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The Right Touch

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Are you incurably sick in your body right now? Or is it as if your whole life wrecks away like a broken down vessel without remedy? Or does it appear as if you are nearer to the grave each passing day in various areas of your life; finance, marriage, family, or your job?Learn how to activate the unstoppable flow of God’s power into your life

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    Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3

    CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................... 6

    TAKING INITIATIVES TOWARDS MAKING RIGHT TOUCH ................................................................. 6

    CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 13

    OVERCOMING HINDERANCES TO MAKING THE RIGHT TOUCH ..................................................... 13

    CHAPTER 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 18

    WHO TOUCHED ME? ................................................................................................................... 18

    CHAPTER 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 20

    HOW TO MAKE THE RIGHT TOUCH .............................................................................................. 21

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    ...someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.Luke 8:46

    It takes a Right Touch to make the power of God flow into ones life

    A story of one woman was told in the Bible, who had suffered a great deal from a

    terminal disease for twelve years, she emptied her bank account, and paid heavy to

    medical consultants and doctors of outstanding pedigrees to get healed, yet instead

    of getting better she grew worse.

    The heart wrenching account of this woman who had spent all her means trying to

    be healed is a story of terrible desperation and affliction. All her striving and effort

    brought her no nearer to healing than any time before. She was according to the Old

    Testament law "unclean" and was an outcast of society, just the same as any leper. It

    would have meant she could not lay with her husband; indeed she couldn't touch

    anyone or anything without the object of her touch becoming unclean. She was

    probably also totally deprived of company and people to talk to. She was a terribly

    desperate and lonely woman.

    Maybe your situation is not in any way different; your present circumstance may be

    very hopeless. And in fact your sickness may have become a resident in your body

    and the situation of your life disheartening. People may have abandoned you as a

    non-entity, and labeled you as an object of scorn and ridicule. You have laboured,

    spent, and wasted efforts and resources; just to fit in back to the society and become

    reinstated among human existence to no avail. Perhaps you have been told your

    sickness is incurable, and your circumstance has no solution. The truth is that, there

    is indeed no answer to your challenges or solution to your problems with Men.

    But Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but with God all

    things are possible." Mat 19:26

    There are many situations in this life that is beyond man. Answers to lifes troubles come alone from God and no man can give or do anything except he is enabled.

    John answered and said, a man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. John 3:27

    So I charge you today; quit listening and getting perturbed by mans judgement or

    opinion about you.

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    God cannot be limited by mans judgment about you to do whatever he wants to do

    in your life, and there is nothing impossible for Him and with Him. Only what matters

    is getting connected to Him through the right channel and there you will get your


    It does not matter the name you now carry as a result of your present circumstance.

    Her sickness got her a name the woman with the issue of Blood. So everyone called

    her, until she encountered God, and her name was changed to the woman of Great

    Faith. Friend, today your name will Change too, in Jesus Name.

    Are you incurably sick in your body right now? Or is it as if your whole life wrecks

    away like a broken down vessel without remedy? Or does it appear as if you are

    nearer to the grave each passing day in various areas of your life; finance, marriage,

    family, or your job? This woman obviously suffered incurable sickness and her

    situation became hopeless. Having spent all her money on government mandated

    health care regulations & pharmacies, and not only was she broke as a result of all

    the medical bills, but she gone even worse.

    Yet this same woman obtained such a strong faith and had the RIGHT TOUCH that

    made a demand on the power of Jesus Christ and brought into her experience total

    and immediate deliverance.

    In this little book, we will explore, understand, and glean together through this

    womans experience some principles that will biblically work for you TODAY! My

    objective is to share with you the truth of Gods word that will bring you out of your

    present circumstance INSTANTLY and live no longer at the mercy of your oppressors.

    May the Holy Spirit shine in your heart the light of truth, and reveal in you the power

    of Christ. Amen.

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    As I write this book, I remembered this popular saying Knowledge is Power. Being

    true as it may, I submit to say that power without real and effective manifestation is

    a mist; useless and useful for nothing. For power to be useful or directly benefit any

    man, such power must be engaged and put to action. A power that is not put to work

    is as dead as a fire burner that is not ignited.

    For instance, looking outside your window, you will see cables and poles that

    connect your house to the National Power grid or source of electricity. That suggests

    that there is an inflow of electric power into your house; if you CONNECT to it

    PROPERLY, but this connection alone cannot by itself lighten up the bulbs in your

    house, power your electronic gadgets, and turn on your electrical appliances. No, it

    wont! You MUST ENGAGE THE POWER by taking decisive steps, such as: plugging the

    appliances to power through a socket,

    turning on the switches, and taking other

    required actions to get them working for you

    according to their use.

    Let us now consider important initiatives

    required to making the right touch for your

    healing, breakthrough, and miracles. The Gospel according to Matthew and Mark tell

    their story uniquely about this Sick-Labeled woman, lets look at two Key insights

    from their version of the story.

    And who had endured much suffering under [the hands of] many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew worse.

    She had heard the reports concerning Jesus, and she came up behind Him in the throng and touched His garment

    Mark 5:26 27AMP

    From the above rendition according to the Gospel of Mark, we will draw up the first

    active initiative you will need to take towards making the right touch for your

    healing, blessing, and miracle:

    For power to be useful or directly

    benefit any man, such power must

    be engaged and put to action

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    The first primary step this woman took was to establish a proper connection for her miracle. She had heard the reports concerning Jesus, she heard about Jesus the Saviour. She was attentive in inquiring who Jesus is and what he has come to do for people like her. She heard that Jesus had said With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mar 10:27. She understood that Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earthMat_28:18. She heard about how Jesus can deal with every cause of her sickness; which includes SIN, how the flow of Jesus Blood on the cross had atoned for her, and sufficient alone for her liberation. This woman heard so much about Jesus, and so established a proper connection in her heart; building up her Faith in Christ Jesus and his words.

    So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

    Rom 10:17

    Dear Friend, have you heard about Jesus? Do you bother at all to consider for yourself the truth God has laid out and revealed in the Bible? Or you depend on people alone, and what the preacher or pastor says it says? YOU NEED TO KNOW JESUS PERSONALLY and not depend on peoples description of Him alone.

    Pick up your bible today, pray that God by His Holy Spirit will open your eyes of understanding and reveal Christ to you in all fullness, truth, and power. He is the only key to your freedom and miracles. He came to seek, and give you fullness of life in abundance. Not for this life only, but also for an endless life with him in glory. He owns the power to heal and to deliver you from all your afflictions and troubles. Everything has been subjected to him and his name is above every name. For it is written:

    Therefore God has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of heavenly ones, and of earthly ones, and of ones under the earth; and that every tongue

    should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9 - 11


    PERSONALLY and not depend on

    peoples description of Him alone

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    Jesus came because of you. He is calling you to come. Hear what he says to you:

    "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out ? Come to me. Get away with me and

    you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Mathew 11:28

    It is interesting to notice that, this woman did not just stop at hearing about Jesus; she went further in following Jesus.

    and she came up behind Him

    in the crowd Mark 5:27

    After she heard about Jesus, she made up her mind and resolved to follow him out-rightly. The word of God says, she came up behind him and despised the crowd. Who are this crowd, and what are they in your life? We will talk about them later on. Friend you must make up your mind to follow Jesus out-rightly. What I am saying in essence is this: YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN genuinely; you must receive Christ as your Lord and savior. You must be willing to yield your life to him absolutely and be ready to give up your ways to follow him truthfully. This will establish your connection with God once and for all. Then, beyond just obtaining healing and miracles from him, he will freely flow to you, and through you his bondless blessings to other people.

    Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, and the God from whom all help comes!

    He helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God.

    (2Cor 1:3-4 GNB) Understand this! The reason God will help you is not just because of your comfort alone, it is also for the comfort of people whom God will send you. His ultimate purpose is to make your experience a channel of blessing to many; you are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that you have received from God.

    Listen to this clearly; your salvation and reconciliation to God is far more important than the healing and breakthrough you might so desire.

    If our hope in Christ is only for this life here on earth, then people should feel more sorry for us than for anyone else.1Co 15:19. ERV

    His ultimate purpose is to make your

    experience a channel of blessing to


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    Yes! Your salvation and hope in Christ far out-ways whatever blessing or deliverance you so desire and after which you seek. This earth is passing away with every being in it, and all things in it will go up in flames of fire in no distant days ahead. For our God is a consuming fire. Heb_12:29.

    God himself has predetermined it so. This will be so, so that God can restore order to creation and destroy evil and wickedness from the earth with all that practice and enjoy them. Everyone that practice evil and sin is an enemy of God and Satans workman. The wrath of God is coming upon such person in fury and with great anger.

    You will have to drink the wine that God gives to everyone who makes him angry. You will feel his mighty anger, and you will be tortured with fire and burning sulfur,

    while the holy angels and the Lamb look on. Rev 14:10

    The truth is that Gods love has FREELY provisioned you for salvation and redemption; He has not purposed anyone for destruction except Satan and his fallen angels. He has opened a door of escape for you so that you can be liberated from corruption, sin, and death. He has furnished for you a habitation of Glory, an abode

    of Splendor, and a lifetime of Eternity. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his

    only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

    John 3:16

    Perhaps you were once connected and your connection is cut off for one reason or the other. Do not lose heart. With him all things are possible. He is calling you back right now in his love. He says this to you:

    Who is there to condemn [YOU]? Will Christ Jesus (the Messiah), Who died, or rather Who was raised from the dead, Who is at the right hand of God actually pleading as

    He intercedes for YOU?

    Who shall ever separate us from Christ's love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril

    or sword? For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers,

    Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Romans 8:34 -39 AMP

    He has furnished for you a

    habitation of Glory, an abode of

    Splendor, and a lifetime of Eternity.

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    Also He says:

    If YOU[freely] admit that YOU have sinned and confess your sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive your sins [dismiss

    your lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse YOU from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].

    1Jn 1:9 {emphasis mine} I charge you today, accept the love of God, and let nothing hinder you from following him truthfully and wholeheartedly. Satans intention is to mislead and deceive as many as he could, so as to take them together with him as partaker of Gods wrath and judgment. But God has made your deliverance possible by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. Just talk to God sincerely and with the conviction you now have that, Jesus should forgive your sins and accept you as his child. Talk to God as a father, and with an assurance of His love for you. Then your proper connection is established. INITIATIVE 2:- Engage your CONNECTION

    For she kept saying to herself, If I only touch His garment, I shall be restored to healthMathew 9:21

    What we saw this woman do next according to the Gospel of Mathew was that she

    immediately engaged her connection. For she kept saying to herself She had

    been connected to the power grid by believing and accepting Jesus as Lord and

    Saviour, yet her healing did not take place immediately afterwards, Jesus himself was

    waiting for her to get engaged in action.

    Anointing flows to a demand, and responds to engagement. When demand is not

    placed on the anointing, it does not flow. The extent at which the power of God

    manifests itself in your life, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit finds expression in

    your situation is the extent at which you place demand on it.

    Dear Friend, you MUST engage your connection for your healing and miracle.

    Engagement here is no other thing than strong confession of faith about your

    situation, and the expression of your expectation in the power of him that you have

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    received and believed. For she said within herself, if I may but touch his garment, I

    shall be whole. Mathew 9:21 KJV

    Who knows how many times she prayed this,

    until she eventually touched Jesus. But she

    never stopped.

    Sometime ago, I needed to take hot coffee

    early one morning. I reached out to the

    electric kettle, added water and plugged it to

    power to get hot. It took about 5 minutes to get the water hot for use. What did I

    learn? The kettle REMAINED plugged {engaged} to POWER socket for me to have hot

    water. If I had pulled out the power socket the first 2 minutes, I will never have my

    coffee hot. So also, you need to engage your connection RESOLUTELY and

    RESILIENTLY to have your miracle.

    For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ for spiritual and physical blessings) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable and

    connected to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out

    freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation, deliverance and miracle.

    Romams 10:10.Emphasis mine

    You can now see from the bible passage above

    that, as much as you CONNECT to God by believing in Christ, you also need to

    CONFESS with a heart of faith your salvation, healing, and miracle to see it manifest.

    The power of God that flows uninterruptedly will not benefit you, until you plug into

    it through confession engagement.

    Your confession prepares, positions, and moves you into actually touching Christ.

    Subsequently, I will be talking about many ways you can engage your connection in

    touching God.

    I want you to, as this point begin to speak the word of faith about your situation. You

    need to do what this woman did right now; for she kept saying to herself, if I only

    touch His garment, I shall be restored You shall have whatsoever you say. So start

    declaring your expectation right now.

    As you do this, continue reading on, as I will be showing you next, how this woman

    overcame all hindrances and obstacles on her way, and how she eventually touched

    Jesus for her miracle.

    Anointing flows to a demand, and

    responds to engagement. When

    demand is not placed on the

    anointing, it does not flow

    The power of God that flows

    uninterruptedly will not benefit you,

    until you plug into it through

    confession engagement.

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    Reality Check

    Points to Note: I can engage the power of God for my breakthrough or healing by

    first accepting Jesus into my life.

    List other ways you can take initiatives towards making the right touch.

    Verse to Memorize: "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out ? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest.

    Mathew 11:28

    Personality Check: Do I really know Jesus personally?

    How can I take decisive steps in order to engage the power of God?

    Prayer: Heavenly Father, by Your Holy Spirit, open my eyes of understanding and reveal Christ to me in all fullness, truth and power, amen.

    For further help or counseling, contact us at Divine Realities Ministries

    Helpline: +234 809 3333 224

    E mail: [email protected]

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    And who had endured much suffering under [the hands of] many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew worse,

    she came up behind Him in the Crowd and touched His garment Mark 5:26 - 27

    Look together with me at some of the road blocks that could have hindered this

    woman from obtaining her healing if she had allowed them.

    1. Negative Experiences:-

    She had endured much suffering under [the hands of] many physicians.

    There was no doctor of her days she did not see, nor were there any hospital

    she did not visit. Yet nothing named

    improvement was seen in her

    situation, but instead she grew worse.

    How many physicians have you

    consulted before now too? Medical

    Physicians of outstanding pedigrees and blue chip hospitals both within and

    outside the country, including Spiritual Physicians, miracle pastors, Imams,

    babalawos and eleweomos, witches, magicians, gurus and all sort and yet

    your condition has grown worse than it was rather than improvement.

    Perhaps you have sold all your properties, shares, and belongings to pay

    these physicians. Or you have forfeited your treasure including your hard

    earned money to Bishops, Pastors, Prophets, Priests and Spiritualist in the

    name of prayers and sowing seeds for your blessing.

    Listen, God is not a business man that exchanges or trades His blessings for

    your money, as He has been projected by men. God is interested in you and

    not your resources. He wants the whole of you and not what you have. He

    God is not a business man that

    exchanges or trades His blessings

    for your money, as He has been

    projected by men.

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    wants your life committed to Him; in your actions, in your behaviours, in your

    decisions, and in truth.

    Quit mediums and reach out to touch Jesus Christ yourself and you shall be

    healed. Do not allow the memories of how long you have lived with this

    situation, and how much you have spent with no improvement barricade you

    from getting out of it.

    Your moment of solution is now.

    Peter said, May your money come to destruction with you, because you had

    the idea that what is freely given by God may be got for a price.

    (Act 8:20. BBE)

    God will bless you because He has chosen to bless, and not because you

    provoke him with a seed or money.

    It will no longer be blessing if it has a

    price tag, rather it will be a professional

    or spiritual service rendered. God

    blesses and He does not render


    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us

    with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3)

    My friend, do not be plundered any longer. All you need to receive and

    activate your miracle and blessing is FAITH in Christ, and nothing more. It is

    not SEED or MONEY you need to enjoy the grace of God in Christ Jesus, but

    FAITH alone. You do not demonstrate your faith in Christ and love for God by

    giving Him your substance or money, rather you do it by giving Him your

    WHOLE life. If you are completely Gods, what is it on earth would you not be

    willing to yield to Him in obedience?

    Like I said earlier, Gods aim is to make you a blessing and channel of

    distribution. And once He is in charge of your life and heart completely; being

    evident in your character, attitude, and sincere commitment to His ultimate

    purpose, enjoying His miracles, blessings, and abundance becomes inevitable

    All you need to receive and activate

    your miracle and blessing is FAITH in

    Christ, and nothing more

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    naturally. He will be able to trust you and then commit kingdom riches into

    your care to further his cause in peoples life.

    Christian Giving, as taught in the Bible is an expression of gratitude for Gods

    love and mercy, a demonstration of commitment to further Gods cause and

    propagate His work, a duty and

    response of obedience to ensure that

    Gods servant are properly provided for

    and an obligation we owe one another

    as a believer; being a demonstration of

    brotherly kindness and love.

    2. Hopelessness

    and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew worse.

    Yes, her condition became hopeless. The more she spent the more

    deteriorating and failing her condition became. This continued for 12 years.

    Her sickness was labeled INCURABLE.

    INCURABLE, does that sound like yours? The physicians werent lairs anyway.

    It was indeed for them incurable. But for Jesus all things are possible, and to

    those that would get the Right Touch with him, nothing shall be impossible.

    Do not lose heart friend, you are fortunate already reading this book.

    Get pass your past negative experiences, commit your life to Christ wholly and

    solely today!

    Jesus is waiting for your Touch.

    3. Crowd

    She came up behind Him in the Crowd

    She did not allow this apparent obstruction to stop her. She was far

    positioned, and was not close to Jesus at all. As far as one can be from God

    she was. There were so many people and so many things between her and

    Jesus, yet she pressed her way to touch him and ignore whatever they were

    saying. She was mindless of their criticism and opposition.

    Get pass your past negative

    experiences, commit your life to

    Christ wholly and solely today!

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    How many people are between you and Jesus Christ that we have been talking

    about? Is it your wife, your children, your family, your club member or towns

    men? Or even your religion? Are you concerned about what names they will

    give to you once they know you are now professing Christ? Are you ashamed

    perhaps they get to know you are reaching out to Christ for your healing and

    miracle? Your credentials and pride might also be the crowd you have to press

    down and get through to Touch Jesus.

    I dont know about you, but as for me, I am desperate enough and tired of my

    situation as to allow anything to stop me from reaching Jesus.

    Jesus is waiting. Will you touch him before it is too late?

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    Reality Check

    Points to Note: I must not allow any hinderance to stop me from obtaining my


    List other ways you can allow hinderances to stop you from obtaining your miracles

    Verse to Memorize: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has

    blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3)

    Personality Check: In what way have I put my trust in men? List ways of overcoming the obstacles on your way to your breakthrough?

    Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to get pass all forms of hindrances hindering me from obtaining my breakthrough, amen.

    For further help or counseling, contact us at Divine Realities Ministries

    Helpline: +234 809 3333 224

    E mail: [email protected]

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    And Jesus said, who is it who touched Me? Someone did touch Me; for I perceived that [healing] power has gone forth from Me.Luke 8:45 -46

    Something amazing and remarkable pop out to me as I ponder upon the extra-

    ordinary initiative this woman took to touch


    Have you heard people say I want God to

    touch me or even preachers say Gods

    power will touch someone today. These are

    popular sayings among Christians, its even

    being sung as a chorus.

    Many are waiting to be touched by God, but this woman went ahead to touch God


    Wow, what a courageous woman, hungry for her recovery.

    Are you too, hungry for Gods intervention in your life? Why wait for God to touch

    you, when you can make a Right Touch today.

    My eyes were opened as I pondered on these texts. The power of God flowed out of

    Jesus un-commanded, and un-hindered, just because a woman made a touch of

    faith? This is inconceivable and awesome to think.

    Today, many are waiting for Jesus to touch them, while Jesus is expecting many to

    touch Him.

    Will you touch him?

    The right touch of courageous faith turns on the flow of Gods power,

    That day, many were among the crowd that were sick and needy, waiting for Jesus to

    touch them but unfortunately they got nothing because Jesus did not touch anybody

    that day, except for this woman who was courageous enough to touch Jesus.

    The Right Touch of Courageous

    Faith turns on the flow of Gods


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    Someone did touch Me; for I perceived that [healing] power has gone forth from Me

    Friend, if there is no demand, there cannot be supply. Or have you heard of anyone

    that got a good delivered to his house without a prior order? Or have you seen a

    precious and expensive commodity being hawked around before? You have to place

    a demand for it.

    Gods miraculous power answers only to Demand

    You can place a demand on Gods anointing and have it INSTANTLY supplied to meet

    your need when you make the Right Touch with it.

    Will you do the same today?

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    Reality Check

    Points to Note: I can take an extra ordinary initiative like this woman.

    List the initiatives you can take to get your miracle.

    Verse to Memorize: And Jesus said, who is it who touched Me? Someone did touch Me; for I perceived that [healing] power has gone forth from Me.Luke 8:45 -46

    Personality Check: what ways have I been delaying Gods intervention in my life?

    Prayer: Lord, give me the courage to take that extra ordinary initiative I need to take for me to get my breakthrough and miracle, amen.

    For further help or counseling, contact us at Divine Realities Ministries

    Helpline: +234 809 3333 224

    E mail: [email protected]

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    Came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His garment, and immediately her flow of blood ceased. Luke 8:44

    Though this woman touched Jesus Christ physically, you too can do the same

    spiritually today. Having established that some fundamental requirements are non-

    conditional in touching Jesus Christ, there are ways today you can make your touch

    felt by Jesus, where He is seated at the right hand of God; a position of Full Power

    and Authority.

    1. Touching Jesus Through Prayer of Faith:

    Dear friend, the only way you can demonstrate and express your faith in Jesus

    Christ is through praying to God, in the

    name of Jesus Christ.

    Up to this time you have not asked a

    [single] thing in My Name [as

    presenting all that I AM]; but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive,

    so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete.

    John 16:24

    When you pray in Jesus Name, you are touching Him, and saying to God that

    you are His, and you believe in His power to heal, save and deliver, and that

    He is all youve got.

    Lets read the rendition of the Message Bible of James 5:15

    Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if

    you've sinned, you'll be forgiven--healed inside and out.

    James 5:15

    Prayer is expressing intently and totally how you feel to God.

    Jesus is seated, waiting for your touch through prayers.

    Say it as it is; that is prayer.

    Pouring out your heart and assuming nothing in his presence.

    Do it ceaselessly and see your miracles unfold.

    Prayer is expressing intently and

    totally how you feel to God.

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    2. Touching Jesus Through Confession of Sins:

    As surely as Jesus will heal and restore you when you pray, you need to

    confess your sins and wrong doings. Confession is one thing that is being

    overlooked today. It is as necessary as your prayers.

    Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and

    restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its

    working]. James 5:16

    Confessions of wrongdoing to a brother clear the way for the power of God to flow towards your direction. And as the brother prays for you, the tremendous power of God will be made available. Who should I confess to?

    You confess to God. You Confess to the Brother you wronged. You Confess to your Pastor.

    * You may need to talk to your pastor so as to further guide you in this process. You may also contact the address on this publication for further help and guidance in this vital area.

    3. Touching God by Submitting to the Authority of True Men of God:

    Undoubtedly, there are critical situation that necessitates a third party, let

    alone situations that require higher level of Power and Spiritual Influence in

    other to subdue and overcome. God has institutionalized His kingdom and has

    set hierarchy in place to administer various degrees of needs.

    There are some conditions, due to complexities and intricacies that you will need a spiritual elder or pastor to handle with you. Note that I said, With you and not for you. Yes, in the kingdom of God there are no prayer machineries but servants and ministers. A minister, ministers to and not for a person, so you are involved in the entire process. Do not be deceived by so called men of God that claim

    Confessions of wrongdoing to a

    brother clear the way for the power

    of God to flow towards your


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    they can organize special prayers for you, with a reward in mind. Into such hands the woman we have been talking about fell and lost all she had

    And who had endured much suffering under [the hands of] many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew worse. Mark 5:26

    They will only extort and exploit all you have.

    But I am talking about genuine Elders and Pastors that God has ordained to

    help you. Locating a Bible Believing Church around you, where the whole truth

    about God is being preached will help you.

    Perhaps you will have difficulty in locating one. You may contact the address

    on this publication. They shall be willing to help administer Gods anointing to


    Is anyone among you sick? He should call in the church elders (the spiritual guides). And they should pray over him,

    anointing him with oil in the Lord's name.

    James 5:14

    There is a Touch you make with God

    when you answer such invitation.

    Are you bed ridden, do this today and let Gods Healing flow into you through

    His anointed.

    Time has not run out on you yet. Today is the day of your salvation.

    Conclusively, this woman got her miracle after 12 years. What response is this small

    booklet demanding of you?

    Are you yet to make a Proper Connection? Do that Now, ask Jesus to be your

    Lord and Master.

    Has your Connection been broken or cut off? Ask Jesus to forgive you and

    restore you into fellowship with him and the father.

    Are you engaging your connection?

    What are the Barriers you have to overcome?

    Time has not run out on you yet.

    Today is the day of your salvation.

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    Will you touch God with a courageous faith today?

    Through what channel would you make the Right Touch today?

    I believe and sincerely pray that the power of God will flow to you as you make the

    Right Touch in Jesus Name. Amen.


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    Reality Check

    Points to Note: There are channels to making the right touch.

    List ways you can practicalise the channels of making the right touch.

    Verse to Memorize: Up to this time you have not asked a [single] thing in My Name

    [as presenting all that I AM]; but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so

    that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete. John 16:24

    Personality Check: What are the sins I need to confess?

    List how you plan to repent and turn a new leaf.

    Prayer: Lord, as I make the right touch today, let your healing power flow through me, amen.

    For further help or counseling, contact us at Divine Realities Ministries

    Helpline: +234 809 3333 224

    E mail: [email protected]