PETS report Duty Officers David Vickers-Shand & Bryan Threlfall Tuesday March 19 2013 The Board of Murwillumbah Central Rotary Club meeting dateat Jack Heffernan’s house Monday April 8 at 6.00pm. Tonight’s Muster Chicken Ratana Presidents of Rotary International Continuing the column below featuring the Past Presidents of Rotary International and a quotation attributed to them. The president of Rotary International for the years 2006-2007 was William B. Boyd William B. Boyd Rotary Club of Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand RI Theme: Lead the Way “The simple principle of microcredit is also a principle of Rotary. Small changes can become great changes, and a seemingly inconsequential act can have tremendous consequences.”The Rotarian , A weekly news update for members and guests of Rotary Club of Murwillumbah Central Inc. Rotary International Club Number 17900 100% PHF Club (2011) 100% EREY Club (2011) Meeting6.00 for 6.30 pm EST or DST, At Murwillumbah Golf Club Mail toPO Box 33 Murwillumbah NSW 2484 In the spirit! End Polio Now dinner May 1st A discussion about membership What to do when you have a dud 108 108 YEARS YEARS President Elects Training Seminar The presidents-elect training seminar helps presidents-elect prepare for their year as club president. The meeting is an opportunity for incoming club presidents to build strong working relationships with their district governor-elect and incoming assistant governors. Convener: District governor-elect Who participates: Club presidents-elect Recommended time frame: Annual one-and-a-half-day seminar in March Topics RI theme Role and responsibilities Working with your club and district leaders Club administration Membership Service projects The Rotary Foundation Public relations Goal setting Tonight David will share with us some details of his weekend at PETS.

The Spirit March 19 2013

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Weekly bulletin of Murwillumbah Central Rotary

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Page 1: The Spirit March 19 2013

PETS report Duty Officers

David Vickers-Shand & Bryan Threlfall

Tuesday March 19 2013

The Board of Murwillumbah Central Rotary Club meeting date—

at Jack Heffernan’s house Monday April 8 at 6.00pm.

Tonight’s Muster

Chicken Ratana Presidents of Rotary

International Continuing the column below featuring the Past Presidents of Rotary International and a quotation attributed to them.

The president of Rotary

International for the years

2006-2007 was William B. Boyd

William B. Boyd Rotary Club of Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand RI Theme: Lead the Way

“The simple principle of microcredit is also a principle of Rotary. Small changes can become great changes, and a seemingly inconsequential act can have tremendous consequences.”— The Rotarian ,

A weekly news update for members and guests of

Rotary Club of Murwillumbah Central Inc. Rotary International Club Number 17900 100% PHF Club (2011) 100% EREY Club (2011)

Meeting—6.00 for 6.30 pm EST or DST, At Murwillumbah Golf Club Mail to—PO Box 33 Murwillumbah NSW 2484

In the spirit!

· End Polio Now dinner May 1st

· A discussion about membership

· What to do when you have a dud


President Elects Training Seminar The presidents-elect training seminar helps presidents-elect prepare for their year as club president. The meeting is an opportunity for incoming club presidents to build strong working relationships with their district governor-elect and incoming assistant governors. Convener: District governor-elect Who participates: Club presidents-elect Recommended time frame: Annual one-and-a-half-day seminar in March Topics

· RI theme

· Role and responsibilities

· Working with your club and district leaders

· Club administration

· Membership

· Service projects

· The Rotary Foundation

· Public relations

· Goal setting

Tonight David will share with us some details of his weekend at PETS.

Page 2: The Spirit March 19 2013

Friends of Rotary Club of Murwillumbah CentralFriends of Rotary Club of Murwillumbah Central The businesses and individuals recognised here are special sponsors of our

club, by their contribution to the success of projects of the club or donations

towards charity objectives of the club. Soul Pattinson Pharmacy, Sunnyside Centre, Robert Nieh

Bakers Delight, Sunnyside Shopping Centre. Budds Mitre 10, Wollumbin Street, Murwillumbah.

Northern Rivers Signs, Graham Dietrich, Dina Zambelli Immortal Books, Murwillumbah Truck Centre.

D9640 District Governor—

Sandra Doumany

D9640 Assistant Governor—

Anne Egan

Club Office Bearers BOARD OF DIRECTORS


Jack Heffernan

Vice President & Pres Elect—

David Vickers-Shand

Immediate Past President—

Noel Graham

Secretary —

Peter Sochacki


Michael Grisedale

Membership Director—

David Vickers-Shand

Public Relations Director—

Denis Hallworth

Club Administration Director—

Denis Hallworth

Service Projects Director—

George Phillips

Rotary Foundation Director—

David Vickers-Shand


Club Program Chair—

Bryan Threlfall

Community Service Chair—

Judy Mason

International Service Chair—

Tony Hayes

Vocational Service Chair—

Richard Johnston

Youth Service Chair—

George Phillips

Social Activities Chair—

Ian Baker

Club Protection Officer—

Michael Grisedale

College of Presidents Chair—

Denis Hallworth


Bike Ride 2011/12—

Michael Grisedale

Tony Worrad

Barry Lack

Noel Graham


Noel Graham

John Stainlay

Heads & Tails—

Noel Graham

John Stainlay

District Office Bearers

Enquiries to Denis Hallworth 0266779302 or email [email protected] Murray Spry 0412903000 or email [email protected]

Page 3: The Spirit March 19 2013

Thought of the day

"The gods too are fond of a joke." - Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)



To encourage and foster

the ideal of service as a

basis of worthy enterprise

and, in particular, to

encourage and foster

1 The development of

acquaintance as an

opportunity for service

2 High ethical standards

i n b u s i n e s s a n d

p r o f e s s i o n s ; t h e

recognition of worthiness

of all useful occupations;

and the dignifying by each

Rotarian of his occupation

as an opportunity to serve


3 The application of the

ideal of service by every

Rotarian to his personal,

business and community


4 The advancement of

i n t e r n a t i o n a l

understanding, goodwill

and peace through a world

fellowship of business and

professional men united in

the ideal of service


of the things

we think, say or do.

1 Is it the TRUTH ?

2 Is it FAIR to all

concerned ?

3 Will it build GOODWILL



4 Will it be BENEFICIAL to

all concerned ?

Page 4: The Spirit March 19 2013

A discussion about membership

Below is a discussion relating to membership in Rotary clubs which was on the LinkedIn social website recently. It was originated by a Rotarian in a Canadian club. It generated 63 responses, mostly along the lines of the two reprinted below. The section on membership qualification in the RI Constitution is as follows- ( Section 2 — Composition of Clubs. (a) A club shall be composed of active members each of whom shall be an adult person of good character and good business, professional and/or community reputation, (1) engaged as a proprietor, partner, corporate officer, or manager of any worthy and recognized business or profession; or (2) holding any important position in any worthy and recognized business or profession or any branch or agency thereof and have executive capacity with discretionary authority; or (3) having retired from any position listed in sub-subsection (1) or (2) of this subsection; or (4) being a community leader who has demonstrated through personal involvement in community affairs a commitment to service and the Object of Rotary; or (5) having the status of Rotary Foundation alumnus as defined by the board and having his or her place of business or residence located in the locality of the club or the surrounding area. An active member moving from the locality of the club or the surrounding area may retain membership in the club where the member’s board grants such

permission and said active member continues to meet all conditions of club membership. The discussion reveals the Canadian Rotarian was concerned at his club having refused membership to two potential members as they did not fit the strict interpretation of the rules above.

It also revealed that most respondents are more concerned about finding more members than meeting the strict definition of the membership criteria. The liberal use of section (4) is the answer to accepting members who do not fit ‘management’ criteria.

Is it time to revisit our New

Member sign up criteria?

We have had to start

declining membership to

our club, have you? Recently we had to decline two membership applications because the applicants were not in a management or leadership position. One was in automotive car sales and the other in the food service business. They both had the financial resources, time, sponsor, and willingness to join and help out, but did not qualify on the first point. If we look at recruiting new members who are relatively new to the work force (20-30 years old), they may not have blossomed into the manager role yet, so should this disqualify them as Rotarians? I wonder if we should reflect on the current criteria to see how we can make our clubs more inclusive. I welcome your thoughts on this issue as we all try to grow our clubs and attract new younger members. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. Dyann Calverley• You have got to be joking - are you serious. No wonder we have a problem in how the 'Public' see us - can you imagine how they felt, you were not prepared to take them on and let them grow into Management & Leadership positions? I am so pleased that you are not a NZ club, we need all the members we can get and worldwide we all have the same problem, new younger members. Dyann Melinda Osborne• I joined Rotary 12 years ago. My classification was community volunteer. I had 2 sponsors and wrote a paper which was read at district assembly

as to why I wanted to be a Rotarian. In short, I managed my home, and family of four. I was a past business owner due to the sale of my business. The way I saw it Rotary was missing an entire demographic; at home moms. I had time to work on all the projects and money to pay my dues and contributions . I am now a Past President of my club and membership chair. I have also gone back to work as an Agent for NewYork Life. My club has nominated me for DG. I'm telling you all this to say never turn away an at home mom from being z Rotarian unless they have no concept of the business/working world. St home moms can get a lot of stuff done that other Rotarians don't have time for. By the way, I'm also a Paul Harris fellow +7. So get out of your own way and get creative with your clubs classifications. It will increase your membership while improving the quality and quantity of your projects. So what if they are retired, or an at home mom. If they have the talent and funds your club needs, and will live by the 4way test, while not let them in? You will have a 24/7 Rotarian like me . Our club is in a situation where we are aware that we will lose two members in the near future when they move their place of residence. We urgently need additional members, young, old, mid-aged, business leaders, community volunteers, we will consider anyone who has the potential to meet the Service above Self ideal. Please consider your friends and acquaintances for possible Rotary membership. If we do not increase our membership numbers we may be faced with no alternative but to consider amalgamation with another club in the future. I personally would prefer that we continue as we are, a separate club working with others as needed. If you agree, please keep membership to the forefront when you are going about your life.

Page 5: The Spirit March 19 2013

What to do when you have a dud by Karen Schmidt

A “dud” is a technical human resources term

for an employee who is not meeting the performance standard. In other words, they

are disengaged, a R.O.A.D. warrior (Retired on Active Duty), a seat warmer, C.A.V.E. dwellers (Citizens Against Virtually

Everything) or suffering from presenteeism.

Sometimes their behaviour is a cry for help that, if left unanswered, can turn them into a

bitter employee. For others it is a game they play to get attention. Whatever the cause the

problem is the same: you have a dud on your hands and it’s up to you to do something about it! However, instead of taking action

most managers ignore the problem hoping it

will solve itself.

Why you need to take action

If you need some incentive to take action

here are five factors to keep in mind:

1. There can be legal implications if you let it

go on too long. Effectively their behaviour becomes normal and you need to prove their

performance has significantly changed to win an unfair dismissal case.

2. They will start to infect other employees, cause them to leave, disrespect you or start acting

like the dud. Think of the dud as being the bad strawberry in the basket with the potential to

infect others.

3. Making up for their lack of productivity is costly. Research by the Gallup organisation shows

that it takes 4 fully engaged people to counteract the affect of 1 disengaged person. Do you

have 4 over performers for every underperformer on your team?

4. Increase in your stress levels (eg complaints from others, redoing their work)

5. Employee engagement impacts the bottom line of your organisation.

Excuses leaders use for not taking action

It’s hard work to fix!

The problem here is that the manager is focusing on the effort involved in fixing the problem rather than the benefits of having the problem fixed. The attitude of ‘when I get time’ is a

smoke screen because we all know that things will never get quiet enough for there to be time

for this difficult issue.

We really need their skills . . .

I learnt very early on in my career that no-one is indispensible when I watched a senior manager marched out of his office after being instantly dismissed. Yes, we needed his skills but we survived without him. This manager needs to consider the message they are sending to

Page 6: The Spirit March 19 2013

other staff. If you are not careful, other people will take their lead from this person and also

find ways to become irreplaceable.

What about the legal implications?

Absolutely consider the legal implications but don’t forget that not terminating them might also

create legal implications. What if another staff member puts in a stress claim as a result of the actions of this person? This is where you need the advice of experienced Human Resources

professionals. If you don’t have them internally, find someone externally to help you work

through the steps necessary to terminate someone so you don’t end up in court.

What is the cause?

The first step to understanding how to fix a problem is to know how it happened in the first

place. In my experience there are a number of reasons that people become “duds”, including:

• You made a hiring mistake

• You inherited someone else’s hiring mistake

• They were moved or promoted to the wrong role

• They have been treated badly in the past

• They have personal problems

Some of these issues can be fixed and others can’t. Some are your fault and others aren’t.

Regardless of the situation, it is up to you to do something!

A 4 step action plan for dealing with a dud

Don’t wait until it’s too late

Take action quickly before it becomes more difficult and more people are affected. Every now

and then a dud can be saved but only if you act immediately.

Get help

Enlist the help of your other employees, fellow managers, senior management and HR. What

you need is a united front. Know what you can and can’t do to manage the situation from a

policy and procedure perspective as well as legally.

Get to the point

When you have a conversation with them, don’t dodge the issue no matter how uncomfortable

it makes you feel.

Have a plan

Don’t just go in ready to fire them. Remember the reasons that caused this and have a plan A

and B.

Prevention is better than cure!

To avoid creating a dud (or another dud, depending on your situation) there are 4 simple steps

to follow:

1. Only hire people who are engageable (ie they have the right attitude).

2. Involve multiple people in hiring and promotion decisions. Not to spread the blame but to ensure you get the right people.

3. Communicate your expectations clearly and regularly. Don’t assume people will interpret

things the same way you do.

4. Fix problems and issues quickly. Get it wrong once, it’s human. Allow people to make the same mistakes again and again, that’s bad management.

About the author: Karen Schmidt is a speaker, workshop leader and facilitator. Her website is www.letsgrow.com.au

Page 7: The Spirit March 19 2013

A few choice Dave Feherty quotes are below. If you watch

golf on TV he usually works as an on-course commentator.

Has a distinct N. Ireland accent and a colorful way of

putting things in unique, colorful and uninhibited

language explaining or describing whatever is going on.

He probably is always on time delay these days.

Feherty Quotes:

"Fortunately, Rory is 22 years old so his right wrist should

be the strongest muscle in his body."

"That ball is so far left, Lassie couldn't find it if it was

wrapped in bacon."

"I am sorry Nick Faldo couldn't be here this week. He is

attending the birth of his next wife."

"They don't do comedy at the Masters. The Masters, for

me, is like holding onto a really big collection of gas for a

week. It's like having my buttocks surgically clenched at

Augusta General Hospital on Wednesday, and surgically

unclenched on Monday on the way to Hilton Head."

Jim Furyk's swing "looks like an octopus falling out of a


“That's a great shot with that swing."

"It's OK - the bunker stopped it."

At Augusta 2011 - "It's just a glorious day. The only way

to ruin a day like this would be to play golf on it."

"That was a great shot - if they'd have put the pin there


"Everything moves except his bowels."

"Watching Phil Mickelson play golf is like watching a

drunk chasing a balloon near the edge of a cliff."

"That green appears smaller than a Pygmie's chest".

A Great Lesson on Stress

A young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience with a raised glass of water. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, 'half empty or half full?'... She fooled them all .... "How heavy is this glass of water?" she inquired with a smile. Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. To 20 oz. She replied , "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an Ambulance. In each case it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." She continued, "and that's the way it is with stress. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on." "As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden - holding stress longer and better each time practiced. So, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through the evening and into the night... Pick them up tomorrow. 1 * Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue! 2 * Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them. 3 * Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. 4 * Drive carefully... It's not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker. 5 * If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague. 6 * If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. 7 * It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. 8 * Never buy a car you can't push. 9 * Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on. 10 * Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. 11 * Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late. 12 * The second mouse gets the cheese. 13 * When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. 14 * Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live. 16 * Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once. 17 * We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box. 18 * A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. 19 * Have an awesome day and know that someone has thought about you today. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY 20 *Save the earth..... It's the only planet with chocolate!* I THINK !!!!

Page 8: The Spirit March 19 2013


Oh Lord and giver of all good

We thank thee for our daily food

May Rotary friends and Rotary ways

Help us to serve thee all our days


Rotary Eclub, Chris

Lloyd, AusE SafarE.

Duty Officers John Stainlay & Peter Sochacki

Apologies and guests must be phoned or faxed to Noel Graham Farm Machinery by 2.00 pm on the day of the meeting or meal paid for. Phone 6672 2555 or fax 6672 2063.

Any late apologies or invitees (after 2.pm) must be phoned direct to Hot Wok Restaurant 6672 4041.

Rotary websites Club This is the new web site. www.murwillumbah-central-rotary.org.au Club (Facebook) http://www.facebook.com/murwillumbah.central.rotary District—www.rotary9640.org Australia—www.rotary.org.au International—www.rotary.org

Meeting Make-up locations Murwillumbah Monday 6.00pm Greenhills Reception Lounge Mt Warning AM Wednesday 6.45am Imperial Hotel South Tweed Monday 6.30pm South Tweed Sports Club Tweed Coast Contact for details Kingscliff Tuesday 6.15pm Cudgen Leagues Club Coolangatta Tweed Thursday 6.00pm Greenmount Resort Mullumbimby. Thursday 1st & 3rd—7am Sandbar Café, Brunswick Hd 2nd & 4th—7pm Brunswick Bowls Club On-Line - Rotary Eclub Next Gen Qld Australia www.rotaryeclubnextgen.org

Coming programs details

Mar 26—Rotary Eclub, Chris Lloyd, AusE SafarE. Apr 2—TBA Apr 8—GSE Dinner at Greenhills Lounge w/- M’bah Club Apr 9—No Meeting, transferred to Apr 8 Apr 16—TBA Apr 23—TBA Apr 30—No meeting, transferred to May 1 May 1—Group 4 Cluster dinner, Andrew Csabi Guest Speaker. May 7—TBA May 14—No meeting, transferred to May 18 May 18—75th Anniversary Dinner Mbah Club, Civic Centre May 21—TBA May 28—TBA Jun 4—

Duty Officers

Mar 26—John Stainlay & Peter Sochacki Apr 2—Diedri & Bob Shepherd Apr 9—Not required Apr 16—George Phillips & Richard Johnston Apr 23—Len & Judy Mason Apr 30—Not required May 7—Tony Hayes & Denis Hallworth May 14—Not required May 21—Noel Graham & Kevin Damsma May 28—Ian Baker & David Vickers-Shand Jun 4—Bryan Threlfall & John Stainlay Jun 11—Peter Sochacki & George Phillips Jun 18—Len & Judy Mason Jun 25—Not required

Birthdays— March 21 Don Beck

Anniversaries— None this week

The Club Song

We’ve come to introduce you to the Murwillumbah Central boys, The way you know that we’re around is when you hear the noise, There’s tenors, basses, inbetweens, and some just here for show,

But all the same we’ll sing to you, so boys just ‘Let ‘er go’.

When Governor Georgie, gave us our charter, He kissed our Rotaryannes to make it right,

We’ve come to greet you, because we’re after, All the fun and fellowship that’s going tonight.

So put it there!