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Submitted to the Board of Examiners

in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements

for Literature Degree at English Literature Department



NIM. 403170897








Jambi, 02 September 2021

Pembimbing I : H. Mislan, S.Pd. M.Pd

Pembimbing II : Bahren, SS., MA

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Kepada Yth,

Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi



Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya maka kami

berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Nur Husna, NIM. 403170897, yang berjudul

‘‘The Power of Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old Man and The Sea by

Ernest Hemingway’’ Telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqasyahkan guna

melengkapi tugas-tugas dan memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana

strata satu (SI) pada fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi, maka dengan

itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terimakasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan

kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

H. Mislan, S. Pd. M. Pd Bahren, SS., MA

NIP. 196903161995031001 NIP. 197912302006041003



Jambi, 02 September 2021

Supervisor I : H. Mislan, S.Pd. M.Pd

Supervisor II : Bahren, SS., MA

Address : Faculty of Adab and Humanities

State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty,

State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and revising everything extended necessary, so we agree this

thesis entitled ‘‘The Power of Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old Man and

The Sea by Ernest Hemingway’’ could be submitted to munaqasyah (thesis

exmanition) in partial fulfilment to the requirement for the degree of Humaniora

scholar. So we submit it in order to be received well, thus, we hope it can be usefull

for all.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Supervisor I Supervisor II

H. Mislan, S. Pd. M. Pd Bahren, SS., MA

NIP. 196903161995031001 NIP. 197912302006041003




By signing my name below:

Name : Nur Husna

NIM : 403170897

Supervisor I : H. Mislan, S.Pd. M.Pd

Supervisor II : Bahren, SS., MA

Department : English Literature

Faculty : Adab and Humanities

I certify that I wrote this thesis in order to fulfill the requirements for a bachelor’s

degree (SI) in English Literature, Adab and Human ities Facculty, State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin jambi. The thesis entitled ‘‘The Power of

Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest

Hemingway’’ is my original work. It does not plagiarize any material from other

studies except for the quotations and reference. I will be ready to take responsibility

if there are objections or claims from others.

I affirm that this statement is true and was made in good health and mind.

Jambi, 02 September 2021

The researcher,

Nur Husna



﴿٢﴾ يجعل له مخرجا ومن يتق الل

فهو حسبه إن الل ويرزقه من حيث ل يحتسب ومن يتوكل على الل

﴾٣﴿بالغ لكل شيء قدرا أمره قد جعل الل

Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, niscaya dia akan mengadakan baginya

jalan keluar, dan memberinya rizki dari arah yang tiada disangka sangka. Dan

barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah, niscaya Allah akan mencukupkan

(keperluan) nya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan yang dikendakinya.

Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu. (QS. At-

Talaq: 2-3)1

And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him,

and will provide for him from (a quarter) whence he hath no expectation. And

whosoever putteth his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. Lo! Allah bringeth His

command to pass. Allah hath set a measure for all things. (QS. At-Talaq: 2-3)2

1At-Talaq Pencerahan. (2021). Retrieved 4 july 2021, from


2At-Talaq Pencerahan. (2021). Retrieved 4 july 2021, from




My deepest dedication goes to my loved ones:

Both of my parents;

Mr. Yahya (late) and Mrs. Hawidah,

Because of those who never stop loving and praying for me.

There are not enough words to express my gratitude for all this time.

I feel lucky to have been born to a great mother and be the daughter of both you.

My great and patient brothers and sisters take care of this youngest brother and

always give encouragement in every step of my education;

Mukhlis, Ruhaiti, Kurniati and Herda Liyani, who has always been my best


The youngest who always wants to make his family happy



Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin, all praises to Allah SWT, the almighty God,

for the presence of plenty of mercy and his grace, so that the researcher could

complete the thesis entitled The Power of Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old

Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway wich is submitted to fulfill the

requirements for bachelor degree (SI) in English Literature Department, Faculty of

Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Shalawat and greetings to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from

the realm of darkness to the realm of light as we feel today.

In accomplishing this thesis, the researcher had been given one great to

many people. So, the researcher sincere gatitude goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi, MA., Ph. D as a Rector of State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi. The vices of Rector, Dr, Rofiqoh Ferawati,

SE., M.EI; dr. As’ad Isma, M.Pd. and Dr. Bahrul Ulum, S.Ag., MA.

2. Dr. Halimah Dja’far. S. Ag., M. Fil. I the Dean of Adab and Humanities


3. Dr. Ali Muzakir, M. Ag as the first vise Dean of Academic. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd,

M.Ed as the second vise Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag.SS.,

M.Pd.I as the third vice Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities


4. Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd., MA and Chandri Febri Santi M.Pd. as the chairperson

and secretary of English Literature Department.

5. H. Mislan, S.Pd. M.Pd and Bahren, SS., MA as the researcher’s supervisors,

mentors, and life coaches. Their wise counsel led me through the technical

and non-technical aspects of writing this study. Suggestions and

constructive criticism from them greatly aided in the improvement of this


thesis, making it much more interesting and engaging than the researcher

had expected.

6. All the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic

University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

7. The head and officers of the library of State Islamic University, Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi and public library of Jambi Province

8. A special mention for my friend, Mimin, who had been willing to help me

correct the writing in this thesis. Thank you Friend!

9. All of my friends, Especiaally my best friends; Nurbaiti Awaliyah,

Rahmania, Reka Yuliana, Nurrahmi Putri. Thank you for supporting and

always giving encouragement in the making of this thesis.

This study is a long way from being perfect. The researcher needs some

feedback and suggestions in or der to improve in the future. Finally, the researcher

hopes that this thesis will bene fit readers. Especially students in English Literature

Department Faculty of Adab a nd Humanities.

Jambi, 02 September 2021

The Researcher,

Nur Husna

NIM. 403170897



Nur Husna, 2021: The Power of Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old Man and

The Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Supervisor I : H. Mislan, S.Pd. M.Pd

Supervisor II : Bahren, SS., MA

In this study, the researcher analyzed the novel written by Ernest

Hemingway, entitled; The Old Man and The Sea. This novel tells about the struggle

of the main character named Santiago in fulfilling his needs as an old fisherman

who is famous for his misfortune. Therefore, the researcher gave the tittle of this

research with ‘’The Power of Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old Man and The

Sea by Ernest Hemingway’’. This study aims to discuss; 1) The kinds of struggle

used by main character to fulfill basic needs as seen in the Novel The Old Man and

The Sea by Ernest Hemingway, 2) The obstacles of main character to fulfill basic

needs as seen in the Novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway. The

design of this research is decriptive qualitative research, the data colletion technique

used is the reading and note-taking technique that the researcher did, then the

researcher an analyzed used is descriptive. To answer the kinds of struggle, the

researcher uses a theory of struggle by khusrau, psychological approach is also used

in this study. To answer the second problem formulation, the researcher uses

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Basic Needs) theory. The results of this study are;

1) There are three types of struggles of the main character seen in the novel The Old

Man and The Sea, namely, (a) struggling with oneself (b) struggle with One-self (c)

struggle of Environment 2) Obstacles in the main character's struggle to fulfil basic

needs, as seen in the novel The Old Man and The Sea, it is found that there are two

points, namely (a) physiological needs, seen in the physiological constraints of the

main character it is difficult to get clean food and drink (b) safety needs, seen in the

constraints of struggling in difficult circumstances. It's dark, and the currents are

so strong that it's hard for the main character to control the champagne.

Keywords: Power, Struggle, Novel Ernest Hemingway



Nur Husna, 2021: The Power of Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old Man and

The Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Pembimbing I : H. Mislan, S.Pd. M.Pd

Pembimbing II : Bahren, SS., MA

Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menganalisis novel karya Ernest Hemingway

yang berjudul The Old Man and The Sea. Novel ini menceritakan tentang

perjuangan tokoh utama yang bernama Santiago dalam memenuhi kebutuhanya

sebagai seorang nelayan tua yang terkenal dengan nelayan yang tidak beruntung.

Oleh karena itu, peneliti memberikan judul penelitian ini dengan ‘’The Power of

Struggle as Seen in the novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway’’.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas 1) mengetahui jenis-jenis perjuangan

tokoh utama dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar seperti yang terlihat dalam Novel

The Old Man and The Sea karya Ernest Hemingway dan 2) kendala perjuangan

tokoh utama dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar seperti yang terlihat dalam Novel

The Old Man and The Sea karya Ernest Hemingway .Desain penelitian yang

digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan

adalah teknk baca dan catat. Kemudian untuk analisis peneliti menggunakan

analisis deskriptif. Untuk menjawab jenis-jenis perjuangan peneliti menggunakan

teori perjuangan oleh Khusrau, pendekatan psychological juga digunakan dalam

penelitian ini. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah kedua peneliti menggunakan

teori Hierarchy of Needs (Basic Needs) dari Maslow. Hasil dari penelitian ini

adalah; 1) Ada tiga jenis perjuangan tokoh utama yang terlihat dalam Novel The

Old Man and The Sea, yaitu; (a) berjuang dengan diri sendiri (b) berjuang dengan

orang lain (c) berjuang dengan keadaan. 2) Kendala perjuangan tokoh utama dalam

memenuhi kebutuhan dasar seperti yang terlihat dalam Novel The Old Man and

The Sea, ditemukan ada dua point yaitu; (a) kebutuhan fisiologis, dilihat dalam

kendala fisiologis tokoh utama sulit untuk mendapatkan makanan dan minuman

yang bersih (b) kebutuhan keamanan, terlihat pada kendala berjuang dalam keadaan

gelap, dan kendala arus air yang deras sehingga tokoh utama sulit mengendalikan


Kata Kunci: Kekuatan, Perjuangan, Novel Ernest Hemingway




NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................ i

APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii

LETTER OF RATIFICATION ................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT .......................................................... iv

MOTTO ......................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xi


A. Background of the Problem .......................................................... 4

B. Formulation of the Problem .......................................................... 4

C. Limitation of the problem ............................................................. 4

D. Purpose of the Research ................................................................ 4

E. Significance of the Research ......................................................... 5


A. Psychological Approach ............................................................... 7

B. The Struggle .................................................................................. 9

C. Kinds of Struggle .......................................................................... 11

D. Hierarchy of Needs (Basic Needs) ................................................ 14

E. Review of Related Literature ........................................................ 16


A. Design of the Research ................................................................. 17

B. Source of the Data ......................................................................... 17

C. Technique of Data Collection ....................................................... 19

D. Technique of Data Analysis .......................................................... 21



A. Kind of Struggle the Main Character to Fulfill Basic Needs ........ 22

1. Struggle with One-Self ...................................................... 30

2. Struggle with Other ........................................................... 32

3. Struggle of Environment ................................................... 35

B. The Obstacles of Struggle main character to Fulfill Basic Needs 34

1. Psychology Needs ............................................................. 36

2. Safety Needs ..................................................................... 38


A. Conclusions ................................................................................... 39

B. Suggestions ................................................................................... 41






A. Background of the Problem

Literature is human expression in the form of written or oral works based

on thoughts, opinions, experiences using feelings in imaginative, creative forms

and those derived from reflections of reality or original data wrapped in aesthetic

packaging through language media such as poetry, songs, novels, and dramas.

Etymologically, the word literature in Indonesian comes from the Sanskrit

word which is a combination of the word sas which means to direct, teach and

give instructions, and the suffix tra which is usually used to indicate tools or

means. So, if the word literature is written in full based on the etymological

meaning of the word, it can be interpreted as a teaching tool, guide or teaching.

This understanding explains the meaning that what is called literature is nothing

but a tool that serves to educate, or provide knowledge to its readers.

Literature is a variety of experiences, ideas, desires, people in everyday life

that are poured in several forms and styles of literary works. Because literature

comes directly from human life, literature can add to our knowledge and

experience about human problems including values, morals culture, struggles,

and human interest.3

In the interests of humans, there are those who both study human life, and

this can be called literary psychology. Literary psychology does have a solid

foundation, because literature and psychology study human life. The difference

is, literature studies humans as the creation of the author's imagination, while

psychology studies humans as God's creation in real terms. However, human

characteristics in psychology and literature often show similarities, so that

literary psychology research can be carried out. Although literary works are

3 Rokhmansyah, Alfian. Studi dan Pengkajian Sastra: Perkenalan terhadap Ilmu Sastra.

Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.2014


creative and imaginary, creators still often use psychological laws to bring their

characters to life.4

Literary works that are seen as psychological events will present

psychological aspects through the characters if the text happens to be in the form

of drama or prose. The author will capture mental symptoms and then process

them into text and complete it with his soul. The projection of own experiences

around the author will be ilustrated imaginatively into literary texts.5

One of the most popular forms of literature is novel. A novel is a fictional

prose story of a certain length that depicts imaginative characters, movements

and life scenes. A novel is an essay that is a story that tells extraordinary events

from people's lives. It is extraordinary because from that incident a conflict was

born, a dispute that caused upheaval in the souls of the characters, thus changing

the way of life of these characters. Thus, the novel tells of one aspect of the

character's life that is truly special resulting in a change of fate, it can be in terms

of love, courage, power, struggle and so on.6

One of the novels that present motivational values in the story is the novel

The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway. This novel tells the story of

Santiago, an old fisherman who goes through eighty-four days without catching

a single fish. At the beginning of forty days before Santiago was accompanied

by a child named Manolin, on his way to find fish for forty days passed without

being caught, Manolin's parents informed him that the person had become salao

(taken in Spanish salado) which means the form worst of luck. That's why

Manolin, the little boy who often helps him, is forbidden by his parents to help

Santiago. How sad a fisherman is labeled as unable to catch fish anymore.

Based on the above aspects, the writer sees many interesting things from

this novel. This novel is one of the novels that present a lot of struggle in it,

Tells the story of a true story that inspires the life of Santiago who lives life

patiently and never gives up and is full of high positive motivation. One

4Suwardi, Endraswara. Metode Penelitian Psikologi Sastra. Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo. 2008 5Suwardi, Endraswara. Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo. 2008

6Nurgiyantoro, burhan.Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta:Gadjah Mada University Press.1995


example of the struggle motivation contained in the novel can be seen from his

struggle to fulfill his life needs as a fisherman, so he struggles alone far into the

middle of the sea, in the middle of the sea he only eats raw fish food, and he

also fights with several sharks. which is very large, and he fought the shark

with his own hands, and his old skin became food for the sun in the middle of

the sea, but he still pulled a 1,500 pound marlin to bring him ashore, but there

were some obstacles he felt when he struggled, such as obstacles when it is

difficult to struggle in the dark. So Santiago's strong motivation to fight is to

make ends meet, especially to show people that he is not salao, even if it means

risking his life. For him, life is a struggle, and he will not stop fighting until

death picks him up.

This novel is very interesting to research, because the language used is quite

simple and easy to apply. There are many positive values that should be

exemplified from the stories in this novel, including hard work, persistence,

persistence, self-confidence, an unyielding spirit and sincerity. The stories in

this novel are very inspiring and able to ignite the enthusiasm of the readers

who are faced with complex problems in life. This novel can be a brain teaser

medium which not only provides peace and peace of mind, but is also able to

provide motivational value and learning about the struggles that are in it. In

addition, what made researchers interested in researching this novel, because it

is remembered as a new version of classic literature, and its unique style also

had a very strong influence on the fictional style of that era 20th century

literature, so it deserves to be used as a reference today.

Based on the various aspects above, the researcher sees that the story in the

novel presents a lot of struggles of the main character in fulfilling his life needs,

according to the researcher, the discussion in terms of struggle can provide

benefits and high motivation for an individual in achieving a desired dream as

reflected in the main character who named Santiago which is in the novel The

Old Man and The Sea.

Based on this background, the researcher is very interested in analyzing

more deeply about the contents of the novel then identifying the parts that


contain the struggles contained in the novel, and it can be concluded that the

author chose this tittle, because the object has not been examined in terms of

previous struggles, and the author wants to discuss more deeply about the

contents of the novel and there are still many unsolved problems and curious

about the types of struggles and obstacles experienced by the main character in

struggling, therefore the researcher gives this work the tittle"The Power of

Struggle as Seen in the Novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest


B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the description in the above researh background, there are several

problem statements that can be formulated as follows.

1. What are the kinds of struggles used by main character to fulfill basic needs

as seen in the novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway?

2. What are the obstacles of main character to fulfill basic needs as seen in the

novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway?

C. Limitation of the Problem

Many aspects can be analyzed in the novel The Old Man and The Sea by

Ernest Hemingway which was released in 1952. However, to focus this

research, in this case the researcher limits the analysis main character struggle

and what obstacles main character struggle in the novel The Old Man and The

Sea by Ernest Hemingway

D. Purpose of the Research

Relating to the problem statement, the writer decides an objective of the

research as follow.

1. To analyze the kinds of struggles used by main character for fulfill basic

needs as seen in novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway

2. To know the obstacles of main character for fulfill basic needs as seen in

the novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway


E. Significance of the Research

The theoretical benefits of this research are expected to increase

knowledge in the field, especially regarding the analysis of literary works, in

addition it is hoped that it can also increase the study of novels and their use as

a medium in conveying messages about the struggles of the main character in

the Novel The Old Man and The Sea.

For practical benefits, the authors hope that this research can be used as

a reference in the preparation of scientific works, especially those related to

serious struggles as depicted in the main character Santiago and hope that this

research can provide insight, benefits, knowledge and understanding. In

creating novels that are more creative, and interpreted according to the cultural

ethics of the Indonesian people.




A. Psychological Approach

The approach used by the researcher in this study is a psychological approach,

because according to the researchers this study matches the issues discussed.

Literary psychology is an approach that pays attention to psychological aspects

and concerns the human mind. Through a psychological review it appears that

the function and role of literature is to present a fair and eternal human image or

at least to convey that literary works are intended, in to describe human life.7

Psychology is a branch of science whose object of discussion is the state of

the human soul. This approach seeks to understand human character, why they

do and how they do things and also understand how these creatures think and

feel. The psychology of literature approach is a way of analysis based on the

view and departs from the assumption that literary works always discuss the

events of human life that are lived and respond to direction in life.8

The purpose of literary psychology is to understand the psychological

aspects contained in a work, so that in this study the psychological approach

focuses on one character, namely Santiago as the main character in the novel the

old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway. In this stage the researcher

determines the topic of the problem, namely the kinds of struggle and obstacles

of struggle found in the novel The Old Man and The Sea.9

According to Wellek Warren that psychological approach in literary work is

divided into four meanings:10

7Hardjana. Stress Tanpa Distres: Seni Mengolah Stres. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius. 1994.

8http://endonesa.wordpress.com/lentera-sastra/karya-sastra dan periodenya/

9 Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of literary terms seventh edition. Massachusetts: Heinle dan


10Wellek Warren in M. Keith Booker, A Pratical Introduction to Literary Theory and criticism,

P. 39


1. Psychological approach of the writer as a person is to show that as a writer

who has a good personality and shows that he is a good writer, a writer must

show caution in his life

2. The psychological approach to the creative process of literary works in the

literary work phase must contain all aspects, from stage to back stage. It should

be well and good until the writer final stage

3. Psychological approach with psychological rules and norms that can be taken

from a literary work. Literary work is a public institution that uses language as a

medium or tool. In addition, literary works also show social realities in real life

4. A psychological approach to the influence of a literary work according to the

reader’s thinking. Literary works show human life events, so that readers or

viewers are interested in reading them. This literray work will attract readers and

audiences if it is presented more professionally by the author. In this case the

writer focuses on the main character as a strong old fisherman.

B. The Struggle

Struggle’s is an effort made by someone in life in achieving something better

and realizing something that is desired. In order to achieve this, one must strive

hard and energetically in achieving it. There are many struggles that one does in

life, struggles for love, struggles for family, economic struggles, struggles for a

better life, struggles to achieve goals, realizes dreams, and others. Struggle has

a very broad meaning, because there are many areas of life, striving is called a

very hard effort that someone does to make something very difficult. It also

means to make one’s way with difficulty in the in the specified direction.11 In

other words, striving is the act of a person achieving what he wants and trying

to overcome the difficulties that follow.

People who do not see the challenges of life are immature souls, the goal of

humans in this world is to achieve perfection in life and seek the meaning of

happiness by struggling. Therefore, humans must go through life's struggles with

11Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.



great patience, perseverance, and hard work. It is life's constant battles, failures,

successes, and one's happiness. Whatever is one's job in life, if that person does

not know the word struggle and does not have knowledge of struggle, then that

person does not have the most important knowledge of all.

Are stated that in people’s life there are many life events happening. for every

life events will make people to force themselves to make some struggles in their

life. for example of live events such as divorce, death talor of spouse, gaining a

new family members leaving home, and many other. While people try to deal

with these problems and challenges of life, they will need to adjust their selves.

for that reason, how people react from all these events is one aspect of the process

called adjustment. Adjustment divided into 3 categories the first, the problem

solving, the second, the acceptance toward the situation, the third, the defense

mechanism as repression and denial.12

Struggle can be interpreted as a person’s strategy to protect him from

problems in life. According to bernard, in some conditions people rationally and

consciously implement strategies that allow them to withstand the stresses or

problems of life. when they try to face a problem, they will usually look for some

strategies or ideas to survive the problem. Even thought it is sometimes difficult

and painful, people will continue to try to find ways to solve problems in life by


Since people live, problem will always happen in their life and it is various.

Some might be easy or some other might be difficult. When people face

problems, they will have various ways to struggle to overcome their problems.

Struggle according to abate means that people make some determine efforts

under their difficulties and make some efforts to keep struggling in dealing

toward prohblems which emerging in life.14

12Jay Braun Darwyn E. Linder. Psychology Today: An Introduction. New York: Random House

Inc., 1979 P. 478-480

13Bernard, W. Human Motivation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wisnton Inc., 1980. P. 64

14Abate, F. The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus. New York: Oxford University Press. 1996


C. Kinds of Struggle

According to Khusrau, there are 3 types of “Struggles in life, Struggles with

oneself, Struggles with others, and Struggles of Environment”15

In someone's life, there are many types of struggles, the first is struggling with

ourselves, struggling with ourselves is one example of a struggle that is very

difficult and requires hard work from ourselves, when struggling there is

someone who needs friends to fight for his struggles and dream struggles

together, lastly there is a struggle with circumstances, when our situation is sad,

there are many problems, we must be able to adjust and solve these problems to

the circumstances at that time.

1. Struggle with One-self

The struggle with oneself will arise when in trouble, an individual will carry

out an action, a conversation, and a desire with himself, this happens when a

person is driven by an internal desire within himself that creates a sense of self-

confidence, enthusiasm, and unyielding within himself an individual increases.

The struggle with oneself is a difficult struggle for an individual to do, where he

must endure pain and make sacrifices for himself in achieving a goal. 16

The person who cares and struggles with himself is the wisest person, because

once he wrestles with himself, which is the hardest struggle an individual can

experience, in the struggle with himself it will be easy if an individual is able to

fight the fear within himself, In the essence of the struggle with oneself there are

three aspects. The first is to get one's thoughts, words, and actions to address

one's own ideals.17 The next aspect of struggling with oneself is conforming to

other people, with their ideas and demands.

15Khusrau“The Struggle of Life” http;//ww.sufiorder.toronto.on.ca/life struggle 1.htm (accessed

January 03, 2021 at 07.45 am).

16Sulhizah wulan sari, ulibasa situmuang “identifying the types of struggle”, English Literature

Department Jakarta. Vol 6 Number 3 Edition August 2021.

17Kenneddy, D. (2018). A world of Struggle. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt1wf4cz3.


2. Struggle With Others

When we consider struggles with other people there are also three things to

think about, the first is to control and organize people and activities that occur in

our duties, our responsibility must be considered. Another aspect is how to allow

ourselves to be of use to others in various conditions in life to know to what

extent one should let others use our time, our energy, our work, or our patience,

and where to draw the line.18

Struggling with other people is the basis of the Indonesian people who in

everyday life like to work together on the basis of the spirit of kinship, fighting

with other people will make a job easier, in terms of fighting with other people

here, one can manage other people in a job that is currently in progress.The

proverb once said about struggling with others such as "Easy to carry and heavy

to carry".19

3. Struggle of Environment

Difficult circumstances and conditions cannot be predicted by someone and

difficult conditions will definitely be faced by someone in life any favorable or

unfavorable situation for a person, which that person can find for himself, and

every pleasant or unpleasant person, whose presence causes him to act.

struggling with circumstances will create reactions depending on human

happiness and spiritual progress, if he has control over these reactions, it can be

said that he is an advanced person, but if he has no control over it, then he will

show that he will retreat.20

the environment is where we struggle, when someone wants to achieve a goal,

he will pass through various circumstances, and various environmental

conditions, such as; someone who struggles in an environment that does not

support his dreams, a family who is not able to support the ideals chosen, other

examples of environmental struggles such as; someone's struggle is not in

18Sulhizah Wulan Sari, Ulibasa Situmuang “identifying the types of struggle” English

Literature Department Jakarta. Vol 6 Number 3 Edition August 2021.”

19Joyomartono, Mulyono Dkk. 1990. Jiwa, Semangat, dan nilai-niai perjuangan Bangsa

Indonesia. Semarang; IKIP Semarang Press.

20Nurgiyantoro, Teori Pengkajian Fiksi, (Yogyakarta University Press, 1995), P 124


accordance with the surrounding environment, difficult circumstances struggle

that a person cannot pass, that person does not show action then it is said to have


D. Hierarchy of Needs (Basic Needs)

According to Maslow, many factors encourage a person to struggle, and in

Maslow's theory of needs it has been explained that people struggle to make ends

meet. There are psychological needs, need for security, need for belonging and

love, need for self-esteem and need for self-actualization. Descriptions of

requirements are as follows:

1. Physiological Needs

Maslow in his book writes that the need at the first level is the starting point

for the theory of motivation because it is related to psychological motivation22.

The point here, this need is a basic need of every individual, which is related to

the fulfillment of human physical needs. This first part talks about the basic

needs in all human life related to biological aspects which include the need for

oxygen, food and water.

There are 2 factors that influence this first level requirement. The first is the

development of homesity which refers to the automatic efforts in the body to

maintain a constant and normal blood flow. Second is taste which is the preferred

choice of food. If a person is deficient in a chemical substance, he will develop

a special taste for the needs that are less23. Thus it can be said that every human

being has 2 factors that can encourage him to meet the needs at this first level,

especially for the need for food and drink.

21Ariarta, I Wayan Gede. Struggle of Life Againts the Environment in Defo’s the Life and

Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. English Literature Department, University Udayana. ISSN 2302-

920X. 2015.

22 Abraham H. Maslow, Motivation and personality: English Edition by Harper & Row,

publishers 1954. P 35

23 Abraham H. Maslow, Motivation and personality: English Edition by Harper & Row,

publishers 1954. P 35


2. Safety Needs

Needs that are categorized as the need for security, namely security, stability,

dependence, protection, freedom from fear and chaos, the need for structure,

order, law, limits, strong in protection and so on. According to Maslow, humans

really need a sense of security in their life, especially for a sense of security from

dangers and threats. When someone is in an insecure zone, he will look for a

protector who is considered to provide a sense of security. Usually we often find

among children24. Thus, this need is a human right to avoid dangers and threats

in his life.

Needs at this second level, we can see in neurotic people, people who are

economically and sociologically depressed, face social chaos, revolution and the

destruction of authority25. Thus, that not everyone is lucky to have a sense of

security in his life, so that many have problems at this second level.

3. Belongingness and Love Needs

When physiological and safety needs are met, other needs such as the need

for love, affection and belongingess also begin to be felt. Love involves a healty

and meaningful relationship between two people that includes mutual trust, and

about 2 people who need each other; therefore, a lack of love can stop an

individuals’s growth and potential development, and can demoralize life.26

The need for love includes a life of giving and receiving the attention of

others. according to maslow humans are social creatures who live together with

other people. This third need can be found in people who are hungry for loving

relationships with friends, lovers, husband/wife and their children. The problems

that are often found in this need are children who move too often due to mobility

and industrialization, uncertain conditions, and hatred towards someone27. thus,

24Setiawan, Manusia Utuh: Sebuah Kajian Atas Pemikiran Abraham Maslow, P 40

25 Abraham H. Maslow, Motivation and personality: English Edition by Harper & Row,

publishers 1954. P 39 26Schultz, Duane. Growth Psychology: Models of the healty of Personality. New York: Littion

Educational Publishing Inc. 1997. P. 63

27 Abraham H. Maslow, Motivation and personality: English Edition by Harper & Row,

publishers 1954. P 43


this need puts more emphasis on relationship problems with other people's


4. Self-Esteem Needs

In this need, there are two categories, they are need for self-esteem and respect

for others. Self-esteem includes the need for self-esteem, adequacy,

achievement, and independence. While awards from others include recognition,

acceptance, attention, position, good name and appreciation28. Thus it can be

said that the need at the fourth level is related to 2 problem points, namely points

of self-esteem, and other people to achieve self-esteem goals.

Fulfillment of the need for self-esteem brings a feeling of self-confidence,

value, strength, capability and a feeling of being needed and beneficial to the

world. However, at the same time it creates a feeling of weakness and

helplessness when someone does not get the response and motivation expected

from others. Self-esteem is best based on respect from others and not on fame or

fame29. Thus, it can be said that, although self-esteem can be obtained from two

possibilities, what is good is from the recognition of others.

Furthermore, it is further explained that, fulfilling this need for self-esteem

can create a psychological impact in the form of self-confidence, having strong

values, being able to be adequate. On the other hand, if this need is not met, it

will result in feelings of inferiority, weakness, hopelessness, or even fear30.

5. Self-actualization Needs

In this need it is explained that, everyone must be able to actualize himself in

the form of the works he makes. This activity will make someone feel at ease.

And this need can be called the need for self-realization31.

Thus, each person must have personal activity in order to find his personal


28Setiawan, Manusia Utuh: Sebuah Kajian Atas Pemikiran Abraham Maslow, P 76

29 Abraham H. Maslow, Motivation and personality: English Edition by Harper & Row,

publishers 1954. P 45

30Setiawan, Manusia Utuh: Sebuah Kajian Atas Pemikiran Abraham Maslow, P 42

31Maslow, Motivasi dan Kepribadian 1: Teori Motivasi dengan Pendekatan Kebutuhan Manusia

cetakan keempat, P 56-57


Express this need as a desire to be more and more than what a person is, to

become everything that is capable of being. “What a man can he must be”. In

short, it has to do with file identification psychological need to grow, develop

and exploit potential. This needs emerge after the satisfaction of the need for

love and self respect.32

E. Review on Previous Research

The researcher presents some of the previous findings, which are related or

relevant to this study, as follows:

First, this thesis was written by Kezia Sephia (120701031) in 2017, entitled

the values of The Struggle of the Main Character in the Novel of Guarding the

Spring by Hidayat Banjar: Sociological Analysis of Literature, the research in

this thesis aims to describe the values of the struggle of the main character, and

describe the benefits of this research, the method used is descriptive qualitative

methods, and the theory to answer the problem formulation of this research is

using Joyomartono's theory (1990: 5).33

Secondly, this thesis was written by Ulvadisa Santora (A2A008049) in 2012

entitled The Struggle for Life and Independence of the Main Character in the

Novel Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata: A Review of Literary Psychology,

the research in this thesis aims to describe the struggles and hard work of a small

child who becomes the backbone of the family. This research uses the category

of Carl Gustav Jung which is divided into 4: persona, anima and animus, shadow

and self.34

Thirdly, this thesis was written by Irma Noviana (1210741010) in 2017

entitled The Struggle of the Main Character in the Novel Cindaku by Azwar

Sutan Malaka. This analysis uses a structural study, and discusses the struggles

of the main character in Azwar Sutan Malaka's cindaku novel, this research aims

32 Schultz, Duane. Growth Psychology: Models of the healty of Personality. New York: Littion

Educational Publishing Inc. 1997. P 64

33 Kezia Shepia.The Struggle of the Main Character in the Novel of Guarding the Spring by

Hidayat Banjar. 2017 34 Ulvadisa Santora.The Struggle for Life and Independence of the Main Character in the Novel

Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata: A Review of Literary Psychology. 2012


to describe the struggle of the main character in realizing his life expectancy,

and the theory used is a structural theory and uses the structuralism method in

the following steps to identify, study and describe the functions and relationships

between the intrinsic elements of the novel that are interconnected.35

Four, this thesis was written by safitri, yuli ana in 2017, entitled the

Struggle of Main Character to get Freedom as Reflected in the Mockingjay

Movie by Dany Strong. English Literature Department Adab and Humanities

Faculty, the State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi, this

study aims to determine the struggle and ways of struggling as well as the impact

of the struggle for political freedom in mockingjay films, especially the struggle

carried out by the main character Katniss in the film, this research using a

sociological approach, and the theory of struggle from Khusrau and the kinds of

freedom by William.36

Fifth, this thesis was written by Ririn Angraeni in 2017 entitled the Struggle

of the Main Character to Achieve her Dream as seen in the Zotoopia Film by

Byron Howard and Rich Moore. Department of English Literature, Faculty of

Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin

Jambi, this study aims to determine the types of struggles used by the main

figures in achieving their dreams, there are 3 problem formulations in this study,

the first is what are the types of struggles that are used which is used by the main

character to achieve his dream, secondly, what are the obstacles that the main

character experiences in achieving his dream, and third, what are the efforts of

the main character in achieving his dream, this research uses a psychological

approach, for problem formulation. the first one is answered with the khusrau

theory for the types of struggle, there are 3 types of struggle, struggling with

oneself, with others, and circumstances, for the second problem formulation it is

found that there are several obstacles in the struggle, namely: stereotypes from

society, rejection from the family and society, and for the formulation of the third

35 Irma Noviana. The Struggle of the Main Character in the Novel Cindaku by Azwar Sutan

Malaka. 2017

36 Safitri, Yuli Ana. The Struggle of Main Character to get Freedom as Reflected in the

Mockingjay Movie by Dany Strong. 2017


problem regarding the efforts carried out in pursuit of his dream, the first to take

the ZPD test, make his parents believe, and find 14 mammals lost in zootopia.

So the conclusion for this previous research, there are some differences with

my research, especially there are differences in the object of my research, the

above research is researching film, with a sociological, psychological approach

and various problem formulations, with their research they have helped me in

making this research.37

37 Ririn Angraeni. The Struggle of the Main Character to Achieve her Dream as seen in the

Zotoopia Film by Byron Howard and Rich Moore. 2017




A. Desaign of Research

To analyze main character struggles in the novel the old man and the sea,

the researcher will use qualitative method and descriptive research in accordance

with the objectives of this study.

Descriptive qualitative research in research is wrong in the form of words

or pictures if necessary, not numbers. This method aims to describe the struggle

of the main character and the obstacles to basic needs in the novels The Old Man

and The Sea.38

Qualitative descriptive research method is one of the methods used by

researcher to find knowledge or theory about a particular time study. The method

used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Through this method, the

researcher tries to reveal the struggle type of main character for fulfill basic

needs and obstacles main character struggle to basic needs in the novel The Old

Man and The Sea. The analysis is explained using words. This descriptive

research method is used in language research to collect data and describe

meaning naturally. Th e working step of this method is to analyze and describe

the types and the obs tacles of the main character for struggle to basic needs in

the novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway.39

Based on the quotation above, the qualitative research can be used in this

research due to qualitative method did not only involves the instrinsic aspect in

literature work. However, this can be related to extrinsic aspects in the literary

context. Therefore, qualitative research can also be said to be multi-method. This

is because what is related to the instrinsic and extrinsic aspect in his descriptive

literary works is:

38Endraswara, S. Metodelogi Penelitian Sastra Epist emology, Model, Teori, dan Aplikasi.

Yogyakarta: Medpress. 2003

39Mukhtar. Metode Praktis Deskriptif Kualitatif: Jakarta: Perpustakaan Universitas Marcubuana.



“The data collected is in the form of words, pictures and not numbers, it is

caused by the application of qualitative methods”.40 This means that qualitative

research methods are methods that rely on research through libraries that rely

almost entirely on data from libraries.

Moh Nazir stated that “this descriptive method aims to make a systematic,

factual and accurate picture or painting of the facts that exist, as well as the

relationships between the events being invgestigated.41 Based on this statement,

it can be concluded that qualitative research is analyzing the descriptive data

collected in the form natural objects. Where descriptive data is in the form of

written or oral, using qualitative research the writer gets answers about questions

in analyzing problems in the novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest


After the author concludes, in this study the author uses qualitative

descriptive, because in the discussion the author examines based on a description

about struggle or analysis of the novel story, in the form of an analysis of the

story not about numbers.

B. Source of Data

Sources of data are raw data that have not been processed to be used as

information.42 "The data source in this study is a novel entitled the old man and

the sea, this novel is one of the works of a writer and journalist from the United

States named Ernest Hemingway, his work on the novel the old man and the sea

was his most phenomenal in 1952, and his work was awarded the pulitzer prize

in 1952.43

40Hartinis Yatim. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan sosial kualitatif dan kuantitatif(Jakarta:

Bogor Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2009), p. 191.

41Moh. Nazir, Metode Penelitian, (Bogor. Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2011), p. 54.

42 Rouse, M., (2009). What is Raw Data? (accessed 20 Desember 2020). Available at:


43Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952


C. Technique of Collecting Data

There are some activities of the researcher in collection the data in this

research because technique of data collection is the way that writer to collect the

data “Data collection techniques are the first step in a study, because the main

purpose of research is to obtain data.”44

There are many ways to collect data, such as "the fundamental methods that

qualitative researchers rely on to gather information are participation in settings,

direct observation, in-depth interviews, document reviews. 45 The writer has

some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this research more specific.

The steps in collecting data:

a. Reading the novel repeatedly.

in analyzing something, we must understand the material we are analyzing,

the point is to get the correct data, and avoid mistakes, in this first stage, we have

to read a novel that will be examined repeatedly, it aims to provide an

understanding of each content which is in the novel and makes it easier for us to

get relevant data.

So in collecting this data, the first step the author took was to read the novel

The Old Man and The Sea repeatedly, to achieve the goal of understanding and

knowing the contents of the novel story.

b. Determining the characters that be analyzed

In this second stage, we have to focus our minds and eyes on the main

character's conversation, because in this study, the author will only analyze from

the main character.

In this second step, the author focuses on the main character, because here the

researcher will see the struggle of the main character.

c. Collecting all the data from novel

44Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung:Alfabeta 2009). P. 9

45Miles, M. B., and Huberman, A.M.(1984). Qualitative Data Analysis (p.309). Newbury Park

CA: Sage.


In this third stage, the author collects from each conversation seen from the

main character, and sees from the section the types of struggles and obstacles

that the author finds in the novel.

In this step, the writer begins to collect the data found in the novel, the writer

underlines each paragraph and folds each paper containing the struggles and

obstacles of the struggle in the novel.

d. Classifying and determining the relevant data

In this last stage, after the author finds the complete data, then the data that

has been obtained will be analyzed. Finally, the authors identify the data

collected with the theory of struggle which consists of 3 points, namely:

struggling with oneself, struggling with others, and struggling with

circumstances, and applying a psychological approach.

D. Technique of Analyzing Data

After the researcher has collected data relevant to the research, the next step

is the researcher analyzes the data to get the results of this research.

“Data analysis technique is an analytical activity in a research conducted

by examining all data from research instrument, such as documents, notes,

recordings, test result, and others.”46

From the above statement it can be concluded that, data analysis is a search

process that systematically arranges data obtained from interviews, field notes,

and others. So, it can be easily understood, and the findings can be shared with

others. Meaning that analyzing data means looking for data related to the

formulation of problems in research, through interviews, field notes, and other

materials which are then arranged systematically so that they are easy to

understand and inform others. Researchers will use descriptive techniques in this


Descriptive method can be interpreted as a procedure of a problem that is

investigated by describing or describing the state of the subject or object of

46Lexy J. Moleong. Metodology Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. P 248.



research (novel, drama, short story, poetry) at the present time based on facts

that appear or work.47

The analysis consists of three activities that occur simultaneously, namely:

data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions / levers.

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a part of analysis which can be iterpreted as a form of

analysis that clarifies, classifies, directs, discards unnecessary, and organizes

data in such a way that it can be drawn and derived. With data reduction, the

researcher does not need to interpret it as quantification. Qualitative data can be

simplified and transformed in several ways, such as: through rigorous selection,

through summaries or brief descriptions, categorizing them into a broader

pattern, and so on. Sometimes it is also possible to convert the data into numbers

or ratings.48

In this study, data reduction was carried out when the researcher obtained

data from the novel and then the author simplified the data obtained by taking

supporting data in the discussion of this study, so that these data lead to

accountable conclusions.

2. Presentation of Data

Perform a presentation and gather information that provides conclusions and

to take actions that have been shown that, better presentations is the main way

of true qualitative analysis, which uses different types of matrices, graphs, tables

and charts. All of them are designed to combine information arranged in a

coherent and easily accessible form so that the process can be carried out easily.

In doing so, an analyzer can see what is going on, and determine how to really

pull off the pace of doing presentation analysis as something that might be


47Hadari Nawawi, Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University

Press. 1998.

48Milles dan Huberman, Analisis Data Kualitatif, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Press, 1992.


3. Conclusions

Drawing conclusions is part of the form of a complete activity. Conclusions

were also checked during the course of the study the examination may be a

rethinking that crosses the author's mind as he writes, a review of the notes

during the analysis process, or it may be called the review process and the

exchange of ideas among peers to develop an agreement or are also called efforts

area to place objects in another data set. In short, the meanings obtained from

other data should investigated more about their validity and suitability. The final

conclusion does not only occur at the time of processing the data, but it needs to

be tested for truth so that it is truly accounted for49.

The writer can conclude that in analyzing this data, the writer takes several

steps. The first step is to identify. Researchers identify data and make opinions

about struggle found in Ernest Hemingway's novel the old man and the Second,

classify the data.Researchers classify data in forms of action, conversations in

novels related to struggle. The third step is to analyze, describe, and explain.

That The researcher analyzes, describes, and explains data about the types of

struggles as seen in the novel, what struggles he does with himself, with other

people and circumstances, and how the obstacles faced by the main character in

struggling. The last step is draw conclusions. After all data were analyzed,

described and described in the study, the researcher draws the conclusion of the


49Milles dan Huberman, Analisis Data Kualitatif, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Press, 1992,

hlm. 16.




A. Finding

Based on data taken from the text of the English novel The Old Man and

The Sea from Ernest Hemingway, the author finds the struggle of the main

character in meeting his needs. The data is taken from step by step that the

author does, the data can be seen in the appendix at the end of this thesis, based

on the author's analysis of the main character's struggle to fulfill his needs in

Ernest Hemingway's novel The Old Man and The Sea.

In the first discussion, the author finds there are 3 types of struggle; first, the

struggle with himself, where the main character struggles with himself,

strengthens himself, tries with his own strength, the struggle is carried out to

achieve his ultimate goal, to fulfill his needs, and for his self-esteem, second,

the struggle with others, a struggle that the second, where the main character

knows that he is carrying out his struggle assisted by other people to accompany

and facilitate his struggle, and the third, the struggle with circumstances, where

the main character struggles against the weather and new conditions at sea with

a life alone.

In the second discussion, the author finds that there are 3 obstacles faced by

the main character in the struggle, the first; swift currents and struggling without

lighting which is included in the need for security, and the second obstacle, the

main character is difficult to get clean food and drink which is included in the

psychological need so that he only eats raw fish and has difficulty getting clean

water and forced to save money to drink, the above constraints can be solved

by Maslow's theory of the need to answer the second discussion about the

obstacles experienced by the main character in struggling to meet his needs.


B. The Kinds of the Struggle Main Character to Fulfill Basic Needs

Based on the author's analysis of the main character's struggle to fulfill his

needs in the novel, the author finds 3 struggles, which can be seen in the

explanation below:

1. Struggle with One-self

As noted in the second chapter, struggling with oneself is a person who

cares and struggles with oneself, and this struggle with oneself is the wisest

person, and is the most difficult struggle, and the essence of this struggle

with oneself has 3 aspects, the first is to make one's thoughts, words, and

actions to respond to the demands of one's own ideals.

Santiago needs to fight with himself because he wants to fulfill his needs,

and to restore his pride as a fisherman and to get that, the writer finds that

Santiago has to fight to the sea alone to catch big fish, because Santiago

believes, by getting big fish, the price himself in society will return, his

needs will be well met and when Santiago struggles alone, Santiago goes

through many struggles with himself.

Datum 1

“He walked off, bare-footed on the coral rocks to the ice house

where the baits were stored.”50

From the text above, we can analyze the main character's struggle with

himself through an action he takes after the author can explain that the main

character of the analysis struggles with himself to endure the pain he feels

walking barefoot on a sharp rock to get to the warehouse. the ice where the

bait he will carry, he does it with patience and strength in order to continue

the initial struggle to find fish in the sea

Datum 2

“He ate the white eggs to give himself strength. He ate them all

through May to be strong in September and October for the truly big

fish. He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big

drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear. It

50 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 27


was there for all fisherman who wanted it. Most fishermen hated the

taste. But it was no worse than getting up at the hours that they rose

and it was very good against all colds and grippes and it was good

for the eyes.”51

The text above shows the form of struggle shown by the main character

by taking the action that santiago must fight with himself to maintain his

body strength for a full month by eating egg whites in order to carry out the

struggle in catching big fish in order to meet his needs and restore his pride

that has lost in society, and every day Santiago has to drink shark liver oil

which is in the hut where the santiago keep their equipment. Shark liver oil

is available for all fishermen who want to increase body strength but the

shark liver oil has a very unpleasant taste, such as waking up forcefully or

when drinking it an angry feeling of wanting to vomit is created there, but

the oil has a lot of benefits for the health of the body, such as preventing

colds, flu, and for eye health.

Struggling with himself that Santiago is doing is an act of struggle that is

being carried out, he struggles to make his body strong even though he has

to eat or drink shark oil which tastes very bad and in chapter 2 it has been

explained that a struggle requires a difficult initial process, struggle it's not

easy, if you want to achieve something we are encouraged to have patience,

never give up and be confident, there is no such thing as a struggle if the

road we face is without problems and too easy.

Datum 3

“Now!” he said aloud and struck hard with both hands, gained a

yard of line and then struck again and again, swinging with each

arm alternately on the cord with all the strength of his arms and the

pivoted weight of his body.”52

51 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 37 52Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 54


From the text above, the writer can analyze the main character's struggle

with himself by doing an action and talking to himself, the main character

utters himself loudly to command and encourage himself to pull one yard of

fishing line with full strength, and he shouted in a loud voice to himself

repeatedly to pull the fishing line with all the strength of his hands and

swung each hand in turn, both from the left hand to the right hand, the pull

was assisted by the pull of the hand that piled up on his body weight.

The struggle the main character carries out is in the form of a strong

struggle with himself, and he speaks to rule himself, a strong struggle over

what he does to fulfill his life needs as a fisherman, as the author analyzes

in the text above, the main character has a strong spirit, in accordance with

the theory. In chapter 2, the struggle requires high spirits, requires sacrifice,

requires patience, and Santiago has shown it in the text above.

Datum 4

“He held the line against his back and watched its slant in the water

and the skiff moving steadily to the north-west.”53

From the text above, the writer can analyze the struggle of the main

character with himself by doing an action in the form of a struggle to hold

the hook on his back and the old man still persists with his struggle even

though he struggles alone.

Datum 5

“I wish I had the boy,” the old man said aloud. “I’m being towed

by a fish and I’m the towing bitt. I could make the line fast. But then

he could break it. I must hold him all I can and give him line when

he must have it. Thank God he is traveling and not going down.”54

From the text above, the writer can analyze, there is a text in the form of

speech and actions of the main character talking to himself in a loud tone

about his hope that the little boy Manolin could accompany him at that time

53 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 45 54 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 55


in the struggle, after that Santiago was dragged by a fish that was in the

water, Santiago talking to himself that he was the tug and santiago said that

he could have stuck the hook he was holding, but he was worried that the

fish might break the rope, so Santiago also held on to the hook as best he

could, so he managed to make the fish go with the rope the hook.

The text above is a form of the main character's struggle by taking action

with himself, in order to fulfill his needs the main character tries to fight the

despair he is feeling, according to the theory in chapter 2 that struggle is

someone's effort to achieve something, so the text above explains that

Santiago is make efforts to achieve its goals.

Datum 6

“He knelt down and found the tuna under the stern with the gaff and

drew it toward him keeping it clear of the coiled lines. Holding the

line with his left shoulder again, and bracing on his left hand and

arm, he took the tuna of the gaff hook and put the gaff back in


From the text above, the writer can analyze the main character who

struggles with himself by taking action on himself in the form of kneeling

to drag the tuna with his spear and keep the tuna away from the rolled hooks,

and Santiago holds the hook with his left shoulder, and fixed the palm with

his left arm, then he released the tuna from the hook on the fish spear, and

Santiago put the spear back in its place.

Santiago's struggle above is a struggle carried out by himself with his

own patience and strength without anyone else, as the author knows the

struggle is a person's effort to do something with the aim of achieving his

dream, so after the author of the text analysis above has shown his efforts

Santiago is strong in fighting and surviving with an unyielding attitude.

55 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 57


Datum 7

“He put his left foot on the heavy line that the left hand had held and

lay back against the pull against his back.”56

From the text above, the writer can analyze the main character who

struggles with himself by taking action on him by moving his left foot on a

heavy hook, which was initially held by the heavy hook by his left hand, the

main character leans forward to resist the heavy pull that is being held back

by his back. In hindsight, the novel text above is an example of the main

character's strong struggle with himself and he is an old man who is strong

and unyielding in achieving his goals without even complaining.

Datum 8

“He rested for what he believed to be two hours. The moon did not

rise now until late and he had no way of judging the time. No was

he really resting except com-paratively. He was still bearing the pull

of the fish across his shoulders but he placed his left hand on the

gunwale of the bow and confided more and more of the resistance

to the fish to the skiff itself.”57

From the text above, the writer can analyze the main character who

struggles with himself by taking an action, the text above states that the main

character can rest only for 2 hours, when he sleeps feelings of worry and

confusion always come to haunt him in guessing the time he thinks , so that

his eyes were closed like a sleeping person, while his head was still thinking

and Santiago was in a position to resist the tug of the fish on his shoulder,

but he placed his left hand on the lip of the bow and made full resistance to

the fish into the boat itself.

Datum 9

“Now you are getting confused in the head, he thought. You must

keep your head clear. Keep your head clear and know how to suffer

56 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 74 57 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 97


like a man. Or a fish, he tought. “Clear up, head,” he said in a voice

he could hardly hear. “Clear up.”58

From the text above, the writer can analyze about the main character who

struggles with himself by doing an action, thought and in the form of saying

the main character to himself, that he is feeling very deep confusion, then

the main character asks himself to stay calm and think clearly by dealing

with his suffering with strength, patience and unyielding attitude, that is the

attitude of the main character which is reflected in being very strong and

having strong self-confidence, then he also says that a man is strong and the

suffering he is experiencing now must be faced like a man that arose in his


In the text above again and again Santiago braces himself to keep

fighting, and says that he must think clearly, and he says it in a low and calm

voice, and he hardly hears it himself, and he always says you have to be

clear, clear in the sense of calm.

The text above shows Santiago's strong struggle with himself, that the

man is not weak, the man is strong, does not give up easily and always thinks

clearly, the text above can provide a very good lesson for readers about his

attitude in fighting even in difficult conditions, his attitude remains calm

and stay confident.

Datum 10

“Now I must prepare the nooses and the rope to lash him alongside,

he thought. Even if we were two and swamped her to load him and

bailed her out, this skiff would never hold him. I must prepare

everything, then bring him in and lash him well and step the mast

and set sail for home.”59

From the text above, the writer can analyze the struggle of the main

character with himself in the form of actions and words that he says to

58 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 118 59 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 95


himself by saying that he ordered himself to prepare knots and ropes to tie

it beside the boat, and he said that the canoe he was using was not would be

able to hold his body, so he had to prepare everything first, then he had to

raise and tie it well, then make sure the mast and he could start sailing.

The actions taken above are included in his struggle with himself,

because at the time he was talking to himself, he acted alone to make all the

efforts called struggle.

Datum 11

“Figh them,”he said. “I’II fight them until I die.”60

In the text above, Santiago talks to himself to keep the spirit to keep

fighting even until he dies.

The text above has shown that Santiago will not give up easily and remain

confident with his steps in fighting, even in difficult circumstances, and he

will do this until he dies.

Datum 12

“When he saw the shark he leaned over the side and punched at him.

He hit only meat and the hide was set hard and he barely got the

knife in. The blow hurt not only his hands but his shoulder too.”61

In the text above, when Santiago saw the shark, he leaned to the side and

beat the shark and it only hit the surface of his body, the flesh and skin of

the stingray was very strong, and he almost lost his knife, the attack he did

not only hurt only his hands but also his shoulders.

The struggle above is in the form of actions taken by the main character

in fighting sharks that want to eat the marlin he got, but with strong courage

Santiago dares to fight the fish by using his own hands and using a knife,

thus making Santiago's body sick.

60 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 115 61 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 109


Datum 13

“The two sharks closed together and as he saw the one nearest him

open his jaws and sink them into the silver side of the fish, he raised

the club high and brought it down heavy and slamming onto the top

of the shark’s broad head. He felt the rubbery solidity as the club

came down. But he felt the rigidity of bone too and he struck the

shark once more hard across the point of the nose as he slid down

from the fish.”62

In the text above, there are 2 sharks approaching Santiago

simultaneously, then Santiago opens one of the jaws of the shark closest to

him and Santiago plunges into the silver side of the fish. Santiago raised the

bat he was holding high and dropped it hard and hit the top of the shark's

head, Santiago felt something soft as the bat dropped, and Santiago felt the

hard bone of the shark as well, and Santiago repeatedly hit the fish the shark

with his hand.

The struggle above is an example of Santiago's struggle with himself with

an action and effort carried out with his own hands, he fought the shark with

his own hands and without the slightest fear.

2. Struggle With Others

Struggling with other people is a struggle that is carried out together and

struggles with other people, in this struggle there are 3 things that must be

considered, the first is how to control other people or manage other people

in working together, the second, our responsibilities must be considered, and

how and other aspects of how we can be useful to others in various

conditions of life.

Struggling with other people is making people believe that someone has

the ability to do something and that the effort is done together. No one can

live alone or struggle alone without help or support from others and

everyone needs friends, family to support in the word struggle. Based on the

explanation above, the researcher has found some data in the form of text

62 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 113


taken from the English novel from Ernest Hemingway about struggling with

other people.

Datum 1

“They picked up the gear from the boat. The old man carried the

mast on his shoulder and the boy carried the wooden box with the

coiled, hard-braided brown lines, the gaff and the harpoon with is


From the text above, the writer can analyze the struggle of the main

character which he confessed with a small manolin boy, and the struggle he

did with other people in meeting his needs, at that time the old man who

carried the heavy canoe on his shoulders, and the boy manolin helped carry

the wooden boat with braided rope in his hand, and the little boy also carried

the fish spear and the harpoon by the handle, then they walked together.

Datum 2

“They walked down the road to the old man‘s shack and all along

the road, in the dark, barefoot men were moving, carrying the masts

of their boats.64

the text above shows the form of struggle with other people, in the text

it is explained that the old man is carrying out an action that can be called a

struggle, in the text above, the old man and the little boy manolin want to

go fishing to meet their needs, at that time they make preparations together,

the old man began to struggle by walking without wearing sandals and going

through every step of the journey, as well as the manolin and they also

walked through the darkness at that time carrying equipment for fishing,

such as the masts of the boat they were carrying at that time.

63Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 15 64Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 26


Datum 3

“The boy was back now with the sardines and the two baits wrapped

in a newspaper and they went down the trail to the skiff, feeling the

pebbled sand under their feet, and lifted the skiff and slid her into

the water.”65

From the text above, the writer can analyze the struggle of the main

character with the little manolin boy, the text above shows that the little

manolin boy has brought bait in the form of sardines and he has wrapped it

in a newspaper, and they walked down the path to the canoe, they walked

on gravel sand without wearing footwear, and the gravel sand feels like it

hurts the soles of their feet, when they arrive, they launch the canoe into the

water, and they begin to struggle to meet their needs by waiting for the

canoes to catch fish for their daily life.

3. Struggle of Environment

Struggling with circumstances is one of the factors that encourage a

person to fight even stronger, because the circumstances around a person

are required to pay more attention to the control that will be carried out in

carrying out the struggle, struggling with this situation a person struggles

because of a coercive environment, which makes a person depressed and

intends to make yourself better.

Researchers can describe below an example of struggling due to

environmental factors.

Datum 1

“No one should be alone in thir old age, he thought. But it is

unavoidable. I must remember to eat the tuna before he spoils in

order to keep strong. Remember, no matter how little you want to,

that you must eat him in the morning. Remember, he said to


65Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 27 66 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 48


In the text above, the writer can analyze the character's struggle with

circumstances, in the text the main character tells himself that he should not

have to struggle alone with his old age, but his conditions and circumstances

forced him to struggle, and Santiago also said that he must remember to eat

before the tuna rots. He told himself to always remember not to care how

small his interest was, but he had to eat breakfast anyway, to stay strong he


The struggle with the situation in the text above has shown that Santiago

has to fight the situation even though he is alone, but he must still eat and

must remain strong against the situation of facing the pull of the fish and

being carried away by the current he feels.

Datum 2

“In the darkness he loosened his sheath knife and taking all the

strain of the fish on his left shoulder he leaned back and cut the line

against the wood of the gunwale. Then he cut the other line closest

to him and in the dark made the loose ends of the reserve coils


From the text above, the writer can analyze the struggle with the

circumstances and the actions taken by the main character, the text above

describes the difficult situation without lighting, but the main character

tries to fight the situation by taking action to loosen his knife scabbard and

move the fish bridle to his left shoulder and he leans over his body

backwards and cut the hook on the cano's lip wood and then cut the hook

closest to him, so that the free ends of the reel were tied tightly.

The struggle with this situation has been described in the text above, the

main character struggles against the situation without lighting with

enthusiasm, even though the situation he feels at that time feels difficult,

but he still works and tries to fight in the midst of darkness with full

patience, that's all he did it to fulfill his needs as a fisherman.

67 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 51


Datum 3

“He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long

gone pride and he put it against the fish agony and the fish came

over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost

touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long,

deep, wide, silver, and barred with purple and interminable in the


From the text above, the writer can analyze that the main character

struggles against the circumstances and the surrounding environment by

enduring extreme pain in order to restore his self-esteem, he compares with

the difficulties experienced by the fish, and the fish comes to his side and

swims gently beside him, the fish's snout is almost touched the canoe and

began to overtake the boat, the fish had a long, deep and wide body, silver

and purple stripes and endless in the water.

The struggle against the situation in the text above shows that the main

character struggles with the illness he suffers, but his lost pride in society

makes him a strong old fisherman.

Datum 4

“But he liked to think about all things that he was involved in and

since there was nothing to read and he did not have a radio, he

thought much and he kept on thinking about sin. You did not kill the

fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed him

for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he

was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to

kill him.”69

From the text above, the writer can analyze that the main character is

thinking about all the things that involve him, he thinks about the sins he

has committed, and he tells himself, that he doesn't kill fish just to stay

alive and just to sell food, then he said that he killed the fish for your pride,

your pride that has been lost in society as a fisherman who is considered

68 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 93 69 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 105


unlucky, so that you have struggled this far and he also accidentally killed

the big fish he got, then he told himself you love fish That's when he's alive

and you must love him when he's dead. He says, if you love the fish, you

will not sin.

The struggle above shows that Santiago is struggling with the

circumstances he is facing, a situation that is considered an unlucky

fisherman and Santiago is fighting for his pride as a fisherman, and he is

trying to fight the difficult circumstances he faces.

C. Main Character Obstacles to Fulfill Basic Needs

The obstacles that make it difficult for the main character to struggle, the

first is the obstacle of the swift current of water so that the main character is

difficult to control his canoe, and the obstacle of the two main characters

struggle without lighting, so that the main character is difficult to do a

business in the dark it is difficult to get food and get clean drinking water

and finally the main character is struggling alone and he needs friends to

help him in his struggle and will be answered with Maslow's theory of the

need for safety, and physiological needs. It can be seen in the explanation


1. Physiological Needs

This need is the basic need of every individual, which is related to the

fulfillment of human physical needs. This first section discusses the basic

needs in human life related to biological aspects which include the need for

oxygen, food and water.

When an individual is deprived of oxygen, food, and drink, the individual

cannot struggle, and it can be an obstacle for an individual to survive, it can

be seen in the text below.


Datum 1

“What an excellent fish dolphin is to eat cooked,” he said.“And what

a miserable fish raw. I will never go in a boat again without salt or


In the text above, Santiago talks about the dolphins he eats, Santiago

mentions how good it is if the dolphins he eats are cooked first, and Santiago

mentions that the fish that he eats when it's still raw tastes very bad, and he

too went boating at that time with no lime.

The obstacles that Santiago experiences above are related to food, where the

text above states that Santiago only eats, raw food with a very bad taste, and

this really becomes an obstacle for Santiago in struggling, even a little food

will make an individual lack of energy, but Santiago still eats the raw fish

even if a little to maintain his strength.

Datum 2

“The old man still had two drinks of water in the bottle and he used

half of one after he had eaten the shrimps.”71

In the text above, Santiago must be frugal with the drinking water he

brings, because he only has a little more to drink, Santiago's remaining

drinks are only 2 more drinks, and Santiago also drank half of one of them

at that time.

The problem that Santiago is experiencing in the text above is that he

lacks clean drinking water that accompanies his struggles, and he also has

to be frugal, because drinking water is a basic need for every individual, and

drinking water is needed in human life.

2. Safety Needs

According to Maslow, humans really need a sense of security in their

lives, especially a sense of security from danger and threats.When a person

70 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 80 71 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 98


is in a state of chaos, in a state of fear, and feeling difficulties, it can be said

to be an unsafe condition, it can be an obstacle for someone in his life, when

an individual is struggling to achieve his goals, he needs a safe and

supportive condition, when a sense of security is not obtained, the level of

focus of an individual in work will be disturbed and it will be a difficult

thing for an individual.

It can be seen in the text below about the obstacles faced by the main

character when struggling.

Datum 1

“So he did it. It was difficult in the dark and once the fish made a

surge that pulled him down on his face and made a cut below his

eye. The blood ran down his check a little way. But it coagulated

and dried before it reached his chin and he worked his way back to

the bow and rested against the wood.”72

In the text above, Santiago has difficulty doing something in the dark,

but at that time he had to keep doing it, so the fish made a strong jolt that

pulled Santiago and he fell, so Santiago's face was hit by the fish, with that

incident, Santiago was injured in the side under his eyes, and blood ran down

his cheeks and dried on his chin.

The obstacles experienced by Santiago in the text above, Santiago has

difficulty doing something in the dark so that what he does becomes messy,

messy and hurts his face, he needs lighting so that what he is doing is visible

to his eyes.

Datum 2

“He’s headed north, “the old man said. The current will have set

us far to the eastward, he thought. I wish he would turn with the

current. That would show that he was tiring.”73

In the text above, Santiago is feeling worried about the currents that carry

his boat far to the east, this current makes it difficult for Santiago to control

72 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 52 73 Ernest Hermingway. The Old Man and The Sea. United States of America. 1952. P 53


his boat when sailing, Santiago also hopes that the fish he can soon feel

exhausted, so his boat will drift with the current.

the text above mentions that he was carried away by a strong current to

the east and Santiago also felt tired due to the current obstacle and santiago

thought that the marlin fish under Santiago's boat would take him along with

the current, this would happen when the marlin under his boat felt tired.




A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussion in the previous fourth chapter, the

researcher concludes that there are 3 types of struggles of the main

characters in Ernest Hemingway's novel The Old Man and The Sea 1)

Struggle with One-Self, where Santiago struggles with himself, against

sharks, and sails the ocean, with great struggle, holding the hook, resisting

the strong pull of the fish, eating raw fish and drinking shark liver for body

strength when fighting, and the struggle to walk through gravel stones

barefoot, and the struggle was all done by Santiago alone. 2) Struggle with

Other, in this struggle, Santiago struggles with a small child named manolin,

they struggle together in finding bait to catch fish, in order to meet their

needs, they walk through the gravel sand barefoot. 3) Struggle of

Environment, here Santiago struggles for the situation he was in at that time,

he was forced to fight for his pride as a fisherman who was considered

unlucky in society, then Santiago struggled with the circumstances at that

time having to eat tuna and fight the dark when doing the struggle.

Regarding the obstacles faced by the main character when struggling to

meet his needs, the researcher found that there were two obstacles that made

the struggle of the main character difficult, the obstacles were 1)

physiological needs, physiological needs that became obstacles for Santiago

seen when he was difficult to get food, lack of water to eat. drink, so

Santiago has to eat raw fish, and be frugal with his drink, 2) Safety needs,

on this need the researchers found when Santiago struggled against the

current and struggled in the dark without a light, so Santiago was seriously

injured by a strong jolt of the fish, so the water current The torrential rain

and the absence of lighting prevented Santiago from fighting.


B. Suggestions

After conducting research on the English novel The Old Man and The

Sea by Ernest Hemingway, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions regarding this matter to the readers. First, the author highly

recommends this novel to be read, because in this novel there are many

lessons about the life struggle of an old fisherman in fulfilling his daily

needs, in this novel there are many commendable attitudes reflected by the

main character, such as the unyielding attitude, the main character has

unyielding nature in the novel, never giving up to achieve his goal in

meeting needs, even though his physical condition is old, but he is very

strong and keeps trying without intending to back down, next is the self-

confidence, confident attitude that is reflected in this main character The

author highly recommends emulating it, because the author sees the main

character in the novel the old man and the sea always thinking positively

when he wants to achieve a goal, he believes that something he dreams of

will definitely come true, as long as he is serious in doing it and he believes

that God always protecting every step of the way. Furthermore, the

courageous attitude, the brave attitude reflected by the main character is an

extraordinary attitude, the main character is never afraid to face anything

when fighting, He fights everything that gets in the way of every struggle

even with a very old age without fear of death, and the last character is

patience in carrying out the struggle, which the author highly recommends

to readers is this patient nature, the patient nature reflected by this main

character is amazing, he is patient in facing every situation in life, he is

patient when going through something, he is patient when struggling alone

Because he knows everything that is done with patience will surely get good

results. The main character in this novel is an old fisherman who is strong

in achieving a goal he wants to achieve, regardless of his age he never stops

trying, because he strongly believes that a man is strong and cannot be

defeated by anything. Second, the researcher hopes that other researchers

who want to analyze the struggle can use this thesis as a reference and can


choose the object of this novel as a material to be studied, because the author

has not found previous research that discusses the struggle of the main

character in the Novel The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway,

only the author who became the first researcher to take the object of the

novel about the types of struggles and obstacles the main character struggles

in the novel.


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Character in the Novel Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata: A Review of Literary


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Wellek Warren in M. Keith Booker, (1942-1956) A Pratical Introduction to

Literary Theory and criticism. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. New York.


Some text Related to the Formulation of the Problem in the Novel The Old

Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway


Kinds of Struggle

Struggle Text



Struggle with One-Self

-He walked off, bare-footed

on the coral rocks to the ice

house where the baits were


-He ate the white eggs to

give himself strength. He

ate them all through May to

be strong in September and

October for the truly big

fish. He also drank a cup of

shark liver oil each day

from the big drum in the

shack where many of the

fishermen kept their gear. It

was there for all fisherman

who wanted it. Most

fishermen hated the taste.

But it was no worse than

getting up at the hours that

they rose and it was very

good against all colds and

grippes and it was good for

the eyes

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-Now!” he said aloud and

struck hard with both hands,

gained a yard of line and

then struck again and again,

swinging with each arm

alternately on the cord with

all the strength of his arms

and the pivoted weight of

his body

-He held the line against his

back and watched its slant

in the water and the skiff

moving steadily to the


- I wish I had the boy,” the

old man said aloud. “I’m

being towed by a fish and

I’m the towing bitt. I could

make the line fast. But then

he could break it. I must

hold him all I can and give

him line when he must have

it. Thank God he is

traveling and not going


- He knelt down and found

the tuna under the stern with

the gaff and drew it toward

him keeping it clear of the

coiled lines. Holding the

line with his left shoulder

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again, and bracing on his

left hand and arm, he took

the tuna of the gaff hook

and put the gaff back in


- He put his left foot on the

heavy line that the left hand

had held and lay back

against the pull against his


-He rested for what he

believed to be two hours.

The moon did not rise now

until late and he had no way

of judging the time. No was

he really resting except

com-paratively. He was still

bearing the pull of the fish

across his shoulders but he

placed his left hand on the

gunwale of the bow and

confided more and more of

the resistance to the fish to

the skiff itself.

-Now you are getting

confused in the head, he

thought. You must keep

your head clear. Keep your

head clear and know how to

suffer like a man. Or a fish,

he tought. “Clear up, head,”

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he said in a voice he could

hardly hear. “Clear up.

-Now I must prepare the

nooses and the rope to lash

him alongside, he thought.

Even if we were two and

swamped her to load him

and bailed her out, this skiff

would never hold him. I

must prepare everything,

then bring him in and lash

him well and step the mast

and set sail for home.

- Figh them,”he said. “I’II

fight them until I die.

- When he saw the shark he

leaned over the side and

punched at him. He hit only

meat and the hide was set

hard and he barely got the

knife in. The blow hurt not

only his hands but his

shoulder too.

- The two sharks closed

together and as he saw the

one nearest him open his

jaws and sink them into the

silver side of the fish, he

raised the club high and

brought it down heavy and

slamming onto the top of

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Struggle With Others

Struggle of


the shark’s broad head. He

felt the rubbery solidity as

the club came down. But he

felt the rigidity of bone too

and he struck the shark once

more hard across the point

of the nose as he slid down

from the fish.

-The boy was back now

with the sardines and the

two baits wrapped in a

newspaper and they went

down the trail to the skiff,

feeling the pebbled sand

under their feet, and lifted

the skiff and slid her into the


-No one should be alone in

thir old age, he thought. But

it is unavoidable. I must

remember to eat the tuna

before he spoils in order to

keep strong. Remember, no

matter how little you want

to, that you must eat him in

the morning. Remember, he

said to himself.

- In the darkness he

loosened his sheath knife

and taking all the strain of

the fish on his left shoulder

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he leaned back and cut the

line against the wood of the

gunwale. Then he cut the

other line closest to him and

in the dark made the loose

ends of the reserve coils


-He took all his pain and

what was left of his strength

and his long gone pride and

he put it against the fish

agony and the fish came

over onto his side and swam

gently on his side, his bill

almost touching the

planking of the skiff and

started to pass the boat,

long, deep, wide, silver, and

barred with purple and

interminable in the water.

- But he liked to think about

all things that he was

involved in and since there

was nothing to read and he

did not have a radio, he

thought much and he kept

on thinking about sin. You

did not kill the fish only to

keep alive and to sell for

food, he thought. You killed

him for pride and because

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you are a fisherman. You

loved him when he was

alive and you loved him

after. If you love him, it is

not a sin to kill him.

No Obstacles of Struggle Text Page



Physiological Needs

Safety Needs

- What an excellent fish

dolphin is to eat cooked,” he

said. “And what a miserable

fish raw. I will never go in a

boat again without salt or


- The old man still had two

drinks of water in the bottle

and he used half of one after

he had eaten the shrimps.

- So he did it. It was difficult

in the dark and once the fish

made a surge that pulled

him down on his face and

made a cut below his eye.

The blood ran down his

check a little way. But it

coagulated and dried before

it reached his chin and he

worked his way back to the

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bow and rested against the


- He’s headed north, “the

old man said. The current

will have set us far to the

eastward, he thought. I wish

he would turn with the

current. That would show

that he was tiring

-Page 67


The Old Man and the Sea tells the story of an old fisherman named Santiago,

an experienced old fisherman, but one time, he spent 80 days without catching a

fish, in the community, he is called salao, which is the worst form of misfortune.

Santiago has a friend, his name is Manolin. In the first 40 days, Manolin

sailed with Santiago. However, due to Santiago's misfortune, Manolin's parents

forbade him to go sailing with Santiago. However, Manolin is a very good young

boy. Even though his parents forbade him to sail with Santiago, Manolin still

helped the old man to roll up the rope or harpoon and the sail that was rolled up on

the mast of the boat. Manolin also assists Santiago in preparing supplies and bait

before leaving for sailing. Every now and then, Manolin brings sardines to


On day 85, Santiago went sailing alone to the Gulf Stream, which is located

in the Atlantic Ocean. The place is famous for its swift water currents. In the

afternoon, the bait is eaten by very large marlin fish. He imagined how expensive

the fish would be if sold in the market.

However, during his journey at sea by resisting the pull of the big marlin,

Santiago was tired, hungry, if at night he was dark without lighting, but he was a

strong old man, He was very confident and did not give up easily, Santiago's marlin

fish was attacked by 2 large sharks and tearing the flesh of the marlin, Santiago

fearlessly hit the shark with the wood in his hand and Santiago kept the marlin still

in his hand.

Finally, Santiago's boat has almost reached the cliff. When Santiago lifted

his marlin fish, all that was left were bones, but the very large marlin bones had

never been seen by the public before, so people were amazed to see Santiago's
