THE PANDA The Symbol of China. The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Kingdom – ANIMALIA Phylum – CHORDATA Class – MAMMALIA Order – CARNIVORA Family

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  • THE PANDA The Symbol of China
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  • The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Kingdom ANIMALIA Phylum CHORDATA Class MAMMALIA Order CARNIVORA Family - URSIDAE
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  • Natural Habitat - Inhabits in south-central China - Mountains of Southwest China HOTSPOT
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  • Giant Panda Facts Body shape typical of bears Has a black and white coat Adults measure around 4-6 feet Weights 220-250 pounds Live around 20 years in wild (30 years in captivity)
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  • Behavior Eats 22-30 pounds of bamboo shoots a day Does not hibernate Maintains solitary lifestyle Females are not tolerant of each other Communicates through vocalization and scent marking
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  • Endangered Species Human activity (hunting and poaching) Continued habitat loss Low birth rate Pollution
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  • Nature Reserve in China
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  • How can we protect it? Replant forests Reduce pollution Educate more people Government regulations and laws Increase artificial habitats (zoos, reserves)
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  • Laws for Panda Protection The Forest Law The Law of Protection of Wildlife The Environmental Protection Law Criminal Law
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  • Panda Diplomacy A wildly popular way for China to soft the relations with other countries Panda is the National Symbol of China A panda signified special friend status China Japan relationship (Lingling) Ling Ling, a male giant panda, at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo.
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  • Lets protect all forms of life on Earth!
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  • Works Cited Franzen, H (2001). Nature Reserve Cant Protect Giant Panda. Scientific American from: Bedford, C (2011). Improbable Pandas. The Nature Conservancy. from: Platt, R, J (2010). Imperiled giant Pandas need replanted bamboo forests in order to reconnect. Scientific American.From: pandas-need-replanted-bamboo-forests-in-order-to-reconnect/ pandas-need-replanted-bamboo-forests-in-order-to-reconnect/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. (2008). WORLD BRIEFING | ASIA; China: Hold the Matzo Balls. New York Times. from: Lindburg, D., & Baragona, K. (2004). GIANT PANDAS: Biology and Conservation. Berkeley: University of Califorlia Press.