city still holds key to Tie street situation 1- «.«m«top««« nf"NoM'n' *OLn part of th« f"y. ••>'« «• ff** 1 "Vj bark at tho ,»»Un.aiU «W "i., ,4 th« tamitua "Macklti- JJ*jlSj--.at IU»r"«J »*\u25a0 «n^ «S,M,cWntw>h Strip wm a pl*M Ylf «U» and t*o or thrw hutv tf^*U<u 'y"" 8 *'""*lliUlivn<l i **.-nii<- and Kllll! at., which, afffr a I.H'C tli<K« Of lit lull, »«»i to tlio railroads. Now tliir* ha* hi*«*n tiiwarthml a atrip of ground II Inrhoii wld« $% <iin> mil. 63 fi'i II uiK. and iu|>«>r- triit to a iir.il!.- |x)lnt at tha otltor. Thlt new at Ip lli-» hotwi<<<ti i!n< M.«ri.ini>«iili Strip and Kill* it. and ,l» Jiut i-iio\mh in Ui".|i tha (irrannt fiwnnra of that cround away from tll.< HtlV."t. '*\u25a0"* \u25a0'"\u25a0 \u25a0' " '-~' i1 "TV" \u0084—\u25a0.—-» ILLEGED CLERICAL ERROR LEADS TO LAWSUIT ,'V««sl d'rtra' «Tror ba» leil h*««. tn»Utut«*t In th« »<»• *JL reurt twUy. whoroln th« r^tuwl ne*»y Co. U «o«*Mr« W^owr IW" f^«" KI«»K * iV Th» amount is w»l<i to i«t'•• o»<"rchar«w» thrvmith ••""rirf as»ln*« «'lpm flir » iJirffllS »«*"*» of lantl- *llen i6««W '•" f*l" b"«n n\ni upon onlj i; r"> m-i<•*. The company rtplaiua (hat a blank rhiu'K wan left at tha «.-<"iuty miilUor's office for i-.i> u-..nt of thrlr iiixi-i anil ttmt Hi.- t'niiiits auilltor ftii..,i it uut (nr i::.i ::>, utiug mv aimutnt up>m th« .:\u25a0.' > aritut, whvn th«> pmi'.i tax ahuulil havu bMI *!'>\u25a0< 21. l«urln« tht< tntrt as IS S3 £LKS' SHOW TONIGHT \u25a0nrftkiDjt la In rt-aiStneM at tho feu* f*r tkt> ail «t*nlnn tonUhl I tatf '"" - - "A NlKiit «n »»»> y^ »aloh !>' >>• J>rf«rnt«'d ww »»Bty Odd Hfe* •>'"l l)*ani of Z, btil orsaabatl""* A big dt«»» zLtntl «ith th« «iixhp«tn» wa» ujTmurdxr aR«T««K>», and th<>»* Jw «»rt prtvtlfrrd to lake a jw*p am lor th* anutrur* » bis MO £*'ti>r.igM wht<n thry iroawl th« v«fj« la ««r««*( -a NU»i Ja D<ihcmla" wm writ M if Tomtuy •\u25a0 \u25a0• « for araatsum ( Wgtt Wfcllv to a rrrat e«- Mt tKißplttylnS th* ti'Sh lileaU tf MM B* order. It I* not «***«<n. e.t? M Bll»* play, but la * rat- M •*»! \u25a0»>«' rct«.-.!». full of mm**- M bright, tnnrftil and ,«kl tran S«'»''' :»I of tho ntitn- that «*f» nlwra«4 jr«*i*Tja< ijl^Moa m *«tm.Hl to h»f»n>» popular on th.> \u25a0treats with the klda, Tlumi- mo » half «l >.•.» good t-hi«ri!i.-« that nr«i worthy whittling fmn) the gallery, or In tact troiu ! nn\ part <>f th« l-.i<u-i>. Ainung i In- «|..-*-li»ttlra latar- »l <-i-.-.l in thn plot, fur tlu>m In a •\u25a0II il-'ftmi ni.it running through "A Night In tVihrmla." am "Wander tin the iirieht Moonlight." quintet. .<•,„„«. Tak* a Skate With M«. Katie." Tho ChatM'les r*n«n Cay raree." '•Violet \«a a Uald«n K:tir," lu.tlana oil Hroadway," "Hl* H.<;-Kiiiß." »i. Impersonation •>? Mi<> >lli>«« Meivlll*. ' Kunt-y Ut'.l.< N.tn cj-." and a bin roitllr-y. the clualng of the first art, which Inrlndes among mtt.T total s{*rla!t!c>s. "t>ro«nilnjt." "I Hav»> Salit My lj»«t rar«w*H." "When tho ltltht IJttl« jtllrl Cornea Alonjt." "Take a C«r." "Uulnx Ilia Duty" and \u25a0 K»«rr ! »lwr»" Warmn H. St.inn. whn for W. pant fly« )«*nr« lim noon Kiand chief of ttu» Itroihtii hood «»f l^nniotlvti ICn- RlnmM-a, will visit K.iattlu l-'ihUv and Mntut^r of this w.-.'i. on hital n«*ii» of tliH lirotliPihood. t»n Hat- m.!;i» ho will addron* lih'kl «<n- Rimini In tholr l."l«n room, at 1923 Hml a*. ON THE FRONT »ii<<nmk!ii|i Uovnrttor arrived Oil' morulug Jinm Piiiii-o. Tin* ti itiii< 111 npi !."J tU t.« ,iff th« <l! y.i.K and »mi north Thura- , day, : With 300 i..mi'ni'l'ii ami full : cargo tho Kitnu Clara null.- i ihi» forenoon for ('atnlla and i-.it« to westward Alaska. TU« City of r«i.-1.1.t sailed U.li i morning f->r l"iU.-.> Wires to Tattmih »»> down and ' th» »i-.illn-r t-«ii<tttl»iia an- un- , known. , Th« Kajsa Mara ».iit>-.| fnr th« , Orient at nova. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOUND IN HOTEL RUINS (By United Pr*M.) f USS \ rR.^NCIBCO. Sot. *«.—j gtwWd by a awrwim to a hidden ; tat at cv»ia. lll»W and Rold. at fc>m*r tit* of the rhftppeil* BaW at N»r'.h lu-ji-h. l.»-«jn \u25a0--... John K.ntj-. two boya. v - two jnti> bates of trvaa- a tad wi their a«tclilwra r>n an \u25a0deaf avart-h for wealth. Mi of " - Ond mched the po- j la tad early thla morning : I <*• protpector* w<>r« arre*ti<d ai mi % of h'srrn-J and tnott^d mt Mil Kuld ar« held aa ev|. He* waicit Uwttn. Thousands of Met Mwrvted In the rambttnit aawrr Iwfur* the fir.- by miser- S«»«naa were ua««Ter>><! Th«* \u25a0*• Ha. L>J a .-•.-. iho S.fer;- tnt and tew pn>«ii«cUre mm of the U«>< bate already \u25a0«\u25a0 . * ct» om the owner- m tunai Started Oolnga. In akre Murd<M-k la the wnireaa **>, It » »Ui'->n. \u25a0»* toid of the h*-'« tr»*- >• She set th« two kfi Urn Thomaa. who litv* at hrhfaa and John Fretta* to d!K- --(M is (a* lot. Which tt «!:ua>.-i! «Cmt at b«-tw«-n Stockton and ft* riL iviriii aftrrnomi th« boyt arMtbrir work, and In two hour* Maaartbttd nearly tt.OtK). Their an »!'r»r*.-1 the attention of aa>»n and anon the boy« were )M ky other treasure ae«ker«. (aft torn women removed antall \u25a0"in" i \u25a0 Inforntation i•\u25a0< >'i> •••! by Shcrift Smith la that K/aakn In too dancer- ous to be M largn ami he will bo takon to the state aiylan tot in* ta— IJS^^t DOESN'T WANT TO PAY SUIT MONEY Aliening that he was tiring with hi* wife and providing far her on the afternoon of November J. the date he wa* aerred with % (unimcsna and romptalat, artldartt aAd t»- »'mii-ti.K order. la a divotre a«ttoa Instituted unknown to him by hia ! wife, l-.i.-11.. Curtis. 13014 T. Cartla, an employe of the l*aclflo Coast company. i.«'iv fltml a statement in dia HaW \u25a0"\u25a0' |Mrt •-.(«: me ad» mar..- a. his wife and her attorney* ' for suit nu««r and HMts. Cnrtla ; any* that he is at the pruaei.• time paytnx his wife's expenses and pro | riding her with money fur her per- ! jacasal »aa huodkn of enin and returned f •\u25a0' ! more. One man r«n»» ».-m».i» a, [melted Ingot of Kold estimated to '•• valued at |:."<><l. tla iiulrltl) \u25a0!:-..tj<;-»-."irfl. Pol.c* In Mi.up. With the «p;rad of the ••*<•!!.\u25a0. in-ut canto thn j"Hit !h>- ufflcora found Tbomas, who If II yeara old. and J.ihn K:.i! i-i who la 11 ymr%, and xvunN) tholr two tar];* •acks of coin. Tlxt bur* «tcr« not arrvoted. aa it\u25a0«•» ald«<t tbo i-*>h<-.. In i'i.«ntifvinx tb« dtKKPra. Am -.;• Immediately brpan. and two patrol { w.-.-.nn Utada if h i«.i:<i-r i *. wr ' lvs.u.-.i at th« 11't prison. The pollr* nn- nnw antlima U> ' learn who own* thr thousands of doltar* that fca«o eomt» t-» lisht f after IX toiiatha* Tho Ctmppella nous**, a richtty atruet- '!>•• , in-InK *' ;«tv»i.«. was ran by Mra. I.r=.a C*happrtl<>. «bo ili.- I a If* \u25a0••»-\s before ih«> fir- A ntyvtertoua old woman thereupon j ttxjk chancx of the bona*. and th« I 1«-.-«. ?;.•\u25a0! ruin mar ha>- •••••n h.-r i •..\u25a0ir.iinK» Thin old woman per- j lab« 4la the Chap^lto IkMaM and * no one baa <•>>-r l^arnrd her td»l SUty. In the ritr prtann many of th» : prison*™ d»^itro)r<Kl thfl eTid<»nc« ax>lnat ihciu by throwing away :ti-''.-.1 colna. UnlUr* an.l h»U<-«. ! fire orrh.Mi and smoka blackened. ! wer«> ?.mtid behind th« dunrkm>p»r'« ! desk. Th« prlwuirm w»ra buokvd. ! ti«- -*rtß#i#aa. DEAD WOMAN FOUND BURIED IN QUICKLIME (By United Prtaa.) Oakland, Cai.. Not. ss.— ii» \u25a0 *«a| that A. M v. tlkiua not only maUni T«r>« Wallace, who wan tan v Ma wife, but al.v» made! tns «lta two mm. Sheriff liar-; \u25a0\u25a0*. Uatrttt Attom«y Ilrown and k|*i ate at work today disc-, *! 9 t)i« r*rd hi the M of *> alula* lull on Grand iw. CeiarM, In their warch for the *\u25a0. of T. K. Klmmun* and at mm Ma a»nw.i i:ir! IW body of Vcrna Walla< *««! *w-1 tact nlcht In the Wilklni" i \u25a0**. «k*r« It had bc»«n burled In ' i*«i'n>* Mm iiu <(1^ *ri.1 ta*t, **», a«4 aa^Klmmou. «:riki?.« •ama, wr,o waa Urln« at the Wll-j «m ana*. and K.irl. who waa | *aia^ on the place, dropped out ' « ««ht thortiy afterward. th«» KaoriOn are con?lnred that all >Maat th« tame fate. *iais». «bo was arrp*««d Wat I : night, denlca having murdered anyine. lie »ay» hi* "wife" cum- milted suicide, and that ho burled her to conceal the fact that «';<• bad taken b«r own I!'-. Although '!»•<< lorw-.l ami < \u25a0tufc* >i! '\u25a0'\u25a0•' i for hoars, he baa at no time ahown any *l*n» of tirraklns down. Ida 1 Iron n.-r ic •\u25a0 -.en feat* up under the ordeal of belnx bruuicht to tha open straro containing the decomposed '• body of the woman. Verna Wallace was about 3% ><nn of axe. How the died I* [not known, but the aathorUlmi b#- ll'-vo that a chemical anu!>»t« of ili» stomach. 111 reveal trace* of . | ••\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"!>. No theory to account for th« murder of the woman ha* yet boon formulated. At for the two men i who are minting. It la thought that they i»\irt!"l «i>irn-ifiirn of tho fata of Venn v\.(!ii<i- and wpr* \u25a0lain N»for« they could report their dis- covery to the police. BRIDGE COLLAPSES. RARCEIJJNA. Nov. 2C—An •«- >"\u25a0 tr»i» from Valencia wtlh *•»» >usras*rs on txiard fpll from »tetta Inta the wati-r bflow th« WJiiiU of this city. !.; ti.-.-n pM» •*• \u25a0»"• killed ami 22 tnjorcd In *»»i«tk. "iiiTluuS~Oal Ias. "TTfiItUIMJ, Nov. 2«—At a *^n« of tha officer* of thu .-ran.l ** of El«« h»- I I. -.. ii report •« r»c«iT»ji from tho committed ™* toTemlgatod th« posslblllUMi ••"iJUs, Tpx., as a convention r*J. «*d It vu agreed to hold th» wnrenuon of th» r.:,, m that "v. \u0084„'"*«• Pt» B ue Report. nUN'CIHCO, Nov. 28 |iUkii<. report iru r*« or tin, b,,» r ,| of hsaiu, to- J. WTerlnn the pant 48 hours: j|**«* r •«»p«:ti, ow< ra«i vnriflod. "* »wn«l to datn. C 3 deathn. 3d m cared, 9 remaining. »*EK» NEWS OF MAN. WlJlJe r',,r, of *,07 Mt. riea»nnt ij.'fnwiown, 0., ha» wrllt.<t» JJiK Smith a*kln« fcr Informa- C. .*• tbn wlu-roalMiuta of i.ik """. Th»Klore Collins, colored. '«... *TiM"t4 to worktnfi on THIS FACE 52500 MARIE DREBBLER WllL VISIT ttATTLi. WANTS $5,000 FOR IMPRISONMENT t'l.ilmliii; to I***!*, l«Hin forcibly in it>»ti>i| on a churßn of inlty, held In the count)' ).ui fur a nutU" I'm of •i.irit and Ili'll M'li'il \u25a0•.!. I'lillllp J. Martall, formerly a i. «l il.'iit of \\ •\u25a0\u25a0.! s.Miili'. ni.tiiy fll. il a t-l.iim with 'in i-oiiniy commlfwlon- •|« for I&.0U0. Muili-ll r<uii|tl.ttiiu that ho «iii taken In ruHtody* dtir- Idk '..• month of January, IHi, and xx-an compound to otn-upy a coll with couftrmod criminal! thai he wua taken without dua pixicnKii of law and that In- la nuw «ntllltHl 1,, coin- |x<n«atlon from the couuty In ill" amount statin), * \u25a0' •-> BRINGING INSANE BOY HOME August Frank*. the Brattle boy who went Insane while In nubias !i>ii. l> C. will ii-.i.•!. thla \u25a0!!> to morrow afternoon trum the nation- hl capital. H. la in charge of Guard A. i: mi ami D A. UU* cock, if list- hoapitat "faff »ii.-u> the young i"»'i ha* heen letnpora* rily confined In Waahtnicton. In! ibli f i BETTER PAY FOR NAVY IS RECOMMENDED The •;\u25a0'<!«! nary yard commit- •.»\u25a0«• of the Chamber of Cooiwerce . i.»ljt i afniiinmnlmi innpmllm on ! the part of the chamber id aware uirr»«M>4 pay tat the nwa of the navy. The r ••o.nim--ml.it Urn* wer* adoptml. No Increaar* of pay hare b«M made In the navy tor 37 year*. WALSH THE LIE (By United Praaa.) CIUCAOO. Not. SB—New WIT tiMMM took the atand In the Waliih trial today and denied that they | •lcn«*l the notes on «blrh their |namm appeatvd. itrmt of th*>m •on ofnclala of tha WaUh roads. The c.ivi-r»i<ii"nt claim* that m «! of the Walah •ada were '\u25a0• t ••»« of ru*t throuxh a •»»»lat* f.T«it ~ Trual Men Indictad. NKW YORK, Nov. 26.—The Krnod Jury handed up l i.n-Kfnt ni-tit today In tb* Jenklna Trust company \u25a0\u25a0»»•• of Hrooklyn, contaln- Inn the namea of thrro m«-n who were Indicted. The name* we not be made public until the three men are arrested. Murdart Old Swtttheart. CI.EVRI.AND. <X, Nov. SS. —\u25a0111 bert Frl«nd, n;-"«l 19. today fatally ahot Mm. Mattle Walker, a iwiwt- heart of *rhonl <S.i) v and (>!.\u25a0! U> kill himself. They |>arted five yeara ago. KrU-ri'l aaya that hn rnuld nnt atop lovlnc the Kit I. evcu after aha married. -_ Bryan Regiment Get* Cash. UKCOLN. Neb., Nor. 2*.—Ths officers of the IU) ii:i r• \u25a0»-11u• ut. tho Third Nebraska,, havo limn ullowrd ' %',.2".< liv ttm national guvtirnmeml. Th« allowance li for tlmo between enrollment and muxtertng Into the I-'..'\u25a0iiiiin-nt «ervlr<\ during th* \u25a0pan i American war. Balloon Trip It On. PITTHKIKI.I), Mum., Nov. 16.— l.'o .-\u25a0:. v.-ti i v today piloting nil balloonist* toward Hoston In an ef- fort to capture thw cup offered by tho lloitun Hornld for thu aeronaut who land* noarnat tha center of Boston common. Railroad Dills Signed. MONTOOMBRT, Ala.. Nov. 2fi Gov, Comar linn Hißni'd all of th« railroad ri'Kulntlon dill* panned by thn t<xtra M<<iiKlon of thn Alahanm l«'»-l \u25a0 I.ii'ii" It In Ixllrvfil ii, it con- Umta iii-..itii«i tho new laws will bo filed thin wci-k. President's Turkey Shipped. WESTERLY, 11. 1., Nov. 28—Tha TliankMKlvlnK turk«-y which Itoraco Vinui annually M>nd!t to tlin picsl- dent of tha I.'nltml Ht.ilui liax bi-<>n slilpiK-d by him to Mr. Itoowvnlt. Till* •.'hi bird. howi'Vcr, wan ruined by J. 11. Hrown. It weighs 2H IMHIII I 1 iHi iU IUI NOVKMBKK 26. IW7. SOCIETY TO PREVENT ABUSE OF DIVORCE LAWS With lla lirtitilp^ ..|,)i-il» tho mr« and pntMtton of ohlldm, " OOrrtCtfoi of Ilii' mlntlnK divorce Vila and 1.1 I'm -uiiiMKn Illllfiillll ill vnirn lawn, Hillclnn of liii-tirpuiit tton for tho Witniiiiu-.ieii Sm-ii'iy for in.- I'lniiM-tiiin of (.'hltdran wrro HI- I Mil I ..mil Aiulltur Agmtw ymUTilujr. ld> M A. Matthdwn, of Hi, Klikl I'mabytrrian chtirrh, la th« flmt pii'Hlil.Miiuf tho aocloty; I-' II W till worth, vlen proildont; C. \V Kim- liall, Kocri'lHry, and A. A. Jouua, ti.Mini.il, The board of iiunt.-.-n InrtmlM, In Hililitlun to thriin of- fin-i-i. Iho nmnna of 11. J. Ouvld- mm, K. 1,, Kmii.-ii and I). M Ainu li-». W. D i .»\u25a0!•• Is M|t|><iirit>-<i m toriicy for lha »iirloty, and John Vaup«*ll, prpmnit humane officer, will art In hi* official (ttimrlty fur tin* \u25a0>\u25a0 riinl'»tii>ii The i-!i|.Tin of ihn nurlHy am Ki.u.il 1.. lit* niiiiiMiiniiai. charltalilß, STEAMSHIP COMPANIES IN BITTER RATE WAR It li to »i« a wat lit tho knlfn l«'!*nnii tlio two iruiiKiMMtnlluii i ni:i|.iiiili>« .i|»'i»ilhk on Hi* Htiiill" VutM-.un m . 11. C, iiiuiiv 1.v.-it *,%'• k tho Inland Navigation company, op- •mints Iho lriH)uol». rut tb« old ••mj!iiui,..«i r»tn of |i uiis witr and 13 fur tin' round trip to %t nnd 13 50. Today Cook A Co.. |»<I»I MAN CHARGED WITH STEALING2SCENTS AND A CHEAP JACK KNIFE Tli' penitentiary doom mar ••\--t lor X r Wcllb. all for a I *..!>! a<aca and a cttnap Jackknlfa »alur« at iht- •«in.' arm..int. which he ti aatd to li.ivd taken from K. Met xtng I'ttMuKuUng Attmiii -> Mack Intoah tmi-iy HU-.I IntormaUoa It (he auiwrior coart cti«icJ9* \V«lh with tn«* rrlii of I >i<. uy frtut Hi.- in hum. and ha will arraign »d Iwfona I' It,' Morrta .111 mi Saturday morning. tM-iinviiliiiit it ml riillr.liitm, in i»r-*- --vint ninl iinnUli inn It ) In hit ••it. ••nfnivo and ii'ii'iiM «rf«cllv« Nluln law axnlnat till' I'lllpllH Illi'tll of 'clilldton In fiM'iiiili-it, «hopi anil dUnWlifirn, for t'm ' 'itn|iiil Mil ) i-iln t-itiliiii of i-iiiitiri i! and .ill luw> of 1110 Ulllli. for tun ;il,ih , ll.i|| ilf I till .ll.'ll TtlO itnrll'ly 111 mi n I 111 I'll 111 l 11l 111 to limvi'iii nml imnlnli crunlly to wom- en nil I'lillilii-n. to puiiiil nliun <1 » iiikiil mill <li<i«>>iiliiii uf wlvi-ii, and to imiiMiit hli'iji.-h 'if tint ill mi™ lawn nnd |m i .I'm <i puulih- Ilii'llt of nnrh affennna. The mtirlKN of i liiiirtlliili klvm tin' Kurli'iy thii 11»-lit to employ lit- t.nni')* and Hp|Milnt mtciiti, oatab- Hah branch** In inn vmioua rouu- Ili'M of tin* i.iutH, pi'iiiiuli' and in fiiiiruf,i< li-clnluiluii fur tin* lii'Ht-r prolnctlnn of woman Mid ohildren, and to t'»tnMinh and conduct huiiii'H, xi-liikilh. orphaimcea anil iw>hiniH fur chlldl lint thn Kanmtta an<l the WatalMtla, ••ill tli» luUnil NavlKnllnn com- pany on* battar, and IjvKlnulng I" nlKlit Ihn fart* to Viiiirouvi-r will ii« ii *iu-h w»» 'rim op|HMlttun company lisa not made any an- nouoeentAut \u25a0\u25a0 to whether It will iin»i Ihla iui«<, but undoubtedly •111 \u25a0 '' ' ""' "' " MOST PERFEQ CLOAK MODEL A COUNTESS IN DISGUISE; HOW SHE KEEPS FORM Mita KatHerfne M. Dtro*r or th* Count yen Dzlengel. \u25a0ing a Cloak. (Seattle Star Cmctualva Service.) NKW YORK. No*. Si,—A com mon lawtutt whoroln Ullor aued fur waxra. pr<ir«i to I*, of MMCMaV moil lnt>>~-it wlmw a lady with putiutt fiit-.iin ai^K-.r-d an vii« of th» »H:i.\u25a0•»?\u25a0• ita«ffa«!« Cajtan.-111. a milt HÄ» alxnrr. brousht artlon !>.-. •»•• i.« »•» ftrrd l»i|"ir hta ).«r » ooo- traet m»» up. TJ.« firm rialm*! to hay« !,<-rn Jnstiflml In ilim. h«f»ti.ir tho iln- «lm»T on thn rronod that he did not get along haroumlonaly with th* rn>|.l» ahotit whim.- nmintooiia fnrma h<« d^slcned ctmta and toita. To auataln thla claim Mlm Kath- <-:li'<- M 11-Tt'-r was i-nIV.I l.i th« ; wltnraa ulamt Qiirntlona by law- ynra (!••».\u25a0!\u25a0.i»>.| tha fart that ih« »m a pptf»rt mmjnl —fl»« fj^it •\u25a0\u25a0"•n in»%*»*»« hUh. bunt .14. walct •\u25a0•', and hips 43 Inthea. Tb« ront- plot* tnaainrcrornta of parfoct flKtim ara aa fallows: IMjtbt ...5 font 7 Inrhrs UrUtht 147 pounds Color if hair l*)i<Mrt>iat i>rowo Color of cyea Hatol WaUt moaiura ........24V£ Inrh^s 11.i.l Inrhrs Illpa 41 lachaa Piles' B«erttary at Work. WASHINGTON, ft C... Nor. K'l<>' L. i .11, who trail —rontly, appointed by Kenator I'llea to nil i! p vacanry loft by 'ho resignation of Thomas I'aina aa tit* Mmator'a |itlv:i'i" secretary, baa arrived Id U.i .l.limton and M taken up hi* IWW dutlrs. Your money la aaft wbt-n rlpponlt. \u25a0 •! In the Hank of Dlvtno Origin :<\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 nur ad. on (>!««>< 6. Mutual Heal' Co.. 301 Pton»wr BMj ••• : system ; \u2666i In n.'if U hut —i«b*a bank «e- --* I'ui *• i a Hit** •--; V .in In ir>« . - \u25a0 B i l<» ftintninl \u25a0! rn-i t itmta* ft * a* i' i »\u25a0 i'!"f t i. f «• ('\u25a0- i \< -t ». » - a j ft \u25a0! ir < wit hunt un ft t*•'(\u25a0-••. i i thlßKa anil ih«n -»• h |h* n,t fi-a in yntr \ \u25a0*• •* '-\u25a0\u25a0 k * «*«.,!\u25a0! t.l- II \u25a0 I U .!.\u25a0\u25a0)**\u25a0 tO _ . ••-ii ««v|f«c« «\u25a0<\u25a0-\u25a0•!(! on whlih * <r« par 4 r>«T fi-i t uhu' ism. 1 <1 « * «»lnl annu->ltjr, I \l II || rrn.T I MM \u2666I IIM.MSaMI * fj ' tJl' '\u25a0 'If \u2666 FOURTH AND PIKE BT. * A*************** , Wnlla la »]!.,:<\u25a0.! 1., bar* raltnd Mi-irini; aa If intending U> »i<-.ii. i«i Itlm. wttlla the two nun warn on tin- rti, .-t In tha aouih «ii«t of thn city, ami then forcibly »nu- aratlng Mottlbg fium bla raluablra, which consiiiod of tha 13 n lit* In MMjr and Uut Jarkknlfn. An Information was alao filed to- day In th« «;ii"iliir court charging Aiil.ur Wllltama with tha crlmn of >|i«i«lniy. He will U> Arraigned on {Balurday. (Saudi* Star* r.«tlu»lv» Service.) IIIII.ADKI.I'IHA Nor. 18.—Thl« U Hi" Im.iy Kiar.dli la the linllml Ktatns mint All 111* country la calling fur IIIUIH-) t I :v• i>• bit of ruin nmkltiK ma- chlnery In tba big liiaill'iiltiu I* working ovortlme. Hlrrami of blight new ruin, nil rer him! gold*!), ifit- I" from the I is: muiiry stamping . -\u0084«» Mil Itona of dollar* worth of bullion la coming to lh« mint from all dl- rorlion*. for .oliiaie<" Httrretary Cort^lyou hai ordpmd the tolnago of 160.000.000 Is 20- --•fiii.tr R»li] iil.ti'k within the next tlino month*. I lt<i mint machln- ••iy baa m caparltx of 4,000 of i!ir«« fiiitii an bour. IM i-<rln» then la an tnalatrat M.«i.iimf (h»rti I* an ln*l»i<ni demand from all ornr tbe mvii iry for <iu»r coin of th« amallor I dennmlnatlona. Tha mini offlctala barn bc«n wholly unabla to sup- lily ear rat la. Day ami night rrrin«>r«. aasar- < t«. vkklifh and tin' rountl««a i.iln-r «l»-<-l»ll««l wurkera har« !».-n working overtime, «km of lh«a» II and 16 hotira a HÄ»» Tbcy lm*e aurcrrdfd only In Btr- Ing i-.ii li city .•••• than half what m •iti.iti'vj. I'rri-mptory >!\u25a0 n;u<!i bara baao mad* for an unlimited aamutt of Vaauviu* Active. NAim.K.-i. Nor. U— Mount V«-kut. lv». »fu>r two month* of iDactlrlty, la cintlttlng 'ida of dona* amok a, »<\u25a0<(iiii|>i«ii!4ii by "J!ißi'!<r«ii!ii roar- ing, frum (bra* [uttin-i around tba old cratatr. CLERGYMEN UP IN ARMS. (By United Pr... NEW YOHK. No*. IS Smrwi of iWrumn (n N..» York are up In arm« agatnat th« order of ih« board Thw. *::.:•:...» iBChMI Kn«« IT l»rh<'« C4tf ; 15 iacben Anklw .8 lurh«« Wit*' ...„ «Vi Incbea jl^nicth of arm \:\ lnch«* ,Slm of nlo»o 6^4 |Bl*ri of ahnn 3^ Ml» li"ti;»( »Ua »«.,i that aba waa In fart the Conntpua »on l»l«n|«l of, dcrmaoy. BM had , «-ho«nn iha former cair.n timiuM ! sh« did not wlab to link th* 111 (rlnqt fj'i.ib HM with her occu- j I r!!..:> aa a u,.>.1. I Mix C.i.i mi \u25a0.» aba |>rr«iTT>'< I'.i-r I.\u25a0!.;•;. un.i form by taking I plenty of outdoor excrt-lto, \u25a0!•\u25a0:\u25a0 br«athln« .-larrl*** In the morning and by «atlng only on* full mral a day. 11. broskfaat la rmirlrtnd jto rolla and cofft-o and ah« «at» a > llciit lunch at rolililay. "Daa't wor- jry" \u25a0»>! "H« ehporful." ara two Ira- i (mtiant mica In her Ufa. tIJKUI.IS. Nov. til—A movement to G«rnianl*« i'ruMlan I'ul.unl ha* .. tmen Inaugurated. A bill asking for j $100,000,000 with which tn buy out I (ha is.uiv land uwnars ha. Im-.h j Introduod. This Is the Best Bargain We Know of Today In a dealrtbla mnull hotun, and |.'.i>'i im-Ii will i.ii.i' It. Cottage of 4 i\u25a0\u25a0him.-i and hnth, on f>o ft. Int. too rt. dacp, with (in.' vli-w. 2 iiior-1..-1 from car. I'll' $1,(50. Joseph E.Thomas &Co !••« ruiinriila-iI 109 Cherry St. Entrance to Lowman Bldg. UNCLE SAM S MONEY-MAKERS WOAK OVERTIME 0N 60LD AND SILVER 7 _ t LOWtR Hll.lllHI: NEW UNI TED BTATEH MINT AT PHILA DELPHIA. UPPER PICTURE Wl H.MING GOLD COIN AT THE MINT. THERE IS OVER |1,000,000 IN THIS ROOM. dlmea, quarter*, half dollar* mi dollar* Within the Isat two week $2,000,000 In Hold ha* been coltiel Kverjr tepw in,. "I haa '•• n orderu to get buay. About f 10.000.000 In bull. I already within t!in vault*. .Mm la MM It I* all >.. (»\u2666• coin* Without iM.iy- Maoalrf new mi Hilm'tj haa l.iii add»d Int.!/ an la now being tried for the flm tlnifl, Tory aatlafartorlly. Tl. mint offlclala are confident hi' can romp!' the taok on linn' The new Itioe of gold i*aKl« will htm 46 alar* amand the ode Innti'id of 45 aa heretofore. Ol laboma having br«om« a \u25a0!•!< None will carry tho motto "to <;<> Wo Triut." Thta motto waa adde in ivr.H by Hum. Jan Pollocl with the aanction of l*r»-«l-l«-n Uurhanan. and after nearly L yt*ara haa i«-i-n taken off by I'rci ld»-ut ItoniMVelU Th» icold bullion supply come to Philadelphia by i-iiiri'H and I delivered In ordinary «xprc« *HK<>li* In rharee of two men The offlrlala laugh at dancer < theft. The bullion la in bar*, m ruti'ly ixi «»•<]. and ao heavy to th bos that a man could not run tw aqiiTra with it without bernmln exhausted. lof ediK-atlun provldlns that th 1 worda "Chrlat and Christina*" mut : not apt"'•' In the hymna and am i niiaa In tho public acbool* and it.a liner* muni be do ChrUlmaa ccl< ! tiratkta, DECLINES GIFT. Averse to entabliahtng \u25a0 procedet which would '\u25a0- controlllnit on Hi Japanese residents of the city I (!!<• fiiturw. Conxul Saburo HIM 1 mldin yesterday refu*«d to MM SENSATIONAL OrPERING Men's Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats Special $9.75 We have gathered together all broken lines remaining from the early season's selling and marked them at one low price for SPEEDY CLEAR- ANCE. Included at this sensational price reduction are about 500 Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats which have heretofore sold from $12.50 to $18.00. These Suits include blues, blacks and fancy patterns, in both sin- gle and double breasted styles. They are broken lots, some one, two and three of a kind, but embrace all sizes from 32 to 46. The price at which we offer these Suits docs not represent the mere cost of materials. They will surely sell quickly—so be on hand early. Choice— formerly m & t formerly $12.50 %J J *^^ $12.50 $15 and ¥% M m and $18.00 Xj./ \*J % M <*J $18-°° Between <J^> __** Between Seiond idj^^ \u25a0R'lTKllli^ l0n(' und and iF 216 PIKE ST. W SEATTLE. WASH. Ayes. A? Co. a cost I r loving cop prMwnffl'l to him liy promlnnnt Ju|<hih-»« liukl- hi'** \u25a0•li, huj'mk; thai tlm liiofi<f{i> rmilil V »p«nt to much belter utir- liow If contributed toward bilp- Ing nluiiK th" plan* of the iirop«si»lg) lii|ni'ii-:ri' lull li'iimf Ttin i-oiiiiui. will: hi* wlfi and (Irtiichlcr. ««ll.(1 fur hi. Orlunl thin morning m tin Kaga Mam. city COUNCIL BRIEFS. fis _____ Tho territory Ixitwimn Hallarri li 11 I th» W'iMl 'I I •\u25a0•\u25a0 II |\u0084il;n Krhiiul lion bo In to >i:iv« cm ili ••! ulri'itd and k.-wi'ih. 'Ill" Colt will 1..n alujiil 125.000. (in account of tiro holiday Tliur»- -ilay tho utrfct committee will mwt at 2 o'clock Wednesday, and tho charter eommlnalon will ml to- night. Dr. M. A. Mftfthnw* and a large niirnher of other p*»tlllon«>r« m- i|M' \u25a0"'\u25a0 '\u25a0! the city council taut night to cloko th* vaudeville theaUira/m Sunday Tho matter wan referred to th« t>o!lr« rommlttco. Th<i park hoard, in \u25a0 minimal— lion 111«-.» with tha council laat i)!»'M. auks that Ihmly to turn over for park pur(\u25a0•>ri'« th» Z'A acroM of city |irii|»Tty lyliiw on lii-iKdii hill. Tim :i|>ii>.lii(Mi<iit of H P. KattlA- \u25a0on and II I' :<<'»iinn \u25a0\u25a0 »jm-. [in!lri> without pay, *xtra xuard* .li Urn chain KaiiK. »-ic referred to i lii« police commitu-a for Investi- gation, Thn ordlnanca extending; 1 >trr and Nlckenon ays. In 'North So- ii'Mc. wai Introdurnd last night Tho ordinance cbanclnti thn rnw nf Wr .ilal.i- boulevard a!.inn l.akn fulfil waa alao Introdttced. In i'ilm from tho ii». 1,1 Wash- Inictim Van accppt<>d by tha coon- rll laxt iiU:lit to lota 1 and 2. block 7h, i.nki- Union Kboro l^inda. An appropriation of fIO.UOO was tnada In ao I r. nice last night to ' carry on the work of the plague i expert*. The IlKtita w#r«i out for M IMB*- | ii'ih in tha council chamber lut ' night, and after a ftvenilnuta m- <i«mh the lawmaker* resorted to I r.m'lli-« i T. (' Tc|ili-:nun and others wk«d i the council la*t night to construct a Karba««< dock at 24t_ a*. N. W. 1 Mf**ienarlc* Want Million.. j NEW YORK. Nov. 2«.—The board . of foreign mlimlonn of the f'reaby- terlan chorea has authorlzc<] a «p<v , rial campaign for the raiainic of al- , mott $4.i»<)i),iiii'i, to be uf>i»l In , Korea, where the field la now fa- ltard<>d as «-n;~-.• •.»11v promiatnc i Carving Sets Carving Beta—the Ix-at made—for 1 ThnnkMKiviiiK at, : Christtna*. at 1 roaftoualile price*, at Haifa. 1111 \u25a0 First ay ••• ; $1.00 Billings & SperArer Combination Pliers, 79c f yf»A wnrnch and «cr#w *!rlr*ir e*»m> R/bl h».« ik« nnt wm <w>l f*ljfi£4 "f "ii'^linliin of Iffolfl Va,fo« * |V^rV*()t<-l1 T"u on* •* much I HSjtJ^J '• r«« la « «»!'» «alcb ur \u25a0 rk^yVl •»» >j<i.»r r- ..«u» r-'m ' \!B)Jr\'l ""<'" '•\u25a0.I o'f.-r.I la l~ wi«te- I fki>''^if '•\u25a0'l •\u25a0• *'l '""«k«" u»« t\«- I "\u25a0'" II * No« U Ihrn """ r\**i '' \u25a0\u25a0*'• " '-' *v *"•* f*l a^P^HK ««fl«tbl« CtirUlmtl lirf*«*nt. ' l?3r vsl >\u25a0:•*! i" tar vl4r«M. 1>« 1 iif nl "In "n Mil ui.iil l>~r»m- .". , \u25a0/ \\ ! " * ll"' » B m \u25a0 c-imb I i t"I" '\u25a0" inrh BA a Onnb II Bl I'l.t. Hit \\ li"" n.ii Tower * l.r»» \\ // '"•"" **• \\ 91 %\ •« « In. h Tovot * I-r n U »/ I-..-. sa« ¥\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0«\u25a0<*> ''Kit K!i. Ca I I mi-ii 4*a \u25a0 I. M. Spinning t 13 10 Second Ay.

The Seattle star (Seattle, Wash.) 1907-11-26 [p 7]€¦ · city still holds key to Tie street situation 1-«.«m«top««« nf"NoM'n'*OLn part of th« f"y. ••>'« «• ff**1

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Page 1: The Seattle star (Seattle, Wash.) 1907-11-26 [p 7]€¦ · city still holds key to Tie street situation 1-«.«m«top««« nf"NoM'n'*OLn part of th« f"y. ••>'« «• ff**1

city still holds key toTie street situation

1-«.«m«top««« nf"NoM'n'

*OLn part of th« f"y. ••>'« «•ff**1 "Vj bark at tho ,»»Un.aiU«W "i., ,4 th« tamitua "Macklti-JJ*jlSj--.at IU»r"«J »*\u25a0 «n^

«S,M,cWntw>h Strip wm a pl*MYlf «U» and t*o or thrw hutv

tf^*U<u 'y""8 *'""*lliUlivn<li

**.-nii<- and Kllll! at., which, afffra I.H'C tli<K« Of lit lull, »«»ito tlio railroads.

Now tliir* ha* hi*«*n tiiwarthmla atrip of ground II Inrhoii wld«$% <iin> mil. 63 fi'iIIuiK. and iu|>«>r-triit to a iir.il!.- |x)lnt at tha otltor.Thlt new at Ip lli-» hotwi<<<ti i!n<M.«ri.ini>«iili Strip and Kill* it. and,l» Jiut i-iio\mh in Ui".|i tha (irranntfiwnnra of that cround away fromtll.< HtlV."t.

'*\u25a0"* \u25a0'"\u25a0 \u25a0' " '-~' i1 "TV" \u0084—\u25a0.—-»


,'V««sl d'rtra' «Tror ba» leil

h*««. tn»Utut«*t In th« »<»•*JL reurt twUy. whoroln th«r^tuwl ne*»y Co. U «o«*Mr«W^owr IW" f^«" KI«»K

* iV Th» amount is w»l<i toi«t'•• o»<"rchar«w» thrvmith

••""rirf as»ln*« «'lpm flir »iJirffllS »«*"*»

of lantl- *lleni6««W '•" f*l"b"«n

n\ni upon onlj i; r"> m-i<•*.

The company rtplaiua (hat ablank rhiu'K wan left at tha «.-<"iutymiilUor's office for i-.i>u-..nt of thrlriiixi-i anil ttmt Hi.- t'niiiits auilltorftii..,i it uut (nr i::.i ::>, utiug mvaimutnt up>m th« .:\u25a0.' > aritut, whvnth«> pmi'.i tax ahuulil havu bMI*!'>\u25a0< 21. l«urln« tht< tntrt as IS S3

£LKS' SHOW TONIGHT\u25a0nrftkiDjt la In rt-aiStneM at tho

feu* f*r tkt> ail «t*nlnn tonUhlI tatf '""- - "A NlKiit «n »»»>y^ »aloh l« !>' >>• J>rf«rnt«'dww»»Bty Odd Hfe* •>'"l l)*ani ofZ, btil orsaabatl""* A big dt«»»zLtntl «ith th« «iixhp«tn» wa»ujTmurdxr aR«T««K>», and th<>»*

Jw «»rt prtvtlfrrd to lake a jw*p

am lor th* anutrur* » bis MO£*'ti>r.igM wht<n thry iroawl th«v«fj« la ««r««*(

-a NU»i Ja D<ihcmla" wm writM if Tomtuy •\u25a0 \u25a0• « for araatsum(Wgtt Wfcllv to a rrrat e«-Mt tKißplttylnS th* ti'Sh lileaUtf MM B* order. It I* not «***«<n.

e.t? M Bll»* play, but la * rat-

M •*»! \u25a0»>«' • rct«.-.!». full ofmm**- M bright, tnnrftil and,«kl tran S«'»''' :»I of tho ntitn-

that «*f» nlwra«4 jr«*i*Tja<

ijl^Moa m *«tm.Hl to h»f»n>»

popular on th.> \u25a0treats with theklda, Tlumi- mo » half «l >.•.» goodt-hi«ri!i.-« that nr«i worthy whittlingfmn) the gallery, or In tact troiu

! nn\ part <>f th« l-.i<u-i>.Ainung i In- «|..-*-li»ttlra latar-

»l <-i-.-.l in thn plot, fur tlu>m In a••\u25a0II il-'ftmi ni.it running through"A Night In tVihrmla." am "Wander

tin the iirieht Moonlight." quintet..<•,„„«. Tak* a Skate With M«.Katie." Tho ChatM'les r*n«n Cay

raree." '•Violet \«a a Uald«nK:tir," lu.tlana oil Hroadway," "Hl*H.<;-Kiiiß." »i. Impersonation •>? Mi<>

>lli>«« Meivlll*. ' Kunt-y Ut'.l.< N.tncj-." and a bin roitllr-y. the clualngof the first art, which Inrlndesamong mtt.T total s{*rla!t!c>s."t>ro«nilnjt." "I Hav»> Salit My lj»«t

rar«w*H." "When tho ltltht IJttl«jtllrl Cornea Alonjt." "Take a C«r.""Uulnx Ilia Duty" and \u25a0 K»«rr

! »lwr»"

Warmn H. St.inn. whn for W. pantfly« )«*nr« lim noon Kiand chief ofttu» Itroihtiihood «»f l^nniotlvti ICn-RlnmM-a, will visit K.iattlu l-'ihUvand Mntut^r of this w.-.'i. on hitaln«*ii» of tliH lirotliPihood. t»n Hat-m.!;i» ho will addron* lih'kl «<n-Rimini In tholr l."l«n room, at 1923Hml a*.

ON THE FRONT»ii<<nmk!ii|i Uovnrttor arrived Oil'

morulug Jinm Piiiii-o.

Tin* ti itiii< 111 npi !."J tU t.« ,iffth« <l! y.i.K and »mi north Thura-, day,

: With 300 i..mi'ni'l'ii ami • full :cargo tho Kitnu Clara null.- i ihi»forenoon for ('atnlla and i-.it« towestward Alaska.

TU« City of r«i.-1.1.t sailed U.lii morning f->r l"iU.-.>

Wires to Tattmih »»> down and' th» »i-.illn-r t-«ii<tttl»iia an- un-

, known.

, Th« Kajsa Mara ».iit>-.| fnr th«, Orient at nova.


(By United Pr*M.) fUSS \ rR.^NCIBCO. Sot. *«.—j

gtwWd by a awrwim to a hidden ;

tat at cv»ia. lll»W and Rold. ats» fc>m*r tit* of the rhftppeil*BaW at N»r'.h lu-ji-h. l.»-«jn

\u25a0--... John K.ntj-. two boya.v - two jnti> bates of trvaa-a tad wi their a«tclilwra r>n an\u25a0deaf avart-h for wealth.Miof " - Ond mched the po- j

la tad early thla morning : I

<*•protpector* w<>r« arre*ti<d

ai mi% of h'srrn-J and tnott^dmt Mil Kuld ar« held aa ev|.

He* waicit Uwttn. Thousands ofMet Mwrvted In the rambttnitaawrr Iwfur* the fir.- by • miser-S«»«naa were ua««Ter>><! Th«*\u25a0*• Ha. • L>J a .-•.-. ihoS.fer;- tnt and tew pn>«ii«cUremm of the U«>< bate already

\u25a0«\u25a0 . * ct» om the owner-m

tunai Started Oolnga.In akre Murd<M-k la the wnireaa

**>, It » »Ui'->n. \u25a0»* toid of theh*-'« tr»*- >• She set th« two

kfi Urn Thomaa. who litv* athrhfaa and John Fretta* to d!K---(M is (a* lot. Which tt «!:ua>.-i!«Cmt at b«-tw«-n Stockton andft*riLiviriii aftrrnomi th« boyt

arMtbrir work, and In two hour*Maaartbttd nearly tt.OtK). Theiran »!'r»r*.-1 the attention ofaa>»n and anon the boy« were)M ky other treasure ae«ker«.(aft torn women removed antall\u25a0"in" i \u25a0

Inforntation i•\u25a0< >'i> •••! by ShcriftSmith la that K/aakn In too dancer-ous to be M largn ami he will botakon to the state aiylan tot in*ta— IJS^^tDOESN'T WANT TO

PAY SUIT MONEYAliening that he was tiring with

hi* wife and providing far her onthe afternoon of November J. thedate he wa* aerred with % (unimcsna

and romptalat, artldartt aAd t»-

»'mii-ti.K order. la a divotre a«ttoaInstituted unknown to him by hia

! wife, l-.i.-11.. Curtis. 13014 T. Cartla,an employe of the l*aclflo Coastcompany. i.«'iv fltml a statementin dia HaW \u25a0"\u25a0' |Mrt •-.(«: me ad»mar..- a. his wife and her attorney*

' for suit nu««r and HMts. Cnrtla; any* that he is at the pruaei.• timepaytnx his wife's expenses and pro

| riding her with money fur her per-! jacasal »aa

huodkn of enin and returned f •\u25a0'

! more. One man r«n»» ».-m».i» a,[melted Ingot of Kold estimated to'•• valued at |:."<><l. tla iiulrltl)\u25a0!:-..tj<;-»-."irfl.

Pol.c* In Mi.up.With the «p;rad of the ••*<•!!.\u25a0.

in-ut canto thn j"Hit !h>- ufflcorafound Tbomas, who If II yearaold. and J.ihn K:.i! i-i who la 11ymr%, and xvunN) tholr two tar];*•acks of coin. Tlxt bur* «tcr« notarrvoted. aa it\u25a0«•» ald«<t tbo i-*>h<-..In i'i.«ntifvinx tb« dtKKPra. Am -.;•

Immediately brpan. and two patrol{ w.-.-.nn Utada if h i«.i:<i-r i *.wr' lvs.u.-.i at th« 11't prison.

The pollr* nn- nnw antlima U>' learn who own* thr thousands ofdoltar* that fca«o eomt» t-» lisht

f after IX toiiatha* ThoCtmppella nous**, a richtty atruet-'!>•• , in-InK *' ;«tv»i.«. was ranby Mra. I.r=.a C*happrtl<>. «bo ili.- Ia If* \u25a0••»-\s before ih«> fir- Antyvtertoua old woman thereupon

jttxjk chancx of the bona*. and th« I1«-.-«. ?;.•\u25a0! ruin mar ha>- •••••n h.-ri •..\u25a0ir.iinK» Thin old woman per- jlab« 4la the Chap^lto IkMaM and

* no one baa <•>>-r l^arnrd her td»lSUty.

In the ritr prtann many of th»

: prison*™ d»^itro)r<Kl thfl eTid<»nc«ax>lnat ihciu by throwing away:ti-''.-.1 colna. UnlUr* an.l h»U<-«.

! fire orrh.Mi and smoka blackened.! wer«> ?.mtid behind th« dunrkm>p»r'«! desk. Th« prlwuirm w»ra buokvd.! ti«- -*rtß#i#aa.


(By United Prtaa.)Oakland, Cai.. Not. ss.— ii» \u25a0

*«a| that A. M v. tlkiua not only

maUni T«r>« Wallace, who wan

tan v Ma wife, but al.v» made!tns «lta two mm. Sheriff liar-;

\u25a0\u25a0*. Uatrttt Attom«y Ilrown andk|*i ate at work today disc-,*!9 t)i« r*rd hi the M of

*> alula* lull on Grand iw.CeiarM, In their warch for the

*\u25a0. of T. K. Klmmun* and atmm Ma a»nw.i i:ir!

IW body of Vcrna Walla< *««!*w-1 tact nlcht In the Wilklni"i\u25a0**. «k*r« It had bc»«n burled In 'i*«i'n>* Mm iiu <(1^ *ri.1 ta*t,**», a«4 aa^Klmmou. • «:riki?.«•ama, wr,o waa Urln« at the Wll-j«m ana*. and K.irl. who waa |*aia^ on the place, dropped out '« ««ht thortiy afterward. th«»KaoriOn are con?lnred that all>Maat th« tame fate.*iais». «bo was arrp*««d Wat I

: night, denlca having murderedanyine. lie »ay» hi* "wife" cum-milted suicide, and that ho burledher to conceal the fact that «';<•

bad taken b«r own I!'-. Although'!»•<< lorw-.l ami <\u25a0tufc* >i! '\u25a0'\u25a0•' i forhoars, he baa at no time ahownany *l*n» of tirraklns down. Ida

1Iron n.-r ic •\u25a0 -.en feat* up under theordeal of belnx bruuicht to tha openstraro containing the decomposed

'•body of the woman.Verna Wallace was about 3%

><nn of axe. How the died I*[not known, but the aathorUlmi b#-ll'-vo that a chemical anu!>»t« ofili» stomach. 111 reveal trace* of

. | ••\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"!>.No theory to account for th«

murder of the woman ha* yet boonformulated. At for the two men

iwho are minting. It la thought thatthey i»\irt!"l «i>irn-ifiirn of tho fataof Venn v\.(!ii<i- and wpr* \u25a0lainN»for« they could report their dis-covery to the police.


RARCEIJJNA. Nov. 2C—An •«->"\u25a0 tr»i» from Valencia wtlh

*•»» >usras*rs on txiard fpllfrom»tetta Inta the wati-r bflow th«WJiiiU of this city. !.; ti.-.-n pM»

•*• \u25a0»"• killed ami 22 tnjorcd In*»»i«tk.

"iiiTluuS~OalIas."TTfiItUIMJ, Nov. 2«—At a

*^n« of tha officer* of thu .-ran.l

**of El«« h»- I I. -.. ii report•« r»c«iT»ji from tho committed™* toTemlgatod th« posslblllUMi••"iJUs, Tpx., as a convention

r*J. «*d It vu agreed to hold th»"« wnrenuon of th» r.:,, m that"v.

\u0084„'"*«• Pt» Bue Report.W« nUN'CIHCO, Nov. 28 —|iUkii<. report irur*« or tin, b,,» r ,| of hsaiu, to-J. WTerlnn the pant 48 hours:j|**«*r •«»p«:ti, ow< ra«i vnriflod."* »wn«l to datn. C 3deathn. 3d

m cared, 9 remaining.


WlJlJe r',,r, of *,07 Mt. riea»nntij.'fnwiown, 0., ha» wrllt.<t»JJiK Smith a*kln« fcr Informa-C. .*• "» tbn wlu-roalMiuta of i.ik""". Th»Klore Collins, colored.

'«... *TiM"t4 to b« worktnfi on





t'l.ilmliii; to I***!*,l«Hin forciblyin it>»ti>i| on a churßn of inlty,held In the count)' ).ui fur a nutU"I'm of •i.irit and Ili'll M'li'il \u25a0•.!.I'lillllp J. Martall, formerly a i. «lil.'iit of \\ •\u25a0\u25a0.! s.Miili'. ni.tiiy fll. il at-l.iim with 'in i-oiiniy commlfwlon-•|« for I&.0U0. Muili-ll r<uii|tl.ttiiuthat ho «iii taken In ruHtody* dtir-Idk '..• month of January, IHi, andxx-an compound to otn-upy a coll withcouftrmod criminal! thai he wuataken without dua pixicnKii of lawand that In- la nuw «ntllltHl 1,, coin-|x<n«atlon from the couuty In ill"amount statin), * \u25a0' •->


August Frank*. the Brattle boywho went Insane while In nubias!i>ii. l> C. will ii-.i.•!. thla \u25a0!!> tomorrow afternoon trum the nation-hl capital. H. la in charge ofGuard A. i: mi ami D A. UU*cock, if list- hoapitat "faff »ii.-u>the young i"»'i ha* heen letnpora*rily confined In Waahtnicton.

In! ibli f i


The •;\u25a0'<!«! nary yard commit-•.»\u25a0«• of the Chamber of Cooiwerce

. i.»ljti afniiinmnlmi innpmllm on! the part of the chamber id awareuirr»«M>4 pay tat the nwa of thenavy. The r ••o.nim--ml.it Urn* wer*adoptml. No Increaar* of pay hareb«M made In the navy tor 37 year*.

WALSH THE LIE(By United Praaa.)

CIUCAOO. Not. SB—New WITtiMMM took the atand In the Waliihtrial today and denied that they

| •lcn«*l the notes on «blrh their|namm appeatvd. itrmt of th*>m•on ofnclala of tha WaUh roads.The c.ivi-r»i<ii"nt claim* that m «!of the Walah •ada were '\u25a0• t••»«of ru*t throuxh a •»»»lat* f.T«it ~

Trual Men Indictad.• NKW YORK, Nov. 26.—The

Krnod Jury handed up l i.n-Kfntni-tit today In tb* Jenklna Trustcompany \u25a0\u25a0»»•• of Hrooklyn, contaln-Inn the namea of thrro m«-n whowere Indicted. The name* we notbe made public until the three menare arrested.

Murdart Old Swtttheart.CI.EVRI.AND. <X, Nov. SS.—\u25a0111

bert Frl«nd, n;-"«l 19. today fatallyahot Mm. Mattle Walker, a iwiwt-heart of *rhonl <S.i) v and (>!.\u25a0! U>kill himself. They |>arted five yearaago. KrU-ri'l aaya that hn rnuld nntatop lovlnc the Kit I. evcu after ahamarried.


Bryan Regiment Get* Cash.UKCOLN. Neb., Nor. 2*.—Ths

officers of the IU) ii:i r• \u25a0»-11u• ut. thoThird Nebraska,, havo limn ullowrd

' %',.2".< liv ttm national guvtirnmeml.

Th« allowance li for tlmo betweenenrollment and muxtertng Into theI-'..'\u25a0iiiiin-nt «ervlr<\ during th*

\u25a0pan i American war.

Balloon Trip It On.PITTHKIKI.I), Mum., Nov. 16.—

l.'o .-\u25a0:. v.-ti i v today piloting nilballoonist* toward Hoston In an ef-fort to capture thw cup offered bytho lloitun Hornld for thu aeronautwho land* noarnat tha center ofBoston common.

Railroad Dills Signed.MONTOOMBRT, Ala.. Nov. 2fi —Gov, Comar linn Hißni'd all of th«

railroad ri'Kulntlon dill* panned bythn t<xtra M<<iiKlon of thn Alahanml«'»-l \u25a0 I.ii'ii" It In Ixllrvfil ii, it con-Umta iii-..itii«i tho new laws will bofiled thin wci-k.

President's Turkey Shipped.WESTERLY, 11. 1., Nov. 28—Tha

TliankMKlvlnK turk«-y which ItoracoVinui annually M>nd!t to tlin picsl-dent of tha I.'nltml Ht.ilui liax bi-<>nslilpiK-d by him to Mr. Itoowvnlt.Till* •.'hi bird. howi'Vcr, wanruined by J. 11. Hrown. It weighs2H IMHIIII 1



With lla lirtitilp^ ..|,)i-il» thomr« and pntMtton of ohlldm, "OOrrtCtfoi of Ilii' mlntlnK divorce

•Vila and 1.1 I'm -uiiiMKn Illllfiillll illvnirn lawn, Hillclnn of liii-tirpuiittton for tho Witniiiiu-.ieii Sm-ii'iy forin.- I'lniiM-tiiin of (.'hltdran wrroHI- I Mil I ..mil Aiulltur AgmtwymUTilujr.

ld> M A. Matthdwn, of Hi, KliklI'mabytrrian chtirrh, la th« flmtpii'Hlil.Miiuftho aocloty; I-' II W tillworth, vlen proildont; C. \V Kim-liall, Kocri'lHry, and A. A. Jouua,ti.Mini.il, The board of iiunt.-.-nInrtmlM, In Hililitlun to thriin of-fin-i-i. Iho nmnna of 11. J. Ouvld-mm, K. 1,, Kmii.-ii and I). M Ainuli-». W. D i .»\u25a0!•• Is M|t|><iirit>-<i mtoriicy for lha »iirloty, and JohnVaup«*ll, prpmnit humane officer,will art In hi* official (ttimrlty furtin* \u25a0>\u25a0 riinl'»tii>ii

The i-!i|.Tin of ihn nurlHy amKi.u.il 1.. lit* niiiiiMiiniiai. charltalilß,


It li to »i« a wat lit tho knlfnl«'!*nnii tlio two iruiiKiMMtnlluiii ni:i|.iiiili>«.i|»'i»ilhk on Hi* Htiiill"VutM-.un m . 11. C, iiiuiiv 1.v.-it *,%'• ktho Inland Navigation company, op-••mints Iho lriH)uol». rut tb« old••mj!iiui,..«i r»tn of |i uiis witr and13 fur tin' round trip to %t nnd1350. Today Cook A Co.. |»<I»I


Tli' penitentiary doom mar ••\--tlor X r Wcllb. all for a I *..!>!

a<aca and a cttnap Jackknlfa »alur«at iht- •«in.' arm..int. which he tiaatd to li.ivd taken from K. Metxtng I'ttMuKuUng Attmiii-> MackIntoah tmi-iy HU-.I IntormaUoa It(he auiwrior coart cti«icJ9* \V«lhwith tn«* rrlii of I >i<. uy frtutHi.- in hum. and ha will b« arraign

»d Iwfona I' It,' Morrta .111 mi

Saturday morning.

tM-iinviiliiiit itml riillr.liitm, in i»r-*---vint ninl iinnUli inn It) In hit ••it.

••nfnivo and ii'ii'iiM «rf«cllv« Nlulnlaw axnlnat till' I'lllpllHIlli'tll of'clilldton In fiM'iiiili-it, «hopi anildUnWlifirn, for t'm ' 'itn|iiilMil ) i-ilnt-itiliiii of i-iiiitiri i! and .ill luw> of1110 Ulllli.for tun ;il,ih , ll.i|| ilf I till.ll.'ll

TtlO itnrll'ly111 mi n I111 I'll 111 l 11l 111 tolimvi'iii nml imnlnli crunlly to wom-en nil I'lillilii-n. to puiiiil nliun<1 » iiikiil mill <li<i«>>iiliiii uf wlvi-ii,and to imiiMiit hli'iji.-h 'if tint illmi™ lawn nnd |m i .I'm <i puulih-Ilii'llt of nnrh affennna.

The mtirlKN of •i liiiirtlliiliklvmtin' Kurli'iy thii 11»-lit to employ lit-t.nni')* and Hp|Milnt mtciiti, oatab-Hah branch** In inn vmioua rouu-Ili'M of tin* i.iutH, pi'iiiiuli'and infiiiiruf,i< li-clnluiluii fur tin* lii'Ht-rprolnctlnn of woman Mid ohildren,and to t'»tnMinh and conducthuiiii'H, xi-liikilh. orphaimcea aniliw>hiniH fur chlldl

lint thn Kanmtta an<l the WatalMtla,

• ••ill tli» luUnil NavlKnllnn com-pany on* battar, and IjvKlnulng I"nlKlit Ihn fart* to Viiiirouvi-r willii« ii *iu-h w»» 'rim op|HMlttuncompany lisa not made any an-nouoeentAut \u25a0\u25a0 to whether It williin»i Ihla iui«<, but undoubtedly•111

\u25a0 '' ' ""' "' "


Mita KatHerfne M. Dtro*r or th*Count yen Dzlengel.

\u25a0ing a Cloak.(Seattle Star Cmctualva Service.)

NKW YORK. No*. Si,—A common lawtutt whoroln • Ullor auedfur waxra. pr<ir«i to I*, of MMCMaVmoil lnt>>~-it wlmw a lady with •putiutt fiit-.iin ai^K-.r-d an vii« ofth» »H:i.\u25a0•»?\u25a0•

ita«ffa«!« Cajtan.-111. a milt HÄ»alxnrr. brousht artlon !>.-. •»•• i.«»•» ftrrd l»i|"ir hta ).«r » ooo-traet m»» up.

TJ.« firm rialm*! to hay« !,<-rnJnstiflml In ilim. h«f»ti.ir tho iln-«lm»T on thn rronod that he didnot get along haroumlonaly withth* rn>|.l» ahotit whim.- nmintooiiafnrma h<« d^slcned ctmta and toita.To auataln thla claim Mlm Kath-<-:li'<- M 11-Tt'-r was i-nIV.I l.i th«

; wltnraa ulamt Qiirntlona by law-ynra (!••».\u25a0!\u25a0.i»>.| tha fart that ih«»m a pptf»rt mmjnl—fl»« fj^it

•\u25a0\u25a0"•n in»%*»*»« hUh. bunt .14. walct•\u25a0•', and hips 43 Inthea. Tb« ront-plot* tnaainrcrornta of • parfoctflKtim ara aa fallows:IMjtbt ...5 font 7 InrhrsUrUtht 147 poundsColor if hair l*)i<Mrt>iat i>rowoColor of cyea HatolWaUt moaiura ........24V£ Inrh^s11.i.l 3« InrhrsIllpa 41 lachaa

Piles' B«erttary at Work.WASHINGTON, ft C... Nor. 1«—K'l<>' L. i .11, who trail —rontly,

appointed by Kenator I'llea to nili! p vacanry loft by 'ho resignationof Thomas I'aina aa tit* Mmator'a|itlv:i'i" secretary, baa arrived IdU.i .l.limton and M taken up hi*IWW dutlrs.

Your money la aaft wbt-n rlpponlt.\u25a0 •! In the Hank of Dlvtno Origin:<\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 nur ad. on (>!««>< 6. MutualHeal' Co.. 301 Pton»wr BMj •••

: system ;\u2666i In n.'if U — hut —i«b*a bank «e-

--* I'ui *• i • a Hit**•--; V .in In ir>«. - \u25a0 B i l<» ftintninl \u25a0! rn-i t itmta* ft

* a* i' i »\u25a0 i'!"f t i. f «• ('\u25a0- i \< -t». » - a j ft \u25a0! ir < withunt un ftt*•'(\u25a0-••. i i thlßKa anil ih«n -»• h|h* n,t fi-a in yntr \ \u25a0*• •*

'-\u25a0\u25a0 k *«*«.,!\u25a0! t.l- II \u25a0 I U .!.\u25a0\u25a0)**\u25a0 tO_. ••-ii • ««v|f«c« «\u25a0<\u25a0-\u25a0•!(! on whlih *<r« par 4 r>«T fi-i t uhu' ism. 1 <1 «

* «»lnl annu->ltjr,

• I \l II || rrn.T I MM

\u2666I IIM.MSaMI *fj

' tJl' '\u25a0 'If •

\u2666 FOURTH AND PIKE BT. *A***************

, Wnlla la »]!.,:<\u25a0.! 1., bar* raltndMi-irini; aa If intending U> »i<-.ii.i«i Itlm. wttlla the two nun warnon tin- rti, .-t In tha aouih «ii«t ofthn city, ami then forcibly »nu-aratlng Mottlbg fium bla raluablra,which consiiiod of tha 13 n lit*InMMjr and Uut Jarkknlfn.

An Information was alao filed to-day In th« «;ii"iliircourt chargingAiil.ur Wllltama with tha crlmn of

>|i«i«lniy. He will U> Arraigned on{Balurday.

(Saudi* Star* r.«tlu»lv» Service.)IIIII.ADKI.I'IHANor. 18.—Thl«

U Hi" Im.iy Kiar.dli la the linllmlKtatns mint

All 111* country la calling furIIIUIH-) t

I:v• i>• bit of ruin nmkltiK ma-chlnery In tba big liiaill'iiltiu I*working ovortlme.

Hlrrami of blight new ruin, nilrer him! gold*!), ifit- I" from theI is: muiiry stamping . -\u0084«» MilItona of dollar* worth of bullionla coming to lh« mint from all dl-rorlion*. for .oliiaie<"

Httrretary Cort^lyou hai ordpmdthe tolnago of 160.000.000 Is 20---•fiii.tr R»li] iil.ti'k within the nexttlino month*. I lt<i mint machln-••iy baa m caparltx of 4,000 ofi!ir«« fiiitii an bour.IM i-<rln»

then la an tnalatratM.«i.iimf (h»rti I* an ln*l»i<nidemand from all ornr tbe mviiiry for <iu»r coin of th« amallor

Idennmlnatlona. Tha mini offlctalabarn bc«n wholly unabla to sup-lily ear rat la.

Day ami night rrrin«>r«. aasar-< t«. vkklifh and tin' rountl««ai.iln-r «l»-<-l»ll««l wurkera har«!».-n working overtime, «km oflh«a» II and 16 hotira a HÄ»»Tbcy lm*e aurcrrdfd only In Btr-Ing i-.iili city .•••• than half whatm i« •iti.iti'vj.

I'rri-mptory >!\u25a0 n;u<!i bara baaomad* for an unlimited aamutt of

Vaauviu* Active.NAim.K.-i. Nor. U—Mount V«-kut.

lv». »fu>r two month* of iDactlrlty,la cintlttlng 'ida of dona* amok a,»<\u25a0<(iiii|>i«ii!4ii by "J!ißi'!<r«ii!ii roar-ing, frum (bra* [uttin-i around tbaold cratatr.


(By United Pr...NEW YOHK. No*. IS —Smrwi of

iWrumn (n N..» York are up Inarm« agatnat th« order of ih« board

Thw. *::.:•:...» iBChMIKn«« IT l»rh<'«C4tf ; 15 iacbenAnklw .8 lurh««Wit*' ...„ «Vi Incbeajl^nicth of arm \:\ lnch«*,Slm of nlo»o 6^4|Bl*ri of ahnn 3^

Ml» li"ti;»( »Ua »«.,i that abawaa In fart the Conntpua »onl»l«n|«l of, dcrmaoy. BM had ,«-ho«nn iha former cair.n timiuM !

sh« did not wlab to link th* 111

(rlnqt fj'i.ib HM with her occu-jI r!!..:> aa a u,.>.1. I

Mix C.i.i mi\u25a0.» aba |>rr«iTT>'<

I'.i-r I.\u25a0!.;•;. un.i form by taking Iplenty of outdoor excrt-lto, \u25a0!•\u25a0:\u25a0br«athln« .-larrl***In the morningand by «atlng only on* full mrala day. 11. broskfaat la rmirlrtndjto rolla and cofft-o and ah« «at» a

> llciit lunch at rolililay. "Daa't wor-jry" \u25a0»>! "H« ehporful." ara two Ira-

i (mtiant mica In her Ufa.

tIJKUI.IS. Nov. til—A movementto G«rnianl*« i'ruMlan I'ul.unl ha*.. tmen Inaugurated. A bill asking for

j $100,000,000 with which tn buy outI (ha is.uiv land uwnars ha. Im-.h


This Is the BestBargain We

Know of TodayIn a dealrtbla mnull hotun, and|.'.i>'i im-Ii will i.ii.i' It.

Cottage of 4 i\u25a0\u25a0him.-i and hnth,on • f>o ft. Int. too rt. dacp, with(in.' vli-w. 2 iiior-1..-1 from car.I'll' $1,(50.

Joseph E.Thomas &Co!••« ruiinriila-iI

109 Cherry St.Entrance to Lowman Bldg.


7 _t


dlmea, quarter*, half dollar* mi

dollar* Within the Isat two week$2,000,000 In Hold ha* been coltielKverjr tepw in,. "I haa '•• n orderuto get buay.

About f10.000.000 In bull. Ialready within t!in vault*. .Mmla MM It I* all >.. (»\u2666• coin*Without iM.iy- Maoalrf new mi

Hilm'tj haa l.iii add»d Int.!/ anla now being tried for the flmtlnifl, Tory aatlafartorlly. Tl.mint offlclala are confident hi'can romp!' t« the taok on linn'

The new Itioe of gold i*aKl«will htm 46 alar* amand the odeInnti'id of 45 aa heretofore. Ollaboma having br«om« a \u25a0!•!<None will carry tho motto "to <;<>Wo Triut." Thta motto waa addein ivr.H by Hum. Jan Polloclwith the aanction of l*r»-«l-l«-nUurhanan. and after nearly Lyt*ara haa i«-i-n taken off by I'rcild»-ut ItoniMVelU

Th» icold bullion supply cometo Philadelphia by i-iiiri'H and Idelivered In ordinary «xprc«*HK<>li* In rharee of two menThe offlrlala laugh at dancer <theft. The bullion la in bar*, mruti'ly ixi «»•<]. and ao heavy to thbos that a man could not run twaqiiTra with it without bernmlnexhausted.

lof ediK-atlun provldlns that th1 worda "Chrlat and Christina*" mut: not apt"'•' In the hymna and ami niiaa In tho public acbool* and it.aliner* muni be do ChrUlmaa ccl<! tiratkta,


Averse to entabliahtng \u25a0 procedetwhich would '\u25a0- controlllnit on HiJapanese residents of the city I(!!<• fiiturw. Conxul Saburo HIM

1 mldin yesterday refu*«d to MM


Men's Suits, Overcoats, RaincoatsSpecial $9.75

We have gathered together all broken lines remaining from the earlyseason's selling and marked them at one low price for SPEEDY CLEAR-ANCE. Included at this sensational price reduction are about 500 Suits,

Overcoats and Raincoats which have heretofore sold from $12.50 to

$18.00. These Suits include blues, blacks and fancy patterns, in both sin-gle and double breasted styles. They are broken lots, some one, two andthree of a kind, but embrace all sizes from 32 to 46. The price at whichwe offer these Suits docs not represent the mere cost of materials. Theywill surely sell quickly—so be on hand early. Choice—

formerly m & t formerly$12.50 %J J *^^ $12.50$15 and ¥% M m and$18.00 Xj./ \*J % M <*J $18-°°

Between <J^> __** BetweenSeiond idj^^ \u25a0R'lTKllli^ l0n('

und andiF


a cost Ir loving cop prMwnffl'l tohim liy promlnnnt Ju|<hih-»« liukl-hi'** \u25a0•li, huj'mk; thai tlm liiofi<f{i>rmilil V »p«nt to much belter utir-liow If contributed toward bilp-Ing nluiiK th" plan* of the iirop«si»lg)lii|ni'ii-:ri' • lull li'iimf

Ttin i-oiiiiui. will: hi* wlfi and(Irtiichlcr. ««ll.(1 fur hi. Orlunl thinmorning m tin Kaga Mam.


_____Tho territory Ixitwimn Hallarri

li 11 I th» W'iMl 'I I •\u25a0•\u25a0 II |\u0084il;n Krhiiullion bo In to >i:iv« cm ili••! ulri'itd andk.-wi'ih. 'Ill" Colt will 1..n alujiil

125.000.(in account of tiro holiday Tliur»-

-ilay tho utrfct committee will mwtat 2 o'clock Wednesday, and thocharter eommlnalon will ml to-night. •Dr. M. A. Mftfthnw* and a largeniirnher of other p*»tlllon«>r« m-i|M' \u25a0"'\u25a0 '\u25a0! the city council taut nightto cloko th* vaudeville theaUira/mSunday Tho matter wan referredto th« t>o!lr« rommlttco.

Th<i park hoard, in \u25a0 minimal— "«lion 111«-.» with tha council laati)!»'M. auks that Ihmly to turn overfor park pur(\u25a0•>ri'« th» Z'A acroM ofcity |irii|»Tty lyliiw on lii-iKdii hill.

Tim :i|>ii>.lii(Mi<iitof H P. KattlA-\u25a0on and II I' :<<'»iinn \u25a0\u25a0 »jm-.

[in!lri> without pay, u« *xtra xuard*• .li Urn chain KaiiK. »-ic referredto ilii« police commitu-a for Investi-gation,

Thn ordlnanca extending; 1 >trrand Nlckenon ays. In 'North So-ii'Mc. wai Introdurnd last nightTho ordinance cbanclnti thn rnwnf Wr .ilal.i- boulevard a!.inn l.aknfulfil waa alao Introdttced.

In i'ilm from tho ii». 1,1 Wash-Inictim Van accppt<>d by tha coon-rll laxt iiU:lit to lota 1 and 2. block7h, i.nki- Union Kboro l^inda.

An appropriation of fIO.UOO wastnada In ao I r. nice last night to

' carry on the work of the plaguei expert*.

The IlKtita w#r«i out for M IMB*-| ii'ih in tha council chamber lut' night, and after a ftvenilnuta m-

<i«mh the lawmaker* resorted toI r.m'lli-«i T. (' Tc|ili-:nun and others wk«di the council la*t night to construct

a Karba««< dock at 24t_ a*. N. W.

1 Mf**ienarlc* Want Million..j NEW YORK. Nov. 2«.—The board. of foreign mlimlonn of the f'reaby-

terlan chorea has authorlzc<] a «p<v, rial campaign for the raiainic of al-, mott $4.i»<)i),iiii'i, to be uf>i»l In, Korea, where the field la now fa-ltard<>d as «-n;~-.• •.»11v promiatnc

i Carving SetsCarving Beta—the Ix-at made—for

1 ThnnkMKiviiiK at, : Christtna*. at1 roaftoualile price*, at Haifa. 1111

\u25a0 First ay •••

; $1.00 Billings & SperArer• Combination Pliers, 79cf yf»A wnrnch and «cr#w *!rlr*ire*»m>R/bl h».« ik« nnt wm <w>l

f*ljfi£4"f "ii'^linliinof Iffolfl Va,fo«

* |V^rV*()t<-l1 T"u on* •* muchI HSjtJ^J '• r«« la « «»!'» «alcb ur \u25a0

rk^yVl •»» >j<i.»r r- ..«u» — r-'m' \!B)Jr\'l ""<'"

'•\u25a0.I o'f.-r.I la l~ wi«te-I fki>''^if '•\u25a0'l •\u25a0• *'l '""«k«" u»«

t\«- I "\u25a0'" II * • No« U Ihrn """r\**i '' \u25a0\u25a0*'• " '-' *v *"•* f*l •a^P^HK ««fl«tbl« CtirUlmtl lirf*«*nt.' l?3r vsl >\u25a0:•*! i" tar vl4r«M. 1>«1 iif nl "In "n Mil ui.iil l>~r»m- .".

, \u25a0/ \\ ! " * ll"'» B m \u25a0 c-imb

I i t"I" '\u25a0" l» inrh BA a OnnbII Bl I'l.t. Hit\\ li"" n.ii Tower * l.r»»\\ // '"•"" **•\\ 91 %\ •« « In. h Tovot * I-rnU »/ I-..-. i« sa«

¥\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0«\u25a0<*> ''Kit K!i. CaI I mi-ii 4*a

\u25a0 I. M. Spinningt 13 10 Second Ay.