The Ongoing Fate

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  • 8/6/2019 The Ongoing Fate


    The Ongoing Fate

    By Emily Pritchard

  • 8/6/2019 The Ongoing Fate


    Emily PritchardOctober 25, 2010

    Period 5Gothic Lit. Assessment

    Jules Charlie PardanonPersonally, I, Jules Charlie Pardanon think that dying was probably the

    best thing that's ever happened to me...and the worst. When you're dead,

    you can do whatever you want, watch the world get more and more

    advanced, travel the world when you want, do what you want, everything's

    completely in your control.

    But it was also the worst clearly because I didn't get to complete my

    life, I never got a job, I never went to college, I never really lived on my

    own, I never got married, I never had kids, I never got to perhaps go to a

    son's football fame, or a daughter's ballet recital, I never got to grow old. I

    never even got a first kiss. I never got to fall in love, I never got to have

    grandchildren, anything. Many times I feel that my life just could have been

    really great. But I guess I'll never know. So I go about my duties I set for

    myself, cleaning. All I've done today is sweep the living room, but that's

    only because a family just moved in. Who wouldn't want a beautiful 4,000

    square foot house in the mountains of Boulder, Colorado?

    They consisted of two parents, a daughter, and a son. I have yet to

    have learned any of their names, but what does it matter? I mean,

    eventually I will, but it isn't like I'm going to talk to them, if I didn't they

    would probably freak out and move out as soon as they could. And when

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    people move in, it's good. Because I get to watch the movies they watch,

    see how they all get along with each other and so on. Like, I could watch

    the little boy grow into the man I never got to become, and I could read the

    girl's diary as she writes it. I'd get to learn about her secrets, her life outside

    the house, her friends, homework, relationships and other memorable

    moments of her life. Jeez, I could follow them to school if I wanted. I could

    follow their family and pretend I'm part of it, but why would I want that?

    Being alone is just too nice. I sit back and relax on the family's red couch.

    It's much comfier than anything that would have been made in my time.

    Clop!Clop!Clop! I look over to find the girl standing next to the coffee

    table. She's staring right at me, but as I stare back into her own eyes, I can

    tell she doesn't really see me. Seconds pass, she's still staring at me, this

    very thing makes me wonder if I'm really in my transparent mode. Don't be

    stupid, of course you are, you're relaxed. When I'm relaxed, I'm in my

    transparent mode. To become opaque, or even translucent, I have to really

    strain myself. Once I'm non-translucent I'm a little relaxed, but my muscles

    hurt, I mean, come on, I just pushed myself into another dimension.

    The girl starts to proceed toward me, or should I say the couch. I

    hadn't realized this before, but she's really quite pretty.

    Lulu Marie Fixleton

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    Lulu Marie Fixleton stared in horror at the red couch. No, it can't be!

    No, Lulu, your soft clay sculpture that you've been working on for months is

    not wedged in the couch. All that hard work is not right now smushed, in a

    couch. Lulu started towards the cherry red couch in complete horror. No!-

    Wait, it's not squished, and was that a shine? Quickly Lulu picked up the

    sculpture to find that it was hard as a rock with a nice glazed shine.

    Oh yeah! Sorry Lulu, I forgot to tell you! But Mr. Draskerson came by

    to pick up your sculpture on Monday, as you can very well see, it's done!

    Through the kiln, glazed and everything! Lulu blankly stared back at her

    Mom for a second before realizing what she's said

    Really! Oh my gosh, that's great, I didn't actually think that Mr.

    Draskerson from, Crackpots was it, would come all of the way up here!

    I know right! My Mom replied.

    I'll go put this in my room. Lulu said as she kicked off her shoes.

    She ran up the stairs to her room which was still mostly boxes. Relieved

    that her sculpture wasn't crushed, she put it on a shelf to admire for a

    second. It looked good, really good actually. The colors were great, green,

    blue, and purple never failed.

    Today was a good day. Bright blue skies with the Flatiron mountains

    standing majestic and tall. To make things better, she didn't get into a fight

    with anyone. Usually Lulu's Mom and her fought about something, mostly

    stupid things, too. She didn't know why, but still it didn't change their

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    relationship, like today they got along.

    With a cheesy smile on her face Lulu sauntered over to her ipod in

    deliberate need of music at the moment. She sat on her bed and listened to

    Green Day while thinking, specifically about the house. It was a nice house,

    but also very, very old. Much older than any other her family had ever lived

    in. It was build in 1900, it was currently 110 years old. But even having

    been build so many years ago, it was still a beautiful shining gem.

    It's paint had been redone many times, the walls repainted, the floors

    redone, and kitchen counters and fridge replaced, a brand new island

    added, the old door knocker replaced with an automatic doorbell, the roof

    redone, electrical outlets added, and so on. But also many parts of the

    house hadn't been renovated, like the basement, of course. It was also fun

    to think about the house's history. All of the families that shared Christmas's

    and birthdays in the house... There were a lot, until 1931, it was said that

    family of four were murdered here. Sad, but it happened 79 year ago,

    simply something that should definitely be forgotten if anyone planned on

    living comfortably.

    Lulu had heard of ghosts in places with heavy histories, a place like

    this. Lulu wasn't really sure about how she viewed ghosts. So many people

    claimed to have seen ghosts, and not all of those times had to be 'mistakes'

    right? Well then...? Lulu wasn't sure what to think and never really had. But

    either way the house was lovely and surely nothing could haunt such a

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    beautiful place.

    The smell of macaroni and cheese floated up to Lulu causing sudden

    pangs of hunger. Lulu? Said Lulu's Mom, It's time to eat! Lulu tossed her

    ipod onto her desk and proceeded into the hallway. The hall was brightly lit

    and the cream colored carpet was soft and lush. Lulu's mom stood on the

    thick cedar wood stairs checking her Blackberry.

    Is Dad home yet? Lulu asked hesitantly. Lulu's Mom began down the


    Oh, no, he should be here soon. Dang! Lulu thought, the only way to

    get her Mom to agree with her getting a permit was to have Dad on her

    side. Oh, well, I'm just going to have to do it without him, Lulu rounded the

    corner into the dining room where a meal of macaroni and cheese, salad,

    and pumpkin pie sat.

    It's out first meal in our new house! Lulu's Mom clarified happily.

    Mmm...looks good. Lulu says as she hesitantly lingered around her

    seat. Sam, Lulu's younger brother of 8, hungrily eyed the can of cool whip.

    What's wrong? Lulu's Mom asked, Lulu noticed that she looked a lot like

    her Mom. Her Mom's hair a dark brown, hers dark brown, her Mom's eyes

    green, her eyes green, her Mom's skin pale, hers olive, her Mom no

    freckles, and Lulu, freckles across the bridge of her nose. Other than the

    freckles and skin tones they looked really alike.

    Mom's so happy...Lulu thought, she didn't want to ruin things, but

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    when else was she to introduce the topic? Slowly, Lulu sat down and tucked

    her hair behind her ear.

    I want to get my permit. Lulu's Mom's face tightened, and suddenly

    her skin looked too tight, but surprisingly she didn't blow.

    Lulu, we've already been through this.

    Mom? Can we eat desert first today? Sam asked already knowing

    the answer., I'm sorry hon. You can start eating, Lulu and I are going to


    Awwwww... Sam whined, Lulu watched Sam pick up his fork and start

    to stab at the cheesy macaroni elbows.

    Lulu, we've been through this before. Teaching you to drive is not

    safe right now. We live in the mountains, Lulu, I don't want to accidentally

    fall down a slope or something.

    But you can teach me in Boulder, in a parking lot, and I'll just never

    drive home for safety reasons. See? It all works out. Lulu could tell by the

    look on her Mom's face that she wasn't going to win the battle, which

    angered her..

    But I have to learn some day! Lulu's Mom uncomfortably folded her

    hands in her lap.

    And today just won't be the day, or tomorrow, or the next day, or

    anytime this year! It's October, Lulu. Roads are going to start getting icy,

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    there's going to be snow storms, blinding snow storms-

    So why don't I start learning now?!

    Lulu, are you crazy, first snow's going to arrive at any second, and do

    you know how expensive the insurance would be?!

    Mom! You keep putting it off! I'm going to talk to Dad about this as

    soon as-

    I already talked to Nick about it. We bother agreed not yet.

    Ugh! Lulu rose in anger from her seat. you're smuggling me! You're

    never going to let me do it, never! Lulu's Mom's forehead wrinkled in


    I'm not talking about this and I guarantee you neither will your


    Ugh! It's not fair! I'll bet you got your permit by the time you were

    sixteen! Lulu said as she begin to walk away.

    Mom, did someone die in out house? Lulu heard Sam ask.

    Yes, honny. A whole family of four. Isn't it sad? I think about it a lot.

    How did you find out? Lulu didn't know why, but she got angrier as her

    Mom said those things.

    It doesn't matter! It happened 79 year ago! Let's just forget about it!

    Let's NOT think about it a lot! People are always stressed! Well, why don't

    they stop thinking about stressful things! That might fix things, gee, I don't

    know! Infuriated, Lulu stormed up the steps, listened to hear what her

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    Mom would say.

    So, um, Sam, how did you find out again?

    Kids at school told me... Sam's voice faded away as Lulu slammed

    her door. She was mad, really mad, and to wash it all away, she'd go to bed.

    Clear her mind for a good ten hours. It was a Saturday night, she was

    supposed to be staying up late, not going to bed early, but things that

    weren't accounted for always ended up happening.

    Anxious to clear her mind, she slipped into her pajama's, turned off

    the light and climbed into bed. Luckily, I only had to lay there for a couple

    of minutes until I drifted off to sleep.

    Sarah? Sarah?! Sarah! Sarah was dead. All that remained on the

    train tracks was her flowery pink shoe. Splattered with blood. Sarah was

    dead! I saw the train coming! What was wrong with me?! Why didn't I say

    anything?! Was it because I was only six?!

    Lulu jerked up, traumatized. Just as she'd been before when she was

    six. Lulu hated reliving the moment, even through a dream, she'd been

    emotionally unstable since then. Lulu blinked in the darkness of her room.

    The only light came through the tiniest slits of her blinds. That's when Lulu

    saw it. The figure. Curled up tightly in the corner. A person! His eyes dark,

    his mouth curled into a smile. A taunting smile, a smile that said Haha!

    Yeah! I'm looking at you! Whatcha gonna do about it!His presence froze

    Lulu's heart in its tracks. His face.

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    Lulu wanted to scream, she wanted to stop the thumping in her chest.

    Calm down, calm down, it it's just Sam wearing a creepy mask, you don't

    want to make him think that he actually scared you..No! It can't be Sam!

    Sam's much smaller! Lulu felt too afraid to move, she felt frozen, paralyzed.

    Just a pile of clothes, Lulu. Just a pile of clothes, chill. Turn on the

    light. It's just a pile of clothes. Lulu calmly said her herself out loud. Slowly,

    Lulu slid out from underneath her blanket, and stood. Part of her didn't want

    to turn on the light, it wanted to jump back into bed and hide under the

    covers. But the other part of her wanted to sleep in peace, knowing that it

    had just been a pile of clothes.

    Quickly Lulu sprinted to the other side of the room where the light

    switch was. She looked back at the figure once more. It was staring at her!

    With that creepy grin! Automatically Lulu switched on the light, fearing

    what she would see. And what she saw was...nothing. Lulu saw an empty

    corner, completely empty. She turned the light back off. Still, nothing, so

    she turned the light back on. Still nothing, but something was there.

    Something was just in her room. Someone was just in her room. Frightened,

    Lulu quickly scanned her room for whatever had been there earlier.

    Still, nothing. It wasn't as if Lulu hadn't seen it because she knew

    quite clearly that she had. Did she just see a ghost?! She must have! This

    here was a boy that she'd hadn't ever seen in all her life, a boy who was

    unpleasantly, very unpleasantly, staring and grinning ghoulishly at her. And

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    I said, what are you doing here?! Sam repeated. Suddenly the

    reason she was, in fact, here came flooding back to her. The boy, in her


    Oh, you know, it was kinda cold in my room, I couldn't sleep very

    well. Lulu didn't like to lie, but no way was she about to tell Sam that she'd

    seen a ghost in her room. He would think her crazy instantly.

    Um, okay...? Sam said as he left the room. Lulu's thoughts were

    spinning around last nights terror endlessly, but she had to move on. Lulu

    got up out of Sam's bed, Sam's comfy and warm bed and proceeded on into

    the hallway. As she neared her room, fear arose, small at first, and then

    overwhelmingly. She didn't like the fact that the ghost of the house was for

    some reason drawn to her room. Come on, Lulu, whatever was there

    before, isn't still there now.

    Lulu pushed open the door and strode right on in. See, nothing, Lulu

    told herself in relief. Lulu rapidly collected her outfit for the day and a

    couple of accessories before moving on to the bathroom. She showered a

    steamy shower, a notch warmer than she usually did. The mirror was foggy,

    which made doing her makeup a bit tougher than usual. Even when Lulu

    tried to wipe away the moisture with a towel, instead, the mirror became

    fuzzy and dull. Next, breakfast, Lulu wasn't sure if she was ready to see her

    Mom yet, but her growling stomach and pangs of hunger made the decision

    for her. When she strode downstairs, she listened to see who was in the

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    ...yeah. This was the one. This was the family. Doesn't it make you

    sad, Nick? Lulu heard someone shuffle in their seat.

    Well, yeah, it's sad, it really makes me think sometimes, you know?

    Yes, exactly, yeah, but I don't think Lulu likes the topic very much. I

    guess I don't blame her. Lulu then walked in startling both her parents and

    Sam who had been quietly reading one of The Magic Tree House books.

    Good morning, Lulu. Her Dad said warmly. Lulu could tell that her

    Mom must have told him about their argument. He was still, and had an

    almost fake smile plastered on his face.

    Morning. Lulu replied.

    There's some scrambled eggs left in the pan. Her Mom said.

    Thanks. Lulu replied, annoyed. She grabbed a plastic bowl and

    began to spoon the eggs in.

    Also, in case you were curious, there's a picture of the family that

    died. Her Dad added as he sipped his coffee. Lulu, not wanting to upset

    both her Mom and Dad, stole a glance at the black and white photo.

    I see. Lulu said about to leave, when suddenly someone in the

    picture caught her eye. On the far left, was a boy Lulu's age. His face was

    familiar. He was...the boy she'd seen in her room last night.

    No, it can't be. She breathed in utter horror. The boy who'd died was

    haunting the house. Fear swept over here, the boy could be anywhere in

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    the house. In the house.

    'It can't be' what? her Dad asked, taking another sip of his coffee.

    Oh, nothing, Lulu quickly replied, I just didn't know that a young

    little toddler was in the family. Lulu eyed the second little boy before going

    back upstairs to her room. She more than anything wanted to eat

    downstairs with her family where the treacherous boy wouldn't dare show

    himself. But Lulu had to get over her fear.

    He probably wouldn't show himself ever again. Lulu went directly to

    her room without hesitation. Right when she closed the door, she felt the

    need to escape instantly. But instead sat down in her spin chair to try to

    enjoy her breakfast. The eggs were bright yellow and tasted genuine. Lulu

    spun around to view her room. She popped more egg into her mouth, and

    another spin. But this spin was different. The last time her head was down

    getting egg when passing her bed. But this time, she saw her bed, and on it

    sat the boy. The plastic bowl slipped from Lulu's hands falling quietly to the

    lush carpet.

    Shock, panic, and fear arose within, Lulu's heart thumped rapidly in

    panic. The boy wasn't the least bit average for what one would expect. He

    had blonde hair that fell over his forehead, and black eyes that blended in

    with all of the black around his eyes. His lips ere a dark, dark, dark blue,

    they almost looked black. Plus, hie face was a smooth pale ivory, his skin

    looked like porcelain. His shirt was by Hurley, and he wore a Volcom jacket,

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    plus blue and silver mesh shorts.

    Tears of fear began to roll down Lulu's cheeks as she continued to

    stare at the boy, he was a very creepy looking person with his dark features

    against light skin.

    Don't cry. Don't be afraid. He whispered, the sound at which he'd

    been able to whisper this frightened her even more. Normal people

    couldn't whisper things that fast.

    Go away! Lulu blurted, tears now coming one of another.

    I can't. You musn't fear me. He said, slower this time. Lulu wanted to

    scream, or just disappear, she didn't enjoy the boy's company.

    Ask me anything. Come on, we'll become good friends. You'll see.

    The boy continued to stare for several more moments unblinking.

    What's your name? Lulu asked shakily.

    Jules Charlie Pardanon. See, I have a name just like you, Lulu. Ask me


    What's your favorite food?

    Vanilla cupcakes with strawberry frosting. How about you, Lulu? Lulu

    felt it odd discussing delicious foods with a soul that had frightened her

    more than death itself.


    Ah, and what kind?


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    Cheddar's good. So how old are you, Lulu?

    Sixteen, how about you? Lulu felt uncomfortable making

    conversation with a ghost.

    Look, something we both have in common! I'm sixteen as well.

    What's your favorite color?


    Mine's blue, see, we're getting to know each other. Jules then

    smiled, and then slowly, he disappeared. Lulu didn't know what to think.

    Was he kind? Like a more real version of Casper? Like, a nice ghost?

    Because it was clear that he didn't want to hurt her, or else he would have

    taken the initiative. Because of their small conversation, she didn't fear him

    as much as she had before, but she still wasn't immune to him mentally.

    Things would be better if he didn't show up and spook her.

    Lulu quickly checked about her room to make sure that Jules Charlie

    was gone. During her talk with Jules, she noticed many things odd about

    him. First of all, why were his eyes and lips so dark? Perhaps death?

    Secondly, why were his clothes so modern? Surely Volcom, Hurley, and

    mesh shorts weren't in style in 1931. Thirdly, he didn't ever blink? Next,

    what color were his eyes? Surely they weren't black, and also the whites of

    his eyes were a mere gray. In the picture he looked fairly decent, cute

    actually. He had a nice smile and looked happy. The Jules she had just seen

    looked drained of life, obviously, dead and worn out. Lulu had many

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    questions to ask Jules. She decided to take a piece of paper and write down

    all of her questions for the next time he'd return. He had to return, he

    clearly said that they'd become close friends, and one couldn't achieve that

    without speaking to the other more than just once.

    Lulu's list was long and full of interesting questions. Her list consisted

    of fourteen questions.

    1. Why are you talking to me?2. Did you show yourself to anyone else?3. What was your little brother's name?4. Why are your eyes so dark and your lips so blue?

    5. What age could kids start driving in your time?6. What did it feel like to get shot?7. What went through your mind when you died?8. Did you have a girlfriend?9. What was school like in your time?10. Could you go to the movies?11. What's it like being dead?12. Are your other family members here as well?13. Why are your clothes so modern?14. What was the last thing you are before you died?

    The last question, Lulu thought was a bit random, but she was truly


    That's one interesting bunch of questions. Lulu jumped in surprise,

    panic, and horror. Jules was right behind her, reading her every question.

    Lulu looked up at his face, observing every inch of it. His skin held not a

    single blemish nor pimple, and his pores were so small that again his skin

    appeared to be made of porcelain. His eyes were dark, black almost, but

    she saw a little bit ofsomething in them. Something that made them not

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    completely black.

    Lulu was afraid to speak to him. Fearing that if she did, he would look

    at her, currently, he was a still figure, his head beside hers, inches away.

    Ask me. He merely demanded.

    Um, okay... Lulu replied, she wasn't used to having him around, and

    she was still somewhat frightened.

    Why are you talking to me? Jules stirred a bit before answering.

    Because I'm lonely and it'd be weird talking to anyone else in your

    family. Either of your parents would freak out, which would result to moving

    out of the house, and I personally think it's fun having company. And Sam,

    he'd go about and tell everyone, he's kind of like my younger brother

    Charlie, and he's far too young to understand anything I'd tell him. I mean,

    you could tell your parents too, but, still, you're just a better candidate than

    everyone else. Hmm, Lulu thought, It did make sense. Plus he's just

    answered the next two questions within one answer.

    You're little brother's name was Charlie?

    Is Charlie, he's with my parents, which are in Chicago, in our old

    house. But, yes.

    Oh, I see. But...isn't Charlie your middle name?

    Precisely, his full name is Charlie Jules Pardanon. My Mother said it

    was like that to always remind us that we are brothers no matter what

    might happen.

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    That's nice, kind of sweet. Lulu said, liking the way the two names

    entwined with each other. Lulu looked at the next question on the list, the

    reason why his lips and eyes were dark, she felt that the question shouldn't

    have been asked directly after discussing his family, but decided to anyway.

    Um, why are your eyes so dark and your lips so blue? Lulu saw him

    physically tense up a bit.

    They're blue actually. My eyes, Jules said looking away. And it's

    black around them because I've been dead 79 years. They won't get any

    darker once I'm passed 80 years, Jules said. Lulu had the feeling that he

    was lying about why it was dark on those features, but decided to leave it

    alone. But blue eyes? Lulu wanted to look at them and see, but knew that

    she would instantly regret it.

    May I see? Lulu shyly asked. Slowly, he brought his eyes up. First

    staring at her mouth , then her nose, and then finally her eyes. Lulu did

    instantly regret the request. First of all, his eyes seemed empty and full of

    nothingness. Secondly, his eyes were horrifyingly piercing, they stabbed

    into her soul and mind unlocking all her secrets, and thirdly, they didn't

    blink, ever. Lulu, however, tried to get past all of it and actually examine

    his eye color. It was quite difficult, and she had to look away a few times,

    but finally discovered, that yes, his eyes were blue. But the darkest shade

    of blue she'd ever seen, a horridly dark shade of indigo. His pupils were

    barely separable from the iris's.

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    Oh, they are blue...your skin looks so much like porcelain, Lulu


    It wasn't always like that, I just died, and then it happened. Lulu,

    unthinkingly reached out and touched his face. He flinched, but didn't move

    away. His skin was surprisingly warm, and soft. Odd for a dead person.

    Weren't dead people supposed to be cold and non-solid?

    Lulu quickly moved onto another question, not the direct next, but the

    one that interested her the most. Question number six, what it felt like to

    get shot.

    What does it feel like to get shot?' Lulu asked with great curiosity.

    Bad. Really bad. It felt as if an explosion went off in my chest. The

    bullet was hot, really hot. Definitely the worst kind of pain imaginable, it

    punctured my lung, so I couldn't breathe well. Every breath I took was

    excruciatingly painful, and with my punctured lung, I was short of breath so

    I had to take many breaths. Some people's bodies go into shock because of

    the pain. Mine, however, didn' was a very slow and painful death. I lied

    on the floor for three hours until I finally decided to just...stop breathing.

    Lulu shifted uncomfortably at the thought. The pain to breathe was like

    getting stabbed in the chest, every breath a stab in the chest. A very sorry

    way to die.

    I didn't think that getting shot was as bad as you made it sound, I

    mean, I knew it was bad but now...

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    Yeah, no fun.

    Lulu read over her list and found one that might lighten up the topic,

    depending on what the answer was.

    What was the last thing you ate before...

    I died?, that question really makes me think...ah, yes! A

    pathetic apple. I was working on the farm, my family owned a farm in Niwot

    or Gunbarrel, I forget which, and I got hungry. So while feeding the

    chickens, I told my dad, and he told he to get an apple, so I did. It as all that

    was on the farm, red apples. A very unsatisfying fruit, I personally think. So

    we got back from the farm, and I wanted to eat some real food, like

    lasagna, so I went inside the house with my Dad, and started to look for

    something. But that's when the murderer came in. 9:16 PM exactly. An

    apple... Jules said, a look of disgust clear on his face.

    What kind of apple? Lulu asked wondering if he knew.

    I'm not sure what their exact name was , Lulu nodded. Yeah, no one

    really knows the exact name of the apple they eat, Lulu thought.

    I really am taking up too much of your time. Jules said, glancing at

    the clock on her desk. It was 11:07, they'd talked for about 50 minutes. Lulu

    realized that she always thought the ghosts and such didn't really talk, or

    exist, or have conversations with the living.

    But the dead were just like the living, except well, the looked a little

    different, and could fade away. But other than that, they had emotions,

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    feelings, memories, everything. She started to think of them just as normal

    people, just with surpassed expiration dates, she suddenly didn't fear Jules

    very much at all with her new theory. Amazing how feelings could change

    all within a day. Last night she couldn't even sleep in the same room after

    seeing him, and now she was having semi-normal conversations with him.

    When Lulu looked back, he was gone.

    Lulu? Are you talking to someone? Lulu heard her Mom ask as she

    opened the door to peek inside.

    What?! No. Lulu replied as if implying that her Mother was crazy.

    Thought I heard you speaking to someone. Her Mom's eyes darted

    instantly to the floor.

    And please Lulu, pick your eggs off the ground! You're going to attract

    bugs. Her Mom then stepped inside her room and closed the door.

    I just wanted to let you know that, I'm sorry, but it's final, you're not

    getting your permit until next year, okay? Sorry. Lulu's jaw dropped in

    disappointment and anger.

    I've been wanted a permit forever! And now I have to wait until I'm

    17... Lulu proclaimed, annoyed. She then realized how bratty and spoiled

    she sounded.

    I mean, sorry, but I've gone through a lot. Lulu said liking better now

    things were ten minutes ago.

    I know, with moving, and such. But at least you didn't have to change

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    schools. And I know, about Byron, how he broke up with you-

    Mom! Lulu interrupted, not wanting to hear it. Byron was her now,

    ex-boyfriend, they'd been going out for a year, and his breaking up with her

    was devastating. It'd happened three weeks ago, but Lulu still wasn't fully

    healed from it.

    Everything's just...some things moving too slowly, some things

    moving too fast..Did you know that Cameron, his ex-girlfriend threw ice

    cream in my face and laughed at me after Byron dumped me. Lulu looked

    up to see a confused look on her Mom's face.

    You don't remember?!

    Yes, I do now, please...calm down. I'll be downstairs if you need me.

    Lulu doubted that she'd need her Mom at all throughout the day, and if she

    did, she'd just get her Dad to avoid her Mom.

    Jules Charlie Pardanon

    Emotionally compromised I see. Her boyfriend broke up with her? An

    ice cream to the face? Moving? Annoyed with parents? Dealing with me?

    The girl's been through a lot. Does she deserve my mercy? Perhaps a 'just

    this once' pass? No. I really don't think so. No on deserves mercy once

    they've maddened me. Only one thing angers me...and if she was able to

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    hit it...too bad. Nice kind of talking to her though. And wow, she actually

    touched my face. That's a first, kind of nice too. I didn't feel along for once

    in my pathetic afterlife. I like her, she's interesting, with or without a diary.

    She's nice too. Haha, well, that's just too bad.

    Lulu Marie Fixleton

    Lulu spent the rest of the day reading because he life currently sucked

    that much .She had no one to call due to her slightly anti-socaial personality

    , no boyfriend to make a date with, no place she could easily walk to due to

    their house in the mountains, and no one in the family in which she desired

    to talk to. Most of her weekends would be packed with homework and dates

    with her equally anit-social friends, but this one was quite the opposite.

    It seems as if you're hit a bump in the road. Lulu looked up to find

    Jules leaning against the wall.

    Yes, I have. Lulu looked him over with curiosity. I'm pretty sure that

    outfit wasn't what was 'in' at the time in 1931.

    Naw, they weren't 'in' in 1931, before your family lived here, another

    family died. The Duralman's, they had three sons, so I stole the fifteen year

    old's clothes. Kind of funny. Yeah, well, they lived here a year ago.

    Ohh, Lulu said, that made sense.

    You know, I have a world that I'm in. It's beautiful, not Heaven, just

    where people go. There's a bright sun and rolling hills, mountains, streams,

    lakes, rivers, forests. A whole new world. To be discovered and explored,

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    and hey, there's always surprises, things that can always turn out different

    from what they are. Lulu was shocked ans amazed. Everyone always

    wondered where you went when you died, and now she knew.

    Really? That's so cool! Lulu said excitedly.

    Oh yes, it is, very pretty. You don't have to die to visit it, Lulu. I could

    take you there now. If I were to keep you there, you'd eventually fade back

    into this world within hours Do you want to see it Lulu? Lulu stared into his

    eyes but only for a second. They were warm, truthful, caring, but still empty

    and piercing. What if he was lying? What if he would lead her into some

    horrid variation of Hell? But what if he wasn't lying? If her weren't she'd just

    fade back into this world again within hours. Besides, things were going

    pretty bad in her own world anyway, things were slowly starting to fall


    Okay, but just for a couple of hours. I can't be brought back too late, I

    have school in the morning.

    Shouldn't be a problem. Jules replied. Lulu couldn't help but realize

    that their conversation sounded like they were going on a date. If Jules were

    alive and not dead, and actually 16, she probably would date him. Even

    being dead, with his strange dark areas he was still attractive.

    Lulu set her book aside and stood.

    How do we get there?

    Just take me hand and close your eyes. Jules stood beside her and

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    took her hand. Lulu closed her eyes, she felt a strange force and pressure

    begin to build. It got stronger, and stronger, and stronger until she was

    squeezing Jules's hand in pain. It felt as though they were sinking to the

    bottom of the ocean.

    But then, instantly, it subsided, and they were still.

    Open your eyes. Jules said softly, and when she did, there were no

    rolling hills, neither a bright sun, or mountains, or lakes, river, or forests.

    Before her was a metal room that had several hallways that branched off.

    What is this?! Where's the rolling hills? The sun? The lakes and

    river? The mountains? The forests? Lulu loudly prompted. Jules smiled as if

    satisfied by her reaction.

    This is my workshop. All that I told you is outside. See, take a look.

    Jules sauntered over to a curtained window. When he spread the velvety

    maroon drapes, everything he'd described was there. All of it. But outside a


    Well, come on, let's go. Aren't we going out there? Lulu asked, surely

    hoping so, if not, what a waste.

    Well, okay. But let me show you my workshop first. I'm certain you'd

    love it.

    Lulu began to once again question Jules. Was he a nice ghost? Like Casper?

    A workshop? What could anyone possibly do in such an odd workshop!

    Come with me, Lulu. Jules demanded holding out his hand. Lulu

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    Lulu walked over to one of the glass walls and ran her finger over the

    smooth hard glass. She noticed Jules, leaning against the door frame, arms

    crossed over his chest. A rather smug look on his face.

    What is this room anyway? So pretty in such a pure and simple

    way. She looked over at Jules for an explanation.

    well, didn't you read the door? Jules asked in confusion.

    Half of the letters were gone, worn out. Lulu replied as she drew

    imaginary pictures on the glass.

    Oh. Jules replied. That's why she'd gone into the room so easily.

    Well, it's a compactor. Jules said loosely. Lulu's eyes quickly darted back

    to Jules.

    A compactor? Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as she

    looked about the room. Lulu didn't see how she could be in a compactor

    and did not like the thought of being in one.

    Lets move on, I don't like being in here, it sca- Jules quickly slammed

    an locked the door before she could finish.

    Wait...? Lulu said, as she saw him reappear again, but in a different

    room. A room on the other side of the glass, a very tiny room that could

    only contain a camera pod, a glass chair, a book labeled Book of Motion

    Deaths. Jules swiftly seated himself and turned on the camera.

    Jules!? What's going on?! Lulu asked as Jules toggled with the lens's

    and settings.

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    All set, Jules said as a red light appeared on the camera,And it's


    No,Lulu thought. This is just some big ugly joke. Jules quickly pulled down a

    huge lever. Goodbye, Lulu! Jules said with a laugh as he blew an air kiss.

    Lulu quickly turned around. no!NO!NOOO! All of the glass walls were slowly

    moving inward.

    No! Stop! PLEASE!What is this?! What have I ever done to you?!!

    Lulu screamed as she began to cry.

    Lulu...what happened to my family will neverbe forgotten.

    Remember the night when you yelled, 'let's just forget about it', no Lulu, no

    one forgets about it, and I'll make sure that no one ever will. Lulu sank

    down to her knees, shedding bitter tears in despair.

    People like you, Lulu, want to, haha, 'forget', about what happened.

    People like you, Lulu, are disrespectful, and deserve punishment. Jules

    then began to laugh. A loud cackle in Lulu's misery. Lulu's fears intensified

    and her heart began to hammer when she noticed how much closer the

    walls were to her.

    I was mad! People always say things they don't mean when they're

    mad! Lulu stammered through her sobs.

    Too true, too true, oh, but Lulu, I think we both know that you clearly

    mean what you said with all your heart!

    PLEASE!Lulu screamed. Don't let this happen to me...She sobbed

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    in a small voice as the walls began to close in around her. Jules began to

    laugh, his revenge was excellent, the best imaginable. The glass was now

    centimeter away from Lulu.

    NOOOOOO!!!She screamed as the glass began to slowly

    squeeze her shoulder and press up against her stomach and back.

    AHHHHHH!She screamed, this scream led Jules to a terrifying


    AHHHHHHHH! Jules's Mom, Madeline, screamed as the

    murderer shot Jules. Jules fell to the ground, the last sound

    he ever heard from his Mom, her scream. Then he heard the gun

    fire and the sound of his Mom falling to the kitchen floor.

    Another gun shot, his Dad fell to the ground. Charlie Jules

    began to cry. Another gun shot.

    Lulu's scream was similar to that of his Mother's. Yes, feel pain, feel

    the pain we all felt! Jules thought as he watched Lulu get compacted. Her

    head was being pushed down while her feet were being pushed up. Soon

    came the nauseating sound of bones crunching, teeth scraping against the

    glass, skull cracking... A couple minutes later the compactor began to shake

    unable to compact the bloody jumbled up mess that remained of Lulu, up

    any smaller.

    Jules Charlie Fixleton

    A perfect cube. I'd compacted Lulu into a perfect 17 x 17 inch cube.

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    She'd just barely be able to fit inside the giant freezer's remaining space.

    Good work. I've done good work. I picked up the tape I'd just recorded

    and added it to my Book of Motion Deaths. All of the people I'd killed went

    into this book. Well, the video of their death did, every time I pressed play,

    the prisoner felt the full course of pain all over again. Gut when I didn't

    make them re-experience the pain, their souls were forever trapped as

    frozen motionless pictures on a page inside my book. I was very proud of

    my new addition. The ongoing fate of Lulu Marie Fixleton. I dug into my

    pocket and took out a small mirror. My eyes were even darker, around my

    eyes were darker, and my lips were darker. For every person I'd killed, these

    features got darker. I liked them, it made me look tough, dead, and scary. I

    grinned at my handsome figure, before pocketing the mirror again.

    I looked down at the page, Lulu was frozen in a state of crying.

    You may speak. I say, suddenly Lulu's a moving motion person on

    the page.

    I (sob)...I thought we were (sob)...supposed to (sob)...explore the

    rolling hills (sob)...the lakes, the rivers the mountains (sob)...

    Hey, there's always surprises, things that can always turn out

    different from what they are. You'll neverget to be out there. Just like how I

    never got to live a full life. With that I pressed the play button and re-

    watched Lulu get compacted over, and over, and over, and over, and over,

    and over, and over, and over again. Sometimes I'd have all 42 of my videos

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    play at once just for the heck of it.

    Lulu's fate would be ongoing pain, misery, and compacting. Jules

    smiled, a big horridly malevolent, ear to ear smile.

    The End


    In the 1930's America was going through it's well known GreatDepression. Thus the reason why the Pardanons were murdered. Theylived in a great 4,000 square foot house, a less fortunate (wealth wise)Boulderite would feel the need to murder a family like this at the time.

    In the 1930's there were movies and at this time, 1930 wasconsidered the the 'golden age' of Hollywood. Movies like Alice inWonderland, Cleopatra, and the Prisoner of Zenda had come out, so,yes, in Jules's time you could see movies.

    School districts had struggled to find ways to stay open, somecould only afford a five month school year, and some schools had tocharge a tuition to stay open, therefore forcing some students to dropout for that year. So in Jules's time, schools were struggling to stayopen.

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    In the 1930's, you could get a license to drive a car at 16, theoldest existing driving school was in Peckham, London, England in1910.

    Fun Facts About the 1930's Population : 123,188,000 in 48 states Life Expectancy: Male 58.1 Female 61.6

    Average Salary: $1,368

    Unemployed: 25%

    Food Prices: Milk 14 cents a qt, Bread 9 cents a loaf, Round steak42 cents per pound


    Authors, Unknown. "Driver's Education." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 1 Oct.


    Web. 25 Oct. 2010.

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