The Secret of Physical Intelligence

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  • 8/14/2019 The Secret of Physical Intelligence


    Who are you right now, as you read this arti-

    cle? Pause for a minute and find an answer

    that is really true for you. You may be a lawyer,

    an engineer or a nurse by profession but

    that is just something you do for a living. You

    may be a father, a mother, a husband, or a

    wife, but these are just roles you took on as a

    temporary assignment.

    Are you a soul? a spirit? a mind? If so, where

    are you when you are sometimes out of your

    mind? Is your body just a vessel for these en-

    tities? Or is the body something more? Isnt it

    interesting to see how religions, philosophies

    and spirituality have created colorful belief

    systems over thousands of years in every hu-

    man culture on this planet to find answers to

    these questions, but all theyve created is

    more mystery.

    The physical facts

    Instead of a mystery, lets look at some com-

    mon sense, tangible biology. Your body you

    consists of 100 TRILLION cells (that is a num-

    ber with 14 zeros), all of them vibrant and

    alive, communicating with each other in four

    different languages simultaneously:

    Mechanical neighbor cells and tissues

    touch each other and are informed about

    each others biochemical needs 24/7. Mus-

    cles, tendons and bones constantly collabo-

    rate to make each single joint move in har-

    mony. The liver touches the stomach and an-ticipates what kind of food can be expected

    to be digested and assimilated for the next

    few hours.

    Biochemical Literally millions of different

    enzymes, nucleic acids, vitamins, co-enzymes,

    hormones and trace minerals act in an ex-

    tremely well orchestrated symphony around

    the clock to keep you alive and sane in every

    cell and tissue of your body. Your immune sys-

    tem constantly monitors every organ for in-

    vaders and communicates rapidly if you cut

    your finger or catch the flu.

    Electrical Your brain and nervous system

    communicate continuously at 124 mph (or

    higher) with every cell of your body and

    process information from the outside that

    comes in through more than 10 different

    senses. Your internal information highways

    are so sophisticated they serve as a model for

    the information highway. Cloud computing

    exists right in your brain. The body processes

    more information per day than the

    entire Internet.

    Otto Siegel

    30 l i v i n g u n l i m i t e d

    Photons Its said of people close to death

    that they experience the lights going out.

    The German professor Fritz Albert Popp was

    awarded a Nobel Prize in 1974 for his discov-

    ery that each human, animal and plant tissue

    emits a unique frequency of light that can be

    measured and even used to diagnose severe

    illnesses like different forms

    of cancer. Only now are

    we beginning to discov-

    er the power of photo-

    therapy and benefiting

    from it.

  • 8/14/2019 The Secret of Physical Intelligence


    Lets call this incredible wisdom of your

    body Physical Intelligence. Its the total

    sum of the synergy, communication and

    aliveness in every single cell, and between cells 24/7 for as long as

    you are alive. And thats without even taking

    into account the fact that these cells con-

    stantly regenerate, replace damaged cells and

    grow as the body matures for the first 20 years

    of your life.

    This tiny glimpse of the Physical Intelligence

    present in your body suggests that any per-

    ception of the body as limited is based on

    very bad information. Could it be that we

    have been overlooking the real miracle over

    the last few thousand years in human histo-

    ryobscuring it with vague belief systems, or

    simply ignoring the fact that our body IS the

    Otto Siegelis an author, speaker and Master Certified

    Coach. As the founder and president of Genius Coaching

    he partners with corporate executives, business

    owners and bright teenagers to discover their natural

    genius in order to build their lives and careers upon it.

    real secret? That without the body there is no

    spirit or soul, no inspiration, excitement, ec-

    stasy or bliss.

    Could it be that the real universe is holding

    this magazine right now?

    The Universe presents us with about 100 tril-

    lion visible stars the same number of cells in

    your body. An interesting coincidence or a

    hint for deeper reflection?

    Could it be that the widely held belief

    that the body is a machine is simply and

    literally dead-wrong?This would mean that

    every single piece of scientific research that is

    based on this outdated assumption could be

    flawed. Think about it when you read your

    next scientific article It reminds me of the

    dark ages 400 years ago when a few coura-

    geous people like Galileo and Copernicus

    risked their lives by stating and proving that

    the earth was not flat.

    Is every death of a human being on this plan-

    et ultimately suicide, even if it takes 70 100

    years to complete? Do we die on a daily basis

    and just dont pay attention because we are

    too distracted with survival or the busy-ness

    of our comfortable lifestyles? Based on the

    tremendous advancements in science, tech-

    nology, nutrition and communication, we are

    the first generation to have a REAL choice

    between dying and living forever. So get in

    touch with your physical intelligenceyour

    immortality may depend on it.

    l i v i n g u n l i m i t e d