l ^'*$^* ? £®?i§*fr! mm mm: '•*&' ^f^W *&ii' ...-„. </->- '""^fiCt^^i^'^^- ,'. ..JL" .-*•*•>• \ «fcl fegjyf^ ^S; 5BS fitfii SSSBS 'i-t-.-.r-' .u.-yC:4 ; —- .>fc-. ?»rf>.- .-W-.-rylf- ^WS, :'a,- ~^715 7: '^T'T'-"1" ^4" ± ,AM;H action. tc^eMtQiMSSMSJ^iJ?*^?!?i^^^v- Q 1 ^^^^ificates are pnUished j a i a j tAmgkgL AII^^M^ the ^J?*J^™**?!" agSjteinK wrm^theytec ^$sfa$§_te§__J«,. ; \m «i ^Sra»/port\on^hl® Ai&KBesa Union, and ftiSBas^-nte! jjaine:-BSfttteB<ie'^tiS«xi^ i^tot^Wfei^te to «$ai$&-3$ perpetuity of the JJaiSft: "•' »•« *•> -*>- *>•«• I 4. No seetarian^terfellnce in our legis- fatioap»aaa<;nQ3 .^i-osigmMea-fl£>p^Esats on,, 4«sonflf6F^Rgiote'%plaiab£ ... . __ l HostiiifcV-'to thevassumptions of Papal Rome,,. throB^h,?^ WkW, Yx$&g'' such, mmntity as fn genS? %^Yfc&vV?03rett»J^ tJTOBess, iswfreo,uenSy-the agj^xspa^ MJwe-ets: Pu-BS, and the cure of one.lsaB»maiBt(^aitB»«ntB« of both. «o person- catt feet fat-*MJe^toto4%- costiv^-hablt, of body.• H«!ice i&Qm&hto S»-ft' 1 can be. promptly, reBeyed. ' ' ? .'".', >", ' ^S^^^sO^nmm&Af tan of « ^ f # W f ^ » W # dose*— Sonione to feur—to stfoi»$Mae_$ojn*c&ii au£faes:-JatQ healthy aefiMK-; S&ejM3riO«)Si^«Ba!. the AeorfiKrn, booh/burn, and ioaSarn of dyspepajB! will ripidly dsapprar. ."TOtast.it harpfflsidont fonret'v&at'ctifed yous '' *" ' " . . •:' For a s FoWL$t<fei*tf, W'.SiL . , Bovxk^ which pi^ucea 2eB«ol 46^,™^™^™,—- spirits and tail,' Kegffi, takefemfqnc.to o g h t ^ U * at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until actmty and atrengttksyytestored to tito system. -3 -4' A(tia«»<te-8taiaeft, AssSj-nr Sa^-taSe-'froni four toeSghfetallaongoingtOiBea. If ttiey^o not oper- ate snfficWlv, take more tiie.HBitS??WiawW. do. These' comptam&fwill he ayrap^fiut from jtt? 1 system. DonTt wear .tfteseaStuJ WetWaadjeA^g- o/tfei Sim, take t t e K B s freely indlfftWeiPjfi to f Seep tlfe bowels opeh: The eru|pon*''«nlrg&jri : ally soon begin to dimrm'sh end 3csaJA|tf.]- Sisny dreadfal uleers. and sores lrave''oe«irHpleUTW^ the purging tmd purifying efecf of thw«| Puis, ind some disgusting qtsefwes" which se^nud tesiturate the whole system ha»e completely yielded to, their infiuence, tea,ving the -sufferer m-'iperfect heSlth. I'atients! youriduty to society forbid* that ydn"' should parade: yourself around the 'irarld.iojtBsl with pimplra, blotchest nlceis, Sores, an* *tt 6> »ny••> of tae.nncieair diseases of 13W sicm,fy*wtSS i JOOT sjstem rtants.iijeansing. . ' T o 'PtnKftJTfHB B r o o o , tJlej. are the best Jtfeafe '" ffiscosered. They should pe taken freely and f^uentlyiar^d.fte unpjiritie».wMcl» ®w-ffie seeds of incurable diseases will .he swept Otrt of the MM 9W&i* sfrofli lb-45 itJoconpies'on!) ,.- h ey dS'as much good in preventing aicknesa as by, tlie remarkable cures which they are making erery system01 hT^ha4oeforethewina; "By this property the *" *• -*'• ' '- u *~ *hg where. ^ -' ' Liv^a CoMPLitNT, JAUNBICE, and aii Bilima Affahpt^ arise,.fcm» some jier&rgeinent-retth^r t&rjadiia', congesifim,'or 61)stractipris,ortlii|^«x. Torpidity4rid congEStipii •sitiai&tfiSifile aria render it unfit for .digestion This is disa§teotB_to_.the, health, and-. thK^nstitutiriajis EejjttiriSyir^--* J mined ojSfce otaer?cause. • 1 n d a > e g i a J 5 K i i long anitdangerous, bain pf «vib.-,Costrraie|agori alternate% eostivenfess^jma- amrrho^ir-pretaHa; Feverish symptoms, langSijr, lowspnits, vfeariness, and the wKifetof the eyes beeonie a greenish yeHow; the stomach acid; the .bofsrels'sote to the touch} tbe whole system imtihle, withajtenB^ey to.fererj which may "turn to bilious fever, hiliouscoUc, bilious diaithffia, dysenfery, &c A merH^l dpssjpf three or four FrBs caienatnight, followea by two or three in the morning, and repeated aievrdays, wSlremoTe the cause of ail thesej troubles. It i» wicked to suffer sueh pajn& when you can<«ure them for 25 cents. BBKUMATJSSfa Goirrj aad'uU Ijj^m^icfertyf¥ j vm are rapidrf cured by the' punfyrhg e'Sects pf _ these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus wfijih * they afford to the vital principle ofliTe, Bar these and all' Knirlrect complainfs\they sjipuld.be takgrtin mild doses, to move the bowels gently,, but freely. As a BIXKBR t'riE, this is obth agreeable and useful. NjiFulcanberaarle more pleasant to take, and certainly none,has<-been made^noreue&ectual to the purpose for which;ftdinner pSl is»'eniployed/ .^EEeiBEDs^Y-' .i BB. I . € . A¥KR A CO., Practical and Analytical GixemiatSi. LOWELL, MASS., ' AHBSOIJ)Bi' _H. 8. H0MPHEET, psjlemborsh, i i - ^ J l AYMi'S a .. Be. Cliurchv^aa-,«r±tTfJtqJubJicaa ia^jja<3;. pile "ana daitg^Qg.$Q t»e liberties^*jtli^ f 6 ? 1 ^ -"^-Ki-- . .'M Jtf^ ,. ' ( -6. Th.QEQBgWtBBfertn HI wxe Ka^»Na; ?• l^eenaotanSnji.fjnavv^JbrtnfepiflSefr ^i«i of4^%PW8^f tiejBairett Bc^£^ Sf^tei * si 9 »"' 3 ' ! a - '.'•••*• '> "u^' j. - -- -u„ S. F'reffatiaatteiil'S Institutionsforthe ; t$«vfii*i j&nm#fr of peajte'jjift. 1 the Bible as a Text Book in our Coramon> Schools. - <:,: -' • " v '• ; Resolved, That^Jhe National Adminis- tration, by ite»igeneral eouise"Of .official eonductj'togeflier 'With an a|i§nip:|.jto;l,9^'/ Stroy-ttieF repose; "liarraony and -frftferiistl telatKaiS'^of-thePCQuntagr in therepeawif tn^ Missouri COnipfSmiae, and the etfcofirAge'i tnent-OjE. a^gtmsioaau' npna the: sovereignty |eseiNres^nd%llbtfld^de"iVethoTiiijted rjOn- demnation- o£r*ho i American people, 'and that the inatitfttio'tf of Slavery- stetud re-' eeiti #'fe|e'riMg)j;&im ^d\ repeah 1 - "^ ResotveSr I'hat. in the organization of the-Arneri®(lT,©rder thetestitution-ofIn- voluntary-Servitude was, "HO. now is, xe-< garded _as local and not national in its eh|r|i|r|^lMla^bjeJ !<§•, fiiej^ler^ tiomof a. difference of -opinion by the citi- zen* ofjtbe Hortherpand-Sonilfern. States, andj as^'suei, nas "no rightful- place' in the : Platform of the National AnierScan party. ''• " " •"•"•^'- - ' . M..- : %T«ratjEEa6LtraiouEl ?_• •• l j . As thefioamiercial, the Common.School AndAe fn^||%% 1 prpvBta.eat svateprg ^ the Stat^arefts neatest pride ^nd ; glory, and hay'e'ma^l ^i'^'Bat^'4'e > inphftSca j lly iSj'-tiie Empife'Sraie, therefore, " . ^f* Resolim, ''iSatitfte-American party Trill always regards as its highest duty to fos- ter, protect and defend tb'eih. . , .Resolpedy^^ii.i. the. interests, o^, th3i| great Steite Tmperatively demand a change of rulers;' that if we -would see heRintefe aal !rOTroTOmeif|fe conipleted -we .should, expel irom o&Ge'tie pajtizanSnowin con- trol of.it, i#£oi "Instead of lettrn'g the'Seti tions of the Canals to be kept in "repair-by contract, at A-S4ving-of $800, ptOft.jv.year, as they may, &id\by law are antliorKw4l« do,, continue; -M place ahovtdeoC officials to ab.Svirfy its •jfere^nesforprivate emolu- ment, ioi> eleeHoneering purposes, and to perpetuate their unholy psssession- '65 :ot«d to this. Machine flO.V'--- •-..- . to witness its opera- MMUrerojtannder rajir, one o{thoJS9s *:«55Ki9ftrjRijffi». tii..' swmt p^^wl^p^^ 5 , A^S^SSESSS^^^V^^ ' J^S^SS- froB KOTitbout. W&lBenfl bwint; Igtery corarjaetrrind *OT«^N«j'hMdiht%SSSHflEXt vrWdy about It It can be drijen by two horse-power, .t fan speed for elthor^ak. Mn^Tceda^^r^hestjuit.rtitt before known et fa^mikini^'- m&u&mtitsB ffisim¥!l$B$w£ ^UI.ES HAUEI« E«i.,.the well known ptrium«r, ol Chestmii Street, Philadelphia, wlH*.--fflDicB-r*odutai are fomid at almost every lpi!&t»?8SSf . ,".tj * '. " I-!<m?iSjppy , 't 0 saFof Joiit 'ggsplbmc TXUJ, that 1 tuve found ihem a beiref fenify Weciienie. for^ canunaa iBr,,thnn any.other within .my taaxorleageA'451anraaf*W friendSJiave, realtj^dtiharlted benefitalrgn t H c l n S i i t ^ ^ hicHewittrjuem-Delieyjnstat Ihey polseas«.vi«ffltoiiy virtuesfotdrivin» out diseases and curing.tlic;3kii«.They are not only fijlecmaLJffltaafe and.pleasanv(H»»l^a«ah-rr saaDnes'wBTcb mnit mips them vilueiitby't&j puMiCi r when they jre knownji,, *^*$%& > ~ i > taken your Pills with !ffeat benefit, for. the llBttteroesi, languor. Ion of tapmtil and Bmoa»«ea&ilig?ghij6 ha*-of late,yearaof—«• me ariiifcfr«^sfgi»<fi>^«'y|ug-Hns>ciittl nave oj'etf-yorrfr.CheiTy-Pei^ral^maByAy^i^tn m The venerable CtaneellWvWJtBPB/S*! " tunote,:Kmanrilp85«MggiEM-- ~ ^Dm-J.e.ATi3i--Msiianavetaki my family Smoking. for cooglia-aSd 'coute"with unlailni5"«KeK« ,Xou nuie medici2e!rwh»cltar«: and fcfeel'it a'ffeSsUjf •- Uo^ommend ... ^.u...™, . yon-arafeg>wdycu:oar»doM[fnd^doS©. ! **J t4<|lf aarrwst.is. JOBirU BEATTV, E^yS^o^UsftiBeiin. nailroadtja, **—**" " S t r : I tak»pteaMre;1iir t »3dmj inrie'jtihjii»y,riitBe efficacy of yoaf oiedivJnisVliaving deriwdTety'uuiterial iieoent ftnm tiMKUse of be^^oM" Pectoral au^ Catharuc piilo. I an, never ivJthrSt-mKn5luS»iy?airgy, uor-jhatl l- ever omsenrio gevwafe-uiy iueaii»uBtpriieg|e th,er "' Thev/idely retaiFiredt&jS. SfEVEH&M„pLof JL wotth,»i%«r2!S*' . Z ;4.«4J«- *•-' « 8avm?.nse#^«C*t&^*fSft1h1] Mmry.ftifiie.vperfenct Urat tlieyta'aiimvaji ai diseeWSw-M&wffl«y»«ftwaewifiearlBrr-- -•*- ' otsrf-flitai^Mi^lpe^i^&^lenieify*^ to 35 ^ . Yon coaS __ fo»y».» - , ''^iifoi'fC^fe%:,,, ^ i *^^P*S? l ^'"* !5i ^'' 1 !'^^af >TTn iJnTTlTi'ih^if'Mali -•'-••tjE<Sg''j -•e-.i ***+.-Z*Z±££*^ n«.,-^r_»'»»^*itr'*£.^ * I : J -' U U ' -* fc : ! «<P«5* M '' power. <^r- J&J . , -, f The followingifs a list of "members ol mitifles-tfm- Platform : j? J j i e ^Cjimi iDisfcMot 1.—Broolrj, ?' « " a—NortlraK SWlRhWnn,: •Freeman, Stuart, Uullact. ' 8anders, Caldwell, .TanQordenv WesttirjDok1,>, s 4—Freeman, urHolbrook, JBnssolV . - 6>-Ste3eBB&i !, Corey, . l^sltej- " 6.—Tompkins, Cnxria, Gxannls, ,"! T.r-Saratonif, Crooks, Backus,. . >• » a v 8.—BuntsU^.. JPeok, SdPK*,«,'. IS "'•"' By order of the State Council ' * -"- •" J. -W. BA&KEK, President. H. 1'iiiEiFQTO^-, Secretary. ^ Iratristmsi- Wv^novfeoffer »> ttjgigJEMJyEithe Iggat stocfc«£jt D4 Evermtm|^ib%omCTn n Slv>-York. Our large stoctr of XEaC'We-pfficBasca-STtKe aacBon saia EToston jjmdiJTewa-SIaiL.J -(Oat T O l t A C C n O S •WeVo.mannlaE-:, iuica expressW*?'usitSe past; snramerta'ndi(ra.»fll8ea5 .them lower than; a n y i h o ^ ^ H B i p j k M W stoet^of' >SCGJiHSS^Sr^iii5ed««>%olast rise, and we areprtr^eiti^TObuitristomersbirjmtas. Our stock of YlTia^alTTCTialaf^i , e s ^ > -'. weTHnaeffrarrS, Teas.—r- J .™ 3 .™JMJLdinHK.sjaxx, sLXKonuhsov- - , --t?i' . - S a t g M S . - ^ N e w . s t t l e a n v MuidovodOr :£brto»Bi" CSrusheai- 56wdere65'«Epffee Crushed, In hogshcadT'S ' ' ' ^iW^S'isi^*"' ' —*" - Tobacc4».—"Honey. De-^'iioiiaatle^Gliew In* and" noptetu -'M -SSS. 3 *:?. --• ••••-\ '-• '<•• >•' "-n I N!feer-®^ ! adapted to the genial eeaaon, and -"—•soaro^d^drotatolDatirte her io at i © t«ir«liSt^ee5| whore tho ProprletoriavingjustrBturn- edftom market, Is now opening tho, most :«ood»; foe Gb«»«lcriJcri'i , . „. <&Hk -«8»ptoa-ftKitMrtpniHtan?' i)nsJ»awr^#i4 t -ffliS-iayer been eil^ttw-to'Ofdans*' =V BawnClioeii early In mark*^. hp bad Syora-- r/la7^eW o t l l p p ^ r a , a & ^ ? < M ^ cry obylousi asjlje- can now s a w up tp_hB Wends, 10ODS'-tl»t,.-ln'p 0 l nt of texture jwd^.etyloa,"toethe fOBtuteo«nrirfea«]r*t^v. *-B-- _ _ T v * «* '*»- r wGeatleraen'efuudreM,b»offl!riBl«ckaBw»«jd« clvth* from: the .best M»nuflictnrar'a of eermisyv f ranee,, a n d :mm^;JV/nnp^t^^fiTman »^e«jfel^,«aa.|l^eC««*lJr^c^a21ack,Bsp1^^^ drtacnSnowi": 3?orPlu>iraA»»-orBrarifliS> S'r*r«, he nas~;BJtae^royfeJ;aHIa^OUve,Mulborryt01atotQriUjn, Pr«h,.an4Mlxfl4Jro^o)otlft^f»l!srad»- -4 'QcnUemer^ if.you.want*raur.of EAKflr French. Casd- aiero,iP^t«;itep,lntq.No,M,'mnd,li; we cannot aliow. ^£NBiaaH'.lld 'AMEBIoB? OAB8IMEEES, Black »nd^ar»y,ofj»ll<paaea5.0nloni8a"tlrleWTweods. Cash- mora* andalVkuwiof TIUH QoaMforSincimWtut: While,,Bj*,yjguired.jtrh>ed and,CheckedMaraelllea , Jfto^e S)?e« Vij"hay« tha^imukia" of iix. W.W. LIT^EwMcbJla^liSna^ of fhelrmoa- ter, seem Wfrnive the power ofthe'" Uagtelanls Wand" In converting the uboVe'lloaUttragfllbrlcS Into the most Fashionable and .tastefnUy Utttog COATS, VESTS, and d^sinsi?' ANDiDMHi&ST, 'No.' 2, Etilfet' Block, ' '"" FOBS ST., OGDENSBCRGH, N . I f . , rg[AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND aBttOfwj^wtw BeOI^^ amT PAJJT& of every a&Ie, iVrie.' vrill also sell Goods in btaklngoffanpthe thoapi«rad#ftt%t gioto*thlrd"be'a-p1k' tluTrdreroluHon; whl lavestb^Jsecohd <pm ,he;ca«S^plece,y»rd, _. togs, Vyilbfesalai-or SM* feK'^-^s^^pipja^} wanfcot. P*S:t f READY - HADE ^^UBpfG onotlicr'h.e5a.andLth<> iottertrom tueTxjltaid ^^tonBtoujjdqr.aido.s iwts^wasaJoJntew JorSi^/ousffllnglw , n cdJti tha r»t<j of M "Porday., fc^ tUSS^r^'^TS^v^'SP' 04 ''«» ^ttonUen of r l S ^ ? * ! ^ ^ S W ! ° hctaofer toiaimounoo a real ^ e ^ r o B ^ - ^ W e f c o a j t Kintwlthort regardtothe ?!5.S&B8J ro %* r ° ,*nmh'^..-ffhtsirnacmnB ta-o*.» S^T^iSff^W.^? hand-madoaulngSran tth- an ovQn^anerr'nDOn" to eal] anu\e^moonrs>)clttathlsllne,«we havebyiar ^I^ol ^^^o 1 ^- J krj^as^rtafot tffsetoct Wru, than «an be found in weAo^ta, think',. eould notJeak, ,One p) Ine, woul stehtt'ehgln woofll,,,. 'Wsw'i-Wd roof of tliose^ahtorie* •KijT. < *- t 2ff& maollil " s ' witlraportable inldT)©,* fijrtun* to-a. man irjthe pine r s (Wi-UETOws, April 8,1S5A. E. P. VAUoni!r,..Esq.,Eocliester-: Dear Sir,—I am happ; w?,St°^ *~^ttw&8i?i&is$h ta!%$}?J^f n !?*' W*"»S«h tha< cannot ^InS. toe andeaty ttmbertt wort* to west perfectioa, and ease, afirr ta ^^CFoSfe' -^ ^ ' ' '•• M.,%OHAIi WiTZETowK, April T, 18* S. F. VAooniK.Soohesteifir. V.»1 • ' sitflh^JfSSrSf f , t * |e •*"l n * so , D 'Shtagle Machines has becnto om^on.atmj.p&i»foraometimepast,an»^ am hahny^ssyJtto.tho.qhl}f machtoe Ibr manufaotur- on y can. execut. and I ifc eSJy^rojnrmdlt m!2 shu^o^annfacturvmwTn»8nuislei&oiliio . __| -,'- : <H.Sl,OAT. - - ' j ! lEOhaau,-April8jl85«. E. F. vaofijra.jrrBochesterj K. V. D e * ^ — W o * r e happy'm-say'flio Shffelo Ma'chlne for inaOT&eturfcur r i v e / a n ^ s W e d SMnglesf wa tort it work, and It fully • » - • ,i— ?i?l "«J?" , " •"• readil; boor somethat.camwfcworfiftgmiipfi,^,! eafj-limberto groat parfcorioni *al«iys Ibavfhg'the fents of rmiform thickness withbut dlnplng Bib figg, S&h to S>w with the hand-rnade Fr<weatyo7wtnd^tmiher;^ elplei^ttg eo-com- &BAiPH1 , OBVfroriWarctiia^ istSOB E.-R.VAOGitA»,JBoehest«rjte%1 " ' SJe,-i-IJiavw worked one "" "' chmesanr^—"-—•—• '" answered. I t t e s beekVialtedJ6| „ ^ r l v e l ' a n d aaared orten: miaS Bftoen Tihn- iHOf.teh?ff ari to*!*. mC»W4 Itim^ennofi, WsJffiRaa fro* pine, ..._ -fi never seen a'-pftwe of ma- r «PSW fcpiecaoii lon^h board and flnLdriti i 9FJ ,SS«w»^JS^MlSSfflg*SS Kyoir^oeoirimcsa aSwel) jSWy exnicmttonav- .t the ^^Mte«^if B 4^ shinglesthiey'over*tiava ~X dred -In flfteeo .minutes, and favorable 'circumstances; Srldr where they can'tieeBtSfnedif ' as well as'other pjaVts; 1 -Biyf K,\ cedaAJjbemloclKS^rngej asJfjahd^ieJeinSt Thatswe »JBi^«l] quality oh rcasor Canton, KT, June l^jieBfei) - *. 3ft t..,.• iT-4inpi S-! 03?, OE AT E. ff-^jfapf S cdv Ke ^?^|P?SasiP F6Kd-«t., corner Stmte, 1( ,_, ..... ...ffio^»S||»?^ ;C^try^Ihe.,ordeAwe.'r&de^iffrI<3oofe 'gre^^s^<tojtote^dtdMoTlI». r Oui^^Sto^ffrarlM 11 iya«ESf€ri" DRESS AND BUSINESS to the lowest grade. His long experience in the purchase and and sale of the above kind of Gfoods, ena- bles'him-to offer them at the LOWEST RATES, WHOLESALE OB'RETAIL. BROADCLOTH, CASSIHERES, &c. A LARGE ANB«PLE»PDil>^s(jfK ment of PINE BLACK .... AND, COLORED -.'.'t BROADCLOTHS— -'-- A?f»:!0'ASS#'ERES, of English, Frencli and- German manufac- Also a large- assorifrrtent of Sl|rE/MARSEILLES, f- and other stylta of 4 . .' ' TESTlNG^i J wlii«?Jv.«w4ll,i>ei wade. Uhorder At-'sliorb noi ^I^^IJ^r^^-^aKtonaa at ili^**^ tingrboard, which is a sufficient .guaranty '^Sjvwtarffclii' «—«i"lr«5 C JfllW5^^i*«ra* * *a*'r^ r r/il^ iik^'k^f rf. " "1J—.-«4 ^* v t*i»JW«,-»- 1 "--'- | ''-~- 1 "«~- " f#r».--'-'W;'-'.-:'l ..-•(•.•«¥ 3.yi^m;ii;.t styles, and warranted W«LL MADI-. -This Stock "consists inpejt«MfINE-BRAB OViEBCOATSlfbrrairlng wear, Di^xErocliHuntUilI.and Sack. tSoata, made from Broart- cloths of all oolorsi Casslmercs, Unions, Ctahmereta, "rmtoefs. Tweeds, Jcana, Duck, Drills, Marseilles. Lin- k Cottoaadcjs &c. ic. . Foiita 0114 Vesta of rerydeserlpHphT > , Saflotsriahbre"ray''a!fd othens;-«hb y i a h for CHEAP CLtfruING, .will ctvo us « call as-we htrro on hand "STADE8iAH»PltE8'(oftho verv-aHIiiles->on want, and,T?i!lsell themh>yonatpricca!04ow, asto defy 00m- SottUon, We can aeu yon a WHOLE SUIT for TWO DOIXAR8, and from that, up to BE3PE0TABLB' In r « i m l » I » » n e G o o O s u It la sufllclent to say,. UuitiiiTarleSyand Bfchnosa. •Efeganco and Novolty o, otylsj thto department very-far excoods any thing of the Hnd«vcr"Defbre^ihlblted ta Nortljorn S e w Tort Rubber a n d O i l C l o t h i n g , or all kinds, at ManafactuTcra' Prices. 1 Xxnalbtto of all kinds, varying.ln price from Ten Shllllcp.to'Thlrty Dollars; Carpet, Leather, and Bobber Bass, umbrellas, &a Ac. DEALEES lb OLOTHTrTG throughout St tawrenoo County, are assured that wo can Bell them from TCH to TWISTT per cant less, than they can *uy In New York Or Boston, and also give them Clothing very much su- perior in pqiutof workmanshlrj. very Wat .K-TotrNO. arTKccolleo^o ^ac^jSa^otdftrecto^eobaBiQ'ai Row. ' Ogdensburub, April ££, 1SS6. B-tf RKADY-HADE TH08HA8 D. SEINHER l*afe'«lSb«»m*E».a!'wiBi*i t'Ay«iiEV **-***^-- .,»*•...".••;.• ,vit!i. f:ma Spring and Summer CLOTHING, e from SUTTI, comprising everything in that line from the finest * <' ' andoffei •ortm' : DttTJGtB, jOhemicals, Paints, Oils &Dyeatuffi. I • - Also, ! Dagaerreotype ! ahd Ambrotype BTOOK AND IN8TBTJMKNT8, Consisting of C a m e r a s , of all sizes, of the best manu- {facturesr P l a t e s , of all tiles, comprising H. B. Patent Improved Star, N. and W„ and Scale Plates; Dagueireo- type and Ambrotype Cases of every variety of Style and •finish, Gla»idata, JPresero)! " •Bromine, Dry laud Dippers, 8 . ^ ,_„— Gold, Bouge, Plate Blocks, Head Bests, &c, Ac., IK. In furnishing P a r e Sperm Whale, and I.lnuccd O i l , he has facilities which den- competi- tion. "5 A LAEQE STOCK OF \ Dental and Surreal Inatraments, OP TllE TBRY BBST HAKBi constantly on hand. > ALSO, -GOLD FOIL, SPONGE GOLD, TEETH, „AND ' ' * TIN FOIL. AL»0, MACHINE CARDS, OF EVERY" DESCRIPTION, PEKFy^LERY, HAIR BRUSHES, ,• AND COMBS CLOiH BRUSHES, TEETH AND NAIL BRUSHES TOlLrJT BOTTLES, DRESSTNG CASES,- Sic, &c, &c. ALSO, Sole Proprietor o f t h e CELEBRATED Z A NrJV^OjR-E A, which, asacnre?6r Diarrhea, Dysentery and Cholera, stands trnrt*l(oo| ,-CBeau fh*rfollowtag:ee^tl(Ici^e«; (}ei^cite^rrittolate iToniber of Congress ^rom this ulstrlct Ogdenshurgh, N , T . ( Oct 20,1856. Hra«y S: Hbatt-ttEar; Esq.: Yohr medicine fbrbowel complaints, called the Balm of Zanthorca, has been eaten- sivefy ueeAlaAls «ba«f and Tlcifilty dori?g thojostsea- son. tMn often nearorlt spoken of as a'rnost MfeeUve remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and other bowel com-. piainls,*hd 1 have BadoccaSloIi to use It and found tarne*: dlate relief from It and bclftn-o tho medicine generauy- his a high reputation among those who have used It nespectuilly y The ZANTHOBEA is a medicine valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well convinced from having prescribed It; and In those obstinate eases, of a cbromo form, I know of no ono thing In which I would place mqre confidence. a N. SHEEilAN, M. D. Ogdensburgh, July 18,1855. UNREAD THIS. GEOKOETOWH, California, Jan. 14,1658. MR. H. 8. HoHrnatV— D«u? 8If—ItU Out-Jostlco to Ton that 1 state a few facts relatlro to your lnvaluablo BALM OP ZANTHOBEA. On leaving OgdensburEh I provided myself with ono small bottlet vpblch, trifling as lt>was, saved several Individuals from death by cholera. The cholera broke out on board the steamer " Uncle 6am," after leaving SauJuan del Sud. In its most malig- iant form, aHo*-0nt of 558passengers, 2ie died of cholera. The disease was attended witli Its usually inntoms^dtar- rhea, &i. The physicians on board seemed to have no power to cheek theMlsease, I first tiled tho Zanthorea upon J. L. Boss, of Macon, Georgia—whom the doctor had prescribed Ibr with'no beneficial result—and Judge of ray astonlabmept, whervin an hour or two, the diarrhea was stopped; and the ptstient fast recovering'. I continuedltausovandwith the small Quantity l h a d with mo, saved tho lives of six lndlvidnals, and had I been provided with aanfflclent .quantity. T hovw no doubt or hesitationtosaying 1 could have saved the Uvea of a, hun- dred petsoha. I most cordially recommend Its' general use; for with the Balraof Zanthorea, cholertand diarrhea arerobbedof all their 1 terrors. ' Yours trulv, > . . , , . . , H. M. FAY. P. S.—Tho Nl(!ara|^ataarher Chth camion San Jna del Snd early in September, 1S55. . ••f' J: - : " 1 V^ftjjipfcB- ~' : ' |arlsiirbil|iSIIiilmk 1 JtoJOT erst: & DBALEB ;k8j«S]s«BB^i>isiaJBiioB of EMgI%1'GerrtfS-ftiiit"a ^ll'ED^ASi. ' English,- Amerimm-.aiidTQcrmatt-EactorieSi' we' ivrapra-l "• ijnror|tefs^.aa.ftyojf|bl? tgnnj.asj any. Jpbplng, "•^'SttM&Wfc , , . Worp'. _. eatcaiTiannfictarcr's prices. figdenBBurBb,JilrjY. A. WATBOOS; Agent 'H- 1= A.-WATadTTS ^IkpBBTiE" isr/'liJEAiaat i tn HarawareJeShlindSteeVBtoves Tinun[lSho6t-Iron;.keep constants , . tn ii ly employed the most experienced,;-1.,-5. . •workmen for Boofina makihg EnTO. Troughs, and every pthordesoriptiqnofTiusndCopperWprk, ... y, •. SoloAgen^SKoAern-ifowiTorkfortiiesareofS. C. •"erring^ SaiantnndeftSafes; ftraJBuggias,bourse. Mason ! -~' •""i^SSW^anmapt ' U his. BooSstajelame door,#esfe»- Ko^C, EAGLE BL0OB., Ford- Street—wherohe'wfll bepleased gee bis old andjuefljjcuotpmei* .jUvfrlenas. ,. _ i Be' lias just returtieff froni Wfip^Sl!S>M^9MW04J! i W> ia Assortment of blDQKS^^iro^ATIOHSliy,-1 TS%<9i l ifJ )a ^ <| W 1 4ilh? ^JnRdnrd .works of the Wll^^.'lFttJtfaOS,' TB«lETRlf» works fl£« iPi.Wtt^^l youra, SHOP PEKK3K8. Si that all BUBT putVb&k' wiUFb© promjiHya^a satisfec^aijr '$$&,»** Dealers and the public are f invited ^0 call" arjftlfis&mipi^ thetsto^fc A,<$&ZS m 0B?.U8Bi <: l£ii <>•»'..£.-& VaderoJfTdmithbib«^CWft^ble«?ttlSi)*u*et aSbrdai'' 1 tndin the meat appr6Tedi<yJ^;and--wnrranti3n well'•• ; &-i!aadpaudafcr^e«>^Io*ai^deryaoinp^8o!^^^^ ''iSOT^TelF^yiivfe^c&MeiirhW' 2fg2g^gJ - f^P^lpt^gpSi^i'^^r^' fBemsmberth* itarUftSloelti* :rj 'faVftrf^,?-;?,-, "- -'- - "HW-MillTtm^ ^ •pyn'^TiHr-ntt Wan!* >*»™.'" rmnUlnlaf tW »CTaa. ^tk, Th.TalsHibl.w5 HOTaan 6* claw T«V««*alS»H«V rfC^aio^Sj^tawwiiJia Hoaa*,"; ttuttatt —^-, ^ _ , ..— _ _ — ISMS P<*^' Kaa4,*b«irjiiM«li w*F«^- " STSl ^""" "'- t)wliM*f tk* Pettdan aad . ^ ----"ilosj MftJaisaUtttatsV w£!i*M**rTfs* , *3F lf,m - 1WMMHHMHM 7aVf»«M £-4*^*^3^! J. S. GOULD & CO,, No. 32 Ford StreeVbgdeirisburgli, N. S. Offers to the& minds and patrons the following assortment from which to malfe a selection ':**• Ladles' Kid Buskins of all kinds, Ladles' Satin Francals Galtera^ t Ladles' Kid Hun-Bound Slippers? Ladies' Toilet yelvofcjllppera, Ladles'^mh'roldereu-SUpperB, Ladies' Satin Francals Kid Foxed Galtera, Ladles' Patent Fdrod (stayed on albe) Gaiters. Ladies' Silk Lasting Patent-tip Tan Galtera, Ladles' Silk Lasting Patent-Up Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Suk Lasting Heel-Up Tan Gaiters, Also, all kinds of GaitcrH, Slippers, and Bnskinsv, for Misses and Children. Gents' Patent Leather French Ties, Gents' Patent Loather Walking Pumps, Gents'TollotSlippors, Congress Galtera of all kinds,- Also, Boys' and youths Hoots,-Shoes, Congress Gaiters and S l i p p e r s , which we offer to tfcp Publio at prices that defy competition. t3J~ 32 Mechanics' Row. J& Osdensbnrgh. May 8,1850. T-tf m Machines and Hand-Tools-.iDavis &:Co.'sHotse-PowerSt:, Parties purchasing q,uanti|a.esrare par^hnjjarly iuvttedjo examine our.Wholesale^cp^^en%c^s 7 .possesslng 1 «qiud JaclHHes with Ndtt-"Tork ah4 •Boston, for^purlshaslngJ- .Wcpledge ourselves nottobenuideiSoIdInvtltost)cltles> ' T-? — i'r ,-.'..-."k'.ii f a SKEir HLiRDTCARE. , . . .prlnelpa) P^bjjshjng ^ 0 0 ^ , 8 1 : pnBlUjher'c prices. In Una departnieBt, he Is preparerl to meet the wants 0 the Public.. His Stock Of Papers is not exoeuedia North er |^h^^v^gaaper,fen(dls. Peps, Inksfcwns; v uijnt, are kept io •abundance. ••' - ! l«IC«T7liklSi, Pictures and Mouldings, are kept in great variety, and PJotui^ framed tporder :i _^_ '"'.'•'. BOO^BJWDING. The only Bin'aery hortn of Watertown, is carried on by 8pmgue-,-who employs none DUttho best workmen, and doeslils work in superior style. finding and Eulingdoneto order, and on the lowest -TBOH' ' OPEWISG-^V r T?m.L 1AS80ETMHNT ijyl of every description o f S n e l t Hardware, direct from the .English, German and American Factories, insisting of LOCKS, Lateness, Knbbs, Door Handles, Join- ers' Tools, and a variety of House Trimming anrVCarpen- tor's Tools, £awfj Hammers, A^ea, 5&C, &c. Parties fa- .vorlng us with a call, cannot bnt "be convinced of ottr su- perW-fa<nhaesfdrp\rrehn5!hg. ' A. WATEOTJS. 1'Eaglo Block. ' qSVSWB &«, Ho has also on hand, a large iahd choice assortment ot Sheet Music. Also, an assortment of Pianos, Molodeons, dsc, #TMoh ho will sell or, rent ' Ogdensbnrgh^pri^eth, 18^5. ,. 9-tf 1-tf SADDLERY. liSGHSU, AJTD . AMKBICAK Coach Hardware, and Coach ' Lamps and £ands, Springs, Axles, Stump Bace, Tuffs, Tacks, Seaming Goru, Toftin* NniU, Pop- f 'oopa, fitted with plated Nuts, Ivory head„nails, Screwa, vory Slda-Uandlei, Ivotyand BoheSlidesr-togothor^ai nD otter descriptions of Saddlery. A liberal dtecountmade to tho trade when a qnanrltv is required. - A, WATEOOS. $$*£ &W^V: FOUR HTTW»KEI> COOK* PAK* lor, Box and Fancy Stores. Some of tho p«tt- tert& are warrauted to gtvo eatiro eatdsiaction. fSST* fartiea buying at Wbolesalu^ivlll be sup- plied ot the manttfactarer'B wholesale prices. 6&-tt A. "WATKOUS. LITERARY EMPORIUH ASD BOOK STORE. ' TlLLEY &'BROTHER - A R E constantly recei%ing from New- LTork and Boston, all the new and [ninnler 'Publications of the day. Their facilities ____ _.. for obtaining, at any early day. all \he pop- ular and New Books published, are unequalled. Their stock on hand comprises many new and valuable Works, among which, wo offer tho following: "CENTRAL AFRICA," by Bayard Taylor. , "LAND OF THE SAEACENS." by Bayard 1 Taylor. These two works, from the pen of tile greatest modern traveler of the age, should and a place in every Library. They are the best hooka of trartl extant TH'EGKINNELL EXPEDITION In search of Sm JCD- .wens .w*: !Tftl5~5pSTfif gag&Wfy SAMH,Y JjgvTSPAPKE. f% s'kiSiwary^e-.iainia s».3Se-w ritess. GRjisfAif' plBEpjBcjrHwr "#0 'ctrssi °, ,i pi'pliMa; mrlji'fAsiir XH: AC YAMCE "0*/ , ' Sr '" >f '':-i ^ ' * JOj* 1 ~- •'- Enooi,^^^ by tiie very|U)cial patronage heretofore W- gtowed upon tije JopESAL, and tn occordanec via, tie Spirit 6f llijd prosent^s, tije propdetot has decided to ro dpfje thtLpricje pf Uie y^£S3fj^r Joe KH^I. to clubs, tu the fianowlnfftAtcs: . Oae cop^y, one year ' .. * 2 OO i w o copies, o^year, to one addresa 3 00 Five copies, que year, to <)ne address 6 00 SJen- copies, .©Re year, to one address. _ . . . I O OO Y ., t PA*WESat3»BEMA»E " iTsyAjw&m.y vs ADVANCE. ** ALffie e&piraffym of fit* time for ichidi ad^anre Jia^ inenilixis teen received, ttiepaper irifl in all ca*** U stovoefLr &$$$ ^dopU«n i>f ,11:13 caati tystem, U.e «o. pfiSmexrf Of'agents to collect subscriptions will be uii.e cessajy,W»J their eKpeiisea tcUi bt saved TO TM bin SOBtBfiA. s. TS&g•BOSTON" JOrElVAL has for many 'years cOufesBcdly stood at the bead of tho newspaperprggs ofBesv England. This p«MUua was at- tained not through any spiral effort on the part -«t it* pubUsheratoincrease aiie^circulaUoa by aseii ts or otticr of the usual means, but "because it has pnnt-d to be MIOI a : paper as every moral, loteHisent roan In tin- oomnmuu I might with propriety intrpnuce into his family riiric. u. be read bv his children, and from which be might draw fitt tbem both instruction tfod entertainment With tu^b a character ii has earned the position it occupies, and the fact that its circulation is tkrach larger than any other pa per of its class in Kevv England, is the cleared pntotof the esQnuition in which U h- held by the reading cimmio .It i§ o»r porposc now to greatly extend the circulation of the WEKCLY JOFENAU Preparatory to doing thb wc have procured ^ BToirV u n t l ££ea.uti£ul Type, with iThich to print itwand treve abo ordered one of Hoe's Six C y l & A e r F a n t Presses, with which we canprlnt FlFTEEK THOUSAND (IOF- LKa A^ HOUR. This press wUl enubio us to hold back .our forms to a very late hocribr important news, and yet to work off the edition in season for the mails. With this improvement in our print^n? department, we believe we can prive our readers as handsome a paper as Is printed in Sew Knglond. The general character of the paper has ? roved so acceptable that we shall attempt no chaage.— t is, and will be. emphatically A FAMILV 5EWSVAPER, ' We intend that it sluitl be a complete record of the eveni; I of tho ajre in which wc live ; that the attentive and can. I ful reader of its pajres shall ho able to gather from then, accurate and reliable infor,inatioii of every e\ ent of interest 1 in politics, the arts ami sciences, morals and religion, IL this country and in foreign lands; and thai they shall La\f this information at an earlier day Uian they can obL-uit u from any oth*r soniw To collate this inteliigcnrf f-.m, the thousand different sources where it is to be songlit. tu separate the w heat fr«m thy cliafi'. and to arrange and j,r, sent it totho rculer in a concise and intelligible forni^? n work requiring not only a great expenditure of m.-'iey. but al«> years of experience. We havp the w-ni. <•-'••{ MEN ianjcATED rent TifE wsiNESS, Ut prepare the matter for tho.KifRNAL, abti we >h.ill ^mrc ho expeiite t \zl t them to du their work in the rmM thorough mar >: The COMMJiKCiAL DEPAUTMENT ofUH»,t..rR.sAL siua Geadna XlebIISi ry Ac. Uon—Imparting an energy to the stomach, which fortifies Sou^o'bTlnTBe^p'a&sossloii^faifvfrjo'travel '' This CordlalJamost.adnjirab^- Jidopted,aTmtJto ladles; and Is strongly and particularly rccommonded In allthose complaints and exigencies pocullar to tho female sex. ChaarMaJtdprugglsLKo. ZjJ^lABloe^O^oasbuish, iAS« ,«% ^t«4 £. > »03ifit>"/ */ , ALL.SEASONS! No. iftlci ..street. ALriEWl^tLAS I a h 6 * .prepared «> offer to bis ' ieraj.-wA.tha.pl •'• and eoumrononsive. i^fflys^s:. _.... tTtorn the best manufco- u-^tyi^jrum^!to^<«)Mptutesthe: mosfcvaifed and eomplem^sapnirient to-baJouna ln.elty or country. , ,<^n^^,Sgr^[jJl§3C,. ; . * i-y' 'O.ill'u'f.u'J .,1?'/I. HJ" "LV-THTIJ fi~,,J. urfa* '^""Vifti.^iiB^G&!ifira'-vTfTBr S B i l ; th» KasterB;pianuia£tnr*raa»»»Bueh«i>to enable #BTfStofurnIan^O<>p a«t SHOES - « ^ T r l d e " ^ ^ a t the smallest advance from mahrUacturcrs'cost Ma»htf38oK!3 t ^ •«'« i-i.»« j.y , .". w ^ W ^ a ^ o J l p J r o r i a f r e e t , , , t '.•at. i?s« «sa ••'ij»»i'4a •1; V.l KUiS#' -7Z— TT— I*J> .. .^4-e^. 'ais*it',-'#!i# .i^iit^%^;^i i #maaivs. ^ ii /iAjftjiji'ifc^i.Mi, 4, :^ &*t Ranjwm k Ott'tAibanjrStov* Worlu, ^-.'Y^j^tfft-a PROPTI &,JUWDGJl, t , ., HAVE OK IlASn White and Bens nett Glne, Irish Glue, Upton's Thin Glue,- Sand Panor,,Roso Pink, American Vermillion ____^ Chinese Vermillion, Celestial Blue, Prussian, Blue, dry and ground In oil,,Cbromo Green, Chrome Tel- low, Marine Green, at wholesale or retail, and at prices that defy competition. Call and see. ' _, PBOtfrr & RINDGEt- 1-tf Ford Street, Ogdensburgb, N. T. W HITE LEAB.-5 TONS BBOOKXTH WHITE LEAD. . ' 2 TONS PHtX. PTJBE WHITE LEAD. 2 " PtTEE FBENCH ZIHC lit OIL. B j PBOTJTT & BlKDGE, 1-tf Druggists and Apothecaries, Ford:Btr6et OULS! OI1.SI -g g\ BARBELS B. TVHALB (MIc-* BBLS. J. V Solar 00—5 "BlOs. MochbereOlL Just leceived snd for sale by ^ PBOTJTy & EHitDGE. B HTSHEsri—PAINT BBTJ6HES, jmTEE- Wasb Brnshco, Varnish Brushes, Wall and Paste Brushes, Artist Bruihes, and Tnbe Paints, kept constiintly on hand and for safe by PEOUTY & UINDGE, a-tf - .. 1 - Pruggtsta:m 1 W DBTOCTST GEOKGE" W. PHILBROOK CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, ^TKriLt CABETfJU THE APOTHECABT business, in all its branches, at the old stand •oft. S. MpKElS & Co., corner of For&and a b e l l a . S t r e e t s , O f f d c n s b u r g h , >. M. , . . - r i n g "flir the past Teii Years been connected with the Best Houses in the United States. I feel confi- dence in assuring the citizens of Ogdensburgb and vicinity that all Medicines and Prescriptions will be dispensed hi tho most careful neat, and Accurate mourner. Hopifig by strict attention to business,-to merit a liberal share of pat- ronage. Just received directfrom Hew York, afresh supply of rurp©BTE» Drugs, Hedicines, and Caemlcals. LOBIN'S GEN. PERFUMERY, HAIR, TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES, SOAPS, POMADES, HAIR OILS, COLOGKE WATERS, <fce. A full and complete assortment of l>a.int!>, Oils, .l>}-t—Stuffsi, just received and for sale cheap, by GEO: W. PHfXBROOK. JouN FRANKXIN," by Doctor Kane. 9F HOB A — , JilOGRA by himself. LTFE OF-HOBAOE GBEELY,"by Parton. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OS 1>. T. BARNUM," v.ritten is-second to that of no otlii-r ueckl} jiaix-r iiiK.w i.m: land. Iteinbracesacarefullv-eorreeU-d PEici-a ('• EREST: a REVIEW or TIIK MAILKET fur the week, httfti: c iht- amount of busine-..-- in the different articles of un-rcli^udW- and the variation in prin^-: a separate article on t!i« MONEY MAUKET ; original re]KHii of the Briylitoii a^d Clambridge (^ATTLI: MAKKICTS: the N E W Yor.K (.'ATTLE MARKET: 61111- NEWS. .fcc. TIK-.^O re[M.rl*uro all pn-paretl bv- n u n of l:ti{;t* i-.Tju-rieau-o, tboroujrliiy conversanl wl-Ji tbo department nnder tiieir charge, and they are now ip "MY COURTSHIP AND ITS CONSEQUENCES, by Henry Wykoff. •"IDA MAY." by Mary Langiton. "TOM CROSBIE ^15^8 FRIENDS," by Samuel '. lied ui»u bv thousands of merchants and traders thnmu- Lovor, author of Handy Andv, &e.' This work Is said to j ont the eountrr, to guide them in tbeir purchases a>,r ' X £ t i £ & £ " , m Pr0d " 0ti0n9 " ^ b M1 "' ! " % LITfiBAItr DEPAKTMENT w U enjlrac. . "THE SEVEN POOB TRA\ r ELEBS," a Christmas ! views of and extract- from advance copies- of the works Story, by Charles Dickens. >a*oeu by the-leading publhaung houses throughout the . i;„vrvn-.T» i__ iL _ ._A1 .f t. /\J1OT-..J tt 'Tl I n/.tttlfrt' 111 lluSUaVUlC AVIILION?' by^tho Author of "Olive," and "The j country: In this way flic reader^ of tho JomxlLgi-tti,e Oailvies;" ' cream of tho Literature of the country, and are enabl-0 M"HE VIB01N QUEEN," bv J. Frederick Smith, an- to select from the riood of new books lj.-uert such o-s t b . ; thor of "Woman and her Master," " Fred Vernon," -Mia- I may desire for their centre tables or the sb- Ives of (,i- IT 'nt„ Ar-iv" .fee -libraries. " A 1'EAR OF THE'WAR," by Adam G. Do Uurow- In the MISCELLANEOi- s DI-.l'iKTMENT we sh.il, v^ . 1 urafcc provision fv>r the enlortair-meiit and ltistmctlor of The above comprise a few of our latest arrival Any ! <mr voung fileada-tie ahiJd, eii. A good story-cal™- aw*notonhand,procHrodataweeE;'snotic6.atil,epub- ; lated U> improve the mind and hem; .while !t ftiru=i;,.. Usher's prices. A .-hare of public patronage is solicited. | entertainment for the passing hour, will be a prominent No. so, Mechanic's Block, ly Ford-Streot, iOgdensburgh. N. Y. feature'in till- department. A KTISTS' Bllt'SHES, AETKTS' TUBE Paints, Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvass, eta, a large and full assortment constantly on hund and for sale, by PEOUTY ds BINBGB, 1-tf , , DroggfetnaridApQtheearles. F LOBEKCE AVHIXE AND F3U3BESCE Varnish, White French,Zinc,ground In oil Green, Paris White, Whiting, PuTrtyi <Sm - Call and nsM^ing ^ ^ u f x ^ & D G l , i-tr -. :-•'••• • ' .'-.'.•-• .Dmggisi bcfoi must Paris see us and Bmgglsta. FMTIB. ••> -g fk BAWBEIiS/BUISNIiSQ FLUTD—JUST X \f received, fresh »nd gand,jt. 1-tf - ~ ^BOUTY JrBINPqE'B. B V BABBElVO»I«AXtOW—IT - v PBOpTY;iij BIKDt^B. NdXICE. •f¥THAT»S THE «S0B TN BEING BfCKf TT. ^-"Jrleunedy 'a Medical TI&covory M can be had 1 * ' PEOUTY & BrNBGE, P01 can be had of KBGE, K*Wil fcAiiy»l«S.B 1 d^LED UNSEED 1 ?)Tl>| _ GAXJLOIVS MA& UKBEEir • OIL- X a V E B I A R A J T D F J . 0 B E N , C E VABJVISII' MM A large supply Justreceived, andieady to besolc£t§. theflreVman that, PEOUTY *. BWDGE. TAPAHr»-FJV* BiEBEiajtjST' EDMlYEB' J^-T^eBarrelsiniJtrbcelyedby 1 '' f * turnover&W8T)&. BEAT Druggists and Apdthec ••ww& ^ . -., ^i t .t3-r,a| i nm.flii|-,D«)ofctf'.air-*«-'<'^^iUH t Pf^otMie hy^ODTt-^ Jeitew&Pniatr t <^^hmgy ? H?W>-? ^ g rsc»MHffl!t..:stttrHCl_. ' "Sp" wmmmmmm. XTRACTS} o superiorox- Manee, Pies, Puddings, 4sc— GEO. W.-PHILBBOPK. F l tide for Ices, Blanc Prepared and. aqlgl by C ORN S T A R C H , MnnufaotUretl expressly for Ccidinary and-Oletetic purposes—a large lot just re- ceived and for sale, by ~ " ^for luaking deby. For sale by .cpiOX'S G E t A T l M E , - S t r o n g e r than 22 B A R R Y ' S TKICOrniSKcUH: Loret's Wabpei •Lyon's Kathalron; Bogle^ Flutd; Hurt's -Glc GEO. W-. PHILBEOOK. r^ ARRVS <TBICOPHEEUS; Ixiret's Wahj jLyon's Kathalron-, Bogle^ Flutd; Hurd's 4 'iWRi?^' 0!,i cS»,^ p 4 , ' Rt ^?'? 1 ' 1 Rosemary and Castor^ W. PHlLBBOOrt Jayne'a.xonlc; JaoAURtcsra, uw, s •OH,forthe Hair, lor salo by 22tfi'~ GEO. FORir r STPSS5T, Corner of "Ford and'Htato Streets, nearly opposUe THE BOSTON J!)Aai JOI'BXJIL. j (Morning or Kveniug edition, as ina> be desired.. is tt-nt to subwrlbcrs by mail, in any pan of the t"niter 1 Mat.", 1 for Six DOLLAUS a year. By mt-ans of oar FAST 1'RESS ; we arc able to keep tin: forms for the DAILI JOC^AL open several hemrs later than any other daily paper, ant; j thus not unfrequoBtly to puMUh tiiiportanl news from I TWELVF to TWE>TY-l"Ol'B IJ"L'KS IS ADVANCE Tbf ftV- t erape circnlation of the DAILY JOVENAL IS more than ; double that of any subscription or two cent paper publish- ed in Boston. Ti£E SEMI-WXKRLY JOIRSAL, containing all the reading matter of tht- Daily- is pub j lished TTOJSIJAY and FRIDAY mornings, at FOCR DOIXAKS ; a vear. t B O S T O N J O U R M » L * ' O B CALIFORNIA isprinted ou the 4th and'19th of each month, for mailing by the steamer* of the 5th and 5njji\. H i«, made up with 1 the greatest .care for the Information of New England men in California. Over TWO.VE THOUSAND COPIES a month are now scut there, which Is a -much larger circulation , than anv other mperprintcd in the Atlantic Stat<*s has. j It is mailed at this office 3br six CENTS a copy. A p^-rs^;. •fWThprt's BlOCfe ' sending one dollar can have one each of sixteen numbers •76, J ClgK BECEIVJ£1>, AT GEO. W. PHILBBOOK^ Apothecary ^torc, an entire new stock of Drugs,. Mediblncs and Chemicals, and Fancy Articles, wlireh are the St Lawrence Hotel, OGVENSBUBGH, N. IT. i tbdJi ITNDEBSIGNEB, having rmnoved ; __ ; Stock of Goods trorjti No. 82, to I\o. Tii Ford , Street, '(as above spe-oifled,) whero th«*v wiil keep con- stantly on-hand and for sale at the LO\VEST PRUJEISJ \ a large assortment of t font to any one they may desire. I Kg" Agents and Xeicsmen supplied trith either Edition of t3w JO URN A L, <ni tht most liberal terms. I Orders for either of the editions of the JOIRSAL mii^t be INVARIABLY Ad OMI'AMKD by Uie CASIL and fliouldbe ; uddresvd to (lUULLN O. ROUEHS 12 STATE STUF-ET, B(»S10N Bo.vtou, Dect'inber. T ^ . BOOTS & iSBfOES, Ncw Ameriiaa I * a ? e ' at AIC«AM. Embraelne every varioty usually kept for sale, snch as ' THE ALBAWY STATESEIAU. warranted of the purest quality; also, all the Patent Med- icines of the day. - ' S4-ti A I.ARGE SCPPLV OF BRUSHES, SOAPS, Pomades, Farina, Coloeno, Cold Cream, atid Aman- dine for Chapped Bands und Lips, Hair Oils, Bandoline, Toilet Vinegar, Shand's Alabaster Tablets, Chalk Balls, JBC., &C Just received by GEO. W. PHI LBROOK,' &4^tf.,,,-. .. . Apothecary. i" URIIS'S ionV^r-'~^^T'i^cmt^V, | LAIDTKS' GAITERS, MEN'S CALF BOOTS, ' t»AIL\; •SEMt-W-EEfE^y, WEEKLV. JLiTloso Se'ranlnm, UpporTen, SweetScen^Sjairnhi I.. ^_; BLIESV' '• «*--"*»*»'iS«*f>«^-''- 1 r n f f E DESERTiON OF 'CHI' \JIIR. ~*B~-M^.rn^n ~ig£ TTHILBKOOK. I " Bl'SKINS, ". aAITKRS, ' JL. IC AN Part}- and its candidates by the Albany iiate ^ _WJ«An.ri»JUBl,uuiv. ' ) . - i Rcdster, has rendered the establishment at the State <ip- _. , ^, t'^~SZtitnAelir^ i I TOILET SLIPS, FANCY SHOES |„,I J,f anolh.,r,joumal,—which shall deserve and reecive *lie BeSt'OpriDg mecUICUlG 18 JENNY UND TIF? CONGRESS G4.ITKRS the confidence of the party—it matter of paramcunt ne- DtTTT WD AftT/iO , ' ' ' " ' easily. To supply snch an organ, arrangements have ralSjBIXUVBt. O I SONTAG TIE^, •W-ATEB.PROQF BOOTS, been made, and the new paper, under the above title, wil: | WALKING SHOES, COARSE BOOTS, iC. b^tet pnbli-hedun Mon.VafMmoon, the24th of M„reb. W-tf IOR SICDK. itEiaajj-AciiE, LOSS OF F ' i i Appetite, Drowsiness, wfeb so many experience at this season of tho year. Try them. , Prepared only by , G. W. PHILBROOK, ..,' Cornor of Ford and Isabclb Streets. AGENTS—Boss £ Co., Madrid; S. J. DEWE*,WpdT .dlngton; B. D. BUKDITT and L. E. B. "WINBLOW, c^rvnton; HOOSEE &,cpUAPMaTr,*Morristown; Htrrrr .is LAWS, Pots- dani'; JomV PIOKEKS, Heuveiton; ^ Ogdensbnrgb, Feb. SS, 1S8C. 1-tf Also a large yariety of articles in the Trade f MISSES,' BUJfS,' YOUTHS,' The STATESMAN will be issued in obedience to tiie een- eral sense and demand of the American Partv in the stair. AKD GHILDitEN'S - and its management tins 7>een confided tu banch. ot un ^ doubted fidtdity, and whoso ability is behoved to be ade- WfcAR, AND A LARGE'VABIETY OF ( quau to thetrnstj •' i , _„_,-,_,_,-, .% . Politically, the STATESjl.Ui wffl support with whatever I i KUiJoiiKb. 'is, ability it possesses, and with earnest zeal, the nomination j - i l of. MILLARD FILLMORE for President, and of AN- Th% whole assortment having been selected with the ! DREW JACKSON DONliLSON for Vice President o gron_test_i^e,-willcbiulengeeoin_piirl_>on witt tlutt of any the United States, believing that better names for thos " high offices could not be presented to the party and tfa >t establishment in St. I_4wren^e Ctotmty. id V E00W0|^«^ .WEALTH. SUPERIOR FAMILY SOAPS, T wpubliftia th^r^stI^r^Sav*g1StfeS dlscoyerod, and every wtfyworftynf the fu&st oohstdera' Itlon. They do the worsyoif tt&*Iauttdry" in cold water, .elttor<Bofft5aaTdor«aIt<Hl^ijttSin'g<mUr>djrwithiBoiHng, Pounding,-,cS;c^.TOnsemiently.:i largo amountofrthelsndc wear ana;tean'of doUiuig'lsiayed, and natcolie-half &§' amonritof labor is roqiilrod to do the washmgofsliunilyv /nio.tondbncpflfithoso Soaps-is to soften the doibes'and romovb" tho'.dlrt;Jni tholruso the hands .arc madostjft.'tho competition. dum,^g!tboMm«at6ratnicibnt.t<!( epverthem; fetjhem'i iremain a-feW Bnurs? then' with-* SHghl handsrabDlnfflndS !goodrlnslng^ theywillbe jmrfecitly clc^n-nn^eadrBSfll-" 'bleachcdfand without injury to 4ho niosfdellisiiui iffiriu, Tho-cost'of these Soaps 1 is no tooro'Uiai)-lhoso r ordiiia-? rilyusftd. Boeidcitthls, the gr8atS»aat'«nd tohr of cloth-- inscbnseqnentiipiin tho old method Of hand-riibbing upon ,a.bocud/n2chinc!v poundingbarrelijac,' cSsc_j'iswholly! SwtfJefc and i'uoj be|ng enSrely diBp^cnsod: jvtoujm %rxa- apoft; o f dirt withonf ii fteaeastjnjurhjg, fteir^jplor or i l S K f e f i w iP«?5a»5.cStpljes w h c j t ^ y ^ j j d ^ p ^ e s a s . The long experl'enco of one of tho Arm, in this trade, ! people. Ardently attached to the principles anci policy o botBfttt%densbnrghi«n("l afthaEast, and hlsextensive I the American.Parry, thejpaper will advocate them zeal- •aequalntance with eastern manufacturers, give Win wipe- , on ?'- T ' earnestly-and contluaaily, nnm the greaUfiud vital rior faoflitles'fitpurchasing the best articles at the - lowest reforms demanded by the American organization shall pd-onahleMmtouffiaidMs'stoefcatprteeiflmtaeTy ' fully accomplished. •titlon. .The STATESMAN will be pnbllshed rigidly on the CASB | - —AfAnt— SraTEScs-atthe-following rates \r SOLE IXWHKB, OAUrfMr, AND TOP SKINS '' Sfe/ 61 " ^ ^ U "I.™"®' '—••«» . . , , . . -' The STATISMAJ.- wjll baof ample dimensions, and will ft-- FIliDlKGS,' ETO:' iJ ETC. * ' havo no superior among the papers published at Albani, , in mechanical execution, bras a vehicle of general intelil - In great variety, at wholesale and retail, at the lowest Uv- , gence. It is the design .of both publishers and editorsto Ingpriees. " ' § " renderthe STATESMAN ndt only aworthy champion of the l^-Tbelr Stock is pnttrely-now,. and comprises the , Am A^^^f„, i ^. i S?'fP lteo ? a candidates, but also an Newest Btyha, and from tho best fcanu^ctures In the Bc f f S i " ^ S ' ? „ ^ > n ^'' e4 °i n # P^he- TOUntnrV •-. • r- i ^Ah orders must be aceompanled wlffitho monev, and " Ei f -T. '-frWn?T & 'CO. j AiBAKT-, March IS, 1SJ|6. a y ' •OgaenBhurgU, April io,<JSS"8.. •• 1* -S-ly T__i_^derelged tu*, Measure in recommending the - ' ' STATOSUAS to the oonfldatyce and support of the Americans of the State, and unitam impressing the hopetiat. as the I Central Journal of the Party, it will enjoy a wide circula- 1 tidn." *• I »J. T. HEADLEY L-B0BBOWS. STEPHEN OLABK, S.S.WSAEEOS, N. 8. BENTON. JBUB' •" A«fSi*^H»¥- iBE ^EEORm-G^ :>4h«8fofrohv thV -MatraSleturer^' i S00v>«crj:z.-*6f SOFT"""" " --- -•••---•"- ••• w^uigiipftr^aMhateadfeli'again, . . on us. We havo tho largest Btoqk of Hats th(s side oi Boston or New York, and we will southern Very low. • - - _ _ «.'**. C.'ATOHE8GM ird1nEtothedirootton9.vfJf^ptj&ngeKbBUC - O ^ W h t n ^ A p r i l K , i85«^% •nwinJlTmoudtteeotanc^deBsd^cjra^ -? 1 '.--r-i-v—LZZ, —- .:•.' - - ,.\FOTretaovtagGreaiMfhraiFic^r^3r from any artielo Vf\T> CSTI' of^Mffe3fc&>ln^^lrrnndmv®hffi*8ildl^^^ ... , , ., -'Op R.A»# ., r . , ,, . Mtt»^i&I)a^Pietur(i^Fdrnihirp,a3ishos,'lJ^ I _—J**a rtllTE SWtllStTaiBERS I WI^.^W,ftttrap»riorto.«hyptaer'SoanTleovlng *f~>^M '••«-.«- -«=?*_•*»»«•!»» tto-'goodisoft'endftebfrom'anyodlin Thb'attonUon of 1 Tfocjen; J^flttfltcmsrs-topSrttiBliirljf tjalled to these _ ,B»g fej»«l8, ItahaB '4. * - ' JOB tc CO. JrM; and A. I'ToaisWUcHc*; ~ 3W* Wedfl*»in, i&wSfa. h*wi te'WtiS*»S Emmy® fli--;_ ."«.f y III 11 ^mms&* MUM* *<*fiy * . ,,i *!,* i ti ''•'*' - * *4, |i<t__«j>» «mhe ,y,^T^ P,STBl(AiIBNjr _, •• BOO.; ^afmtt^HiK^^imitU^ AH-J^SSP^. Si*«*«sjy£« l^WeiyS^lWiglW pur B<qph* Biah^hjca is all we FOB W»fBBl'CI.<l!S , aESi-Sub thogogpfreoryonnil soiled,rpol^-andpntttemrtp •speak frpm oho to four hours, ipr o«Kn!gh«*then 'rowar'bdmmorihandi.rahbihg and '^6<3^cp|^jil^ *ip be perfectly deam, usihg only-cold •vcfitaft-r--^-"^—*~"c**«-^ *^._A_ ..•-.., .- .^. ^. .,_. •waifcibrf0toa'act>^tB^t««flBg'.' *'• .-< .*../>:,.«.- • cgs Jec., waiMn»st»ni|iWcft!imdrinse. ..«•*•<>•-.-** , F0B; 1 ii|a^ST4^Pply|^'S^OTgt^ruhwdiiiise'in fmifJS&iSmSB^tiil^ !Sla«nglhi.4)id*4s>6Utln lh*c5n*i*ie«i-Jct-f %.• •' -• •*' ' . ' " ' • ' *."• i ->•" *•* iWM3&^vtWi#»tifa}im>li&&-<. ! t.™ *-^>-f•.• »-«» -tjfB-TW'ataas^TOelwaaliia Re»ffert«tbash-' 1 jttjm&mmt^gwmm, foVte ••- » ^ •*;-< •. •• 'iv , i'»w'^*«-''-''^ri^iH2E»i*'^'*ii^^ , . ,rf ^^'^^»Jsr^&\sssW i sound, and one J>opble aarnoss^ afiaost. ,nqw, also one iatge (louhfe Burrow, orf I^Pffc 'fr&%n,^ *rj,4c,*i, dclivcrea atthe ,_ Hunt A R,B.B«rdli l$®$kSm> HsHSBP t ' 0*Jc»»«b«rgK March ***,!»*• . t-ff .'i •i:''' t '.''i i . , ji-u»i»'ifim.'i»ciaicwuniw»#>mj_c »i*jK»irir prrt •**^V-ri) HAIB Th» Crw»t*t W«»««IT *C tMAp, .., ,.. ^, -,...aft^g?srf? «w» fw«nt»^>ai»iaa^MtWI_airttitchln.j;aay«U as eatctMoca* "r"—* —T """ITIJI. iiiilliaii amaiao * porfccUy Kaalthy »UUar*«S5Hb, .•' mm •> -ilinulaMaod U»la to tk* on — - cwccwtacgiMtMtothc* kafc. aat to** J ' *-•- - - - ir^'r^ .-?*•' •deijsburjfc.llijrine ; JSmtA^'t^i.^.^--^ - , - -•- r ' smmusmr mEti>mi--i*-i-'\.pr. 5,-. •- ':}.tmmA I . . Q r a t y ^ - . ^ a p ^ _.. ,,-',4{a Oeignftfirp?), April T^i, 1856.. n -Tntf |«l3P«'S6Brsio!d,'it , r c g S s o f ipBTjrme^lnaiao" m mtxi-'j&nms. ', H. F. ilLLARxTS Pu^mTURE WAl^I.ROOBIB, No, S7t AVEEEU.'s B t o o p , Foa3>-STEEEr, t r P SIAUIS. I _3—2. \' >•»<>< si»,.»>!v— w!jo _________ be<, n re. ASSO! * loig a *esidfent of GgdensbnrgK %TamiIiar wlrt, the tastraseT its St- ^=FP!*a«gth ! jra, ttashssis now easy:, -OTSJS-^. an^ Black -Walnnt S o f a s , of every varietr, an&sMci,'. ,*.. . Ifooklngand Arm-ChaM—Mahogairy and Walnut toblejtop, Center, Fogey and * i U e - T a b l e s . MUiOgsn* and Black -Wlalnut Corner VVJiat-IVota and Bodk-Siolves, of the latest stylecs. Mahdgtiny and Black TValnot Center, and Card- JCaibavlsii . -.. . ctjnartef^e, Bofa, and Nest Tables. ... lJafioi»-iasa_BlBCk Wahtat'Parlor CJI'airs or n- - ^ ^ S . ^ 4 S M p ^ p p A s ^ Cottage and com- mon Bea$gaas3; ttgotterifwiai a choice msonnient of A^j _ ». ~ t . -., » , .T^T*t^- -^ ATGHESON. , «?™ • ^ - w ^ . i ^ , . iA>ic;uvucui:wito a enojeo assortment or - .'!;i: :-.ll. .if-: •i-U: u'.^rBP ^.'i.''t<M^O-IWS'CK*i^E«-i5.©&'sS- ^*»- ••-'-•"•'Skfl!, ' " sptaSft Jb"anlteil ft** smallCkerdior*. Jllill'&csMfibMjR^biliU^attak'^ l______|^ca^. aarsi/aiaia^ l^iaMaf^fapc^c!^^ .s^vcvc_M^^_llj^_l_| _^^ Tor pjugguara—Acply at thh> o liflDM It k SALE STABLES, •wan -.,< "iuei jijer. a ,-r";.»p'a j" '• J.' yjaoi aiiB, aiotth-fjases, Dining :tjpnd Wash Standijttogctiier . 18 %bWcatfflcJgue"?r airHcfo usually I b u i a w th'a l^l^niMsTOi^fewst^, ,.-*»y•>..-;. - ' meat ai>* M«s S^4?'' " Ogdeaaboi^b, March 1st, 1S£5. n^ L lT '3iCS^f' , «Si -p^si^jifx ••fe'i>,ili'1f;BBJ stag, oiijw»>»)ir. .***: -cjrs-. tt »AG8i ffe «•: - -'X-i'J'."^ ",®4f-" •'r#?aSI ^% OISESSITC^ t"*sr PAPEIJl tt- 6c 3A January Kth,lSSe, ^v_________y_______________t>____________i_____________i -j 't»es»*at «W _2Karst^»r««etav _.. „*- '? ' . . « W I' a^^VJW^jja^i^^WiUPji- 1 fmr y *sW-'; f , ; ;•, I - •*ISPDB- t3 .,OG»B^9f E r ' By-sa Office inl >' •"- ;-* of a?oi TEf Xo Mail and ( always m sdvt jerved by the c, EA fine square, one Do. do. two Do do tii Du do -T n Do do twr r. X>o do Ucn* c Du. du VA d r><, d-^ ->ne ye j_; column, one i One column, for Business Card prists he3d. w Advertising un< Advertiser s ow- »t the rates esta <'-*•<• : >*^ik&JiJg&eW!i*-* :< ****& ^i » ;'»t-' 'I wb m V9-' >. Grocerie IW Ci. r- -i '-1. !• •-. aJ Jfe*!!* , k? t J] .4^.;*^i«tJjkt»< ^ y ivS;:-'-V :'*Ww*Jfeiv*i."i2 : ji-l.- ?»#r, : ; >'; : -K'4*- ! **sjt;

wmmmmmm.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88099995/1856-10-30/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · the stomach acid; the .bofsrels'sote to the touch} tbe whole system imtihle, withajtenB^ey to.fererj

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Page 1: wmmmmmm.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88099995/1856-10-30/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · the stomach acid; the .bofsrels'sote to the touch} tbe whole system imtihle, withajtenB^ey to.fererj

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^Sra»/port\on^hl® Ai&KBesa Union, and ftiSBas^-nte! jjaine:-BSfttteB<ie' tiS«xi

i ^ t o t ^ W f e i ^ t e to « $ a i $ & - 3 $ perpetuity of the JJaiSft: "•' »•« *•> -*>- • *>•«• I 4. N o seetarian^terfellnce in our legis-fatioap»aaa<;nQ3 .^i-osigmMea- fl£> p^Esats on,, 4«sonflf6F^Rgiote'%plaiab£ • ... .__ l HostiiifcV-'to thevassumptions of Papal Rome,,. t h r o B ^ h , ? ^ WkW, Yx$&g''

such, mmntity as fn g e n S ? % ^ Y f c & v V ? 0 3 r e t t » J ^ tJTOBess, iswfreo,uenSy-the a g j ^ x s p a ^ MJwe-ets: Pu-BS, and the cure of one.lsaB»maiBt(^aitB»«ntB« of both. « o person- catt feet f a t - * M J e ^ t o t o 4 % -costiv^-hablt, of body.• H « ! i c e i & Q m & h t o S»-ft'1

can be. promptly, reBeyed. ' ' ? . ' " . ' , > " , '

^S^^^sO^nmm&Af tan of « ^ f # W f ^ » W # dose*— S o n i o n e to feur—to s t fo i»$Mae_$ojn*c& i i

au£faes:-JatQ healthy aefiMK-; S&ejM3riO«)Si^«Ba!. the AeorfiKrn, booh/burn, and i o a S a r n of dyspepajB! will ripidly dsapprar. ."TOtast.it h a r p f f l s i d o n t fonret'v&at'ctifed yous '' *" ' " . . •:'

F o r a s FoWL$t<fe i*t f , W'.SiL . , Bovxk^ which p i ^ u c e a 2 e B « o l 46^,™^™^™,—-spirits and tail,' Kegffi , take fem fqnc.to o g h t ^ U * at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until a c t m t y and atrengttksyytestored to tito sys tem. -3 -4' A(t ia«»<te-8ta iaef t , AssSj-nr Sa^-taSe-'froni four toeSghfetal laongoingtOiBea. I f t t iey^o n o t oper­ate s n f f i c W l v , take more t i i e . H B i t S ? ? W i a w W . do. These' comptam&fwill he ayrap^fiut from jtt? 1

system. DonTt wear .tfteseaStuJ W e t W a a d j e A ^ g -

o/tfei Sim, take t t e K B s freely ind l f f tWeiPj f i tof

Seep tlfe bowels opeh: T h e eru|pon*' '«nlrg&jri :

ally soon begin to dimrm'sh end 3csaJA|tf.]- S i s n y dreadfal uleers. and sores l r a v e ' ' o e « i r H p l e U T W ^ the purging tmd purifying e fec f of thw«| P u i s , i n d some disgusting qtsefwes" which se^nud tesiturate the whole system ha»e completely yielded to, their infiuence, tea,ving t h e -sufferer m-'iperfect heSl th . I'atients! youriduty to society forbid* t h a t ydn"' should parade: yourself around the ' irarld. iojtBsl with pimplra, blotchest n lce i s , Sores, a n * *tt 6> »ny••> of tae.nncieair diseases of 13W sicm,fy*wtSS i JOOT sjs tem rtants.iijeansing. . '

T o 'PtnKftJTfHB B r o o o , tJlej. are the best Jtfeafe '" ffiscosered. They should pe taken freely

and f ^ u e n t l y i a r ^ d . f t e unpjiritie».wMcl» ®w-f f i e seeds of incurable diseases will .he swept Otrt of the

MM 9W&i*


lb-45 itJoconpies'on!)

,.- h

ey dS'as much good in preventing aicknesa as by, tlie remarkable cures which they are making erery

system 0 1 hT^ha4oeforethewina; "By this property the * " *• — -*'• ' '-u * ~

*hg where. ^ -' '

Liv^a CoMPLitNT, J A U N B I C E , and aii Bilima Affahpt^ arise,.fcm» some jier&rgeinent-retth^r t&rjadiia', congesifim,'or 61)s tract ipr is ,ort l i i |^«x . Torpidity4rid congEStipii •sitiai&tfiSifile aria render it unfit for .digestion This i s disa§teotB_to_.the, health, and-. thK^nst i tu t i r ia j i s EejjttiriSyir^--*J

mined ojSfce otaer?cause. • 1 n d a > e g i a J 5 K i

i long anitdangerous, b a i n pf « v i b . - , C o s t r r a i e | a g o r i alternate% eostivenfess^jma- amrrho^ir-pretaHa; Feverish symptoms, langSijr, l o w s p n i t s , vfeariness,

and the wKifetof the eyes beeonie a greenish yeHow; the stomach ac id; the .bofsrels'sote to t h e touch} tbe whole system i m t i h l e , w i thaj tenB^ey to.fererj which may "turn to bilious fever, hiliouscoUc, bilious diaithffia, dysenfery, &c A m e r H ^ l dpssjpf three or four FrBs c a i e n a t n i g h t , followea by two or three in the morning, and repeated a ievrdays , wSlremoTe the cause of ail thesej troubles. I t i » wicked to suffer sueh pajn& when you can<«ure them for 25 cents.

BBKUMATJSSfa Goirrj aad'uU I j j ^ m ^ i c f e r t y f ¥ j vm are rapidrf cured by the' punfyrhg e'Sects pf _ these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus wfijih * they afford to the vital principle o f l iTe , Bar these and all' Knirlrect complainfs\they sjipuld.be takgrtin mild doses, to move the bowels gently,, but freely.

As a B I X K B R t ' r iE , t h i s i s obth agreeable and useful. Nj iFu lcanberaar le more pleasant to take, and certainly none,has<-been made^noreue&ectual to the purpose for which; ft dinner pSl is»'eniployed/

. ^ E E e i B E D s ^ Y - ' .i

B B . I . € . A ¥ K R A CO., Pract ica l and A n a l y t i c a l GixemiatSi.


_H. 8. H0MPHEET, psjlemborsh, i i - ^ J l


a .. Be. Cliurchv^aa-,«r±tTfJtqJubJicaa ia^jja<3;. pile "ana daitg^Qg.$Q t»e liberties^*jtli^

f 6 ? 1 ^ -"^-Ki-- . . 'M Jtf^ ,. ' ( -6. Th.QEQBgWtBBfertn HI wxe K a ^ » N a ;

?• l^eenaotanSnji.fjnavv^JbrtnfepiflSefr ^i«i of4^%PW8^f tiejBairett B c ^ £ ^ S f ^ t e i * s i 9»"'3'! a - '.'•••*• — '> " u ^ ' j . - - - -u„

S. F'reffatiaatteiil'S Institutions for the

; t$«vfii*i j&nm#fr of &» peajte'jjift. 1 the Bible as a Text Book in our Coramon> Schools. - < : , :- ' • " • v '• •

; Resolved, That^Jhe National Adminis­tration, by ite»igeneral eouise"Of .official eonductj'togeflier 'With an a|i§nip:|.jto;l,9^'/ Stroy-ttieF repose; "liarraony and -frftferiistl telatKaiS' of-thePCQuntagr in therepeawif tn^ Missouri COnipfSmiae, and the etfcofirAge'i tnent-OjE. a^gtmsioaau' npna the: sovereignty

|eseiNres^nd%llbtfld^de"iVethoTiiijted rjOn-demnation- o£r*ho i American people, 'and that the inatitfttio'tf of Slavery- stetud re-' e e i t i #'fe|e'riMg)j;&im ^ d \ repeah1- "^

ResotveSr I'hat. in the organization of the-Arneri®(lT,©rder the testitution-of In­voluntary-Servitude was, "HO. now is, xe-< garded _as local and not national in its e h | r | i | r | ^ l M l a ^ b j e J !<§•, fiiej^ler^ tiomof a. difference of -opinion by the citi­zen* ofjtbe Hortherpand-Sonilfern. States, andj as^'suei, nas "no rightful- place' in the: Platform of the National AnierScan p a r t y . ''• " " •"•"•^'- - ' .

M..- : • %T«ratjEEa6LtraiouEl ?_• •• l j . A s thefioamiercial, the Common.School AndAe fn^||%%1prpvBta.eat svateprg ^ the Stat^arefts neatest pride ^nd; glory, and hay'e'ma^l ^i'^'Bat^'4'e>inphftScajlly iSj'-tiie Empife'Sraie, therefore, " . f*

Resolim, ''iSatitfte-American party Trill always regards as its highest duty to fos­ter, protect and defend tb'eih. . ,

.Resolpedy^^ii.i. the. • interests, o^, th3i| great Steite Tmperatively demand a change of rulers;' that if we -would see heRintefe aal !rOTroTOmeif|fe conipleted -we .should, expel irom o&Ge'tie pajtizanSnowin con­trol of.it, i#£oi "Instead of lettrn'g the'Set i tions of the Canals to be kept in "repair-by contract, at A-S4ving-of $800, ptOft.jv.year, as they may, &id\by law are antliorKw4l« do,, continue; -M place ahovtdeoC officials to ab.Svirfy its •jfere^nes for private emolu­ment, ioi> eleeHoneering purposes, and to perpetuate their unholy psssession- '65

:ot«d to this. Machine flO.V'--- •-..- . to witness its opera-MMUrerojtannder rajir, one o{thoJS9s


tii..' swmt

p ^ ^ w l ^ p ^ ^ 5 ,

A ^ S ^ S S E S S S ^ ^ ^ V ^ ^ ' J^S^SS-froB KOTitbout. W&lBenfl bwint; Igtery corarjaetrrind

*OT«^N«j'hMdiht%SSSHflEXt vrWdy about I t It can be drijen by two horse-power, . t

fan speed for elthor^ak. Mn^Tceda^^r^hestjuit.rtitt

before known et fa^mikini^'-

m&u&mtitsB ffisim¥!l$B$w£ ^UI.ES HAUEI« E«i.,.the well known ptrium«r, ol

Chestmii Street, Philadelphia, wlH*.--fflDicB-r*odutai are fomid at almost every lpi!&t»?8SSf . ,".tj * '. " I-!<m?iSjppy,'t0 saFof Joiit 'ggsplbmc TXUJ, that 1

tuve found ihem a beiref fenify Weciienie. for canunaa iBr,,thnn any.other within .my taaxorleageA'451anraaf*W friendSJiave, realtj^dtiharlted benefitalrgn t H c l n S i i t ^ ^ hicHewittrjuem-Delieyjnstat Ihey polseas«.vi«ffltoiiy virtues fot drivin» out diseases and curing.tlic;3kii«.They are not only fijlecmaLJffltaafe and.pleasanv(H»»l^a«ah-rr saaDnes'wBTcb mnit mips them vilueiitby't&j puMiCir

when they j r e knownji,, *^*$%&>~i

> taken your Pills with !ffeat benefit, for. the llBttteroesi, languor. Ion of tapmtil and Bmoa»«ea&ilig?ghij6 ha*-of late,yearaof—«•

me ariiifcfr«^sfgi»<fi>^«'y|ug-Hns>ciittl nave oj'etf-yorrfr.CheiTy-Pei^ral^maByAy^i^tn m

The venerable CtaneellWvWJtBPB/S*! " tunote,:Kmanrilp85«MggiEM--

~ ^Dm-J.e .ATi3i - -Msi ianavetaki

my family


for cooglia-aSd 'coute"with unlailni5"«KeK« ,Xou n u i e medici2e!rwh»cltar«: and fcfeel'it a'ffeSsUjf •- • Uo^ommend ... .u...™, . yon-arafeg>wdycu:oar»doM[fnd^doS©. !**J t 4 < | l f aarrwst.is. J O B i r U BEATTV, E^yS^o^UsftiBeiin. nailroadtja, **—**"

" S t r : I tak»pteaMre;1iirt»3dmj inrie'jtihjii»y,riitBe efficacy of yoaf oiedivJnisVliaving deriwdTety'uuiterial iieoent ftnm tiMKUse of be^^oM" Pectoral au^ Catharuc piilo. I an, never ivJthrSt-mKn5luS»iy?airgy, uor-jhatl l-ever omsenrio gevwafe-uiy iueaii»uBtpriieg|e th,er " ' Thev/idely retaiFiredt&jS. SfEVEH&M„pLofJL

wotth,»i%«r2!S*' . Z ;4.«4J«- *•-' « 8 a v m ? . n s e # ^ « C * t & ^ * f S f t 1 h 1 ]

Mmry.ftifiie.vperfenct Urat tlieyta'aiimvaji

ai diseeWSw-M&wffl«y»«ftwaewif iearlBrr-- -•*- ' o t s r f - f l i t a i ^ M i ^ l p e ^ i ^ & ^ l e n i e i f y * ^

to 35 ^ .

Yon coaS __

fo»y».» - , ' ' ^ i i f o i ' f C ^ f e % : , , ,

^ i * ^ ^ P * S ? l ^ ' " * ! 5 i ^ ' ' 1 ! ' ^ ^ a f >TTn iJnTTlTi'ih^if'Mali -•'-••tjE<Sg''j -•e-.i ***+.-Z*Z±££*^ n«.,-^r_»'»»^*itr'*£.

* I : J - ' U U ' -*fc:!«<P«5*M''

power. < r- J&J . , -, f The followingifs a list of "members ol

mitifles-tfm- P l a t f o r m : j ? J j i e ^Cjimi iDisfcMot 1.—Broolrj, ?' « " a—NortlraK

SWlRhWnn,: •Freeman,

Stuart, Uullact. ' 8anders, Caldwell,

.TanQordenv WesttirjDok1,>, s 4—Freeman, urHolbrook, JBnssolV .

- 6>-Ste3eBB&i !, Corey, . l^sltej-" 6.—Tompkins, Cnxria, Gxannls,

,"! T.r-Saratonif, Crooks, Backus,. . >• » a v 8.—BuntsU^.. • JPeok, SdPK*,« , ' . I S

"'•"' B y order of the State Council ' * -"- •" J. -W. BA&KEK, President.

H. 1'iiiEiFQTO^-, Secretary.

^ Iratristmsi-

Wv novfeoffer »> ttjgigJEMJyEithe Iggat stocfc«£jt D4

Evermtm|^ib%omCTn n Slv>-York. Our large stoctr of XEaC'We-pfficBasca-STtKe aacBon sa ia E T o s t o n

jjmdiJTewa-SIaiL.J -(Oat T O l t A C C n O S •WeVo.mannlaE-:, i u i c a expressW*?'usitSe past; snramerta'ndi(ra.»fll8ea5 .them lower than; a n y i h o ^ ^ H B i p j k M W stoet^of' > S C G J i H S S ^ S r ^ i i i 5 e d « « > % o l a s t rise, and we areprtr^eiti^TObuitristomersbirjmtas. Our stock of

Y l T i a ^ a l T T C T i a l a f ^ i , e s ^ > - ' .

weTHnaeffrarrS, Teas.—r-J


sLXKonuhsov- -,--t?i' . - • S a t g M S . - ^ N e w . s t t l e a n v MuidovodOr :£brto»Bi"

CSrusheai- 56wdere65'«Epffee Crushed, In hogshcadT'S ' ' ' ^iW^S'isi^*"' ' —*"

- Tobacc4» .—"Honey . De-^'iioiiaatle^Gliew In* and" n o p t e t u -'M - S S S . 3 * : ? . --• ••••-\ '-• '<•• >•' " -n I


adapted to the genial eeaaon, and -"—•soaro^d^drotatolDatirte her

„ io at i © t « i r « l i S t ^ e e 5 | whore tho ProprletoriavingjustrBturn-edftom market, Is now opening tho, most

: « o o d » ; f o e Gb«»« lcr iJcr i ' i , . „ . <&Hk -«8»ptoa- ftKitMrtpniHt an?'

i)nsJ»awr #i4t-ffliS-iayer been eil ttw-to'Ofdans*' =V BawnClioeii early In mark* . hp bad Syora--

r / l a 7 ^ e W o t l l p p ^ r a , a & ^ ? < M ^ cry obylousi asjlje- can now s a w up tp_hB Wends, 10ODS'-tl»t,.-ln'p0ln t of texture jwd^.etyloa," toe the

f O B t u t e o « n r i r f e a « ] r * t ^ v . *-B-- _ _ T v * « * • ' * » -rwGeatleraen'efuudreM,b»off l!riBl«ckaBw»«jd«

c l v t h * from: the .best M»nuflictnrar'a o f eermisyv f ranee,, a n d : m m ^ ; J V / n n p ^ t ^ ^ f i T m a n • » ^ e « j f e l ^ , « a a . | l ^ e C « « * l J r ^ c ^ a 2 1 a c k , B s p 1 ^ ^ ^

drtacnSnowi": 3?orPlu>iraA»»-orBrarifliS> S'r*r«, he nas~;BJtae^royfeJ;aHIa^OUve,Mulborryt01atotQriUjn, Pr«h,.an4Mlxfl4Jro^o)otlft^f»l!srad»- - 4 'QcnUemer^ if.you.want*raur.of EAKflr French. Casd-aiero,iP^t«;itep,lntq.No,M,'mnd,li; we cannot aliow.

^ £ N B i a a H ' . l l d ' A M E B I o B ? OAB8IMEEES, Black »nd^ar»y,ofj»ll<paaea5.0nloni8a"tlrleWTweods. Cash-mora* andalVkuwiof TIUH Q o a M f o r S i n c i m W t u t : While, ,Bj*,yjguired.jtrh>ed and,CheckedMaraelllea

, J f t o ^ e S ) ? e « Vij"hay« tha^imukia" of iix. W . W . L I T ^ E w M c b J l a ^ l i S n a ^ of fhelrmoa-ter, seem Wfrnive the power ofthe'" Uagtelanls Wand" In converting the uboVe'lloaUttragfllbrlcS Into the most Fashionable and .tastefnUy Utttog COATS, VESTS, and

d^sinsi?' ANDiDMHi&ST, ' N o . ' 2 , E t i l f e t ' B l o c k , ' '""

F O B S S T . , O G D E N S B C R G H , N . I f . ,


aBttOfwj wtw B e O I ^ ^ amT

PAJJT& of every a&Ie, iVrie.' vrill also sell Goods in

btaklngoffanpthe thoapi«rad#f t t%t gioto*thlrd"be'a-p1k' tluTrdreroluHon; whl


<pm ,he;ca«S^plece,y»rd, _. togs, Vyilbfesalai-or

S M * f e K ' ^ - ^ s ^ ^ p i p j a ^ } wanfcot.

P*S:t f READY - H A D E ^ ^ U B p f G

onotlicr'h.e5a.andLth<> iottertrom tueTxjltaid ^^tonBtoujjdqr.aido.s

iwts^wasaJoJntew JorSi^/ousffl lnglw

, n cdJti tha r»t<j of M

"Porday., fc^

t U S S ^ r ^ ' ^ T S ^ v ^ ' S P ' 0 4 ' ' « » ^ttonUen of r l S ^ ? * ! ^ ^ S W ! ° hctaofer toiaimounoo a real ^ e ^ r o B ^ - ^ W e f c o a j t Kintwlthort regard to t h e ? ! 5 . S & B 8 J r o % * r ° ,*nmh'^..-ffhtsirnacmnB ta-o*.»

S ^ T ^ i S f f ^ W . ^ ? hand-madoaulngSran

tth- an ovQn^anerr'nDOn" t o eal] anu\e^moonrs>)c l t ta th l s l lne ,«we havebyiar ^ I ^ o l ^ ^ ^ o 1 ^ - J k r j ^ a s ^ r t a f o t tffsetoct Wru, than «an be found in

weAo^ta, think',. eould notJeak, ,One p)

Ine, woul stehtt'ehgln woofll,,,.

' W s w ' i - W d roof of tliose^ahtorie* •KijT.<*- t2ff&m a o l l i l" s ' witlraportable inldT)©,* fijrtun* to-a. man irjthe pine

r • s (Wi-UETOws, April 8,1S5A. E. P. VAUoni!r,..Esq.,Eocliester-:

Dear Sir,—I am happ;

w?,S t°^ *~^ttw&8i?i&is$h ta!%$}?J^fn!?*' W*"»S«h tha< cannot ^ I n S . toe andeaty ttmbertt wort* to west perfectioa, and ease,

afirrta ^^CFoSfe' - ^ ' ' '•• M . , % O H A I i

WiTZETowK, April T, 1 8 * S. F. VAooniK.Soohesteifir. V.»1 • ' s i t f l h ^ J f S S r S f f , t* | e •*"ln*so,D 'Shtagle Machines has becnto o m ^ o n . a t m j . p & i » f o r a o m e t i m e p a s t , a n » ^ am h a h n y ^ s s y J t to .tho.qhl}f machtoe Ibr manufaotur-

on y can. execut . and I ifc e S J y ^ r o j n r m d l t m ! 2 shu^o^annfacturvmwTn»8nuis le i&oi l i io .

__| -,'-: <H.Sl,OAT.

- - ' • j !lEOhaau,-April8jl85«. E. F . vaofijra.jrrBochesterj K. V.

D e * ^ — W o * r e happy'm-say'flio Shffelo Ma'chlne for inaOT&eturfcur r ive /an^ s W e d SMnglesf wa tort i t work, and It fully • » - • ,i— ? i? l "«J?" ," •"• readil; boor somethat .camwfcworf i f tgmi ipf i ,^ , ! eafj-limberto groat parfcorioni *a l« iys Ibavfhg'the fents of rmiform thickness withbut dlnplng Bib figg, S & h to S > w with the hand-rnade F r < w e a t y o 7 w t n d ^ t m i h e r ; ^

e l p l e i ^ t t g


& B A i P H 1

, OBVfroriWarctiia^ istSOB E.-R.VAOGitA»,JBoehest«rjte%1 " '

SJe,-i-IJiavw worked one "" " ' chmesanr^—"-—•—• '" answered. I t t e s beekVialtedJ6|

„ ^ r l v e l ' a n d aaared orten: miaS Bftoen Tihn-

iHOf.teh?ff ari to*!*. mC»W4 Itim ennofi, WsJffiRaa fro* pine,

..._ -fi never seen a'-pftwe of ma-r«PSW fcpiecaoii lon^h board and flnLdriti

i 9FJ

,SS«w»^JS^MlSSfflg*SS Kyoir oeoirimcsa aSwel) jSWy exnicmttonav-

.t the ^ ^ M t e « ^ i f B 4 ^ shinglesthiey'over*tiava ~X dred -In flfteeo .minutes, • and favorable 'circumstances; Srldr

• where they can'tieeBtSfnedif ' as well as'other pjaVts; 1 -Biyf

K,\ cedaAJjbemloclKS^rngej asJfjahd^ieJeinSt

Thatswe »JBi^«l] quality oh rcasor

Canton, K T , June l^jieBfei) - *. 3 ft t..,.• iT-4inpi

S-! 03?, OE

AT E. ff-^jfapf S c d v K e^?^|P?SasiP F6Kd-«t., corner Stmte,

1(,_,..... . . . f f i o ^ » S | | » ? ^ ;C^try^Ihe.,ordeAwe.'r&de^iffrI<3oofe ' g r e ^ ^ s ^ < t o j t o t e ^ d t d M o T l I » . r Oui^^Sto^ffrarlM11

i y a « E S f € r i "


to the lowest grade.

His long experience in the purchase and and sale of the above kind of Gfoods, ena­bles'him-to offer them at the


W H O L E S A L E O B ' R E T A I L .

BROADCLOTH, CASSIHERES, &c. A L A R G E A N B « P L E » P D i l > ^ s ( j f K

ment of


.... A N D , COLORED

- . ' . ' t BROADCLOTHS— - ' - -

A ? f » : ! 0 ' A S S # ' E R E S ,

of English, Frencli and- German manufac-

Also a large- assorifrrtent of

S l | r E / M A R S E I L L E S , f-

and other stylta of 4 . . ' ' T E S T l N G ^ i

Jwlii«?Jv.«w4ll,i>ei wade. Uhorder At-'sliorb noi

^ I ^ ^ I J ^ r ^ ^ - ^ a K t o n a a at i l i^**^ tingrboard, which is a sufficient .guaranty


«—«i"lr«5 C J f l l W 5 ^ ^ i * « r a * * *a * ' r^ r r / i l ^ i i k ^ ' k ^ f rf.

" "1J—.-«4

^ * v t * i » J W « , - » - 1 " - - ' - | ' ' - ~ - 1 " « ~ - "

f # r » . - - ' - ' W ; ' - ' . - : ' l ..-•(•.•«¥ 3.yi m;ii;.t

styles, and warranted W « L L MADI-. -This Stock "consists inpej t«MfINE-BRAB OViEBCOATSlfbrrairlng wear, Di^xErocliHuntUilI.and Sack. tSoata, made from Broart-cloths of all oolorsi Casslmercs, Unions, Ctahmereta, "rmtoefs. Tweeds, Jcana, Duck, Drills, Marseilles. Lin-

k Cottoaadcjs &c. i c . . F o i i t a 0 1 1 4 V e s t a of rerydeserlpHphT > , Saflotsriahbre"ray''a!fd othens;-«hb y iah for CHEAP

CLtfruING, .will ctvo us « call as -we htrro on hand " S T A D E 8 i A H » P l t E 8 ' ( o f t h o verv-aHIiiles->on want, and,T?i!lsell themh>yonatpricca!04ow, asto defy 00m-SottUon, We can aeu yon a WHOLE SUIT for TWO DOIXAR8, and from that, up to BE3PE0TABLB'

In r « i m l » I » » n e G o o O s u It la sufllclent to say,. UuitiiiTarleSyand Bfchnosa. •Efeganco and Novolty o, otylsj thto department very-far excoods any thing of the Hnd«vcr"Defbre^ihlblted ta Nortljorn S e w T o r t

R u b b e r a n d O i l C l o t h i n g , or all kinds, at ManafactuTcra' Prices.

1 X x n a l b t t o of all kinds, varying.ln price from Ten Shllllcp.to'Thlrty Dollars; Carpet, Leather, and Bobber Bass, umbrellas, &a Ac.

DEALEES lb OLOTHTrTG throughout S t tawrenoo County, are assured that wo can Bell them from TCH to T W I S T T per cant less, than they can *uy In New York Or Boston, and also give them Clothing very much su­perior in pqiutof workmanshlrj.


W a t .K-TotrNO. a r T K c c o l l e o ^ o ^ac^jSa^otdftrecto^eobaBiQ'ai

Row. ' • Ogdensburub, April ££, 1SS6. B-tf


TH08HA8 D. SEINHER l*afe'«lSb«»m*E».a!'wiBi*i t'Ay«iiEV * * - * * * ^ - - .,»*•...".••;.• , v i t ! i . f:ma Spring a n d Summer CLOTHING,

e from


comprising everything in that line from the finest * <' '

andoffei •ortm'

: DttTJGtB, jOhemicals, Paints, Oils &Dyeatuffi. I • - A l s o ,

! Dagaerreotype !ahd Ambrotype BTOOK AND IN8TBTJMKNT8,

Consisting of C a m e r a s , of all sizes, of the best manu-{facturesr P l a t e s , of all tiles, comprising H. B. Patent Improved Star, N. and W„ and Scale Plates; Dagueireo-type and Ambrotype Cases of every variety of Style and •finish, Gla»idata,JPresero)! " •Bromine, Dry laud Dippers, 8 . ^ , _ „ — Gold, Bouge, Plate Blocks, Head Bests, &c, Ac., IK.

In furnishing P a r e S p e r m W h a l e , a n d I . l n u c c d O i l , he has facilities which den- competi­tion. "5


Dental and Sur rea l Inatraments, OP TllE TBRY BBST HAKBi

constantly on hand. > A L S O ,







DRESSTNG CASES,-Sic, &c, &c.


S o l e P r o p r i e t o r o f t h e C E L E B R A T E D

Z A NrJV^OjR-E A, which, asacnre?6r Diarrhea, Dysentery and Cholera, stands trnrt*l(oo| ,-CBeau fh*rfollowtag:ee^tl(Ici^e«;

( } e i ^ c i t e ^ r r i tto late iToniber of Congress rom this ulstrlct

Ogdenshurgh, N , T . ( Oct 20,1856. Hra«y S: Hbatt-ttEar; Esq.: Yohr medicine fbrbowel

complaints, called the Balm of Zanthorca, has been eaten-sivefy ueeAlaAls «ba«f and Tlcifilty dori?g thojostsea-son. t M n often nearorlt spoken of as a'rnost MfeeUve remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and other bowel com-. piainls,*hd 1 have BadoccaSloIi to use It and found tarne*: dlate relief from It and bclftn-o tho medicine generauy-his a high reputation among those who have used It

nespectuilly y

The ZANTHOBEA is a medicine valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well convinced from having prescribed It; and In those obstinate eases, of a cbromo form, I know of no ono thing In which I would place mqre confidence. a N. SHEEilAN, M. D.

Ogdensburgh, July 18,1855.

U N R E A D THIS. • GEOKOETOWH, California, Jan. 14,1658.

MR. H. 8. HoHrnatV— D«u? 8If—ItU Out-Jostlco to Ton that 1 state a few facts

relatlro to your lnvaluablo BALM OP ZANTHOBEA. On leaving OgdensburEh I provided myself with ono small bottlet vpblch, trifling as lt>was, saved several Individuals from death by cholera.

The cholera broke out on board the steamer " Uncle 6am," after leaving SauJuan del Sud. In its most malig-iant form, aHo*-0nt of 558passengers, 2 ie died of cholera. The disease was attended witli Its usually inntoms^dtar-rhea, &i. The physicians on board seemed to have no power to cheek theMlsease, I first tiled tho Zanthorea upon J. L. Boss, of Macon, Georgia—whom the doctor had prescribed Ibr with'no beneficial result—and Judge of ray astonlabmept, whervin an hour or two, the diarrhea was stopped; and the ptstient fast recovering'.

I continuedltausovandwith the small Quantity lhad with mo, saved tho lives of six lndlvidnals, and had I been provided with aanfflclent .quantity. T hovw no doubt or hesitation to saying 1 could have saved the Uvea of a, hun­dred petsoha.

I most cordially recommend Its' general use; for with the Balraof Zanthorea, cholertand diarrhea are robbed of all their1 terrors. '

Yours trulv, > . . , , . . , H. M. FAY.

P. S.—Tho Nl(!ara|^ataarher Chth camion San Jna del Snd early i n September, 1S55.

. ••f'J :- :"1V^ftjjipfcB- • ~ ' : '

|arlsiirbil|iSIIiilmk 1 JtoJOT erst:


;k8j«S]s«BB^i>isiaJBiioB of

E M g I % 1 ' G e r r t f S - f t i i i t " a

^ l l ' E D ^ A S i .

' English,- Amerimm-.aiidTQcrmatt-EactorieSi' we' ivrapra-l "• ijnror|tefs^.aa.ftyojf|bl? tgnnj.asj any. Jpbplng,

"•^'SttM&Wfc , , . Worp ' . _. eatcaiTiannfictarcr's prices.

figdenBBurBb,JilrjY. A . WATBOOS; Agent

'H- 1= A.-WATadTTS

^IkpBBTiE" isr/'liJEAiaat i tn HarawareJeShlindSteeVBtoves Tinun[lSho6t-Iron;.keep constants ,

. tn ii ly employed the most experienced,;-1.,-5. . •workmen for Boofina makihg EnTO. Troughs, and every pthordesoriptiqnofTiusndCopperWprk, . . . y, •. So loAgen^SKoAern- i fowiTorkfort i iesareofS . C. •"erring^ SaiantnndeftSafes; ftraJBuggias,bourse. Mason

!-~' • •""i^SSW^anmapt ' U his. BooSstajelame door,#esfe»-

Ko^C, EAGLE BL0OB., Ford-Street—wherohe'wfll bepleased

gee bis old andjuefljjcuotpmei* .jUvfrlenas. , .

_ i B e ' lias just returtieff froni Wfip^Sl!S>M^9MW04J!iW>ia Assortment of

blDQKS^^i ro^ATIOHSl iy , -1 • TS%<9i lifJ )a^<|W14ilh? ^JnRdnrd .works of the

W l l ^ ^ . ' l F t t J t f a O S , ' T B « l E T R l f » works


iPi .Wtt^^l

youra, SHOP PEKK3K8.

S i

that all

BUBT putVb&k' wiUFb© promjiHya^a satisfec^aijr '$$&,»**

Dealers and the public arefinvited ^0 call" arjftlfis&mipi thetsto^fc

A,<$&ZS m 0B?.U8Bi

<: l£ i i <>•»'..£.-&

VaderoJfTdmithbib«^CWft^ble«?ttlSi)*u*et aSbrdai'' 1 t n d i n the meat appr6Tedi<yJ^;and--wnrranti3n well'•• ; &-i!aadpaudafcr^e«>^Io*ai^deryaoinp^8o!^^^^

' ' i S O T ^ T e l F ^ y i i v f e ^ c & M e i i r h W '

2fg2g^gJ - f^P lpt^gpSi i' ^r ' fBemsmberth*

i tarUf tS loe l t i*

:rj 'faVftrf^,?-;?,-, "- -'- - • •


^ •pyn'^TiHr-ntt Wan!* >*»™.'" rmnUlnlaf tW »CTaa.

^ t k , Th.TalsHibl.w5

HOTaan 6 * claw T«V««*alS»H«V rfC^aio^Sj^tawwiiJia Hoaa*,"; ttuttatt — ^ - , ^ _ , ..— _ _ — ISMS P < * ^ ' Kaa4,*b«irjiiM«li w*F«^- "STSl^""" "'-t )wliM*f tk* Pettdan aad

. ^ ----"ilosj

MftJaisaUtttatsV w£!i*M**rTfs*,*3Flf,m-

1 W M M H H M H M 7aVf»«M

£ - 4 * ^ * ^ 3 ^ !

J . S. GOULD & CO,, N o . 3 2 F o r d S t r e e V b g d e i r i s b u r g l i , N . S .

Offers to the& minds and patrons the following assortment from which

to malfe a selection ':**• Ladles' Kid Buskins of all kinds,

Ladles' Satin Francals Galtera^ t

Ladles' Kid Hun-Bound Slippers?

Ladies' Toilet yelvofcjllppera,


Ladies' Satin Francals Kid Foxed Galtera,

Ladles' Patent Fdrod (stayed on albe) Gaiters.

Ladies' Silk Lasting Patent-tip Tan Galtera,

Ladles' Silk Lasting Patent-Up Congress Gaiters,

Ladies' Suk Lasting Heel-Up Tan Gaiters,

Also, all kinds of G a i t c r H , S l i p p e r s , a n d

B n s k i n s v , for Misses and Children.

Gents' Patent Leather French Ties,

Gents' Patent Loather Walking Pumps,


Congress Galtera of all kinds,-

Also, B o y s ' a n d y o u t h s H o o t s , - S h o e s ,

C o n g r e s s G a i t e r s a n d S l i p p e r s , which we

offer to tfcp Publio at prices that defy competition.

t3J~ 32 M e c h a n i c s ' R o w . J&

Osdensbnrgh. May 8,1850. T-tf

m Machines and Hand-Tools-.iDavis &:Co.'sHotse-PowerSt:, Parties purchasing q,uanti|a.esrare par^hnjjarly iuvttedjo

examine our.Wholesale^cp^^en%c^s7.possesslng1«qiud JaclHHes with Ndtt-"Tork ah4 •Boston, for^purlshaslngJ-.Wcpledge ourselves nottobenuideiSoIdInvtltost)cltles>

' T-? — i'r ,-.'..-."k'.ii f a S K E i r H L i R D T C A R E . , . .

.prlnelpa) P^bjjshjng ^ 0 0 ^ , 8 1 : pnBlUjher'c prices.

In Una departnieBt, he Is preparerl to meet the wants 0 the Public.. His Stock Of Papers is not exoeuedia North e r | ^ h ^ ^ v ^ g a a p e r , f e n ( d l s . Peps, Inksfcwns;

v ui jn t , are kept io •abundance.

••' - ! l « I C « T 7 l i k l S i , Pictures and Mouldings, are kept in great variety, and

PJotui^ framed t p o r d e r : i _ ^ _

'"'.'•'. • BOO^BJWDING. The only Bin'aery hortn of Watertown, is carried on by

8pmgue-,-who employs none DUttho best workmen, and doeslils work in superior style. •

finding and Eulingdoneto order, and on the lowest

- T B O H ' ' O P E W I S G - ^ V r T?m.L 1AS80ETMHNT ijyl of every description o f S n e l t H a r d w a r e , direct from the .English, German and American Factories, insist ing of LOCKS, Lateness, Knbbs, Door Handles, Join­ers' Tools, and a variety of House Trimming anrVCarpen-tor's Tools, £awfj Hammers, A^ea, 5&C, & c . Parties fa-.vorlng us with a call, cannot bnt "be convinced of ottr su-perW-fa<nhaesfdrp\rrehn5!hg. '

A. WATEOTJS. 1'Eaglo Block.

' qSVSWB & « , Ho has also on hand, a large iahd choice assortment ot

Sheet Music. Also, an assortment of Pianos, Molodeons, dsc, #TMoh ho will sell or, rent '

Ogdensbnrgh^pri^eth, 18^5. ,. 9-tf


S A D D L E R Y . l i S G H S U , AJTD . AMKBICAK Coach Hardware, and Coach ' Lamps and £ands, Springs, Axles, Stump

Bace, Tuffs, Tacks, Seaming Goru, Toftin* NniU, Pop-

f 'oopa, fitted with plated Nuts, Ivory head„nails, Screwa, vory Slda-Uandlei, Ivotyand BoheSlidesr-togothor^ai

nD otter descriptions of Saddlery. A liberal dtecountmade to tho trade when a qnanrltv is required. -


$$*£ &W^V:

F O U R H T T W » K E I > C O O K * P A K * lor, Box and Fancy Stores. Some of tho p«tt-tert& are warrauted to gtvo eatiro eatdsiaction. fSST* fartiea buying at Wbolesalu^ivlll be sup­plied ot the manttfactarer'B wholesale prices.

6&-tt A. "WATKOUS.



- A R E constantly recei%ing from New-LTork and Boston, all the new and [ninnler 'Publications of the day. Their facilities

_ _ _ _ _.. for obtaining, at any early day. all \he pop­ular and New Books published, are unequalled. Their stock on hand comprises many new and valuable Works, among which, wo offer tho following:

"CENTRAL AFRICA," by Bayard Taylor. , "LAND OF THE SAEACENS." by Bayard1 Taylor.

These two works, from the pen of tile greatest modern traveler of the age, should and a place in every Library. They are the best hooka of trartl extant


JCD- .wens . w * : !Tftl5~5pSTfif gag&Wfy SAMH,Y JjgvTSPAPKE.

f% s ' k i S i w a r y ^ e - . i a i n i a s».3Se-w r i t e s s .

GRjisfAif' plBEpjBcjrHwr "#0 ' c t r s s i °,,i pi'pliMa; mrlji'fAsiir XH: AC YAMCE

"0*/ , 'Sr'">f'':-i ^ ' * JOj* 1 ~- •'-Enooi ,^^^ by tiie very|U)cial patronage heretofore W-

gtowed upon tije JopESAL, and tn occordanec via, tie Spirit 6f llijd prosent^s, tije propdetot has decided to ro dpfje thtLpricje pf Uie y^£S3fj^r Joe KH^I. to clubs, tu the fianowlnfftAtcs:

. Oae cop^y, one year ' . . * 2 OO i w o copies, o ^ y e a r , to one addresa 3 0 0 Five copies, que year, to <)ne address 6 0 0 SJen- copies, .©Re year, to one address. _ . . . I O OO Y . , t PA*WESat3»BEMA»E •

" iTsyAjw&m.y vs A D V A N C E . ** ALffie e&piraffym of fit* time for ichidi ad^anre Jia^ inenilixis teen received, ttiepaper irifl in all ca*** U stovoefLr &$$$ ^dopU«n i>f ,11:13 caati tystem, U.e «o. pfiSmexrf Of'agents to collect subscriptions will be uii.e cessajy,W»J their eKpeiisea tcUi bt saved TO TM bin SOBtBfiA. s.

TS&g•BOSTON" J O r E l V A L has for many 'years cOufesBcdly stood at the bead of tho newspaperprggs ofBesv England. This p«MUua was at­tained not through any spiral effort on the part -«t it* pubUshera to increase aiie^circulaUoa by aseii ts or otticr of the usual means, but "because it has pnnt-d to be MIOI a

: paper as every moral, loteHisent roan In tin- oomnmuu I might with propriety intrpnuce into his family riiric. u. • be read bv his children, and from which be might draw

fitt tbem both instruction tfod entertainment With tu^b a character i i has earned the position it occupies, and the fact that its circulation is tkrach larger than any other pa per of its class in Kevv England, is the cleared pntotof the esQnuition in which U h- held by the reading cimmio

.It i§ o»r porposc now to greatly extend the circulation of the WEKCLY JOFENAU Preparatory to doing thb wc

have procured

^ BToirV u n t l £ £ e a . u t i £ u l T y p e , with iThich to print itwand treve abo ordered one of

H o e ' s Six C y l & A e r F a n t P r e s s e s , with which we canprlnt FlFTEEK THOUSAND (IOF-LKa A ^ HOUR. This press wUl enubio us to hold back

.our forms to a very late hocribr important news, and yet to work off the edition in season for the mails. With this improvement in our print^n? department, we believe we can prive our readers as handsome a paper as Is printed in Sew Knglond. The general character of the paper has

?roved so acceptable that we shall attempt no chaage.— t is, and will be. emphatically

• A F A M I L V 5 E W S V A P E R , ' We intend that it sluitl be a complete record of the eveni; I of tho ajre in which wc live ; that the attentive and can. I ful reader of its pajres shall ho able to gather from then,

• accurate and reliable infor,inatioii of every e\ ent of interest 1 in politics, the arts ami sciences, morals and religion, IL

this country and in foreign lands; and thai they shall La\f this information at an earlier day Uian they can obL-uit u from any oth*r soniw To collate this inteliigcnrf f-.m, the thousand different sources where it is to be songlit. tu separate the w heat fr«m thy cliafi'. and to arrange and j,r, sent it to tho rculer in a concise and intelligible forni^? n work requiring not only a great expenditure of m.-'iey. but al«> years of experience. We havp the w-ni. <•-'••{ MEN ianjcATED rent TifE ws iNESS, Ut prepare the matter for tho.KifRNAL, abti we >h.ill ^mrc ho expeiite t • \zl t them to du their work in the rmM thorough mar > :


siua G e a d n a X l e b I I S i r y A c .

Uon—Imparting an energy to the stomach, which fortifies Sou^o'bTlnTBe^p'a&sossloii^faifvfrjo'travel ''

This CordlalJamost.adnjirab^- Jidopted,aTmtJto ladles; and Is strongly and particularly rccommonded In allthose complaints and exigencies pocullar to tho female sex.

ChaarMaJtdprugglsLKo. ZjJ^lABloe^O^oasbuish,


,«% ^t«4 £. > »03ifit>"/ * / ,

ALL.SEASONS! No. i f t l c i ..street.

ALriEWl^tLAS I a h 6 * .prepared «> offer to bis

' ieraj.-wA.tha.pl •'• — and eoumrononsive.

i ^ f f l y s ^ s : . _.... tTtorn the best manufco-

u-^tyi^jrum^!to^<«)Mptutesthe: mosfcvaifed and eomplem^sapnirient to-baJouna ln.elty or country. , , < ^ n ^ ^ , S g r ^ [ j J l § 3 C , . ; . * i - y ' • 'O.ill'u'f.u'J .,1?'/I. HJ" "LV-THTIJ fi~,,J.

urfa* '^""Vifti.^iiB^G&!ifira'-vTfTBr S B i l ; th» KasterB;pianuia£tnr*raa»»»Bueh«i>to enable # B T f S t o f u r n I a n ^ O < > p a « t SHOES - « ^ T r l d e " ^ ^ a t the smallest advance from mahrUacturcrs'cost • M a » h t f 3 8 o K ! 3 t ^ • • « ' « i-i.»« j . y

, .". w^W^a^oJ lpJror ia f ree t , , ,

t '.•at. i?s« «sa • • • ' i j »» i ' 4a

•1; V.l

KUiS# ' -7Z— TT—


.. .^4-e^. 'ais*it',-'#!i# .i^iit^%^;^i

i #maaivs. ^ ii /iAjftjiji'ifc^i.Mi, 4, :^ &*t

Ranjwm k Ott'tAibanjrStov* Worlu,

^ - . ' Y ^ j ^ t f f t - a

PROPTI &,JUWDGJl,t, ., H A V E OK I l A S n White and Bens

nett Glne, Irish Glue, Upton's Thin Glue,-Sand Panor,,Roso Pink, American Vermillion

____^ Chinese Vermillion, Celestial Blue, Prussian, Blue, dry and ground In oil,,Cbromo Green, Chrome Tel-low, Marine Green, at wholesale or retail, and at prices that defy competition. Call and see.

' _, P B O t f r r & RINDGEt-1-tf Ford Street, Ogdensburgb, N. T .


B j PBOTJTT & BlKDGE, 1-tf Druggists and Apothecaries, Ford:Btr6et

O U L S ! O I 1 . S I

-g g \ B A R B E L S B. TVHALB (MIc-* BBLS. J . V Solar 00—5 "BlOs. MochbereOlL Just leceived snd for sale by ^ PBOTJTy & EHitDGE.

BH T S H E s r i — P A I N T BBTJ6HES, j m T E E -Wasb Brnshco, Varnish Brushes, Wall and Paste

Brushes, Artist Bruihes, and Tnbe Paints, kept constiintly on hand and for safe by PEOUTY & UINDGE,

a-tf - . . 1 • - Pruggtsta:m



T » business, in all its branches, at the old stand •of t . S. MpKElS & Co., corner of F o r & a n d

a b e l l a . S t r e e t s , O f f d c n s b u r g h , > . M. , . . -ring "flir the past Teii Years been connected with the Best Houses in the United States. I feel confi­dence in assuring the citizens of Ogdensburgb and vicinity that all Medicines and Prescriptions will be dispensed hi tho most careful neat, and Accurate mourner. Hopifig by strict attention to business,-to merit a liberal share of pat­ronage.

Just received directfrom Hew York, afresh supply of

r u r p © B T E »

Drugs, Hedicines , and Caemlcals . LOBIN'S GEN. PERFUMERY, HAIR, TOOTH,


A full and complete assortment of l>a. int!>, O i l s , . l>}-t—Stuffs i , just received and for •

sale cheap, by GEO: W. PHfXBROOK.

JouN FRANKXIN," by Doctor Kane. 9F HOB A —

, JilOGRA by himself.

LTFE OF-HOBAOE G B E E L Y , " b y Parton. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OS 1>. T. BARNUM," v.ritten

is-second to that of no otlii-r ueckl} jiaix-r iiiK.w i.m: land. Iteinbracesacarefullv-eorreeU-d PEici-a ('• EREST: a R E V I E W or TIIK MAILKET fur the week, httfti: c iht-amount of busine-..-- in the different articles of un-rcli^udW-and the variation in prin^-: a separate article on t!i« MONEY MAUKET ; original re]KHii of the Briylitoii a^d Clambridge (^ATTLI: MAKKICTS: the N E W Yor.K (.'ATTLE M A R K E T : 61111- N E W S . .fcc. TIK-.^O re[M.rl*uro all pn-paretl bv- nun of l:ti{;t* i-.Tju-rieau-o, tboroujrliiy conversanl wl-Ji tbo department nnder tiieir charge, and they are now ip


•"IDA MAY." by Mary Langiton.

"TOM CROSBIE ^ 1 5 ^ 8 FRIENDS," by Samuel '. lied ui»u bv thousands of merchants and traders thnmu-Lovor, author of Handy Andv, &e.' This work Is said to j ont the eountrr, to guide them in tbeir purchases a>,r

' X £ t i £ & £ " , m P r 0 d " 0 t i 0 n 9 " ^ b M 1 "' ! " % LITfiBAItr DEPAKTMENT w U enjlrac. . "THE SEVEN POOB TRA\rELEBS," a Christmas ! views of and extract- from advance copies- of the works

Story, by Charles Dickens. • >a*oeu by the-leading publhaung houses throughout the . i ; „ v r v n - . T » i__ i L _ . _ A 1 .f t. /\J1 OT - . . J tt 'Tl I n / . t t t l f r t ' 111 l l u S U a V U l C A V I I L I O N ? ' by^tho Author of "Olive," and "The j country: In this way flic reader^ of tho JomxlLgi-tt i ,e

Oailvies;" • ' cream of tho Literature of the country, and are enabl-0 M"HE VIB01N QUEEN," bv J. Frederick Smith, an- to select from the riood of new books lj.-uert such o-s tb.;

thor of "Woman and her Master," " Fred Vernon," -Mia- I may desire for their centre tables or the sb- Ives of (,i- IT 'nt„ Ar-iv" .fee -libraries.

" A 1'EAR OF THE'WAR," by Adam G. Do Uurow- In the MISCELLANEOi- s DI-.l'iKTMENT we sh.il, v^ . 1 urafcc provision fv>r the enlortair-meiit and ltistmctlor of

The above comprise a few of our latest arrival Any ! <mr voung f i leada-t ie ahiJd, eii. A good story-cal™-aw*notonhand,procHrodataweeE;'snotic6.atil,epub- ; lated U> improve the mind and hem; .whi le !t ftiru=i;,.. Usher's prices. A .-hare of public patronage is solicited. | entertainment for the passing hour, will be a prominent

No. so, Mechanic's Block, l y Ford-Streot, iOgdensburgh. N. Y.

feature'in till- department.

AK T I S T S ' B l l t ' S H E S , AETKTS' TUBE Paints, Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvass, eta, a large

and full assortment constantly on hund and for sale, by PEOUTY ds BINBGB,

1-tf , , DroggfetnaridApQtheearles.

FL O B E K C E A V H I X E A N D F3U3BESCE Varnish, White French,Zinc,ground In oil

Green, Paris White, Whiting, PuTrtyi <Sm - Call and

n s M ^ i n g ^ ^ u f x ^ & D G l , i - t r - . :-•'••• • ' . ' - . ' . • - • .Dmggisi

bcfoi must

Paris see us



FMTIB. • •>

-g fk B A W B E I i S / B U I S N I i S Q FLUTD—JUST X \ f received, fresh »nd gand , j t .

1-tf - ~ ^ B O U T Y JrBINPqE'B.

B V B A B B E l V O » I « A X t O W — I T -v

PBOpTY;iij B I K D t ^ B .

N d X I C E . • f ¥ T H A T » S T H E « S 0 B TN BEING BfCKf

T T . ^-"Jrleunedy 'a Medical TI&covoryM can be had 1 * ' PEOUTY & BrNBGE,

P 0 1

can be had of KBGE,

K * W i l fcAiiy»l«S.B1d^LED UNSEED1 ?)Tl>|

_ GAXJLOIVS MA& U K B E E i r • O I L -

X a V E B I A R A J T D F J . 0 B E N , C E V A B J V I S I I ' MM A large supply Justreceived, andieady to besolc£t§. the flreV man that, PEOUTY * . BWDGE.


J ^ - T ^ e B a r r e l s i n i J t r b c e l y e d b y 1 '' f* turnover&W8T)&.

B E A T Druggists and Apdthec



. -., ^it.t3-r,a|inm.flii|-,D«)ofctf'.air-*«-'<'^^iUH

t Pf^otMie hy^ODTt-^ Jeitew&Pniatrt<^^hmgy?H?W>-? g

rsc»MHffl!t..:stttrHCl_. ' "Sp"


X T R A C T S } o superiorox-Manee, Pies, Puddings, 4sc—


tide for Ices, Blanc Prepared and. aqlgl by

CO R N S T A R C H , MnnufaotUretl expressly for Ccidinary and-Oletetic purposes—a large lot just re­

ceived and for sale, by ~ "

^for luaking deby. For sale by . c p i O X ' S G E t A T l M E , - S t r o n g e r than


BA R R Y ' S TKICOrniSKcUH: Loret's Wabpei •Lyon's Kathalron; Bogle^ Flutd; Hurt's -Glc


r A R R V S <TBICOPHEEUS; Ixiret's Wahj jLyon's Kathalron-, Bogle^ Flutd; Hurd's 4

' iWRi?^' 0 ! , i cS»,^ p 4 , ' R t ^?'? 1 ' 1 Rosemary and Castor^


Jayne'a.xonlc; JaoAURtcsra, uw, s •OH, for the Hair, l o r salo by

2 2 t f i ' ~ GEO.

F O R i r r STPSS5T, Corner of "Ford and'Htato Streets, nearly opposUe

T H E B O S T O N J ! ) A a i J O I ' B X J I L . j (Morning or Kveniug edition, as ina> be desired.. is tt-nt

to subwrlbcrs by mail, in any pan of the t"niter1 Mat.", 1 for Six DOLLAUS a year. By mt-ans of oar FAST 1'RESS ; we arc able to keep tin: forms for the D A I L I J O C ^ A L

open several hemrs later than any other daily paper, ant; j thus not unfrequoBtly to puMUh tiiiportanl news from I TWELVF to TWE>TY-l"Ol'B IJ"L'KS IS ADVANCE Tbf ftV-t erape circnlation of the DAILY JOVENAL IS more than ; double that of any subscription or two cent paper publish­

ed in Boston.

T i £ E S E M I - W X K R L Y J O I R S A L ,

containing all the reading matter of tht- Daily- is pub j lished TTOJSIJAY and FRIDAY mornings, at FOCR DOIXAKS ; a vear.

t B O S T O N J O U R M » L * ' O B C A L I F O R N I A

isprinted ou the 4th and'19th of each month, for mailing by the steamer* of the 5th and 5njji\. H i«, made up with

1 the greatest .care for the Information of New England men in California. Over T W O . V E THOUSAND COPIES a month are now scut there, which Is a -much larger circulation

, than anv other mperpr in tcd in the Atlantic Stat<*s has. j I t is mailed at this office 3br six CENTS a copy. A p^-rs^;.

• f W T h p r t ' s B l O C f e ' sending one dollar can have one each of sixteen numbers

• 7 6 ,

J ClgK BECEIVJ£1>, AT GEO. W. PHILBBOOK^ Apothecary ^torc, an entire new stock of Drugs,.

Mediblncs and Chemicals, and Fancy Articles, wlireh are

the S t Lawrence Hotel,

O G V E N S B U B G H , N . IT.

i t b d J i I T N D E B S I G N E B , having rmnoved ;

_ _ ; Stock of Goods trorjti No. 82, to I\o. Tii Ford , Street, '(as above spe-oifled,) whero th«*v wiil keep con­stantly on-hand and for sale a t the LO\VEST P R U J E I S J \ a large assortment of t

font to any one they may desire.

I K g " Agents and Xeicsmen supplied trith either Edition of t3w JO URN A L, <ni tht most liberal terms.

I Orders for either of the editions of the J O I R S A L mii^t be INVARIABLY Ad OMI'AMKD by Uie CASIL and fliouldbe

; uddresvd to ( l U U L L N O. R O U E H S

12 STATE STUF-ET, B(»S10N Bo.vtou, Dect'inber. T ^ .

B O O T S & i S B f O E S , N c w A m e r i i a a I * a ? e ' a t A I C « A M . Embraelne every varioty usually kept for sale, snch as ' T H E A L B A W Y S T A T E S E I A U .

warranted of the purest quality; also, all the Patent Med­icines of the day. - ' S4-ti

A I . A R G E S C P P L V OF BRUSHES, SOAPS, Pomades, Farina, Coloeno, Cold Cream, atid Aman­

dine for Chapped Bands und Lips, Hair Oils, Bandoline, Toilet Vinegar, Shand's Alabaster Tablets, Chalk Balls, JBC., & C Just received by GEO. W. PHI LBROOK,'

&4^tf.,,,-. .. . Apothecary.

i " U R I I S ' S ionV^r-'~^^T'i^cmt^V, | LAIDTKS' GAITERS, MEN'S CALF BOOTS, ' t»AIL\; • S E M t - W - E E f E ^ y , W E E K L V . JLiTloso Se'ranlnm, UpporTen, SweetScen^Sjairnhi I.. ^ _ ; BLIESV' '• «*--"*»*»'iS«*f>«^-''- 1 r n f f E D E S E R T i O N O F ' C H I ' \ J I I R .

~*B~-M^.rn^n ~ig£ T T H I L B K O O K . I " Bl'SKINS, " . aAITKRS, ' JL. IC AN Part}- and its candidates by the Albany iiate ^ • _WJ«An.ri»JUBl,uuiv . ' ) . - i Rcdster, has rendered the establishment at the State <ip-_ . , ^, t'^~SZtitnAelir^ i I • TOILET SLIPS, FANCY SHOES |„,I J,f anolh.,r,joumal,—which shall deserve and reecive * l i e B e S t ' O p r i D g m e c U I C U l G 18 JENNY U N D TIF? CONGRESS G4.ITKRS the confidence of the party—it matter of paramcunt ne-

DtTTT WD Af tT / iO , ' ' ' " ' easily. To supply snch an organ, arrangements have ralSjBIXUVBt. O I SONTAG TIE^, • W - A T E B . P R O Q F BOOTS, been made, and the new paper, under the above title, wil:

| WALKING SHOES, COARSE BOOTS, i C . b ^ t e t pnbli-hedun Mon.VafMmoon, the24th of M„reb.


I O R S I C D K . i t E i a a j j - A c i i E , L O S S O F F' — i i

Appetite, Drowsiness, wfeb so many experience at this season of tho year. Try them. , Prepared only by , G. W. PHILBROOK,

..,' Cornor of Ford and Isabclb Streets. AGENTS—Boss £ Co., Madrid; S. J. DEWE*,WpdT

.dlngton; B. D. BUKDITT and L. E. B. "WINBLOW, c rvnton; HOOSEE &,cpUAPMaTr,*Morristown; Htrrrr .is LAWS, Pots-dani'; JomV PIOKEKS, Heuveiton; ^

Ogdensbnrgb, Feb. SS, 1S8C. 1-tf

Also a large yariety of articles in the Trade f


The STATESMAN will be issued in obedience to tiie een-eral sense and demand of the American Partv in the stair.

AKD GHILDi tEN'S - and its management tins 7>een confided tu banch. ot un ^ doubted fidtdity, and whoso ability is behoved to be ade-

WfcAR, AND A LARGE'VABIETY OF ( quau to thetrnstj • ' i , _ „ _ , - , _ , _ , - , • .% . Politically, the STATESjl.Ui wffl support with whatever I i K U i J o i i K b . ' i s , ability it possesses, and with earnest zeal, the nomination j - i l of. MILLARD FILLMORE for President, and of AN-

Th% whole assortment having been selected with the ! DREW JACKSON DONliLSON for Vice President o gron_test_i^e,-willcbiulengeeoin_piirl_>on witt tlutt of any the United States, believing that better names for thos

" high offices could not be presented to the party and tfa > t establishment in St. I_4wren^e Ctotmty.

id V

E 0 0 W 0 | ^ « ^ .WEALTH.


T w p u b l i f t i a t h ^ r ^ s t I ^ r ^ S a v * g 1 S t f e S dlscoyerod, and every wtfyworftynf the fu&st oohstdera'

Itlon. They do the worsyoif tt&*Iauttdry" in cold water, .elttor<Bofft5aaTdor«aIt<Hl^ijttSin'g<mUr>djrwithiBoiHng, Pounding,-,cS;c^.TOnsemiently.:i largo amountofrthelsndc wear ana;tean'of doUiuig'lsiayed, and natcolie-half &§' amonritof labor is roqiilrod to do the washmgofsliunilyv

/nio.tondbncpflfithoso Soaps-is to soften the doibes'and romovb" tho'.dlrt;Jni tholruso the hands .arc madostjft.'tho


dum,^g!tboMm«at6ratnicibnt.t<!( epverthem; fetjhem'i iremain a-feW Bnurs? then' with-* SHghl handsrabDlnfflndS !goodrlnslng^ t h e y w i l l b e jmrfecitly clc^n-nn^eadrBSfll-" 'bleachcdfand without injury to 4ho niosfdellisiiui i f f ir iu ,

Tho-cost'of these Soaps1 is no tooro'Uiai)-lhosorordiiia-? rilyusftd. Boeidcitthls, the gr8atS»aat'«nd tohr of cloth--inscbnseqnentiipiin tho old method Of hand-riibbing upon ,a.bocud/n2chinc!v poundingbarrelijac,' cSsc_j'iswholly! SwtfJefc and i'uoj be|ng enSrely diBp cnsod: jvtoujm %rxa-

apoft; o f dirt withonf i i fteaeastjnjurhjg, fteir^jplor or

i l S K f e f i w iP«?5a»5.cStpljes w h c j t ^ y ^ j j d ^ p ^ e s a s .

The long experl'enco of one of tho Arm, in this trade, ! people. Ardently attached to the principles anci policy o botBfttt%densbnrghi«n("l afthaEast, and hlsextensive I the American.Parry, thejpaper will advocate them zeal-•aequalntance with eastern manufacturers, give Win wipe- , on?'-T' earnestly-and contluaaily, nnm the greaUfiud vital rior faoflitles 'fit purchasing the best articles at the- lowest reforms demanded by the American organization shall 1»

pd-onahleMmtouffiaidMs'stoefcatprteeiflmtaeTy ' fully accomplished. •titlon. .The STATESMAN will be pnbllshed rigidly on the CASB

| - —AfAnt— SraTEScs-atthe-following rates \r

SOLE IXWHKB, OAUrfMr, AND TOP SKINS '' S f e / 6 1 " ^ ^ U "I.™"®' ' — • • « »

. . , , . . -' The STATISMAJ.- wjll baof ample dimensions, and will ft-- FIl iDlKGS,' ETO:' i JETC. * ' havo no superior among the papers published at Albani,

• , in mechanical execution, bras a vehicle of general intelil -In great variety, at wholesale and retail, at the lowest Uv- , gence. It is the design .of both publishers and editorsto Ingpriees. " ' § " • renderthe STATESMAN ndt only aworthy champion of the

l ^ - T b e l r Stock is pnttrely-now,. and comprises the , A m A ^ ^ ^ f „ , i ^ . i S ? ' f P l t e o ? a candidates, but also an Newest Btyha, and from tho best fcanu^ctures In the B c f f S i " ^ S ' ? „ ^ > n ^ ' ' e 4 ° i n # P^he-TOUntnrV •-. • r- i ^Ah orders must be aceompanled wlffitho monev, and

" E i f - T . ' - f r W n ? T & 'CO. j AiBAKT-, March IS, 1SJ|6. a y '

•OgaenBhurgU, April io,<JSS"8.. •• 1* - S - l y T__i_^derelged tu* , Measure in recommending the - ' ' STATOSUAS to the oonfldatyce and support of the Americans

of the State, and unitam impressing the hopetiat. as the I Central Journal of the Party, it will enjoy a wide circula-1 tidn." *• I »J. T. HEADLEY

• L - B 0 B B O W S . STEPHEN OLABK, S . S . W S A E E O S , N . 8. BENTON.

JBUB' •" A « f S i * ^ H » ¥ - i B E ^ E E O R m - G ^ :>4h«8fofrohv thV -MatraSleturer^' iS00v>«crj:z.-*6f

SOFT"""" " --- -•• • - - - •"- •••

w^uigi ipftr^aMhateadfel i 'again, . . on us. We havo tho largest Btoqk of Hats th(s side oi Boston or New York, and we will southern Very low. • - -

„ _ _ « . ' * * . C . ' A T O H E 8 G M ird1nEtothedirootton9.vfJf^ptj&ngeKbBUC - O ^ W h t n ^ A p r i l K , i85«^%

•nwinJlTmoudtteeotanc^deBsd^cjra^ -?1 ' . - - r - i - v — L Z Z , — - . : • . ' - -,.\FOTretaovtagGreaiMfhraiFic^r^3r from any artielo Vf\T> C S T I ' o f ^ M f f e 3 f c & > l n ^ ^ l r r n n d m v ® h f f i * 8 i l d l ^ ^ ^ . . . , , . , - ' O p R . A » # . , r . , , , . Mtt»^i&I)a^Pietur(i^Fdrnihirp,a3ishos,'lJ^ I _—J**a r t l l T E S W t l l S t T a i B E R S I W I ^ . ^ W , f t t t r a p » r i o r t o . « h y p t a e r ' S o a n T l e o v l n g *f~>^M ' • • « - . « - - « = ? * _ • * » » « • ! » » tto-'goodisoft'endftebfrom'anyodlin Thb'attonUon of 1 Tfocjen; J^flttfltcmsrs-topSrttiBliirljf tjalled to these _




'4. • * - ' JOB tc CO. J r M ; and A.

I'ToaisWUcHc*; ~ 3W* Wedfl*»in,

i&w— Sfa. h*wi te'WtiS*»S

Emmy® fli--;_ ."« . f y I I I 11

^mms&* MUM*

*<*fiy * .,,i*!,*iti ' ' • ' * '

- * * 4 , | i < t__« j>» « m h e

, y , ^ T ^ P,STBl(AiIBNjr _,

•• B O O . ; ^afmtt^HiK^^imitU^

A H - J ^ S S P ^ . Si*«*«sjy£«

l ^ W e i y S ^ l W i g l W pur B<qph* Biah^hjca i s all we

FOB W»fBBl'CI.<l!S ,aESi-Sub thogogpfreoryonnil soiled,rpol^-andpntttemrtp •speak frpm oho to four hours, ipr o«Kn!gh«*then 'rowar'bdmmorihandi.rahbihg and ' ^ 6 < 3 ^ c p | ^ j i l ^ * i p be perfectly deam, usihg only-cold •vcfitaft-r-- -"^—*~"c**«- *^._A_ . . • - . . , .- .^. . .,_.

•waifcibrf0toa'act>^tB^t««flBg'.' *'• .-< .* . . />: , .« . - • cgs

Jec., waiMn»st»ni|iWcft!imdrinse. ..«•*•<>•-.-** , F 0 B ; 1 i i | a ^ S T 4 ^ P p l y | ^ ' S ^ O T g t ^ r u h w d i i i i s e ' i n

fmifJS&iSmSB^tiil^ !Sla«nglhi.4)id*4s>6Utln lh*c5n*i*ie«i-Jct-f %.• •' -• •*' ' . ' " ' • ' *."• i ->•" *•*

iWM3&^vtWi#»tifa}im>li&&-<.!t.™ • *- >-f•.• »-«» -tjfB-TW'ataas^TOelwaaliia Re»ffert«tbash-'1

jttjm&mmt^gwmm, foVte ••-» •*;-< •. •• 'iv,i'»w'^*«-''-''^ri^iH2E»i*'^'*ii^^,.,rf

^^'^^»Jsr^&\sssWi sound, and one J>opble aarnoss afiaost. ,nqw, also one iatge (louhfe Burrow, orf

I^Pffc ' fr&% n,^

* r j , 4 c , * i , dclivcrea at the , _

Hunt A R,B.B«rdli

l$®$kSm> • HsHSBP t

' 0*Jc»»«b«rgK March * * * , ! » * • . t-ff . ' i •i:'''t'.''ii.,ji-u»i»'ifim.'i»ciaicwuniw»#>mj_c »i*jK»irir


• * * ^ V - r i )


Th» Crw»t*t W«»««IT *C tMAp,

.., ,.. ^, -,...aft g?srf? « w » fw«nt»^>ai»iaa^MtWI_airttitchln.j;aay«U as

eatctMoca* "r"—* —T " " " I T I J I . iiiilliaii amaiao * porfccUy Kaalthy »UUar*«S5Hb, . • ' m m

•> -ilinulaMaod U»la to tk* on — -cwccwtacgiMtMtothc* kafc. aat t o * * J ' * - • - - - -

i r ^ ' r ^ .-?*•'


; JSmtA^'t^i.^.^--^ - , - -•- r '

smmusmr mEti>mi--i*-i-'\.pr. 5,-. •- ':}.tmmA I . . Q r a t y ^ - . ^ a p ^ _.. ,,-',4{a

Oeignftfirp?), April T^i, 1856.. n -Tntf

|«l3P«'S6Brsio!d,'it ,rcgSsof ipBTjrme lnaiao"

m mtxi-'j&nms. ', H. F. ilLLARxTS

Pu^mTURE WAl I.ROOBIB, No, S7t AVEEEU.'s Btoop, Foa3>-STEEEr, t r P SIAUIS. I

_ 3 — 2 . \' > • » < > < si»,.»>!v— w ! j o _________ be<,n

re. ASSO!

* lo ig a *esidfent of GgdensbnrgK %TamiIiar wlrt, the tastraseT its St-^ = F P ! * a « g t h ! j r a , ttashssis now


- O T S J S - ^ . an^ Black -Walnnt S o f a s , of every varietr, an&sMci , ' . ,*.. .

Ifooklngand Arm-ChaM—Mahogairy and Walnut toblejtop, Center, Fogey and * i U e - T a b l e s .

• MUiOgsn* and Black -Wlalnut Corner V V J i a t - I V o t a and Bodk-Siolves, of the latest stylecs.

Mahdgtiny and Black TValnot Center, and C a r d -JCaibavlsii . -.. .

ctjnartef^e, Bofa, and Nest Tables. ... lJafioi»-iasa_BlBCk Wahtat'Parlor C J I ' a i r s or n-

- ^ ^ S . ^ 4 S M p ^ p p A s ^ Cottage and com­mon Bea$gaas3; ttgotterifwiai a choice msonnient of A^j _ ». ~ t . -., » , .T^T*t^- - ^ ATGHESON. , «?™ •^-w^. i^ , . iA>ic;uvucui:wito a enojeo assortment or

- . '!;i: :-.ll. .if-: •i-U: u'.^rBP

.'i.''t<M^O-IWS'CK*i E«-i5.©&'sS- *»-• • - ' - • " • ' S k f l ! , ' "

sptaSft Jb"anlteil ft** smal lCkerdior*. J l l i l l ' & c s M f i b M j R ^ b i l i U ^ a t t a k ' ^ l______| ca . aarsi/aiaia^ l^iaMaf^fapc^c!^^ .s^vcvc_M^^_llj^_l_| _^^

Tor pjugguara—Acply at thh> o

liflDM I t


•wan -.,< " i u e i jijer. a , - r" ; .»p 'a j" '• J.' y j a o i

a i i B , a i o t t h - f j a s e s , Dining :tjpnd Wash Standi j t togct i i er .

18 %bWcatfflcJgue"?r airHcfo usually I b u i a w th'a l ^ l ^ n i M s T O i ^ f e w s t ^ , ,.-*»y•>..-;. - '

meat ai>*


S ^ 4 ? ' ' "

Ogdeaaboi^b, March 1st, 1S£5.

n ^ L l T '3 iCS^f ' ,«Si

- p ^ s i ^ j i f x

•• fe'i>,ili'1f; BBJ stag, oiijw»>»)ir. .***:



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Business Card prists he3d. wi Advertising un< Advertiser s ow-»t the rates esta

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