Our Exchanges aid Rmadr BAINVILLE - Judge C. E. Comer was a ini the city yesterday. John Ltnquist left te )ae part of last week on a short bsdaes trip to Minneapolis. Miss Hazel Calder left Monday for Froid neat which place she has ac- cepted a position as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Leonard came down from Poplar Sunday and were the guests of Bainville friends. Dr. J. S. Geiser is sal tVMB A,D Lyle Bain left this foreoon for Froid where he will spend a few days visiting at the home fo his uncle, John Bain and family. Art Forest and wise left the lel#s part of last week via auto for their old home at Creekston, Mimn., wher they expect to meke slr home. F. J. J. Marquart.of. Minneapolis was pn arrival in the city Tuesday even- ing and is spending a few days look- ing after farming interests southwest of town. Mrs. E. J. Biadean and son, Wal- ter, left last Saturday evening for spend a couple of weeks visiting with Crookston, Minn., where they will spend a couple of weeks visiting with relatives and friends. The M. Larsen family, who have been residents of this city for the past year, left the first of the week for Williston where they will make theim future home. John Powers left yesterday for his home at Havana, N. D., After spend- ing the past month or more looking after his banking interests here and at Medicine Lake. Martin Thomas and wife have moved into the city from their claim near Scobey and will re~ain here until next spring. Mr. Thomas is a conductor on ce of the branch runs. Carpenters are at work this week fixing up a couple of extra rooms in the school house to accommodate the mcrcabd number of pupils that re expected to enter school the coming yea:. Sunday morning at tL:e usual hoursb Tim Spencer h-. r:signed his po- sition with Petersonr L i'ubman dray and left Tuesday aight for Minot where he will spend a few ds bSg fore taking up his duties as janitor at the school house. FROID Mr.. and Mrs. W. C. Gambel of Fairmont, Minn., arrived here last Saturday for a two weeks visit at the home of their son, C. B. Gambel and family. Mrs. Martin Cook, of Chicago, a sister of Frank and Will Base of this place, who has been spending the past few weeks here on a visit, returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sommers who have made Froid their home for the past several months, left this week for Fargo, N. D., where Mr. Som- mers expects to obtain employment at his trade. Mr. Sommers is consid- ered one of the best electricians in the state, and during his stay here has been in the employ of S. J. Doro- thy The county has a force of men busy this week, putting in the new concrete bridge on the old stage road north of Froid. Mrs. A. E. Kamps and daughter returned this morning from a three weeks visit wtih her parents at Al- bert Lea, Minn. A. J. Kauffman left the first of the week for a business trip in the , Estervan country, Canada. Mr. Kauff- man has land interests in that locali- ty. Mrs. Andrew Schnitzler of Som- f ers, Montana, is here this week for t a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Schnitzler expect- to move o to Kalispell, this fall. t At a meeting of the Froid school h board held Tuesday night the con- tract for hauling the children of the .-. st country to and from the Froid :school was let to Richard Strand for w the sum of $95.00 per month. J. Stewart Morrison and wife ar- fi :rived here Wednesday from Minne- sota, Mr. Morrison having accented it .the position as principal of the Froid F schooL They will keep house in the Mrs. R. E. Purves residence as soon w as vacated which will be about the tl 10th of this month. The next regular meeting of the fo Norwegian Ladies' Aid will be held 81 on Thursday, September 18, at the church in Froid. Lunch will be ea servcd the public during the after- De noon to which all are invited.. All -members of the church are requested pa to be present at this meetiayy gas e to siderable business of importac wil be transacted at ihat time. Harry Roy has ntoeed fk ' T Meredith residence to the bui j tornmerly occupied by A. W. XII.. c of eal stao e . a. sanatorium in .an eto to egain his elthw ich bsy be come broken down as a resumit of te lu epieptc t jast winer. Atte a couple of Imnth stay in the e•d mets a b ve for the soot to spend the winter. C.C. Sullie s deft Sunday morn ing for a two weeks business trip and visit with frieds and relatives in southern Minnesota. Mr. Sullivan's xamily are also visiting telatives at to s L aa feve da tie• e Ibefoae r turning to Proid. Lawrence, the eight year old s9 babe, suffered a broken leg Sunday .nornint fge.i ai e kilcs E a hrse while dii the animal to the pas- trl' i e. eor ther t the DIahl bspital Suipay sgerola, 3. C X aft tr has sold his residence property to the Norwegian church society ofri ae tFo ue a a parsonage, and will be occupied by Rev, Haagenson who i in charge of the wr• hete. Mr. tand' family expect to move to their farm near Dagmar. Rev. R. H. Evans, pastor of the FrOid Congregational chych for thep past few yeasww was given a fare-s well reception at the Electric Hall Tuesday evening. T. B. Tasa is remodeling his resi- dence by raising the roof and adding several rooms to the second story. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Christe of Green-. wood, Wis., arrived here last Sunday 1 for a visit at the home of her mother Mrs. Thos. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Palmdr Wieberg are expected to arriver here today from Great Falls, Mont., for a visit at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arne Wieberg. Mrs. Earl Early served a fine lunch a; the church parsonage Wednesday afternoon for the benefit of the Con- gregational Ladies' Aid, and the sum of $13.25 was realized. Peter Enger, who has been receiv- ing medical treatment at Rochester, Minn., for the past three months, is expected home next week. Mr. Enger is said to be greatly improved in health. i I ~OMESTEJAD Farmers around Homestead and Svicinity are busy harvesting and threshing their crop, and many are f much surprised at the way the grain is turning out in spite of the dry weather. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schnitzler and two daughtes, Rev. Egli and August Reiter of Froid and Robert and Hen- ry Zick, Herbert Base, Carl Wilke, John Danielson and Ed. Wiggum called on Henry Horstman last Sun- day. Henry is improving slowly from I his injuries received some time ago i and expects soon to be able to.call on his old friends again. The injuries of his knee is causing him a greatt deal of trouble, otherwise he is get- ting along as well as can be expected under the circumstances. William Base, Bert Herrin and Robert Zick are cutting wheat for John Christopherson this week. John's grain crop is not so bad this year. O. B. McCabe and John Miller have their new barns well under way and both will soon have forgotten the effects of the storm of about two i months ago. [1 Mr. Nyquist who had his large barn destroyed by the storm of some few weeks ago, is making prepara- tions to rebuild again. Mrs. M. Koch of Chicago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shults and sis- ter of Frank and William Base, is here for an extended visit. DOOLEY Rev. Aaberg and wife of Westby were here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Erick Bjork was here i from Comertown Tuesday. I Miss Alid" Phaneuf of Westby vis- o ited at the White Kitchen restaurant Eriday. h Miss Hattie Nelson went to Plenty- t wood Monday to enter high school at e: that city. Miss Mlnoa Johseon left Tuesdy t' for a visit with her sister, Mrs. 0. k. Bea M rah, Jr., lef today with a car of cattle 4r Chicago. Lunter and Decker are shipping the cattle. e W .- Lampe sold hisu .ad to his - parents rocetly and expect to reia ' . Atty. t L Batley, l Sbela -and rday a their wy to Phsoiywi. Revr. Xer of Webe was hev d terer will Eav a tr- gMen:. the boos.lazi ip oocupedby 13 rs4 1t. dLl.ites aud dsBanlar N an.d tu itle Fatewesw t- to Allot, - N. ., Saturday, where Easel will re- d e dlcal care. . m SIGeo. unter mtered to Antelope 'itseday. Elsm Vera Hunter, who has been at their farm near Antelope, laccompanied him homrne. Mr. and M]rs. A. M. flolt and Mr. - -il• PG. Nevi t spent the first o the .ekt Ne the Hola t homDestead near .ew~od Mile Canada. nd4ew Heluand and family of Out- s loIck were in town eday. Mr. Ue- fi d hl that crops in that country P were about the same as here. SFletcher Gos left Saturday for his rhome at New Roekford, N. D., after sa extended visi with his brother Loyle. e wtill reter high school at New Rockfotl. M r. ,aa4 MM . .Peter Schumacher t and son, Hector, motored to Plenty- wroo Msay, w.ere tom hater ens tered the Plentywood High School. O. M. SEtadig was here from West- L by, hknda4 He reports that Arth- or St di. bo is at a miliary ho.. pital, very low and is not expected ito lve. Miss Ethel Franey returned Satur- sday from her home at Waverly, Minn., to resume her duties as sales- lady at the J. C. Epler store after a month's vacation. Mrs. H. Pomarleau and Miss Ehr- myne Hunter left Saturday for Whitefish, this state. Mr. and Mrs. '. Hunter and son Donald accompa- wied them as far as Culbertson, re- turning Sunday. Miss Celia Okerlund of Plentywood was a Sunday and Monday visitor at the J. C. Epler home.. The G. B. Clarke family of Plen- tywood will move to Williston in the near future. Harry Steiner and grandson, Mas- ter Vollin Bollman, of Westby, were here Tuesday. Mr. Steiner said grain in his district averaged about two bushels to the acre. D. E. Pappenfus returned several weeks ago from a trip to Candle Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Newton Shaw, who accompanied Mr. Pappen- fus remained at Togo, Manitoba, where he wifl make his future home. 1 Mrs. M. McGovern and Misses * Grace McNeely and Thressa Franey are expected tomorrow from Waver- 1 ly, Min, the former to reopen her e restaurant here while the latter two are members of the local school hae- i ualty. COMERTOWN Mrs. Julia Ueland moved her house- n hold effects to Outlook yesterday an.1 Stoday, where she has purchased a n residence and will make her future o homd. Miss Virginia Barnhouse, who has s been at the W. W. Comer home the: past week in the capacity of nurse, returned to her home Wednesday. Mrs. W. W. Comer, who has been quitte ill, is able to be up again. r Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vossen were in j Dooley Mlcnday with a load of cab- bage, whirh sold at the Ehrhardt & r:cnseth store. Mr. and Mrs. Vossen jhas one. of the best, if not the best gadien, in this territory, and have disposed of a large amount of vege- ttables. They have a number of wat- ermelons and muskmelons, which two are very hard to raise here. FLAXVILLE Mrs. H. A. Christiansen is report- ed quite ill at this writing. Edward Potter and Roy Willard of Whiteail were visiting friends here last Tuesday. Orville Lockrem and wife of Mad- oc were pleasant callers in our city last Tuesday afternoon. Tom Lee, who has been working in Homestead for some time, returned 1 on the train last Saturday. Veda LaRoehe purchased a new Rock Island engine for farm work' the first of the week fromr the deal- 1 er in the city. C. M. Sager purchased lumber here 1 the first of the week to make im- 1 provements on his farm on the res- 1 ervation. a i Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, Wesley v and Shorty Anderson from the 'res- e~vatio spent Sunday with Henry d NA an d felfly, r Deputy S d Featam a•md Ralph 2 h* ofWnt d were pleasant c callets at thi ee last Friday while 1urty AR 6on' was I. towanla p Wa+ ednialy•rcbeasd a aew' Ro* a rteYd+ spb ta ;-o:wa Ir n to . e a. -at Antopead will ve for tht platoc this week,' l Thresh is on, and a few loads , of grUae have t'eady been hauled to s- toPoed K . and H. X. Young of e Homesteadi were here for a short s visit last Tuesday. i, Bert Baker IN=' in the iarst of the . and will soon begin hauling hiat grain t town. O. B. •last Ti was in from the re-y. ervption the first of the weekrst o the purchase d rhmber with which t wagon, a granary. r Alec Onestead, who lftt some time ago, stffered with heaumatism, 3 returned from Mud Baden, Minneso- r ta, last Saturday much improved. Mr. r Onestead contracted the disease while t in trenches in France with Ameri- can soldiers during the war. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson autoed to " Froid last Saturday and spent Sunday " visiting friends in that section. They returned Monday. Mrs. W. E. Dunn, in company with " her sister, Mrs. R. F. Dunn, took her daughter Gertrude to Glasgow last I Friday, where an operation for the removal of her tonsils was success- fully performed. The ladies returned home last Monday night. Henry Molden has accepted a posi- tion with the Flaxville Loan Agency and started his duties the first of the week. A. P. Smerud left for Bainville where he was in attendance as dele- gate from Flaxville last Saturday at the meeting called for the relief of the Fort Peck settlers. James Sparling and crew have been busy this week, helping to erect a new Vainless Fairbanks-Morse windmill that Tollie Olson purchased, and is having placed on his fine farm, six miles southwest of town. Ray and Pingrey were helpers.. SCOBEY Mrs. F. W. Lett of Minot arrived] in this city Friday for an extended visit with her daughters, Mrs. F. C. Jones and Mrs. A. H. Kiser at Bat- tleson. G. V. Wikerson, who resides north of Scobey, was in Tuesday and stated that his wheat yield -was seven bush- els. Manager Nielson of the Nielson ( Implement Co., made a trip Sunday I soith of here about thirty miles. The 1 rops are being harvested, he sail. I in ,everal places they did not yield c over one bushel per acre. John Weighill, a prominent Bat- ileson famer, came to Scobey Wed- tl ii*PZA~w es,4,.. L. 2- nesday after having completed •'i threshing his crop, which .yielded six a bushels to the acre of wheat and five e of flax, an average yield of both grain in that sectian. sa 'The P. B. Murphy family is hov- e: ing into the Anson home in the 3, western part of the -city, vacating the Eldridge house near the school. n Winnifred Murphy of Wolf Point has been visiting here at the home a of her brother P. B. Murphy. - Katherine Thorsen left Tuesday for i her home in Minneapolis after a two mnconths visit at the home of her t father, C. Stine. Floyd Turner of Wolf Point is spending a few days here looking af- - ter his property interests at this > uoint. Rev. Father Hennessy of Plenty- wood was the guest of Father Dillion the fore part of the week. Mrs. C. L Hanson returned Sa:- urday from a two months visit at her old home in Wisconsin. The childien c•.companied Mrs. Hanson and had a very pleasant vacation there. The Firs National Bank is being oressed up with a coat of paint th.j week. The stucco will have a lighter appearance when this work is conm- pleted. Birard Pittenger returned to this city the latter part of last week after t spending.somethizig over two years in the army.. Mr. Pittenger ealisted in the air service soon after the war f broke out and was sent from Fort Wright to Kelley Field in Texas. He has two years service to his credit, i including over a year of foreign ser- vice. After being discharged in New York City he visit~ d in Detroit, In- t dianapolis and Lincoln, Nebr., befbre C returning home. He will resume his a farming operations northeast of this city. h J. M. Shequmn of the Coal Greek vi country was a bScobey cailer the fore S1 art(l e we&t M. Imsam is one of the live, progressive fmuers to of his sec** and the vatle tf goo1 D. . O d be vihatingi ri towtids week. l heriu Sullivan of Richiand Cow ir ty spnt Snday night in Culertsoi 0s Rev. O. J. .agen is home on r visit this week. He returned to Ch t nook last niht,. Dan Courcheiae has leased a sectio Li of his land to J. O. Johnson of Med o cine Lake. Editor J rme and S. C. Moor o both of Poplar, were in town for r brief visit Wednesday. Editor Helr, Corner Art Gustafso te and Clark Lundquist of Bainville as toed to Culbertson Wedneeday eves Sging for a brief visit. Tom Courchene has purchased th i. Haotel Ames, Watsonville, Calif., an d is landlord of same. d Father Dillon of Seobey was the guest of Father OQ'auke in Culbert Sson Wednesday anight SAlbert Donalds returned Tues. day from his trip east. He brough a new 1920 Buick with him. e Walter McCoy was in town Tues . day. He is working on the Cattane Ranch on the South Side. S-Mr. Pete Courcheme returned thi, v morning from spending severa y months in North and South Dakota. The Misses Ruth and Florenac SDahl returned to Williston Sunday r after spending the week with their sister Mrs. Hugo Bruegger. B Miss Ada Oelkers spent Saturday and Sunday in Bainville visiting 1 friends and attended the dance Sat, urday night. Mrs. Olla H. Smith has been ill with a touch of typhoid since lasi Saturday. Yesterday the fever abate ed and she was able to sit up and take nourishment Miss Elsie Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ross of Opheim, Mont., came Monday and will stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and attend school. Robert Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. robert Miller of Bainville, arrived here this week to attend school and stay at the -home of Mrs. J. G. Nu- gent. Robert is a Senior this year. Olaf Hagen left Monday for a visit with relatives in Minnesota. He will attend Concordia College at Moore- head, Minn., this coming year. He went by auto as far as Minot. Ira Palmer of the South Side start- ed to attend high school in Culbert- son. He reports that a football team has been organized for which Prof. A. A. Wood will ati as coach. Maude Navey, Idel Manning, Mar- guerite Maxam, Doris Phillips, Gee. Cooper, Frances Svoboda, Joseph Spurgeon and at least one of the J. A. McCann children left Saturday for Fargo, N. D., to attend the Sa- cred Heart Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Miller bad a rather painful accident near their home on the South Side' Tuesday ni-ght. Henry was driving his auto onto a bridge when the car skidded off and turned turtle. The two were both bruised up some, but were not seriously injured William McFadden and son Ralph o.f Inspiration, Ariz., arrived on No. 1 Sunday morning to visit his sister Mrs. Edmonds and family for a couple of days. Mr. McFadden and his sister haven't met for 13 years From here he went to Poplar to visit another sisfer. WHITETAIL Dr. D. B. Healy was a caller at Whitetail, the first of the week. Mrs. Fredia Bothne was an east bound passenger to Crosby, N. D., bTuesday. E. J. Johnson of Redstone was up looking after business interests here. A. J. Doyle and Henry Molden of Flaxville were over, transacting busi- ness Monday. G. B. Cameron returned home last Saturday for a visit with his family who resides at this city. Miss Sophia White, our local post- istress, was an east bound passen- ger for Kenmare, Tuesday. Harry F. Brown is spending the. week's end at Wood M tais, S ., on a little fishing trip., Mrs. Roland Marriage left Tuesday for MinetO N. D,, where she expects to take medical tretments. Miss Emolyn Johnson left Sunday for a vit with her parents an friends at Foxholn, N. D. Mrs. Ed. Engribritsen of Redstone is spending the week end at the T. R. White home of this city. Me ars. Earl ad Wayne Vahl left he first of the week for the Twin N Dities, where thiy will their par- nts, who are are no in the cities. Mr. and Mrs.-I. 0. Beaken returned atur eveia from a' two weeks iiat with fra& iat., Mme ,inrii Shot left Monday ). hetthy ~-peet. 60Bay. thb-ee m knottied. e- Gus Odegard of te caller the first of t Mr. Gus Kellas of jP is the first farmer season crop. Mr. 411 week and reports t crop went six bushel graded No. 1, and . for $5.52 per bushel 80 a that his wheat went 3 l , acre. The H. W. Grunke winter residence Mondk e e, John Kolden returned O a Monday from a visit with in North Dakota. n Miss Myra Kittleson 1- ing Tuesday in a school 4- miles south of town. Miss Olga Nelson ca•e te Kenmare Monday for d friends. or The J. A. Stoen and I e families left Saturdand t- for Minnesota. The Charlie Johnson's am - to their city home this it school year. e After a seven weeks' visit ul - sons in Canada Mrs. Sampft o home Sunday. Miss Ina Stageberg of Th is Falls, Minn., has arrived to l McElroy school. The Misses Esther and e Larsen and Miss Veroy•i' V Sundayed in Crosby. r Olaf Jordahl has retuad to (Continued on Page Sea•) HELLAND-ST' t Undertakers & Funeral p Hearse Furnisheg I Plentywood, MootI Dr. G. E. Campbel Physician and Surgeon Plentyweod, Moontat L. E. WAGNER COUNTY CORONER FUNERAL SUPPLIES Licensed EmbalmerinConnetion Plentywood, Montana CLAUDE M. MILLS LICENSED EMBALMER Outlook, Montana J. J. GUNTHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Law Practice PLENTYWOOD. MONTANA ONSTAD & GREER LAWYERS Plentywood, Montana LELAND HOTEL PLENTYWOOD. MONT. New Addition Make your h1 adquarters at the L: LAND PLEASANT ROOMS ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES Nice Home Surrounding MRS. IDA ANDERSON, PROP PLENTY WOOD Rusks Radiator Shop New S. J. Radiators and Cores. You can't burst them by frecz- ing. All makes of Ra- diators repaired. 01! radiators taken in exchange. All work guarantced. NELSON C. RUSK 531 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. OWARD M. LEWIS LAWYER

The Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1919-09-12 [p 6] · :school was let to Richard Strand for w the sum of $95.00 per month. J. Stewart Morrison and wife ar- fi:rived here Wednesday

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Page 1: The Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1919-09-12 [p 6] · :school was let to Richard Strand for w the sum of $95.00 per month. J. Stewart Morrison and wife ar- fi:rived here Wednesday

Our Exchanges aid Rmadr

BAINVILLE- Judge C. E. Comer was a • inithe city yesterday.

John Ltnquist left te )ae partof last week on a short bsdaes tripto Minneapolis.

Miss Hazel Calder left Monday forFroid neat which place she has ac-cepted a position as teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Leonard camedown from Poplar Sunday and werethe guests of Bainville friends.

Dr. J. S. Geiser is sal tVMB A,DLyle Bain left this foreoon for

Froid where he will spend a few daysvisiting at the home fo his uncle,John Bain and family.

Art Forest and wise left the lel#spart of last week via auto for theirold home at Creekston, Mimn., wherthey expect to meke slr home.

F. J. J. Marquart.of. Minneapolis waspn arrival in the city Tuesday even-ing and is spending a few days look-ing after farming interests southwestof town.

Mrs. E. J. Biadean and son, Wal-ter, left last Saturday evening forspend a couple of weeks visiting withCrookston, Minn., where they willspend a couple of weeks visiting withrelatives and friends.

The M. Larsen family, who havebeen residents of this city for thepast year, left the first of the weekfor Williston where they will maketheim future home.

John Powers left yesterday for hishome at Havana, N. D., After spend-ing the past month or more lookingafter his banking interests here andat Medicine Lake.

Martin Thomas and wife havemoved into the city from their claimnear Scobey and will re~ain hereuntil next spring. Mr. Thomas is aconductor on ce of the branch runs.

Carpenters are at work this weekfixing up a couple of extra rooms inthe school house to accommodate themcrcabd number of pupils that reexpected to enter school the comingyea:.Sunday morning at tL:e usual hoursb

Tim Spencer h-. r:signed his po-sition with Petersonr L i'ubman drayand left Tuesday aight for Minotwhere he will spend a few ds bSgfore taking up his duties as janitorat the school house.

FROIDMr.. and Mrs. W. C. Gambel of

Fairmont, Minn., arrived here lastSaturday for a two weeks visit atthe home of their son, C. B. Gambeland family.

Mrs. Martin Cook, of Chicago, asister of Frank and Will Base ofthis place, who has been spendingthe past few weeks here on a visit,returned home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sommers whohave made Froid their home for thepast several months, left this weekfor Fargo, N. D., where Mr. Som-mers expects to obtain employmentat his trade. Mr. Sommers is consid-ered one of the best electricians inthe state, and during his stay herehas been in the employ of S. J. Doro-thy

The county has a force of menbusy this week, putting in the newconcrete bridge on the old stage roadnorth of Froid.

Mrs. A. E. Kamps and daughterreturned this morning from a threeweeks visit wtih her parents at Al-bert Lea, Minn.

A. J. Kauffman left the first ofthe week for a business trip in the ,Estervan country, Canada. Mr. Kauff-man has land interests in that locali-ty.

Mrs. Andrew Schnitzler of Som- fers, Montana, is here this week for ta visit with friends and relatives. Mr.and Mrs. Schnitzler expect- to move oto Kalispell, this fall. t

At a meeting of the Froid school hboard held Tuesday night the con-tract for hauling the children of the.-.st country to and from the Froid

:school was let to Richard Strand for wthe sum of $95.00 per month.

J. Stewart Morrison and wife ar- fi:rived here Wednesday from Minne-sota, Mr. Morrison having accented it.the position as principal of the Froid FschooL They will keep house in theMrs. R. E. Purves residence as soon was vacated which will be about the tl10th of this month.

The next regular meeting of the foNorwegian Ladies' Aid will be held 81on Thursday, September 18, at thechurch in Froid. Lunch will be easervcd the public during the after- Denoon to which all are invited.. All

-members of the church are requested pato be present at this meetiayy gas e tosiderable business of importac wilbe transacted at ihat time.

Harry Roy has ntoeed fk ' TMeredith residence to the bui jtornmerly occupied by A. W. XII..

c of eal stao e .

a. sanatorium in .an etoto egain his elthw ich bsy become broken down as a resumit of telu epieptc t jast winer. Attea couple of Imnth stay in the e•d

mets a b ve for the soot tospend the winter.

C.C. Sullies deft Sunday morning for a two weeks business trip andvisit with frieds and relatives insouthern Minnesota. Mr. Sullivan'sxamily are also visiting telatives at

to s L aa feve da tie• e Ibefoae rturning to Proid.

Lawrence, the eight year old s9

babe, suffered a broken leg Sunday.nornint fge.i ai e kilcs E a hrsewhile dii the animal to the pas-trl' i e. eor ther tthe DIahl bspital Suipay sgerola,

3. C X aft tr has sold his residenceproperty to the Norwegian churchsociety ofri ae tFo ue aa parsonage, and will be occupied byRev, Haagenson who i in charge ofthe wr• hete. Mr. tand'family expect to move to their farmnear Dagmar.

Rev. R. H. Evans, pastor of theFrOid Congregational chych for theppast few yeasww was given a fare-swell reception at the Electric HallTuesday evening.

T. B. Tasa is remodeling his resi-dence by raising the roof and addingseveral rooms to the second story.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Christe of Green-.wood, Wis., arrived here last Sunday1for a visit at the home of her motherMrs. Thos. Carter.

Mr. and Mrs. Palmdr Wieberg areexpected to arriver here today fromGreat Falls, Mont., for a visit atthe home of his parents Mr. and Mrs.Arne Wieberg.

Mrs. Earl Early served a fine luncha; the church parsonage Wednesdayafternoon for the benefit of the Con-gregational Ladies' Aid, and the sumof $13.25 was realized.

Peter Enger, who has been receiv-ing medical treatment at Rochester,Minn., for the past three months, isexpected home next week. Mr. Engeris said to be greatly improved inhealth. i

I ~OMESTEJADFarmers around Homestead and

Svicinity are busy harvesting andthreshing their crop, and many are

f much surprised at the way the grainis turning out in spite of the dry

weather.Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schnitzler and

two daughtes, Rev. Egli and AugustReiter of Froid and Robert and Hen-ry Zick, Herbert Base, Carl Wilke,John Danielson and Ed. Wiggumcalled on Henry Horstman last Sun-day. Henry is improving slowly from Ihis injuries received some time agoi and expects soon to be able to.call onhis old friends again. The injuriesof his knee is causing him a greattdeal of trouble, otherwise he is get-ting along as well as can be expectedunder the circumstances.

William Base, Bert Herrin andRobert Zick are cutting wheat forJohn Christopherson this week. John'sgrain crop is not so bad this year.

O. B. McCabe and John Millerhave their new barns well under wayand both will soon have forgotten theeffects of the storm of about two imonths ago. [1

Mr. Nyquist who had his largebarn destroyed by the storm of somefew weeks ago, is making prepara-tions to rebuild again.

Mrs. M. Koch of Chicago, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shults and sis-ter of Frank and William Base, ishere for an extended visit.

DOOLEYRev. Aaberg and wife of Westby

were here Wednesday.Mr. and Mrs. Erick Bjork was here i

from Comertown Tuesday. IMiss Alid" Phaneuf of Westby vis- o

ited at the White Kitchen restaurantEriday. h

Miss Hattie Nelson went to Plenty- twood Monday to enter high school at e:that city.

Miss Mlnoa Johseon left Tuesdy t'for a visit with her sister, Mrs. 0. k.

Bea M rah, Jr., lef today with acar of cattle 4r Chicago. Lunter andDecker are shipping the cattle. e

W .- Lampe sold hisu .ad to his -parents rocetly and expect to reia ' .

Atty. t L Batley, l Sbela -and

rday a their wy to Phsoiywi.Revr. Xer of Webe was hev

d terer will Eav a tr-gMen:.the boos.lazi ip oocupedby 13

rs4 1t. dLl.ites aud dsBanlar Nan.d tu itle Fatewesw t- to Allot,-N. ., Saturday, where Easel will re-

d e dlcal care. .mSIGeo. unter mtered to Antelope

'itseday. Elsm Vera Hunter, who hasbeen at their farm near Antelope,laccompanied him homrne.

Mr. and M]rs. A. M. flolt and Mr.- -il• PG. Nevi t spent the first

o the .ekt Ne the Hola t homDesteadnear .ew~od Mile Canada.

nd4ew Heluand and family of Out-

s loIck were in town eday. Mr. Ue-fi d hl that crops in that country

P were about the same as here.SFletcher Gos left Saturday for hisrhome at New Roekford, N. D., after

sa extended visi with his brotherLoyle. e wtill reter high school atNew Rockfotl.

M r. ,aa4 MM . .Peter Schumachert and son, Hector, motored to Plenty-

wroo Msay, w.ere tom hater enstered the Plentywood High School.

O. M. SEtadig was here from West-L by, hknda4 He reports that Arth-or St di. bo is at a miliary ho..pital, • very low and is not expected

ito lve.Miss Ethel Franey returned Satur-

sday from her home at Waverly,Minn., to resume her duties as sales-lady at the J. C. Epler store after amonth's vacation.

Mrs. H. Pomarleau and Miss Ehr-myne Hunter left Saturday forWhitefish, this state. Mr. and Mrs.'. Hunter and son Donald accompa-wied them as far as Culbertson, re-turning Sunday.

Miss Celia Okerlund of Plentywoodwas a Sunday and Monday visitor atthe J. C. Epler home..

The G. B. Clarke family of Plen-tywood will move to Williston in thenear future.

Harry Steiner and grandson, Mas-ter Vollin Bollman, of Westby, werehere Tuesday. Mr. Steiner said grainin his district averaged about twobushels to the acre.

D. E. Pappenfus returned severalweeks ago from a trip to CandleLake, Manitoba, Canada. NewtonShaw, who accompanied Mr. Pappen-fus remained at Togo, Manitoba,where he wifl make his future home. 1

Mrs. M. McGovern and Misses *Grace McNeely and Thressa Franeyare expected tomorrow from Waver- 1ly, Min, the former to reopen her erestaurant here while the latter twoare members of the local school hae- iualty.

COMERTOWNMrs. Julia Ueland moved her house-n hold effects to Outlook yesterday an.1

Stoday, where she has purchased an residence and will make her futureo homd.

Miss Virginia Barnhouse, who hass been at the W. W. Comer home the:past week in the capacity of nurse,returned to her home Wednesday.

Mrs. W. W. Comer, who has beenquitte ill, is able to be up again.

r Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vossen were inj Dooley Mlcnday with a load of cab-bage, whirh sold at the Ehrhardt &

r:cnseth store. Mr. and Mrs. Vossenjhas one. of the best, if not the bestgadien, in this territory, and havedisposed of a large amount of vege-ttables. They have a number of wat-ermelons and muskmelons, which twoare very hard to raise here.

FLAXVILLEMrs. H. A. Christiansen is report-

ed quite ill at this writing.Edward Potter and Roy Willard of

Whiteail were visiting friends herelast Tuesday.

Orville Lockrem and wife of Mad-oc were pleasant callers in our citylast Tuesday afternoon.

Tom Lee, who has been working inHomestead for some time, returned 1on the train last Saturday.

Veda LaRoehe purchased a newRock Island engine for farm work'the first of the week fromr the deal- 1er in the city.

C. M. Sager purchased lumber here 1the first of the week to make im- 1provements on his farm on the res- 1ervation. a iMr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, Wesley v

and Shorty Anderson from the 'res-e~vatio spent Sunday with Henry dNA an d felfly, r

Deputy S d Featam a•md Ralph 2h* ofWnt d were pleasant ccallets at thi ee last Friday while

1urty AR 6on' was I. towanla pWa+ ednialy•rcbeasd a aew' Ro* a

rteYd+ spb ta ;-o:wa Ir n to . e a.

-at Antopead will ve for thtplatoc this week,'l Thresh is on, and a few loads, of grUae have t'eady been hauled to

s- toPoed K .

and H. X. Young ofe Homesteadi were here for a shorts visit last Tuesday.i, Bert Baker IN=' in the iarst of the

. and will soon begin hauling hiatgrain t town.O. B. •last Ti was in from the re-y.

ervption the first of the weekrst o thepurchase d rhmber with which t wagon,

a granary.r Alec Onestead, who lftt some

time ago, stffered with heaumatism,3 returned from Mud Baden, Minneso-r ta, last Saturday much improved. Mr.

r Onestead contracted the disease whilet in trenches in France with Ameri-

can soldiers during the war.Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson autoed to

" Froid last Saturday and spent Sunday" visiting friends in that section. They

returned Monday.Mrs. W. E. Dunn, in company with

" her sister, Mrs. R. F. Dunn, took her

daughter Gertrude to Glasgow lastI Friday, where an operation for the

removal of her tonsils was success-fully performed. The ladies returnedhome last Monday night.

Henry Molden has accepted a posi-tion with the Flaxville Loan Agencyand started his duties the first of theweek.

A. P. Smerud left for Bainvillewhere he was in attendance as dele-gate from Flaxville last Saturday atthe meeting called for the relief ofthe Fort Peck settlers.

James Sparling and crew have beenbusy this week, helping to erect a newVainless Fairbanks-Morse windmillthat Tollie Olson purchased, and ishaving placed on his fine farm, sixmiles southwest of town. Ray andPingrey were helpers..

SCOBEYMrs. F. W. Lett of Minot arrived]

in this city Friday for an extendedvisit with her daughters, Mrs. F. C.Jones and Mrs. A. H. Kiser at Bat-tleson.

G. V. Wikerson, who resides northof Scobey, was in Tuesday and statedthat his wheat yield -was seven bush-els.

Manager Nielson of the Nielson (Implement Co., made a trip Sunday Isoith of here about thirty miles. The 1rops are being harvested, he sail. I

in ,everal places they did not yield cover one bushel per acre.

John Weighill, a prominent Bat-ileson famer, came to Scobey Wed- tlii*PZA~w es,4,.. L.2- nesday after having completed•'i threshing his crop, which .yielded six

a bushels to the acre of wheat and fivee of flax, an average yield of both grain

in that sectian.sa 'The P. B. Murphy family is hov-e: ing into the Anson home in the

3, western part of the -city, vacating theEldridge house near the school.n Winnifred Murphy of Wolf Point

has been visiting here at the homea of her brother P. B. Murphy.-Katherine Thorsen left Tuesday for

i her home in Minneapolis after a twomnconths visit at the home of hert father, C. Stine.

Floyd Turner of Wolf Point isspending a few days here looking af--ter his property interests at this> uoint.

Rev. Father Hennessy of Plenty-wood was the guest of Father Dillionthe fore part of the week.

Mrs. C. L Hanson returned Sa:-urday from a two months visit at herold home in Wisconsin. The childienc•.companied Mrs. Hanson and had a

very pleasant vacation there.The Firs National Bank is being

oressed up with a coat of paint th.jweek. The stucco will have a lighterappearance when this work is conm-pleted.

Birard Pittenger returned to thiscity the latter part of last week after tspending.somethizig over two years inthe army.. Mr. Pittenger ealisted inthe air service soon after the war fbroke out and was sent from FortWright to Kelley Field in Texas. Hehas two years service to his credit, iincluding over a year of foreign ser-vice. After being discharged in NewYork City he visit~ d in Detroit, In- tdianapolis and Lincoln, Nebr., befbre Creturning home. He will resume his afarming operations northeast of thiscity. h

J. M. Shequmn of the Coal Greek vicountry was a bScobey cailer the fore S1

art(l e we&t M. Imsam isone of the live, progressive fmuers toof his sec** and the vatle tf goo1 D.

.O d be vihatingiri

towtids week.l heriu Sullivan of Richiand Cow

ir ty spnt Snday night in Culertsoi0s Rev. O. J. .agen is home on

r visit this week. He returned to Cht nook last niht,.

Dan Courcheiae has leased a sectioLi of his land to J. O. Johnson of Medo cine Lake.

Editor J rme and S. C. Mooro both of Poplar, were in town forr brief visit Wednesday.

Editor Helr, Corner Art Gustafsote and Clark Lundquist of Bainville as

toed to Culbertson Wedneeday evesSging for a brief visit.

Tom Courchene has purchased thi. Haotel Ames, Watsonville, Calif., and is landlord of same.

d Father Dillon of Seobey was the

guest of Father OQ'auke in CulbertSson Wednesday anight

SAlbert Donalds returned Tues.day from his trip east. He brougha new 1920 Buick with him.e Walter McCoy was in town Tues

. day. He is working on the CattaneRanch on the South Side.

S-Mr. Pete Courcheme returned thi,v morning from spending severa

y months in North and South Dakota.The Misses Ruth and FlorenacSDahl returned to Williston Sunday

r after spending the week with their

sister Mrs. Hugo Bruegger.B Miss Ada Oelkers spent Saturday

and Sunday in Bainville visiting1 friends and attended the dance Sat,

urday night.Mrs. Olla H. Smith has been ill

with a touch of typhoid since lasiSaturday. Yesterday the fever abateed and she was able to sit up andtake nourishment

Miss Elsie Ross, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Ross of Opheim,Mont., came Monday and will stay atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox andattend school.

Robert Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs.robert Miller of Bainville, arrived

here this week to attend school andstay at the -home of Mrs. J. G. Nu-gent. Robert is a Senior this year.

Olaf Hagen left Monday for a visitwith relatives in Minnesota. He willattend Concordia College at Moore-head, Minn., this coming year. Hewent by auto as far as Minot.

Ira Palmer of the South Side start-ed to attend high school in Culbert-son. He reports that a football teamhas been organized for which Prof. A.A. Wood will ati as coach.

Maude Navey, Idel Manning, Mar-guerite Maxam, Doris Phillips, Gee.Cooper, Frances Svoboda, JosephSpurgeon and at least one of theJ. A. McCann children left Saturdayfor Fargo, N. D., to attend the Sa-cred Heart Academy.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller bad a ratherpainful accident near their home onthe South Side' Tuesday ni-ght. Henrywas driving his auto onto a bridgewhen the car skidded off and turnedturtle. The two were both bruised upsome, but were not seriously injured

William McFadden and son Ralpho.f Inspiration, Ariz., arrived on No.1 Sunday morning to visit his sisterMrs. Edmonds and family for acouple of days. Mr. McFadden andhis sister haven't met for 13 yearsFrom here he went to Poplar to visitanother sisfer.

WHITETAILDr. D. B. Healy was a caller at

Whitetail, the first of the week.Mrs. Fredia Bothne was an east

bound passenger to Crosby, N. D.,bTuesday.E. J. Johnson of Redstone was up

looking after business interests here.A. J. Doyle and Henry Molden of

Flaxville were over, transacting busi-ness Monday.

G. B. Cameron returned home lastSaturday for a visit with his familywho resides at this city.

Miss Sophia White, our local post-istress, was an east bound passen-

ger for Kenmare, Tuesday.Harry F. Brown is spending the.week's end at Wood M tais, S .,on a little fishing trip.,Mrs. Roland Marriage left Tuesday

for MinetO N. D,, where she expectsto take medical tretments.

Miss Emolyn Johnson left Sundayfor a vit with her parents anfriends at Foxholn, N. D.

Mrs. Ed. Engribritsen of Redstoneis spending the week end at the T. R.White home of this city.

Me ars. Earl ad Wayne Vahl lefthe first of the week for the Twin NDities, where thiy will their par-

nts, who are are no in the cities.

Mr. and Mrs.-I. 0. Beaken returnedatur eveia from a' two weeksiiat with fra& iat.,

Mme ,inrii Shot left Monday

). hetthy ~-peet. 60Bay. thb-ee

m knottied.e- Gus Odegard ofte caller the first of t

Mr. Gus Kellas of jPis the first farmerseason crop. Mr. 411week and reports tcrop went six bushelgraded No. 1, and.for $5.52 per bushel 80

a that his wheat went 3 l ,acre.

The H. W. Grunkewinter residence Mondk e

e, John Kolden returned Oa Monday from a visit with

in North Dakota.n Miss Myra Kittleson

1- ing Tuesday in a school4- miles south of town.

Miss Olga Nelson ca•ete Kenmare Monday ford friends. or

The J. A. Stoen and Ie families left Saturdandt- for Minnesota.

The Charlie Johnson's am-to their city home thisit school year. e

After a seven weeks' visit ul-sons in Canada Mrs. Sampfto home Sunday.

Miss Ina Stageberg of This Falls, Minn., has arrived tol McElroy school.

The Misses Esther ande Larsen and Miss Veroy•i'V Sundayed in Crosby.

r Olaf Jordahl has retuad to

(Continued on Page Sea•)

HELLAND-ST't Undertakers & Funeral p

Hearse FurnishegI Plentywood, MootI

Dr. G. E. Campbel

Physician and Surgeon

Plentyweod, Moontat


FUNERAL SUPPLIESLicensed EmbalmerinConnetion

Plentywood, Montana


Outlook, Montana


ATTORNEY-AT-LAWGeneral Law Practice




Plentywood, Montana


New AdditionMake your h1 adquarters

at the L: LAND


Nice HomeSurrounding


Rusks Radiator ShopNew S. J. Radiatorsand Cores. You can'tburst them by frecz-ing. All makes of Ra-diators repaired. 01!radiators taken in

exchange. All work guarantced.

NELSON C. RUSK531 Broadway, Fargo, N. D.