Prayer After Communion: (For Minsters to the Home-bound) God my creator breathe on me again, renew me, refresh me, extend my abilities, comfort me in adjusting to changes in health, mobility and activity. Body and Blood of Jesus Christ flow through every fibre of my being. Keep me well, and hope filled always. Holy Spirit use me in my situation, for the good of others. Amen. Our Finance Liturgy Rosters: Many thanks for the wonderful works you do! This Weekend: 10th November Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Leader: L. Cooper Reader: P. Rowe Minister: A. OBrien, K. OToole Gifts: K. Carr Welcome: D. Baudinette Sunday: 10.30am Leader: J. Sandeman Reader: K. Arnott Ministers: P. Howman, B & M McGennisken Gifts: D & L Goebel Welcome: F. Mizzi Next Weekend: 17th November Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Leader: H. Webb Reader: P. Couttie Minister: A. Burns, K-A OKeefe Gifts: M. Gregory, H. Stevenson Welcome: D. Kierce Sunday: 10.30am Leader: K. Loftus Reader: I. Eichler Ministers: T. McCallum, F. Arnott, F. Mizzi Gifts: K. Sullivan, J. Hall Welcome: B & M McGennisken Church Flowers: 10/11 Maureen Schultz Church Linen: 03/11 J. Hall, 17/11 B. Teal Church Cleaning: 10/11 M. Lambert, J. Burns 17/11 J. Sandeman, M. Schultz If you would like to receive a weekly copy of The Spireby email, please send us an email and we can add you to a list of subscribers Presbytery Account Priest support: inc. EFT $ 747.75 Direct deposit payments for the presbytery account can be made electronically. Details are as follows: Account Name: All Saints Presbytery Portland BSB: 083 526 Account No. 24476 6002 Planned Giving for Parish Account Given last week, inc. EFT: $ 1,126.00 Direct deposit payments for planned giving and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows: Account Name: Portland Catholic Church BSB: 083 532 Account No. 5159 81661 Target $64,000 Total YTD 2018/19 $ 22,650 Total YTD 2017/18 $ 25,309 LEAVING A GIFT IN YOUR WILL All Saints Parish has been present at most of the important milestones in your life: your Baptism, your First Communion, at times of great celebration and at times of great sadness. By leaving a gift to your Parish in your Will, you will leave a legacy of faith – a legacy to help ensure that the mission and pastoral outreach that has been important to you will continue both for todays needs and for those of our children, our grandchildren and beyond. The SpireAll SaintsParish Portland - Heywood - Dartmoor All SaintsParish Office PO Box 210 Portland 3305 Phone: 5523 1046 email: [email protected] www.ballarat.catholic.org.au/parishes Rev. Gregory A. D. Tait, P.P. email: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Antonella Webbstock Wednesday & Friday 9.00am till 3.00pm All Saints Parish is committed to Child Safety - our Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct are on display on the Parish website and noticeboard in the Tower Entrance of the Church. All Saints Parish Portland acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land on which our Parish Community meets, the Gunditjmara people. We pay our respects to their Elders past and pre- sent and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation and constitutional acknowledgement of first peoples Weekday Services 12/11 to 17/11 Tuesday: 10.00am Mass Wednesday: No Mass Fr Greg attending Council of Priests Thursday: 5.00pm Mass Friday: 9.30am Morn. Prayer & Adoration 10.00am Mass *Note* Funeral Masses will always take the place of Weekday Mass for that day. Recent Deaths: Anniversaries: Sadeo Nemoto, Cornelius Melis, Les Shepherd, Terry Carr, Bernadette Collins, Coral Hunt, Eamon Brabender, Bill Clancey, Barry McInnes, Derrick Spencer, Rita Taylor, Pat Benedict Prayer Requests: Margaret Couttie, Patricia Bailey, Noela Clifford, Les Hildebrand, Nicky Schultz, Claire Jesser, John Smith, Lea-anne Bourke, Rudy Legray, Michelle Mutch, If you have any prayer requests please contact Antonella at the Parish Office; for privacy reasons only Next of Kin may ask for names to be added: Thank you Weekend Mass & Sacrament of Penance times. PORTLAND Mass: Saturday 6.00 pm, Sunday 10:30 am HEYWOOD 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays, 9.00am Mass 4th Sunday, Lay Led Assembly, 9.00am DARTMOOR 4th Sunday 8.30amm Mass Baptisms by appointment with Fr. Gregory 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday 10.30am or any Saturday 6.00pm vigil Marriages by appointment with Fr Gregory Tait. Sacrament of Penance By Appointment with Fr Gregory. Responsorial Psalm 16 Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full. Lord, hear a cause that is just, pay heed to my cry. Turn your ear to my prayer: no deceit is on my lips. I keep my feet firmly in your paths; there was no faltering in my steps. I am here and I call, you will hear me, O God. Turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings. As for me, in my justice I shall see your face and be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory. Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Jesus Christ is the firstborn of the dead; glory and kingship be his for ever and ever. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! The English translation of the Psalm Responses, the Alleluia and the Gospel vers- es, are from the Lectionary for Mass © 1997, 1981, 1968, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. 10th November 2019 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C Childrens Liturgy Nov 10th Kate & Pauline

The Spire - Catholic Diocese of Ballarat | Home · Weekday Services 12/11 to 17/11 10.00am Mass No Mass Thursday: 5.00pm Mass Friday: 9.30am Morn. Prayer & Adoration 10.00am Mass

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Prayer After Communion:

(For Minsters to the Home-bound)

God my creator breathe on me

again, renew me, refresh me,

extend my abilities, comfort me

in adjusting to changes in

health, mobility and


Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

flow through every fibre of my


Keep me well, and hope filled


Holy Spirit use me in my

situation, for the good of

others. Amen.

Our Finance

Liturgy Rosters:

Many thanks for the wonderful works you do!

This Weekend: 10th November

Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm

Leader: L. Cooper

Reader: P. Rowe

Minister: A. O’Brien, K. O’Toole

Gifts: K. Carr

Welcome: D. Baudinette

Sunday: 10.30am

Leader: J. Sandeman

Reader: K. Arnott

Ministers: P. Howman, B & M McGennisken

Gifts: D & L Goebel

Welcome: F. Mizzi

Next Weekend: 17th November

Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm

Leader: H. Webb

Reader: P. Couttie

Minister: A. Burns, K-A O’Keefe

Gifts: M. Gregory, H. Stevenson

Welcome: D. Kierce

Sunday: 10.30am

Leader: K. Loftus

Reader: I. Eichler

Ministers: T. McCallum, F. Arnott, F. Mizzi

Gifts: K. Sullivan, J. Hall

Welcome: B & M McGennisken

Church Flowers: 10/11 Maureen Schultz

Church Linen: 03/11 J. Hall, 17/11 B. Teal

Church Cleaning:

10/11 M. Lambert, J. Burns

17/11 J. Sandeman, M. Schultz

If you would like to receive a weekly copy of “The Spire” by email, please send us an email and we can add you to a list of subscribers

World Missions

$ 503

Presbytery Account

Priest support: inc. EFT $ 747.75

Direct deposit payments for the presbytery account can

be made electronically. Details are as follows:

Account Name: All Saints Presbytery Portland

BSB: 083 526

Account No. 24476 6002

Planned Giving for Parish Account

Given last week, inc. EFT: $ 1,126.00

Direct deposit payments for planned giving and donations

can be made electronically. Details are as follows:

Account Name: Portland Catholic Church

BSB: 083 532

Account No. 5159 81661

Target $64,000

Total YTD 2018/19 $ 22,650

Total YTD 2017/18 $ 25,309


All Saints Parish has been present at most of the

important milestones in your life: your Baptism, your

First Communion, at times of great celebration and at

times of great sadness.

By leaving a gift to your Parish in your Will, you will

leave a legacy of faith – a legacy to help ensure that the

mission and pastoral outreach that has been important

to you will continue both for today’s needs and for

those of our children, our grandchildren and beyond.

“The Spire“

All Saints’ Parish

Portland - Heywood - Dartmoor

All Saints’ Parish Office

PO Box 210 Portland 3305

Phone: 5523 1046 email: [email protected] www.ballarat.catholic.org.au/parishes

Rev. Gregory A. D. Tait, P.P. email: [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Antonella Webbstock Wednesday & Friday 9.00am till 3.00pm

All Saints Parish is committed to Child Safety - our Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct are on display on the Parish website and noticeboard in the Tower Entrance of the Church.

All Saints Parish Portland acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land on which our Parish Community meets, the Gunditjmara people. We pay our respects to their Elders past and pre-sent and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation and constitutional acknowledgement of first peoples

Weekday Services 12/11 to 17/11

Tuesday: 10.00am Mass

Wednesday: No Mass

Fr Greg attending Council of Priests

Thursday: 5.00pm Mass

Friday: 9.30am Morn. Prayer & Adoration

10.00am Mass

*Note* Funeral Masses will always take the place of

Weekday Mass for that day.

Recent Deaths:


Sadeo Nemoto, Cornelius Melis, Les Shepherd, Terry Carr, Bernadette Collins, Coral Hunt, Eamon Brabender, Bill Clancey, Barry McInnes, Derrick Spencer, Rita Taylor, Pat Benedict

Prayer Requests:

Margaret Couttie, Patricia Bailey, Noela Clifford, Les

Hildebrand, Nicky Schultz, Claire Jesser, John Smith,

Lea-anne Bourke, Rudy Legray, Michelle Mutch,

If you have any prayer requests please contact Antonella at

the Parish Office; for privacy reasons only Next of Kin may

ask for names to be added: Thank you

Weekend Mass & Sacrament of Penance times.


Mass: Saturday 6.00 pm,

Sunday 10:30 am


1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays,

9.00am Mass

4th Sunday, Lay Led Assembly, 9.00am


4th Sunday 8.30amm Mass

Baptisms by appointment with Fr. Gregory

1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday 10.30am or any Saturday 6.00pm vigil

Marriages by appointment with Fr Gregory Tait.

Sacrament of Penance By Appointment with Fr Gregory.

Responsorial Psalm 16

Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.

Lord, hear a cause that is just, pay heed to my cry. Turn your ear to my prayer: no deceit is on my lips.

I keep my feet firmly in your paths; there was no faltering in my steps. I am here and I call, you will hear me, O God. Turn your ear to me; hear my words.

Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings. As for me, in my justice I shall see your face and be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory.

Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.

Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Jesus Christ is the firstborn of the dead; glory and kingship be his for ever and ever. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

The English translation of the Psalm Responses, the Alleluia and the Gospel vers-

es, are from the Lectionary for Mass © 1997, 1981, 1968, International Committee on

English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved.

10th November


32nd Sunday

Ordinary Time

Year C

Children’s Liturgy

Nov 10th

Kate & Pauline

Gospel Connections - Luke 20: 27 - 38

Some Sadducees – those who say that there is no resurrection – approached Jesus and they put this question to him, ‘Master, we have it from Moses in writing, that if a man’s married brother dies childless, the man must marry the widow to raise up children for his brother. Well, then, there were seven brothers. The first, having married a wife, died childless. The second and then the third married the widow. And the same with all seven, they died leaving no children. Finally the woman herself died. Now, at the resurrection, to which of them will she be wife since she had been married to all seven?’

Jesus replied, ‘The children of this world take wives and husbands, but those who are judged worthy of a place in the other world and in the resurrection from the dead do not marry because they can no longer die, for they are the same as the angels, and being children of the resurrection they are sons of God. And Moses himself implies that the dead rise again, in the passage about the bush where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Now he is God, not of the dead, but of the living; for to him all men are in fact alive.’

Reflection - Diane Bergant CSA

Both the reading from Maccabees and the passage from the gospel speak of resurrection. The first is a

testimony of faith, the second demonstrates a measure of scorn that accompanies unbelief. Belief in

resurrection is not the same as the conviction of the immortality of the soul. The latter is based on the

makeup of the human person; the former rests on the fidelity of God. The doctrine of resurrection is

grounded in the concept of covenant, which claims that God has established a relationship with human

beings. At issue is whether or not death is powerful enough to break the ties that bind us in covenant

with God. Jesus says ‘No!’

If this is the future that awaits us, how are we to live until it dawns? Actually, it has already dawned. This

is the eschatological hope in which we live by the grace given us from God through our Lord Jesus

Christ. Our future is already present and, therefore, we are called to live lives that have been radically

transformed. However, the future has not yet completely dawned, and so we find ourselves living both in

this age and in the age to come. Thus we live future lives, but we live them in the present. As difficult as

this may be, we have the promise that the Lord will strengthen us and guard us. We have the instruction

of our religious tradition that directs our minds and hearts. When we live lives of the future, we truly

enable that future to dawn in the present.

Parish Events & Dates to Remember

Sunday, 24th November - 10.30am Remembrance Mass

Tuesday, 3rd December - 10.00am Anointing Mass

Sunday 8th December - Portland Community Carols, Skate Park Stage, Portland Foreshore

(near Trawler Wharf). Food stalls 5.30pm, carols commence 6.00pm

Parish Plenary Council Discernment Meetings

Meetings will be held at All Saints Primary School Library on the following Thursday’s between

5.00 - 6.30pm:

2019: November 21st, December 5th

2020: January 30th 2020, February 13th, March 12th

All Saints Outreach Op-Shop: (In Target Car park) Phone: 5521 1587

The Parish Outreach Op-Shop is in need of good quality clothing; bric a brac or furniture.

Please ring Outreach for pick up if necessary. Thank you all for your ongoing support of Outreach.

Outreach is open Monday to Friday 10 am - 4pm and Saturdays 10am - 12 mid-day.

Outreach is a significant fundraiser within the Parish and we regularly need Volunteers to give 3 hours

in the mornings or afternoons.

Please contact Marg Herbertson at Op-Shop for further information.

The Parish Pastoral Team would like to thank everyone for their contribution to making the celebration of the 175th Anniversary of the First Eucharist in Portland such a wonderful event. Whether you helped with the Liturgy, garden, catering or were there to make it the success it was, we thank you. It was a huge highlight of us as Parish. Columban Calendar The Columban Calendar 2020 is available to purchase at the All Saints. Outreach Shop for $9. Support Missions - Fr Pat Baker (Columbia). It would make an ideal Christmas gift!

Briny Bunch Christmas Dinner The final Briny Bunch get together for 2019 will be held on Friday 29th November at Dawn ’s House, 1 Lighthouse Place Portland, 6pm. Please bring a plate of savoury finger food to share, sweets will be provided. BYO Drinks. RSVP Dawn 0408 150 635 by 26th November

ALL SAINTS MINI FETE Friday, November. 22nd, 12:30pm - 2.30pm

All Saints is hosting a fun filled afternoon of fundraising activities organised by the students and teachers. Each class will be selling food or running an activity during school hours. Family members and parishioners are welcome to join in. Joan Chittister osb – Live in Melbourne in 2020 Sr Joan is an American Benedictine and Practical Theologian who embodies the voice of wisdom and experience. Her prophetic views on justice and equality, especially for women in the church, challenge those who would silence women and people at the margins. Through her call to uncommon courage she can help us re-discover the place of religion in our society through a spirituality of engagement, so that we can all work together to reform the clerical culture that has shattered so many and damaged us all. Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at the Melbourne Town Hall, 90-130 Swanston Street, Melbourne at 7.00pm. Ticket are $25.00 each or early bird special $20.00 each (before April 1, 2020) at www.trybooking.com/BFSNU For more information on Joan Chittister go to www.joanchittister.org

Portland Community Carols 2019 - Calling all singers, young and old, short and tall, experienced or not.

This annual event will take place on Sunday

December 8th from 5.30 – 7.30. We want as many

singers as possible to lead the Carols for the community on this important occasion.

Rehearsals will be held in the Bayview College Chapel from 7.00 – 8.00pm on Wednesday

November 27th

and Wednesday December 4th


For further information contact Michelle on 0418 990 191, otherwise see you on the 27th