1 The Power of Prayer and Infinite Possibility Week 7: The Power of the Divine: The Unseen Facilitator Guide

The Power of Prayer and Infinite Possibility...emotion – the FEELING in the communication that is actually the prayer – not the words. IN effective prayer, we FEEL as if our desires

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Page 1: The Power of Prayer and Infinite Possibility...emotion – the FEELING in the communication that is actually the prayer – not the words. IN effective prayer, we FEEL as if our desires


The Power of Prayer and Infinite Possibility

Week 7: The Power of the Divine:

The Unseen

Facilitator Guide

Page 2: The Power of Prayer and Infinite Possibility...emotion – the FEELING in the communication that is actually the prayer – not the words. IN effective prayer, we FEEL as if our desires


Week 7: The Power of the Divine: The Unseen

1. Welcome –

2. Opening prayer

3. Daily Word: Divine Order My Divine nature is unlimited.

You make known to me the path of life;

you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 16:11 New International Version (NIV)

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

4. Inspirational quotes

Miracles are not contrary to nature but only contrary to what we know about nature.

St. Augustine

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole world would change.


5. Check in – “aha” moments, desire manifestations, seedling updates, concerns,

etc. (Limit to 2 minutes per person.)

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The week’s material When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life,

or the life of another. Helen Keller We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment

of life is a miracle and mystery. H. G. Wells What have we learned so far about the power of prayer and possibility?

1. Science has shown that everything is made of energy – which cannot be created or destroyed, only its form changed. The focus of our attention changes reality itself, suggesting that we live in a participatory, interactive universe. The universe and everything in it share a field of energy, which is known by many names.

Charles Filmore said, “Science has opened up a ‘kingdom’ having all the possibilities of the kingdom of heaven taught by Jesus – a kingdom within us to be exercised constructively through our minds under divine law.” Jesus repeatedly demonstrated the ability to affect matter through his communion with the Divine Mind – creating what we call miracles.

2. Prayer is our communion with the Divine. We say, “Our thoughts are prayers,” but it is our emotion – the FEELING in the communication that is actually the prayer – not the words. IN effective prayer, we FEEL as if our desires have already been made manifest and we infuse those feelings with gratitude.

3. The greatest teacher of possibility was Jesus. He used the power of quantum physics to

activate the creative energies of the Infinite. Whether he fed 5000 with a few loaves and fishes, turned water into wine or raised the dead, Jesus never questioned the possibility of these demonstrations - what we call miracles. He knew how the Universe works! And tried to teach his disciples, repeatedly. Knowing is the most powerful state of awareness. It’s where we find peace, sacred serenity. Knowing is being positive – not feeling. It’s knowing with certainty that all outcomes in the physical world are perfect - because they are “co-created, collaboratively manifested and jointly produced to exactly serve the agenda of every soul in every situation in every moment in every place.”

4. Our intention propels the energy that creates our reality. Unity principle: Thoughts have

creative power to determine events and attract experiences. Science has proven science that our mere observation affects energy – both matter and potential (wave-particle duality). 3 We cannot be separate from the infinite creative energy of the Divine. Our error thoughts create the illusion of separation.

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Intention does not act against anything; rather, it pulls toward it. You receive what you desire for others. Call it karma, the law of attraction or whatever. It’s how the universe works… the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You will reap what you sow.

5. When the brain and heart are in a state of coherence, we feel calm, balanced, yet energized. We are in a higher frequency vibration when our mind and emotions are in resonance with our heart’s core values – our own true self.

There is no universally accepted operational definition of consciousness. According to current belief, there are three aspects to consciousness: Conscious mind/ego – awareness of the present moment and surroundings and some mental functions; Subconscious mind – includes accessible information we are not aware of, but can access - memories, ideas, beliefs, underlying bias and the emotions attached to them; and Unconscious mind – those aspects we are not aware of and can’t be brought to the surface, such as how cells divide, beating the heart or digestion.

The levels of spiritual consciousness have been defined as: Higher Self/Superconsciousness - a heightened awareness that comprehends both material and physical reality – and the energy beyond; Christ Consciousness - the state believed to have been held by Jesus; and Cosmic Consciousness – a state higher than that possessed by ordinary man.

6. Synchronicity is defined as the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. The element of time turns a coincidence into synchronicity.

Divine Order is the term we use to explain the often unexplainable, miraculous way in which events and occurrences manifest to create an outcome.

This week we’ll explore The Power of the Divine: The Unseen - what Divine forces are working to support and guide us? Are miracles real? How are they made manifest?

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein

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Look at your hand. What do you see? The amazing protective layer we call skin? Fingers and a thumb? What DON’T you see? Muscles, tendons and ligaments that enable movement. Arteries delivering oxygen-rich blood to each cell. Veins returning blood to the heart and lungs. And that cut on your finger – do you see the cells orchestrating the healing process? No. But you take it for granted that the cut will heal in a miraculous process. Do you see the electric energy that keeps your heart beating? Or the bacteria that digests the food you eat? And what about those amazing kidneys and liver that remove harmful toxins and by-products of metabolism! How do we actually see? How does the eye-brain connection work? Do you see what I see? What we actually see is very limited. But we trust that all these systems and processes in our body are working – without our direction or involvement. We know that all biological activity takes place at the cell level. (The activity of a protein is a chemical process.) The complexities of cellular activity would take volumes to detail – how information is created and shared, chemical processes, division and so on… But we aren’t even aware of, much less worried about all these processes taking place. We know that the unseen wisdom/ intelligence that created these mind-boggling activities directs and orchestrates life. We trust the unseen. And what about the twinkling stars in the night sky? Are we seeing blinking orbs? Nope. We’re “seeing” light from stars that has travelled at 670,616,629 mph for millions or billions of years. That star itself may have exploded or been swallowed up millions of years ago. Even more incredible, we now know that everything is made of invisible energy. What we see with the “naked eye” and even an electron microscope are how our eyes interpret atoms moving so slowly that they appear to us to be solid – skin, a chair, a tree: matter. We know that only 5% of the energy in the universe appears as matter. Give or take a nebula or two, we see 5% of the universe – or the effects of the energy that we can measure – so far. Therefore… the vast majority of our world - our life – is unseen. But we have FAITH that the invisible is working for us. What do you believe about the unseen? Invisible activity What is a miracle? Is it simply aligning with the Creative Presence and Power of this amazing universe? Or is something much more complex and mysterious?

A survey in 2010 by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life showed that nearly 80 percent of Americans believe in miracles.

Greg Smith, a senior researcher at the Pew Forum, cited Religion Among the Millennials, in an interview on National Public Radio (NPR). “[In the survey] We asked people a very straightforward question,” Smith said. “Basically, ‘do you agree or disagree that miracles still occur today just as in ancient times?' It was in the context of a number of questions probing people's belief in things as varied as the existence of things like angels and demons, experience with divine healings and other supernatural phenomena.” Although the words “ancient times” may seem to have a religious or

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biblical connotation, Smith said that regardless of religious affiliation, most respondents still stated they believed in miracles.

Miracles are defined as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency”; an event that brings about wonder; an improbable or extraordinary event, development or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences; or an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something.

According to Webster, a miracle is “an event or effect in the physical world beyond or out of the ordinary course of things, deviating from the known laws of nature, or transcending our knowledge of these laws.”

The philosophical discussion of miracles has focused principally on the credibility of certain claims in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. Establishing credibility of specific miracle claims inevitably raises questions regarding the concept of a miracle. What/who determines when a miracle has occurred?

Miracles are not contrary to nature but only contrary to what we know about nature.

St. Augustine

A common approach is to define a miracle as an interruption of the order or course of nature – how things “always” work (as far as we know). Per William Adams: “An experienced uniformity in the course of nature hath been always thought necessary to the belief and use of miracles. There must be an ordinary regular course of nature, before there can be any thing extraordinary. A river must flow, before its stream can be interrupted.”

Perhaps a miracle is an event that exceeds the productive power of nature (St. Thomas Aquinas), where “nature” is construed to include ourselves. Variations on this include the idea that a miracle is an event that would have happened only given the intervention of an agent not wholly bound by nature (Larmer 1988: 9), and that a miracle is an event that would have happened only if there were a violation of the causal closure of the physical world. David Hume (Hume 1748/2000; cf. Voltaire 1764/1901: 272) famously defined a miracle as “a violation of the laws of nature.”

What does Unity say about miracles?

In The Revealing Word, Charles Fillmore said, “There are no miracles in science. Jesus did no miracles. All his marvelous works were done under laws that we may learn and use as he did.” He went on to say in other writings that a miracle is not a violation of the laws of nature, nor was any such claim ever made by those who performed miracles. In Atom Smashing Power of Mind, he wrote that “In the light of modern science, the miracles of the Bible can be rationally explained as Mind acting on an omnipresent spiritual field, which is open to all men who develop spiritually.”

Per Myrtle Fillmore, “There is no limit to the so-called ‘miracles’ that can be performed by those who consecrate themselves fully to do the will and the work of Christ.”

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In Christian Healing, Charles Fillmore wrote, “Intellectual people do no miracles through faith, because they always limit its scope to what the intellect says is law. It is when faith is exercised deep in spiritual consciousness that it finds its right place, and under divine law, without variation or disappointment, it brings results that are seemingly miraculous.”

According to Unity minister Rev. Tom Thorpe, the laws of nature cannot be broken. Rather, it is our understanding of universal laws that is incomplete and sometimes inaccurate. “When events happen that do not conform to our present understanding of natural law, it's not surprising that we often call those events miraculous,” he says. Referring to one of the definitions for miracle as “a wonder, a marvel,” Thorpe says, “The ability to wonder and to marvel is one of the qualities Jesus may well have had in mind when he said ‘Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ (Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17) When we learn to reach beyond the limits of the intellect, we grow in our ability to experience in greater and greater depth the everyday miracles that a person who refuses to marvel simply cannot see.”

To those who perceive a miracle as a result of some earned favor from God, Unity minister Rev. Paul Hasselbeck asks, “Would a God that is Love arbitrarily dole out miracles or grant them to a special few based on merit? I believe everyone has experienced miracles; however, these miracles are not from our historical understanding,” Hasselbeck says. “They are based on the willingness to release, deny and let go of whatever belief or perception you hold, while affirming a higher truth from a higher state of consciousness.”

The beauty of a miracle, notes Hasselbeck, “is its function in our healing, leading to awakening and awareness of our true Christ consciousness. When we know [miracles] as new understandings, perspectives and awareness of possibilities, miracles certainly DO happen today, in numbers beyond our ability to count!”

Miraculous Perspectives Other New Thought teachings affirm that miracles occur when we release negative thoughts, feelings and actions created by the ego. In Daily Meditations for Practicing the Course, Karen Casey writes, “Why would the ego obstruct a miracle? Because its power lies in mind control…A miracle is nothing more than a changed mind, one that is now willing to follow the guidance of God as expressed through the Holy Spirit. Every time we make a decision, we are choosing either the ego and fear or the Holy Spirit and the miracle of love and forgiveness.”

Discuss: Are miracles exceptions to the natural laws? Or the ability to harness the divine laws of “nature” to manifest outwardly? Have you ever experienced a miracle? What were the circumstances? Was the miracle an act of your faith – or was your faith initiated or renewed by the miracle?

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Biblical miracles In the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, and Luke), Jesus refuses to give a miraculous sign to prove his authority; the miracles he performs are for the benefit of others – not his own notoriety. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is said to have performed seven miracles that characterize his ministry, including:

• Changing water into wine at Cana in John 2:1-11 - "the first of the signs" • Healing the royal official's son in Capernaum in John 4:46-54 • Healing the paralytic at Bethesda in John 5:1-15 • Feeding the 5000 in John 6:5-14 • Jesus walking on water in John 6:16-24 • Healing the man blind from birth in John 9:1-7

Of course, the most amazing miracles of the New Testament are the birth of Jesus to Mary, a virgin, and his resurrection. Healings were the most prevalent kind of miracle chronicled. And Jesus repeatedly told the Disciples that they could do the same thing – and even greater – IF they believed. “Oh, ye of little faith…” The Old Testament notes various miracles, each of which is attributed to God rescuing a wayward person or group or rewarding an obedient person or group. For example, Moses experiences a burning bush and a stick turning into a snake as he sought to address God’s concerns. Jonah survived captivity in a whale’s stomach after he defied God’s directive for him to go preach in Ninevah – but finally agreed – and escaped the whale. Abraham’s 90-year-old “barren” wife Sarah became pregnant and bore a son, Isaac to fulfill the “covenant.” And then there’s the parting of the Red Sea, destruction of the walls of Jerrico with trumpet blasts, Daniel in the lions’ den, David slaying Goliath with a slingshot... Discuss: What exactly constitutes a miracle? Is each synchronicity a miracle? Do you pray for miracles? Have you experienced a miracle in your life? How did it change your spiritual life?

We’ve seen TV shows, such as Touched by An Angel and recently, God Friended Me, that incorporate miracles and incredible synchronicities to show how lives can be changed in an instant – and not by “natural laws.” In fact, the 60s Love Boat and Fantasy Island series were both based on the premise that miraculous synchronicity is at work in our lives – whether we “believe” or not. Unseen “forces” were definitely at work to bring about healings, reconciliations and awakenings at many levels.

Science and miracles Miracles are a common area of contention in the science-religion arena. Creationist and intelligent design proponents typically define miracles as God-induced actions that violate natural law, and they conclude that modern science is fundamentally at war with Bible-based religion. Per Kevin Anderson of Answers in Genesis (which operates the Creation Museum near Cincinnati, Ohio): “Scripture records the occurrence of numerous miracles performed by God. By definition, a miracle is an event not

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explainable by natural processes. Otherwise, it would hardly constitute a miracle. Are these miracles going to be accepted as ‘scientific?’ What do these [non-creationist] theologians propose we do with biblical miracles?” (We all know that God has no use for science and does not support life-saving discoveries or advances. Right.)

This notion has been taught by some prominent philosophers and theologians, particularly in past centuries. For example, 18th century philosopher David Hume defined a miracle as "a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent.”

If a "miracle" is said to be beyond the realm of natural law - as discoverable via the process of empirical investigation and repeated outcomes - science doesn’t comment one way or the other on such phenomena. Theological stances of the miracle-as-transgression-of-law viewpoint are often challenged. Over 1600 years ago, Saint Augustine wrote, "God, the Author and Creator of all natures does nothing contrary to nature; for what is done by Him who appoints all natural order and measure and proportion must be natural in every case." Contemporary Anglican theologian Keith Ward is even more emphatic: "Why should God make a set of beautiful and elegant laws, only to break them when the Divine Being felt like it? Does this not make God some sort of mathematical criminal?" Discuss: Is it easier to believe that a powerful being(s) is “breaking ‘his’ own rules” than that we, in concert with the Divine, can access and utilize such energy? What would a vindictive, demanding god require to create such an event? Why would the “unsaved” (those who don’t share their beliefs) be afforded such privileges?

Most present-day theologians do not regard miracles as utterly beyond the realm of natural processes. For example, contemporary scientist and Anglican priest John Polkinghorne argues that miracles, particularly as presented in the New Testament, are "not divine tours de force in which God shows off divine power, but windows into a deeper view of reality than would otherwise be visible.” And 20th century LDS theologian James Talmage wrote, "Miracles are commonly regarded as occurrences in opposition to the laws of nature. Such a conception is plainly erroneous, for the laws of nature are inviolable.” In Smith's Bible Dictionary, which was compiled in the 19th century, long before the rise of modern "higher criticism," and which has been used by readers of virtually all major Christian denominations, we read, "A miracle is not a violation of the laws of nature. It is God's acting upon nature in a degree far beyond our powers, but the same kind of act as our wills are continually exerting upon nature.”

Modern miracles Considering the many, many miraculous events and occurrences we now see on a daily basis thanks to technology, we know that these phenomena continue today. Mothers lift cars off their trapped children; a pilot land a jet in a river and everyone survives; people trapped in earthquake rubble are found alive days later. Modern science offers no explanations or rationale. A surge in adrenalin? A coincidence? And what about medical miracles – spontaneous remissions and healings? What science can’t explain, it ignores. Until it can. Was the discovery that a doctor washing his hands and utensils with soap and water reduces infections a miracle – or science at work? Or both?

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And then there are the discoveries, inventions and developments that are simply miraculous by human terms. Consider the last 100 years. Computers/technology No other statistic of technological progress is as widely known as Moore's Law, the observation in 1965, when Intel pioneer Gordon Moore first noted it, that the number of transistors that can be crammed onto a single integrated circuit roughly doubles every 18-24 months. Moore's Law has now continued unchallenged for over 50 years, and the end is not yet in sight. As of 2019, state-of-the-art devices typically have more than 20 billion transistors, an increase by a factor of 80 million over the best 1965-era devices. This staggering number of on-chip transistors translates directly into memory capacity and processing speed, enabling high-tech devices with capabilities unthinkable even as recently as ten years ago. We have millions times more computing power in our smartphones than the engineers and astronauts had on their moon landing and return trip. And let’s not forget the Internet. Smartphones. Smartphones literally connect most of world's population in a communication network, provide full access to Internet resources and include an astounding GPS mapping ability. As of 2019, over five billion persons, or roughly 70% of the entire world population, own at least a cell phone, and 2.71 billion, or nearly half the world's population, own a smartphone. As of 2019, state-of-the-art smartphones typically include touchscreens with over three-million-pixel resolution, at least two cameras with over ten-million-pixel resolution, and 512+ gigabyte storage. Today's smartphones can perform more than five trillion operations per second - a speed faster than that of the most powerful supercomputers of twenty years earlier. And there’s 3-D facial recognition. And don’t forget smartwatches, with built-in wireless facilities, GPS mapping and features for monitoring health and fitness. Apple watches can even produce a clinical-quality electrocardiogram and can automatically call emergency services if it detects that the wearer has fallen and is unable to get up. Sounds pretty miraculous. Genetics/DNA sequencing, which determines the order of nucleotides in DNA: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. DNA sequencing has become indispensable for basic biological research, and in numerous applied fields such as medical diagnosis, biotechnology, forensic biology, virology, biological systematics and law enforcement. Comparing healthy and mutated DNA sequences can diagnose diseases, including various cancers, and characterize antibodies for the development of vaccines. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick put forward their double-helix model of DNA, based on crystallized X-ray structures being studied by Rosalind Franklin. Beginning on October 1, 1990 and completed in April 2003, the Human Genome Project gave us the ability to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. The HGP was an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the base pairs that make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and a functional standpoint. Today, these discoveries have enabled whole new categories of drugs, immunotherapies and preventative options. Is there Divine assistance in all these advances – or just luck and perseverance? Now, we send off a tiny vial of saliva and a few weeks later we get a complete profile of our genetic ancestry and ethnic origins or a detailed medical profile that identifies our genetic predispositions to certain diseases and conditions. And then there are the connections to thousands of relatives and ancestors we never heard of. A miracle or just human ingenuity?

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The International Space Station is the stuff of 20th century science fiction. Humans built an enormous facility - piece-by-piece - in orbit around the earth that houses astronauts/scientists from various countries for year-long stays. In early June, a non-government company, Elon Musk’s Space-X, launched a rocket that delivered new crew members to the space station and then returned safely to earth. Divine intervention? Discuss: What is the most miraculous discovery/invention/advancement that you have seen so far? Why? Do you believe that Divine intervention assisted the humans involved? Divine nature of man

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Teilhard de Chardin Unity holds that one’s higher self, the true self, is divine, spiritual – which is perhaps the greatest miracle of all. It is this self that is Divine Mind’s perfect idea - the same self that is spoken of in Genesis as the “image and likeness of God.” In the New Testament, this self is represented by Jesus, the Christ. That makes us all children of God, with the qualities of God inherent in us. This truth that we are God’s creation is most important to recognize. When we recognize and acknowledge this truth, we can exercise the Divine powers that assure us of peace of mind, health, love that inspires service and prosperity. This higher self, this indwelling presence, is the “mystery” revealed by Paul as “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). Unity believes that human life is a trinity of spirit, soul, and body. Spirit is the Christ within, the true, pure image that is our Divine inheritance. Through Spirit we are capable of communion with God, and in time we shall attain the full Christ consciousness.

Some days our humanness is in control; we seem stuck in anger, fear, shame, loneliness – even doubting our Divine nature. “How can I feel such animosity, such resentment or such isolation if I am a spiritual being?” Life on planet earth can be tough. We see the violence, hatred, fear, greed, jealousy and downright meanness around the world and wonder: Is humanity as good as it gets? Are there other planets, other realms where we truly can live in peace and love? That in itself sounds like a miracle.

Discuss: Is it harder to accept your human shortcomings OR your Divinity? Why?

What are the miracles in your relationship/Oneness with the Divine? Do you ask for these miracles – or just KNOW that an infinite stream of GOOD flows to you?

Is your faith in the seen or the unseen?

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We pray: Loving Spirit, thank you for the miracles that fill my life. May these miracles flow in infinite grace to every being and our beautiful earth. Thank you for the incredible, love-filled people and events that bless our lives. May all be blessed. And so it is. Amen. Questions? Comments? 7.Meditation We relax into the silence – where all is peace and infinite potential. There is no conflict, no chaos. The infinite wisdom that blesses the universe guides us to something greater. We know that our Source breathes us and beats our hearts. We trust that all is well. In this sacred space we feel the presence of the Most Holy, pure love that indwells and envelopes us. The power and strength of the Divine fill every cell of our being. Thank you, Loving Spirit, for this oneness, the unconditional, infinite love that opens the doors to opportunities and experiences - to remember that we the beloved children of our Creator. And we rest in the silence – one with the Infinite. We return to this physical place, filled with peace, joy and anticipation. We say, thank you, God, for this opportunity to commune and share the blessings of life. And so it is. Amen. 8. Prayer partners How have your prayers been answered, intentions manifested? This week, set a group intention – including the recipient – for healing, prosperity, peace, etc. See page 241 in The Power of Eight book. Begin with the desired result in mind. Assignment:

1. Connect with your prayer partner and prayer group members in heart-centered focus.

2. Record your thoughts, questions and “aha” moments in the week’s journal pages.

3. Continue to monitor your seedling and bring a photo of its weekly growth.

4. Week 8, the last class in this course, will be one of celebration as we recap what we’ve learned and experienced – and how we intend to move forward in heart-centered intention and community. Decide how the group should hold this celebration – in person with safe distancing or via Zoom. If in person, you may want to have a potluck picnic at a park or on a

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participant’s deck. The celebration design is up to you. Materials will be provided for the recap and next steps aspects.

9. Closing prayer

Connect the dots...Identify the people, circumstances, coincidences and synchronicities that brought you to

this place at this moment. What HAD to happen?































2015©Elaine C. Wood