The Peanut butter The Peanut butter and Jelly banana and Jelly banana adventure adventure By: Eddie By: Eddie

The Peanut butter and Jelly banana adventure By: Eddie

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Sneaking secretly through the silent hall, the sneaky banana made it so quiet seven mice could stand still and still be heard. As the banana crossed the closet that was cracked open a small crack, but the banana still saw the most beautiful thing ever. Inside the closed closet he saw through the crack a baseball bat. She was a beautiful aluminum cased bat with no scratch or dent in it with a awesome stretchy grasp with leather bindings. As he mad is way past, the bat called out, “Were in the world are you going you wonderful banana? You are a very handsome and heroic my honey bunchy banana.” “I am going on my way to the big kitchen in this big house, be cause it is peanut butter jelly time!” replied the banana. “May you be merciful and take me with you? The Computer Geek never uses me, ever since he got that complicated computer last year, he closed me in the closet.” “Sure, since you have such shiny sheets of aluminum and you sparkle with ever turn, shall you search with me for some satisfying sweats of peanut butter and jelly?” “Yes indeed you yellow yummy banana!”

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The Peanut butter and Jelly The Peanut butter and Jelly banana adventurebanana adventure

By: EddieBy: Eddie

Once upon a time on the internet in some kids Once upon a time on the internet in some kids computer on a program of awesome creations computer on a program of awesome creations there was a banana who craved peanut butter there was a banana who craved peanut butter and jelly. One day the programmer forgot to save and jelly. One day the programmer forgot to save the data and left the program on. Seeing that it the data and left the program on. Seeing that it was open, the banana said, “ I will go and find the was open, the banana said, “ I will go and find the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that I am peanut butter and jelly sandwich that I am craving for.” So he jumped on the Esc. key and craving for.” So he jumped on the Esc. key and said, “Sayonara my sad software friends!” and said, “Sayonara my sad software friends!” and secretly made it out of the room.secretly made it out of the room.

““Good bye, you good and gratful banana!” the Good bye, you good and gratful banana!” the software cried out.software cried out.

Sneaking secretly through the silent hall, the sneaky banana made it so quiet Sneaking secretly through the silent hall, the sneaky banana made it so quiet seven mice could stand still and still be heard. As the banana crossed the seven mice could stand still and still be heard. As the banana crossed the closet that was cracked open a small crack, but the banana still saw the closet that was cracked open a small crack, but the banana still saw the most beautiful thing ever. Inside the closed closet he saw through the most beautiful thing ever. Inside the closed closet he saw through the crack a baseball bat. She was a beautiful aluminum cased bat with no crack a baseball bat. She was a beautiful aluminum cased bat with no scratch or dent in it with a awesome stretchy grasp with leather bindings. scratch or dent in it with a awesome stretchy grasp with leather bindings. As he mad is way past, the bat called out, “Were in the world are you going As he mad is way past, the bat called out, “Were in the world are you going you wonderful banana? You are a very handsome and heroic my honey you wonderful banana? You are a very handsome and heroic my honey bunchy banana.”bunchy banana.”

““I am going on my way to the big kitchen in this big house, be cause it is I am going on my way to the big kitchen in this big house, be cause it is peanut butter jelly time!” replied the banana.peanut butter jelly time!” replied the banana.

““May you be merciful and take me with you? The Computer Geek never uses May you be merciful and take me with you? The Computer Geek never uses me, ever since he got that complicated computer last year, he closed me me, ever since he got that complicated computer last year, he closed me in the closet.”in the closet.”

““Sure, since you have such shiny sheets of aluminum and you sparkle with Sure, since you have such shiny sheets of aluminum and you sparkle with ever turn, shall you search with me for some satisfying sweats of peanut ever turn, shall you search with me for some satisfying sweats of peanut butter and jelly?”butter and jelly?”

““Yes indeed you yellow yummy banana!”Yes indeed you yellow yummy banana!”

Slowly but surely the two sneaked into the kitchen and started Slowly but surely the two sneaked into the kitchen and started looking for some shiny jars of sweet satisfaction. Pretty looking for some shiny jars of sweet satisfaction. Pretty soon they found the treat and they started to eat the soon they found the treat and they started to eat the peanut butter and jelly. When the programmer came back peanut butter and jelly. When the programmer came back into his room, he noticed that it dotted on the screen data into his room, he noticed that it dotted on the screen data destroyed. Astonished, he angrily marched to the kitchen to destroyed. Astonished, he angrily marched to the kitchen to ask his mother about the awful event. Instead of his mother ask his mother about the awful event. Instead of his mother he found the dirty but satisfied couple full from the flavorful he found the dirty but satisfied couple full from the flavorful feast. So he took the banana and put him back in the feast. So he took the banana and put him back in the computer, and the bat in the closet. computer, and the bat in the closet.

““No!!!!” they both cried.No!!!!” they both cried.““Please do not forget me!” the banana called out.Please do not forget me!” the banana called out.I shall never my favorite flavorful filthy banana!” the bat I shall never my favorite flavorful filthy banana!” the bat

called out.called out.

After the incident the programmer realized that the After the incident the programmer realized that the banana was sad about the baseball bat. Seeing banana was sad about the baseball bat. Seeing this, the programmer programmed a powerful this, the programmer programmed a powerful software in the bananas data. With this, the software in the bananas data. With this, the banana went and started to find the passion banana went and started to find the passion buried in the weakness of his one love. Then the buried in the weakness of his one love. Then the programmer showed the baseball bat the programmer showed the baseball bat the beautiful thing of the banana and they somehow beautiful thing of the banana and they somehow got married. got married.

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