THE Lutheran Light “You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before others so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (The Sermon on the Mount- Mathew 5:14a 16) WORSHIP WHY DO WE WORSHIP THE WAY WE DO? (3) Did you ever feel like worship services went right over your head? The term “Liturgy” (what we do in worship) literally means “The Work of The People.” So, when we come together in worship to do “The Work of The People,” we prepare, we gather, we listen, we respond, we celebrate, we share, we are given, we are blessed, and we are sent. Thus, our worship bulletin has these headings for the different portions of the liturgy: Preparing To Worship Gathering Together in Worship: The Entrance Rite Listening as God Speaks: The Liturgy of The Word Responding to The Word of God The Preparation for Holy Communion Celebrating the Eucharist Blessed and Sent into the World by God: The Closing Rite Although pastors, priests, and ministers are called to preside (lead) at our worship services, the liturgy Saint John’s Lutheran Church, ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 656 Tyhee Avenue Post Office Box 55 American Falls, Idaho 83211-0055 USA Reverend Jon M. Beake, Pastor Phone: Church 208-226-2398 Pastor 208-226-5440 Fax 208-226-7251 MAY 2020, PAGE 1 has always been the responsibility of all the people of God. The liturgy we use in our worship services has its origins in the Bible. Because of this, we will look at different parts of the Sunday morning liturgy. This might help you better understand what goes on in our worship service and ‘why we worship the way we do.’ Here is a list of the fixed parts of our liturgy and their biblical sources which we will talk about in this issue: Bible Verses used in the liturgy of the worship service: OFFERTORY - “Let the Vineyards” - 1 Corinthians 10:16; John 6:35 - “What Shall I Render” - Psalm 116:12-14, 19 - “Create In Me” – Psalm 51:10-12 SANCTUS - “Holy, Holy, Holy” - Isaiah 6:3; Matthew 21:9 LORD’S PRAYER - Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-24 WORDS OF INSTITUTION - 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22

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Light “You are the light of the world… Let your light

shine before others so they may see your good

works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

(The Sermon on the Mount- Mathew 5:14a 16)


WAY WE DO? (3)

Did you ever feel like worship services went right

over your head?

The term “Liturgy” (what we do in worship)

literally means “The Work of The People.” So,

when we come together in worship to do “The

Work of The People,” we prepare, we gather, we

listen, we respond, we celebrate, we share, we are

given, we are blessed, and we are sent.

Thus, our worship bulletin has these headings for

the different portions of the liturgy:

Preparing To Worship

Gathering Together in Worship: The Entrance Rite

Listening as God Speaks: The Liturgy of The Word

Responding to The Word of God

The Preparation for Holy Communion

Celebrating the Eucharist

Blessed and Sent into the World by God: The

Closing Rite

Although pastors, priests, and ministers are called to

preside (lead) at our worship services, the liturgy

Saint John’s Lutheran Church, ELCA

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 656 Tyhee Avenue Post Office Box 55

American Falls, Idaho 83211-0055 USA

Reverend Jon M. Beake, Pastor Phone: Church 208-226-2398

Pastor 208-226-5440 Fax 208-226-7251

MAY 2020, PAGE 1

has always been the responsibility of all the people

of God. The liturgy we use in our worship services

has its origins in the Bible. Because of this, we will

look at different parts of the Sunday morning

liturgy. This might help you better understand what

goes on in our worship service and ‘why we

worship the way we do.’

Here is a list of the fixed parts of our liturgy and

their biblical sources which we will talk about in

this issue:

Bible Verses used in

the liturgy of the worship service:

OFFERTORY - “Let the Vineyards” - 1 Corinthians 10:16; John


- “What Shall I Render” - Psalm 116:12-14, 19

- “Create In Me” – Psalm 51:10-12

SANCTUS - “Holy, Holy, Holy”

- Isaiah 6:3; Matthew 21:9

LORD’S PRAYER - Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-24

WORDS OF INSTITUTION - 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Matthew 26; Mark 14;

Luke 22

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PEACE - John 20:21; Romans 16:16


POST COMMUNION - “Lord, now let Your servant go in peace…”

– Luke 2:29-32

BENEDICTION - Numbers 6:24-25

DISMISSAL - Luke 7:50


The Peace In an upper room in Jerusalem, Jesus ate the

Passover Meal with His disciples and instituted The

Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion, Eucharist),

saying “Do this for the remembrance of Me” (1

Corinthians 11:24). After Easter, The Risen Christ

“was known to them in the breaking of bread”

(Luke 24:35). We are brought together by our

obedience to His Command and our need for His

continuing Presence in His Sacrament. As we begin

the communion rite, ministers and people share The

Peace with one another through words and gestures

(John 20:21). The Book of Worship notes, “The

Peace which enables people to live in unity and the

spirit of mutual forgiveness comes only from Christ

Whose Word has been proclaimed. Without the

intention to live in such unity, participation in the

sacramental celebration is a mockery.”

The Offering, The Offertory The offering of the people is gathered as the altar

table is made ready for The Lord’s Supper – The

Eucharist (The Great Thanksgiving). Offerings of

money are given as a expression of love and

gratitude for God’s Blessings. “Blessed, To Be A

Blessing!” Along with these gifts, bread and wine

used for Holy Communion, The Eucharist, are

frequently brought forward and presented to the

pastor. An offertory canticle, hymn, or psalm is

sung by congregation or choir. Pastors, priests,

ministers, and the people all join in a brief prayer of


The Great Thanksgiving Just as Jesus at table with His disciples offered

thanks in accordance with Jewish practice, so we

embody in our celebration of His Supper a great

prayer of thanksgiving. It begins with a Preface in

which the presiding minister bids us lift our hearts

to God and give thanks. Then a Proper Preface

states the particular reason for thanksgiving

appropriate to the day of season. This leads to a

climax in which we join in the canticle, The

Sanctus, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Here we unite with

the heavenly host (Isaiah 6:3) and with the Church

on earth (Matthew 21:9) to adore God and to

welcome The Savior Who came for our redemption

and Who now comes to us in The Sacrament.

The Great Thanksgiving may continue with The

Eucharistic Prayer in which the history of God’s

Salvation is recounted. The Scriptural words which

tell of Jesus’ institution of The Sacrament are

recited, in order to consecrate the bread and the

wine. We pray for the coming of The Holy Spirit

that we might be prepared rightly to receive The

Body and The Blood of Christ which, according to

His Promise, are now truly present in the Holy

Communion. Then we say our distinctive prayer of

fellowship in Christ, The Lord’s Prayer which is

here also our table prayer.

The Holy Communion / The Eucharist

The Lord’s Supper All is now ready for our Holy Communion with

Christ and the members of His Body the Church. As

the consecrated elements of the bread and the wine

are distributed to the communicants we sing a

hymn, “Lamb of God” (Agnus Dei, in the Latin;

John 1:29) as a confession of Who it is we are

receiving and as a prayer for the blessings of

forgiveness, life, and salvation which God has

promised to give us. Other hymns may also mark

our communion devotion. “The Body of Christ

given for you. The Blood of Christ shed for you,” are what the ministers say as they give the

Sacrament to the people gathered together.

The Post Communion As The Lord’s Table is cleared, we sing a song of

rejoicing. This may be the biblical “Lord, now You

let Your servant go in peace” (Luke 2:29-32), in

which Simeon rejoiced that he had seen Christ, a

joy we share because we have received Christ in the

Sacrament. A final prayer asks that we may carry

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out in our lives the implications of Holy

Communion – The Eucharist. The presiding

minister pronounces a blessing using either a

formula similar to the one that began the worship

service or the Aaronic Benediction from the Old

Testament (Numbers 6:24-25). A minister speaks

words of dismissal, telling us to “Go in Peace.

Serve The LORD!” in daily life which is also a

worship of God. We respond with a rousing

“Thanks be to God!”

This ends our three-part series (over the past three

months) of articles relating to the explanation of the

Lutheran worship service. This, very briefly, is how

Lutherans worship. The worship service points us

consistently to the Saving Work and Resurrection

Presence of Jesus The Christ. In our worship God

speaks and gives to us, and we respond with thanks

and praise. Such worship links us in the fellowship

of the saints through the centuries. We use forms

developed by believers throughout various periods

of history, all of them growing out of the saving

ministry of Jesus The Christ and designed to be

appropriate vehicles of His Word and Sacrament.


How to become more involved in the church

worship service (?!)… and better understand why

we do what we do in worship.

When you come to worship each Sunday


Speak to God… in prayer and meditation, in the

hymns, and in the creeds.

Let God Speak to You… through the hymns, the

liturgy, the scripture readings, and the sermon.

Then Speak to One Another… as you go out into

the community and the world.

(Next month we will talk about what pastors,

priests, and ministers wear… and why!)

Blessings to you this Easter Season of the Church

Year. May the Peace of The Lord be with you


Sincerely, Pastor Jon Beake

“For by Grace you have been saved through the

faithfulness of God, and this is not your own

doing; it is The Gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)


From the Pastor

I, like many of you, have been getting a whole lot of

letters, emails, and texts from colleagues, parish

members, family, and friends over my iPhone and

computer internet. Here are two of the dozens and

dozens which I have received that I thought were

very poignant and worthy of being shared with you.

The first correspondence is a text is from Rev.

Tammy Heimgartner, Pastor at Grace Lutheran

Church, ELCA, Mountain Home, Idaho. She is a

much better writer than I am, and I share her text.

“ ‘On the Sabbath they rested according to the

commandment.’ Luke 23:56b

“I’ve been thinking a lot about what this time

between Jesus’ death and resurrection must have

been like for those who loved Him. Luke tells us

that those who love Him rested. I don’t imagine

their ‘resting’ was easy or restful. How could it be?

They had just seen their Beloved Teacher and

Friend killed brutally and horribly. That would not

lead to restfulness – exhaustion maybe, but not


“If we turn to Matthew 27 we are told that the Chief

Priests and Pharisees spent the time not in rest, but

in going to Pilate to demand that guards be put on

the tomb so that those who loved Him could not

take His Body away and insist that He had risen like

He said He would.

“We have a choice of how to spend our time

between remembering Jesus’ death and celebrating

His resurrection. We can either use the time as a

time to pause, to reflect, perhaps even to rest, or we

can spend the time frantically and desperately trying

to hold on to the power we think we have and try to

control what is not ours to control.

“This Holy Saturday the world is different than it

has been in our memory. We have a choice to make.

Do we love our neighbor by resting away from

them or do we recklessly endanger others in order

that we might show how in control we are? Jesus

was still resurrected despite the best efforts of those

who would have it otherwise.

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“We will come back together one day and greet

each other face to face – maybe not tomorrow, but

one day soon. The world was changed by Jesus’

Resurrection. We will be changed by our time of

rest. Sabbath.

“Let us pray:

LORD, we await anxiously the time of togetherness

and celebration. Help us remember that whenever

we come together again it will be a celebration – no

matter the date on the calendar. AMEN.”

The very first words that The Resurrected Jesus

spoke in Matthew’s Gospel account (Matthew 28:9-

10) to the women coming from the tomb: 9Suddenly Jesus met them and said, ‘Greetings!’

And they came to Him, took hold of His Feet, and

worshipped Him. 10

Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do

not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to

Galilee; there they will see me.’ (Matthew 28:9-


The very first words of The Resurrected Jesus are:

“Do not be afraid.”

The very first words that the Resurrected Jesus

spoke in John’s Gospel account (John 20:19-22) to

the disciples who were behind locked doors, in the

house where they were meeting, for fear of their


19 When it was evening on that day, the first day

of the week, and the doors of the house where the

disciples had met were locked for fear of the

Judeans, Jesus came and stood among them and

said, ‘Peace be with you.’ 20

After He said this, He

showed them His Hands and His Side. Then the

disciples rejoiced when they saw The Lord. 21


said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the

Father has sent me, so I send you.’ 22

When he had

said this, he breathed on them and said to them,

‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ (John 20:19-22)

The very first words of The Resurrected Jesus are:

“Peace be with you.” Twice! Even after showing

the disciples His crucified and maimed Hands and

His Side. “Peace be with you.”

The second correspondence is an email from Mr.

Dustin Allen, a member of Saint John’s Lutheran

Church, ELCA, American Falls, Idaho. He also is a

much better writer than I am, and I share his email.

“As we go about in our new abnormal, I am

reminded of my bathroom electrical outlet. It has

two buttons, a test and a reset button. How

appropriate. The reset button reminds me of what

many of us have had to do, be it expectations or

routines. As a family, the current situation has made

us reset our priorities, from busy day to day

activities (a lot of the time centered around doing

activities for oneself), to what is better for our

family, employees, and even those around us.

“While challenging and disruptive, the reset button

has allowed for re-centering as to what is most

important in life, Christ, family, health, and food. I

am thankful to be a part of working in an industry

that allows me to work towards providing the latter.

It is interesting to watch news reports of those who

have ignored the reset button and kept going

without any regard to the safety and need of those

around them. Not hitting the reset button, or

bypassing it altogether, often does not have a great

outcome, as the underlying problem manifests itself

soon enough, with little to no hope of rectifying the


“The anxiety of why the reset button has been

tripped, can and is as daunting as actually doing the

reset. Anxiety and worries have put me in test

mode, for better or worse. Sometimes I am not

passing the test as well as I should, but I am

thankful to those around me for helping me to set

my anxieties on a more productive path.

“I believe that these current circumstances have

allowed God to help many of us reset our lives by

centering us on Him. The test button speaks for

itself. We are being tested, just as Christ was tested

on the cross. We also are given the greatest reset

button of all Easter. We are given the gift of the

reset of new life in Him.

“I know that it sounds like I am preaching to the

head of the choir. That is not my intention. My

intention is to give thanks and encouragement to

you for the internet ministry (and to Carl, Neil,

Arnie, and others!), as you have had to hit the test

and reset button on not being able to worship and

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lead worship as you have been accustomed to all of

your life. I know that this is the first Easter and

Lenten Season that you have not been a part of in

person fellowship with one another, but know that

the internet ministry is of great importance in our

lives. We appreciate all of those involved in the


“I know that I have missed a few Christmas Eve

services (and other services no doubt), but this is

one of the few times, if any, that I recall not being

in Saint John’s for Easter service. So, I too am

somewhat empty by not being able to physically

worship together. However, I am most grateful that

my wife, children, and I are intending to listen to

today’s service. (I may even put on my Sunday best

clothes and shave before we listen. The clothes may

get strange looks from the family, while the latter

may evoke cheers.)”

The very first words that the Resurrected Jesus

spoke in John’s Gospel account (John 20:19-22) to

the disciples who were behind locked doors, in the

house where they were meeting, for fear of their


‘Peace be with you.’

May the Peace of The Lord, that passes all

understanding, keep your hearts, and your minds,

and your very beings in Jesus The Christ, our Lord!

Sincerely, Pastor Jon Beake

From the Pastor

I am learning the history and geography of Idaho,

now that I am a resident of this great State and it is

my home. I thought that I would share with you

each month some of the fun facts and stories that I

have learned (which you may or may not know

yourselves) and that you can in turn share with one

another over coffee.

A TEST: Idaho, The Early Days

1. What is the name of the Native Americans

who bred and traded Appaloosa horses?


2. Who are the Americans who were sent out

to explore the lands the United States bought

from France in the Louisiana Purchase?

3. Who was the Native American woman hired

as a guide for the Lewis and Clark Corps of


4. Who were the two Native American groups

who lived in the Snake River Valley and the

nearby highlands?

5. Who established Idaho’s first trading post,

Kullyspell House, at Lake Pend Oreille in


(ANSWERS: 1. The Nez Perce; 2. Meriwether Lewis

and William Clark. Pocatello, Idaho has major

streets named after them; 3. Sacagawea; 4. The

Bannock and the Shoshone; 5. David


(Quoted and taken from: “Idaho Jeopardy!

Answers and Questions About Our State” by Carole

Marsh, copyright 2001, Gallopade International,

page 7.)


(This one is for you Pat Chase!)

What is the longest word that uses only one

vowel? The longest word in dictionaries having only one

vowel is STRENGTHS. The longest word with only

one vowel (if repeats are allowed) is:


STRENGTHLESSNESSES contain only Es and is

just two letters shorter.

What are the longest words with a single vowel? SCHMALTZ, STRENGTHS, SCHTICKS,

BORSCHTS (Pastor loves borschts! Yum, yum!),


(Can you think of any others?!)


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While we are on talking about ‘WORDS’!

The Bible in 50 Words! God made,

Adam bit,

Noah arked,

Abraham split,

Jacob fooled,

Joseph ruled,

Bush talked,

Moses balked,

Pharaoh plagued,

People walked,

Sea divided,,

Tablet guided,

Promise landed,

Saul freaked,

David peeked,

Prophets warned,

Jesus born,

God walked,

Love talked,

Anger crucified,

Hope died,

Love arose,

Spirit flamed,

Word spread,

God remained.

(source unknown)

And while we are talking about ‘words’!

…Here is one of Pastor Beake’s favorite Bible


John 1:1-14

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was

with God, and the Word was God. 2

He was in the

beginning with God. 3

All things came into being

through him, and without him not one thing came

into being. What has come into being 4

in him was


and the life was the light of all people. 5


light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did

not overcome it.

6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was

John. 7

He came as a witness to testify to the light,

so that all might believe through him. 8

He himself

was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. 9

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was

coming into the world.[b]

10 He was in the world, and the world came into

being through him; yet the world did not know him. 11

He came to what was his own,[c]

and his own

people did not accept him. 12

But to all who received

him, who believed in his name, he gave power to

become children of God, 13

who were born, not of

blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of

man, but of God.

14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us,

and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a

father’s only son,[d]

full of grace and truth.

“BlOOpErS fOUNd IN cHUrcH worship bulletin ANNOUNcEMENTS…” (Words do matter…)

“This evening at 7:00 PM there

will be a hymn sing in the

park across from the church.

Bring a blanket and come

prepared to sin.”

“Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning

at 10:00 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the

Fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done.”

“The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the

congregation would lend him their electric girdles

for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.”

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A.F. Daily Bread Mission Statement:

“Providing a meal to

those who want it.”

DID YOU KNOW! The first dinner for AF Daily

Bread was served November 24, 2008.

Over 7,500 meals have been served as of November

2017. Free meals are served the last Monday

of each month, 5:30pm – 6:30 pm. To

become a part of this ministry you can mail

donations to “A.F. Daily Bread” c/o Toni

Bauer, P.O. Box 55, American Falls, Idaho

83211. For more information or to volunteer

please contact Kelly Brannock at 208-220-




Our new internet website is: stjohnsaf.com

In the past thirty days our new website has been

visited by people in the following places:

-Alaska -Arizona

-California -China

-Canada -Idaho

-Germany -Michigan

-Montana -Ohio

-Israel -Pakistan

-Oregon -South Carolina

-Texas -Virginia

-Washington -Wyoming

There have been 485 visits total during these last

thirty days – March 16, 2020 through April 15,



The below is the ‘breakdown’ of:

The visits on Sunday,

The total visits during the week, and

The offering received during these past thirty days.



Sunday 03/15/2020

Attendance, 49; Offering…$1,858.00

(This is the last Sunday we met together as a

congregation in the Saint John’s church building.)

The week of March 15th


Total Website Visits for the week………...57

Sunday 03/22/2020

Website Visits, 34; Offering… $6,400.00

The week of March 22nd

– 28th

Total Website Visits for the week………..163

Sunday 03/29/2020

Website Visits, 48; Offering…$1,441.42

The week of March 29th

– April 4th

Total Website Visits for the week ………..94

Sunday 04/05/2020

Website Visits, 33; Offering…$7,128.51

The week of April 12th

– April 18th

Total Website Visits for the week ……….97

Sunday 04/12/2020 EASTER

Website Visits, 21; Offering…$1,812.55

The week of April 12th

– April 18th

Total Website Visits for this week……….?

(Article typed up on Thursday, April 16th


Now this is ONLY the number of VISITS recorded

and shared here in the above listing, NOT the

number of people who listened to or worshiped

with the internet offerings. The ‘household’ where

the iPhone, iPad, computer screen, or other devices

were being used could have: one person listening,

or a couple listening, or a family of 4,5,or 6

listening. We do not know how many people were

involved in the 485 visits this past month.

Just as we do not know if they listened to the

whole worship service, or just listened to the

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sermon, or to the hymns, or to the liturgy. People

can fast forward through or stop the recording

anytime they wish to do so. Or… they could have

listened to the recording three or four times. Yet, if

you think about it, we may have reached way more

than 485 people if a whole household were listening

and worshipping together.

It makes you think…


A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Carl Rudeen

and Neil Poulson for creating and continuing to up-

date our old and new websites. Thank you,

gentlemen, for your expertise, time, and talents with

our congregation’s technological offerings –

especially during this time of the pandemic. If you

have not yet visited our new website please do so at:



Almighty God, May we who are merely inconvenienced

Remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who have no risk factors

Remember those most vulnerable. May we who have the luxury of working from home

Remember those who must choose between their health and making the rent.

May we who have flexibility to care for our children when the schools close

Remember those who have no options. May we who have to cancel our trips

Remember those who have no place to go. May we who are losing our margin money in the turmoil

of the economic market Remember those who have no margin at all. May we who settle in for quarantine at home

Remember those who have no home. As fear grips our county

Let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our

arms around each other Let us find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our

neighbor. Amen.

A special prayer for a pandemic (by Cameron Bellm)

May Wedding Anniversaries

If you are missing from this list, please tell Shonda

13 – Eldon & Brenda Henrichs 18 – Dennis & Meta Roth

May Birthdays

If you are missing from this list, please tell Shonda

2 – Emma Gallegos 20 – Jon Beake 4 – Dale Morrical 20 – Colter Horton 6 – Robyn Herndon 20 – Brandon Long 7 - Kelli Bagley 21 – Maddie Gehring 8 – Cecil Doornink 21 – Brodie Gehring 10 – Kason Kendall 22 – Charles Jones 15 – Miles Rowe 24 – Linda Cavaness 15 – Marcus Schroeder 24 – McKenzie Long 17 – Carol Whitnah 25 – Travis Moldenhauer 18 – Dustin Allen 27 – Justin Kress 19 – Brehn Chipps 28 – Joe Brown 19 – Kiryanna Unruh 28 – Keislyn Kendall 19 – Bryson Allen 29 – Kelli Long 30 – Abe Boomer 31 – Dan Landvik

St. John’s Lutheran Church Church Council Meeting March 17, 2020 Members Present: Pat Tiede, Steve Blaker, Pat Chase, Shannon Porath, and Pastor Jon Beake. President Pat Tiede called the meeting to order. Due to the coronavirus the church council is acting in compliance with the CDC (Center of Disease Control) and canceled the March 17th church council meeting to all members except for the executive committee. A motion was made to pay the March bills. Discussion was done on the closing of the church services during statewide lock-down. Next meeting will be April 21, 2020 at 7:00Pm Meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Shannon Porath, Secretary

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Saint John’s Congregational Council

Patricia (Pat) Tiede, President (Deacon)

Stewardship Committee, Constitution

Committee, Memorial Fund Committee, Pre-


Pat Chase, Vice President (Deacon)

Worship Committee

Shannon Porath, Secretary (Deacon)

Youth Committee

Stephen Blaker (Deacon)

Social Concerns Committee

Gary Ferguson, (Trustee)

Property Committee

Ashley Woonsook, (Trustee)

Endowment Committee and Custodial

Angela Quinn (Trustee)

Finance Committee

Dustin Allen (Deacon)

Christian Education Committee

Teri Kendall (Trustee)

Hospital Helpers, WELCA, Organ

Maintenance Committees

Clay Erickson (Trustee)

Boy Scout Committee

Joseph Gallegos (Deacon)

Worship Committee

Dale Morrical (Trustee)

Scholarship Committee


Treasurer, Shonda Bauer

Financial Secretary, Shonda Bauer

Parish Secretary, Shonda Bauer

St. John’s Preschool Director, Honi Allen

Custodial Ministry, Patty Porath

Education Ministry, Lacy Zavison

Youth Ministry, Josh & Lacy Zavison

Alter Ministry, Marita Poulson and

Rebecca Gallegos (Coordinators)

Usher Ministry, Shonda Bauer Coordinator

Acolyte Ministry, Kelli Long (Coordinator)

Reader Ministry, Pat Chase (Lectionary in


WELCA Ministry, Norma Neu, Pres.

Sharon Strom, V.P., Kim Ferguson, Treas.

Lacy Zavison, Sec.

Music Ministry, Marita Poulson (Worship

Committee, Chair, Keyboardist), Marilyn Allen

(Youth & Keyboardist), Ann Caspersen

(keyboardist), Patty Porath (Bell Choir & youth

keyboardist) Edith Kopp (St. John’s Choir)

Greeter Ministry, Edith Kopp, Sharon

Strom, Lacy Zavison & Kim Ferguson (Coordinators)

Soundboard Ministry, Arnold

Burgemeister, Rayma Cates & Jonathan


Prayer Chain Ministry, Kim Ferguson,

Sharon Strom & Norma Neu (Coordinators)

Internet Broadcast Ministry, Neil Poulson

Funeral Dinner Ministry, Norma Neu (Coordinator)

Cradle Role Ministry, Shonda Bauer

(Coordinator) Coffee Hour Ministry, Shonda Bauer

(Coordinator) Landscape Ministry, Brandon Long

Parish Pastor, Rev. Jon Beake



Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop of

the ELCA, Chicago, Illinois

Rev. Kristen E. M. Kuempel, Bishop of the

Eastern Washington- Idaho Synod, Spokane,


Rev. Phil Misner, Assistant to the Bishop

Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod, Spokane


Rev. Anne Palma, Upper Snake River Valley

Cluster Dean, Twin Falls, Idaho

St. John’s Office Hours An answering machine is available to receive messages

Monday- 8:30 – 12:30 Tuesday - CLOSED

Wednesday - 8:30 – 1:30 Thursday – 8:30 – 12:00

Friday – 9:00 –12:00

Page 10: THE Saint John’s Lutheran Lutheran Church, ELCA Light ...stjohns.afalls.us/files/20200501newsletter.pdf · 5/1/2020  · The Preparation for Holy Communion Celebrating the Eucharist

The Month’s Publication of


CHURCH, ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

656 Tyhee Avenue

Post Office Box 55

American Falls, Idaho 83211-0055 USA

Reverend Jon M. Beake, Pastor

Phones: Church 208-226-2398

Pastor 208-226-5440

Fax 208-226-7251

E-mails: [email protected]

[email protected]

ELCA Web Site: www.elca.org

Sunday Radio Transmission: 106.9 FM

Internet Broadcast: stjohnsaf.com


9:00am Sunday School Opening and Classes K-12

(Sept- May)

9:00am Adult Sunday School/Bible Study (Year


10:00am Worship Service (sung liturgy)

(Eucharist Celebrated the 1st and 3

rd Sundays in the

month and on all Festivals and Feast Days)

Saint John’s Mission Statement:

REJOICE: Gather, Worship, and Praise…

RENEW: Grow, in Christ’s love…

REACH OUT: Go, Care for God’s People…

“If I am not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don’t

want to go there.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther



the last week of the month to keep members and

friends informed as to the ministries and activities

of Saint John’s congregation. Please submit your

articles and additions by the 15th

of each month to

the church office.

“It is pleasing to the Dear God whenever you

rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart.”

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther

Page 11: THE Saint John’s Lutheran Lutheran Church, ELCA Light ...stjohns.afalls.us/files/20200501newsletter.pdf · 5/1/2020  · The Preparation for Holy Communion Celebrating the Eucharist

SAINT JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

656 Tyhee Avenue

Post Office Box 55

American Falls Idaho 83211-0055 USA




Non-Profit Organization

US Postage PAID

American Falls, Idaho 83211


Page 12: THE Saint John’s Lutheran Lutheran Church, ELCA Light ...stjohns.afalls.us/files/20200501newsletter.pdf · 5/1/2020  · The Preparation for Holy Communion Celebrating the Eucharist

OUR PRAYER CONCERNS We remember in prayer: Honi Allen,

Sid Allen, Marilyn Allen,

Del Alvy, Debbie Boomer,

Linda Cavaness, Ron Funk,

Brenda Gisslen, Christopher

Gohl, Virginia Gohl, Elaine

Havlicak, Paige McMichael,

Erika Meadows, Betty Miller, HallieJo Porath,

Brooklyn Woodworth, Ivan Charles and Arnold


The April ‘Mission Partner’ prayer

emphasis from our congregation’s list of the twelve

Mission Partners whom we support with time,

treasure, and prayer is: Luther Heights Bible

Camp, Ketchum, Idaho.