtwo linprleuoed thm in tb right upper oornar. mmmmVa position not desirable on account of th barred I'aaaaaaaammcrotch ehot. II, however, avuldtd penalty, t'kimmmVand played within a foot of tba oornar until ha heasssssssssibad toured 47 more, whan a spread abot for smmmHgathering lft tb thr bill almoai frostn to '


tha upparrail wltb th cu ball ouUld. Ha i vjggggggglnext md 148, tb lirgail run ol th gam. BBBBBBBBJ

OarnUr aat down after orlng 8 point, and, ' IVJasaBBwBexton retumtd hit play, acorlng SB, placing tb fgTggggglatting even at Stf. Uarnter brok th tl by a BEBBB inrun of 8 ; Sexton mad 8. OarnUr nxt ran 86. B HBxtun having mid hit third ahot, Oarnlar R mmmmadded 87 mora tu hla (core, giving bim again a U . fafafafafjolaar lead of 78 polou. U jjfggggg.

Bexton corraUed tb ball agtln In tha left H 1lowar oornar, and whan h had run 40 they wi , mmmm(till than. A Jourov along tb lowar rail nt-- 1 , Mmmmtad !M mor. Somewhere In tb nlnttM lha vfaVaVaVJbull war Juit wbr h itarUd wltb thm. H ,. mmmHbad reaoued ISO when tba balls wera ball way; , jWMmalong tb uppr rail. Ba than bad 8 to make to , MTggggrJbeat Oarnler run of 188 to tb second gam. ' MfggggrJhitherto tb largt made In th tournament. aBBBBBBBJ

H mad the 8 point, and continued to Mora ' ijwgggggrjuntil be illppcd up In an eaay half msaA draw grgggggmat 177. 1 b wire thin uowd Beaton tdO, Uar- - ffHnlertSJ.

Uaniler'i next lgbt Inning ddd only 18 Bfffalto bta icor'. Baxton waa leemlnglv x-- T VAVaTIIiolnti by It ley exert lont, thro tluiee scalterlog I .'Hbails for trifling rum that leemed well dlinoaad fAVAfATBto yield hltn tb gam. At th end of tb lf.8--8 Htwentv-nlnt- h Inning he stood it 864. He mar-- gggggjjaballed the b.tlle again along th lower rail, nd ''ssmmVcoaxed them along until bo had made tba ra- - jTggggBquired 48 polnli. 7l.,rnler waa left at 441. Sex- - aTfltun's average waa 80. Oarnler' e, 188 8V. mWM

Ibereeult ruakei a tie between baxton and , VAfBRudolph for th 8nt prize, each having lost ABBKHone gam and woo two. lbey will playoff tb fffgyflti in a SUU point game this eveulng In Irving ilssaamVHall.

lb third gam between C. Dion and Maurlo gggggVJDaly, In tb 2,(WU point match for $8,000 wa mWMopened br Dion I nt night, wbo, at tb close of th Baggggasixth inning, wllh th l.UUO with which h itoird) , B8Jwggcredited, bad icored 1,084 point ; Daly wltb 888to his credit, having toured 1,08. In hit eighth In-- ggggglnlng Dion mad aepiendid break for 41. Daly fol- - iffBBBBSj

lowed with 68. Dion'e 8n carom, and Dsly'a mWMbank a, ruahion-k- i and clever mtsi4twera U "fHmott Ilk saw revelatloot In tha uluo of buV kjwgglHard. .'IBThere waa a repetition of tbl txccptlonaltg 'mwmbaautlful play In tba tanth Inning, and Dalf ;WBBBJclaared 111. At tba oloaa of th eleventh in- - efaffggglnlag tba eoor ateod, Dalv 1 J40, Dion 1,087. iMmm

Another tne run of 88 ant Daly up Into hi Vggggthlrtaanib hundred, whtl Dloa was at 1.08. ' MWMWhan tha eighteenth Inning wa closed th mwtaaara stood 1.386 to 1.186 In fivor of Daly. 'THlo tbe tweuty-art- l tuning Dalv again ahowad mmMforth tb strength that Is In htm. He sought '


for a long tim. by mesne of long draw, round mwMth table allots, and difficult benka, to gat tba Wmmred end while In poeltion for nursing, ind ba Jmrntucceeded. HI Judgment wa never bettor mwm

shown than in thla part of hla gams, snd bis Wmdelicacy of touch not s 'rpasssd In any game 'Vgamever played. Tb mult of tb run was 104 Wmpoints. The score ttt this a lag wat: Daly,1.464; Dion, 1.140. ffS

Daly's tweutv second Inning nettad bim 48, ' gggmand gate bim 1,500 pulnts, leaving Dion it 1,141. WJBJ

Paly having started with 886 to his credit. mmmade SUs points. Hit average waa therefore mmT! His average fur ibe laUd nolut was ex-- gfgglact Iv 16.

Dion's average for laat nlght'a play waa laas UMthan 7. anil fm tht whole plav 14 7 11. His best WMrun was 01. Daly's beat runs were AD. ItH. and 111. WM

In the closing gsme Daly has SOU tomake, Dion bit.


Deliberate fsalclde by (strychnine af a "eal upialn'e Lonely t lie. fmW

When Mr. Kaynor of Hlvernead, laong Island, Kjsflreturmd Irom New Turk to bit home, oa bsturday 'gggslnight .stl, he found his wife dead, bns was Ivlog upon ' ' mHthe bed, fuily dressed, sud the dueler wao wss cslied ,

in hrlkri d th .1 .he had neea dead twenty four hours. t VHNet e u: her ueigtioort bid seen ber tince tbe Wedaee , 1 mmda urevb ii.. A p ip rcuntaitilug a.tme an ycaalue wai 1 4tElfound upon tnesiove near her. snd ou the bed wat a I )sBN1. icr, staling that the had the drug lucnibcr I ' 4maeary eit.tc.u e, and decntlng us i dec u;ou btr. ' .

Prumtie flrtt dose tbe bad feb uo resulia, toil but lit a lntie from the t'coud, which induced herta ihlnkiuat ' - sfjitt e drugglbl had impo.ed morptilue upou ner, but the ' WMproposed iy try t thl d dote, which ippeiraucet ludi- - , WSB

cs'! he abl wlib more Hurt ess The flrtt ptn uf iheletter wa. a rim n wiih Ink sud the lilt inpenitl, the MMwrltinr b.vlug douhiiess been Bulabed sf er she nsd.taken the l ttr.t portion of the poison sud thrown herself jHtui the bed to die. hhe had seen fur kotue lime rather fl

et ce itr e In her wars si eplhg all day, waking all i.lght. , awalwavs very uervuut, ulten vluleul, slid eoulpl lined ry ' IHmuch of t ie fi tjnent sn.ene s I ruin huuic uf tier but. aVJbaud, who aat captain of a schooutr. fBB

Tbe Daagera ol the Promenade. ''sflAs Mi-- s lteoect'it Johni n of OS Sixth avenue M

a at pa. tins the Klflh Avennt Hotel ye.lerdiv the waslot,' etl on ihe shoulder bys person behind her, ind on AVtu t. ng in r i" 'mi '"tkivas si. it io t ir tin her hand. 9

iua-iiio- followed the thief lo Seventh avi tiue and .mtil. Itu sin' tl In Ut liiiiitl'i .ttiei station ha 2, ml ie in Walter e i hspiuan of u: Wm lulrty.

ai illi all et It C

The llaae Hall Field. 'T.te Ht. I. ins I Inn defeated the llnatons la J

on e.lei .1 iv .''loo It till STIU tl - t I. Ul.,1. ABIhe Ar of UrooMy i delevled a moe cm- - , Wt

poa .iiiitiiilt tr ll.oatil iilveralt) alum 111. Utoa 1' tllu I'm adelphls, the Altilellrs defeated the t'lncln- - A

n .i '.'o lo s.1. Sea Haven, the Loulsvllles defeate'l Ihe New If

llaveua J to .', 1

'(lllver Coller'e Deienee.Nxwrn niiil. Jxna 14- - After Hie ind'cfeil llo

U"i , a , r. n .tl te.i ifleil lh it obv r t ot It mni Lanew ere w'u i nolng rhelr work for lite temperance itPro ii. rr," d, it e llev .lohu o, ,isius, lu ri nii'lsl, e

that he esw bnih I oft r snd ane i n t' e Sundayin uutallah. and on succeeding days, and that tuey wereaober till i r wltnes.t s torrohorsled htm

1 he Wealhrr OOJce Predlcllen.Mouth and e at wltiils. slight t banges In teiu

perature and pressure psr'ty t loti-l- seat er, ei, -- ptpos.lbly conunued cloud sua fug uu lue Immediate 'cossi

jo I ti sun ahoit roirx.Im

Mine, lay Vert Is at the I t leinan House.Header.-Marriag- es have tu be recorded la

Nea .'tr.ey.hunnyslile Idcnic, SuUer'a East

II. ver Cars .lui..' '7

The application to vacate the probate of A T. tSit tvart . sill U let iraable st 11 u'tlot s I ay

( li..rles il... who abducted Katie Vu it ctw, a, ass I aid up lo the Pullcv Ceulial toll UutUigl't

I lie Mtaona of this city resolved la- -' eveintignol to partlt it am at t ood) lo a 1 ourih i f Jin) tnuoit.al- - it oil ,

Hilly ll.irrv's hem Ot a' tim fllot.e tun aftou nl, evening. In, Ins. d.,..t.e , n to Ut a

gil.ll atf.llI he New York eoriaspon I ..flue I'oiiriei- -

Ji :o(Bt)lln Mr. - a . i ' .0' Ml Iv sin , , ,f i . , .t' ' a it. itl liu oil ,.yIl i U.i tlr.lt It

llietlii I. Hi ui't'ii l't U n ol fired twol!e - ' t ' la t il

liultv I' ii ''- - '1 ' ' a ill Ulnalit , ..'ttii . , 'til t tv I 'h.ii ly .lioiigt--

,, ii ' . ' lo 'e it' .1hi K, v ill a ni j, b il in t u

n - . t '

v r r ii 'leu of it: io ui, .a, ,tII t - .1 I.. it io ir it.- i.l a

ill l u . ' '' uu. it sa ui ' ty .II in mi tar, all. i ml ol it to,

liv Ol del ol .llltlt'e ll.lt i bfol I, In lliui'-lsrl-

llsn .i u ' v il ir ' lo 1' i'n u iv 'lot t a toet lup.els the elslini allon of Dittli lb. Mr IhMVla 1., at l 'ie rt s.iK i.e.- f lit ui) ' t. a, a . a , Iluvlgor.led.

L'alH. Albert De Inoot, Hit designer of tliVsadi ibilt bruissv, tun u als presesled the ststuuf Krauklil lo tne pr n'ers and tr" 'I f tea Vork. satbaptiaedby the rVr llr Deeui. of Iht 1 bureb of the 'blnlgert. In tbit illy. Iat -- undsy morulua. On lhaprevious Buudai the euagregatiuu htd the plteitiit sIMItalug le as tlos.uejt sddreet Uaiu him.