The Sibenik Times, April 30th

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  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th




    POWERED BYibenskilist


    The city celebrates the most special day in the calendar. The occasion will be marked from the1st of May until the 11th with a full program of events. Its sure to be a time to remember and the

    procession through the city is always a spectacle.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th


    2sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.

    Welcome to our beautiful cityand to the fourth edition of thesecond season of The Sibenik Ti-mes. Its a big week for the Sibe-nik County with plenty of thingsto do and see. A week of events inwhich we can enjoy not only thetastes and aromas of cuisines butalso the sights and sounds of bra-ss bands and processions. Firstlythe town of Skradin is hostingan Eco Fair in which naturallybased products will be on offerto try and buy. The event will lastfor two days from the 1st to the2nd of May and after the previ-

    ous years it should prove to be abig hit. I personally am a fan ofnaturally grown and producedfoods and drinks and avoid GMenhanced foods like the plague.The second, and by no means le-ss important event, is the Day ofthe City of Vodice. Although thisspecial day for the city is only onone day the program is full andwill last a full week. City Days arevery important in Croatia and aregreatly respected and always pullbig crowds. The city is Vodice isone of the most picturesque notonly in the Sibenik County but al-so on the Dalmatian coast. If youhave time to catch up with one

    of the events whilst in the area Iwould strongly recommend it, ifonly to use it as an excuse to visitVodice. With all these events andhappenings Im keeping my fin-gers tightly crossed that the weat-her doesnt let us down. If we areto believe what the forecasterstell us, and I dont, then were infor a mixed week. However myoptimistic side tells me that thesun will shine non-stop.


    SPEAK UP!We would love to hear from you.Please write or send an e-mail to

    us about your stay in Sibenik. Yo-ur comments are valuable to usand the most interesting letterswill be published every week. In-teresting and unusual photos arealso welcome. Thanks.

    MARK [email protected]







    More than 60,000 tourists ha-ve spent their Eastern holidayson the Adriatic coast, as manyas during the best past Croatiantourism seasons. It was also tenper cent more than expected,according to the daily Slobod-na Dalmacija. Istria welcomed30,000, and Split-Dalmatiancounty 6,500, tourists. Twohundred hotels were open onthe Adriatic coast. Accordingto the Zadar tourist board, theZadar area was visited by 5,000to 6,000 tourists. Zadar touristboard head Zvonko Supe sa-id today (Tues): "This was thebest Easter since the end of thewar. It appears the season willbe good despite many negativeprognoses. We are pleased thatso many tourists from Austria,Germany, Slovenia, Spain andHungary were here this year.Also, thanks to Ryanair, we havehad 450 guests from Scandina-vian during the last three days."

    Supe added that many Croatshad also visited Zadar this year.With 3,500 passengers thus farin April, Zadar airport has haddouble the number compared tothe same month last year, accor-ding to the website.Most passengers arrived on Rya-nair from London, Edinburgh,Dublin, and Stockholm and onGermanwings from Cologne andStuttgart. In the last three days,Split airport has seen the arrivaland departure of 6,000 tourists,of whom 4,500 were foreigners.Twenty per cent of the hotels onthe coast have reported betterresults than last year. Accordingto the Dubrovnik tourist board,around 5,000 guests spent theirEaster holidays in the Dubrov-nik area, an increase of 30 percent compared to last year. Mostguests were from Spain, France,Great Britain, Italy and Japan,but there were also many Cro-ats.

    The Croatian government isconsidering proposals to allow

    retailers to open on Sundays, ithas been reported. Currently,retailers in the popular Adriaticdestination can only sell on aSunday during summer, whenmost tourists visit the country,the Croatian Times reported.But pressure from several townsin the Balkan nation and theCroatian

    Chambers of Trades and

    Crafts could lead to extendedhours all year round. Referen-

    cing an article in Poslovni Dne-vik, the Croatian Times claimsthat Prime Minister Ivo Sanaderis close to reversing the regulati-on, which was initially introdu-ced in January of this year. Re-gardless of shop opening hours,Croatia has reportedly attracted60,000 tourists already in 2009,according to statistics publishedby Slobodna Dalmacija.

    The readers of the Spanishissue of the Conde Nast Travelermagazine has awarded the firstprize to the "islands of the Cro-atian Adriatic" in the category ofthe most beautiful islands in the

    world. Readers of the magazinein voted in fifteen categories,for the best city hotel, best re-sort, best wellness-central, thebest destination, beautiful city,beautiful island, the best airli-

    ne company and others. In thestrong competition from theGreek islands, Corsica, PuertoRica and Mauritius, the mostbeautiful islands in the world were awarded to "the islands

    of the Croatian Adriatic." Inte-restingly, the readers couldntdecide which island of the ma-ny Croatian islands is the mostbeautiful. Hence they awardedthe prize to them all.

    The Croatian Government adopted a strategy for

    the promotion of nautical tourism over the next tenyears, according to which no more than 15,000 ber-ths would be built during that period, as opposed to33,000 as initially planned by regional authorities.The strategy specifies 15 top locations, which are:Rovinj, Pula - St. Katharine, Rijeka - Porto Baros, No-valja, Pakostane, Zadar, Sibenik - Mandalina, DugiRat, Split - Znjan, Marina, Vis, Dubrovnik - Gruz,Slano, Orebic and Vela Luka. Over the next ten ye-ars the Croatian Government estimates and plans toconstruct 5 thousand new berths in existing portsand marinas; 5 thousand berths will be built in newlocations along the Croatian coast and islands, aswell as 5 thousand sites for the accommodation ofvessels on land, i.e. dry docks. Further plans inclu-de the building of marinas for mega-yachts close toairports and large cities where currently the alreadyexisting infrastructure is not able to accommodate

    large vessels. All the mentioned steps are expectedto secure growth in the nautical tourism in Croa-tia during the next ten years at estimated rate of10 percent. Croatian Adriatic is one of the leadingnautical destinations on the world and the CroatianGovernment is taking steps to secure that position.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th



    APRIL 30TH 2009. sibenik times 3


    Vodiceisacoastaltownlocatedin a wide bay, 11 km northwestfrom the town of ibenik, the cen-tre of ibenik-Knin County. ThefirstsettlementsdevelopedintheVodiceinteriorasearlyasthe prehistoric age. In1891,Vodicebecameaninde-pendent municipality comprisingof seven different boroughs.

    TheresortofVodiceisoneofthemost well known tourist destina-tions on the Croatian Adriatic. GeorgeBernardShawoncevis-ited the Kornati islands, and wrotethe following On the last day oftheCreationGoddesiredtocrownhis work, and thus created the Kor-nati Islands out of tears, stars andbreath ThecityofSibenikhasapopula-tion of 51,553 taken in a census in2001, making it the eleventh big-gest Croatian city.

    DuringtheCroatianHomelandWar, ibenik was heavily attackedby the Yugoslav National Armyand Serbian paramilitary troops. In1412thecityof SibenikwasconqueredbytheVenetiansandfell under their rule.

    In1966a modernartificialis-land-marina was built in the town

    of Rogoznica. Onthe 28th ofAugust1895on the Krka Falls, one of the firstmulti-phase electricity grids in theworld was put into operation. In 1518 the inhabitants ofRogoznica fled in fear of the Turk-ish army to the safety of the near-by islet.

    ThehighestmountainpeakinCroatia is the mountain of Dinarawhichis 1831meters abovesealevel.





    British newspaper "Mirror" selected Croatia,

    Egypt, Turkey and Hungary as the most attractiveand the coolest destinations for British tourists forthis year. "Mirror" claims that, because of the globalfinancial crises if holidaying in one of these four co-untries youll get the best value for your money. Al-though Greece and Spain remain high on the holidaywish list, the real bargains are outside the Euro Zone,where you can enjoy the sun, sea and fine food formuch less. In Croatia prices for hotels, restaurants,spa centres, and boat travel, are usually around 20percent lower than in other European countries.

    The maritime school "Adriamare" inSibenik is starting a new educational pro-gramme the aim of which is to teach sea-farers how to deal with pirates. Adriama-re head Nikolina Cigic said today (Weds)Croatian seafarers would be among thefirst in the world to learn about piratesand their tactics and aims. Cigic addedstudents would also learn how to avoidtheir ambushes and how should one beha-ve if captured by pirates. The educationalprogramme will also provide informationabout negotiating with pirates, the daily

    Slobodna Dalmacija has reported. CaptainGordan Baraka, one of Adriamares fo-unders, said: "At this moment, more than20,000 Croatian sailors are on 5,000 to6,000 ships around the world, and that isa huge number. All of them are potential

    victims of pirates, who are becoming theglobal threat of the 21st century." In itseducational programme, Adriamare willuse the experience and knowledge of Isra-eli maritime companies, the ships of whichpirates avoid because Israeli crews knowhow to deal with them. The programmehas been set up according to the criteria ofthe International Maritime Organization(IMO). Lecturers will be Croat seafarers,maritime inspectors, managers and capta-ins who have dealt with or been capturedby pirates. The course will start in June.

    Adriamare was the first school to offereducational programmes for seafarers onsafety on the sea 20 years ago, and it ho-sted a world conference on safety on thesea two years ago. The school is also pla-nning a world conference on piracy.

    The first Croatian solar-power plant willbe built in Promina municipality, northe-ast of Tribunj, in Sibenik-Knin county. Themunicipalitys urban plan reserves around250 hectares of land for the power plant,the daily Jutarnji list has reported. If thelocal government agrees, the first solar-power plant will be build by the ZagrebNexus investment fund. Nexus represen-tatives Miha Jager and Marko Maheksaid today (Tues) the solar-power plantwould have a capacity of 60 MW, 10 MW

    more than the first and only Europeansolar-power plant in Spain. The plant,construction of which will take two yearsand employ 300 workers, will cost aro-und 80 million Euros. Once finished, theplant will employ almost 100 workers, 80per cent of whom will be specialists. TheNexus representatives added that Croatiantechnology and equipment would be usedin construction of the plant. Jager and Ma-hek added Nexus wanted to build anothersolar-power plant near the town of Drnis.

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    4sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.



    Primoten is certainly onethe most beautiful places on theAdriatic coastline. It gets its na-me from the peninsular on whi-ch it is situated and which untilthe 16th century was detachedfrom the mainland. In 1542, inthe days when the Turkish we-re conquering the area, the lo-cal inhabitants built a movablebridge together with towers andfortifications so they could de-fend themselves from enemies.When the Turkish retreated andthe threat of invasion ceased the

    bridge was destroyed and in itsplace an embankment was con-structed which is still in place to-day. Today a network of narrowside streets criss-cross the pe-ninsular with typical Dalmatianwalls, buildings and architecture.The towns skyline is dominatedby the church St. Jurja, whose

    foundations were laid in 1760.Inside this beautiful church arekept precious paintings such asThe Virgin Mary (which has asolid silver frame) and St. Mariawith St. Luke (painted in 1719)as well as a graveyard with aspectacular panorama. This,however, isnt the oldest churchin the area. This honour goes toSt. Jere which was constructedin 1460 and is located in irokenear to Primoten. Due to thelocation and climate, Primotenhas been recognised as a tou-

    rist destination for a long time.In fact tourist development go-es back at least fifty years. Thesymbol of tourism in the areais the hotel complex Primoten,which despite being damaged inthe Homeland War and losingsome of its capacity, has kept itsimage and has been renovated

    in the last few years. Primotenalso has a strong history with wi-ne production and olive growingand with these roots has deve-loped rural tourism recentlyin the surrounding countryside. Apart from the already esta-blished production of domesticsmoked ham (prut) and cheese,the area is also now famous forthe development of ecologicallyfriendly foods including chickpeas, lentils, beans and of cour-se the unmistakeable olive oils.The most well known product of

    this area is almost certainly thered wine Babi, which is pro-duced from grapes grown in theBucavac region. These vineyardshave the official status of a mo-nument to peoples work anda painting depicting them hangsfrom a reception hall in the UNheadquarters in New York. In

    close proximity to Primoten liesthe marina Kremik. The beautyof this marina is unique on theAdriatic Sea and it is certainlyone of the safest and most wellprotected marinas in the region.It is defended from winds fromall four points of the compassand is well used by marinersfrom all over the world, thereare also an organised diving andsurfing clubs. It is also possibleto anchor yachts, with a draft upto 3.5 meters, close to the townof Primoten. But care must be

    taken because the port is opento winds from the south and west and good attention mustbe taken when mooring and an-choring. Apart from the rich ga-stronomic offer the town has tooffer there are a number of otherinteresting activities for guests.For younger guests and the yo-

    ung at heart a disco, Aurora issituated on the hill overlookingthe town, which is in fact thelargest in this part of the Adri-atic. Two important events forthe area are the traditional Pri-moten Festival and the Primo-ten delicacies which are heldin the first week of August. Alsomention must be made of theart gallery Sfere as well as theambient gallery Kamene Sfere.In Primoten there is also a balletschool, run by the famous balletexperts Ane Roje and Oskar Har-

    mo. There are also plans to turnthe Orson Welless former villainto a museum. The world famo-us actor fell in love with the areaso much that he planned to livehere permanently; unfortunatelyhis premature death ended hisdream of enjoying his Primotenvision.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th



    APRIL 30TH 2009. sibenik times 5

    Once again the city of Skra-din will play host to another Eco& Ethno Fair. For two days fromthe 1st till the 2nd of May standsand stalls will fill the streets ofSkradin with the exotic flavoursand enticing scents. The fair isgaining in popularity year afteryear and this time the fair sho-uld prove to be bigger and betterthan even before. So what doesour host for these two days of-fer us in terms of gastronomy?Skradin has in many ways keptits rich traditional history andthis can be seen best in the cui-sine still served there today.

    Delicacies at theSkradin table

    The unusual geographic po-sition of Skradin is reflected inthe characteristic, intense andsometimes exotic aromas at therichly laid out Skradin table. Theriver embracing the sea and theinland meeting the Mediterrane-an blend into a truly remarkablecuisine which includes almosteverything. Fish delicacies, bothof sea and river variety, amongwhich eel and trout hold a spe-cial place. Supreme prosciuttoham dried in the north-eastern

    E & Ethn Fi 2009 in Skdinenrich the flavour. Of ordinaryspices salt, pepper and nutmegare used while others will rema-in the cooks secret. According totradition, the Skradin risotto isprepared only by men. Koprtljeare an unusual archaic delicacy.Small sticks of prosciutto hamand bacon are wrapped in lamboffal and cooked with chunks ofdried meat. Sausages from theSkradin hinterland are spiced with nutmeg and juice fromgarlic soaked in white wine.

    Cold Skradin eel brodettoserved with polenta made fromcorn flour ground in the Skra-dinski Buk mills. okalice aresmall fish which live betweenthe upper layer of fresh waterof the River Krka and the lowerlayer of salt sea water. Home-made jams from service berries,strawberry-tree berries and figswith herbs.

    PEKA - DISHES COOKED UNDER A METAL BELLSkradin is well known for its preparation of dishes under a large metal or ce-

    ramic cover. It is used to cover the food and then coals and hot ashes are scat-

    tered on top. This way the food stays succulent and has a specific flavour. Lamb

    or veal prepared in this way is especially appetizing but also octopus or rooster

    with side potatoes and vegetables. At Bribirska Glavica the evidence of a rooster

    prepared in this manner has been discovered dating from the Liburnian period!!

    bora wind of the Skradin hinter-land and meat specialties fromcattle freely grazing in nature.Fruits and vegetables grown faraway from cities and pollution. At the Skradin table everyonewill find something to their ta-ste! Lets try and open your ap-petite with a few specialties fromSkradin.

    Delicacies from times pastyou simply must taste!

    Skradin cake is a delicacymade of almonds, walnuts andhoney which was once prepa-red for newlyweds for their first wedding night. Skradin vealrisotto is carefully cooked foreight, nine, sometimes elevenhours. Soup stock made of coo-ked rooster, beef and baby beefis poured over from time to timeduring cooking. At the end a li-ttle prosciutto ham is added to

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th


    6sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.


    M. Jsip Bnd

    FRIDAY 1ST MAY 08:00 wake-up call for the citizensof Vodice with music and an accom-

    panying promenade by the Vodice


    Ratitnica - Picnic

    SATURDAY 2ND MAY 17:00 24:00 Barbeque FranoTuman Square 20:00 Ceremony for the day of thecity cultural centre

    SUNDAY 3RD MAY Procession Humanitarian action More andFriends Society with the sale ofpaintings in the evening hours

    Performance by Orsulica, Bunara,Godimenti, MPZ Lira, Vodice ma-jorettes, KU Perlice 21:00 concert by Vodice band


    Opening of HZZO and MZZO

    TUESDAY 5TH MAY 18:30 performance by childrenskindergarten Tamaris culturalcentre

    WEDNESDAY 6TH MAY 20:00 concert by vocal choir Kolo cultural centre

    SATURDAY 9TH MAY 20:30 concert by KUU Kristalsladorana from Zupanja TrgVladimira Nazora

    SUNDAY 10TH MAY 17:00 Performance from Face to

    Face theatre group from Split

    MONDAY 11TH MAY 2nd Birthday of the cinema with hitfilms through the week

    PETAK, 01. SVIBNjA 08.00 budnica Vodike glazbeuz pratnju Vodikih maoretkinja-promenada kroz grad

    Rakitnica piknik

    SUBOTA, 02. SVIBNjA 17:00-24:00 BBK Trg FranjeTumana

    20:00 Sveanost Dana grada- Kul-turni centar

    NEDjELjA, 03. SVIBNjA procesija Humanitarna akcija Udruge Morei prijatelja s prodajnom izlobom uveernjim satima nastupi Orulica, Bunara, Godimen-ti, MPZ Lira, Vodike maoretkinje,KU Perlice 21:00 koncert Vodike glazbe ispodKampanela


    otvaranje HZZO-a i MZZO-a

    UTORAK, 05. SVIBNjA 18:30 predstava djejeg vrtiaTamaris-Kulturni centar

    SRIjEDA, 06. SVIBNjA 20:00 koncert PZ Kolo predstavaza djecu-Kulturni centar

    SUBOTA, 09. SVIBNjA 20:30 koncert KUD Kristalsladorana iz upanje TrgVladimira Nazora

    NEDjELjA, 10. SVIBNjA 17:00 Make na vruim splitskimkrovovima - Teatar Licem u lice

    predstava u Kulturnom centru

    PONEDjELjAK, 11. SVIBNjA 2. roendan kina sa hit filmovimatijekom cijelog tjedna


    Ovog tjedna u gradu se odr-ava mnotvo razliitih doga-anja, jeste li planirali posjeti-ti koji od njih?

    Zapravo, Grad Vodice je za- jedno sa svim sportskim i kul-turnim udrugama, organizatorsvih dogaanja povodom "DanaGrada", a na hotel "Punta", kakose nalazi uz crkvu sv. Kria odkoje kree procesija na Dan Gra-da, pripremi stol sa autohtonim

    kolaima i piima, te poastimoljude koji sudjeluju u toj pro-cesiji. Takoer sudjelujemo i uoranizaciji smjetaja sudionikabiciklistike utrke, te u progla-enju pobjednika utrke sa svea-nim rukom u hotelu.

    Je li se proslava Dana gra-da promijenila odkad ste Vibili dijete?

    "Dan Grada" kroz moje dje-tinjstvo se nije slavio na ovajdatum, ve je to bio "dan oslo-boenja" Grada - poetkom 11.mjeseca.

    Kakva e po Vama biti ovo-godinja sezona u Vodicama?

    Moje miljenje za nadolazeu

    sezonu je da ni nas ova kriza ne-moe totalno zaobii, premda sainjenicom da smo najblie toplomore u Evropi na turistikom tr-itu trenutno stojimo bolje oddrugih mediteranskih destinaci-

    ja, prognoziram da e ukupniminus biti oko 5%, s tim datreba raunati da nee bitionog kontinuiranog godi-njeg porasta od 5-10% s ko-jim smo dosad uvijek radili.Turisti e se odricati nekihdrugih putovanja (kao toimamo podatke o padu po-sjeta turista Pragu, Londonu,itd.), dok se odlaska na lje-tovanje nee odrei, eventu-

    alno e se smanjiti potronjau restoranima i trgovinama.Moram napomenuti da pro-logodinji pad dolazaka, inaevjernih gostiju iz Italije moramoprekinuti i nekim ad hoc akcija-ma taj trend vratiti na prijanjenivoe. to se tie poslovanja ho-tela "Punta" za prva 4 mjesecaove godine, biljeimo porast odgotovo 30%, to je vie nego do-bra najava nadolazee sezone.

    Kako biste Vi u tri rijei naj-bolje opisali proslavu Danagrada?

    Kao i svake godine, hotel"Punta" e nastojati odratitrend poveanja broja dolaza-

    ka, noenja i financijskih rezul-tata kroz razliitosti ponude ipodizanja kvalitete usluge. Na-stojimo naim gostima pruitito bolju uslugu, osjeaj ugodei pristupanosti svakom gostu, a

    gostk o j in a mse po-n o v n o vrati nam je najboljipokazatelj na-eg naina poslovanja.

    Naravno, menadment desti-nacije treba odigrati vanuulogu, jer bez strategije ivizije destinacije nemogu seostvarivati rezultati kojimase tei.

    The city has organized a week full of events, whichones will you attend?

    Actually, the City of Vodicetogether with all sporting andcultural associations are the jo-int organisers of all the eventsplanned during the Day of theCity. As Hotel Punta is situatedright next to the St. Cross churchfrom which the main processionwill start we will prepare a buffettable with traditional cakes anddrinks and treat all the partici-pants of the procession. Also wewill arrange accommodation forall the participants of the bicyc-le race as well as awarding thewinner with a gala lunch in thehotel. How has Dan Grada chan-ged since you were a child?

    Day of the City of Vodice wasnt celebrated on this datethrough my childhood, in factit was celebrated on the citysindependence day at the be-ginning of November.

    What are your opinions abo-ut the current summer seasonin Vodice?

    My opinion for the coming se-ason is that this current financi-al crisis cant completely destroythe whole season. Given the factthat we are one of the closest de-stinations, as far as warm seasare concerned, in the whole ofEurope means that we are cu-rrently in a much better situa-tion than other Mediterraneandestinations. My opinion is thatwe will have a total minus of 5%on last year, which would meanthat are normal 5 10% increasethat we have experienced overthe last few years would be hardto reach. I have to mention thatlast years drop in the amount ofguests from Italy, who are ourtraditional guests, is worryingand something we need towork on. As far as the businessof Hotel Punta is concerned forthe first four months of this ye-ar we have seen an increase of

    30%, which is much more thanwe had expected. What are your expectationsfor Hotel Punta for this year?

    Like every year Hotel Puntawill continue to maintain thetrend of increasing the numberof incoming guests, overnightstays and the overall financialresult though varying offers andby raising the quality of our ser-vice. We will continue to provideour guests the best standards in

    service, comfortable surroundin-gs and looking after every guestin the way we know. When gue-sts come back to the hotel this isthe best advert for us. Of course,the management of the wholedestination plays an importantrole in the whole strategy ofVodice, because without astrategy and a clear vision the wholeresort will not beable to achievethe requiredresults.

    M. Jsip Bndi,diekt Htel Pnt

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    APRIL 30TH 2009. sibenik times 7

    , Diet f Htel Pnt

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th


    8sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.

    EVENTSWhat to look forward to this year

    InternationalChildrens Festival20.06 - 04.07.2009

    Sibenik Medieval Fair18./19./20./09.2009

    Dalm. Chanson Evenings21.08. - 22.08.2009

    Sibenik Klapa EveningsJuly/August

    Organ Summer School15.07 - 28.07.2009

    Adriatic Boat ShowNautical centre Prgin -14.10 -18.10.2009

    Picnic In Rakitnici01.05.2009

    Day of the city of Vodice03.05.2009

    Childrens Festival in Vodice27. 06. 2009 - 03. 07. 2009

    Our Lady of Karmel pilgrimage16. 07. 2009

    7th Seaside ja festival29. 07. 2009 - 30. 07. 2009

    Vodice nights02. 08. 2009 - 04. 08. 2009.

    PRIMOSTEN (07.-08.) Every Monday Dalmatian Klapa Every Wednesday Folklore evenings

    Every Saturday live music

    GREBASTICANight of GrebaticaJuly

    jEzERAjeera Days of the SeaJuly

    PIROVACPirovac Summer NightsEnd of July

    GREBASTICATribun Fisherman NightJuly

    GREBASTICACroatian Independence DayAugust



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    APRIL 30TH 2009. sibenik times 9

    TRIBUNjExhibition by the CulturalAssociation of Tribun

    from the 15th June to the 15th of August

    Concert Maksim Mrvica11.07.2009

    Womens choir of TribunSt. Nikolaconcerts from the beginning of June

    Winner of the vocal choirfestival Festivala from Omis30.07.2009

    Concert ania Stipaniev07.08.2009

    The Sea on the table13.07.2009

    Tribun Fishermans Night24.07.2009


    The Laudato Gallery is unique in this area beca-use it is the only gallery that offers exclusive Croa-tian sacral art. The gallery presents works by fiftyartists, who with their contribution encompassand enrich the Croatian fine arts scene. A visit tothis impressive gallery offers original and uniqueaesthetically selected artistic works, sculptures invarious materials, relief, graphics, pictures, jewe-llery amongst other works of art. And, in so muchthat you would like to relax with a good book orspiritual music, come and choose some from therich offer. In addition, the gallery also offer uniquesacral souvenirs of Sibenik, through which thegallery would like to show the hidden treasuressuch as Sibenik Prayer and tell the world of theshrine of the first Croatian saint Nikola Taveli,the monastery of St. Francis, the cathedral, andother beauties and riches, that populate Sibenik.

    The LdtGlley

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th


    10sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.


    Sibenik excels among all Croatiantowns on the Adriatic coast by its uniquelocation in a picturesque and large bay,at the mouth of the Krka River. Createdinitially as a fortification or a campus, be-neath the St. Michaels Fortress that stilldominates the town, Sibenik was menti-oned for the first time in 1606, in a do-cument issued by the most important ofCroatian rulers - the king, Petar KresimirIV. Sibenik obtained its status of a townin 1298, when the Diocese of Sibenikwas established. A view of Sibenik reve-als the unique harmony of urban poeticsof the town and its natural surroundings.The harbor, connected with the open seaby the St. Anthony Strait, has been theinitiator of development of sailing, tra-ding and the overall economic prosperityof the town for centuries. At the entranceinto the straight, there is the fortress ofSt. Nicholas, the most important rena-issance fortress at the eastern coast ofthe Adriatic. The town is surrounded bythe fortresses of St. Michael, St. Johnand Subievac that, together with thefortress of St. Nicholas, make the sym-bol of the centuries long no subjugationof Sibenik, confirmed in the recent Ho-meland War. St. Jacobs, the cathedralof Sibenik, built for over a century, is atestimony of persistency, sacrifice andbelief of the generations of inhabitantsof Sibenik. By many things it is uniquenot only in Croatian architecture, but inEuropean design as well: it is entirely

    built of stone, no other material beingused; it is unique by the brave structureof stone slabs and ribs, with no bindingmaterial; it is also unique among renais-sance churches by its trefoil front facade;finally, it is unique by the harmony of itsarchitecture and the row of 71 realisticsculptural portraits around the apses.Documents preserved from the time ofbuilding of the cathedral evidence con-tributions from the entire community toits building, but from many individualsas well, including large number of do-mestic stone-dressers, builders and arti-

    sans. The most important among themis Juraj Matejev Dalmatinac, who camefrom Zadar and who the town of Sibenikcommissioned in 1441 to take over thejob of the proto-master of the cathedralof Sibenik. The cathedral and the nearbyrenaissance town hall, other churches,palaces, and the Princes Palace presentlyhousing the County Museum, make pro-bably the most beautiful town square ofthe Croatian urban heritage. In the 15th,and the 16th century Sibenik was amongthe Croatias most important centers ofhumanism and renaissance. They're li-ved and worked writers Juraj Sigori, Antun and Faust Vrani, Petar Divniand Ivan Polikarp Severitan, composersIvan Sibenanin, Julije Skjaveti and Ivan

    Lukai, historian Dinko Zavorovi, pain-ters Nikola Vladanov and Juraj ulinovi,printers Martin Koluni - Rota, HoracijeFortezza and Natal Bonifacij, and manysculptors and builders of the Juraj Ma-tejev Dalmatian's circle. The scientistand visionary, lexicographer and writer,philosopher and teologist, Faust Vrancic,is the best known figure of the Croatianrenaissance. The writer of the first Cro-atian dictionary as well as the authorof the famous book of inventions, Mac-hinae novae. Among many ideas, thereoutstands the drawing of homo volans,the flying man, the first printed pictu-re of a parachute flight in history. The14th century church and monastery ofSt. Francis, the first Croatian national

    shrine of St. Nikola Taveli, has been animportant ecclesiastical and cultural cen-ter for centuries. In the monastery collec-tion, there are over 150 incunabula andthat many valuable manuscript codexes,including the famous Sibenska molitva,the first Croatian poetry text written inthe Latinism script. In the church, thereare organs made by well-known Croatianorgan designer of the 18th century, Pe-tar Naki, preserved in the original form.The present vivid cultural life of Sibenikis evident in the traditional InternationalChildren Festival of Sibenik.

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    APRIL 30TH 2009. sibenik times 11






    01A simulation in the event of attack by pirates held in the

    Port of Sibenik by the Nautical University Adriamarefrom Sibenik.

    02To mark The Day of the Planet children from Sibenikkindergartens performed a special program with painted

    flowers, including the national flower of Croatia the Iris.

    03The city library in Sibenik presented a new book by

    Helene Sablic entitled Invisible Diary: my year 2007.


    A humanitarian concert was held to assist people with

    special needs in the Sibenik County in co-operation withThe Red Cross.

    05Students from the University of Sibenik celebratingreceiving their diplomas in tourism and information


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    12sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.

    The cuisine of Sibenik andthe islands follows the trendof modern nutritional cooking.The brief thermal preparationof foodstuffs (mainly boilingor grilling) and plenty of fish,olive oil, vegetables and home-grown herbs found near the seais why this cuisine is consideredto be very healthy. Meals alongthe Dalmatian coast are hea- vily influenced by their Italianancestry which is why the coa-stal resorts tend to fill up withItalians in summer. Often themeals begin with a nice plate ofpasta; black risotto or spaghettiin squid ink sauce is especiallypopular.

    Dalmatian cuisine relies hea-vily on the fresh fish and seafo-od that are caught (or farmed)offshore. Look for sea bass, gro-uper, scorpion fish, pilchards,mackerel, squid and sea bream.Fish is usually grilled with localolive oil, garlic and lemon. Regi-ons with an abundance of freshwater are famous for their frog,eel and river crab dishes.

    Meat isn't forgotten either.Thin slices of smoked Dalmati-

    an ham (prut) are often on theappetizer list. Lamb is popular

    either boiled or baked. Dalmati-an pasticada is a meat stew (beefstuffed with lard and roasted in wine and spices) often servedwith gnocchi. One local delica-cy is dishes baked under an ironbell this is a traditional methodof cooking meat and vegetabledishes in a metal dome buried inglowing embers. If you plan ontrying this style of cooking thenrestaurants will normally needup to 3 hours notice in advanceto prepare the food, although itis well worth the wait.

    Connoisseurs of cheese musttry all the different cheeses onoffer. In the markets one finds athick white cheese sold in littleplastic sacks and usually eaten,as an accompaniment to a salad,with salt and pepper. Paski sir, ahard cheese from the isle of Pag,is an excellent cheese and one ofthe most reputed.

    Typical Dalmatian dessertswin the heart with their simpli-city. The most usual ingredientsinclude Mediterranean fruit,dried figs and raisins, almonds,honey, egg.

    Famous wines include Dingac

    and Postup then there are Posipand Grk, etc. And also Prosecco

    (a sweet dessert wine), the verystrong grape (loza) and herbalbrandies (travarica, grapes wi-th medicinal herbs) and lique-urs. The Croatian beers mostfrequently drunk are Ozujskobeer and Kariovacko beer, bothof which are excellent. Foreignbeers tend to be more expensive,so unless you have a preferen-ce for a particular foreign beeryoull do no wrong choosingCroatian.

    The Sibenik County offers a

    wide range of places to dine.They range from rustic charmto silver service, catering for allmanner of special occasions.The menus of restaurants in Si-benik are mainly based on localspecialties. Although recentlya wider variety of cuisines hasemerged. The working hours ofmost restaurants are from 11.00- 24.00, although it is normallynever a problem if you wish tostay longer. The price includestaxes, but the service chargeis almost never included andis not mandatory. It is a custo-mary, however, that if you aresatisfied with the service a 10%

    tip of the total amount is usu-ally a fair tip.

    The isines f Sibenik

    First Course PredjeloMainCourseGlavnoJeloDessert - DesertBread KruhWineVinoBeer PivoFish RibaMeat Meso

    FruitVoeVegetablePovreWaterVodaSalt SolPepper PaparSoupJuhaCake Kola

    Food and drink vocabulary

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    APRIL 30TH 2009. sibenik times 13


    Fact files



    The Sibenik County

    Medieval Mediteranean Garden Aci Marina Vodice

    Dinara Mountain

    The Sibenik Knin Countyis full of interesting sights andsounds. Its history and traditionare rich, complicated and fasci-nating. Its nature and wildlife,including two national parks,are unique and breathtaking. Itscuisine and wine are world cla-

    ss. The connection to the sea isunbreakable. And finally its pe-ople are friendly, generous and warm. Every week well bringyou a few short fact files of diffe-rent areas of life in the county sothat you can better comprehendthe culture that surrounds you.

    A village in the north-we-stern part of ibenik harbor ina bay of the same name, only10 km from ibenik. Near the village, on a bend, is "Tradan"Cave, where various archeolo-gical remains from the Neoli-thic to the Roman Age werediscovered.

    These include coins of theEmperors Traian and Justin,and stone utensils. Like all ot-

    her settlements, Zaton was alsodamaged by the Turks in 1576- 1577. An asphalt road linksZaton with the Adriatic TouristRoad. It branches of at the mo-dern ibenik bridge, and thereare good bus links between Za-ton and ibenik. More recentlyZaton has become interestingfor visitors because its lovelypine woods, bays and completepeace offer a pleasant holiday.

    The City Hall is located inthe central city square (TrgRepublike Hrvatske), formerlyknown as Plathei Communis. Itis a very harmonious and airyRenaissance style building bu-ilt from 1533-1536. The gro-und floor includes porch with

    semi-circular arches supportedby columns, which was an acce-ss to the former public utilitiesoffices.

    On the first floor is the re-presentative hall in which citycouncilmen would meet. In De-cember 1943, during allied air

    strikes, the City Hall buildingwas completely destroyed andwas restored after the war, inits original shape and appea-rance, and the internal area was organized and equippedin accordance to the needs ofnew functions.

    Sibenik-Knin County is a co-unty in Croatia, located in nor-th-central Dalmatia. Its centeris Sibenik; other notable townsare Knin, Drni and Skradin.

    The county covers 3000 kmand has over 110 000 inha-bitants. It also includes 242islands and national parks Krkaand Kornati.

    Medieval Mediteranean Gar-den of St Lawrence Monastery(MMG) in ibenik was restoredand opened on 6th November2007 after being forgotten aboutfor a hundred years. MMG is anintegral part of the St Lawren-ce Monastery and an integralpart of the programs that theSibenik Private Gimnasium has

    developed. The restoration pro- ject of MMG was completed byrenowned landscape architect,Dragutin Ki, who received theMillenium Award for Flora in Ja-pan, 2000. This particular typeof garden is notably rare, as it isthe only one of its kind in Cro-atia, and there a vey few in thispart of Europe.

    ACI marina lies in the north-eastern part of the Vodice harbo-ur (Vrulje cove) and is protectedby two breakwaters. In the year1999 ACI marina Vodice wasawarded the "European BlueFlag". The marina is a winnerof a prestigious "European blueflag" award six years in a rownow.

    Dinara is a mountain range,20 km long and 10 km wideand at the same time, it is thehighest mountain peak in Croa-tia (1831m). It is famous for thelongest cliff in Croatia, which is6 km long. Dinara is the firstCroatian mountain of provennatural beauties and specialaesthetic experiences, even asource of inspiration for poets(Petar Zorani: Planine (Moun-tains), 1536).

    It provides inexhaustiblepotentials for hunting, riding,trekking, alpinism, cave explo-ration, speleology, kite-flying,paragliding, bike and SUV to-

    urs and other forms of day-trips,nature and adventure tourism.To climb Dinara, one must beexperienced in mountaineering,even though approach roads aremarked at various spots.

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    14sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.

    HEALTHDAILY PHARMACY Centrala (from24. April); PHARMACY BALDEKIN,Stjepana Radia 56a, tel. 332-068;PHARMACY CENTRALA, StjepanaRadia bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACYVARO, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212-539; PHARMACY PLENA, Karla Vi-pauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmat-inske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022;DONACIJSKA PHARMACY, BraePolia bb, tel. 333-437, VITA-SPECI-JALIZIRANA PRODAVAONICALIJEKOVIMA ANDMEDICINSKIMPROIZVODIMA, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel.215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel.310-525; PHARMACYBARANOVI-PETKOVI, Stjepana Radia 1, tel.212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, KraljaZvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMA-CYOBANOV, Square Ivana Pavla I I,tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHAR-MACYGOSPINATRAVA, StjepanaRadia 27, tel. 219-245; HERBALPHARMACY NATURA, StjepanaRadia 12, tel. 336-116.


    day and friday), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45,

    10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00,13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37, 16.00, 16.15,16.45, 17.45, 19.05 (not on saturday)19.35, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00, 23.00and 23.30; SibenikRijeka at 6.30,8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37,16.45, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibe-nikMakarskaPloeDubrovnikat 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00,13.00, 14.20 and 15.10; SibenikZa-greb at 00.40, 1.30 (motorway), 7.00,7.45 (on tuesday and friday), 8.00,9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50,15.30, 16.00 (motorway), 17.30, 18.00(motorway), 23.00; Sibenik-Karlo-vac at 7.00, 8.00, 10.05, 13.45, 15.30,19.10, 21.40, 23.00;SibenikVaradinat 13.45; SibenikOsijek at 21.40; Si-benikPoegaat 7.45 (tuesday andfriday); SibenikSlavonski Brodat 19.10 (thursday and sunday) and21.40 (everyday); SibenikVinkovciat 19.10 (thursday and sunday); Sibe-nikImotski at 3.45; SibenikPulaat 6.30, 9.45 and 22.00; SibenikRovinj at 22.00; Sibenik-Gospiat9.15; SibenikPag at 9.15.

    LOCAL LINE - work daySibenik-Drni-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15(upi); 9.30(upi); 15.15 (upi);Sibenik-Drni-Kosovo-Kninat 8.30;10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; Sibenik-Tisno-Jezera at 10.00 (Jezera bus);Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30

    (Murter trade); Sibenik-Grabovci-Stankovci-Budak-Banjevci at 10.30(Stari Velim); Sibenik-Grabovci-Velim-Stankovci-DobraVoda-Ban -jevci-Benkovac at 14.00, 20.00 (StariVelim); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jez-era-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sov-lje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15,12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibe-nik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20,13.30, 19.30; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Pirovac-Kaiat 11.40, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Vodice-Pirovac-Kai-Banjevci at 15.20; Sibenik-Skradin-Piramatovci-Krkovi-avi-Liani

    at 14.00, 20.15;Sibenik-Vodice-istaVelika-Provi-Vuki at 11.15, 14.00,20.15; Sibenik-Grabovci-Crljenik-Stankovci-Budak-Radainovci-Banjevci at 15.20 (Stari Velim);Sibenik-Vodice-ista Velika-Laevci-Krkovi-Bilostanovi-avi-Liani-Vuki-Provi at15.30; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-D u b r a v i c e - R u p e - L a k o v i c a -evrske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Anto-nio tours); Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Lakovica-Rupe at 11.15, 12.45, 14.00,15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-Skradin-Sonkovi-Piramatovci at 12.45,15.20; Sibenik-Skradin-Sonkovi-Piramatovci-Laevci-Liani at11.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Lozovac-

    Skradin-Graovo-Plastovo-Ievo-Lakovica-Rupe-Sonkoviat 9.00;Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lep -enica-Vrsno at 10.15, 15.10, 20.30;Sibenik-Boraja-Lepanica-Vrsnoat 12.00, 14.00; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-

    Grebatica-Drage-BratskiDolacat11.45; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-abori-Grebatica-Brnjaa-Drage-BratskiDolac at 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Bro-darica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30,11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05,17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Grebatica-Brnjaa-Drage-BratskiDolac at 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Grebatica-Brnjaa-Drage-BratskiDolac-Sapini Doci at 15.10; Sibenik-Primoten-Rogoznica at 9.45;Sibenik-Primoten-Rogoznica-Raanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Primoten BIS at 12.30,14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Dubrava-Biranj-Danilo-Perkovi-Sitno at9.00, 12.40 (to Birnja), 21.15; Sibenik-Dubrava-Danilo-Perkovi-Sitnoat11.30, 14.00, 15.20, 20.00; Sibenik-Kraljice-Mirlovi-Nakii-Radoniat15.10; Sibenik-Konjevrate-Mirlovi-Unei at 11.30; Sibenik-Vrpolje-Kraljice-Mirlovi-Unei-Sedramiat 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-ivkovi-Pokrovnik-Pakovo Selo-Miljevciat 11.00 (upi); Sibenik-Naki-ivkovi-Pokrovnik-Miljevci at14.00 (upi), 20.15 (upi); Sibenik-Bilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30,12.00, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 17.40, 20.00;Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.30,10.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.00, 15.20, 18.30,19.15, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablae at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00 11.40,13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 16.00, 17.40, 19.10,


    LOCAL LINE - saturdaySibenik-Drni-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15(upi), 11.30; Sibenik-Drni-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murt-er at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 20.0021.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodiceat 8.00,9.20;Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00,10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibe-nik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.30; Sibenik-Juna Dubrava-Danilo-Perkovi-Sitno at 9.00, 11.30, 15.20, 21.15;Sibenik-Konjevrate-Naki-Mirlovi

    at 15.20; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Bratikovci-Lakovica-Skradin-Sonkoviat 9.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Sonkovi-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Ievo-Lakovica-Rupe at 13.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Ievo-Lakovica-Rupe at 15.30;Sibenik-Skradin-Sonkovi-Graac-Vaani-Piramatovciat 15.20; Sibe-nik Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Rupe-Lakovica-evrske at 10.30,14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); Sibenik-Vodice-ista Velika-Laevci-Krkovi-Bilostanovi-Liani-Vuki(endofvillage)-Proviat 12.00 (andPiramatovci), 15.30 (to Bilostanova);

    Sibenik-Bilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at7.00, 10.30, 12.45, 15.30, 20.00; Sibe-nik-Grabovci-Stankovci-Budak at10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Solaris-Zablae at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00, 13.10,14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

    LOCAL LINE - sunday

    Sibenik-Drni-Oklaj-Knin at 8.30;Sibenik-Drni-Kosovo-Kninat 14.00(upi); Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 20.00, 21.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jez-era-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; Si-benik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30,12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 15.10; Sibenik-Juna Dubrava-Danilo-Perkovi-Sitno at 15.20,21.15; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Sonkoviat 9.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Bratikovci (to Graacplayground) at 15.30; Sibenik-Bilice-Stubalj-Vruljeat 7.00, 10.30, 14.00;Sibenik-Solaris-Zablae at 9.00,10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.










    BANKSJADRANSKABANK: tel. 242-242;CROATIA BANK: Square Pavlaubia br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKAPOTANSKA BANK: A. Starevia bb,tel. 337-345; OTP BANK: Ante upuka22, tel. 062/201-555; PRIVREDNABANKZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANKAUSTRIA: Square Draena Petroviabb, tel. 348-800; HVB-SPLITSKABANK: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663;ZAGREBAKABANK : Biskupa Milete2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANK

    d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540;HYPO-GROUPALPEADRIA : Stjep-ana Radia 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKS-BANK: Square Draena Petrovia bb,tel. 668-100; KRIEVAKABANK:Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

    BUSESDeparture buses from SibenikSibenikTrogirSplit at 00.00,00.30, 2.30, 3.00, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15,6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9,20, 10.00,10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (not sunday),

    13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40,16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00 18.15,18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15(not on saturday), 22.00 and 23.30;SibenikPirovacBiogradZadarat 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (only on tues-

    TRAINSDeparture from Sibenik: 4.26 : forPerkovi,KninandSplit; 7.42 : forPerkovi,Knin,Split,Zagreb; 10.56: for Perkovi, Split andZagreb;12.25 : for PerkoviandSplit; 15.10 :for PerkoviandZagreb ; 15.37 : forPerkovi,KninandSplit ; 17.43 : forPerkovi; 20.l0 : for Perkovi,Knin

    andSplit;Zagreb,Osijek,Vinkovci;22.50 : for PerkoviandZagreb (di-rect).Arrival at Sibenik: 6.27 : from Knin,Split,PerkoviandZagreb (directwagon); at 7.33 : from Perkovi; 8.54: from Knin,Split and Perkovi;12.07 : from ZagrebandPerkovi;13.34 : from Perkovi; 16.37 : fromZagrebandPerkovi; 17.33 : fromKnin,SplitandPerkovi; at 18.48: from Perkovi; 21.20 : from Knin,Split,PerkoviaandZagreb (fasttrain).

    BOATSSIBENIKZLARIN (ferry): tuesdayand thursday at 12.30, return at 19.10.SIBENIK IRJE (ferry): tuesday,wednesday and thursday at 12.30,return at 17.45. Monday, friday andsaturday at 10.30, return friday at 15,monday and saturday at 15.30 , returnat 13 and 17.45 . Sunday and holidaysat 11.00, return at 17.45.SIBENIKKAPRIJE (hydrofoil Mis-lav): monday, tuesday, wednesday,thursday and saturday at 18.45, fridayat 16.00 and 19.30, return at 6.50,friday and at 18.05 . Sunday and holi-days at 9 and 18.45, return at 6.50 and

    11.20 .SIBENIK ZLARIN PRVI EPURINE-VODICE: monday, tues-day, wednesday, thursday, friday andsaturday at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30and 19.30 .

    Health Centre, tel. 660-552;Gen-eral Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus sta-tion, tel. 661-005; PHARMACY, tel.660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019;Caritas, tel. 661-700; HVIDRA, tel.661-612; Library tel. 660-010

    PHARMACY tel. 434-129; Dentisttel. 436-026; NP Kornati tel. 435-740; Borough of Murter tel. 435-599; JadranskaBANK tel. 443-137; Port Authority tel. 435-190

    PHARMACY tel. 467-099, openfrom 8-14,30, saturday from 8 to 12;Doctor surgery tel. 467-080; Bor-ough of Pirovac tel. 467-077; Posttel. 467-000; JadranskaBANKtel.466-622; Firebrigade tel. 467-090.

    Borough of Primoten tel. 571-900;Police tel. 570-092; PHARMACY tel. 570-305, JadranskaBANK tel.570-351; Privredna BANK tel. 571-160; Post tel. 571-039; Firebrigadetel. 570-097; Libary 570-259

    Borough of Rogoznica tel. 559-040; Firebrigadetel. 559-294; Doc-tors Surgery tel. 559-032; Dentisttel. 558-392; PHARMACY tel. 558-330, JadranskaBANK tel. 559-540;

    PHARMACY open mon, wedand fri from 7,30 to 13,30, and tueand thu from 13.30 to 19.30. tel.771-099, 771-049

    Borough of Tisno tel. 439-262,439-264, 439-268; PHARMACY

    tel. 438-512, JadranskaBANK tel.438-486; FINA tel. 438-499; Posttel. 439-250; Port Authority tel.439-313; ACI marina, tel. 439 295 .

    Borough of Tribunj tel. 446-357,fax. 446-830; Tourist board ofTribunj tel./fax. 446-143; Jadran-ska BANK tel. 446-992; CroatianPost Office Tribunj tel. 446-855,fax. 446-830.

    Doctors Surgery tel. 022/443-169;Dentist tel. 022/443-624; PHAR-

    MACY 022/ 443-168; Vetsurgery022/443-355Bus station, 022/443-627; Port Authority, tel. 022/443-055; Post, tel. 022/442-145.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th



    APRIL 30TH 2009. sibenik times 15

    Osniva i izdava | Publisher:

    ibenski list d.o.o.Adresa | Address:

    Boidara Petranovia 3, ibenikTelefoni | Telephones:

    022/311-300; 022/311-399Fax:

    022/330-100; 022/311-302

    Direktor | Director:Sran Buani

    ([email protected])

    Glavni urednik | Editor in chief:Zdravko Pili

    ([email protected])

    Urednik | Editor:Mark Thomas

    ([email protected])

    Asistent | Assistant:Grga Mirjani

    ([email protected])

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    Marketing: Ni kolina vorak

    Elida Slavica ([email protected])

    Mobitel: 091.302. 01. 06

    U suradnji s | In association with:

    Turistika zajednica Grada ibenikaTourist board SibenikDirector: Goran Bulat

    Tel: 022/212-075 |

    Tourist board JezeraDirector: Nenad Milin

    Tel: 022/439-120 |

    Tourist board KninDirector: Ante imi

    Tel: 022/664-819 |

    Tourist board MurterDirector: eljana iki

    Tel: 022/434-995 |

    Tourist board PirovacDirector: Vinja Gulam

    Tel: 022/466-770 |

    Tourist board PrimostenDirector:Jere Bakoti

    Tel: 022/571-111 |

    Tourist board RogoznicaDirector: Ante KarabatiTel: 022/559-253

    Tourist board SkradinDirector: Karmen Biani panjolTel: 022/771-329 |

    Tourist board TisnoDirector: Milena Obratov

    Tel: 022/438-604 |

    Tourist board TribunjPresident:Ivan Zadro

    Tel: 022/446-143

    Tourist board VodiceDirector: Anita Franin PearicaTel: 022/443-888 |

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    Tisak | Print:Tiskara Slobodna Dalmacija, Split




    Tisno / jeera










    Bring the evaporated milk and regular milk to a

    very gentle boil in a double boiler. While waitingfor the milk to boil, in a separate bowl mix togeth-er the yolks, granulated sugar and vanilla sugarat medium speed with a mixer. Add flour to the

    yolk mixture until blended. Remove 2 cups of milkfrom the double boiler. Add this milk to the flour

    mixture while continuously beating at low speed.

    When blended, return this mixture to the milk stillin the double boiler and continue to cook until

    thick while stirring very frequently. Mix togethergelatin with the cold water, let stand for 1 minuteand then add boiling water, mixing well with a

    fork or small whisk. Add the gelatin to your cus-tard mixture in the double boiler and continue to

    cook for about 5 minutes, continually stirring as it

    thickens. Cool custard in ice water when removedfrom heat. In a separate bowl, beat the whippingcream until peaks form. Fold the whipped creaminto the cooled custard (make sure the custardhas cooled to room temperature before adding

    the whipped cream). Refrigerate this mixture forabout 20 minutes so that it stiffens a bit and iseasier to spread. Trim the edges of the puff pas-

    try sheets to fit a deep tray or baking dish. Placeone layer of puff pastry on bottom. Spread evenly

    with custard and then place second layer of puff

    pastry on top, pressing down slightly. Refrigeratefor at least 4 hours. Sprinkle with powdered sugar

    on top prior to serving and cut into oblong pieces.Garnish with strawberry fans or chocolate dipped

    strawberries if so desired

    Dream Cream In Puff Pastry

    Ingredients2 cups evaporated milk2 cups milk8 egg yolks1 cup granulated sugar4 tsp vanilla sugar (or substituteequal parts vanilla and sugar)1 cup flour2 Tbs clear gelatin cup cold water

    cup boiled water

    2 cups whipping cream1 package (16 ounces) puff pastryPowdered sugar for garnishStrawberries for garnish

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, April 30th


    16sibenik timesTHURSDAY

    APRIL 30TH 2009.

    Partly cloudyHigh21c/Low11cChance of rain 20%

    Partly cloudyHigh23c/Low13cChance of rain 10%

    Partly cloudyHigh22c/Low13cChance of rain 10%

    Partly cloudyHigh23c/Low13c

    Chance of rain 0%

    Mainly sunnyHigh24c/Low14c

    Chance of rain 0%


    Chance of rain 0%

    Mostly sunnyHigh22c/Low11cChance of rain 10%










    Seven dayweather forecast

    A panoramic view of the city of Sibenik showing the entrance from the sea through the channel

    A similar modern day view showing just how much the city has expanded over the years