Wvni"1lHL-K- 0 217 NKW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 17. 1876. PRICK TWO CENTS. i vi 7iv LOWS EXTRADITION. ait i ti rt Tti s THAT t n in rut ii ii of ii is st HH fc.YDJ - Ihe I l" I i,n'' AelmperlUUl I " Unworn M until Briieii Keck "'Tirr reel. Vg Y ..!.. vs.ll ' b" MIWi Wf AMifiroTOJf, April 16 P"1"1 eSMenthl IMinlN- -' .mli.nMt in ntlieferra - etectiits net moral- - tM cn?i oiwKgutn r, N- f iuellreand I od onlef thlsooun-tr- y but the hnrmonloui relations f tn la ptf, rmncnU. Little attention ua bosnglven bj .,, ii the anhjecMhe t It i probably being thst one sido or tbs utiisr willglvewev. or thai Pfottlrt ssn h srtlvsd lf- sue ciss dose n i t" present a ball rot I ....... bl iwoOovernmente are at a liaj ik, and neither atito Mtnu rtadf to tlYi Hie .ifiiv.d of th tn io OownmaDl u ( v i ei , to bo tried for tor . q rend y to lurrcn i?r blm 0 Ine th.it he !i ill not be triad for any other offence aud tbli piedffS Mr. Fish refussi t give. He itai i upon the tri .t f mi. Ta arti M I I) referring to Sttradttten Iti that i In tba f ii iwlng word a i ll .. i ti 1 I1 llted Mat) IBd hef Mrtfannlr tj . . t ihu'.likI reduiel in t' l hem, or ihfff vill re. utileer-- , or Suibotltise, respect! i iv , up Jttitfc all pereone who. , Nt ithec hi ol murder of a suit won tu- 1 yi nut iimi'l' r. or pir cy, r ar m, er robbery, i 1 1 reel pswf.comtnlttcl fiti isdie tiua of eitn.-r- aftall an ssi QtD , . louwt a iia the in riioriai of the other t tr 111 't i'.i't unlv bo doaa np9B auca cTioin c . .i tv n c ti Mm la h lni of ih ciirp r , rt ii m . iill In l.'UL'j fi i,i .j I'tiiloa Bf ruiiiitltlaiiPBi hf ; i 1 ff nf ntn Brt ' "i tv r bai coavi itttd : , i ntH iivaja avad rtaar tuaaiai alriol ina , i fi x tUB appfeht-naio- ol t ii inulttV' of Pfffai ti i ( i. tBat ha maj Ba ttfoiirfBI brio ruch lu Itei lUBBlftrat ,fcifl Ltvatft lo IBa aad tat tli r i'f rai iiv utiffieii ard aal roaaiatraa i g kif.wuaui BcafiBiit. ta BvltlaucB daeiuaj miu-- i - utatn t ie bara t Bi Br trie intr ol ta t .mi- ma J it .a" r inai' rare ti hf mtn. ii t'tuiivr a li u i ri:.'fc.irr ndrr Of OC'i Ittfillv. Thrt ppi"ji vtiiii'fi iporrBtiiaioB aal dfiirary iBtll i'rnn aad i parti iu niaaol rc4Jtuiu auil t rite. iUv fii.htri'. Mr Klah it in on tht txt of the tra'r. and Itri there M hi it no pr.iBI jI'.Iou ivhatavtr uaioal tfilof a crlmlaal for a dlffereot from thai apacilaJ In tha raquultion or wjrrmt. Nay ui rt, the BtaU Dapartmoot a ,"."- tint tinea IMt it h a (ii a oonnion practlcat n i o i ( r tba United Stat-a- , but for i aland an i f r Canada to datoand erlmloala upon ona allaaion of orlna nod lhanlotfi thorn ( r otb r B en It U tftia that the n- -t ot rarUamani of Is" - tyi I it .1 tflmlnal itaall i n 't bo lurrati lerrd ifun lrn Pi it- until it in fed by law or herwuo tlut na ahall ool be I Wed fr any offaneo coraumttd iratfloua to ihoextraditlonottivrtlmu atr4ittun orlma. ' Li it, ' tha State U p '. " ve bare i t in to do with your i i f Ia Wo have teaull tu make .1 now treaty wlh Vnil on tn.it ii i it1 a baa 14, and your net c nnot . (he treat v h it la" Thel'itlttd at Ooveratnout al-- o ultea in . 37th necuon 1 i- -i f lT0 aboW I hat lb hth-'- t in.t ii t nofjifytbe treaty ol Xbnaac i. j ii i fairad tu r 'adrt thuat Ttir tpfrlflM In th third trir lulr t ) Bf1 ire ij i rj t tin; wii iit- uf tu r Maj ! it a U'l tali wet (nift ii ts r;,: er UitytMng p "i r ed a tr t i ! "- - wiia fBe ire uliri If fi 14 (fell rrpa.fi) BBBll Bpplf (Bl rO ii ntve tummiiifi niti' t t fore or a( tr of (Uc net , lu tu a ul furfig a States witu wi.ieh HdBt treatla Bfa uadclu tnr PHina BMMief m if a I -r i'i tincil rrffriug to u ti trtiie i.a uceo r purau ibm t tint et. anil a if urb ordtr h ri 0 r ft .j At every law vii orolnnnci! wblch U tu force ... el to eucb trcaturi lb ul i iiaTc coYi-- a part of tBIBaat The p It llloltad relied on to n'tpport the w t lit tbe act dooe noi t rai nd tu ibi but on the contrary to nave t e traaty. rna luta Uapartniant Ii vary oarnaei In liavtowof kba auojoot nod aomawnat i aporntod uttd Drltlab Uoyorntnaot In raapoot : VVlualow, if tu" demand for him ba pefueod kh til trie Lnlteq Btatea make tti. BtlouUltnn that ba h u n.t bo tried for ant other offonco, tii Americ 'ii ' eerntuaiit will r'unfd tba trenti 01 tiy aa praeucally tinuuileii au far aa f elataa ,ol i ai I'aditi n a it i. t'hla la their po Itlon Ii Willi ft COUtBOi l'it an and to nil deliver lea of eacaoed orlminali for the arave rriuie- siie- iilcd in l no (truly, and .ill that a feiun i bavetoUu titer parpe rating bte orlma la ui... Dee t tht other and be wiiih the tnimenie amount ol crli Inal and other Interc urea betwi en t be I'm ted siaten Buif the dominion of Oreot Britain would ran dr eueh aaoujpo veryoaayi Canada would be Ooma an Alaalla fir IT nder ttaiiiHt our Ihwb. ond tha Cnlted Bl t In turn for tboae wbu d m riated the Ibwb in Canada r Qroat Britain, hut every atort 'ib: lio io hiiii, auu tola i no e&ceptton to tne old rule, i na DrtUah h a its view t maintain wnlou It doea villi ua much earueHtneia and li rnuctt apparent lineerlty u the American s aa Depari mem. Imii1ie at root. Illte Mr. rtan riliea on tte ti l ol li e tie y itaolf. " J'uere la notOlna hi it ii t trylua a criminal for another offence tban 'he ex rudhlun charge. M Yerv true." tney Bay, but there i iiothiim In h afllnntnc that t u tuav do to and the wnolo Irli of theartl til - that ou am to try blm for the pffeclee uiTti. c of Which you demund him. and for no bin i The ubj ol ''f tba aittde u i lain, Where n aj committed onma and tot awav Iroui vou you inform u of tha fact demand Lltn ' be tried for tnat crime or any Otbef men t. In the treati that you may apeeifv aud Wa a u lurrouder lilm to b tried for thit. Vott Half f r blm on account of one crime, and i en i v him for another. Snuji so we iiid baked) .f raneaoaiied Fenian on aome n tation u mufdur or lorirery, or araun. and town pi tedeU to try bitn for reujillou would i b submitted to lu and would public opinion u Amerj i n re bruoKed auob an injuatloa t ' The ii it 'on mat nlfcnilerM have ue n tried by e i ,i luntrf lor other offenoea than the one Ipvcihad In the requliltlou U an emt'arrsinir fur Ureul tin tain, an it n no: i i. H if Bnnwor - "IN h i. ha I " it the bin on of tne Imuenal Uovernment biduu raid it it. We could not overlook mury min i d a over) trial in eyary i rt ol t'e hru loh .i. . Tue ii'cuaed ti i not rase ti e i ih titMi up;eal tu tb ' ifemiuent f"r r dr- aa. If i 'vi. id i tie fto ut Aty tiuitf ho an mid h tea bet ii i uind to double tue poiut aSaotli ua we taie ii uu in tu t unav ih Ui .t it loverim onl quotei th net of the 1 bib bl ' i. Auj. Ui law, aud June 7. a. in r lei ih that "it? A'jo-r- hi eglBtlVe h.- -t rprel itlou uf iho tiaaijr ) the iic ua thitr t .1 a if tba act of A ut, IS l"d. readatbui : It i ill Be ia f ui f t err tar oi It ite. un ;er lil bv.u . i i Blue, tu urder t e peraun ia na ult i ctlvercu i ,i r- -u ur pertoui hi I tt in (in tin i' ui i v.i be Bcuaif uf em tur I ii ei u 'jeJ, aad auea peraun atiai ba a t ui- Bccurumijir, iij it aBali Be f t i ' trreoaer u u tut-a- , ia uoreaaia, tu n u b hj dy( nui i i.iui or iier tu tue laffitunei i" aaoh fori i.u Ooverumaot The tot of Mtircb 8 1MB Wai pBtaed to me it a .. wblou bad i'Ui lately bapin ned woere arreated in Canada under areiuialtlon (tartuti fOncbim the United ucii aao to mob vtoleuoe and evuu put tu dutti Wh tu ..'..i. truil 1 uf to la ucl la aa fuli IV a I Wheaevef dt aefaan la aellyerei ty aay forruu r,u eruuicut lu sii auu ui i.,e L'ulieJ m tur ire pur-bn- t bdtitf iirougut wituln taw Uulieu htiitea auu i tot in crif'M) for tefH' k ke ii U'tiy u; ur.l, luo I'fi'n mat nd.i U ve i i a tu m.e nil an teaaerf uteaa tjr.a for lua ifjii i"i ill ') end kit' pi og of Rueb f u i raou, aoa forbta ia uriir ?aiut .awii- vi j wont, utttll t e Buai OuttCluabiB uf IjUhi.it lii Br. ,'.'. pi i'i if (A warrant , t, a t , .hi tt'UII f un I n' i ire from UUtOdf or inn t tur uf Mi a UOUOI ff urh tri. 1MB Of "IT mw, a I r reaauaaDJe unif n re n.r, auu iiuye'uuuj iuh portion ol the I tnd ur navl furc u' Ilia If ul u f i ra, ur tba uilliiia tbareof , ai m y b n kuk. aafu a img a u prop vtiuu uf tin- aceaaed, Tbl Hritlfb dovorn'iient InsUla, and not with Out fnlr eiiuw of reuoii, llial tueeu tal.i e i trifir lutororetitlou of me treaty, lenei lief toll interoretation ba right or u it, it leema ulear that the aoi of parliament of A ur . UiOi wai a new denrrt ir. much tnen ii ii ij hurti in all ner now truaiiur boepiUtf I no provleiofie oi LU If aul m view ui.d mauiu.' the Lew trualn- oouj "in. .us if and uf thia net are an folluwa : Motion 8. wi.rru o i rua ., ,,. i vu aui ' i.:n Hi te rt retpeel tu 1 berren ler t eu i. "i ui- ii y i ' v Giiinuaia, i r mj iy mw fj oruui in Loaned Uni lul ilai act tau Bpplj lu C.t 041 1 ?4jMBj,h furJlftiO BtBte. her SI ij'iy in y uy tha arn w rt , , ,,t uraer Haul Im oteieti .u of aaaoreer, adrettiici ih ai io fugii t iuuihitii Slip are lu or nui tied i i Hi" par. of ner 't iuni n ii. ptH ilea tne Older n j reader Be ueratlou ihri-- nufject to ucu cuii .niuua. 'leu, kuu (uinwatluei m ou oeetted rapa- S Aftixlilre rrhnhial ahe.U not Be surrendered uu- iu r aprci of w.ncu tut KfOuedlt uaa ttfa n nucu i:liri trr. . u wee u baaeaa Boa "A p m.jfuur j'. or ma curt r1'"' hmu Ii b'uuKbi uu liate rorpu-- . r lu itou p reury u hi .1, taut the riqutatituu lur iuijiruu. r 9 1 IB i t ue-- a niadf Willi - lu try ai pu iiab blm wraa uff. y e uf a o. .1 caarMter. e ii.iuil tiuii nui oe urrrodrred to a for AT le."llltM proviel 'ii It mtue by tie .w ul Unl Kli'.JT L' """ami. ut. trial mo liifclHve oriunutil U Ubi llUI Ur iiiut ucea reatureJ or aae aa uniwr BUftiU al ufcvvuiiui 10 tvar hUiW deniaion. be aaa - f r. MS :!;,'..,l,::::;-- Vi..i;.ea-:uhe.urrc.- i,r ,s grounde 1, Bim e t on- hd ilhetwoCofenimente bfBn vi arr.inirrinenl for if? e r union fit- Kach II v.n meni wlahe 1 enlurao the coua of the Aid tre u bo as 10 Include a greet! uii'Mb.'i nf tT nCfi. and m it her uehed the new treatf t.. offencei merely political hi their n itnre. .h noeollalloti nont n verv well un-- tl it came to the nolnt who wn to determine Whether the Offenfe of the crhmnul for whom uiiiellloli wan noule area political or not. I he IhuMi act f 1970 devolved this duty upon a dice magistrate. Tu this Mr. Flab objected una thai he rotlld not consent t hnt a crimlnul slum I I he withheld n aov authotlty IBM than in t of 11 e Oovertimeni Itaalf, hut the Brti is b Uovcrninphl cotild only follow the text of the a t f Is" . hOf did ii"t believe and do nit be- lieve todaj Ibi t tbei could induce Parliament I peal ai v materia) p nftlon of that n 1 looBa to ihe JuUiclul protertP ii of the eunhct sirsniM linJUff Bell ire and dcportltion As n matter of actual practice t.iey insi-te- d t nut it w as IbO CUb toni for all such cases of eitratlUom tO he broUftfbt before Blf rbomal llrury, nn nftVer ol h1;u c'i 11 actei ;.nu le.itnlng, slttinif hi London, nn l It la eUkfL'e-te- d that he would not in any C ise rule cue atruln-- t the known policy or wiah of the itiittsn Qovernmeot, rnera la no dmiht that thw la so, and It may he nflHmed with I'm tl truth thut to leive auch cases la the dlbcretlon ni hu ordinary poltce tualttrnte Would work in boma caaea yeri r in America, tin tMa point the acheme "f a new lientv fell throuirh. The OBM of I. wretice (wiiieb happened laal lummarih whe waa ettraa Otted f- lortteTI und the mlerlng f foftfed paper and wbom It Is uowdoetred to ut for amufffllnf, Ii the one iiirtt hns li d tu the piraint complication In reaped to Winalow aiy object baa been to five the laws cited by eu n p irty and the VlOwa of e .ch, utid not t .its CUae the nierua uf the eaef I have no hesita- tion lu I'feuiciuiftf t let the IP ItlBb ti Vt ruiuetit ti ni Rialiil In Ite position vntu n per;inaclty i ipml to that of our own Government and you II. tv re 1 ne.4ur-- lo that umlnW will not u yen up uiiieeethc American state Di partment sh .11 make the led ire it hes no Idea ol manlUff hamely tnat ho ahall not be tried lor any othef tfence than thei apeoitte in the req iialtlon and .11 of bS raouhui. lie aauil ill he t hat tha axtrndition treaty of 11- - win s by in boardi crimtnala mi have freer aud bolder acope crime til u ultlplyand ernni la far wofee tha current of good feellna which had e; in au a malt bett ten the Cnlted Btatea and Grout Litem alnca tie ireety ol WaeniiiBTiou of 1971 will be t h iiiftrcd and ut.u of allettaUon and bit toineai aubatii utou, ALfttsr Mt.it.'s DM ATM, io annta of ihe Injury onrof eyblch Ac ruses Nil Hupp. ) unit ul' luiiler. Atifxuat Melti of 58 Orchard stmt died uu Baturday morning of injuries wblob tue polio aay wore Inflioted b Mas Bappoiajottof P5 Iteory streets and another man whose name tney are) unwtUlng to dlseloao Mr. Holts telli the following story: Autuet Meltsiuai an nru. lu the late Wafi and was IbefSbf unfitted for vi on ul any BOtlVS U Sde, lie ui.tua.ed, with tue a d of a pension of $m. to luppori himself and wife by raising pigeons Mar. ttnppoyffOtt ll alaO a plgOOO IttOlSl , and the hiris t t wo tueii v is I tod each other trequently. rwoweeba mo Melti Claimed that Uappevgotl had ki led un f his birds, and he deman led one In ret urn. lUppey-- g tt invited Malta to inspect hi- dove cote, prom I itng tu return any bit d tba! ho OOUld Identify ua bia own Melts accepted the InvltatioOi but oouid not pick oui his mlaaing lrd on undav uf ,4t rek lii'W'ij! ; Kiilii".".'. Ii' H.iiu, u eompanled v Cbarlei Belnar Tbey drantt - me beef f fe li auiiii home, but were eooer. Oue to un ufti w .r.. tm returned " 1'be Jews ii .vv killed m ." Melti .ni tu hi enfe on enter In. Ua Wai Covered With O'OOtl, had great ipfflc iity in ore ftthlugfCO unl dned intoiuM p m in me wouuued arm unu u broken Buffer on bte remaining buna, lie anld tha. tin . bad ; ne up ij me tool of ttappeygoit'e bouae, where ids dove Is. an 1i1.1t It;ippeiguU I iked the BOuttlC upa tiieiu and luu for a policoman t arrest them. This enraged Mel 18 wno wa atlll a Kwerful wan in spite of lua tiiulllatluo lie and Heiner bike open the si uttle, utid Were decenaiiiB: mIibu a party uf men attacked them hli chairs and clUba ieltz w.. (.truck a l l w WblCtt OuUBOd blm tu full dwn one Might ni btepa bOd Iteiner aoou aiier fell mi him. 1 hey lay mere -- tunned for u time, uud t.n n atBegi red homo Mrs. Melti auiomon a dtopeneary pbyalctan wno, ya. made in BSaininatlou of bar buabitoni injurle.-- , but int teli su-- a lw iuetina. or Otted a pottOO, uud left, Melti grew Wofee rapidly, tin t voile lay he bee me d Prions an MrSi Melis'a Btrongtfa waa sod t itne to roatrata him fr u vijience. uu Friday Dr. O'Connor of Bull llrouilw.iv, waa camd lu, but u wi then too lots to no tue patient any good. Melti died early on Baturday mornlnu, Coronar vVultmnn un Deputy Marab made a poet mortem examinatloni hev loun n larva Bbaceaa at tne ihuulder J nut of Melta'a arm Btump, This was mnnlfeatly the rrsnlt uf bruises from a full. The none uf the slump Waa lo broke 0, I wo ribs were found to he lr keu and ti e conta- t uf the lungs with the ing,-j- ed::e lout produced ( n t he ttrtngth ol Uoiner'adeul ration tnat itappeyoii w. 1 una of ihe men Mh k Melu a warrant WBB le sued, and be waa arre ted yeeteruai tuorulug ami C 'inmitted lu the fombB tu awali the Luro- - nere ac ion. Mr Happeyffott tolls a story differing In some ui at ci l ul point- Irotii tn loreoing. BOB Bayi thut Melti was very dn-la- t rlul ami vndetit wneu be came to aoo bar buabnnd. Hetbreatened t (brow It ippSVgOtt off t he rof unless he restored tue pige in wbion wdft the oauas ol the qu trreL Tbiawasoo Melta'a ti t vlit. on me second an fatal oeCBtoU Melti declafeu, at he OUterod KappeVtfOlt'l d I0r thai he Has bound to h.tle mat plgeou "r ' throw e?ei v 00 p off mo roof" lie c in ne ined. Mi- -. Kappefgotl y . bl kick I iff her, lie tnen asoaiided 10 ti e roof bef buaoanu ifoiiur tat hap evgott watched hla oppon unity, u id turning toe be) m ihu at utile Uoor, he run For a policeman A fen mlnutee afterward the Inmate- o the h oi-- e were tl rib d by the sound of fiiliinir bodies, and tboae wno Inveetlguted found Kelner lylnff on Melts at tba fool iTff ihe atirwuy la id tin lothe root. Their beilel is th it the no n. being drunk, loel their Paun B WtiCO the BOUttle fastening u'ive WaV, Tney Uy thOTg stun nen lor a few mittUtOB BO J fare lUBl einer;-lu- t from tue In use a It ppeigott returned with a policeman ihe officer merely ordered the men t move un. If the testimony Ol the in tiiH'e of the house Is credible, ngUbtf Mill! II r Belnsf waa b truck u id w. MILLION r r0V0Vff. a Reoel Many Lit Ilea iu Lengtb a Tun 1 iu ii rebooting Rxpedliiom Moscow, Ph.. April It. - A wilderness known us the Hooch Wooda covora a large por- tion of weatern like count) and northweatern Monroe county, tble State. lk Uennott aud lint Wot era, bark peddlers, wars in the d opt ha of (ho woods on Friday last when the) were a tort led by 1 sudden dark' nlug ot the "k ami a Uulae ivu u heavy gale of wlnd At the samu time the trees about them beffan to 1111 with wild pigeons, Tbey oatus from the northward and as fur U4 thu nu ll OOUld M Ul that dim thai the air waa black with the buds. The) bottled down hi the tree-a- s thick as bees, and In an Incredi- bly short biaoe of time tin- woods boeiued to be u living ni- of pigeons, They lighted in the trees In lUon numl itj that irge branches were broken by their weight, They seemed to take no herd of the men. .md orowded the trues un- der a hlch they stood, oooupying brnnohee almost wlth'n reaota of them. Nearly ot au hour elapsed before they all found rcHtliiftr placoa In the wooda. The hark peddlers killed hundreds of ihem with cliinsand walked hvu inifes through the wooda without reaohlnff tba i nd of the roust. The men av that With olio awoop of a long club the) could knock doaena to (ho ground rreailng only a temporary panic among the pigeons, uml that only auioiig thuso dlreotTy attaoaed. The lumbermen and other-- , when told by Ban nett and Waters of ( lie Wonderful fight they had seen, prffaniSOd a night hunt Poiena of men armed with pedes and nuns started fortho woods, and reached there after dark. They oerrleid tOfChol of pine knots. The phriwins, alaimed by (ho noie of the i;uns and (he glaring of the torches from their perches ami new blindly about. For two hour the poles and gun- made sad havoc among the nHtsilnir binls. The roar of thouaaoda oi wingH, the cracking of Hashing torches, swaanlng pole.-- and reports nf guns formed a aceue wild und teixiide. Thou sands oi ptgeoua were alauffhtereu before the law leai and ruth lees destroiere were glutted. Fan h one brought aivav as niiiny H" he could carry, whbh was a rouall portion compared wltu the iiutnbei left on the ground to food the and fV'dvca. m huturday morning anotherrxnedhlon start- - ad on l for fori her rl iughter of the pigeons, 'i'lm birds had evidently sought the roost for the nur-oo-- te of ueetlngt The v 'OOdS swarmed w ll h iiiinuus on Baturday. The groat Book finally nac en masse, ami lu a shoi-- t lime every bird had dtsappeai ed. Tue direction of the iliuht w an westward toward (he Suniinnnanna. ll Is d thai the Book waa fully twelve miles long and four or live In width. About four weeks SgO an enormou flock of wild i'i" ii paased over Sullivan county, N. and aettled In the wilderness In the northern ;arl nf tlial county, near (ho head waters ol the .... ... n ll Is believed that thle was the same Hock mentioned above. It Iroui , 8ulllvan county, to a olnt tlilrleen utiles to the eaalward, and waa aeversi miuutes iu paas.ng oiit yyiug fl Uih. A MURDER BY A DRUNKARD A 7 t 1 rn vrj r e onn k rt 1 1 n ar a MCBEXTl 1 1 fi ar. A Twentieth Ward ffollllctaa Wnnionlv Hht on the tnlrwny nf Ille Own lloiiee An Aeeeaai bv ib wire of the Mnrejffraw, John Fnrrell, n was shot at M9 We! Twenty-eight- h street, yaeteidny morning at 0 00i ck, and he died nn bOOf afterward. Ha was Bfty three veara eld and was well known in that neighborhood na n politician and a frl ud nf Benatof Ledwltbi Jobo Taeffe, who shot him, was his tenant, ami Is thirty three yenrs old. The house wherein they both lived U owned by Farrell. Ii ll brick, four stories high, end Is occupied bv five fan. itles. The entrance Is by a narrow linll on a level with the sldow Ik. On the lending to the second floor the crime was committed. I'arrell lived with his wife Ifid six grown up sons nnd daughters, on the lower floor, but two of Ids sous, Thotn;.s and John, slept In the front room, east of the hall. Teefef With I. Is wife and live younu chil- dren, life In Ihe resr rooms In the second tory a door, usually kept loekedi as na rates Ihe noartment of tne two yoting men from that of Taeffe but loild words can uli) bo heard through it. ToffV failed to pnv rent for March. IT.' was employed by Parvell three weeki ago to drive a truck. On ,4aturdav evening Karrell paid him I", and ret Ined the feSt uf his WSffes, tJ Off account of rent for two monllis. Taeffe made no opposition at the time, imt aftefwafd oom- - plained to his wife thai the lent for Apt ll would Bui be il ie until IbO Hat In the eveutus tie sent hie children to tOW aw hv klOdllOg Wom which he bad brought borne on bis (ruobt aod wbice ne said had t een atveu to hi ui. l he ohlidren r uht him the information tnat Far re) had bl part' ? the wood unSatalrs to nil nephew and waa having the put into ins own Cellar 1 aeffe nruodetl 011 these two until ho went to bed 111 wire I iv, : " urn I got home from church thle morning I km w bv his m hum r tnat he I a I been out and hud g t Bom liquor He was buddiug the flic, but kept cursing the old mall ami calling Pim names homes and John i'urnll sleep In the (rout room on this floor, riiey could hear every word laid; ami that Ii where an the trouble Came from. W hen t nev gOl U , gbOUl 'J O'l I OCR they c line along the ha I lid had to pass OUT uoor, which was Open. Mv hiMbuid w ss Ivlng on no loUtlaTO still a wearing ami railing had names. Tom totted In as he p issod. ami 1 r in and cioeii me dnor, Mv buBuand Jumped up au i opened It rom told him if ha would an p down Btain for two mlnutee he w mid tlx him 1 told them to po aw like go, id boys, bl o my busbund waa cragy wnn drink. Jo in, the younger brother, atepned Into the ream aid culled my husband a bai name. )! replied, and then tne two brothers sol on him. I hey half got him flown and struck In m In I he fade Until thev uiado U bleed. I nto 1 au l a Mr. Maateraon and J me rarfell a r of the two boys got bold of thrm and puded them off. I don't know what became nf tne two boys after tnat. Ih v WBUl BW if, I dldnl BBS tu. in any mofi In the i'f Itement, Mr t ushnnd went beOM Into the further bedroom end got a metoi. He hail to take It fromf the till uf a trunk I inard tne dd man. i arrell oomlng up ataira and retiihined in the doorway to preVOOl nnv more Ul'I ting. Pretty s n aw uiy buahand In the do iiu.ii, Coming ut to whe.o I stood at the hea l of the stain, Ibi pistol w Be hi his hand, farrell told blm not to aha . and Tinned partly around as If to go down italn. He was (nen stand itig at t he top, and I W I OltO of two Its pi d W0 The wind tro:u the plitol, Wlieil it waeflredi blew in my face. Parrell waa dressed only In hit paata and a red abirt, n turm d audwhiked down two or three itepe ind then fell fore arc down the italfi, 1 Wf nt back into the room, and a dd : 'John, you've killed tno dd man.' He w aa sobered tu a minute a ul -- aid My (ioO h its 1 ? i did ul mean t kill blm I Uuii't think he had any bh-- who It wa he was Hi ing at. he w ,ir cra.i . Ills face wa.-- bleeding very bed, Vou ere the blood on tba cUild's dress. He took it Uu lu fits sruis." J raun. is Farrell sas that he und his bror her were walking past Taeffe's Open doofj wbOQ Taeffe began in abuse blm, John stepped up and re iied. itiefle btr uck him. i hey Ditncned hut at la-- t broke awi.y fruin each other. Then aeffe went lin k for hi platol nd at l tie same tltoe their father came up the ataim. the abni waa Bred when be reached the top, and men t oe three went down together '1 he father fainted when he got nearly down, ami waa car- ried to his room. Matt) ll Mellon dd. ft bov, heard the si Pig and an for a policemen, lie found Officer iluret, who uu a car and arrived at the t lace f the inutdcr about tivu mluutee after me shut was tired. M There it the man' tud rnomns FarretL who had conducted the officer to T effe's apertroenta "that ibot mv fattier." I .1 tfe was luting on tne loungS with his rlbowa on uue- s aud hla lorchcad feBtlUg uu his bands. " I dtfl not mean to ehnnt hlm'aald he; "It w a- -a n -t uie. I was uu.irrellug With the boVB rearing that Farrell might die aoon the frl, r hurried Taeffe down atmrs to have him Identl tied. Parrel I ralaedhii foreflnsrer and pointing to him, aald. " lhal is t lit man that ah t me John I effe" A quarter of un houratterw rd he ec .me IWOonscluuBi and remained so until l.u u ind. GOOD I l: lit isis is h is U r . The iti mark able Kifeit uf Tutkuii Batbi 00 llnrses COWS uud Mboept Dr. Cbarleg Bbepbffrd of Colunibla neb lite, Brooklyn who wee the Ont person to Introduce Turkish Uatbi in this country, said yeaterday thai thu baths had been found to be bo beneficial to race horaee milch cowa bulUi sheep, stallions, und rheumatic nnd diieaaed Bill mala that he thought that before a great WbllS homo person would open u large bathing eetabllabnient hi New Fork or Brooklyn for animal. Nane yenr ago Mr. II. T. llentoti built a large Turkiah bath In Baymopd atreet for bis hofH.'s. uml It. und that It ult allv atblud to their uaefulneae a gentleman who had two horeee lu the livery etatdu where the hath was, ea-e- d to work tin in because tbey bad grow n to bo rheumatic and he turned them over to Mr. Ben ton laying that he might have the use of them for the winter If ho cured them. Mr Benton gave them aevsral Turkish hatha uml they wore well and Strong again. " Iu ISttV' en Id Dr Bhephardi "I went to see Capt. Mallard, ut Port Arlington Ireland, tweni y nillea from Dublin and found that he had on his estate a two story Turkish bath, the first Boor .f whi. h he used for his borsos, ami the second p.r his fundi), lie kept a large number of uuwe nnd sheep and gave theiu regular baths. Ho said that be eoulu always tell bytufcowa' milk When the bath had booll omlttOO. Itadilnggaie ihe milk u sweeter, richer taate. The tempera" lure ol the hath was about lb. dogree.s, (he auiue aa that for a human body, nnd thu animal were allowed tu Btand hi I he heated room, and sw eat. Then they wen rubbed, uml washed with ooid water. A diseased heifer In his place waa cured by thu bath. Aftcrw id it became a flue pre dm live cow. The good efTecte of the bath were noticed In the saving of iiiortallt y, uml the cur- ing of hlckuoaa lu young aloek. In fortify- ing horeee engaged In ploughing or draught, und In Increasing flch' aud mil , In rows, nnd In Im leasing the of Stoutt. The laitlle becume fond of the bat h. and one COW especially need to hook at the door with her horns when she saw other animals go lu. The affect of the buth was to re- lax the tueuea and to thiol, off the debris of the S)' Stain. One night ( apt. Mallard's sou went to a hall, and left the horses and t ho driver out In the cold. When they reached home they were tiff aud used up. As late as IL was Ihe roach man took the horse- - Into the hath (for (he flies were nevor allowed to die out), ami stayed whh them. The bath restored both driver and hoi sea, When the BplSOOtltl waa rtuhig In New Fork, Coleman & oik, a llrm employing many horses, cured u valuable pair bygliinu l hem a ItuHHhm hath. They boxoil up a slall and turned tur ateam from the eiigtiis room. My belief i that a hot air bath would hnvo been betlur. 'J lie Do. tor tblnkl that thu fu.hlonahlo race coin ses w ill some day have 'l urkibh baths for the ii, tined horses, und he woiidera that fnm y stock breeders navs not already provided their farms whh them. Tw o years ago, whun hydro- phobia was prevalent, he UUfOU tieorge Wagner, a Prospect Vnrk laborer, t the bho of a mad dog by thirty strong hatha. Ho thinks that the aine pi'tH'usu would cure IdoiaJud uud valuable anliuuld that huio bueu bitlou. J MtlOS Hmhh'a Aualvais of Marenrel Me i.uuut.ii.i m Urankeaaeee Margaret McLaughlin yeatordav morning elatebaS th railing iu tue forsvill Pol lee cuon rue aervoai iwltealng of Bar faae egtHleff las lymasiky el Ju lice HmPh. lb Midi " Marg ire?, yoo dou't Iol ilka s Ui una l ib Win re iul rug i tm bai T " Mr. Mnytli. lua inuiUliT." " w kst Mr. .... I.. Usrgarel diaries BmvtU f" " your ib.uur ; i iu lier. itiarhi buitn, of 070 KlMh nil' " Ob Ah Tbat Hid ltrereiied aiiivtn of gin auU liiLk UOtoriBtVi I ti n seooutltl 'or it. .visrgar t. f Qp pone lust U a ...ii ... tu uriaa. I lUougllt Hot . ni .....I milk tusiuta ha buuu luug gu bx1i iuiU, hot. Ike IUuoiiu'm gtiu 1, It will iluwu, sod line s. a ailer years e uuy see the evlli uf oiencsl eirurs ia unplug gut said uiiik nlU Ueuiugr. t'vuoauge, Uuiue? - In the return! Turk In Bit PnlrlrU'a f aihe-dr- ul fflfffflffff With Hnntter. Thff Bmperof ol DraffU wont to bed In the Fifth Avenue Hotel at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. The Kmpreas had retired fully three hours before Don Pedro Bsrlv In the previous evening he took hla Bilk hat from Ita leathern hox and banded It to bl secretary, who took It tu a neighboring store and there had It polish- ed. Then the Emperor donned It, and with hie wife went to Hoot he Th"atre, The serenade ffoltOWSdt, and then Iun C- !r rode to the lower portion of the city. He tnrrlcd awhile lu Printing House squ ire, and then re- turned to ttie hotel. At sii o'clock yesterday morning he was mvake, nod at eeven Minister Bofffea sod Tlaeounl do Bom Betlro, the Lord High Chsmbsrtalni were lummoned to his pres- ence. A oos)oh was ordered ami th" Btnperoft with Mr, llorges and the Viscount, rode to the reservoir at Forty so ond sheet and Fifth ave nue, where the Emperor Inspected, and asked many questional Thence he w ent in the eoeeh to Central Park and passed over the principal road wave by the Arasnai and itoDpsd to In speel the Itaiuarv and the hikes. He nnd tne Bm press after bla return ti the hotel at nine o'clock ate bfeakfael hi tbelf private dining room. A little later Dom Pedro bli wife and their lulte with the eteeptl n ol Beoretap Mecado, took con, lift fur Bti Petri! k's cathedral In Mo- therly street, where Vlcar-Osnef- Quia ro- - I lived them. TneBinneror snd Bmpress were lacorted in and aeated Few in t o congrega- tion were aware or tne presence nf royalty. i. m j'edro wore plain black bromlcloth under a dark overcoat, and Oarfted un umbrella. Ihe Emtiress w .is pi Inly attired In black nev wei-- quietly devotional VloaMleneral Q din addreeaed ttie Bmpetuf in three w rli ; " In 'he name and nn tne part of hi Kmlnenoe I be Cardinal I oeg tu offer to your MaJ tv ami ihe Rmpreee hie eon er it ul itlona upon v ur infe nrrlv.il in in coin trv. We all unite Willi hti F.mlnence In giving I Minks to Almltfhtl U l for your aafa p ias .ge. ami pray thai toe reinslndsf of your t oirnev may hie aejueliy proeperou aid ihat you and your suite may ne restored In goi bealtb to yuuf de Voted Sunjee.a. V u will pardon tills j m .1 il islon which - really of a purely i uis character end which we trust miynut Infringe upon mv rule which VOUf M; J -- tv may have prera'tlbed ba y ureelf" lbs Emperor bowed. 'no reuular cerem by then followed, hod afterward ihe Vicar Uenerai went to the Empeinf ami intbuataatlo . blm hum Pedro thanked the tuerffymea fur the at- tention paid him. tograpb gallery In Broadway. The elder Mr. Mora n an old oereona! Irh ud of me Emperor, tip v h iVtllg hCCome acojU ilOICd hi Un Janeiro. Mayni Wh kham was to ibe gallery nmi there saw Dom Pedro for me flrat time end he said, ' Till glad to sea you." DotO PcdfO sld, M Thank you " I went y neffatlvei ul the Bm peror ami five of the BmpfOfl were m ,de. J ney tnen want b oh lotbe hotel and lu netted, tbey rode to Ceutral Park stopped e the Museum, and re' mod to the hotel at & O'clock. Tbey lined at H. In the evening Lom Pedro went to the inp- - podrouie with Viscount do H uu Bltlro The at the street door heel' tateti iit-- it Hilmitilug them, ami said to oie of the partr "Uv Una you can't c a hit you can't play any roots 00 me. 1 t.e Bmperof w. a ai lenfftB fe tea ut the side of Ml Mo dr. W neu lr. 5 nkey sang the we I known n mn the Bmperor J dned in, ana the llpe of tba Lord Hhdi u ncailor moved in chorus At midnlffbi Dom Pedro w aa ae Ing New v. rh v gastigbt under ihe guldence of 9 Police Commissioner Gardner 'ine party numba tug iweutyHlve w rial mgihe down-tow-n Pulloe Btatloni audotbei Intereeting places ro-ds- o m Peuro imtnus tu visit Borneo! the pu lit matltutloui ot me city ami this even- ing at T to st irt for Ban Francisco he addreae of welcome fmm the rommltti e f dlatlngulab ed New Yorkers la 111 the prolamine far ilua murnlttff uut it Is doubtful wuetnei bs will 000 sent to li ur It. BeCTCtaileS raft and Fisii have rott'.rned Walniigi on. ,r il son y wandoretl au ut the Fifth Avenue Hotel, aud uucoaiuOttiiy Inspected tne Oily Ulieciury. OVH QVMMMM59I UAMl Hot TH. The loat US' Depu tm-- ui Muklag tbe Iluga f Northern .Mlcbigaa. MoKBoa, lllob, April 11 Thff weekly mail between Sault Sto Marie and Manpie'.te is tarried in the whiter by men 111 Of dog teams, the dletauce covered by this lervlca being m arl) hu miles. The ilodgo Ii simply a thin ikxihie board six or BBVen feet 0ttff and a foot or more In width, turned up at oiiv und tu enahio It to rise over obetactee in the path. Alonff tbe edge on either aide. Is a l w tall, tu which the load Is bound With etirds. The burden carried Usually Conelete Of the mall bags a few blankets, mrelv a tent. provtstOBJ for a few days, a smnll aae and u few other articles eeeentlai tu this prlmfllve mode of looomotlon. The driver never rides. The traditions to the contrary are tropl- - cal flctb ua. The fralltf of the vebjcle. the puth- - woods, utid the oQaclpllne of the draught I'tiliuals will Hot allow a man's weight to be added to the sledge load. The dog.-- arc far from bttlllg the noblest Ipeclmeneof their race. Hare. to... must pie and pootlo trn lltlon givo way before homely fact. The truth b they are mank irs, which ate "driven" b) being culled on by the driver in advance, stimulated (oaotne degree of speed by a faiivlihiug proceei nnd various klndi of torture, ami occaa.onaii) help.'d along y propulsive aid from behind. Their weekly advent in Marquette ll still the source of wondering curtoejtj and tntenae a large group of ajrty urcblni, who have a lingering loVI of tne alilhpie. one of the mall uttendaiile usually precodca the train on snow shoes, cither to eocourago the doffl to a gruater speed or to break the path aud remove obilacles, st fJfA'i y. 11 ill oi' 1. y 1 i Drill' i! (Ion bv Ihe Hi st 4 enureirniloMul ( dan b ot ike it rllaten t Mamaaltv The dedication of Boiffnoe liaii oom msnoed yeaterday at 2 o'clock P M., ami ended In the evening In tbe building ut Hi Blffbtb street, under the aUSplCSe of the FlrBl CongfBffa tional Church uf the itrllglon of Humanity. About BOO people were present, the Liberal Club Leing largely repreaented. Mr. U. L Henderson prealded iu the afternoon moetlng ami Mr. Olniotead, President of the IJneral t'iub, lu the evening, On the platform were ueeara. nugfa 11. ih. wn, Alfted V, L 'Bier, li. 11 I'mibpa 11 lIC ago, a cousin of W. ndell PUIIllpS i t PU U vii Andrews Mrs. Btoulu n n. tjuiler md Prof, Hume. Mlaa Hums sun:, Mr Huau B.Brown lead some if Lougfelluw's poemsi Mr Henry l.vaiit. made un luvoestioni Mr. barb tsotberau . t livered llie Ueihe itOI v uUdroaS, eiltltledi " I ne buum.de between I'beolugy nu Bclenoe Itr quuinuUa und l.aiile , .aid rein.uks wno iniuln by Mrs. hosier. Mr i lb w akemun Or. Mai v lu. Mr. fftOPhi u Peafl At.diewa, Alcars. liUnu, Mncum, Phillips, und utUCfS ihe hah la 40 by do le t, and is on (ho first flour. Willi a entailer ball ill. it adj due ll, ?uu ersona nan ie rested. ' tiie wails BfO por-tra- l a of deaal Liberal IB ts among them uue of Oeortj Henry Evuui, o. igiuaior of tne PwpWt newspupor, founded lu una fit in iMt. lhuie. ro uiao portr ha ul L'osutto and Agues daughters of Hr, o. U iieuueron. a bronse buat uf Bhaltaspearet heavy bronsu obaudellen ami gas llxiuiee. u plllplt piano, and a green aula uud n .il a uomplete mo i.x..ituro uf tuu UOW Church. t iltni V A I. MAWISO I.VSMI.hi I. a Aeter Prcecntlag Home Facia iu lit fcuce oi ibe aiaai At a meeting of (ho lbunan Oatbolll Tem- - aeraaoe Boeieiy m Kgeter Usu IgaBSsa on Muu-i- ji, UsrtUaal aisuuing Ssugaaesd "all HiibUibmiati for tbeatrloal ftyrrii nlsilifhii tuo aoatiy tbeatri uf the ricn iu ihu p B&f k ff uf Ibi ouur." as " uue imi scale uf oortupituu." an urft'tl ins tisarefl BSVSI to at I their feet iu e of tUeui. ir. hai.itu 11 .ndii.siui. ibe v. IPSauWD at (or. 10 a ISitBf iu l.u 1. U4 W i"s ex- uresaes sarpri steal leea views ehuuld Us eutertataed h "0 uuiii.ii Msiiuiiiv s Bo it tn sstute a rellgiuu wuh u nut uiilv t h r Uen hut atiiui hi BWJ SBi" urK' " "'i uiutii' art Mr. iiaiiUmuau auu : "Woabers nsstns Ursiiu a bi'almii'i sud gruamr infla uuii thaa h to u Uu t uui.lnca, Austria, llavarU, huaoi. 1 aiy , r r i ', and Hi'slu. I hit?.- serli r.ntu tf taa an. l gal Uriel SUed US seel biastlui u tu tie .tiie ol Vieuua, t lull g.rt. Si unit u. Prague, auu Pstll. Ituaireis I a ml uarlsti ire nigntlyseea b un gsierh's uf 1 10 c ui t (In-- lira of Viuiiini, Munhh aiul n.utuar.. Mlial td it tins aiiadituu Votlil ban Upog ' ThftMiiihiu Troablee iu oiiie. CMflrBbAIIDi Apftl Id. lleportS from .vlus11lou itSte ibal all glUet at the uuut-S- Tue atnk ri a trr SltVtDg the udeia from tbflf WOfB dlbbaade! aad irit tai nolaiti of ibe uu n iu baaada h i itiis that mi or, a iied force ol iron four to tx urikeri vnil ge ti silver Ortak,aunii div no weeki lu uTive ui ii.lu. ra mi ale al riUUUed p there. Tbe -- luilg ul Waii.e coua y wulanlit! at llsnlBn to tu coiibT iu i u. Vi it- t) in re yrai u to no at i. on iuits..ry fur tbl prutcciiwu uf tkS b.ivtr truck nuaca. a i ...iti in the Merrimack no. BOtTOff i April Id. t he NerrlmSOk river over- - BeweS its asaki at OeaeerS lait uigta, undiis rlsia i toot i Al Mauoiiost-- r Ike la aov. u feet uvar llie u m At Ainuakaag falla a i, i rc uf in i. .mi leutua bavu beuttljl work - riiuftg Ufta Auiuakuaa tit v waJi THE CASE OF II. KILBOIRN. stl tl l rot; it iss OilCV Mff onttLU Of JUL t lit I U L CQUM 9 A Derided Olffereni-- of Otiinlnn umnm Mem- bers The Tower of Ihe lloiite na a ( on i t The Mlnnrll y l( r port FltMllng Fuver Wahiiinotov, Ainil lfl. Ncnrly the en- tire afternoon yeaterday was consumed by the House debating the question of obeying the man. lata nf the Supreme Court of the DtltiiOt win h eommsnds ths Bergiant-aWArr- ai ol the House to produce the body of KUhourn. The majothy of the Judhd-ir- Cornuitttce re- ported adv. nety nnd botdl that the OOUfl la an Inferior tilhtmnl, and has no authority to de-- msnd tha body of Rtlbotirn. lossoiuoh aa he is In the citstuuv of a body of BOttlpfftenl Jurisdic- tion, and even a court uf BSJUal Jtirlsdlctlon could not take him hence on Ita process. 1 his view Of the case was very ablv luatalnrd by t ho 11 n. Frank Hurd uf OblO who presented the majority report from the oofnmtiteo and by tha H oi. Qeorge Hoar, also uf the Judiciary tom- - nnlteo. K of Iowa. OarBetd of omo, nmi Keller or IVnnsy van ia ai gued on the other aide, urging that the action of the Home WSS wronffflo hii'io, ai d thut the co'iimllimnt of Ktttioiirn In the Orst instance waa nn error. 1 he mhiontv "f the Judicl iry Cuiiiinhtee h dd (hat the writ of (tie court must be respected nnd KlfbOUfn'l body presented in court. They aseums thit the court Will UpOtt a presentation of the facts, the prisoner to the OUItodV of the Mouse, aa tun same court did two ye in BOO In the rase of IrwlB li" se Woo support this view, nnd hero ire many Democrat! who do. aay that it Cannot bo numad th .( tho court will net Ille- gally and unWafT. ntablv in the uiatter, and that me Democ rati re committed over and over niraln to tha d ctrine tout udlrla .. uitiat under ll otrcoinetancee be respootedj ihere is atlll another party in ths House com poaeti sjiae of Democrats and rtapublloana, wuu hold tblt tola ll i question w linn goes to the very root of the pow.-- of the Mouse of Kepieeenta- - tlves In rases of this kind, Thev suy thai It Is a very aim pie question and pui it In this way i H is th. i itiee of lb presetituuv s the p wer to rules coin ui litres of investigation, to clot he them with the uituiiiiy to summon wltneaeee, ad minister oaths, priumuud questions, and ak lor the produrtloii f b ..a audi apeia t Jfilh.is, thenltfouowi cx mfissiMf- - iti that It has the power t i compel witnesses to answer nnd to pTo.iuco but ks and psperi by pum-iiin- a tbam for contempt in tin evi ot of their tmilns or refusing to obey the order of the House mads upon a full understanding uf the case, ihe House, these gentlemen urge, have this rUht f rom lmmemorl ! ii'uge, au vell a inho-- r ntiv.and therrfore It Is presumption 00 the part of an inferior tribunal, like the Supreme Court uf tho District of Columbia to interfeffa aud atiempl to take sven for ooe moment Ju rlidlotton over the pri oner who is held by vir- tue of tha authority of tne HOUBC of Iteprasenta-llve- e A writ of habeai cot pus is nut an b'o-ut- e right. For Imtance w, o. Avery baa Juat been sentenced bv tna DtstnetOouri of me ( idled BtateOt at Bt. Louts, to pv a line of ami two years' Imprisonment In tue peniten- tiary, and to bS held Until UlS Quo hupoa.d la laid. Now, aupi'ose at tbe end uf the two years' Imprlionmettt Avery, being un ba to psy th 0u, Wag to apply to a Btate court for a writ of habeai corpus, on the ground thai imprisonment! f r debt wis ll'egal. would the Btate court presume to grant Mil w it? iVrt imly not it would almply ssy Mr. Avon - held by virtueof an older of a court having competent Jurisdiction. and there oan helm Interference, there seeius however, to no a dlspoaition on the part of the majority of Ds in uc rats to say mat the body of MP- urn shall be produoedtn obedience to the order of the court, nu u Is 00) U nil Kelt that the report oi the minority of tne Juuuiury c emmittes will u uuuivU to morrow MULLED Hi ll Bfl 0 FJCB. A Fenng Womun Hhat Tbrnnnh Ihe Heart und Iwu Ulbvri Tbrrnleuetl. Oofartvo, N. Y.t April 16. Miss FJU M. Callsnhtn, aged 'JO yeara, was abut by tier lover, John McNauiara, at Terry's Arcade here tu dav. Three sLota were Died from a revolver pur- chased one taking effect In tbe loft breast, entering the VOUOg woman's heart. the lived ten. in notes, but w.u 00t uide to apeak, fhs w as uf iu od (amity. Tlir i e w Bl 00 I mined ite G tiis for the act. but the (art mat she attended church w im l td y fi Itodl Instead uf himself. I be murderer baa esc toed, but a special poPca detailed by the HtieritT la close on his tract. McNamara threatened to aboot two ladies wno arrived Immediately ufter the fatal si ot. Ho escaped by Jumpiug from the BSOOnd story w inuow, going mrougn the iasb 8he-1- ff v. pp mn i ffera f J"- - rsWafd. McNamara Is live feet ail Inches In h Igbt, r itbSf Itout has fight hutr. 0U snort, sinaUlibght eves, heavy nnd h'oaeg.ited, li under 10 years of age. The vil- lage uf Cuming uffeia fluu addtlluuui ruwaid. r unti l WOMMMMM COM1X0. A LattOV In which ihe Object of their Vlelt lo A marten Ie 'In o- Known. In legates from traces unions In Taiis are 0 ui ng to tba riuiadt-iplu- extiPuttoD to inane, t toe am lei ti.uu, an i be thus laabled to mska reporti ealealatas to uruvoke ma revamaaia in a u iter tbey say i ' we are toid tuat boma ol your Amerieaa wecfp m- n aeeV m fear that wa mav ne diepOBOS 10 BfOBpt urx iu Amertesn ah ta, aei become ti.us lastremeotal In mm iitn aj IB vur untry Kuroprau labor una n u r irg" ' ugh t c ni-- e a relo. th.'i in wagea. W' 1. it too timet, ilia uteem uud frieauahie ol t ur fei uw Isbureri in aroerles tu siloo no ni tu r , aitii re pect te , aaocr u ti a wr ug Impreseion. iu eb rope t ttie y engigeg in a in ainshl temltng toaeoastsBI lacreasi f uiir vn. In nuii; A'ui-r-le- our inien'loa a mu n uiorv to sifead our n..wi- - eage ana autfteent tna Wl nfsri "f 'he Wi.rali.g flSaSII tnroegbout nu- tthole glohe. ih.tn lo ruiarr.uie in (as salt degree to Ibi Bir'tlii'g of ra.- -. rj uitiurg oui lelloe tsborers uf the new world He luaus un ' xi'iir-- n iu Vbanna three jenr ago, that had for its reuit tu b.rni a ti ia It uf eonfratsreitj Betweeu Aua tri u sud I rem h w.Tkina tnen. we h pe that net ol a atlll Strong r luttirr vii; iitn-- . - an.iiia A I. er t .ui auu rreoca uieB ol Uuur iu kviuciuu uf our lutriiUcd viau lo Aiuerii a." VOOJ3 l t s l s t i i l i iilliua for Two Hundred nnd Fifty Thousand Delia re te t'onttuae (he Wark. In the eight o'clock meeting In the Rlppe drotns reetsrdsy atoraiag Mr. Moody said last sll las ipeuiei of t ie revival had treu pits bm be weald llae tu blVI a fuud raped to curry 00 IS a or! ufter hta departuri. 'f oonrsr, he eal .. tniny would eeitivs thai e and Mr. Isnksy rt aivs i j n uiia.iou out of t t.e PUbseripllonSj bUl u at.a.d ii:eui lhal not uue it'll would Iiu i Ha way in i either f p..- r p 'is and a i.ui.iireii ceati uu lbs dollar of ah coiiectloua a i. uiu be usi j f ir tbl purpoBl lot i h Ho-- tt. re Riven llueoutdhxe tu rt. ar aboot I86u.0o0, ind, he added, " Wnu kauwi bai im " U u. tuuvB bowe urn uiau'a heait ihla muruiag. aud m ve him toeoutrlouta soo.ooor Heereseben on M The Heaurreetloo. r s me ' uiei iiiox Iu tin. i suhauced iii luierset b ihe pr reot 0 UpOll Ibi i -- tfurm of tbe lirahum Km-- ror. epeaaing sgsin ol ra ina Sa.oUu, air. Mootiy unit!. 1. Mr. willlaui ff. tUoage anu saiui ' luingwing tiid-km- y ne id hers noW," ll prei h,i inmi ihe Burua uf lilate, " wbal, tbsa au.i I uu it.. Jv.ua, w.iu la cuiU'U 1 uriat f" i.e ffreneb Klectleae I ftin, April 11 RlaOtlonS were held y to fill TsPBDflSI la he t bambof of put' a. Biased by hie retsra of a member h ai mori nuu ji.n uitnci. At Msrsell I M Bouguet, Kau rai. waa vl. ct U by VOtOI. M. Oarnli r PsgfJ ol the l eft rOCetVOS 1 ugg. Ai I. Ids M Muzure, Itadlt'si. cleelril. rrcetr ng 0,000 lOteg, BgSlliat S.StHi fur M hulhhuiul i.iCiiaa, sial l.l'O r.r l. vi u, t in leallat, 8 t i ballot! sre ne isasry in iti.oi-.n- n an the nevoid lutb arrunolsaeoisnt ui Psruk lu tut; laiii ru Pascal haftirai Boadi tbl poll. A Murder In Philadelphia PnifcADffLPMA April 16 Albert l' rn (col eredj satered l' well Bros' tavern, at uie Loesst treat this nornlaff wbili letosioated. Hi acted very disorderly, sod llieiupted to alt tn a table alnuea kiauiu ti esrui being 0 ayeii. rhu oauaud a row. m a turn His Powsij orothers, Usaisl UallBgber, and Jsmex ffieraey look aa tad. Thai puibeg Hrisn into 411 a isj bSi'l 'f (Ui MyerS Wh ru U: rerruei fuur tsos, taudag his deulb. Ah ul tue panics acre iu?raaUftL srtiths vnoM i'ii. 1 1. i ; 1; t rn. The Pernor ratio Onnyenllons in Cattaraugus cuu.it) usoisiegior niieB0BSaiiirdsy. !' countiv on both iides of me Dldesu river, net we. u Ot aw and t in unl a eg, psgter iiroti.orj, egtsnsivs oottun msnufao im ej p viuol '. nave ma-i- aii aslguiueni, Fundi 11 ' die J to w ok till laJ hlilOl In rtlh 'Uia i Sew riiui 1, C0UBi hji.jg veaUcJ 10 u.lluo in SJ nuura ui .1 ii .if. VVltiosi 11 us tin mi: o Ju- - lee Wand. II. lu Ihe HarUffl PallCI Court, ...... r M ini y Pro lerl 1,1(1011 srd lUrmio, sud Jsiuea keaaiy BsT fd reapevtlveli Iti U, au l l t art, ful tm glar Ike UOUH uf llsry LarktBi ui unit, airoel wtUiam Htttermlre i married to a woman tvnoe as old as bluiislf sad lives i iiarirui. ueesaii OOUIS drunk ) tiaituiia) iiiornlt.g an.l DUl till w Ur. uu.uid-- and ihrrw hta a.ui Uuwu tue aud iui ibtf aiient, Lreaalug one of 0 .1 v rc.y ii.Junug idui iu tne In ihe llarlrni PiUii e Cour , Justice Wamieil gav hlin the cliuica netwea paying a 0n uf 110 aud gttlua a pcai e u.iud wl dvO, r k in.- iu UUeawi n' uiaud fvr a ruj us wauiad tu uui Ui Ag COBMVPttOH o lilt: ttt: . Mow n Pemplnfaaai us Appeenebed br nu- - trPt Jndbro A aff reW Wylle. ?T. Lot is, April lfi.-T- lio following peti- tion and affidavit havo been forwarded to W iah- - Ington bv Angufftln J. Ambit n to bo laid bvfure the House of BspTSienl illvea i lo th ftonOMhli Ziine ff rrei'n'fre f)f 111 tnt'td .VI. r' nf Amrrt'ti ti O titfi An'm'-lt- ; Tour n- -n Honer. A.J. AtriMt-r- , I iruMy nresena to yonr nonorsti ho ly ihla 111s uiliinn, and accoincnn Ing aw'irn at sir tit- ut of la. Is. and prays Piat the asm. tu iv he considered, and thereupon that an msy he hati t.t thu b.l uwb.g ihargi s at nnn Anuretv Wilis, n Fthe Aesoelats Jristlcee of tnt snprefne t tirt of t tie I'Ptrtrt of Cuaunnla, and herenbOB r'iir petitioner rh ir,a asM An l'w Wylle,lu perftir itsacjsol his as mid Jostle! of tha aid court : tn hltfh crimes and - .. m tiora an nu n Justice aun ( hancellor wph niatfeamnre and rurri'ptlon npn thi beach of imp ronrt ; with p'li ttssa prrju llera mi h islt of iitUaata heiore lutii i with aiding annsin iitiii! iu- h nst eni of men in sehi mee r plrsei ins fr. u ph eitetoiiiiK litigation nnd .it. m g the adndrla-- t rat Ion of Juatice In muaea of ai tea si d in s rertsin rsmr nf an n In whirti Aukuhi in J Auihler was plsintllf sud lb M. VVni omu and rbOS. g, hlckemon Wire ie 's before hou an Aaa .nale J .. and in. I't.r uf ( uurt. aud In open and ti dd violation of law, filsclr, frandiiieully, anu cormi'My, and ih open, hold, laiae. fraUdaieBI and e irrupt viols t ton of the and rhsdd te of 'tis sepretne Ci urt of the united mates un in ' pen mid bole e n tempt of lueh d elaioo "f nn bred Nov BO la, 4. sou Pali h yuur ptllliuuer Is ready to vcrifv and prove. AVOPSTIB b AUtlt.KR. Cunnlv of ll, LoeJS, State ul Missouri. the AfffftOAVIt ok a. .r. amiii.kii. AnriMtln J. Aui Uer, Of tho rltr of N w fork, at pres. eni ojoun tng In Ih" rtty ut St, l.oiu, heinr sworn, ai.y thut he nas tha forego dig ami lliechargea tbeta contalae! are true. Among s avldeneea lend Uik to eatuhllali the eb irir- a are me f ui ii ini: : Uurpig the (rial of I rati" Iheu penning before Mm, W he celled upon eotae "am aae proposed ( interest mm- a it in it e pruce.'ds : t 1" u J.c. tu it r Pi li'igation, andoi.entee the h irtnerahip und ro.'p-- r itum of hts brother-ii- aw the lion, rhomb ti. liryau. iu 1 matter wnlch a mono ted lo ueary latai.ra-- i, mid offered to eoiuplainant a iter of liaroiiuet.ia to his Pro hertniaWi wttn a recomniendatloa that he heroine mtereated In tho matter. iDd re.petrd eomp 1st Bant to e nu t is hooae and get the letter. Ahout Aticut S ls.o, he did go 10 W y 115 houae, wneo wyh-- vale hi", aoen a letter. I'hl (etb r. after being dill' T.-'- (11 Ambler, was laBmitted tu eoenaei and p - th I inti r. at- d wilh roiiiplauisnt, and sfter dOI I the t rop .aitt.in was dec n -- d. PendlBg t c aui ati"ti u oeettne known, to dareadaats that ihe P ul itifl hM aunh ai ttr, and t'ie fct wia th. r after n d to s to Inft md rni.tri wy e ir tn thtltliueoi t ttir anil n j ' ' ' oert uf the Cnlted Msp , nlrh wis lu favor of romp IBlaaa t. W)li- Hited I r ii.i OcienU.nte, und' r v errlnn "f the If r- una.-l- Mure the i". IsiOB On the Ci. lied Htsten nuprniir Court , v f na PfeVi nted the Oo e lion of the judgi'iii.. amount mar to ItVei.iMsy, and seventy-liv- aimres ot atocs ol ho incorporated C0U aanr. mi it was oruiunt ua Jan. I. ls?u. In the hit rh t lupvetae I louri upou certain i.irtuerup reiatioSi be tar- n muiUlBlbaat an I 'e Daring inis ilu.a the gefeadsBti and their cnufederatai aavs been iu piiL.ep'u of t ia property un aae'ta.a ihe c i ant, now to the amount of arvernl million" of do! lata, and In the atjuvment of whieS 11 s Iwhev.d Wyiir has largely psrialpaieu. Schemes of fraud aud co afilncy have Been formed hv llie ih f "iidtinta aud iia ir cottfi lerale. uiciaatra and n-n- i inher u( . ami id iei dlduujulshod ind iBflqentlal pe- r- na Pi varp'U imtIs of '.he utm ry, and Wyll-- haa aldt-- ihm. Keh liff7B,tlil Cntf-- Ristea Supreme Oouri Uued us in muate ou the hiatrici court. Whieb maodatl has hern in v rbma wa)a tiy Wvlle avoided am) pr It rendered tnopi ruivc, nnd will a, riuinin a long W'ynela mi tie b h of the Iitrlct BapreBM (' urt. Wytte haa BVeB gone BO far aa to nt irmt this d- clalon waa (he irrea(e-- t t i' ce of villainy ha eVST knew tbt bupi emu Uu.t ut the t Bited b'.aiva tu sanctlua. Folios ing this I s memorandum saving that Ambler haa many otbef fact and evidences of iiie (corruption sf Justice vVvile and thaths nan name ten Of Bfteen InM lOUtlal men of Wnshinstoii and Blsewbefs as wltnesaei of tneas dlsgi leeful facte. The who a is ttested on the p. h of rtl IS7S by W C. Uraggi a notari pub- lic uf St. L oils. ASoTIILIt COUNCIL III ItLAlLS t:n. w hnt Wr 11 o Propeeee to do titer he le Bam lift! Irorn I'lymoulh Cbmcb. Already ft oounot) Is talked of torerlew the BOtlon that Plymouth Church is expected to takS In reference tu Mr. BoWBO. The commlttes appotnttd to try Mr. BOWOU lefused to admit Hie let thu aiy uf his w it peases iu defence uf the cuarge thut he had slandered the pastor lu call Ing him an adulterer, a perjurer aud a hypocrite, and forced hitn to close the ca,e wttti an im- perfect defence. Alter their oummitiee'a ad- verse decision, Mr. W. II. Ward, who la man aattug Mr. llowcu'a OSSO oocluded that no auiouut uf parlcving with the coniuilttHe could Improve the coudhluu of affairs, nnd at once Olosed the case. piint Mr. Tilm y will sum up the case for the cbUf h, and the general OffpeCtatton U that at the nev hurcu meeting Mr. Bowen tn be egpelled Mr. Bowen and his friends share this brliet. A re no y sev- eral ( onaultatiuhs havo b en held 00 the Mihject of a council, end It is prob 1U- that tns tb to Called in the regul ir way first, by Plymouth Cbureb to J in in a mutual council and, in the event of a refusal, cull nn to bodv. Mr. BOWBO u Is said, wid coii-e- to give to a suooommlttee of suob a council the boi lom facia of bis alb orations ag Unit Mr. Uoecuir, 90MB WASHINGTON tor ICS. Rrlumluv fo Ills Old U abit I Why tbe Presi- dent Does not See flettere W ash SOTOsT April W, The Cdpftuti today, prlnla (he fOllOWlBg Bangiaph lo ita editorial col umna: M It la well known BOOBl Waa' tiuttoQ tliat lien Qraai veseS aad worried ovei Utte devilopmiBta, bai naorttd to hia old haiuta for relief, ta other wordi be aa bceu ao under tue influeutf of intoa'Cltlng ll. qu ra aa to he at tpnea Ine pablsof lee lag Vllwrsor tisuaactlog hurlne-- . Tpoo lM SttBdsy ve .rave hy the y uiu fur luuatira al the when Gee. 11 tue ut at Die and urt. d to t'.ectty. Tbere waa no turtaalug the tiuahed sua pioalnd lava auu aasteadi gait The labpeachmenl of ih iknnp, W ash UlOTOM April leV at one o'clock the Boaate sitliaff Bl a high OOttrt Of Impeach m ot, e i.l bear tue SBIWirof W W Belkaap (hriiigh hueoeaeeifte ibi lamaioai citing him to appear and m !, ti pe 10 tne artn lei of tu p' .1. ml nt pr ll t bv I lloU'e of Repf lent III Vei, h liuilerstood thai tlSSSrs. arprutrr and lhair. c uuarl ft r lieianap, w ill enter B plrB 'Iia their CUeal hi in; BO longer mi Iflcr ot t r,. . ivernmeni ll not mpe.it hah e. and a ll ask lur taw eel lu prepare ITgUUieUtl 10 aueialu their plea. Leniency i i oat Ida Over iABC ooovlots in sing Blnf Priion, and aa mini more lu CltOtOB and Auhuru PrtSOM art! sal 001 ly wiithag tor ihe paeaige of ibe H Centennial Act of Commataton.H lately oaTerid in tho Asseme.vbe nr. v: Kee. Ii pr.ihit' tt.t all p. ramia now couflbSd In snv Mate prUmi or penlleuiisry, b) lenience t.t any c ur( uf mi- - 'au-- ,.su u audition iu thecomti 'na- tion no allowed by law be further ahownl two uiwntna' comniutatton for . ach rear ol uuur luiprlstu iu Dta, whn a he or the has ui.d rgone or undergoi'ig t llie tpur t lua ci Bhalj IBkS effect." IhtfPriaoii hi in favor of Its paaaage. warden iomi;a pf Bl u Sin ; ay th if It ImpMI Ciiotahlv sa a niesni for rsiievmg nm prtsuu which ll uuw gresily orsreroa J tl. The iiie if a Kewapaper. Bi wn in, April IB. Negotiation! the sale of the Moatoo Vl newspaper were concluded on t'at urda . Ihe pUfChlllfl are gBBt IfUBDi BBOBf wl.ue editorial uml tuiaineaa mi'i.igemeut I'.e pSpsr bBS SB cou lucieo fur soins t ime past, aud in hr new 0 nip o h turupd to coiKliiiP the tui'iUratnei. aoiue ihe uioal intbii niia Demueraia of Uoil n t o aeltliri asioclated Willi the purrnaa ua. jutipc HHbreibe llneee "It Is my he d, your Honor." s Id William 1 ale at the W MhtSgtOS pISBI po Ice court yraP-riisr- ' It la rum. gVSaS, William." auu Jolt 101 KUbreth. " Jf you tlldu't ttrlnk au much rum, four he id eoul he al right " PO ; have iput drinking nun,-- ' prop rd Ine prisoner, nh ih ui.u t earnestness) I haven! lees war lluuur fur three montui Ha as Said SIS, The Kyviukan Armv rsurrounded. ItOMBOat April 17. -- ItSportS have boon received in SlviaiidrlS that tho Rgfptl u army haa been bi the Abyseiaiaai aud 10 ittustloo oritlesi aud tbst Aeyasioli diuiaaui au ..... fur las is puuaca ut Uiu War. A Fire In Ibe lime Uulldlua. At VZ.'V) o'clock this fflomlOg a ihu in I he ce'Iar under the BWI hull g wu readily IsUBgUlfhed. JiPma (irndl, a tnan employed y Nllh Fuller WS rv nu ou iuapicraeT having kuiuiud tuu un. us laid uc uad utciJruia iy upat a lamp NEW 'I I' It LY. Tbt two year-oh- i daughter of Jamea McRer-- j nan, . J. cut ferrvm tab r. p froBlthe n IM an.iv ui u r latber'e lioueu ysalerday, au fstallj b jurcd. Mrs. Blisgfl 0 llOSi Ol New. irk, who was Injured hrseolllaiou betwesn a burse i'sr ana iliM'oul live, iai Novtiuuer, ii i. Inatltuted u.i aga ua lua; 1' I iwarej ijieltawaoui no Wiaien. tliiroau c ., Uyiug ut-- daiuagi a ut tl& ooo. A man Uuthed O'.V ill. formerly superintend- ent ul a it reel rsllroid luuipniy iu Sew V r ud I'ltril rsaldSUl u Newark, look laihtai urn ami aunao QUi'U U - Ol i' laell lu he ...t. f ,a t. Uu l ni llpli luu lu r cover. UOItSi NOTE Pet her OuHowav has Prank Rllti and aeveraj or. ir liuritl Bl Suffolk I'ara, uxcn.la.ua ot ine bpriug fire ll , Hubert Itsel Is espected nt Suffolk Pi rk this Beck with I b v. auwd. Il.ll McAhaui, b my Kildaiu, iud u iu iij. The mure Touev, formerly owned hv H'ni Lovni, ut iniieity, iiaa been seised uj kuv aoeild ul Bcrki coi.aiy, pa., and will ba bold, Tho stallion hlngnma' er, belnnelOf tO Mnjor llughea, uf reUBBlseSi waa kl led uiu e attemp'hnf 10 Juu.p a teoci. oa uf tin kick etfj poiiott eting )') breiet. Ilutld lb ble Is oa his way from Calif unta whh three car lu da ut broilers Biuoug the. ttoi.uiuotn Maid, l ic UtU'.Uu , SU Jao.1. , y.bi b . WiijtU. LIFE LN THE METU0P0L1S DABUA$ UKMB am MJyjfay TUB UM9M BMPOMTMMMi Rnbensfela'a tt lie s Arrival from her noma lu Poland, nnd her Visit to her Condemn Baitwtnd In the .lll In Unyinond Mtreea A thin, alight, wntnaa bearing In her until a Mid about eight tnontna old, vis- ited Kay n ond Itreel Jilt 00 Saturday afternoon, sag asked lo e "town to IE IbeSStgUVl cell. Bhe was poorly clad, Md wss sppar-ntl- y not mors than 27 years old Bhe ssid that the arts the murderer' wife, and that aha bed BBBll frois bef t uie Iii Puiand. Bhe looted IBa t through Ihe window le Kunenatem' cell dooe for a mom nl, and ttien asked tho latter, whu was eo yiffil la dlVOtleaa. floal you know uie any mors f Rabt lot. 10 pi.d no attenn-u- to the worn in, hnt 00a tinned praying. Again she "Tell v, a know tnsV" Then Kuhtnatein a lowly IhO k In a head and male no Btbef an w- r. The atrnrgu Worn tn went sway, asylng that stie w uM return yeatirday. Ai uo-i- yeeter d if be rmif again with her child, and in the of Htnnif Dsggeil the door of ihe Bell waa tnruwa Been. Knn Bsfeia e one oei snl took aat tn thf cor rfdor, while hti vullor too, a fro ot nim. bhe rs pest-- the ' "Deal you know me, Rdaem stein," nnd he auawi red, " So, I never av you before 1 don't know Whn yon a"-.- Sheriff burg-- ' aased thg woman ' Are Vpu leallf Mrs. Ruhi Dab in ? Are ff oi iinirrh d o nun " Sh- - replied I Tea, I msmee fnra fi vs veara nitu, and he seel in htnae) to come tu Am r ics s:nrc he hua been In prison H AgJ is itetdeotne Wofn SB worde.ai-- th n .h.-. evciaiupnsx Th ll'e en ug fol 111 . ihla ia t:.e Ul uiuu 1 ah bH c BM te oit r a man," wu'o uasy. A lieanrrid Merehanis ffnaeenla The funeral of Mr Nathan rianuan from us Bait Fifty eig'rh street reel rday. wai itliaded by i very hirk'e oeneoarN of r rl ud. including e n.im'n ra of Atlaa Lodge MS ( 0. P.; of Aharhand Lodge of ma Hlaeteeath Wird lleatche Isfss Verelat of iumiib L' dffe of 1. 0 T. P i oi Adelpbi Lodge, P. sad a Mj of BadaialS Lodge. V. 0. T. S. or the Thalia Club, and ai several tnembera of tha ird of Aldermen, Coee misstonrrs ait er and Marsha ui thi Beard ..f Kieiaea and Jeeticee Magnli and in. y. Vr ffraahaa "aa tor forty yean wr i known ne a who.rshi i".ng pBrrchsntla 'hi city. Me and two other! were s chsrier im liihi r- of the t.r-- Old Fellow. Lodge ia Connect icot, ami wi at ..i i nu trend on ui inner of the Kneampment, Mr. Frauan waa au ortic r in ihs tltiVern ra ool hoard of KeW llsvea and .ptsiu uf the v.. 11 ivea City Guard, aid a the on tore as uf ths w.ir w.t niat-t- in ovnimsnd nf Fen ill hr i. rV rutir Pii'kiiiuli tu. He waa r.a furs old. 1 tie tuiar luri.t w aa iu C) pic a hi. u Ceesawy A Call lorffl 1.000. Dr. T. Do Witt l ulmage BOBOUOOOd to his enrv TegailOfl yestei ay tUat he h.ul hern nrVBd WttS a aetlee of foreclaeari of a 1Sooq ami ;axQ on tne ebureh property that ta he t tv the tTatveraal Life ir enrsnee omp nr. Tue Doctor eirBeiliy b lOBffatWg people u icribi $ tea r r tbt rs aov .1 of tus ia detnedneS. About ooeBSlf of ihe thre.t " u. nl BBlllon algUlUcd IhSIf Wlldagaesl tu aujaci.Ua lUal SlUUUUt. An Fnrraetlc Dramnilc f'rltle. A. D De ream ess who described himself to Ju'th e Mmfay IB (he TorkVtlll Police Ooan yeaterday aa a apecini wsa arr.-at- on Satur Uy Dlaai I. the Tidrif'foorta street opera Hoase, a penurtaanc a old not auu him, and. ri: n,- the man Bier 1 Ul, lie aprai.g upon the atftKe, fl inrtshee a caaeu ini aiapr tne p rtormeve. JTiiat.es stdrrai held , 1.1.U iu 11, vj 1 ke p tin.- psaee, aad flauu uiuiiio. Beeet Bobeien! Nnvy. The United Fetes steamer Trenton rami out of Ibe dry duck a ihe 8th mat., but waa badly leaktra the nui day, aad apala plieed oi the seek sad reoalri en. On Sat urdaj laai ler pmpe,,er heeame e .tangled With the Cbabu of B SaoVj and the ahaft w.e drawn ..ul several fret Amuh r l ax easaed. Mi- was aeita dvekedi and my luaae aaothel utiuuiut 10 fluak neeklag n Mlaalna vv ife. An Unknown man vlshod the Pulton ferry bouar iu ffreoklyi yaatiriayi a d ado that t assjoris- - Uoa given of the wumau wno Jumped off Ihs fofff boat Oamiltoa oa Saatarday aaawared that of hta wife, w ' o has eea nuaatng frji 1. in r houi' in nro lya am. a K idai inurLtng last lie kuvv ui uu reasuu fur bef aittiuipoug BUoiOB) BOWeVef. Trouble tn New Jeraev Mate ormal Hrhnol. Tha Lettislallva OommlttOd on uffalrs of the Bia'e Rormal aad Mu lei aohoula, at Tronton. N. J., haTiDg ; a report adverse tothe preacui mauigo eat the principal, Lewis M. Johnson, hu tendered h a reaigiiSll ti, t tae e:l Ct tu June Hi la ae-- c ' I 11. a Atiag infill ami an offenalitly aruiir.rj Uiouuer ui leahug wi:h teach ire aud pupils. Jersey CIIVB New Police Connulaalonera. T he new Hoard of Potloi Commlselonsn ot Jersey cuy wpi ergam.- today. CotnmlesioBsr Kelsi a will us efcoeaa Prestdeat, at.d slthsr Samael ML pieseiboa r .,n. Klltaea cleri. 1 u composed ol C mm ssiouera t iuwaJ.ua, hflisuu, Utlabaui, kueu) , aua ItBeekea. One lliirdrrer'sOpluiou of Another llurdarsr. Fucba the murderer takes but tittle stock in Pubenotein. Ileaatd to a repuner yelcrday, " I aun'l like de ti.su. If be only wash his hands .in l clean it en I mil- - him aoiua f nn beer, ui a au dlr.y that f Bonl Bow I w sli he atop lus pr hu- He pray all night and talk alivut C hicago auu Liu luuali all as Ulub lu ua atgat' Cora lahind'a Hallway Project. There was ?i largo (nesting of the residents of Outer llay, In BeedS H Oil . on Satu' Jay evening, to d!cua the pr ipoied BBW narr.-w-- mo' railroad tu rua a "Ua lb nortn Ihore, 1 urh u at sll tha viiUga truia tiiu ki u 10 lluu.lugiuu Nurtnpurt. The PraebyleHnne lrrat Council. The Qen rai Assembly of the Presbvtetiai Ctiurch of Aue-rlc- ia tu nice I la lit. tshnagr'a lliuuga lyn Tabernacle tomorrow uad ta tu eontluos m lee a ui lor iboal t irei eeeas, lieiwceu 5 a odo auie gjlia arc npteiio nffbrlaa Through ttebeaea! Profligacy, A new BObedUle hs-- been 111 els by Admiral I hoi an In Ihs UrookllU KV Y ru. in rui.ie. wf order from v by whicu 11m wu.i uf me rli tun a Bra cut U o nr.j Ottatl day aul Ihoil of Ishrera cents. Herring In Ureal nnth rtny. Large numbers f herring h ive appeared in Ihe b .ti gooth it .v, and nave entered the ai reams eg h 'i . iu spaw n Plus Dab in aiso a 'lIw las a au a ai the Rail Kud. Tempo ranee la the Protectory Int'ei-- pal of the Catholic protectory yes te: day stternu u, gUO u a niarohed up the mi l il uiale in iiesaion auu at the sitae una u.e tempeitaoei p eug", a ........ t re d bi Kamer alanoaey. The Weather tllbi e Piedi'ilno. Weal und norfhwe-- t winds, poaiiy clou Jy off H Clvai , auu iuwer (e.upuralure. BMOOM l- VS. tTnlted SI tag revenue offldars In DrooklVfj m ' le kUCtesslU. raid u- - lufei UlitU dlatlll Tim U Sate grdaj nig il last. John Lamport SS ysars old. a h noklvn obem lat, wh ia MM US.' uy M J 101 ' MlS ul MvW I t of ate iihig f f w rtti of her fonihura that he eal atortae for her lu a bul.dtug "u Newiowo sag, ari c U'dyiSI r .a) u MitoctlVb KalUS. 1 Be g ' OSiP out bt lound. It has boeo averred that when a woman lumneJ troni the leny boat Ifamiitua un aatardaffc tne PbOt. William White, ueglerled atop iim huat. He siiiihiton reselling the llruuklya Im hi wai grit Inform' d ih if a woman n i l '.imped .ul" the water a en na- ni New 1 or. 1tip au hi elanii ':svs esuai it. rvaoue of WVeral women by rup.dly uacalug bla Uwat. fOTTISOh A HO t I 1 own Al tha Fifth AVSnUI Hotel, on Saturday ever. I0g, tin- en; m a for the I'MUdi IpblB race were ciomd. An Inquiry oommlttee of German h ipilit slera .if I io u Bsl ii r lu tuurruw Iul cuaii-- dual ih T.cv. .1 s. Kaibsas, Ihe Ue pUli "tin Ass delation of the Two- tilth Main 1 ou BtturdS) t s uiug, ptvoaed reaulullous laud lua Wl am A. hailing. Paihe UJodWln and K. It. Thurher will addroa B meeting si oi .Mniinun ave ue, avvuiug, on chesp irsasll me auburus. lb St.11.ton, tho English ridsr. and W. 0. Mo-- 1 r i ... Auu man, wn mate their flfi)-unl- bicyvig race in 'tie lluu rveulug. The Moid iy Mrmiry learna from President ni ui thi till Kiev .ted UallruaU will Imi e Pis irucl uu lbs wtsl bTda lu uperailuu hi fura wiu.er tots iu. .Viaih's Niopfay Tlmi nn l ATswevtOST .' Tbl a.ion.-- tna fa la y la rxplud. d uf UM ' - the usl otlii r art t uv. r our yall lerri- tm ihe better h wh tn for the pe pis," Sunday st ir : " I uw Judge llilton this morna In. , lai aud ar ua a lamo m p.o nuijuu sill Wall Ml h cumen beii' rsjly kuuwa Hist h bai I Mil liu l dull Ta, auu aen hoW they'd run tlifl off lu.M Mr. John pull I !(' Centennial pleture. M1T7 and IK, n." mat aoeq In aueducur'a ad r. K f I bve nue near Twoulr lUlrd ureal u ul ibis eveidug, and tbureafter In the Nee York auts bu.luiui la im lis-trun- gruuadii ffutpnig ; "It will he reuem' ered that 11 r Pig u esi tm-- uuce before lor the ats Lm burg'sry, ttd thai hu Jury uiaagrced. h ln alia ns km rem- red hut wiilie m In, aa 11 prurff a liar riu.tii't w ni Hi tu diuner Uy Ii I'i a., aa act km ui.u aatoo u d tus coaetry ai tna tlms" Nun. hn Dsmoerof ; " 'he ground on whlphtbg Lm p.. n atuu ie c un h uf si. Btai iai - tuda cusi km tan ias), of w ip'h aU 111. ou ths stg Uug id III'- litrscl wmM 01.iv ii.ixmi was paid. O'l ih Qrai of m ty ol t i frnm ii.Uisi u.uai he paid a uu tio r in od ll hi h paid al tm to. ISJU year. v fruiu me LVll uf Mwiaihori 1H'7." Hm Prof. Miller. Hie Ithlete. gaSS f eoiettaln- - H in ut ib tin! Ceuin liarden ou isiuruai night. BM liu ifl wu bonug br llalubridgi aad ruat, o' il mm i. Mi.n-- sou bwyer. Kdw urda uid l.iRarua, En BUd Taylor aim Powra. b.vunrt iierelas ny r'rad' Lrn crUkN auu lielurOS , i.uo awu.giiikj by l.afl.u uumu- WjM pel Idling I y PstiOSlI j liuiuuig Ol tlUI f ami PlSaB- aaasrs avB rtwuliu ut all uu aLd LUaiaxwe w

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1876-04-17 [p ].Thrt ppi"ji vtiiii'fi iporrBtiiaioB aal dfiirary iBtll i'rnn aad i parti iu niaaol rc4Jtuiu auil t rite. iUv fii.htri'. Mr Klah it in on tht

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1876-04-17 [p ].Thrt ppi"ji vtiiii'fi iporrBtiiaioB aal dfiirary iBtll i'rnn aad i parti iu niaaol rc4Jtuiu auil t rite. iUv fii.htri'. Mr Klah it in on tht

Wvni"1lHL-K- 0 217 NKW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 17. 1876. PRICK TWO CENTS.i vi


ait i ti rt Tti s THAT t n in rutii ii of ii is st HH fc.YDJ -

Ihe I l" I i,n''AelmperlUUl I " UnwornM until Briieii Keck "'Tirr reel.

Vg Y ..!.. vs.ll ' b" MIWi

WfAMifiroTOJf, April 16 P"1"1eSMenthl IMinlN- -' .mli.nMt

in ntlieferra -

etectiits net moral- - tMcn?i oiwKgutnr, N- f iuellreand I od onlef thlsooun-tr- y

but the hnrmonloui relations f tn laptf, rmncnU. Little attention ua bosnglvenbj .,, ii the anhjecMhe t It i probably

being thst one sido or tbs utiisr willglvewev.

or thai Pfottlrt ssn h srtlvsd lf-

sue ciss dose n i t" present a ball rotI

....... bl iwoOovernmente are at a

liaj ik, and neither atito Mtnu rtadf to tlYi

Hie .ifiiv.d of th tn io OownmaDl u( v i ei , to bo tried for tor. q rend y to lurrcn i?r blm

0 Ine th.it he !i ill not be triad for any

other offence aud tbli piedffS Mr. Fish refussit give. He itai i upon the tri .t f mi. Taarti M I I) referring to Sttradttten Iti that

i In tba f ii iwlng word a i

ll .. i ti 1 I1 llted Mat) IBd hef Mrtfannlrtj . . t ihu'.likI reduiel in t' l hem, orihfff vill re. utileer-- , or Suibotltise, respect! i iv, up Jttitfc all pereone who.

, Nt ithec hi ol murder of a suit won tu-

1 yi nut iimi'l' r. or pir cy, r ar m, er robbery,i 1 1 reel pswf.comtnlttcl

fiti isdie tiua of eitn.-r- aftall an ssi QtD

, . louwt a iia the in riioriai of the other ttr 111 't i'.i't unlv bo doaa np9B auca cTioin c

. .i tv n c ti Mm la h lni of ih ciirpr , rt ii m . iill In l.'UL'j

fi i,i .j I'tiiloa Bf ruiiiitltlaiiPBi hf; i 1 ff nf ntn Brt ' "i tv r bai coavi itttd :

, i ntH iivaja avad rtaar tuaaiai alriol ina

, i fi x tUB appfeht-naio- ol t ii inulttV' of Pfffai tii ( i. tBat ha maj Ba ttfoiirfBI brio ruch lu Itei

lUBBlftrat ,fcifl Ltvatft lo IBa aad tat tlir i'f rai iiv utiffieii ard aal roaaiatraa i

g kif.wuaui BcafiBiit. ta BvltlaucB daeiuaj miu--i - utatn t ie bara t Bi Br trie intr ol ta

t .mi- ma J it .a" r inai' rare ti hf mtn. iit'tuiivr a

li u i ri:.'fc.irr ndrr Of OC'i Ittfillv. Thrt ppi"jivtiiii'fi iporrBtiiaioB aal dfiirary iBtll i'rnn aad

i parti iu niaaol rc4Jtuiu auilt rite. iUv fii.htri'.

Mr Klah it in on tht txt of the tra'r. and

Itri there M hi it no pr.iBI jI'.Iou ivhatavtruaioal tfilof a crlmlaal for a dlffereot

from thai apacilaJ In tha raquultionor wjrrmt. Nay ui rt, the BtaU Dapartmoota ,"."- tint tinea IMt it h a (ii a oonnionpractlcat n i o i ( r tba United Stat-a- , but fori aland an i f r Canada to datoand erlmloalaupon ona allaaion of orlna nod lhanlotfithorn ( r otb r B en It U tftia that the n- -t

ot rarUamani of Is" - tyi I it .1 tflmlnal itaalli n 't bo lurrati lerrd ifun lrn Pi it- until it

in fed by law or herwuo tlut na ahall oolbe I Wed fr any offaneo coraumttd iratfloua toihoextraditlonottivrtlmu atr4ittun orlma.' Li it, ' tha State U p '. " ve bare i

t in to do with your i i f Ia Wo haveteaull tu make .1 now treaty wlh Vnil

on tn.it ii i it1 a baa 14, and your net c nnot. (he treat v h it la" Thel'itlttd

at Ooveratnout al-- o ultea in . 37th necuon 1

i- -i f lT0 aboW I hat lb hth-'- t in.tii t nofjifytbe treaty ol Xbnaac

i. j ii i fairad tu r 'adrt thuatTtir tpfrlflM In th third trir lulr t ) Bf1 ire

ij i rj t tin; wii iit- uf tu r Maj ! ita U'l tali wet (nift ii ts r;,: er UitytMngp "i r ed a tr t i ! "- - wiia fBe ire uliri

If fi 14 (fell rrpa.fi) BBBll Bpplf (Bl rOii ntve tummiiifi niti' t t fore or a( trof (Uc net , lu tu a ul furfig a States witu wi.ieh

HdBt treatla Bfa uadclu tnr PHina BMMief m if aI -r i'i tincil rrffriug to u ti trtiie i.a uceor purau ibm t tint et. anil a if urb ordtr h ri0 r ft .j At every law vii orolnnnci! wblch U tu force... el to eucb trcaturilb ul i iiaTc coYi-- a part of tBIBaat

The p It llloltad relied on to n'tpport thew t lit tbe act dooe noi t rai nd tu ibi

but on the contrary to nave t e traaty. rnaluta Uapartniant Ii vary oarnaei In liavtowofkba auojoot nod aomawnat i aporntod uttd

Drltlab Uoyorntnaot In raapoot: VVlualow, if tu" demand for him ba pefueodkh til trie Lnlteq Btatea make tti. BtlouUltnnthat ba h u n.t bo tried for ant other offonco,tii Americ 'ii ' eerntuaiit will r'unfd tba trenti01 tiy aa praeucally tinuuileii au far aa felataa,ol i ai I'aditi n a it i. t'hla la their po Itlon

Ii Willi ft COUtBOi l'it an and to nildeliver lea of eacaoed orlminali for the araverriuie- siie- iilcd in l no (truly, and .ill that a feiun

i bavetoUu titer parpe rating bte orlma laui... Dee t tht other and bewiiih the tnimenie amount ol crli Inaland other Interc urea betwi en t be I'm ted siatenBuif the dominion of Oreot Britain would randr eueh aaoujpo veryoaayi Canada would beOoma an Alaalla fir IT nder ttaiiiHt our Ihwb.ond tha Cnlted Bl t In turn for tboae wbu dm riated the Ibwb in Canada r Qroat Britain,

hut every atort 'ib: lio io hiiii, auu tola ino e&ceptton to tne old rule, i na DrtUah

h a its view t maintain wnlou It doeavilli ua much earueHtneia and li rnuctt apparentlineerlty u the American s aa Depari mem.

Imii1ie at root. Illte Mr. rtan riliea on tteti l ol li e tie y itaolf. " J'uere la notOlna hi itii t trylua a criminal for another offence

tban 'he ex rudhlun charge. M Yerv true." tneyBay, but there i iiothiim In h afllnntnc thatt u tuav do to and the wnolo Irli of theartltil - that ou am to try blm for the pffecleeuiTti. c of Which you demund him. and for nobin i The ubj ol ''f tba aittde u i lain, Where

n aj committed onma and tot awavIroui vou you inform u of tha fact demandLltn ' be tried for tnat crime or any Otbef ment. In the treati that you may apeeifv audWa a u lurrouder lilm to b tried for thit.Vott Half f r blm on account of one crime, andi en i v him for another. Snuji so we iiidbaked) .f raneaoaiied Fenian on aome ntation u mufdur or lorirery, or araun. and townpi tedeU to try bitn for reujillou would ib submitted to lu and would public opinionu Amerj i n re bruoKed auob an injuatloa t '

The ii it 'on mat nlfcnilerM have ue n triedby e i ,i luntrf lor other offenoea than the oneIpvcihad In the requliltlou U an emt'arrsinir

fur Ureul tin tain, an it n no: i i. H ifBnnwor - "IN h i. ha I " it thebin on of tne Imuenal Uovernment biduuraid it it. We could not overlook mury mini d a over) trial in eyary i rt ol t'e hruloh .i. . Tue ii'cuaed ti i not rase ti ei ih titMi up;eal tu tb ' ifemiuent f"r r dr- aa.If i 'vi. id i tie fto ut Aty tiuitf ho an mid h teabet ii i uind to double tue poiut aSaotli ua wetaie ii uu in t u t unav

i h Ui .t it loverim onl quotei th net of the1 bib bl ' i. Auj. Ui law, aud June 7. a. inr lei ih that "it? A'jo-r- hi eglBtlVe h.- -t

rprel itlou uf iho tiaaijr ) the iic ua thitrt .1 a if tba act of A ut, IS l"d. readatbui :

It i ill Be ia f ui f t err tar oi It ite. un ;er lilbv.u . i i Blue, tu urder t e peraun ia na ulti ctlvercu i ,i r- -u ur pertoui hi I tt

in (in tin i' ui i v.i be Bcuaif uf em tur

I ii ei u 'jeJ, aad auea peraun atiaiba a t ui- Bccurumijir, iij it aBali Be f ti ' trreoaer u u tut-a-, ia uoreaaia, tu n u

b hj dy( nui i i.iui or iier tu tuelaffitunei i" aaoh fori i.u Ooverumaot

The tot of Mtircb 8 1MB Wai pBtaed to me ita .. wblou bad i'Ui lately bapin ned woere

arreated in Canada under areiuialtlon(tartuti fOncbim the United ucii aaoto mob vtoleuoe and evuu put tu dutti

Wh t u ..'..i. truil 1 uf to la ucl la aafuli IV a I

Wheaevef dt aefaan la aellyerei ty aay forruu r,ueruuicut lu sii auu ui i.,e L'ulieJ m tur ire pur-bn-

t bdtitf iirougut wituln taw Uulieu htiitea auui tot in crif'M) for tefH' k ke ii U'tiy u; ur.l, luoI'fi'n mat nd.i U ve i i a tu m.e nil an teaaerf uteaatjr.a for lua ifjii i"i ill ') end kit' pi og of Rueb

f u i raou, aoa forbta ia uriir ?aiut .awii- vi jwont, utttll t e Buai OuttCluabiB uf IjUhi.it liiBr. ,'.'. pi i'i if (A warrant , t, a t

, .hi tt'UII f un I n' i ire from UUtOdf orinn t tur uf Mi a UOUOI ff urh tri. 1MB Of "IT mw,

a I r reaauaaDJe unif n re n.r, auu iiuye'uuujiuh portion ol the I tnd ur navl furc u' Ilia If ul u

f i ra, ur tba uilliiia tbareof , ai m y b nkuk. aafu a img a u prop vtiuu uf tin- aceaaed,

Tbl Hritlfb dovorn'iient InsUla, and not withOut fnlr eiiuw of reuoii, llial tueeu tal.i e

i trifir lutororetitlou of me treaty,lenei lief toll interoretation ba right or u it, itleema ulear that the aoi of parliament of A ur

. UiOi wai a new denrrt ir. much tnen iiii ij hurti in all ner now truaiiur boepiUtf I no

provleiofie oi LU If aul m view ui.d mauiu.' theLew trualn- oouj "in.

.us if and uf thia net are an folluwa :

Motion 8. wi.rru o i rua ., ,,. ivu aui ' i.:n Hi te rt retpeel tu 1 berren ler teu i. "i ui- ii y i ' v Giiinuaia, i r mj iy mwfj oruui in Loaned Uni lul ilai act tau Bpplj luC.t 041 1 ?4jMBj,h furJlftiO BtBte. her SI ij'iy in y uy thaarn w rt , , ,,t uraer Haul I m oteieti .u ofaaaoreer, adrettiici ih ai io fugii t iuuihitiiSlip are lu or nui tied i i Hi" par. of ner

't iuni n ii. ptH ilea tne Older n j readerBe ueratlou ihri-- nufject to ucu cuii .niuua.'leu, kuu (uinwatluei m ou oeetted rapa-

S Aftixlilre rrhnhial ahe.U not Be surrendereduu- iu r aprci of w.ncu tutKfOuedlt uaa ttfa n nucu i:liri trr. . u wee ubaaeaa Boa "A p m.jfuur j'. or ma curtr1'"' hmu Ii b'uuKbi uu liate rorpu-- . r lu itoup reury u hi .1, taut the riqutatituu lur iuijiruu. r9 1 IB i t ue-- a niadf Willi - lu try ai pu iiab blmwraa uff. y e uf a o. .1 caarMter.

e ii.iuil tiuii nui oe urrrodrred to a forAT le."llltM proviel 'ii It mtue by tie .w ul Unl

Kli'.JT L' """ami. ut. trial mo liifclHve oriunutilU Ubi llUI Ur iiiut ucea reatureJ or aae aa uniwrBUftiU al ufcvvuiiui 10 tvar hUiW deniaion. be


- fr. MS

:!;,'..,l,::::;-- Vi..i;.ea-:uhe.urrc.- i,r

,s grounde 1,

Bim e t on- hd ilhetwoCofenimente bfBnvi arr.inirrinenl for if? e r union

fit- Kach II v.n meni wlahe 1 enlurao thecoua of the Aid tre u bo as 10 Include a greet!

uii'Mb.'i nf tT nCfi. and m it her uehed the newtreatf t.. offencei merely political hi theirn itnre. .h noeollalloti nont n verv well un-- tl

it came to the nolnt who wn to determineWhether the Offenfe of the crhmnul for whom

uiiiellloli wan noule area political or not. I heIhuMi act f 1970 devolved this duty upon a

dice magistrate. Tu this Mr. Flab objecteduna thai he rotlld not consent t hnt a crimlnul

slum I I he withheld n aov authotlty IBM thanin t of 11 e Oovertimeni Itaalf, hut the Brti is bUovcrninphl cotild only follow the text of thea t f Is" . hOf did ii"t believe and do nit be-lieve todaj Ibi t tbei could induce ParliamentI peal ai v materia) p nftlon of that n 1

looBa to ihe JuUiclul protertP ii of the eunhctsirsniM linJUff Bell ire and dcportltion As nmatter of actual practice t.iey insi-te- d t nut it w asIbO CUb toni for all such cases of eitratlUom tO hebroUftfbt before Blf rbomal llrury, nn nftVer olh1;u c'i 11 actei ;.nu le.itnlng, slttinif hi London,nn l It la eUkfL'e-te- d that he would not in anyC ise rule cue atruln-- t the known policy orwiah of the itiittsn Qovernmeot, rnera la nodmiht that thw la so, and It may he nflHmedwith I'm tl truth thut to leive auch cases la thedlbcretlon ni hu ordinary poltce tualttrnteWould work in boma caaea yeri r inAmerica, tin tMa point the acheme "f a newlientv fell throuirh. The OBM of I. wretice(wiiieb happened laal lummarih whe waa ettraaOtted f- lortteTI und the mlerlng f foftfedpaper and wbom It Is uowdoetred to ut foramufffllnf, Ii the one iiirtt hns li d tu the piraintcomplication In reaped to Winalow

aiy object baa been to five the laws cited bye u n p irty and the VlOwa of e .ch, utid not t .itsCUae the nierua uf the eaef I have no hesita-tion lu I'feuiciuiftf t let the IP ItlBb ti Vt ruiuetitti ni Rialiil In Ite position vntu n per;inacltyi ipml to that of our own Government and youII. tv re 1 ne.4ur-- lo that umlnW will notu yen up uiiieeethc American state Di partmentsh .11 make the led ire it hes no Idea ol manlUffhamely tnat ho ahall not be tried lor any othef

tfence than thei apeoitte in the req iialtlon and.11 of bS raouhui. lie aauil ill he t hat

tha axtrndition treaty of 11- - win s by inboardi crimtnala mi have freer aud bolderacope crime til u ultlplyand ernni la far wofeetha current of good feellna which had e; in aua malt bett ten the Cnlted Btatea and GroutLitem alnca tie ireety ol WaeniiiBTiou of 1971will be t h iiiftrcd and ut.u of allettaUon and bittoineai aubatii utou,

ALfttsr Mt.it.'s DM ATM,

io annta of ihe Injury onrof eyblch Acruses Nil Hupp. ) unit ul' luiiler.

Atifxuat Melti of 58 Orchard stmt dieduu Baturday morning of injuries wblob tuepolio aay wore Inflioted b Mas BappoiajottofP5 Iteory streets and another man whose nametney are) unwtUlng to dlseloao Mr. Holts tellithe following story: Autuet Meltsiuai an nru.lu the late Wafi and was IbefSbf unfitted forvi on ul any BOtlVS U Sde, lie ui.tua.ed, with tuea d of a pension of $m. to luppori himself andwife by raising pigeons Mar. ttnppoyffOtt ll alaOa plgOOO IttOlSl , and the hiris t t wo tueii v isI tod each other trequently. rwoweeba mo MeltiClaimed that Uappevgotl had ki led un f hisbirds, and he deman led one In ret urn. lUppey-- g

tt invited Malta to inspect hi- dove cote, promI itng tu return any bit d tba! ho OOUld Identify uabia own Melts accepted the InvltatioOi butoouid not pick oui his mlaaing lrd on undav uf

,4t rek lii'W'ij! ; Kiilii".".'. Ii' H.iiu,u eompanled v Cbarlei Belnar Tbey drantt- me beef f fe li auiiii home, but were eooer.Oue to un ufti w .r.. tm returned " 1'be Jewsii .vv killed m ." Melti .ni tu hi enfe on enterIn. Ua Wai Covered With O'OOtl, had greatipfflc iity in ore ftthlugfCO unl dned intoiuM p min me wouuued arm unu u broken Bufferon bte remaining buna, lie anld tha. tin . bad; ne up ij me tool of ttappeygoit'e bouae,where ids dove Is. an 1i1.1t It;ippeiguUI iked the BOuttlC upa tiieiu and luu for apolicoman t arrest them. This enraged Mel 18wno wa atlll a Kwerful wan in spite of luatiiulllatluo lie and Heiner bike open thesi uttle, utid Were decenaiiiB: mIibu a party ufmen attacked them hli chairs and clUbaieltz w.. (.truck a l l w WblCtt OuUBOd blm tu

full dwn one Might ni btepa bOd Iteiner aoouaiier fell mi him. 1 hey lay mere -- tunned for utime, uud t.n n atBegi red homo Mrs. Meltiauiomon a dtopeneary pbyalctan wno,

ya. made in BSaininatlou of bar buabitoniinjurle.-- , but int teli su-- a lw iuetina. orOtted a pottOO, uud left, Melti grew Wofeerapidly, tin t voile lay he bee me d Prionsan MrSi Melis'a Btrongtfa waa sod t itne

to roatrata him fr u vijience. uu FridayDr. O'Connor of Bull llrouilw.iv, waa camd lu,but u wi then too lots to no tue patient anygood. Melti died early on Baturday mornlnu,

Coronar vVultmnn un Deputy Marab made apoet mortem examinatloni hev loun n larvaBbaceaa at tne ihuulder J nut of Melta'a armBtump, This was mnnlfeatly the rrsnlt ufbruises from a full. The none uf the slump Waalo broke0, I wo ribs were found to he lr keu

and ti e conta- t uf the lungs with the ing,-j-ed::e lout produced ( n t he ttrtngthol Uoiner'adeul ration tnat itappeyoii w. 1 unaof ihe men Mh k Melu a warrant WBB lesued, and be waa arre ted yeeteruai tuorulugami C 'inmitted lu the fombB tu awali the Luro- -

nere ac ion.Mr Happeyffott tolls a story differing In some

ui at ci l ul point- Irotii tn loreoing. BOB Bayithut Melti was very dn-la- t rlul ami vndetit wneube came to aoo bar buabnnd. Hetbreatened t(brow It ippSVgOtt off t he rof unless he restoredtue pige in wbion wdft the oauas ol the qu trreLTbiawasoo Melta'a ti t vlit. on me secondan fatal oeCBtoU Melti declafeu, at he OUterodKappeVtfOlt'l d I0r thai he Has bound to h.tlemat plgeou "r ' throw e?ei v 00 p off mo roof"lie c in ne ined. Mi- -. Kappefgotl y . bl kick I iffher, lie tnen asoaiided 10 ti e roof bef buaoanuifoiiur tat hap evgott watched hla oppon unity,u id turning toe be) m ihu at utile Uoor, he runFor a policeman A fen mlnutee afterward theInmate- o the h oi-- e were tl rib d by the soundof fiiliinir bodies, and tboae wno Inveetlgutedfound Kelner lylnff on Melts at tba fool iTff iheatirwuy la id tin lothe root. Their beilel is th itthe no n. being drunk, loel their Paun B WtiCO

the BOUttle fastening u'ive WaV, Tney Uy thOTgstun nen lor a few mittUtOB BO J fare lUBl einer;-lu- t

from tue In use a It ppeigott returned witha policeman ihe officer merely ordered themen t move un. If the testimony Ol the intiiH'e of the house Is credible, ngUbtf Mill!II r Belnsf waa btruck u id w.

MILLION r r0V0Vff.a Reoel Many Lit Ilea iu Lengtb a Tun 1

iu ii rebooting RxpedliiomMoscow, Ph.. April It. - A wilderness

known us the Hooch Wooda covora a large por-

tion of weatern like count) and northweaternMonroe county, tble State. lk Uennott aud

lint Wot era, bark peddlers, wars in the dopt haof (ho woods on Friday last when the) werea tort led by 1 sudden dark' nlug ot the "k ami aUulae ivu u heavy gale of wlnd At the samutime the trees about them beffan to 1111 with wildpigeons, Tbey oatus from the northward andas fur U4 thu nu ll OOUld M Ul that dim thai theair waa black with the buds. The) bottled downhi the tree-a- s thick as bees, and In an Incredi-bly short biaoe of time tin- woods boeiued to beu living ni- of pigeons, They lighted in thetrees In lUon numl itj that irge branches werebroken by their weight, They seemed to takeno herd of the men. .md orowded the trues un-

der a hlch they stood, oooupying brnnoheealmost wlth'n reaota of them. Nearly ot auhour elapsed before they all found rcHtliiftrplacoa In the wooda. The hark peddlers killedhundreds of ihem with cliinsand walked hvuinifes through the wooda without reaohlnff tbai nd of the roust. The men av that With olioawoop of a long club the) could knock doaenato (ho ground rreailng only a temporary panicamong the pigeons, uml that only auioiig thusodlreotTy attaoaed.

The lumbermen and other-- , when told by Bannett and Waters of ( lie Wonderful fight they hadseen, prffaniSOd a night hunt Poiena of menarmed with pedes and nuns started fortho woods,and reached there after dark. They oerrleidtOfChol of pine knots. The phriwins, alaimed by(ho noie of the i;uns and (he glaring of thetorches from their perches ami new blindlyabout. For two hour the poles and gun- madesad havoc among the nHtsilnir binls. The roarof thouaaoda oi wingH, the cracking ofHashing torches, swaanlng pole.-- and reports nfguns formed a aceue wild und teixiide. Thousands oi ptgeoua were alauffhtereu before the lawleai and ruth lees destroiere were glutted. Fan hone brought aivav as niiiny H" he could carry,whbh was a rouall portion compared wltu theiiutnbei left on the ground to food the andfV'dvca.

m huturday morning anotherrxnedhlon start- -ad on l for fori her rl iughter of the pigeons, 'i'lmbirds had evidently sought the roost for the nur-oo-- te

of ueetlngt The v 'OOdS swarmed w ll hiiiinuus on Baturday. The groat Book finallynac en masse, ami lu a shoi-- t lime every bird had

dtsappeai ed. Tue direction of the iliuht w anwestward toward (he Suniinnnanna. ll Is d

thai the Book waa fully twelve miles longand four or live In width.

About four weeks SgO an enormou flock ofwild i'i" ii paased over Sullivan county, N.and aettled In the wilderness In the northern;arl nf tlial county, near (ho head waters ol the.... ... n ll Is believed that thle was the sameHock mentioned above. It Iroui ,

8ulllvan county, to a olnt tlilrleen utilesto the eaalward, and waa aeversi miuutes iupaas.ng oiit yyiug fl Uih.


A 7 t 1 rn vrj r e onn k rt 1 1 nar a MCBEXTl 1 1 fi ar.

A Twentieth Ward ffollllctaa Wnnionlv Hhton the tnlrwny nf Ille Own lloiiee AnAeeeaai bv ib wire of the Mnrejffraw,

John Fnrrell, n was shot at M9We! Twenty-eight- h street, yaeteidny morningat 0 00i ck, and he died nn bOOf afterward. Hawas Bfty three veara eld and was well known inthat neighborhood na n politician and a frl udnf Benatof Ledwltbi Jobo Taeffe, who shothim, was his tenant, ami Is thirty three yenrsold. The house wherein they both lived Uowned by Farrell. Ii ll brick, four stories high,end Is occupied bv five fan. itles. The entranceIs by a narrow linll on a level with the sldow Ik.On the lending to the second floorthe crime was committed. I'arrell lived withhis wife Ifid six grown up sons nnd daughters,on the lower floor, but two of Ids sous, Thotn;.sand John, slept In the front room, east of thehall. Teefef With I. Is wife and live younu chil-dren, life In Ihe resr rooms In the secondtory a door, usually kept loekedi as na rates

Ihe noartment of tne two yoting men from thatof Taeffe but loild words can uli) bo heardthrough it.

ToffV failed to pnv rent for March. IT.' wasemployed by Parvell three weeki ago to drive atruck. On ,4aturdav evening Karrell paid himI", and ret Ined the feSt uf his WSffes, tJ Off

account of rent for two monllis. Taeffe madeno opposition at the time, imt aftefwafd oom- -plained to his wife thai the lent for Apt ll wouldBui be il ie until IbO Hat In the eveutus tiesent hie children to tOW aw hv klOdllOg Womwhich he bad brought borne on bis (ruobt aodwbice ne said had t een atveu to hi ui. l heohlidren r uht him the information tnat Farre) had bl part' ? the wood unSatalrs to nilnephew and waa having the put into insown Cellar 1 aeffe nruodetl 011 these two

until ho went to bed 111 wireI iv, : " urn I got home from church thlemorning I km w bv his m hum r tnat he I a I

been out and hud g t Bom liquor Hewas buddiug the flic, but kept cursingthe old mall ami calling Pim names

homes and John i'urnll sleep In the (routroom on this floor, riiey could hear everyword laid; ami that Ii where an the troubleCame from. W hen t nev gOl U , gbOUl 'J O'l IOCRthey c line along the ha I lid had to pass OUTuoor, which was Open. Mv hiMbuid w ss Ivlngon no loUtlaTO still a wearing ami railing hadnames. Tom totted In as he p issod. ami 1 r inand cioeii me dnor, Mv buBuand Jumped upau i opened It rom told him if ha would an pdown Btain for two mlnutee he w mid tlx him1 told them to po aw like go, id boys, bl o

my busbund waa cragy wnn drink. Jo in, theyounger brother, atepned Into the ream aidculled my husband a bai name. )! replied,and then tne two brothers sol on him. I heyhalf got him flown and struck In m In I he fadeUntil thev uiado U bleed. I nto 1 au l a Mr.Maateraon and J me rarfell a r of the twoboys got bold of thrm and puded them off. I

don't know what became nf tne two boys aftertnat. Ih v WBUl BW if, I dldnl BBS tu. in anymofi In the i'f Itement, Mr t ushnnd went beOM

Into the further bedroom end got a metoi. Hehail to take It fromf the till uf a trunkI inard tne dd man. i arrell oomlng up atairaand retiihined in the doorway to preVOOl nnvmore Ul'I ting. Pretty s n aw uiy buahandIn the do iiu.ii, Coming ut to whe.o I stood atthe hea l of the stain, Ibi pistol w Be hi hishand, farrell told blm not to aha . and Tinnedpartly around as If to go down italn. He was(nen stand itig at t he top, and I W I OltO of twoIts pi d W0 The wind tro:u the plitol, Wlieil itwaeflredi blew in my face. Parrell waa dressedonly In hit paata and a red abirt, n turm daudwhiked down two or three itepe ind thenfell fore arc down the italfi, 1 Wf nt back intothe room, and a dd : 'John, you've killed tno ddman.' He w aa sobered tu a minute a ul -- aid

My (ioO h its 1 ? i did ul mean t kill blmI Uuii't think he had any bh-- who It wa he wasHi ing at. he w ,ir cra.i . Ills face wa.-- bleedingvery bed, Vou ere the blood on tba cUild'sdress. He took it Uu lu fits sruis."

J raun. is Farrell sas that he und his bror herwere walking past Taeffe's Open doofj wbOQTaeffe began in abuse blm, John stepped up andre iied. itiefle btr uck him. i hey Ditncned hutat la-- t broke awi.y fruin each other. Then

aeffe went lin k for hi platol nd at l tie sametltoe their father came up the ataim. the abniwaa Bred when be reached the top, and ment oe three went down together '1 he fatherfainted when he got nearly down, ami waa car-ried to his room.

Matt) ll Mellon dd. ft bov, heard the si Pigand an for a policemen, lie found Officeriluret, who uu a car and arrived at thet lace f the inutdcr about tivu mluutee after meshut was tired. M There it the man' tudrnomns FarretL who had conducted the officerto T effe's apertroenta "that ibot mv fattier."I .1 tfe was luting on tne loungS with his rlbowaon uue- s aud hla lorchcad feBtlUg uu hisbands.

" I dtfl not mean to ehnnt hlm'aald he; "Itw a- - a n -t uie. I was uu.irrellug With the boVB

rearing that Farrell might die aoon the frl, rhurried Taeffe down atmrs to have him Identltied. Parrel I ralaedhii foreflnsrer and pointingto him, aald. " lhal is t lit man that ah t meJohn I effe" A quarter of un houratterw rdhe ec .me IWOonscluuBi and remained so untill.u u ind.

GOOD I l: lit isis is h is U r .

The iti mark able Kifeit uf Tutkuii Batbi 00llnrses COWS uud Mboept

Dr. Cbarleg Bbepbffrd of Coluniblaneb lite, Brooklyn who wee the Ont person toIntroduce Turkish Uatbi in this country, saidyeaterday thai thu baths had been found to bebo beneficial to race horaee milch cowa bulUisheep, stallions, und rheumatic nnd diieaaedBill mala that he thought that before a greatWbllS homo person would open u large bathingeetabllabnient hi New Fork or Brooklyn foranimal. Nane yenr ago Mr. II. T. llentoti builta large Turkiah bath In Baymopd atreet for bishofH.'s. uml It. und that It ult allv atblud to theiruaefulneae a gentleman who had two horeeelu the livery etatdu where the hath was, ea-e- d

to work tin in because tbey bad grow n to bo

rheumatic and he turned them over to Mr. Benton laying that he might have the use of themfor the winter If ho cured them. Mr Bentongave them aevsral Turkish hatha uml they worewell and Strong again. " Iu ISttV' en Id

Dr Bhephardi "I went to see Capt.Mallard, ut Port Arlington Ireland, tweni y

nillea from Dublin and found that he had onhis estate a two story Turkish bath, the first Boor.f whi. h he used for his borsos, ami the secondp.r his fundi), lie kept a large number of uuwennd sheep and gave theiu regular baths. Hosaid that be eoulu always tell bytufcowa' milkWhen the bath had booll omlttOO. Itadilnggaieihe milk u sweeter, richer taate. The tempera"lure ol the hath was about lb. dogree.s, (he auiueaa that for a human body, nnd thu animal wereallowed tu Btand hi I he heated room, and sw eat.Then they wen rubbed, uml washed with ooidwater. A diseased heifer In his place waa curedby thu bath. Aftcrw id it became a flue predm live cow. The good efTecte of the bath werenoticed In the saving of iiiortallt y, uml the cur-ing of hlckuoaa lu young aloek. In fortify-ing horeee engaged In ploughing ordraught, und In Increasing flch' aud mil ,

In rows, nnd In Im leasing theof Stoutt. The laitlle becume fond

of the bat h. and one COW especially need to hookat the door with her horns when she saw otheranimals go lu. The affect of the buth was to re-

lax the tueuea and to thiol, off the debris of theS)' Stain. One night ( apt. Mallard's sou went toa hall, and left the horses and t ho driver out Inthe cold. When they reached home they weretiff aud used up. As late as IL was Ihe roach

man took the horse- - Into the hath (for (he flieswere nevor allowed to die out), ami stayed whhthem. The bath restored both driver and hoi sea,When the BplSOOtltl waa rtuhig In New Fork,Coleman & oik, a llrm employing many horses,cured u valuable pair bygliinu l hem a ItuHHhmhath. They boxoil up a slall and turned turateam from the eiigtiis room. My belief i thata hot air bath would hnvo been betlur.

'J lie Do. tor tblnkl that thu fu.hlonahlo racecoin ses w ill some day have 'l urkibh baths forthe ii, tined horses, und he woiidera that fnm y

stock breeders navs not already provided theirfarms whh them. Tw o years ago, whun hydro-phobia was prevalent, he UUfOU tieorge Wagner,a Prospect Vnrk laborer, t the bho of a maddog by thirty strong hatha. Ho thinks that theaine pi'tH'usu would cure IdoiaJud uud valuable

anliuuld that huio bueu bitlou.

J MtlOS Hmhh'a Aualvais of Marenrel Me

i.uuut.ii.i m UrankeaaeeeMargaret McLaughlin yeatordav morning

elatebaS th railing iu tue forsvill Pol lee cuon rueaervoai iwltealng of Bar faae egtHleff las lymasiky elJu lice HmPh. lb Midi " Marg ire?, yoo dou't Iolilka s Ui una l ib Win re iul rug i tm bai T

" Mr. Mnytli. lua inuiUliT."" w kst Mr. .... I.. Usrgarel diaries BmvtU f"" your ib.uur ; i iu lier. itiarhi buitn, of 070

KlMh nil'" Ob Ah Tbat Hid ltrereiied aiiivtn of gin auU

liiLk UOtoriBtVi I ti n seooutltl 'or it. .visrgar t. f Qppone lust U a ...ii ... tu uriaa. I lUougllt Hot. ni .....I milk tusiuta ha buuu luug gu bx1i iuiU,hot. Ike IUuoiiu'm gtiu 1, It will iluwu, sod lines. a ailer years e uuy see the evlli uf oiencsl eirursia unplug gut said uiiik nlU Ueuiugr. t'vuoauge,Uuiue?

-In the return! Turk In Bit PnlrlrU'a f aihe-dr- ul

fflfffflffff With Hnntter.Thff Bmperof ol DraffU wont to bed In

the Fifth Avenue Hotel at 3 o'clock yesterdaymorning. The Kmpreas had retired fully threehours before Don Pedro Bsrlv In the previousevening he took hla Bilk hat from Ita leathernhox and banded It to bl secretary, who took Ittu a neighboring store and there had It polish-

ed. Then the Emperor donned It, andwith hie wife went to Hoot he Th"atre,The serenade ffoltOWSdt, and then Iun C- !rrode to the lower portion of the city. He tnrrlcdawhile lu Printing House squ ire, and then re-

turned to ttie hotel. At sii o'clock yesterdaymorning he was mvake, nod at eeven MinisterBofffea sod Tlaeounl do Bom Betlro, the LordHigh Chsmbsrtalni were lummoned to his pres-

ence. A oos)oh was ordered ami th" Btnperoftwith Mr, llorges and the Viscount, rode to thereservoir at Forty so ond sheet and Fifth avenue, where the Emperor Inspected, and askedmany questional Thence he w ent in the eoeehto Central Park and passed over the principalroad wave by the Arasnai and itoDpsd to Inspeel the Itaiuarv and the hikes. He nnd tneBm press after bla return ti the hotel at nineo'clock ate bfeakfael hi tbelf private diningroom.

A little later Dom Pedro bli wife and theirlulte with the eteeptl n ol Beoretap Mecado,took con, lift fur Bti Petri! k's cathedral In Mo-therly street, where Vlcar-Osnef- Quia ro- -

I lived them. TneBinneror snd Bmpress werelacorted in and aeated Few in t o congrega-tion were aware or tne presence nf royalty. i. mj'edro wore plain black bromlcloth under a darkovercoat, and Oarfted un umbrella. Ihe Emtiressw .is pi Inly attired In black nev wei-- quietlydevotional VloaMleneral Q din addreeaed ttieBmpetuf in three w rli ; " In 'he name and nntne part of hi Kmlnenoe I be Cardinal I oeg tuoffer to your MaJ tv ami ihe Rmpreee hie eoner it ul itlona upon v ur infe nrrlv.il in in cointrv. We all unite Willi hti F.mlnence In givingI Minks to Almltfhtl U l for your aafa p ias .ge.ami pray thai toe reinslndsf of your t oirnevmay hie aejueliy proeperou aid ihat you andyour suite may ne restored In goi bealtb toyuuf de Voted Sunjee.a. V u will pardon tillsj m .1 il islon which - really of a purely i

uis character end which we trust miynutInfringe upon mv rule which VOUf M; J -- tv mayhave prera'tlbed ba y ureelf" lbs Emperorbowed. 'no reuular cerem by then followed,hod afterward ihe Vicar Uenerai went to theEmpeinf ami intbuataatlo . blmhum Pedro thanked the tuerffymea fur the at-

tention paid him.

tograpb gallery In Broadway. The elder Mr.Mora n an old oereona! Irh ud of me Emperor,tip v h iVtllg hCCome acojU ilOICd hi Un Janeiro.Mayni Wh kham was to ibe gallery nmi theresaw Dom Pedro for me flrat time end he said,' Till glad to sea you." DotO PcdfO sld,

M Thank you " I went y neffatlvei ul the Bmperor ami five of the BmpfOfl were m ,de. J neytnen want b oh lotbe hotel and lu netted,

tbey rode to Ceutral Park stopped ethe Museum, and re' mod to the hotel at &

O'clock. Tbey lined at H.

In the evening Lom Pedro went to the inp- -

podrouie with Viscount do H uu Bltlro Theat the street door heel'

tateti iit-- it Hilmitilug them, ami said to oie ofthe partr "Uv Una you can't c a hit youcan't play any roots 00 me. 1 t.e Bmperof w. aai lenfftB fe tea ut the side of Ml Mo dr.W neu lr. 5 nkey sang the we I known n mnthe Bmperor J dned in, ana the llpe of tba LordHhdi u ncailor moved in chorus

At midnlffbi Dom Pedro w aa ae Ing New v. rhv gastigbt under ihe guldence of 9 Police

Commissioner Gardner 'ine party numba tugiweutyHlve w rial mgihe down-tow-n PulloeBtatloni audotbei Intereeting places

ro-ds- o m Peuro imtnus tu visit Borneo!the pu lit matltutloui ot me city ami this even-ing at T to st irt for Ban Francisco he addreaeof welcome fmm the rommltti e f dlatlngulabed New Yorkers la 111 the prolamine far iluamurnlttff uut it Is doubtful wuetnei bs will 000sent to li ur It. BeCTCtaileS raft and Fisii haverott'.rned Walniigi on. ,r il son y

wandoretl au ut the Fifth Avenue Hotel,aud uucoaiuOttiiy Inspected tne Oily Ulieciury.


The loat US' Depu tm-- ui Muklag tbe Ilugaf Northern .Mlcbigaa.

MoKBoa, lllob, April 11 Thff weeklymail between Sault Sto Marie and Manpie'.te is

tarried in the whiter by men 111 Of dog teams, thedletauce covered by this lervlca being m arl) humiles. The ilodgo Ii simply a thin ikxihie boardsix or BBVen feet 0ttff and a foot or more In

width, turned up at oiiv und tu enahio It to riseover obetactee in the path. Alonff tbe edge oneither aide. Is a l w tall, tu which the load Is

bound With etirds. The burden carriedUsually Conelete Of the mall bags a few blankets,mrelv a tent. provtstOBJ for a few days, a smnllaae and u few other articles eeeentlai tu thisprlmfllve mode of looomotlon. The driver neverrides. The traditions to the contrary are tropl- -

cal flctb ua. The fralltf of the vebjcle. the puth- -woods, utid the oQaclpllne of the draught

I'tiliuals will Hot allow a man's weight to beadded to the sledge load. The dog.-- arc far frombttlllg the noblest Ipeclmeneof their race. Hare.to... must pie and pootlo trn lltlon givo waybefore homely fact. The truth b they are mank

irs, which ate "driven" b) being culled on bythe driver in advance, stimulated (oaotne degreeof speed by a faiivlihiug proceei nnd various

klndi of torture, ami occaa.onaii) help.'dalong y propulsive aid from behind.

Their weekly advent in Marquette ll still thesource of wondering curtoejtj and tntenae

a large group of ajrty urcblni, whohave a lingering loVI of tne alilhpie. one of themall uttendaiile usually precodca the train onsnow shoes, cither to eocourago the doffl to agruater speed or to break the path aud removeobilacles,

st fJfA'i y. 11 ill oi' 1. y 1 i

Drill' i! (Ion bv Ihe Hi st 4 enureirniloMul ( dan bot ike it rllaten t Mamaaltv

The dedication of Boiffnoe liaii oommsnoed yeaterday at 2 o'clock P M., ami endedIn the evening In tbe building ut Hi Blffbtbstreet, under the aUSplCSe of the FlrBl CongfBffational Church uf the itrllglon of Humanity.About BOO people were present, the Liberal ClubLeing largely repreaented. Mr. U. L Hendersonprealded iu the afternoon moetlng ami Mr.

Olniotead, President of the IJneral t'iub, lu theevening, On the platform were ueeara. nugfa11. ih. wn, Alfted V, L 'Bier, li. 11 I'mibpa11 lIC ago, a cousin of W. ndell PUIIllpS i t PU U

vii Andrews Mrs. Btoulu n n. tjuiler md Prof,Hume. Mlaa Hums sun:, Mr Huau B.Brownlead some if Lougfelluw's poemsi Mr Henryl.vaiit. made un luvoestioni Mr. barb tsotberau. t livered llie Ueihe itOI v uUdroaS, eiltltledi " I nebuum.de between I'beolugy nu Bclenoe ItrquuinuUa und l.aiile , .aid rein.uks wno iniulnby Mrs. hosier. Mr i lb w akemun Or. Mai v lu.Mr. fftOPhi u Peafl At.diewa, Alcars. liUnu,Mncum, Phillips, und utUCfS

ihe hah la 40 by do le t, and is on (ho firstflour. Willi a entailer ball ill. it adj due ll, ?uu

ersona nan ie rested. ' tiie wails BfO por-tra- l

a of deaal Liberal IB ts among them uue ofOeortj Henry Evuui, o. igiuaior of tne PwpWt

newspupor, founded lu una fit in iMt.lhuie. ro uiao portr ha ul L'osutto and Aguesdaughters of Hr, o. U iieuueron. a bronsebuat uf Bhaltaspearet heavy bronsu obaudellenami gas llxiuiee. u plllplt piano, and a greenaula uud n .il a uomplete mo i.x..ituro uf tuuUOW Church.

t iltni V A I. MAWISO I.VSMI.hi I.a Aeter Prcecntlag Home Facia iu

lit fcuce oi ibe aiaaiAt a meeting of (ho lbunan Oatbolll Tem- -

aeraaoe Boeieiy m Kgeter Usu IgaBSsa on Muu-i-

ji, UsrtUaal aisuuing Ssugaaesd "all HiibUibmiatifor tbeatrloal ftyrrii nlsilifhii tuo aoatiy tbeatriuf the ricn iu ihu p B&f k ff uf Ibi ouur." as " uue imiscale uf oortupituu." an urft'tl ins tisarefl BSVSI to at Itheir feet iu e of tUeui. ir. hai.itu 11 .ndii.siui. ibev. IPSauWD at (or. 10 a ISitBf iu l.u 1. U4 W i"s ex-

uresaes sarpri steal leea views ehuuld Us eutertataedh "0 uuiii.ii Msiiuiiiv s Bo i t tn sstute a rellgiuu wuh unut uiilv t h r Uen hut atiiui hi BWJ SBi" urK' " "'iuiutii' art Mr. iiaiiUmuau auu : "Woabers nsstnsUrsiiu a bi'almii'i sud gruamr infla uuii thaa h to uUu t uui.lnca, Austria, llavarU, huaoi. 1 aiy , r r i ',and Hi'slu. I hit?.- serli r.ntu tf taa an. l gal UrielSUed US seel biastlui u tu tie .tiie ol Vieuua, t lullg.rt. Si unit u. Prague, auu Pstll. Ituaireis I a mluarlsti ire nigntlyseea b un gsierh's uf 1 10 c ui t(In-- lira of Viuiiini, Munhh aiul n.utuar..Mlial td it tins aiiadituu Votlil ban Upog '

ThftMiiihiu Troablee iu oiiie.CMflrBbAIIDi Apftl Id. lleportS from .vlus11lou

itSte ibal all glUet at the uuut-S- Tue atnk ria trr SltVtDg the udeia from tbflf WOfB dlbbaade!aad irit tai nolaiti of ibe uu n iu baaada h i itiisthat mi or, a iied force ol iron four to txurikeri vnil ge ti silver Ortak,aunii div no weekilu uTive ui ii.lu. ra mi ale al riUUUed pthere. Tbe -- luilg ul Waii.e coua y wulanlit! atllsnlBn to tu coiibT iu i u. Vi it- t) in reyrai u to no at i. on iuits..ry fur tbl prutcciiwu uf tkSb.ivtr truck nuaca.

a i ...iti in the Merrimack no.BOtTOff i April Id. t he NerrlmSOk river over- -

BeweS its asaki at OeaeerS lait uigta, undiis rlsia itoot i Al Mauoiiost-- r Ike la aov. u feetuvar llie u m At Ainuakaag falla a i, i rc ufin i. .mi leutua bavu beuttljl work - riiuftgUfta Auiuakuaa tit v waJi


stl tl l rot; it iss OilCV Mff onttLUOf JUL t lit I U L CQUM 9

A Derided Olffereni-- of Otiinlnn umnm Mem-bers The Tower of Ihe lloiite na a ( on i tThe Mlnnrll y l( r port FltMllng Fuver

Wahiiinotov, Ainil lfl. Ncnrly the en-

tire afternoon yeaterday was consumed by theHouse debating the question of obeying theman. lata nf the Supreme Court of the DtltiiOtwin h eommsnds ths Bergiant-aWArr- ai ol theHouse to produce the body of KUhourn.The majothy of the Judhd-ir- Cornuitttce re-

ported adv. nety nnd botdl that the OOUfl la anInferior tilhtmnl, and has no authority to de--

msnd tha body of Rtlbotirn. lossoiuoh aa he isIn the citstuuv of a body of BOttlpfftenl Jurisdic-tion, and even a court uf BSJUal Jtirlsdlctloncould not take him hence on Ita process. 1 hisview Of the case was very ablv luatalnrd by t ho11 n. Frank Hurd uf OblO who presented themajority report from the oofnmtiteo and by thaH oi. Qeorge Hoar, also uf the Judiciary tom- -nnlteo.

K of Iowa. OarBetd of omo, nmi Kelleror IVnnsy van ia ai gued on the other aide, urgingthat the action of the Home WSS wronffflo hii'io,ai d thut the co'iimllimnt of Ktttioiirn In theOrst instance waa nn error. 1 he mhiontv "f theJudicl iry Cuiiiinhtee h dd (hat the writ of (tiecourt must be respected nnd KlfbOUfn'l bodypresented in court. They aseums thit thecourt Will UpOtt a presentation of the facts,

the prisoner to the OUItodV of the Mouse,aa tun same court did two ye in BOO In the raseof IrwlB li" se Woo support this view, nndhero ire many Democrat! who do. aay that it

Cannot bo numad th .( tho court will net Ille-gally and unWafT. ntablv in the uiatter, and thatme Democ rati re committed over and overniraln to tha d ctrine tout udlrla .. uitiatunder ll otrcoinetancee be respootedj

ihere is atlll another party in ths House compoaeti sjiae of Democrats and rtapublloana, wuuhold tblt tola ll i question w linn goes to the veryroot of the pow.-- of the Mouse of Kepieeenta- -tlves In rases of this kind, Thev suy thai It Is avery aim pie question and pui it In this way iH is th. i itiee of lb presetituuv s the p wer torules coin ui litres of investigation, to clot he themwith the uituiiiiy to summon wltneaeee, administer oaths, priumuud questions, and ak lorthe produrtloii f b ..a audi apeia t Jfilh.is,thenltfouowi cx mfissiMf- - iti that It has thepower t i compel witnesses to answer nnd topTo.iuco but ks and psperi by pum-iiin- a tbamfor contempt in tin evi ot of their tmilns orrefusing to obey the order of the Housemads upon a full understanding uf the case,ihe House, these gentlemen urge, have thisrUht f rom lmmemorl ! ii'uge, au vell a inho-- r

ntiv.and therrfore It Is presumption 00 thepart of an inferior tribunal, like the SupremeCourt uf tho District of Columbia to interfeffaaud atiempl to take sven for ooe moment Jurlidlotton over the pri oner who is held by vir-tue of tha authority of tne HOUBC of Iteprasenta-llve- e

A writ of habeai cot pus is nut an b'o-ut- e

right. For Imtance w, o. Avery baa Juatbeen sentenced bv tna DtstnetOouri of me( idled BtateOt at Bt. Louts, to pv a line ofami two years' Imprisonment In tue peniten-tiary, and to bS held Until UlS Quo hupoa.d lalaid. Now, aupi'ose at tbe end uf thetwo years' Imprlionmettt Avery, beingun ba to psy th 0u, Wag to apply toa Btate court for a writ of habeai corpus,on the ground thai imprisonment! f r debt wisll'egal. would the Btate court presume to grantMil w it? iVrt imly not it would almply ssyMr. Avon - held by virtueof an older of a courthaving competent Jurisdiction. and there oanhelm Interference, there seeius however, tono a dlspoaition on the part of the majority ofDs in uc rats to say mat the body of MP- urnshall be produoedtn obedience to the order ofthe court, nu u Is 00) U nil Kelt that the reportoi the minority of tne Juuuiury c emmittes willu uuuivU to morrow

MULLED Hi ll Bfl 0 FJCB.

A Fenng Womun Hhat Tbrnnnh Ihe Heartund Iwu Ulbvri Tbrrnleuetl.

Oofartvo, N. Y.t April 16. Miss FJU M.Callsnhtn, aged 'JO yeara, was abut by tier lover,John McNauiara, at Terry's Arcade here tu dav.Three sLota were Died from a revolver pur-

chased one taking effect In tbe loftbreast, entering the VOUOg woman's heart. thelived ten. in notes, but w.u 00t uide to apeak, fhsw as uf iu od (amity. Tlir i e w Bl 00 I mined iteG tiis for the act. but the (art mat she attendedchurch w im l td y fi Itodl Instead uf himself.I be murderer baa esc toed, but a special poPcadetailed by the HtieritT la close on his tract.McNamara threatened to aboot two ladies wnoarrived Immediately ufter the fatal si ot. Hoescaped by Jumpiug from the BSOOnd storyw inuow, going mrougn the iasb

8he-1- ff v. pp mn i ffera f J"- - rsWafd. McNamaraIs live feet ail Inches In h Igbt, r itbSf Itout hasfight hutr. 0U snort, sinaUlibght eves, heavy nndh'oaeg.ited, li under 10 years of age. The vil-lage uf Cuming uffeia fluu addtlluuui ruwaid.

r unti l WOMMMMM COM1X0.

A LattOV In which ihe Object of their Vleltlo A marten Ie 'In o- Known.

In legates from traces unions In Taiis are0 ui ng to tba riuiadt-iplu- extiPuttoD to inane, t toeam lei ti.uu, an i be thus laabled to mska reportiealealatas to uruvoke ma revamaaia in a u iter tbeysay i ' we are toid tuat boma ol your Amerieaa wecfpm- n aeeV m fear that wa mav ne diepOBOS 10 BfOBpt

urx iu Amertesn ah ta, aei become ti.us lastremeotalIn mm iitn aj IB vur untry Kuroprau labor unan u r irg" ' ugh t c ni-- e a relo. th.'i in wagea. W'

1. it too timet, ilia uteem uud frieauahie ol t ur fei uwIsbureri in aroerles tu siloo no ni tu r , aitii repect te , aaocr u ti a wr ug Impreseion. iu eb

rope t ttie y engigeg in a in ainshl temltngtoaeoastsBI lacreasi f uiir vn. In nuii; A'ui-r-le-

our inien'loa a mu n uiorv to sifead our n..wi- -

eage ana autfteent tna Wl nfsri "f 'he Wi.rali.gflSaSII tnroegbout nu- tthole glohe. ih.tn lo ruiarr.uiein (as salt degree to Ibi Bir'tlii'g of ra.- -. rj uitiurgoui lelloe tsborers uf the new world He luausun ' xi'iir-- n iu Vbanna three jenr ago, that had forits reuit tu b.rni a ti ia It uf eonfratsreitj Betweeu Auatri u sud I rem h w.Tkina tnen. we h pe that net ol aatlll Strong r luttirr vii; iitn-- . - an.iiiaA I. er t .ui auu rreoca uieB ol Uuur iu kviuciuu ufour lutriiUcd viau lo Aiuerii a."

VOOJ3 l t s l s t i i l

i iilliua for Two Hundred nnd Fifty ThousandDelia re te t'onttuae (he Wark.

In the eight o'clock meeting In the Rlppedrotns reetsrdsy atoraiag Mr. Moody said last sll lasipeuiei of t ie revival had treu pits bm be weald

llae tu blVI a fuud raped to curry 00 IS a or! ufter htadeparturi. 'f oonrsr, he eal .. tniny would eeitivs thai

e and Mr. Isnksy rt aivs i j n uiia.iou out of t t.ePUbseripllonSj bUl u at.a.d ii:eui lhal not uueit'll would Iiu i Ha way in i either f p..- r p 'isand a i.ui.iireii ceati uu lbs dollar of ah coiiectlouaa i. uiu be usi j f ir tbl purpoBl lot i h Ho-- tt. reRiven llueoutdhxe tu rt. ar aboot I86u.0o0, ind, headded, " Wnu kauwi bai im " U u. tuuvB bowe urnuiau'a heait ihla muruiag. aud m ve him toeoutrloutasoo.ooor Heereseben on M The Heaurreetloo. r sme ' uiei iiiox Iu tin. i suhauced iii luiersetb ihe pr reot 0 UpOll Ibi i -- tfurm of tbe lirahum Km--

ror. epeaaing sgsin ol ra ina Sa.oUu, air. Mootiyunit!. 1. Mr. willlaui ff. tUoage anu saiui ' luingwing

tiid-km- y ne id hers noW," ll prei h,i inmiihe Burua uf lilate, " wbal, tbsa au.i I uu it.. Jv.ua,w.iu la cuiU'U 1 uriat f"

i.e ffreneb KlectleaeI ftin, April 11 RlaOtlonS were held y

to fill TsPBDflSI la he t bambof of put' a. Biased by

hie retsra of a member h ai mori nuu ji.n uitnci.At Msrsell I M Bouguet, Kau rai. waa vl. ct U by

VOtOI. M. Oarnli r PsgfJ ol the l eft rOCetVOS1 ugg.

Ai I. Ids M Muzure, Itadlt'si. cleelril. rrcetr ng0,000 lOteg, BgSlliat S.StHi fur M hulhhuiul i.iCiiaa,sial l.l'O r.r l. vi u, t in leallat,

8 t i ballot! sre ne isasry in iti.oi-.n- n an thenevoid lutb arrunolsaeoisnt ui Psruk lu tut; laiii r uPascal haftirai Boadi tbl poll.

A Murder In PhiladelphiaPnifcADffLPMA April 16 Albert l' rn (col

eredj satered l' well Bros' tavern, at uie Loessttreat this nornlaff wbili letosioated. Hi acted very

disorderly, sod llieiupted to alt tn a table alnueakiauiu ti esrui being 0 ayeii. rhu oauaud a row. ma turn His Powsij orothers, Usaisl UallBgber, andJsmex ffieraey look a a tad. Thai puibeg Hrisn into411 a isj bSi'l 'f (Ui MyerS Wh ru U: rerruei fuurtsos, taudag his deulb. Ah ul tue panics acre


srtiths vnoM i'ii. 1 1. i ; 1; t rn.The Pernor ratio Onnyenllons in Cattaraugus

cuu.it) usoisiegior niieB0BSaiiirdsy.

!' countiv on both iides of me Dldesu river,net we. u Ot aw and t in unl a eg,

psgter iiroti.orj, egtsnsivs oottun msnufaoim ej p viuol '. nave ma-i- aii aslguiueni,

Fundi 11 ' die J to w ok till laJ hlilOl Inrtlh 'Uia i Sew riiui 1, C0UBi hji.jg veaUcJ 10u.lluo in SJ nuura ui .1 ii .if.

VVltiosi 1 1 us tin mi:o

Ju- - lee Wand. II. lu Ihe HarUffl PallCI Court,...... r M ini y Pro lerl 1,1(1011srd lUrmio, sud Jsiuea keaaiy BsT fd reapevtlveli ItiU, au l l t art, ful tm glar Ike UOUH ufllsry LarktBi ui unit, airoel

wtUiam Htttermlre i married to a womantvnoe as old as bluiislf sad lives i iiarirui. ueesaiiOOUIS drunk ) tiaituiia) iiiornlt.g an.l DUl till w Ur. uu.uid--

and ihrrw hta a.ui Uuwu tueaud iui ibtf aiient, Lreaalug one of 0 .1

v rc.y ii.Junug idui iu tne In ihe llarlrni PiUii eCour , Justice Wamieil gav hlin the cliuica netweapaying a 0n uf 110 aud gttlua a pcai e u.iud wl dvO, rk in.- iu UUeawi n' uiaud fvr a ruj uswauiad tu uui Ui Ag

COBMVPttOH o lilt: ttt: .

Mow n Pemplnfaaai us Appeenebed br nu- -

trPt Jndbro A aff reW Wylle.?T. Lot is, April lfi.-T- lio following peti-

tion and affidavit havo been forwarded to W iah- -

Ington bv Angufftln J. Ambit n to bo laid bvfurethe House of BspTSienl illvea i

lo th ftonOMhli Ziine ff rrei'n'fre f)f 111 tnt'td.VI. r' nf Amrrt'ti ti O titfi An'm'-lt- ;

Tour n- -n Honer. A.J. AtriMt-r- , I iruMy nresena to yonrnonorsti ho ly ihla 111s uiliinn, and accoincnn Ingaw'irn at sir tit- ut of la. Is. and prays Piat the asm. tu ivhe considered, and thereupon that an msyhe hati t.t thu b.l uwb.g ihargi s atnnn Anuretv Wilis,n Fthe Aesoelats Jristlcee of tnt snprefne t tirt of t tieI'Ptrtrt of Cuaunnla, and herenbOB r'iir petitionerrh ir,a asM An l'w Wylle,lu perftir itsacjsol his

as mid Jostle! of tha aid court :

tn hltfh crimes and - .. m tiora an nu n Justice aun( hancellor wph niatfeamnre and rurri'ptlon npn thibeach of imp ronrt ; with p'li ttssa prrju llera mi h isltof iitUaata heiore lutii i with aiding annsin iitiii! iu-

h nst eni of men in sehi mee r plrsei ins fr. uph eitetoiiiiK litigation nnd .it. m g the adndrla-- t

rat Ion of Juatice In muaea of ai tea si d in srertsin rsmr nf an n In whirti Aukuhi inJ Auihler was plsintllf sud lb M. VVni omu and rbOS. g,hlckemon Wire ie 's before hou an Aaa .naleJ .. and in. I't.r uf ( uurt. aud In open and ti ddviolation of law, filsclr, frandiiieully, anu cormi'My,and ih open, hold, laiae. fraUdaieBI and e irrupt violst ton of the and rhsdd te of 'tis sepretne Ci urtof the united mates un in ' pen mid bole e n tempt oflueh d elaioo "f nn bred Nov BO la, 4. sou Pali h yuurptllliuuer Is ready to vcrifv and prove.

AVOPSTIB b AUtlt.KR.Cunnlv of ll, LoeJS, State ul Missouri.

the AfffftOAVIt ok a. .r. amiii.kii.AnriMtln J. Aui Uer, Of tho rltr of N w fork, at pres.

eni ojoun tng In Ih" rtty ut St, l.oiu, heinr sworn,ai.y thut he nas tha forego dig ami lliechargeatbeta contalae! are true. Among s avldeneea lendUik to eatuhllali the eb irir- a are me f ui ii ini: : Uurpigthe (rial of I rati" Iheu penning before Mm, W hecelled upon eotae "am aae proposed ( interest mm-a it in it e pruce.'ds : t 1" u J.c. tu it r Pi li'igation,andoi.entee the h irtnerahip und ro.'p-- r itum of htsbrother-ii- aw the lion, rhomb ti. liryau. iu 1 matterwnlch a mono ted lo ueary latai.ra-- i, mid offered toeoiuplainant a iter of liaroiiuet.ia to hisPro hertniaWi wttn a recomniendatloa that heheroine mtereated In tho matter. iDd re.petrdeomp 1st Bant to e nu t is hooae and get the letter.Ahout Aticut S ls.o, he did go 10 W y 115 houae, wneowyh-- vale hi", aoen a letter. I'hl (etb r. after beingdill' T.-'- (11 Ambler, was laBmitted tu eoenaei and p -

th I inti r. at- d wilh roiiiplauisnt, and sfter dOI Ithe t rop .aitt.in was dec n -- d. PendlBg t

c aui ati"ti u oeettne known, to dareadaats that iheP ul itifl hM aunh ai ttr, and t'ie fct wia th. r aftern d to s to Inft md rni.tri wy e ir tnthtltliueoi t ttir anil n j ' ' '

oert uf the Cnlted Msp , nlrh wis lu favor ofromp IBlaaa t. W)li- Hited I r ii.i OcienU.nte, und' rv errlnn "f the If r- una.-l- Mure the i". IsiOB On theCi. lied Htsten nuprniir Court , v f na PfeVi nted theOo e lion of the judgi'iii.. amount mar to ItVei.iMsy, andseventy-liv- aimres ot atocs ol ho incorporated C0Uaanr. mi it was oruiunt ua Jan. I. ls?u. In the hit rh tlupvetae I louri upou certain i.irtuerup reiatioSi betar- n muiUlBlbaat an I 'e Daring inis ilu.athe gefeadsBti and their cnufederatai aavs been iupiiL.ep'u of t ia property un aae'ta.a ihe c i

ant, now to the amount of arvernl million" of do!lata, and In the atjuvment of whieS 11 s Iwhev.dWyiir has largely psrialpaieu. Schemes of fraud audco afilncy have Been formed hv llie ih f "iidtinta audiia ir cottfi lerale. uiciaatra and n-n- i inher u( .

ami id iei dlduujulshod ind iBflqentlal pe- r- naPi varp'U imtIs of '.he utm ry, and Wyll-- haa aldt--

ihm. Keh liff7B,tlil Cntf-- Ristea Supreme OouriUued us in muate ou the hiatrici court. Whieb maodatlhas hern in v rbma wa)a tiy Wvlle avoided am) pr

It rendered tnopi ruivc, nnd will a, riuinin a longW'ynela mi tie b h of the Iitrlct BapreBM(' urt. Wytte haa BVeB gone BO far aa to nt irmt thisd- clalon waa (he irrea(e-- t t i' ce of villainy ha eVSTknew tbt bupi emu Uu.t ut the t Bited b'.aiva tusanctlua.

Folios ing this I s memorandum saving thatAmbler haa many otbef fact and evidences ofiiie (corruption sf Justice vVvile and thathsnan name ten Of Bfteen InM lOUtlal men ofWnshinstoii and Blsewbefs as wltnesaei of tneasdlsgi leeful facte. The who a is ttested on thep. h of rtl IS7S by W C. Uraggi a notari pub-lic uf St. L oils.

ASoTIILIt COUNCIL III ItLAlLS t:n.w hnt Wr 11 o Propeeee to do titer he le

Bam lift! Irorn I'lymoulh Cbmcb.Already ft oounot) Is talked of torerlew

the BOtlon that Plymouth Church is expected totakS In reference tu Mr. BoWBO. The commlttesappotnttd to try Mr. BOWOU lefused to admitHie let thu aiy uf his w it peases iu defence uf thecuarge thut he had slandered the pastor lu callIng him an adulterer, a perjurer aud a hypocrite,and forced hitn to close the ca,e wttti an im-perfect defence. Alter their oummitiee'a ad-verse decision, Mr. W. II. Ward, who la manaattug Mr. llowcu'a OSSO oocluded that noauiouut uf parlcving with the coniuilttHe couldImprove the coudhluu of affairs, nnd at onceOlosed the case. piint Mr. Tilm ywill sum up the case for the cbUf h, and thegeneral OffpeCtatton U that at the nev hurcumeeting Mr. Bowen tn be egpelled Mr. Bowenand his friends share this brliet. A re no y sev-eral ( onaultatiuhs havo b en held 00 the Mihjectof a council, end It is prob 1U- that tns tb toCalled in the regul ir way first, byPlymouth Cbureb to J in in a mutual counciland, in the event of a refusal, cull nn to

bodv. Mr. BOWBO u Is said, wid coii-e- to giveto a suooommlttee of suob a council the boilom facia of bis alb orations ag Unit Mr. Uoecuir,


Rrlumluv fo Ills Old U abitI Why tbe Presi-dent Does not See flettere

W ash SOTOsT April W, The Cdpftuti today,prlnla (he fOllOWlBg Bangiaph lo ita editorial columna: M It la well known BOOBl Waa' tiuttoQ tliat lienQraai veseS aad worried ovei Utte devilopmiBta, bainaorttd to hia old haiuta for relief, ta other wordibe aa bceu ao under tue influeutf of intoa'Cltlng ll.qu ra aa to he at tpnea Ine pablsof lee lag Vllwrsortisuaactlog hurlne-- . Tpoo lM SttBdsy ve .rave hythe y uiu fur luuatira al the when Gee.

11 tue ut at Die and urt. d to t'.ectty.Tbere waa no turtaalug the tiuahed sua pioalnd lavaauu aasteadi gait

The labpeachmenl of ih iknnp,W ash UlOTOM April leV at one

o'clock the Boaate sitliaff Bl a high OOttrt Of Impeachm ot, e i.l bear tue SBIWirof W W Belkaap (hriiighhueoeaeeifte ibi lamaioai citing him to appear andm !, ti p e 10 tne artn lei of tu p' .1. ml nt pr ll tbv I lloU'e of Repf lent III Vei, h liuilerstood thaitlSSSrs. arprutrr and lhair. c uuarl ft r lieianap, w illenter B plrB 'Iia their CUeal hi in; BO longer mi Iflcrot t r,. . ivernmeni ll not mpe.it hah e. and a ll ask lurtaw eel lu prepare ITgUUieUtl 10 aueialu their plea.

Leniency i i oat IdaOver iABC ooovlots in sing Blnf Priion, and aa

mini more lu CltOtOB and Auhuru PrtSOM art! sal 001ly wiithag tor ihe paeaige of ibe H Centennial Act ofCommataton.H lately oaTerid in tho Asseme.vbe nr.v: Kee. Ii pr.ihit' tt.t all p. ramia now couflbSd Insnv Mate prUmi or penlleuiisry, b) lenience t.t anyc ur( uf mi- - 'au-- ,.su u audition iu thecomti 'na-tion no allowed by law be further ahownl twouiwntna' comniutatton for . ach rear ol uuur luiprlstuiu Dta, whn a he or the has ui.d rgone or undergoi'ig

t llie tpur t lua ci Bhalj IBkS effect." IhtfPriaoii hiin favor of Its paaaage. warden iomi;a

pf Bl u Sin ; ay th if It ImpMI Ciiotahlv sa aniesni for rsiievmg nm prtsuu which ll uuw gresilyorsreroa J tl.

The iiie if a Kewapaper.Bi wn in, April IB. Negotiation! the sale

of the Moatoo Vl newspaper were concluded on t'aturda . Ihe pUfChlllfl are gBBt IfUBDi BBOBf wl.ueeditorial uml tuiaineaa mi'i.igemeut I'.e pSpsr bBS SBcou lucieo fur soins t ime past, aud in hr new 0 nip

o h turupd to coiKliiiP the tui'iUratnei. aoiue iheuioal intbii niia Demueraia of Uoil n t o

aeltliri asioclated Willi the purrnaa ua.

jutipc HHbreibe llneee"It Is my he d, your Honor." s Id William

1 ale at the W MhtSgtOS pISBI po Ice court yraP-riisr-

' It la rum. gVSaS, William." auu Jolt101 KUbreth." Jf you tlldu't ttrlnk au much rum, four he id eoul heal right " PO ; have iput drinking nun,-- ' prop rdIne prisoner, nh ih ui.u t earnestness) I haven!lees war lluuur fur three montui Ha as Said SIS,

The Kyviukan Armv rsurrounded.ItOMBOat April 17. --ItSportS have boon received

in SlviaiidrlS that tho Rgfptl u army haa beenbi the Abyseiaiaai aud 10 ittustloo oritlesi

aud tbst Aeyasioli diuiaaui au ..... fur las ispuuaca ut Uiu War.

A Fire In Ibe lime Uulldlua.At VZ.'V) o'clock this fflomlOg a ihu in I he ce'Iar

under the BWI hull g wu readily IsUBgUlfhed.JiPma (irndl, a tnan employed y Nllh Fuller WS

rv nu ou iuapicraeT having kuiuiud tuu un. uslaid uc uad utciJruia iy upat a lamp

NEW 'I I' It LY.

Tbt two year-oh- i daughter of Jamea McRer--jnan, . J. cut ferrvm tab r. p froBlthe n IM an.ivui u r latber'e lioueu ysalerday, au fstallj b jurcd.

Mrs. Blisgfl 0 llOSi Ol New. irk, who was Injuredhrseolllaiou betwesn a burse i'sr ana iliM'oul live,iai Novtiuuer, ii i. Inatltuted u.i aga ua lua; 1' I iwarejijieltawaoui no Wiaien. tliiroau c ., Uyiug ut--

daiuagi a ut tl& ooo.A man Uuthed O'.V ill. formerly superintend-

ent ul a it reel rsllroid luuipniy iu Sew V r udI'ltril rsaldSUl u Newark, look laihtai urn ami aunaoQUi'U U - Ol i' laell lu he ...t. f ,a t.Uu l ni llpli luu lu r cover.


Pet her OuHowav has Prank Rllti and aeverajor. ir liuritl Bl Suffolk I'ara, uxcn.la.ua ot ine bpriugfire ll ,

Hubert Itsel Is espected nt Suffolk Pi rk thisBeck with I b v. auwd. Il.ll McAhaui, b my Kildaiu,iud u iu iij.

The mure Touev, formerly owned hv H'niLovni, ut iniieity, iiaa been seised uj kuv aoeild ulBcrki coi.aiy, pa., and will ba bold,

Tho stallion hlngnma' er, belnnelOf tO Mnjorllughea, uf reUBBlseSi waa kl led uiu e attemp'hnf 10

Juu.p a teoci. oa uf tin kick etfj poiiott eting )') breiet.Ilutld lb ble Is oa his way from Calif unta whh

three car lu da ut broilers Biuoug the. ttoi.uiuotnMaid, l ic UtU'.Uu , SU Jao.1. , y.bi b .




Rnbensfela'a tt lie s Arrival from her nomalu Poland, nnd her Visit to her CondemnBaitwtnd In the .lll In Unyinond Mtreea

A thin, alight, wntnaabearing In her until a Mid about eight tnontna old, vis-ited Kay n ond Itreel Jilt 00 Saturday afternoon, sagasked lo e "town to IE IbeSStgUVl cell. Bhe was poorlyclad, Md wss sppar-ntl-y not mors than 27 years oldBhe ssid that the arts the murderer' wife, and that ahabed BBBll frois bef t uie Iii Puiand. Bhe looted IBa

t through Ihe window le Kunenatem' cell dooefor a mom nl, and ttien asked tho latter, whu was eoyiffil la dlVOtleaa. floal you know uie any mors fRabt lot. 10 pi.d no attenn-u- to the worn in, hnt 00atinned praying. Again she "Tell v, aknow tnsV" Then Kuhtnatein a lowly IhO k In a head andmale no Btbef an w- r. The atrnrgu Worn tn went sway,asylng that stie w uM return yeatirday. Ai uo-i- yeeterd if be rmif again with her child, and in theof Htnnif Dsggeil the door of ihe Bell waa tnruwaBeen. Knn Bsfeia e one oei snl took aat tn thf corrfdor, while hti vullor too, a fro ot nim. bhe rspest-- the ' "Deal you know me, Rdaemstein," nnd he auawi red, " So, I never av you before1 don't know Whn yon a"-.- Sheriff burg-- ' aased thgwoman ' Are Vpu leallf Mrs. Ruhi Dab in ? Are ffoiiinirrh d o nun " Sh- - replied I Tea, I msmee fnrafi vs veara nitu, and he seel in htnae) to come tu Am rics s:nrc he hua been In prison H AgJ isitetdeotne Wofn SB worde.ai-- th n .h.-. evciaiupnsx

Th ll'e en ug fol 111 . ihla ia t:.e Ul uiuu 1 ah bHc BM te oit r a man," wu'o uasy.

A lieanrrid Merehanis ffnaeenlaThe funeral of Mr Nathan rianuan from us

Bait Fifty eig'rh street reel rday. wai itliaded by ivery hirk'e oeneoarN of r rl ud. including e n.im'n ra

of Atlaa Lodge MS ( 0. P.; of Aharhand Lodge ofma Hlaeteeath Wird lleatche Isfss Verelat of iumiibL' dffe of 1. 0 T. P i oi Adelpbi Lodge, P. sad a Mjof BadaialS Lodge. V. 0. T. S. or the Thalia Club, andai several tnembera of tha ird of Aldermen, Coeemisstonrrs ait er and Marsha ui thi Beard ..f Kieiaeaand Jeeticee Magnli and in. y. Vr ffraahaa "aator forty yean wr i known ne a who.rshi i".ngpBrrchsntla 'hi city. Me and two other! were schsrier im liihi r- of the t.r-- Old Fellow. Lodge iaConnect icot, ami wi at ..i i nu trend on ui inner ofthe Kneampment, Mr. Frauan waa au ortic r in ihstltiVern ra ool hoard of KeW llsvea and .ptsiu ufthe v.. 11 ivea City Guard, aid a the on tore as uf thsw.ir w.t niat-t- in ovnimsnd nf Fen ill hr i. rV

rutir Pii'kiiiuli tu. He waa r.a furs old. 1 tie tuiarluri.t w aa iu C) pic a hi. u Ceesawy

A Call lorffl 1.000.Dr. T. Do Witt l ulmage BOBOUOOOd to his enrv

TegailOfl yestei ay tUat he h.ul hern nrVBd WttS a

aetlee of foreclaeari of a 1Sooq ami ;axQ on tneebureh property that ta he t tv the tTatveraal Life irenrsnee omp nr. Tue Doctor eirBeiliy b lOBffatWgpeople u icribi $ tea r r tbt rs aov .1 of tus iadetnedneS. About ooeBSlf of ihe thre.t " u. nlBBlllon algUlUcd IhSIf Wlldagaesl tu aujaci.Ua lUalSlUUUUt.

An Fnrraetlc Dramnilc f'rltle.A. D Deream ess who described himself to

Ju'th e Mmfay IB (he TorkVtlll Police Ooan yeaterdayaa a apecini wsa arr.-at- on Satur UyDlaai I. the Tidrif'foorta street opera Hoase, apenurtaanc a old not auu him, and. ri: n,- the manBier 1 Ul, lie aprai.g upon the atftKe, fl inrtshee a caaeuini aiapr tne p rtormeve. JTiiat.es stdrrai held ,

1.1.U iu 11, vj 1 ke p tin.- psaee, aad flauu uiuiiio.

Beeet Bobeien! Nnvy.The United Fetes steamer Trenton rami out

of Ibe dry duck a ihe 8th mat., but waa badly leaktrathe nui day, aad apala plieed oi the seek sad reoalrien. On Sat urdaj laai ler pmpe,,er heeame e .tangledWith the Cbabu of B SaoVj and the ahaft w.e drawn ..ulseveral fret Amuh r l ax easaed. Mi- was aeitadvekedi and my luaae aaothel utiuuiut 10 fluak

neeklag n Mlaalna vv ife.An Unknown man vlshod the Pulton ferry

bouar iu ffreoklyi yaatiriayi a d ado that t assjoris- -Uoa given of the wumau wno Jumped off Ihs fofffboat Oamiltoa oa Saatarday aaawared that of hta wife,w ' o has eea nuaatng frji 1. in r houi' in nro lya am. aK idai inurLtng last lie kuvv ui uu reasuu fur befaittiuipoug BUoiOB) BOWeVef.

Trouble tn New Jeraev Mate ormal Hrhnol.Tha Lettislallva OommlttOd on uffalrs of the

Bia'e Rormal aad Mu lei aohoula, at Tronton. N. J.,haTiDg ; a report adverse tothe preacui mauigo

eat the principal, Lewis M. Johnson, hu tenderedh a reaigiiSll ti, t tae e:l Ct tu June Hi la ae-- c

' I 11. a Atiag infill ami an offenalitly aruiir.rjUiouuer ui leahug wi:h teach ire aud pupils.

Jersey CIIVB New Police Connulaalonera.T he new Hoard of Potloi Commlselonsn ot

Jersey cuy wpi ergam.- today. CotnmlesioBsr Kelsia will us efcoeaa Prestdeat, at.d slthsr Samael ML

pieseiboa r .,n. Klltaea cleri. 1

u composed ol C mm ssiouera t iuwaJ.ua, hflisuu,Utlabaui, kueu) , aua ItBeekea.

One lliirdrrer'sOpluiou of Another llurdarsr.Fucba the murderer takes but tittle stock in

Pubenotein. Ileaatd to a repuner yelcrday, " I aun'llike de ti.su. If be only wash his hands .in l cleanit en I mil- - him aoiua f nn beer, ui a au dlr.y that fBonl Bow I w sli he atop lus pr hu- He pray allnight and talk alivut C hicago auu Liu luuali all as Ulublu ua atgat'

Cora lahind'a Hallway Project.There was ?i largo (nesting of the residents of

Outer llay, In BeedS H Oil . on Satu' Jay evening, tod!cua the pr ipoied BBW narr.-w-- mo' railroad tu ruaa "Ua lb nortn Ihore, 1 urh u at sll tha viiUga truiatiiu ki u 10 lluu.lugiuu Nurtnpurt.

The PraebyleHnne lrrat Council.The Qen rai Assembly of the Presbvtetiai

Ctiurch of Aue-rlc- ia tu nice I la lit. tshnagr'a lliuugalyn Tabernacle tomorrow uad ta tu eontluos m leea ui lor iboal t irei eeeas, lieiwceu 5 a odo auiegjlia arc npteiio

nffbrlaa Through ttebeaea! Profligacy,A new BObedUle hs-- been 111 els by Admiral

I hoi an In Ihs UrookllU KV Y ru. in rui.ie. wforder from v by whicu 11m wu.i uf merli tun a Bra cut U o nr.j Ottatl day aul Ihoil ofIshrera cents.

Herring In Ureal nnth rtny.Large numbers f herring h ive appeared in

Ihe b .ti gooth it .v, and nave entered the ai reams egh 'i . iu spaw n Plus Dab in aiso a

'lIw las a au a ai the Rail Kud.

Temporanee la the ProtectoryInt'ei-- pal of the Catholic protectory yes

te: day stternu u, gUO u a niarohed up the mi l il uialein iiesaion auu at the sitae una u.e tempeitaoeip eug", a ........ t re d bi Kamer alanoaey.

The Weather tllbi e Piedi'ilno.Weal und norfhwe-- t winds, poaiiy clou Jy off H

Clvai , auu iuwer (e.upuralure.


tTnlted SI tag revenue offldars In DrooklVfjm ' le kUCtesslU. raid u- - lufei UlitU dlatlll Tim U Sategrdaj nig il last.

John Lamport SS ysars old. a h noklvn obemlat, wh ia MM US.' uy M J 101 ' MlS ul MvW I tof ate iihig f f w rtti of her fonihura that he ealatortae for her lu a bul.dtug "u Newiowo sag,ari c U'dyiSI r .a) u MitoctlVb KalUS. 1 Be g ' OSiPout bt lound.

It has boeo averred that when a womanlumneJ troni the leny boat Ifamiitua un aatardaffctne PbOt. William White, ueglerled atop iim huat.He siiiihiton reselling the llruuklya Im hi wai gritInform' d ih if a woman n i l '.imped .ul" the water aen na- ni New 1 or. 1tip au hi elanii ':svs

esuai it. rvaoue of WVeral women by rup.dly uacalugbla Uwat.

fOTTISOh A HO t I 1 own

Al tha Fifth AVSnUI Hotel, on Saturday ever.I0g, tin- en; m a for the I'MUdi IpblB race were ciomd.

An Inquiry oommlttee of German h ipilit slera.if I io u Bsl ii r lu tuurruw Iul cuaii-- dual ih

T.cv. .1 s. Kaibsas,

Ihe Ue pUli "tin Ass delation of the Two- tilthMain 1 ou BtturdS) t s uiug, ptvoaed reaulullous laud

lua Wl am A. hailing.Paihe UJodWln and K. It. Thurher will addroa

B meeting si oi .Mniinun ave ue, avvuiug,on chesp irsasll me auburus.

lb St.11.ton, tho English ridsr. and W. 0. Mo-- 1r i ... Auu man, wn mate their flfi)-unl- bicyvig

race in 'tie lluu rveulug.The Moid iy Mrmiry learna from President

ni ui thi till Kiev .ted UallruaU will Imi e Pisirucl uu lbs wtsl bTda lu uperailuu hi fura wiu.ertots iu.

.Viaih's Niopfay Tlmi nn l ATswevtOST .' Tbla.ion.-- tna fa la y la rxplud. d uf UM ' - the uslotlii r art t uv. r our yall lerri-tm ihe better h wh tn for the pe pis,"

Sunday st ir : " I uw Judge llilton this mornaIn. , lai aud ar ua a lamo m p.o nuijuu sill Wall

Ml h cumen beii' rsjly kuuwa Hist h bai I Mil liu ldull Ta, auu aen hoW they'd run tlifl off lu.M

Mr. John pull I !(' Centennial pleture. M1T7

and IK, n." mat aoeq In aueducur'a ad r. K f I bvenue near Twoulr lUlrd ureal u ul ibis eveidug, andtbureafter In the Nee York auts bu.luiui la im lis-trun-

gruuadiiffutpnig ; "It will he reuem' ered

that 11 r Pig u esi tm-- uuce before lor the ats Lm

burg'sry, ttd thai hu Jury uiaagrced. h ln alia ns km

rem- red hut wiilie m In, aa 11 prurff a liarriu.tii't w ni Hi tu diuner Uy Ii I'i a., aa act kmui.u aatoo u d tus coaetry ai tna tlms"

Nun. hn Dsmoerof ; " 'he ground on whlphtbg Lm

p.. n atuu ie c un h uf si. Btai iai - tuda cusi kmtan ias), of w ip'h aU 111. ou ths stg Uug id III'- litrscl wmM

01.iv ii.ixmi was paid. O'l ih Qrai of m ty ol t i frnmii.Uisi u.uai he paid a uu tio r in od ll hi h paid al tmto. ISJU year. v fruiu me LVll uf Mwiaihori 1H'7." Hm

Prof. Miller. Hie Ithlete. gaSS f eoiettaln- - Hin ut ib tin! Ceuin liarden ou isiuruai night. BM

liu ifl wu bonug br llalubridgi aad ruat, o' il mmi. Mi.n-- sou bwyer. Kdw urda uid l.iRarua, En

BUd Taylor aim Powra. b.vunrt iierelas ny r'rad' Lrn

crUkN auu lielurOS , i.uo awu.giiikj by l.afl.u uumu- WjMpel Idling I y PstiOSlI j liuiuuig Ol tlUI f ami PlSaB-aaasrs avB rtwuliu ut all uu aLd LUaiaxwe w