First Lutheran Church PO Box 218, 709 5th Ave Washburn, ND 58577-0218 Pastor: Rev. Erik Johnson Phone: 701-462-3775 Church 701-462-3774 Parsonage 701-315-0255 Cell Phone 701-462-3785 Fax E-mail address: [email protected] Web-site address: www.flcwashburn.com CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM OFFICE & NEWSLETTER EDITORIAL STAFF: Jeannette Rost, Administrative Secretary CUSTODIANS: Kim & Joan Zimmerman YOUTH DIRECTOR: Laura Gardner COUNCIL MEMBERS: Rev. Erik Johnson, Pastor Wade Boeshans, President Brent Petersen, Vice President Alyson Teigen, Secretary Donna Sommer, Treasurer Clark Pochant, Property Trustee Suzanne Swanson, Worship Deacon Brenda Suckow, Education Chair Maybell Job, Evangelism Deacon Kathy Keller, Stewardship Trustee NEWSLETTER INFORMATION/ ARTICLES DEADLINE is 20th of each month. Our Mission. . . “Working hand in hand to know Christ and make Christ known through Worship, Christian Education, Evangelism, Fellowship, Caring Ministries, and Service.” “The Parish News” a monthly publication of First Lutheran, linking Church and members’ homes, is mailed from Washburn, ND 58577, Bulk Postal permit #39. THE PARISH NEWS February, 2016 This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a Sun- day. We usually think of Valentine’s Day as a romantic day, a day to give cards or gifts to someone we love. As with most events there is more to the story than that. According to one source (on the internet, of course), “one legend contends that Val- entine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.” We can certainly make a connection of Valentine’s Day to God’s love for us and for all people. Jesus says, 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to con- demn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:16-17). Think of the love that God has for us that He would be willing to go that far, to give His only Son, in order that we have life through faith in Him. That kind of love has power: power to draw us to Him and bind us to Him. That kind of love has power to keep us in a relationship with Him. Jesus is God’s gift of love to the world. There is another verse which shows the power of God’s love. This one comes from Romans 8:37-39. 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rul- ers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. We thank God for the gift of His love in Jesus Christ! See you at worship! Pastor Erik Johnson

THE PARISH NEWS - First Lutheran Church · Chile Hamburger Helper Tomatoes Tomato sauce/paste Spaghetti Sauce Spaghetti Noodles Coffee Tea Hot Chocolate Baked Beans Canned Fruit Noodles

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Page 1: THE PARISH NEWS - First Lutheran Church · Chile Hamburger Helper Tomatoes Tomato sauce/paste Spaghetti Sauce Spaghetti Noodles Coffee Tea Hot Chocolate Baked Beans Canned Fruit Noodles

First Lutheran Church

PO Box 218, 709 5th Ave

Washburn, ND 58577-0218

Pastor: Rev. Erik Johnson


701-462-3775 Church

701-462-3774 Parsonage

701-315-0255 Cell Phone

701-462-3785 Fax

E-mail address:

[email protected]

Web-site address:



Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 AM to

12:30 PM and 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Wednesday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM



Jeannette Rost, Administrative Secretary


Kim & Joan Zimmerman


Laura Gardner


Rev. Erik Johnson, Pastor

Wade Boeshans, President

Brent Petersen, Vice President

Alyson Teigen, Secretary

Donna Sommer, Treasurer

Clark Pochant, Property Trustee

Suzanne Swanson, Worship Deacon

Brenda Suckow, Education Chair

Maybell Job, Evangelism Deacon

Kathy Keller, Stewardship Trustee


ARTICLES DEADLINE is 20th of each


Our Mission. . . “Working hand in hand to know Christ and make Christ known through Worship, Christian Education, Evangelism,

Fellowship, Caring Ministries, and Service.” “The Parish News” a monthly publication of

First Lutheran, linking Church and members’ homes, is mailed from Washburn, ND 58577, Bulk Postal permit #39.

THE PARISH NEWS February, 2016

This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a Sun-day. We usually think of Valentine’s Day as a romantic day, a day to give cards or gifts to someone we love. As with most events there is more to the story than that. According to one source (on the internet, of course), “one legend contends that Val-entine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made

better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.” We can certainly make a connection of Valentine’s Day to God’s love for us and for all people. Jesus says, 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to con-demn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:16-17). Think of the love that God has for us that He would be willing to go that far, to give His only Son, in order that we have life through faith in Him. That kind of love has power: power to draw us to Him and bind us to Him. That kind of love has power to keep us in a relationship with Him. Jesus is God’s gift of love to the world. There is another verse which shows the power of God’s love. This one comes from Romans 8:37-39. 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rul-ers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. We thank God for the gift of His love in Jesus Christ! See you at worship!

Pastor Erik Johnson

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McLean Family Resource Center

Food Pantry Needs

Please check expiration dates on donated items.

The general rule would be to donate items that will

Expire in 2017, 2018, or beyond.

Cash donations always accepted to assist in filling the

freezer with meats and any other needs!

Canned Vegetables

Boxed potatoes

Chili Beans

Kidney Beans



Hamburger Helper


Tomato sauce/paste

Spaghetti Sauce

Spaghetti Noodles



Hot Chocolate

Baked Beans

Canned Fruit


Mac & Cheese

Raviolis/Spaghetti O’s

Oatmeal (packets too)

Crackers: Cheez Its

Chicken In A Biskits

Snacks: Oreos, licorice,

popcorn Granola Bars

Pop Tarts



Tuna Helper

Chicken Helper



Pancake Mix


Canned Meat

Pork n Beans






Facial Tissues

Toilet Paper

Laundry Detergent


There will be a food drive for the benefit of the McLean Family Resource Center from February 7th until February 22nd. The food drive will be used to fulfill the requirements of the

Community Stewards Program sponsored by the North Dakota Farmers Union. If the food drive is a success, the Farmers Union will donate $500.00 to the McLean Family Resource Center.

Below is a list of items they are in need of:

Page 3: THE PARISH NEWS - First Lutheran Church · Chile Hamburger Helper Tomatoes Tomato sauce/paste Spaghetti Sauce Spaghetti Noodles Coffee Tea Hot Chocolate Baked Beans Canned Fruit Noodles

January 7, 2016

President Wade Boeshans called the meeting

to order.

Members Present: Pastor Erik Johnson, Wade

Boeshans, Clark Pochant, Brent Peterson, Duane Knell, Maybell Job, Alyson Teigen, Stacey Scheresky, Suzanne Swanson and Sue Winter.

Pastor Erik led in devotions reading from


Wade thanked outgoing council members –

Duane Knell, Sue Winter and Stacey Scheresky.

Duane/Sue motioned to approve the December

minutes. Motion approved. TREASURER’S REPORT – Duane Knell

Sue/Clark motioned to approve the treasurer’s

report. Motion carried. The balance of accounts as of December 31, 2015 is as follows:

Checking 21,467.26 Building 27,592.76 Cemetery 1,052.40 Interest 1,263.31 Music 0 Parking Lot 25,352.76 Worship 7,404.56 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 11,992.40 TOTAL ASSESTS $96,125.45 PASTOR’S REPORT

Hospital Visits: 1

Home Visits: 4

Nursing Home visits: 5

Other Events: Wedding - Dallas Miller &

Meagan Voigt, December 19, 2015

Pastor plans to attend the following:

February 8-9 in Minneapolis, MN –

Augustana District Conference

May 16-20 in Atlanta – Preaching Conference

August 9-12 in California – NALC Annual Gathering

Pastor and Kathryn are thinking of taking the

week of January 24th off

Pastor discussed Lent services

February 10th is Ash Wednesday

We have watched videos the last few years. Pastor asked if we could possi-bly do a round robin this year. Council agreed.

Pastor thanked outgoing council members –

Duane Knell, Sue Winter and Stacey Scheresky


No report at this time.

WORSHIP – Suzanne Swanson

No report at this time.

EDUCATION – Stacey Scheresky

No report at this time. EVANGELISM – Maybell Job

Committee plans to serve the Lent meal on

March 2nd PROPERTY – Clark Pochant

C&H Glass invoice arrived in the amount of


Clark gave Pastor color samples for the new

parsonage roof Old Business

NALC Bylaw changes – Wade will get together and follow up with Pastor on this

Raise the Roof fundraiser – Alyson went over

the fundraiser and will present it at the Annual Meeting on January 17

Discussion on locking of the church. Duane

mentioned he would like the basement doors locked. The council agreed on the following door procedure: the basement back door will always be locked. Handicapped door will be open while Pastor or Jeannette are at the church. All basement doors will be locked if they are gone. It was noted the motion light on the back side needs to be checked

(Continued on next page)

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New Business

MDU letter – Clark will look into this further TRANSFER REQUESTS Transfer In: none Transfer Out: none Wade went over the Presidents report with the council. Next meeting will be held February 22, 2016 at

7:00 p.m. Clark/Maybell motioned to adjourn. Motioned car-ried. President Wade adjourned the meeting. Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Alyson Teigen Secretary

(Continued from previous page)

President Wade Boeshans called the meeting

to order. After confirming the 45 registered vot-ing members present met the quorum require-ments, opening devotions were led by Pastor Erik.

George Swanson/Sue Winter motioned to ap-

prove the 2015 minutes. Motion carried. PASTOR’S REPORT

See Annual Report

Pastor Erik thanked Kathryn Johnson, Jean-

nette Rost, the council and committees, the outgoing council members and Laura Gardner for all of their support and work.


See Annual Report

Duane thanked counters and Jeannette Rost.

Arden Wagner representing the Financial Com-

pliance Review Committee said the books had been checked and everything is in excellent shape.

Sue Winter/Maybell Job motioned to approve

the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried. PRESIDENT’S REPORT

See Annual Report

Wade thanked the congregation and council

members with a special thanks to the outgoing council members for all of their time and ef-forts.


See Annual Report

Thanked the congregation.

WORSHIP – Suzanne Swanson

See Annual Report

Thanked the council members, Jeannette Rost

and music department. EDUCATION – Stacey Scheresky

See Annual Report

Thanked congregation and council. EVANGELISM – Maybell Job

See Annual Report

Thanked the congregation and council.

PROPERTY – Wade Boeshans

See Annual Report

Old Business


New Business

Discussion was held to amend Sections 9.09,

10.06, 12.01, 12.02, 13.02 and 15.03 of the NALC. Kristi Jaeger/Marlys Knell motioned to approve. Motion carried.

Sheila Link, representing the Nominating Com-mittee stated the committee has secured the

(Continued on next page)


(Soup, bread, salad and bars served at 11:45 AM, followed by the meeting) (These minutes will be approved or changed at the 2017 annual meeting.)

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Thank you Val Swanson & Gayle Johnson for help-ing fold and tape the January newsletter for mail-ing.

Thank you to Hannah Chrest, Emily Scheresky, Dylan VanPelt and Parker Schmidt for putting the blue hymnals back in the pews.

Thank you to all the First Lutheran members who have sent greetings, birthday wishes and cards. It isn’t often that the pastor makes a 400 mile home visit! It was such a surprise and very much appre-ciated. Greetings to all my Washburn friends.

Maythel Dierks Thank you to everyone that participated and

helped out with the Three Days of Prayer. Without you this would not be a success. You can never have to much prayer in your life!

Thank you for your prayers and gift of $375.00. Your financial contribution helps advance the King’s work as your missionaries bring the Gospel to those least likely to have heard, believed, or benefitted from its saving and transforming power. Our monthly newsletter is a quality mission & pray-er resource which brings you the latest news on your 100 missionaries at work in 20 countries. Write [email protected] or phone 612-871-6843 to request a free subscription. We’ll be happy to send it via postal mail, e-mail, or both.

World Mission Prayer League Thank you to the following for accepting positions

on the church council for a three year term: Donna Sommer - Treasurer, Brenda Suckow - Education Chair, and Kathy Keller - Stewardship Trustee. They will be installed at the January 31st worship service.

Thank you to the Men’s Bible Study for taking down the outside nativity.

Thank you goes out to Dick & Barbara Brewster, Maybell Job, Ruth Borlaug, Mac & Judy Beaudry, and Larry & Kathy Keller for delivering Meals on Wheels in January. Your time is very much appre-ciated by the people receiving the meals.

Thank you for thinking of us. The family of Florence Johnson The following is from Laura Gardner: Thank you to Pam Hoffer for her generous dona-

tion of pizza fixings! Thank you Kayla Wiese and Stacy Boeshans for

helping with pizza day. Thank you Stacy Boeshans, Stacey Scheresky,

and Melissa VanPelt for providing meals for the confirmation class.

approval of the following individuals to have their names presented for consideration for the open positions on the church council: Donna Sommer – Treasurer, Brenda Suckow – Education Chair and Kathy Keller – Stewardship Trustee. It was opened to the floor for further nominations. None were forthcoming. Sheila Link/Sue Winter mo-tioned to approve the new council members. Mo-tion carried.

Wade presented the proposed budget for 2016

noting one correction that was inserted. Wade noted a few of the larger items such as the par-sonage roof, new sound system and youth fund-ing.

Alyson Teigen presented the Raise the Roof

Fundraiser – Throughout the next few months, the Church Council will have a RAISE THE ROOF 366 Big Board in the entrance of the church. The Big Board will have donation amounts between $1 and $366, each day of the year corresponding to that dollar amount. Dona-tions can be made in honor of your children or other loved ones. Choose an amount correspond-ing to an important event, baptism, confirmation, anniversary, birthday, etc. The dollars raised will go towards a steel roof in 2017. If our congrega-tion steps up to fill each square on the RAISE THE ROOF 366 Big Board, we will raise over $66,000 which will cover the cost of a new steel roof. We invite you to invest in the future of First Lutheran Church! Select the date/dollar amount you would like to donate off of the board, grab an envelope and place your donation in the attached box. Together we can RAISE THE ROOF!

Randy Hall/Stacey Boeshans motioned to adopt

the proposed budget. Motion carried.

Next council meeting will be held February 22.

Wade Boeshans expressed appreciation from the congregation and presented gifts to the outgoing council members, Duane Knell, Stacey Scheresky and Sue Winter. Wade noted the council is looking at creating an advisory committee to help support and direct our youth director. The church is in a good po-sition and he is excited about the facility and our up-coming fundraising efforts. Peggy Wollmuth/Monte Carvell moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Pastor Erik led in the closing prayer. Alyson Teigen Secretary

(Continued from previous page)

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Page 7: THE PARISH NEWS - First Lutheran Church · Chile Hamburger Helper Tomatoes Tomato sauce/paste Spaghetti Sauce Spaghetti Noodles Coffee Tea Hot Chocolate Baked Beans Canned Fruit Noodles

This year our five Wednesday Lenten services will be a drama series - “The Power of Len” by Rev. Jeff Cottingham and Rev. Dr. Amy C. Little. The Power of Len is a series of Lenten dramas, pairing two charac-ters each week from the story of Jesus’ Passion; bearing witness to what they saw, heard, and felt. Each pair of biblical characters re-flects upon a similar theme for the week, showing how the same events brought about very different reactions to Jesus and his identity.

February 10 - 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday Worship w/Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

February 17 - 7:00 PM

Lenten Worship The Power of Blessing - Pilate and a Child who was Drawn to Jesus

February 24 - 7:00 PM

The Power of Redemption - Judas and the Thief of the Cross

March 2 - 7:00 PM The Power of Faith - Caiaphas and Barabbas

March 9 - 7:00 PM

The Power of Involvement - Woman from the Palm Procession and Peter’s Accuser

March 16 - 7:00 PM The Power of Sacrifice - Mary, Jesus’ Mother and Joseph of Arimathea

Join us on Wednesday nights during Lent for supper and stay for the worship service. Meals are served from 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm. We are in need of groups to sign up to serve a meal. Please talk to Jeannette in the church office if you are interested in an open week. Here is the schedule as of the printing of this newsletter:

February 17 FLCW

February 24

Open - Volunteers Needed

March 2 Evangelism Committee

March 9

Open - Volunteers Needed

March 16 Open - Volunteers Needed

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Page 9: THE PARISH NEWS - First Lutheran Church · Chile Hamburger Helper Tomatoes Tomato sauce/paste Spaghetti Sauce Spaghetti Noodles Coffee Tea Hot Chocolate Baked Beans Canned Fruit Noodles

Happy Valentine’s Day! The Youth Group has a sweet deal for you! They will be channeling their inner Betty Crocker and selling their cake and cupcake creations! Orders will be taken after church service on Sunday, January 31st and February 7th or by contacting Laura at 315-0212. Heart shape cakes are $12 Cupcakes are: 2 - $3 6 - $8 12 - $15 Choose from chocolate, white, or spice cake. All orders will be ready to be picked up on Saturday and Sun-day, February 13

th and 14


We are currently asking for fleece, 2 yards of solid and 2 yards of print to make one blanket. These tie blan-kets will be donated to the Children’s Hospital in Bismarck. We will be creating these and delivering them in the next few weeks. This summer FLY will be attending the LCMC Youth Gathering set for July 19-22, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa! Its part youth gathering, part service work, and totally up our alley! We are also looking ahead and have a mission trip to Alaska in the summer of 2017 in our sites. We know we have a lot of work to do and will be doing a variety of fundraisers. We will also be doing a booth at the Lions Carnival and hosting our Variety Market again. Stay tuned for dates and more information on these! Here’s a few dates to jot down: Wednesday, February 3rd Pizza Day (11:50 am) Sunday, February 7th Valentine’s Day Cake & Cupcake orders will be taken after church Sat-Sun, February 13th & 14th Valentine’s Day Cake & Cupcake orders ready to be picked up at the church FLY’s 2016 Calendars are now on sale! $15 each. In case you missed the annual meeting here’s a rundown of what 2015 looked like for us. We had many ad-ventures and built on our faith foundations as well as friendships! It is a great honor and blessing to work with our youth. We truly have some amazing young people in our church family. It is very exciting to witness and be a part of their spiritual growth. Here’s a little rundown of our year. -Pizza Day, held the first Wednesday of the month during the school year, served 202 kids! -Made 5 fleece blankets for the Children’s Hospital -We served 7 meals together -Had a booth at the Lions Carnival -Hosted our first Variety Market -Went camping twice -Held our first Lock-In -Traveled to Oklahoma for a mission trip -Made 12 love meals and 8 cookie trays for Cops and Cookies -Spent a total of 13 nights together between camping, lock-in, and the mission trip This is just the measurable things we accomplished in 2015! We can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in 2016!

- If we don’t teach our youth to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.-

By Laura Gardner

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Martin Luther Reformation Tour

Pastor Marv Mutzenberger is host-ing a Satrom “Martin Luther Refor-mation Tour” throughout Germany August 17-27, 2016. You are invit-ed to Bismarck’s LaQuinta Inn at 2240 N 12 St at 6:30 pm on Mon-day, February 15 to view a presen-tation about the tour and to discuss it with Pastor Marv and Satrom. If you plan to attend, it would help them to prepare for your presence by phoning an RSVP to 258-5000 or 1-800-833-8787.

Join us for a

Baby Shower

for baby boy Wollmuth

(Son Paul & Jenna Wollmuth,

due in March)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

2:00 PM

Washburn Baptist Church

All are welcome!

LCMC Annual Gathering Videos Now Online!

Videos from the 15th Annual Gathering, themed "Our

DNA", are now available for online streaming at www.lcmc.net in the video blog. All available videos are listed below. Keynote Speakers: Rev. Dr. W. Bruce Wilder, Rev. Dr. Paul M. Cross, Dr. Steve Paulson, Rev. William

Bohline, and a panel discussion with Rev. Mark Vander Tuig, Mrs. Sharon MacFadyen and Rev. Bill Sullivan. Staff Reports: Rev. Mark Vander Tuig, Rev. Dan Clites and Rev. Steve Lien. International Focus: Rev. Dr. Ove Sander.

Worship: Pr. Becky Hand and Rev. John Waak.

Bible Study: Rev. Steven E. King Breakout Sessions: Rev. William Moberly, "Growing

a Missions Sending Culture in Your Congregation"; Rev. David Rispoli, "Traditional Values, Contemporary Lives" and Rev. Dr. David Glesne, "Why Your Church Needs Apologetics". For videos, Annual Gathering books, and other media from past LCMC events, log on to their website at

www.lcmc.net and go to "Events", then "Media & Downloads".

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Executive Board:

Sande Wagner

Sonja Bergstedt


Marlys Knell


Sylvia Thompson

Action (Quilts, LWR Kits): Arlene Schwarz

Sylvia Thompson

Altar Guild:

Theresa Petersen


Kathy Keller

Norma Petersen

Camp of the Cross:

Peggy Moran


Kathy Keller (Meals on Wheels)

Alli Sheldon (Goodies From

the Heart)

Good Cheer:

Mary Ann Beeks

Mary Schulz

Growth (Confirmation &

Graduation Tea and 3rd

Grade Bibles):

Kathryn Johnson

Donna Gunderson


Arlene Schwarz

Deb Wisdom

Nancy Fuchs

Linda Zeller

Kuchen, Lefse, etc.:

Sylvia Thompson

Donna Kroll

Ruth Borlaug


Sharon Chrest

Sande Wagner

Sheila Link

Norma Petersen

Arlene Schwarz

Vivian Merkel

Prayer Chain Chairmen:

Sande Wagner

Arlene Schwarz

Norma Petersen

Receptions/Bulletin Board


Donna Gunderson

Service Secretary:

Sharon Chrest

February, 2016

Please let your hostess know whether or not you will be attending each month.

Hannah Bible Study

February 16, 2016

2:00 PM

at Mary Schulz’s

Deborah Bible Study

February 18, 2016

9:30 AM

at the church

Cathy Sheldon &

Val Swanson Host

Thank you to all who helped deliver Meals on Wheels during the month of January. You are being a "gift" to many when you do this! A special thank you to Jill and Kayla Wiese, who came and spoke on January 19th about their Guatemala mission trips and for those who came to listen and learn. If you didn't come, you missed a wonderful evening. Upcoming Events: February 7 -- Lions' Breakfast -- please bring baked items to support the Meals on Wheels Program. Drop items off at the Memorial Hall between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on February 7th. February 7 -- Prayer Partner Revealing, 2 p.m. February 17 -- Women of the church are in charge of the Lenten meal. February 21 -- General Meeting at 2 p.m. Pastor Erik will speak about Madagas-car and the time he spent there when his parents were missionaries. Everyone is welcome!! February 25 -- Quilting, 9:00 a.m. They still need helpers to make plastic mats at the Methodist Church on Wednes-days, at 2 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Your new 2016 FLCW booklet is in your church mailbox. Please pick it up. Sande Wagner and Sonja Bergstedt, Co-Chairs Whoever walks toward God one step, God runs toward him two. (Jewish Proverb)

"Let us come boldly to the very throne of God." Hebrews 4:16

Quilting February 25, 2016

9:00 AM

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Sunday, February 21, 2016 2:00 PM

First Lutheran Church Basement

Come hear Pastor Erik Johnson speak about Madagascar and the time he spent there when

his parents were missionaries.

Everyone is welcome! Men, Women, Youth

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A bake sale to benefit the local Meals on Wheels program will be held in conjunction with the Washburn Lion’s breakfast on Sunday, February 7, 2016 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Washburn Memorial Hall basement.

If you are interested in participating, please bring your baked items to the basement of the

Memorial Hall from 9:00 am - 10:00 am on February 7th. Prices do not need to be marked. Please identify the item if convenient. If you are not a baker, you can support the cause by

purchasing baked goods! Thank you for your continued support.

Questions? Call Val Hetletved, Lions Representative at 462-3520.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

5:30 pm - 6:45 pm

Free-will Offering

Served by the First Lutheran Church Women

Proceeds will go to help pay camperships for First Lutheran youth going to

Camp of the Cross this summer.

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As of January 24, 2016:

Our envelope giving is $11,031.00 with a yearly budget of $180,000.00.

The plate giving is $197.00

with a yearly budget of $7,000.00.

“Raise the Roof” balance is $3,700.00

Thank you for your giving.


Throughout the next few months, the Church Council will have a RAISE THE ROOF 366 Big Board in the entrance of the church. The Big Board will have do-nation amounts between $1 and $366, each day of the year corresponding to that dollar amount. Dona-tions can be made in honor of your children or other loved ones. Choose an amount corresponding to an important event, baptism, confirmation, anniversary, birthday, etc. The dollars raised will go towards a steel roof. If our congregation steps up to fill each square on the RAISE THE ROOF 366 Big Board, we will raise over $66,000 which will cover the cost of a new steel roof. We invite you to invest in the future of First Lutheran

Church! Select the date/dollar amount you would like

to donate off of the board, grab an envelope and

place your donation in the attached box. We will up-

date our progress on the Big Board as well as in the

newsletter. Together we can RAISE THE ROOF!

Let me begin this month by thanking all of you for voting for me as your Stewardship chair for the next three years. With your prayers we will grow the Stewardship of First Lutheran and ac-complish good things! I will try and keep you informed through this col-umn of what the Stewardship committee is working on as well as keep you abreast of where we are with our fundraisers as well as with our service project in case you miss them in the monthly minutes. My motto for the next three years I chose from a Thrivent Inspiration calendar:

"Stewardship begins with our gifts from God.

It continues through our service to theirs." The Bible verse I hope you will all keep in mind is from 1 Peter 4:10:

'Use whatever gift you have received

to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace

in its various forms.' Together let us go forward in these next three years to find those new gifts and continue to use those of which we are already aware. Let us continually show our Lord we intend to re-main His faithful stewards and live our lives in His wonderful grace. Yours in stewardship, Kathy Keller Stewardship Trustee

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Shelly Charging Darrell & Sherry Kinnischtzke

Wyat & Carissa Klabunde Duane & Marlys Knell

David & Jeneen Loe Jennifer Dutoit

Brent & Theresa Petersen Terry & Norma Petersen

Sylvia Thompson Arnold & Roberta Voigt

Lee & Annette Weisgarber Bob & Sandy Weisgarber

Membership of First Lutheran was divided into 12 groups that each took a month to be responsible for ushering and coffee serving. The idea was that we could encourage more fellowship and participation. That would mean that each of us only had to volunteer for one month a year. Please step up and take your turn in service for your First Lutheran community. The list below is the service group scheduled for March. The service coordi-nators are John & Helen Samuelson. If your name is on this list, please

check the calendar and see what Sunday(s) or Lenten services in March works best for you and give John or Helen a call at 462-8321. If John or Helen calls you, please prayerfully consider how you can help. If you don’t see your name on this list, your month is coming. Please say yes, when called. Thank you for doing your part and participating in our worship service.

SUNDAY USHERS/GREETERS - 9:30 AM 7 - Dwight & Margaret Rasmussen Wade & Stacy Boeshans 14 - Ardee Kurle Dennis & Gayle Johnson 21 - Kim & Brenda Ankenbauer Dennis & Gayle Johnson 28 - Mac & Judy Beaudry Dennis & Gayle Johnson ACOLYTES 7 - Jordan Waldren & Logan Schmitz 14 - Tolya Boeshans & Christian Gardner 21 - Karly Smith & Dylan VanPelt 28 - Emily Scheresky & Christian Gardner ALTAR CARE Donna & Noelle Kroll SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READERS 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 -

COMMUNION ASSISTANTS 7 - 21 - COFFEE HOUR SERVERS 7 - Dwight & Margaret Rasmussen 14 - Dennis & Gayle Johnson 21 - Sandy, Devan & Brittany Schell 28 - Mac & Judy Beaudry ASH WEDNESDAY USHERS/GREETERS 10 - Mac & Judy Beaudry Dennis & Gayle Johnson ASH WEDNESDAY COMMUNION ASSISTANTS 10 - LENT USHERS/GREETERS 17 - Dennis & Gayle Johnson 24 - Ardee Kurle Dennis & Gayle Johnson SERVICE GROUP COORDINATORS Dennis & Gayle Johnson


A sign up sheet is in the narthex for altar flowers thru May 29. If there is a Sunday you would like to re-serve, please sign up now before the date is taken. Remember, you furnish the flowers and make sure they get to the church. After the service you can ei-ther take them home or leave them to be used the next Sunday.

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February 6 Work Day at the Camp February 26-28 Snow Fest for families, youth

and individuals February 28 ***CCM Annual Meeting at

Camp of the Cross March 3-6 Crafting Weekend March 31-April 3 Crafting Weekend April 8 S'mores and Much More Gala

Fundraiser, Bismarck Country Club

April 8-9 7th-9th Grade Bash April 15-17 Women's L.I.F.E. Weekend

(Living In Faith Everyday) April 22-23 4th-6th Grade Bash May 1-3 Theology on the Prairie As was mentioned in the year 2015 in review annu-al report to constituent congregations in January's newsletter, Ingrid Floersheim has joined the CCM team in January as the Program Manager for Adult Ministries and is getting around to meet people and advance adult programming. The part-time regis-trar has resigned to take full time employment else-where, so there is an open year-round part-time position currently at the Camp. They are also re-cruiting for summer staff counselors. Know any college age young adults that may be interested in summer employment?

** Saturday, February 6th, is a Work Day - indoor small projects ... cleaning, painting, etc. (projects to be determined by RSVP num-bers) ... lunch is provided! I might add, DELI-CIOUS lunches -- I will attest -- I enjoyed the Work Day and lunch January 16th!

** Sunday, February 28, 2016, at 4:00 pm is the

Camp of the Cross Annual Meeting being held at the Camp of the Cross. In case of inclem-ent weather, there will be an alternate site and date. Everyone is welcome at the meet-ing. For voting purposes, each congregation shall designate THREE representatives and their rostered leader(s). Please consider be-ing a delegate and let Peggy Moran or Pastor Erik know if you will plan to attend the meeting to represent First Lutheran Church.

Come check out the new building! The first event has already been held in it (studs and boarded win-dows and all) -- Pastor Erin Gullickson's ordination January 3rd was jam-packed with chairs, standing room only!!!! The staff pulled together to even serve a roast beef supper after the service IN the new building -- what a crew we have there! Thank you, Peggy Moran

Pictured front: Keaton & Beckett back: Neil, Porter & Sarah

Porter Hayes Kadrmas

baptized January 10, 2016

We welcome Porter as our Newest member of

First Lutheran Church.

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Happy Birthday to the following First Lutheran members who have birthdays in February. If you have a birthday in February and your name does not appear on this list, that means either the church office does not have a record of it or you have requested that it not be published. If you would like it published, please get the information to the church office.

First Lutheran February Birthdays


1 Pam Hoffer

Suzy Jacobson

2 Adam Jorgenson

Abby Tweeten

3 Kyle Smith

4 Jameson Bickert

5 Larry Keller

Berandt Olafson

Cade Richards


7 Vivian Merkel

8 Karen Rothmann

Char Syverson

9 Breah Philbrick

10 Donna Gunderson

Joan Zimmerman

11 Madisyn Biesterfeld

Willie Ziemann

12 Nancy Fuchs

Wendy Miller

13 Allen Oster

14 Lee Weisgarber

15 16 Madison Sommer

17 18 Madelynn Baumann

Wendy Goehring

Kenady Hansen

19 Mary Ann Beeks

20 Joy Hanson

Steven Wollmuth

21 Dick Olson

Brianna Sayler

22 Ivadell Larson

23 Kevin Johnson

Arnold Voigt

24 Tera Gulstad

25 Tammy Nordquist

Morie Sailer

Sherry Schmitz

26 Hannah Chrest

Mathew Pfleiger

27 Braydee Hanson

Alli Sheldon

28 Dale Schell



Although Lent starts early this year, before spring appears in many areas, it’s an appropriate time for spring cleaning. In-deed, Lent comes from old German and English words for “spring.” So, while it might be too soon to open windows or hang clothes on the line, now is the ideal time for some spiritual spring cleaning. Lent calls us to examine our beliefs, confess and dispose of old grudges and selfish habits, dust off our Bibles for a new routine of study and prayer, air out our hearts and brighten up our atti-tudes. “Lent cleaning” lets the Holy Spirit freshen our faith —- and it’s never to early for that.

LIGHT AMID DARKNESS Poet Martha Snell Nicholson (1886-1957) was bedridden by four incura-ble diseases, but decades of pain didn’t dampen her faith. In fact, she wrote some of the most beloved lines of Christian verse during the darkest times —- including the death of her husband. Nicholson inspired millions of people, including World War II soldiers who received tracts with her writings. Her poem “The Other Side” shares the hope that believers in Jesus pos-sess, no matter what we face here on earth.

This isn’t death, it’s glory! It isn’t dark, it’s light’ it isn’t stumbling, groping, or even faith —- it’s sight. This isn’t grief, it’s having my last tear wiped away. It’s sunrise, it’s the morning of my eternal day!


Dear righteous Lord, we enter the holy season of Lent confess-ing our many sins that separate us from you. We’re sincerely sorry for offending you repeatedly through our thoughts, our words and our actions, too. Forgive us, Lord, and show us your tender mercy. Restore and strengthen us to become your faithful and faith-filled servants. During our Lenten journey, remind us to show mercy to other people, just as you’ve shown mercy to us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Fund given to & by whom In Memory of Altar Flower Fund ................................................ $0.00 Building Fund ................................................. $2295.00 Rick & LeAnn Richard ...................................... Gary Bitz Wes Sauer ........................................... Duane Hetletved Wes Sauer ................................................... Elmer Miller Sharon Chrest ........................................ Shirley Stevens Dick & Barbara Brewster ........................ Shirley Stevens Rick & LeAnn Richard ............................ Shirley Stevens Kris & Melanie Beckman .............................. Elmer Miller Kris & Melanie Beckman ...................... Duane Hetletved The following are all IMO Al Carvell: Arden & Sandy Wagner Mary Ann Beeks Rick & LeAnn Richard Ardee Kurle A.J. & Doddie Kuntz Shirley Nelson Dennis & Gayle Johnson Tracy Martin Rick & Laura Tweeten Dennis & Betty Kost, Rob & Gretchen Kost & Family Jeff & Katie Kulzer & Family David & Roseann Lindell Mary Schulz Dwight & Joy Hanson Jacki Young Wade & Renae Anderson Terry & Donna Gunderson Al & Esther Herman Skip & Lois Samuelson Wanda Giedd Gary & Cindy Thiel Elaine Carr Tom & Coleen Schulz Scott & Lori Buchholtz Bob & Sandra Weisgarber Pat & Diane Carpentier Gordon & Janice Persinger, Kelly & Olivia Persinger, Brad & Sandra Persinger Dorothy Kitterman Lowell & Karen Rothmann Warren & Lucille Anderson Guy & Juliane Halvorson Betty Voth Layton & Mavis Freborg Leo Sayler Marlene Slagg Steve & Kay Reiser Brent & Theresa Petersen Larry & Karen Scholl

Fund given to & by whom In Memory of Building Fund (cont.) Don & Loretta Striefel Doug & Dana Reiser Larry Thomas Derald & Maxine Rothmann Wayne & Jude Heringer Rick & Bonnie Steiner Kevin & Donna Anderson & Brady Wes & Pat Sick Terry & Norma Petersen Nick & Ann Reisenauer Jeff & Nancy Leidholm Meri Martin & Family Wayne & Denise Carlson Milo Holznagel Milton & Ardis Carvell Pat & Shelley Haugen Mary & Ron Leidholm Mike & Shawn Leingang & Family Sharon Chrest Dick & Carla Bickert DeWayne & Peggy Moran Ray & Edie Sheldon Brad & Cathy Sheldon Dean & Robyn Anderson Douglas & Jane Schulz Jerry & Pat Elliott George & Laurie Sheldon Clark & Claudette Ness Larry & Kathy Keller Brad & Lori Foss Bob & Ethel Mart Lon & Diane Volrath Bill & Lori Otis Randy & Janet Hanson Wes Sauer Keith & Mary Hoffman Jim & Jan Stoppler Herb Neukircher Royal & Pam Lyson Walt & Carla Elliot Kathy Wachendorf Jason & Cynthia Schauer Tom & Piquette Heger Sully & Linda Kloster Skip & Pam Oberg Dick & Barbara Brewster Brian & Connie Larson Larry & Shirley Richter David & Ruth Borlaug Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation Kris & Melanie Beckman

(Continued on next page)

Memorial Gifts Given to Special Funds

(Sunday, January 3 to Sunday, January 24)

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The following people were prayed for by request at worship this past

month through January 24th. If we missed you or your loved ones, or your prayer requests, please accept our apologies.

Please let the church office know before you

enter the hospital for planned surgeries, during any hospitalization, or about your

illnesses and any special needs that we may pray for you.

Allen Oster Marilyn Huckle - Mother to Laurie Sheldon Clark Ness Donna Mueller - Mother to Mary Lauf Sue Gardner - Mother to Matt Gardner Kayla Wiese Brother & Sister of Ann Reisenauer Denny Hamling Wayne Wollmuth - Brother to Steve

Wollmuth Maury Krebsbach - Brother to Alton

Krebsbach Jerry Richards - Father to Steve Richards Arlene Bender Ken Kadrmas Francis Krebsbach - Peggy Wollmuth’s Dad Dan Inches - Nephew to Mary Schulz Cheryl Freed - Sister-in-law to Sharon

Chrest Curtis Jorgenson - Carla Bickert’s Father Family of Florence Johnson on her death Carol Kuball Linda Zeller Pam Boger - Sister to Steve Wollmuth Thanks that all students @ BSC were safe Amy Klain Family of Gene Lasher on his death Family of Shirley Stevens on her death

Our sympathy goes out to:

Jeff & Nancy Leidholm on the death of Nancy’s mother, Florence Johnson.

Bob & Marlene Frank on the death of Marlene’s mother, Shirley Stevens

May God give them comfort in this time of sorrow.

Fund given to & by whom In Memory of Raising the Roof ........................................... $2,535.00 Arnie & Sheila Link ........................................... Al Carvell Monte & Victoria Carvell ...... Arthur & Florence Johnson Terry & Norma Petersen ...................... Russell Petersen Camp of The Cross .............................................. $0.00 Camp of The Cross Building Campaign ............ $0.00 Cemetery Fund ..................................................... $0.00 China Service Ventures ....................................... $0.00 Decorating (Church) ............................................ $0.00 General Fund .................................................... $145.00 Steve & Peggy Wollmuth ................................. Al Carvell Dwight & Margaret Rasmussen ....................... Al Carvell Howard & Elda Johnson (2 times) ............ Lane Johnson Steve & Peggy Wollmuth ........ A.K. & Florence Johnson Jim & Gwen Borlaug ............ In Honor of Maythel Dierks’ 100th Birthday Mac & Judy Beaudry .............................. Shirley Stevens Steve & Peggy Wollmuth ....................... Shirley Stevens Global Missions, Other (Outside the U.S.) ........ $0.00 Local/Other U.S. Missions................................... $0.00 Library ................................................................... $0.00 Lutheran Social Services .................................... $0.00 Lutheran World Relief ........................................ $45.00 Sylvia Thompson ............................................. Al Carvell Dewey & Wanda Oster .......................... Bernard Paulish Dewey & Wanda Oster .................................... Al Carvell Music Fund ......................................................... $30.00 George & Val Swanson .................................... Al Carvell Arden & Sande Wagner ..................... Geraldine Hansen Parking Lot Fund ............................................. $115.00 A.J. & Doddie Kuntz (3 times) ....................... Keith Kuntz Tom & Vivian Merkel ........................................ Al Carvell Dick & Kitty Tweeten ........................................ Al Carvell Relief Missions ..................................................... $0.00 Sunday School ..................................................... $0.00 Vacation Bible School ......................................... $0.00 World Hunger ....................................................... $0.00 Worship Fund ....................................................... $0.00

(Continued from previous page)

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Groundhog Day 7:00 AM

Men’s Breakfast

Bible Study

10:00 AM

Mommy’s Group

3 11:50 AM

7-12 Grade Pizza

5:45 PM


6:45 PM

Bell Choir

6:45 PM

FLY Jr. High

7:30 PM


4 AM

Pastor Erik at

Text Study

5 6


Transfiguration of Our


Holy Communion

Boy Scout Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday 8:30 AM Bible Study

9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Fellowship/

Coffee Hour

10:45 AM Sunday School

Bible Study

2:00 PM Prayer Partner

Revealing Tea

7:00 PM AA Meeting


9 7:00 AM

Men’s Breakfast

Bible Study

10:00 AM

Mommy’s Group


Ash Wednesday 6:15 PM

Bell Choir

7:00 PM

Ash Wednesday

Worship w/Holy


8:00 PM


11 AM

Pastor Erik at

Text Study

12 12:30 PM




First Sunday in Lent

Valentine’s Day 8:30 AM Bible Study

9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Fellowship/

Coffee Hour

10:45 AM Sunday School

Bible Study

7:00 PM AA Meeting


President’s Day

16 7:00 AM

Men’s Breakfast

Bible Study

10:00 AM

Mommy’s Group

2:00 PM

Hannah Bible

Study at Mary


2:00 PM

Home Health

Group Meeting

17 5:30 - 6:45 PM

Lenten Meal

Served by FLCW

6:15 PM

Bell Choir

7:00 PM

Lenten Worship

8:00 PM


18 Newsletter



Pastor Erik at

Text Study

9:30 AM

Deborah Bible

Study at the

Church - Cathy

Sheldon & Val

Swanson Host

19 20 10:00 AM

Baby Shower for

Ashley (Swanson)



Second Sunday in Lent

Holy Communion

8:30 AM Bible Study

9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Fellowship/

Coffee Hour

10:45 AM Sunday School

Bible Study

2:00 PM FLCW

General Meeting

7:00 PM AA Meeting


7:00 PM

Council Meeting

23 7:00 AM

Men’s Breakfast

Bible Study

10:00 AM

Mommy’s Group

24 5:30 - 6:45 PM

Lenten Meal

Served by ???

6:15 PM

Bell Choir

7:00 PM

Lenten Worship

8:00 PM


25 AM

Pastor Erik at

Text Study

9:00 AM





Third Sunday in Lent 8:30 AM Bible Study

9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Fellowship/

Coffee Hour

10:45 AM Sunday School

Bible Study

4:00 PM 4-H Rockstars

7:00 PM AA Meeting


Pastor Erik at Augustana

District Conference

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F irs t Lutheran Church

709 5th Ave .

P .O. Box 218

Washburn , ND 58577-0218



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Washburn, ND

Permit No. 39 Phone: 701-462-3775

Fax: 701-462-3785

Email: [email protected]

February, 2016 Newsletter

“Working hand in hand to

know Christ and make

Christ known through

Worship, Christian

Education, Evangelism,

Caring Ministries, and


Address Service Requested


Bible Study - 8:30 AM

Worship Service - 9:30 AM

Coffee/Fellowship Hour - 10:30 AM

Sunday School - 10:45 AM

Bible Study - 10:45 AM

AA Meeting - 7:00 PM