The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the Private-Social Wedge David Albouy and Nathan Seegert July 23, 2010 The authors would like to thank seminar participants at the Michigan Public Finance Lunch and Urban Economics Association provided valuable feedback, and in particular Richard Arnott, Bernard Salanie, William Strange, Wouter Vermeulen, and Dave Wildasin for their help and advice. The Michigan Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) provided research funding and Noah Smith provided valuable research assistance. Any mistakes are our own. Please contact the author by e-mail at [email protected] or by mail at University of Michigan, Department of Economics, 611 Tappan St. Ann Arbor, MI.

The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

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Page 1: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and

the Private-Social Wedge

David Albouy and Nathan Seegert∗

July 23, 2010

∗The authors would like to thank seminar participants at the Michigan Public Finance Lunch and UrbanEconomics Association provided valuable feedback, and in particular Richard Arnott, Bernard Salanie,William Strange, Wouter Vermeulen, and Dave Wildasin for their help and advice. The Michigan Center forLocal, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) provided research funding and Noah Smith provided valuableresearch assistance. Any mistakes are our own. Please contact the author by e-mail at [email protected] by mail at University of Michigan, Department of Economics, 611 Tappan St. Ann Arbor, MI.

Page 2: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose


The conventional wisdom is that market forces cause cities to be inefficiently large, and public pol-

icy should limit city sizes. This wisdom assumes, unrealistically, that city sites are homogeneous,

that land is given freely to incoming migrants, and that federal taxes are neutral. In a general

model with city heterogeneity and cross-city externalities, we show that cities may be inefficiently

small. This is illustrated in a system of monocentric cities with agglomeration economies in pro-

duction, where cross-city externalities arise from land ownership and federal taxes. A calibrated

model accounting for heterogeneous suggests that in equilibrium, cities may be too numerous and


JEL Numbers: H24, H5, H77, J61, R1

Page 3: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

1 Introduction

Cities define civilization and yet are often perceived as too large. Positive urban externalities

from human capital spillovers – seen by Lucas (1988) as the key to economic growth – and from

greater matching and sharing opportunities (Duranton and Puga 2004), provide the agglomeration

economies that bind firms and workers together in cities. These centripetal forces are countered

by centrifugal forces that keep the entire population from agglomerating into one giant megacity.

Such centrifugal forces include the urban disamenities of congestion, crime, pollution, and con-

tagious disease, all thought to increase with population size. Many economists, including Tolley

(1974), Arnott (1979), Upton (1981), Abdel-Rahman (1987), and Fenge and Meier (2002), have

argued that because migrants to cities do not pay for the negative externalities that they cause, free

migration will cause cities to become inefficiently large from a social point of view. This view is

presented as fact in O’Sullivan’s (2009) Urban Economics textbook, and is easily accepted as it

reinforces ancient (e.g. Biblical) negative stereotypes of cities. Ultimately, this view provides sup-

port for policies to limit urban growth, such as land-use restrictions, and disproportionate federal

transfers towards rural areas.

The canonical argument explaining why cities are too large is analogous to the argument ex-

plaining why free-access highways become overly congested, first presented in Knight (1924). The

cost migrants pay to enter a city is equal to the social average cost rather than the social marginal

cost. This is illustrated in Figure 1, except that costs are translated to benefits using a minus sign.

The social marginal benefit curve, drawn in terms of population, crosses the average benefit curve

at its maximum, , and thus the marginal benefit curve is lower than the average benefit curve

beyond this size. Migrants, who ignore externalities and thus respond to the average benefit, will

continue to enter a city until the average benefit of migration equals the outside option at . This

population level is only stable when benefits are falling with city size, and thus cities can never be

too small.

The analogy of a city to a simple highway, which obviously appeals to urban economists, is

misleading for three fundamental reasons. First, the land sites that cities occupy may differ in


Page 4: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

the natural advantages they offer to households and firms, such as a mild climate or proximity to

water. Thus, in a multi-site economy it may be efficient to add population to an advantageous

site beyond its isolated optimum at when the alternative is to add population to an inferior site.

Analogously, it makes sense to over-congest a highway when the alternative is a dirt road. Thus,

the outside marginal benefit from residing in another city may be below the peak benefit at , so

that the social optimum is at a point such as , where the social marginal benefit is equal to the

lower outside benefit.

Second, access to a city and its employment or consumption advantages is not free: migrants

must purchase land services and bear commuting costs to access these advantages. Thus, unlike

a free-access highway, migrants must pay a toll to access a city’s opportunities, and this toll is

highest in cities offering the best opportunities. Thus many of the benefits of urbanization are

appropriated by pre-existing land owners rather than by incoming migrants, whose incentive to

move may be below the social average benefit.

Third, workers must pay federal taxes on their wage incomes, which increase with a city’s

advantages to firms but decrease with a city’s advantages to households (Haurin 1980, Roback

1982). Thus, federal taxes create a toll that is highest in areas offering the most to firms and

the least to households, slowing migration to these areas. These effects are modeled by Albouy

(2009b) with exogenous amenities, but are modeled here with amenities that are endogenous to

city population. If urban size benefits firms but harms households, then federal taxes impose tolls

that are highest in the largest cities, strongly discouraging migration to them.

Land income and federal taxes together drive a wedge between the private and social gains that

accrue when a migrant enters a city. Migrants respond to the private average benefit, illustrated by

the dotted line in figure 1, putting the city population at point with free migration, or point

if migrants manage to maximize private benefits in the city. In this example, cities can be vastly

undersized, producing a welfare loss seen as large as the shaded area.

To the extent that individuals pay for land services and federal taxes, payments to land and

labor may be viewed as common resources. Because both rents and wages increase with city size,


Page 5: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

cities can be too small in a stable market equilibrium as migrants have no incentive to contribute to

these common resources: migrants will artificially prefer less advantageous sites to avoid paying

higher land rents and federal taxes. In essence, inter-city migration decisions involve cross-city

fiscal externalities, which un-internalized, lead to inefficiently small cities. This may be amplified

if big-city residents have greater positive net externalities than small-city residents for non-fiscal

reasons, e.g. if big-city residents have lower greenhouse-gas emissions than small-city residents

(Glaeser and Kahn 2010).

We begin our argument in section 2 using a basic representation of cities, which may be viewed

as clubs with external spillovers. In section 3 we provide a microeconomic foundation to this

representation with a system of cities based on the canonical monocentric-city model of Alonso

(1964), Muth (1969), and Mills (1967) to give form to our functions and concreteness to our

simulations. Urban economies of scale are modeled through inter-firm productivity spillovers

that lead to increasing returns at the city level, while urban diseconomies are modeled through

commuting costs.1 In addition, city sites are heterogeneous in the natural advantages they provide

to firms in productivity or to households in quality of life. This model is calibrated as realistically

as possible in Appendix A to demonstrate the theoretical results concretely and to illustrate their

plausibility in the reality. Section 4 improves on existing work by allowing the number of cities to

vary, analyzing differences on the "extensive" margin, i.e. the number of sites occupied, as well

as on the "intensive" margin, i.e. on how the population is distributed across a fixed number of

occupied sites. The distribution of natural advantages across sites is modeled using Zipf’s Law.

Throughout the analysis we consider four types of population allocations. We begin with the

standard problem of how a city planner maximizes the average welfare of the inhabitants of a single

city, ignoring the effects on the outside population and internalizing any cross-city externalities.

Second, we consider the welfare optimum for an entire population, whereby a federal planner

allocates individuals across heterogenous sites, determining the number and size of cities. We

put particular emphasis on the case where individuals are equally well off in all cities, as would

1This model can be expanded to incorporate other realistic features of cities, e.g. non-central firm placement inLucas and Rossi-Hansberg (2002), without losing the main point.


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be implied by free mobility. Third, we look at the equilibrium that occurs when populations are

freely mobile, but in a private ownership economy where they must rent land and pay federal taxes.

Fourth, we consider political equilibria in a private ownership economy that could arise when local

governments restrict population flows into their city, ignoring the effects on other cities. These

four cases share a symmetry illustrated below:

Multiple Authority Single Authority

Planned Economy City Planner Federal Planner

Private Ownership Political Equilibrium Competitive Equilibrium

We find that the efficient population distribution tends to concentrate the population in the fewest

number of cities, fewer than would be allocated by isolated city planners. Meanwhile, equilibrium

forces disperse the population inefficiently, causing inferior sites to be inhabited, with local polit-

ical control potentially exacerbating this problem. Examples throughout the paper are illustrated

graphically using the calibrated model from section 3. The simulation in section 4, which endoge-

nizes the number of cities, demonstrates that there may be (roughly) 40 percent too many occupied

sites, with welfare costs equal to 1 percent of GDP.

2 Basic Model

2.1 Planned Economy

A homogenous population, numbering , must be allocated across a set of sites, J = {0 1 2 }, indexed by , with the population at each site given by , so that


= ≥ 0 for all (1)

The non-negativty part of the condition reflects that sites may be uninhabited. The population

allocation in vector form is written as N = (0 1 ). Assume that the social welfare


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function can be written as an additively separable function

(N) =


() (2)

where () is the social net benefit of having members living on site ; it is normalized so

that an uninhabited a site produces no benefit (0) = 0. The social benefit, now always meant

to be net of costs, includes the value of goods produced by residents and the amenities they enjoy

net of the disamenities they endure. Some benefits only affect residents inside the city — such

as climate amenities, transportation costs, or congestion – while others – such as global pollution,

technological innovations, and federal tax payments – may affect residents of other cities. Region

= 0 is assumed to be a non-urban area with 0() = 0 , where 0 is a constant.

By definition, the social average benefit of residing in city , () ≡ () .

Assume that () is twice continuously differentiable, strictly quasi-concave, and

( )

= 0 for some finite

0, for all (3)

making the function single-peaked: urban economies of scale dominate diseconomies of

scale for small populations, while the opposite holds true of large populations. This single peak

at designates the choice of a city planner (hence "cp") maximizing the social average benefit

welfare of residents, assuming that all city benefits are internalized.

The social marginal benefit of residing in city is given by the following identity

() ≡ ()

= () +



The second term, (()) ≡ (), or within-city wedge, captures the effect

of an additional migrant on infra-marginal inhabitants of city through scale economies. It makes

higher than when is increasing, and lower when is decreasing, and


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therefore at :

( ) = (

) (cp)

Because there is no coordination between city planners, it is unclear which sites, J ⊆ J , are

inhabited under a city planner allocation, and hence how many cities = |J | this solution

implies. It is possible to imagine mechanisms that allow cities with the highest maximum ’s

to be inhabited first. An integer problem arises if the optima do not add up to the total population,


∈J 6= , for J ⊆ J .

The federal optimum, which determines the efficient population distribution, maximizes the

social welfare given in (2) subject to the constraints in (1), implying the necessary condition

( ) = (

) = (fp)

across any two sites and that are inhabited, where ≥ 0 is the multiplier on the population

constraint, and refers to the population chosen by the federal planner. The sites efficiently

inhabited, J – which gives the efficient number of cities, =¯J

¯– can be determined

through backwards induction: for every J ⊆ J , the efficient population allocation N(J ) can

be determined using (fp) and the associated second-order conditions; then the J that maximizes

[N(J )] over (J ) determines the solution J andN= N(J ). Since the federal plan-

ner can allocate populations below the peak of , it does not face an integer problem.

When cities are heterogeneous N will generally differ N because the federal planner al-

locates a greater number of individuals to more advantageous sites. Only if all sites have the

same maximum ( ) and if integer problems are absent, do the two solutions coincide.2

Consider the case where sites are ordered so that, if

() () for all 0

2To show this, let satisfy (3) for all, then by homogeneity, all cities will have the same (), and

through the absence of an integer problem = ∗, the optimal number of cities. With homogeneity, andequal allocation of will satisfy (fp), however the global optimum also maximizes each individual


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which defines to be uniformly more advantageous than site . When such an ordering exists,

consider the city planner solutions, which imply ( ) ≥ (

) (


where the first inequality holds by definition of , and the second from being uniformly more

advantageous. Since ( ) = (

), this implies that (

) (


and hence city planners do not achieve a federal optimum. Furthermore, the federal optimum

allocates more population to the superior site: when 0 welfare can always be improved by

moving a resident away from city to city , since ( ) (

), as the first-order

effects on welfare are zero, and so

. When

= 0, then


Figure 1 illustrates this difference: here 1 is given by the solid curve and 2, by the

outside option, where point gives the city planner solution, and point , the federal planner.

Figure 2 illustrates an example with 2 cities where city 1 is uniformly more advantage than city 2,

and where 1

1 = 2 =


2 . The city planner solution is at points and ,

and the federal planner, at point . In both figures, the deadweight loss of the city planner solution

is equal to the area between the curves, from the efficient to the inefficient population levels.

2.2 Private Ownership and Individual Incentives

Because of cross-city spillovers, residency in a city may affect the income or amenities of residents

in other cities. This drives a wedge between the average social and private benefit of residing in a

city, which we refer to as the across-city wedge:

() ≡ ()− () (5)

where () is the private average benefit, which like the is assumed twice continuously

differentiable, strictly quasi-concave, and is single-peaked as in (3) We normalize private average

benefits so that they equal the sum of social average benefits, so the the across-city wedges sum to

zero. X

() = 0 (6)


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Note that this normalization holds for inhabited sites; as different sites are inhabited, these wedges

may change.3

In a competitive equilibrium, all individuals are mobile across cities, and receive the same

private average benefit within or across cities. In this case, the population distribution is determined

by the population and non-negativity constraints in (1), and a mobility condition under which no

resident can be made better off by moving, and therefore

( ) = (

) (ce)

for all inhabited cities and . In addition, the population of cities should be stable, requiring

( )


( )

≤ 0 (7)

for all inhabited cities and . Otherwise the population size will be unstable, because increasing

the size of one of the cities will make it more beneficial than the others, attracting further migrants.

The competitive equilibrium concept determines the population levels across sites that are inhab-

ited, but does not determine what sites are inhabited. When the non-urban area is inhabited N

can be determined by ( ) = 0, as with point , in figure 1

The competitive equilibrium may not maximize the welfare of city residents, and so it plausible

that existing residents or city developers may limit the size of a city to boost local welfare levels.

A political equilibrium, denoted with "pe," refers here to the situation where mobility is restricted

to maximize the of a city. This solution, given by point in figure 1, is analogous to the city

planner optimum, except that cross-city externalities are not internalized, implying

( ) = (

) (pe)

3This is justified in a closed economy where all external effects are fiscal. It is possible that residence anywherecould contribute, say, negative externalities, e.g. some level of greenhouse gases, but in this case it is formally innocu-ous to subtract off some base level, so that the sum still averages to zero. This comes from the fact that the populationlevel is fixed. In an optimal population problem, the benefit of an additional life would be weighed against the ex-ternal effect that life imposes on others, which would correspond to the case where the multiplier on the populationconstraint, = 0.


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As with the city-planner problem, the political equilibrium is subject to integer problems and does

not determine which sites will be inhabited. In the micro-foundation discussed in section 3.6,

we provide a mechanism by which the sites with the highest maximum are inhabited first.

For a given number of cities the competitive equilibrium population levels will be larger than the

political equilibrium levels, with the exception of at most one city.4

2.3 Private versus Efficient Incentives

The difference between efficient and private incentives is equal to the sum of the across-city and

within-city wedges:

()− () =() +() (8)

These two wedges are illustrated in figure 3 to the right of where both wedges are positive. The

previous literature has emphasized how eliminating within-city wedges should eliminate locational

inefficiency, a point that already breaks down under heterogeneity. With homogeneity and ignoring

integer problems, this inefficiency arises as all points to the right of = , are potentially

stable competitive equilibria, so long as they exceed (0), while no points to the left are. This

leads to the textbook maxim that "cities are not too small" (O’Sullivan 2009) while they can be too

big. But when across-city wedges are present, stable competitive equilibria to the right of can

be inefficiently small, even when sites are homogenous.

To show this, assume city sites are homogenous and that , where both of these

numbers are small relative to . Then, the unique political equilibrium, which because of ho-

mogeneity is one of many competitive equilibria, produces an overabundance of inefficiently small

cities. This is illustrated in figure 4, where the number of cities = . The welfare max-

imum is achieved at point , since homogeneity implies = , and by single-peakedness,

() ( ). As cities are homogenous, then by (6), () = (), and

4The condition that ≤

for all in where is in the set J \{} for = 0 , without loss of generality.This condition is a direct implication of the stability condition (7).


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thus the peak of private benefits at point is below that of social benefits because of cross-city

spillovers. If a single city is given the population , its will be lower at point , although

its is at point , with its given by the distance between and . If all cities coor-

dinate to lie at point , the cross-city spillovers will cause the curve to rise by the average

amount of the spillovers, which are additive. Yet the residents of a single city could be made better

off by shrinking the city to point to maximize its own private benefits, while still receiving the

spillover benefits of larger cities. Yet, if all cities do this, the equilibrium will return to point , as

the spillovers are lost and the curve shifts back down.

When city sites are heterogeneous, the following proposition proves to be helpful:

Proposition 1 A competitive equilibrium produces under-sized cities in the most advantageous

cities, i.e.

for all ∈ {1 } for some integer ≥ 1, if the wedges are such that

( )−(

) (


) (9)

The proof of this proposition, shown in the Appendix, rests on the fact that ( ) −

( ) (


) implies (

) (

) and the fact

that across-city wedges add up to zero by (6). There are two cases to consider in the proposition

regarding the wedge. In the first case the right-hand side of condition (9) is positive, in which case

is necessary for

for all ∈ {1 } for some integer ≥ 1.

In the second case, the right-hand side of condition (9) is negative and , is

sufficient for the competitive equilibrium to produce undersized cities for the most advantageous

cities. In both cases, the important relationship is that more advantageous cities have larger wedges,



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3 Parametric System of Monocentric Cities

3.1 City Structure, Commuting, Production, and Natural Advantages

In each city, individuals reside around a central business district (CBD) where all urban production

takes place. The city expands radially from the CBD with the conventional assumptions that land

is homogenous, commuting costs are a function of distance from the CBD, and land at the fringe

is available at no cost. Each resident demands a lot size with a fixed area, normalized to one, so

that a city of radius contains a population = ()2. The average resident lives a distance of

= (23) = (23)()12.

Besides land, individuals consume a produced good, , which is tradable across cities, and has

a price normalized to one. Utility is given by (), which is strictly increasing and quasi-

concave in both arguments, with the second argument, , representing the quality of life in city .

is uniform within a city, and is independent of city size until section 3.8. We restrict attention

to where utilities are the same within a city, meaning that consumption levels, , do not depend on

, which is justified in the market case where individuals can freely choose their location.

Each individual supplies a single unit of labor, which is divided between working and commut-

ing. The net labor supply of a worker who lives at distance is () = 1 − where is the

time cost of commuting. In addition, workers face a material cost of commuting, , measured

in units of the tradable good. In a city, aggregate labor supply and material commuting costs are

() = − (23)32 and (23)32, where ≡

−12 and ≡ −12

Aggregate city production is ( ) = (), where is the natural advantage

of city in productivity, while the term , with ∈ (0 12), models local scale economies,

which are external to firms but internal to cities, so that firms exhibit constant returns but cities ex-

hibit increasing returns.5 The social average product of population, ( ) ≡ [ ( )−(23)

32] , initially increases with population through the production externality, but even-

tually decreases as commuting costs increase. The social average product reaches a maximum

5This parameterization follows Dixit (1973) and encompasses the micro-foundations of local information spilloversas well as search and matching economies, as reviewed in Duranton and Puga (2004)


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where it meets the social marginal product meet, i.e. ( ) = ( ) ≡ ( )−


The social marginal product is the sum of three terms, each functions of and :

= + − (10)

where = (), the marginal product that accrues to the firm from placing a worker at

; = (), the agglomeration externality, which goes to firms for which the household

does not work; = [(13) + ]

12, the increase in average commuting costs,

netting out the average commute time.6

3.2 System of Cities and Mobility

Each city site differs in its exogenous natural advantages to firms and residents ( ). In ad-

dition, we posit a hinterland region, indexed with = 0, which is free of commuting costs and

agglomeration economies, so that its production is 00 with 0 = 0 = 0. While

somewhat artificial, the hinterland may be used to model agricultural opportunities or a set of

small homogenous cities occupying inferior sites, much like a competitive fringe, so that the hin-

terland population is proportional to the number of fringe cities. When the hinterland is occupied,

it simplifies formulas considerably and aids intuition, without sacrificing much in content.

When the population is mobile across cities, individuals receive the same utility regardless of

where they live, otherwise they will move. Across any two inhabited sites, and , ( ) =

( ) = , a common utility level. Let ( ) be the implicit solution to ( ) =

with 0 and 0. Inverting this mobility condition, we have = ( ),

6The full mathematical forms for social and marginal average products are

( ) = n[1 + − [1 + (23)]12


12 (11)

( ) = h1− (23)12

i− (23)12 (12)


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which means that consumption in city equals the consumption needed to obtain in a city

with quality-of-life , so that cities with higher require lower . Mobility requires that

the difference in consumption in both cities must equal the compensating differential which makes

up for differences in quality of life across both cities

− = ( )− ( ) (13)

3.3 Planned Economies

An isolated city planner will simply maximize the consumption of residents, given by ( ),

since all resources are kept within the city and if fixed. Thus, is determined implicitly by

the equation ( ) = (

), which is an implicit function of , but not .

Furthermore, it increases with only through material commuting costs, as more productive cities

more easily bear these costs.7

A federal planner allocates population and consumption levels, (Nx) = {


across all city sites to maximize the generalized utilitarian welfare function

(Nx) =X≥0


[( )]


In addition to the population constraints in (1), we require that aggregate production is equal to the

sum of consumption and material commuting costs

00 +X≥1

() ≥



32 . (15)

Taking N parametrically, and solving out the consumption plan x(N) and substituting this into

(14), produces a value function £Nx(N)

¤like (2).

7With = 0, = [3((1 + 2))]2, which is independent of natural advantages.


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Using the envelope condition for the general case






i− (16)

which at the social optimum equals zero if 0, where =



( )

is the marginal welfare of a consumption unit, and 0 is the multiplier on the population

constraint. We focus on the case of perfect mobility, equivalent to the Rawlsian case where →−∞. Taking this limit in (16), this condition may be rearranged in units of the numeraire, allowing

us to reintroduce the social marginal benefit notation:

( ) = (

)− (

) = if 0 (17)

where = . (17) equates the social marginal benefit with the social marginal product minus

the consumption needed to provide in a city with is the same for every inhabited city. Be-

tween any two inhabited cities, ( )− (

) = (

)−( ),

meaning that the social marginal productivity in city should be greater than in a nicer city, , by

the differential that compensates those in city for not living in city , accounting for their mobil-

ity. Condition (17) is a parametric form of () increasing in both and and is dependent on

a global level of utility .8 The social average benefit can be calculated through integration, by

definition () =1

R 0().

3.4 Calibration

The shape of these curves is already given in figures 1 through 4 using parameter values whose

calibration is explained in Appendix A. Income is measured on an annual per-capita basis. City

population density is 2,800 per square mile. Half of the population goes to work for up to 8

hours a day, 250 days a year, at a wage of $22 per hour, and commutes an average distance of 8

8The main impact of letting vary is that it determines the marginal rate of substitution between consumption andquality-of-life through income effects.


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miles at a material cost of 50 cents per mile and at a speed of 20 miles per hour. This implies

= 00001333 and = $1333, where distance is measured in individual lots, and a typical

city size of 1.27 million people. The agglomeration parameter is set to 006 (Ciccone and Hall,

1996) and produces a typical = $9 468, this produces.

If we consider again the case of homogenous cities (figure 4) where = and pretend

as if all cities are typical, then the calibration implies (127M) = −$414, and efficient size

= 721 000 million, meaning that the typical city is oversized. The shape of the curves is

very sensitive to , a parameter whose empirical value is uncertain, but thought to range between

0.03 and 0.08. The agglomeration concept here has all workers working in the CBD, providing a

stronger form of agglomeration than should occur in an actual metropolitan area, where production

is dispersed. It also depends on a commuting structure which implies that the marginal commut-

ing cost always exceeds the average by 50 percent: thus, the average time-cost of 10 percent of

working-time translates to a marginal cost of 15-percent. This translates to an external cost equal

to 5 percent of income, which along with external material commuting costs over 2 percent of

income, must be weighed against the external benefit, equal to percent of income.9 Overall, the

monocentric city model creates both strong economies and diseconomies of scale. Inference about

city-size efficiency becomes more complex with city-site heterogeneity, which requires a treatment

of private ownership.

3.5 Private Ownership and Individual Incentives

With private ownership, individuals receive income from labor and land, and pay for taxes, rent,

tradable consumption, and material commuting costs. Factor and output markets are competitive,

so that firms pay a wage = per labor unit, of which a worker at distance supplies ().

Labor income is taxed at the federal rate of ∈ [0 1], calibrated at = 033, leaving workers

with (1− )().10 Federal taxes are redistributed in the form of federal transfers , which

9Formally, the difference between and is ©[ − (13)[1 + 2]12

ª− (13)1210It is appropriate to use the marginal tax rate since we are considering marginal changes in labor income due to

migration decisions. See Albouy (2009b) for further discussion.


Page 18: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

may be location dependent, and obey the constraintP

= P

(). When federal

transfers are not tied to local wage levels, federal taxes turn a fraction of labor income into a

common resource, reducing individuals’ incentive to move to areas with high wages.11

Within a city, rent fully compensates for distance from the CBD, causing all residents to pay

the same in location costs, leaving them with the same consumption, . Figure 5 depicts the cone-

shaped rent gradient () = ((1− ) + )( − ),which declines to () = 0 at the edge

of the city, where we assume the opportunity cost of land is zero.12 In terms of population, the

average rent in city is



£(1− )


¤12 =


3(0) (18)

where (0) gives the full location cost, given by the height of the cylinder in figure 5. The rental

income of residents in city is

= (1− ) + (19)

where = 1


=0 is the average rent paid in all cities, and ∈ [0 1] is an exogenously

fixed parameter. Much of the previous literature has focused on the special case where = 0

implying individuals receive the average rental income in the city they live in. This assumption

appears unrealistic for modeling migration decisions as a new migrant to city inherits a free

plot of land at distance and gives up any other land holdings without payment. Consequently,

residents ignore the average cost of rent in a city. When = 1, migrants to a city have to pay

rent on any plot they occupy, but still receive income from land, albeit in an amount unrelated to

their location decision. This assumption treats individuals anonymously and appears to be the most

realistic situation because migrants pay to access the advantages of a city through rent. The larger

11Emprically, Albouy (2009b) finds that federal transfers are not strongly correlated with wage levels in the UnitedStates, however Albouy (2010) finds that they are negatively related in Canada, increasing the size of the across-cityfiscal spillovers.

12More generally, we discuss land rents that are differential land rents. Assuming that the opportunity cost of landis greater than zero adds little to the model unless the opportunity cost varies with or . For instance it may bepossible that sunnier land is more amenable to urban residents, but also contributes to agricultural productivity, raisingthe opportunity cost as well. Given the low value of agricultural land relative to residential land, these effects are likelyto be of small consequence.


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, the more land income can be thought of as a common (federal) resource, as a higher share of

rent is redistributed within the economy at large, rather than only within the city.13 Further detail

on how affects the model is provided in Appendix C.

Adding income and expenditure items leads to the budget constraint for a resident in city at

distance of the form (1− )(1− ) + + = + + (). Consumption, or net

income, may be written in terms of the population size by substituting in from (18):

( ; ) =£(1− )

(1− 12)−

12¤+ [ + ] (20)

The first term indicates labor income net of all location costs and the second indicates income

redistributed from land and federal revenues, which may change with location. This net income

level minus the level of consumption needed in a city with is interpreted as the private average

benefit of living in city ,

() = ( ; )− ( ) (21)

Equation (21) is the parametric form of (pe), which is increasing in natural advantages and

as well as fiscal advantages and . This parametric shape of the with respect to has

been used in figures 1 through 4 in the case where = 033, = 1 and = across areas.

3.6 Competitive and Political Equilibria

In a competitive equilibrium, the mobility condition (13) is satisfied, which by (21) implies that

’s are equal across cities, as in (ce). An equilibrium consumption and population distrib-

ution (xN) will satisfy the constraints in (1) and (15), although this still allows for multiple

13If migrants owned plots of land in an origin city, they would still sell the land when moving to the destinationcity, since they can only live in one city at a time. This would unnecessarily complicate the analysis through incomeeffects, and require us to consider the origin as well as destination of migrants. The situation with = 1 may also becharacterized as one of a migrant from a typical city in the economy, as denotes the average rent on a plot of landanywhere. One could also assume that land is owned by the federal government or absentee landlords. In these casesrental earnings are the same and zero for all individuals.


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equilibria. If in equation (21) is set to a constant, as in the case of a small city, then the popula-

tion, , becomes an implicit and increasing function of and as well as and . Figure

6 graphs this implicit function, ( + ) with = 1, against and . Note the

function accounts for endogenous agglomeration effects on productivity and that average rents,

increase with , and thus also increase with and ; without taxes, rents increase at the exact

same rate.14

A political equilibrium may be micro-founded in several different ways. We consider equilibria

established in two stages. In the first, coalitions of individuals are formed sequentially until either

all individuals are in a coalition or forming a coalition from the set of individuals not in a coalition

is not advantageous. In the second, coalitions inhabit sites and are able to limit mobility to varying

degrees. At one extreme, coalitions are able to perfectly limit migration, so that city populations

attain the maximum of , leading to the highest level of consumption. At the other

extreme, coalitions are unable to limit migration, causing utility to be the same within and across

all cities, leading to a particular competitive equilibrium we label ∗. 15 This conceptualization

allows for the fact that coalitions are forward-looking and able to predict how mobility will alter

welfare in a city.16

14Because land is not used in production, wages do not negatively capitalize consumption amenities as in Roback(1982) – see Albouy (2009b) for details. However, when not all sites are inhabited, individuals may choose to reside inareas with high but low which can produce a negative correlation between wages and consumption amenities.

15These political equilibria resemble the equilibria in Helsley and Strange (2004), which models how developerscan influence city size, according to the level of competition between them.

16The first case is one possible formalization of the extensive margin decision for the competitive equilibrium. Theliterature typically assumes that new cities are created either by developers or when one resident is able to start a newcity and receive higher utility. The latter option means that utility will generally fall to (1) of the next-best city,which in this model can be very low, meaning cities can be excessively large. We find this option with no coordinationwhatsoever to be unrealistic.


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3.7 Private versus Efficient Incentives

With the private economy described, we can write the difference between the social marginal and

private average benefit as the sum of two wedges, as in (8):

()− () = − ∗| {z }()

+ ( − ) + ( − )| {z }()


= + [1− 12]− − (22b)

where ∗ = +(13) is the average rent with = 0. The across-city wedge,() =

( − ) + ( − ), is equal to the net average rental payment, subtracting off rental in-

come received federally, plus the net average federal tax payment, subtracting off any transfers.

The first wedge, , reflects the Henry George Theorem result (Arnott and Stiglitz, 1979)

that at , differential land rents – ignoring the impact of federal taxes – should equal the ag-

glomeration externality. A migrant confers a positive benefit on residents equal to but reduces

local rental income by ∗ , and at the these two effects offset exactly. When land is purchased,

= 1, a migrant does not reduce local rental income, and so the social marginal benefit is greater

than the private benefit, as reflected in the across-city wedge.17 In addition, with heterogenous

sites, 0 in more advantageous sites is federally efficient, as the values of locations depend

on differences in natural advantages as well as agglomeration rents.

The expression for the second wedge, , shows how land-rent and federal-tax payments,

proportional to and , turn land and labor income into common resources. As and

increase with city population, so does the size of this wedge.18 In the case where transfers are

17The same is true in the case where each city has a non-congestible public-good paid for equally by residents(Flatters et al. 1974, Albouy 2010). An incoming migrant can reduce the cost by 1 to each resident, withoutreducing the amount of the public good available to others, introducing another wedge. In the case where public-goods are set optimally, this would involve adding the public-good externality = (1 − ) , where is the expenditure on public goods, and ∈ [0 1] expresses the amount of congestion in the public good.

18Substituting in for , and the wedge is given by

() = (13)( (1− ) + )

12 +

h1− (23)12

i− (+ ) (22c)


Page 22: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

homogenous, = , the tax wedge is directly proportional to labor income.

The second expression, (22b), expresses that the two wedges are driven fundamentally by

externalities from within-city agglomeration and across-city tax-payment inequalities. The tax-

term [1−12] reflects the full effect on taxable income from city , as marginal loss in labor

time is higher than the average cost. These externalities are juxtaposed against the differential fiscal

transfers from land and labor,+ . Interpreted differently, this equation says the efficient federal

transfer to residents of city , ∗ = − + [1 − 12], will subsidize agglomeration

economies, negate differences in rental incomes – which could result from differences in source-

based taxes – and refund federal differences in federal tax payments, adjusted for marginal time


With the parametric form of (), and for a city uniformly more advantageous than ,

( ) (

) is a necessary condition for the most advantageous cities to be un-

dersized. By equation (22) the necessary condition that the wedge is increasing in the production

amenity holds. Furthermore, the sufficient condition from Proposition 1 can be rewritten as

(1− )(∗ − ∗) +


) ( + )( − ) (23)

The right-hand side of (23) is always positive, while the first term on the left goes to zero as → 1,

which leaves only the second minor interaction term, which is relatively small.

In the situation where = 1, figure 6 compares populations allocated under the federal planner

and a competitive equilibrium that both produce a population level of = 721000 at a base

amenity level. With increasing natural productivity, , the planner’s population increases at a

higher rate than the equilibrium. This is understandable as the across-city wedge, which increases

at a high rate with the natural productivity level; in fact the slope is greater than one. This occurs

because has a large direct effect on , while around the calibrated values, increases in

19In a closed-city context, Wildasin (1985) notes that the time costs of commuting are implicitly deducted fromfederal taxes, although the material costs are not, and argues that taxes lead to excessive sprawl by reducing the time-cost of commuting. This mechanism does not work in a closed-city setting with fixed lot sizes, but it does matter inan open-city setting by leveling the slope of the wage gradient, causing it to hit zero at a further distance, implying alarger population.


Page 23: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

have a relatively small effect. With natural quality-of-life differences, , increases and

then decreases with , causing the tax wedge to increase and eventually decline. The planner’s

population increases at a slightly lower rate than the equilibrium, as past the base amenity level,

and the size of the rent wedge grows at a smaller rate than the within-city wedge (not shown).

3.8 Endogenous Quality of Life

The model so far has taken quality of life, , as exogenous, although it may depend on the pop-

ulation level, . The relationship could be negative, if higher population levels bring about urban

disamenities such as pollution, crime, congestion, or disease. At the same time, a higher popula-

tion level should increase the availability of non-tradeable private goods, as well as public goods,

through greater inter-jurisdictional choices, as in Tiebout (1956). Theoretically, it is ambiguous

whether a higher city population reduces quality of life, although it is generally assumed: in this

case, higher population leads to a lower within-city-wedge.20

For now consider the simple case where = 0

, for some constant . In this case, the

social marginal benefit in (17) gains an additional term

() = ( )− ( )−


In the case where 0, the social marginal benefit is made lower by (− ) , which

should be added to the within-city wedge in (22a). Analyzing the quality of life of U.S. cities,

Albouy (2008) estimates that is close to zero, although it cannot control for whether populations

disproportionately inhabit sites with greater amenities not measured in the data. Nevertheless, it

seems unlikely that takes on a large negative values and so we calibrate the model in the third row

of figure 6 in the case where = −02. This adjustment actually increases the tax wedge slightly,

making the the disparity between the efficient and equilibrium population levels very small.

20It is also possible that a higher population could affect amenities in other cities, such as through lower averagelevels of global pollution, or through greater shopping externalities.


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4 City Numbers and the Population Distribution

The goal of this section is to endogenize the number of cities determined by our solution concepts.

As the total population increases the federal planner and political coalitions will inhabit more cities.

As we will see, the private-social wedge may cause too many sites to be inhabited in equilibrium

rather than concentrating the population in the most advantageous sites where wages and rents are


4.1 Homogenous City Formation

We begin with the case of homogenous sites, illustrated in figure 4 when the total population is

large. As the total population grows, new sites are populated by the federal planner to maxi-

mize the social welfare. Eventually, as the integer problem disappears, city sizes converge non-

monotonically to the single-city maxima. Figure 7 graphically depicts the population the federal

planner allocates to the first city as a function of the total population (Warning: numbers based

on a previous calibration). As the total population increases and the federal planner distributes

population across more cities, as seen in figure 7b.

Residents able to form coalitions in a political equilibrium consider only their own potential

consumption in inhabiting a new site. When coalitions are unable to limit mobility, the population

inhabits more than one city when consumption levels increase in all cities. When coalitions are able

to perfectly limit mobility coalitions inhabit sites and limit population at the peak level , so that

j cities are inhabited when = . Figure 7 demonstrates that the political equilibrium

weakly populates more cities than the federal planner.

4.2 Small System of Heterogenous Cities

For simplicity, let cities differ only in natural production-amenity levels with a distribution of the

form = + where follows a uniform distribution, where +1 = + $120. Here we

consider five inhabited city-sites and a hinterland that offers a relatively high outside benefit and


Page 25: The Optimal Population Distribution across Cities and the ...webfac/kline/e251_s11/albouy.pdfcity population. If urban size benefits firmsbutharmshouseholds,then federal taxes impose

contains an effectively infinite population, so that 0 = 0. Thus, the fiscal spillovers from

the five cities are spread across such a large portion of the population, that they do not affect the

hinterland benefit if the population is shifted.21

Putting the population on the horizontal axis, figure 8a illustrates how the federal planner

equates the across all sites to determine , where each new curve comes starts at the

population used cumulatively by cities with a higher productivity on the left. Figure 8b shows

an analogous graph with the competitive equilibrium, which equates the with the outside

option. In this, admittedly stylized, example, we see that the efficient city sizes are much larger

than those in the competitive equilibrium, especially for the most advantageous cities.

4.3 Large System of Heterogenous Cities

In this example, we consider the total population needed to populate 135 heterogeneous cities.

We let follows a distribution resembling a Pareto distribution.22 To distribute population across

135 cities, the federal planner requires a total population close to 190 million while the political

equilibrium requires only 155 million (Warning: numbers based on a previous calibration). In

comparison, a total population of 155 million are efficiently allocated across only 94 cities im-

plying that the political equilibrium populates about 40 percent more cities than is efficient. The

welfare loss associated with allocating population across too many cities is approximately $250

per person per year. Figure 9 provides scatter plots of both the political and efficient allocation of

population across 135 cities.

Figure 10 is a scatter plot of the political allocation with log rank on the vertical axis and log

population on the horizontal axis with the following linear relationship

= 1053− 1005 (25)

21Thus the effective = 0 and = (13)($17500) = $5833.22This distribution is chosen to match empirical findings, including Zipf’s law. A complete explanation of the

distribution is given in Appendix A.


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This linear relationship and scatter plot matches closely the empirical findings of George Zipf

(1949), Gabaix (1999), and others that city size approximately follows Zipf’s law. The exact

distribution of city sizes and the reasons cities follow them are still open questions in the literature.

One explanation given by Krugman (1996a) is that the distribution of natural advantages is the key

determinant in the resultant distribution of cities. Krugman supports this claim by noting that the

relationship between the log rank and flow of the 25 largest rivers in the United States is roughly

linear. Our model provides micro-foundations to Krugman’s conjecture by varying the level of

natural advantages to produce a distribution of cities that follows Zipf’s law.

5 Conclusion

The above analysis does not prove that cities are necessarily too small, but it does call into question

the necessity of cities being too large in an economy where federal taxes are paid and residential

land must be purchased. As a result, the ability of local governments to reduce city sizes by re-

stricting development through impact fees, green belts, and zoning may do much to reduce overall

welfare, as they will likely neglect across-city spillovers, fiscal and otherwise, and allow a small

minority to monopolize the best sites, forcing others to occupy less naturally advantageous sites.

Many other factors certainly play a role in determining efficient city sizes, among them, the

ability of governments to provide adequate regulation, public goods, and infrastructure to make a

large city function well. This may be a particular challenge in developing countries, where rapidly

growing cities suffer disproportionately from negative externalities such as dirty air, infectious

disease, and debilitating traffic. Moreover, in these cities the marginal resident, perhaps a poor

rural migrant, may not pay federal taxes or for their land costs by working in the informal sector

and squatting on land they have no property rights to. Thus, the problem of under-sized cities

may be a relatively new one historically, seen primarily in the developed world, but one that will

become increasingly important as property rights develop, federal governments tax increasingly,

and urbanization rises.


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A Calibration

The parameters in the model may be subdivided into three sets: agglomeration and production,commuting, and amenity levels. Each set of parameters is calibrated to match empirical observa-tions from the U.S. data and microeconomic studies in the literature. Given that the monocentriccity model provides only a very rough approximation to reality, the parameter calibration is meantto help illustrate the empirical relevance of the issues raised here, rather than provide an exactrepresentation of city structures.

Available time hours are set at 2000 per year, assuming workers have 40 hours per week and50 weeks per year available. According to the 2006-2008 American Community Survey 3-YearEstimates, average household size is 2.6 of which about half are employed, meaning there are 1.3workers per household: therefore this is one worker for every two individuals. Across metropolitanareas, the median individual lives in an area with a population density of 2,800 per square mile(Rappaport 2008) so that a mile crosses

√2800 ∼= 529 individual lots, of which 2.6 make a

standard household lot. In the model, is distance in individual lots, and is the time-cost perround trip across a lot. We take the average distance to work as 8 miles, or = 423.3 lots, whichis close to the distance reported by the Summary of Travel Trends (Hu and Reuscher 2004) fromdata in 2001 National Household Travel Survey. According the average one-way commute is about24 minutes long (ACS), giving an average speed of 20 miles per hour. As a fraction of the day orwork-year, the average time-cost of a two-way commute is = 088 = 01, meaning that =

−12 = 01(423312) = 00001333. As estimated by the Internal Revenue Service (2009),the monetary cost of driving is 50 cents per mile, $1 per round-trip mile: this amounts to $8 dailyfor an average commute, or $2000 per 250 workday-year. Per capita, this must divided by 2, so = $1000, and therefore =

−12 = $1000(423312) = $1333.The marginal federal tax rate is taken at 0.33, based on Albouy (2009b), taking into account

federal income taxes, payroll taxes, and a portion of state taxes, and averaging out deductions forhousing and increases in social security benefits.

At an average hourly wage of $22 (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010) the average daily commutecost is $1833 in pre-tax time or $1222 in post-tax time, and $8 in material costs. Out of a 7.2hour workday, the commuting costs are equal to 8(72 ∗ 22) = 00505 percent of labor income.This is consistent with commuting data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation(SIPP) reported by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics of 3.9 percent of all personal income,or 4.9 percent for drivers. The implied city radius from the calibration is 12 miles (1.5 times theaverage commuting distance), implying a population of = (2800)(12)2 = 1267 million, or633 thousand workers, which is very close to the metropolitan size experienced by the averageindividual.

The agglomeration factor of production, = 006 is set on the higher side of estimates seenin the meta-analyses by Rosenthal and Strange (2004) and Melo et al. (2009). Melo et al. use asample of 729 elasticity estimates from 34 studies from 1965 to 2002 and find a range of estimateswith a mean of 0058. Controlling for selection, Behrens et al. (2010) estimate = 0051.23 These

23Using Moomaw’s (2001) adjustment with a conservative labor share of two-thirds, Sveikauskas’ (1975) estimates


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estimates apply to an entire metropolitan area, although not individuals actually commute to theCBD: if they did agglomeration effects would likely be larger. Ciccone and Hall (1996) finds anelasticity of wages with respect to density of roughly 0.06.24

Through the implied agglomeration effects, wage levels in an average city should be (1267000) timeswages in a site with one inhabitant, which in the case of = 006 is 23236. We take the averageannual wage at $44 000 per worker for a 2,000 hour work-year, or $22 000 per individual. Dividingby the agglomeration effect this implies a productivity of = $9468 in the typical city. In termsof hourly-wage, this provides $947 at a population of one, or $1646 at 10,000, or $2490 at 10million. This latter number, which corresponds to 5 million workers, already exceeds the numberof workers in Manhattan. (175009468)106 = 27947

Empirically city sizes are heterogeneous and roughly follow Zipf’s law. In Section 4, heteroge-nous city sizes are caused by heterogeneous productivity levels given by = + where issome fixed level and comes from a distribution that resembles a Pareto distribution. The specificdistribution for is chosen to match the fact that empirical observations of both the smallest andbiggest cities generally lie below the linear relationship between city size and rank. The thoughtthat amenity levels should resemble a Pareto distribution is not new, in fact Krugman (1996a)plots the log of river rank and log river flow and finds the relationship to be roughly linear con-cluding this may explain the city size distribution. For the calibrated example = 21995 and = 4141( + 3).

B Mathematical Appendix

Federal Planner’s Problem

The full Lagrangian from section 3.3 is

L =X



[( )]


"00 +










" −



which implies the following first order conditions for each for consumption


= ()−1

− = 0




+ ( − ) + − = 0

implies ∈ (00077 00569), which is not completely consistent with the estimates here.24Typically, agglomeration is estimated by using the relationship between wages and population explicit in a zero-

profit condition for firms, controlling for other factors such as education and industry mix. A second method of esti-mating agglomeration estimates the production function directly using value-added, employment, capital, population,and education attainment data. Both approaches interpret the coefficient on the population size as an approximation ofthe agglomeration economies and both produce similar results.


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where 0 = 0 for = 0, and is otherwise given by equation (10). Furthermore, the equationsobey non-negativity through

= 0

Dividing by , the social marginal benefit can be written:

( ) =

( ∗)

( ∗)

+ ( )− ∗ ≤ if


The first terms goes to zero as → −∞.

B.1 Parametric Sufficient Condition

In the case where federal transfers are equal, then from proposition 1 and equation (22a), then city will be undersized relative to city if

( − ) + ( − ) − + ∗ − ∗ (A.1)

Rewriting equation (1) substituting in the fact that = and rearrange.

(1− )( − ) ( + )( − ) (A.2)

C Model Implications of taxes, , and rental earnings

Modeling federal taxation, material costs of commuting, and rental earnings has important implica-tions on the competitive equilibrium. To understand these effects substitute the budget constraintand rental payment function into the free mobility condition and rearrange to get the followingrelationship

− =Φ( ) + ( − ) + (( − ∗ ()

12)− ( − ()12))

1− (A.3)

where = −()12. The numerator on right hand side of equation (3) consists of three

terms that correspond to three market distortions of federal taxation. The first distortion arisesbecause federal taxes distort utility between cities with heterogeneous quality of life amenities,distorting population toward nicer cities. Second, population will be distorted toward regions thatreceive more benefits from the federal government, here lump sum transfers, relative to the amountof taxes the city paid in. Finally, federal taxation distorts population by changing the relative costof living between cities whenever 6= 0. Therefore these three market distortions caused byfederal wage taxation can only be seen by modeling heterogeneity in quality of life, lump sumtransfers, and material costs of commuting.

Finally, consider the effects rental earnings have on the allocation of population between cities.Without loss of generality let the average rent in city j be higher than in city k, . Under theassumption that rental earnings are location dependent, rental earnings will be higher in city j than


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in city k, , leading to more population in city j than if rental earnings were independent oflocation. Despite the prevalence of location dependent rental earnings in the literature it seems thatit provides for perverse incentives. Consider the marginal person deciding between city j and cityk, with location dependent rental earnings the marginal person has the seemingly awry incentiveto move to the region with higher land rents.

D Intuition and Algebra Inefficiently Small Cities

A two-city example is used to formalize how the competitive equilibrium allocates populationinefficiently. Initially assume both cities are the same such that the competitive equilibrium andfederal planner’s allocation allocate half of the total population to each city.

Next, totally differentiate the federal planner and competitive equilibrium conditions allowingone parameter to increase, in this example production amenities . The competitive equilibriumcondition is given by


(1−)+)(1)12+1+ = 2(2)



(A.4)Totally differentiated




1+h1− (1)

12 + 1(1)

11− (1− (1)



h(1− )(1− (1)12) +



i− 1

2(1)12((1− )1(1) + )


The federal planner condition is

1 − 1(1 ∗) = 2 − 2(2

∗) (A.6)

totally differentiated.µ1



1+(1 + − (1)12(1 + (23)))

2[1(1)[1 + − (1)12(1 + (23))]− 12(1)12[1(1)(1 + (23)) + ]]




´holds the competitive equilibrium allocates less population to city 1

than the efficient allocation. Rewrite³11

´in the following way.



= + Φ


where is the numerator of³1


´, is the denominator and Φ and

Ψ are the wedge terms. Φ and Ψ consist of three parts; a base differ-


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ence, a rent difference, and a tax difference which are given below.

Φ = (1)| {z }


+ (1− 12)(1)| {z }


Ψ =

21(1)−1(1− (23)12) + (13)1(1)−12| {z }



− [(1− 12)(1)−1− 1


1)−12]| {z }

Consider how federal taxes affect³11

´by analyzing the tax parts of Φ and Ψ. Including

federal taxes makes Φ bigger and Ψ smaller which makes the numerator of³11

´less negative

and the denominator more negative, decreasing the competitive equilibrium. In the calibratedexample federal taxes are large enough to decrease the competitive equilibrium below the sociallyefficient population.

When = 1 rental earnings are location independent


= 0. However when 16=

= 0 which will make Φ smaller and Ψ bigger, increasing the competitive equilibrium.

The formal necessary and sufficient condition for the competitive equilibrium to allocate asuboptimal level of population to large cities isµ





In our example Θ = 1 however Θ is allowed to be any parameter, including parameters such asagglomeration and commuting costs. 25.

E Political Equilibria

The formal description of the political equilibria consists of two stages. In the first stage, individ-uals form coalitions sequentially from the pool of individuals not yet associated with a coalition,the uncoordinated set. Coalitions cease to form when there are no possible coalitions from theuncoordinated set that will increase the welfare of those in the coalition in stage two. In stage two,coalitions build cities. If a coalition is unable to limit mobility as in case one, individuals from theuncoordinated set are able to move freely into the city. If the coalition is able to limit mobility, asin cases two and three, it can create a green belt around the city to limit participation in the local

25Note that Φ is parameter specific


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labor market. Finally, if the coalition can restrict mobility and discriminate against migrants, as incase three, the coalition can charge a premium to individuals in the uncoordinated set to move intothe city.

Maximizing the indirect utility function () over will equate the marginal benefit andmarginal cost of an additional individual from the point of view of an individual in coalition j.

−1 (1− ) =



(1− ) + )()

−12 + −1 (1− )

12 (A.11)

In the free-mobility case, coalitions are formed in the first stage until the utility provided byinhabiting a new site decreases the utility of everyone in the second stage. The distribution ofpopulation across inhabited cities is the same as in the competitive equilibrium26. In the restrictedmobility case coalitions of size 2

, which is characterized by the necessary condition 11, willbe formed until everyone is in a coalition or until the utility provided in the hinterland is greater thanthat provided by forming a coalition. In the case where coalitions can charge a premium to migrantsthe distribution of population will be weakly between the extremes because the willingness to payby a group of migrants may exceed the utility loss to the coalition from incorporating the newmigrants.

The comparison between the federal planner and political equilibrium is characterized by awedge similar to the comparison between the federal planner and the competitive equilibrium. Un-like the comparison between the federal and competitive equilibrium that focused on the intensivemargin this comparison is on the extensive margin which is inherently a discrete space. Thereforethe optimization over cities consists of comparing the objective functions, given optimal intensivemargins, of populating additional cities. For simplicity this comparison works with the politicalequilibrium in case one where coalitions are unable to limit migration.

The federal planner populates k regions when the social average benefit of k cities is largerthan that of − 1 and + 1 cities. 27Similarly, the political equilibrium inhabits k cities when thecompensated consumption, + , of all individuals is larger with k cities than that of − 1 and + 1.28.

Formally, the federal planner inhabits k regions when the following conditions holds.

( ) ( − 1) (A.12)

and( ) ( + 1) (A.13)

When the second set of conditions holds, the political equilibrium will inhabit k regions.

( ) + ( ) ( − 1) + ( − 1) (A.14)


( ) + ( ) ( + 1) + ( + 1) (A.15)

26The difference between the free-mobility case and the competitive equilibrium exists only on the extensive marginin stage one.

27The single peaked nature of the federal planner’s objective function allows for this simple formulation28The single peaked nature of private consumption with respect to population allows for this simple formulation


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Which can be written as

( )) + ( ) ( − 1) + ( − 1) (A.16)


( )) + ( ) ( + 1) + ( + 1) (A.17)

where ( ) is the wedge term between the federal and political objective functions. Thewedge term for the inframarginal city is increasing in the number of regions inhabited because thewedge is increasing in the disadvantageousness of a city and successive cities are more disadvanta-geous. Therefore ( −1) ( )⇒ ( −1)+( −1) ( )+( ). Intuitively, this relationship implies that the political equilibrium pop-ulates at least as many regions as the federal planner and in general the political equilibrium willpopulate more.


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Figure 2: Two cities with the same city-planner but different federal-planner populations.

Figure 1: Optimal and equilibrium city sizes with a constant outside option.

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Figure 4: Representation of within-city and across-city wedges.

Figure 3: Optimal and equilibrium city sizes with a large number of homogenous sites.

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Figure 5: Monocentric city location costs and differential land rents



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Figure 6: Population and across-city wedges as a function of natural advantages.

Natural productivity differences

Natural quality-of-life differences

Natural quality-of-life differences with endogenous quality-of-life

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Figure7: Extensive margin with homogenous cities.

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Figure 8a: Efficient sizes of more productive cities with hinterland option

Figure 8b: Competitive equilibrium sizes of more productive cities with hinterland option.

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Figure 9: Efficient and political equilibria with a fixed number of large cities

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Figure 10: City size distribution predicted by model and Zipf's Law