' t THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 20 : 1887. TWELVE PAGES , NUMBER ROYAL BUT SIMPLE , Interesting Pacts About the Personal Lifo of Emperor William , HOW HE SPENDS HIS DAYS.- An . Early Riser , Light Eater and Drinker aud Bard Worke- r.PARNELL'S . HEALTH PRECARIOUS The Irish Leader Said to Bo in a Very Bad Way , AMERICAN TALENT IN LONDON. Our ActrcuscH anil HlnRtrs and What They Arc Doing Incidents of the Week In Nerlln Vic- toria ¬ Kcturns Thanks. flow the Kaiser Lives.- Copii . [ IgM 1837 James fJonlon lltnnctt. ] Bnm.iN, Juno 25. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Uii : . | The following details of the personal llfo of the emperor have boon sent me by a gentleman In a posi- tion ¬ to bo thoroughly Informed of court mat ters. They give such nn Interesting view of the simplicity of the Gorman Kaiser's life that 1 send them ns received : HIS Sl.r.III'S IN SIMPLICITY. The emperor rises utmost as early as the hardest worked of his subjects , namely , be- tween ¬ 0 nnd 7. Ills bedroom shows soldierly atom simplicity. The bed in which ho slept nearly seventy years , Is of ordinary pine Without carving or other ornamentation .Ho Bleeps with his head much raised , almost as though ho wore sitting up. Tlio covering Is- nn Elder down quilt , but In cold weather the emperor throws over tlio quilt the military overcoat ho lias worn during the day. There is little furniture beyond the high clothes press. The solo luxury In the room Is a big mirror , giving n full length view of the Kal- ecr. - . The emperor has never owned a dress- ing ¬ gown or n pr.lr of slippers. HIS Mtm.NINO TOILET- .As . a further evidence of Ills simple llfo Is the fact that until the nttempt on his life nine years ngo the empercr dressed himself with scarcely nny nsslstnnco from the ser ¬ vants. Since then tlio stiffness of one nrm , caused by the powder burns , hns made n valet necessary. Over the kaiser's low bed Imngsabell rope leading to the servants' apartments below. Between 0 and 7, when In health , ho wakes of his own accord and rings for his personal attendants. These kainmcr dlcners are selected by the emperor from among the soldiers of the ucker- inaoiker. - . Thus a chief was the kaiser's at- tendant ¬ at the time of the Nobllng attempt , aud jumped from the box scat of the carriage to catch nnd shelter his master In his arms- .In . answer to his master's Dell , the ncker- macrkcr - nnd chief of wardrobe appear to nld- In the emperor's rnpld toilet At 7:30 : coffee with milk and n single Cnrlsbnd wnfcr nro placed for his majesty In a room oil his bed ¬ room- .BTATrnNDiNO . TO PRIVATE BUSINESS. From 8 to 10 the emueror gives to his priv- ate ¬ business that is , to all uinll mntter which comes to him direct Instead of through the departments of state to his private estates , and to numerous personal appeals. During these two hours he arranges with Private Secretary Gehelmratli llork that some peasant who sent plovers' eggs shall bo properly thanked , or that some child who wishes to exchange her picture for that of the king In llerlln aud Fritz shall duly re- ceive ¬ the photograph. Not specially easy work this , either , for many grown people give their names without address , and chil- dren ¬ are apt to sign their first names only. Yet there have been postmarks or school lists nnd nearly every one finally receives an- answer. . I'erhnps during this work the em- press rung to announce that she will receive the emperor. If so, the kaiser goes up stairs to pay his morning call. Tim emperor In- calllnz upon the empress maintains always a state of spruce now uniform. During this cell the day's programme Is arranged , In- vitations ¬ for the evening's dinner settled , and generally gossip Is discussed. HIS I'UIII.'IC DUTIES. Afterwards the kaiser goes down again tc his work-room at Unter den Linden , nt the window of which so many Americans have eeon htm. There , In uniform , with the grand cross of the Hohenzollern family , and the order of the Iron cross , won in 1313 , on his breast , ho for two hours receives reports of departmental chiefs. On alternate days come the civil and military chiefs of the cab- Inet , but Friday nnd Sunday nro free. All Btato documents or nny Importance tequlrc the emperor's signature , and until within t few years ho signed no document without liavlng first mastered Its contents. It Is easj to see , therefore. In what ceaseless work he has spent his life. Moreover , for'public affairs he has no private secretary , but trusts entirely to the departments of state for such work. At 13 come ninny persons who nrc- dnlly presented to him. All officers nbovi the grade of major are, for instance , pre- sented to him on promotion. A host of civil officials and distinguished persons nro nlsc presented , so tliat ho may himself judge tin capacltyof nil the state's servants.- A . I.UNCll COUST1III 11IIKAKPAST. About 12 breakfast : Is often placed foi him on n desk In the corner of the llbrnrj nearest his working room , though , of course lie frequently breakfasts with the empress ? This desk has broad , projecting shelves or the lower half , nnd narrow book-coverec shelves above. On tlio broatl table on top ol the lower half the servant places cold meat bread , and a single glass of port wine. Fre- quently between presentations the cmperoi breakfasts hurriedly, after ctnndlng , It If said , like an American before a lunch conn- tor ; often , too , forgetting to breakfast until reminded by n servant. The spare time between 13 and 2 Is fillet ! by study of the now laws either alreadj before or to como before the relchstag At 2 ho drives for S hours. Then re no euards around the carriage , lie for mcrly drove alone , but slnco the attempt a assassination an adjutant sits with him When attempts nre made to surround hln with soldiers , the emperor takes great dcllgh- in eluding his guard by quick changes 0- 1route. . Coming homo nt I , his majesty o late sits down In n battered old red chair am sloops for an hour. A curious evidence o his sturdy strength Is that for tifty years hi was never known to rest on the sofa tha was In his apartment. They nre apt to h used as tables, to be covered with books papers and documents.- Till' . KOYAI. UINXnn , At 5 comes dinner. It there nro no guest ! the dinner is eaten in tbo emperor's apart ments. Usually n guest has been Invited am then dinner Is served In thn blue room abuvi- In the empress' apartments. Here, on n largi round Ublo , Is rare silver and china cnoiigl- to k up for the simplicity o ! the cuipei or's private life. Dinner Is usually five courses. Of those , fish with a morsel of wlno- nnd n roast , with some light red wine , nro the emperor's favorites. Formerly , like most of Prussia's famous men , ho was n heavy cater. Now , however, the dtfllculty Is to make him cat enough to sustain strength.- Wlno . he has never been very fond of. Frnlt- ho cats with grunt rcllsti , nnd ends the dinner with n small glass champagne. HOW TIIK KVK.NINO 19 SPENT- .At . 7 or later the emperor goes perhaps for nn act to the opera or theater. Even hero work pursues him , ns ilocumonls are fre- quently ¬ sent to the opera house for his signa- ture. ¬ . In the evening there are often small companies In the empress' apartments , but the empress Is not always present. Some- times work for nn hour or two llnlshcs the day's work. At 11 his hammer denlr Is- called. . The emperor , when In health , Is fre- quently ¬ asleep before the last servant Is fairly ut of the room , as was said of tlio emperor luring his last illness.- OTIimi . DAILY CHAnACTF.niPTICS. * Ills tireless energy from cnrty to late In carrying out equally the smallest and most mnortant parts of his duties arc of great ac- count. ¬ . The discovering nnd handling ot men , together with great kindness In kcep- ng - each mnn In lib place , are tlio knlscr's Irons ; personal characteristics. Ho has laid out the path for nil who como In contact ivlth him , from empress to personnl attend ¬ ant. Each must do what Is allotted , nnd- nust also keep strictly within these limits.- iVith . each official , as with each servant , the kaiser speaks only of the duties of his de- partment. ¬ . Formerly the emperor even opened all his own letters ; now ho allows this to bo done for him. Usually the emperor rends no newspapers , but of late Is much rean to. Clippings from newspapers of nil nations nro sent him from lie foreign office , so tbnt In this way ho keeps track of the world's news and opinions when well. Dr. Neon Lauer calls each morning to- Ivo a sort of certificate of health. During his recent serious illness Dr. Tlmann slept n the palace each night , and n servant slept n the room next the bedroom , but ns soon ns the emperor regained sufficient strength to bo out of bed the old routine began ngixln. FAUN ELL.9 HEALTH , The Irish Lender Reported a Very Sick Mnn.- ICopirfoM . 1SS7 by James Gordon Jtennttt. ] LONDON , Juno 25. [ New York Herald Cnble Special to the Unu.J The crown prince throat doctor , Mackenzie soon to bo Sir Morel and Pnrnell's stomach , with his unknown mysterious specialist who attends him , continue the joint subject of extensive medical nnd political gossip. London physi- cians ¬ are generally skeptical regarding the optimistic view Dr. Mackenzie takes of the crown princp , who has been enjoying some rest since jubilee day under tlio bright sun- shine ¬ reflected on his Croydon hotel from the dome nnd aides of the Cyrstnl palace not far away. 1'arnell's habit lias been for years to shroud himself In social mystery , hating always crowds and demonstrations , not sulk- Ing - , but enjoying that quiet rest nlwnys needed by men who nccopt great mental responsibility , unlike Ulaine , who seems to- bo pussy, demanding much , striking back nud nn opportunity ro spurn For instance , visiting the American exhibition this after- noon ¬ and frontier life , ho hold nn Informal reception , shaking hands with everybody and accepting ofllcinl attentions after the fashion of the mcnngorio of foreign roynltles- of the jubilee who visit the show.- I'AHNELI. . . A SICK MAN- ."No . ; Pnrnell hns not visited It yet , " said one of Ills parliamentary Intimates whom I met this afternoon and whoso first words had been , "If a talk with you , you must treat mo In print nsrt Junlus , or a man with an Iron mask. " "Yes , 1'nrnell really needs privacy now. Ilo is a very 111 man , but ns plucky nnd Ironsldesy , so to speak , as his grandfather nnd nnmcsnko , the old commo- dore. ¬ . Ho looks wasted , worn , fntlgucd and extremely nervous , although ho always ap- pears In very good spirits , and when nsked about his Illness laughingly" passes off to more agreeable subjects , nnd If pressed nbout his health ho gets very much annoyed nnd won'l admit to any one that there Is nny. thing moro serious than nn ordinary bron- chial attack , lint the fact Is , ho tins had n most serious bronchial attack , besides touches ot lirlght's disease and liver complaint. Ills family doctor, Kttincy , M. I' . , hns forbidden hlm-out after sundown , ns nny slight easterly wind may aggravate his Illness. lie fins been only ouco Inside the house since Friday week , when the crimes bill wns rushed through , lie always appears , oven In June with n warm scarf nround his throat. The strange thing Is that Parnell , knowing but not admitting thnt ho is very ill , Is being treated by n London specialist for some un- known disease , so that not to his most Inti- mate colleacucs will ho disclose the special Ist's nnme , even going so fnr ns to refuse te let Kcnney himself, who Is very anxious , tc- know. . There has bonn some ideanmonir sev- ernl medical men that ho Is suffer- Ing from softening of the brain but that cannot bo , as ho nc.vei has been more keen and mcntall ) capable than lately. There Is not n particU- of truth In the rumor that Justin McCarthy soon takes the leadership of the Irish party ns 1'nrnell persists that ho will soon t> o bet tjr nnd leading his paity In the house. Hi has still about three weeks' work left , us the report stage of the crimes bill commence ; Monday next , which will probably last r fortnight , when comes the third reading ol- tlio bill , Inviting several long nights of de- bates. . Probably some slight modlficatior will be made in the bill during the repot stage , but the bill will almost certainly pas : the thirdreading , , ns already cabled. Aftei these three weeks of hard work nnd ntten- tloti , Purncll can , as far ns laboring for Ire laud Is concerned , rest until February next'- AN OPPOSITK VIKW. Per contra to this statement , which 1 ; from one of his best observant colleague1) to day's Freeman's Journal says : "Mr. Par nell's health Is rapidly Improving. Every- day his condition shows an advance on the preceding one , and a very short tluio will see him completely restored. " This calm statement Is , however , somewhal weakened by this impatient If not ungry ad- dltlun : "Certain tory papers gratify their reader * by publishing alarming accounts. They at- tribute his Illness In turn to every fatal anc Incurable disease they can think of. The ] are simply barefaced lies , circulated with tin vilest motive- s.BERLIN'S . UTTLK UUDOET. Very Dull Week at thcGcrinnn Cap Ital.- lCoj.r . | < I&S7 tu Jamc* Gordon Hennt.lt. } UKTU.IN , Juno 25. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to the BKE. ] llerlln hai been all this week overshadowed by London Notwithstanding the differences In language time aud distance , the effects of the Kngllst Jubilee were distinctly felt here. Few prom luont Americans were willing to leave Lon- don before the Jubilee festivities , hone * American as well as English arrival * wen momentarily almost stopped. The news nat- urally ciavitatert toward London at suet times, : o that Herllners had no politics , llttli- uatlvo gossip and no excitement 'beyoni watching for the emperor's reappearance at the palace window.- A . SMALL riCTUnK SALT ; . There has been a six days' sale of the sur- plus ¬ stock of pictures , etc. , from the royal museum. The gross result was only § 15,000, which , of Itself , shows the nature of the ob- jects ¬ sold. ACTOUS MUST BIIAVH- .Offlcl.il . theater circles have been somewhat nnnoycd by Graf llochberg's revival of the old laws against actors In royal thcatcis wearing hair on their faces , but Uochbcrg's authority Is so nbsoluto that beards must como or go as he please.- HANDMEDOWN . MAKHRS OLOOMY. There has been a wall during the week from Berlin manufacturers of made-up dress goods , who sen each year less nnd less American do- mnnd - for tholr stock , and fewer nnd fewer American drummers here on buying trips. All this is because America has recently cgun to manufacture ready-made garments o a largo extent. FOB AN AMERICAN CIIUBCI- T.Tomorrow . Pnstor Stuckenberg begins meetings nnd collections for building the church. Union services have been icld In the German church. Now , If nil goes well nnd subscriptions como In , thrro will soon be , near Lelpjlger place , Berlin's first American church. THE CROWN PRINCE'S POTATO CROP. Finally a htory concerning the crown prince. Ho was gloomy during the return rlp from his Uornstcdt estate, but after a- icavy rain began tailing ho brightened no- wonderfully. . Then , turning to nn old friend , he whispered n word to htm. The attendant gentlemen puzzled their brains In- aln ns to what Important decision had been confided to the friend's ear. At last , after nuch exertion , they discovered that his Im- perial ¬ highness had said , "Thank God , this ralu saves my Uornstedt potato crop. " Gf-rninn Persecution In Franco.l- Co . ] ( 1SS7 by New York Associated ] BERLIN, Juno 25. The prisoners , Koech- llu - nnd ijlcch , who wcro recently convicted of treason In belonging to the French Patri- otic ¬ league , wore to-day transferred from Lclpslc to Magdeburg fortress , and their associates , Schifferman and Trapp to Gratse, where they will remain until their periods of detention expire. Tlio opinion throughout Germany Is that the prisoners have been leniently treated and may yet have their sentences modified , but their only chance of obtaining commutation Is In a cessation of the patriotic league's ngltntlon nnd In their making a direct appeal to the emperor. The tone of the French press tends to Inciting an Increase of the soverttl cs aalnst the French malcontents In Alsace-Lorraine. The position of Germnns In Franco has be- come ¬ , under social persecutions , barely tel ¬ erable. They would bo hunted out of the country altogether but for the protection gnnrantccd them under the Frankfort treaty. The latest anti-German project to which the attention of Berlin officials has been directed Is tlio proposal before the chamber of depu- ties ¬ making foreigners resident in franco who may bo members of an association hos- tile ¬ to French Interests liable to line nud to Imprisonment and expul- sion. ¬ . The proposal Is capable of such elastic Interpretation ns to cover nil Germnns so- journing ¬ In Frnnco. The measure , If sup- ported ¬ by tlio gorvenmcnt , will bo assumed hero to be directly hostile to Germans and will lead to enerirctlc remonstrance as a break of the Frankfort treaty. The emperor has completely recovered.- Ho . drove out nt noon to-day , accompanied by the Duchess of Baden , and In the after- noon ¬ heard long reports from Count Herbert Bismarck. Yesterday ho resumed his cus- tom ¬ of appearing nt the window to return the greetings of the multitude that dally gathers In front of the palaco. Ho looked paler than formerly, but is still well and hearty. Ills powers of recuperation are marvelous to his physicians. THE ENGLISH STACK. American Actors and Singers nnd- AVhnt They Arc Uulng.I- CopvrloM . 1SS7 by Jam'.i Gordon Rimieft. ] LONDON , June 25. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BKH.J Mrs. Brown Potter hau a busy week. She rehearsed each morning a new play with the wretched title , "Civil War , " and every evening performed In "Man and Wife" In a suburban theater. This afternoon she gave at Brighton theater the above-unmed new play , which will bo produced hero Monday night at the Gaiety theater. London's Long Branch special went down under Invi- tation ¬ of Barton Key , one of her American managers. B Her part of Faustino- do Bressler seemed to suit her better than Aun Sylvester , but really the best female part is taken by Amy Hosclle. Whatever bo- Mrs. . Brown Potter's acceptance Monday night it Is certain her audience will then bo- ndlstlnsiiishedonc. . Places to-day are at a- creat premium.- TIIK . OPERA IN LONDON. The three opera houses continue In keen competition. All their American singers are decidedly In tlio lead. Maplcson , after some 111 fortune , seem ; coming out ahead , as- ho undeillncs I'attl next Thursday "La- Traviata , " this by arrangement of Abbey , who Is to-day In Quecnstown welcoming Bernhardt.- Drury . Lane's card has been Miss Arnold- son , who was referred to In n recent dispatch about Nlllson's reception. It Is an Incident worth mentioning how Sweden sends London prlma donnas each twenty years , thus Jen- nie ¬ Linn , in 1617 , Nlilson in lSf 7, Arnoldson- lu 1837. "Lohengrin" has drawn well. The Wagner society holds Its nnnunl fete Tuesday at St. George's hall , when the entire first scene of "D.is Khoingeld , " n scene from "Gotterdammnrung Selgufrcid Idyll" will be given , Urnhns. Hlchtcr and n number of eminent artists taking 'part In the proceed ¬ ings- .Tliesamo . day Xow York's contralto , Anna Bulkeley Hills , begins a series of morning concerts for ballads at Princess hall , Picca- dilly. ¬ . Madame Bromont has a concert the same evening , where Mrs. John Woods , daughter of Florence , makes her debut In a recitation , followed by Mr. and Mrs. Dion Uouclcault's sixteen-year-old son , Aubrey , In a similar role. Irving Is oblivious to the recent Imperti- nent ¬ remonstrance of the Sunday observance society. He will not use his theater for his own private purposes that day, but gives n large dinner party at the Lyceum-tho old beefsteak club room to-morrow evening , Harris to-morrow afternoon also gives a large luncheon party at his Portland Place man sion. HOTELS AND DRINKS. Americans in London congratulate them- selves ¬ that In London hotels , under the com- mon ¬ law of inns , award travelers nnd resi- dents ¬ tbo liberty of the Litter's own nome ta- te wines, while the now fanatic license laws permit restaurants and public nouses here to open from 1 to 3 and 6 to 11 p. m. By the way , talking lately with an American Jurist now residing permanently In * London , ho said : "Many years age 1 was the means of establishing In t tic court of appeal * that a hotel-is a private resi- dence ¬ of a guest for the time being so that aii Indictment charging burglary on the rooms of guests as on his dwelling house was helil- good. . Therefore , If tils' dwelling hous < for such a purpose and for Interference with the liberty ot an accused , why not equally the dwelling of n guest when ho wishes to drink his own bottle of wine ? " AN AMERICAS OIRL TO WTD , The London Court Journal announces to- day ¬ that n marriage has been ttrranccd be- tween ¬ John Fltz Herbert Vcrnon Ituxton , eldest son of William Iluxton , of the Ardeo house , Ardee , Ireland , and Miss Chlckerlug , only child of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Henry Chlckcrlng , of Boston U. 8. A. The Queen CnngrAtnlatca the People , LONDON , June 25. The homo secretary has received the following letter from the queen : "I nin anxious to express to my people my- wnrm thanks for the kind more than klna reception I met with going to nnd from Westminister nbboy with nil my children and grand children. The entluisfnstlc recep- tion ¬ I met with then , ns well ns on those eventful days In London , as well as nt Wind- sor ¬ on the occasion of the jubilee , has touched mo most deeply. It has shown thnt the labor nnd nnxlety of fifty lonp years , twenty-two of which wcro spent In tin- troubled hnpnluoss , shared by my beloved husband , nnd while an equal number were full of sorrows nnd trials borne without his sheltering arm and his wise help , have been appreciated by my people. Tills feeling and sense of duty towards my dear country and my subjects , who nro so In- separably ¬ bound up with my llfo , will en- courage ¬ me in my task , often a very difficult and arduous one , during the reminder of my- "Ife. . Tlio wonderful order preserved o a.- Ills . occasion nnd the good behavior of the Jiiormous multitude assembled merit mv- .liKhcst . admiration. That God may protect and abundantly bless my country , Is my fervent prayer. _ In tlio French Deputies. PARIS, Juno 2J. In the chamber of depu- ties ¬ discussion of the army bill was continu- ed. ¬ . Kouvlcr , prlmo minister , opposed the amendment exeludlngecclesttastlcal students from enlistment. Ho declared the the gov- ernment ¬ meant to apply common law to- teacners and seminarists. The government's only nnxietv wns to secure the nation's- greatness. . The amendment was rejected.- A . Watorspout's Victim. PARTS , Juno 25. A waterspout burst to-day near Quays , at Toulouse , submerging a wash- house In which were eight persons , all of whom were drowned. GENERAL SPEED DEAD- .Lincoln's . Attorney General I'asscs Away Sketch of Ills Life. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , JUDO 25. General James Speed died this morning , aged seven- tvsix - yenrs. He was nttorncy general under President Lincoln. _ TJames Speed was bora in Jefferson count- y. ¬ . Ky. , near Louisville , 'March 11 , 1812. Ho was the oldest son of A largo family. His father was Judge John Speed , who came to this state from Vlrninla in 1783. His mother was Lucy G. Fry , daughter of Joshua Fry. She also came from Virginia nbout 1793. The progenitor ot the Speed family In this coun- try wns James Speed , a descendant of the old chronicle of Knglnnd , John Speed. Ho came to Virginia from England in 10J5. Captain James Speed , nis grandson , served In the revolutionary war. Judge John Speed , his son. settled In Jefferson county , Ky. , at the beginning of the present centurv. His son James received the rudiments of his educa- tion ¬ In the county school , and afterwards nt- St. . Joseph's college at Bardstown , where he was graduated nt the ngo of sixteen. . The next two yenrs- ot his life were pasted In the office of the c.lerk of the Jefferson county court , writing.- He . then nttcndea locutrts at the Inw school of Pennsylvania university nt Lexington. InI- KW he opened an office for practice in Louis- ville ¬ , and , with one exception , was the oldest practitioner of standing in Louisville. Ills llfo wns spent In the practice of the Inw nl- niost - exclusively , his puDlic life having only added to his reputation without diverting him from his profession. In 1847 ho wns elected to tlio lower house of the state legis- lature ¬ In 1840 he was candidate of the emancipation party for delegate to the state convention. From 1850 to 1853 ho was pro- fessor ¬ In the law department In the Univers- ity ¬ of Louisville. When the war broke out his notion wns decided nnd prompt In behalf of the union. He was made muttering of- ficer ¬ for Kentucky under President Lincoln nnd raised 75,000 men. In the first year of the war he was elected to the state senate and served two years. In 1804 ho was called to the cabinet of President Lincoln as attor- ney ¬ general. His services to the country nt this time were of great value and gave him a wide and honorable repu- tation. ¬ . He remained In this high office until July , 1800 , when ho resigned, . owing to his views In regard to the policy of Andrew Johnson , then president. The same year he wns chairman of the southern union- ist ¬ convention which assembled In Philadel- phia ¬ to protest against the policy of Johnson In dealing with southern questions. While ho was still attorney-general the trials of the persons accused of the murder of President Lincoln were brought about. President Johnson , before ordering the trials , applied to Mr. Speed for his Opinion as to whether such persons were subject to the jurisdiction and legally liable before n imlltttiy commis- sion. ¬ . Mr. Speed cave his opinion that they were so liable , and In July of 1SQ5 the reason of tliat opinion was given in a letter to the president. Jefferson Davis having been captured by the military forces was kept In custody at Fortress Monroe as a prisoner of the military authorities , although subject to the order of the civil courts. In Septem- ber ¬ , 180.5, the senate of tlio united States called 'upon the president for Information on the subject of Mr- .Davis' . trial. In response to this resolution the attorney general submitted n report and entered Into an nrgunient to bhow that , al- though ¬ originally captured by the military , Jefferson Davis after the cessation of hostili- ties ¬ was subject to trial only by the rivll- courts. . In IbGS he was a delegate from Ken- tucky ¬ to tlio national convention which nom- inated ¬ Grant for the presidency. In 1875 ho was ngaln made professor of the law depart- ment ¬ of the university !of Louisville , n posi- tion ¬ ho continued to till till Ib70. Mr. Speed was married In ISl'.i to Mls.s Jnno Cochrnn , a daughter of John Cochrnn , n Scotchman who went to Louisville In 1533. They had seven sons , five of whom nro still living. Ho wns always n warm advocate of equal rights to all , aud his inlliiencu In shnping the legisla- tion ¬ of tlio country to tilts end wns sensibly fetln the troublesome times immediately following the war. I A Fight Vitli- OALVESTON , June25. Adlspatcti from El Paso to the News says : Intelligence was re- ceived here nt a Into hour last night that n sanguinary conflict was.in progress between river guards and smugglers at a point fifteen miles below Pledrai Nexras in Mexico. The conflict Is still In progrws. A scouting party of river guards and police numbering twenty-live men surprised a band ol- nbout twenty smuggler * well armed' , with a- cavalcnde of twenty paek mules. The smug- glers at once showed right and at the first volley two of the guards fell dead. The guards fell back and dUpatched n courier for reinforcements. The smugglers fell back toward tlio Kio Grande twlth the evident pur- pose of crossing Hie. river to the American side. The smugglers1 in their retreat arc keeping up a desultory nXIrralsh with the re- inforced guards , who are pressing them In the rear. A courier arrived In Pledra * r egras late this evening from the scene ol action , nnd reports the light still in progress and one moro guard killed. The loss of the smugglers Is not known- .Wnathcr . Indications. For Nebraska : Generally fair weather , southerly winds , stationary temperature. For Iowa : Southerly winds , fair wcuther , nearly stationary temperature. For Eastern Dakota : Southerly , backing to northerly winds , fair weather , nearly sta- tionary ¬ temperature , , Tny Gould. Has Retired. NEW YORK , JunoSi The World prints a- long: Interview with Jay Gould , In which ho says ho has retired from the active manage- .mant . of his business 'interests. ' ami w'll never return to .any lianl work. He saic- he was feeling- very well now. ' An Unnecessary nnd Silly Lot of Questions Propounded to Candidates , THEOLD CLERKS IMPOSED UPON. Wyoming Desert Land Entries Sc- ourcil - by Thomas Stnrgls to Ho Cancelled The Cruiser Chlcnco. Terrors of the Civil Service. WASHINGTON , Juno 25. I Special Tclo- rnm - tothe HKI: .| Nothing authoritative can- o learned about the recent cx.uiilnntion for iromotlon In the quartermaster general's of- ice under the new civil service rules , but hero Is n well founded report atloat which ecclves credence In department circles hat out of thirty-eight examined but ton ) assed the examination successfully. It Is said that correct answers to many of the questions asked would In no way show the efficiency of the clerks , and tliat these very questions , which would bo easy enough for n young man or wonmn fresh from school , were the greatest stumbling blocks to the oldest clerks , who had been promoted for ef- iclency - because they had given their alien- ion for numy years to ofllclal duties and not- e school study. Ills said that one man em- iloyed - In the disbursing cleik's office made 10 attempt to answer the mathematical qucs- lous - asked , and yet ho wns always rozarded- as a competent clerk and conducted his ac- counts correctly. It Is claimed that the ma- orlty - of competitors were so flurried by.- ho realization ot the danger of- 'alliiro that they could not do justice to- themselves. . Ladles in particular werenta.l- lsndvantagc. . Those who had families do- pcnJant - upon their earnings for support were so overcome with fear and nervousness at the danger of being thrown out of employ- ment ¬ that they wcro made sick , and In ono or two Instances fainted , and had to bo car- ried ¬ home. The clerks begin to feel that there is no doubt that the promotion exami- nations ¬ will afford ample opportunity for the discharge ot nil employes whoso services nre- to be dispensed with nt the end of the fiscal year In accordance with the law. Indeed , It- is said that the civil service commission will soon bo called upon to designate scholarly but Inexperienced persons to fill the plnccs- of tried and efficient clerks , who are some- what ¬ rusty lu arithmetic and geography. Thomas Sturglo' Desert WAsniNOToN , June 2j. Commissioner Sparks to-day took the necessary preliminary steps to cancel fifty-live desert-land entries In Wyoming territory , aggregating in area about 35,000 acres. The commissioner states that the final proof In all these cases Is substan- tially ¬ the same , nnd Is to the effect thnt by means of ditches already constructed , an ample supply of water Is nt hand to properly Irrigate the land , etc. The special ngcnt of the land office , who Investigated , reports that upon n majority of the entries no ditches thnt would carry water have ever bten con- structed ¬ , and the few tliat Imvo been con- structed ¬ were never utilized. What was done was'at the instance of Tlios.Sturgis , president of the Goshcn Hole ditching company and an officer of the Union cattle company. Each of the entries , it is asserted , were made In the interest of one of tlio two companies named or some of their offlcaravxQt fiftylira- pntrymon , seven. llvo In' Wyo mfng , seven In Now Jersey , thirty In New York , and eleven in Massachusetts. Inspector Bowers wont to New VTork. New Jersey nnd Massachusetts nnd Interviewed a number of thp oiitrymen. The Information ho gained shows that Mr- .bturgls . procured the making of the entries. These foreign entrymen mndo entries merely to oblige n friend , " nud never considered they actually had any Interest In the lands , nor have they hnd any individual water rights. They signed papers they did not ex- amine ¬ or know the purport of , simply be- cause ¬ , by so dolntr , they could serve a friend , nnd not one of them ever anticipated any re- muneration ¬ for so doing- .WaRhlngton's . Betting Manln. WASHINGTON , June 25. | Speclal to the BRK , | Although thorn are no races In pro- gress ¬ In Wasiiington nt this season of tlio year , the sports nt the Capital have every op- portunity ¬ to risk their money on tholr favorite flyers , nnd there nro thousands of dollars put up on the Sheopshead Bay , Lex- ington ¬ and other meetings every day In the week. Washington has n number of very successful pool rooms whore the dopartmen t clerk , the official and the stray member of congress can invest on ills judgment In sums from SI to Cl.OOOor more. One ot thosa places is located within two blocksof the treasury de- partment , nnd every day at noon a crowd of clerks will spend a greater portion of their lunch hour watching thn blnck boards on which the odds are announced. Slnco these rooms became fixtures In life at Washington , the bucket shops hnve reported n large falling off in business. The uncertainty of the wheat market and the dullness in the oil exchange have frightened the deposi- tors ¬ of margins Into some new scheme for nt- tcmptlngto - increase their holdings on the 100 per cent plan. It Is a lamentable tact that when the mania for the gambling table takes hold of the department clerk nothing short of 100 per cent profit will satisfy him , conse- quently ¬ the pool looms and the lottery shops nro enabled to draw from the government employes hundreds of thousands of dollars in the course of a year. Several attempts have been made to check this gambling mania but without success. Last year a bill to pro- hibit ¬ pool sellinu passed ono house of con- gress ¬ , but died in the other , and so long as men nro determined to back their judgment of horse flesh wltii their money, the book- makers will continue to reap n rich harvest ninonc the cli-iks of the iintloual capital. The Capital's Ilonl I ; state Itoom. WASHINGTON , Juno 25. ISpecinl to the BEK.IAll this real estate boom in Washington or rattier in the suburbs of- Wasiiington , reminds mo very forcibly of- tlio methods adopted by the boomers In the west , " said n gentleman who has spent many years west of the Ohio river. "Only n short time ago 1 was In Wichita , Kan. , just when the boom In that town started. Wichita wns- a very comfortable little city of 4,000 or 5,000 Inhabitant ! , and these Inhabitants wore doing very well In their legitimate business when three professional boomers struck them. These men first bought up options on all the real estate that was for sate In the city. Then they went to n mnn who hnd lived In the town ovnr since It was founded nnd offered him $12,500 for a piece of land with a brlctt store on It that was not worth n cent over 84000. Of course a sale was made and thn cash wns paid over. They took care that every one should know jut what t hey hud paid for the property. Then the boom started. Everyone owning n foot of land within the confines of Wlchltn nt oucn raised his tiguies to conform to those secured for tlio property just sold , and trading In real estate began on a largo scale. It was not no- ticed ¬ that tlio original hooincr.s sold out all their holdings , Including the options , until niter they hnd moved out of town. Within a- very short time , these snmo fellows went over the same mode of business away up in Ashland , WIs. City lots which were filled with old stump :) , rose In value from 8100 a piece to S'-.WO or 33,000 In several Instances , and there was every Indication of an enormous Increase In the growth of the plnco , Ono day the Inhab- itants ¬ of Ashland , who might be tailed old residents , were surprised when they arose In the morning and saw a sign which reai- lsoiuethluir like this. 'This boom has moved to Sault bto Marie.1 Now that hamlet Is about to enjoy the bone ! ts of n first class boom , the suckeis-will bo nipped , and the 'boomers will capture the boodle. Thn reH estate speculations In the suburbs of 'Wash- ington ¬ are conducted oh very much this sauio plan. A year or so ago , a company was organized and n few acres of Innd WaS pur- chnsed - just over the Maryland line , for which from S73 to S125 per acre was paid. Tlio company laid out n few streets , rave their own a rural nnnin and had n magnificent irosppptus lithographed and started to sell ots. They began on the auction plan nnd- tlio first sales wcro made at the price of 5 cents per square foot. Slnco that tune there invo been several other sales and prices linve lumped In some cases to'Jrt f cents per sqtinio loot or something like S10.000 an nero. This s not the only luslance , but already Wash- ington ¬ people seem lo have gone crazy on- he subject of town lots and prices have en- hanced ¬ enormously. It Is a fact thnt In some of these suburban towns values to-day nre enormously higher than they nro In tunny portions of Washington , where water , gas , n'wcrage and other conveniences are to bo- had. . A Product Ion nt ICnglnml. WASHINGTON , Juno 25. [ Special to the IliiK.I It Is a singular fact that the United States , while strong In resources , Is entirely dependent upon foreign countries for the gold nnd tinsel which ts used In decorating icr officers of the army nnd navy when on dress parade. A military officer , no matter what flag he fights under , must have n ccr- Inln - amount of glitter obout his shoulders or lie cannot do justice lo the government which employs htm. Epaulettes and shoulder knots are ns essential to n well regulnted nrmy or- navv as are Iho guns and ammunition used on the enemy. Yet , In spite of the fact that there nre some six or seven thousand officers In tlio service of thn United States who must liavo gold cord , go' I luce , nnd gilded epau- lettes ¬ , there Is not n.s.iiulo manufactory in fho country where this "war material1'can bo- made. . Kvcry piece used In the dcooratlon- of the uniforms of the regulars , ns well ns- thn vast quantity which goes to adorn tlio militia of the dlllerent states , all comes from England. An officer of the quartermaster's dcpaitmcnt of the army tells me that the rea- son ¬ that none is manufactured In this coun- try ¬ is the fnet that the plant necessary to es- tablish ¬ tlio business on a paying scale would cost a million dollars at least , and thnt there Is no nbsoluto evidence thnt the stuff could bo made hero as cheap ns in Englnud. At nil events no ono has yet had the hardihood to risk so grc.it n sum In the establishment of n business which must necessarily bo rc- stilcted- .PrnsrctUIng . Illegal Wood Cutters , WASHINGTON , Juno 25. | Special Tele- gram ¬ to the. Br.n. J The secretary of the In- terior ¬ , after investigation , has requested the attorney general to Institute criminal suit against Alvln C. Dake , O. B. Morrison and Charles McArthur , of D.iko , Colo. , for 59,000 cords of pine and spruce'woo J cut from gov- ernment ¬ lands in Colorado , and to Institute civil proceedings against D.iko and the Omaha Grant Smelting company jointly to recover $150,331 for 1,703,000 bushels of char- coal ¬ , the prod net of the wood that was cut From public lands. It seems that the smelt- ing ¬ company , nt tlio head of which Is ex- Governor Grant , n prominent democrat of Colorado , purchased the charcoal from Dakn and his associates , and tt is claimed that the company had no knowledzo as to where tlio wood that ptoduced ttio charcoal came from. Civil Scrvico Changes Hccommendoil. WASHINGTON , Juno 25. The secretaries of local civil boards at several of the larger cities called hero to confer with the civil ser- vice ¬ commission , with a view to establishing a uniform system of examinations through- out ¬ the country , nnd to exchange views upon questions affecting th o civil service system , concluded their conference this afternoon. One of the most Important questions dis- cussed ¬ wns one of amending tlio present rules so as to provide for the examination nnd marking of papers of applicants for po- sitions ¬ nnywhoro in the customs or postnl service , by the present centrnl board ot ex- amination ¬ loqnto.il la Washington , enlarged bv n permanent detail of ono or moro efficient officers from each of several of more Impoitaut local offices in the country. Ills claimed tliat by tills system of examining papers , uniformity in marking and greater promptness would bo secured , nnd that It would relieve the system of nil suspicion even of favoritism. Mason , secretary of the Now York postollieo boaid , nnd Donovan , of the Chicago custom house , were appointed a committee to present in writing tlio views of the secretaries upon this subject. The secretaries unanimously favored rnis- ttio - minimum ns n standard of eligibility to certification from slxtv- live to seventy-live , except as to mich places as require' special or technical qualifi- cations. ¬ . They nlso favored tlio discontinu- ance ¬ of the Uftcen-ycnr limitation ns to the ngo of clerks In frcncr.il , except In spcclnl cases , nnd nlso to raise tlio minimum limita- tion ¬ of ago of letter carriers from sixteen to- twentyone. . The commission will soon place the matter bcforo the president for his approval.- Mrs. . . Cleveland Back Home. WASHINGTON , Juno25. [Special Telegram to the BKI.J Tlio president met Mrs. Cleveland nt the depot thls'mornlui : and ns they rode up the avenue to the executive mansion they appeared as happy as on their bridal morning. Even Hawkins , the veteran driver of the presidential carriage under sev- eral ¬ administrations , wore n smile of jov on- tils ebony countenance at the return ot the white house mistress. Colonel Lamoiit fol- lowed ¬ In his open wngon , driving a line pair of rondsters , accompanied by Mrs. Lament nnd t heir children , who had gone to the sta- tion ¬ to meet him. The gallant colonel nlso wore n look ot pence and contentment with all the world- .Cleveland's . Many Invitations.W- ASHINGTON. . . Juno 25. iSpeclal TeJo- gram to the BKK. | Mayor Denny , of In- dianapolis ¬ , having in n' recent letter urged President Cleveland to nccopt tlio state board of agriculture's invitation to nttend the In- dlnnn - fair , tins received a reply from the president staling thnt he regrets that his plans for the niitumn are not sufficiently ma- tured ¬ to enable liim to send any definite re- ply. ¬ . The president is to visit Philadelphia next September during tlio progress ot the ceremonies incident to the coiihtitution.il convention celebration. The Cruiser Chlonjio. WASHINGTON , JuuoSV-.Special ) Telegram to tlio Br.K. ] Orders have boon given to iho bin ran ol construction of the navy depart- ment ¬ to have tlio cruiser Chicago , now nt Now York , placed In the drv dock , cleaned nnd patnti'd , preparatory to going on n trial trip up Lonit Island Sound , which will prob- nbly - bo ordered within a month's time. Coming nround from Chester to New York , tliu Cruiser averaged thirteen knots , nllhough the furnace doors were open n great part of the time , nnd particular care was exercised not to injure the machinery by foruiiu thu- speed. . Military Matters. WASHINGTON , Juno 25. ISpeclal Tele- gram ¬ to the JiKK.l Captain Doujlas M. Scott , First Infantry , lias been granted throe months' sick leave from recruiting station hero. Major Edward B. Willlston , Third artil- lery ¬ , Is ordered hero from Fort Itiley , Kan. , via Chicago on spi-clal business connected with thopiojrcted nrmv school ut Fort Ulley. First Lieutenant Cornelius C. Cussick , Twenty-second infantry , now at Columbus barracks Ohio , will relieve Fir.il Lieutenant Alexis It. Haxton , Fitleenth Infantry , on Monday , as reurulllnt ; olliccr at llarrls- burb' - , Pa , All Well in Chicago. WASHINGTON , June25. Th ? neling comp- troller ¬ of the currency has received n tele- gram ¬ from Bank Examiner Sturglf , saying that affairs In Chicago have resumed thi-ir normal condition , and that the niimiu'tmiunt- of the Ainerlr.au Exchange National bank Is honest nnd rcllnbio and Its depositors well protected. A. ci. u. w : MII.WAUKKB , ' Juno 25. The supreme It'ids'o of the Ancient Order oMJnlted Work - men to-dny'ndopti'd n new ritual. Louisville , Ky. , was chosen as the ulaceof meeting.- A . new constitution IshMni ; considered ami the sewiou li.n , neen exK-iulcd-uuti ; 'i'ne> - , .dny. GUNNING FOR CYRUS FIELD , Gould and Sago on the Warpath For Theif Late Partner , THAT CAUSED THE BIG DROP. The Street Mncnntcfi Slnuchtof All Tliolr Krlcnita In Their Lute Manipulation of Btooki- Yesterday's Market.- Tlio . Stock Market Manipulation , Nr.w Yonic , Juno 25. ( Special Telegrnnl- to the ltii.I : : It seems to t o the general be * lief that the Hurry In Wall street , wlilcll began yesterday morning , Is at nil end nnd that the market will bo In good condition to-day. The Times , this morning , s.iysr- "It Is no libel to say that there are people Id' Wall street who do not credit all the state- ments ¬ made by the Gould crowd yesterday. Gould and Sago called loans by the whole ¬ sale. They did their level best to corncs- money. . They tumbled baskctfuls ot stocls- on Iho market. The break was of their own designing. So believes everybody who pre- sumes ¬ to have nn independent opinion In Wall street. It wns their own Westerri Union and Missouri Pacific aud Manhattan thnt they used to slug the market with , And ? ' if they were not gunning after Cyrus FleluT every Indication seemingly wortli attention'- Is all wrong. It hns been nn open secret Una many a day that Gould and Sngo do not love Field , for nil Iholr spoclntivo- copartnorshlu with htm. ItussclH Sago Is on record ns predicting thnt a time wns coming when Cyrus * feet will co patter , patter , patter Deacon Bngo'rf poetical description of Brother Field on a dead run. Mr. Field , according to common tame , is loaded heavily with Manhattan. Gould has been a leaner of money to tha. Henry S. Ives crowd and ho called $0,000,0X- Iyesterday.. Though Gould hns boon ndver * ' tlscd n good deal lately as n patron of IvesJ- nnd though the two have had ynchtingpnrties together , nnd'thougli ' Ives has been iccog- nlzsd - In money quarters as Gould's chosen Instrument for settling the big telegraph wnc through n Baltimore & Ohio dcnl , still close" observers Imvo not been mislead Into the idea thnt Gould was quite nil that tlill theorizing popular opinion wns suggested. When somebody remarked to Gould that I veil was n young man to be conspicuous in Wall street , Gould's quite observation was : 'Well. , It often happens that Wall street's greatest financiers nro young men. How old was Ferdinand Ward ? ' Ills relations with IvoS wore quite Intimate enough to give him In * formation as to when nnd where the tuuclt- tntked nbout syndicate wns weakest , nnd Jay , Gould has a habit of utilizing his Informal- ion. -* . i "As Is nlwnys the cnso after a day of un- usual ¬ oxr.ltemcnt In Wall street , the corri- dors ¬ of the Windsor hotel were crowded Inst- nltfht by brokers anxiously diccusilng tha situation and swapping theories about the probable future course ot the market. The worst was over it was generally agreed. Jesse Scllgman predicts tliat within the next few days it will bo discovered that gold Is on , the wny heio from Kurouo nnd that tight money is no longer a danger. Other banks with foreign connections gave Mr. Sellg- man's - opinion Indorsement. Largoloanson- stock collateral were made after the market closed yesterday ns low ns G nnd 0 per cent. The contingent thnt Is always on pnrndu asC possessing 'Gould information , ' wcro nmontt Iho weariest citizens tliat this town cau'i- boast. . Everyone ot them all was. caught loaded up with stocks at ) top prices. Itusscll Sago and. Jay Gould Imvo slaughtered every ono ot1 their 'friends , ' ns their hangers-on love to >) label themselves. Jav Gould offers ns nn ex- cuse - . lor his wholcsnlo cntling of loans thntf- ho thought stocks were cheap , nnd ho could use his money to better advantage In the ? market than ho could bvhaUn" it out on ! loans. That sounds well. People who nro bullish love to hoar thnt they Imvo gained1 such n recruit , but it isn't quite bochecring- as it might Imvo been It It had hap- pened ¬ to come along bolore this .same recruit hnd completely wiped them out. " Snturdny gives only two hours for business , nnd there wns no demand tor stocks nt the opening nmontr the loan crowd , aud very lit- tle ¬ for money , which lunged 0. 7, 9, 8 per cent. The ioolinir was decidedly feverish , and the expected recovery made slow pro- gress - ' , though London came inpercent , higher with orders for Keadlng , Liike Shore, Krio and oilier stocks. Still , pilccs were be- low - the Now York closing of yesterday * Upon anticipation of an unfavorable ban Is j report the bears began hammering , nnd soon' ? 1ml wenkenod the list down @4 points : ! With the declaration thnt the sub-treasury would nt once pay out the July Interest on bonds , amounting to $0,000,000 , a stronger feeling prevailed , nnd prices recovered par- tinlly. - , . The best opinions expressed about yesterday's panic nro Hint It- wns started through heavy liquidations' ' by n recently formed bull pool Identified ? : with'the best deal , nnd then other rumors' were seized hold of to run the market down. . It Is confidently asserted thnt Gould bought'- n large line of his own stocks nt the decline. " The hank statement was so much better thnnf hnd been expected thnt It strengthened tha stock mnrker , which closed firm at good * prices , about the best of the aav. A shrink- age ¬ ot over 8:1,000,000 : in deposits, and a losa- of nearly a billion leenl tender reflected tho' shipment of over 5 , .000 Aln ) currency lo help out the western wheat deal. The deposits aro' the smallest tor any week of the year, but tlmy are 810,000,000 more than for the last week In December last. Money will undoubtedly rnle close through July. The total sales for the day were 170,075 shares. * Death of lllondln's nival.- NIAOAIIA . FAU.S , Juno 2.r . Stove Peer , a local celebrity , who outdid Blondtn In daring ; feats around Niagara and recently crossed on n llvo-elghts-inch cable , Is dead. Ever since ha did the daring net ho has been drinking very henv'ly. ' This evening nbout 7io : ! Peer went out unobserved with John Gllloiplennd astrnugeinnd later wns scon- In the same company near his rope. AH ho did not show up by 8:30 : nnd no trace of hint could be dtscoveii'il elsewhere It wns con- cluded ¬ ho must have got on hl.s rope nnu- tnllrn liom It r tumbled over the bank , and'1 ropes and lanterns were procured , nnd Peer's luother , with nnotlicr man , wore lowered down , nnd near the Pottom ot the Incllno found his lifeless body badly nut nround the he.ul. The body was raised to the top of tha precipice by means of ropes. The general pellet Is thnt he attempted to walk out on tha cable and lost his tooting nud tell Into the abyss below. Virginia City's Kittomhed Miners.- V . inotMA CITY , Nov. , June 25 , Unavail- ing ¬ oiTorts were repeatedly made to-day to- resc no the six miners remaining entombed In the burning Gould & Curry mine. In which five miners lost their lives last night. The lire was extinguished nbout noon to-day aud- tlio cage sent down , hut was drlvon bank : after It had reached the 1,030-foot levt'l. ' Itu- lays of miners nr tunnelling through liom the Consolidated Virginia mine ami expect to reach the plnc ) of the imprisoned miners by noon to-morrow. The dnmnge to the nilno from lire Is very slight. It Is known tliat tlio Imprisoned men wore alive at 2 o'clock this moinlng , which has occasioned gieat energy on iho p.trt ( if the relief parties , holding out the hope tliat the miners may still bo alive when the tunnel is completed- .Mnrtilo . Mlnu Dontroyod.C- AIIBON. . . Nov. , Juuo 25, The Monocounty marble quarry , t ! xty miles from this city , was completely destroyed by the recent earth ¬ quake. The marble was broken up In cubes not over a foot square. The ledge was ovet live miles long and 400 feet wide , containing a- line uradu of marble , ranging over seventeen1 shades , from pute white to blnclc. T bo mint was valued at 81000000. | Our Kjicolo KxpnrtB- .Siw . : YOIIK , Juno 85. The exports of- spt'clo'trom tlio port of No'.v Yotk for tha work were. SWMlOO , of which 3JO.WO w * ' 1


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Interesting Pacts About the Personal Lifoof Emperor William ,




Early Riser , Light Eater and Drinkeraud Bard Worke-




The Irish Leader Said to Bo in a VeryBad Way ,


Our ActrcuscH anil HlnRtrs and WhatThey Arc Doing Incidents of

the Week In Nerlln Vic-


Kcturns Thanks.

flow the Kaiser Lives.-Copii


[ IgM 1837 James fJonlon lltnnctt. ]Bnm.iN , Juno 25. [ Now York Herald

Cable Special to the Uii : . | The followingdetails of the personal llfo of the emperorhave boon sent me by a gentleman In a posi-tion


to bo thoroughly Informed of court matters. They give such nn Interesting view ofthe simplicity of the Gorman Kaiser's lifethat 1 send them ns received :

HIS Sl.r.III'S IN SIMPLICITY.The emperor rises utmost as early as the

hardest worked of his subjects , namely , be-


0 nnd 7. Ills bedroom shows soldierlyatom simplicity. The bed in which ho sleptnearly seventy years , Is of ordinary pineWithout carving or other ornamentation .HoBleeps with his head much raised , almost asthough ho wore sitting up. Tlio covering Is-

nn Elder down quilt, but In cold weather theemperor throws over tlio quilt the militaryovercoat ho lias worn during the day. Thereis little furniture beyond the high clothespress. The solo luxury In the room Is a bigmirror , giving n full length view of the Kal-ecr.


. The emperor has never owned a dress-ing


gown or n pr.lr of slippers.HIS Mtm.NINO TOILET-


a further evidence of Ills simple llfo Isthe fact that until the nttempt on his lifenine years ngo the empercr dressed himselfwith scarcely nny nsslstnnco from the ser ¬

vants. Since then tlio stiffness of one nrm ,caused by the powder burns , hns made nvalet necessary. Over the kaiser's low bedImngsabell rope leading to the servants'apartments below. Between 0 and 7, whenIn health , ho wakes of his own accord andrings for his personal attendants. Thesekainmcr dlcners are selected by the emperorfrom among the soldiers of the ucker-inaoiker.

-. Thus a chief was the kaiser's at-


at the time of the Nobllng attempt ,

aud jumped from the box scat of the carriageto catch nnd shelter his master In his arms-.In

.answer to his master's Dell , the ncker-


nnd chief of wardrobe appear to nld-In the emperor's rnpld toilet At 7:30: coffeewith milk and n single Cnrlsbnd wnfcr nroplaced for his majesty In a room oil his bed ¬



From 8 to 10 the emueror gives to his priv-ate


business that is , to all uinll mntterwhich comes to him direct Instead of throughthe departments of state to his privateestates , and to numerous personal appeals.During these two hours he arranges withPrivate Secretary Gehelmratli llork thatsome peasant who sent plovers' eggs shall boproperly thanked , or that some child whowishes to exchange her picture for that ofthe king In llerlln aud Fritz shall duly re-


the photograph. Not specially easywork this , either , for many grown peoplegive their names without address , and chil-dren


are apt to sign their first names only.Yet there have been postmarks or school listsnnd nearly every one finally receives an-answer. . I'erhnps during this work the em-press rung to announce that she will receivethe emperor. If so, the kaiser goes up stairsto pay his morning call. Tim emperor In-

calllnz upon the empress maintains alwaysa state of spruce now uniform. During thiscell the day's programme Is arranged , In-vitations


for the evening's dinner settled ,

and generally gossip Is discussed.HIS I'UIII.'IC DUTIES.

Afterwards the kaiser goes down again tchis work-room at Unter den Linden , nt thewindow of which so many Americans haveeeon htm. There , In uniform , with thegrand cross of the Hohenzollern family , andthe order of the Iron cross , won in 1313 , onhis breast , ho for two hours receives reportsof departmental chiefs. On alternate dayscome the civil and military chiefs of the cab-Inet , but Friday nnd Sunday nro free. AllBtato documents or nny Importance tequlrcthe emperor's signature , and until within tfew years ho signed no document withoutliavlng first mastered Its contents. It Is easjto see , therefore. In what ceaseless work hehas spent his life. Moreover , for'publicaffairs he has no private secretary , but trustsentirely to the departments of state for suchwork. At 13 come ninny persons who nrc-dnlly presented to him. All officers nbovithe grade of major are, for instance , pre-sented to him on promotion. A host of civilofficials and distinguished persons nro nlscpresented , so tliat ho may himself judge tincapacltyof nil the state's servants.-


I.UNCll COUST1III 11IIKAKPAST.About 12 breakfast : Is often placed foi

him on n desk In the corner of the llbrnrjnearest his working room , though , of courselie frequently breakfasts with the empress

? This desk has broad , projecting shelves orthe lower half , nnd narrow book-coverecshelves above. On tlio broatl table on top olthe lower half the servant places cold meatbread , and a single glass of port wine. Fre-quently between presentations the cmperoibreakfasts hurriedly, after ctnndlng , It Ifsaid , like an American before a lunch conn-tor ; often , too , forgetting to breakfast untilreminded by n servant.

The spare time between 13 and 2 Is fillet!

by study of the now laws either alreadjbefore or to como before the relchstagAt 2 ho drives for S hours. Then

re no euards around the carriage , lie formcrly drove alone , but slnco the attempt aassassination an adjutant sits with himWhen attempts nre made to surround hlnwith soldiers , the emperor takes great dcllgh-in eluding his guard by quick changes 0-1route. . Coming homo nt I , his majesty olate sits down In n battered old red chair amsloops for an hour. A curious evidence ohis sturdy strength Is that for tifty years hiwas never known to rest on the sofa thawas In his apartment. They nre apt to hused as tables, to be covered with bookspapers and documents.-


KOYAI. UINXnn ,At 5 comes dinner. It there nro no guest !

the dinner is eaten in tbo emperor's apartments. Usually n guest has been Invited amthen dinner Is served In thn blue room abuvi-In the empress' apartments. Here, on n largiround Ublo , Is rare silver and china cnoiigl-to k up for the simplicity o ! the cuipei

or's private life. Dinner Is usually fivecourses. Of those , fish with a morsel of wlno-nnd n roast , with some light red wine , nrothe emperor's favorites. Formerly , like mostof Prussia's famous men , ho was n heavycater. Now , however, the dtfllculty Is tomake him cat enough to sustain strength.-Wlno


he has never been very fond of. Frnlt-ho cats with grunt rcllsti , nnd ends the dinnerwith n small glass champagne.


.7 or later the emperor goes perhaps for

nn act to the opera or theater. Even herowork pursues him , ns ilocumonls are fre-


sent to the opera house for his signa-ture.


. In the evening there are often smallcompanies In the empress' apartments , butthe empress Is not always present. Some-times work for nn hour or two llnlshcs theday's work. At 11 his hammer denlr Is-

called. . The emperor , when In health , Is fre-


asleep before the last servant Is fairlyut of the room , as was said of tlio emperor

luring his last illness.-OTIimi



Ills tireless energy from cnrty to late Incarrying out equally the smallest and mostmnortant parts of his duties arc of great ac-


. The discovering nnd handling otmen , together with great kindness In kcep-ng

-each mnn In lib place , are tlio knlscr's

Irons ; personal characteristics. Ho has laidout the path for nil who como In contactivlth him , from empress to personnl attend ¬

ant. Each must do what Is allotted , nnd-nust also keep strictly within these limits.-iVith


each official , as with each servant , thekaiser speaks only of the duties of his de-partment.


. Formerly the emperor evenopened all his own letters ; now hoallows this to bo done for him.Usually the emperor rends no newspapers ,

but of late Is much rean to. Clippings fromnewspapers of nil nations nro sent him fromlie foreign office , so tbnt In this way ho keeps

track of the world's news and opinions whenwell. Dr. Neon Lauer calls each morning to-

Ivo a sort of certificate of health. Duringhis recent serious illness Dr. Tlmann sleptn the palace each night , and n servant sleptn the room next the bedroom , but ns soon ns

the emperor regained sufficient strength to boout of bed the old routine began ngixln.


The Irish Lender Reported a VerySick Mnn.-


1SS7 by James Gordon Jtennttt. ]LONDON , Juno 25. [ New York Herald

Cnble Special to the Unu.J The crownprince throat doctor , Mackenzie soon to boSir Morel and Pnrnell's stomach , with hisunknown mysterious specialist who attendshim , continue the joint subject of extensivemedical nnd political gossip. London physi-cians


are generally skeptical regarding theoptimistic view Dr. Mackenzie takes of thecrown princp , who has been enjoying somerest since jubilee day under tlio bright sun-shine


reflected on his Croydon hotel from thedome nnd aides of the Cyrstnl palace notfar away. 1'arnell's habit lias been for yearsto shroud himself In social mystery , hatingalways crowds and demonstrations , not sulk-Ing


, but enjoying that quiet rest nlwnysneeded by men who nccopt great mentalresponsibility , unlike Ulaine , who seems to-

bo pussy, demanding much , striking backnud nn opportunity ro spurn For instance ,

visiting the American exhibition this after-noon


and frontier life , ho hold nn Informalreception , shaking hands with everybodyand accepting ofllcinl attentions after thefashion of the mcnngorio of foreign roynltles-of the jubilee who visit the show.-



.; Pnrnell hns not visited It yet, " said

one of Ills parliamentary Intimates whom Imet this afternoon and whoso first wordshad been , "If a talk with you , you must treatmo In print nsrt Junlus , or a man with anIron mask. " "Yes , 1'nrnell really needsprivacy now. Ilo is a very 111 man , but nsplucky nnd Ironsldesy , so to speak , as hisgrandfather nnd nnmcsnko , the old commo-dore.


. Ho looks wasted , worn , fntlgucd andextremely nervous , although ho always ap-

pears In very good spirits , and when nskedabout his Illness laughingly" passes off tomore agreeable subjects , nnd Ifpressed nbout his health ho getsvery much annoyed nnd won'ladmit to any one that there Is nny.thing moro serious than nn ordinary bron-chial attack , lint the fact Is , ho tins had n

most serious bronchial attack , besides touchesot lirlght's disease and liver complaint. Illsfamily doctor, Kttincy , M. I'. , hns forbiddenhlm-out after sundown , ns nny slight easterlywind may aggravate his Illness. lie fins beenonly ouco Inside the house since Fridayweek , when the crimes bill wns rushedthrough , lie always appears , oven In Junewith n warm scarf nround his throat. Thestrange thing Is that Parnell , knowing butnot admitting thnt ho is very ill , Is beingtreated by n London specialist for some un-known disease , so that not to his most Inti-mate colleacucs will ho disclose the specialIst's nnme , even going so fnr ns to refuse telet Kcnney himself, who Is very anxious , tc-

know. . There has bonn some ideanmonir sev-

ernl medical men that ho Is suffer-Ing from softening of the brainbut that cannot bo , as ho nc.veihas been more keen and mcntall )capable than lately. There Is not n particU-of truth In the rumor that Justin McCarthysoon takes the leadership of the Irish partyns 1'nrnell persists that ho will soon t> o bettjr nnd leading his paity In the house. Hihas still about three weeks' work left, us thereport stage of the crimes bill commence ;

Monday next , which will probably last rfortnight , when comes the third reading ol-

tlio bill , Inviting several long nights of de-

bates. . Probably some slight modlficatiorwill be made in the bill during the repotstage , but the bill will almost certainly pas :

the thirdreading, , ns already cabled. Afteithese three weeks of hard work nnd ntten-tloti , Purncll can , as far ns laboring for Irelaud Is concerned , rest until February next'-

AN OPPOSITK VIKW.Per contra to this statement , which 1 ;

from one of his best observant colleague1)to day's Freeman's Journal says : "Mr. Parnell's health Is rapidly Improving. Every-day his condition shows an advance on thepreceding one , and a very short tluio will seehim completely restored."

This calm statement Is , however , somewhalweakened by this impatient If not ungry ad-

dltlun :

"Certain tory papers gratify their reader *

by publishing alarming accounts. They at-

tribute his Illness In turn to every fatal ancIncurable disease they can think of. The ]are simply barefaced lies , circulated with tinvilest motive-




Very Dull Week at thcGcrinnn CapItal.-


| < I&S7 tu Jamc* Gordon Hennt.lt. }

UKTU.IN , Juno 25. [ Now York HeraldCable-Special to the BKE. ] llerlln haibeen all this week overshadowed by LondonNotwithstanding the differences In languagetime aud distance , the effects of the KngllstJubilee were distinctly felt here. Few promluont Americans were willing to leave Lon-don before the Jubilee festivities , hone*

American as well as English arrival * wenmomentarily almost stopped. The news nat-urally ciavitatert toward London at suettimes, :o that Herllners had no politics , llttli-uatlvo gossip and no excitement 'beyoni

watching for the emperor's reappearance atthe palace window.-


SMALL riCTUnK SALT;.There has been a six days' sale of the sur-


stock of pictures , etc. , from the royalmuseum. The gross result was only § 15,000,

which , of Itself , shows the nature of the ob-




theater circles have been somewhatnnnoycd by Graf llochberg's revival of theold laws against actors In royal thcatciswearing hair on their faces , but Uochbcrg'sauthority Is so nbsoluto that beards mustcomo or go as he please.-


MAKHRS OLOOMY.There has been a wall during the week from

Berlin manufacturers of made-up dress goods ,

who sen each year less nnd less American do-


for tholr stock , and fewer nnd fewerAmerican drummers here on buying trips.All this is because America has recentlycgun to manufacture ready-made garmentso a largo extent.



Pnstor Stuckenberg beginsmeetings nnd collections for building the

church. Union services have beenicld In the German church. Now , If nil goeswell nnd subscriptions como In , thrro willsoon be , near Lelpjlger place , Berlin's firstAmerican church.

THE CROWN PRINCE'S POTATO CROP.Finally a htory concerning the crown

prince. Ho was gloomy during the returnrlp from his Uornstcdt estate, but after a-

icavy rain began tailing ho brightened no-

wonderfully. . Then , turning to nn oldfriend , he whispered n word to htm. Theattendant gentlemen puzzled their brains In-

aln ns to what Important decision had beenconfided to the friend's ear. At last , afternuch exertion , they discovered that his Im-


highness had said , "Thank God , thisralu saves my Uornstedt potato crop. "

Gf-rninn Persecution In Franco.l-Co

.] ( 1SS7 by New York Associated ]

BERLIN , Juno 25. The prisoners , Koech-llu


nnd ijlcch , who wcro recently convictedof treason In belonging to the French Patri-otic


league , wore to-day transferred fromLclpslc to Magdeburg fortress , and theirassociates , Schifferman and Trapp to Gratse,where they will remain until their periods ofdetention expire. Tlio opinion throughoutGermany Is that the prisoners have beenleniently treated and may yet have theirsentences modified , but their only chance ofobtaining commutation Is In a cessation ofthe patriotic league's ngltntlon nnd In theirmaking a direct appeal to the emperor.The tone of the French press tends toInciting an Increase of the soverttl cs aalnstthe French malcontents In Alsace-Lorraine.The position of Germnns In Franco has be-


, under social persecutions , barely tel ¬

erable. They would bo hunted out of thecountry altogether but for the protectiongnnrantccd them under the Frankfort treaty.The latest anti-German project to which theattention of Berlin officials has been directedIs tlio proposal before the chamber of depu-ties


making foreigners resident in francowho may bo members of an association hos-tile


to French Interests liable toline nud to Imprisonment and expul-sion.


. The proposal Is capable of such elasticInterpretation ns to cover nil Germnns so-


In Frnnco. The measure , If sup-ported


by tlio gorvenmcnt , will bo assumedhero to be directly hostile to Germans andwill lead to enerirctlc remonstrance as abreak of the Frankfort treaty.

The emperor has completely recovered.-Ho


drove out nt noon to-day , accompaniedby the Duchess of Baden , and In the after-noon


heard long reports from Count HerbertBismarck. Yesterday ho resumed his cus-tom


of appearing nt the window to returnthe greetings of the multitude that dallygathers In front of the palaco. Ho lookedpaler than formerly , but is still well andhearty. Ills powers of recuperation aremarvelous to his physicians.


American Actors and Singers nnd-AVhnt They Arc Uulng.I-


1SS7 by Jam'.i Gordon Rimieft.]LONDON , June 25. [ New York Herald

Cable Special to the BKH.J Mrs. BrownPotter hau a busy week. She rehearsed eachmorning a new play with the wretched title ,

"Civil War ," and every evening performedIn "Man and Wife" In a suburban theater.This afternoon she gave at Brighton theaterthe above-unmed new play , which will boproduced hero Monday night at theGaiety theater. London's Long Branchspecial went down under Invi-tation


of Barton Key , one of herAmerican managers. B Her part of Faustino-do Bressler seemed to suit her better thanAun Sylvester , but really the best femalepart is taken by Amy Hosclle. Whatever bo-

Mrs. . Brown Potter's acceptance Mondaynight it Is certain her audience will then bo-

ndlstlnsiiishedonc. . Places to-day are at a-

creat premium.-TIIK


OPERA IN LONDON.The three opera houses continue In keen

competition. All their American singersare decidedly In tlio lead. Maplcson , aftersome 111 fortune , seem ; coming out ahead , as-

ho undeillncs I'attl next Thursday "La-Traviata ," this by arrangement of Abbey ,

who Is to-day In Quecnstown welcomingBernhardt.-


Lane's card has been Miss Arnold-son , who was referred to In n recent dispatchabout Nlllson's reception. It Is an Incidentworth mentioning how Sweden sends Londonprlma donnas each twenty years , thus Jen-nie


Linn , in 1617 , Nlilson in lSf7, Arnoldson-lu 1837. "Lohengrin" has drawn well.

The Wagner society holds Its nnnunl feteTuesday at St. George's hall , when the entirefirst scene of "D.is Khoingeld , " n scene from"Gotterdammnrung Selgufrcid Idyll" willbe given , Urnhns. Hlchtcr and n number ofeminent artists taking 'part In the proceed ¬



day Xow York's contralto , AnnaBulkeley Hills , begins a series of morningconcerts for ballads at Princess hall , Picca-dilly.



Madame Bromont has a concert the sameevening , where Mrs. John Woods , daughterof Florence , makes her debut In a recitation ,followed by Mr. and Mrs. Dion Uouclcault'ssixteen-year-old son , Aubrey , In a similarrole.

Irving Is oblivious to the recent Imperti-nent


remonstrance of the Sunday observancesociety. He will not use his theater for hisown private purposes that day, but gives n

large dinner party at the Lyceum-tho oldbeefsteak club room to-morrow evening ,

Harris to-morrow afternoon also gives a largeluncheon party at his Portland Place mansion.

HOTELS AND DRINKS.Americans in London congratulate them-


that In London hotels , under the com-mon


law of inns , award travelers nnd resi-dents


tbo liberty of the Litter's own nome ta-te wines, while the now fanatic license lawspermit restaurants and public nouses here toopen from 1 to 3 and 6 to 11 p. m. By theway , talking lately with an AmericanJurist now residing permanently In


London , ho said : "Many years age1 was the means of establishing In t tic

court of appeal * that a hotel-is a private resi-dence


of a guest for the time being so that aiiIndictment charging burglary on the roomsof guests as on his dwelling house was helil-

good. . Therefore , If tils' dwelling hous<

for such a purpose and for Interference withthe liberty ot an accused , why not equallythe dwelling of n guest when ho wishes todrink his own bottle of wine ?"


The London Court Journal announces to-


that n marriage has been ttrranccd be-


John Fltz Herbert Vcrnon Ituxton ,

eldest son of William Iluxton , of the Ardeohouse , Ardee , Ireland , and Miss Chlckerlug ,

only child of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo HenryChlckcrlng , of Boston U. 8. A.

The Queen CnngrAtnlatca the People ,

LONDON , June 25. The homo secretary hasreceived the following letter from the queen :

"I nin anxious to express to my people my-

wnrm thanks for the kind more than klnareception I met with going to nnd fromWestminister nbboy with nil my childrenand grand children. The entluisfnstlc recep-


I met with then , ns well ns on thoseeventful days In London , as well as nt Wind-sor


on the occasion of the jubilee , hastouched mo most deeply. It has shown thntthe labor nnd nnxlety of fifty lonp years ,twenty-two of which wcro spent In tin-troubled hnpnluoss , shared by my belovedhusband , nnd while an equal numberwere full of sorrows nnd trials bornewithout his sheltering arm and his wise help ,

have been appreciated by my people. Tillsfeeling and sense of duty towards my dearcountry and my subjects , who nro so In-


bound up with my llfo , will en-courage


me in my task , often a very difficultand arduous one , during the reminder of my-"Ife. . Tlio wonderful order preserved o a.-

Ills. occasion nnd the good behavior of theJiiormous multitude assembled merit mv-.liKhcst. admiration. That God may protect

and abundantly bless my country , Is myfervent prayer._

In tlio French Deputies.PARIS , Juno 2J. In the chamber of depu-


discussion of the army bill was continu-


. Kouvlcr , prlmo minister , opposed theamendment exeludlngecclesttastlcal studentsfrom enlistment. Ho declared the the gov-ernment


meant to apply common law to-teacners and seminarists. The government'sonly nnxietv wns to secure the nation's-greatness. . The amendment was rejected.-



Watorspout's Victim.PARTS , Juno 25. A waterspout burst to-day

near Quays , at Toulouse , submerging a wash-house In which were eight persons , all ofwhom were drowned.




Attorney General I'asscsAway Sketch of Ills Life.

LOUISVILLE , Ky. , JUDO 25. GeneralJames Speed died this morning , aged seven-


yenrs. He was nttorncy general underPresident Lincoln. _

TJames Speed was bora in Jefferson count-y.


. Ky. , near Louisville , 'March 11 , 1812. Howas the oldest son of A largo family. Hisfather was Judge John Speed , who came tothis state from Vlrninla in 1783. His motherwas Lucy G. Fry , daughter of Joshua Fry.She also came from Virginia nbout 1793. Theprogenitor ot the Speed family In this coun-try wns James Speed , a descendant of the oldchronicle of Knglnnd , John Speed. Ho cameto Virginia from England in 10J5. CaptainJames Speed , nis grandson , served In therevolutionary war. Judge John Speed , hisson. settled In Jefferson county , Ky. , at thebeginning of the present centurv. His sonJames received the rudiments of his educa-tion


In the county school , and afterwards nt-St. . Joseph's college at Bardstown ,

where he was graduated nt thengo of sixteen. . The next two yenrs-ot his life were pasted In the office of thec.lerk of the Jefferson county court , writing.-He

.then nttcndea locutrts at the Inw school

of Pennsylvania university nt Lexington. InI-

KW he opened an office for practice in Louis-ville


, and , with one exception , was the oldestpractitioner of standing in Louisville. Illsllfo wns spent In the practice of the Inw nl-


exclusively , his puDlic life having onlyadded to his reputation without divertinghim from his profession. In 1847 ho wnselected to tlio lower house of the state legis-lature


In 1840 he was candidate of theemancipation party for delegate to the stateconvention. From 1850 to 1853 ho was pro-fessor


In the law department In the Univers-ity


of Louisville. When the war broke outhis notion wns decided nnd prompt In behalfof the union. He was made muttering of-ficer


for Kentucky under President Lincolnnnd raised 75,000 men. In the first year ofthe war he was elected to the state senateand served two years. In 1804 ho was calledto the cabinet of President Lincoln as attor-ney


general. His services to the countrynt this time were of great value andgave him a wide and honorable repu-tation.


. He remained In this highoffice until July , 1800 , when ho resigned, .owing to his views In regard to the policy ofAndrew Johnson , then president. The sameyear he wns chairman of the southern union-ist


convention which assembled In Philadel-phia


to protest against the policy of JohnsonIn dealing with southern questions. Whileho was still attorney-general the trials of thepersons accused of the murder of PresidentLincoln were brought about. PresidentJohnson , before ordering the trials , appliedto Mr. Speed for his Opinion as to whethersuch persons were subject to the jurisdictionand legally liable before n imlltttiy commis-sion.


. Mr. Speed cave his opinion that theywere so liable , and In July of 1SQ5 the reasonof tliat opinion was given in a letter to thepresident. Jefferson Davis having beencaptured by the military forces was kept Incustody at Fortress Monroe as a prisoner ofthe military authorities , although subject tothe order of the civil courts. In Septem-ber


, 180.5, the senate of tlio unitedStates called 'upon the presidentfor Information on the subject of Mr-.Davis'

.trial. In response to this resolution

the attorney general submitted n report andentered Into an nrgunient to bhow that , al-though


originally captured by the military ,Jefferson Davis after the cessation of hostili-ties


was subject to trial only by the rivll-courts.. In IbGS he was a delegate from Ken-tucky


to tlio national convention which nom-inated


Grant for the presidency. In 1875 howas ngaln made professor of the law depart-ment


of the university !of Louisville , n posi-tion


ho continued to till till Ib70. Mr. Speedwas married In ISl'.i to Mls.s Jnno Cochrnn , adaughter of John Cochrnn , n Scotchman whowent to Louisville In 1533. They had sevensons , five of whom nro still living. Ho wnsalways n warm advocate of equal rights toall , aud his inlliiencu In shnping the legisla-tion


of tlio country to tilts end wns sensiblyfetln the troublesome times immediatelyfollowing the war. I

A Fight Vitli-OALVESTON , June25. Adlspatcti from El

Paso to the News says : Intelligence was re-

ceived here nt a Into hour last night that n

sanguinary conflict was.in progress betweenriver guards and smugglers at a point fifteenmiles below Pledrai Nexras in Mexico. Theconflict Is still In progrws. A scouting partyof river guards and police numberingtwenty-live men surprised a band ol-

nbout twenty smuggler* well armed' , with a-

cavalcnde of twenty paek mules. The smug-glers at once showed right and at the firstvolley two of the guards fell dead. Theguards fell back and dUpatched n courier forreinforcements. The smugglers fell backtoward tlio Kio Grande twlth the evident pur-pose of crossing Hie. river to the Americanside. The smugglers1 in their retreat arckeeping up a desultory nXIrralsh with the re-inforced guards , who are pressing them Inthe rear. A courier arrived In Pledra *

r egras late this evening from the scene olaction , nnd reports the light still in progressand one moro guard killed. The loss of thesmugglers Is not known-



Indications.For Nebraska : Generally fair weather ,

southerly winds , stationary temperature.For Iowa : Southerly winds , fair wcuther ,

nearly stationary temperature.For Eastern Dakota : Southerly , backing

to northerly winds , fair weather , nearly sta-tionary


temperature ,

,Tny Gould. Has Retired.NEW YORK , JunoSi The World prints a-

long: Interview with Jay Gould , In which hosays ho has retired from the active manage-.mant


of his business 'interests. ' ami w'llnever return to .any lianl work. He saic-he was feeling- very well now. '

An Unnecessary nnd Silly Lot of Questions

Propounded to Candidates ,


Wyoming Desert Land Entries Sc-


by Thomas Stnrgls to Ho

Cancelled The CruiserChlcnco.

Terrors of the Civil Service.WASHINGTON , Juno 25. I Special Tclo-


tothe HKI: . | Nothing authoritative can-o learned about the recent cx.uiilnntion foriromotlon In the quartermaster general's of-ice under the new civil service rules , buthero Is n well founded report atloat whichecclves credence In department circleshat out of thirty-eight examined but ton) assed the examination successfully. It Issaid that correct answers to many of thequestions asked would In no way show theefficiency of the clerks , and tliat these veryquestions , which would bo easy enough for nyoung man or wonmn fresh from school ,

were the greatest stumbling blocks to theoldest clerks , who had been promoted for ef-


because they had given their alien-ion for numy years to ofllclal duties and not-e school study. Ills said that one man em-


In the disbursing cleik's office made10 attempt to answer the mathematical qucs-lous


asked , and yet ho wns always rozarded-as a competent clerk and conducted his ac-

counts correctly. It Is claimed that the ma-


of competitors were so flurried by.-

ho realization ot the danger of-

'alliiro that they could not do justice to-

themselves. . Ladles in particular werenta.l-lsndvantagc. . Those who had families do-


upon their earnings for supportwere so overcome with fear and nervousnessat the danger of being thrown out of employ-ment


that they wcro made sick , and In onoor two Instances fainted , and had to bo car-ried


home. The clerks begin to feel thatthere is no doubt that the promotion exami-nations


will afford ample opportunity for thedischarge ot nil employes whoso services nre-

to be dispensed with nt the end of the fiscalyear In accordance with the law. Indeed , It-

is said that the civil service commission willsoon bo called upon to designate scholarlybut Inexperienced persons to fill the plnccs-of tried and efficient clerks , who are some-what


rusty lu arithmetic and geography.

Thomas Sturglo' DesertWAsniNOToN , June 2j. Commissioner

Sparks to-day took the necessary preliminarysteps to cancel fifty-live desert-land entries InWyoming territory , aggregating in area about35,000 acres. The commissioner states thatthe final proof In all these cases Is substan-tially


the same , nnd Is to the effect thnt bymeans of ditches already constructed , anample supply of water Is nt hand to properlyIrrigate the land , etc. The special ngcnt ofthe land office , who Investigated , reports thatupon n majority of the entries no ditchesthnt would carry water have ever bten con-


, and the few tliat Imvo been con-structed


were never utilized. What was donewas'at the instance of Tlios.Sturgis , presidentof the Goshcn Hole ditching company andan officer of the Union cattle company.Each of the entries , it is asserted , were madeIn the interest of one of tlio two companiesnamed or some of their offlcaravxQt fiftylira-pntrymon , seven. llvo In' Wyo mfng , seven InNow Jersey , thirty In New York , and elevenin Massachusetts. Inspector Bowers wont toNew VTork. New Jersey nnd Massachusettsnnd Interviewed a number of thp oiitrymen.The Information ho gained shows that Mr-.bturgls


procured the making of the entries.These foreign entrymen mndo entries merely

to oblige n friend , " nud never consideredthey actually had any Interest In the lands ,

nor have they hnd any individual waterrights. They signed papers they did not ex-amine


or know the purport of , simply be-cause


, by so dolntr , they could serve a friend ,

nnd not one of them ever anticipated any re-muneration


for so doing-



Betting Manln.WASHINGTON , June 25. | Speclal to the

BRK , | Although thorn are no races In pro-gress


In Wasiiington nt this season of tlioyear, the sports nt the Capital have every op-


to risk their money on tholrfavorite flyers , nnd there nro thousands ofdollars put up on the Sheopshead Bay , Lex-ington


and other meetings every day In theweek. Washington has n number of verysuccessful pool rooms whore the dopartmen tclerk , the official and the stray member ofcongress can invest on ills judgment In sumsfrom SI to Cl.OOOor more. One ot thosa placesis located within two blocksof the treasury de-

partment , nnd every day at noon a crowd ofclerks will spend a greater portion of theirlunch hour watching thn blnck boards onwhich the odds are announced. Slnco theserooms became fixtures In life at Washington ,the bucket shops hnve reported n largefalling off in business. The uncertaintyof the wheat market and the dullness inthe oil exchange have frightened the deposi-tors


of margins Into some new scheme for nt-tcmptlngto

-increase their holdings on the 100

per cent plan. It Is a lamentable tact thatwhen the mania for the gambling table takeshold of the department clerk nothing shortof 100 per cent profit will satisfy him , conse-quently


the pool looms and the lottery shopsnro enabled to draw from the governmentemployes hundreds of thousands of dollarsin the course of a year. Several attemptshave been made to check this gambling maniabut without success. Last year a bill to pro-hibit


pool sellinu passed ono house of con-gress


, but died in the other , and so long asmen nro determined to back their judgmentof horse flesh wltii their money, the book-makers will continue to reap n rich harvestninonc the cli-iks of the iintloual capital.

The Capital's Ilonl I ; state Itoom.WASHINGTON , Juno 25. ISpecinl to

the BEK.IAll this real estate boom inWashington or rattier in the suburbs of-

Wasiiington , reminds mo very forcibly of-

tlio methods adopted by the boomers In thewest ," said n gentleman who has spent manyyears west of the Ohio river. "Only n shorttime ago 1 was In Wichita , Kan. , just whenthe boom In that town started. Wichita wns-a very comfortable little city of 4,000 or 5,000Inhabitant ! , and these Inhabitants woredoing very well In their legitimate businesswhen three professional boomers struckthem. These men first bought up options onall the real estate that was for sate In thecity. Then they went to n mnn who hndlived In the town ovnr since It was foundednnd offered him $12,500 for a piece of landwith a brlctt store on It that was not worth ncent over 84000. Of course a sale was madeand thn cash wns paid over. They took carethat every one should know jut what t heyhud paid for the property. Then the boomstarted. Everyone owning n foot of landwithin the confines of Wlchltn nt oucnraised his tiguies to conform to those securedfor tlio property just sold , and trading In realestate began on a largo scale. It was not no-ticed


that tlio original hooincr.s sold out alltheir holdings , Including the options , untilniter they hnd moved out of town. Within a-

very short time , these snmo fellows wentover the same mode of businessaway up in Ashland , WIs. Citylots which were filled with old stump :) ,

rose In value from 8100 a piece to S'-.WO or33,000 In several Instances , and there wasevery Indication of an enormous Increase Inthe growth of the plnco , Ono day the Inhab-itants


of Ashland , who might be tailed oldresidents , were surprised when they aroseIn the morning and saw a sign which reai-lsoiuethluir like this. 'This boom has movedto Sault bto Marie.1 Now that hamlet Isabout to enjoy the bone ! ts of n first classboom , the suckeis-will bo nipped , and the

'boomers will capture the boodle. Thn reHestate speculations In the suburbs of 'Wash-ington


are conducted oh very much thissauio plan. A year or so ago , a company was

organized and n few acres of Innd WaS pur-chnsed

-just over the Maryland line , for which

from S73 to S125 per acre was paid. Tliocompany laid out n few streets , rave theirown a rural nnnin and had n magnificentirosppptus lithographed and started to sellots. They began on the auction plan nnd-

tlio first sales wcro made at the price of 5cents per square foot. Slnco that tune thereinvo been several other sales and prices linvelumped In some cases to'Jrt f cents per sqtinioloot or something like S10.000 an nero. Thiss not the only luslance , but already Wash-ington


people seem lo have gone crazy on-

he subject of town lots and prices have en-


enormously. It Is a fact thnt In someof these suburban towns values to-day nreenormously higher than they nro In tunnyportions of Washington , where water , gas ,

n'wcrage and other conveniences are to bo-

had. .

A Product Ion nt ICnglnml.WASHINGTON , Juno 25. [ Special to the

IliiK.I It Is a singular fact that the UnitedStates , while strong In resources , Is entirelydependent upon foreign countries for thegold nnd tinsel which ts used In decoratingicr officers of the army nnd navy when on

dress parade. A military officer , no matterwhat flag he fights under , must have n ccr-Inln


amount of glitter obout his shoulders orlie cannot do justice lo the government whichemploys htm. Epaulettes and shoulder knotsare ns essential to n well regulnted nrmy or-

navv as are Iho guns and ammunition usedon the enemy. Yet , In spite of the fact thatthere nre some six or seven thousand officersIn tlio service of thn United States who mustliavo gold cord , go' I luce , nnd gilded epau-lettes


, there Is not n.s.iiulo manufactory in fhocountry where this "war material1'can bo-

made. . Kvcry piece used In the dcooratlon-of the uniforms of the regulars , ns well ns-thn vast quantity which goes to adorn tliomilitia of the dlllerent states , all comes fromEngland. An officer of the quartermaster'sdcpaitmcnt of the army tells me that the rea-son


that none is manufactured In this coun-try


is the fnet that the plant necessary to es-tablish


tlio business on a paying scale wouldcost a million dollars at least , and thnt thereIs no nbsoluto evidence thnt the stuff couldbo made hero as cheap ns in Englnud. At nilevents no ono has yet had the hardihood torisk so grc.it n sum In the establishment of nbusiness which must necessarily bo rc-stilcted-


Illegal Wood Cutters ,

WASHINGTON , Juno 25. | Special Tele-gram


to the. Br.n. J The secretary of the In-


, after investigation , has requested theattorney general to Institute criminal suitagainst Alvln C. Dake , O. B. Morrison andCharles McArthur , of D.iko , Colo. , for 59,000cords of pine and spruce'woo J cut from gov-ernment


lands in Colorado , and to Institutecivil proceedings against D.iko and theOmaha Grant Smelting company jointly torecover $150,331 for 1,703,000 bushels of char-coal


, the prod net of the wood that was cutFrom public lands. It seems that the smelt-ing


company , nt tlio head of which Is ex-Governor Grant , n prominent democrat ofColorado , purchased the charcoal from Daknand his associates , and tt is claimed that thecompany had no knowledzo as to where tliowood that ptoduced ttio charcoal came from.

Civil Scrvico Changes Hccommendoil.WASHINGTON , Juno 25. The secretaries

of local civil boards at several of the largercities called hero to confer with the civil ser-


commission , with a view to establishinga uniform system of examinations through-out


the country , nnd to exchange views uponquestions affecting th o civil service system ,

concluded their conference this afternoon.One of the most Important questions dis-cussed


wns one of amending tlio presentrules so as to provide for the examinationnnd marking of papers of applicants for po-


nnywhoro in the customs or postnlservice , by the present centrnl board ot ex-amination


loqnto.il la Washington , enlargedbv n permanent detail of ono or moroefficient officers from each of several of moreImpoitaut local offices in the country. Illsclaimed tliat by tills system of examiningpapers , uniformity in marking and greaterpromptness would bo secured , nnd that Itwould relieve the system of nil suspicioneven of favoritism. Mason , secretary of theNow York postollieo boaid , nnd Donovan , ofthe Chicago custom house , were appointed acommittee to present in writing tlio views ofthe secretaries upon this subject. Thesecretaries unanimously favored rnis-ttio


minimum ns n standard ofeligibility to certification from slxtv-live to seventy-live , except as to michplaces as require' special or technical qualifi-cations.


. They nlso favored tlio discontinu-ance


of the Uftcen-ycnr limitation ns to thengo of clerks In frcncr.il , except In spcclnlcases , nnd nlso to raise tlio minimum limita-tion


of ago of letter carriers from sixteen to-twentyone. . The commission will soonplace the matter bcforo the president for hisapproval.-


. Cleveland Back Home.WASHINGTON , Juno25. [Special Telegram

to the BKI.J Tlio president met Mrs.Cleveland nt the depot thls'mornlui : and nsthey rode up the avenue to the executivemansion they appeared as happy as on theirbridal morning. Even Hawkins , the veterandriver of the presidential carriage under sev-


administrations , wore n smile of jov on-tils ebony countenance at the return ot thewhite house mistress. Colonel Lamoiit fol-lowed


In his open wngon , driving a line pairof rondsters , accompanied by Mrs. Lamentnnd t heir children , who had gone to the sta-tion


to meet him. The gallant colonel nlsowore n look ot pence and contentment withall the world-



Many Invitations.W-ASHINGTON.


. Juno 25. iSpeclal TeJo-gram to the BKK. | Mayor Denny , of In-


, having in n' recent letter urgedPresident Cleveland to nccopt tlio state boardof agriculture's invitation to nttend the In-


fair , tins received a reply from thepresident staling thnt he regrets that hisplans for the niitumn are not sufficiently ma-tured


to enable liim to send any definite re-ply.


. The president is to visit Philadelphianext September during tlio progress ot theceremonies incident to the coiihtitution.ilconvention celebration.

The Cruiser Chlonjio.WASHINGTON , JuuoSV-.Special) Telegram

to tlio Br.K. ] Orders have boon given to ihobin ran ol construction of the navy depart-ment


to have tlio cruiser Chicago , now ntNow York , placed In the drv dock , cleanednnd patnti'd , preparatory to going on n trialtrip up Lonit Island Sound , which will prob-nbly

-bo ordered within a month's time.

Coming nround from Chester to New York ,tliu Cruiser averaged thirteen knots , nllhoughthe furnace doors were open n great part ofthe time , nnd particular care was exercisednot to injure the machinery by foruiiu thu-speed. .

Military Matters.WASHINGTON , Juno 25. ISpeclal Tele-


to the JiKK.l Captain Doujlas M.Scott , First Infantry , lias been granted throemonths' sick leave from recruiting stationhero.

Major Edward B. Willlston , Third artil-lery


, Is ordered hero from Fort Itiley , Kan. ,

via Chicago on spi-clal business connectedwith thopiojrcted nrmv school ut Fort Ulley.

First Lieutenant Cornelius C. Cussick ,Twenty-second infantry , now at Columbusbarracks Ohio , will relieve Fir.il LieutenantAlexis It. Haxton , Fitleenth Infantry , onMonday , as reurulllnt ; olliccr at llarrls-burb'

-, Pa ,

All Well in Chicago.WASHINGTON , June25. Th ? neling comp-


of the currency has received n tele-gram


from Bank Examiner Sturglf , sayingthat affairs In Chicago have resumed thi-irnormal condition , and that the niimiu'tmiunt-of the Ainerlr.au Exchange National bank Ishonest nnd rcllnbio and Its depositors wellprotected.

A. ci. u. w:

MII.WAUKKB ,' Juno 25. The supremeIt'ids'o of the Ancient Order oMJnlted Work -men to-dny'ndopti'd n new ritual. Louisville ,

Ky. , was chosen as the ulaceof meeting.-A


new constitution IshMni ; considered amithe sewiou li.n , neen exK-iulcd-uuti ; 'i'ne>-



Gould and Sago on the Warpath For TheifLate Partner ,


The Street Mncnntcfi SlnuchtofAll Tliolr Krlcnita In Their Lute

Manipulation of Btooki-Yesterday's Market.-



Stock Market Manipulation ,

Nr.w Yonic , Juno 25. ( Special Telegrnnl-to the ltii.I: : It seems to t o the general be*

lief that the Hurry In Wall street , wlilcllbegan yesterday morning , Is at nil end nndthat the market will bo In good conditionto-day. The Times , this morning , s.iysr-"It Is no libel to say that there are people Id'Wall street who do not credit all the state-ments


made by the Gould crowd yesterday.Gould and Sago called loans by the whole¬

sale. They did their level best to corncs-money. . They tumbled baskctfuls ot stocls-on Iho market. The break was of their owndesigning. So believes everybody who pre-sumes


to have nn independent opinion InWall street. It wns their own WesterriUnion and Missouri Pacific aud Manhattanthnt they used to slug the market with , And?'

if they were not gunning after Cyrus FleluTevery Indication seemingly wortli attention'-Is all wrong. It hns been nn open secret Unamany a day that Gould and Sngo do not loveField , for nil Iholr spoclntivo-copartnorshlu with htm. ItussclHSago Is on record ns predictingthnt a time wns coming when Cyrus * feetwill co patter , patter , patter Deacon Bngo'rfpoetical description of Brother Field on adead run. Mr. Field , according to commontame , is loaded heavily with Manhattan.Gould has been a leaner of money to tha.Henry S. Ives crowd and ho called $0,000,0X-Iyesterday.. Though Gould hns boon ndver*'

tlscd n good deal lately as n patron of IvesJ-nnd though the two have had ynchtingpnrtiestogether , nnd'thougli' Ives has been iccog-nlzsd

-In money quarters as Gould's chosen

Instrument for settling the big telegraph wncthrough n Baltimore & Ohio dcnl , still close"observers Imvo not been mislead Into theidea thnt Gould was quite nil that tlilltheorizing popular opinion wns suggested.When somebody remarked to Gould that I veilwas n young man to be conspicuous in Wallstreet , Gould's quite observation was : 'Well. ,

It often happens that Wall street's greatestfinanciers nro young men. How old wasFerdinand Ward ? ' Ills relations with IvoSwore quite Intimate enough to give him In*

formation as to when nnd where the tuuclt-tntked nbout syndicate wns weakest , nnd Jay ,

Gould has a habit of utilizing his Informal-ion.


. i

"As Is nlwnys the cnso after a day of un-usual


oxr.ltemcnt In Wall street , the corri-dors


of the Windsor hotel were crowded Inst-nltfht by brokers anxiously diccusilng thasituation and swapping theories about theprobable future course ot the market. Theworst was over it was generally agreed.Jesse Scllgman predicts tliat within the nextfew days it will bo discovered that gold Is on ,

the wny heio from Kurouo nnd that tightmoney is no longer a danger. Other bankswith foreign connections gave Mr. Sellg-man's

-opinion Indorsement. Largoloanson-

stock collateral were made after the marketclosed yesterday ns low ns G nnd 0 per cent.The contingent thnt Is always on pnrndu asCpossessing 'Gould information , ' wcro nmonttIho weariest citizens tliat this town cau'i-boast. . Everyone ot them all was.caught loaded up with stocks at)top prices. Itusscll Sago and.Jay Gould Imvo slaughtered every ono ot1their 'friends , ' ns their hangers-on love to>)

label themselves. Jav Gould offers ns nn ex-cuse

- .

lor his wholcsnlo cntling of loans thntf-ho thought stocks were cheap , nnd ho coulduse his money to better advantage In the?

market than ho could bvhaUn" it out on!

loans. That sounds well. People who nrobullish love to hoar thnt they Imvo gained1such n recruit , but it isn't quite bochecring-as it might Imvo been It It had hap-pened


to come along bolore this .same recruithnd completely wiped them out. "

Snturdny gives only two hours for business ,nnd there wns no demand tor stocks nt theopening nmontr the loan crowd , aud very lit-tle


for money , which lunged 0. 7, 9, 8 percent. The ioolinir was decidedly feverish ,and the expected recovery made slow pro-gress

- ', though London came inpercent ,

higher with orders for Keadlng , Liike Shore,Krio and oilier stocks. Still , pilccs were be-


the Now York closing of yesterday *Upon anticipation of an unfavorable ban Isjreport the bears began hammering , nnd soon' ?1ml wenkenod the list down @ 4 points : !

With the declaration thnt the sub-treasurywould nt once pay out the July Interest onbonds , amounting to $0,000,000 , a strongerfeeling prevailed , nnd prices recovered par-tinlly.

- ,. The best opinions expressed

about yesterday's panic nro Hint It-wns started through heavy liquidations' '

by n recently formed bull pool Identified ?:

with'the best deal , nnd then other rumors'were seized hold of to run the market down. .It Is confidently asserted thnt Gould bought'-n large line of his own stocks nt the decline. "The hank statement was so much better thnnfhnd been expected thnt It strengthened thastock mnrker , which closed firm at good *

prices , about the best of the aav. A shrink-age


ot over 8:1,000,000: in deposits, and a losa-of nearly a billion leenl tender reflected tho'shipment of over 5 , .000Aln) currency lo helpout the western wheat deal. The deposits aro'the smallest tor any week of the year, but tlmyare 810,000,000 more than for the last week InDecember last. Money will undoubtedlyrnle close through July. The total sales forthe day were 170,075 shares. *

Death of lllondln's nival.-NIAOAIIA

.FAU.S , Juno 2.r . Stove Peer , a

local celebrity , who outdid Blondtn In daring ;

feats around Niagara and recently crossedon n llvo-elghts-inch cable , Is dead. Eversince ha did the daring net ho has beendrinking very henv'ly.' This evening nbout7io: ! Peer went out unobserved with JohnGllloiplennd astrnugeinnd later wns scon-In the same company near his rope. AH hodid not show up by 8:30: nnd no trace of hintcould be dtscoveii'il elsewhere It wns con-cluded


ho must have got on hl.s rope nnu-tnllrn liom It r tumbled over the bank , and'1ropes and lanterns were procured , nnd Peer'sluother , with nnotlicr man , wore lowereddown , nnd near the Pottom ot the Incllnofound his lifeless body badly nut nround thehe.ul. The body was raised to the top of thaprecipice by means of ropes. The generalpellet Is thnt he attempted to walk out on thacable and lost his tooting nud tell Into theabyss below.

Virginia City's Kittomhed Miners.-V


inotMA CITY , Nov. , June 25 , Unavail-ing


oiTorts were repeatedly made to-day to-

resc no the six miners remaining entombedIn the burning Gould & Curry mine. In whichfive miners lost their lives last night. Thelire was extinguished nbout noon to-day aud-tlio cage sent down , hut was drlvon bank :

after It had reached the 1,030-foot levt'l.' Itu-lays of miners nr tunnelling through liomthe Consolidated Virginia mine ami expectto reach the plnc ) of the imprisoned minersby noon to-morrow. The dnmnge to the nilnofrom lire Is very slight. It Is known tliat tlioImprisoned men wore alive at 2 o'clock thismoinlng , which has occasioned gieat energyon iho p.trt (if the relief parties , holding outthe hope tliat the miners may still bo alivewhen the tunnel is completed-



Mlnu Dontroyod.C-AIIBON.

.. Nov. , Juuo 25, The Monocounty

marble quarry , t ! xty miles from this city , wascompletely destroyed by the recent earth ¬

quake. The marble was broken up In cubesnot over a foot square. The ledge was ovetlive miles long and 400 feet wide , containing a-line uradu of marble , ranging over seventeen1shades , from pute white to blnclc. T bo mintwas valued at 81000000. |

Our Kjicolo KxpnrtB-.Siw

.: YOIIK , Juno 85. The exports of-

spt'clo'trom tlio port of No'.v Yotk for thawork were. SWMlOO , of which 3JO.WO w * ' 1