TH PRODUcERSN PAPER OF THE PEOPLE, SY THR P lWE pEOty PuuS$IffK coMPAW.N jL.$ Awpkic ataisads, for entry as "second ciss mter Csh pea at Plentywood, Montpa , under the act of March 3, 161, ptiI I, 91 CHARL8 E. TAYLOR, Editor and Ihiager. SAtgeCoommnications shoul4 Advertiiaig t on be addressed to The Pnicayo. 8ubscriptnon a duceri Nes , Box 687, $2.00; s mPnty wood, Mmomtanot Quack. fraudul st surd irt+ Omsibhe Ofs t' not knowifcI7 we wl$ :slae it as a favor if any ruder will advise us prompt shoey ve -won to doubor Question the relm 6 lMty of any urm which pstrunises our gsrivslt as *s. FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918, CountyPrintingand Roa, The Board of County Commission- 8 era of Sheridan County is a judicial boey: and as such is given great t discretion. t A,.uch, in atteading to the busi- 1 ness. of the county,. it ehould have e a* eye, singaleT to the interest of " the -people of Sheridan County. 1t - ts the guardian of the peoples'. mony, Collected for the carrying out of the purposes for which the coun- ty w.as organized, viz.: the building and constructing of roads and other local -improvements, the alministra- timi of justice and the preservation I of publie order. When the conty' printing contract was let, there evidently wa4 a lapse of comprehension in the minds of the coasty board as to wbat *as their d y in the premises, as was mani- fqt by their absolute and utter dis- rekard of the public welfare, of busi- nets usages, and the viih and ab- aoltely ridiculous and cen criminal wiste of the public fb da. the peoples' money is not collect- ed for .he purpose of ling con- fermed as bounties upon favorites of 4. chanty olIcIsls, to pension or p -de soft 1 fee ea of those wlo are in aor atain and finance a pub Ippreau for t tbmiefit of a numbor of very su- perior people who -eavo, unfortu- ly, for the time being, their in the jblic fe$d t .&gh. O0 these folk don't are to be no udat of the trough if it is aM.d to prevent it, yet we feel tisk it is u to them to Annace their oWS pealtiel 'campaign. Can anyone. claim thlat the coun- fty! thousand -dollar a year contract, a =i about twice & big as the News would have been Nonpartisan Picnic there will be a big" Noipsrtisan picaic at Brush Lake, 1 eas ao Medi- cini Lake ani Reserve, Wednesday, J e w26th. * s will be the big est' gathdring that was ever got together uinSheri- dan coasty. .*ere, are three thtusant six hwan d rs of the Leue in the cony kid a 1 peat *ajewity of the m be *11 be ttero. lir " : y e oort. is being madeto have lestq y and Gov. Frazier of North DEbbatr presezpt, and Miss Jeanette linkin Mosana's famous congress- We*o , who is the btgent crowd- getter in the United States today, will nb one of the sptsakers, coming from Washington espec4ally for the onecsion. Others will be, B. L. Wheelst the p tziotic DUnited States Distric Attomep, w m xapVpoit- meat is beds -., !1NiA hby e sop n dsts M thit lackeyes, and alied big tiwlms, all ever the t4p1 Udster Ciaished, sidor editor' of tom. )Iw outbls publlihed a~ lul, ,a4egartesm one githe u rI 'I he- will 'I *a ti.g at the W vilos aud a 1 g eb~ *lnned; a4bwwfieafha IICJ4DJi utsZO2 - AUw q. S, glad to do it for, without pgvinbthi tl other printers even a chance to to the boeed what they wil1 furnis c bonds to deliver the work for, Wass n the peoples' money cellcted for ths dW purpose? s it R the comminid n era' 4(uscition Ito seattea and l wa e the county rbsurces in this manner ? SW8.4Y THA'f fl If NOT! ,All of the lawyes in Yhll p ,M cannot by any species of argume.t make this acandaldus proceeding anything but just what it is. And we repeat, that in other places, where sudh scandalous _,d erimbal procedings have taha place, it has never been 'for the pabr lic good. the It has usually been for t ri. pr vate benefit of those interested, aend we are, firm in the conviction that an investigation, that a good honest investigation, by a duly empeneled Grand Jury, would discover some- thing so "rotten in Denmark," that there would aeon be a terrifc loce d 4emand for some sort of gas inbtss. 'And wile there is money to r thar away in this manner: while r there is money to pay other -very a questionable bills: while theat is a money in the hands of these public r guardians and public trustees to pay n nice salaries to, alnost little chil- - dren who happen to be related to r public offtials, there is ao moneyffor the legitimate needs of the county- e the public road appropriation; we t are told that the public roads will almost be neglected this year. . The hard-earned money of the producers, and some know only te . well, how )mbrd, is thus spent, while W those fargmers *1o live sways bade Ft mi'e same time their .tazes ralse 1e lik4 merctury in the summer sun. . THIS IS' A SAME, SURELY! of races and sports. There is good 1 swimming~a boating:.' And best of all, there will be a "been bake" and a "barbeque". Ev- ery ae will bhing something for a picnic dinner. The very best music that can be secured, i*ri be there, and there will be a chorus that will sing 4 riotic airt Every feature that, will instrac and amusq that cad 4e secured, til be provided for the gigantic crowd that will attend. The rfresbment privieges will .e handled by the Red Cross who, wfthi-, out s dpabt, wi realise a neat sum from that source. The picane is being held Wednes- day, in order that the bols leaving with the text draft, will My an opportunity to have a rogsing old ti he ears they tiave, auI 'mm- at whom a maenibers o# I' s` or afe in sympathy wlthih end acoaxe oAM I, the CON Of1, COI .Li4 FRI s i" 41-1 r t zeJ-t 21' ,g _ { at ~ ~ aw - fRU '."` {h Mib t fo titSi -. dtan Sti st~i a higher w sou . Our fi.r ,fr , t ut. - strtasthen .uts4 t~tuhiaw u00t of this lawta't tes. Whatever Meigs pu in dlag this B of the sot vita tatanee new; whatever abdtt ne ste the great. estpnsent satmy ttar country and the denoenacy it is fthting for. I one were to search thtough glj circumstances api t on- nected with-our national life in its relation to tbW present warhe would, not fAnd :anything that copsmed ri hi ILtaborites Win Out The lalest election news from. Queetown, Aust lia, bears st ik- ing testimony. to the soundness and fuco~s of the state ownership laws advocated in the Nonpartisan plat- form. The Labor government in that jpwvince has been returned to power with a greatly $ncrsd majority, ifter it had been piactiethi for one and two years what the Nonparti- san League has been preaching in America for three years. The Labor foices In 4ustrah have elected 48 menier. to the new parliament; the prdfteers wan only 24 seats. This result has come after the LA- bor government had enacte as put into actual oper o state owner- ip of a , _ l raaee-h - iag sad `ether facilitils on a scale new sad startling to the wotd. When the Lb rites were elected People ,4re Winning On May 2 the governndnt rail- road administratleI removed all the railroad presidlnts under itis juris- diction irk the U e S~sgq. A little lat it resmpl.yd mot of them as? Ferl dirnes respo> Fibte directly to t r met, e forbade tea re0i l ~sayp l There is mae 1 t) 4a* t would at ftrst app r on it SUP, face. By this aft 1 the asse mer - are still manh A .various lines, the United States for the hrst time has become the eam ter of the railroad situtmion.- The same individUal who iq res- ponsible to and ieceiv.e his pay from a, #iv;ta board: of directors inter' ested in dla re.itlng all m Wv eats toward 'puble tcd , acts like an Grand Juiy for Corrnty How -about -A Gi.Md Jury, for Sheri-. County? w.nY How About It. Thtis the. coati'opt on~ma ev- ligth and breath' t *e !Couunty coI . There trorm . tadI*orM. # things hi*Ien awsyr shaIidow'r and ghostly, Add; *and, qistlion e, tha~t,,' like Ujin so . `t will bob FROM VUM, HALL Gh t~ ,I~ - Si" byV Ch~zi.r- 1 4,mt* ~r, ~W rWS". Pau Ail 7 t; our intas *.Y- wa aro -. the : mn wt ta tWUest adenatege ot the Fe' uR ti n t emuch M iumself s gl in wealth .ad pow in ev- *gy Adi- of industry that -the gow* gh t has not i'eiad . O4wemeut oe tar retwfl* show that in 1916 and 1917 the .a= ber of milliona 's rease fr IM to over 17,00 and that melt of these had made Aheir riches fe prsteerIng in the necessities of 'lifc. Every European 'allied govern- ment has found that in the end the oaily , way the profiteers have been Ssaic eefully curbed is by governinet control, ownership, or operation. I The first problem ib the war fr democracy is to curb the puofteers r 't'hey are the greates patriots who I IE constructive assistance to thip to power two years ago they began to establish the government owa- ship of .many of the same thin fat the - Nonpartisan [sagae kiting for, such as grain elevat- ors, storage plants, warehouu stockyards, packing plants, slaugb- ter hoeses and insurance and bankk. No better proof that these experi- meats in state ownership have sue- ceeded to the satisfaction of the people could be given than the 4 turn of the government to. power that established them, by a two 4o1 one majority. It Is said that state ownership had cat the price of meat and other ne- easities in Queensland in two, a#d that the farmers are prpaperig mare than they ever prospered b flre. We will enjoy the same bene*u when we follow this example in Am- erica. entirely differeMt person when sources of private income and pensibility are severed Vand he 4 bound- by the 4ame bonds to tw -andt the syasem of govern madmgement prevailing before bejsgi, anch was being dome to t~reraI IISi and kfI the idea of gover- 'at onweship I its Iaf aac y. D qg the fret quarter the gw- t railroad administratia 4- od a deftctt of several hundred -n' lio n Mafi. It is a foregone conclusion tbM these various presidents, transforgi- ed into Federal agents, will seare the public much more loyally frgan now on. One way to abolish the proAtqgr i to bind him to the people by new bonds of public interest. up, that should ) investigated, shd that is kept covered up now becatse of thweels within wheals; or in other words, because of paities and their friends and friends ofo their friends, who are said to be likely to become involved, and because of this lodtl authorities cannot ;q persiaded to de -anything. "Thre's a reason. -How about a Grand Jury for Sheri- &ia County ? make such & Afaphly of themseblw as the steel. did at Duluth - thus 9r3v to t people tihe seceqitt of taking m sttes in talr own &`ans. f The 19Mo big bauBess shows t a tle powuer tlo e hsl a p- : peee and asseumbl3 and to ura against our rimght, thbe;, r the po. A OADOT A ORAND JURY '583958w. Ap aev thtie pi p been e eaol ,a c `f ~I~ ~ I tt~r Editors &Jy -. A 1 S 1'OWN. D] A. C. Towaey` ha. -een denounced ; .American beases he believes the -progrsft of the. Nonpartisan to Loague, which is real democracy. n1 Ninety-fre per cent of the farmers th it Scandia township, in which Roth rc lb loeated, are members of the Lea- ns n, sad about 4% of the other 5% in sympathy with the League ' rogram. The farmers believe in e: y and the League and conse- u quently are in the same class with .c 'Townley insofar as the American- i ism of the League is concerned. And At .in tie recent Liberty loan drive Scaadia township wan allotted $4,- 000 worth of bonds. When the drive was finished this township's total v' tubscription amounted to 10,000. t] flulger Nordmark, one of the strong- a eCt supporters of the League in this h iticinity, subscribed for $700 worth of bonds, which is, we understand. q f e largest single subscription in h this vicinity. Mr. John Lemon, one t of the strongest League "supporters r in the county, led the drive. The r patriotic activity on the part of the t Srmers of our township as display- r ed in this drive, gives the lie to the t anti-League press that the League is 'pro-German. The charge "Woe unto I you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo- 1 crites! for ye pay tithe of mint and c anise and summin, and have omitted I the weightier -matters of the law, I judgment, mercy and faith; these 1 ought ye to have done, and not to a leave the other undone." "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and qwallov a camel," can well be ap- plied to the anti-League press.- Bottineau (N. D.) Courant. i The Renville county politicians *ho want the Nonpartisan League to forget politics "during the period of the war," held a special conven- tion at Hector recently to elect can- 4)idates to oppose the farmers' or- ganization. And yet we have 'not bieard a word about the war being pver. Why not be consistent and try on themselves the medicine they go strongly recommend for others. 'hey would then establish their sin- cerity. Instead they merely wrap 'the sacred Stars and Stripes about 00 them, and class all such as have -dif- ferent views on political "or econo- inic questions from theirs as dis- yal. And this is what they think is "American." Well, we're glad w -uare broad enough so that we can - believe them mistakqn without also bt the same time having* to think Wthem 'disloyal.--Sscred Heart (M~inn.) ps Journal. A fake sheet calld the "Minne- t rsota Labor Press" is being circu- d lated and is filled with stuff knock- I {iag the Nonpartisan League. The c .sheet has no designated office or ed- 1 ;itorial management, and is plainly '1 an effort of Big Bis to gull the farmers into thinkriug it is a labor paper. The laboring class has noth- I Ing to do with - issuing it. Such E rake. as this ought to convince the I most obtuse of the character of the c interests that are fighting to keep < +the farmers frond organizing.-Free 4 Press, Fergus Falls, Minn. We hear a great deal about ' the farmers being led and controlled, 'as if they are incompetent to judge for themselves as will is other people. Those who entertain the notion that the farmers can not do their own thinking. are due for an awaken- iag.-Milaca, (Minn.) Times. Producers News-$2 the year. : FULL RESTITUTION TO BE r MADE MRS. ItADEMACHER BY DAKOTA NAT'L BANK L - Bismarck, 14. D.-That the Dakota Nat~ica bank of 'Dk ison protect r ,s ~wife of a Up De~ d r e, in the posses- on, of worth of furniture she raper whlih - the bank has r mortg*VO l I y Mss. Rade- * Mh which to defray epensex of a trip to Hunters at `.te nat for rheuma- r ugg 'y -ggtel att by her d t h lnstance of the S oh bfk also pay 's6,- the cost of t e. Blarek, was the # s D obota Council action brought j * . mblulim set m1Bt DEFEAT WILL MEAN BLACKEST OSUVION The mightiest effort in the his- tory of Minnesota politics will be made by the republicans and the thirty-pieces-of-silver demqcrats to renominate Burnquist as the guber- natorial candidat(. Burnquist is in power, with al .he. mahincry of a papjsupkiLg go - ernment to back hm 1. t using this power to any end I - Xss or otherwise, that promises a rote, but the very abuse of 'uthor- ty vwill likely turn the tide and >aid the plum over to .the other Burnquist is a weakling and those who use him most `-now '*it best, thereforefore his usefulness to them, and therefore the mighty effort to f have him returned. It is freely predicted thst Burn- I quist, his safety commission and I his plunderbund, have overplayed l their loyalty stuff and that it will 1 react upon them by giving the other republican candidate the empty honor that will be contained in the republican gubernatorial nomina- tion. We haven't any interest in the fight, to be sure, and no particular - license to butt in, but we hope Burn- t quist will get what a weakling of I his stamp deserves, and we` believe he will get it.--Mesabe Ore, Hib- bing, Minn. I F. J. Sullivan, formerly of Car. 1 rington, N. D., and who i# now an - organizer for the Nonpartisan Lea- gue, has lately been working near Dawson, Farmer Ingle's home towns and territory. He reports that prac- 3 tically without solicitation, he added e 26 farmers to the League. A let- d ter received from Ray Felver among L- other things contains the following: I- "The Minnesota situation is impreF "- ing daily and wye have Minneesa it "grabbed." I think Liedbergh wil g be nominated two to one. It Wi d certainly be a landslide. Last week y we signed up SEVENTEEN HUN- s. DRED members, and the Minnesota i- organization force will average about ,p 2,000 a week from now on until the it primaries if present plans material- f- ize." These positive statemeak - show whether the farmers at s- falling for this tory bunk Lk not. The farmers are with, the td gigue and its leaders.-Carrington ( in D.) Record. - ik The editor of the Princefon U'h as is worrying for fear ~at the forces of the state have calptured farmers' Nonpartisan League. .e- the worrying that the Uznion a u- did in favor of temperence or p k- hibition could be place. in the ei he of a gnat without obstructing i d- vision in the least.--Milaca (in ily Times. The farmers of the western n have their eyes on Minnesota W awaiting the primary results. they are not the only ones 1 on. The beef trust of Chicago n out over the ramparts of its hun 11 of millions of profits and wO if its henchmen can control the oh uation in that state. The Nonpartisan League me ep are the best friends that all of au local business men have. Thenr nothing in their program that id feres with the .local business & Don't be led around by the big fiteers. Get in line and vote Ai your friends, the farmers.-M E head (Minn.) Leader. Lez PACKERS ARE ACCUSED e-- OF SELLING SPOILED N MEAT TO THE L Washington, June 13.-Salo a spoiled met and other food t i ucts to the army, with the -'edge that the food was "aS d human consumption," is ch 3 complaints iisued today by the est - eral Trade commission again the ris & Co., and Wilson & Co., d a the five great packing corpo Q - It is alleged that thousa soc r pounds of unft meat and a were sold to Camp Travis, Most of it was detected f demned, but it is said, sog e may have been passed and 1 Details of the information t which the action is b8se t withheld by the comxnissi' I. awiocucement and Co liven, out with it, howeer that the alleged ofenses s sit December and het s 1pa which indictments were 9_ ad in T eas by,.ha de tt Jastle *fr an leti~gat1O ~~Lx; dry tbe

The Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1918-06-14 [p 4]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/1918-06-14/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918, CountyPrintingand Roa, The Board

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Page 1: The Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1918-06-14 [p 4]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/1918-06-14/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918, CountyPrintingand Roa, The Board


pEOty PuuS$IffK coMPAW.N jL.$

Awpkic ataisads, for entry as "second ciss mter Csh pea

at Plentywood, Montpa , under the act of March 3, 161, ptiI I, 91

CHARL8 E. TAYLOR, Editor and Ihiager.

SAtgeCoommnications shoul4Advertiiaig t on be addressed to ThePnicayo. 8ubscriptnon a duceri Nes , Box 687,

$2.00; s mPnty wood, Mmomtanot

Quack. fraudul st surd irt+ Omsibhe Ofs t' not knowifcI7 we wl$

:slae it as a favor if any ruder will advise us prompt shoey ve -won to

doubor Question the relm6 lMty of any urm which pstrunises our gsrivslt as *s.

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918,

CountyPrintingand Roa,The Board of County Commission- 8

era of Sheridan County is a judicial

boey: and as such is given great t

discretion. t

A,.uch, in atteading to the busi- 1

ness. of the county,. it ehould have e

a* eye, singaleT to the interest of "

the -people of Sheridan County.1t -ts the guardian of the peoples'.

mony, Collected for the carrying outof the purposes for which the coun-

ty w.as organized, viz.: the buildingand constructing of roads and otherlocal -improvements, the alministra-timi of justice and the preservation I

of publie order.When the conty' printing contract

was let, there evidently wa4 a lapseof comprehension in the minds of the

coasty board as to wbat *as their

d y in the premises, as was mani-

fqt by their absolute and utter dis-

rekard of the public welfare, of busi-

nets usages, and the viih and ab-aoltely ridiculous and cen criminalwiste of the public fb da.

the peoples' money is not collect-ed for .he purpose of ling con-fermed as bounties upon favorites of

4. chanty olIcIsls, to pension or

p -de soft 1 fee ea of thosewlo are in aor atainand finance a pub Ippreau fort tbmiefit of a numbor of very su-perior people who -eavo, unfortu-

ly, for the time being, theirin the jblic fe$d t .&gh. O0

these folk don't are to beno udat of the trough if it is

aM.d to prevent it, yet we feel tisk

it is u to them to Annace their oWSpealtiel 'campaign.

Can anyone. claim thlat the coun-

fty! thousand -dollar a year contract,a =i about twice & big as the

News would have been

Nonpartisan Picnicthere will be a big" Noipsrtisan

picaic at Brush Lake,1 eas ao Medi-

cini Lake ani Reserve, Wednesday,J e w26th. *

s will be the big est' gathdringthat was ever got together uinSheri-dan coasty.

.*ere, are three thtusant six hwand rs of the Leue in thecony kid a1 peat *ajewity of the

m be *11 be ttero. lir" : y e oort. is being madeto have

lestq y and Gov. Frazier of NorthDEbbatr presezpt, and Miss Jeanettelinkin Mosana's famous congress-We*o , who is the btgent crowd-getter in the United States today,will nb one of the sptsakers, comingfrom Washington espec4ally for theonecsion. Others will be, B. L.Wheelst the p tziotic DUnited StatesDistric Attomep, w m xapVpoit-meat is beds -., !1NiA

hby e sop n dsts M thitlackeyes, and alied big tiwlms, allever the t4p1 Udster Ciaished,sidor editor' of tom. )Iw outblspubllihed a~ lul, ,a4egartesmone githe u rI 'I

he- will 'I *a ti.g at the Wvilos aud a 1 g eb~*lnned; a4bwwfieafha



q. S,

glad to do it for, without pgvinbthi tlother printers even a chance to tothe boeed what they wil1 furnis cbonds to deliver the work for, Wass nthe peoples' money cellcted for ths dWpurpose? s it R the comminid nera' 4(uscition Ito seattea and lwa e the county rbsurces in thismanner ?

SW8.4Y THA'f fl If NOT!,All of the lawyes in Yhll p ,M

cannot by any species of argume.tmake this acandaldus proceedinganything but just what it is.

And we repeat, that in other

places, where sudh scandalous _,d

erimbal procedings have tahaplace, it has never been 'for the pabr

lic good. theIt has usually been for t ri. pr

vate benefit of those interested, aendwe are, firm in the conviction thatan investigation, that a good honestinvestigation, by a duly empeneledGrand Jury, would discover some-thing so "rotten in Denmark," thatthere would aeon be a terrifc loced 4emand for some sort of gas inbtss.

'And wile there is money tor thar away in this manner: while

r there is money to pay other -verya questionable bills: while theat isa money in the hands of these publicr guardians and public trustees to payn nice salaries to, alnost little chil-

- dren who happen to be related to

r public offtials, there is ao moneyfforthe legitimate needs of the county-

e the public road appropriation; wet are told that the public roads will

almost be neglected this year.. The hard-earned money of theproducers, and some know only te

.well, how )mbrd, is thus spent, whileW those fargmers *1o live sways bade

Ft mi'e same time their .tazes ralse1e lik4 merctury in the summer sun.


of races and sports. There is good 1swimming~a boating:.'

And best of all, there will be a"been bake" and a "barbeque". Ev-ery ae will bhing something for apicnic dinner.

The very best music that can besecured, i*ri be there, and there willbe a chorus that will sing 4riotic airt

Every feature that, will instracand amusq that cad 4e secured, tilbe provided for the gigantic crowdthat will attend.

The rfresbment privieges will .ehandled by the Red Cross who, wfthi-,out s dpabt, wi realise a neat sumfrom that source.

The picane is being held Wednes-day, in order that the bols leavingwith the text draft, will My anopportunity to have a rogsing oldti he ears they tiave, auI 'mm-

at whom a maenibers o# I's` or afe in sympathy wlthih

end acoaxe oAM

I, the

CON Of1, COI .Li4


s i"


r tzeJ-t


,g _ {

at ~ ~ aw -fRU

'."` {h Mib t fo

titSi -. dtan Sti st~ia higher w sou .

Our fi.r ,fr , t ut. -strtasthen .uts4 t~tuhiawu00t of this lawta't tes.

Whatever Meigs pu in dlag thisB of the sot vita tatanee new;

whatever abdtt ne ste the great.estpnsent satmy ttar country andthe denoenacy it is fthting for.

I one were to search thtough gljcircumstances api t on-nected with-our national life in itsrelation to tbW present warhe would,not fAnd :anything that copsmed ri hi

ILtaborites Win OutThe lalest election news from.

Queetown, Aust lia, bears st ik-

ing testimony. to the soundness andfuco~s of the state ownership lawsadvocated in the Nonpartisan plat-form.

The Labor government in thatjpwvince has been returned to powerwith a greatly $ncrsd majority,ifter it had been piactiethi for oneand two years what the Nonparti-san League has been preaching inAmerica for three years.

The Labor foices In 4ustrahhave elected 48 menier. to the newparliament; the prdfteers wan only24 seats.

This result has come after the LA-bor government had enacte as putinto actual oper o state owner-

ip of a , _ l raaee-h -iag sad `ether facilitils on a scalenew sad startling to the wotd.

When the Lb rites were elected

People ,4re WinningOn May 2 the governndnt rail-

road administratleI removed all therailroad presidlnts under itis juris-diction irk the U e S~sgq.

A little lat it resmpl.yd motof them as? Ferl dirnes respo>Fibte directly to t r met, eforbade tea re0i l ~sayp l

There is mae 1 t) 4a* twould at ftrst app r on it SUP,face.

By this aft 1 the assemer -are still manh A .variouslines, the United States for the hrsttime has become the eam ter ofthe railroad situtmion.-

The same individUal who iq res-ponsible to and ieceiv.e his pay froma, #iv;ta board: of directors inter'ested in dla re.itlng all m Wv eatstoward 'puble tcd , acts like an

Grand Juiy for CorrntyHow -about -A Gi.Md Jury, for Sheri-.

County?w.nY How About It.

Thtis the. coati'opt on~ma ev-

ligth and breath' t *e !Couunty coI

. There trorm . tadI*orM. #things hi*Ien awsyr shaIidow'rand ghostly, Add; *and, qistlion e,tha~t,,' like Ujin so . `t will bob


Gh t~ ,I~


byVCh~zi.r-1 4,mt*~r, ~W rWS".



7 t; our intas *.Y-wa aro -.the

: mn wt ta

tWUest adenatege ot the Fe'uR ti n t emuch M iumself sgl in wealth .ad pow in ev-

*gy Adi- of industry that -the gow*gh t has not i'eiad .O4wemeut oe tar retwfl*

show that in 1916 and 1917 the .a=ber of milliona 's rease frIM to over 17,00 and that melt

of these had made Aheir riches feprsteerIng in the necessities of 'lifc.

Every European 'allied govern-ment has found that in the end theoaily , way the profiteers have beenSsaic eefully curbed is by governinetcontrol, ownership, or operation.I The first problem ib the war fr

democracy is to curb the puofteersr 't'hey are the greates patriots who

I IE constructive assistance to thip

to power two years ago they beganto establish the government owa-

ship of .many of the same thinfat the - Nonpartisan [sagaekiting for, such as grain elevat-

ors, storage plants, warehouustockyards, packing plants, slaugb-ter hoeses and insurance and bankk.

No better proof that these experi-meats in state ownership have sue-ceeded to the satisfaction of the

people could be given than the 4turn of the government to. powerthat established them, by a two 4o1one majority.

It Is said that state ownership hadcat the price of meat and other ne-easities in Queensland in two, a#dthat the farmers are prpaperigmare than they ever prospered bflre.

We will enjoy the same bene*uwhen we follow this example in Am-erica.

entirely differeMt person whensources of private income and

pensibility are severed Vand he 4bound- by the 4ame bonds to tw

-andt the syasem of governmadmgement prevailing before

bejsgi, anch was being dome tot~reraI IISiand kfI the idea of gover-

'at onweship I its Iaf aac y.D qg the fret quarter the gw-

t railroad administratia 4-od a deftctt of several hundred -n'lio n Mafi.

It is a foregone conclusion tbMthese various presidents, transforgi-ed into Federal agents, will seare

the public much more loyally frgannow on.

One way to abolish the proAtqgri to bind him to the people by newbonds of public interest.

up, that should ) investigated, shdthat is kept covered up now becatseof thweels within wheals; or in otherwords, because of paities and theirfriends and friends ofo their friends,who are said to be likely to becomeinvolved, and because of this lodtlauthorities cannot ;q persiaded tode -anything.

"Thre's a reason.-How about a Grand Jury for Sheri-

&ia County ?

make such & Afaphly of themseblwas the steel. did at Duluth- thus 9r3v to t people tihe

seceqitt of taking m sttes in talrown &`ans. f

The 19Mo big bauBess shows t

a tle powuer tlo e hsl a p-: peee and asseumbl3 and

to ura against ourrimght, thbe;, r the po.


'583958w. Ap aev


pi p

been e eaol ,a

c `f

~I~~ I tt~r Editors &Jy-. A 1 S 1'OWN. D]

A. C. Towaey` ha. -een denounced

; .American beases he believesthe -progrsft of the. Nonpartisan to

Loague, which is real democracy. n1

Ninety-fre per cent of the farmers th

it Scandia township, in which Roth rc

lb loeated, are members of the Lea- ns

n, sad about 4% of the other 5%

in sympathy with the League '

rogram. The farmers believe in e:y and the League and conse- u

quently are in the same class with .c

'Townley insofar as the American- iism of the League is concerned. And At.in tie recent Liberty loan driveScaadia township wan allotted $4,-000 worth of bonds. When the drivewas finished this township's total v'

tubscription amounted to 10,000. t]

flulger Nordmark, one of the strong- aeCt supporters of the League in this hiticinity, subscribed for $700 worthof bonds, which is, we understand. qf e largest single subscription in h

this vicinity. Mr. John Lemon, one tof the strongest League "supporters rin the county, led the drive. The r

patriotic activity on the part of the t

Srmers of our township as display- red in this drive, gives the lie to the tanti-League press that the League is

'pro-German. The charge "Woe unto I

you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo- 1crites! for ye pay tithe of mint and c

anise and summin, and have omitted Ithe weightier -matters of the law, Ijudgment, mercy and faith; these 1

ought ye to have done, and not to

a leave the other undone." "Ye blindguides, which strain at a gnat and

qwallov a camel," can well be ap-

plied to the anti-League press.-Bottineau (N. D.) Courant.

i The Renville county politicians*ho want the Nonpartisan Leagueto forget politics "during the periodof the war," held a special conven-tion at Hector recently to elect can-

4)idates to oppose the farmers' or-

ganization. And yet we have 'not

bieard a word about the war beingpver. Why not be consistent and

try on themselves the medicine theygo strongly recommend for others.'hey would then establish their sin-cerity. Instead they merely wrap'the sacred Stars and Stripes about00 them, and class all such as have -dif-

ferent views on political "or econo-inic questions from theirs as dis-

yal. And this is what they thinkis "American." Well, we're gladw -uare broad enough so that we can

- believe them mistakqn without alsobt the same time having* to thinkWthem 'disloyal.--Sscred Heart (M~inn.)ps Journal.

A fake sheet calld the "Minne- trsota Labor Press" is being circu- dlated and is filled with stuff knock- I

{iag the Nonpartisan League. The c.sheet has no designated office or ed- 1;itorial management, and is plainly '1

an effort of Big Bis to gull thefarmers into thinkriug it is a labor

paper. The laboring class has noth- IIng to do with -issuing it. Such E

rake. as this ought to convince the Imost obtuse of the character of the c

interests that are fighting to keep <+the farmers frond organizing.-Free 4

Press, Fergus Falls, Minn.

We hear a great deal about ' thefarmers being led and controlled, 'asif they are incompetent to judge forthemselves as will is other people.Those who entertain the notion thatthe farmers can not do their ownthinking. are due for an awaken-iag.-Milaca, (Minn.) Times.

Producers News-$2 the year.



L -

Bismarck, 14. D.-That the DakotaNat~ica bank of 'Dk ison protect

r ,s ~wife of aUp De~ d r e, in the posses-on, of worth of furniture she

raper whlih - the bank hasr mortg*VO l I y Mss. Rade-

* Mh which to defrayepensex of a trip to Hunters

at `.te nat for rheuma-r ugg 'y -ggtel att by her

d t h lnstance of theS oh bfk also pay

's6,- the cost oft e. Blarek, was the

# s D obota Councilaction brought j

* . mblulim set m1Bt


The mightiest effort in the his-tory of Minnesota politics will bemade by the republicans and thethirty-pieces-of-silver demqcrats torenominate Burnquist as the guber-natorial candidat(.

Burnquist is in power, with al.he. mahincry of a papjsupkiLg go -

ernment to back hm 1. tusing this power to any end I -

Xss or otherwise, that promises arote, but the very abuse of 'uthor-

ty vwill likely turn the tide and>aid the plum over to .the other

Burnquist is a weakling and thosewho use him most `-now '*it best,thereforefore his usefulness to them,and therefore the mighty effort to f

have him returned.It is freely predicted thst Burn- I

quist, his safety commission and Ihis plunderbund, have overplayed ltheir loyalty stuff and that it will 1react upon them by giving the otherrepublican candidate the emptyhonor that will be contained in therepublican gubernatorial nomina-tion.

We haven't any interest in thefight, to be sure, and no particular-license to butt in, but we hope Burn-t quist will get what a weakling ofI his stamp deserves, and we` believehe will get it.--Mesabe Ore, Hib-bing, Minn.

I F. J. Sullivan, formerly of Car.1 rington, N. D., and who i# now an

-organizer for the Nonpartisan Lea-gue, has lately been working nearDawson, Farmer Ingle's home townsand territory. He reports that prac-

3 tically without solicitation, he addede 26 farmers to the League. A let-d ter received from Ray Felver amongL- other things contains the following:

I- "The Minnesota situation is impreF"- ing daily and wye have Minneesa

it "grabbed." I think Liedbergh wilg be nominated two to one. It Wid certainly be a landslide. Last week

y we signed up SEVENTEEN HUN-s. DRED members, and the Minnesotai- organization force will average about,p 2,000 a week from now on until theit primaries if present plans material-f- ize." These positive statemeak

- show whether the farmers ats- falling for this tory bunkLk not. The farmers are with, thetd gigue and its leaders.-Carrington (in D.) Record. -

ik The editor of the Princefon U'has is worrying for fear ~at theforces of the state have calpturedfarmers' Nonpartisan League.

.e- the worrying that the Uznion au- did in favor of temperence or p

k- hibition could be place. in the eihe of a gnat without obstructing i

d- vision in the least.--Milaca (inily Times.

The farmers of the western nhave their eyes on Minnesota W

awaiting the primary results.they are not the only ones 1on. The beef trust of Chicago nout over the ramparts of its hun 11of millions of profits and wOif its henchmen can control the ohuation in that state.

The Nonpartisan League me epare the best friends that all of aulocal business men have. Thenrnothing in their program that idferes with the .local business &Don't be led around by the bigfiteers. Get in line and vote Ai

your friends, the farmers.-M Ehead (Minn.) Leader.



L Washington, June 13.-Salo aspoiled met and other food ti ucts to the army, with the

-'edge that the food was "aS dhuman consumption," is ch

3 complaints iisued today by the est- eral Trade commission again the

ris & Co., and Wilson & Co., da the five great packing corpo Q

- It is alleged that thousa socr pounds of unft meat anda were sold to Camp Travis,Most of it was detected

f demned, but it is said, soge may have been passed and

1 Details of the informationt which the action is b8set withheld by the comxnissi'I. awiocucement and Co

liven, out with it, howeerthat the alleged ofenses

s sit December and hets 1pa which indictments were9_ ad in T eas by,.ha dett Jastle *fr an leti~gat1O

~~Lx; dry tbe