The Ruined Temple of Rad Who said there were no clerics in Glantri? Alan Jones The PCs travel to a long abandoned temple dedicated to Rad in search of a cure for Guldor. The Ruined Temple of Rad ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Adventure Summary................................................................................................................................................ 1 Adventure Background ............................................................................................................................................ 1 History of the Temple .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Journey to the Temple............................................................................................................................................. 2 Assusia to the Temple ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Blackmoss Forest to the Temple.......................................................................................................................... 2 Cave to the Temple ............................................................................................................................................. 2 The Temple Precincts .......................................................................................................................................... 3 The Temple of Rad – Upper Level ....................................................................................................................... 5 The Temple of Rad – Lower Level ....................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix 1: Consolidated Encounter Statistics...................................................................................................... 12 Appendix 2: Consolidated Treasure Lists .............................................................................................................. 12 Appendix 3: New Monsters.................................................................................................................................... 13 Wind Wraiths (Template) ................................................................................................................................... 13 Retch Plant (Globe Palm) .................................................................................................................................. 14 Tri-Flower Frond ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Drowned One .................................................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix 4: Journey Plans .................................................................................................................................... 17 Blackmoss Forest to The Temple....................................................................................................................... 17 Cave to the Temple ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Adventure Summary This adventure is designed for 4-5 players of levels 5-7 (between 25 and 28 total levels). It is set in a mountainous region of Glantri, but any similar terrain with mysterious deserted ruins would be suitable. Adventure Background The PCs have to travel into a wild region of the Silver Sierras to find a rare fungus called glow-mould that only glows in out of the way places. They need this rare item to create a cure for a strange disease that is afflicting one of their comrades.

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Page 1: The Ruined Temple Of Rad Web - Zen Internet · The Ruined Temple of Rad Who said there were no clerics in Glantri? Alan Jones The PCs travel to a long abandoned temple ... Druids

The Ruined Temple of Rad

Who said there were no clerics in Glantri?

Alan Jones

The PCs travel to a long abandoned temple dedicated to Rad in search of a cure for Guldor.

The Ruined Temple of Rad......................................................................................................................................... 1 Adventure Summary................................................................................................................................................ 1 Adventure Background............................................................................................................................................ 1 History of the Temple .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Journey to the Temple............................................................................................................................................. 2

Assusia to the Temple ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Blackmoss Forest to the Temple.......................................................................................................................... 2 Cave to the Temple ............................................................................................................................................. 2 The Temple Precincts .......................................................................................................................................... 3 The Temple of Rad – Upper Level ....................................................................................................................... 5 The Temple of Rad – Lower Level ....................................................................................................................... 9

Appendix 1: Consolidated Encounter Statistics...................................................................................................... 12 Appendix 2: Consolidated Treasure Lists .............................................................................................................. 12 Appendix 3: New Monsters.................................................................................................................................... 13

Wind Wraiths (Template) ................................................................................................................................... 13 Retch Plant (Globe Palm) .................................................................................................................................. 14 Tri-Flower Frond ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Drowned One .................................................................................................................................................... 16

Appendix 4: Journey Plans.................................................................................................................................... 17 Blackmoss Forest to The Temple....................................................................................................................... 17 Cave to the Temple ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Adventure Summary

This adventure is designed for 4-5 players of levels 5-7 (between 25 and 28 total levels). It is set in a mountainous region of Glantri, but any similar terrain with mysterious deserted ruins would be suitable.

Adventure Background

The PCs have to travel into a wild region of the Silver Sierras to find a rare fungus called glow-mould that only glows in out of the way places. They need this rare item to create a cure for a strange disease that is afflicting one of their comrades.

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History of the Temple

In the years before Rad became an immortal, Etienne d’Ambreville discovered the Radiance and established the Brotherhood of the Radiance to study it. To this end he established a number of ‘temples’ in remote regions in which the Brotherhood could study the Radiance. Once Etienne became the immortal Rad, many of the temples were abandoned. In recent years many have been destroyed by agents of the Ring of Fire which was set up in opposition to the Fellowship of the Star. So far this temple has not been found by agents of the Ring of Fire and so remains fairly undamaged, though the sorcerers inside have been hideously changed. Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Religion) checks will reveal the following facts about the temple and Rad. Those clerics of Immortals belonging to the Sphere of Energy (e.g. Thor) gain a +2 to their checks. DC10: Rad is an Empyreal of the Sphere of Energy – third highest rank. DC12: Rad is interested in the study of a power known as the Radiance DC15: Rad used the Radiance to become Immortal rather than the patronage of an immortal DC17: Rad is the enemy of Ixion the Hierarch of the Sphere of Energy. DC20: The Radiance is the source of magical energy on Mystara DC25: The magical power is finite – if it is used to much ALL magic will vanish from Mystara. DC30: Rad is Etienne d’Ambreville the ruler of Glantri

Journey to the Temple

Depending on what the PCs have done there are a number of journey options:

Assusia to the Temple

The journey to the temple is about sixteen miles through rugged hills and mountain passes. As you leave the town the weather is unseasonably hot but as you get near where the map says that the temple is, the weather turns foul and thunder can be heard rumbling in the distance. *** Encounter ***

Blackmoss Forest to the Temple

The first day out of the forest the winding track, more of a goat path than a road becomes steep and mired. After much backtracking and frustration you make no more than 2 miles. The night remains clear and cold but no incidents occur. You have better luck on the second day when you find a much better trail through mostly level terrain and you travel 12 miles. *** Encounter ***. The weather continues fair that night and the following day. You descend into a valley and find an old overgrown trail leading north-east. The weather starts to turn foul and thunder can be heard in the distance.

Cave to the Temple

The first day out from the cave you have to take cover from vicious thunderstorms that turn the trail into rivers of slippery mud. You barely travel a mile the whole day. *** Encounter ***. You make good progress as the weather improves the next two days and you make better progress, averaging ten miles each day. You descend into a valley and find an old overgrown trail leading north-east. The weather starts to turn foul and thunder can be heard in the distance.

Wind in the Wilds

Which ever way the PCs travel they will have an encounter in the mountains. Suddenly the wind that has been blowing all day drops and the weak sunlight seems much warmer than before. Suddenly, to your horror, a figure wearing tattered leather armour steps out of the hillside not 30’ from you. His thick black hair and his battered green cloak stream out behind him as if he is in the midst of a gale. Tears forced from his eyes by the icy wind that appears to envelop him freeze on his cheeks and his mouth is opened in a never ending silent scream. The sorcerer will cast Cat’s Grace and Resistance on itself before emerging. The sorcerer will attack the closest spellcaster first with Melf’s Acid Arrow. If attacked physically he will rise up 20’ and cast Ray of Enfeeblement on the character that attacked. It will attack from above using Melf’s Acid Arrows and Ray of Enfeeblement and Ray of Frost before switching to its touch attack. He is turned as if he was a 7HD undead and can only be struck by +1 weapons or spells. 50% miss chance if corporeal weapons used.

���� Erek, Male Human Wind Wraith (Sor5): CR 7; Medium Humanoid (Undead Incorporeal) ; HD 5d12+5 (Wind Wraith) ; hp 33; Init +6; Spd 60 (Fly); AC:14 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:14); Atk +1 base melee, +4 base ranged; +1 (Constitution Drain (1d4 permanent constitution drain (Fortitude DC14 to avoid)); AL CE; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; STR 8, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 16. Skills: Concentration +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Spellcraft +8. Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Toughness, +2 Turn Resistance, Undead Traits, +1 on better weapon needed to hit. Spells Known (Sor 6/7/5): 0 -- Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost, Resistance; 1st -- Burning Hands, Enlarge, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce; 2nd -- Cat’s Grace, Melf’s Acid Arrow.

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The Temple Precincts

You reach a steep trail rising up through the mountains. A stone pillar carved with the symbol of Rad and covered with lichen points north along the track. A strange misshapen hawthorn tree off to the side of the track draws your eye.

Any PC approaching with 10’ the tree will be assailed by a hideous, wailing scream. The PC must make a will save at DC12 or be shaken. When the PCs get within 10’ they can see trapped within the tree the ancient shrivelled remains of a man. A few shreds of skin and armour remain but from the age of the tree you would guess that he has been here a very long time. If the tree is destroyed with fire the creature trapped within will be free and the screaming will stop.

The Wall and Gate

The track gradually levels off and the mountains retreat to reveal a wide, flat vale. A stone wall, expertly crafted curves from valley side to valley side and stands some thirty feet tall. Its edges are softened by the vines and ivies that climb over its surface and in the centre an archway pierces the smooth grey stonework. The remnants of massive hinges still attached to splinters of rotten wood suggest that a door once filled the gateway. A few loose blocks lie at the foot of the wall, plucked from it by the roots of plants.

When the PCs get closer read the following text:

The wall is some thirty feet thick and you can see at the far end of the tunnel formed by the archway a rusting metal portcullis partially blocking the far end. It appears to have fallen crookedly some time ago and has jammed some two feet above the surface of the paved track that runs through the tunnel.

The portcullis is very precariously balanced. If PCs try to wiggle through underneath they need to make a reflex save at DC15 or the gate will fall upon them causing 1d6 points of crushing damage and 1d6 points of piercing damage. A strength check of DC20 is needed to lift the gate enough to free a trapped player. If a PC puts a block under the gate then the gate will not fall. If a PC or PCs holds the gate up while others pass underneath the strength check required is only DC15, the PC can hold the gate up for a number of rounds equal to their constitution modifier unless they have the Endurance feat in which case they can hold the gate up for an additional 4 rounds on top of their constitution bonus.

The Gatehouse

Once through the wall you emerge into a landscape of twisted trees and rambling creepers. Set into the wall to the left of the arch is a smaller doorway; again the rotting remnants of a door and its hinges remain. Through it you can glimpse a stairway spiralling up and a small windowless room.

The room was once a guardroom for the gate tunnel. Set into the walls are arrow slits that cover the approach to the portcullis. A rusted winch and a pile of broken chain are all that remain of the gear that used to lift the portcullis.

Set into the floor is a rusted metal grate.

The gate will take a strength check of DC12 to lift as it has partially rusted itself into the surrounding stone of the floor.

The Donjon

Below the gate is darkness and moist warm air floats up from the depths.

The donjon is 40’ deep. Crouched in the shadows at the bottom are four skeletons still wearing the tattered remains of leather armour, one still has the symbol of Rad emblazoned on it’s chest. A few coins (1d12cp, 1d10sp and 1d8gp) lie scattered amongst the bones. A careful search (DC15) will reveal a short message scratched into the stone of the wall. “She is mad! She has called up the plants to attack us. We hid down here but still she found us. She splintered our ladder; we are doomed unless Petros comes back with reinforcements. Rad save us all.”

The Battlements

The stair emerges onto the top of the wall behind the crenulations and you are given a spectacular view over the mountains and the trail to the south. To the north you can see, rising through the tangled forest a large stone dome.

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Something Rotten in the Orchard of Rad (A)

The stone path is cracked and buckled by roots from the trees that crowd in on either side, sometimes even forming an arch over the path. Rotting fruit lies on the ground the trees themselves are twisted and misshapen. Smaller side tracks lead off into the trees but appear to be blocked after a few tens of paces. The undergrowth is packed with brambles and weeds, so packed you can barely see the soil.

Druids and those who make a knowledge nature check will recognise that the majority of the trees in the tangled forest are fruit trees. Apples, pears, damsons and plums, the oldest of which are arranged in ordered ranks but the pattern is not easy to spot amongst the tangled undergrowth and younger trees that have sprung up between the original trees. One tree beside the path is taller than the others; its rough bark offers easy climbing. However this will cause it to drop its fruit, this is a Retch Plant.

� Retch Plant (1): CR 3; Huge Plant; HD 5d8+25 (44hp); Init -5; Spd 0; AC 12; Atk ; Face/Reach 15 by 15/0; SA Globes (Ex); SQ Plant; AL N; Fort +9; Ref -4; Will -3; Str -; Dex -; Con 20; Int -; Wis 2; Cha 1; Height 30'; Globes (Ex): Globe palm fruit is filled with a noxious fluid that causes creatures to retch. For every creature walking under a retch plant, there is a 20% chance that one of the globes will fall. If something makes solid contact with the trunk or otherwise shakes it (including running into it, attacking it, or trying to climb it), 1d4+1 of these fruit will automatically fall. When the globes strike the ground they burst, splashing their nauseating fluid over everything in a five foot radius. Those beings within five to nine feet of the fallen fruit can easily make a Reflex save (DC 10) to avoid being hit. Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

From the top of the tree a PC can see a building in the distance (the temple) and a forest stretching throughout the valley.

A Bit of a Set-To (B)

A snuffling noise in the undergrowth is all the warning you get before a group of snarling creatures with black and white muzzles bust from the undergrowth.

����Fiendish Animal, Badger (4) : CR 1/2; Tiny Magical Beast ; HD 2d8+4 (Animal) ; hp 17, 17, 15, 12; Init +3; Spd 30, Burrow 10; AC:15 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:15); Atk +2 base melee, +6 base ranged; +6/+1 (1d2-1, 2 Claws; 1d3-1, Bite); SA: Rage (Ex) , Smite Good (Su): +2; SQ: Scent (Ex), Spell Resistance (Ex): 4, Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., Resistance: Fire (Ex): 5, Resistance: Cold (Ex): 5; AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1; STR 8, DEX 17, CON 15, INT 3, WIS 12, CHA 6. Skills: Escape Artist +7, Hide +11, Listen +4, Spot +4. Feats: Weapon Finesse: Bite, Weapon Finesse: Claws. Description: The badger is a furry animal with a squat, powerful body. Its strong forelimbs are armed with long claws for digging. Combat: Badgers attack with their sharp claws and teeth. Rage (Ex): A badger that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

How Does Your Garden Grow (C)

Use this encounter if the PCs try to move through the vegetation. If the PCs make a Spot check at DC20 or a Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (Plants) or Knowledge (Herbalism) check at the same level read this paragraph. Otherwise the plants will attack as the PCs pass.

A clump of highly attractive plants grow in a clump here, surrounded by the remains of a white picket fence. Each is about 5’ tall with deep green stalks topped with three trumpet shaped flowers of yellow, red and orange.

� Tri-Flower Frond (4): CR 2; Medium Plant; HD 2d8+4 (19, 19, 17, 15); Init +0; Spd 0; AC 11; Atk 5 Tendrils +3 ; Face/Reach 5ft by 5ft / 5ft; AL N; Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +1; Str 14; Dex 10; Con 14; Int -; Wis 13; Cha 9; Height 5'; Intelligence Drain (Su): A creature hit with a tendril takes 1d4 points of Intelligence damage if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 13). Those whose Intelligence is reduced to 0 by the tri-flower frond fall into an unconscious, coma-like state until at least 1 point of Intelligence is restored. Acid (Ex): Acidic enzymes drip from the yellow flower. It deals 1d6 points of acid damage per round the acid contacts a victim. Fluid Drain (Ex): A tri-flower frond injects a tendril into its unconscious victim and drains its body fluids, dealing 1d6 points of damage per round. Plant: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits and is immune to mind influencing attacks. Blindsight (Ex): Tri-flower fronds have no visual organs but can ascertain all foes within 30 feet using sound, scent, and vibration. Camouflage (Ex): Since the tri-flower frond looks like a normal plant when at rest, it takes a successful Spot check (DC 20) to notice it before it attacks. Anyone with Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (plants or herbs) can use those skills instead of Spot to notice the plant.

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What’s that Smell? (D)

The stench of rotting vegetation is strong here on this side of the valley and you soon see why. A semi-stagnant pool has flowed across the pathway. It is difficult to judge the size or extent of the pool.

If the PCs touch the water the Dire Toad will attack. If they retreat the toad will follow them and attack later.

���� Fiendish Dire Toad: CR 3; Medium Magical Beast ; HD 7d8+21 (Animal) ; hp 62; Init +5; Spd 20; AC:13 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:11); Atk +5 base melee, +6 base ranged; +5 (1d2, Tongue touch); SA: Improved Grab (Ex) , Poison (Ex) , Swallow Whole (Ex) , Smite Good (Su): +7 , Smite Good (Su) ; SQ: Spell Resistance (Ex): 14, Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., Resistance: Cold (Ex): 10, Resistance: Fire (Ex): 10, Damage Reduction (Su): 5/+1; AL N; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +4; STR 10, DEX 12, CON 16, INT 3, WIS 14, CHA 7. Skills: Hide +11, Jump +11, Listen +7, Spot +11. Feats: Improved Initiative, Inured to Energy, Thick-Skinned. Combat: Poison (Ex): Bite, Fort save (DC 14); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Con. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the dire toad must hit with a tongue attack. If it gets a hold, it can attempt to swallow the foe. Swallow Whole (Ex): A dire toad can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Tiny or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside the dire toad, the opponent takes 1d6 points of crushing damage +1d4 points of acid damage per round from the creature's stomach. A swallowed creature can climb out of the stomach with a successful grapple check. This returns it to the dire toad's mouth, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by dealing 10 or more points of damage to the stomach (AC 13) with claws or a tiny slashing weapon. Once that swallowed creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The dire toad's interior hold up to two Tiny, four Diminutive, or eight Fine opponents.

The Guardian (E)

When the PCs reach the gate to the temple the Guardian will step out of the forest.

“Who comes to disturb the rest of the Brotherhood of Rad?” A figure barely recognisable as humanoid steps from the forest, yet you could have sworn there was nobody there before. The creature’s skin is more bark than flesh and strange runes and sigils have been carved upon it. Each glows red. Her fingers are long and twisted like twigs but seem to hold an inner strength. “Be gone before I destroy you and all like you.

���� Szata Mohr, the Honoured Defender of the Southern Forests, Female Dryad Fey2/Drd5: CR 7; Medium Fey ; HD 2d6+2(Fey) , 5d8+5(Druid) ; hp 40; Init +4; Spd 30; AC:18 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:18); Atk +6 base melee, +8 base ranged; +6 (1d4+3, +1 Claws of Wounding x2); SA: Spell-like Abilities Speak with Plants 1 At Will Dimension Door At Will, Charm Person 3 x a day (Will save DC15) ; SQ: Symbiosis (Su); AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +12; STR 14, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 20, CHA 14. Skills: Animal Empathy +3, Concentration +11, Escape Artist +14, Hide +14, Listen +15, Move Silently +14, Spellcraft +12, Tumble +6, Wilderness Lore +15. Feats: Armour Proficiency: light, Armour Proficiency: medium, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Inured to Energy (Fire 10), Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency. Spells Prepared (Drd 5/5/3/2): 0 - Cure Minor Wounds x4, Resistance; 1st - Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Obscuring Mist; 2nd - Barkskin, Briar Web, Heat Metal; 3rd - Call Lightning, Cure Moderate Wounds.

After making the speech, on her turn she will Dimension Door away and call the beasts in the wood to attack, if the badgers or the toad are still alive. After that she will cast Resistance, and Barkskin (+3 to AC). She will then approach the PCs (hiding and moving silently) before casting Briar Web and Heat Metal (the later on the PC with the most metal armour) while still hiding. She will then cast Call Lightning down upon the strongest character (5d10 points of damage). If the PCs are still standing she will cast Entangle and attack with her claws of wounding.

The Temple of Rad – Upper Level

The temple of Rad is a solid building constructed of pale sandstone blocks tightly set together. Climb check required DC25. The wall is 15’ tall. There are no windows and there is apparently only one exit (a pair of metal double doors in the south porch). There is however a hidden door to the kitchen in the west wall. It will take a search check of DC30 to find it. Even then it may not be possible to open it as it is locked and barred on the inside. (Lock DC 30). If a PC climbs onto the roof he will see the following.

Each hour the PCs need to make a Fortitude save at DC10 (upper levels) DC12 (lower levels) or lose 1pt of temporary constitution. If PCs are reduced to a Constitution of 0 they will become a Chaos Beast as if they had been touched by one). All spells cast need a Concentration save at DC10 (upper levels) DC12 (lower levels) or a wild surge occurs.

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The building is hollow. At the centre is a stone dome that is not connected to the building that runs around it in any way. A covered corridor runs around the outside of the grassy space that surrounds the dome. There are windows set into the wall of this corridor but little can be seen inside, the glass has been etched in some way in order to allow light through but not for you to be able to see anything.

The windows have a hardness of 8 and 40 hit points.

The Entrance

Standing in a clearing is a large building constructed from pale red sandstone. Its walls are devoid of windows and the only way in appears to be a pair of metal double doors. The doors are streaked with rust which has stained the stone and the ground around them. The doors do not have handles or a keyhole. Beside the door is wooden basket that has almost totally collapsed. Inside is a selection of shapes made from a thin flexible black metal.

The PCs will quickly find that these shapes have a strange property, they stick to metal. The doors are magically locked and the only way of opening them is by arranging the magnetic metal shapes in the wooden basket in the shape of the symbol if Rad upon the door. If the PCs are struggling then a knowledge religion check at DC15 will hint at the shape required. If the wrong arrangement is stuck on the door all within 10’ of the door must make a reflex check of be struck by an electrical discharge (1d6 points of damage). When the correct shape is applied to the door the shapes glow and the doors open wide. Inside the temple all walls are made of the same pale sandstone as the outside and all floors are made from smooth grey flagstones. Ceilings are 15’ high and doors are strong (Hardness 5, 20hp with a break DC of 23).

The Vestibule (1)

The doors open to reveal an entrance hall, it’s ceiling supported by four large pillars. Above your heads there is a wooden balcony with a low balustrade accessed by a wooden spiral stair. A strange metallic taint hangs in the air and is not dispersed by the breeze coming through the open doors. Once the PCs enter and have not spotted them hiding (Spot/Search DC 18) on the balcony the wights will attack, first with flasks of acid then they will jump down. The PCs will immediately notice that the creatures were once orcs. The balcony is 10’ above the ground so the creatures need to make a jump check of DC15 or take 1d6 points of damage

���� Orc Wight: CR 3; Medium Undead (4) ; HD 4d12 (Undead) ; hp 38, 35, 32, 29 ; Init +1; Spd 30; AC:15 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:11); Atk +4 base melee, +3 base ranged; +4 (1d4+3, Slam); +3 (1d6, Acid (flask)); SA: Energy Drain (Su) , Create Spawn (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Undead; AL LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; STR 14, DEX 12, CON --, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 15. Skills: Climb +6, Hide +8, Listen +8, Move Silently +16, Search +7, Spot +8, Jump +2. Feats: Blind-Fight. Possessions: Weapons: Acid (flask) (10 gp); Acid (flask) (10 gp). Description: In ages past, the term "wight" meant simply "man." As the years went by, however, the word came to be associated with these dark undead. A wight's appearance is a weird and twisted reflection of the form it had in life; wild, frantic eyes burn with malevolence. The leathery, desiccated flesh is drawn tight across its bones, and the teeth have grown into sharp, jagged needles. Wights lurk in barrow-mounds, catacombs, and other places thick with the aura of death, where they nurture their hatred. They seek to destroy all life, filling graveyards with their victims and populating the world with their horrid progeny. Combat: Wights attack by hammering with their fists. Special Attacks: Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wight's slam attack receive one negative level. The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a DC of 14. Special Qualities: Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

PCs who specifically ask if these orcs are of the same tribe as the ones that attacked in the past automatically succeed. Otherwise a spot check at DC15 will reveal the symbol of a dripping blade on a white circle which they recognise as being seen on the armour they stripped off of the other orcs.

The Cloister (2)

A narrow corridor stretches east and west from the vestibule and runs around a grassy garth at the centre of which stands a stone dome; you can only make out rough details as the glass has been etched in some way. Light comes through the glass but everything on the other side is distorted. The glass has been etched and the floor polished by a gelatinous cube that occupies the corridor. As soon as it heard the PCs enter the corridor it started to move from the NW corner towards them. It will wait just

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north of the door to room #4 hoping that someone will walk into it, a spot check of DC15 is needed to see it.

���� Ooze, Gelatinous Cube: CR 3; Huge Ooze ; HD 4d10+16 (Ooze) ; hp 41; Init -5; Spd 15; AC:3 (Flatfooted:3 Touch:3); Atk +1 base melee, -4 base ranged; +1 (1d6, Slam); SA: Engulf (Ex) , Paralysis (Ex) , Acid (Ex) ; SQ: Blindsight (Ex), Transparent (Ex), Immunity: Electricity (Ex); RF: Ooze qualities; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref -4, Will -4; STR 10, DEX 1, CON 19, INT --, WIS 1, CHA 1.

On dying it drops 2pp and 2 gems (Brown Diamond (2000gp) and Red-Brown Spinel (60gp))

The Garth (3)

The grass is thin and straggly, not enough sun, thin soil has stunted it. The dome in the centre appears fairly easy to climb (DC15) and rises some 25’ above the garth.

There is nothing of interest in the garth. It is impossible to get through the dome even with a passwall spell.

Storeroom (4)

The door to this room is stuck and requires a strength check of DC16 to open it.

This room was used for storage by the looks of things. A ball of twine on a shelf and a pile of rags in the corner are that’s all that’s left.

Meeting Room (5)

The door to this room is stuck and requires a strength check of DC16 to open it.

This square room has a hexagonal table and six matching chairs in the centre with some bookcases and a cupboard against the walls. Everything is covered with a thick layer of dust.

The bookshelves contain the following items (roll randomly for each PC to find): 1. Scrolls containing historical records of Glantri 2. Scrolls containing diary entries of the Brotherhood of the Radiance. 3. Scrolls containing diary entries of the Brotherhood of the Radiance. 4. Scrolls containing historical records of Darokin 5. Scrolls of Elven poetry (in Elven) 6. Scrolls containing historical records of Alfheim 7. Scrolls containing historical records of Karameikos

There are 10d10 of each type and each bundle is worth 10d100 to a bookseller. None of the books contain anything particularly interesting. The diary entries are more of a list of who was absent at chapter, “Brother Osvaldo broke his leg by tripping in a badger set and so is excused Chapter for three weeks” and list of mundane events, “It rained today, water leaked through the refectory roof. Brother Aksel went up to fix it.” The last entries are dated 850. A week studying historical records will give the PC a +1 to Knowledge (History) skill.

The Lavatorium (6)

This room is dominated by a huge marble basin that stands in the centre of the room. It is still filled with water and more water trickles in from a corroded iron spigot. Two large wooden tubs and six cubicles behind stained and tattered curtains are the only other features of note in this room.

As the PCs enter two bloated figures with heavy, wrinkled skin rise up from the tubs and squelch towards them.

� Drowned One (2): CR 3; Medium Undead; HD 3d12+3 (28, 27); Init 0; Spd 30'; AC 13; Atk Slam +5 (1d6+2); Face/Reach 5ft/5ft by 5ft; SA Drowning Touch; SQ Damage Reduction, Energy Weakness; AL NE; Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +3; Str 15; Dex 10; Con -; Int -; Wis 10; Cha 1; Height 6'; Weight 180; Feats: Toughness; Drowning Touch: Each time that a Drowned One makes a successful hit upon a foe the foe must make a Fortitude save at DC10+ the damage inflicted or start to drown. Once the player has started to drown they can only take partial actions and cannot speak until they make this Fortitude save. Each round they take one point of temporary constitution damage. This damage is recovered as soon as they make a successful save. Damage Reduction: Drowned ones take ½ damage from bludgeoning weapons and fire. Energy Weakness: Drowned ones suffer double electrical and cold damage..

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The Kitchen (7)

The door to this room is stuck and requires a strength check of DC16 to open it.

An iron range and two large tables suggest that this was the kitchen and refectory for the Brotherhood. The range is cold and there is nothing to eat here now of course. The barrels contain nothing but dust and the urn has nothing but a handful of husks at the bottom. The cupboard contains plain pewter plates and iron cutlery.

A hidden door (spot DC20) leads outside through the western wall. The cooks used this to collect fresh produce from the orchard.

The Dormitory (8)

Nine simple beds fill most of this room. The frames and mattresses have collapsed but it is still easy to guess the purpose of this room.

High Priest’s Chamber (9)

The door to this room is stuck and requires a strength check of DC16 to open it.

This is a very opulently furnished room. A fine woollen rug with the symbol of Rad at the centre lies on the floor. The bed has a silk coverlet, the desk, chest, table and chairs are all crafted from rosewood and all have intricate designs carved upon them; mostly the symbol of Rad but snakes and vines make their appearance as well.

The floor under the rug is trapped. If anyone steps on the rug or the floor beneath it without saying the magic word, Silencio, a spell will be triggered which unless a will save at DC15 is made will cause the affected PCs to become insane for 1d3 rounds. During that time they will take 2d6 points of damage from banging their heads against the walls and floor as they thrash around.

� Trapped Floor: CR 3; Insanity 1d3 rounds (2d6 damage per round); Will save Avoids (DC 15); Search (DC 27); Spot (DC 27); Disable Device (DC 27);

Two rounds after the PCs enter the room a shadowy shape emerges from the western wall and attacks the nearest PC. The creature is dressed in faded robes covered in the symbols of Rad.

���� Wraith: CR 5; Medium Undead (Incorporeal); HD 5d12 (Undead) ; hp 36; Init +7; Spd 30, Fly, Good 60; AC:15 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:15); Atk +5 base melee, +5 base ranged; +5 (1d4, Incorporeal touch); SA: Constitution Drain (Su) , Create Spawn (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Undead, Subtype: Incorporeal, Unnatural Aura (Su), Daylight Powerlessness (Ex), Resistance: Turn (Ex): +2; AL LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6; STR --, DEX 16, CON --, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 15. Skills: Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Intuit Direction +6, Listen +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative.

The chest is locked (DC25) trapped with a hail of needles trap.

� Hail Of Needles Trap: CR 1; +20 ranged attack in a 10’ radius from the chest. (2d4 damage reflex save DC15 for 1/2 damage); Fortitude save Avoids (DC 15); Search (DC 22); Disable Device (DC 22);

The chest contains 400gp and a scroll containing Flaming Sphere (CL 1) and Ventriloquism (CL 3). The desk is also locked (DC25) but is not trapped. The desk drawer contains 500gp. There is a hidden door (search check DC25) in the western wall leading to room 10. PCs who pace out the corridor and guess that there must be a room there get a +5 to their roll.

Stairs Down (10)

A flight of stairs leads down into darkness.

Library (11)

The door to this room is stuck and requires a strength check of DC16 to open it. The musty smell of old parchment fills the air in this room; it probably comes from the scrolls that occupy some of the shelves in this room. A large table and four chairs stand in the middle. Someone has idly carved a symbol of Rad with a knife on the top. The bookshelves contain the following items (roll randomly for each PC to find):

1. Scrolls detailing dwarven armour making (a week studying these will give the PC +2 to Craft (Armour Smith) skill.

2. Scrolls containing historical records of Rockhome.

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3. Scrolls of love letters (these have been stuffed down the back of the bookcase). Reading these requires a constitution check at DC15 or feel nauseous for 1 hour.

4. Magic scroll containing Levitate (CL 3). 5. Scrolls of Elven poetry (in Elven)

There are 10d10 of each type and each bundle is worth 10d100 to a bookseller. None of the books contain anything particularly interesting. A week studying historical records will give the PC a +1 to Knowledge (History) skill. Hidden (DC20) in a hidden compartment of the table is: 800gp, a potion of sneaking and a wand of shatter with 9 charges

Chapter House (12)

This room is dominated by the large pulpit in the centre and the simple benches that line the walls. A large closed book sits on a rest at the front of the pulpit; the symbol of Rad is on it, drawn with gold and silver leaf. (Spot check DC12 reveals that the leather around the gold and silver is stained and worn gives rogue a +5 to his disable device check). Another large symbol of Rad is set into the wall, made from gold and silver wire. A black cloak hangs from a peg on the wall beside it.

If a PC approaches the cloak it unfolds and attacks, it’s a cloaker.

���� Cloaker: CR 5; Large Aberration ; HD 6d8+18 (Aberration) ; hp 51; Init +7; Spd 10, Fly, Average 40; AC:19 (Flatfooted:16 Touch:12); Atk +8 base melee, +6 base ranged; +8/+3 (1d6+5, Tail slap; 1d4+2, Bite); SA: Moan (Ex) , Engulf (Ex) ; SQ: Shadow Shift (Su); AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7; STR 21, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 15. Skills: Hide +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +12, Spot +11. Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative.

The book is trapped. Unless the PC runs his finger around the outside of symbol of Rad, when the book is opened the reader will be fascinated for 1d3 hours unless a Will save at DC15 is made. The book is blank.

� Trapped Book of Rad: CR 1; Victim is fascinated for 1d3 hours; Will save Avoids (DC 17 ); Search (DC 26); Disable Device (DC 26 – run finger around the symbol);

If the centre of the symbol on the wall is pressed (search check DC20) a secret cache is revealed. This contains 400gp.

Storeroom (13)

This storeroom is about half full of barrels of rotten salted fish and meat.

The Temple of Rad – Lower Level

After the rough stone walls, wooden doors and flagstone floors of the upper level, the lower level is a striking contrast. Unless spiked doors will shut and relock and traps will reset.

Each hour the PCs need to make a Fortitude save at DC12 (lower levels) or lose 1pt of temporary constitution. If PCs are reduced to a Constitution of 0 they will become a Chaos Beast as if they had been touched by one). All spells cast need a Concentration save at DC10 (upper levels) DC12 (lower levels) or a wild surge occurs.

Stairway (1)

The stairway descends for 20 or 30 feet. The wooden treads of the stairs are still sound but worn smooth in places. At the foot of the stairs a wooden door fits neatly into a stone frame. A ring handle and a small keyhole are the only furnishings to spoil the smooth blemish-free metal.

A successful search check at DC10 or a spot check at DC15 will reveal that a corpse of an orc has been propped up under the stairs. He is missing his right arm. A heal check at DC10 suggests that it has been dissolved off rather than torn or cut off. He also bears the sigils of Pashnak’s clan. A heal check at DC15 suggests he has been dead for no more than a couple of months. The air down here has preserved the body, almost mummified it. The body has no treasure. A check of the door will reveal that it is locked. A search success at DC10 will reveal that someone, quite recently, has tried and possibly succeeded in picking the lock. The lock is of average quality (DC25) and is not trapped.

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Guardroom (2)

A simple, but solid wooden table and four chairs take up most of this room. A few bones and a couple of empty clay flasks lie upon the table. Four identical doors are set in the walls, one going east, one south, one west and the other north, the one you entered through.

A spot check at DC20 will show a line of scorching at chest height either side of the southern door. All the doors are locked with average quality locks. The southern door is trapped with a burning hands spell. A search at DC25 will reveal a hidden switch that will disarm the door for 10 minutes if pressed. Again a search at DC10 will reveal that the doors have been tampered with. � Burning Hands Trap: CR 3; burning hands, 5th level sorcerer causing 5d4 points of damage, DC11 reflex save for ½ damage to all those within a 15' radius. ; Search (DC 26); Disable Device (DC 26);

Storeroom (3)

A short corridor leads to a small room, probably a store room if the shelves are anything to go by. The room has been ransacked. Jars and flasks lie shattered on the floor. Some contained acid by the damage that has been done to the floor.

Laboratory (4)

A short corridor leads to a small laboratory. The remains of a badly burned orc lie propped up against the heavy wooden bench that fills most of the west wall. A clay flask and a small pack sits next to the body. The room has been turned other quite thoroughly and broken glass, splintered wood and bits of broken jars lie everywhere.

A search of the workbench (DC20) reveals a hidden compartment containing: • A chunk of Chalcedony (40gp) • A chunk of Rose Quartz (70gp) • A chunk of Alexandrite (400gp) • 700 gold coins • A scroll that has been used for making notes (meaningless) but on the other side,

faded but still readable is a brief description of the spheres of darkness and light. “The orb of light was taken from the crown of Ixion, the orb of darkness from the crown of Hel. Loki ran off with them and hid them in the dark places so that chaos would come to Pandius and the lands of men and elves.”

The pack contains some old dried meat and fruit a potion and a scroll:

• A potion of Bull’s Strength • A scroll containing the following spells (Restoration, Water Breathing and CMW).

The orc has a holy symbol of Karaash around his neck (a serrated sword – Knowledge Religion check DC20).

Trapped Corridor (5)

A straight corridor runs southwards and ends in another door. As you open the door you see the mummified remains of two orcs just inside the door. The inside of the door is badly scratched and pitted. It appears that they used their swords, now blunt and bent to try and force the door open. The body of a third orc lies at the far end of the corridor. Unless the PCs spike the doors in this corridor, they will shut, lock and the traps will reset.

The door at the far end is trapped with a Glyph of Warding inscribed on the floor before it. The door is also locked with a good quality lock (DC30).

� Glyph of Warding (Sonic): CR 4; glyph of warding, 6th level sorcerer 4d8 (Sonic) damage, DC14 reflex save for ½ damage to all within a 5' radius. ; Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28);

The orcs’ weapons are broken and useless. The orc rogue by the door carries a potion of CMW and a pouch containing 3 pinches of Dust of Tracelessness.

Core / Temple (6)

This large circular room has a high dome forming the ceiling. The sound of your breathing and any other sounds you make echo strangely in the chamber. Set at the apex of the dome a large symbol of Rad in gold and silver. A similar symbol is set into the floor before a large stone altar. The walls and floor of the chamber are almost totally covered with bright yellow mould, fitting the description that the alchemist gave you. Another metal door leads west from this chamber. From behind the altar a horrific creature appears.

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���� Chaos Beast:CR7;Medium Outsider (Chaotic); HD 8d8+8 (Outsider); hp39; Init +5; Spd 20; AC:16 (Flatfooted:15 Touch:11); Atk +10 base melee, +9 base ranged; +10 (1d3+2,2 Claws); SA: Corporeal Instability (Su) ; SQ: Immunity: Transformation (Ex), Immunity: Critical hits (Ex); ALCN; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6; STR 14, DEX 13, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10. Skills: Climb +12, Escape Artist +11, Hide +10, Jump +12, Listen +9, Spot +9, Tumble +12. Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility.

It takes 3 full round actions to fill a flask with mould. There are five black rods inserted into the altar. They cannot be totally removed from the altar without breaking them. If examined they are seen to be rods of absorption. If all rods are pulled out to their maximum extent a magic mouth spell is triggered. “Self destruct sequence activated. Self-destruct in 1 hour. No further warnings”. If the rods are pushed back in the magic mouth is triggered again. “Self destruct sequence cancelled”. If the rods are not pushed back in then one hour later the temple and the area around it is struck by the following maximised spells, all centred on the dome:

• Earthquake • Meteor Storm • Fireball

Also all doors that are not jammed open are locked at DC30.

Portal Room (7)

The door to this room has a good lock (DC25) but is not trapped.

A short corridor leads to a square room with a mosaic pattern forming the symbol of Rad on the north wall and a strange design on the floor. On the west wall are five metal wheels with numbers etched into them and a lever.

If PCs try random arrangements of dials and pull the lever then a magic mouth will speak. “That location is not valid.” If the PCs leave the dials where they are and pull the lever then the magic mouth will say “That location is no longer accessible.” After 3 attempts the magic mouth will say, “All attempts used for today.”

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Appendix 1: Consolidated Encounter Statistics

Location Notes Enc. Level Difficulty XP per PC Result

Wind in the Wilds Wind Wraith 7.0 0.0 437.0

Something Rotten Retch Plant 3.0 -4.0 109.3

A Bit of a Set-To Fiendish Badgers 3.0 -4.0 183.7

How Does Your Garden Grow Tri Flower Fronds 6.0 -1.0 309.0

What’s That Smell Fiendish Dire Toad 3.0 -4.0 109.3 The Guardian The Guardian 7.0 0.0 437.0

The Vestibule Orc Wights 7.0 0.0 437.0

The Cloister Gelatinous Cube 3.0 -4.0 109.3

The Lavatorium Drowned Ones 5.0 -2.0 218.5

High Priest’s Chamber Wraith 5.0 -2.0 218.5

Chapter House Cloaker 5.0 -2 218.5 Core Chaos Beast 7.0 0.0 437.0 Total 3,224.10

Appendix 2: Consolidated Treasure Lists

Location Description Value Notes Taken By

2 Cloister Coins (2pp) 20 2 Cloister Gems (Brown Diamond 2000gp & Red

Brown Spinel 60gp) 2060

9 Chest Scroll (Flaming Sphere (1), Ventriloquism (3) 175

9 Chest Coins (400gp) 400

9 Desk Coins (500gp) 500 11 Scroll (Levitate (3) 150 Scroll’s print disorients the reader for

1d4 rounds after the spell is cast. During this time, the reader is at -2 on attack rolls and loses any dexterity bonus to their armour class.

11 Table Coins (800gp) 800

11 Table Potion of Sneaking 150

11 Table Wand of Shatter (9 charges) 1080 12 Cache Coins (400gp) 400

4 Laboratory Coins (700gp) 700

4 Laboratory Gems (Chalcedony (40), Rose Quartz (70), Alexandrite (400)


4 Laboratory Scroll (information) 0 4 Laboratory Potion Bull’s Strength (CL3)

4 Laboratory Restoration (7), Water Breathing (5), Cure Moderate Wounds (3)


5 Corridor Potion of CMW (CL3)

5 Corridor Pouch (Dust of Tracelessness (3 pinches) 250

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Appendix 3: New Monsters

Wind Wraiths (Template)

Until recently no one knew where wind wraiths came from. Research at the Glantrian School of Magic has revealed that wind wraiths are the flayed souls of spellcasters that lost control of a air elemental and were killed by their former subject. It is rumoured that Earth Wraiths, Water Wraiths and Fire Wraiths also exist but there have been no confirmed sightings. They appear as they did in life though the edges of their form are blurred and their hair and clothes stream back behind them as if they were being battered by a very strong wind. Spellcasters flayed by their summoned Wind Elemental gain the following traits on becoming a Wind Wraith: Hit Dice: Increase to d12 Speed: Change to 60’ Fly AC: Base creature’s natural armour improves by +2, +1 weapon or better to hit. Attacks: Creature gains the incorporeal touch attack, constitution drain (1d4 permanent constitution drain), +2 turn resistance, undead traits, retains the spells it had in memory when the mage was slain. Special Qualities: Unlike normal wraiths, normal daylight does not affect them. Combat: Each wind wraith is an individual and should be rolled up as a mage NPC. Their hit points and statistics are the same as the mage before they were killed by the elemental. The spells that the mage had memorised at the time of his or her death are present in the wind wraith's 'mind' and return each dawn. The only spells the wind wraith cannot cast are those which control elementals. They attack spellcasters first then other characters. They cannot use any material items, though they do not need material components or holy symbols to cast spells. Habitat/Society: They live alone near high mountains awaiting other mages. They will attack those who carry items of elemental control, or cast spells of the elemental school with extra vehemence. Ecology: Wind Wraiths have no ecological niche. Example Wind Wraith

���� Erek, Male Human Wind Wraith (Sor5): CR 7; Medium Humanoid (Undead Incorporeal) ; HD 5d12+5(Wind Wraith) ; hp 33; Init +6; Spd 60 (Fly); AC:14 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:14); Atk +1 base melee, +4 base ranged; +1 (Constitution Drain (1d4 permanent constitution drain); AL CE; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; STR 8, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 16. Skills: Concentration +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Spellcraft +8. Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Toughness, +2 Turn Resistance, Undead Traits, +1 on better weapon needed to hit. Spells Known (Sor 6/7/5): 0 -- Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost, Resistance; 1st -- Burning Hands, Enlarge, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce; 2nd -- Cat’s Grace, Flaming Sphere.

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Retch Plant (Globe Palm)

Huge Plant Hit Dice: 5d8+25 (47 hp) Initiative: -5 (Dex) Speed: 0 ft AC: 12 (-2 size, -5 Dex, +9 natural) Attacks: None Damage: None Face/Reach: 15 ft by 15 ft/0 ft Special Attacks: Globes Special Qualities: Plant Saves: Fort +9, Ref -4, Will -3 Abilities: Str ---, Dex ---, Con 20, Int ---, Wis 2, Cha 1 Climate: Any warm land Organization: Solitary or cluster (2-20) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 6-10 HD (Huge); 11-15 HD (Gargantuan) The retch plant is a relative of the palm tree with noxious fruit. The retch plant, also known as the globe palm, looks mostly like a typical palm tree. At its top the tree always has several globe-like, coconut-sized fruit. These membranous globes are taut, and can be coloured blue, violet, or lilac. COMBAT Retch plants are unintelligent and do not fight. The only real danger from this plant is its nauseating fruit, and the creatures it may attract. At the start of an encounter, the globe palm will have 1d4+4 fruits. Globes (Ex): Globe palm fruit is filled with a noxious fluid that causes creatures to retch. For every creature walking under a retch plant, there is a 20% chance that one of the globes will fall. If something makes solid contact with the trunk or otherwise shakes it (including running into it, attacking it, or trying to climb it), 1d4+1 of these fruit will automatically fall. When the globes strike the ground they burst, splashing their nauseating fluid over everything in a five foot radius. Those beings within five to nine feet of the fallen fruit can easily make a Reflex save (DC 10) to avoid being hit. Any creatures splashed by this sticky, foul fluid will vomit and retch uncontrollably for the next three rounds, and will spend the next hour at 50% of their normal Strength. No saving throw is allowed for either of these effects, but constructs, undead, elementals, and plants are immune to these effects. Also, the stench of this fluid can attract other creatures. Splashed victims and their possessions must be bathed in alcohol to remove this smell. This odour is discernable by all within a 50-foot radius, and this range is doubled for creatures with the Scent special quality. This odour persists for 1-4 hours unless removed as described above. Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

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Tri-Flower Frond

Medium-Size Plant Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 0 ft AC: 11 (+1 natural) Attacks: 5 tendrils +3 melee Damage: Damage Intelligence drain Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft Special Attacks: Intelligence drain, acid, fluid drain Special Qualities: Plant, blind-sight, camouflage Saves: Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +1 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 9 Climate/Terrain: Warm forest Organization: Solitary, patch (2-5), or cluster (6-11) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 3-4 (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large) The tri-flower frond appears as a plant about 5 feet tall with deep green stalks. Three trumpet-shaped flowers of yellow, red, and orange top the stalks. COMBAT Tri-flower fronds attack by with a tendril from the orange flower. If it reduces a foe to Intelligence 0, it will use its acid and fluid draining attacks. Intelligence Drain (Su): A creature hit with a tendril takes 1d4 points of Intelligence damage if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 13). Those whose Intelligence is reduced to 0 by the tri-flower frond fall into an unconscious, coma-like state until at least 1 point of Intelligence is restored. Acid (Ex): Acidic enzymes drip from the yellow flower. It deals 1d6 points of acid damage per round the acid contacts a victim. Fluid Drain (Ex): A tri-flower frond injects a tendril into its unconscious victim and drains its body fluids, dealing 1d6 points of damage per round. Plant: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits and is immune to mind influencing attacks. Blindsight (Ex): Tri-flower fronds have no visual organs but can ascertain all foes within 30 feet using sound, scent, and vibration. Camouflage (Ex): Since the tri-flower frond looks like a normal plant when at rest, it takes a successful Spot check (DC 20) to notice it before it attacks. Anyone with Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (plants or herbs) can use those skills instead of Spot to notice the plant.

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Drowned One

Medium Undead Hit Dice: 3d12+3 (16 hp) Initiative: 0 Speed: 30 ft (4 squares), swim 50 ft (10 squares) Armour Class: 13 (+3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: Slam +3 Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d6+2) + special Full Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d6+2) + special Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft Special Attacks: Drowning Touch Special Qualities: Undead, Damage Reduction, Turn Resistance (2) Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Skills: None Feats: Toughness Environment: Any water, usually marine Organization: Solitary, ship’s company (2-40) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: 10% coins, 10% goods Alignment: Usually neutral evil Advancement: Large: 4-7; Huge 9-12 A drowned one appears like any other zombie but is bloated and makes a squelching sound as it walks. Water continuously drips from its hair and runs from the corners of its slack jawed mouth. The water evaporates as soon as it touches the floor or anything other than the Drowned One itself. COMBAT Drowned ones attack like zombies with their unnaturally strong fists. Drowning Touch: Each time that a Drowned One makes a successful hit upon a foe the foe must make a Fortitude save at DC10+ the damage inflicted or start to drown. Once the player has started to drown they can only take partial actions until they make the Fortitude save. Each round they take one point of temporary constitution damage. This damage is recovered as soon as they make a successful save. Damage Reduction: Drowned ones take ½ damage from bludgeoning weapons and fire. Energy Weakness: Drowned ones take double damage from electrical and cold weapons.

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Appendix 4: Journey Plans

Blackmoss Forest to The Temple

Day 1 Initial Terrain Mountains Weather Clear Road Mired Distance Travelled 2 miles. Encounter No Mishaps 2 Night 1 Initial Terrain Mountains Encounter No Day 2 Initial Terrain Mountains Weather Clear Road Clear Distance Travelled 12 miles. Encounter Yes Mishaps 0 Night 2 Initial Terrain Mountains Encounter No Day 3 Initial Terrain Mountains Weather Clear Road Rough Distance Travelled 8 miles. Encounter No Mishaps 0

Cave to the Temple

Day 1 Initial Terrain Mountains Weather Thunderstorms Road Muddy Distance Travelled 1 miles. Encounter Yes Mishaps 1 Night 1 Initial Terrain Mountains Encounter No Day 2 Initial Terrain Mountains Weather Drizzle Road Clear Distance Travelled 10 miles. Encounter No Mishaps 0 Night 2 Initial Terrain Mountains Encounter No Day 3 Initial Terrain Mountains Weather Clear Road Rough Distance Travelled 10 miles. Encounter No Mishaps 0 Night 3 Initial Terrain Mountains Encounter No Day 4 Initial Terrain Mountains Weather Clear Road Clear Distance Travelled 1 miles. Encounter No Mishaps 0

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