REVIEW Open Access The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements Mohamed Faisal Lutfi Abstract From a physiological standpoint, the lung volumes are either dynamic or static. Both subclasses are measured at different degrees of inspiration or expiration; however, dynamic lung volumes are characteristically dependent on the rate of air flow. The static lung volumes/capacities are further subdivided into four standard volumes (tidal, inspiratory reserve, expiratory reserve, and residual volumes) and four standard capacities (inspiratory, functional residual, vital and total lung capacities). The dynamic lung volumes are mostly derived from vital capacity. While dynamic lung volumes are essential for diagnosis and follow up of obstructive lung diseases, static lung volumes are equally important for evaluation of obstructive as well as restrictive ventilatory defects. This review intends to update the reader with the physiological basis, clinical significance and interpretative approaches of the standard static lung volumes and capacities. Keywords: Lung volumes, Lung capacities, Obstructive, Restrictive, Spirometry Background Four standard lung volumes, namely, tidal (TV), inspiratory reserve (IRV), expiratory reserve (ERV), and residual vol- umes (RV) are described in the literature. Alternatively, the standard lung capacities are inspiratory (IC), functional residual (FRC), vital (VC) and total lung capacities (TLC). Figure 1 gives a schematic summary of the standard lung volumes and capacities [13]. RV constitutes part of FRC as well as TLC and, therefore, these capacities are impossible to measure through simple spirometers. The procedures used for measurement of RV, FRC and TLC are based on radiological, plethysmographic or dilutional techniques (he- lium dilution and nitrogen washout methods) [4]. However, body plethysmography and dilutional techniques may under-and overestimate lung volumes and capacities, re- spectively [5]. For the details of the procedures, advantages, disadvantages and recommendations for best practice of these techniques, the reader can refer to the reports revised and published by the joint committee of ATS/ERS [6]. The way how static lung volumes and capacities change in different physiological/pathological conditions depends on the understanding of the mechanics of breathing and the physiological determinants of pulmonary ventilation, which will be discussed in the following paragraphs. Mechanics of breathing Towards the end of tidal expiration, the lungs tend to recoil inward while the chest wall tends to recoil out- wards. These two opposing forces lead to a negative pressure within the potential space between the parietal and visceral pleurae. The negative intrapleural pressure (P Pl ) is one of the important factors that keep the patency of small airways, which lack cartilaginous sup- port. The rhythmic contraction of inspiratory muscles causes cyclic changes in the dimensions of the thoracic cage and consequently comparable cyclic fluctuation of P Pl . During tidal inspiration, P Pl drops from 5 to 8 cmH 2 O enforcing the intra-alveolar pressure (P alv ) to drop one cmH 2 O below atmospheric pressure (P atm ), Fig. 2a. As a result, air flows into the alveoli. The drop of P Pl also decreases the airways resistance by dilating the small airways and thus enhancing the air flow fur- ther. The sequence of events reverses during tidal expir- ation. When inspiratory muscles relax, dimensions of the thoracic cage decrease, P Pl increases from 8 back to 5 cmH 2 O and P alv increases one cmH 2 O above P atm . As a result, air flows outside the alveoli following the Correspondence: [email protected] Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan © The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Lutfi Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine (2017) 12:3 DOI 10.1186/s40248-017-0084-5

The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements · 2017-08-26 · The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements Mohamed

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Page 1: The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements · 2017-08-26 · The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements Mohamed

REVIEW Open Access

The physiological basis and clinicalsignificance of lung volume measurementsMohamed Faisal Lutfi


From a physiological standpoint, the lung volumes are either dynamic or static. Both subclasses are measured atdifferent degrees of inspiration or expiration; however, dynamic lung volumes are characteristically dependent onthe rate of air flow. The static lung volumes/capacities are further subdivided into four standard volumes (tidal,inspiratory reserve, expiratory reserve, and residual volumes) and four standard capacities (inspiratory, functionalresidual, vital and total lung capacities). The dynamic lung volumes are mostly derived from vital capacity. Whiledynamic lung volumes are essential for diagnosis and follow up of obstructive lung diseases, static lung volumesare equally important for evaluation of obstructive as well as restrictive ventilatory defects. This review intends toupdate the reader with the physiological basis, clinical significance and interpretative approaches of the standardstatic lung volumes and capacities.

Keywords: Lung volumes, Lung capacities, Obstructive, Restrictive, Spirometry

BackgroundFour standard lung volumes, namely, tidal (TV), inspiratoryreserve (IRV), expiratory reserve (ERV), and residual vol-umes (RV) are described in the literature. Alternatively, thestandard lung capacities are inspiratory (IC), functionalresidual (FRC), vital (VC) and total lung capacities (TLC).Figure 1 gives a schematic summary of the standard lungvolumes and capacities [1–3]. RV constitutes part of FRC aswell as TLC and, therefore, these capacities are impossibleto measure through simple spirometers. The proceduresused for measurement of RV, FRC and TLC are based onradiological, plethysmographic or dilutional techniques (he-lium dilution and nitrogen washout methods) [4]. However,body plethysmography and dilutional techniques mayunder-and overestimate lung volumes and capacities, re-spectively [5]. For the details of the procedures, advantages,disadvantages and recommendations for best practice ofthese techniques, the reader can refer to the reports revisedand published by the joint committee of ATS/ERS [6].The way how static lung volumes and capacities

change in different physiological/pathological conditionsdepends on the understanding of the mechanics ofbreathing and the physiological determinants of

pulmonary ventilation, which will be discussed in thefollowing paragraphs.

Mechanics of breathingTowards the end of tidal expiration, the lungs tend torecoil inward while the chest wall tends to recoil out-wards. These two opposing forces lead to a negativepressure within the potential space between the parietaland visceral pleurae. The negative intrapleural pressure(PPl) is one of the important factors that keep thepatency of small airways, which lack cartilaginous sup-port. The rhythmic contraction of inspiratory musclescauses cyclic changes in the dimensions of the thoraciccage and consequently comparable cyclic fluctuation ofPPl.During tidal inspiration, PPl drops from −5 to −8

cmH2O enforcing the intra-alveolar pressure (Palv) todrop one cmH2O below atmospheric pressure (Patm),Fig. 2a. As a result, air flows into the alveoli. The dropof PPl also decreases the airways resistance by dilatingthe small airways and thus enhancing the air flow fur-ther. The sequence of events reverses during tidal expir-ation. When inspiratory muscles relax, dimensions ofthe thoracic cage decrease, PPl increases from −8 back to−5 cmH2O and Palv increases one cmH2O above Patm.As a result, air flows outside the alveoli following the

Correspondence: [email protected] of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Lutfi Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine (2017) 12:3 DOI 10.1186/s40248-017-0084-5

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pressure gradient, Fig. 2b. Tidal expiration is therefore apassive process, which needs no further muscle contrac-tion. During tidal breathing, whether inspiratory or ex-piratory, intra-airways (Paw) pressure is always morethan PPl. This explains why small airways are alwaysopened, even at the end of tidal expiration.If inspiration above the tidal limit is required, accessory

muscles of inspiration must be activated. Thoracic cageexpands more leading to higher drop in PPl and Palv com-pared with tidal inspiration, which explains why more air

is delivered to the alveoli compared with tidal inspiration.Alternatively, expiration below the tidal level is an activeprocess that requires contraction of expiratory muscles.During forceful expiration, the thoracic cage is com-pressed to the maximum. Both PPl and Palv rise abovePatm; however, Palv remains more than PPl due to the effectof elastic recoil pressure (Pel) of the alveolar wall. As dem-onstrated in Fig. 3c, Paw decreases from the area next tothe alveoli upwards. This gradual drop in Paw is secondaryto simultaneous increase in the airways resistance towards

Fig. 1 Standard lung volumes and capacities from a spirometer trace. The solid black and gray arrows indicate lung volumes and capacities respectively

Fig. 2 Intrapleural and alveolar pressures towards the end of inspiration (a), expiration (b), and forceful expiration (c). The dotted line indicatesthe change in thoracic dimensions during a, b and c compared with the previous phase of the respiratory cycle

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the trachea. Taking into consideration the relatively con-stant PPl around the lung, each small airway can be subdi-vided into three segments (Fig. 2c):

� An inflated segment, where PPl is lower than Paw.� An equal pressure point, where PPl is equal to Paw.� An airflow limiting segment, where PPl is higher

than Paw.

Development of airflow limiting segments occurs insmall airways that lack cartilaginous support and ex-plains why the lungs cannot be empty completely. Whatlimits airflow upon forceful expiration was previouslyexplained by development of choke points i.e. the pointswhere local flow velocity equalizes the local speed ofpressure wave propagation (wave speed theory) [7, 8].This is akin to a waterfall in which height and flow up-stream the river are unlikely to affect the speed of thefree falling water; nevertheless, if waterfall is broader, anextra water will be displaced. It is important to note thatupon forced expiration, the increase in Palv is accompan-ied by gas compression within the lung. This will resultin reduction of both lung volume and Pel. The decreasein Pel in turn attenuates the driving as well as the dis-tending pressures at the choke points. This explains whythe actual volume of forcefully expired air is always lessthan that measured with body plethysmograph. Basedon the preceding narrative, it is easy to interpret whyFEV1 measured with spirometer (FEV1-Sp) is typicallyless than that measured with body plethysmograph(FEV1-Pl) by an amount equal to thoracic gas compres-sion volume (TGCV) [9–11].

Expiration after development of airflow limiting segmentsis effort independent. What remains in the lungs whensmall airways start to close is called the closing capacity(CC) [12, 13]. Alternatively, RV remains in the lung whenall small airways are closed. The volume of air expiredbetween CC and RV is called the closing volume (CV).It is evident from the above description that pulmon-

ary ventilation depends on the airways resistance offeredto the airflow and expansibility (compliance) of the lungsand the thoracic cage. These two major determinants ofpulmonary ventilation are crucial for understanding thepattern of change in static lung volume in different typesof lung diseases.

1. Airways resistance

The tracheobronchial tree undergoes successive di-chotomizations, where the airways become narrower butmore distensible as we proceed downward. It is, there-fore, difficult to apply simple laws of physics that governfluid flow across single, non-branched, non-distensibletube system to evaluate respiratory airways resistance.For example, the lowest airways resistance resides onsmallest bronchioles but not large airways. Becausebronchioles are arranged in parallel, their resistances de-pend on the total cross sectional area of all bronchiolesrather than the radius of a single bronchiole.Airways resistance is inversely proportional to the lung

volume. PPl decreases significantly upon inspiration,which enhances distension of airways especially smallbronchioles. At higher lung volumes, attachments fromthe alveolar walls pull small airways apart and hence

Fig. 3 Static PVC of the lungs and chest wall. The lung and chest wall curve was plotted by the addition of the individual lung and chest wall curves

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enhance the effect of PPl on decreasing airways resistance.In contrast, airways resistance increases significantly dur-ing forceful expiration due to formation of flow limitingsegments.

2. Compliance of the lung and the chest wall

Compliance is a physical term used to predict thechange in volume per unit change in the transmuralpressure (PT) i.e. the pressure difference across two sidesof a wall. From physiological perspective, the PT for thelungs (trans-pulmonary pressure), chest wall (trans-chestwall pressure) and respiratory system (trans-respiratorypressure) are calculated by subtracting Palv – PPl, PPl –Patm and Palv – Patm, respectively. According to physics,if PT is equal to zero then the system is resting i.e.neither inflating nor deflating.Like lung volumes, the lung compliance can be measured

under static and dynamic conditions. Figure 3 shows thestatic pressure volume curves (PVC) of the lungs and thechest wall. The entire lung PVC in Fig. 3 falls within thepositive limb of Paw, suggesting the tendency of the lungsto collapse at any degree of pulmonary inflation. The lungsare never rested within the chest cage i.e. trans-pulmonarypressure never reaches zero. If removed outside the bodythen trans-pulmonary pressure can reach zero; however,the lung will not be empty completely, Fig. 3.In comparison, chest wall tends to recoil outward as

far as the lung is filled with 80% of TLC or less. At lungvolumes more than 80% of TLC, the chest wall recoilsinward, Fig. 3.The lung–chest wall system is rested when Palv is

equal Patm and the lungs are filled with FRC. At thispoint the inward recoil tendency of the lungs is equal tothe outward recoil tendency of the chest wall, Fig. 3.The PVC of the lungs can also be recorded during

breathing to evaluate dynamic lung compliance. It is evi-dent from Fig. 4a that dynamic PVC for inspiration andexpiration are separate and do not follow the same path-way. This phenomenon is known as hysteresis and canbe explained by the variations of surface tension atalveolar air-fluid interface during inspiration and expir-ation. Pulmonary surfactant is a natural substance thatreduces surface tension of the fluid layer lining thealveoli. During inspiration, alveolar surface tension islikely to increase because pulmonary surfactant spreadsover a wider alveolar surface. The reverse occurs duringexpiration, where pulmonary surfactant condenses in asmaller alveolar surface. Hysteresis can also be explainedby progressive opening “recruitment” and closure “dere-cruitment” of small airways and alveoli during inspir-ation and expiration respectively.The work of breathing is usually estimated by the area

under the dynamic PVC of the lungs (Fig. 4b). During

inspiration, the work needed to overcome elastic forcesof the chest wall, lungs parenchyma and alveolar sur-face tension is called elastic work of breathing. Inaddition, a resistive work is needed during inspirationto overcome tissue and airways resistance. In contrastto inspiration, only resistive work of breathing is re-quired during expiration. Under physiological conditionthe work needed for inspiration is more than thatneeded for expiration. The energy stored in the elasticlung structures during inspiration is partly consumedas expiratory resistive work and partly dissipated asheat (Fig. 4b).Physiologically, the diseases that affect the respiratory

system are characterized by restrictive, obstructive orcombined pattern of ventilatory defects [14, 15]. Re-strictive lung diseases (RLD) are associated with de-creased compliance of the lungs, chest wall or both. Thisresults in rightward shift of static PVC of the lungs,chest wall or both [15]. It is evident from Fig. 5 (a andb) that decreased compliance of the lungs increases PPlneeded for tidal inspiration, yet tidal volume is belowthe expected average. In RLD, the rightward shift of dy-namic lung compliance curves increases the elastic workof breathing required for inspiration, which is usuallycompensated by rapid shallow breathing [16]. Causes ofRLD may be intrinsic or extrinsic to the lung paren-chyma. Examples of intrinsic causes are interstitial lungdiseases, pneumonia and surfactant deficiency e.g. acuterespiratory distress syndrome. Alternatively, respiratorymuscles weakness, chest deformities, cardiomegaly, he-mothorax, pneumothorax, empyema, pleural effusion orthickening are examples of extrinsic causes.In obstructive lung diseases (OLD), the pulmonary

compliance is normal or increased especially if emphyse-matous lung changes co-exist. No extra-negative PPl isneeded as dynamic lung compliance curves are eithernot displaced or shifted leftward if emphysematous lungchanges developed (Fig. 5c). The main defect in OLD isincreased airways resistance, especially during expiration.Normally, expiration is a passive process as the energyneeded to overcome expiratory resistive work of breathingis stored in the elastic fibers of the lung during inspiration.It is evident from Fig. 5c that expiration is not completelypassive if OLD exists as an extra-work is needed duringexpiration, which is usually performed with the aid of ex-piratory muscles. Famous examples of obstructive pul-monary diseases include bronchial asthma, emphysema,chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis.

Physiological determinant of the static lungvolumes and capacitiesAgeThe lung volumes increase steadily from birth to adult-hood. The lungs mature at the age of 20–25 years, yet

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only minimal changes occur in the lung volumes overthe following 10 years [17]. After 35 years, aging is asso-ciated with gradual changes in the lung volumes andother pulmonary functions [18]. These changes includeenhanced static lung compliance due to diminished al-veolar elastic recoil and depressed chest wall compliance

due to stiffening and increased outward recoil of thethoracic cage [19, 20]. As a result of these changes inthe lung and chest wall compliances, the inward recoilof the lung balances the outward recoil of the chest athigher FRC as age progress [12, 13]. These variations inlung and chest wall compliances act synergistically to

Fig. 5 Work of breathing in normal subjects (a) and patients with RLD (b) and OLD (c)

Fig. 4 a Dynamic PVC of the lungs. b Work of breathing

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cause early closure of small airways upon forced expir-ation and hence explain increased RV in elder people[19]. As shown in Fig. 6, TLC corrected for age remainsalmost constant throughout life. However, gradual in-crease in FRC and RV with age results in simultaneousdecrease in IC and VC, respectively [17]. It is also appar-ent from Fig. 6 that the increase in CC when ageadvances is more compared with FRC. This results in areduction of the difference between these two capacitiesi.e. D (FRC ─ CC) as age progress. In the sitting pos-ition, CC is likely to exceed FRC at an age of 75 years ormore [12] (Fig. 6), but much earlier in the supine pos-ition (≈44 years) [13].

GenderStandard morphometric methods confirmed that maleshad larger lung size, more respiratory bronchioles andwider airways diameters compared with females with thesame age and stature [21, 22]. These anatomical lungdifferences between males and females explain the gen-der variations in static lung volumes and capacities.Males tend to have larger anthropometric measurementsand are, therefore, more likely to have increased staticlung volumes and capacities [23].

Anthropometric measurementsTall stature is typically associated with higher static lungvolumes and capacities [24]. Increased body weight is as-sociated with lower lung volumes in obese subjects [25].Central obesity preferentially depresses chest wall com-pliance leading to marked decrease in FRC and ERV[26]. Waist-to-hip ratio could be a better predictor for

fat distribution than BMI [27]. However, the effects ofobesity on the highest (TLC) and lowest (RV) lung vol-umes are modest [28]. In athletes, repeated muscular ex-ercise increases muscle mass and consequently bodyweight. In such condition, the static lung volumes andcapacities are expected to increase with weight [29–32].Increased total body fat content, therefore, seems betterthan high BMI as an indicator of obesity as well as pre-dictor for decreased static lung volumes and capacities[33].

EthnicityPrevious studies demonstrated ethnic differences in thelung volumes/capacities [34, 35]. Such variations werelargely attributed to anthropometric differences betweendifferent ethnic groups. For example, white Americansof European descent have larger trunk/leg ratio, andconsequently higher lung volumes, compared with blackAmericans of African descent [36]. Other studies failedto justify ethnic differences in lung volumes by the varia-tions in chest contours and suggest differences in in-spiratory muscle strength and/or lung compliance asalternative explanation(s) [37]. Recently, GLI (GlobalLung Initiative) offered spirometric prediction equations,that also considered ethnic differences, to be usedworldwide [38].

Other factorsAlthough age, gender, weight, height and ethnicity arethe main physiological determinants of the static lungvolumes/capacities, other factors should be consideredwhile interpreting results of spirometry.

Fig. 6 Changes in static lung volume and capacities with age

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Lung volumes correlate well with the level of physicalactivity [39], regular exercise, especially swimming andendurance training [32]. Alternatively, ascending to highaltitude may decrease lung volumes probably due to in-creased pulmonary blood flow, pulmonary edema or pre-mature small airways closure [40]. Alterations in lungvolumes associated with high altitude are usually tem-poral and resolve after returning to the sea level [41].The position of the subject is important while measur-

ing lung volumes and capacities [42]. Compared withthe standing position, the effect of gravity on abdominalviscera is less at sitting position and least if lying supine[43]. The supine position, therefore, compromises dia-phragmatic movement and chest wall recoil duringbreathing. FRC and ERV are higher upon standing com-pared with sitting and supine positions [44]. Increasedintra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy also causesdecreased FRC and ERV [45].

Interpretation of static lung volumes andcapacitiesThe quality and accuracy of the test(s) used for estimationof the lung volumes/capacities should be ensured beforeinterpretation [46]. The measurement of the lung volumesis not an easy task and requires cooperative patients andqualified technicians. Personnel in the pulmonary labora-tory must be able to judge precisely test acceptability andreproducibility criteria for the different techniques usedfor estimation of the lung volumes/capacities [46]. Specialattention should be given to the accuracy of the methodused for estimation of the static lung volumes and capaci-ties. Plethysmography was claimed to overestimate whiledilutional techniques may underestimate the true mea-surements of the lung volumes and capacities [5].The normal lung volumes and capacities can be pre-

dicted based on gender, age, weight, height and ethnicityof the subject [47]. Although authorized spirometric ref-erence values are available for most populations, normalranges of lung volumes and capacities were not estab-lished in others yet. Static lung volumes and capacitiesare frequently expressed as a percent of the predictedvalue, where 80% and 120% are considered as the lower(LLN) and upper (ULN) limits of normal. However, theuse of these cut-off points may be misleading in charac-terizing ventilatory defects in some pulmonary diseasesif only simple spirometry is performed [48, 49].

Patterns of changes of static lung volumes andcapacities in pulmonary diseasesRestrictive lung diseasesDiseases associated with diminished pulmonary compli-ance interfere with lung expansion and ultimately reducestatic lung volumes/capacities, Fig. 7. According to ATS/ERS, restrictive ventilatory defect is ideally confirmed by

a reduction in TLC below the 5th percentile of the pre-dicted value, and a normal FEV1/VC [46], though mostpulmonary laboratories use VC instead because it consti-tutes most of the TLC [50, 51]. The use of VC as a surro-gate for TLC in diagnosis of RLD assumes a proportionaldecrease in RV and TLC so that their ratio remains con-stant [46, 52]. Simultaneous increase of RV with VC reduc-tion is indicative of obstructive lung disease because ofsmall airway closure or expiratory flow limitation [53].Therefore, decreased VC readings are better interpreted inconjunction with other clinical and spirometric indicatorsof OLD, especially if measurements of RV and TLC are notavailable [54]. According to Aaron et al., the chances of re-strictive ventilatory defect are 2.4% and 58% in those withnormal and low VC readings, respectively [55]. These find-ings suggest that normal VC may be effective in exclusion,but not confirmation, of RLD. This hypothesis is furthersupported by Vandevoorde et al., who concluded that RLDcan be ruled out if FVC is more than 100% of predicted inmales or greater than 85% of predicted in females [56].If thoracic cage expansion is restricted, rightward dis-

placement of the chest wall static PVC takes place. Thisreadjusts the point where the inward recoil of the lungequalizes the outward recoil of the chest wall at a lowerFRC level. In cases with severe central obesity, decreasedchest wall compliance reduces FRC and ERV [57]. Ac-cording to Jones et al., FRC and ERV at a body mass index(BMI) of 30 kg/m2 were about 75% and 47% of the re-spective measurements for subjects with BMI of 20 kg/m2

[26]. The same study failed to demonstrate a significant ef-fect of high BMI on RV/TLC ratio, which indicates pro-portional reduction in RV and TLC in overweight andobese subjects. Marked reduction of FRC and ERV in suchcases may induce premature formation of flow limitingsegments during quiet breathing, especially in the lowerregions of the lungs [57]. This implication is further sup-ported by the studies that confirm an inverse relationshipbetween FRC and airway resistance in obese patients [58,59]. Furthermore, temporal variability of ventilation het-erogeneities increases in obesity when FRC falls approxi-mately below 65% of predicted or ERV below 0.6 l,promoting ventilation perfusion inhomogeneity and even-tually hypoxemia [60].

Obstructive lung diseasesATS/ERS defined obstructive ventilatory defect as “dis-proportionate reduction of maximal airflow from thelung in relation to the maximal volume (i.e. VC) thatcan be displaced from the lung” [46]. Obstructive venti-latory defect is ideally confirmed by FEV1/VC ratiobelow the 5th percentile of the predicted value [46].VC can be measured while doing slow (SIVC) or

forceful (FIVC) inspiration starting from RV up to thelevel of TLC [61, 62]. Likewise, VC can be estimated

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while doing slow (SEVC) or forceful (FEVC) expirationstarting from TLC up to the level of RV [62, 63]. Takinginto consideration the variations in airways resistancebetween inspiration and expiration, it is easy to concludethat different types of VC are not equal. The differencesbetween the four types of VC are minimal in those withno ventilatory defect [61]. In patients with OLD, FIVC >SIVC > SEVC > FEVC [50, 63]. FEVC (commonly abbre-viated as FVC) is, therefore, the most affected type ofVC in cases with severe obstructive lung disease [63].In OLD, formation of flow limiting segments occurs

early due to narrowing of airways. Premature closure ofsmall airways in OLD results in increased RV. In suchconditions, RV may increase at the expense of VC so thatTLC remains unchanged [53]. Alternatively, RV may in-crease while VC remains almost unchanged leading tohigher TLC values [64]. In both scenarios, RV/TLC ratiois likely to increase irrespective of the changes in the VC,a fact that explains the superiority RV/TLC over TLC inevaluation of OLD [65].Similar to the RV and VC changes occurring in patients

with OLD, FRC may increase at the expense of IC so thatTLC remains unchanged [4]. IC can directly be measuredby spirometry, which is advantageous in places where thereare no facilities to measure RV and TLC. There are accu-mulating evidences that indices derived from IC are helpfulto assess severity, prognosis and response to treatment ofmany OLD [66–69]. According to Yetkin and Gunen, IC ismore efficient than FEV1 is assessing severity of COPD dur-ing acute exacerbation [68]. In another study, COPDpatients with IC/TLC ratio < 25% are more likely to haveunscheduled doctor visits due to exacerbations or need ofcarefully monitored treatment [69]. This fact is further sup-ported by the finding of French et al., where IC/TLC ≤ 25%was identified as significant predictor of death in patientswith emphysematous COPD [67].

It is evident from the above reports that air trapping inobstructive ventilatory defects correlates positively withRV, FRC, TLC and RV/TLC, but negatively with VC, ICand IC/TLC. As described earlier, FIVC > SIVC > SEVC >FEVC in patients with OLD [50, 63]. Accordingly, lunghyperinflation can also be evaluated by assessing the dif-ference between FIVC and FEVC [62, 63, 70, 71]. Largerdifference between FIVC and FEVC had been validatednot only as an efficient index of severity of airflow limita-tion, but also as powerful predictor of exercise tolerancein patients with COPD [62, 71]. Likewise, lung hyperinfla-tion secondary to air trapping can be estimated by calcu-lating the difference between lung volumes measured byplethysmography and dilutional techniques. This assump-tion was validated by Tantucci et al. when they evaluatedFRC in asthmatic patient by plethysmography (FRCpl) andhelium dilution method (FRCHe) following methacholinechallenge test [72]. The results confirmed that comparingFRCpl with FRCHe was helpful in identifying asthmatic pa-tients at risk of tidal airway closure induced by methacho-line. In addition, Tantucci et al. demonstrated significantcorrelation between (FRCpl ─ FRCHe) and the unventil-ated lung volume following provocation of bronchocon-striction [72]. Typical changes in the static lung volumesand capacities in OLD are summarized in Fig. 7.It is important to note that FEV1 should be interpreted

with caution when measured with spirometers (FEV1-Sp) ra-ther than plethysmography (FEV1-Pl). As explaineed earlier,FEV1-Sp, but not FEV1-Pl, is biased by TGCV [9–11]. In arecent study involving asthmatic patients during methacho-line challenge, FEV1-Sp overestimated bronchoconstrictorresponse in those with larger lung volume [73]. FEV1-Sp alsooverestimated bronchodilator response following adminis-tration of salbutamol to the same patients. In another study,FEV1-Sp and FEV1-Pl were simultaneously measured in 47and 51 subjects with dominant emphysema and dominant

Fig. 7 Typical changes in the static lung volumes and capacities in RLD and OLD

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chronic bronchitis, respectively [74]. The results confirmedlarger lung volumes and lower FEV1-Sp in emphysematouspatients compared with those with dominant chronic bron-chitis. When FEV1-Pl was used instead of FEV1-Sp, the dis-ease severity was less in classes with dominant emphysemathan those with dominant chronic bronchitis. The studyconcluded that FEV1-Sp was biased by TGCV more inpatients with dominant emphysema because their TLCswere larger.

Mixed obstructive and restrictive lung diseasesDecreased TLC in patients with spirometric evidence ofairways obstruction e.g. RV above ULN or FEV1% belowLLN is suggestive of mixed obstructive-restrictive lungdiseases (MORLD). In MORLD, premature formation offlow limiting segments and diminished pulmonary com-pliance synergistically decrease FVC. The reduction inFVC sometimes exceeds that occurs in FEV1 and conse-quently results in relatively higher FEV1% [75]. This factexplains the findings of Balfe et al. study, which comparedgrading of airway obstruction based FEV1 (AmericanThoracic Society (ATS) recommendation) and FEV1% (In-termountain Thoracic Society (ITS) recommendation).According to Balfe et al. results, ATS recommendationgraded 90% of 147 MORLD patients as having severe ob-struction while ITS recommendation graded only 3% withthe same degree of obstruction [76]. An additional evi-dence was given by another study that demonstrated aninverse correlation between FEV1% and RV/TLC in pa-tients with MORLD [77]. Accordingly, adjustment ofFEV1% for the reduction in TLC is likely to improve grad-ing of the severity of obstruction in patients with MORLD.This assumption was verified in a study evaluating 199 pa-tients with MORLD, where FEV1%/TLC was used for ad-justment for the degree of restriction [78]. Based on ATS/ERS grading, 76% and 11% of MORLD patients were clas-sified as having severe and mild-to-moderate obstruction,respectively. In comparison, the adjusted FEV1% (FEV1%/TLC) classified 33% and 44% of the same patients as hav-ing severe and mild-to-moderate obstruction. The studyconcluded that subdividing FEV1% by TLC resulted in anappropriate severity classification of obstruction whenrestriction coexists [78].

Non-specific pattern of changes in lungvolumes and capacitiesThe term non-specific pattern (NSP) is used to describecoexistence of low FEV1 and FVC with normal TLC andFEV1% [46, 79]. Although lower values of both FEV1

and FVC are associated with obstructive as well asrestrictive ventilatory defect, the other components ofNSP (i.e. normal TLC and FEV1%) minimize the possi-bility of these conditions. Hypothetically, if RV increaseswhile TLC remains unchanged, VC and consequently

FEV1 are expected to decrease below the normal limits.NSP may, therefore, reflect an obstructive impairment ofsmall airways, where RV expands at the expense of VCso that TLC remains unaffected [53, 79]. However, NSPwas also demonstrated in patients with restrictive venti-latory defects [80]. In a previous study, in depth evalu-ation of a random sample of patients with the NSPconfirmed OLD and RLD as a possible cause in 68% and32% of the examined subjects, respectively [80]. In an-other study, NSP persisted in 64% of 1,284 patients after3 years follow up. Nonetheless, the NSP changed toRLD, OLD, MORLD and normal patterns in 16%, 15%,2% and 3% of the studied patients, respectively [81]. Pos-sible explanation for NSP in patients with restrictiveventilatory defects remains for further investigations andresearches.

ConclusionsPhysiological factors that influence lung volumes/capaci-ties include age, gender, weight, height and ethnicity,physical activity, altitude and others, which should beconsidered while interpreting results of spirometry. Like-wise, the quality and accuracy of the test(s) used for esti-mation of the lung volumes/capacities should beconsidered before interpretation.RLDs are ideally confirmed by low TLC, though most

pulmonary laboratories use VC instead. VC instead ofTLC may be effective in exclusion, but not confirmation,of RLD. Simultaneous increase in RV with VC reductionis indicative of obstructive lung disease. Therefore, de-creased VC readings are better interpreted in conjunc-tion with other clinical and spirometric indicators ofOLD. In RLD like central obesity, decreased chest wallcompliance reduces FRC and ERV, which may inducepremature formation of flow limiting segments duringquiet breathing.Premature closure of small airways in OLDs results in

increased RV. In such conditions, RV may increase atthe expense of VC so that TLC remains unchanged. Al-ternatively, RV may increase while VC remains almostunchanged leading to higher TLC values. In both scenar-ios, RV/TLC ratio is likely to increase irrespective of thechanges in the VC, a fact that explains the superiorityRV/TLC over TLC in evaluation of OLD. Similarly, FRCmay increase at the expense of IC so that TLC remainsunchanged.Decreased TLC in patients with spirometric evidence

of airways obstruction is suggestive of MORLD. In suchconditions, the reduction in FVC exceeds that occurs inFEV1 and consequently results in relatively higherFEV1%. The term NSP is used to describe coexistence oflow FEV1 and FVC with normal TLC and FEV1%. NSPmay reflect an obstructive impairment of small airways,where RV expands at the expense of VC so that TLC

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remains unaffected. NSP was also demonstrated in pa-tients with restrictive ventilatory defects, which needsfurther investigations and researches.

AbbreviationsATS: American Thoracic Society; COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease; ERS: European Respiratory Society; ERV: Expiratory reserve volume;FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in the first second; FEV1-Sp: FEV1 measuredwith spirometer; FEV1-Pl: FEV1 measured with plethysmography; FEVC: Forcedexpiratory vital capacity; FIVC: Forced inspiratory vital capacity;FRC: Functional residual capacity; FVC: Forced vital capacity; IC: Inspiratorycapacity; IRV: Inspiratory reserve volume; ITS: Intermountain Thoracic Society;LLN: Lower limits of normal; NSP: Non-specific pattern; OLD: Obstructive lungdiseases; Palv: Intra-alveolar pressure; Patm: Atmospheric pressure; Paw: Intra-airways pressure ; Pel: Elastic recoil pressure; PPl: Intrapleural pressure;PT: Transmural pressure; PVC: Pressure volume curves; RLD: Restrictive lungdiseases; RV: Residual volume; SEVC: Slow expiratory vital capacity; SIVC: Slowinspiratory vital capacity; TGCV: Thoracic gas compression volume; TLC: Totallung capacity; TV: Tidal volume; ULN: Upper limits of normal; VC: Vitalcapacity

AcknowledgementsNone to declare.

FundingNone to declare.

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets supporting the conclusions of this article are included withinthe manuscript.

Authors’ contributionsMFL performed literature search, drafted and revised the manuscript.

Competing interestsThe author declares that he have no competing interests.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Received: 18 November 2016 Accepted: 2 January 2017

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