The school board has recently become aware of some problems that have occurred with the students in middle school. Social networks such as MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter have been used in such a way that it is interfering with our students, my fellow classmates learning. These social networks have become a huge part of society and students daily lives. Facebook, for example has been the cause for many problems the school boards has become aware of. On all three social networks there have been accounts of stalkers, kidnappers, and unsafe people, who use these websites and networks to put the safety of children, in danger. Implementing a school policy that bans all students from using these and other social networks can bring positive outcomes to the youth of today and the future of tomorrow. By banning the use of social networks students will be safer, have more time for school work/ free time/extra curricular activities/sports and more, also it will increase take the focus of students from Facebook to school work, grades, and school instead. Another reason why students should be no longer allowed to use social networks is about how unsafe the students are on them. You see in the news all the time stories about young kids getting stolen, killed, and harmed. These stories all seem to have similar reasons behind the crime. Similar reasons behind how the stalker, kidnapper, or murderer found the child. This is the social networks that these children have; such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. It is very easy to find all kinds of information about people, like phone numbers, names, and home addresses all from these social networking sites. Many students have all this information and these websites along with a picture of themselves, which can very easily be found by anyone. The minority of students who have these social networks will be smart and will not put any of this personal information on; but the majority of students do put all this plus more personal information on these websites. If students did not have these social networks their personal information would not be put out there nor would they be at risk of harm from unsafe people in the world. This is why it would just be better and safer for all students to not have them. For example a student who has a Facebook with tons of pictures with them in it, their name, and cell phone number, and home address or even hometown can easily be stalked by an unknown person and eventually be located. But a student who is not on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace will just be another face in the crowd. As you can see it is much safer for students to not be on these social networking sites. Another reason why students should be banned from the use of social networks is due to the amount of time they spend on them. Many students who use these social networks are on them daily for hours on end. Many students on Facebook say, It s addicting! If students are on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace all the time then they will barely have anytime for more important things like schoolwork, or family and friends. Without these social networks to spend countless hours on students will have more free time to do other things. They can do things such as homework assignments, missed work, and to study for upcoming tests and classes. This again will only benefit students, by giving them a better education. A third reason why students should be banned from using social networks is because of the countless incidents that have occurred on them and how often they are on their minds. These incidents are always on student s minds, or coming out of their mouths in a conversation. This serves as a distraction to the students who have these social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, and the students who don t have these social networks. When students are too busy talking about so- and so s picture or this-one-and-that ones fight the learning goes in one ear and out the other. This can greatly impact many students learning, and their futures. Students who miss out on the learning now,

The School Board Has Recently Become Aware of Some Problems That Have Occurred With the Students in Middle School

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Page 1: The School Board Has Recently Become Aware of Some Problems That Have Occurred With the Students in Middle School

The school board has recently become aware of some problems that have occurred with the students in middle school. Social networks such as MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter have been used in such a way that it is interfering with our students, my fellow classmates learning. These social networks have become a huge part of society and students daily lives. Facebook, for example has been the cause for many problems the school boards has become aware of. On all three social networks there have been accounts of stalkers, kidnappers, and unsafe people, who use these websites and networks to put the safety of children, in danger. Implementing a school policy that bans all students from using these and other social networks can bring positive outcomes to the youth of today and the future of tomorrow. By banning the use of social networks students will be safer, have more time for school work/ free time/extra curricular activities/sports and more, also it will increase take the focus of students from Facebook to school work, grades, and school instead. Another reason why students should be no longer allowed to use social networks is about how unsafe the students are on them. You see in the news all the time stories about young kids getting stolen, killed, and harmed. These stories all seem to have similar reasons behind the crime. Similar reasons behind how the stalker, kidnapper, or murderer found the child. This is the social networks that these children have; such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. It is very easy to find all kinds of information about people, like phone numbers, names, and home addresses all from these social networking sites. Many students have all this information and these websites along with a picture of themselves, which can very easily be found by anyone. The minority of students who have these social networks will be smart and will not put any of this personal information on; but the majority of students do put all this plus more personal information on these websites. If students did not have these social networks their personal information would not be put out there nor would they be at risk of harm from unsafe people in the world. This is why it would just be better and safer for all students to not have them. For example a student who has a Facebook with tons of pictures with them in it, their name, and cell phone number, and home address or even hometown can easily be stalked by an unknown person and eventually be located. But a student who is not on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace will just be another face in the crowd. As you can see it is much safer for students to not be on these social networking sites. Another reason why students should be banned from the use of social networks is due to the amount of time they spend on them. Many students who use these social networks are on them daily for hours on end. Many students on Facebook say, “It’s addicting!” If students are on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace all the time then they will barely have anytime for more important things like schoolwork, or family and friends. Without these social networks to spend countless hours on students will have more free time to do other things. They can do things such as homework assignments, missed work, and to study for upcoming tests and classes. This again will only benefit students, by giving them a better education. A third reason why students should be banned from using social networks is because of the countless incidents that have occurred on them and how often they are on their minds. These incidents are always on student’s minds, or coming out of their mouths in a conversation. This serves as a distraction to the students who have these social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, and the students who don’t have these social networks. When students are too busy talking about so-and so’s picture or this-one-and-that ones fight the “learning” goes in one ear and out the other. This can greatly impact many students learning, and their futures. Students who miss out on the learning now, will eventually miss out on an opportunity in the future. But without Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter there will be no fight to discuss or picture to pound. All in all banning students from using social networks can only have positive outcomes. The learning of students will be their top priority. Also students will be more focused on school

Page 2: The School Board Has Recently Become Aware of Some Problems That Have Occurred With the Students in Middle School

and not Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other social networks. It’s a win-win situation. I strongly encourage you to create a school policy banning social networks for all students!

Also, people need companionship to keep stress and mental anguish at bay. When people begin questioning why they are alone, they begin doubting their own self-worth. Then suicide becomes an issue. When a person becomes depressed, their body pays the price. A depressed person will neglect to care for themselves and will slowly deteriorate. Having a pet will give said person companionship. Just being able to have someone to come home and talk to or play with could be the difference between serenity and psychosis. In women, especially, is the extra comfort provided in just being able to care for someone. Apart from that, owning a pet forces one to take on the responsibility of keeping it alive. One’s pet must be fed, watered, and kept healthy. Doing this requires us to move about. Whether one walks across the house or merely to the birdcage in the corner, said someone is moving. This small bit of motion will at least prevent muscular atrophy. Many pets will also require a walk to be happy and healthy. This gives one a steady cardiovascular workout. In conclusion, there are many reasons owning a pet can increase one’s life span. Pets provide responsibility, exercise, and most importantly, companionship. For those in fear of an early demise, remember that pets can keep you healthy and happy.

The novel the curse by Lee Su Ann portrays different kind of characters. Among the character presented in the novel who were misunderstood were Azreen and the Old Lady.Azreen, the main character the youngest daughter of Pak Saleh. She is always being misunderstood by her father, Pak Saleh and the villagers. This is because of her behavior and attitude which are seen as inappropriate, intimidating and provoking in the eyes of the village that embraces the traditional way of life and thinking.Throughout Azreen's younger years, she always misunderstood due to her boyish, unfriendly and harsh ways. Her attitude and behavior have always landed her into getting sarcastic stares and negative remarks. Her father too has hardly taken her side and does not show much attention to her except for when she gets into trouble and punishing her for the troubles she caused.Azreen is constantly compared to her sister was attractive, gentle, beautiful, obedient and respectful to the elders. Azreen is a strong-willed, brave, reckless, and fiery tempered girl. She is always seen as different and definitely misunderstood. She befriended with the Old Lady who is shunned by everyone for killing her abusive husband. Azreen's action of bringing the Old Lady to the village to cure mohd Asraf nek and the attempt to save her from the burning house are seen as reckless