The Seer - Chapter 2

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  • 8/13/2019 The Seer - Chapter 2


    Cassandra turned got Apollos hand and started running like the wind, Apollo behind

    her, they ran as if the devil was after them, which as it so happened he was, through the

    people crowded streets of the quarter, its lovely restaurants, they ran fast and unseen,

    Apollo made her stop looking breathless, Whats wrong with me? He asked looking

    hurt, What has he done to me?? Ill kill him for this, by Zeus, Ill kill him! his face so

    overwhelmingly beautiful she could only stare, not aware of how forlorn she looked and

    how sad her eyes were.

    I dont know, but my visions are coming true, we need to rest and renew our powers, I

    have to talk with the oracle, you have to let me see her! Apollo looked strangely at her

    like she had just asked him for the impossible, No, the oracle is off limits to you, you

    know that, besides its in stasis so it is of no help to us. He said pensively, We need a

    place to stay, you have a house nearby, have you not? he asked looking more in

    command, his powers coming back to him.

    Yes, but how would you know of it? she asked looking quizzically at him not quite

    sure what to think of this. You forget that we are bound for eternity, father made sure I

    paid for what I did, so I have always known where you are and what you do, although I

    couldnt always feel you because you blocked me somehow he whispered close to

    her ear his hand stroking gently up and down her arm, making her feel like he was

    stroking her whole body, she was pulsing with desire from a harmless caress, or not so

    harmless because he turned her to him and pulled a hand full of her raven hair and

    pulled her head back looking straight into her eyes to see if she denied him, he kissed

    her savagely at first, but then as she put up no resistance he softened the touch, and she

    lost all sense of self, he was her whole world, just as he had been from the very first

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    moment she had seen him at Delphi, his mouth warm as a ray of sun on a spring day

    made the tenderness of his kiss all the more sensual, all the more alluring, until he

    caught her by the shoulders and pushed her gently away.

    Still the minx, I see, this was just to give you a taste, of what you have been loosing for

    the last three thousand years he laughed at her outraged look, turning in the exact

    direction of Cassandras ancestral home the only place that was so well protected that

    not even Hades himself had the power to gain entrance, the Trojan line protected its last

    heiress along with the most powerful Gods in the Olympus, her house had safe passage

    to the netherworld and to Olympus, thank the Gods they had been in New Orleans.

    As they neared the Maison Belle as Mama Mae, her friend and present protector called

    it Cassandra could hear the cries of indignation of the guardian spirits, they were right

    she had no business of going about and breaking her vow, but she needed Apollo as

    much as he needed her, their lives and the lives of everyone depended on it.

    Mama Mae would have the time of her life, she would never hear the end of it, safely

    inside Cassandra turned to Apollo her rage something to be reckoned with, her porcelain

    skin red, her eyes shining with anger not directed at him but at her herself, how could

    she have been so blind, probably he had been waiting for the opportunity to make her

    suffer for refusing him all those centuries ago, she just hoped he wouldnt betray her

    sanctuary, if he even dreamed of it she would fry his ass, but when she looked at him

    she saw he was still weak, he could barely stand.

    Come god lets take you to bed so you can rest. Cassandra said looking tired and in

    need of some rest herself.

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    Unfortunately Apollo had a rage of his own, No, I have to know, why did you help

    me you hate meas much as I once loved you. Why help me? It makes no sense.

    Apollo said trying to make sense of her contradictory actions towards him.

    Well, you are right, but I could not let you die, just who do you think I am? Im not

    like you!!! Loveyou know not what the word means let alone what the feeling is! I

    have seen all that I have loved die, I havent aged a day, I have not loved in the carnal

    sense, I have not born a child, I am immortal the only thing that keeps me going are

    humans and the fact that I can help them help them love and keep that love safe

    from things like you, and if you think that puny excuse for a kiss changes anything,

    think again! her outburst shamed her she shouldnt have shown how much she cared,

    she turned and motioned for him to follow her, up the stairs into the first floor,

    everything in the house reminded him of Troy, the floors were all rose marble, the

    paintings of beautiful island sceneries, the furniture a meshing of different styles from

    all around the world, everything was made to be comfortable and you could feel how

    much she missed home and for the first time he thought that maybe, just maybe he had

    been selfish in wanting her for himself but as quickly the thought had come it was

    gone, she was his soul mate she just didnt know ityet, he was patient three thousand

    years and counting and he had not given up, she had given him the furthest bedroom

    from her own; he smiled as she distressedly looked at the huge four poster bed and ran

    for the door telling him on her way out: The bathroom is that door to your right, if you

    need anything, get it yourself.

    Apollo laughed his eyes watering, it might just be worth it, the power he had given in

    exchange for the little favour he had asked his uncle, he got to the bed took the sapphire

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    blue cover that made him think of her troubled eyes and laid down to sleep, he closed

    his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow, thinking of the sadness and longing she could

    not hide from him her eyes were the most expressive mirror.

    Cassandra couldnt sleep, she tossed and turned but her brain was running away from

    her she needed answers, and one of them was: Why now??? Fates please come to me,

    I need to know! Suddenly the air around her froze and a deep voice she recognized as

    Zeus spoke:

    My son needs you, and now you are his only chance, he gave part of his powers to

    Hades in exchange for something even I dont know what it is, it has come the day to

    pay me back Seer, if I lose him my wrath will fall on mankind like something you never

    saw. And the silence that fell on the house was lethally loaded with the unveiled threat

    Zeus had made, she didnt even had time to argue, so like them, like father like son.

    Cassandra felt like the weight of the world had just fallen on her shoulders, her heart

    was alive for the first time in centuries, her body was humming with anticipation, she

    had wanted him for so long and for so long she had been afraid she would be his doom,

    now it seemed they would fight it together and probably die together, because there was

    no way in hell she would let Zeus or Hades do any more damage to humans, she would

    rather die.

    No thoughts of dying child, it is yet too early to think of it, we are here for you, we

    have always been. Said Atropos the fate that controlled death, appearing before


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    Ooohhh, Attie you came, I dont know what to do, he is here at last but Im afraid I

    cant protect him or me, he wants meI saw it in his eyes but my vision has not

    changed. Cassandra pleaded with Atropos who looked as beautiful as ever, her white

    gown and bare feet a trademark of her simplicity and surprisingly giving nature.

    Now, now child you have to be strong, you know there is only so much we can do for

    you, your first vision was of death, was it not? Who died? Atropos asked trying to get

    Cassandra focused.

    Apollo died, afterafterhe had lain with methey took all his power and made him

    mortal, a fate worse than death to him, dont you think?? Cassandra asked her hands

    shaking as she absently combed her hair.

    Are you sure? Have you allowed yourself close enough to know what would kill him?

    I think you would be surprised, fight but please let love in your heart dying is not the

    end and neither is it a choice, I should know. Atropos smiled down at her as she drifted

    back into the netherworld, leaving a bewildered and confused Cassandra feeling

    completely clueless as to what she meant.