it ^.u.J. m i! ^a1.1!.1D. ** IDKA IS A SHADOW T Vol.. %. \v. L. T. I'RJNCB. J R. JlAJULOV PRINCE & MALLOT, 11 EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS I TKItMSi 1'kb Pub I)kh HmUu» is published everv Tuesday, at $2 ;wr year, *ti 'cPy in a ADVERTISEMENTS n VJf 15 lines, or les.?, (which in a square.) will j inserted ot it for a single insertion ; onMoAfe Cdrttitttied, To c-nta for the first, And 60 cents tof CivtH Subsequent inSeiticn. Re- u nevol or change, 20 c«Me per square. j Advertisements insorled monthly or qnnrt-vi erly, $1 per square; seini-uiopthly, 76 ecu's n per square. Tbv. following deduction.* will be u«ado in favor of standing adv-rtiecinouts: p Otis squafe, for three months, n u u <> y AO « a <i ...... .... to on t wiu ; vui, »v vw. t Two ?iiu.irtja. for three .nontha, T >0 fj « » a\x u 13 00 | , 11 '' one roar, 18 00 ! » ^ Three squares, for three- nion. hs, 11 00 f, fTjfe " « ** six 1H 00 I OtaMft' u u " ore ymr, 2o 00 Pour sq-iaros, for three months, 14 00 J ' " mx " -1 00 l< ' ' one je*r, .35 00 j ^ l ive squares, for one year. 40 00 (< Professional and business cards, 8 00 for nnnntn. All udvnrti.i«iinents lor less than thraajmonlhs b cash, others mnBt be nsi I tbr monthlyi' If tin- numher of insertions is not specified, t »» writ-info advertisements a ill be continued 0 'till ordered out, and charged according*. . No advertise incut, however small, will br considered less than a square. V JOB PRINTING, . * Of every description, done with neatness | p and dispatch at this office. , a CBAHAOTER OF MAHOMKT. j d Mahotnot, according to tbo tradition j v from his cotemporaries. was of middle ' tnture, square huilt and sinewy, with largo J 0 bands tod foot. Jn his youth he wax un- | ' commonly strong and vigorous ; in the lat- 11 ^ tor part of his life bo inclined to corpul- P once. His head was capacious; well ahap- e< ed, and set on a nock which roso liko a 1' pillar from his ample chost His forehead was high, broad at the temples, and ciwed P by veius extending down to tho eye-brows, which swelled whenerer be was angry or ^ exerted. He had so oval f»c«v marked for expressive features, an aoquiline nose, black o1 eyes, arched eyebrows, which oearly met, a ' ">uth large and flexible indicative of «lo- ^ cjucnce, very white teeth, sowiuwbet parted j B< end irregular; bines hair, which waved, j ^ without a curl, on his shoulders, and a long j and very fall band. His deportment,in general, was calm and equitable; ho sometimes indulged in pleas- ^ an try; but more oomtaonly was grave and ^ dignified, though he is said to have pontes- ja sed a smile of captivating sweetness, llis ;a complexion wss more ruddy thsn is usual v; Mi with Arabs, and in his excited end enthu-1 _e sioatio momenta there was a glow and nidi, j ty Aooe io his countenance which his disciples jy magnified into the supcrnstuil light of p, prophecy. | w His inteUeotun1. qualities were uodoubU Ca edly of an extraordinary k?hd. He had si a quick apprehension, a retentive memory, p] a vivid imagination, and an inventive gen-, fo fe* ins. Owing hut little to edooatioa, ha w had jiaickened and informed his mind by ki * closo observation, and had stored it with a! * great variety of knowledge, oofioerning' tl the systems of religion current in this day. m or handed downby tradition from antiquity, p] Hi* ordinary difooorse was grave and sent- <i motions, abounding with those aphorisms ci apologues so popular among the Arabs: at ti times he was oxoittd and eloquent, and his o I » 1 eioquvaae ww wuwi oy * voice niuMoal J o ud sonorous. t] II® vitlober nnd abate tniocs in hi* diet, d aud a rigorous observer of fusts, He indaU c gtd io no magnificence of apparel^ the to- « tea tattoo of a? petty mind, neither was hi* r simplicity in drew effeoted.hot the result d of real disregard of distinctioo from so trivial j' a sonreo. His jgpnoeute n<if eomotimes of 1 wool, sometimes of the striped potion of It- t «M»i and were often patchod. He wee * Jj f^rfen ti,for he said torbane waft* worn b> t1 angels; and in arranging >t no end f' hang down Wtwoon hi* ahem! don*, whir ha said, was the way tbfp we forbade the wearing of oJotbas entirely inHr, bnt permitted a mix* silk. He forbade, alto,/red el',?J the oee of gold rings. He war* ef silver, the eugrsved pen under hie ^ grs, efon* to the palm of hU hand, be the inscription; "Jkhoucf, l-.i jffi Jj he I 1". HAT DEl'ARTKTir, SrfiEOTt 18 ^ -t m ii ^ titut . CHKRAW, $. C lie was scrupulous as to personal cleanless, and observed frequent ablutions, n somo respoet* bo was a voluptuary. 'There arc two things in this world/' M I rould say, ''which delight cnc.wome» ll nd perfumes. These two things rejoice iy eyes, nod rendor mo more fervent in lovotion.' - From Ms extreme oloa jlincss, and the SO of perfumes and of 8Weet-s<'ontod oil ;; jr his l^ir, probably arose that sweetuess nd fWigmnco of person which his disciples ousidcred innate and miraculous.' His asMou for the so* bud an influence over 11 his affairs. It is said lhat, when in the rescnccof a beautiful female, bo was con- inually smoothing his brow and adjusting is hair, ua if anxious to appear to ad vat:-' ige. ' i The Dumber of his wivos is uncertain, j tbuliedn, who writos with more oauttort ban any other Arabian historian limits it > lifWu, though some uiakc it xs niuoh 1 f twent) fivo. At the tinio of his death, o bad nino, each in acpnrato dwellings, ' nd all in the vicinity of the rr.orque at 1 lodina. The plea allcdged for hw indui- i iog in u rrreater number of wives tbun ho < ertnitted bin followers, w«8 a desire to be-1i el a r»ee of prophet? for bis people. Tf, 1 uch indeed wore his desires. it was dmp-.« ointed. Of all his children, Sat unit, the t ifoof Ali. alone survived hiin, and she s ' ied within a short time after bis death. ! 1 Ifher descendants none, excepting hor Ideat son. Hnsaeu, over salon the throne t fthe Caliphs. j* Tn liia private dealings ho was just- He j t rvated friends tnd atrnngcis, tho rich run?1 1 oot, the powerful and the weak, with u quality; and was beloved by the common < eoplo for the affability with which be rc- * Bivcd them, and lutenci to their com- j r luints, i i lie was naturally irritable, but had jj rought hi« temper under great control, to j c iat oven in the eclf.indulged intercourse t f domestic lire, be was kind and tolerant. I served hira fryin the timo I was eight i1 arso'd," said his csrvantAnos, he 1 5VCT scolded mo for any thing, though £ dogs wero spoiled by me." ti *. ttr » w t 4 rrnrntn'jujH irvnuj. . m » . - f ll CURIOUS PACTS. d 8erpcnts arc esid to obey the Toice of a icir master*; the trumpoter-bird of Amen- j h i follows its owner like a spaniel; and the 11 can* acts as a guard to poultry, prescrv-' c g thom in the holda all the day from c rds of proy, and escorting them heme f gularly at night In tho Shetland Isles t lere is a pul? which defends the flock., otn eagles; it is therefore regarded as a j ^ jsilogod bird. The cbsinois, bounding \ uong the snowy mountains of the Can- ] j mua, are indebted for th ir safety, in no j t oall dog res, to a peculiar -species of a c feasant. Thia bird acta a* their scnti nel; \ ir as soon a- it gets sight r.f a man it a hi*tie«, upon hearing 'hich, the chamois,' t now ing tho hunter to be not for diet tot, j ta off with the greatest speed, and seeks , .a highest peaks of tho mouataros. Tho r, rtiiicos which partridges and plovers em* f loj to delude their enemies from the (test t r their young, may be referred to as a , use in pointy ok wofy as the s'drolj, otm- j rlvsaoe of U»e "hind for the. ptusumdou j f h«T yottngj for when she hint* the sound t f dogs, she puts herself in the way of j. be hunters, ami starts iu a direction to \ rhw them away from fcor Install' L 00 of the effect of grief m-oa animals arail lso no las* remarkable , The write* > osdy oited saj*.."I hadw a flog .tiullj ied for the loss ok its masier^ and ft hull^ neh that thetallied from abfing ten en irs m'oorbh on anoount of tho abeenoe' of its 4 iistrew# He* return Ufcftrnediat% iep.f A 1»- U . T I XT tJ iMtStiO* ">f*4»<wy, Wtiob, «M)f *inKit»f t.ta m*t« Mtcbiaf W *»'* « «<!' !|E5SSf - 4 » « ' x : i " m t. aw y;,i 1 $LBl£TfNoj A# WIN1>., TUESDAY M< Ml -L .. J" L. !.» THE ORDER OF NATURE. The principle of order la unirersn prevalent, manifesting what perns C ha> token to make us acquainted w plijbiQf.l objects, and pat confidence nature. If you Johk at* them you c know the in, a* you kpow the faces of j< friends, by tboir features and niprcwu Put them to the feat, endAlioy como < :us certain ntcady principles, *s steadf as the most faithful «f frinnlu t'ak.. up the eomtm post $lant, and 5 rur.y observe in its .structure, iu ilt leav or pendicles, * wonderful cofrcapondei i'f side to aide, aud part to part. Let t eye Iruvol over nuture or we walk -ima the cultivated fields, or iho grawy floj aod valleys of .our upland countries, runong the thiok woods whcr«f tho wit bovo strovn the seeds, and bush tnld tj of every kind spring up, oach eager maintain its place, aud to show itssepon form and beauty.and wc.diBcovorao^jrt in every branch, and blade, and leaf, a ,bade, and color. Take op a loaf Rower, and examine it with or without t ud that art can furnieh, and observe h< jnc edge has the »ame number of notoh ipon it as the other edge, nnd what ni jalanoiugs and counterpoises there ai tnd Iiqw uicely tho linos And dots ai shadings of color suit each other, ai leoure o&ch at its proper place, as if iad betu done by the uiostexacl ruoa&ui uont, arid under tho moat skilful ti istnAil eye. Enter the rich arbor or t ulti/atod garden, and observe bow t! lowers hjpe been enlarged aud iuiorov* >y the care%bioh has bucn taken of thai ,nd in this gayer color, and that full ixpauso aud more flowing drapery, ai ir»'ipr rand marl KA»W 11*«) - - . VV y HWV4 lawlA I»V1T VW'^ ewards ua for opening our tyon and loo ng abroad on his work*, holds oat a st [renter reward to tbuae who in lose to bit >r iu lcvo to thorn, take painl with at tcutow labor upon tbeifl. Kiting higher, we dud all leading even u the earth and heavona to run io period Uinta have their eeaeon for budding, at [rowing, and bearing toed a^d fruit, at boir whole existence ia for an aJloth iili. The !ih of ininalii and of mi itmaeif ia n period} auu it uu» :io pciftuu leveloprnicnte of infancy, )ou(h,ruanboo ml old age. Tho very dinettes of tl lutuan (Vamo have their periods. T! idea of the omu, and in many plaoej tl urreota, flow iu period*; ami in eon ountriee, the Wind* blow awd the rat all at cortaiu regular reason..." Tl aruliolt of tuaguetikm on tbo eartl ^rfKoo soeut to bo periodical, 'fho cha [es in the condition' of the earth.lia .ccd arriMftoa into geological epochs. rJu ew U n period, and It has Its seasons; ai bore am magni amni in the moveutet >f the planets, and tha revoUuiona of tl dnary and multiple alar*, aud probab JooiDtbe tuovemc t.U. of the coostollatio md g-ruupa of the nebular Bat thi/i order, thue so uhimevl, rery dire rallied, It will not be com pre** rithin tho narrow nyatepu which Be bunding on a limited experience, are ho way of forming, o* auit itaelf to i igld fortna of human logic. It embrac ime.' it amber, apace, fonai, cdSer, * orce/aa eletneate employed, end it Wan bese together in incumbered w*j iom clime? itn rale iadmpla, and at oU: iuiaa of groat '-ompV.^ty. It haa norn xmdence, analogic* u.ora Or h*a atrikfa and antaauOiath. ' It* tmmh# iro fe it*, rijjfcp* terms to it* position in WioV t^ i with * hlghos rt&.mmi S&SKSafe: ia«r, ^ m: I ri* Jit-' ^ * «i r®*^ ! I..-L!"J.jjji..'JL .-JjauL^V-4\~^' yu--jl-BEAIHNG £} AN UNKEMEMBEl Jjuti fi».ntn--.^BpP rvixfl -"it jjuls nr.: )HM\(i. SEPTEM1 THE JUJXiE WHO ALWAYS ANlljr TICIPATKO. tai a judge, lord Avoumovc hud on ith great fault; he was apt to take up u tirn in inpro&sion of a eauso, and il Was vcr «n difficult to obliterate it. The advocate >ur, therefore>' had not only to straggle again;. >n. the real obataolu presented-to bun by tlj( >nt | ooms troll, but also %ith the itnaginarj hit ones created by tbc h vsty anticipation o the judge. Curran was one day tooatre ou rfously annoyed by this habit of Lor< es, Avonmoro, and he took the fullowinj ice j whimsical inctbod of correcting it. Thi be | reader must rcuicnober that the object o ag the uarrntor.woi, by a tedious uo-1 uuli )es I eioua procrastination, to irritate- his heartor! tntotho vice be was so anxious to eradioatu ids Tbey wore to diue together at the hpuai rco of a ootnmo-n friend; and a Jtorgc to worn assembled, many of whom witiie**sot ite the occurrences, of the morning. Cuyiati ler contrary to all his usual habits; was htt ».) r.. uc.- *Jb» «v>, uiuuci % »o'i iv 4011^x11 Anivca in 1111 cr most admirably affected agitation. ho "Why, Mr. Carmri, you havo kept us i ow full huar vat ting dinner far you," gruui too bled out Lord Avoomore. ou} /'Oh, iny dear lord, I rogfet it much re, you must know it is not my custom; bai od I've juflt been witness Co & most rao)»n nd chuly ocenft^co." til "My Godl you seem terribly moted bj (it ; take a glass of v»iue. What was it, nd what was it?" , j.-J. ho j "I will tell you, tuy lord, the moment 1 he can jollect myself. I had been detained al od j court.in tho Court of Chanrory.»youi n,! lordehip knows tho Chancellor site late.' cr| "J do.rl do, gut go on." id "Well, my lord, I Was hurrying here <u Ho fast as I could.I did not even change mj k- dreea.I hope i shall be excused, Jfer com ill ing in my boots." . '* ^ n, ' Poh, poh, never utind your boots; the »d point.oome at once to the point of the etary." ^«Oh, I will, my good lord, in a tnouKOt I walkod here; I would not evsti wait to id; get th« carriage' ready; it would have id taken umo yea know. Now there is a »d market exactly ift the road by which X' had in I in tiau- ««if Inrdahin mav oerhatw reool \ r * *r «f » ,$ *«? -j « on w I 1CCI 11.o murjutn*, uu jrvui "To be euro T do; go on Currsn.go oa be with the atoiy." "I am yery glad yokr lotdehip remcro. ^ beta the market, tor T. iotnlly forgot the nam o of St.the. nam a.the name.-" « "What the devil signifies the sane ol be it, »r? It's the Osetle Market." i'e "Yoar lordship is perfectly right, it ii n* calk-d. the Castle "Market. Well, T was pasting through that very identical Castle b* Market, whin I olacrred a butcher preparing to kill a call Hchada hugeknife >«* in Ms hand; it was ia aburp as a raaor b* The calf yras_ htaediog behind hits; 'y drew the kniro to pli^ge it into the aai M inaW Just as bo Was in the set of doing so^a little bhj about four jehra oM.hit oqly son, the loveliest Jitllo 'bo? T. i:<*<*> e l paw.ran saddaply across bus path, one ®» killed.oi|, n»y dod! he ktffedr**" ' t i" "The ohildl the child! the child!" v*?i ho f*> rated Lord Avostnoif m "X'-, my lord, <kr coJ/1" cootihAf^pfc' '<* very eooily; 'dm killed the calf, bul da, jour lovdaMp ia »n the habit of anticipa i». «og." ' fkMEHraP *- hte-a&d Curm*, declared >#» Jb*l, dftert aiferirdirdy .4 6rjF.3|S25 iru* romeved rafl^ ^a/ fro«u tba 6Url in ^^^}wt-i7wr^ *0 <*lf i* Oslle b* tU.tfc»,«fe y< ^i,o« uf Mi- _^'n ^' "'" E ... .. \;/r feirti IEl) PASTIME ; BUT A WRIT FN jr 7 -jya.-.:, i ii > i BElt 10, 1850. I »' 111 . HI.'! *m ! .'. 1 pendicular rock, ajid wben the stream foil, it p«f*es down without boing hrbkcn e All the prismatip otfoct <joeu at. Ni/tgar \ foils phort of the spray of Tuoooa. Th y table mountain in Pendleton district is a >, awijl precipice of nine hundred feet. Meu t pet sons rs-cido within live, sovenvor tei b nrilosof this grand agK&Ucle who nororhai f the onriojaty to visit it. j.t ih now v'/ntei f by tr: \ t lii.rs, and sooidimes by ami - Ct SQ^BVC1 On the Clntnwha, in Botetourt country j Virginia, ihero in ai l to lo a Kpting tba s ebbs and flows with the tidra of rhc oceun f ft is situated at the headof'a ravino, nhicl . ir flanked by two parallel ri dgae'tecm m'ati nj r in a mountain of Considerable olovnfcioii A hunter -if the «<>igborho-xt ha.\ thi i)honor its discovery. IIo had killed > y deeron the spot, and wan proceed! ug to shir { it. xvlmii ftift " !«<> illi <v! n >^1 nHiviim miHUlOUiril , had been invisible, /nine pairing ibrth < t torrent at hi* very fifot. Kotkuowing wbai 9 should next take place, be left his game and fled wttb all speed to the nearest oe tiler i In the course of ft few h^rs, or perhnp: & - day, they ventured back, found the spring dry, but, !>cibre thtir departure, saw it agair ; tlovr and ebb, until it w:lj .to longer seen, I Since that timo, it«* regular ebbs aud How. bare been witnessed by Hiuidrcds.- -Lewi. ( bury Chronicle : . f - .. > » \ ROYAL COl'llTSHlP. Jxtrd Bacon, in the history of Henry the [i VII, says: "Wbon tho Wng was ancient ^ no bad thoughts of marrying ihe joun(2 queen of Kaplan, and sent thiua arnbassa' dors, with curious and axquisito inn'ruclions,far takings sm/ey of her person, com. i plexion, Ac." r i Some of tho items of those < instruction,' i T % » a » 4 % MUu spelt, exquxite . '5. Item. Speeially to mark* and note Well the age and etaturp of the said young > queen, and the fcturya of hir bodye. H. Specially to marko thefator of hir 1v»hoth«>i aLw be paiyr.Ud or cot, r.ad *' whether it bo fhtteorleene, aharpe or row. '! ode, and whether her coantenaooc be ohairfal and amyublo,frowing or raalincoljr1 r oua, atendfiftt or lighl, or blpehtag in 1-..1 ^ VUU»UIWII»VWV*VM. ;7 licm* *T"0 note tOG CiuiTUCH.' OX i'lKJ. fkyne. 8. Jtom. to nete the oolpra of Wr > y v 9. lto*..* To nott well hir tW, browee, r teethe ftud lippee. 10. Item. 1\> mark well the. fracion , oi mr noto Kiel ibc beitbo tad br.'dt oi » ^forh#adc- > 11 Item. Specially td uoto Jb*r oJmJ8. Itria. To to note the of tbeyaf^iWher tb« , I»\w© of ,l^ir bard bo dulckei or tHyrfnej . Vd ybctW&r t^ode f im*<* &$£[£ * ' *;»'& 5 f'vli, IfeumTo »oWbir,!iu$«M, wfcfctbpi f. theybbe Jon go or aborte, «r<iih> *\& r ( Ml - & taanco iSgtieare irtj'dicrt about bir lippr** oj hot '* * * 7 4'1 m* "i i %A%,\ A f: ^ftfefcjK$£$t Titlljpru I b* <% W\ % . iM.it ,, .. . Jiijia W.tf; m'XU ^BTKRN A Ij.*'.Tuj?I»RB. ' f -'*f ;nu.u.i »»i wwfr- i>'"' <*? ?V. .' . No. 15., .. AJJ.. ,iu. . iJUU.i '.i-ji'ji I ) ftir -Vy'lpi ;> ' ««| fijra cowr'.o wj*, myjjht not fttJiyne to '?. r, kno^licho o. thjii^pyrt this *rticale.? i$,*'." }^ To tlii. 2?<l r.nif U\ quyn p V ,V. 4 ,too<i f, ,!-»» jiti 1 oob- well niftu'ilt itfyo.; :1 -'V^S f' oii i ifftjo, dfynJJthj^oot officii, ou'i , $ J tliAt ^(o.dijtilrt^o moot cmwority n»ter 'ff *F"J './ > H arnl »oVii(. .!ui<sj hat >M»or }*> boylcti' wjjfch * syo pmju. «n<l souio lioio abo dryol^e Wtxwm *ij *«"», bttt *K)t often; >'i': .v 6v ! tn'oad ot* fcboir niwworK lh»iv ur.^11 I»kifcjii,'< i V ,, -w -T-(V»-|Tri^nnrWf£ I iojlt with a iou?t praiaovorth fncenuil", '\ ; J1 «K I'Mpfaytg*? ' '*>' \;:.v " _* I'KACU AM) UONttV, A tiKNXLK MAN f.Y 1UUNTK. > / ; | - OKI Judge 06fe mJ* Tuxa*, wa-< charao j tt riseJ bj hi» Athahu -i;t to that pedit:f | titi beverage balled pe&eh. and honor, <' ( and hy Up hatred of whiskey unJ \«hi*I kcv drinkcrp White 1 oMmc » oourt n '%jl - * y ** ' V , 6,i Austin, two laen worn brought up on & Mtfiatgo uC, a drunVon r.ifray. It waa » ,'-^y' " » II plain capo; (he row hnrt ocourrod in tho (7,,; »Mpotyte^reut, in op*m day, and il to '1 ilty wltacs** to the whole ttun«c>to:i 1 So tho two duMnirpu nti*pUhdod guilty, ^ by tbo advice of thoir ocur.feel, and throw 1 ji&cmfMrc* on the .njeroy of the court i fThey then brought u(. lor sentence Ij JOpa atcly; . > $ < | a. gndty or an afidiy^V growled- >' " the Judge , , ' it t >'4 "Ye*. jour Honor, whined tho offender, thoroughly frightenoi! ^ * "jbrunV, I aufpoae/'gnintedtbo A jJ/o " «'7os, yorir «* llyuof," 'umrmtired the' jjgir ^gfj^ nrhonnr. aith hftm» fiiint K««u> /!.**.< , t M»T«u& ,t < been dtuuk would mitigita the^pUftish- ?s" ;;^^K J "l>runk oa rye wkiaheyj too, I'll irarrant," xoared tho Judge in. a;* voice -of. thutvlcr -V "Jt'es, yott* Honor, drunk on' tyU whL«- - * 'Key." '%.a:;A'tim . ' 'Ofr. Clerk, record & fine of fifty ;dollsra again at this matt/' cried >.be Judge; ftftend hiut to jail for riity . d»ys. I ahaUftne \: '" ,% the nt**fc on«! who is guilty Under sueh '" '' ggmrstirg cuoumtUnccf a hundred doi. , , V. } }an, am) rend him to jail >Veii months " ITIiirt was poor cara'ferJprtUc uaforta-. ' bate fclhrvr wfiV- was waiting."'his turn.v ^ Frlpd flow cam* forward with feu and trera- ! As hs ulcag by bb lawyer, c. >** that thought! 1! peotiamau,-. whispered , hia ^r:^-.%'Wl^uHho judge aakayoV.^hajgg^ £; you got drunk on, tell hini^u peaoh and" / honey/: Oe too* £is stand^. "< I'-You, too, \roup' here W uo\jfcfS' growled thoohi gnjahing hie teeth, .iwjti-" * j|| i.gTJtil.! YJp ** 1m, *4+, .' *

The Pee Dee herald (Cheraw, S.C.). 1856-09-16 [p ].€¦ · it ^.u.J. m i! ^a1.1!.1D. ** IDKA IS A SHADOW T Vol.. %. \v. L. T. I'RJNCB. J R. JlAJULOV PRINCE & MALLOT, 11 EDITORS AND

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Page 1: The Pee Dee herald (Cheraw, S.C.). 1856-09-16 [p ].€¦ · it ^.u.J. m i! ^a1.1!.1D. ** IDKA IS A SHADOW T Vol.. %. \v. L. T. I'RJNCB. J R. JlAJULOV PRINCE & MALLOT, 11 EDITORS AND

it^.u.J. m i! ^a1.1!.1D.** IDKA IS A SHADOW T

Vol.. %.\v. L. T. I'RJNCB. J R. JlAJULOV



TKItMSi1'kb Pub I)kh HmUu» is published everv

Tuesday, at $2 ;wr year, *ti 'cPy in a


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11 '' one roar, 18 00 ! »^ Three squares, for three- nion. hs, 11 00 f,fTjfe " « ** six 1H 00 I

OtaMft' u u " ore ymr, 2o 00Pour sq-iaros, for three months, 14 00 J

' " mx " -1 00l< ' ' one je*r, .35 00 j ^

l ive squares, for one year. 40 00 (<Professional and business cards, 8 00 for

nnnntn.All udvnrti.i«iinents lor less than thraajmonlhs b

cash, others mnBt be nsi I tbr monthlyi'If tin- numher of insertions is not specified, t

»» writ-info advertisements a ill be continued 0'till ordered out, and charged according*. .

No advertise incut, however small, will brconsidered less than a square. V



Of every description, done with neatness | pand dispatch at this office., a

CBAHAOTER OF MAHOMKT. j dMahotnot, according to tbo tradition j


from his cotemporaries. was of middle '

tnture, square huilt and sinewy, with largo J 0bands tod foot. Jn his youth he wax un- | '

commonly strong and vigorous ; in the lat- 11

^ tor part of his life bo inclined to corpul- Ponce. His head was capacious; well ahap- e<

ed, and set on a nock which roso liko a 1'

pillar from his ample chost His foreheadwas high, broad at the temples, and ciwed P

by veius extending down to tho eye-brows,which swelled whenerer be was angry or ^

exerted. He had so oval f»c«v marked forexpressive features, an aoquiline nose,black o1

eyes, arched eyebrows, which oearly met, a

' ">uth large and flexible indicative of «lo- ^

cjucnce, very white teeth, sowiuwbet parted jB<

end irregular; bines hair, which waved, j ^without a curl, on his shoulders, and a long jand very fall band.

His deportment,in general, was calm andequitable; ho sometimes indulged in pleas- ^an try; but more oomtaonly was grave and ^dignified, though he is said to have pontes- jased a smile ofcaptivating sweetness, llis ;acomplexion wss more ruddy thsn is usual v;


with Arabs, and in his excited end enthu-1 _esioatio momenta there was a glow and nidi, j tyAooe io his countenance which his disciples jymagnified into the supcrnstuil light of p,prophecy. | w

His inteUeotun1. qualities were uodoubU Ca

edly of an extraordinary k?hd. He had sia quick apprehension, a retentive memory, p]a vivid imagination, and an inventive gen-, fofe* ins. Owing hut little to edooatioa, ha whad jiaickened and informed his mind by ki

* closo observation, and had stored it with a! *great variety of knowledge, oofioerning' tlthe systems of religion current in this day. mor handed downby tradition from antiquity, p]Hi* ordinary difooorse was grave and sent- <imotions, abounding with those aphorisms ci

apologues so popular among the Arabs: at titimes he was oxoittd and eloquent, and his o

I » 1

eioquvaae ww wuwi oy * voice niuMoal J oud sonorous. t]

II® vitlober nnd abatetniocs in hi* diet, daud a rigorous observer of fusts, He indaU c

gtd io no magnificence of apparel^ the to- «

teatattoo of a?petty mind, neither was hi* r

simplicity in drew effeoted.hot the result dof real disregard ofdistinctioo from so trivial j'a sonreo. His jgpnoeute n<if eomotimes of 1

wool, sometimes ofthe striped potion of It- t«M»i and were often patchod. He wee * Jjf^rfenti,for he said torbane waft* worn b> t1

angels; and in arranging >t no end f'

hang down Wtwoon hi* ahem!don*, whirha said, was the way tbfp we

forbade the wearing of oJotbas entirelyinHr, bnt permitted a mix*silk. He forbade, alto,/red el',?Jthe oee of gold rings. He war*ef silver, the eugrsved pen under hie ^grs, efon* to the palm of hU hand, bethe inscription; "Jkhoucf, l-.i jffi Jj

he I1".

HAT DEl'ARTKTir, SrfiEOTt 18^ -t m ii ^ titut .

CHKRAW, $. Clie was scrupulous as to personal cleanless,

and observed frequent ablutions,n somo respoet* bo was a voluptuary.'There arc two things in this world/' M Irould say, ''which delight cnc.wome» ll

nd perfumes. These two things rejoiceiy eyes, nod rendor mo more fervent inlovotion.' -

From Ms extreme oloa jlincss, and theSO of perfumes and of 8Weet-s<'ontod oil ;;jr his l^ir, probably arose that sweetuessnd fWigmnco of person which his disciplesousidcred innate and miraculous.' HisasMou for the so* bud an influence over11 his affairs. It is said lhat, when in therescnccof a beautiful female, bo was con-

inually smoothing his brow and adjustingis hair, ua if anxious to appear to ad vat:-'ige. ' i

The Dumber of his wivos is uncertain, jtbuliedn, who writos with more oauttortban any other Arabian historian limits it> lifWu, though some uiakc it xs niuoh 1f twent) fivo. At the tinio of his death,o bad nino, each in acpnrato dwellings, '

nd all in the vicinity of the rr.orque at 1lodina. The plea allcdged for hw indui- i

iog in u rrreater number of wives tbun ho <

ertnitted bin followers, w«8 a desire to be-1iel a r»ee of prophet? for bis people. Tf, 1uch indeed wore his desires. it was dmp-.«ointed. Of all his children, Sat unit, the t

ifoof Ali. alone survived hiin, and she s'

ied within a short time after bis death. ! 1Ifher descendants none, excepting hor j»Ideat son. Hnsaeu, over salon the throne tfthe Caliphs. j*Tn liia private dealings ho wasjust- He j trvated friends tnd atrnngcis, tho rich run?1 1oot, the powerful and the weak, with u

quality; and was beloved by the common <

eoplo for the affability with which be rc- *

Bivcd them, and lutenci to their com- j r

luints, i ilie was naturally irritable, but had jj

rought hi« temper under great control, to j c

iat oven in the eclf.indulged intercourse tf domestic lire, be was kind and tolerant.I served hira fryin the timo I was eight i1arso'd," said his csrvantAnos, he 15VCT scolded mo for any thing, though £dogs wero spoiled by me." ti

*. ttr » w t 4rrnrntn'jujH irvnuj.. m » .

-f ll

CURIOUS PACTS. d8erpcnts arc esid to obey the Toice of a

icir master*; the trumpoter-bird of Amen- j hi follows its owner like a spaniel; and the 11can* acts as a guard to poultry, prescrv-' c

g thom in the holda all the day from crds of proy, and escorting them heme fgularly at night In tho Shetland Isles tlere is a pul? which defends the flock.,otn eagles; it is therefore regarded as a j ^jsilogod bird. The cbsinois, bounding \uong the snowy mountains of the Can- ] jmua, are indebted for th ir safety, in no j toall dogres, to a peculiar -species of a cfeasant. Thia bird acta a* their scnti nel; \ir as soon a- it gets sight r.f a man it ahi*tie«, upon hearing 'hich, the chamois,' tnow ing tho hunter to be not for diet tot, jta off with the greatest speed, and seeks ,.a highest peaks of tho mouataros. Tho r,rtiiicos which partridges and plovers em* floj to delude their enemies from the (test tr their young, may be referred to as a ,use in pointy ok wofy as the s'drolj, otm- jrlvsaoe of U»e "hind for the. ptusumdou jf h«T yottngj for when she hint* the sound tf dogs, she puts herself in the way of j.be hunters, ami starts iu a direction to \rhw them away from fcor Install' L00 of the effect of grief m-oa animals araillso no las* remarkable

,The write* >

osdy oited saj*.."I hadw a flog .tiulljied for the loss ok its masier^ and ft hull^neh that thetallied from abfing ten enirs m'oorbh on anoount oftho abeenoe' of its 4iistrew# 0» He* return Ufcftrnediat% iep.fA 1»- U . T I XT tJ

iMtStiO* ">f*4»<wy, Wtiob, «M)f *inKit»ft.ta m*t« Mtcbiaf W *»'* « «<!'

!|E5SSf -

4» « ' x : i


m t. aw y;,i 1

$LBl£TfNoj A# WIN1>.,

TUESDAY M<Ml -L .. J" L. !.»

THE ORDER OF NATURE.The principle of order la unirersn

prevalent, manifesting what perns Cha> token to make us acquainted w

plijbiQf.l objects, and pat confidencenature. If you Johk at* them you cknow thein, a* you kpow the faces of j<friends, by tboir features and niprcwuPut them to the feat, endAlioy como <:us certain ntcady principles, *s steadfas the most faithful «f frinnlu

t'ak.. up the eomtm post $lant, and 5rur.y observe in its .structure, iu ilt leavor pendicles, * wonderful cofrcapondeii'f side to aide, aud part to part. Let t

eye Iruvol over nuture or we walk -ima

the cultivated fields, or iho grawy flojaod valleys of .our upland countries,runong the thiok woods whcr«f tho witbovo strovn the seeds, and bush tnld tjof every kind spring up, oach eagermaintain its place, aud to show itsseponform and beauty.and wc.diBcovorao^jrtin every branch, and blade, and leaf, a

,bade, and color. Take op a loafRower, and examine it with or without tud that art can furnieh, and observe h<jnc edge has the »ame number of notohipon it as the other edge, nnd what nijalanoiugs and counterpoises there ai

tnd Iiqw uicely tho linos And dots ai

shadings of color suit each other, aileoure o&ch at its proper place, as ifiad betu done by the uiostexacl ruoa&ui

uont, arid under tho moat skilful tiistnAil eye. Enter the rich arbor or tulti/atod garden, and observe bow t!lowers hjpe been enlarged aud iuiorov*>y the care%bioh has bucn taken of thai,nd in this gayer color, and that fullixpauso aud more flowing drapery, aiir»'ipr rand marl KA»W 11*«)- - .VV y HWV4 lawlA I»V1T VW'^ewards ua for opening our tyon and loong abroad on his work*, holds oat a st[renter reward to tbuae who in lose to bit>r iu lcvo to thorn, take painl with attcutow labor upon tbeifl.Kiting higher, we dud all leading even

u the earth and heavona to run io periodUinta have their eeaeon for budding, at

[rowing, and bearing toed a^d fruit, atboir whole existence ia for an aJlothiili. The !ih of ininalii and of miitmaeif ia n period} auu it uu» :io pciftuuleveloprnicnte of infancy, )ou(h,ruanbooml old age. Tho very dinettes of tllutuan (Vamo have their periods. T!idea of the omu, and in many plaoej tlurreota, flow iu period*; ami in eon

ountriee, the Wind* blow awd the ratall at cortaiu regular reason..." Tlaruliolt of tuaguetikm on tbo eartl

^rfKoo soeut to bo periodical, 'fho cha[es in the condition' of the earth.lia.ccd arriMftoa into geological epochs. rJuew U n period, and It has Its seasons; aibore am magni amni in the moveutet>f the planets, and tha revoUuiona of tldnary and multiple alar*, aud probabJooiDtbe tuovemc t.U. of the coostollatiomd g-ruupa of the nebularBat thi/i order, thue so uhimevl,

rery dire rallied, It will not be compre**rithin tho narrow nyatepu which Be

bunding on a limited experience, areho way of forming, o* auit itaelf to iigld fortna of human logic. It embracime.' itamber, apace, fonai, cdSer, *

orce/aa eletneate employed, end it Wanbese together in incumbered w*jiomclime? itn rale iadmpla, and at oU:iuiaa of groat '-ompV.^ty. It haa norn

xmdence, analogic* u.ora Or h*a atrikfaand antaauOiath. ' It* tmmh#

iro fe it*, rijjfcp*terms to it* position in WioV t^ i

with * hlghos rt&.mmiS&SKSafe:ia«r, ^

m: Iri* Jit-'^ * «i r®*^ !

I..-L!"J.jjji..'JL .-JjauL^V-4\~^' yu--jl-BEAIHNG£} AN UNKEMEMBElJjuti fi».ntn--.^BpP rvixfl -"it jjuls nr.:


tai A« a judge, lord Avoumovc hud onith great fault; he was apt to take up u tirnin inpro&sion of a eauso, and il Was vcr«n difficult to obliterate it. The advocate>ur, therefore>' had not only to straggle again;.>n. the real obataolu presented-to bun by tlj(>nt | ooms troll, but also %ith the itnaginarjhit ones created by tbc h vsty anticipation o

the judge. Curran was one day tooatreou rfously annoyed by this habit of Lor<es, Avonmoro, and he took the fullowinjice j whimsical inctbod of correcting it. Thibe | reader must rcuicnober that the object oag the uarrntor.woi, by a tedious uo-1 uuli)es I eioua procrastination, to irritate- his heartor!tntotho vice be was so anxious to eradioatuids Tbey wore to diue together at the hpuairco of a ootnmo-n friend; and a Jtorgcto worn assembled, many of whom witiie**sotite the occurrences, of the morning. Cuyiatiler contrary to all his usual habits; was htt».) r.. uc.- *Jb»«v>, uiuuci % »o'i iv 4011^x11 Anivca in 1111cr most admirably affected agitation.ho "Why, Mr. Carmri, you havo kept us iow full huar vatting dinner far you," gruuitoo bled out Lord Avoomore.ou} /'Oh, iny dear lord, I rogfet it muchre, you must know it is not my custom; baiod I've juflt been witness Co & most rao)»nnd chuly ocenft^co."til "My Godl you seem terribly moted bj"« (it ; take a glass of v»iue. What was it,nd what was it?" , j.-J.ho j "I will tell you, tuy lord, the moment 1he can jollect myself. I had been detained alod j court.in tho Court of Chanrory.»youin,! lordehip knows tho Chancellor site late.'cr| "J do.rl do, gut go on."id "Well, my lord, I Was hurrying here <uHo fast as I could.I did not even change mjk- dreea.I hope i shall be excused, Jfer comill ing in my boots."

. '* ^

n, ' Poh, poh, never utind your boots; the»d point.oome at once to the point of the

etary."t» ^«Oh, I will, my good lord, in a tnouKOt!» I walkod here; I would not evsti wait to

id; get th« carriage' ready; it would haveid taken umo yea know. Now there is a»d market exactly ift the road by which X' hadin I in tiau- ««if Inrdahin mav oerhatw reool\ r * *r «f »

,$ *«? -j ,« « onw I 1CCI 11.o murjutn*, uu jrvui"To be euro T do; go on Currsn.go oa

be with the atoiy.""I am yery glad yokr lotdehip remcro.

^ beta the market, tor T. iotnlly forgot thenamo of St.the. nama.the name.-"

« "What the devil signifies the sane olbe it, »r? It's the Osetle Market."i'e "Yoar lordship is perfectly right, it iin* calk-d. the Castle "Market. Well, T was

pasting through that very identical Castleb* Market, whin I olacrred a butcher preparingto kill a call Hchada hugeknife>«* in Ms hand; it was ia aburp as a raaorb* The calf yras_ htaediog behind hits; h«'y drew the kniro to pli^ge it into the aaiM inaW Just as bo Was in the set of doing

so^a little bhj about four jehra oM.hitoqly son, the loveliest Jitllo 'bo? T. i:<*<*>

e l paw.ran saddaply across bus path, one®» h« killed.oi|, n»y dod! he ktffedr**" ' ti" "The ohildl the child! the child!" v*?iho f*>rated Lord Avostnoifm "X'-, my lord, <kr coJ/1" cootihAf^pfc''<* very eooily; 'dm killed the calf, bulda, jour lovdaMp ia »n the habit of anticipai». «og."

' fkMEHraP*-hte-a&d Curm*, declared

>#» Jb*l, dftert aiferirdirdy .4 6rjF.3|S25<» iru* romeved rafl^ ^a/ fro«u tba 6Urlin ^^^}wt-i7wr^*0 <*lf i* Oslle b* tU.tfc»,«fey< ^i,o« uf Mi- _^'n ^'


E ... ..


feirtiIEl) PASTIME ; BUT A WRIT FNjr 7 -jya.-.:, i ii > i

BElt 10, 1850. I»' 111

. HI.'! *m ! .'. 1

pendicular rock, ajid wben the streamfoil, it p«f*es down without boing hrbkcn

e All the prismatip otfoct <joeu at. Ni/tgar\ foils phort of the spray of Tuoooa. Thy table mountain in Pendleton district is a

>, awijl precipice ofnine hundred feet. Meut pet sons rs-cido within live, sovenvor teib nrilosof this grand agK&Ucle who nororhaif the onriojaty to visit it. j.t ih now v'/nteif by tr: \ t lii.rs, and sooidimes by ami- Ct SQ^BVC1On the Clntnwha, in Botetourt countryj Virginia, ihero in ai l to lo a Kpting tbas ebbs and flows with the tidra of rhc oceunf ft is situated at the headof'a ravino, nhicl. ir flanked by two parallel ridgae'tecmm'atinjr in a mountain of Considerable olovnfcioiiA hunter -if the «<>igborho-xt ha.\ thi

i)honor o£ its discovery. IIo had killed >

y deeron the spot, and wan proceed! ug to shir{ it. xvlmii ftift " !«<> illi <v! n>^1 nHiviim miHUlOUiril

, had been invisible, /nine pairing ibrth <t torrent at hi* very fifot. Kotkuowing wbai9 should next take place, be left his game

and fled wttb all speed to the nearest oetileri In the course of ft few h^rs, or perhnp: &- day, they ventured back, found the spring

dry, but, !>cibre thtir departure, saw it agair; tlovr and ebb, until it w:lj .to longer seen,I Since that timo, it«* regular ebbs aud How.bare been witnessed by Hiuidrcds.- -Lewi.

( bury Chronicle : .

f- .. > »

\ ROYAL COl'llTSHlP.Jxtrd Bacon, in the history of Henry the

[i VII, says: "Wbon tho Wng was ancient^ no bad thoughts of marrying ihe joun(2queen of Kaplan, and sent thiua arnbassa'dors, with curious and axquisito inn'ruclions,fartakings sm/ey of her person, com.

i plexion, Ac."r i Some of tho items of those < instruction,'i T % » a » 4 %MUu spelt, exquxite .

'5. Item. Speeially to mark* and note Wellthe age and etaturp of the said young

> queen, and the fcturya of hir bodye.H. Specially to marko thefator of hir

1v»hoth«>i aLw be paiyr.Ud or cot, r.ad*' whether it bo fhtteorleene, aharpe or row.'! ode, and whether her coantenaooc be

ohairfal and amyublo,frowing or raalincoljr1r oua, atendfiftt or lighl, or blpehtag in


;7 licm* *T"0 note tOG CiuiTUCH.' OX i'lKJ.fkyne.

8. Jtom. to nete the oolpra of Wr>

y v 9. lto*..* To nott well hir tW, browee,r teethe ftud lippee.

10. Item. 1\> mark well the. fracion,

oi mr noto Kiel ibc beitbo tad br.'dt oi

» ^forh#adc->

11 Item. Specially td uoto Jb*r oJmJ8.

Itria. Toto note the of tbeyaf^iWher tb«

, I»\w© of ,l^ir bard bo dulckei or tHyrfnej. Vd ybctW&r t^odef im*<*&$£[£ * ' *;»'&5 f'vli, IfeumTo »oWbir,!iu$«M, wfcfctbpif. theybbe Jongo or aborte, «r<iih>*\& r( Ml

- & taanco

iSgtieare irtj'dicrt about bir lippr** oj


'* * *7

4'1m* "i i %A%,\ A f:

^ftfefcjK$£$t Titlljpru

Ib* <%W\%. iM.it ,, ..

. Jiijia W.tf;m'XU ^BTKRN A Ij.*'.Tuj?I»RB.' f -'*f ;nu.u.i »»i wwfr- i>'"' <*? ?V. .'

.No. 15.,

.. AJJ.. ,iu. . iJUU.i '.i-ji'ji I ) ftir -Vy'lpi ;> '

««| fijra w« cowr'.o wj*, myjjht not fttJiyne to '?.r, kno^licho o. thjii^pyrt o£ this *rticale.? .« i$,*'." }^To tlii. 2?<l r.nif U\ quyn p V,V.4 ,too<i f, ,!-»» jiti 1 oob- well niftu'ilt itfyo.; :1 -'V^Sf' oii i ifftjo, dfynJJthj^oot officii, ou'i , $J tliAt ^(o.dijtilrt^o moot cmwority n»ter 'ff *F"J './ >H arnl »oVii(. .!ui<sj hat >M»or }*> boylcti' wjjfch* syo pmju. «n<l souio lioio abo dryol^e Wtxwm*ij *«"», bttt *K)t often; >'i': .v6v

! tn'oad ot* fcboir niwworK lh»iv ur.^11 I»kifcjii,'< i V,, -w -T-(V»-|Tri^nnrWf£I iojlt with a iou?t praiaovorth fncenuil", '\

; J1 «K I'Mpfaytg*? ' '*>' \;:.v " _*I'KACU AM) UONttV, A tiKNXLK

MAN f.Y 1UUNTK. > /

; | - OKI Judge 06fe mJ* Tuxa*, wa-< charaoj tt riseJ bj hi» Athahu -i;t to that pedit:f| titi beverage balled pe&eh. and honor, <'

( and hy Up hatred of whiskey unJ \«hi*Ikcv drinkcrp White 1 oMmc » oourt n '%jl- * y ** 'V ,6,i Austin, two laen worn brought up on &

Mtfiatgo uC, a drunVon r.ifray. It waa » ,'-^y' "


II plain capo; (he row hnrt ocourrod in tho (7,,;»Mpotyte^reut, in op*m day, and il to

'1 ilty wltacs** to the whole ttun«c>to:i1 So tho two duMnirpu nti*pUhdod guilty,^ by tbo advice of thoir ocur.feel, and throw

1 ji&cmfMrc* on the .njeroy of the courti fThey then brought u(. lor sentenceIj JOpa atcly; . > $<

| a. gndty or an afidiy^V growled- >' "

the Judge , ,' it

t >'4 "Ye*. jour Honor, whined tho offender,thoroughly frightenoi! ^

* v®"jbrunV, I aufpoae/'gnintedtbo A jJ/o

" «'7os, yorir «* llyuof," 'umrmtired the' jjgir ^gfj^nrhonnr. aith hftm» fiiint K««u> /!.**.<, t M»T«u& /« ,t <

been dtuuk would mitigita the^pUftish- ?s"

;;^^KJ"l>runk oa rye wkiaheyj too, I'll irarrant,"xoared tho Judge in. a;* voice -of.thutvlcr -V

"Jt'es, yott* Honor, drunk on' tyU whL«- - *

'Key." '%.a:;A'tim .


'Ofr. Clerk, record & fine of fifty ;dollsraagain at this matt/' cried >.be Judge; ftftendhiut to jail for riity . d»ys. I ahaUftne \: '" ,%the nt**fc on«! who is guilty Under sueh '"

'' ggmrstirg cuoumtUnccf a hundred doi. ,, V.

} }an, am) rend him to jail >Veii months "

ITIiirt was poor cara'ferJprtUc uaforta-. '

bate fclhrvr wfiV- was waiting."'his turn.v ^Frlpd flow cam* forward with feu and trera-!As hs ulcag by bb lawyer, c. >**

that thought! 1! peotiamau,-. whispered h» ,hia ^r:^-.%'Wl^uHho judge aakayoV.^hajgg^ £;you got drunk on, tell hini^u peaoh and"

/ honey/: Oe too* £is stand^. "<I'-You, too, \roup' here W uo\jfcfS'

growled thoohi gnjahing hie teeth,



j||i.gTJtil.! YJp ** 1m, *4+,.' *