H THE SUN, TV ESI) AY. MAY 2. 1T71. It Mdtxa Tor AIL HKetl.'.Y, II AV B, : 71. tiuj.euin,.-- . Tiid.ty, l'M'W TtfUIW WliHHllal. L I'amfrr T -- ftn'lt. Opi'm tttttiae ' ' tl . Wl-- -. imMii llflli At. 1 1tetftre-'lbati- lit. II 1 Tut. nael Vtal. Kficrti tlerta I Or, .la IInij t. n i iae 'Ir.ti.r VI oai Nail, ass Brsaiaiiy. IE I ' fait I latin'a I lir.lrc-- l' V. N Me'a l.rd At a I. ..II. I' rcri,iib.l Arllatviiin'. Vlmtnla-I- M iknJ Busiest, if lMple 1 hratre II ' . H! 1 H I'eat.e'a tlparN Is. fj VI .11., I,', u. A In lr a. fj at (ed'a lu.Suul Tl. l altr. Btw. MlltSB. Tlie iiriln if i. 1.1,1 j t , - ,' t.tlc -- .1 a. ,, It la u Imrrj.a I . Di.nl ',i ti , fiKiumtiti nee m r u . r' lulieiir. ei M 1 . t4 t a 10 ihuw iLecutaaCa itua. aud ulu Icrl'i nl 'I lie Mill. I 1IIT, pf F. I lt I . , , , , ' 'I ".H ! Wtaait rt ,.v, i . t 1trt., . .till T " l.tfill atnttWIlJNit, (1(1 i I tt ...piti ts a at liait, t t t t t Ml Oil flatait.r-trlta- f I (Ml ; a tnl r tl tl t , M,Saa, 17 (III I f - ' "il S? So III A..rts.liaw, t la i aaUaftt, alflia tatat. 1 fjaatal iataH II la alia. fur tl .io i ii noiUlvn o' pero-i- rending up lov-- d. riif.i.ui.lt fr f.is SC.v wil bo ne. ivm at j cm regular ful A tue up loan ailu-f- i afUPnt oitloa, Wj.vifsi, Lin. j I rl. it lor hinct'uri ol Hlvad- - ,ai aid Hi.i. au-aJ- ire.n A. M. toil', it. The ICu-- K In x about the. Coal .Minos. It lies ben matter of firavo nnd iserioti W il.'ttt t witltiuany l!r ptibb 'ans, who have eo.i. tVcrtil tlirn irlvm t uitiul by party olllga- - i Ji.i'H to Mipjujrt tho new Force bill, whether iivr. conslittrlotal In ltf provisions', and Id wli ihei en utter: pt to execute II u i mourn) if i f tlufKu K!ux criraiiiyntiorR in fl t.. St iitti m (rht not rrsmlt l:i plniing all f! r ni mitt in Mtoh an ntternpt in a t per vt iml unpleasant J I'm lor thifo circuinsiuuooa, It toonta al- - tl iurl ferttti tt" thrit tu oviarttit.it7 ! ij"tv Ut . il(ir.l '(I it ( tlii;r the efllci.'itoy ol thn lv, .! lh will k its coniitullonlit.v, under Ctr l' ii.nin .not that will fr'c tho l'rcfiUcnt frotn r 'iv ?uipi'.loit of Mug lnllnrn.vil by any ' ' t' iii'erlitjr ilefigi.? lu tho mntli r. In the .lie i f l;iiiifylvnn!n, throng.? a hirjro ro. if. or country ('.. v:nl to a moti innio.-ta- nt . 1 i. ii hoi i.ii'.."t ,y, o niliimitWs uiiiliiu! tell- - 1.. n Hi tl.at nrv dani ."ottft to pnbl.e onljr r.:il tho pence of the eominunity. 'jn tho on' hand it In lift lucd that thg julueis uts ; ci.tiroly to Uame for lP',cln(r dm j.rumnt defh rablo Blnto nf n(!ant wi,j0 the minors IS ' nS' tt thn' nty M0 uny jnotcctln; Ihent- - v'i f ffS'i'E' tho unlawful nnd oppnaiilvo !; fonfiplmcii'A of wcnlth.v roil lend and nilntotf ; ror nrittlonn. It U illlUctill to mt'vo at tho pr. cB truth of the. tuntter, contllcllti are the ilntoi)ieiitf put forth by Interfiled jxtr- - ti.K;lulll in evldunt that lu tho coal ro- - ' k or i 1 rucli R ftitte of tiling r'.!:ii 09 t'ie Koico U!l purport to provide a remedy ' It by due prveoM nf law. ! ' llv the provlcions of thin bill tho President i l inml.' Ih mIc Judtro and dictator In caw ! 'I that appour to hint to be boyoml iho control ' cr the Statu ntttliorlllen, nnd ho U fully nu- - th'irlzod to suspend tho writ of huli.i eorput i j and to iim tho Rimy and navy of the I'ttited Statin, If h" thliiktt proiKT. in Huch mainirr I ' rsheilc-irl- e t liirtlepi..poL'of reiirewlng J ilipord-- "d 'if itp.ihhiii). wbr.tovi r he may elm p to cons d.-- n coi.Sj'.i'.uy aulutt the X pul l'c 1 e .'. Why "houU n 1 0 n. OrtANT t' , at one ' ini'imcc tho op; rlua ty etr.'i.ttvl 1 ' Um of Vindicating,' the nciv-it.- uud wlwlom of the law which in'.er fi h i'lraerdlnnry l' jumert upou hmi, and pit to hIi.'.iuc, If he t can, the no who usmirt lh.it '. K'u Ivl.ix 1 1!1 I ivna mily io4.aMl to . Ill- - 'I li m Hie ni"nill I ' 1.1 I'untroUiny the i'ou la :n ve'e U own i( li.'.ii st at the uext l'roajbl ulml elc t Uvcrworliiui: ScItU'jl Children. Rr 4 Tho new t of I'ubln' Insrtruc- - BC ti n, wlilch tuhet- - the plaon of U10 old Board , of lMumtioii, was orymiizi-- l ist .Snturdny t ' Si vernl of the Cuium.blu:icrH made tfpccohci) . nt tho opening.' lmtitli k advoiailng; nu i! it 10 reform ul tho prevail'tig,' Kyt i: 5 '( r iiiitnMjj'oiiieii! .if our d'l c Iiic Ij, an lj i thn Liinpny of It tl. n.'hly into nc If li lord. UCO Vlti. till' illtlBI d.BCOVL'rilB in tin- - t' nrt ot teaebi It i to be hi pid that the; b limy be !' w d to i,ec mpl.t-l- i their Uemren, d 'i' nnd to tu: Jt 1 v. rv impr .einent which can iS lie uinde. And while th y are entrnircd In l j their lu.--.. wo trust they will nut ovvrlool; pi j the imj rt..'it i:..itter of t'ie n mi nor of hour, lu f ultceduni e, mid the iii .t of work n Fj 1 ijo.h d i f pni lis. A pretty wiJiHpriwl . u. 'inn hns man. I'.J fcBid itwlf lately riuorg i..tellb:enj. pec ft pie tl at too tntich Is nun liy xieti d of i I Hchcol child r 11. It ! but n tuu wickn vine w! n nuiiiKr of tho parent h of tipili alleiidiii,' tj the Iaftiin in TtobtiiU united io an jj ij i u"it fur Bl'orteiiii'tf the wlinol lion, ly ' oi.iii'irg tbo ciiftnuary Snturdciy'H a stti'in f( At UtU.hville, Kentnoky, thi (jueetlou in ii n ! renee to tho it lie fwhi ' la of tho city i3 Mm. hmt wciU aid in. ltl to tho parents, and 5 it wan 1' or hied !y n voto of UflTO to 1,707 tu J nul htiti.'e for two WflnUB a day, uinount ng, 1 to nix Lours, eno ben-Io-n of flvo l.oura, and yi'i'il ti nt luti rruptod by two recossjq of flfto.nt M . 1:1 nulec encli. Mr. Jam rh Pa in ns. In a hi- ll' j t. r published In lrrt weik'a Vu'j'ie Jouivvl, ti k with bin !c vn j 1 nfjiy of what ho iiuln " llio mnssaero ol tin If. i Innooentu" by overworking their bruins. Ai(! j when, a year or two aj,'n, wo uttired our ( Waimli'tt sgaiiKt tho same 1 vil, a tlood ot Kir ttem In in ui.xii.uii Brunt thanked iw lor B'! 1. end ogirnced thv'r he. rty approval v'lt .. our Hcniiiii' t ti'. Hailw' A wrilir front whom Mr. I'.mito' Kft'J quot.s very jually iirye, ' the chief btiKlrn Hjai'S eblldlnMid 1b t" (.'r.w , anil atiy ) m o' Hr!'r , elitetloll which luterf'-le- wiilf til. 11 nupoi Bvi' taut duty 18 liCCi'BUf.llly bod one. ', ry BR-i- ! I' dv knova ttuit oxriMslvo b .d'.ly uVor Ht jiH ins tho phyidmil growth of rhlldrun tueii, nji null 11 e', W tboso employed in uiim and Hfti;) I it' r "'I'lideiceesivellaOUlBjefliiHiiinuli'M' iy n( jMirtect clov 'lopmon' jf ' 11 ls" ' ld'dby tlio Unt Iiuh'.I a) au Ky' 1 ti."iiiut' it ti le himt of imuiUil lulor for 011 KV.'jt oidinnry udult m live hour a day and thu' Bjiji'. all beyoiul tl in ih at lb" t jpenn' ol tl. Fj'' aril Ktronpth. Ib'W i.tn.-- mor- - injuriou", Bxl'L'l tl.ell, lluUrt 't U' to i xm t Of 11 child 111. I lie. KWJji I 'it x, itven.aiid light hour f lmrd tud; It a iiiltBk", too, to mtpiKiw that any JRi'K!) thing.' in ii ally uiri.d In hu..Unllig a chilli'- - Lv i I'd ueut on by nt iiitihiiingj it to undu-- ; exer wri ,,l,n' 1',1M r" '"" l" di iuonHriitcd that 1. B).'ti' fuw IltulT" "' i,,u'.v driy,iipphiinoiitl witl Bdriii' I,r"l"r rllVB,''l eMtr-.ic- . r,m,it ) more- - KrJ I Ibopiirh uud pit nei.t t nt .hlingr of tin famlti than mar y lu u'm of cbw npplica fV 1,011 n,"n A f'"lJ ""ll wjyrntvd flfU fir not hdiiy pun1' J nnfj-- i funt. IliBid.if, whet Is the use to 1, i.ri oruoniHiiof a tuitid crammed with learning' nnd verm il In t'icnee nnd vr taj'hy d, if bodily lunllh bo wauling;? A Ln.l iligteKtlon oml ahead never In efn m 1 uin wi.l parnlyye the tu itrlit-i- t Intellect, mid r tider nituvi.i1i.hlr all the di ar I" tylit iuiuh ' 11, dm ol yniN. A com pnr.tllve)y 1 r i I 1 c I . lion, bfirked by n mroiiir and vigoroiw phyici.l coimtitntitti, trill utcornpliili far mor'iii the battle ef liic thai the gjrwitPBt ncqulMnentB coupled Willi li bh'iie( nnd '1'hu nt lo in- - n m,d the Inlluenilnl wonnn of tho day nro not thosowhohavoliBil Iho moot nchoollnp, but thoo wl 08O b(.dily utrengjtli enHhlcn I' 1:1 to enduni tho ini.tt mnntnl ub wvl (ti phys.cnl fatljitic. Wo nro ylnd to bo aMo to ocknottledao tint our imblle vch ioU Imvo 'ui gi.-utl- lmprocd df'rtni: tho pait few yn-i.- In of this matter. T'a houri of laher for tho chlhtrcti, I oth in and '.' lmvo been tiiRteriully ih.ortened In m thoiH! formerly oxactnl. I,et our w Com inlfioner? tnko up the work nil carry il on, until tlio rUingj generation ilmll lie cm-plotd- exempt from tho cnrno which linn hitherto afflicted their prcdeces'oM. Jnmoj l'ug;nrty uud William t'oMer. On 1'ob. SO ft dem-ornt- e ait atpt wna mado tointi'der John 3iKrn.'f In thn Knic'ier iKKker Cot!ftg:o on ''it',i nvenno. 'ITio would bo aAsassiuii oru Jmi.; Fuuarty Mid " Wax," both I'utorioim decjieradocfl of tho Twenty Vrl. Juan rit:i.u.N vm ftrjiding? nt tho to tho billiard room. Ono Lvv Hteidthlly caitiotl.oliind him and ."tnick hnu a iwerful bh.w with his flat. FTicrwVB brother Fpran'r to him t'xistvto''. " 'Vax" I'ntfk tLo brother In the head ith n heaw tumllor, fraoturingj It's ekull. K'jotnv tlion Jotix Un.rox around tho neck, plrtccd a jiitol to his ".r, aud '?VA t'o trh'gc-- , but tho cap did not lkitoro'i-,- ; V:A -- ' 11 b ct'.iil time, Ptkton brol; from Kihiaiu'v fuJ ran for M Hie. 1'oiauty ilriil at l.lie. but w'.secd him. ltUallegd that Kci.m iy nnd ' Wax" were blind by l.YOKM to h -A him in wicakifR n'vwigo upon Stiitbon Iji p.'.me fancied iurult. On tho follow ingj day a wntraut was i Kt nal fur tho errost tit tho three men. It was placed In tho hands of bi'rscant tt of tho JiIIItwhi Markot l'ollco Court, 'lliat won the last of It. Tnc fominlrels upon the ctrect every day, hut wero not urrvVed. ruttxttrY gjrow bold, and last wetl: mm arrrt-.c- by Cnp. Kti i.ali.a tor lightint! In the trot t. luiowinx thnt ;i wu'rant bud lwn iwued by Jum tico Sn mh ky for the arn ut t'od 11TY on a clinrye of a'tcinptid a'K.Jliiation, tho Cap- tain sent " ord to Serjeant Mot)!liK. On tlio Hnino afternoon tho dnpn'a. was air.iignod nt tho VorkvllJo I'ollco Court. Al .erman Pl.fNKETT waanetlng? lu the place of Jutilco Coi'iii:tt. Ollicer CltoWK uppoarod befuro Pi i" Ki.vr with the warrnnt. The Alder-nn.- refused to (rivo up tho prlo:ier, and fKutoticcd him 10 ton dais' imprisonment in lihickwell'a Island, h'ergreant Mi Cosir.!-- . witit thuaO with the warrant, but tho keeper -- aid that he could not gummier tho prisoner without it i!ieliur,(i) Iroai ttio corumittlii mapntrato. The Sergeant thon nppli.tl to I'Lt .iliKTT.wlio Btdd tl.ut h h.id already 1 TcjoaiiiY ul ill.' kslic.tUilon of i. VNUl.il rKEVlt. 'i'liere is giod uioi ut :'or bel evlmr that l'l.v.NHi.n 'h dsobargr' i.ee. inpnidiHl the eonnn tmentol the prlnoner Is it not tho duty of the Pistrlct Attorney o have Alderman I'i.cnkktt ind;cted fur . blinff nnd abetting the crcaiiu of thla The true tvrrct of Fohaiity'i immunity from tiuiiNi.nvi.t is tho fact that he lu a Twenty-pocon- d Ward politician. It may bo w.ll to leniin 1 tho reader that this atno Ahl.'nnan Pl.t nkktt reltiBid to com-mi- l the muiden r 1'osti.iv to the Ti ml s on tie' opb r of Coroner Yov.so until after Ike donih uf Mr. 1'it:. vt. The c:.me lullitcnecg vvh'eh lekused willfciivo FoJiTtai from tho paKovrs Men of New York, lock to your JiulgjeB I Will Morton .Succeed f If Mr MoltTON 13 really usinz the Ad-in- . 1. 1st -- ition to Becurc his own nomination t.r th under tho huihj of attp-- , ..rtlntr Oeu On vn r, ho will ho pretty bkely to up.'-- , it to some ert'.tt. Nobody hrtfl ven-tur.- to doubt thut tlio dirt.liuliihed hut;-a.- i r tr. m Indiana postHiUiiia isctn unlit ary ! Uei ual tiowcm; itit th 1 oj.'il ir liu;i ftM.ijt.icd Lim to the 01 'n., 1 .t n jI. I". This is a perfect mist. k". II. a i.nklis are w. i,l;, and ho walks with two eanes; lilt his brain Is sound, his mrvous ysUia t gooJ, his g,' iiurnl health Is uniui-paired- , ami Ida ability to work is a" great as LVur, If not ffrvatvi'i AlwivytT a man of romaikaldo mental viajor, Mr. M'jiitun is u sroMnig; 8tutenian. lie ctastors n new suljcc t with rendlnN' and dooa not hcttltnto to ehnngto bis views when he sees reason for It. Haioc he entered the Set, ute h" hag liupreseiul Ids lilt as upon iho Hepuhliuin pnrty, nnd mora than ulntiwl any of Iiln pecra ban guided its couiiaeld. Itoth on th ' platform and lu Congretvi hit) spochoii have been lunrlttd by kuou acumen .mil rot ii' t strength. In n warm dobste In the Souato ho In nhvayg rolled upon to bear the brunt nf tho ounteat, whether it be to uped the direct anAiuliB of IXinccruts like and Hi.Aitt, or to rry tho We I rus:s of d ""iitb,(j ll"publinmH 1 ke Ht and Tni'MHi 1.. If Mr. Mo it ton has vt Ins heart upon ob-'- l ining the KepublV-ni- i nomination in 18.2, ho will prove tu bo n very hard man to beat by i peu oppoall oil or to foil by secret n itiio uvreii Po stid d bu hirellict as Uen. Uiiant ioer itwii, and wi btnp d a pijii cit.n as he hat! tun oil out to Us, uuhl ut eiaud lu his way for u ii'onient : and, n bolwoen them, tho only iiuntlon i, has Mi'inu.v re- Ivitl to tiae him for tho next twelve months, and then defeat him In the Conven- tion by utM'.l.ig tho Ailminibtratluu Uelo-trn- f away from Iilm at tho hitt uintneritt This is a idirewd grume, though rutin r u dan gciuus onu to phty j but 110 leader of the lb pul lli'ujt purty can play it with more shill tl.un Mohton, r htatiil a Istter chunco fur wiiitdiigr in tho end. Mr. Morrni. has a strongr hold upon Qon. (iit.viiT. No nuiu has fought hia battles w th nioru couragjo and persistency lie car-riei- l tho hiboringr. oar In tho Ban Domingzo controviry, nnd it was his unwnverinp pttiek nml pers htoney that drovo Mr. Hi'M-Ri;- from tho Cllfllrm.tushlp of the Cotnniit. trc of ForoiKit irtdstlmi. In tills he urnti-fie- d Oii.m'M ol K.lnney, tvhiio In hii m;;e-1- o:is rpL'ivh nt th N ii.ount Hoiel In favor of his ronTnlnatien ho inlnlrt ril to his vii' ity, rid ni d" b'.m n ally bi 1 ve t lastt ho not only wrs the only man that cnld v.ctory to the liepnMii an lnriy, bnl thrt 1' k I 'nomination vtns 11 doitht. All th'a has f.o'teti.d ClIVNT to .Mm;l 1:,' wltb lioelis of r'.t 1, nu.l he relies llpeu him to carry him thnnigh tho Hex. l'ri sidoi.t'nl contest both In the nominating (uvtnt:nn rudhitho folluwiuff uiiupan. Ihw etny .t w.ll thinlio sj Moiitun nppafeiitly fan-cie- a when tin? tide ai-t- s lu ngittnst On vxt. for Motno;,' to convince him that his 1 bailees nn hopi'lt', nnd thnrefi'ro ho ought to trntin-f-- r his etrongth to a provid friend, and thus bstotv the niiinin.ition npin ono who wiil bo grateful for hie n!d In n trying hour. At all even's, wo do not think tho IlopuV can pnrty would loso anythin" In prestige and iHjwi-- by oxchang;'lng t for Mott-lti:- , hut, on the contrary, they vtouhl be giiimrs by plm mg( 111 tiie field so shr. wd it politleian, so Isild a statesman, so vlgoroti!" n thinker, nnd so fert lu nn executive olBcer as the Senator troiu ludlann. Sm ef tho Siutern pupers nro antici- pating gtre.it rr.tii'U from the man ifjeluro ef f.iccluriue syrutifnmi tw rt p 'ti.,ci uf the yum viii loly. It is mti.l th it 11 b uliel of tint sn 'et will yield orer tw i ir illoim uf syrup, sad that the re' Innni nflcr tho Jnles Is i llri'K .1 U a rnhialile otil)le f t 1 .slier tnatl fir bfvt. T!w .u sre "4t true: of li.irui "p.iii' wn.vls" land' In Arkt rus, Goorin, sad oilier Slut, a, ttliieli hai) been cmridonvt alnw.t itunhlci', tipvn which tli sweet yit.il e in be gr u in great suti.ul.incr j ami If tho new Dianiilnetitre slionhl pMtsxuiwvs'fiil, llieti) I Ithertnnjpradiia-ti- e rajoiij may bee ine villi ,ble. Uiil the that a n un w.1'1 oat mnlo can cullirnic fifteen ucr.t in pebituei ond rjUe two hun.'r. 'l bushel" pi a.T., yii'Um sit Ui 'in .ii I pailon. if ysy fiii J.y com s irsllou, sgfjt some, t hat extrar.igi.nt, to iy tbg le.ttjt. Tho Oerii.uns r si.', ul in Chuileston, S. C, nr. InkliiK t' p t pu,v!iac 1 l:ini-- ' fnn in tlio Mi')iitl'ef th.it el'y fur the pnrgKWv of temporali- ty tec.itin; i.'imigr.in( ih they arrive th-r- e. so tlwt they catu h irn ivinetti.ng four langnvsre, of the cSlets ol the climate, ai.d ef the nature 'f the ItlUgte in tiec in the SbUtli. I'll quid and IndiittrioiH charicter ef the (Itrroniu hi r llmt ct i of en' dajmits jiopul.ir tlirouali-ou- t the Snii'li' rn Strtr-v- , and the (lennan pumls-tio- of the cities everywhere appear to nianif'at .1 coinmemhtble intercut in udvincinir tlio wcl-fr- of tbelruewly arrived fclloiv eounlryincn. Prlnco HisilAtu K appears to lo a reformer in n nrv way thi n one. lie has promulgated a new set cf regnUtiuiA fur the government of ticrninn diplobLiiiils in foreign luumtivi They ntc beneclurtli to be ncrely uieucnit rs tur the delivery of itoautoliuA. Ttiey nill reeeiru uud lonvunl coi.iiiiuiiicati iiii to their owrn llororn-ne.n- t, slid will rrcoite and d. liver cotnniumrs-Iioi- from lieroinny to the (loK'mmculi near Inch they are sceredited : hut uVy are to o. pres n opininni upon any of the mutters which !M through their bands. .Vext to cettiug' rid ef Ulplouutlitt altu)ell.cr. this Is the bet rcfurin that could be uttc.nptcd. In this s:e of ultnost inUiitnciui cn..unui icatbm there Is no need of luamtamia j 4 diploimlia corpi, Willi lailroailt, iloarualilgM, und tlm oleetno trlivrnili, j;arcrn-nient- e may ju.t s tr!l deal directly with eaeli other upon all ordinary buiinos ; .ind ivtmn tbr h any matter ef imp'ir'anci-- , like the ipicstinns nnsr I ctidlri: b.iM '''u Iho I'ni'.J ml KuiU'i''. culuu.iitaioiu co. lid be te.il nut to attcid toil. itiHV ai x w m wim man. It- ti.ut atiuc.. m fffecliti' bl iv at the bnmbiig f ilibuiai.y, uud Ul Hi liu;io tbtbc wul bit 'em ncain. After nil thero Is proijritai In Kentucky. At the Circuit Court if Oarrurd county lott week negroes were repeatedly called and beard as wuie(v, wilhuut tbe.abgbteat oppoaitljn belug made br ih 0p in cou.iml, or by Judge l'ox, who pnaided. 't e J.idju U a Democrat; but ho regicls th 1 .ilccntb Aineudinriit. There la u chanee tti-i- eien m Ke.iliicley common neutc uiar yet 1 rev ill. Tho Detro t Pout draws a vory erroneous eonclution frutn tome very portlneal foeU tbo rvtoliition in Cuba. It snys that moo tbc Cuban rvbolliun began t'pa'a has been tmce lerolulionlie I ; rauce lias been ilegrudeu from the Lead of Europe to the fuel ; Ueruuiny has become an empire and tnlcou her placj as the rccgniid iml power uf buiujio; itiimn )ui h: i Weti tie Crimean treaty and takn pu'.ie-fii- of tbo lilacl; Sea; Ituly I.M seized Itoiua and made that cllv h r capital; and the Pope hiu been declared inf.iliiMo by the Qu'iieni u Cikiii-cil- . and aliippcd ot in temporal puw-- r iij u) ; and llien argue thai us in all ibis tuue tlio aivil imr has not been supprutMi'l, it cauuot b) of ir.u.'li c A th ' bet lis faithful i j ugier, it u.ir-h-t be exgected 'hat il wcild alv ic.ite fie . iu- - ul' tee e.ini-.!- i lave-ii- :i .er iiguin ?li Cu .tu pilnet , t.it in tlun e..e tt Ita, hi t ol.- - pi i.t.-- .111 ctTM't,o lllbHlraiion fcl tli li d uud 1.. I m .'iico dii'iij d by the and unaided C.ib us in ILoir nuble tlrugglu for their own hlnily and the freedom f I lie uuhnppv black hUo ale bvid la .Uven by by Spanish laws. We find in tho CouTri r Y Hats Init an otfleiul uih. i ul aiming that tbo ufhieuf the 1'iench Cuuaul tienrrul li.J b. eu nwoil l No. i Uottl.ni! (Jrnu. Ibis Il.it.co i. ig(..i,l b Mr. I!tii..iiaOB ns lluuuaa. It guuves that tho. persons who recently asacrted that Mr. V.c.o;i I'tat'i! was still Cousul-Uencr- sf France in lie city wcio roUiuken. .Vc 'onllng to a ruMrt in tho Tri'i n Judge llLitcuroiin, of the United rlatei Dialriet Court, cjuipuiiiied ou flulur'lay that " iuuu l are K"tiiiii( tun much In the lutit 1 f sho"U ujr I'tuibian arrows st the Court by going otf at critic! rvuucuu." Tl.lt fiirurc of speech, from tho cl.1suo.1l pue!", form a very inn 'd moutphor to bo used by no eartiful a luw. r us Juiiv litAtcur uiD, A 1'urthi u. arrow is o u' khut by a letni.tin enemy, uhu turns round fi the purpose uud annoy or oven lulu the purm ! fauc:.ig IniuMlf victoriou". It is iuiposib!o to too 'iuj .111 .lugry bduei.i li.ia eiwe uud that tu wbieh Jud,ro I'LAieiuoKu upplies It, lleniihn, when he my a that counul ull ho only adds tu the cuiifusiun. An arrow gers off when it i shut from the butr,'or a gtln vhcu tho jiowiI t is cmiverted into gaa and vxidud d; hut hour 'h eounocl both go otT Ih 'iiUDlve und let utf pat tlii.ui urrou s at the weue inoinonl it is imuot.ibiu to eoiiiprcheiid. Claadc.d ultusioiii are veiy nic und le. uud tliiii', but Hi y re.piie tu boom. pl(yod with extiuuidiury clearneas aud di eie. The CuiHunati ChfuimU has absorbed tie 7li ul that eu.r. or ulsu His 'Amu Los ubaottwu tlm VhiimuU. W.'ic.i is it l'..,lu sliu ttmi itoxin trr.ir imon.i. The lliininrt I'oot unit Its .Itl.rnrtNinea.. Tho font of wonmn or fn.m, when In its nor- mal condPlon nnd d, relived Willi symmelrj snd lrenlh, l ono ot tho m.wt lie.inllfut oljsen In tiui'.ro Commfst ulefi it" hind, is tmn"', mm f'e. nn I innvcmenls nr" ro !" wonder, ' ; Is tune. lu arn equ ill loigi ri i ; nu l ilc ci ioj '.mil rtrcinSo ot lliw feot uiiy en n ' In ul it" m"t e hirmtnT nnd rerlrf 1 li in I. fir'i 'ec' nn lit lo te ro'nium; fieall'iv ' il Ir are hum whli nrr'cd initi;s ami fir .j'i'. 1.1 i t tie C.i : iIum all lure perleet d-- t, Willi nrele-- 4 l in irl'cd aad t. nr. fin I le pocillnx l oi.y for-nr- l In the Hue of tlio font i"! li. A il ye, in onr dvy mott iionple I1.1v ttietr feet delhrmd, snd p'rjhlil, tnnJ'Hir, n.tlnnil feet arc the eioptton with a.lsll". flits trtV i i' e rwnlt of Sv, rvO nearaiit ImiiU A A VVt and sos of us- - SlrTftV flQ(VYYN rutursl and nu. u V. ' Jllv proicr sliSi-e- . K J in I j J lli Ce'ertntiit l nL J l II are vsnoni) !i m fl IV ( tlio Most tf. K V jf I Xjt4 q wilt, unit t.jr- - S f I J haps the mini B f liiir"nltiif,io S, l I trustrated In Itie 1 to tut wlurh. 1 fl I are stv.'S optM). i e tte one 1 l') tin Vint! thedl. I V - turled fu -- 1 ' t, and i the oilier tlio dlitorteit huu " in' the imo fbi.t : No'v onrrtrial t'iee e,ri'ilur. s of hamttt Olet Willi uclt 11 font u vie i'I mulit bara 1 ths bad tr .U'il Hi pr rly n mem a foot xrv drvc opt d in the nstnral mannT, -- jT)a i I wl '' ,N lH" '"' n'an M ') 1'n.lr prn ir frm, and acting a rXf"'.! I "tr.' tel. n 1' . Here 1. lr. nro r-- J ( reoiiei u'lngj th," sol" uf n;'i a La 'olo we ire t".i:.iug of. rJ Now, how i It t'ial eai.li d rl J I fertnitM lis mod pjeplu snlf. r I ir ro sre prodde-- l The reity 3 I sii'Xcr l Hal liicy are llioni.r'i I I el civilisitioiit sn U s ccrta 1 I ' I extent Ii.Ij mmvr eerr"e I ('ill lira have fut, l' il.e Joints all riiit, the tu-- v . .'ru.-- l ', ti'l Iho mnaeli eapi'lii be r.cilas In t'ie nor- - at miuner 1 let 1, fer iiu'meo, h I'io en' of a V yeMI l' f .nt io !ne these Vsi an! n'' 'n ilneanilher fact n' ineei In' "eat. fill, la, lleit tiie Wl'lel psi t of tlm f nt m al tl'o hint of he frfV tos o t'.at any shoe Mei r imt sured to Injnro tie I 1 fiwi mtit tn wi'lei In that psrt. 1 hoeli a shoe won!J rlttow a free I sad healihy (rowll. so thst whn j lie rirron bid attained fall trs I the share ot the, Teal would be the I 'J 1trtO at ht childhood. And ytt luth Is tho ictverilon produced ty onr civilised bouii and (tinea I that nwnufjcinrer lu loin city. I 1 who bos lieen irstd In mslrliii Ul h boots aul boe for cuitounri fir twrnly )er, soy thtt In wakta wjlcs) !nt1ntof tbouanndiof foet he l.a always found tli bit tue mire or ont of Its pre per line, and lu Joint ours or les enlarged an t il. 'iirai. e l. Hit this 1 onlr the mi'l fr:iueot m 1 a'.nio'.e delorralty. Anr ciptrltiicj 1 eiwautcr will te.iir t ial far worar one .r braubl uiidar uu attentlun ereryday. I'rouae I teil, feet I lei', tread toward, tuoro that trrn.1 out) on tue o llwar l eJ.".-- , (rlpp'vd lett. feel so dHP-up- ii lulu) I Ih.t too Hart w 01 oil huald be an Inc'a ir. iller fiui inr li :e r Is oftiui half an Incn larger, leet wlfi l.irje .in'.'.r. nl feet Willi loae heel', feel tail luru Inward, ontsanl, and backward, feel with great toes tint lie erow wise ot the smaller one, with u nall loos that croiv over each other, with saklss cru .vn In or i;ro in t one slde.wl'h bard corn in I s ift corn, an JjjjII and ciillblaltw, feet wit AeaW aiklei ttiot have I'stt their uprlcblaeea oil bsve to t pron tej fur in conseqornre Ol tho uTrerinin u' nature th it rall from the prevailing systsm of sliuiaaking. fi g Wkal It tho radieal error la the 1 1 abapo of otir boot, unit ahoe t e rl Und cxyumsd In sn Interesting j itute vat one rnilUsJ Hint ami I'jrt I lA" '"'' rBl" b h" "' lht P'Glnro ut i:, sole . su I 1 orit(oary boe winch aimda ono i'e ' '"" ' ba.riuwe.1 from lb 1 a j' A "hue of thla thape naeraeardy dta- - lorta the foul. 1 t'ie first place. It cru : the treat to out of ,ta nats-- I ml pa.itiun. Aawehareeesn In tl.o I ( tt ird cut civeu above, a alrilgui ha dravn nailer I He centrs of ibe ereat toe aut the hall of the foot abaald rats oat at trio raid-- I die of tbo heel j but In lata cut the f I '" ' c paMa nn lor the cenlro uf I the creit toe, bile the Ih tl e InJl-- aataa Uie idaoe hiro nature detigut that tne Mr.-- it toe uliould be. It baa Dea-- i forced unt ot lit proper uud vnthed la upon tlio ull'ir toe', olles al tha expense uf unt incln: the lueii 11. il deprlviux tie foot uf the elaHlilty and meln.it, e in walklnit; while la leas locky cvet It Ih .,i',.ndeJ by still more palaful Shoes mide wttti umtot trjes contribate xrealty to laereuse l .11 dlapUcemeut uf tiie sreat to a. tjtioes mat are too short are alao exeeedliidy Injurlsut ; bnt luxh-l.wl- 1 sboea are apt to he the worn! of ail. They cauio ibe foot to pltcli forward ua the toss, puslilna it annietiovee a size furtaer lalo the snj tli in Ittiouul go If it was only n.oileiatel l,t;lt, iMwilio.' Ibe tees moro violently Uucluur and the fout, sud st I lie eanio lliee iiijurtni the umaclus of tho it. B iooa itwl are too suii'l are slao exreeulosly periiieium. The elisot of craaip-In- r the f ul la to rnvke the Jolnn tirojset, aa I to rui the fool wlunr aud uro pruporanned, 00'. in n.i'tui'Mi tli. I. rtare aeeorueauytti tu. pruco-- . Niine y. .r ai. Mr- - II .rjoo llrasle, alulyut rrcai on onr.i'ty aid lid, p."i leii'-- e ut J'l ., ei iljv, 1'eJ to save Iter cullr.in, w:,u we.'otti"i vun ijt, fieru tlio dulnrniliiua aud Kjif rmzt iv Ho .re endured by mott person who weir civilised txioU sod lliom. 8tis determined lo Uaro .nuje fur 'hum t'uwa tbit won; I tuit tlij nvturiliorn uf the foul; and notwllUi.nl lull tho np Minion nr lliu aliueaial.ert aud lUoir Haul of lutellntunco, elie aueeiedad to 1 eerl.iln Oiteut iu aeooiuplisliins her linn. Sue Ind Hie ael.'t nn la tl io. broid at the io, and leiure.t a mo (real tue, :ivu: a dixonal turm tu that gain uf toe anno. In one respoet her ileioxn hos reallS'd : the feet of her elilUren woro iroti'i'lul .igalnnl deloriuitiea and p tin. Hut for wan I uf acniR) and houi-- t nood w.ll tu tna nhoeiu ie;r, Ilia ahoja proved rlumay ami lueoorenteat In H i ; an idler maey attomot "he was o)li:toi1 m ri ifu her puipoae and conio back to tin urdtn uv kind of shoes, iabe a an tire' y nxht In lsiueiuie ; but the roulini. of the iu maKer aud tlio ditaMiiuiu uf faa ilua were tou niu h tor icr. A eui'illsiC to car anllior. t'ie prublon fur shoe, tnuki r to suit 0 I to treats a a'ioe wuleh w ill t e liio trti'duiB and eSS uf tho snllqiie aaudul ruoe bt ied ub uestness sad elejinco uf y HI, w Men will protect front dirt cold. ami 'laiovmo't, .lu.l exhibit propriety I nml iirau y l.iro'iihou'. To abater J ilie.p nii'iirf uiei.t' tee suoe aiuaMI J l..v u i.i" ol tuefjru re pr.'sU''. I. the 1.1 . i.itr eu'. I f'ieli a t ino . this wnul I tie ena-- vmieal and ol ami, b in; 1. r.'o:".v tided to the until rai aaaii.' o lie foot, kiviih ample ruouj far l.u. pi a f of all its lues nnd mn.elwi tiiie'i V eboes as UiimMYim' I i'.ur.ii '.ns :u ul adult i"'i uu, uud ituuid triln u:- I I iklrei ' leet iu tee way tttoy sbmi. ( 1 u. It it true that liuapalierii wu.il nut aree web tiie prenui i.ouultr time but as It enreeaponds h '.in- - trli lurui 01 the tool, il i acolluuee, we are te'il. 11111 t III 'I uo time be aelanowte inod, and even fhios iui ceuule will iiiiiie lu eui 11a u'eraneu. f there la iliy leoson at sit tu a itu.i j is boaaHfu', fi.it rea ton tuua.ala lu ill Hi sun ,111 pnijnat ; ami i tiuiu is liny -- liai'e mure til unit vrupir III in fur .1 "ule l.ial i. to ne Irud U"un hy 1111 in ile-l- i i'm,i.,( met, 1, t aeeu 011 uiweut il aud rn.i .1 .1 I. UM f - IS I! I il I I ave I Ul. lie i j ,111 'a Uu id, lu hn.llt I'll' tliul a.ajy acol u n v be mure than nn Inc , nnd of n man's boot nn li.eh. nnd a qia-- t' r. Dan. 1.12 l anixcellent exer-tlt- o to (renitt.en the foil nnd br m ot Ita tfuo ptoportlos. Thn Indie of Snilnt' "f the flnet feet srnonx all wonen of t ie rorl I jm it tt.is Is ilno to tho ofnsFil trov dour of t'lctr iHotltl iri'dt ul d'ae'nj. re'uin who ci ni'vir; th" irliht of His i o !v on the tips of tlio treat tnjs, tll'ier natnf-a'a- n b" ' ni l .ill n. eiuat pe- - lie' only 'r n ttiv im li tlio luro t tic iv ' u: a 'ru : .1 and n s'.ron? font timti'Tioa'. T1 li Ind'eit mi nort mt ise e.s ef traitin te't ihit 11 nn uitBrilly flttt"ii('(l. II Hint (ml on slit itis rl;M - on-- s riielion, thcei fl'Tor s ould ji lo pre tin his lee. in wall. In, and shout I ii Ij1 sit thurj inov i.e .it. of iimnsttl-- wbie.i to to aireKtl en tl.o fei t. Wh.il 'vrr sc Ion, In short, wi'l exei-ei- the rmifcJe of Hie lower part uf tiie foot shuulJ bo favored. Tne I lea that smill feet nr? neresssrlly bo.titlf"! is nbor I. Tho footahoul I he of a six prnfnrilnii I to tl c t?.e uf tlm whole bi t t. T" list!! of if . hit noon i'io side of tin foo! em only be corren'O.t by wetrhn Iiom mvle niton titt twe-vr- r I for tho rnrioe. There are misr people vio torn fieif t"e In while wilkln, oecin'O thej htte neyi'rtflei to walk otherwise. Thh sequlre I Iis'ilt mnr clly be by s Utile eiro and BefOfei'.mee All i!ntl rsqnlsl'elt lo .teeeiep tho lrnilli of tho tnitsi'lM bcslllii: thetn litoexi'rte Hi resnhMy t'Jtnlni the feet mtwifd. M "ir as mxalM', ttul ' a few mtniiliV wain crcry .liy, a sre it etc tl may hi tCf"Hp'r!he 1. There are rimy point tn this exsM'ent blt'e voinme nhtcti wo commtnd to the attentlot of our readers, 'the tnijeetlt one InllroaUly conmciud with the trippine. of lite an I with thobssiitror 11 J llsursj sad In this book It Is trealcl by ons win Has idem of hit ow.1 as tet s 11 Ihoru ii 1 l.nosledce ot all that other poplo liiro written respecting: It. .t.icsf.Hr.vr.v. Coniinrneeiiient of the liullnn tlprn Messoii. Mguor Albltcs has be.m his season ''. Rvitlei.tly ths lout ahetnen uf tliK rharuihu 'urni leu led art b s (iue-in"- d Ice u.1' rent In It, for the Ac demy of Mu'lc Was complete. y fi le I luat sven-In- ;. Ouub!'e-- 9 one clemeit of itlracilou Was t ie in w lenor, "iitror C.inei'i I Vlllafil. 1 In neon wa P. iilsctti'a Pol, ut 1." Ita run-1- I o (Incut nnd pie isant, and Its dramatic qu.i'ltlen foe.1, Hint It a very urlnj ep ra, Mi KeMoje waa the p'lm-- i Uoona, and tana: the innate wl'h her utti il reflno-i.-o- t. de'ltacy, preetalnri, and cie. As for the he I sn n (doubted si q'ilin. Its lulfl.s In ul rcfpectt llio leputelen tint ha rrecedrd t In. Ill vol . cli sr. vi'irnt, nd tne, his stylo hrnml and ne-- l. ree'hod exeid ent, 111 1 hi qntlli'es at an act' r aO'ereu-- . In Wfann ant In thu r'.arir' r nf hi. tn Ins ho 1 n.nro !,e Lrfr'tc it un an u'ler trie r tint to etn reenlt. lilt tub'" hit not quite the rteen inee of that ot Leli-ane- , nor tbo ureiiine force in tue ugucr hole'' ; hot he a .( Iter arleo, and one aponeatly quite eqnil to .ill ti.n deinunU ul irsiul erers. Ill only iiullre'bte fmilt find in Met by many It tt rtremed a K'aco miher tutu a defet)Haaa cenato tack ut ftrmnse to In louet. Mvnv alnora sacrifice a pore Intie for tr.e g urpeeo of ee'tln that roifi,ieue efl'ret nf voice that eoaie Irom a vinr I'lni one, ami Into ttit error of niatbml, u we ncird il, Muor Vlhant teeio lo hive leen .Nrierihei, f. be - n ailoural'Ie tlngrer. nd one who will tie listened tu wttu tne yro.tetl pleas- ure On Vcdnediy evening Venl's " Trivista " i. ill be gpten. nml 'lll ani t.ie tenor, Hlsnnr lir te.lt, will make hi lire I apr-nr- ie Mis' Kelme' unit Slumr Orlli dlul, tne a btrltune, alto ilis'iir. Minor Albttr hi s food of srtlst. and evld.'iillj Intend to do eventMn; In bin wwir to aire 0 i well, snd be wt'l, we sincerely treat, s the jtr.erotit inppnrt '"' the public " American. In Purl." nt Wnllucla. Mr. Ilur.berl's livoly oomedietta la a pleasant m!n;hna ul f Ths l'ollle uf a Niht" ai.d " L" Miirqnlaeii do la i'"urc.1lte." It treats of a we I Horn ihonu jealoaty. ojatra bill), and tiuperi Jim, not to mention tnai gently .roue tendency on the part of veomlnzly sober Lusbind, which wo bars been wont charitably to dlactiare from cur on ahouldera on the of our sliifu. 1'rtnch neighbor rtiouah the piece It nut unfamiliar lo our New Yoi midn nctvi. It may lo appropriate lo slate brletly Hut ilr. Horrii. an auiub.e but ml sacelic li.arnp.l man, we.l alvjncej In ine thirties, aud rsetdont la Parla. betakes himself to the upera hill, whllher ho It lohoaed by hiajeatoua wi'e, b) an nl and lami.iar frltnd, Jir. JJoth-t- fur the purpose of wale, mu: his iiiuvuii eats. Jfi. Uf. lUniuri. who wot urultully eu:ued In cairy.uzout tbo little plut of uer injured frieud. urrivsa suou alter, an 1 wual wtib tbeaa partus aud t'.a malieioua inturftr-cne- o of oueurteo llgjht bearle.1 danutet ai.d uie jmlua hutbtiod, ver srrl.in roniialestlon ensue, sli.en ar,. ei. lea b Mrt. i.i?ci'.sine liuise.i lu l,er haelisnJ. On nt r.u..lsiac to no nume aud be ii.uai.tr nu mure, tiie t loco 'laup.iy clusu. Mi. r ut the err.nj .V rrU waa uilu.libty eaay en.i ji'iial .uU'.tly llr I In hi pace diiioea a la ni. raptntanett I'ue Jir lMturmi ilr tj.liirr', wild lis a ami jre au. i oa'uto, Ha. in I., Ual .uie, acd wa , ei coaiae. as i.eir na tare t afiuw can te, M.. Hirr a-- )ln ilorrit, and ills demon tuMri. i.'ebwru wore sainted, n.l-i.r-- and ai.eni.li ir aa.is'HAiun. ab.l lbs pieco w im t'rei'.ed Willi a nil uf lUattiter arill 00 easily dud 'leluud, aud tiie prnicruiaiiie very reasonably titled that "oihei nuvelties are .'or tue prencut postpooed." "A New Wnyiu I'm Old Debit." Tl ii d old cowed it a boldly drawn story of coarse Umes, and scenes, and peu pie. Of Hue shading, delicate humor, nml subtle caarscti nsallJu there la little trace, liven the 1 h. racier ol Sir 0:U Qwruic hlmaalf la sketched !n arm, harsh ooiliues and Mreu: eolur. What flueness imy le given It, huweier, by siaolarl', uud carol ol asilag, Mr. Davjuport gslris tt. Iu hl haids the Lard, gtraapiiu, arruga-it- , rereugo-fu- l trulu of the unprincipled an.) fl.aty hearted schemer are rxcelleaily icioniuiteJ. In lbs famuut scene with hit dia.'httr, ur.in; Uer to lu.r tbame tor hi own evtOsh ends, wo una. ;erhapa a llttls of tho old Urn aud point, but the eompletenost of the wioto g.lclure anailowa op nuuor oritiuism of dct:,ll. Hint Mr. Davenport was taiin. rie.1 In as 'blur llao consenarieti with til oivu lush ariKUo c uraeter vtoald he too much lu elalai. iu n ere ,1 r iv and Impr ibauuils lu toe oiol ul i.ra tuece .1.11 lit In timed b) dellc-H- e dtacn ' in.iie.iu Iho pirl ' the sctera, and scene 1 whl' li ml. hi l.avr been l.ilrr ic 0 sa l poslhld In most discnrt h.rO. wure strained 10 SaVlathier tllUO I' CUUVeiOlelUl kU.I ll.la.Tia.lUtli l!lal- tlu nt. sir. Mer.un aa iltt.ttl g 1. e a ..f, liV.- ; nt II hrrd tu e.i'irine trn In i' utury. or ut am other tun, ibe il ,1 un'a la.'tutuin ould bsru redaet.i m i, wit tu tl.o ci ciaiiiiat an iiMaiutig w.ru t..ni.a Vlr. .Vloiten in ike. ef iui. ttui lueU-x- i inu.t no ansterahlu ior much tliul Iteoda . ur inn lrn te 'line;, and it I per rt p hardi t ur to estet tee in a delicacy ef p, uu.. .0 whint is In no ey Ibe 11 ui I'. ir tut U111s.1l air iw la Uavtutsiil still appeni a' Nil,. Ua aa "Hie melaucuuly J iiftm" u 'At You bike li " Tne reuuw l iti.l. le .1. in .V e i. ,ear.i-li- e end al.ss Itu-- e K;iu aa lli. uHrry i.lalaU'llU. VViiuil's .1liieuiu. .Vlll.uuli the 01 uuW iiliuii g;ai'e the play of " L'tie'c 'luiii'a Cat in" a (Whl. eil iuleriat hav lung since cit-u- It still retains 11. vitality and populari- ty, bj reason uf Us held on the strnpvfilos. It was given veaterduy aflcruoou and evening at Wo, Sluseuin wlta rtuud etfoet, and alii form the icturo ol We iu.tttuu.-- f ,r the Hies. Mr. J. M, W ird baa a uencllt. wiien lite " Colleen Uawn " will be pteteuted. lleilil ut the I'u.l ul Duty, The name uf the vupl.uu of tbc propeller I tin Hon, whose deslli waa snuonurest tstcrdty, was Julia M'uver, and not O'uver, aa rep rtej. lie bad Uhu In the tllipiuy of Uie Al, reliant.' Lii 0 0! nrnpof en ahuiu Uiuilr year as mate and eapula. lie w.,a a strutiy umrtrite miu. snj mjuxd tho I'isgH'Ct of all who knew htnv. On Hoturlay I. at I' vt. tdutir I'.l t'ler 3'J on the Hmtaii'it the oua! t.e nr. bound f r Trotin At New Uninawlee tue, toiy-tt- o deliver fri it. When thjr w'ern rnuly In pnicoeal, tlio eupiaiii edleil 1 lis eej in let go tie i.lu-e- , and llelll e..J lu li.u VU.tlliul.se, The autto'aiu .' n irui.a aa uui, t.uAiver, given tot u , u.iuecr.uU'l the OvKitreui.u ,e I t.ill, I'k.blo tu si.'eiiut tur the Jclae. tie, ttrai uiat" ne' t iu viiili uf the euptula, vvi.eiii let 1, uud l)u,g dead at t... wi.il. Ill 1 ll.st Lapi. Ului ,1 db-- uf I, rld.ia u. lie li. .u.r and la el Idi.n 111 1 lllil. ,. Von O'llall'. VrshHlsi. Tli fity Maiahui.i liuvu always tmen appomied l t ." int lacllua of the Muor sud the n ir ul siivint uis. Recent letisb'hMi put th" power n I'.tt I,, uit of Ihu Mayer alo.ie. Vuu O II ill w is Cusy hll aUw suu l iy st the 111, toru Cinh tasking uj u ll- -t ef 1! ilii i.uv . I'.mb.'tt i' lie ':i. the belli rthi ile 'it. it uia id. the lluit.u,iit prey u i ui the eui e ti.itn. '. 11, In. Utv. heiviver u u'll i'I e 111 e as toat as lie can appomt. liunhriess there iuu a mod .sit preelsiii tcamw tin ' ' them. Tl,i uui' '1, howtvei, hua tieuii sained. The ls Isito In -- etuiui e bean re- poutliiie lo puliudv, hot lew thiyuii tliie-l.- i r ''ii-il''- u ui tti" H.o.ie let I, e ln.ei nt. 1, l .) e.'a ert um! I . etui ti I ceti rlo a- I .(111 reii ,ii e r I'ut li.-t- , mil tl, ev, i'I h a In - 11 1, t li ith ,i,n-- i'i I.I , 1' 11 uii nil 'lie eiip, , mt n o in V. .uio abut" 1.1 ..11.1c ua Ine 'Jayor e oil 1 rite auKAT coat, sininn. Clrrnlnr of tho llithruelto ttnnrd ofTfnilo Tlio .Itlne VVn-i- ristitnst I he Lost I'rupitttllnn ol lie- - C1111I llieiulul.-- .t hllillnu -- en to iir3i.1(l Advled. I'nii.viiK.i l int, l'a , M iy 1. '1 ha An:hrac;tu llord ef Tisile cf the Hi'hi.lkill region hii 11 n rlrmlar dated IV tisvnl? to dae, tn e ..c-'ti- me ef S'illjAill, Nert1 e r ll,,. Mid I'e'-- .,i it qu .ting an arfuo irom tiie .li.lln.uiU Mom;-.- r 0, l .itui liv, i"iit..inln t the ln- -t propualilen of it e ml op"rators, v. hlfh it i a dC"p I..I I se ieme t' t'ie deslrnettoii Cf tho ',r ;l ui(l'j' lt"i' ml nl . ' ruiti',11 lllneiill t ,e r. I " It ti e, t " llit tllie'i. til priiicl', le 1. mi '1M-I- - li, 'j At'.,' tlmo we write th;, iro do nit itnoT wttu will le t e ictl n of 1 ,e K.'ecdti-- e of fhr Cu iiity I.o ird in rea.'f.l to the a.cipinni'i of tin iroj "limn, I ut lime Ih. t. in'tiuC'.cd li,' thitr d. 'iil t , t.,e v.ni ciriphatl'iillv I 'nure It. 'i'lir gircrpotlltin it in. I Ji.t, whtierer H a if il ? t l.'dng 1 seltiem"it at any ii - rv aT ahoat it. It wl.t rob in-- n of ft'elr h,re t t'ie gererntigi' nf prl'e. tl.nl coal will brlni a'.ote ti bnl hi the two uiouiti Which, ir no imcKs ,y i twen, ought to he luiiaplrrmle, and I'. '.Mies no gnirsute that operator- - ml. c 1". tuue 'u work their e ml frrles Ceme dnn, So tl'"! Iheyianiint In nist.n t'lem p ir it ti e pr'eo they al trettnl idler to labor. Hence, hv aco.uni.it tula prupusitiun tho men nice up i rih to kic ntaxo 1. Inn ceil I ab"ve thrre i!o!!ars. itide'i will for t o monilr al ,enl. and havs nopremltj of stciriy work alter they hive dune o. It wool I h ma di hotter " cpt 1 jifl hri!t wl tin it tie sliding acnle d, ur the .J bil wl'ti a sll ling scale on the 19T0 .'Inn down to (JWI. mid tn- - It tier were In I ivnr 01 it, and liovi been all 1I10 time. Hut ine orffi 'it nff r is a trap, nnee, .'ml ilelu-io- n. and hear en III ' ice 11.1 Impress, ef iho mind ur tail r. Ity eheuiir, 1". tl. tlnni ii. 'Iho men Tray do at tin t idenn . but lor na we rte 'oon It as s plci nf eon.nTvu Ve Irlckciy de., li'i in. Mestywur isiiu il bs ceured 'j, X :lene would more rejules Ihtn w u fl ,(l tl ! ill an wr !irr; but It will not it .. ; snllfmcn cccbt, they w il ti.' - , mre long to A suss or Timt! roi.Lr. Cn il will trt's g" down heb w I'.' letla ( .r tll.lt r, . hi cl'l is ell 111! r lie ti '. I to lul lestuinat il,s neeis-it- nf Mitpi r don lien t lie . fill be! ei ; lii' ' ,r till let 11 lint te 1,.; lit 0 It 't i.l I ill I'I 5', I, O.l - t' - - I' I rupnaitlnr, be"1"-- e V n k It- T t'.lt ef. rit' - w , uieh I toeir colili"!" wi 1, It dee g , d , mi, after luliilg p k te 11,1 jl..,,"j i,n 1..' at e luaia tbeiusilvus, lli.y Mil1 h ive tho men In the lurch. 1 ho propot.Jon ne Made on An it 7) dosntot uf qui sue ..1 .nl op- a 1' 'lie ob'.v ar!i ', and we t'ie auth t 0. .1,vi f ,l.. ly sn I in"l eloBal at'e npll'ia' to mulei 1 .l 'o soar great injury, Wo nn again il tl l tu I mec this o.fer in gO'd faith aul v.lih tne In ui lie liiitlooif it w.i crrpte )trt to cntlnno to ork ihrnoghout Ihoiear tedsnisea. ot the unr 01 coil In Ibe market, and sutjvcl iiiiiv tu uoatoidihls e tuiiet. .ueli ua breik di.sa at eel rles sud want of me"i uf lrnpor:tlon. TM we eenftleutly believe wo cstt do, sn t tho editur of tbs ifonttnr has i.u right to clisrse u wltn com n tmale trtafceri uu 1 leceliilnii In tins offer imlll we hve bad fair trill. (Signed) WIl.LLVl KE.SDI!!,. K, I'raslocut. rn rnor.it nnvimos'. The Conallltillou.illtr of tlio l.rgnl Tcnilrr Act Afllriurd-f.'o- til ( onlrucla l'revluiisto Iho I'nsssgr I'nyobln In I.cksiI Tender. WasmxaTov, Mty 1. Thcru wa alarrjo num. teroftbe members ot the bar present at the Su- premo Court, Chambers, Including bollcllor-Gener- lirlstow and Trumtull and Cole, is tt was knuwu the Court wuuld auoounce many opinions prepared during the week's rtcee, 10 adjourning until th lfllh ot October next. All Iho Judges wcr on tho bench wits lbs oicep-Ho- n of Mr. Justice Ne'son, who I sbtent frnm ti.u cilr, Iho Lhiet Justice retired al nbuut 2 o'cIocU. Nunc i t tie oplt.iou were ant'ouncid by him. At 3 o'clock Mr. .lustlre 0110:0111 reid a brief poser on the l.'gal ten ir CJies uf Knux vettus bee, aud 1 arker versus lal. i foliowt 1 in iheae sn caai tv q t'iaUoru were horeto'ore e l to bo argil d. nune r : Kutt It tao act of I'ei.cret known ll' tAal Tcmlar act oon'tituttoaal ss to onti.cU mtde lieforo lis I'.lit ' trreud-- lt 11 talld ai applicable, to transactions time itSJ aviatace ? T4!. i have tern coulter ad bv the Coutt, mi t tmn ban t,o. 11 ,1001 1.1 la the nflirmsttva Tha decree ei ihe meJ.il'nal ri.u.tet t's mtLeoareui ..krrvs l!ausls tnererere al'ln r 1. aadliieladguieul of t'la tli cuit Court uf the n jl kiatri uTine IWatjrn Ilialnoiot l oxai la altu adlrmed. '1 b I'niel .fusi ce, wuli Aooi-it- Neboit. 1 liller.l. and I, ms-e- ir.uu Iho tu Oh Its u' I e CVui I uutui boiti cruniisi'ioua and tue rjtuit, hulduiai that Lie .ct uf I'onaie'. u far ua iioph ililo tu cue triet made be'ure the pttauge, I repasuaut tu the t'oiisliiiiiinn suu veld, mid that it Is repugnant tu the I until'Uliouanil vol I so lar -- s ajpllsauia lu Ul.ldeailee ut Dasaago. In Uunmug a.ainal ar and others, two cues from thebuureroe Carl of Ml.l11u.111. i,ie eontriets were ior the delivery uf a speeded weielit ul guld, soulable ua culnod money. 'I'bo lourt below lie.d Ibat II ey were discuargcd lis the pajiuiiil uf lreutury iietes tqalvjeol In market valu" to the value of ouitieJ ineiiair ul the sti- pulated w ught of pies cold, 't In Court leie. that juoament, bo.. Iuu Kiat il shoLld have been eiitereJ r cubic J dollar and .arts 01 duila-- . in accordance wKri the dec inn hi Ihoneon aytunsl IDiiMSie und itqUer Hfiuist ilurwiis, T Wall, tz and Ilr. Juiliw b.runa dtlnciod liic upmluu. HIE II HI II IIAXQITTIUIS' CKCATV. Churlee Miuiner ail tt I in the Way of (irnut uud tils Muctaiubblug I l ew. WasiUMiTON, May I. l'l.o fiieeils uf the bavo been at work fur tome ll'i.e Iri-.i- 10 en .te the ln.pree.lcii that Mr. fiuuiuei - ior tain to oppoie tnc uew Kcghsh treaty. Iheiei goud leaeun tu believ that suiuelhlug Is lu II whlcn ut 1 retiJor It Impusalble for bun lo tuppurt li, and hit inflasiicu matl uf necssliy bo luioalrod in a r posttble. Up to tnl eto.i nr lir. tiu m er has pot ien t'ie treaty nr been glveu uny oeaiiriile kiiowle ice of llscontuuis, altbuiiglt mtn bate had the wLolu coull hsl lo Uiom. '.r. etum 1,1 r will otineui or to have it c oeidered with open door mil let Ihe people judge of II liisrUt md d ner,t-- . Us is deelruut uf aeeurtnc a complete seulexueut aud ihliug peace, but t lore a lb it lu the pttci which he will in m i'ti"v, tn.! a Hutu 10 tue ex- tent to wuleli he will yield in a luweting of tbirneil. lion sskiimed br the beuate la iviiard 10 Kui.bnd'a ouU'jge in b.itteninz to lecoTulao Uie rubt belure thev hud an inn 1 ur navy, 01 l.a I fi ugnl a bailie, aad Inr substquesl aid aa caiafoi to the c oiu 01 lha wnr. VAMxn voitriiK nr.itvt.s' u iff. The VVurk uf It-- u ('iniiiiilaelon Clean Out Iho I uiletl ul eta Tiruaiiry. WtmiiMiriiN, .May 1. Tho Southern Claim Cuuuustouera to diy beurd lite cue uf lltcj.iiuln J. Urulh, tor cutlo taken by Qen. Ueary's troevs; ISrkcr and rieth and Ctrui Odorn, (or tvrni rrorerty and produce used by the army ; ar.J I,owl P. llnCltli. presenting claim ol similar cluracier. A'l tho" pet-o- nro from Vlrrlnlt. A pa till hearing was given I'blilp Kptleln, uf Co. I U'tiblt, H. I'., whose tirnperty. cunting nf html., bnuk netes, Jeae'ry. and tubneeo. wt captured b fl'n. t ltier pnhett (, ,t pi ia Jam river, In lilt wfalle the un per with aevvrsl eiiiiMunlnii wa ei. le tvt,nng lo mi.a.0 le uny lo I'.lllu.er in a sctotner. The property Co Stritot and sol. I. and the proceed were applied bi inih trv ,rurpoees by (le. Ibitler. II if tre intention of tne I omiua..ii altortli- - to illtrtbtile prlutml 111 of nil e'senvi to oe bulle- tined at the 1'oti OUen In tiie huu 'in n sttlif, lur toe purpose ol throw ine addltluual light on the loyalty of the tuultlplihig clulniant. Ilnea tho Milliin VVnnl nn OClec" liny I. UalUiii KU'eudi, Iho Torl."h Clargs d'AITalrv lu till my, reeeiied from the Sullen y a luaiiuillioiit c.rp.l nunuf..cturu.l sxiieatly a a flit tor this cuverilWilit, and do lu'ned t' r the Kuet lt sutn uf tli White Ilejo ar tlxesu'lve Mansiou. lu acrordaneu with hi instruction, he has by loiter hiftrmo.! tiie I'.j.l. ilem thro iirli tl e ecro' try of btnte of ibe it "lee ef the bullHii to make the pieaent. Ked and bioeure the i r.. .lllM lulots. It we,, i l.&oU loueili, Ceile eoleitl judges any ll i wuitu (ruin nine tu te-- i Utcu eaud dulhtie. ft was tuts afti.ru ,0.1 put ei. Il.e buet ul tue llasi Itooiu. Tke Ohio hehunl hsipcrilli-tt- , Coi.uhiii's, My 1. Tbo General Assembly is sti.l in nf-ion- , aud pyuba'd nil he ti" irly nil nlath'. Tho sppTopli Vliun bill f.l.le'1 lu pi-- t Il.e rVmti, in. s SHI.IUUUU, and te.is ..re in'-r- till, .id lh.it UiO 1. ai-- , iture lull lu nn rrnt, w ittteitt tuul- - tit any prm 01 tor t' e ex. uvbeei of tui in . nietil, ir i.ie .nopitrl ul Ct. j ul. lie vt I.e. It 'tc ; a ut .11 -- I 111,01 a, and fir Ihe ii.iiUi.nl ul in iml .nd ll...cipalul Iho public uJ.t. Cubuu Jiiditi- -. Id 11 Duel. II iviNt, Way I. - ipiarfel uio., on Satur-- , .1 in lie- nil i' ne thipivits i'i uet, dnrn f which J f hiij.n al v I l'c lace o. J , Je Vaqtit a lj et .'lliligo CJ li p) elt.l I. unci .til. h'j.r. 1,,. id.n uu u tut'i leuglit s daol witii t.iorus. in w.i.c'i loeefvi J, alialtt woan 1, tt't u wiuud .11, ii .ii'iii nod aim tu U Ueikt.isl. O'.lnr duels mu u.t 11 of. TuUe im I'ltibri'lliii. Wilt N I' l) I'll e ,. ,K C.'llitf SlO naI. .iV. i u, WsaHISaiTON. M iv l.ii is ire'-.ltl- 1.1 ti .1 11. 'hi storm la giUuring 111 i. un tint l.iliugnu li.r wiiu uui tiie ti Kin.lt it,. e.oiiiu Ue In pi, t 111 " Ihu .i vl. , a,,, .Oilll-- i"i an .ei. h wen 11, It II- Ui, I,,;- v III 1, nil,,: i.ti nt; t ', ' nt tin - 01! Mai ..'! V ttt itr"i ip'ic t'il the iienh .i- on l'ti. Its. 1,1 y t 11 i'i w i'i it ,n rn 1 in I 'i, - tied rloudiueaa la the Middle snd oeutm btawa. - -- ' AT Ml: I I in, -- It is pmpo.ed t. r. ek tl,o i,.,f,r, ,,f ihl De f.-ir- river win is'm . it is said lh.1.1 th i,('in will buy tl fm. us trotting a. all' in It.ini i.e-- .111. About the tie. id ihe Icatl 1... 1,, n,0 lluilsJ Bute) ie said to I- i,tg in d. vTortli, tho Pur 1,1.111 ctnhner, I" t t . (o New tit, w'ti.. a .1 ut i. nfin for ei . -- An IikIioiii married her iilhu. 11 nn,, u Cvspi ii'it.-n- f !.i:iiiv :,- iron her it Hb'nlo Island hsrl only thirty four c n't n ' 'le 4. re last t. a" ,n. I u wi.l cenu u A man In Henry cuu ity, Ind., hr .'i tee--- , ' s in Ky ef evrermi um g suite Hob-'- ' ,1: a. Col. Ittior, the e.-- Snpcttnten leu' nr W f u t. It 'a I it, lie uiw 1 .lis stric'ett l, , n 1 av.j In Tie .ervie-t- . A I luljaleipl.i.i j.ijrnalial as.ellt "...t C l pt.j.cs.at Ih" lli.est ail co.l cdua. In Amtriut. It uteaes i'i.uny,vaaia. Ucii. Spinner, durinu the ten )cr. he Inn pi n ihu frei irer uf 1.1 n t ht .mtJ . ti.t- ti md tot t.ic .tig iittu of ri ' 'j j Mi'thu'ii.tl clniroli. i,'er built in ll. t u. Ity in I'tUat tho isle uf hi jro lour l my s n, 11, j ds' , the Mimo'r beh g oicr l..'.f). A lei ' .,it Jniirn .1, eenducted in iIimv r 'ls cf total al-li- ii,e, ie 'tuiiiie. its ' 'tu'.. u uf til frr w,i.e 1 Ihe cile' i it on if ihe I oil-- ,.t r, oliof Ilegel, (I,, ril-i- . ,i ,,' ' . (,'.,, 's Pr f. ser of I I'tnri ai i f I 1 nu. to' e is such s dull lecurer lint ne h ir ily r ..0 any bearers. A Western editor lias been cut i.i.rtid I y l.li sj't rlbo't 01 oeenuiit of 111 biadt. I 'Ioj Int instance of t is kin I on ree nl. ( irg , j aiO 'omeiltne luhjeet 10 Uils triiiui nl. tlubsl liarlf eovits the of beinai 0 1. tered a Brtt isa n- - ei r I. lie d is irtsj he iniriie I MonWaui ry... i n .lol-'l- , i,i'mo ai'l. pud. 1. .5 :v.i i... u ar t..n i.uiui, in t " J ..at v i ii.'ittt ; '.ive c.t'l tji'-.r'- ail Vt., ..! : t J S ! . ' ullln ,t in -- . y to a t .. e . ., e ,i t' wa t .cite. . . 1 a. ii.t.i aci laherfy.a." !... d nsrteof f e .h Hrcu't tl .f . it ' f tb n idai C ioaaUIT a tis' '!'.(' i .. t.. chi.dieii sa,e heealii ,j : good h. elti, al 11.. n n- cat a- tied lo adiul iitf-- r..v l.a 1 . .n . via ao-c- i ot c I', ol, a a d t.M t , ei , , TciiUvS'-e- b ut auuile r W..J mull, 111 'i ucig la'laf.u.orr itiail tin lttt He - t 1 f. t .att..t ,yt erei with ttiK-ai- 1,1,- v , , ni.,te,iUi. ro.ia aw jinaa men wph "s.i .. s fm in aur"'i t wo ,.ea W..I. i t . 1 l ictaiaigl' deKjht." A man wa arret!. 1 in Ibiff.'o last w. ek for tleallug s birrcl of s It. When ar tl.: wl In the c.urC he pleaded dsstitul.ou. " V- u oi.n'nu t cat li.- - .ait,' said t'.ie .ladzs. "oh, yet, 1 coald, wi"i 10 "1 nil .utcuded to stel." This isnlr oust huu tl. n... .ib The .lu,.e ba.l no of d '.: a'- - L , It il rumored that the nepotic iirtillen, it to b it'll further complicate! bv the marilu" .1 w Dent to tha wllow ef th late John r.nti Us Ixiultvil.e ltmr thlaka there are giuui.ds f .r that thero are not otAcet cnnni,-- ' r n't tho Smiths, the Dent har.ng been atret ly fir California has fiund u gra thnt wl1 ore throughout Ur dry tuuirje rt, tn.t litewn;- - - .d very widely ovr the siato Itltedrd "siiti " . a single house lu San Krsnct'co sold 1 OOOpjun-l- of ll la a sihkIo day. U Is claliueu for it that it witiu n n .land the droagb but Lc mora produitivo uaa t..s oatlsograiset. James ll. Stone, a voung; man cot- t ;l wtth toe halamaaou iMtcl ) 7stvr'iiA. la a tt 1 r sympalhr at lbs haoca of all tte. .i.ii I Ills mottter is to take oo - U l t le. .1 ef Oreat Ilntaln ti C' titin i,', K 1. 1 . t n- 11 M Land, and be ulouo is tt aceotni'.,-- '.', gntds. ruantsl'or. aad trie it. A mania for hunting; 011 nur W.'t' in ; seems in b.ve seiz 1 Utoti tu my fl.u:l '1, : . . a 1 there are tunurt of thi pr it;-- t v- e t w.trun lht a- xt two vears of at le.ul a t .; - .' notita families to ahott rro-at- aitot-tn- n , b'Hfaloei, Aeottiil urnal el 1st it tint , lie ri . a ..PJettuf .1 1 th.t ilsiii ij tue Luilal sia'u ..iiiu.it fur A11.e1.c11a aires. Moe.guiiota ivero ii.'ier half su nu 1. r ii a Metupbu ut tint ststoi of ili yuur. A'. - r id. cea le., w inn nl.i lurrn nan lieiif.'i i 14 m; ila-t- of tQtse truub Iin . u th: nver touili i fMe-upi- s.ttau.ibJat 1, ,s taken awtnm of moatiulioai le mi e clo-f's- Hoots have tit tr vt) or ii , in terror. Thii ut tne aeeuual as givoa oy th ' I 111 alpptvil. A tilit bolwo'n a rat nnd two 911 ik t. 1 c ip. pernotd ui.l a neik-nt- t' tO'tult it '.i t oei, Ohio, 1110 ulh .1 ii y v la.' ve.'i 'n. tint... suped 1 Hit t.l iiim'i u, ilia raL liiiooe.'o . , t. kil eJ alto ' te r.u .e ia tai a.d tine ti. .d a .e Me Ii.tI b- n t; tie i ive I. Tiu rat th i I e -- ant 'ruble g''aie,i,.iiji in ine eiettiiter, a id - no bawatb.itcn woull ret're to the rornei ui t.u mo aad bite out tae pleca float tits dj I v. The literary men of I'ra ica di no' who h lahly lb laleiiw of T ears ua vt 1,1 : -- . sllrbelttcal'silie h ''. vlau of Uie Fieiieh I. 't .' n a tttcug uiediuerl'y, s sap rboo n leni lico V v .1 iv llamas sr.vi he tli na iblr. h 11 rxtf-f.-- r Otutter deol .res hi theione aa fre. fr ut faults as tits iroveruoiest t run ot then, il t.isi tt cuf-- sc if hll uietsure. worn v w so 1 in art) araeciul, he would uo 00- il.e rtui 1. . ue 1 ma llaie, anj a lut la it u pu.iuet l.il . la lag aul i.raets cvi.-- htig. A favurlte 1! tghali a'tiut.' ii'".ii jot o t : ex.unuia the tara uf ih na p'e ,n- - in- t t J.tcoter wtiettier tvei oei.tni 'ui.t'. if u 1" which Uirnla hit dl-- c iv - l. II ij, '. - ed tip of the ear of our nio ri"t tutt . ed by eui a 'cw rnio, niy e .a-- li- - 1,11 fact, qntio (MTirou! fruui the po nte-- cit-0- t.riRa- - i sttipt. Il may oe deleeiet Hie rim of in- - ir, 11 .boat one 1'i.irter of .bi 1011 let ir n tat o l. cic la niue l.iioi I i'io I a rj-i-- ! r 13. .1 t it 0. ihe rim, m.tt.'li: an ohtut; point iitr.i I 11 . In Kw Albany, bid., they have .1 ." y who it a treaturo to tbo res.3ap.r re t ri , i 1. alvats providing la-- n wtlli news on ,1 ',1 ( threw Idusel on lh rail na l tiack in I. 11 t pioacbtng sin tint wot retfund hy In- - t . . keeier. Tbs folluw.ag dsy In- i.tte'.i:-i-- in t fat, but waa prfveute I. The uext o.v, .u- e 1 a cut vomer at lighintng sp-e-il. etiag Imir . optrattuu. te took no it' I. cli. d .1,1 eu ,. 'a Immolate Himself aid the ehil I un ler t' locniuollte t sud t'smg liua'ia e I in '!.. .1 ctiit'iott ihe ssi'rh a the r ' , a - atrnla off the trick bit the nt- - 'ei . ; . . tna-- prevt ti tl the diss, er he e Ie 10 ' 1 When not engaged In .net tit a h.v . iKued he iii'lusinoutly c na es u - . . asatiaih r.an.tittie 1 c'i -t . felts, ih- nt.lliorltles, and 11 ' ire " , ' Albany seid soeeaisil ig wn J '1 1' ' T M to what the rsauu wou oe u ma i i - . ' alioul seise bun vhilJ li b it a rai 1. In lilt unit .t a euttamcr coatsalsnt, a KM. Hen tiormar. a Isr of ihoj diy "Ms 1, f tt t . t'lll t Is iiainhr , T An I pen he its utile t ou by u- - vi,- Hut aliu'ei tue wotldue wa 1.10. tnl r I'm I'm io I'.. 1. Tot oe r 'I I d Wherever he .ailed lie w t i..i'-i- 10 .' I'wat il Ax h" ih.- t ... in Net' WSt 0 f.t 11 Intel he 11- ,t M t YoilUU hen it a., ic-l'- ie- i Aud cr.e I iu h a 1. f .. "I , . . I . I' lilt t I'o.l, ' U Its let'em a'' dr tt.ie'ii no t"- lie inet s ii 'inei a , ' tti ' . ' osletl anil even h 11. . tbo. ' Vtii'i.i- I ea' - H'-i- " Il 1 . ii'e tii . I ti ni.11 I' I. I 1i ' ' S iy Pci, '.! r " VI. I in ' Sti ' t'ie, T, l e- 1 t. e ',. ' ' .... tl'- t, 'l i. i 1 f '.. id. 1. . . It it ,t ll 1... h'u ')w,t ItVfi tie ii ar n"i tier. sai. 1, ". . . A .u'lie: ".1 at, 1" til taw Ile i a a J 11 Sty "f.-- in- It l 'i t He k lb b.i.n II lit ,11 I i .1 . " fll'eV-- , 1,1,1. 1' !, I Thlr b .1'.' t'.r;. t iv l lu y ' e vr it . .1 ill - 1 1i 01 'it.' ' v ' ' 'l it ' Au-- b.-- : 'a ,. .1 I ueseap'rawd . That Vlll then si' hill Uen s l si, o" ' ' I lie 1 ,pia ' 1 , V I.I 1 llg Mil I I'i. 10. 1 ' "I v..":'; ,': ; M" tMt'l '.'if fH. Tl f I til xua I .1 I tii i' l HiT ill in ti ' ll uuirir-J- m itt.i.j u 4

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1871-05-02 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1871-05-02/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · ' k or i 1 rucli R ftitte of tiling r'.!:ii 09 t'ie Koico U!l purport

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1871-05-02 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1871-05-02/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · ' k or i 1 rucli R ftitte of tiling r'.!:ii 09 t'ie Koico U!l purport


It Mdtxa Tor AIL

HKetl.'.Y, II A V B, : 71.

tiuj.euin,.-- . Tiid.ty,l'M'W TtfUIW WliHHllal.

L I'amfrr T -- ftn'lt.Opi'm tttttiae ' ' tl . Wl-- -. imMii

llflli At. 1 1tetftre-'lbati- lit. II 1 Tut. nael Vtal.Kficrti tlerta I Or, .la IInij t.

n i iae 'Ir.ti.r VI oai Nail, ass Brsaiaiiy.IEI ' fait I latin'a I lir.lrc-- l' V.

N Me'a l.rd At a I. ..II.I' rcri,iib.l Arllatviiin'. Vlmtnla-I- M iknJ Busiest,if lMple 1 hratre II ' .

H! 1 H I'eat.e'a tlparN Is.fj VI .11., I,', u. A In lr a.

fj at (ed'a lu.Suul Tl. l altr. Btw. MlltSB.

Tlie iiriln if i. 1.1,1 j t , - ,' t.tlc -- .1 a. ,,It la u Imrrj.a I . Di.nl ',i ti ,fiKiumtiti nee m r u . r'lulieiir. ei M 1 . t4 ta 10 ihuw iLecutaaCa itua. aud ulu

Icrl'i nl 'I lie Mill.I 1IIT, pf F. I lt I . , , , , ' 'I ".H

! Wtaait rt ,.v, i .t 1trt., . .till T "

l.tfill atnttWIlJNit, (1(1i I tt ...piti ts a at liait, t t t t t Ml Oil

flatait.r-trlta- f I (Ml; a tnl r tl tl t , M,Saa, 17 (IIII f - ' "il S? SoIII A..rts.liaw, t la i aaUaftt, alflia tatat. 1 fjaatal iataHII la alia.

fur tl .io i ii noiUlvn o' pero-i- rending uplov-- d. riif.i.ui.lt fr f.is SC.v wil bo ne. ivm at

j cm regular ful A tue up loan ailu-f- i afUPnt oitloa,Wj.vifsi, Lin. j I rl. it lor hinct'uri ol Hlvad- -

,ai aid Hi.i. au-aJ- ire.n A. M. toil', it.

The ICu-- K In x about the. Coal .Minos.

It lies ben matter of firavo nnd iseriotiW il.'ttt t witltiuany l!r ptibb 'ans, who have eo.i.

tVcrtil tlirn irlvm t uitiul by party olllga- -

i Ji.i'H to Mipjujrt tho new Force bill, whetheriivr. conslittrlotal In ltf provisions', and

Id wli ihei en utter: pt to execute II u i mourn)

if i f tlufKu K!ux criraiiiyntiorR infl t.. St iitti m (rht not rrsmlt l:i plniing allf! r n i mitt in Mtoh an ntternpt in a t per

vt iml unpleasantJ I'm lor thifo circuinsiuuooa, It toonta al- -

tl iurl ferttti tt" thrit tu oviarttit.it7 ! ij"tvUt . il(ir.l '(I it ( tlii;r the efllci.'itoy ol thn lv,.! lh will k its coniitullonlit.v, under Ctrl' ii.nin .not that will fr'c tho l'rcfiUcnt frotn

r 'iv ?uipi'.loit of Mug lnllnrn.vil by any' ' t' iii'erlitjr ilefigi.? lu tho mntli r. In the

.lie i f l;iiiifylvnn!n, throng.? a hirjro ro.

if. or country ('.. v:nl to a moti innio.-ta-nt

. 1 i. ii hoi i.ii'.."t ,y, o niliimitWs uiiiliiu! tell- -

1.. n Hi tl.at nrv dani ."ottft to pnbl.e onljrr.:il tho pence of the eominunity. 'jn thoon' hand it In lift lucd that thg julueis uts

; ci.tiroly to Uame for lP',cln(r dm j.rumntdefh rablo Blnto nf n(!ant wi,j0 the minors

IS' nS' tt thn' nty M0 uny jnotcctln; Ihent- -

v'i f ffS'i'E' tho unlawful nnd oppnaiilvo!; fonfiplmcii'A of wcnlth.v roil lend and nilntotf; ror nrittlonn. It U illlUctill to mt'vo at tho

pr. cB truth of the. tuntter, contllcllti arethe ilntoi)ieiitf put forth by Interfiled jxtr- -

ti.K;lulll in evldunt that lu tho coal ro- -


k or i 1 rucli R ftitte of tiling r'.!:ii 09

t'ie Koico U!l purport to provide a remedy' It by due prveoM nf law.

! ' llv the provlcions of thin bill tho Presidenti l inml.' Ih mIc Judtro and dictator In caw

! 'I that appour to hint to be boyoml iho control

'cr the Statu ntttliorlllen, nnd ho U fully nu- -

th'irlzod to suspend tho writ of huli.i eorputi j and to iim tho Rimy and navy of the I'ttited

Statin, If h" thliiktt proiKT. in Huch mainirrI ' rsheilc-irl- e t liirtlepi..poL'of reiirewlngJ ilipord-- "d 'if itp.ihhiii). wbr.tovi r he may

elm p to cons d.-- n coi.Sj'.i'.uy aulutt theX pul l'c 1 e .'. Why "houU n 1 0 n. OrtANT

t' , at one ' ini'imcc tho op; rlua ty etr.'i.ttvl1 '

Um of Vindicating,' the nciv-it.- uud wlwlom

of the law which in'.er fi h i'lraerdlnnryl' jumert upou hmi, and pit to hIi.'.iuc, If het can, the no who usmirt lh.it '. K'u Ivl.ix 1 1!1

I ivna mily io4.aMl to . Ill- - 'I li m Hie ni"nillI ' 1.1 I'untroUiny the i'ou la :n ve'e U own

i( li.'.ii st at the uext l'roajbl ulml elc t

Uvcrworliiui: ScItU'jl Children.Rr 4 Tho new t of I'ubln' Insrtruc- -

BC ti n, wlilch tuhet-- the plaon of U10 old Board, of lMumtioii, was orymiizi-- l ist .Snturdny

t ' Si vernl of the Cuium.blu:icrH made tfpccohci). nt tho opening.' lmtitli k advoiailng; nu

i! it 10 reform ul tho prevail'tig,' Kyt i:5 '( r iiiitnMjj'oiiieii! .if our d'l c Iiic Ij, an

lj i thn Liinpny of It tl. n.'hly into nc

Ifli lord. UCO Vlti. till' illtlBI d.BCOVL'rilB in tin- -

t' nrt ot teaebi It i to be hi pid that the;b limy be !' w d to i,ec mpl.t-l- i their Uemren,d 'i' nnd to tu: Jt 1 v. rv impr .einent which caniS lie uinde. And while th y are entrnircd In

l j their lu.--.. wo trust they will nut ovvrlool;

pi j the imj rt..'it i:..itter of t'ie n mi nor of hour,lu f ultceduni e, mid the iii .t of work nFj 1 ijo.h d i f pni lis.

A pretty wiJiHpriwl . u. 'inn hns man.I'.J fcBid itwlf lately riuorg i..tellb:enj. pec

ft pie tl at too tntich Is nun liy xieti d ofi I Hchcol child r 11. It ! but n tuu wickn vine

w! n nuiiiKr of tho parenth of tipili alleiidiii,'tj the Iaftiin in TtobtiiU united io anjj ij i u"it fur Bl'orteiiii'tf the wlinol lion, ly

' oi.iii'irg tbo ciiftnuary Snturdciy'H a stti'inf( At UtU.hville, Kentnoky, thi (jueetlou inii n ! renee to tho it lie fwhi ' la of tho cityi3 Mm. hmt wciU aid in. ltl to tho parents, and5 it wan 1' or hied !y n voto of UflTO to 1,707 tuJ nul htiti.'e for two WflnUB a day, uinount ng,

1 to nix Lours, eno ben-Io-n of flvo l.oura, andyi'i'il ti nt luti rruptod by two recossjq of flfto.ntM . 1:1 nulec encli. Mr. Jam rh Pa in ns. In a hi-

ll' j t. r published In lrrt weik'a Vu'j'ieJouivvl, ti k with bin !c vnj

1 nfjiy of what ho iiuln " llio mnssaero ol tin

If. i Innooentu" by overworking their bruins. Ai(!j when, a year or two aj,'n, wo uttired our( Waimli'tt sgaiiKt tho same 1 vil, a tlood ot

Kir ttem In in ui.xii.uii Brunt thanked iw lorB'! 1. end ogirnced thv'r he. rty approval

v'lt .. our Hcniiiii' t ti'.

Hailw' A wrilir front whom Mr. I'.mito'Kft'J quot.s very jually iirye, ' the chief btiKlrn

Hjai'S eblldlnMid 1b t" (.'r.w , anil atiy ) m o'Hr!'r , elitetloll which luterf'-le- wiilf til. 11 nupoiBvi' taut duty 18 liCCi'BUf.llly bod one. ', ry

BR-i- ! I ' dv knova ttuit oxriMslvo b .d'.ly uVor

Ht jiH ins tho phyidmil growth of rhlldrun tueii,

nji null 11 e', W tboso employed in uiim andHfti;) I it' r "'I'lideiceesivellaOUlBjefliiHiiinuli'M'

iy n( jMirtect clov 'lopmon'jf ' 11 ls" ' ld'dby tlio Unt Iiuh'.I a) au

Ky' 1 ti."iiiut' it ti le himt of imuiUil lulor for 011

KV.'jt oidinnry udult m live hour a day and thu'Bjiji'. all beyoiul tl in ih at lb" t jpenn' ol tl.

Fj'' aril Ktronpth. Ib'W i.tn.-- mor- - injuriou",Bxl'L'l tl.ell, lluUrt 't U' to i xm t Of 11 child 111. I lie.KWJji I 'it x, itven.aiid light hour f lmrd tud;

It a iiiltBk", too, to mtpiKiw that anyJRi'K!) thing.' in ii ally uiri.d In hu..Unllig a chilli'- -

Lv i I'd ueut on by nt iiitihiiingj it to undu-- ; exer

wri ,,l,n' 1',1M r" '"" l" di iuonHriitcd that 1.

B).'ti' fuw IltulT" "' i,,u'.v driy,iipphiinoiitl witlBdriii' I,r"l"r rllVB,''l eMtr-.ic-


r,m,it ) more- -

KrJ I Ibopiirh uud pit nei.t t nt .hlingr of tinfamlti than mar y lu u'm of cbw npplica

fV1,011 n,"n A f'"lJ ""ll wjyrntvd


fir not hdiiy pun1' J nnfj-- i funt. IliBid.if,whet Is the use to 1, i.ri oruoniHiiof atuitid crammed with learning' nnd verm il Int'icnee nnd vr taj'hy d, if bodily lunllhbo wauling;? A Ln.l iligteKtlon oml aheadnever In efn m 1 uin wi.l parnlyye the tu itrlit-i- t

Intellect, mid r tider nituvi.i1i.hlr all thedi ar I" tylit iuiuh ' 11, dm ol yniN. A compnr.tllve)y 1 r i I 1 c I . lion, bfirked by nmroiiir and vigoroiw phyici.l coimtitntitti,trill utcornpliili far mor'iii the battle ef liicthai the gjrwitPBt ncqulMnentB coupled Willili bh'iie( nnd '1'hu nt lo in- - n m,dthe Inlluenilnl wonnn of tho day nro notthosowhohavoliBil Iho moot nchoollnp, butthoo wl 08O b(.dily utrengjtli enHhlcn I' 1:1 toenduni tho ini.tt mnntnl ub wvl (ti phys.cnlfatljitic.

Wo nro ylnd to bo aMo to ocknottledaotint our imblle vch ioU Imvo 'ui gi.-utl-

lmprocd df'rtni: tho pait few yn-i.- Inof this matter. T'a houri of laher

for tho chlhtrcti, I oth in and '.'lmvo been tiiRteriully ih.ortened In m

thoiH! formerly oxactnl. I,et our w Cominlfioner? tnko up the work nil carry il on,until tlio rUingj generation ilmll lie cm-plotd-

exempt from tho cnrno which linnhitherto afflicted their prcdeces'oM.

Jnmoj l'ug;nrty uud William t'oMer.On 1'ob. SO ft dem-ornt- e ait atpt wna mado

tointi'der John 3iKrn.'f In thn Knic'ieriKKker Cot!ftg:o on ''it',i nvenno. 'ITio wouldbo aAsassiuii oru Jmi.; Fuuarty Mid" Wax," both I'utorioim decjieradocflof tho Twenty Vrl. Juanrit:i.u.N vm ftrjiding? nt tho

to tho billiard room. Ono LvvHteidthlly caitiotl.oliind him and ."tnick hnua iwerful bh.w with his flat. FTicrwVBbrother Fpran'r to him t'xistvto''. " 'Vax"I'ntfk tLo brother In the head ith n heawtumllor, fraoturingj It's ekull. K'jotnvtlion Jotix Un.rox around thoneck, plrtccd a jiitol to his ".r, aud'?VA t'o trh'gc-- , but tho cap did not

lkitoro'i-,- ; V:A -- ' 11

b ct'.iil time, Ptkton brol; from Kihiaiu'vfuJ ran for M Hie. 1'oiauty ilriil at l.lie.but w'.secd him. ltUallegd that Kci.m iynnd ' Wax" were blind by l.YOKM to h - A

him in wicakifR n'vwigo upon Stiitbon Ijip.'.me fancied iurult.

On tho follow ingj day a wntraut wasi Kt nal fur tho errost tit tho three men. Itwas placed In tho hands of bi'rscant tt

of tho JiIIItwhi Markot l'ollco Court,'lliat won the last of It. Tnc fominlrels

upon the ctrect every day, hut weronot urrvVed. ruttxttrY gjrow bold, andlast wetl: mm arrrt-.c- by Cnp. Ktii.ali.a tor lightint! In the trot t. luiowinxthnt ;i wu'rant bud lwn iwued by Jumtico Sn mh ky for the arn ut t'od 11TY ona clinrye of a'tcinptid a'K.Jliiation, tho Cap-

tain sent " ord to Serjeant Mot)!liK. On tlioHnino afternoon tho dnpn'a. was air.iignodnt tho VorkvllJo I'ollco Court. Al .ermanPl.fNKETT waanetlng? lu the place of JutilcoCoi'iii:tt. Ollicer CltoWK uppoarod befuro

Pi i" Ki.vr with the warrnnt. The Alder-nn.-

refused to (rivo up tho prlo:ier,and fKutoticcd him 10 ton dais' imprisonment

in lihickwell'a Island, h'ergreant Mi Cosir.!-- .

witit thuaO with the warrant, but tho keeper-- aid that he could not gummier tho prisonerwithout it i!ieliur,(i) Iroai ttio corumittliimapntrato. The Sergeant thon nppli.tl toI'Lt .iliKTT.wlio Btdd tl.ut h h.id already

1 TcjoaiiiY ul ill.' kslic.tUilon ofi. VNUl.il rKEVlt. 'i'liere is giod uioi ut

:'or bel evlmr that l'l.v.NHi.n 'h dsobargr'i.ee. inpnidiHl the eonnn tmentol the prlnoner

Is it not tho duty of the Pistrlct Attorneyo have Alderman I'i.cnkktt ind;cted fur

. blinff nnd abetting the crcaiiu of thlaThe true tvrrct of Fohaiity'i

immunity from tiuiiNi.nvi.t is tho fact thathe lu a Twenty-pocon- d Ward politician. Itmay bo w.ll to leniin 1 tho reader that thisatno Ahl.'nnan Pl.t nkktt reltiBid to com-mi- l

the muiden r 1'osti.iv to the Ti ml s ontie' opb r of Coroner Yov.so until after Ikedonih uf Mr. 1'it:. vt.

The c:.me lullitcnecg vvh'eh lekusedwillfciivo FoJiTtai from tho paKovrs

Men of New York, lock to your JiulgjeB I

Will Morton .Succeed f

If Mr MoltTON 13 really usinz the Ad-in- .

1. 1st -- ition to Becurc his own nominationt.r th under tho huihj of attp-- ,

..rtlntr Oeu On vn r, ho will ho pretty bkelyto up.'--, it to some ert'.tt. Nobody hrtfl ven-tur.-

to doubt thut tlio dirt.liuliihed hut;-a.- i

r tr. m Indiana postHiUiiia isctn unlit ary! Uei ual tiowcm; itit th 1 oj.'il ir

liu;i ftM.ijt.icd Lim to the 01

'n., 1 .t n jI. I". This is a perfect mist. k".II. a i.nklis are w. i,l;, and ho walks with twoeanes; lilt his brain Is sound, his mrvousysUia t gooJ, his g,' iiurnl health Is uniui-paired- ,

ami Ida ability to work is a" great asLVur, If not ffrvatvi'i

AlwivytT a man of romaikaldo mentalviajor, Mr. M'jiitun is u sroMnig; 8tutenian.lie ctastors n new suljcc t with rendlnN'and dooa not hcttltnto to ehnngto bis viewswhen he sees reason for It. Haioc he enteredthe Set, ute h" hag liupreseiul Ids lilt as uponiho Hepuhliuin pnrty, nnd mora than ulntiwlany of Iiln pecra ban guided its couiiaeld.

Itoth on th ' platform and lu Congretvi hit)

spochoii have been lunrlttd by kuou acumen.mil rot ii' t strength. In n warm dobste Inthe Souato ho In nhvayg rolled upon to bearthe brunt nf tho ounteat, whether it be touped the direct anAiuliB of IXinccruts like

and Hi.Aitt, or to rry tho WeI rus:s of d ""iitb,(j ll"publinmH 1 ke Ht

and Tni'MHi 1..

If Mr. Mo it ton has vt Ins heart upon ob-'- l

ining the KepublV-ni- i nomination in 18.2,ho will prove tu bo n very hard man to beatby i peu oppoall oil or to foil by secretn itiio uvreii Po stid d bu hirellict as Uen.

Uiiant ioer itwii, and wi btnp d a pijii cit.nas he hat! tun oil out to Us, uuhl ut eiaudlu his way for u ii'onient : and, n bolwoenthem, tho only iiuntlon i, has Mi'inu.v re-

Ivitl to tiae him for tho next twelvemonths, and then defeat him In the Conven-

tion by utM'.l.ig tho Ailminibtratluu Uelo-trn- f

away from Iilm at tho hitt uintnerittThis is a idirewd grume, though rutin r u dangciuus onu to phty j but 110 leader of thelb pul lli'ujt purty can play it with more shilltl.un Mohton, r htatiil a Istter chunco furwiiitdiigr in tho end.

Mr. Morrni. has a strongr hold upon Qon.(iit.viiT. No nuiu has fought hia battlesw th nioru couragjo and persistency lie car-riei- l

tho hiboringr. oar In tho Ban Domingzo

controviry, nnd it was his unwnverinppttiek nml pers htoney that drovo Mr. Hi'M-Ri;-

from tho Cllfllrm.tushlp of the Cotnniit.trc of ForoiKit irtdstlmi. In tills he urnti-fie- d

Oii.m'M ol K.lnney, tvhiio In hii m;;e-1-

o:is rpL'ivh nt th N ii.ount Hoiel In favorof his ronTnlnatien ho inlnlrt ril to hisvii' ity, rid ni d" b'.m n ally bi 1 ve t lastt ho

not only wrs the only man that cnldv.ctory to the liepnMii an lnriy, bnl

thrt 1' k I 'nomination vtns 11 doitht.All th'a has f.o'teti.d ClIVNT to .Mm;l 1:,'

wltb lioelis of r'.t 1, nu.l he relies llpeu himto carry him thnnigh tho Hex. l'ri sidoi.t'nlcontest both In the nominating (uvtnt:nnrudhitho folluwiuff uiiupan. Ihw etny.t w.ll thinlio sj Moiitun nppafeiitly fan-cie- a

when tin? tide ai-t- s lu ngittnst On vxt.for Motno;,' to convince him that his 1 baileesnn hopi'lt', nnd thnrefi'ro ho ought to trntin-f-- r

his etrongth to a provid friend, and thusbstotv the niiinin.ition npin ono who wiilbo grateful for hie n!d In n trying hour.

At all even's, wo do not think tho IlopuVcan pnrty would loso anythin" In prestigeand iHjwi-- by oxchang;'lng t for Mott-lti:- ,

hut, on the contrary, they vtouhl begiiimrs by plm mg( 111 tiie field so shr. wd it

politleian, so Isild a statesman, so vlgoroti!" nthinker, nnd so fert lu nn executive olBcer asthe Senator troiu ludlann.

S m ef tho Siutern pupers nro antici-pating gtre.it rr.tii'U from the man ifjeluro eff.iccluriue syrutifnmi tw rt p 'ti.,ci uf the yumviii loly. It is mti.l th it 11 b uliel of tint sn 'et

will yield orer tw i ir illoim uf syrup, sadthat the re' Innni nflcr tho Jnles Is i llri'K .1 U

a rnhialile otil)le f t 1 .slier tnatl fir bfvt. T!w .usre "4t true: of li.irui "p.iii' wn.vls" land'In Arkt rus, Goorin, sad oilier Slut, a,

ttliieli hai) been cmridonvt alnw.t itunhlci',tipvn which tli sweet yit.il e in be gr u ingreat suti.ul.incr j ami If tho new Dianiilnetitreslionhl pMtsxuiwvs'fiil, llieti) I Ithertnnjpradiia-ti- e

rajoiij may bee ine villi ,ble. Uiil thethat a n un w.1'1 oat mnlo can cullirnic

fifteen ucr.t in pebituei ond rjUe two hun.'r. 'l

bushel" pi a.T., yii'Um sit Ui 'in .ii I pailon.if ysy fiii J.y com s irsllou, sgfjt some,

t hat extrar.igi.nt, to iy tbg le.ttjt.

Tho Oerii.uns r si.', ul in Chuileston, S. C,nr. InkliiK t' p t pu,v!iac 1 l:ini-- ' fnn in tlioMi')iitl'ef th.it el'y fur the pnrgKWv of temporali-ty tec.itin; i.'imigr.in( ih they arrive th-r- e. so

tlwt they catu h irn ivinetti.ng four langnvsre, ofthe cSlets ol the climate, ai.d ef the nature ' f

the ItlUgte in tiec in the SbUtli. I'll quid andIndiittrioiH charicter ef the (Itrroniu hi r

llmt ct i of en' dajmits jiopul.ir tlirouali-ou- t

the Snii'li' rn Strtr-v-, and the (lennan pumls-tio-

of the cities everywhere appear to nianif'at.1 coinmemhtble intercut in udvincinir tlio wcl-fr-

of tbelruewly arrived fclloiv eounlryincn.

Prlnco HisilAtu K appears to lo a reformerin n nrv way thi n one. lie has promulgated anew set cf regnUtiuiA fur the government ofticrninn diplobLiiiils in foreign luumtivi They

ntc beneclurtli to be ncrely uieucnit rs tur thedelivery of itoautoliuA. Ttiey nill reeeiru uudlonvunl coi.iiiiuiiicati iiii to their owrn llororn-ne.n- t,

slid will rrcoite and d. liver cotnniumrs-Iioi-

from lieroinny to the (loK'mmculi nearInch they are sceredited : hut uVy are to o.

pres n opininni upon any of the mutters which

!M through their bands. .Vext to cettiug' ridef Ulplouutlitt altu)ell.cr. this Is the bet rcfurinthat could be uttc.nptcd. In this s:e of ultnost

inUiitnciui cn..unui icatbm there Is no need ofluamtamia j 4 diploimlia corpi, Willi lailroailt,iloarualilgM, und tlm oleetno trlivrnili, j;arcrn-nient- e

may ju.t s tr!l deal directly with eaeliother upon all ordinary buiinos ; .ind ivtmn tbrh any matter ef imp'ir'anci-- , like the ipicstinns nnsr

I ctidlri: b.iM '''u Iho I'ni'.J ml KuiU'i''.culuu.iitaioiu co. lid be te.il nut to attcid

toil. itiHV ai x w m wim man. It- ti.ut atiuc..m fffecliti' bl iv at the bnmbiig

f ilibuiai.y, uud Ul Hi liu;io tbtbc wul bit 'emncain.

After nil thero Is proijritai In Kentucky.At the Circuit Court if Oarrurd county lott weeknegroes were repeatedly called and beard as

wuie(v, wilhuut tbe.abgbteat oppoaitljn belugmade br ih 0p in cou.iml, or by Judge l'ox,who pnaided. 't e J.idju U a Democrat; butho regicls th 1 .ilccntb Aineudinriit. There la

u chanee tti-i- eien m Ke.iliicley common neutcuiar yet 1 rev ill.

Tho Detro t Pout draws a vory erroneouseonclution frutn tome very portlneal foeU

tbo rvtoliition in Cuba. It snys thatmoo tbc Cuban rvbolliun began t'pa'a has been

tmce lerolulionlie I ; rauce lias been ilegrudeufrom the Lead of Europe to the fuel ; Ueruuinyhas become an empire and tnlcou her placj as therccgniid iml power uf buiujio; itiimn )uih: i Weti tie Crimean treaty and takn pu'.ie-fii-

of tbo lilacl; Sea; Ituly I.M seized Itoiua andmade that cllv h r capital; and the Pope hiubeen declared inf.iliiMo by the Qu'iieni u Cikiii-cil- .

and aliippcd ot in temporal puw-- r iij u) ;

and llien argue thai us in all ibis tuue tlio aivil

imr has not been supprutMi'l, it cauuot b) ofir.u.'li c A th ' bet lis faithful

i j ugier, it u.ir-h-t be exgected 'hat ilwcild alv ic.ite fie . iu- - ul' tee e.ini-.!- i lave-ii- :i

.er iiguin ?li Cu .tu pilnet , t.it in tlune..e tt Ita, hi t ol.- - pi i.t.-- .111 ctTM't,olllbHlraiion fcl tli li d uud 1.. I m .'iico dii'iij d

by the and unaided C.ib us in ILoir nubletlrugglu for their own hlnily and the freedom fI lie uuhnppv black hUo ale bvid la .Uven by

by Spanish laws.

We find in tho CouTri r Y Hats Init anotfleiul uih. i ul aiming that tbo ufhieufthe 1'iench Cuuaul tienrrul li.J b. eu nwoil l

No. i Uottl.ni! (Jrnu. Ibis Il.it.co i. ig(..i,l b

Mr. I!tii..iiaOB ns lluuuaa. It guuves that tho.persons who recently asacrted that Mr. V.c.o;iI'tat'i! was still Cousul-Uencr- sf France in liecity wcio roUiuken.

.Vc 'onllng to a ruMrt in tho Tri'i n

Judge llLitcuroiin, of the United rlatei DialrietCourt, cjuipuiiiied ou flulur'lay that " iuuu l

are K"tiiiii( tun much In the lutit 1 f sho"U ujr

I'tuibian arrows st the Court by going otf atcritic! rvuucuu." Tl.lt fiirurc of speech,

from tho cl.1suo.1l pue!", form a veryinn 'd moutphor to bo used by no eartiful a luw. rus Juiiv litAtcur uiD, A 1'urthi u. arrow is o u'khut by a letni.tin enemy, uhu turns round fithe purpose uud annoy or oven lulu the purm !

fauc:.ig IniuMlf victoriou". It is iuiposib!o totoo 'iuj .111 .lugry bduei.i li.ia eiwe uud that tuwbieh Jud,ro I'LAieiuoKu upplies It, lleniihn,when he my a that counul ull ho only adds tuthe cuiifusiun. An arrow gers off when it i

shut from the butr,'or a gtln vhcu tho jiowiI t iscmiverted into gaa and vxidud d; hut hour 'heounocl both go otT Ih 'iiUDlve und let utf pat tlii.uiurrou s at the weue inoinonl it is imuot.ibiu toeoiiiprcheiid. Claadc.d ultusioiii are veiy nicund le. uud tliiii', but Hi y re.piie tu boom.pl(yod with extiuuidiury clearneas aud di eie.

The CuiHunati ChfuimU has absorbed tie7li ul that eu.r. or ulsu His 'Amu Los ubaottwutlm VhiimuU. W.'ic.i is it l'..,lu sliu ttmi

itoxin trr.ir imon.i.The lliininrt I'oot unit Its .Itl.rnrtNinea..

Tho font of wonmn or fn.m, when In its nor-mal condPlon nnd d, relived Willi symmelrj sndlrenlh, l ono ot tho m.wt lie.inllfut oljsen In

tiui'.ro Commfst ulefi it" hind, is tmn"', mmf'e. nn I innvcmenls nr" ro !" wonder, ' ; Istune. lu arn equ ill loigi ri i ; nu l ilc ci ioj '.mil

rtrcinSo ot lliw feot uiiy en n ' In ul it"m"t e hirmtnT nnd rerlrf 1 li in I. fir'i 'ec' nn litlo te ro'nium; fieall'iv ' il Ir are hum whlinrr'cd initi;s ami fir .j'i'. 1.1 i t tie C.i :

iIum all lure perleet d-- t, Willi nrele-- 4 l

in irl'cd aad t. nr. fin I le pocillnx l oi.y for-nr- l

In the Hue of tlio font i"! li. A il ye, inonr dvy mott iionple I1.1v ttietr feet delhrmd, sndp'rjhlil, tnnJ'Hir, n.tlnnil feet arc the eiopttonwith a.lsll". flits trtVi i' e rwnlt of Sv, rvOnearaiit ImiiU A A VVtand sos of us- - SlrTftV flQ(VYYNrutursl and nu. u V. ' Jllvproicr sliSi-e- . K J in I j Jlli Ce'ertntiit l nL J l IIare vsnoni) !i m fl IV (

tlio Most tf. K V jf I Xjt4q wilt, unit t.jr- - S f I Jhaps the mini B fliiir"nltiif,io S, l I

trustrated In Itie 1to tut wlurh. 1 fl Iare stv.'S optM).

i e tte one 1 l')tin Vint! thedl. IV -

turled fu --1 't, and i

the oilier tlio dlitorteit huu " in' the imo fbi.t :

No'v onrrtrial t'iee e,ri'ilur. s of hamttt OletWilli uclt 11 font u vie i'I mulit bara 1 ths

bad tr .U'il Hi pr rly n mem a footxrv drvc opt d in the nstnral mannT,

--jT)a i I wl '' ,N lH" '"' n'an M') 1'n.lr prn ir frm, and acting a

rXf"'.! I "tr.' tel. n 1' . Here 1. lr. nror-- J ( reoiiei u'lngj th," sol" uf n;'i a

La 'olo we ire t".i:.iug of.

rJ Now, how i It t'ial eai.li drl J I fertnitM lis mod pjeplu snlf. r

I ir ro sre prodde-- l The reity3 I sii'Xcr l Hal liicy are llioni.r'iI I el civilisitioiit sn U s ccrta 1

I ' I extent Ii.Ij mmvr eerr"eI ('ill lira have fut, l'

il.e Joints all riiit, the tu-- v

. .'ru.--l ', ti'l Iho mnaeli eapi'liibe r.cilas In t'ie nor- - at miuner1 let 1, fer iiu'meo, h I'io en' of a

V yeMI l' f .nt io !ne theseVsi an! n'' 'n ilneanilher fact

n' ineei In' "eat. fill, la, lleit tiie Wl'lel psi t of tlm

f nt m al tl'o hint of he frfV tos o t'.at any shoeMei r imt sured to Injnro tie I 1

fiwi mtit tn wi'lei In that psrt. 1

hoeli a shoe won!J rlttow a free I

sad healihy (rowll. so thst whn j

lie rirron bid attained fall trs I

the share ot the, Teal would be the I 'J1trtO at ht childhood. And ytt

luth Is tho ictverilon producedty onr civilised bouii and (tinea I

that nwnufjcinrer lu loin city. I 1

who bos lieen irstd In mslrliii Ul h

boots aul boe for cuitounri firtwrnly )er, soy thtt In wakta wjlcs)!nt1ntof tbouanndiof foet he l.aalways found tli bit tue mire or ont of Its pre perline, and lu Joint ours or les enlarged an t il. 'iirai.e l. Hit this 1 onlr the mi'l fr:iueot m 1 a'.nio'.edelorralty. Anr ciptrltiicj 1 eiwautcr will te.iirt ial far worar one .r braubl uiidar uu attentlunereryday. I'rouae I teil, feet I lei', tread toward,tuoro that trrn.1 out) on tue o llwar l eJ.".--, (rlpp'vdlett. feel so dHP-up- ii lulu) I Ih.t too Hart w 01 oilhuald be an Inc'a ir. iller fiui inr li :e r Is oftiui

half an Incn larger, leet wlfi l.irje .in'.'.r. nl feetWilli loae heel', feel tail luru Inward, ontsanl,and backward, feel with great toes tint lie erowwise ot the smaller one, with u nall loos that croivover each other, with saklss cru .vn In or i;ro in tone slde.wl'h bard corn in I s ift corn, an JjjjII

and ciillblaltw, feet wit AeaW aiklei ttiot haveI'stt their uprlcblaeea oil bsve to t pron tej fur inconseqornre Ol tho uTrerinin u' nature th it rallfrom the prevailing systsm of sliuiaaking.

fi g Wkal It tho radieal error la the1

1 abapo of otir boot, unit ahoe t erl Und cxyumsd In sn Interesting

j itute vat one rnilUsJ Hint ami I'jrtI lA" '"'' rBl" b h" "'

lht P'Glnro ut i:, sole . suI1 orit(oary boe winch aimda ono i'e

' '"" ' ba.riuwe.1 from lb 1a j'

A "hue of thla thape naeraeardy dta- -

lorta the foul. 1 t'ie first place. Itcru : the treat to out of ,ta nats-- I

ml pa.itiun. Aawehareeesn In tl.oI ( tt ird cut civeu above, a alrilgui

ha dravn nailer I He centrs ofibe ereat toe aut the hall of thefoot abaald rats oat at trio raid-- I

die of tbo heel j but In lata cut thef I '" ' c paMa nn lor the cenlro ufI the creit toe, bile the Ih tl e InJl--

aataa Uie idaoe hiro nature detigutthat tne Mr.-- it toe uliould be. It baa Dea-- i forcedunt ot lit proper uud vnthed la upon tlioull'ir toe', olles al tha expense uf unt incln: thelueii 11. il deprlviux tie foot uf the elaHlilty andmeln.it, e in walklnit; while la leas lockycvet It Ih .,i',.ndeJ by still more palaful

Shoes mide wttti umtot trjes contribate xrealtyto laereuse l .11 dlapUcemeut uf tiie sreat to a. tjtioesmat are too short are alao exeeedliidy Injurlsut ;

bnt luxh-l.wl- 1 sboea are apt to he the worn! of ail.They cauio ibe foot to pltcli forward ua the toss,puslilna it annietiovee a size furtaer lalo the snjtli in Ittiouul go If it was only n.oileiatel l,t;lt,iMwilio.' Ibe tees moro violently Uucluur and

the fout, sud st I lie eanio lliee iiijurtni theumaclus of tho it. B iooa itwl are too suii'l areslao exreeulosly periiieium. The elisot of craaip-In- r

the f ul la to rnvke the Jolnn tirojset, aa I torui the fool wlunr aud uro pruporanned, 00'.in n.i'tui'Mi tli. I. rtare aeeorueauytti tu. pruco-- .

Niine y. .r ai. Mr-- II .rjoo llrasle, alulyutrrcai on onr.i'ty aid lid, p."i leii'-- e ut J'l ., eiiljv, 1'eJ to save Iter cullr.in, w:,u we.'otti"ivun ijt, fieru tlio dulnrniliiua aud Kjif rmzt iv Ho

.re endured by mott person who weir civilisedtxioU sod lliom. 8tis determined lo Uaro .nujefur 'hum t'uwa tbit won; I tuit tlij nvturiliorn ufthe foul; and notwllUi.nl lull tho np Minion nrlliu aliueaial.ert aud lUoir Haul of lutellntunco, elieaueeiedad to 1 eerl.iln Oiteut iu aeooiuplisliins herlinn. Sue Ind Hie ael.'t nn la tl io. broid at theio, and leiure.t a mo (real tue, :ivu: a dixonalturm tu that gain uf toe anno. In one respoet herileioxn hos reallS'd : the feet of her elilUren woroiroti'i'lul .igalnnl deloriuitiea and p tin. Hut for wan I

uf acniR) and houi-- t nood w.ll tu tna nhoeiu ie;r, Iliaahoja proved rlumay ami lueoorenteat In H i

; an idler maey attomot "he was o)li:toi1 m

ri ifu her puipoae and conio back to tin urdtn uvkind of shoes, iabe a an tire' y nxht In lsiueiuie ;

but the roulini. of the iu maKer aud tlio ditaMiiuiuuf faa ilua were tou niu h tor icr.

A eui'illsiC to car anllior. t'ie prublon fur shoe,tnuki r to suit 0 I to treats a a'ioe wuleh w ill t eliio trti'duiB and eSS uf tho snllqiie aaudul ruoebt ied ub uestness sad elejinco uf yHI, w Men will protect front dirt cold.ami 'laiovmo't, .lu.l exhibit propriety I

nml iirau y l.iro'iihou'. To abater Jilie.p nii'iirf uiei.t' tee suoe aiuaMI Jl..v u i.i" ol tuefjru re pr.'sU''.

I. the 1.1 . i.itr eu'. I

f'ieli a t ino . this wnul I tie ena--

vmieal and ol ami, b in; 1. r.'o:".vtided to the until rai aaaii.' o lie

foot, kiviih ample ruouj far l.u. pi a f

of all its lues nnd mn.elwi tiiie'i V

eboes as UiimMYim' I i'.ur.ii '.ns :uul adult i"'i uu, uud ituuid triln u:-

I I iklrei ' leet iu tee way tttoy sbmi. ( 1

u. It it true that liuapalierii wu.ilnut aree web tiie prenui i.ouultrtime but as It enreeaponds h '.in- - trlilurui 01 the tool, il i acolluuee, we are te'il. 11111 tIII 'I uo time be aelanowte inod, and even fhios iuiceuule will iiiiiie lu eui 11a u'eraneu. f there lailiy leoson at sit tu a itu.i j is boaaHfu', fi.it reaton tuua.ala lu ill Hi sun ,111 pnijnat ; ami i

tiuiu is liny -- liai'e mure til unit vrupir III infur .1 "ule l.ial i. to ne Irud U"un hy 1111 in ile-l- i

i'm,i.,( met, 1, t aeeu 011 uiweut il aud rn.i .1 .1

I. UM f- IS I! I il I I ave I Ul. lie i j ,111 'a Uu

id, lu hn.llt I'll' tliul a.ajy acol u

n v be mure than nn Inc , nnd of n man's boot nnli.eh. nnd a qia-- t' r. Dan. 1.12 l anixcellent exer-tlt- o

to (renitt.en the foil nnd br m ot Ita tfuoptoportlos. Thn Indie of Snilnt' "f the flnetfeet srnonx all wonen of t ie rorl I j m it tt.is Is ilnoto tho ofnsFil trov dour of t'lctr iHotltl iri'dt uld'ae'nj. re'uin who ci ni'vir; th" irliht ofHis i o !v on the tips of tlio treat tnjs, tll'ier natnf-a'a-

n b" ' ni l .ill n. eiuat pe- - lie' only 'r n

ttiv im li tlio luro t tic iv ' u: a 'ru : .1

and n s'.ron? font timti'Tioa'. T1 li Ind'eit minort mt ise e.s ef traitin te't ihit 11 nn uitBrilly

flttt"ii('(l. II Hint (ml on slit itis rl;M - on-- s

riielion, thcei fl'Tor s ould ji lo pre tin hislee. in wall. In, and shout I ii Ij1 sit thurj inovi.e .it. of iimnsttl-- wbie.i to to aireKtl en tl.ofei t. Wh.il 'vrr sc Ion, In short, wi'l exei-ei- thermifcJe of Hie lower part uf tiie foot shuulJ bofavored.

Tne I lea that smill feet nr? neresssrlly bo.titlf"!is nbor I. Tho footahoul I he of a six prnfnrilnii I

to tl c t?.e uf tlm whole b i t t. T" list!! of if .hit noon i'io side of tin foo! em only be corren'O.tby wetrhn Iiom mvle niton titt twe-vr- r I for thornrioe. There are misr people vio torn fieift"e In while wilkln, oecin'O thej htte neyi'rtfleito walk otherwise. Thh sequlre I Iis'ilt mnr cllybe by s Utile eiro and BefOfei'.mee Alli!ntl rsqnlsl'elt lo .teeeiep tho lrnilli of thotnitsi'lM bcslllii: thetn litoexi'rte Hi resnhMyt'Jtnlni the feet mtwifd. M "ir as mxalM', ttul 'a few mtniiliV wain crcry .liy, a sre it etc tl may hitCf"Hp'r!he 1.

There are rimy point tn this exsM'ent blt'evoinme nhtcti wo commtnd to the attentlot of ourreaders, 'the tnijeetlt one InllroaUly conmciudwith the trippine. of lite an I with thobssiitror 11 J

llsursj sad In this book It Is trealcl by onswin Has idem of hit ow.1 as tet s 11 Ihoru ii 1

l.nosledce ot all that other poplo liiro writtenrespecting: It.

.t.icsf.Hr.vr.v.Coniinrneeiiient of the liullnn tlprn Messoii.

Mguor Albltcs has be.m his season ''.Rvitlei.tly ths lout ahetnen uf tliK rharuihu 'urnileu led art b s (iue-in"-d Ice u.1' rent In It, for theAc demy of Mu'lc Was complete. y fi le I luat sven-In- ;.

Ouub!'e-- 9 one clemeit of itlracilou Was t iein w lenor, "iitror C.inei'i I Vlllafil. 1 In neon waP. iilsctti'a Pol, ut 1." Ita run-1- I o (Incut nndpie isant, and Its dramatic qu.i'ltlen foe.1, Hint It

a very urlnj ep ra, Mi KeMoje waa the p'lm-- iUoona, and tana: the innate wl'h her utti il reflno-i.-o- t.

de'ltacy, preetalnri, and cie. As for thehe I sn n (doubted si q'ilin. Its

lulfl.s In ul rcfpectt llio leputelen tintha rrecedrd t In. Ill vol . cli sr.vi'irnt, nd tne, his stylo hrnml and ne-- l.

ree'hod exeid ent, 111 1 hi qntlli'es at an act' raO'ereu-- . In Wfann ant In thu r'.arir' r nf hi.

tn Ins ho 1 n.nro !,e Lrfr'tc it un an u'lertrie r tint to etn reenlt. lilt tub'" hit not quitethe rteen inee of that ot Leli-ane-, nor tbo ureiiineforce in tue ugucr hole'' ; hot he a .( Iter arleo,and one aponeatly quite eqnil to .ill ti.n deinunUul irsiul erers. Ill only iiullre'bte fmilt find inMet by many It tt rtremed a K'aco miher tutu adefet)Haaa cenato tack ut ftrmnse to In louet.Mvnv alnora sacrifice a pore Intie for tr.e g urpeeo ofee'tln that roifi,ieue efl'ret nf voice that eoaieIrom a vinr I'lni one, ami Into ttit error of niatbml,u we ncird il, Muor Vlhant teeio lo hive leen

.Nrierihei, f. be - n ailoural'Ie tlngrer. ndone who will tie listened tu wttu tne yro.tetl pleas-ure On Vcdnediy evening Venl's " Trivista "i. ill be gpten. nml 'lll ani t.ie tenor, Hlsnnr lirte.lt, will make hi lire I apr-nr- ie Mis' Kelme'unit Slumr Orlli dlul, tne a btrltune, altoilis'iir.

Minor Albttr hi s food of srtlst. andevld.'iillj Intend to do eventMn; In bin wwir toaire 0 i well, snd be wt'l, we sincerely treat,

s the jtr.erotit inppnrt '"' the public

" American. In Purl." nt Wnllucla.Mr. Ilur.berl's livoly oomedietta la a pleasant

m!n;hna ul f Ths l'ollle uf a Niht" ai.d " L"Miirqnlaeii do la i'"urc.1lte." It treats of a we I

Horn ihonu jealoaty. ojatra bill), and tiuperi Jim,not to mention tnai gently .roue tendency on thepart of veomlnzly sober Lusbind, which wo barsbeen wont charitably to dlactiare from cur onahouldera on the of our sliifu. 1'rtnch neighborrtiouah the piece It nut unfamiliar lo our New Yoimidn nctvi. It may lo appropriate lo slate brletly Hutilr. Horrii. an auiub.e but ml sacelic li.arnp.lman, we.l alvjncej In ine thirties, aud rsetdont laParla. betakes himself to the upera hill, whllherho It lohoaed by hiajeatoua wi'e, b) annl and lami.iar frltnd, Jir. JJoth-t- fur the purposeof wale, mu: his iiiuvuii eats. Jfi. Uf. lUniuri. whowot urultully eu:ued In cairy.uzout tbo littleplut of uer injured frieud. urrivsa suou alter, an 1

wual wtib tbeaa partus aud t'.a malieioua inturftr-cne- o

of oueurteo llgjht bearle.1 danutet ai.d uiejmlua hutbtiod, ver srrl.in roniialestlon ensue,sli.en ar,. ei. lea b Mrt. i.i?ci'.sine liuise.ilu l,er haelisnJ. On nt r.u..lsiac to no nume audbe ii.uai.tr nu mure, tiie t loco 'laup.iy clusu.

Mi. r ut the err.nj .V rrU waa uilu.libtyeaay en.i ji'iial .uU'.tly llr I In hi pacediiioea a la ni. raptntanett I'ue Jir lMturmiilr tj.liirr', wild lis a ami jre au. i oa'uto,Ha. in I., Ual .uie, acd wa , ei coaiae. as i.eir natare t afiuw can te, M.. Hirr a-- )ln ilorrit,and ills demon tuMri. i.'ebwru wore sainted, n.l-i.r--

and ai.eni.li ir aa.is'HAiun. ab.l lbs piecow im t'rei'.ed Willi a nil uf lUattiter arill 00 easilydud 'leluud, aud tiie prnicruiaiiie very reasonablytitled that "oihei nuvelties are .'or tue prencut


"A New Wnyiu I'm Old Debit."Tl ii d old cowed it a boldly

drawn story of coarse Umes, and scenes, and peupie. Of Hue shading, delicate humor, nml subtlecaarscti nsallJu there la little trace, liven the1 h. racier ol Sir 0:U Qwruic hlmaalf la

sketched !n arm, harsh ooiliues and Mreu:eolur. What flueness imy le given It, huweier, bysiaolarl', uud carol ol asilag, Mr. Davjuport gslris tt.Iu hl haids the Lard, gtraapiiu, arruga-it-, rereugo-fu- l

trulu of the unprincipled an.) fl.aty heartedschemer are rxcelleaily icioniuiteJ. In lbs famuutscene with hit dia.'httr, ur.in; Uer to lu.r tbametor hi own evtOsh ends, wo una. ;erhapa a llttls oftho old Urn aud point, but the eompletenost of thewioto g.lclure anailowa op nuuor oritiuism ofdct:,ll.

Hint Mr. Davenport was taiin. rie.1 In as 'blurllao consenarieti with til oivu lush ariKUo c uraetervtoald he too much lu elalai. iu n ere ,1 r ivand Impr ibauuils lu toe oiol ul i.ra tuece .1.11 lit Intimed b) dellc-H-e dtacn ' in.iie.iu Iho pirl ' the

sctera, and scene 1 whl' li ml. hi l.avr been l.ilrr ic 0sa l poslhld In most discnrt h.rO. wure strained 10SaVlathier tllUO I' CUUVeiOlelUl kU.I ll.la.Tia.lUtli l!lal-tlu nt. sir. Mer.un aa iltt.ttl g 1. e a ..f, liV.-

; nt II hrrd tu e.i'irine trn Ini' utury. or ut am other tun, ibe il ,1

un'a la.'tutuin ould bsru redaet.i m i,wit tu tl.oci ciaiiiiat an iiMaiutig w.ru t..ni.a Vlr. .Vloitenin ike. ef iui. ttui lueU-x- i inu.t no ansterahlu iormuch tliul Iteoda . ur inn lrn te 'line;, and it I perrt p hardi t ur to estet tee in a delicacyef p, uu.. .0 whint is In no ey Ibe

11 ui I'. ir tutU111s.1l air iw la Uavtutsiil still appeni a' Nil,.

Ua aa "Hie melaucuuly J iiftm" u 'At You bikeli " Tne reuuw l iti.l. le .1. in .V e i. ,ear.i-li- e

end al.ss Itu-- e K;iu aa lli. uHrryi.lalaU'llU.

VViiuil's .1liieuiu..Vlll.uuli the 01 uuW iiliuii g;ai'e the play of

" L'tie'c 'luiii'a Cat in" a (Whl. eil iuleriat hav lungsince cit-u- It still retains 11. vitality and populari-ty, bj reason uf Us held on the strnpvfilos. It wasgiven veaterduy aflcruoou and evening at Wo,Sluseuin wlta rtuud etfoet, and alii form the icturool We iu.tttuu.-- f ,r the Hies. Mr. J. M,W ird baa a uencllt. wiien lite " Colleen Uawn " willbe pteteuted.

lleilil ut the I'u.l ul Duty,The name uf the vupl.uu of tbc propeller

I tin Hon, whose deslli waa snuonurest tstcrdty,was Julia M'uver, and not O'uver, aa rep rtej. liebad Uhu In the tllipiuy of Uie Al, reliant.' Lii 0 0!nrnpof en ahuiu Uiuilr year as mate and eapula.lie w.,a a strutiy umrtrite miu. snj mjuxd thoI'isgH'Ct of all who knew htnv. On Hoturlay I. atI' vt. tdutir I'.l t'ler 3'J on the Hmtaii'it the oua!t.e nr. bound f r Trotin At New Uninawlee tue,

toiy-tt- o deliver fri it. When thjr w'ern rnulyIn pnicoeal, tlio eupiaiii edleil 1 lis eej in let gotie i.lu-e- , and llelll e..J lu li.u VU.tlliul.se, Theautto'aiu .' n irui.a aa uui, t.uAiver, giventot u , u.iuecr.uU'l the OvKitreui.u ,e I t.ill, I'k.blotu si.'eiiut tur the Jclae. tie, ttrai uiat" ne' t iuviiili uf the euptula, vvi.eiii let 1, uud l)u,g dead at

t... wi.il. Ill 1 ll.st Lapi. Ului ,1 db-- ufI, rld.ia u. lie li. .u.r and la el Idi.n 1111 lllil. ,.

Von O'llall'. VrshHlsi.Tli fity Maiahui.i liuvu always tmen appomied

l t ." int lacllua of the Muor sud the n ir ulsiivint uis. Recent letisb'hMi put th" power nI'.tt I,, uit of Ihu Mayer alo.ie. Vuu O II ill w isCusy hll aUw suu l iy st the 111, toru Cinh tasking uju ll- -t ef 1! ilii i.uv . I'.mb.'tt i' lie ':i. the belli rthiile 'it. it uia id. the lluit.u,iit prey u i ui the eui eti.itn. '. 11, In. Utv. heiviver u u'll i'I e 111

e as toat as lie can appomt. liunhriess there iuua mod .sit preelsiii tcamw tin ' ' them. Tl,iuui' '1, howtvei, hua tieuii sained. The ls

Isito In -- etuiui e bean re- poutliiie lo puliudv, hotlew thiyuii tliie-l.- i r ''ii-il''- u ui tti" H.o.ie letI, e ln.ei nt. 1, l .) e.'a ert um! I . etui tiI ceti rlo a- I .(111 reii ,ii e r I'ut li.-t- , mil tl, ev,

i'I h a In - 11 1, t li ith ,i,n--

i'i I.I , 1' 11 uii nil 'lie eiip, , mt n oin V. .uio abut" 1.1 ..11.1c ua Ine 'Jayor e

oil 1

rite auKAT coat, sininn.Clrrnlnr of tho llithruelto ttnnrd ofTfnilo

Tlio .Itlne VVn-i- ristitnst I he LostI'rupitttllnn ol lie- - C1111I llieiulul.-- .thllillnu -- en to iir3i.1(l Advled.

I'nii.viiK.i l int, l'a , M iy 1. '1 ha An:hrac;tullord ef Tisile cf the Hi'hi.lkill region hii 11n rlrmlar dated IV tisvnl? to dae, tn e ..c-'ti-

me ef S'illjAill, Nert1 e r ll,,. Mid I'e'-- .,i itqu .ting an arfuo irom tiie .li.lln.uiU Mom;-.- r 0,l .itui liv, i"iit..inln t the ln- -t propualilen of it e mlop"rators, v. hlfh it i a dC"p I..I I se ieme t' t'iedeslrnettoii Cf tho ',r ;l ui(l'j' lt"i' ml nl . 'ruiti',11 lllneiill t ,e r. I " It ti e, t " llit tllie'i.til priiicl', le 1. mi '1M-I- - li, 'j At'.,'tlmo we write th;, iro do nit itnoT wttu will l e

t e ictl n of 1 ,e K.'ecdti-- e of fhr Cu iiity I.o ird inrea.'f.l to the a.cipinni'i of tin iroj "limn, I utlime Ih. t. in'tiuC'.cd li,' thitr d. 'iil t , t.,e v.niciriphatl'iillv I 'nure It. 'i'lir gircrpotlltin it in. I Ji.t,whtierer H a if il ? t l.'dng 1 seltiem"itat any ii - rv aT ahoat it. It wl.t rob in-- n offt'elr h,re t t'ie gererntigi' nf prl'e. tl.nl coalwill brlni a'.ote ti bnl hi the two uiouitiWhich,

ir no imcKs ,y i twen,ought to he luiiaplrrmle, and I'. '.Mies no gnirsutethat operator- - ml. c 1". tuue 'u work their e mlfrrles Ceme dnn, So tl'"! Iheyianiint

In nist.n t'lem p ir it ti e pr'eo they al trettnl idlerto labor. Hence, hv aco.uni.it tula prupusitiun thomen nice up i rih to kic ntaxo 1. Inn ceil I

ab"ve thrre i!o!!ars. itide'i will for t o monilral ,enl. and havs nopremltj of stciriy work alterthey hive dune o. It wool I h ma di hotter "cpt 1 jifl hri!t wl tin it tie sliding acnle

d, ur the .J bil wl'ti a sll ling scale on the19T0 .'Inn down to (JWI. mid tn- - It tier were InI ivnr 01 it, and liovi been all 1I10 time. Hut ine orffi 'itnff r is a trap, nnee, .'ml ilelu-io- n. and hear en III' ice 11.1 Impress, ef iho mind ur tail r. Ity eheuiir,1". tl. tlnni ii. 'Iho men Tray do at tin t idenn . butlor na we rte 'oon It as s plci nf eon.nTvu VeIrlckciy de., li'i in. Mestywur isiiu il bsceured 'j, X :lene would more rejules Ihtn wu fl ,(l tl ! ill an wr !irr; but It will not it .. ;

snllfmcn cccbt, they w il ti.' - , mre long toA suss or Timt! roi.Lr.

Cn il will trt's g" down heb w I'.' letla ( .rtll.lt r, . hi cl'l is ell 111! r lie ti '. I tolul lestuinat il,s neeis-it- nf Mitpi r don lien t

lie . fill be! ei ; lii' ' ,r till let 11 lint t e 1,.;

lit 0 It 't i.l I ill I'I 5', I, O.l - t' - - I'I rupnaitlnr, be"1"-- e V n k It- T t'.lt ef. rit' - w ,

uieh I toeir colili"!" wi 1, It dee g , d , mi,after luliilg p k te 11,1 jl..,,"j i,n 1..' at eluaia tbeiusilvus, lli.y Mil1 h ive tho men In thelurch.

1 ho propot.Jon ne Made on An it 7) dosntotuf qui sue ..1 .nl op- a 1' 'lie

ob'.v ar!i ', and we t'ie auth t 0. .1,vif ,l.. ly sn I in"l eloBal at'e npll'ia' to mulei 1 .l 'osoar great injury, Wo nn again il tl l tuI mec this o.fer in gO'd faith aul v.lih tne In ui lieliiitlooif it w.i crrpte )trt to cntlnno to

ork ihrnoghout Ihoiear tedsnisea. ot the unr 01coil In Ibe market, and sutjvcl iiiiiv tu uoatoidihlse tuiiet. .ueli ua breik di.sa at eel rles sud wantof me"i uf lrnpor:tlon. TM we eenftleutlybelieve wo cstt do, sn t tho editur of tbs ifonttnr hasi.u right to clisrse u wltn com n tmale trtafceri uu 1

leceliilnii In tins offer imlll we hve bad fair trill.(Signed) WIl.LLVl KE.SDI!!,. K,


rn rnor.it nnvimos'.The Conallltillou.illtr of tlio l.rgnl Tcnilrr

Act Afllriurd-f.'o- til ( onlrucla l'revluiistoIho I'nsssgr I'nyobln In I.cksiI Tender.

WasmxaTov, Mty 1. Thcru wa alarrjo num.

teroftbe members ot the bar present at the Su-

premo Court, Chambers, Including bollcllor-Gener-

lirlstow and Trumtull and Cole,

is tt was knuwu the Court wuuld auoounce manyopinions prepared during the week's rtcee,

10 adjourning until th lfllh ot October next.All Iho Judges wcr on tho bench wits lbs oicep-Ho- n

of Mr. Justice Ne'son, who I sbtent frnm ti.ucilr, Iho Lhiet Justice retired al nbuut 2 o'cIocU.Nunc i t tie oplt.iou were ant'ouncid by him.

At 3 o'clock Mr. .lustlre 0110:0111 reid a brief poseron the l.'gal ten ir CJies uf Knux vettus bee, aud1 arker versus lal. i foliowt 1

in iheae sn caai tv q t'iaUoru were horeto'oree l to bo argil d. nune r :

Kutt It tao act of I'ei.cret known ll' tAalTcmlar act oon'tituttoaal ss to onti.cU mtde lieforolis I'.lit '

trreud-- lt 11 talld ai applicable, to transactions timeitSJ aviatace ?

T4!. i have tern coulter ad bv the Coutt,mi t tmn ban t,o. 11 ,1001 1.1 la the nflirmsttva Thadecree ei ihe meJ.il'nal ri.u.tet t'smtLeoareui ..krrvs l!ausls tnererere al'ln r 1.aadliieladguieul of t'la tli cuit Court uf the n jlkiatri uTine IWatjrn Ilialnoiot l oxai la altu adlrmed.

'1 b I'niel .fusi ce, wuli Aooi-it- Neboit.1 liller.l. and I, ms-e- ir.uu Iho tu Oh Its u' I eCVui I uutui boiti cruniisi'ioua and tue rjtuit, hulduiaithat Lie .ct uf I'onaie'. u far ua iioph ililo tu cuetriet made be'ure the pttauge, I repasuaut tu thet'oiisliiiiiinn suu veld, mid that it Is repugnant tuthe I until'Uliouanil vol I so lar -- s ajpllsauia lu

Ul.ldeailee ut Dasaago.In Uunmug a.ainal ar and others, two cues

from thebuureroe Carl of Ml.l11u.111. i,ie eontrietswere ior the delivery uf a speeded weielit ul guld,soulable ua culnod money. 'I'bo lourt below lie.dIbat II ey were discuargcd lis the pajiuiiil uflreutury iietes tqalvjeol In market valu"to the value of ouitieJ ineiiair ul the sti-pulated w ught of pies cold, 't In Courtleie. that juoament, bo.. Iuu Kiat il shoLld havebeen eiitereJ r cubicJ dollar and .arts 01 duila-- .

in accordance wKri the dec inn hi Ihoneon aytunslIDiiMSie und itqUer Hfiuist ilurwiis, T Wall,tz and Ilr. Juiliw b.runa dtlnciod liicupmluu.


Churlee Miuiner ail tt I in the Way of (irnutuud tils Muctaiubblug I l ew.

WasiUMiTON, May I. l'l.o fiieeils uf thebavo been at work fur tome ll'i.e Iri-.i-

10 en .te the ln.pree.lcii that Mr. fiuuiuei - iortain to oppoie tnc uew Kcghsh treaty. Iheieigoud leaeun tu believ that suiuelhlug Is lu II whlcnut 1 retiJor It Impusalble for bun lo tuppurt li, andhit inflasiicu matl uf necssliy bo luioalrod in a

r posttble. Up to tnl eto.i nr lir. tiu m erhas pot ien t'ie treaty nr been glveu uny oeaiiriilekiiowle ice of llscontuuis, altbuiiglt mtnbate had the wLolu coull hsl lo Uiom. '.r. etum 1,1 rwill otineui or to have it c oeidered with open doormil let Ihe people judge of II liisrUt md d ner,t-- .Us is deelruut uf aeeurtnc a complete seulexueutaud ihliug peace, but t lore a lb it lu the pttciwhich he will in m i'ti"v, tn.! a Hutu 10 tue ex-

tent to wuleli he will yield in a luweting of tbirneil.lion sskiimed br the beuate la iviiard 10 Kui.bnd'aouU'jge in b.itteninz to lecoTulao Uie rubt belurethev hud an inn 1 ur navy, 01 l.a I fi ugnl a bailie,aad Inr substquesl aid aa caiafoi to the c oiu 01lha wnr.

VAMxn voitriiK nr.itvt.s' u iff.

The VVurk uf It-- u ('iniiiiilaelon Clean OutIho I uiletl ul eta Tiruaiiry.

WtmiiMiriiN, .May 1. Tho Southern ClaimCuuuustouera to diy beurd lite cue uf lltcj.iiulnJ. Urulh, tor cutlo taken by Qen. Ueary's troevs;

ISrkcr and rieth and Ctrui Odorn, (or tvrnirrorerty and produce used by the army ; ar.J I,owlP. llnCltli. presenting claim ol similar cluracier.A'l tho" pet-o- nro from Vlrrlnlt. Apa till hearing was given I'blilp Kptleln, uf Co.I U'tiblt, H. I'., whose tirnperty. cunting nf html.,bnuk netes, Jeae'ry. and tubneeo. wt captured bfl'n. t ltier pnhett (, ,t pi ia Jam river, Inlilt wfalle the un per with aevvrsl eiiiiMunlnii waei. le tvt,nng lo mi.a.0 le uny lo I'.lllu.er in asctotner. The property Co Stritot and sol. I.and the proceed were applied bi inih trv ,rurpoeesby (le. Ibitler.

II if tre intention of tne I omiua..ii altortli- - toilltrtbtile prlutml 111 of nil e'senvi to oe bulle-tined at the 1'oti OUen In tiie huu 'in n sttlif, lurtoe purpose ol throw ine addltluual light on theloyalty of the tuultlplihig clulniant.

Ilnea tho Milliin VVnnl nn OClec"liny I. UalUiii KU'eudi, Iho

Torl."h Clargs d'AITalrv lu till my, reeeiied fromthe Sullen y a luaiiuillioiit c.rp.l nunuf..cturu.lsxiieatly a a flit tor this cuverilWilit, and do

lu'ned t' r the Kuet lt sutn uf tli White Ilejoar tlxesu'lve Mansiou. lu acrordaneu with hiinstruction, he has by loiter hiftrmo.! tiie I'.j.l.ilem thro iirli tl e ecro' try of btnte of ibe it "lee efthe bullHii to make the pieaent. Ked and bioeurethe i r.. .lllM lulots. It we,, i l.&oU loueili, Ceileeoleitl judges any ll i wuitu (ruin nine tu te-- i Utcueaud dulhtie. ft was tuts afti.ru ,0.1 put ei. Il.ebuet ul tue llasi Itooiu.

Tke Ohio hehunl hsipcrilli-tt- ,

Coi.uhiii's, My 1. Tbo General Assembly issti.l in nf-ion- , aud pyuba'd nil he ti" irly nilnlath'. Tho sppTopli Vliun bill f.l.le'1 lu pi-- t Il.erVmti, in. s SHI.IUUUU, and te.is ..re in'-r-

till, .id lh.it UiO 1. ai--, iture lull lu

nn rrnt, w ittteitt tuul- - tit any prm 01 tor t' e ex.uvbeei of tui in . nietil, ir i.ie .nopitrl ulCt. j ul. lie vt I.e. It 'tc ; a ut .11 -- I 111,01 a, andfir Ihe ii.iiUi.nl ul in iml .nd ll...cipalul Ihopublic uJ.t.

Cubuu Jiiditi- -. Id 11 Duel.II iviNt, Way I. - ipiarfel uio., on Satur-- ,

.1 in lie- nil i' ne thipivits i'i uet, dnrn f whichJ f hiij.n al v I l'c lace o. J , Je Vaqtit a lj

et .'lliligo CJ li p) elt.l I. unci .til. h'j.r.1,,. id.n uu u tut'i leuglit s daol witii t.iorus. in

w.i.c'i loeefvi J, alialtt woan 1, tt't u wiuud.11, ii .ii'iii nod aim tu U Ueikt.isl. O'.lnr duelsmu u.t 11 of.

TuUe im I'ltibri'lliii.Wilt N I' l) I'll e ,. ,K C.'llitf SlO

naI. .iV. i u, WsaHISaiTON. M iv l.ii is ire'-.ltl-

1.1 ti .1 11. 'hi storm la giUuring 111 i. un tintl.iliugnu li.r wiiu uui tiie ti Kin.lt it,. e.oiiiuUe In pi, t 111 " Ihu .i vl. , a,,, .Oilll-- i"i an .ei. hwen 11, It II- Ui, I,,;- v III 1, nil,,:

i.ti nt; t ', ' nt tin - 01! Mai ..'! V tttitr"i ip'ic t'il the iienh .i- on l'ti. Its. 1,1y t 11 i'i w i'i it ,n rn 1 in I 'i,

- tied rloudiueaa la the Middle snd oeutmbtawa.

- -- 'AT Ml: I I in,

-- It is pmpo.ed t. r. ek tl,o i,.,f,r, ,,f ihlDe f.-ir- river win is'm .

it is said lh.1.1 th i,('in will buy tl fm. ustrotting a. all' in It.ini i.e-- .111.

About the tie. id ihe Icatl 1... 1,, n,0lluilsJ Bute) ie said to I - i,tg in d.

vTortli, tho Pur 1,1.111 ctnhner, I" t t . (oNew tit, w'ti.. a .1 ut i. nfin for ei .

-- An IikIioiii married her iilhu. 11 nn,, uCvspi ii'it.-n- f !.i:iiiv :,- iron her it

Hb'nlo Island hsrl only thirty four c n't n' 'le 4. re last t. a" ,n. I u wi.l cenu u

A man In Henry cuu ity, Ind., hr .'i tee--- ,'

s in Ky ef evrermi um g suite Hob-'- ' ,1:a.

Col. Ittior, the e.-- Snpcttnten leu' nr W fu t. It 'a I it, lie uiw 1 .lis stric'ett l, , n 1 av.j

In Tie .ervie-t- .

A I luljaleipl.i.i j.ijrnalial as.ellt "...tC l pt.j.cs.at Ih" lli.est ail co.l cdua. In Amtriut. Ituteaes i'i.uny,vaaia.

Ucii. Spinner, durinu the ten )cr. he Innpi n ihu frei irer uf 1.1 n t ht .mtJ . ti.t- ti md tott.ic .tig iittu of ri ' 'j j

Mi'thu'ii.tl clniroli. i,'er built in ll. t u.Ity in I'tUat tho isle uf hi jro lour l my s n, 11, jds' , the Mimo'r beh g oicr l..'.f).

A lei ' .,it Jniirn .1, eenducted in iIimv r'ls cf total al-li- ii,e, ie 'tuiiiie. its ' 'tu'.. uuf til frr w,i.e 1 Ihe cile' i it on if ihe I oil-- ,.t r,

oliof Ilegel, (I,, ril-i- . ,i ,,' ' . (,'.,,'s Pr f. ser of I I'tnri ai i f I 1 nu.to' e is such s dull lecurer lint ne h ir ily r ..0any bearers.

A Western editor lias been cut i.i.rtid I yl.li sj't rlbo't 01 oeenuiit of 111 biadt. I 'IojInt instance of t is kin I on ree nl. ( irg , j aiO'omeiltne luhjeet 10 Uils triiiui nl.

tlubsl liarlf eovits the of beinai0 1. tered a Brtt isa n- - ei r I. lie d is irtsjhe iniriie I MonWaui ry... i n .lol-'l- , i,i'moai'l. pud. 1. .5 :v.i i... u ar t..n i.uiui,in t

" J ..at v i ii.'ittt ; '.ive c.t'l tji'-.r'-

ail Vt., ..! : tJ S ! . ' ullln ,tin -- . y to a t .. e . .,

e ,i t' wa t .cite. . . 1 a. ii.t.iaci laherfy.a."

!... d nsrteof f e .h Hrcu't tl .f . it

' f tb n idai C ioaaUIT a tis' '!'.(' i ..

t.. chi.dieii sa,e heealii ,j : good h. elti, al 11.. n

n- cat a- tied lo adiul iitf-- r..v l.a 1 . .n . viaao-c- i ot c I', ol, a a d t.M t , ei , ,

TciiUvS'-e- b ut auuile r W..J mull, 111 'i ucigla'laf.u.orr itiail tin lttt He - t 1 f. t .att..t ,yterei with ttiK-ai- 1,1,- v , , ni.,te,iUi. ro.ia aw jinaamen wph "s.i .. s fm in aur"'i t

wo ,.ea W..I. i t . 1 l ictaiaigl'deKjht."

A man wa arret!. 1 in Ibiff.'o last w. ek fortleallug s birrcl of s It. When ar tl.: wl In the c.urChe pleaded dsstitul.ou. " V- u oi.n'nu t cat li.- - .ait,'said t'.ie .ladzs. "oh, yet, 1 coald, wi"i 10 "1 nil.utcuded to stel." This isnlr oust huu tl. n... .ibThe .lu,.e ba.l no of d '.: a'- - L ,

It il rumored that the nepotic iirtillen, it tob it'll further complicate! bv the marilu" .1 w

Dent to tha wllow ef th late John r.nti UsIxiultvil.e ltmr thlaka there are giuui.ds f .r

that thero are not otAcet cnnni,-- ' r n't thoSmiths, the Dent har.ng been atret ly fir

California has fiund u gra thnt wl1 orethroughout Ur dry tuuirje rt, tn.t litewn;- - - .dvery widely ovr the siato Itltedrd "siiti " .a single house lu San Krsnct'co sold 1 OOOpjun-l- of llla a sihkIo day. U Is claliueu for it that it witiu n n.land the droagb but Lc mora produitivo uaa t..soatlsograiset.

James ll. Stone, a voung; man cot- t ;l

wtth toe halamaaou iMtcl ) 7stvr'iiA. la a tt 1 rsympalhr at lbs haoca of all tte. .i.ii I

Ills mottter is to take oo - U l t le. .1

ef Oreat Ilntaln ti C' titin i,', K 1. 1 . t n- 11 MLand, and be ulouo is tt aceotni'.,-- '.',gntds. ruantsl'or. aad trie it.

A mania for hunting; 011 nur W.'t' in ;

seems in b.ve seiz 1 Utoti tu my fl.u:l '1, : . .

a 1 there are tunurt of thi pr it;-- t v- e t

w.trun lht a- xt two vears of at le.ul a t .; - .'

notita families to ahott rro-at- aitot-tn- n ,

b'Hfaloei, Aeottiil urnal el 1st it tint , lie ri . a..PJettuf .1 1 th.t ilsiii ij tue Luilal sia'u ..iiiu.itfur A11.e1.c11a aires.

Moe.guiiota ivero ii.'ier half su nu 1. r ii aMetupbu ut tint ststoi of ili yuur. A'. - r id.cea le., w inn nl.i lurrn nan lieiif.'i i 14

m; ila-t- of tQtse truub Iin . uth: nver touili i fMe-upi- s.ttau.ibJat 1, ,s

taken awtnm of moatiulioai le mi eclo-f's- Hoots have tit tr vt) or ii , interror. Thii ut tne aeeuual as givoa oy th ' I 111

alpptvil.A tilit bolwo'n a rat nnd two 911 ik t. 1 c ip.

pernotd ui.l a neik-nt- t' tO'tult it '.i t oei,Ohio, 1110 ulh .1 ii y v la.' ve.'i 'n. tint...suped 1 Hit t.l iiim'i u, ilia raL liiiooe.'o . , t.kil eJ alto ' te r.u .e ia tai a.d tine ti. .d a .eMe Ii.tI b- n t; tie i ive I. Tiu rat th i I e --

ant 'ruble g''aie,i,.iiji in ine eiettiiter, a id - nobawatb.itcn woull ret're to the rornei ui t.u moaad bite out tae pleca float tits dj I v.

The literary men of I'ra ica di no' whoh lahly lb laleiiw of T ears ua vt 1,1 : -- .sllrbelttcal'silie h ''. vlau of Uie Fieiieh I. 't .' n atttcug uiediuerl'y, s sap rboo n leni lico V v .1 iv

llamas sr.vi he tli na iblr. h 11 rxtf-f.-- r

Otutter deol .res hi theione aa fre. fr utfaults as tits iroveruoiest t run ot then, il t.isi ttcuf-- sc if hll uietsure. worn v w so 1 inart) araeciul, he would uo 00- il.e rtui 1. . ue 1

ma llaie, anj a lut la it u pu.iuet l.il . la

lag aul i.raets cvi.-- htig.A favurlte 1! tghali a'tiut.' ii'".ii jot o t :

ex.unuia the tara uf ih na p'e ,n- - in- t t

J.tcoter wtiettier tvei oei.tni 'ui.t'. if u 1"which Uirnla hit dl-- c iv - l. II ij, '. -ed tip of the ear of our nio ri"t tutt .

ed by eui a 'cw rnio, niy e .a-- li- - 1,11fact, qntio (MTirou! fruui the po nte-- cit-0- t.riRa- - i

sttipt. Il may oe deleeiet Hie rim of in- - ir, 11

.boat one 1'i.irter of .bi 1011 let ir n tat ol. cic la niue l.iioi I i'io I a rj-i-- ! r 13. .1 t it0. ihe rim, m.tt.'li: an ohtut; point iitr.i I 11 .

In Kw Albany, bid., they have .1 ." y

who it a treaturo to tbo res.3ap.r re t ri , i 1.

alvats providing la-- n wtlli news on ,1 ',1 (

threw Idusel on lh rail na l tiack in I. 11 t

pioacbtng sin tint wot retfund hy In- - t . .

keeier. Tbs folluw.ag dsy In- i.tte'.i:-i-- in t

fat, but waa prfveute I. The uext o.v, .u- e 1

a cut vomer at lighintng sp-e-il. etiag Imir .

optrattuu. te took no it' I. cli. d .1,1 eu ,. 'aImmolate Himself aid the ehil I un ler t'locniuollte t sud t'smg liua'ia e I in '!.. .1

ctiit'iott ihe ssi'rh a the r ' , a -

atrnla off the trick bit the nt- - 'ei . ; . .tna-- prevt ti tl the diss, er he e Ie 10 ' 1

When not engaged In .net tit a h.v .

iKued he iii'lusinoutly c na es u - . .

asatiaih r.an.tittie 1 c'i -t .

felts, ih- nt.lliorltles, and 11 ' ire " , '

Albany seid soeeaisil ig wn J '1 1' ' T

M to what the rsauu wou oe u ma i i - . 'alioul seise bun vhilJ li b it a rai 1. In lilt unit .t

a euttamcr coatsalsnt,a KM.

Hen tiormar. a Isr of ihoj diy "Ms 1,

f tt t . t'lll t Is iiainhr , T

An I pen he its utile t ou by u- - vi,-

Hut aliu'ei tue wotldue wa 1.10. tnl rI'm I'm io I'.. 1.

Tot oe r 'I I dWherever he .ailed lie w t i..i'-i- 10 .'

I'wat il Ax h" ih.- t ... inNet' WSt 0 f.t 11 Intel he 11- ,t M tYoilUU hen it a., ic-l'- ie- iAud cr.e I iu h a 1. f .. "I , . .

I . I' lilt t I'o.l,' U

Its let'em a'' dr tt.ie'ii no t"-lie inet s ii 'inei a , ' tti ' . '

osletl anil even h 11. .tbo. ' Vtii'i.i- I e a ' -H'-i- " Il 1 . ii'e tii .

I ti ni.11 I' I.I 1i ' '

S iy Pci, '.! r " VI. I in '

Sti ' t'ie, T, l e- 1 t. e ',. ' '.... tl'- t, 'l i. i

1 f '.. id. 1. . .

It it ,t ll 1... h'u ')w,tItVfitie ii ar n"i tier. sai. 1, ". . .

A .u'lie: ".1 at, 1" tiltaw Ile i a a J 11Sty "f.-- in-It l 'i t He k lb b.i.n II

lit ,11

I i .1 ." fll'eV-- , 1,1,1. 1' !, I

Thlr b .1'.' t'.r;. t iv

l lu y ' e vr it . .1 ill -

1 1i 01 'it.' ' v ' ' 'l it 'Au-- b.-- : 'a ,. .1


ueseap'rawd .That Vlll then si'hill Uen s l si, o " ' '

I lie 1 ,pia ' 1 , V

I.I 1 llg Mil I I'i. 10. 1 ' "I

v..":'; ,': ;

M" tMt'l '.'if fH. Tl fI til xua I .1 I tii i' l

HiT ill in ti '

ll uuirir-J- m itt.i.j u4