1(5 THE OMAHA DATLT IMfl.H ! ! SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1899. PECIAL NOTICES Ailvcrtlnnicnt for llieiie cnlnmnii trill l c tnUen until 12 m. for the t-vriilnir edition ninl until HiltU p. m- .tttr . innrnliiK ntiil Snnilnr edition. lint , 1 J-2c n Trnril rtrnt limcrtloni- Jo nvnrtl tlirrrnttrr. Antlilnit tnUcn fur lend tlinii 'Ma titr tlic llrt Insert- ion. ¬ . Thrinrtvcrtlncincntii mnt l o run coneotitlvelj- liirctl - , clirek , cnn liuvc ntiiwr * itd- drrnftcd to n numbered letter li cnre- of The lice. AitNwcrii no ndclrc ed will be dellvrrcd on jircnentntlon of- tli elirck only.- WAXTUI . ) SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. 18. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one plnase call up the Remington typewriter olllcc. 1619 Farnam St. . telephone I6 3. SITUATION WANTED ; young man. 2- 6ycirs old. with six years' experience In general otnco work , desires Position ; has studied law for two years. - | Hee.- WA. . . ED MALE HEM * . .WANTED , We have steady work tor a few peed hustlers of good habits find appear- unce. - . C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St.- QOOD . salesmen , aalary or com. 1118 N. 16- .B . 728 WANTED , twenty flrst-clnss stone cutters nt Helena , Mont. : $5 for nine hours. Ap- ply ¬ Montana Building Co. B 401 SALESMEN for Petit Ledgers , Bill Rerft- torn and other office specialties ; fine side- lines ; quick sellers Model Mfg. Co. . Box II. South Bend. Ind. B-IU825 SepSO * WANTED , one coat and one pants maker.- Gralmm . Bros. & Co. , Auburn , Neb. WANTED , good office man , about 30. who ran take clmrgo of collections and part of cirrpspondoncc. Must have a good knowledge of office work , first class ability and good habits. Address , giving referenrps and present cmploympnt. Ad- dress ¬ K 5. Bee Office. B-817-24 WANTED , first-class coat maker : good wngoa and steady work. J. T. Oliver S Pearl street. Council Bluffs. B MSofi 2S WANTED , 3 drivers , 2 wheeler holders and .1 grubbers for railroad work near Crcston- .Frcn . pass Sunday night. Will be at Mer- rhanN' - hotel Sunday between 11 and 12 m.- IT. . . Hall. B-M8S6 24 * HONEST man or woman to travel for large house ; ealtiry JIB monthly and expenses , with Incrrasc : position permanent ; Inclosp- pMfaddrcsped stnmpcd envelope. Presi- dent ¬ , 302 Caxton bldg. , Chicago.B MS71 24 * WANTED , an experienced and expert dry goods salesman ; must be a rustlpr and not nfrald of work. Apply with reference to- T. . L. Davles & Co , York , Ncb. .. . MEN, our Illustrated catalogue explains how we teach 'barber trade In eight weeks ; mailed free. Moler Barber Colleee. Ch- lCLEPK - nml office boy wanted nt Lang ho- tel , 601 So. 13th. B M902 25 WANTED , first-class , experienced dress goods and silk salesmen. None but those who have had years of experience need npply. Boston Store , Omaha. B M901 24 WANTED , manno-or manufacturing com ¬ pany's Omnha office , capable of handling salesmen nml pushing n speclaltv : KO per s ! riry. Address F. II. Hunlcke , Rlalto- Building. . St. Louis. B- AM prepared to privately teach , by mall , limited number of men the profession of advertisement-writing , based upon my present sucressfiil method ; advertisement- writers earn from $30 to $100 per week Page-Davis , Medlnah Temple , Chicago.- B'l'ATE . B manager , perfer.ably situated In the country , to manage agents on holiday goods ; permanent to right party ; liberal salary and expenses advanced. Provi- dence ¬ Pub. Co. , 332 Dearborn St. , Chicago.- B . READ DR. HERRIDEN'S AD , PAGE 2- 5.B123 . 24 * WANTED , salesmen to sell Imported and domoitlc liquors , principally fine Kentucky whlPklos and blends , case and barrel goods , to Jobbers and saloon trade ; good chance to the right man ; salary or oom- mlSRlon. - . Address R. S. Strader & Son. , 69 and 71 E. Water St. , Lexington , Ky- .B93524 . * WILL pcy S20 weekly salary to lady or gentleman to represent mo In their home city cr town : no security required. For po'ilculars nddress A. Spencer. 3(1 ( 6th- Ave. . , New York. B-934-24 * WANTED , a man to deliver and collect ; salary 00.00 per month ; security required : must bo willing to work small towns and country. Central , 3913 ( Market St. , Phila- delphia ¬ , Pa , B-933 24" SALESMAN , 300.00 a month and expenses guaranteed selling to hotels , stores , families , now patent burner for heating apd cooking ; makes Its own gas from coal oil ; lltH any ptovo ; cooks meals or heats room In half usual time. Perfection Burner Co. , 97, W. P. St. , Cincinnati. O- .B97724 . * SALESMEN for nil lines of business ( splendid side line ) to sell our calendars , IBO dlfllerent styles , newest , latest pat- terns ¬ , Just the thing customers want ; thirty per cent commission. Many of our men give their entire time to our line and make from $75 to $125 every week , guar- anteed ¬ best side line ever offered ; write promptly with references. American Novelty Co. , Cincinnati , O. B-9SO-24' WANTED , a man by an old established ' 'concern to represent us , $150 a month over expenses guaranteed ; permanent position , ichance for advancement. 1C11-315 Dear- lorn - 6t. , Chicago. B 975-24 * SALESMAN drumming lithographers , printers , etc. , can add line whereon N. Y. man earns $1,800 yearly ; free outfit. P. O. 1371 , New York. B-9S4-21 * HOME employment , either sex , $10 to $1 ( weekly working part time , day or even- ing ¬ ; no canvassing , easy , perm. ; enclose reply stamp. Excelsior Mfg. Co. , 109 E , 41th St. , Now York. 957-21 * WANTED , experienced specialty salesman , man who can show record and furnish references from last employer. Advances inndo for expenses. Kern Company , Chicago. B-913 24 * SALESMEN WANTED , for best gasoline gas lamp ; one hundred candle power , ono cent day ; everybody purchases : big . rollts. Universal Lamp Company , Chicago B-912-24 * WANTED , salesman lo sell lubricating oils ind greases , salary or commission , Clare- inont - Refining Co. , 61 LI ml Us St. , Clevo- jand - , Ohio. B-911-21 * ENDLESS CHAIN, man cats duck , duck eats worm , worm eats man ; never stops ; keeps a coming like customers for our free IxioU on grain and stocks. Howard , Crosby & Co , , 62 Wall St. , N. Y- .B96424 . * ( SALESMAN wanted , to call on doctors only on 'bohnlf of the leading firm In the trade. JYisltlon permanent. Applicant must be In- telligent ¬ , Indefatigable and of good up- rvoarance. - . State experience. Address P , O. Box 1652 , Philadelphia , B 916 21 * ( WANTED , a married man for farm work. Wieo , Williams , Benson , Neb. B-M914 M * WANTED , an engineer for Midland State bank bldg. R. C , Peters & Co. , 1702 Far- nam - St. , Bee bldg, B 107 24 WANTED , salesman , local or traveling ; Ralary ; permanent. Perry Nursery Co. , Rochester , N. Y , B-970-24 * WANTED , salesmen ; good money from mart , permanent place. Hcrrlck Nursery & Seed Company, Rochester , N. Y- .B97124 . * GOVERNMENT POSITIONS : Don't pre- pare - for any civil service or census ex- amination ¬ without seeing our catalogue of- Information. . Sent free. Columbian Cor- rcxpondtuce - College , Washington. D. C- .BM97226 . * 01ETTER than a gold mine The wonder- ful ¬ vest pocket electric lighter ; takes the plnce of matches ; no caps or oil ; no re- charging ¬ ; will stay lighted In a tale.- Ilultt . ilko a watch and contains miniature ptntrator ; lusts for years ; the marvel of ib.9 age , ugttits wanted everywhere , either ux. Globe Supply Co. , San Francisco , Cal WANTED MALE HELP. ATTEND ATTEND BOYLBS' COMMERCIAL AND- SHORTHAND COLLEGE. men continue to send here for competent stenographers. Every graduate occupies a good paying situation. None liave failed. Intending students should bear this In mind in the selection of a school. Complete shorthand and typewriting course , ' Compiete business course. Complete English course. . _ Catalogue furnished on application. Students enter any time. BEE BUILDING. B-995 24 WANTED , everywhere , hustlers to tack signs , distribute circulars .samples , etc. ; no canvassing ; good pay. Sun Advertis- ing ¬ Burtnu , Chicago , B 969-24 * WANTED Young mnn not under 16 , who has had experience as bundle wrapper and who Is familiar wltta computing scales. Armour & Co. , So. Omaha. B 9S9 24- WAN 'ED-FES !A ii ; rn ELIT WANTED , 200 girls. 1624 Dodge. Tel. 87- 6.C729 . WANTED girl for general housework. Ap ¬ ply 2201 Spencer St. C M430 GIRL wanted. Hlxenbaugh , 500 Ware block.- C . M266 WANTED , housemaid. Apply to 3620 Far ¬ nam St. C M9D1 INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for useful , profitable business ; call between 11 and 8. Mrs. E. E. Allen , 723 N. Y. Life. C-M621 Octl4 WANTED , good cook and laundress : three In family ; good wages. 2210 Lnndon Court , near St. Mary's ave ana South 24th street. C 814 WANTED , 25 cash girls and boys over 14 years of ago who have attended school flve months In the past year. Apply be ¬ tween 8 and 9 Saturday morning. People's Store. C S632- 4WANTFD. . first-class waist flnnr cr. ! at- once. . MIsii H. Schroeder , 1211 N stront , Lincoln , Neb. C MSJ3 25 * WANTED , experienced girl for general housework ; good wages. 366 N. 40th- street. . C MS97 21 * GIRL for general housework , 3 In family Apply mornings , 2101 Wlrt St.C 910-25 * WOMEN to do plain sewing at home , 1.50 per day ; four months' work guaranteed ; send stamped , addressed envelopes for particulars. D. W. Hutton & Co. . Phila ¬ delphia , "Pa. C 936-24 * WANTED , either sex , young or old , to work for us nt home year around ; earn $15 weekly ; no canvassing ; easy work ; must bo trustworthy. Address Dopt. 25C American Art Union , 1002 Broadway , Brooklyn. N. Y. C 976 24 * WAiNTED , 6 good waist makers ; steady employment. Mrs. Mercer , Crosby Bros. , Topekn , Kan. C 9S2-24 * AINY lady having 2 or 3 hours' spare time a day can make $5 weekly working for us at homo ; nothing to sell ; send selfad- drosscd - envelope for free sample. Man ¬ hattan Co. , 101 Bcekman St. , N. Y- .C9S321 . * RELIABLE woman for permanent travel- Ing - position ; $ GO per month and expenses ; references. Clark & Co. . 234 S. 4th St. , Phlla. , Pa. C 916 24 * AN ACTIVE business lady can assure her- self ¬ of an Income of from $1,200 to $1SOO per year ; no Investment required. 1C 21 , Bee. C-965-21 * WANTED , lady canvassers who want a- stcndy job , can live at home and make money ; no money needed. K 25 , Bee- .C96624 . * WANTED at once , a good business woman to go to Salt Lake and Butte. Mont. Flat 9 , Davldge block. C M135 25 * WANTED , girl for general housework. In- quire ¬ 701 Fourth street. Council Bluffs- .C137 . 2- 4FOH HENT HOUSES. HENRY B. PAYNE'S REDUCED RENTS- .8room . modern house , 2 blocks from Walnut Hill car , newly papered , dropped from $22 to 1650. Two all-modern houses , easy walking distance , 7 rooms down to $21 , 9 rooms down to $2C.5- 0.7room . all-modern house , 2 blocks from Farnam car , swell part of city , $2- 5.9room . splendid all-modern house. Just put In fine condition , half block from car , $3- 0.13room . elegant residence , steam heat ; everything strictly modern ; reduced to 00. Have other good ones. See my list. HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. D M13I 25 FOR RENT , 6-room flat , 703 S. 16th St. . $20.0- 0.7room . house , modern except furnace , $25.0- 0.8room . house , modern , $32.5- 0.Sroom . house, modern , 2200. This house almost new. Will rent furnished If de- sired. ¬ . 428 N. 41st st- .9room . house , modern except furnace , 1050. R. C. PETERS & CO. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee bldg.- D . 105 24 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1016- .D . 736 ELEGANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell- man. - . 2405 St. Mary's ave. D M233 COTTAGE , 9th and Pierce ; 14 rooms , Wal- nut ¬ Hill , 1500. If you don't rent , buy on Installment plan. S. Hawver , 1512 Daven- port. ¬ . D-M277 1031 S. SOTH AVE. , 10room. laundry , oak finish and floors , strictly first-class , mod- ern ¬ In every respect , W. D. Mead , Jr. DM376- NINEROOM furnished house , modern , down town , 35. F. D. Wcad , 1521 Douglas , D-753-24 HOUSES , s'orea. Bemls , Paxton block.- D . 73- 3HOUSES. . Benewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St- .D730 . FOR RENT , 8-room , modern house, 4318 Farnam at. , $25 ; also others. Rlngwalt Bros. , Barker block. D 65- 540ACRE farm for rent , near South Omaha. AH kind's of fruit ; 1,000 young apple trees. Two or three desirable farms for rent near Irvlngton , Neb.R. . . C. PETERS & CO. , 1703 Farnam St. , Bee bldg- .D100 . 2- 4MAGGARD van & storage. 1419 Dodge. Tel. 1496. D-735 FINE residence , choice location. 11 rooms , all modern ; excellent stable. Bemls , Pax- ton - block. D M227 FOR RENT , houses in all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Farnam street- .D733 . HOUSES for rent In all parta of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street.- D411 . FLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 S. llth street. DM153- 5ROOM modern house. 830 B , 28th- .DM766 . 25 * PREMISES 614 S. 29th avenue. House thir ¬ teen rooms , fine barn. Apply Gen'l Dandy. Paxton hotel. D-M80S-26 FINE 12-room residence ; all modern : on motor line. 413 North 25th st. J. T. Clark, 219 Board of Trade Bldg. D M825 Oct4 FOR RENT , seven-room how* and 2 acre- of - ) ground , 47th and Harney sts. F. D. Wcad , 1524 Douglas. D SI140 S- O10ROOM modern furnished or partly fur- nished ¬ house , with barn ; choice location , near West Farnam. Will rent for short- er long term to right party. Address K 17 , Bee. D-M687 2S * 6-ROOM flat , stone building , cor. 20th and l >nke sts ,. furnished or unfurnished. D, W. Merrow , 720 N. Y, Life. D MSS1 2I- HOUSES. . $5 up, Chris Boyer. 2123 Cumlng. D-M8S4 O22 * 1812 N, 26th St. , 7 rooms , modern except fur- nace ¬ , good condition , will be painted on outside , large barn , 20. Omaha Loan & Truat Co. , 16th and Douglas Sta. D-909 SEVERAL derlrable houses for rent. J , II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-994 24 . BARN and carriage house. 22nd and Howard. J. K. Parrotte , Kith and Dodge. D-997 S ron nENT HOUSES- .CROOM . cottage with stable , large ynrd , good cistern and well , 2417 Davenport. In- quire ¬ Jos. Goldsmith , 1205 Farnam St- .D907 . 21 * FOUR-ROOM cottage. Inquire 800 Park avenue. D 90-3 25 * 1619 NO. 23RD. , 6-rooms , good repair , 1500. 2024 Davenport , 9 rooms , modern , good re- pair ¬ , 3000. 2717 Chicago , 4 rooms , 1250. 2TO7 Chicago , 3 rooms , 1000. 2221 Clark , 7 rooms. 15.00 , The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S14th St.D 955-24 9 R. CHOICE , near the Merrlam. 36 U. S. Bank bldg. D-MSC3 HOUSE with nine rooms , all modern im- provements ¬ , good barn , large yard. 2110 Lake St. Cottage with flve rooms. 2103 Lake St. D M964-25 * KOIl HENT FURNISHED HOOMS. FOR RENT , cool , furnished front rooms , all modern conveniences. 317H North 15th- St. . , Flat E. E M197 Oct6 THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best 1.60 house In Neb. ; take Hornoy or Farnam car TCC.i ROOMS , with or without board. 1512 Daven- port. ¬ . E M276 OctS ROOMS , 1906 Capitol Avenue. E 752 25 * ROOMS , modern , 2580 Harney St.E 670 29 * 21 MEALS for 400. Tickets nt the new Brunswick Hotel Cafe. E M671 O16 FURNISHED roomB. Everything flrst- class. - . 1811 Cass. E-M783 26 * DESIRABLE rooms. Reasonable. 842 South 2 h. E M7S7 24 NICE rooms for rent. 814 South 26th St- .EM4S9S24 . * FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen ; ref.- req. . . 1701 Cap. Ave. E 212Oct.7 FOR RENT , furnished room , private family , bath , telephone , central : also small barn ; near Shrlner hotel. K 12. Hee- .ES6022 . * FOR RENT , a nent furnished room for gentleman. 848 S. 19th st. E MSSS 25 * 3 NICE furnished rooms for light house- keeping ¬ to gentleman and wife without children ; modern house , nmall family of adults , nlop place for good parties ; refer ¬ ences. Address K 20 Bee. E 9C22- 4THRET ! furnished rooms for housekeeping ; man'nnd wife ; rent taken In board. 319- N. . 17th. E-961 2 FURNISHED rooms , modern , with pri- vate ¬ family. 613 N. 22d. E-917 24 * FUriNISTIED rooms , two front room1 * , steam heat , bath : also rooms for house ¬ keeping. 707 South 16th st. , ton floor- .E . 129 24 * FRONT ROOM , steam heated , with board. 1900 Capitol ave. F 133 21 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND T1OAHU. ELEGANT rooms & board. 190S Capitol nve- .F740 . THE Merrlam family hotel. 25th and Dodcr- e.FM592 . ROOM and board for man and wife or two ladles : first-class accommodations ; refer- ences ¬ required. 1518 Madison Ave- .FM8S4 . NICELY furnished front rom. private family. 702 S. 29th St. F 776-25 * ROOMS and board , steam heat. K < Har- ney. ¬ . F M742 O17 BRUNSWICK Hotel Cafe is now open- .F . MC74 O16- 50D S. 25TH AVE. , rooms ; private famllv- .F M113 Oct. 23 * iron RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. THREE or five furnished or unfurnished rooms or first floor. 2511 Pierce street.- G . 90S 25 * 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms , modern , block from car line. 2964 Woolworth.G 918 24 * FOR RENT , furnished or unfurnished. 6 rooms of modern house , close In. Ad- dress ¬ K 31. Bee. G 121 24 * POU UENT STORES AND OFFICES- .FIRSTCLASS . stores. $10 to $3& Furnished barber shop , 8 chairs. 10. HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE.- I . Ml 92 FOR RENT , sto'-e in first-class location : rent reasrnablo. Applv R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , i ground floor ofllce , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap- ely R .C. Peters t Co. , ground floor. Bee Building. 1 267 STOREROOM and basement. 120 N. 15th- street. . Thomas II. Fell , 313 Brown block- .I . M761 24 * FIRST-CLASS office , best location , cheap to party needing services of a good office man a portion of the time ; state business ; If "one-horse" will not consider. TC 11 , Bee. I M849-21 * AOENTS WANTED. LADY or man wanted to travel and appoint agents ; $60 per month salary and expenses. Zlegler & Co. , Monon bldg. , Chicago- .JM870 . 21 * WHY Not Make $50 Per Week ? Salesmen arp making $50 to $75 a week with our beautiful new panoramic albums , "Fighting in the Philippines , " and "Our New Possessions" You can easily do PO. Each album contains' ICO magnificent large photographic reproductions of stirring , pathetic and humorous scenes of camp and battlefield , portraits of prominent war heroes , native pictures , noted points of Interest scenery , etc. Thomas M, An ¬ derson , brigadier general , U. S. A. , says : "The cngravinirs are both faithful and picturesque , " Heavy Ivory-finish paper ; handsome covers ; exquisite works of art. One man sold 150 first day Evorybdy buys it : generous commission. One com- plete ¬ album ( paper cover ). 12 cents ; bo'h albums , 20 cents ; cloth binding , 35 cents each ; both , 60 cents. Order now ; don't waste time in correspondence ; money re- funded ¬ If not absolutely flatltfnctory. Catalogue free. Manuscripts promptly examined. F. Tennvson Neely , publisher , 114 Fifth ave. , New York. J M878 21 * WANTED , flve experienced specialty sales- men ¬ to sell best line on earth to general trade ; state line you .are now handling ; 200.00 per month and expenses to right men ; none but hustlers need apply. West- ern ¬ Mfg. Co. , Sykea blk. , Minneapolis , Minn. J-MS73 21 * AGENTS WANTED , men and women , good address , to t-avel and appoint agents ; salary $75 month ; expenses ; rapid advance , ment ; unusually brilliant opportunity. Address with references , Butler & Algor , New Haven , Conn , J- AOENTS. . Edison's Ink concentrates makes the only Ink that cannot be removed with chemicals , making the raising of checks and other alterations Impossible ; made In tablets , easily carried , sells on sight ; only genuine agents send lOc for enough lo make live ounces , three colors : get agents' proposition. Edison Chemical Co. .5 Cedar street , New York. J LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell Mme- .Yales . Health Remedies and Natural Beautlflers ; intelligent ladles can make all the way from $25 to $50 a week or more ; all depends on the person ; pos- sibilities ¬ unlimited. Address at once. Mme , M. Yale , 189 Michigan Ave. . Chicago. J AGENTS , write at once , money maker of the wason , $20 to $30 weekly sure ; used in every store and home. Introduction Co. , 4S Clark , Chicago , J-313-24 * AGENTS , ladles , gents , everywhere , mack ¬ intoshes , jiklrt and cape, 3.00 ; men's coat , 2.00 ; sartsmen'H harvest ; sample, free. Empire Supply Co. , Chicago. J-942-'t FILL your own iteeth without pain , lo each ; agents make l lg money ; sample 25c ; circular mailed , Florence Medical Co. , Dept. O , 1215 Seminary Place , Chicago- .J91121 . * WANTED , special agents , male or female , to Introduce our specialties ; requires little time , genteel efforts , no expense , valua ¬ ble results ; can be done out of or during business hours. Particulars from Howe Mfg. Co. , IK Dearborn St. , Chicago- .J91024 . * WANTED , reliable agents everywhere to take orders for our immense line of- mediumpriced genuine made-to-order clothing ; no capital required ; outfit free ; splendid chance for active men ; write to- ua at once for territory and particulars. Eagle Tailoring Co , , 212 to 218 Franklin St. , Chicago , 111 J-933-24 * A I1NTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted for the Wright Bust Form , the only practical substitute fer- n corset , and at the same time a beautiful form giver. Wright Bust Form Co. , St. Louis , Mo. .193924 * WANTED , salesmen to sell our line of flno lubricating oils and greases ; salary or- comm.'sslon , The Atlas Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. ' J 937-24 * SHOE soles wear twice as long If you use Wenrlno on them ; agents wanted , both sexes ; enclose stamp. C. E. Vullanco , & Co. , Elkhardt , Ind. J-9SS-31 * AGE-NTS wanted everywhere for the sus- - . Combines economy , dura- Illty - , neatness and comfort. Sells on- plght. . Sample outfit one dollar. Satis ¬ faction guaranteed1 or money refunded- .PanAmerican . P Co. , 149 Broadway , Now York City. J yS5 21 * SALESMAN Wo want a salesman In ev- ery ¬ locality to handle our line of hosiery ; Bold direct to the consumer at factory prices H. S. Blake & Co. , Dept. A. Ra- cine. ¬ . WIs. J-9S7-24 * 125.00 EVERY month from now until Christmas selling a brand new mechanical novelty ; fools everyone and makes them laugh until the tears come ; sample and outfit free for 10 cents or stamps. For full Information and exclusive territory address B. C. Orient Mfg. Co. , Dayton , O- .J97921 . * AOrlLNTS , salary or commission ; ? 25 dally guaranteed ; 4 new patents everybody uses ; sample free. Braham Mfg. Co. , Gl , Cincinnati , O. J 978-21 * AOENTS wanted , salary $60 per month and expenses to travel and appoint agents. National Pub. Co. , 5 Wwsh. St. , Chicago- .J9S124 . * AGENTS , hot sellers for street fairs , carnivals , and fall festivals ; our Dewey Tarns ; entirely new ; sample lOc : water- proof ¬ decorations .sell on sight. Marshall Novelty Co. , 164 Lake St. J05921- AOENTS. . entirely now picture of Admiral Dewey In full uniform ; from photo taken July 21st , 1S99 ; ! Cx22 , In colors ; sample mailed 25c ; big seller. The Patriotic Art Co. , 164 Lake St. . J 960-24 PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray- ons. ¬ . " Try washable enamellnes ; no glass ; don't rub ; cheap. Family Portrait Co. , Chicago. J 919 24 * AGENTS, street men , for Japanese Trans- parent ¬ Mirrors ; perfect pocket mirror ; holding to light reveals picture. Illus- trated ¬ cataloKiic and sample , 10 cents. Transparent Mirror Co. , 18-30 W. Ran- dolph ¬ St. , Chicago. J 919 24 * MEN, make $10 n. day at fairs , public gath- erings ¬ , etc. ; new amusement attraction ; iwrlte for circular. Jonas N. Bell & Co. , 586 Lake , Chicago. J-947 24 * AGENTS , 3.00 to 5.00 a day selling our combination grocery orders ; new plan ; ex- clusive ¬ territory given. Aaron Coffee Co. , Chicago. ,T 946 24 * AGENTS , don't forget our new saloon arti- cle ¬ ; thousands being sold ; sells on sight ; big profits ; It saves money : It saves .time. Address 1112 Monadnock , Chicago.J . 945 24 * A NEW gas lamp , 106 candle power ; with- out ¬ mantle or chimney ; half gas ; retails for $1 ; sample to agents , GOc. Royal Gas Burner Works , 84 Washington St. . Chi ¬ cago. J 944 24 * AGENTS wanted for our money maker ; 400 per cent profit ; advertising solicitors pre ¬ ferred. Dumont Mfg. Co. , 900 Perry St. , Chicago. 111. J-948 24 * AGENTS , 20th century wonder ; perfection plater will start you In business ; $30 to $50 easily earned weekly ; enermous profits in electro polishing cloths ; secret formula $1 ; sample lOc. New Century Mfg. Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J 950 24 * WANTED , the California Cream of Lemon Co. , desires to secure the services of two or three women to act as sales agents for their product. To women of good busi- ness ¬ ability an exceptional opportunity for making money IB offered. Write to the Cream of Lemon Co. , Los Angeles , Cal. J 974-24 * AGEtNTS , write at once ; money makers of the season ; $20 to $30 weekly sure ; used In every store and home. Introduction Co. , 48 Clark , Chicago. J 943 24 * WANTED , an Al traveling salesman. K 32 , Bee. J 138 24 * WANTED TO 1VENT. WANTED , furnished house on or near car line. E. H. TerrlU , 209 Paxton block. K-M76525 * WANTED to rent , a 7 or 8-room modern house. Address J 65 , Bee. K 781 24 * WANTED , To rent , 8 or 9-room modern house by good tenant ; house must be In good locality. Address K 7 , Bee. K-M828 24 FIVE or six-room cottage within 10 blocks of Bee building. Address K 9 , Be . K M832 WANTED , three or four unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping ; central location. Address K 15 , Bee. K S65 28 * REASONABLE board and warm room de- sired ¬ by lady in refined family ; terms ; references exchanged. K 22 Bee office- .K . 920 24 * YOUNG couple want unfurnished modern rooms for Jlght housekeeping. Address K 18 , Bee. K 923 24 * WANTED , by man and his wife, four or five unfurnished rooms for light house ¬ keeping. K 19 , Bee. K 922 24 * 4 OR 5 unfurnished rooms for llcht house- keeping ¬ ; prefer with heat. K 23 , Bee. WANTED , nicely furnished room , with board. In strictly private family ; two blocks from car , near center of city.- K . 28 , Bee. K-U1 21 * STORAGE ) . PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 - Jones , general storage and forwarding. 741 WANTED TO I1UY- .2NDHAND . furniture bought & exchnncred. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tol. 2238. ALL kinds of household goods hotels , etc. , in large or Email quantities. Chicago Fur- .nlture . Co. 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N 743 WANT to buy a choice West Farnam st.- home. . . Address J 37, Bee. N-M526 WANTED , to buy a house and lot In south part of city , east of 24th st. Address J 42, Bee. N M562 WANTED , to buy for cof-h , 5 to 8-room house that can be moved In vicinity of- 27th and Hamilton street. Address , with particulars , J 64 , Bee office. N MSOI 25- i 000 BASE BURNERS and other stoves wanted. Don't sell before seeing Joe Le- vlne. - . Drop card and man will call. High- est ¬ market price. 301 N. I6th. cor. Dav. N SIS03 O1- 9WANTED. . Second-hand fireproof safe. 40x 30 , or larger , inside measure. K 4. Be . N-M827 24 WANTED , to liuy a good second-hand piano ; also second-hand top buggy and a set of light double harness ; must all be In- firstclass order and a bargain. Address K 14 , Bee. N-M872 21 * BEST Income property ; $1,000 will buy. 151- 2Davenport. . N M114 30- KOIl SALE FUIINITUHE.- WE . CARRY the largest line of second- hand ¬ stoves & heaters. You can buy them for little money. J. Lewis , 104 So. 14th. O M&55 SepSO STOVES , SOTVES : sea us before you deal.- Neb. . . Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel. 1496. O-811-O19 ONE antique oak and one black walnut bedroom set , large French plate mirrors , good as new ; at a bargain. Address K 6, Bee. O-MS19 FURNITURE flve-room cottage ; good as new ; cheap. 407 N. 23rd. O-905 26 * FURNITURE for aalo ; private. 1651 N. 18th St. O-132 24 * FOIl HALE HOUSES ANI1 VEHICLES. OLD buggies taken in trade on new vehicles. Anderson Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport.- iFINE . black mare , suitable for carriage or work , sound and g ntlo ; .weight 1100. 3320 Parker street , P Mi50 21 * FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG poles ; sawdust ; cheapest nnd best hog fence. Ml Douglas. Tel. 453. Q 745 FOR SALE Cheap ; heavy wrapping paper ; Saod for batten or laying under carpets , Bee press room. Q 271 SAFES Buy Poll , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.- B. . . HAAS , Florist. 1SI3 Vlnton St. Tel. 776. Plants , cut flowers , bonnets , hall , resi- dence ¬ , wedding and crave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly fliied. CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.Q 748 FOR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at- druggists. . One gives relief. Q-753 ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros ,, Co. Buffs. INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 111G Farnam- Q M9So HOG , poultry. lawn and Held fencing ; all wire. Wire Works. 1617 Howard St.Q 147 FINE Stolnway upright piano for snlo cheap ; cash or tlmo payments. Address J 47, Bee onice. Q-M5S2 Oct. 16 REPAIRS ana parts for every sowing ma- chine ¬ manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 16th and Harney. Q MISS Oct6 NEW wheola , 13.60 up ; Znd-hand wheels. $5- up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co.- Q . M46- 52DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght , 1116 Farnam.- Q . i4S FOR SALE, blacksmith shop , complete with tools. Doing a good business the year yenr round. Address J. Spencer. P.- O. . . Box 97 , Idaho Springs , Colo. Q M831 24 STEEL Monitor range , cheap. 2162 St- .Mary's . avenue. Q M831 27 * SECOND-HAND sewing machines. Domestic , 900. Domestic , first-class condition , 12.50 , Standard sowing machine , In good condi- tion ¬ , 1500. WIlcox & Olbbp machine , good as new , 25. Singer , high arm , 900. Singer , 500. New Home , 1000. Howe. 400. I ! White , 500. i Wilson , 350. White , high arm , good as now , 1250. Union , 1000. Union , $ S.OO. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney.- QMS99 . 25 FOR SALE , Howe ventilator base burner , nearly new. In perfect order ; less than half cost. K 27 , Bee. Q-112 2- 1MISCELLANEOUS. . BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low- est ¬ prices. Boston Furn'trc Co. , 1414 Dodge R-754 NOTICE Country dealers. 2d hand furn'tre & stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. R755- CLAIRVOYANTS. . DR. LEE HARRIDEN Will lecture this evening In Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , 8pm. SUBJECT : "THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH. " All mediums Invited. Read large ad on Page 25. S 126 24 * THERE are , beyond all question of doubt , great Towards In store for every person of reasonable ability. A fact which is borne out by the personal experience of moat every one Is that we all have opportunities at some time In life ; If wo do not im- prove ¬ these opportunities It Is our own fault. The reason why a great many people make failures In this life Is be- cause - they are not aware of their own qualifications and often pursue t'he ' wrong cpurse. It Is certainly advisable for any ¬ one to obtain knowledge , that would ben- efit ¬ them. MMB. GYLMER , OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST, Is elected .by natural selection to read life , and her power to reveal the past and pres- ent ¬ Is really astonishing to those who are not conversant with palmistry. This won ¬ derful woman aJso predicts future events with absolute correctness. She can posi ¬ tively tell any one Just what they ore adapted to and how to toe successful. She Instructs you ihow to develop your weak points and how to avoid danger. If you are In trouble she can Infsrm you as to how to remove the difficulty , therefore alleviating the fear and anxiety which would exist.- MME. . . GYLMER has been In Omaha 3 years and has established a great reputation. Many people have been .benefited through her extraordinary gift and she stands ready ami willing to help those who are In need of assistance. Parlors of Palm ¬ istry , 1605 Dodge , S. sldo now P. O. . Send 1.00 and six questions answered.S 992 24 FREE TEST ! FREE TEST ! Good news for all. So sure am I of my powers of telling the past , present and future I will give a few free tests to all who wish a reading ; skeptics Invited. Seer phrenologist , astrolo.glst , palmist. Prof. Elmer Hall. Known from ocean to ocean as the White Mahatma ; asking no questions , he tells name of your future husband or wife ; whether the one you love Is true or false. Seventh son and has the power of any two mediums ; tells you What your trouble Is ; every lildden mys ¬ tery revealed ; when you will marry ; what Is needed for success In business , love , marriage , speculation , changes , divorce , losses , wills , pensions , etc. Thousands of- my patrons have been made happy that I have never seen. Stamp Insures prompt answer. Private parlor , 1615 Chicago st- .S181 . 24 * VIENNA lortunn teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. S 909 Ot- MME. . GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge- S 756- MRS. . FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th- .SM710 . DR L. P. HARRIDEN. CLAIRVOYANT , LtFE READER. OCCULT SCIENTIST. FEATS THAT BAFFLE BELIEF AND STAGGER COMPREHENSION. MANY IMITATE , BUT NONE CAN EQUAL. Gives advice to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. , locates mines , burled treasures , cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil influences , etc. UNITES THE SEPARATED. Never Falls to cause speedy and happy marriages ; guar- antees ¬ success In all cases. RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH , Dr. Harrlden diagnoses cases by merely touching the patient , Instantly locating the seat of trouble and by his wonderful power of OCCULT SCIENCE removing the cause ; a speedy cure is the result in all cases- .PERMANENT . RESIDENCE f,02 S 16TII- ST. .. COR. JACKSON. ALL WHO CAN- NOT ¬ CALL UPON THIS GIFTED MAN WRITE , INCLOSING STAMP FOR PAR ¬ TICULARS. Hours , 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.j lady 'attendant. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FED ACCEPTED. REFERENCES , best banks , merchants and business men In the city. S M8I7 23 * MRS. DR. HART. PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT , with her wonderful powers , all affairs of life becomes an open book ; unites lost friends. LO- CATES ¬ MINES AND HIDDEN TREAS ¬ URES , and her assistance in regard to Marriage , Divorce , Law Suits , PoiiFlons and Speculation have lead thousands to wealth and happiness. Why not you ? Rending by mall. Bond 1.00 , name anil date of birth. Readings dally. 3 to 9. Sunday , 2 p. m. to 7:30. : 213 N. 18th st. 8-127 21 * MASSAGE AM ) OATHS. MRS BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE. Parlors best equipped In city. ' Porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 119 N. 16th , opp. P , O. . 2nd floor. T M64S-S26 * ELITE PARLORS , 2025 Farnam , upstairs , first-class baths , massage , magnetic treat ¬ ment. Lady attendants. T M3S2 25 MME , Lee , baths , massage , parlor. 3ft2 N. 16, Oct6- MME. . AMES , R. 2 , 607 S. 13 ; massage baths. T-M747 O17 * MISS DE CAMO, vapor sponge baths , mas- sage ¬ , magnetic treatment ; expert attend- ants ¬ ; Ist-class patronage solicited , 1615 Howard , 3d floor. T M754 O18- MME. . SMITH , room 2. 118& North 15th. T-810-26 * MISS JUNE , massage ; baths ; Arabian treatment ; attendant. 313' , . N. 16th ; flat J. T M903 O2 * I'UHSONAL. PRIVATE hospital for ladies before & dur- ing ¬ confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U 759 I'EUSONAL. . M. MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of feet , both Indies & gentlemen. Ladles' halrdrosslng , hair goods & toilet preparations. Treatments of scalp face hands or feet ; 20 years expedience , ib yeari- in Omaha ; best equipped establishment In- city. . 1516 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor. U7S7- VIAVI Is yoman's way to health , 315 Bee Bldg. JU-761 MISS MAYERTsURaEON-CHIROPODIST manicure , halrdrcsslng ; Instruction In above professions reasonable. 400 Pnxton blk U 2 < 7Qct. 7 FACIAL massage , 60chatrdresslng. ; 35 , , . shampooing. 3oc and 50c. Ml ? Hublmrd 415 McCaguo Bldg. U-M397 24 * NELLIE F. RYLEY. manicure , chiropodist ? 415 McCagUe bldg. , 16th and Dodge. U-M396 24'- iR. . ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 1- 2Frcnzor block. U TS- SnUPTURE CURED. We cure nil forms o- rupluro without pain or detention fron- business. . Send for circulars. Emplr nurture nurf. . 932 Now York Life Build Ing. O-naha , Neb. U MSS2 ScpSO BATHS , massage , lime. Post , 319W S. 15th. U-M173 RELIABLE homo for ladles before nnc during confinement , and treatment of nl troubles peculiar to women. Address p- O. . Box 7D7 , Omaha. U M53S Octl6 * JOHN , if you will buy mo a doz. banlttcrs(- 25c ( ) 1 will meet you at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe and all will be forgiven.- Mary. . . U M673 O1- 6RITTER hospital ; confinement coses taken babies adopted. 2214 Seward. Tel. 2233. U M716 Sep29 $10 FOR Information of vacancy lending to employment of advertiser as book-keeper Address J 63. Bee. U M7S6 24 SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanently removed by electricity ; con- sultation ¬ free and confidential ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas.- U . MS55 26 * FOR money see Pleasants , 51 Barker blk.- U . MSSS O22 LEARN to hypnotize and control people as you will ; send 1.00 for plain and simple Instructions by mail. S. A- .Cramer . , box 317 , Coopersvlllc , Mich.- U . MSOO 21 * THE Matrimonial Club alms to make wise selections , harmonious marriages and a- ihappy home. Parlors 201-5-6 Douglas blk. GENTLEMAN of wealth and refined taste solicits kind hearted wife for happy home.- Mr. . . Elliott , 3126 Forest Ave. , Chicago , 111- .U . 926 24 * CHARMING widow. 32 , worth $40,000 cash , would marry congenial gentleman. Mrs. Rand , 7G2 Lexington Ave. , N. Y. C- .U . 92G 24 * LADIES , your bust enlarged six Inches ; failure Impossible. ; harmless ; $100 cash guarantee ; proof free. Leonard Medicine Co. . Kansas City , Kan. U-924 24 * MANUSCRIPTS promptly examined ; all branches of literature ; suitable for pub- lication ¬ In book form ; forty books pub- lished ¬ last month ; catalogue free, F. Tennyson Neely. Publisher. 114 Fifth Ave. , New York ; 259 Wabash Ave. . Chl- cngo. - . U- WE WANT you to see our stock of Pianos and Organs. Get our prices and terms. Collins Piano Company , 205 So- .14th . st. U M109 30 TALKING machines at 205 South 14th st.- U . MHO 30 .PERSONAL. Do you speculate ? If so , speculate successfully. Send your orders to a reliable , house , Where they will bo placed In the open market and their In ¬ fluence felt. We can make for you. In one month more Interest on your money than any bank will pay you in a year. Send for our book on speculation It is free , J.- K. . . Comstock & Co. , 23 Traders' bldg. , Chicago. U 951 24 * GOOD lvl for general housework. 431- 8Farnarn. . C MM7-29 * PRETTY young woman , model in size , heiress large Income , $15000 In own name , will Inherit more , would marry the right kind of a man. Address Mlsa Ruth. 177- E. . 40th St. , Chicago, 111. U READ DR. HERRIDEN'S AD , PAGE 25- .U . 125 21 * YOUNG gentleman wants to meet dis- creet ¬ lady ; object friendship. Address K 30. Bee. U 130 24 * MONKY TO LOAN HE At , ESTATE. MONEY to loan on first-class Improved olty property or for building purposes. Payne- Harder Co. , N. Y Life. W 762 MORTGAGES , Wallace. 314 Brown Block.- W . 773 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York- .W167 . 5 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas.- E. . . Wll'lumsqn. ' W 776 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 768 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. : It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L- W772 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 319 So. 10t- hW764 FIVE PER CENT money on or before live years on Nebraska lands and Omaha real estate. W. B. Melkle , 401 S. 15th St.W 775 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk- .W763 . 6 PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam- AV770 5, 5H. 6 per ct , loans In Omaha. So. Omaha.- W. . . II. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. IM- S.W774 . $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farmi. W, Farnam Smltl & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 7o6 CHEAP MONEY. HARRISON & MORTO- N.W750017 . * $100 TO 2000. F. D. Wead. 16th & Douglas.- W . 765 WANTED, city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1703 Fanum St. , Bee Bldg , W 77- 1LOANS. . Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life- .W769 . REAL estate mortgages for sale ; 500. se- curity ¬ $1,000 ; $ SOO , security $3,000 ; 1.000 , security $5ono ; 2.000 , security 10000. Call at 606 Karbach Block for particulars.- W . M117 SO FARM LOANS negotiated In Eastern Ne ¬ braska and Iowa. James N. Casady. Jr. , 126 Main street , Council Bluffs. W 139 2- 1MOM3Y TO LOAN CHATTELS , LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per- sonal ¬ note without endorsement or secur ¬ ity : strictly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES Before borrowing see us , as you will find It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W, Truax , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Hldg. , 16th and Far ¬ nam Sts. Telephone 22S5. X 7S3 LOANS ON SALARIES TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN permanently pngaged with responsible con- cerns ¬ upon their own names without se- curity ¬ ; no inquiries made of their em- ployers ¬ ; applications treated confidential. The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrates whera to go for advances at VERY LOV- UHT - RATES ; repayments made In agree- able ¬ Instalments either weekly or monthly to suit convenience of borrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID Persons momentarily embarrassed who de- Blro - above everything else to avoid pub ¬ licity are the class we especially desire to- eerve. . OUR LOANS ARE CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You can deal with ua quickly and satis- factorily. ¬ . It will be to your advantage to call at our ofllce before borrowing cite- where. - . AMERICAN LOAN CO. , Room 601 , Bee bldg. MONEY loaned on planoi , furniture , horses , cowe , jewelry , Duff Green , R. 8, Barker blk- X783 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE IF YOU ARE A SALARIED EMPLOYE holding a permanent position wp will loan you any amount your situation will Justify without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind other than your name. The fnct- of yout holding a position Is sufficient guarantee to us that you will carry out any agreement into which you may en- ter - with u . YOU CAN REPAY IN EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY WIL RE maintained In all our transactions with you , and you will receive the same cour- teous ¬ consideration that Is accorded your employer nt his bank. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , C. E Jennings , manager , suite 625-526 New York Life bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per- manent ¬ position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolinan. 706 N. Y. U Bldg. MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds, watches , etc. ; payments un ¬ known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1418 Farnam , upstairs. X 781 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , Pianos , horses , cows. etc. J. W. Taylor. 403 Ivnrbach block , IS to 6:30 : p. m- .X . M705 Sep. 29 * MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent positions , on their own name without endorser , mortgage or security of nny kind. Cn re- pay ¬ Jn easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha .Credit Co. , C. E. Jennings , Mgr. , suite 625-S20 N. Y. Life Bldg. X 7S- OTO SALARIED PEOPLB MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATES PRIVATELY. TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS. Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly payments to suit convenience of borrower. No Inquiries of their employer or friends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. . ROOM 601 , BEE BUILDING. X-7S4 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew- elry ¬ , horses , cows. etc. C. F. Reed , Slt S. 13- .X . 779 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES , WAGONS ETC. LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , SOfl SOUTH' 16TH STREET. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security. Rates reasonable. J W. Taylor. 403 Kar ¬ bach block. 12 lo 6:30 : p. m. X M704 323 * BUSINESS CHANCES. CONSERVATIVE , speculative In vestment ; we trade In corn exclusively for our customers , and have paid thorn a profit of 10 to 12 per cent a month for the past two years. Wo hnvo n plun for trading on the corn mnrket which IB the safest speculative plan there is. We send our customers a dally report showing1 vrhat- we buy and poll at , so they can s <se for themselves Just what wo are doing for them. You can open an account with u In whatever amount you want to , ana draw your proIHs once a. week or once a- month. . You can close accounts at any time. Will furnish first class commercial and bank references. Write for full par-j tlculars and references. Baiter & Co. . Gay building , St. .Louis , Mo. Y SGC t4 * DO YOU want to know how $100 earned In- a year $747 ? Then drop us a postal and wo will send you our Dollars anil Sense book ¬ let , which explains In detail the only fena- Iblo - plan of making largo and euro profits In wheat and corn ; dividend * paid every two weeks ; principal and accrued earn ¬ ings can be withdrawn on demand ; four years of unbroken success ; highest bank , commercial and customers' references. Thf Combination Investment Co. , RlalLa- Bldg. ., Chicago. Y 952 24 * MERCHANDISE STOCK A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods and clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer , 1201. Y-M717 FOR SALE , a gilt-edge first mortgage for 4000.00 , on Inside Improved property , bear- Ing - 5 per cent , Interest payable seml- ar.nually. - . H 63. Bee. Y 184 FOR SALE or trade , cigar , tobacco , fruit and candy store. Call 320 Sflk 10th- .Y248Oct. . . 7 FOR BALE , restaurant , lunch room and soda fountain , doing splendid business , cheap. Address N. B. Newcomb. Red Oak. la. Y M465- A GOOD paying business of twenty year * for sale , consisting of a stock of groceries , hardware and crockery : also brick sforn building. For further Information writs to Herman Oehlrlch & Bro. , Columbus. Neb. Y M523 28 WILL trade a half Interest In paying patent medicine business for real estate. Money maker. Address J 39, Bee.Y631 24- 25C BUYS n doz. banlttcrs , a doz. oyntert or any meal at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe. * Y M670 O18 FOR SALE , furniture and lease of one of the best paying hotels In northwestern Nebraska : good town ; two railroads ; only $2-n-day housv In town. Address Box It 8, Bee office , Omaha. Y M830 27 [ BUSINESS In Omaha, established fifteen years , requiring about $2,000 , IB now open for Investigation and for sale. Address 1C 10 , Bee. Y-S44-27 * FOR SALE , a blacksmith and wagon shop In a coiinty seat town , doing a good busi- ness ¬ ; have good reasons for selling. Di- rect ¬ R. P. S , , General Delivery , Slbley , Iowa. Y-M850 24 * FOR SALE , 300.00 underwear , gloves , mitts and notions : best location In the state for racket store , A. A. Maloy , Oxford , Neb. Y MS91 21 * 95000.00 will buy half Interest in well es- tablished ¬ business ylcldlne good pronto. For particulars address K 13 , Omnha- Boo. . Y M889 27 * DO YOU SPECULATE ? If BO , speculate successfully. Send your orders to a reli- able ¬ house , where they will be placed in the open market and their Influence , felt.- We . can make for you In one month moro Interest ! on your money than any bank will pay you In a year. Send for our book on speculation It Is freo. J. K. Comstock & Co , , 23 Traders' Building , Chicago.- Y . 928 24 * 7ROFITS In Blocks wheat and cotton , Mackoy's Modern Me.thodB Make Money , Write for our free book. C. E. Mackny & Co. , 29 Broadway , New York. Y MONEY cosily made with little risk by- Hpeculatlng nnd r our plan. No knowl- edge ¬ neoeBRary. Send stamp for frc copy of book , "Suce "sfnl Speculation. " Contains plan and explain' * AVall tjlreet- methods. Correspondence Invited and many rofercnpf given. L. L. Jackson fe- Co , , 11 Broadway. N. Y. Y-flS6-24 * "OR SALE , the only paper In n. central Neb , town of 700 Inhabitants. Is now doing a business of $100 per month , A- firstclass Job department. Reasons for selling , poor health. $300 cash } uy It. Address K 26 , Bee. Y-M033 26- MR10 CHANCE ; send stamp for particu- lars ¬ showing how you can start a clean legitimate buslncHs. making 500 per cent and morn per yenr on Investing $ ao taJ- l.OOO In our patented machines. W. C. Vender Co , , Turner Bldg. , St. Ixnils , Mo.- Y . 058 24 * READ DR. HBRRIOEN'S AD , PAGE 20. Y-124 24 * WELL known Chicago house wants desira- ble ¬ man with few thouranrt dollars capital to establish und carry on branch hiiHlnetit $200 per month and expenses , also HpMal profits ; term of years ; nigh class hu lne-.ii ; goods widely known ; good for $5,000 per year or better : enqulrent to receive at- tention ¬ must state amount of cash capital , also approximate financial condition ana name references. F , Johnson , 112 Dear- horn St. , Chicago. Y 205-24 * BUSINESS snap , grocery and saloon com- V i Wnwl , making money ; also buildings , V ground , feed stable ; excellent location ; es- tablished ¬ trade ; Investigate. J. J , Crowe , 3109 West Broadway , Council Bluff *. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY Is the only company that collects all kind * of debts and has a correspondent In every town 1n United States. Send your ac- counts ¬ to 6th floor , Karbach Blk. . W IU Green , President. Y M118 f- IMALL stock crockery and glassware In ' good location and doing ft good butlno.s. Apply 41S N. 24th , South Omaha , or 1318 Farnam , Omaha. Y 119 U FOR 8ALR , only billiard room In city of 25000. FJ , Downing, 530 Broadway , Coun- cil ¬ Bluffs. Y1SS24- AOCOIIDION I'LEATINO.- MRS. . . A, C. aiARK , 17Ui and Farnam et. 120 oa

The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1899-09-24 [p 16]. · 2019. 2. 7. · 1(5 THE OMAHA DATLT IMfl.H!! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1899. PECIAL NOTICES Ailvcrtlnnicnt for llieiie cnlnmnii

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  • 1(5 THE OMAHA DATLT IMfl.H ! ! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 , 1899.

    PECIAL NOTICESAilvcrtlnnicnt for llieiie cnlnmnii

    trill l c tnUen until 12 m. for thet-vriilnir edition ninl until HiltU p. m-.tttr


    innrnliiK ntiil Snnilnr edition.lint , 1 J-2c n Trnril rtrnt limcrtloni-

    Jo nvnrtl tlirrrnttrr. Antlilnit tnUcnfur lend tlinii 'Ma titr tlic llrt Insert-ion.


    . Thrinrtvcrtlncincntii mnt l orun coneotitlvelj-




    clirek , cnn liuvc ntiiwr * itd-drrnftcd to n numbered letter li cnre-of The lice. AitNwcrii no ndclrc edwill be dellvrrcd on jircnentntlon of-tli elirck only.-




    OMAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. 18. Tel.1112. Help furnished , positions

    A STENOGRAPHER. When you want oneplnase call up the Remington typewriterolllcc. 1619 Farnam St. . telephone I6 3.

    SITUATION WANTED ; young man. 2-6ycirs old. with six years' experience Ingeneral otnco work , desires Position ; has

    studied law for two years. - | Hee.-



    . ED MALE HEM * .

    .WANTED , We have steady work tor a fewpeed hustlers of good habits find appear-unce.

    -. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St.-



    salesmen , aalary or com. 1118 N. 16-.B


    WANTED , twenty flrst-clnss stone cuttersnt Helena , Mont. : $5 for nine hours. Ap-ply


    Montana Building Co. B 401

    SALESMEN for Petit Ledgers , Bill Rerft-torn and other office specialties ; fine side-lines ; quick sellers Model Mfg. Co. . BoxII. South Bend. Ind. B-IU825 SepSO *

    WANTED , one coat and one pants maker.-Gralmm

    .Bros. & Co. , Auburn , Neb.

    WANTED , good office man , about 30. whoran take clmrgo of collections and partof cirrpspondoncc. Must have a goodknowledge of office work , first classability and good habits. Address , givingreferenrps and present cmploympnt. Ad-dress


    K 5. Bee Office. B-817-24

    WANTED , first-class coat maker : goodwngoa and steady work. J. T. Oliver SPearl street. Council Bluffs. B MSofi 2S

    WANTED , 3 drivers , 2 wheeler holders and.1 grubbers for railroad work near Crcston-.Frcn


    pass Sunday night. Will be at Mer-rhanN'

    -hotel Sunday between 11 and 12 m.-



    . Hall. B-M8S6 24*

    HONEST man or woman to travel for largehouse ; ealtiry JIB monthly and expenses ,with Incrrasc : position permanent ; Inclosp-pMfaddrcsped stnmpcd envelope. Presi-dent


    , 302 Caxton bldg. , Chicago.B MS71 24 *

    WANTED , an experienced and expert drygoods salesman ; must be a rustlpr and notnfrald of work. Apply with reference to-T. . L. Davles & Co , York , Ncb. .. .

    MEN, our Illustrated catalogue explainshow we teach 'barber trade In eight weeks ;mailed free. Moler Barber Colleee. Ch-



    nml office boy wanted nt Lang ho-tel , 601 So. 13th. B M902 25

    WANTED , first-class , experienced dressgoods and silk salesmen. None but thosewho have had years of experience neednpply. Boston Store , Omaha. B M901 24

    WANTED , manno-or manufacturing com ¬pany's Omnha office , capable of handlingsalesmen nml pushing n speclaltv : KOper s !riry. Address F. II. Hunlcke , Rlalto-Building. . St. Louis. B-

    AM prepared to privately teach , by mall ,limited number of men the professionof advertisement-writing , based upon mypresent sucressfiil method ; advertisement-writers earn from $30 to $100 per weekPage-Davis , Medlnah Temple , Chicago.-




    manager , perfer.ably situated Inthe country , to manage agents on holidaygoods ; permanent to right party ; liberalsalary and expenses advanced. Provi-dence


    Pub. Co. , 332 Dearborn St. , Chicago.-B




    24 *

    WANTED , salesmen to sell Imported anddomoitlc liquors , principally fine KentuckywhlPklos and blends , case and barrelgoods , to Jobbers and saloon trade ; goodchance to the right man ; salary or oom-mlSRlon.

    -. Address R. S. Strader & Son. ,

    69 and 71 E. Water St. , Lexington , Ky-.B93524


    WILL pcy S20 weekly salary to lady orgentleman to represent mo In their homecity cr town : no security required. Forpo'ilculars nddress A. Spencer. 3(1( 6th-Ave. . , New York. B-934-24 *

    WANTED , a man to deliver and collect ;salary 00.00 per month ; security required :must bo willing to work small towns andcountry. Central , 3913 (Market St. , Phila-delphia


    , Pa , B-933 24"

    SALESMAN , 300.00 a month and expensesguaranteed selling to hotels , stores ,families , now patent burner for heatingapd cooking ; makes Its own gas fromcoal oil ; lltH any ptovo ; cooks meals orheats room In half usual time. PerfectionBurner Co. , 97 , W. P. St. , Cincinnati. O-



    SALESMEN for nil lines of business(splendid side line ) to sell our calendars ,IBO dlfllerent styles , newest , latest pat-terns


    , Just the thing customers want ;thirty per cent commission. Many of ourmen give their entire time to our line andmake from $75 to $125 every week , guar-anteed


    best side line ever offered ; writepromptly with references. AmericanNovelty Co. , Cincinnati , O. B-9SO-24'

    WANTED , a man by an old established''concern to represent us , $150 a month overexpenses guaranteed ; permanent position ,ichance for advancement. 1C11-315 Dear-lorn

    -6t. , Chicago. B 975-24 *

    SALESMAN drumming lithographers ,printers , etc. , can add line whereon N. Y.man earns $1,800 yearly ; free outfit. P. O.1371 , New York. B-9S4-21 *

    HOME employment , either sex , $10 to $1 (weekly working part time , day or even-ing


    ; no canvassing , easy , perm. ; enclosereply stamp. Excelsior Mfg. Co. , 109 E ,41th St. , Now York. 957-21 *

    WANTED , experienced specialty salesman ,man who can show record and furnishreferences from last employer. Advancesinndo for expenses. Kern Company ,Chicago. B-913 24 *

    SALESMEN WANTED , for best gasolinegas lamp ; one hundred candle power , onocent day ; everybody purchases : big. rollts. Universal Lamp Company , Chicago

    B-912-24 *

    WANTED , salesman lo sell lubricating oilsind greases , salary or commission , Clare-


    Refining Co. , 61 LI ml Us St. , Clevo-jand-

    , Ohio. B-911-21 *

    ENDLESS CHAIN , man cats duck , duckeats worm , worm eats man ; never stops ;keeps a coming like customers for our freeIxioU on grain and stocks. Howard ,Crosby & Co , , 62 Wall St. , N. Y-



    (SALESMAN wanted , to call on doctors onlyon 'bohnlf of the leading firm In the trade.JYisltlon permanent. Applicant must be In-telligent


    , Indefatigable and of good up-rvoarance.

    -. State experience. Address P ,

    O. Box 1652 , Philadelphia , B 916 21 *(WANTED , a married man for farm work.

    Wieo , Williams , Benson , Neb.B-M914 M *

    WANTED , an engineer for Midland Statebank bldg. R. C , Peters & Co. , 1702 Far-nam

    -St. , Bee bldg, B 107 24

    WANTED , salesman , local or traveling ;Ralary ; permanent. Perry Nursery

    Co. , Rochester , N. Y , B-970-24 *

    WANTED , salesmen ; good money frommart , permanent place. Hcrrlck Nursery& Seed Company, Rochester , N. Y-



    GOVERNMENT POSITIONS : Don't pre-pare-

    for any civil service or census ex-amination


    without seeing our catalogue of-Information. . Sent free. Columbian Cor-rcxpondtuce

    -College , Washington. D. C-


    01ETTER than a gold mine The wonder-ful


    vest pocket electric lighter ; takes theplnce of matches ; no caps or oil ; no re-charging

    ¬; will stay lighted In a tale.-


    ilko a watch and contains miniatureptntrator ; lusts for years ; the marvel ofib.9 age , ugttits wanted everywhere , either

    ux. Globe Supply Co. , San Francisco , Cal




    SHORTHAND COLLEGE.men continue to send here for

    competent stenographers. Every graduateoccupies a good paying situation. Noneliave failed. Intending students should bearthis In mind in the selection of a school.Complete shorthand and typewriting course ,

    ' Compiete business course.Complete English course. .

    _ Catalogue furnished on application.Students enter any time.


    B-995 24

    WANTED , everywhere , hustlers to tacksigns , distribute circulars .samples , etc. ;no canvassing ; good pay. Sun Advertis-ing


    Burtnu , Chicago , B 969-24 *

    WANTED Young mnn not under 16 , whohas had experience as bundle wrapper andwho Is familiar wltta computing scales.Armour & Co. , So. Omaha. B 9S9 24-

    WAN 'ED-FES ! A ii; rn ELITWANTED , 200 girls. 1624 Dodge. Tel. 87-


    WANTED girl for general housework. Ap ¬ply 2201 Spencer St. C M430GIRL wanted. Hlxenbaugh , 500 Ware block.-



    WANTED , housemaid. Apply to 3620 Far ¬nam St. C M9D1INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women foruseful , profitable business ; call between

    11 and 8. Mrs. E. E. Allen , 723 N. Y. Life.C-M621 Octl4

    WANTED , good cook and laundress : threeIn family ; good wages. 2210 LnndonCourt , near St. Mary's ave ana South 24thstreet. C 814WANTED , 25 cash girls and boys over 14years of ago who have attended schoolflve months In the past year. Apply be ¬tween 8 and 9 Saturday morning. People's

    Store. C S632-4WANTFD. . first-class waist flnnr cr.! at-once. . MIsii H. Schroeder , 1211 N stront ,Lincoln , Neb. C MSJ3 25*WANTED , experienced girl for general

    housework ; good wages. 366 N. 40th-street. . C MS97 21 *

    GIRL for general housework , 3 In familyApply mornings , 2101 Wlrt St.C 910-25 *

    WOMEN to do plain sewing at home , 1.50per day ; four months' work guaranteed ;send stamped , addressed envelopes forparticulars. D. W. Hutton & Co. . Phila ¬delphia , "Pa. C 936-24 *

    WANTED , either sex , young or old , towork for us nt home year around ; earn$15 weekly ; no canvassing ; easy work ;must bo trustworthy. Address Dopt. 25CAmerican Art Union , 1002 Broadway ,Brooklyn. N. Y. C 976 24 *

    WAiNTED , 6 good waist makers ; steadyemployment. Mrs. Mercer , Crosby Bros. ,Topekn , Kan. C 9S2-24 *AINY lady having 2 or 3 hours' spare timea day can make $5 weekly working forus at homo ; nothing to sell ; send selfad-


    envelope for free sample. Man ¬hattan Co. , 101 Bcekman St. , N. Y-.C9S321


    RELIABLE woman for permanent travel-Ing-

    position ; $ GO per month and expenses ;references. Clark & Co. . 234 S. 4th St. ,Phlla. , Pa. C 916 24 *

    AN ACTIVE business lady can assure her-self


    of an Income of from $1,200 to $1SOOper year ; no Investment required. 1C 21 ,Bee. C-965-21 *

    WANTED , lady canvassers who want a-stcndy job , can live at home and makemoney ; no money needed. K 25 , Bee-.C96624


    WANTED at once , a good business womanto go to Salt Lake and Butte. Mont.Flat 9 , Davldge block. C M135 25*WANTED , girl for general housework. In-quire


    701 Fourth street. Council Bluffs-.C137




    modern house , 2 blocks fromWalnut Hill car , newly papered , droppedfrom $22 to 1650.

    Two all-modern houses , easy walkingdistance , 7 rooms down to $21 , 9 roomsdown to $2C.5-


    all-modern house , 2 blocks fromFarnam car , swell part of city , $2-5.9room


    splendid all-modern house. Justput In fine condition , half block fromcar , $3-0.13room

    .elegant residence , steam heat ;everything strictly modern ; reduced to 00.Have other good ones. See my list.

    HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.D M13I 25

    FOR RENT , 6-room flat , 703 S. 16th St. .$20.0-


    house , modern except furnace , $25.0-0.8room


    house , modern , $32.5-0.Sroom


    house , modern , 2200. This housealmost new. Will rent furnished If de-sired.

    ¬. 428 N. 41st st-


    house , modern except furnace , 1050.R. C. PETERS & CO. ,

    1702 Farnam St. , Bee bldg.-D


    105 24

    CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. HenryB. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1016-



    ELEGANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell-man.

    -. 2405 St. Mary's ave. D M233

    COTTAGE , 9th and Pierce ; 14 rooms , Wal-nut


    Hill , 1500. If you don't rent , buy onInstallment plan. S. Hawver , 1512 Daven-port.


    . D-M2771031 S. SOTH AVE. , 10room. laundry , oak

    finish and floors , strictly first-class , mod-ern


    In every respect , W. D. Mead , Jr.DM376-

    NINEROOM furnished house , modern ,down town , 35. F. D. Wcad , 1521 Douglas ,

    D-753-24HOUSES , s'orea. Bemls , Paxton block.-



    3HOUSES. . Benewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St-.D730


    FOR RENT , 8-room , modern house, 4318Farnam at. , $25 ; also others. RlngwaltBros. , Barker block. D 65-

    540ACRE farm for rent , near South Omaha.AH kind's of fruit ; 1,000 young apple trees.

    Two or three desirable farms for rent nearIrvlngton , Neb.R. .. C. PETERS & CO. ,

    1703 Farnam St. , Bee bldg-.D100



    4MAGGARD van & storage. 1419 Dodge. Tel.1496. D-735

    FINE residence , choice location. 11 rooms ,all modern ; excellent stable. Bemls , Pax-ton

    -block. D M227

    FOR RENT , houses in all parts of city.The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Farnam street-


    HOUSES for rent In all parta of the city.Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street.-


    FLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 S. llth street.DM153-

    5ROOM modern house. 830 B , 28th-.DM766

    .25 *

    PREMISES 614 S. 29th avenue. House thir ¬teen rooms , fine barn. Apply Gen'l Dandy.Paxton hotel. D-M80S-26

    FINE 12-room residence ; all modern : onmotor line. 413 North 25th st. J. T. Clark,219 Board of Trade Bldg. D M825 Oct4

    FOR RENT , seven-room how* and 2 acre-of

    -)ground , 47th and Harney sts. F. D.

    Wcad , 1524 Douglas. D SI140 S-O10ROOM modern furnished or partly fur-


    house , with barn ; choice location ,near West Farnam. Will rent for short-er long term to right party. AddressK 17 , Bee. D-M687 2S *

    6-ROOM flat , stone building , cor. 20th andl >nke sts , . furnished or unfurnished. D ,W. Merrow , 720 N. Y , Life. D MSS1 2I-

    HOUSES. . $5 up , Chris Boyer. 2123 Cumlng.D-M8S4 O22 *

    1812 N , 26th St. , 7 rooms , modern except fur-nace


    , good condition , will be painted onoutside , large barn , 20. Omaha Loan &Truat Co. , 16th and Douglas Sta.


    SEVERAL derlrable houses for rent. J , II.Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-994 24 .

    BARN and carriage house. 22nd andHoward. J. K. Parrotte , Kith and Dodge.

    D-997 S



    cottage with stable , large ynrd ,good cistern and well , 2417 Davenport. In-quire


    Jos. Goldsmith , 1205 Farnam St-.D907

    .21 *

    FOUR-ROOM cottage. Inquire 800 Parkavenue. D 90-3 25*

    1619 NO. 23RD. , 6-rooms , good repair , 1500.2024 Davenport , 9 rooms , modern , good re-pair


    , 3000.2717 Chicago , 4 rooms , 1250.2TO7 Chicago , 3 rooms , 1000.2221 Clark , 7 rooms. 15.00 ,The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S14th St.D


    9 R. CHOICE , near the Merrlam. 36 U. S.Bank bldg. D-MSC3

    HOUSE with nine rooms , all modern im-provements¬

    , good barn , large yard. 2110Lake St. Cottage with flve rooms. 2103Lake St. D M964-25 *


    FOR RENT , cool , furnished front rooms ,all modern conveniences. 317H North 15th-St.. , Flat E. E M197 Oct6

    THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best 1.60house In Neb. ; take Hornoy or Farnam car


    ROOMS , with or without board. 1512 Daven-port.¬

    . E M276 OctSROOMS , 1906 Capitol Avenue. E 752 25*

    ROOMS , modern , 2580 Harney St.E 670 29*

    21 MEALS for 400. Tickets nt the newBrunswick Hotel Cafe. E M671 O16

    FURNISHED roomB. Everything flrst-class.-

    . 1811 Cass. E-M783 26*

    DESIRABLE rooms. Reasonable. 842South 2 h. E M7S7 24

    NICE rooms for rent. 814 South 26th St-.EM4S9S24


    FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen ; ref.-req..

    . 1701 Cap. Ave. E 212Oct.7FOR RENT , furnished room , privatefamily , bath , telephone , central : also

    small barn ; near Shrlner hotel. K 12. Hee-.ES6022


    FOR RENT , a nent furnished room forgentleman. 848 S. 19th st. E MSSS 25*

    3 NICE furnished rooms for light house-keeping¬

    to gentleman and wife withoutchildren ; modern house , nmall family ofadults , nlop place for good parties ; refer ¬ences. Address K 20 Bee. E 9C22-

    4THRET ! furnished rooms for housekeeping ;man'nnd wife ; rent taken In board. 319-N. . 17th. E-961

    2 FURNISHED rooms , modern , with pri-vate


    family. 613 N. 22d. E-917 24 *

    FUriNISTIED rooms , two front room1 * ,steam heat , bath : also rooms for house ¬keeping. 707 South 16th st. , ton floor-


    129 24 *

    FRONT ROOM , steam heated , with board.1900 Capitol ave. F 133 21 *


    ELEGANT rooms & board. 190S Capitol nve-.F740


    THE Merrlam family hotel. 25th and Dodcr-e.FM592


    ROOM and board for man and wife or twoladles : first-class accommodations ; refer-ences


    required. 1518 Madison Ave-.FM8S4


    NICELY furnished front rom. privatefamily. 702 S. 29th St. F 776-25 *

    ROOMS and board , steam heat. K < Har-ney.


    . F M742 O17BRUNSWICK Hotel Cafe is now open-


    MC74 O16-

    50D S. 25TH AVE. , rooms ; private famllv-.F M113 Oct. 23*

    iron RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS.THREE or five furnished or unfurnished

    rooms or first floor. 2511 Pierce street.-G

    .90S 25*

    3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms , modern , blockfrom car line. 2964 Woolworth.G 918 24 *

    FOR RENT , furnished or unfurnished. 6rooms of modern house , close In. Ad-dress


    K 31. Bee. G 121 24 *




    stores. $10 to $3&Furnished barber shop , 8 chairs. 10.

    HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE.-I

    .Ml 92

    FOR RENT , sto'-e in first-class location :rent reasrnablo. Applv R. C. Peters &Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266

    FOR RENT , i ground floor ofllce , speciallysuitable for real estate , etc. ; splendidvault built for use of city treasurer. Ap-ely R .C. Peters t Co. , ground floor. BeeBuilding. 1 267

    STOREROOM and basement. 120 N. 15th-street. . Thomas II. Fell , 313 Brown block-


    M761 24 *

    FIRST-CLASS office , best location , cheap toparty needing services of a good officeman a portion of the time ; state business ;If "one-horse" will not consider. TC 11 ,Bee. I M849-21 *


    LADY or man wanted to travel and appointagents ; $60 per month salary and expenses.Zlegler & Co. , Monon bldg. , Chicago-


    21 *

    WHY Not Make $50 Per Week ?Salesmen arp making $50 to $75 a week withour beautiful new panoramic albums ,"Fighting in the Philippines , " and "Our

    New Possessions" You can easily do PO.Each album contains' ICO magnificent largephotographic reproductions of stirring ,pathetic and humorous scenes of campand battlefield , portraits of prominentwar heroes , native pictures , noted pointsof Interest scenery , etc. Thomas M , An ¬derson , brigadier general , U. S. A. , says :"The cngravinirs are both faithful andpicturesque , " Heavy Ivory-finish paper ;handsome covers ; exquisite works of art.One man sold 150 first day Evorybdybuys it : generous commission. One com-plete


    album (paper cover ) . 12 cents ; bo'halbums , 20 cents ; cloth binding , 35 centseach ; both , 60 cents. Order now ; don'twaste time in correspondence ; money re-funded


    If not absolutely flatltfnctory.Catalogue free. Manuscripts promptlyexamined. F. Tennvson Neely , publisher ,114 Fifth ave. , New York. J M878 21 *

    WANTED , flve experienced specialty sales-men


    to sell best line on earth to generaltrade ; state line you .are now handling ;200.00 per month and expenses to rightmen ; none but hustlers need apply. West-ern


    Mfg. Co. , Sykea blk. , Minneapolis ,Minn. J-MS73 21 *

    AGENTS WANTED , men and women , goodaddress , to t-avel and appoint agents ;salary $75 month ; expenses ; rapid advance ,ment ; unusually brilliant opportunity.Address with references , Butler & Algor ,New Haven , Conn , J-

    AOENTS. . Edison's Ink concentrates makesthe only Ink that cannot be removedwith chemicals , making the raising ofchecks and other alterations Impossible ;made In tablets , easily carried , sells onsight ; only genuine agents send lOc forenough lo make live ounces , three colors :get agents' proposition. Edison ChemicalCo. . 5 Cedar street , New York. J

    LADY AGENTS WANTED , to sell Mme-.Yales

    .Health Remedies and Natural

    Beautlflers ; intelligent ladles can makeall the way from $25 to $50 a week ormore ; all depends on the person ; pos-sibilities

    ¬unlimited. Address at once. Mme ,

    M. Yale , 189 Michigan Ave. . Chicago. JAGENTS , write at once , money maker of

    the wason , $20 to $30 weekly sure ; used inevery store and home. Introduction Co. ,4S Clark , Chicago , J-313-24 *

    AGENTS , ladles , gents , everywhere , mack ¬intoshes , jiklrt and cape, 3.00 ; men's coat ,2.00 ; sartsmen'H harvest ; sample, free.Empire Supply Co. , Chicago. J-942-'t

    FILL your own iteeth without pain , lo each ;agents make l lg money ; sample 25c ;circular mailed , Florence Medical Co. ,Dept. O , 1215 Seminary Place , Chicago-



    WANTED , special agents , male or female ,to Introduce our specialties ; requires littletime , genteel efforts, no expense , valua ¬ble results ; can be done out of or duringbusiness hours. Particulars from HoweMfg. Co. , IK Dearborn St. , Chicago-



    WANTED , reliable agents everywhere totake orders for our immense line of-mediumpriced genuine made-to-orderclothing ; no capital required ; outfit free ;splendid chance for active men ; write to-ua at once for territory and particulars.Eagle Tailoring Co , , 212 to 218 FranklinSt. , Chicago , 111 J-933-24 *

    A I1NTS WANTED.AGENTS wanted for the Wright Bust

    Form , the only practical substitute fer-n corset , and at the same time a beautifulform giver. Wright Bust Form Co. , St.Louis , Mo. .193924 *

    WANTED , salesmen to sell our line of flnolubricating oils and greases ; salary or-comm.'sslon , The Atlas Oil Co. , Cleveland ,Ohio. ' J 937-24 *

    SHOE soles wear twice as long If youuse Wenrlno on them ; agents wanted ,both sexes ; enclose stamp. C. E. Vullanco ,& Co. , Elkhardt , Ind. J-9SS-31*

    AGE-NTS wanted everywhere for the sus-- . Combines economy , dura-Illty

    -, neatness and comfort. Sells on-plght. . Sample outfit one dollar. Satis ¬faction guaranteed1 or money refunded-


    P Co. , 149 Broadway , NowYork City. J yS5 21 *

    SALESMAN Wo want a salesman In ev-ery¬

    locality to handle our line of hosiery ;Bold direct to the consumer at factoryprices H. S. Blake & Co. , Dept. A. Ra-cine.


    . WIs. J-9S7-24 *

    125.00 EVERY month from now untilChristmas selling a brand new mechanicalnovelty ; fools everyone and makes themlaugh until the tears come ; sample andoutfit free for 10 cents or stamps. Forfull Information and exclusive territoryaddress B. C. Orient Mfg. Co. , Dayton , O-



    AOrlLNTS , salary or commission ; ? 25 dallyguaranteed ; 4 new patents everybodyuses ; sample free. Braham Mfg. Co. , Gl ,Cincinnati , O. J 978-21 *

    AOENTS wanted , salary $60 per month andexpenses to travel and appoint agents.National Pub. Co. , 5 Wwsh. St. , Chicago-.J9S124


    AGENTS , hot sellers for street fairs ,carnivals , and fall festivals ; our DeweyTarns ; entirely new ; sample lOc : water-proof


    decorations .sell on sight. MarshallNovelty Co. , 164 Lake St. J05921-AOENTS. . entirely now picture of AdmiralDewey In full uniform ; from photo takenJuly 21st , 1S99 ; !Cx22 , In colors ; sample

    mailed 25c ; big seller. The Patriotic ArtCo. , 164 Lake St. . J 960-24

    PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray-ons.

    ¬. " Try washable enamellnes ; no glass ;

    don't rub ; cheap. Family Portrait Co. ,Chicago. J 919 24*AGENTS , street men , for Japanese Trans-


    Mirrors ; perfect pocket mirror ;holding to light reveals picture. Illus-trated


    cataloKiic and sample , 10 cents.Transparent Mirror Co. , 18-30 W. Ran-dolph¬

    St. , Chicago. J 919 24*MEN, make $10 n. day at fairs , public gath-erings


    , etc. ; new amusement attraction ;iwrlte for circular. Jonas N. Bell & Co. ,586 Lake , Chicago. J-947 24 *

    AGENTS , 3.00 to 5.00 a day selling ourcombination grocery orders ; new plan ; ex-clusive


    territory given. Aaron Coffee Co. ,Chicago. ,T 946 24 *

    AGENTS , don't forget our new saloon arti-cle


    ; thousands being sold ; sells on sight ;big profits ; It saves money : It saves .time.Address 1112 Monadnock , Chicago.J .

    945 24 *

    A NEW gas lamp , 106 candle power ; with-out


    mantle or chimney ; half gas ; retailsfor $1 ; sample to agents , GOc. Royal GasBurner Works , 84 Washington St. . Chi ¬cago. J 944 24 *

    AGENTS wanted for our money maker ; 400per cent profit ; advertising solicitors pre ¬ferred. Dumont Mfg. Co. , 900 Perry St. ,Chicago. 111. J-948 24*

    AGENTS , 20th century wonder ; perfectionplater will start you In business ; $30 to$50 easily earned weekly ; enermous profitsin electro polishing cloths ; secret formula$1 ; sample lOc. New Century Mfg. Co. ,St. Louis , Mo. J 950 24 *

    WANTED , the California Cream of LemonCo. , desires to secure the services of twoor three women to act as sales agents fortheir product. To women of good busi-ness


    ability an exceptional opportunityfor making money IB offered. Write tothe Cream of Lemon Co. , Los Angeles ,Cal. J 974-24 *

    AGEtNTS , write at once ; money makers ofthe season ; $20 to $30 weekly sure ; used Inevery store and home. Introduction Co. ,48 Clark , Chicago. J 943 24*

    WANTED , an Al traveling salesman. K32 , Bee. J 138 24 *


    WANTED , furnished house on or near carline. E. H. TerrlU , 209 Paxton block.

    K-M76525 *

    WANTED to rent , a 7 or 8-room modernhouse. Address J 65 , Bee. K 781 24 *

    WANTED , To rent , 8 or 9-room modernhouse by good tenant ; house must be Ingood locality. Address K 7 , Bee.

    K-M828 24

    FIVE or six-room cottage within 10 blocksof Bee building. Address K 9 , Be .

    K M832

    WANTED , three or four unfurnished roomssuitable for light housekeeping ; centrallocation. Address K 15 , Bee. K S65 28*

    REASONABLE board and warm room de-sired


    by lady in refined family ; terms ;references exchanged. K 22 Bee office-


    920 24 *

    YOUNG couple want unfurnished modernrooms for Jlght housekeeping. AddressK 18 , Bee. K 923 24 *

    WANTED , by man and his wife, four orfive unfurnished rooms for light house¬keeping. K 19 , Bee. K 922 24 *

    4 OR 5 unfurnished rooms for llcht house-keeping


    ; prefer with heat. K 23 , Bee.

    WANTED , nicely furnished room , withboard. In strictly private family ; twoblocks from car , near center of city.-K


    28 , Bee. K-U1 21 *

    STORAGE ) .

    PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912-914

    -Jones , general storage and forwarding.





    furniture bought & exchnncred.Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tol. 2238.

    ALL kinds of household goods hotels , etc. ,in large or Email quantities. Chicago Fur-.nlture

    .Co. 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N


    WANT to buy a choice West Farnam st.-home.

    .. Address J 37 , Bee. N-M526

    WANTED , to buy a house and lot In southpart of city , east of 24th st. Address J 42 ,Bee. N M562

    WANTED , to buy for cof-h , 5 to 8-roomhouse that can be moved In vicinity of-27th and Hamilton street. Address , withparticulars , J 64 , Bee office. N MSOI 25-

    i 000 BASE BURNERS and other stoveswanted. Don't sell before seeing Joe Le-vlne.

    -. Drop card and man will call. High-


    market price. 301 N. I6th. cor. Dav.N SIS03 O1-

    9WANTED. . Second-hand fireproof safe. 40x30 , or larger , inside measure. K 4. Be .

    N-M827 24

    WANTED , to liuy a good second-handpiano ; also second-hand top buggy and aset of light double harness ; must all be In-firstclass order and a bargain. AddressK 14 , Bee. N-M872 21 *

    BEST Income property ; $1,000 will buy. 151-2Davenport. . N M114 30-




    CARRY the largest line of second-hand


    stoves & heaters. You can buy themfor little money. J. Lewis , 104 So. 14th.

    O M&55 SepSO

    STOVES , SOTVES : sea us before you deal.-Neb.

    .. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel. 1496.


    ONE antique oak and one black walnutbedroom set , large French plate mirrors ,good as new ; at a bargain. Address K6 , Bee. O-MS19

    FURNITURE flve-room cottage ; good asnew ; cheap. 407 N. 23rd. O-905 26 *

    FURNITURE for aalo ; private. 1651 N.18th St. O-132 24 *


    OLD buggies taken in trade on new vehicles.Anderson Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport.-



    black mare , suitable for carriage orwork , sound and g ntlo ; .weight 1100. 3320Parker street , P Mi50 21 *


    FLAG poles ; sawdust ; cheapest nnd besthog fence. Ml Douglas. Tel. 453. Q 745

    FOR SALE Cheap ; heavy wrapping paper ;Saod for batten or laying under carpets ,Bee press room. Q 271

    SAFES Buy Poll , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.-



    . HAAS , Florist. 1SI3 Vlnton St. Tel. 776.Plants , cut flowers , bonnets , hall , resi-dence


    , wedding and crave decorations.Orders by mall or express promptly fliied.

    CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.Q


    FOR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at-druggists. . One gives relief. Q-753

    ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros , , Co. Buffs.

    INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 111G Farnam-Q M9So

    HOG , poultry. lawn and Held fencing ; allwire. Wire Works. 1617 Howard St.Q


    FINE Stolnway upright piano for snlocheap ; cash or tlmo payments. AddressJ 47 , Bee onice. Q-M5S2 Oct. 16

    REPAIRS ana parts for every sowing ma-chine


    manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. ,16th and Harney. Q MISS Oct6

    NEW wheola , 13.60 up ; Znd-hand wheels. $5-up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co.-



    52DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght , 1116 Farnam.-Q


    FOR SALE , blacksmith shop , completewith tools. Doing a good business theyear yenr round. Address J. Spencer. P.-O.

    .. Box 97 , Idaho Springs , Colo.

    Q M831 24

    STEEL Monitor range , cheap. 2162 St-.Mary's

    .avenue. Q M831 27*

    SECOND-HAND sewing machines.Domestic , 900.Domestic , first-class condition , 12.50 ,Standard sowing machine , In good condi-


    , 1500.WIlcox & Olbbp machine , good as new , 25.Singer , high arm , 900.Singer , 500.New Home , 1000.Howe. 400. I !White , 500. iWilson , 350.White , high arm , good as now , 1250.Union , 1000.Union , $ S.OO.Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney.-



    FOR SALE , Howe ventilator base burner ,nearly new. In perfect order ; less thanhalf cost. K 27 , Bee. Q-112 2-


    BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low-est¬

    prices. Boston Furn'trc Co. , 1414 DodgeR-754

    NOTICE Country dealers. 2d hand furn'tre& stoves at lowest prices , carload lots orless. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge.



    DR. LEE HARRIDENWill lecture this evening In Pattersonhall , 17th and Farnam , 8pm. SUBJECT :"THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH. "All mediums Invited. Read large ad onPage 25. S 126 24 *THERE are , beyond all question of doubt ,great Towards In store for every person of

    reasonable ability. A fact which is borneout by the personal experience of moatevery one Is that we all have opportunitiesat some time In life ; If wo do not im-prove ¬these opportunities It Is our ownfault. The reason why a great manypeople make failures In this life Is be-cause -they are not aware of their ownqualifications and often pursue t'he' wrongcpurse. It Is certainly advisable for any ¬one to obtain knowledge , that would ben-efit ¬them.MMB. GYLMER ,

    OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST ,Is elected .by natural selection to read life ,and her power to reveal the past and pres-ent

    ¬Is really astonishing to those who arenot conversant with palmistry. This won ¬derful woman aJso predicts future eventswith absolute correctness. She can posi ¬tively tell any one Just what they oreadapted to and how to toe successful. SheInstructs you ihow to develop your weakpoints and how to avoid danger. If youare In trouble she can Infsrm you as tohow to remove the difficulty , thereforealleviating the fear and anxiety whichwould exist.-


    . GYLMER has been In Omaha 3 yearsand has established a great reputation.Many people have been .benefited throughher extraordinary gift and she standsready ami willing to help those who areIn need of assistance. Parlors of Palm ¬istry , 1605 Dodge , S. sldo now P. O. . Send1.00 and six questions answered.S 992 24

    FREE TEST ! FREE TEST !Good news for all. So sure am I of mypowers of telling the past , present andfuture I will give a few free tests to allwho wish a reading ; skeptics Invited.Seer phrenologist , astrolo.glst , palmist.

    Prof. Elmer Hall. Known from ocean toocean as the White Mahatma ; asking noquestions , he tells name of your futurehusband or wife ; whether the one youlove Is true or false. Seventh son and hasthe power of any two mediums ; tells youWhat your trouble Is ; every lildden mys ¬tery revealed ; when you will marry ; whatIs needed for success In business , love ,marriage , speculation , changes , divorce ,losses , wills , pensions , etc. Thousands of-my patrons have been made happy thatI have never seen. Stamp Insures promptanswer. Private parlor , 1615 Chicago st-


    24 *

    VIENNA lortunn teller , 18 years here. 1411Howard. S 909 Ot-

    MME. . GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge-S 756-

    MRS. . FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th-.SM710




    BUT NONE CAN EQUAL.Gives advice to make you successful In love ,

    business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. ,locates mines , burled treasures , curesdrunkenness , bad habits , evil influences ,etc.


    to cause speedy and happy marriages ; guar-antees


    success In all cases.RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH ,

    Dr. Harrlden diagnoses cases by merelytouching the patient , Instantly locatingthe seat of trouble and by his wonderfulpower of OCCULT SCIENCE removingthe cause ; a speedy cure is the resultin all cases-




    CALL UPON THIS GIFTED MANWRITE , INCLOSING STAMP FOR PAR ¬TICULARS. Hours , 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.jlady 'attendant.


    REFERENCES , best banks , merchants andbusiness men In the city. S M8I7 23 *

    MRS. DR. HART. PALMIST ANDCLAIRVOYANT , with her wonderfulpowers , all affairs of life becomes an

    open book ; unites lost friends. LO-CATES


    MINES AND HIDDEN TREAS ¬URES , and her assistance in regard toMarriage , Divorce , Law Suits , PoiiFlonsand Speculation have lead thousands towealth and happiness. Why not you ?Rending by mall. Bond 1.00 , name anildate of birth. Readings dally. 3 to 9.Sunday , 2 p. m. to 7:30.: 213 N. 18th st.

    8-127 21 *


    MRS BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE.Parlors best equipped In city. ' Porcelain

    tub ; lady attendants. 119 N. 16th , opp. P ,O. . 2nd floor. T M64S-S26 *

    ELITE PARLORS , 2025 Farnam , upstairs ,first-class baths , massage , magnetic treat ¬ment. Lady attendants. T M3S2 25

    MME , Lee , baths , massage , parlor. 3ft2 N. 16,Oct6-

    MME. . AMES , R. 2 , 607 S. 13 ; massage baths.T-M747 O17 *

    MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas-sage¬

    , magnetic treatment ; expert attend-ants


    ; Ist-class patronage solicited , 1615Howard , 3d floor. T M754 O18-

    MME. . SMITH , room 2. 118& North 15th.T-810-26*

    MISS JUNE , massage ; baths ; Arabiantreatment ; attendant. 313' ,. N. 16th ; flat J.

    T M903 O2 *


    PRIVATE hospital for ladies before & dur-ing

    ¬confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17.

    U 759

    I'EUSONAL. .

    M. MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , treats allailments of feet , both Indies & gentlemen.Ladles' halrdrosslng , hair goods & toiletpreparations. Treatments of scalp facehands or feet ; 20 years expedience , ib yeari-in Omaha ; best equipped establishment In-city. . 1516 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor.


    VIAVI Is yoman's way to health , 315 BeeBldg. JU-761

    MISS MAYERTsURaEON-CHIROPODISTmanicure , halrdrcsslng ; Instruction In aboveprofessions reasonable. 400 Pnxton blkU 2 < 7Qct. 7

    FACIAL massage , 60chatrdresslng.; 35,, .shampooing. 3oc and 50c. Ml ? Hublmrd415 McCaguo Bldg. U-M397 24 *

    NELLIE F. RYLEY. manicure , chiropodist ?415 McCagUe bldg. , 16th and Dodge.

    U-M396 24'-

    iR. . ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluoushair removed by electricity. Room 1-2Frcnzor block. U TS-

    SnUPTURE CURED. We cure nil forms o-rupluro without pain or detention fron-business. . Send for circulars. Emplrnurture nurf. . 932 Now York Life BuildIng. O-naha , Neb. U MSS2 ScpSO

    BATHS , massage , lime. Post , 319W S. 15th.U-M173

    RELIABLE homo for ladles before nncduring confinement , and treatment of nltroubles peculiar to women. Address p-O. . Box 7D7 , Omaha. U M53S Octl6 *

    JOHN , if you will buy mo a doz. banlttcrs(-25c( ) 1 will meet you at the BrunswickHotel Cafe and all will be forgiven.-Mary.

    .. U M673 O1-

    6RITTER hospital ; confinement coses takenbabies adopted. 2214 Seward. Tel. 2233.

    U M716 Sep29

    $10 FOR Information of vacancy lending toemployment of advertiser as book-keeperAddress J 63. Bee. U M7S6 24

    SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and molespermanently removed by electricity ; con-sultation


    free and confidential ; all workguaranteed. Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas.-


    MS55 26 *

    FOR money see Pleasants , 51 Barker blk.-U

    .MSSS O22

    LEARN to hypnotize and control peopleas you will ; send 1.00 for plain andsimple Instructions by mail. S. A-.Cramer

    ., box 317 , Coopersvlllc , Mich.-


    MSOO 21 *

    THE Matrimonial Club alms to make wiseselections , harmonious marriages and a-ihappy home. Parlors 201-5-6 Douglas blk.

    GENTLEMAN of wealth and refined tastesolicits kind hearted wife for happy home.-Mr.


    . Elliott , 3126 Forest Ave. , Chicago , 111-.U

    .926 24 *

    CHARMING widow. 32 , worth $40,000 cash ,would marry congenial gentleman. Mrs.Rand , 7G2 Lexington Ave. , N. Y. C-

    .U.92G 24 *

    LADIES , your bust enlarged six Inches ;failure Impossible. ; harmless ; $100 cashguarantee ; proof free. Leonard MedicineCo. . Kansas City , Kan. U-924 24 *

    MANUSCRIPTS promptly examined ; allbranches of literature ; suitable for pub-lication


    In book form ; forty books pub-lished


    last month ; catalogue free, F.Tennyson Neely. Publisher. 114 FifthAve. , New York ; 259 Wabash Ave. . Chl-cngo.

    -. U-

    WE WANT you to see our stock ofPianos and Organs. Get our prices andterms. Collins Piano Company , 205 So-.14th

    .st. U M109 30

    TALKING machines at 205 South 14th st.-U

    .MHO 30

    .PERSONAL. Do you speculate ? If so ,speculate successfully. Send your ordersto a reliable, house , Where they will boplaced In the open market and their In ¬fluence felt. We can make for you. In onemonth more Interest on your money thanany bank will pay you in a year. Sendfor our book on speculation It is free, J.-K.

    .. Comstock & Co. , 23 Traders' bldg. ,

    Chicago. U 951 24 *

    GOOD lvl for general housework. 431-8Farnarn. . C MM7-29 *

    PRETTY young woman , model in size ,heiress large Income , $15000 In own name ,will Inherit more , would marry the rightkind of a man. Address Mlsa Ruth. 177-E. . 40th St. , Chicago, 111. U


    .125 21*

    YOUNG gentleman wants to meet dis-creet


    lady ; object friendship. AddressK 30. Bee. U 130 24 *


    MONEY to loan on first-class Improved oltyproperty or for building purposes. Payne-Harder Co. , N. Y Life. W 762

    MORTGAGES , Wallace. 314 Brown Block.-W



    BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers ,wanting eastern money should write forcircular. Investors' Directory , New York-


    5 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas.-E.

    .. Wll'lumsqn.' W 776

    MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowafarms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 768

    WRITE us If you want a loan on your farmIn Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. : It will payyou. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L-

    W772MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real

    estate. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 319 So. 10t-hW764

    FIVE PER CENT money on or before liveyears on Nebraska lands and Omaha realestate. W. B. Melkle , 401 S. 15th St.W775

    5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk-.W763


    6 PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam-AV770

    5, 5H. 6 per ct , loans In Omaha. So. Omaha.-W.


    . II. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. IM-S.W774


    $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved cityproperty and farmi. W , Farnam Smltl& Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 7o6



    $100 TO 2000. F. D. Wead. 16th & Douglas.-W


    WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bondsand warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1703Fanum St. , Bee Bldg , W 77-

    1LOANS. . Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life-.W769


    REAL estate mortgages for sale ; 500. se-curity¬

    $1,000 ; $ SOO , security $3,000 ; 1.000 ,security $5ono ; 2.000 , security 10000. Callat 606 Karbach Block for particulars.-W

    .M117 SO

    FARM LOANS negotiated In Eastern Ne ¬braska and Iowa. James N. Casady. Jr. ,126 Main street , Council Bluffs.

    W 139 2-


    LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLEholding permanent positions on their per-sonal¬

    note without endorsement or secur¬ity : strictly confidential , and atONE-HALF THE USUAL RATESBefore borrowing see us , as you will findIt greatly to your advantage ; we are theoldest , largest and only Incorporated loancompany In Omaha. F. W , Truax , Mgr. ,119 Board of Trade Hldg. , 16th and Far¬nam Sts. Telephone 22S5. X 7S3


    permanently pngaged with responsible con-cerns

    ¬upon their own names without se-curity

    ¬; no inquiries made of their em-ployers

    ¬; applications treated confidential.

    The BIG BUSINESS we do demonstrateswhera to go for advances at VERY LOV-UHT

    -RATES ; repayments made In agree-


    Instalments either weekly or monthlyto suit convenience of borrower.

    CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAIDPersons momentarily embarrassed who de-


    above everything else to avoid pub ¬licity are the class we especially desire to-eerve. .


    You can deal with ua quickly and satis-factorily.

    ¬. It will be to your advantage to

    call at our ofllce before borrowing cite-where.


    AMERICAN LOAN CO. ,Room 601 , Bee bldg.

    MONEY loaned on planoi , furniture , horses ,cowe , jewelry , Duff Green , R. 8, Barker blk-




    holding a permanent position wp will loanyou any amount your situation will Justifywithout endorser , mortgage or security ofany kind other than your name. The fnct-of yout holding a position Is sufficientguarantee to us that you will carry outany agreement into which you may en-ter

    -with u .


    THE STRICTEST PRIVACY WIL REmaintained In all our transactions withyou , and you will receive the same cour-teous


    consideration that Is accorded youremployer nt his bank.

    OMAHA CREDIT CO. , C. E Jennings ,manager , suite 625-526 New York Life bldg.

    MONEY loaned salaried people holding per-manent¬

    position with responsible concernsupon their own names , without security ;easy payments. Tolinan. 706 N. Y. U Bldg.

    MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,diamonds, watches , etc. ; payments un ¬known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1418Farnam , upstairs. X 781MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE ,

    Pianos , horses , cows. etc. J. W. Taylor.403 Ivnrbach block , IS to 6:30: p. m-.X

    .M705 Sep. 29 *

    MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEconfidentially , holding permanent positions ,on their own name without endorser ,mortgage or security of nny kind. Cn re-pay


    Jn easy weekly or monthly payments.Omaha .Credit Co. , C. E. Jennings , Mgr. ,suite 625-S20 N. Y. Life Bldg. X 7S-



    TO LADIES AND GENTLEMENHOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS.Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly

    payments to suit convenience of borrower.No Inquiries of their employer or friends ;everything guaranteed confidential.AMERICAN LOAN CO. . ROOM 601 , BEE

    BUILDING. X-7S4MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew-elry

    ¬, horses , cows. etc. C. F. Reed , Slt S. 13-






    LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLEon their personal note without security.Rates reasonable. J W. Taylor. 403 Kar ¬bach block. 12 lo 6:30: p. m. X M704 323*


    CONSERVATIVE , speculative In vestment ;we trade In corn exclusively for ourcustomers , and have paid thorn a profitof 10 to 12 per cent a month for the pasttwo years. Wo hnvo n plun for tradingon the corn mnrket which IB the safestspeculative plan there is. We send ourcustomers a dally report showing1 vrhat-we buy and poll at , so they can s