THE ORDER OF WORSHIP FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST July 17, 2011 10:00 a.m. ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME Organ Prelude The Life and Work of the Church Welcome, friends and members Please sign back page of bulletin Nursery care available in Education Building Restrooms found in Education Building Prayer requests for offering plate Fellowship Hour following worship Announcements – please use microphone A Time of Greeting Steeple Bell Call to Worship: Psalm 139 God has searched us and known us. God knows when we sit down and when we rise up. God discerns our thoughts from far away. God knows us deeply and loves us endlessly. Praise God!

THE ORDER OF WORSHIP€¦ · Thank you to all who so generously contributed supplies for the Urban Promise camps. The items were delivered Monday, June 13, and were The items were

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July 17, 2011 10:00 a.m.


Organ Prelude The Life and Work of the Church Welcome, friends and members Please sign back page of bulletin Nursery care available in Education Building

Restrooms found in Education Building Prayer requests for offering plate Fellowship Hour following worship Announcements – please use microphone A Time of Greeting Steeple Bell Call to Worship: Psalm 139

God has searched us and known us. God knows when we sit down and when we rise up. God discerns our thoughts from far away. God knows us deeply and loves us endlessly. Praise God!

*Hymn: “Give Thanks”

*Prayer of Adoration *The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Lord, you have searched us and known us. You understand how lost we sometimes feel, for evil has surrounded and grown in us. We confess that we have acted in our own interests, without concern for others. We have betrayed those we love, told lies to protect ourselves, and taken things we had no right to own. Loving God, forgive our selfishness and deliver us from evil. Astound us with your mercy, ground us in your grace,

and lead us in your way everlasting. (silent prayers)

Assurance of Pardon

*Sung Response: “Awesome God”


Prayer for Illumination Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 28:10-19a Page: OT 25 Special Music: “When Thou Art Near” J. S. Bach Katie Hendrix A Scripture Conversation

Psalm 139

1. You know when I rise up; you know when I rest; you read my thoughts from far away. You watch over each step; you know when I sleep; you are acquainted with all my ways. Refrain.

2. Even before a word is on my lips, you know what is in my heart. You are before me and behind me and all around me; you lay your hand upon me. Refrain.

3. Where shall I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there; you are in the depths of the sea. Refrain.

4. If I could fly to the morning sun or dwell near the farthest sea, even there I would be guided by your hand; your right hand would hold me fast. Refrain.

5. If I be covered by darkness, or the light around me be turned to night, the darkness is not dark to you, and the night is as bright as the day. Refrain.

6. Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if I follow the path of evil, and lead me in the way of eternal life. Refrain.

Epistle Lesson: Romans 8:12-25 Page: NT 158

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 13:24-30 Page: NT 14

Sermon: “Along the Way”

*Hymn “We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder”

*An Affirmation of Faith: A Declaration of Faith, 9.5 Christ calls us to pilgrimage toward the kingdom. Jesus announced the coming of God’s kingdom and its hidden presence in the midst of the world’s kingdoms. He taught his disciples to seek God’s kingdom first. We believe Christ gives us and demands of us lives in pilgrimage toward God’s kingdom. Like Christ we may enjoy on our journey all that sustains life and makes it

pleasant and beautiful. No more than Christ are we spared

the darkness, ambiguity, and threat of life in the world.

We are in the world, but not of the world. Our confidence and hope for ourselves and other people

do not rest in the powers and achievements of this world, but in the coming and hidden presence of God’s kingdom.

Christ calls each of us to a life appropriate to that kingdom:

to serve as he has served us; to take up our cross, rising the consequences of faithful discipleship; to walk by faith, not by sight, to hope for what we have not seen.


Offerings of Tithes and Gifts Offertory Reception of Offerings by Ushers


*Doxology (#592) Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Prayer of Thanks Pastoral Prayers

*Hymn: “I Want to Be Ready”


*Charge and Benediction Steeple Bell Congregational Meeting Organ Postlude You may recycle your bulletins in the basket at the back of the Meeting House. Use this space to make note for yourself of prayer concerns raised and insights received:

Child Care for infants is available. Please see an usher for directions. Children ages 2 and above may exit after the Scripture Conversation for Someplace Else (a lesson and activities in the CE Building) or remain in worship. Children of any age are always welcome in worship.


Please see an usher to receive hearing assistance, a large print bulletin or bible, or a personal seat cushion.

Worship Assistance

Prayer List

Nursing Home and Hospital:


Charlotte Mitchell Manor Care 5651 Limestone Road Wilmington, DE 19808-1254 phone: 302-239-8583 Arline Olds The Arbors at New Castle 32 Buena Vista Dr, Room 207B New Castle, DE 19720 phone: 302-328-1216

At Home: Sarah Reeves 101 Edge Avenue New Castle, DE 19720 (302) 652-4492

To place a name on the Prayer Chain, contact Fran Gingher, 994-5988 [email protected] or Susan Flook, 328-7346 [email protected]

Jean Swanson 18 E. 4th Street New Castle, DE 19720 (302) 322-3288

The Flowers are given to the glory of God by:

Karen Dobson In Memory of Erle “Buddy” Dobson

Special Gifts Memorial Case: Harry Montgomery Sr.


Evelyn O’Neill 1905-2004

This morning, our Ushers are:

Jim & Bev Stoudt

Someplace Else (Children’s Bible Study and Activities): Esther Lindell, Susan Jones & Ron Studd

Congregational Meeting

The congregation will meet this morning after worship for the purpose of electing two deacons to the Classes of 2012 and 2014. The Nominating Committee will place in nomination the names of: Kaitlyn Raker (2012) has been a part of the New Castle Presbyterian Church since she was 2 years old, when she was baptized by Reverend David Joynt. She has been an active member since 2005. Kaitlyn is active in both the Choir and the Colonial Chimers. She participates in the Easter Fair, Spirit of Christmas, One Shot Service Sunday, and Vacation Bible School. She has been a member of the youth group and has attended the Montreat Youth Conference numerous times. Kaity is a recent graduate of Newark High School, where she was part of the Chamber Orchestra. She will be attending the University of Delaware this fall to study Art Conservation. Kaitlyn’s parents Lisa and Bruce and her brother Chris are also part of our church family. Linda Twyford (2014): I joined NCPC after my marriage to Doug in 1977, transferring from a Methodist background to the Presbyterian arena. I discussed long hours about this pre-destination idea with the pastor at the time and joined the family at NCPC anyway. Choir gave me a chance to offer my voice among the other wonderful voices and gave me fellowship with George (bass), Doug (Bass), and Christine (soprano). Could've been called the "Twyford quartet". I slid into the alto row, but soon discovered I needed to change rows. After joining our church, I served on the Deacons as accountant. I've also volunteered for many of the activities in church: the Antiques Show (serving), the Candlelight Tour of New Castle (the predecessor of Spirit of Christmas) as hostess, and one term as Deacon. Now I'm happy to join in with this forward-moving church by continuing to serve on the Board of Deacons.

The Nominating Committee is still searching for one trustee to serve a three year term. Many members have been approached, but declined for good reasons. We are all busy. Many, many of us have already served as officers. The fact remains, we need a member to be moved by the Spirit of God to volunteer. Primary responsibility is the stewardship and maintenance of the buildings, grounds and use of other material resources of the congregation. Each member agrees to serve in

A Trustee Is Needed

one of the following ways: as President, Secretary, primary responsibility for the CE building, cemetery, grounds, manse, memorial garden, contracts and the sanctuary. Trustees also take turns counting plate offerings on Sundays. Members (along with all other church officers and member volunteers) take turns providing coffee hours. If you have any interest in helping, please contact Monty Gerhart at [email protected] or at 302-328-0908.

Urban Promise Dinner and Supplies

Thank you to all who so generously contributed supplies for the Urban Promise camps. The items were delivered Monday, June 13, and were much appreciated. We will be hosting a dinner for approximately 35 Urban Promise Team Leaders on Sunday, July 31. If you would like to prepare and donate a food item, please enter your name on the signup sheet in the CE building. Some ever popular choices are:

Lasagna Macaroni and Cheese Fresh fruit Salads of all types Corn on the cob

Chicken Pizza Subs Vegetarian dishes Desserts

Anyone wishing to attend the dinner or help with the serving or clean up is more than welcome. Just sign your name on the list provided.

July Birthdays and Anniversaries

Marcia Quillen, 7/3 Susan Jones, 7/4

Jennifer Atherton, 7/7 George Spock, 7/8

Jim Stoudt, 7/10 Bess Coleman, 7/11

James Werkheiser, 7/13 Carl Witt, 7/15

Susan Werkheiser, 7/16 Jenna Duncan, 7/19 Grace Hayford, 7/19

Joseph Harrington, 7/21 Jeffrey Reed, 7/24

Susan Townsend, 7/25 Beverly Stoudt, 7/29

Andrew Lundgren, 7/30 Janet Spring, 7/31

Bev & Jim Stoudt, 7/12

Candace & Daniel Dunson, 7/14 Richard & Ginny Appleby, 7/18 Robert & Ruth Lindfors, 7/22

This Week’s Schedule

SUNDAY 7/17 10:00am Worship & Someplace Else 11:00am Congregational Meeting 11:05am Fellowship Hour 11:15am Nominating Committee Monday 7/18 6:45pm Dancers Wednesday 7/20 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal Thursday 7/21 7:00pm Al-Anon Meeting Saturday 7/23 8:00 am Tai Chi SUNDAY 7/24 10:00am Worship – Kit Schooley Preaching & Someplace Else 11:00am Fellowship Hour Kris will be on vacation, Monday, 7/18. Pastor Nancy will be at Montreat from July 23-30.