The Story of East Central District Health Department In Search of PHAB Open Forum Friday June 13 th ,2014 PHAB

The Story of East Central District Health Department PHAB

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  • The Story of East Central District Health Department PHAB
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  • PHAB History & Progress ECDHD is on Step Three of seven Completed the PHAB Online Orientation. Submitted a Statement of Intent (SOI) Completed the Application Selected and uploaded all of our documentation Currently awaiting review of documentation and Site Visit The most important step is knowing what PHAB is asking for and then reviewing the standards, measures, and required documentation.
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  • ECDHD is not there yet! On the Journey for 13 years Dont Have all the Answers Our Quality is not Perfect There is always moving It is Continuous Quality Improvement for a reason
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  • ECDHD Foundation For PHAB Have had a Quality Plan since 2003 Requested every department to have performance measures Mandated in 2011 for every department to have performance measures Always planned to apply for PHAB Board-Leadership-Staff
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  • Challenges we encountered 20 Staff Total in Health Department - 6 WIC staff, 4 Administration, 3 EDN, 1 PHER coordinator, 1 Environmental Health, 2 Alcohol and Tobacco prevention, 2 Minority Health and 1 Disease Surveillance Lost all of our documentation in 2013 after collecting it for a full year when mind manager crashed. Lost our PHAB coordinator right before the PHAB training.
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  • Successes Lessons Learned We persevered through our adversity. We adapted our plan as we needed to do so. We were able to MAKE the time. Use two computer monitors! Use Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Call for help if you need it! Have someone else read the measure and see if they understand what you submitted. Do not write the narrative as a team as you finish the measure too rushed. We needed more time than one hour a week to complete PHAB. To put our logo and creation date on all your documents.
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  • To be successful in PHAB Assign a Project LEAD ASSESS where you are Define an Overall PLAN Assemble a TEAM List TASKS to be done EVALUATE and celebrate progress Use PHAB RESOURCES including your accreditation specialist
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  • Break down the tasks Inch by Inch life's a cinch, Yard by Yard it is mighty hard
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  • Performance Measures We all start somewhere We are not experts! Picked a few Items here and there and started measuring Made it goal that every year we would improve our quality Mandatory for everyone We now track 152 performance measures
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  • Performance Measures
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  • Employee Surveys Based on Gallup 33 Questions Started in 2005
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  • Understanding PHAB Requirements As Simple as basic math
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  • Gretchen Sampson MPH RN COPPHI Open Forum Meeting Kansas City, Mo June 13, 2014 A FTER R EACHING THE S UMMIT : S USTAINING THE M OMENTUM
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  • P OLK COUNTY County Population = 45,000 Rural yet 50 miles from MSP 26 FTEs; $2.3 M budget Level 3 Local Health Dept Diverse Programming
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  • T HE T HRILL OF V ICTORY ! Accredited May, 2013
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  • T HE A GONY OF R EALITY ( A CCREDITED DOES NOT = PERFECT !) PCHDs First 3 Months After Accreditation June Birth to 3 Program State Review, grant applications due, CHIP community workgroups forming July Department Budgets Due, WIC program site visit by State Health Department, summer students in agency, more CHIP work, PHAB celebration August Gearing up for Marketplace roll- out, more budget work, county board votes to phase out home care program, school nursing services starting
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  • I T A IN T O VER D ESPITE THE W ARNING B ELOW ! PHAB requires an annual report - in e-PHAB Two parts to complete Section I and Section II: submitted separately 30 days to complete Section II once Section I approved Section II is primarily narrative responses with 500 word limits
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  • S ECTION 2 T AKES S OME T HOUGHT ! Quality Improvement efforts need to be described in detail PCHDs nemesis! CHA/CHIP implementation and revisions need to be discussed Agency strategic plan implementation must be addressed Yes, Really! The Big 3 Plus QI Are Your Buddies FOR LIFE
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  • T IME TO S HINE A GAIN ! PHAB also wants to know if you supported other health departments since being accredited Examples: PHQIX, Journal Articles, Examples to NACCHOs Toolbox, Presentations, Assistance to other health departments
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  • E MERGING PH I SSUES & I NNOVATIONS Final portion of Section 2: Has the HD conducted work in any of the following areas? Informatics Health Equity Communication Science Costing Services/Chart of Accounts Emergency Preparedness Workforce Public Health/Healthcare integration These areas are included in PHAB Standards and Measures Version 1.5 You Are All Smarter Than the Average Dog When it Comes to This Stuff!!
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  • CHALLENGES PHAB annual reporting process is new Two key staff took new positions elsewhere Two new staff needed major training Major agency program phase-out in 2013 New community coalition being formed and facilitated by PCHD CHIP work in full gear requiring major effort
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  • R EFLECTIONS Easy to let everyday life lull you into complacency recognize it but stay awake; the first year flies!!! Keep accreditation team active and meeting regularly Now that annual report is a known entity, learn the report categories & work towards meeting required elements CHA/CHIP work is ongoing core public health work shouldnt be a struggle to report on it Strategic plan should be guiding your work Quality Improvement never ends maintain your commitment to QI and Performance Management
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  • N EED MORE ENCOURAGEMENT ? Gretchen Sampson RN MPH Director/Health Officer Polk County Health Department Balsam Lake, WI 54810 715-485-8506 [email protected]