How to Make $1,000 per week working 1 day per week Boring Legal Stuff Copyright 2012© Nigel Schulze. All Rights Reserved. No part of this report may be altered in any form whatsoever, electronic or mechanical -- including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated, and signed permission from Nigel Schulze. This report cannot be sold under any circumstances -- you have only personal rights to this product. Disclaimer and Legal Notices: This report is for informational purposes only and the author, his agents, heirs, and assignees do not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities, actual or alleged, resulting form the use of this information. This report is not “professional advice.” The author encourages the reader to seek advice from a professional where any reasonably prudent person would do so. While every reasonable attempt has been made to verify the information contained in this eBook, the author and his affiliates cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions, including omissions in transmission or reproduction. Any references to people, events, organisations, or business entities are for educational and illustrative purposes only, and no intent to falsely characterise, recommend, disparage, or injure is intended or should be so construed. Any results stated or implied are consistent with general results, but this means results can and will vary. The author, his agents, and assigns, make no promises or guarantees, stated or implied. Individual results will vary and this work is supplied strictly on an “at your own risk” basis. Copyright 2012© Nigel Schulze All Rights Reserved

Make on Kline Money

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How to Make $1,000 per week working 1 day per week

Boring Legal StuffCopyright 2012© Nigel Schulze. All Rights Reserved. No part of this report may bealtered in any form whatsoever, electronic or mechanical -- including photocopying,

recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expresswritten, dated, and signed permission from Nigel Schulze. This report cannot be sold

under any circumstances -- you have only personal rights to this product.Disclaimer and Legal Notices: This report is for informational purposes only and

the author, his agents, heirs, and assignees do not accept any responsibilities for anyliabilities, actual or alleged, resulting form the use of this information. This report isnot “professional advice.” The author encourages the reader to seek advice from a

professional where any reasonably prudent person would do so. While everyreasonable attempt has been made to verify the information contained in this eBook,the author and his affiliates cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuraciesor omissions, including omissions in transmission or reproduction. Any references topeople, events, organisations, or business entities are for educational and illustrativepurposes only, and no intent to falsely characterise, recommend, disparage, or injure

is intended or should be so construed. Any results stated or implied are consistentwith general results, but this means results can and will vary. The author, his agents,and assigns, make no promises or guarantees, stated or implied. Individual results

will vary and this work is supplied strictly on an “at your own risk” basis.

Copyright 2012© Nigel Schulze All Rights Reserved

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Thank You for your purchase. I appreciate it.

I've used this strategy for 8 years and made over 7 figures. I can tell you this works and will continue to work until the end of time.

Ok, I'm not going to bore your with some long rags to riches story about myself. If you want to find out more about me it's at the end of this report.

Before I go into the strategy it very important you understand the mindset. This is where most people fail because they want to do everything for free so if it doesn't workout they can run back to there little day jobs and call the internet a scam. Newbies come online and want to make money but they have no experience in business. They don't understand it takes investment capital (either by you or investors) to get things rolling.

With all the BS hype in the “make money online” niche teaching you to start off spending no money to begin, if you believe that rubbish then your probably still struggling.

Go find a job and save some money until you can invest in your business , then you'll start making money sooner.

My second point is people come online to make money, but they assume it has to be done online. No one ever said, to make money online it had to be strictly online.


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The internet is only a medium you can use to get money. You just have to position yourself so the money flows to you. With this strategy we use the internet to gather all our intelligence and then we make money anywhere, whether that's off-line or online.

What exactly is the strategy?

Importing physical products.... because you live in the 'internet marketing' space sometimes your blinded by opportunities because they're not online opportunities.

Let me say physical products dominate the internet, always have and always will. That's up to debate but you don't go online to find a info product on the iphone 5, no, you go online to find the best price where for a new iphone 5 so you can buy it. The end result is you want to buy a iphone 5.

…...and also with millions of other physical products.

Don't dismiss the idea that making money online can only be done online, when the diamonds in the rough can be sitting right at your doorstep off-line in your local market using the internet.

With that said, you need at-least $300 to make this strategy work.

Like I mentioned before, this is a real business not some bullshit WSO trick that worked once and won't work nest week.

If you don't have $300 bucks find a job.

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Strategy #1Importing Products on a Shoe-String Budget starting with just $300 or less

Ok, a question I'm getting asked a lot is, “I want to make money from home how can I make $1000 per week, but I don't have a lot of capital to get started”. I decided to write this quick start guide for those people so you can still start with as little as $250-$300 and scale your business up as you grow.

What we are focusing on are flying under the radar and selling high demand products that we import for $1-$3 and resell for $20-$30. Huge Profits if you know how to do it.

Listen up

What we want to focus on is sourcing a product that is

• Popular right now• Has a high perceived value• Is relatively light in weight• High profit margin• Low cost• Fast turnover

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That's the magic formula for starting out. Now what you do now is go through your list on your notepad and cross of the ones that don't match the criteria. This product can be focused on selling on eBay or off-line but either way we want to move the goods FAST so we can double up.

We want something that will sell fast and make a profit of at least 100% after expenses & tax so we can then reorder fast and double our next order. I recommend you don't spend or pull out any profits and invest into the next order ASAP. If you keep stripping out the profits early on in the piece your business will never gain momentum.

So we want small volume, frequently reorders. My mentor and coach always use to say to me “ if you can't run your business on the smell of a oily rag you'll go broke” . That basically means you want to have your business so streamlined and lean so if someone woke you up 3am in the morning and said “What's your next plan of attack” you could answer them in less than 3 seconds flat.

With the products that meet the above criteria (don't worry if you don't have many you'll find more soon) go to Aliexpress.com . Ali-express is the small volume side of Alibaba. Because the demand of small volume importing is so high they created a whole site to cater for this need. So yes importing small volume is very popular and a lot of companies do it. I still do it because I want to test the waters when I have a new idea. Small volume I mean 10-50pcs.

I will use the iPhone 4 covers as a example. This fits all the criteria stated above.

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Lets look at the this product in detail. The cover is popular and has a nice design. It's dirt cheap at $.82c if you buy 200 (less than $1ea) , includes free shipping to your door. The turn over to make the goods is only 3days. You can pay via credit card so your covered with merchant insurance. You can resell this item for easy $15-$20 and make a killing. Just go to your local shopping centre and find these iPhone 4 covers or something similar and you will see the price.

I just want to explain a few things. The free shipping does include to your front door and that is 100% correct but if the shipping/courier company decide to hit you with a processing fee of $35-$50 technically this is not counted as part of the shipping. It's a processing fee and may could happen say on a weekend or a public holiday so don't be surprised. I most cases it won't but you need to be aware. As for the merchant insurance. Most people are not aware of this but all

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credit card merchants like Visa or Mastercard cover their customers with merchant insurance automatically for a period of 30days+, which means if you buy something sight unseen and don't receive your item or it's not as described you will get your money back from the merchant. They will then chase the vendor. This is to protect the end consumer. Flip your card over and there will be a number on the back to call locally or internationally.

The reputation of the seller is important too. You don't want to do you money and even though Ali-express have a pretty good system still use suppliers that have good feedback and people from different countries have used them before.

So now you got your item and you buy 200 units at $0.82c each so that's $164. No a lot of money to start a business that will generate real cash flow.

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Make sure you ask the supplier when shipping the goods via Air to take out insurance. This is as easy as ticking the box as they fill out the declaration form. The declaration form states the value of the goods in dollars.

Keep in mind when importing goods every country has duties on the certain value amount on what you can import. Until you have to pay. For Australia it's $1,000 AUD. Anything over this you start paying taxes on the extra amount. For USA, CAN&UK they also have duties payable over a certain amount. See these websites for more information.

It will take about 3 days to produce and 5-7 days via Air say 10-12 days and your in business. When factories in China sell goods they don't just stock up they make per order of the customer. If they are a distributor or middle man they will have a warehouse of stock waiting to get sold. Most people don't know this. As you get into bigger orders and import via sea you need to take in consideration sea transit times but lets not get ahead of ourselves. You get a knock on the door and the goods arrive as planned. Inspect the items and make sure all the stock you ordered is counted for. I there and any discrepancies contact the supplier via email and let them know. They will usually credit you if this doe happen, don't worry.

You can sell these for $15 each. I talk more about how to do this later.

So 200 units x $15 = $3,000- $164= $2,836 profit . Not bad for your first shot at it. That's 1700% profit. Pretty cool.

You're Done

That's pretty much it. It's not a complicated process when importing via Air freight. Sea freight and importing volume is a little more challenging

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when you first start out . Who said importing was hard ..lol

Offloading Your Goods for Fast Profits

Now it's time to offload the goods FAST and rinse and repeat. Watch the Flea- Market Domination videos. This is a excellent way to sell you goods fast and doesn't take much money only time. We started this way too. We also sold on eBay but use a combination of both eBay and markets. Before you know it you will run out of stock fast. As people get to know you locally you will get a lot of referral and this generally happens 3-4weeks down the track. As long as you have a quality product at a cheap price you'll attract people like Bee's to honey.

We also did shopping centre stalls. This is basically setting you a display of your goods but more for intermediate level. It does require some capital and some shopping centres require your own insurance cover in case someone gets hurt tripping over your stall. It's never happen to me but still its a requirement for some shopping centres before they allow you to trade.

To set up your stall you need few tables and chair. Present your goods nicely and you will get people coming up to you seeing what you got to sell just like the markets. This way is excellent, you move a lot of volume but like I said it does requires some outlay.

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Strategy #2Buy from a Local Importer and on sell for a profit

What to buy that sells well ?

A product that always sells and will continue to sell no matter what economic climate is Sunglasses. Now before you think .. Ahh that's been done before. Your right. Sunglasses have been done before but why do you still see them every.

It's simple because they SELL SELL SELL. How you make money with this is move volume and get them bloody cheap. Now with this strategy your not going to import them you just buy them from a local supplier. Essentially the local supplier who you will be buying off is the importer.

A good reputable supplier that's been around for a long time is Hutchs Wholesale.

They are Fashion sunglasses wholesaler based in the U.S in LA. They carry all the hottest styles of fashion sunglasses with up to 800 different styles. You can buy in bulk direct from their website and orders are dispatched within 24hrs. They also have a hotline to call if you need to speak with some fast. There website is http://www.HutchsWholesale.com

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Hutchs Whole sell they’re sunglasses by the dozen. You need to buy by the dozen. They will be a little bit more expensive but not by much. In fact it ends up being cheaper because the volume your going to move won't justify the cost you pay in overseas air freight because your only starting out. Where you really start to save and make more money is when you do volume in the container loads. So here's the strategy, you buy a small volume and sell at your local flea market. Even craft markets or produce markets sunglasses sell everywhere. I have a friend and he swears by cheap sunny's. He once had a expensive pair of Ray-ban’s and lost them. Now all he buys is cheap sunny's that look trendy and wouldn't go any other way. He loses a pair every 6 weeks but by that time he's sick of them anyway. By the end of the year he ends up saving money. Sunglasses bought in bulk have all latest fashion and styles like the movie, TV show and Rap star styles.

How cheap can you get these sunglasses so you can make a profit

Being the nature of the product you can buy them cheap and still sell them for a decent profit. Above there are 2 styles. The DG style is $29 per dozen /$2.41 ea. The OG style is $24.50 per dozen /$2.04ea. Now these are latest styles and many more like these and they are cheap as chips. They retail for at least $20. You could even sell them for $15 and still make a nice profit.

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Here's the Trick to making Big cash.

I go over this in more depth in my membership course but he's a quick way to make some quick cash. Sell at the Flea markets. Yes, that means a little work. I have a bonus video series of Flea Market Domination in the full blown course. We were selling $3,500-$5,000 every week in flea markets. Don't under estimate this distribution channel. Just because people go to flea markets doesn't mean they don't have money. If you put the right offer in front of them they will buy.

Lets say you sell 10 sunglasses that day at $20 each. That's $200 less $29 cost and say $10 shipping, your left with $161 profit for few hours work.

10 sunglasses @ $20 less $29 = $171 20 sunglasses @ $20 less $58 = $342 30 sunglasses @ $20 less $87 = $513 ←4 hrs pw beats a day job

The DG style are one of the dearer styles. Some sunglasses are low as $20 per dozen. So you can see that these add up quickly. It's all about volume then. There are many tactics you can apply to increase your flea market sales. All these tactics we have personally used in my business.

When I first started and I was only a one man show, I use to sell at the Flea markets because it was cheap to get in, the foot traffic was already there and I would get exposure in the local market as a trusted seller. We did flea markets for over 18months and made a lot of money. Over 100K in sales. Yes, you heard me right. We sold a high ticket items ranging from $600-$1700 in price and people ate them up.

I reluctantly disclose these products in my Importing Riches e-course because I got a lot of questions from people what to sell and how I made it big importing. You'll have to buy the course to find out, I'm not going to give away all my secrets just yet.

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Flea markets are a great way to get a little income stream happening even if your strapped for cash. It , you just need to put in the effort and if your broke then you got more time than money. This strategy can make you some quick cash while you build your cash flow.

Strategy #3Drop shipping but NOT from a local drop shipper

If you have not heard of drop shipping before, basically they are a middleman that ships your items for you. How it works is you are selling items they stock without having physically having the goods. When you make a sale you go to the drop shipper and buy off them, they then send the item direct to your customer. You do not handle any goods and take the profit once you pay the supplier. There are pro's and cons about this method. The best advantage would have to be you don't need much money to get started. You can sell the item first say online, once the customer pays you, you can then take that money and pay the supplier and difference is your profit. However the main dis advantage is your at the mercy of the drop shippers inventory & pricing structure. They can sell to anyone in your area your competing with, and if your selling on eBay your profit will be minuscule unless you move volume.

However there is another tactic you can use which has still allows you to use drop shippers if your low on cash and that's using international drop shippers. Your competition probably never heard of this. If there old school and sell bricks and mortar over the counter you can have a big advantage.

Recently a lot of factories, predominately in China, have seen the

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massive spikes in growth of small volume buying from western clients and they want a piece of the pie. All over the net websites have sprung up which belong to these reputable Chinese factories so they can corner the huge market. For this to work they understand the demand for small volume buying and drop shipping. So they will sell to you on a 1 unit basis and even drop ship it to your customer so you don't have to touch any inventory. So now you can buy direct from the factory in China on a single unit order and they will drop ship it directly to your door. The e-commerce cycle is complete. By these factories working with their western clients its a win win for everyone.

So how do you find these international drop shippers. Easy, I say its easy because I've been secretly using them for 5 years and it's now your turn to profit.

Here is a list of reputable suppliers that will drop ship below:

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Just from those three websites I mentioned above there's at least 50,000 factories that will drop ship internationally. So you have more than enough to keep you busy.

So what do you do next. It's simple, you browse the listings to see which, factories carry the products you want. Then contact them and ask if they drop ship and prices per volume. Very important only pick the ones with the highest reputation and feedback. Compare prices then organise a drop ship agreement (usually a email) that you will buy from them and they will send the goods directly to your customer. Most of them suppliers will take credit card which is the safest way so your always protected with merchant insurance standard with any Mastercard or Visa provider. That's it. Start selling the goods online, from flea markets, shop front,

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shopping centre stalls, craigs-list, eBay, etc. It's always good to order a few samples to check the quality and delivery time. You might go through a few suppliers until you find one your comfortable working with long-term. This strategy only requires minimal cash to get started. With the right product you can clean up. I started with $300 in my pocket and ordered watch sets. Within 3 years my business was turning over 1 million dollar per year with 1 full-time staff and one part time staff, working out of a small 65m3 warehouse that cost $190 per week to rent.

BONUS Strategy #4Advanced Strategy: How I made Annoying Hawker's my Best Friends

Most of you won't use this strategy because it's a lot of work but once you put this into place trust me it's a beautiful thing. Because you'll literally have a army of off-line affiliates selling your stuff for you while you sit back and make thousands of dollars per week doing nothing.

I use to have a local hawker come into my business from time to time. In Australia we call them Hawkers, I don't know what they call them in the United States, UK or Canada but they are door to door sales people that sell to small businesses. You see them walking around with big bags of usually stuff toys and gadgets. They are also entrepreneurs, in my opinion they do it the hard way but I certainly always admired the work they did because everyone else hated doing what they would do.

I asked this young guy, he was 19years old, what was involved and he pretty much spilled his beans to me. Probably because I always bought

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his Sh*t so he didn't have a choice lol.

In a nut shell (or this report will go on forever) he worked for a company that supplied the toys and gadgets. They had a team of about 10 people in my town. The company would give them the goods on tick (on credit) and they would go out selling the goods. They had a cost price for them and what every they made on top was profit. So a days end they would bring in the sales, pay the cost of the goods and take the difference being profit.

So this young kid would make $300-$400 per day selling stuff toys. Not bad, I was amazed. He was making more than his Dad , that's exactly what he said to me. He was a hard worker but wasn't the best salesman either. So after a few more visits I pitched him the idea to carry my products as well. I mean he was already doing into these businesses anyway, why not have another product on his inventory he could sell and make more money. We sat down and nutted out a plan. I asked him what type of items sold like hot cakes and he told me fancy lighters, singing dogs, neon bracelet lights to name a few. Because he went into a lot of work places where the person usually at reception was a women, they sold a lot of fluffy talking dogs, cats and animals like hot cakes. All impulse purchases. He told me everyone had at least $5 or $10 in there wallet at all times. You just have to pitch it to them on the spot. That's so true. Check your wallet or purse now, I bet you got at least $10 in it right now.

See all these items cost cents in a dollar and you can sell them for massive profits 300-500% pure profit.

I got him and a few other of his buddies to sell my products and I started importing these impulse items what he told me. I had my own mini sales force that were motivated and hungry. If you want to find your own mini sales force to move your goods but don't know where to start try

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• Talking to door to door salesman next time you see one. • Post a classified ad in your local university column. There a zillion

out of work college students how want fast cash and they are motived to go door to door.

• Approach backpackers and do the same. • Post flyers in pin boards and at backpackers hostels. These places

are teeming with students that need money fast.• Post a ad on Craigs-list. You'll be surprised on the response.


So now you have your Markets running once a week on a Sunday where you work ½ day. You sell a few items per day on eBay. As you get more capital through your turnover you decide to do Shopping Centre Stalls once a week per month and you have recruited a few Hawkers who report to you very morning to sell you imported toys, lighters and gadgets. If you decided to set up vendors flea market vendors (See Flea Market Domination videos) that's another avenue where you do minimal work but still get paid. That's Five avenues you can implement that don't cost you thousands but will bring you in thousands. All these methods I personally have done myself that's why I am telling you it works. $1200 per week is nothing. The Sky is the limit. But nothing happens without movement.

If you liked this report and want to know more about importing check out my Importing Riches video e-course. There teach you every step from how to finding winning products, how to find reputable suppliers that won't rip you off , and every step you need to know to get it to your door. I cover legal, insurances, copyright aspects you must know to cover your ass, as well as the fun stuff like spying on competitors, CPA product vending, Flea Market domination. All up over 30 hardcore content

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packed videos. No course on the internet comes close to the information I have in Importing Riches course. You get over 8 years of importing experience from me. I think you would love the community we have there.

Final note. All these strategies I discussed in this report I don't just write about them, I have personally implemented them in my business and made a killing. That's how I was able to go from dead beat factory worker working split shifts to 7 figures in only 36 months...lol (that's meant for my old bosses)

So don't be like the 95% of you who read this report and do nothing about it. There is so much money to be made in importing. Once you find a winner you rinse and repeat, it's like printing money. Your frigging money printer. I love it.

So Just do it, I've done it, Trust me it works

Thank You for your purchase and talk soon

Nigel Schulze

P.s If you want more information check out the full blown version of Importing Riches or email me for help.

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I hope you enjoyed the 4 Strategies I out laid above. These are great ways to get started on a show string budget. I've been asked this question so many times so I thought I would write this quick start guide. There are a lot of people who want to create a income from home and have used eBay to buy stuff so they are already familiar with eBay. To make money you need to sell something in exchange for dollars. And the best way I know is to import products from China. Yes you can buy from a drop shipper but you will never make big money because your relying to much on the drop shipper and if they go bust your business will disappear overnight. The way to make real sustainable profits and build a real business is to import products from China so you get the best possible price and no middle man cutting into your profits.

This is the natural next step in progression if you want to start making bigger profits of 100K+. Actually a lot of my students after they discover the process and import they’re first product they always tell me they didn't realise how easy the process really is. With today's technology and tools you can use online the process is seamless.

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I go over the whole process in my Full blown Importing Riches e course from how to first pick a winning product to contacting suppliers to importing it into your country. There are a few steps involved and for a first time importer who has no clue on where to start there are a lot of dangerous pitfalls you can encounter like getting ripped off by scammers to getting your shipment confiscated by customs for importing a prohibited product.

Fortunately, in my video e course I've been there and done that so you don't have to make the mistakes I did. I lay it out in a step-by-step easy to follow process so your goods arrive at your door on time every-time. I also show you how to protect yourself from with insurances and liability if something were to go wrong. Over 30 videos and more added weekly my video e course “Importing Riches” is the most Kick-butt course of Importing products on the internet period.


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About me

My name is Nigel Schulze from Australia. I started importing 8 years ago. My first go at importing was buying watch sets. They were highly sort after items having seen them on eBay I knew I could buy them cheap somewhere and resell them. I bought a bunch from a supplier in the U.S. And they looked really cool even came in the nice velvet display boxes so I knew they were going to sell just no sure how much.

I bought the watch sets for $5-$7 per set and sold them for $30-$45 each to my work mates in the factory I was working in as a machine operator. After that I was hooked and I knew all I had to do was repeat the process because I already had a winner.

Anyway 6 months past the whole time all I could think of was what could I buy next that would give me enough money to leave this crappy job. I made some money with the watch sets but it wasn’t only small change. So I would study every opportunity I had trying to spot new emerging products and trends. Then it came I saw a seller on eBay sell

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this cool looking Chopper motorbikes but a mini version but they had real motors and could travel up to 100km per hour.

I knew it was going to be a big crazy because myself I wanted to own one and so would my mates for fun. There was only one seller on eBay selling these and he was getting $1200-$1500 each for them. He was selling 5 to 10 per day so I knew he was making a bucket load of cash because everyone wanted them and no one had them. The bids on these bad boys was high it was like a buying frenzy every time he listed one.I finally discovered how how he was getting these mini choppers. He was importing them directly from China. I contacted a supplier and got a price list. I fell off my chair as opened the email. They cost $125 – $225 USD each and he was fetching up to $1,500 a pop on eBay and I suspect even double again in a retail shop. So I had saved about $17,500 of my hard earned money to buy my first container. I though I’ll just go hard why do it half hearted because I had a little experience doing small items already.

2 months later I got the goods, they were not exactly like the ones the other guy in eBay was selling but they still same thing more or less. I sold the complete container in 14 days and pocketed $40,000. I made more in one month importing than I did working a whole year at the factory. The very next month I fired my boss. I then bought another container, and then another and the another, each time doubling my money and made 300K in my first 12 months importing.The rest is history.Not every product I imported was a winner but I have been lucky to jump on those opportunities . I never would have come across those products if I didn’t go for it. I’ve still import today but have diversify into other businesses like real estate and internet.

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I developed a video e course for newbies wanting to get into importing. I feel it’s the most comprehensive course anywhere online where show you all my tips, tricks and expose the dirty secrets you might fall into when your green.

You can find it by >>clicking here<<

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Small Volumehttp://www.smallvolume.com

Biz Trade Showshttp://www.biztradeshows.com

Canton Fairhttp://www.cantonfair.org


Ebay Pulsehttp://pulse.ebay.com


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