DWI Become •lite Cllb During Dra•a Dept. Dance "Thia Is aolnc t.o be the blccest and best do.nee this school has ever seen''. ac- prdlnc t.o Paul warner, dance committee chalnnan. The fiist dnuna deparVllent- apoosored dance la planned lledoesd11.1. Jan. 27, the 1u1 d-.r or llnal e:umlna- uooa. The 111enu Includes a choice or steak, .oblcken or Club Orpheus. the name or the planned "SUB·IUmed- nlghtclub". will provide two t loor shows reaturtnc NIJC studenm who bave perromed professionally. The Kar- bau Ch sisters and KAth.J '111 Ison are amonc them. Shows are cheduled ror 8:30 and 10"30. To add to the nlct:t.club \ 11110111>bere. there ••UI be a hat check girl and waitresses whu wlll pve attention to jndlvldual prcpanaUon or orders. The drama department re- 1t1ebl, howevN, that there la IPIB ror only approximately 'IS couples. Tlckel8 arc SS.00 per couple and all are uraed IO buy them early rrom 'llC!llbers or the deparlment or Mrs. Marsarcl Cale, drama ln11truct.o r. iocial Fundion Tips Form Devised By SAC , Recent actlv1Ue or the SOalal AcUY1l11!$ Commlltee have locludlll maltlnc up a .. ooclal n.mctlon tlpa.. 1hnrt ip be used by croups In preparation or llOclal 61nn- tlona. Ml\Jor areas with llflled suncstions nro: how >o nu out reau111t ronn s a.nd how to carry out du Uoa or clubs concemlnc ch111oron•. lime. door checkNs. publl· 1111. purcbuo and paymeol, music, bonds. niovl l'8 and nrealdei;. An evalunUon sheet for tile !lponeoni to rm out rollowlnc tho 1.wl!nt ho.s oleo been up ror ahan1e11 In ncUvlt,y and conatrucll ve crl Ucl11111 or !tie event. 11111 o"aluallon Rhet't and the Sod al Function 1'p11 sheet wlll accomP&n.Y 1tte rcqueat rorr1111 ror al I &\>onsors. Qurations. crtu- clsms and su"11csUons are v.elcomo by Ult' SAC at o.11 l\me&, accordln• LO Bob Lelahty. SAC ml'mber. ALIENS MUST REGISTER ev END OF JANUARY All aliens In thl' United States. except a Ct'w dlplo· inats. accredited 111cmber.< or c.!rtaln lntemauona.I or,an· lutions and those adml ttftl tt'mporatlty a:i a1rtcul111ml musL r<'P<'ll lhl'lr •ddn1Sses to the c<>H•mment each January. Fo1111s ror lhls ue &"allable at •DY pollt omce or o(tlce or tbe United SUltcs lmmlcmUon and naiurallza· lion sel'\1ce. They m.,- be ouL ln lhoae ortlces and returned t.o the clerk from "holll Parents or Olardlans are reQulrl'd r.O lll!bmlt reports ror alien children under rourtecn yl'Sr.; or ace. , _.Sllidtnl8 passln c thll> In ror- mauoo on an,yone .. 11o 1,. not a citizen will be dolnc both thm and tile aov<'mment 1 !.Hnlce, sa,.va the IJllmlga· lion Semce. VOltl.IE XIX, NO. 7 Rhytlunata Duplay Uniforms ASB Board Rejects Homecomi ng Plans Tiie SI 1d 'Ill 8 ard l"et Ol!C. IS and ac:aln on Jan. s. In tbe oecemb(,r mtt1201 the prol)Oaed Homecomln& was dt11cu11Sl'CI nod It n11 l.hal It .. ould not be held. The allrmatl\1' 11uuestion wns a campus .,, ekl'lXI or somelhln11 fllatllar. most rru1tlul rf'»UI: ol the ses151on. accordlru: LO Russt'll Brown. prsldcnt. "a!' the establl&llll:u•nt of a mlscel lanrous ruad LO climl nate :.mall mon(.• rt'(IUeslS ID the board. The Studt'nl Board 111.,1 Jan. 8 and a com- mittee lo select a sm !'or an outstanding NIJC booster. Tiie conlrlbutiooi; or the Coeur d'AleM Boost<'r Club t tile collt£l' la pasl •"" dl:.cussed. This ba.s ;!Ten tbd r support to •1UIOU:> school ac:U\1Ue&. eSPeclall.v la tbe field o! atblettcs. Th<' •••rd .. oald not nece6SarilY bt' connned to this llJOUP, hoV.e\"er. MISS Johnson said. A SUIP?StiOn WU tmde aod accepted lo makt' the d!t a school blanket u Is Ii vea annuaU.• ln a similar award ti) the t;nhenilt< of ldshO- Tbe •"•rd "111 be 111ade &'. the b.:.t pme of lhe 154.'ason. Students cao ptck up per· ml ts t.o rt'!llstcr for Lhf! "eoond »t!mtster beSlnnlnr Jan. 13 •• MISS Nll'hto •llld. SOPhomore- "ho bt'he'" tboy "Ill be ellclbh- to crad· uak In &hould bnni; their C'8'l and i:o•n measu:e- ment:> co the oroce ..... u .. y as pass1ble. sh" addl'<l Next SUB Film A Color Comedy n char; r •I bcr::u Wlth the color .-dy, ••aace Ftt ,.. ta::inc \ ul Brynn 1.. Al rai:::ed In thr Ill art' i;a.y Kendall and Cr ::r RaU rr. l'Qppy Brva4· W1H r.tai;t' th11 111 tb ' II IJ ( na t'i:;li::arula C n tro. nn : besttll le:idct "b pas :lt fan ror :isle t'Ql:llled nl7 by Ida pus: :atr '""' f : bl - st>lL Ylll B11nnf! proves hlmsel r OM or dnt'mll's mo t ddlclll- 611 a> medians and a:adcllP Ko..v Kendall Iii unf In this PY Olm. Brrno•r p!nYS \'ICIOr F'llbillJI, ll mual- cal crnlu• •ho,e cccentn - dties are kept lo dlect b;r hi& wire 1111UI &.lie setS blm with a sultrJ )"Olml pianl&t. Tile Or"°' rks and ti;:i alt' ap;irl;cd ..-beo the te:r.per- nm ntal trtfe leaves him and Lbe maestro :.:ans a cam- pal i::n to i;ct b er bacil.. Bob Leicht)', IOO\"I<' chalr- man, uri:es to attend th:s b1ti.nouslr ruo.ru· rree· for-all f r only 25c per pMa< 1 ro R .... a• s·oo p.r. SEVERAL CLASSES START WITH SECOND SEMESTER Aca>rrll "" a r"'POrt ,.. Ml'" :-;islno. reciscrar. there v.111 bt' clu"'es added to the currtculum for the comlns ,,emesicr. Enonel'rin; 69 and \lechanlcs .. m be tnuahl 11) \\nt:bt. )IJ. Tritten •dll tesch M1&themal1cs SO. AnalyUcal Ceomt'tl) and Calcuwfi I. From old "'"'°""'S ro n.... Thi R.,., 'hl!'lll't1-f 0 obove. per'orm w,,,,., WOl'tdrtrlond or Mr. Ro,.o 90.,,.. S.low o,.. <wear1nv ,.....,,,, un•- c1 ,,.. YoJ.. °'""" 8. Lefrancis And Brown Re ign At X - mas Formal LeF"ra.ncla llnd Ru sell Brown "ere crowned queen and king of the Chrtat- mas ronnal, sponsored the Aasoclated Wo111en Students. Tht' dance the111e waa • 'SnoV.- Oake FantllSJ'." The Student Union waa decorated with a lnrae nocked white tree with blue omn- ments and a llCe-sl zed snow- 111an. Tbe Russ Whelan band waa nestled" In a nurey snow drtn and a huge sliver sno"· flake adorned tile tlreplncc. Th<' punch table wns covered with a red 111ble cloth with a rnal I c:reen tree as a c ntel\llece. HOME EC CLUB TEA WAS ANNUAL AFFAIR Tt annWll Cnrtstmaa ten ..._ sPonsored by the Home ECODOCllCS Club Dec. 16 In Ille bO:le economics room. CbllllmU decoration .. ere poT!ded h1 tbe art classes. Cmeral chair.nan or the te:> •n TammJ CzanL Unda JorCen&Oll WU Chaltman Of the art committee and Anna )lae HUI cl:elrman or the rood cOlr.Jl!ltlet. Suaan l.anoion. llarda Antonson. Timllle Rodcera and Marllyo Prrl<lna poured. Badcrouad music waa pro- Ylded 111 Mn- Ellen f'redrlk· son, bOl!le economics In· auuct.or. lilt'll- Florence Stranahan. department head. was adviser. CLASS SCHEDULES NOW AVAILABLE 4cbedults for ,econd em ester repstra uon are .. vai lnble. accordlni; to MISS Slahlo. repstr:lr. Student& 111ay pick these up In the ofOce. she sald. She added that all studenis shC1Uld be sure t.o keep tbclr copies or the t'Chedule until reli strn· Uon ns the supply Is llmlted. Thr scbedule for Onnl t'lll!lllnauons bell!ns Jan. :? I and end:. Jiln. 26. Cla&SCs wU I resume for i;econd semester on Feb. 1. ASS President Brow1 To Welcome Athletes At Spor1s Banquet Sl11dent Boclr President Russell Brown will orftctlllly open the Third Annual Press Sports Banquet Jan. :?0 In the liU(.; QmrulSIUm. Mr. Bro1110 wll I address Lbe banquet wtth a welcome speech and lben tum the prosram over to th<' master or ceremonle--, Bob lolalter. sports editor or the Coeur d"Alene Press. The baoauet ... 111 honor the Pnnhandle sporl teams or 1963·6-I a.nd will be 1\11h- ll@hted with the Teem or the Year Award presentntion. Featured 1111est speaken. at the bllnquet Include Joe f'oss. president or the Amer- ican f'ootblll vacuo. pr<>- resslonal buelall players \"emon Lav; or the Plttsburch Pirates a.nd Maury \\ills or the U>s Angeles Oodaers; the icncml mannacr or thr Spo- kane Ind.Inns basebllll tcnm. Pete Reiser a.nd a> Uege football coachl'S D<>e Andros or the umverslty or Idaho and Bert Clark or \\tshlncton State Unh·eri;I ty. Tickets ror the banquet are presently on sale ror S2.50 each and wlll continue to be 11\'111 lnble unU I Jon. 19. TMie wlll be no door 11111 e. NIJC President At Legislative Meeting NIJC President Pt'ny A. ChrtsUansoo attended a 1111.'et · Inc In Boise Jan. 6 to d 1:>- cuss pro\1Slo0$ or ll )lntor college bill. followtn& the recommendnUon or Co••. Roben E SmJ'lle ror such legislation In bis Stnte or the Stole TuesdtlJ. ·"The present tenr.nUve Idea IS to have tlit' oorthem"illoSt district extend rro111 lbt' lAl:lh County line north."" Christ· lanson said. •"That .. -ould c!ve us rour t1111e; our oresent evaluation and .. ould also quadruple our potential num- ber or studcn "n would be vcey helplul to u .. A lren<IY we n re nen r the point where we will mve t.o ium aw11..v ,.iudcnts 1r our tu base ta not enlarced." '!111' 61ncUona or the jUnlor colleaes under this oroposed nte111 .. ould remain the ame. be said. BOOKS, FIHES MUST BE PAID BY JAHUARY 18 A 11 books must be checked In on or before Monda)'. Jan. 18. and all !lnes 111Ullt be pa.Id on or bt'fore Jan. 18. Ans un· paid Ones on bOOks out will mean the student can- not take semtster exa.mlnatlons untl I llbnir1 clearance Is obtained. No books """' be checked oul aner Jan. 15 unUl exnmlnatlons are over and none between semcs tens. Boots ma.r be chCCktd out stcond seroeiitr bec!nnlnc i.tonda1. Ft'b. 1.

The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 7 Jan 13, 1965

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College

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• DWI Become •lite Cllb During Dra•a Dept. Dance

• "Thia Is aolnc t.o be the blcces t and best do.nee this school has ever seen''. ac­prdlnc t.o Paul warner, dance committee chalnnan.

The fiist dnuna deparVllent­apoosored dance la planned ~r lledoesd11.1. Jan. 27, the 1u1 d-.r or llnal e:umlna­uooa. The 111enu Includes a choice or steak, bar~cued .oblcken or shd~.

Club Orpheus. the name or the planned "SUB·IUmed­nlghtclub". will provide two t loor shows reaturtnc NIJC studenm who bave perromed professionally. The Kar-bau Ch sisters and KAth.J

'111 Ison are amonc them. Shows are cheduled ror 8:30 and 10"30.

To add to the nlct:t.club \ 11110111>bere. there ••UI be a hat check girl and waitresses whu wlll pve attention to jndlvldual prcpanaUon or orders.

The drama department re-1t1ebl, howevN, that there la IPIB ror only approximately 'IS couples. Tlckel8 arc SS.00 per couple and all are uraed IO buy them early rrom 'llC!llbers or the deparlment or Mrs. Marsarcl Cale, drama ln11truct.or.

iocial Fundion Tips Form Devised By SAC , Recent actlv1Ue or the SOalal AcUY1l11!$ Commlltee have locludlll maltlnc up a .. ooclal n.mctlon tlpa.. 1hnrt ip be used by croups In preparation or llOclal 61nn­tlona. Ml\Jor areas with llflled suncstions nro: how >o nu out reau111t ronn s a.nd how to carry out du Uoa or clubs concemlnc ch111oron•. lime. door checkNs. publl· 1111. purcbuo and paymeol, music, bonds. niovl l'8 and nrealdei;.

An evalunUon sheet for tile !lponeoni to rm out rollowlnc tho 1.wl!nt ho.s oleo been mad~ up ror ahan1e11 In ncUvlt,y and conatrucll ve crl Ucl11111 or !tie event. 11111 o"aluallon Rhet't and the Sod al Function 1'p11 sheet wlll accomP&n.Y 1tte rcqueat rorr1111 ror al I &\>onsors. Qurations. crtu­clsms and su"11csUons are v.elcomo by Ult' SAC at o.11 l\me&, accordln• LO Bob Lelahty. SAC ml'mber.


All aliens In thl' United States. except a Ct'w dlplo· inats. accredited 111cmber.< or c.!rtaln lntemauona.I or,an· lutions and those adml ttftl tt'mporatlty a:i a1rtcul111ml •~borers. musL r<'P<'ll lhl'lr •ddn1Sses to the c<>H•mment each January.

Fo1111s ror lhls purpo~e ue &"allable at •DY pollt omce or o(tlce or tbe United SUltcs lmmlcmUon and naiurallza· lion sel'\1ce. They m.,- be ~ed ouL ln lhoae ortlces and returned t.o the clerk from "holll recelv~ Parents or Olardlans are reQulrl'd r.O lll!bmlt reports ror alien children under rourtecn yl'Sr.; or ace.

, _.Sllidtnl8 passln c thll> In ror­mauoo on '° an,yone .. 11o 1,. not a citizen will be dolnc both thm and tile aov<'mment

1 !.Hnlce, sa,.va the IJllmlga· lion Semce.

VOltl.IE XIX, NO. 7

Rhytlunata Duplay ~ew Uniforms

ASB Board Rejects Homecoming Plans Tiie SI 1d 'Ill 8 ard l"et

Ol!C. IS and ac:aln on Jan. s. In tbe oecemb(,r mtt1201 the prol)Oaed Homecomln& was dt11cu11Sl'CI nod It n11 d~dl'CI l.hal It .. ould not be held. The allrmatl\1' 11uuestion wns a campus .,, ekl'lXI or somelhln11 fllatllar. Tb~ most rru1tlul rf'»UI: ol

the ses151on. accordlru: LO Russt'll Brown. prsldcnt. "a!' the establl&llll:u•nt of a mlscel lanrous ruad LO climl • nate :.mall mon(.• rt'(IUeslS ID

the board. The Studt'nl Board 111.,1

Jan. 8 and a~polnted a com­mittee lo select a sm !'or an outstanding NIJC booster.

Tiie conlrlbutiooi; or the Coeur d'AleM Boost<'r Club t tile collt£l' la th~ pasl •"" dl:.cussed. This ~ut> ba.s ;!Ten tbd r support to •1UIOU:> school ac:U\1Ue&. eSPeclall.v la tbe field o! atblettcs. Th<' •••rd .. oald not nece6SarilY bt' connned to this llJOUP, hoV.e\"er. MISS

Johnson said. A SUIP?StiOn WU tmde aod

accepted lo makt' the d!t a school blanket u Is Ii vea annuaU.• ln a similar award ti) the t;nhenilt< of ldshO­Tbe •"•rd "111 be 111ade &'. the b.:.t pme of lhe 154.'ason.

Students cao ptck up per· ml ts t.o rt'!llstcr for Lhf! "eoond »t!mtster beSlnnlnr Jan. 13 •• MISS Nll'hto •llld.

SOPhomore- "ho bt'he'" tboy "Ill be ellclbh- to crad· uak In ~ &hould bnni; their C'8'l and i:o•n measu:e­ment:> co the oroce :L~ ..... u .. y as pass1ble. sh" addl'<l

Next SUB Film A Color Comedy

n char; r s~B •I bcr::u Wlth the

color .-dy, ••aace ~re ~1th Ftt ,.. ta::inc \ ul Brynn 1.. Al rai:::ed In thr Ill art' i;a.y Kendall and Cr ::r RaU rr.

B~l."d l'Qppy Brva4· W1H r.tai;t' Sw~t'l'SS. th11 111 tb ' II IJ ( na t'i:;li::arula C

n tro. nn : besttll le:idct "b pas :lt fan ror

:isle t'Ql:llled nl7 by Ida pus: :atr '""' f : bl -st>lL

Ylll B11nnf! proves hlmsel r OM or dnt'mll's mo t ddlclll-611 a> medians and a:adcllP Ko..v Kendall Iii unf r~tW.bll' In this PY Olm. Brrno•r p!nYS \'ICIOr F'llbillJI, ll mual­cal crnlu• •ho,e cccentn -dties are kept lo dlect b;r hi& wire 1111UI &.lie setS blm with a sultrJ )"Olml pianl&t. Tile Or"°' rks and ti;:i alt' ap;irl;cd ..-beo the te:r.per­nm ntal trtfe leaves him and Lbe maestro :.:ans a cam­pal i::n to i;ct b er bacil. .

Bob Leicht)', IOO\"I<' chalr­man, uri:es e•e~'One to attend th:s b1ti.nouslr ruo.ru· rree· for-all f r only 25c per pMa< 1 ro R .... a• s·oo p.r.


Aca>rrll "" a r"'POrt ,.. ~ Ml'" :-;islno. reciscrar. there v.111 bt' n~" clu"'es added to the currtculum for the comlns ,,emesicr. Enonel'rin; 69 and \lechanlcs .. m be tnuahl 11) ~Ir- \\nt:bt. )IJ. Tritten •dll tesch M1&themal1cs SO. AnalyUcal Ceomt'tl) and Calcuwfi I.

From old "'"'°""'S ro n.... Thi R.,., 'hl!'lll't1-f0 obove. per'orm ,~ w,,,,., WOl'tdrtrlond or ~ Mr. Ro,.o 90.,,.. S.low ~..,.~ o,.. ~" <wear1nv ·~1r ,.....,,,, un•-l~a c1 ,,.. YoJ.. ~ °'"""


Lefrancis And Brown Reign At X-mas Formal

\ti!<.~ ~lnrsh:l LeF"ra.ncla llnd Ru sell Brown "ere crowned queen and king of the Chrtat­mas ronnal, sponsored ~ the Aasoclated Wo111en Students. Tht' dance the111e waa • 'SnoV.­Oake FantllSJ'."

The Student Union waa decorated with a lnrae nocked white tree with blue omn­ments and a llCe-sl zed snow-111an. Tbe Russ Whelan band waa nestled" In a nurey snow drtn and a huge sliver sno"· flake adorned tile tlreplncc. Th<' punch table wns covered with a red 111ble cloth with a rnal I c:reen tree as a c ntel\llece.


Tt annWll Cnrtstmaa ten ..._ sPonsored by the Home

ECODOCllCS Club Dec. 16 In Ille bO:le economics room. CbllllmU decoration .. ere poT!ded h1 tbe art classes.

Cmeral chair.nan or the te:> •n TammJ CzanL Unda JorCen&Oll WU Chaltman Of the art committee and Anna )lae HUI cl:elrman or the rood cOlr.Jl!ltlet. Suaan l.anoion. llarda Antonson. Timllle Rodcera and Marllyo Prrl<lna poured.

Badcrouad music waa pro­Ylded 111 Mn- Ellen f'redrlk· son, bOl!le economics In· auuct.or. lilt'll- Florence Stranahan. department head. was adviser.

CLASS SCHEDULES NOW AVAILABLE T~ 4cbedults for ,econd em ester repstra uon are

.. vai lnble. accordlni; to MISS Slahlo. repstr:lr. Student& 111ay pick these up In the ofOce. she sald. She added that all studenis shC1Uld be sure t.o keep tbclr copies or the t'Chedule until reli strn· Uon ns the supply Is llmlted.

Thr scbedule for Onnl t'lll!lllnauons bell!ns Jan. :? I and end:. Jiln. 26.

Cla&SCs wU I resume for i;econd semester on Feb. 1.

ASS President Brow1 To Welcome Athletes At Spor1s Banquet

Sl11dent Boclr President Russell Brown will orftctlllly open the Third Annual Press Sports Banquet Jan. :?0 In the liU(.; QmrulSIUm. Mr. Bro1110 wll I address Lbe banquet wtth a welcome speech and lben tum the prosram over to th<' master or ceremonle--, Bob lolalter. sports editor or the Coeur d"Alene Press.

The baoauet ... 111 honor the Pnnhandle sporl teams or 1963·6-I a.nd will be 1\11h­ll@hted with the Teem or the Year Award presentntion.

Featured 1111est speaken. at the bllnquet Include Joe f'oss. president or the Amer­ican f'ootblll vacuo. pr<>­resslonal buelall players \"emon Lav; or the Plttsburch Pirates a.nd Maury \\ills or the U>s Angeles Oodaers; the icncml mannacr or thr Spo­kane Ind.Inns basebllll tcnm. Pete Reiser a.nd a> Uege football coachl'S D<>e Andros or the umverslty or Idaho and Bert Clark or \\tshlncton State Unh·eri;I ty.

Tickets ror the banquet are presently on sale ror S2.50 each and wlll continue to be 11\'111 lnble unU I Jon. 19. TMie wlll be no door 11111 e.

NIJC President At Legislative Meeting

NIJC President Pt'ny A. ChrtsUansoo attended a 1111.'et· Inc In Boise Jan. 6 to d 1:>­cuss pro\1Slo0$ or ll )lntor college bill. followtn& the recommendnUon or Co••. Roben E SmJ'lle ror such legislation In bis Stnte or the Stole 111ess11~ TuesdtlJ.

·"The present tenr.nUve Idea IS to have tlit' oorthem"illoSt district extend rro111 lbt' lAl:lh County line north."" Christ· lanson said. •"That .. -ould c!ve us rour t1111e; our oresent evaluation and .. ould also quadruple our potential num­ber or studcn ~~.

"n would be vcey helplul to u .. A lren<IY we n re nen r the point where we will mve t.o ium aw11..v ,.iudcnts 1r our tu base ta not enlarced."

'!111' 61ncUona or the jUnlor colleaes under this oroposed

nte111 .. ould remain the ame. be said.


checked In on or before Monda)'. Jan. 18. and all !lnes 111Ullt be pa.Id on or bt'fore Jan. 18. Ans un· paid Ones on bOOks out will mean the student can­not take hi~ semtster exa.mlnatlons untl I llbnir1 clearance Is obtained.

No books """' be checked oul aner Jan. 15 unUl exnmlnatlons are over and none between semcs tens. Boots ma.r be chCCktd out stcond seroeiitr bec!nnlnc i.tonda1. Ft'b. 1.

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ............. s-;..Moo.W, Oohat IM CoG.,. Y­

• Ir J-"- Shocleeh .. .... NORTH IDAHO JUNIOR COU!GE


Co-Ednor• ••.••••••••••.• Louo•n• I>••· S.boro Sc<ollo<d Spor11 Edltot • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rwat Joi.t

AdwtH1fn9 Monoo-r. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • To111 Gilbert Chcv1orton Monagen ••••••.•••• Mdreo Rou, Gl•n N•c.k..11°'1 Phorogrophr Edllor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bob Tr•"" Repot1.,1 Stu l<fmboll, Frank FiaRno, Rotr-l'Oty Hli"Htt. K1tty Jeffrlu, Monho Lefronch, Toin Arion•, Jo An.rt. O..rab,, Bol> loigluy, Soni• CcrllO.,

Editorial . . . IF YOU DON'T LIKE US, FIGHT BACK /

(.,. ..,,. ha~ .,.,...., .....,., • • s 0!1d s• f ex;ress· 1ng i.,;~~51vemen1 ono d1sp "'""~'"' w•t certo n pee:os of dcbatob'e nature punted on ·he "Cardino ReVl_.. '" 1ne post.

The Review os your paper, ond, as ~uch, s n•e<tdoc: '.3

carry your op1n1ons os well as to ropor' ond infer..-. "11,c ort 1cles, features, fi I lers, ond ony of '"" mc rerool useo ,.,.. cept tlio1 oppecrong In ii,.., edoto<tol column does no• neces­sori ly express <'d11ari~i op1n1on. If you have o d ffe•en• po1n1 of view concerning on>· por1tcular wb1<1C' pr1.,·ed, -1nv1•e you to use your privilege of prl!sen11ng "s wt •I, your point of view, s1911ed and 1n wr111ng.

\e hove purposefully not •oi.en an ado !or a stand on pol111cs and ncNs '"related arf?Os. (This soomed wisest wo' co-ed11ors .. ho agree on near y everytlung e<ce;it po •ics. 'le hove also mutually 0!1'eeJ ro dcd1co'" •no res• o 1 •;... pope< 10 bc.t r"I sides. should •hc.-y be presc,,rcd to us.

<"•ud.,nr<, rnos is y<Nr privr "11"· Spoc:e doos no• o ways allow us 10 prtnt oil 1ho1 we rr.tghr, ye• mos• o' whet .,.e re­CC!•V9 is used eventuo ly. •-«ir~rolly, •' 15 assumed 1hc• ,pod '.JS'c ..,,11 meet th<. necessary srondards le< P11b 1sh1ng. r you ~<tly fr.cl thor wc'w done ylkl v.1ong, t~n f1gh• boc w11h tne son-e woopons . l."e do osk the I YoU sultnu • yov a" 1dftos rorher thon published mo•~~•al. ~'ov we c1so '""''nd you 1ha1 all foorured or11cles mu.i corry tho name of the writer.

BENCHLEY SHARES HIS EDUCA T/ON h'< o l11tle lore for Hor ~ ' )' "" r any reminders""

-iertong 1 new year right °"'- n ;_, has tiappc>ned •o .,s than 10 ylkl lately, 1.1t"re rurnrng 1t. s ed11or1ol l>09" over 10 Robert Benchley by pasSt"?. on exempts of who· he I~ 1n coltOQ". He rerers 'O rne olfow1"11 as "b1•s o 1 CU '"""'and erud111on .. h1ch hove ~s·led 1nny mind o1tcr o ' :ic.>se years." (FRESH.•.•AN YEAR)

J. Chcrlemagr>e e1rher died 0< wos born or did soa:.erh ng

'" ea:i. ']. By placing one paper bog 1ns1de onc.11>er, you con carry homo o milk shake in 11.

3. There is o double "I I" in •he middle of pgrollel . 4. Powd<!r rubbed on the chin wi 11 1ok" the place of o shoVI!

1f rho room 1sn'1 very lrghr. S. A floarmg body replaces its own we1i;h1 '" the 1Quid 1n

.,1i1ch 11 floors. 6. A sock with o hole in rhe roe con be .. orn inside cu·

wllh cO<l'porol•VI! comfort. 7. The chonces ore ogcunst f1 'l1ng on '""de stro1~'. 8. There IS 0 law 1n economics coiled '""Low oro.manish-

1ng Qorurns. ""h1ch means •ha• o'•er o cer•-01n margin is reached, re•urns ~1n ta d1m1n1sh. ih1s may not be carrK' y s •oted, but •here is a law by •hot non-e.

(SOPl-IO\\ORl' YEAR) I. A goad 1m110·1on o' 'l>l!Os'e• rosh con be o•·ecred by

s•obb1ng •J..o lr;,eorm w1•h o "1'f wh1skuoom. 2. Ouecn Eli:obe:n wos n:i: '!~ sus~.'c'~· :>. In Spori1sh you pronounce : lrko th . A. Nina lffnlhs of the girls on a \lirl's schoo ore no• pr.,rry. S. lluaknes• 1n drow•ng h1cnn1quo con bo hidden bv using

o Nash ins •eod of black ond Nh re I inc. 6. Quite o respectable burp "llOy bo acquired by smol.1ng

tf>roo o• foor p1pefu!s of strong •obocco when you - no food on your s •omoch.

7. Tl,a ancient Phaen1clons w ro '001 y .le-Ns and •hey go· os for norr'i os Englond ~e ·hey opcro•od 11n m1na5.

8. You con IJI.'" dressed mucf. qu1cke• 1n the mcrn1ng 1f, ·he n1gn• bofr;,o wl-en you oro going 10 bed, you '"Ice oH your undcrwocr ond frouse<s o• once, coving the ~"or onside •he farme<.

(JU'~l~ YE'AO) I. Emo,rson ltrtr hos pas•aro• because he hod some crli""

rnenr about communion. 2. AJ! women ore untrus•worthy. "'· Pushing your orms back os for as •hey wrl go fifty

t•mo• a day wd 1ncr"°se yovr cf1es1 moasuu,,rnenr. 1. The cnanccs ore rho• you w111 rwver f, II on onside

s1ra1gh1. 5. f tght hour• of sle<>p otl? not t'IOC"<•ary. 6. Tho Repvbloc::cM bol'"" 1n a cen!Toli:..d govcrnm('n'.

•ha O.,mocrors 1n o d"-c.n1rol1:...! an.. 7. 11 is not nocossanly effcm1nar to drink t o.


•· "'dtlY>C-' caar laah bo11.-r rhan ful t:to ...

II.JC Grad Now Home Economist For Bonner County

N.l.J.C REVIEW, C-· 4•1,1.., •• Idaho, Wtd., Jcnw.-.. 11, l96S

A.Mutant Regiatrm·

Mrs. An.la H .. well Town· send. a 11169 Jnlduate or the :-; UC bome economics d~ partmenl, bu relllmed rrom a 1Kr In ocrman.r 111 accept a position wllh the nPWl.r­ror:ud Sonner County F'amll1 Ser~ces Project u Its home economist.

She 11 the daushter or \Ir. and »rs. E.m•t Rowell or Rathdrum and also a oacllate o! I.be- unlnzalt:r or ldaba. Siie reaiced w!l.11 ber baa­band. Lewis. Cr.Jm Europe u.Js Call anu 1eadw11: In a Ger.an scllool 111 'A"uersbars. Bna1'1&. Pnor to Ula! llbe Wlcbt In .IU!nt'.

The Bonner Coan:1 F'amll1 semc• proJect was launched In Sandpoint In Au cust and Mrs. -n>wnaend Joined the start Jut month. She wUl wort wt lb selected Sonner Couot:r homemakers and their tamllles.

Presbyterian Club Meets Each Monday

Bom lo Co""r d'/dene :?5 \leetlnc time ror the Pres-1etts aeo. abe aueoded byterian Club. accorcttn1 to schools a.t Rathdrum and Mr. R1J111ond scone. adviser. Caeur d'Alene. In blcb will be the nrst Monda,y or smoal &be woo the Elks eno month rrom 7. 00 p.m. YDlllll Lftdl't11ll11> Cont•t. ta 8:30 p.111. II la planned She W1l6 uran!.cl acbolar· that retruhmt.'1118 will be shl1>1 for four 1ears of col- serYed In the Stud.at Union Iese. rollo•ln1 these moetlnp.

Dunne the 511111ruer of her The Janu1111 meetln1 will Junior 1<'11r 11 the Unlvtl'!llt1 Include a speaker on Catbo· ot ldabo she "" selected to Uc doctdne. the Pebnuu:y be the Idaho delecate ror the meeUnc on Jewish doctdnc, Danlbrd F•llowehlp trip to the March meettna on Bud· st. Louis 11nd ~Uchlp.n. She dblst doctdnr, the AOr11 wu a:raduated cum laudc r.om meetlnc on Mormon docti\ne, tbe unhersll;;r In 1961. and the Ma1 meetlna will

Arter a summer •Ith her Include a speaker from Whit· husband an a Forest Service wortb Collece. Or. Smpaon. fl.re lookout. she bepn her Tbe object or thla procram. teactunc career. which Ill· Slx>M aald. la ID Increase duded tutottnc handicapped ml!:Dbera' koowledce or their cblklren and cMnc accordion O'll'D falth LS well u to help lessona. them caln creauir underatand-

i.tr. Townsl.'lld, alao a 1961 Inc or otber people and thel.r cmduate ot the Unlvers!Q' or beliefs. ID addlUon, he ea.Id. Idaho, la a substtaite teacher be hoped that the croup for the Banner Count;r School mieht att»nd aervlcN In !11Stem. other houses of worahlp.

-------- Other actlv:ltles planned are Plrorog"'phtr Resign• group church attendance rol-

Rlck Ackennan ha. r<1iilgned lowed b1 a elcl&b dde or bls position as photographer skat:lnc part;r on Jan. 9 and of the Cardinal Rev:lew. He gmup clrutcb attendance roi­ls pre11enU1 belplnc to tnun Jo•orea by a picnic on Ma.1 2.

_Bo_b_T_1_ao_n_ro_r_th_e_110S __ 1 tl_o_n_. __ ..:Tc=b:.:e__,:D"'ec=e-nber project, be

A 'i•x hour~ or $ eep ere no• 'C •S. •

-'· 61c;o,oonc•e o! ~ •o " """" • · ' >g makes you fee be~ r t"8 no>" cloy.

' ~hec·cr I CK • • rnoy be c<>arged. 5. F ""1!r$ "'lOv bo diarged. 6. t.'cy s •he sher ':!!S' mor •

Smplo pe"'

SNACK BAR 8100Uo., 65< 7~




Ringo Pe ..

NIJC Stationery 'i""'t .,,,..., er .. ,

• ..,, i.,.. co11...,. Boord

Canliool Riog-l>iaders Hew 5,...,, Shirt•

Lunch 75c 11:30-1:15

Sundoy Dinner Sl.25 1:00-1:30

Banquets By Spec/a/ Arrangement

Soft Orioh

Llady pen•

CAFETERIA 01 ... , Sl.00



~ '.';;r ,, thrv So•Jrd1, J.,.,.m • ..un<Jay

said , wu ololhlns ror lho n ecdy. --------NEW CHOIR MEMBERS MUST SEE DIRECTOR

Mt. K!'lh, Cll"lt dlrt'Ctar, has asked that anvon" plan· nine to loin the collt'I~ choir Sl.'cond ~emr.ster lleP him before thn entl or II r t Bt'lll'5·

ter. The choir la 1•lann1nc an exh•nsl ve sdl.,duh•, hl! addt'd, and pro p~th" mrm· bN" must have t11c,·1ous sine· lnl expcrl~nce wllh a ch<~r or be lrnnsferdn1 Crom unothPr college cho ir. ndmlulon being b!Ul~d on a spccllll tryout .

A'.< lht> choir llun alrt'lldy 4tartt>d >f'CDnd lll'mr.BIM work "hich Is music or n· Cl'l)Uonall7 hllll quality, he mid, praclice ~rore this seme:.ter ends Is a nt-ce-

11. for pr· ,p• Nfvr .. ..-~-b>rs. _______ _

STUDENT INJURED !.Us. Cloe Vln115. Rone

Lake. was Injured In a rau 01.'C. 10. J.lfll, Vln~B stepped rrom the curb In front of the Student Union and sUppt!G In the mud. She wu wen to the doctor by posrllna stu· dents Md treated ror a cracked lee bone.

See UI for

~:INGW~ ~ader

218 N. 4lb Stred

LOOK! You can clean

everytblnc salel:r la a •


PTK Delegates Off To Conj ere nee


~A TEST" ON ooP- ~1S:.7T 0t-Y £MC~.· I ~u:io. ~SffcrEr "'t(N !IE ~~17~ LA~ C~ASSWI™ /tf!IP.AAY Cl'ltl~ f#$:(~!·

111 THE PIN CUSHION r . v , "

f:v rythm r gr The.>f.'<Jm •r•U

110 L 1i , .lvc. '• I

Louasnowns OtHNHOUSE ftfSH -.ll'Un &nOUl

mmJDTl CllSTilll O(Sl:IO Oft S"Htf'ot\t"Oo•flA. If. A.,.

hlfft W•~• ot tOOO 11~ •• "'-llllll•mDS &mllOl • Tll ..... .,.,._.o.,..u• T YPEWR ITERS

R 0 YA L RE NT SALES REPAIR Oreh "t & T,.,,,.., Swtjll' ·-'

INtn stuc Tnc ... • ru Co . .. \~.,...... ..... • Ph ... ,. 1



'-'---c_o_•_.,_• __ o_•_,_,_~_, ____ . "_o __ _

CHOIR PLAHS CONCERTS fh · r · or a ar.rtr.s or co:i­

c~r~ b) Ille SIJC • cappclla choir •Ill b<' nt Ill<? Coeur d' Alene HI Ch Sdloo I on SL l"'atnck 's Oa..v. Accordlnc II:> Lou Kt'llI. mu&ic lktlart::l I b<l&d. tht" chol: 11 Co: a tour sometime lhl• e;:cnc. Punds arn not surlldmt at this time. bO• e'er.










Coeur d 'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners

Fr .. Pickup end o.r,,,..., lQJ r •"' MOti.4•\ 4-)S •

SUB11ersion Qi C TIO,\. ~•o ...,. •oi:r taoont auhor and u-br?

Krt'TY JE:FF'R IES. sop ho· mor • 617 Habbanl·

"!Mnc Swne. He's written sim b.os::ipblcal a.ovels and the two I P&ttlculari.J t1QJ07ed •N.? "Tne Ac:onr and tbe Ecsta.ar". the sioiy or .\llcbaeln.ocelo, 1111d ''The Presldrnt's l..&4J." the stoiy o: Alldrew Jackson'" wt!e. Both llO"l"els •ere ractual and "M1 emodooal and I !eel that Slone bdnp the reader Into lhe smry."

JO.I SEJ>WIAYER, sopho· mere. SPlnl Late:

"Sa.U o ser. bee au ee ~r::iou r Gius 1 .. o::iy Idol."

BERT \Ii' ERS, soPbomore. SOI F' .est Street·

"Ra) Bradbuiy. Because or chlldhom nostai.ta lo "Dan· dcllc~ i\loe," the posslbllitr or ''F'llh:enbelt 45". and the aorea! borrc.r or "Oc!Ober Coun:z, " and "Tbe lllustra~ lJ:ln." He •nles Oum tis and rcadnbly. One or Ills best Is '·Somellllna v.tcked This Wa, Comes."

ALEA BEITO. rrelibman, SC lrtt l.&k e: "Ro~:t Raa!'.i. ne bas the

"~ 11:.r "' lntcres t me In topics .. 111ch \\Ould not normaltr Interest rne. His •nlin~ bu lots or "l"llalllJ' and cola: and his d:ar.o.c1ers arc llrl'lil:e. His description I vn1o, but Dnl so lnvolYed 11::11 7ou lose t.ouch •Ith the story. He Is able II:> maintain the story's mood throuahout th e:iU:t"desc:1pelon •hereaa

t n tbons 11avt1 a tmdenCJ' to IN I l lac. He achieves a r lathely complete plecure IQ' lllso:u11sln1: topics rrom toe•"l'ral ani;le>1."

BRUCE n1cm. Endiab De· pa1t:llmt. sue

• :,halespeare His plots ar Yl=l:1 lno:i:nparab!e bis srm bo ll&:t and su bU ecy are r :nartsblt>. His cbamc· &rrs m OTC me ...


Th• Oeba!e Cl "'"'"' plllns lot an e ! the

ester dinner t.o cllmu the dt'bale acliY!Ues of I.Ills fll.11

tet. The eta b has lle!d ~er; ts with lllt' Ce!!l:>e!S entertl.lmn1: pests •IU: I : rptC'taliocs and o ra111u:s. 11nd spec.al reporta or acth· lllea. The lan'lllct coaunit; tee, O:. PnddJ', JI B~ks. Gu1oentcaud aob L5c!I~. &rt' Ula~ plans £Jr an alt r dlnll : de late w1 Ill !be £1L t :n If uh! cion Stale COllt'CI' debate squad In Uie Stutlcnl Unlc.n.

A recent lntet-cl11b dt'bale tted one Far ti«-r .. ad a ob

L 11 o Ille amr.:"li"

POWELL'S Biggest Sale




DO.Yr illlSS IT

H.IJ.C. REVlh, C-, d'AI..,., ldal.o, . ..... J°""°" 13, 196S

COEDS' CORNER S,. K.tr,. Jellr••s.

7 NO p1cco ens ~ gr~s nd mok1ng ·:-.o foshoon ,;cc.,., Oti:i • C<><a s, o bl,.,

.,.he :n for ihe beoc..,s th .s ear • be block velve• bikinis, .. !I. ..-hue bi ... 1n s. one:! ore piece sw1 w •s w1•h core cs or c1amonds c • Ou! of • .. a1s·, from, or bock ro ~·vo o peek cl bare ronnod skin. l'or 1 womon who 15 shy ine~ w1fl bo su11s N1m long sloews, solids is ond bod•c<' •

ho woman who wishes for "the good o days" '"" bo:i •he oodcless o! •l-o beoc ,. o ornon •y •090 sw1"1 su11 •'io• !iores ono shoo.. '.

Crepe cres~s w1• sequ "S "'9 .,, woos• ond can•1nued down '"" le" s er o feature o' 1965 •o be seen on !he l!"9n1ng c• d nncrs end done s.

The d1sco1ticq.., look which cooecrod dur1r>g •lie ouiumn Noll continue •o be worn by fos onob e wornon who desmi comfor:ob '" pre•! c o•nes.

Sr:cns O"' oresses, t:Ju••0t1 on suu • tu• :wt on s~~· "· arid llu"ans an b Ouses ~re no• 1us• ::..t'tlJnS, b.Jt :i bsluon ~ccesscry. S:zuc:re, rCJO.Jna. a• JI, rAO<:t1colly any 1mo91noblo sha1» ""' b ., a /om no ""'n'• l:Jsh1on 1•11s yoor. ----


9:00 Lm. - Enttllsb Compo:illlon. All secllons. 1:00 p.m. - Elem. Math. Anal. 11. Fllnd. or Malh. (A.B.C).

Pb,yslcs Sl. Gen. Pll)'ch I (A). Ph.\'slcal Geoa. 3 (A). Intro to Anthrop . 72.

3:00 p.m. - U. S. Bistol')' 9(8). English Wtemcuze 67. Amer. UL 77 (8" Tbeoiy or \&tile 1.

F'rlda,y. Jan. 22

9'00 o..m. - Shorthand Theory IS. Intern SPanlsh 13. Eller. Graphics I (A), Gen. P57ch. I (C). Intro to Bus. 27 (8). Economics 51,f'oods 8. llood•i>rk II (A) . Mach. "'ool Lab. S3. Gen. E:lem. MNlx>ds SI. SPeedl 31 (F').

1:00 p.m. - Speech 32. Eng:. Graphics (8), Stlde Rule IS, Ensr. Lec111res 5, Clothl111 F'und. 2~A. SD. Bus. Acctnc. 83.

3:00 p.m. - F'Ulll. or &irve1ln1 S3. SPeech 31 (D), Wood· •ork II (B), Art Struc • .s Desl111 11. Newswrlllnc 8).

MOndtlJ'. Jnn. 25 9:00 a.in. - ~ound. or Edu. 87. Chem. 3 and 11 (B). Short·

band Diet. 16. orl!ct' i..och. 85 (8). Elem. F'rench I. Elem. Spanish I. SOdOIO«.Y 51. Spt<edl 31 (£). Calculus SI. InllO to Rome Ee. 9. Lntro t.o Bus. :?7 (A).

1:00 p.m. - Intro to P.E. 15. Heo.llhrut WY!nc I. lnte11>re· llldon 5. Intro to Music UL i. 1'111.1' Prod. 71 CA>. TexU!es 23.

3·00 11.m. - Rist. or Cl v. 3 CB>. Psych SS, Rel. Ed. 6'lb. TUesda1, Jan. :?6

9:00 a.m. - Pb.Yslcal Gl'Cll. 3 (Bl. Soeech 31 (B). Gen. Biol. I (A). RISL or CIY. 3 (Al. Typt'•rlllne Problems 3, ornce Mach. 85 <Al. Ph1slcs 3. Fllocl. or Math CD & E), American Govi (A). u. S. Blstoey 9 (A).

1:00 p.m. - Prln. or Acctnc. 31 (A & B). ornce Machines 85 (C), Amer. Wt 77 (A). Oeneml Ps,ych I (B).

3:00 p.m. - PIAJ' Prod. 71 (B). F'und. or Mu ale 3. SPeech 31 Al. Radio Pro~ctlon 81.

WednesdaJ'. Jan. 27 9:00 a.m. - Beslnnlnc l'Yl>e" dlln& I, Gen. Blolocr (8),

Chemistry 3 & II (A). Shorthand Sp. Dl'V. 71. Amer. GoY'I ICBl. Speech 31 (C). O!llce M11chlnes 85 (D). Sr.&tlcs 66.

I 00 p.m. - World Wt 11. P.E. ACL ror El. Sch. 52.

ai;alast JI::: 3rooks and Gary Oe•tc on the nepUve.

Tbe Debate Clnb meets C'"tl7 Tuesda.J at 3: 00 In room 32. and 1111 Interested 1~e11u aod !aculcy are lo'l'llro to a,.

S.ppert Y••• A4•ertoun -----

" •.• Ille aclivl~ or pursu · tng rational 11111.ls Is the acth·tty or malntlinloc one's life .•.. !Ls result. rl!W'ard

11nd comllment Is an emotional itatr or happiness." - AYn Rand. "The Oll.tecll· vtst Ethics"

R ebounders C•ds Nipped By WSU Coubabes, 90-89, In Closing Seconds Of Overtime Period

C •d IOl'Wo•d Sran Ob.•(lh and gl,l()rd Junrrry Joe r•b°"nd '" 101 ! a • t't f r. •a 8f· 7'J. win otie-r

a 11' ol

Brainard Scores . . .

1:1 . ·.: '

'{ , ,, . ·~

... ;fil~1. ·' AJ.l ~\

:. .. :. . - C • i;uotd a P• I m ortd

Ot-d1 Q 0. 6

n <I! the schoo 1 reco~ Cor m I P• Int" scorro In n slnsle b11~htb11U sl'Oson "'I lh ~=I . Junms Joe• I~ '<'C •nd "llh 3!11 and Slevr BrtxPn ranb third \\lib 207


HAI'. T _LE \ E Rtd Robt;ruon, Your Host

2306 Fron1 A••· Co.,..,, d"Altn~. ldoho

The Callllnal5 came close co tamln' tbe l\'asruncton Suite Uru ve rsHY Frosh. losing out In the last 20 seconds or a Qve mlnute o,·erttme. 9C>-89. T•o fr~ lhrows by Coubabe 111alll Done Kloke cl1ncbed lhe thnller for Ille \\'SU Frosh.

The Cards threw up a tight l"Ooe defense Iba t slowed the Cou babe attack throas:ticut th" nr.n half .ad built a 10 point lea.cl !or the Carda al bnlf lime. 46-36. The Cards held u much u a 16 pelnt lead cild-waJ Ull9Uch the !!rot :?0 mlnutea of p 111.Y.

Sharp OU ISi d" llllOO Dog by Stan Oberch. Ca.rd [ nntrd. and Bill Smith, Card centt'r, combined IO run up the Card· lnal marlin. The taller Cou· babe8 v.ere balled ti:< Ille Card ?.onl' and BUl Snltb provided stunnlnc defense on the Cou· babe's 6-9 center • .nm .McKean. The Cardina1s Steve Brlxen was a :;tandout on rebound.lni;.

The Canis QUICkl,T )Umped ID a 9-0 lead and condnued to hold 11 at the eod or tbe first half. Jimmy Joe, Card guuf. OpC'nl'd Ille second l:llll! wllb hot outside shooting. but the Cards chanrt< of defense froci the zone ID a man-ID-man hurt lht Card lead aad eadr In thl' second 20 minutes. Ille ~oun' Coup rs llld c:hmbed :.> within 4 POlnts. 61 -Si.

The bic Coutn bes tx.pn co liCOI(' on houlr shot> ey Jolla Ncl>el. 6·S to"'-ard. and 6-9 center, Jim ~!cKeen. COubabt! i:uard. Bill Flynn. staned hltllnc from the outsule and "1 lh less than 5 IDlnules to pl~, lhe Coucs h:ld come li \\Hhln one pc:int, 73-i:?. JimmY Joe and Stan Obergb broud\t !be Canis back but, Jim McKe11n and company was not ID be siopped and the Cou btlbes lied the r:sme at 76 all.

\\Ith 1· 14 left.. Card forward .

Woodcock's Drug Store Candie• - Sundrie•

Pre•c:nplions 11' N. Fowrtft St • Coet.11 c1·AJ..,.,.





1701 N. Foun"'I MO . ""8223

Serving Your Srutlent Union

Coeur d'Alene C R E AM ERY


MILK ••0 : •• &1

S:nn Obf'rdl ro..ted out and J.mmedllllelJ' tbl' Couba~ cooi. the tesd. 82-80 ...-Ith a minute ten. Cul Cl'nt~r. BJll Slrllb tied It D.I I!!: o.11 with a dn.-!ni: 1,Ttn. The coubabe~ then be12n ID ar.al I out Ille last S-1 ~econ<l< for the !!cal shot. It car:l' from Ima rd Ray Slei D wt lh 3 seconds ten. bot St!'!n o• er­sllot 1.11d the ca=e •CJJt Into aa OTerllme.

'Ille Canla srab~ a ®I• :! point lead on Jllnl:IY Jo • rret·lbro'A'S, but John !'ebc lied 11 up with a cnppte 51' •I at &1-&1. Card ,.,, ro ...... rr1 Vern B~,win Ihm rcade l5111ooth 3 point Plll.Y l.o put tbe Canl5 out front. 87-84 'A llh 3 mlnu1es rmLinlntt.

The Cu:ls llll!ll made seveaal costly fC10l• and Ille Coubabea made II 87-86. Card forurd Stt'\'e BrilPn wa" then 10~1 on lbuls .,Ith 2c30 lr!t. 1\1111 a brealllll'S& I point lead th CIUda played dang~roua po.I­tem PllSJlinc and lost the bal I na a mhsed free-throw ID the Coubabc.-<. The Cout:abcs blc Jim ~cKean thl!ll put lhc 'isluirs back in the I.ad 1Allll a Short jumprr. 88-Si •Ith 1: 10 le!t In Ille i;:nmf'.

Coui:ar Illa.rd Bob Lobdrll alertlT tBllhawked I.he ball &W11 !rum the Cards ,.Ith ::'.!seconds lrft and the Coup went Into a &tall pa11em for the i:a e. II. Card foul sent Doai .-1o1u, to the line and Klote carefully sank two Cree thr ws to clinch the Pill<' al 90-57. The Cards cam" back fur one quick basket b~ Jimmy Joe co make the final 89-90.

This send the Carda l."ll\el tu the Collseum lo '1!eet tbe Gonzap Bul11Jup11 and tbeo \islt Pullman for a rematch "llh lht Cout:abea. BOX SCORES

NIJC: Btll Snllll :!i. Lrs Gardnei 8, Stf'\t' Brben 4. James Joe 24. ~like Carey 2. Vern Bengi;ion 8. Stan Obergh 13.

\\"SU FRC6 H: Bob Lr bdell I. Ray Sleln 14. Dick \latter 2. Doug Kloke 6. Gl"Or&r Gabrii>I 3. Bill Flynn 14. John Nebel 18. Blaine EIU 16, Jim McKean J 6.

Fror>l. Oo• n1"""· ..,a,.d p..it1 p o ~

ahof ogo ""·.Sf 9/u• A~nto" Corel cormo rp- ""'" 1:-..,...1G • V•"" & 'OI"", ro,,. l'IWOt •

mo.. tor ,. °""" - J.



0ftly Fo1.1.r lloc:lt From C.mpv•

OPEN 9:00 A. M . TO S 10 ' · M.

N.l.J.C. REVIEW. Co-.. d'Al• n•, lda~o. W•cl., Jo""o•y IJ, 196~

E • • A.qLL~.£6_


by 0. E. SCHOEFFLER, ESQUIRrs Fashion Director

YOUR FAIR LADY h"" a "•Y or 1urn1n1r mtt1 c1nd~rc11a·At·Th• Bal o\-.•r the Chrislmiu holida»•· \\'hnt with th~ •1t·pped.u1> t>e.-e of formal tntc1 talning. partie•. dinners. bnll•. nnd theatfr partla, you, a.o Prmce-E•cort. \\111 be cnlled upon to look your elcrant beet. In fact, qu11c uide Crom the Chr1stmt\S •U.•<>n, your underirraduate year• will prob4blr atrord you more fr4.'Qucnl opportunitiea to don form11lwcnr thnn any other lime an your life. And. a. alwaye, lht lradilionnl rule• (or formnl nltire apply. Tiere'a n run·down lo keep you up on the lnle•t In formal fMhlons for loday·a Prince Charmln1r.

THREE TO GET READY tor the big night. Thm popular 1tyle>1 in formnl dinner jnckot.1 1dvc you a wide rnriNy lo chOMe Crom. The new. nattering penkcd lapel ndda n disllndive not•• to the trndiuonal dinner JnckcL The notched lapel Is nl.oo g:110l11ic ground. and. or courM. lhe abawl collar remains the campua clllllllic. J11ck­eL1 are h11ht\\e11rh1. nnlur11l-Rhouldur. single­breuted in nll-wor11ted ur worsted and mohn1r combination, and 11re cul on atr:1ight-hnngmlf tin~. Wb4tc\C~r your choice. the lapeb should be in either a dull or tu trou~ 1ilk fnc1ng

THE HONOR OF YOUR COMPANY requuttd on an engraved invitnt1 on implle. a pe,..onal obliiration t.o look your absolute bat. II. , .. t. worn 1n combination with the dinner Jacket. continues to be :t more pOpular (&1hloo trend. Either the v ... haped wilh p0inLI. or the tradl· llonal 1traight-bottom styleio are corrttt. One uC th,. newest trends in men·• ror=lw,•ar ia the .. moderr1ized Edwardian .. vest in atraight cut with dull sati n focing on the lapela. Wh&te\'Cr your choice of vest. it will tcho your jacket In color and lapel •lyle:s. Your m:itchlng black trou1ers •hould be! lllpered

IT MIGHT AS WELL BE SPRING 1( you're lucky enoul(h lo be vacauontnsr in the unny South The u•ual white dinner J•cket makta nn opproprlnte subst itute, ttnd follows the u me 1tylln11 rules "" for the nll-bl11ck outfil and calla for the 8nme kind or nccell!IOrlea. The more \'tnturesome among you will want to inv1•atfga1e the da.i hml( new crop of pin id M.11.dru and striped 1eeraucker Jackell. Then a re tailored in 113tural •boulder. •initle-bre:uit•d ~tyll'l' w11h ahawl collars. r-·or the winter bound a mong us. the brl1rhter. bolder fabrica mu~t "•1t tor apring and summer. But even with a color­ful print, th<• IAndard white •hirt remain, white.

THE MIDNIGHT SUN wil 11leam on your :lll-imp0rtant nc«U<>riH­Tbe front-ru1 ntr in tud and mat.clung cuminks 1• black or •molrr ~..irl. The pL:aled •ilk cummerbund and black bow tie. either in' the straiirht bow or butterfly aiyle. are otandard Whethtr )OU

choe»e a clip-on or• self-tie 1s largely a matter of l)<!n!Onal prefu· enc:e. but the chp-on a re ao expertly made that they are \'irtuallr 1ndl5t1n11ubhable from the telf-t1e. The regular drus ~h1rt hu a pleated bosom and lea' ca a dU%hng • - • or white cu ff •howinr. l'E\'ER try to iiet by with a regular button-down collar: 1t'a dell·, n1tely o..t of keepins with correct form.al s tandard!.

THE GLASS SLIPPER for your lady; for you t.he •hiny blade patent leather shp on. or the plain-toed, w.~yelet blaclc aboes a rc beat. Any relali\'ely 11mplc black 11hoe light enough for dancina will do. Socks are black. rayon or nylon. plain. and should be securely ga rtered above the calf ,

A BLACK HOMBURG or derby ia the appro­priate headire:>r for the formal OCXJ111ion. For an oulercont. the black raincoat makea a good substitute (or a formal evenini coat, though a ~ llght tan or stadium-type coat Is out. Ideal is the claulc. velvet­c:ollared Chcaterfield. A while ailk KAT! and llcht gray auedeor natural chamo1• trlO\'ell hand•omcly complete the picture.


So much for Prince Charmme Next month. a mid-winter ch«lrUP on the latcat 1n knitwear, leather apparel. e lo•• and ao on. S­you then.

.. Smith Gea Shot Off


1964-65 Jan. 14 Thvhuvy - G- • o •· Ft 1 ..p..;i..,,. Co fr'• 6:' .S" Jon. I~ - ftrdciy - ftr'oshlngf-,. '"''°' l.J .,, f, ot P..,llr.tO", 6:00' . "'I. n -Sot .... ,cfo, - Un•••Uitr of ldoho r10~ Of CM\lf d'Alene, -8:00

~=: ~~ -t;";L,; ~:.:n!'!;:,~~·;~ i~o~~~:~ :·,~o!,i'::'6~:C:· F.o. S - F•ldoy - ""'"""'" Coll•v- JV"• o• Wolfo Wol o, 6•1S Feb. 6 - Sc • '~Y' - Blu• ~rita n Coll•p 01 P•ndlet=rr, S:OO fe b. 17 - ft do., - E:ostern .. Hh. 5,,,, Coll. JV"' 1 or CC4\tt d' A ef"ir, 8:00 firb.. 13 -Sor.,,doy - ""'ih•O(th Cotlw~ JV 0

1. 01 Cor"u 4'A ~. 8:00 Feb. 19 - F••day - L• .. 11°Clor• U ,,,,., School et L..-ttotl', 8:00 r"b. ?O - !a.otvtdot -Un..-e11 t1 of Ida~ Fro1t. or ~co-, 6·00.· Fi b. n - Mondoy - "'ih...,•"' Collooo JV"• o• Soo~ ..... S·4S"

•Piel... r,


""II ".. lhe lx<lll ODOCC ol v' r ~ uir:· Mr. 1Ud1111d Charr • r Jiil. Sid Club lld•IS~I Bald In 11pcnk1nc: or the dance aponllOr •d by lh<' club Frida•.

~. 111. "There \\t'rr OVN

300 p1r111 nl. •• ho• addo<I. Tho Ca l'D Uer • a Spokan" band, playi<I for 1111 done•·· •"'· Chnm1111111 riddt'd thiat

he ""I"' 10 ma kn lhlK •lane<' an unnunl allulr I<> b" ht•ld <m tho II• I du1 ol f\l'huol l 1•!•H•• ChnMmn~ \lll'Ullon. 11• \\aK 11ll•u o•d \\I lh lht• l11r11n 11umb1•1 nl •lud1•111 lrurn Olllt'r r •lit•[ o•i;. ht aid . and t• • ~1·11t•t11I aua1 ·•I lh•• Ski Club \1 nturt•,

111 ... n 1ou put your.i1•1! on t'• batck \UU i:•·I a lol of <lb" room.



(?~ ~.&.v

Ski Club Plans Spring Ski Trip

C b 1 .... mini: a pn.ii; .._ U1p. aa:o:d!nc t

Mr. Rlch:ud Champou>, ad· vlsl"I. Thia •·as d1scusud 111 the mt'eUni:: :.Undo.)" .n Room 3:?. It has bttn tenta· tl•t'IV plannfd UQt Lhe club i:u t on<' or thrl'r pJacts ·• Uunrr or Lal» Lwlse In Canada, Cryslal Mt.. \lash., or Big :.ti. la llhilcflsh. \lo11111nn. The club plans I 1 .. 11\1 on Thun1da'. APnl 15 1111d rt•lum \loodiay, April 19.

T"o Ulm~. <aCh 3~ minutes luUG \\Crt' sbol\11 on J!All. 13. On<' llhu\\t'<l skllnG In Lake IPUI 11r and Bani!, lhc olber In the Costal i.sount:lln aro». 1hesc were col!lblncd •lib fll<'lildc refreshments In Ille SIUdt'fll t:nlo:i.

II !\"!minded Eludl'.'tlts tbllt l"ICIUI"" .. uld bP l:lkm at

L'. :\t ~u ....


11 :-11c !!I p ' n: .o.ld. :... \f'::J'

ctiool recnrd to: reboo.nd.l!I· Br!J.cn Is l(JPl' Ill filnde

n r bOOnds •ltb ~1. 11'1llcb IS nlso tbP ID!:i.I re· bo nd lt'&de1" rccord. and ls rtr.;t In :"JC.'A rrb<Jundini: 'llltb 11 -;.G aH•f'llle. Brl'en al ~llds nobou!ld1DC Ot('I•

lllC dcpAl1 " L I I.:: per

GROCERY ......, . .

Cards Down Lewis And Clark 105-85

T' e Card. continued lbel1 •Jn streak alter dropplnc 1100 II> :he l°!!m.l(:hee K.nlcbl.5 by dc:eat1111 lbc Le•ls 'and Clari 'll"amois, IOS-85 011 Dec. 19.

The Wllmors built up a 6mllU lad In the first balf nnd znal.ataJ.ned It 11>lnc IDIO Lbe locker r:>oms, s:~ 8. Jack Ro~D and Gar1 'li1cts wrre Wamc;r 111andaats, bltt1DI from the outside.

The Cards came oD atroac In tbl! aecc.nd 20 mino cei of Pb 1 as Blll Sn:J lb and Jtmmy Joe bepn to cet bot aod put lb<: Card~ back In th lead a:ly .n the second half. Oud fonrard Vt!m Brncaton Ill&<> tall!Pd i.1 baskets ror the Ca Ida. The Ca Id ncto" -s the lhl nl al ldlt ID a row t.'iat :hi! C11rds score! over I CO points.

The Cards had the same clinch(!(! mid-way lhioulth the second h:i.lf as they ran up ~ 20 point rrnrpn. BOX SCORES

NIJC· Biii Smith 31. Lrs Cordner ? , Sian Cberch 7, Dick Shultz -1. Bob BraJnard ~. F1111k 0111Uneton 2, Jlml'llJ' J~ 27. \'em Benpton 17, Steve artun 11.

LCNS JDck Ro-beson 23. Gal"!' \I lcl:s 22. John Gibbon• 1;.. su,ve Bnlino 7, Lany

<IO 11 Sia" A •m 5.

Cardinals Top Yak ima Indians

T r Cai:i a c:lean s•e"D al:lln1n ~ u.111111 \'allry Junior C lkce. •lnnlnc the SPCO!ld f Lbe tl<O pme senes p!U~ :: Dec.. !>. 77 .. 61.

Tht' Cazcb start~ slowly, a.ad tralltd tbe Tllltors al tlalf tiJ:'ll', 3+35. Olrd llUIUd BID Smllll and f nrard \em B"ni:sr.on earned Lb" Cazdlnal att.act; •llb outside abocttnc. The lndlans ktPI thr pace of the i;amc elo• l.lld ata1Ct'1ed the Card auack.

The CnrdinlllB CU'?lt' back In tht' sl'COnd half to oul husllP the !Ddlana and pin t!l<' ll'<:ld. Bob smtnard and Les Gar.1nN PIU•ided the Card 1par. with drhlnc la.Y· 1n1 and gl!Arp outside abool· Ille. Tbo •In 11u1 the Ca Ids at :!-1.

BOX !:CORES !-i IJC Bill Smith 15, s:eve Br.1en 5. \'tm Beni:;sto11 18. Jlllll:U' Jar 11, Les Gudner 8. Bob Bmln:ai:! 11, !.!lke C'arQ 8, One Gudnrr t.

Y\ JC Bill k:c!J' 3, Kell Pbas:i.:it 4, Don l!ac::ieie: I. ijob SDl!ll 10. :tea ~!>Pr 8. Race: •:umtnc 8 • .nm Gbde· £->II U. John Ad! 1 I:.

Tbe :>'11th klabo Jun! r c 11 .. , .. ao.-.111c Te= .-oc natl c:I rec:oc:i!tillll when D n Artier. l\1JC atcdent, rcirr :ited !Ile cazdln;ils la

s • ?DJ 1 ,..,,.,.Piii la I. .. ., !r

... \. CAFE

·S19.9S CHARLIE BROWN'S Liko to know how

hllndt0me ond comforlt\blc • I. P3ir or ah<M'I can hi-"

Try Mnll>illgioa :md ar!


• • 1.X.l. TOGG£RY


Pressure Fried Chicken

lo Minute \lax I mum Cooking

"IT'S F \G£'< L GflllO'' ~,11 in ord<i - Pl ~ IA<'1JJ ~P .,.urc , tat<"'


H,IJ.C. REVI E'll~"1..,., ldoho, Wed .• Jo..,ory 13, 196S

Cil'ds Sweep Pair From BJC Bronc~ Wtth Fast Break And Outside Shooting

The Carda combined a fast breakln1 orrcnae and sharp oatalde shoollnt by Slan Oberch and Jtm1111 Joe to def ea1 the Baise Broacos and s•eep a two pmr series from the Bioncos, 81·6S.

The Catcls lumped to a 1-1 ·3 lud that devrtopod lnll> a ZO point marlin lo' b&lr llm e. Bl 1 Steve Bd1en, Card forward. wu a st:ind· out In Redblrd reboundlag that set up the Csrdlnal Cast breais.

Boise opened Ille first hal l •Ill! cold sboolillc. blltiac on short scorln• sprees led by Bronco cente r, Dick ScluadN. The Cnlds Inst break lllOI lllOUnd a Bronc ruu court press and thr Cards •En I to the locker room at half lime 11·1ll! D cool -18·28 lrad.

The Cn rds mo.In lllined th eh POlnt marlin thiouahout l he second hal r as Bill Sml Ill and JlmtllY Joe contlnul.'d Ille Card 11ttaclt. The Broncos bcpn lo substitute hen»lb' In an atlemptlo find a seodn& comtinallon. bul the Cards ran the taller Broncos orr the noor.

Late In the s.cond half. wllh the ••me cllnchl.'d. CMc:ll Roll.1 llllllams bepn ID u•e hla bench. The Card· Ina! depth "u e\·tdent apln H lhe MC:Ond-onl1 \'GISI~ slll15 conunued 10 hold do'An lix' Broncos.

BOlse'a &-7 center, Dick Schradrr. spurred tho Broncos on and led tht' Yllll tin~ team In polnlS •Ith Ii. Boise r:uard RAncb Acltle1. a stand· out !or L'le Broncs In 1hc 73·71 thriller nns1 pme \\lib the cards. talUrd only 5 POlnu u the Canis threw up a Ulbt defense to lllD with llldr 11J1n1 ollenslve nllack.

The Carcl!I ne1l home game, Jan. 8. ai;ninst the ll'SIJ F"roah, "UI prove to be one or Ille touchest snmes the cards .. 111 race all yoo r. The Coubabes Ille s iron& 11nd lllll and .. 111 ~ out for re· ve ns< ror I Ml year's loss . BOX SCORES

NIJC. BUI Smith 18. Jlnll'llJ' Joe 18. Steve Btt1en 7. Les Gardner 1. Saz:, Boant 7. Stan o~:ch 11. \'em Bensston 5 . oue Ca.ldner 2.:.tlkl!Care~ 4 . Bob Bra!Dard 2.

BOLSE JC Randy Ackley 5. Lee Han'eT S. John V.lll!ams 10. B1Uce .Sno.- 3, Ca11 nea· tu 10, Leland Pestana Z. Dick SCh~der l;. Jack Crow· ell 5, Bart Olatlce a.

A U)"1n ll7 Card 1:11aa:I Bob B e.lnanl .-! lb 15 aeconds le!L pYc L'le Qudlnala a 73·71 '1ctor1 O'l'tl the Bol&e Bn>nma. at:ete!Uns: the Card rreord to ; wtns nnd 3 los· aes. Thr Caa:I win was the first In a two pme seq,es wllll Ille BIODCOS OD Jan. I and:.

11ort11 1a.ho .~ 1ped to an earls l~oid •II ' red·hOI shoOI·

s •• us '"' botr .-die., rope

repairs on rope recorddrs

rrori 1~1or rodiO!t

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Coe1.1t ct• AleM. ldoho

Inc by BHI Sl'\1111 and Slan Oberi:ti. lk.•c could not !ind the bukel u the aha!!' Canis l"l!I up a 16 point mar• 11n mld-QJ thn>udl the fl:al half.

The Br:>Dcs came back sl:ons la :."le eloslnc minutes, bo1'e<er, :a cit the C&rd lad ID ~ nt thr half Ume. 45 --11. Bolsr's Raadr Ackley and Lee Ral'ey c:omblal'd sharp onislde shoollnr; snd D break· Inc ol?ense IO bnnc the Bmncs bDc:t lnlO the ~"·

The second hsl r d" elope<J lnto a thnUcr. •Ith Ille Card le:i.d hani::in' on 1wo bukrt.. Bolb ICM\$ nehnnccd buck· rts as Ill~ sreond h11Ir roa r«! on. Cord aua.ld JlmmI Joe fouled out earl,r In the second 20 mlnu1es. slowina the card atlack.

The Broncos commanded the game for the Orsi lime when RGDdy Ackley hJt on o lonR lump stlot rrom the s Ide to pul the Boise nve ou1 f!Ont, 71 · 70. 3:4 2 remained In the anme.

Ca<d forward ~Uke C111e.1· us then rou lc0 and lied the i:rune at ii all with Ills free thro..-. The ball traded hands several times berore Boise flnallJ' cot control 'Alth 59 seconds le!t and began IO look for the last shot.

.\ cbard.ns roul whlsUed on Bionc r:uard Bruce Snow 111 th 38 Mecond.s lefl brou &ht 1he fans and the Bionc benc:h IO their fret In ml1ed protest. Thr ball was awarded IO thr Can:llnals after ar utendfd discussion oYer rulrs.

The Con:ls Ulen workfd for the u.sy sho! and ll came wtth 1.5 seconds left whrn Biii Smith pnssed orr to drtving Bob Bnllnard ror the decisive b:isket.

Boise rewmed the b&ll In a rrundc effort to act up a last chance shot for a tic. Bronco guard Jotlo I\ lll111ms put up the despernllon shot. but It !ell short and the game ended In a 73· '71 Can:llnal vlclol"I'. BOX SCORE

!>1JC· Bill Smith 25 . Jim Joe 8. sieve Brix en 4. SUia OberGll 13. Les G:1.rdner I!!. Bob Bllliniird 10,Mlke Carey s.

BOISE JC: RIUldJ AckleJ" 20. Lee Ho n·ey 6. John Wll· Uams 13. Bruce Slow 8. Ron Beall 9, Dick Scllnsder 6. Ba rt Ch3 rree 1.

:.;onh Idaho Wll5 del~tro tu· Eastl'm Arizona In the flnol 1111mr. of las1 •cllr's ~JC:\A Rcdonals bY 81·69. Jimmy Joe curled lht' cardinal allnck ,\Ith IS 1K>tn1s. ~ •as la IN aelected to ttle all·SJC • .\A tr11m.

rlll Jdah • esclu&l ve lnti-r-eolleelate &por..s pro1111m Is onb four yrar old. Al · read1 the Cardinals ba•e y,oa nanonal recoi;nlt!on 10 track and b3Sletblll 1. A salute io the fin._.,., c •ach1n• 1~ th Junior collei:t' "':cull .


Del Gittol

C•dinals Drop Two To Wenatchee Valley Knights

The Cards found It touch 110ln1 lo Knlgbt country, dropping n two game sedcs to tho Knlgbts 59·6S and 54·67 on Dec. 11 and 12.

In the Drst game. the Clln:ls opened cold and had trouble ftnd lnR the basket but con­trolled a sllm halt time lead ot 35-31. Bob Bnllnard Md Jlmm,y Joe carried the Card attack with bot outside shooting.

The Knights came back stiong lo the second baH to out score the Canis and take the lead and the game. The Cards loulcd beavll,y and p Ye the home team !tee throws that added to the Knlgbl lead. The Knlgbts took the Orsi game. 65·69. BOX SCORES:

NIJC: SIU Smith 7. JlmllU' Joo 13. Si eve Bdxen S, Vern Bongslon 9. Les Gardner .6. Sam Br.rant ~ . Bob Bmlnard 12. ~Uke Carey 3.




"'­Pia, Paal Al Ca•• Ba• I

Rote' · 60c Pe~ Hout

Joe Jump Shot

\\VJC· Bob Jahr 2. Tom ouon 17, Jobo Rodeers 7. Dennis Dirks 2. Nick Nelson 4. Dan SCOlt 13. Bob J.lc Glnnis s. Curtiss Franz lol. Jim Makin 1.

In the second ca.me. the Card.a apln controlled a sllm half Ume lead. 30-37. The \\enatchee o ffense. a slo11 pallcrn J.ype, kepi the score low apln as the Knlgbts worked for and eot the close shots.

!I'he Clllds hcovy fouling In tho second ha! f spelled another deleat for the traYel· Inc Redbirds u the Canls were c:alled tor :?7 fouls compared to 12 for the home teem. Uke•lse. the Knights scored 31 POlols at the cbadt:r line out of 15 attempts as oompared to ol for 13 for the Cardinals. The Knli;bts thus plc:Jced 111> the second i;ame trom lbe rree-tbro'll' line, 67·5". BOX SCORES·

NUC Bill Slnlth 9, Steve Brlxcn 7. Vom Bengston 6, JlmllU' Joe I~. Les Gardner 10, Sam Ba:yant 2. ~Uke Carey 2. Dick Shultz 4.

ll'VJC: Tom Dixon :!O, Jobo Rodi;crs 6. Dennis Dirks 8. Nlclt Nelson :!. Dan Scott 12. DOD Kuilh 2. Bob McGinnis 7. Curtiss Franz Io.

Coach Roll>' 'il'illi&:DS ooce turned out for the professloll3.l Rawllari Clliefs basketball team In 1961. Thal same 1ear be came lo N IJC.

T,,.. nn ~ h ncr. ' f\- ., , ' •• lft

BALL & QUE 411 Shennon A ... •n...t

t •' IOQU"

For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 14t 4 N • .....,... St. • c..~ cl'AS.4'•

Cards Defeat Skagit Valley College 88-72

The Card:. l.lclcl '!d lbelr WI n 111r-.. tu ~ s-es •Ith an 8&-7! win OYel Skac!l \'alley O>lle,e on oec. 30.

8111 Smith and Jlm1117 Joe !Pd tht' Ou:ls to an eatl}­llrat balC lfnd lbnt de•eloped lam a 9 point rna.rstn at ha.Ir ume, H·3S. Card Cor-nl, Stan ObN&h. an All·Amcdcan In hish school ball al \later· \11lf', \\ash .. ~howod some or Ws talents as he bit on Ions set sboLs tnim the outalde to help pul the Canlh In the -.tnnloc oolwnn. BOX SCORES

SIJC: BUI Smith :?4. Jimmy Joe 23, Sa'll 817aot :? , \'em Bmcston 5. Da•e Gardnt: :?. Stan Oberdl 15, Les G:inlner 9, sieve Bnxen 8.

S\' JC· Jim Radclch 9. Deo­nls C!llhoun 15, Blll \\res· sell :? . Norm Lance 2. John \\alters 6. oave Poppe -t, Bob Kalm 4. Jack lllk 7. Earl Siu! lb 5. Dane U Ander· &On 12. --------

Tbal ,.hlcb I come.. ot tlbelt.

trulY tin~

N.IJ.C REVIEW, C-.. 4'A1•••· lda~o. Wed., Ja,,..,y 13, 196S

Carm Soar To C•dinals Romp Ower 123-101 Win Over Mount Royal 109-76 Blue .llountain

The canl~ ,p( !1 ne .. ~corln~ record In a 1~3-101 "lcton o•et Blue lk>Untaln Colle'~ on Oec. 18.

The pmc us a fn:1t11nced scorlns durl with tho Cord" mklo~ a :lO POlnt nn<t bal r advaniai;e. 6:Z--ll, on 11tunnlns sbool1os ll)' Jimmy Joe and Les GardnN from the ouUllde. The win put th<' C.rds ahmd of losses Cor thr season at olo-3. Bill 9111th and \'em Bens·

slon addt'd lo lht1 (.)anl l'Olnl pile "'lb bot ahooUni:: and ball-lla.,.klntt tn the all-offenstl contesL Blue'" Ron 111,.kev and Jim llMrlllOn •Ne atlllld· outs In tho •lKll01'1 tlttack, scorln1 32 and 31 points respecllvel.r.

One dark nnle nboul lhr pme. lhNe la n rumor thnl lhP second ho.Jr run :; mlnutrs too lone. BOX SCORES

NUC 8111 Smith 21. Sl#n Oborlh 10, Steve Ur1lcn 9, JlmlaY JM 25. Dick Shultz 3. \'em Benpton 13. Lrs Ganl· ner H, Bob Bialnard 10, Mlkr Care.r 6. \\all.J Smallelb 2. One Gardner 2, Frank Dar· linston 8. B~uc· Ron lllakcy 32. Jim

Rard&>n 31, Gary Oavid 7. Joe Hubbell 3. Jack Bnlrd 17. John Mosltrom 2. Louis Stocker 2. RAY Erickson 3, Dick Erickson :J. John Ship­pen tower 2.

SKI LESSONS CONTINUE Mr. Riel ard Champoux. Sill

Club advt · r. 11ould like w reaund all 61UdP.nts that ski lessons are oonunulns evl'ry Satunlay at 10·00 a.m. at Schweitzer at th" T·bar 11lopc. Also, that tb>Se wlahln& to s. en for nd~ rra> do so on the po ter In th• SIUd<Yit Union.

Arhl r. onl Hunrin E iv1pn . .,,,


l05 Sh•t'llft• tt ""• • MC>foi• · • 4..S72t

Cllnl forwanl Dick Shulb. led the Olnllnal~ 1o a 1()9-16 'lctoq over the tou rtnc \tount Royal flvt' on Dec. 17• M Shatto: !!Curro 2t pnlnta and pullf'd In 12 r.bou nds.

The Cardb Were Juot too "Iron~ nnd llU< l tor l ht' Cana· dlans and Plied up u 22 point lead at m IC time. 62.,.0. 8111 Sm Ith and Jimmy Joo ~amed ,.Ith Shult': lo RPrt'ad lbr bis: Cllnl lt'&d •Ith hot outside "'1ootln~ and llancy ll\Ylns.

Tbe Card.1 bad tht> Pmo at thl' do"· or tbP. nrftt hilt and C<10cb Rolly llllllama began kl co ID hla bMch. Thr Cn nt sr.cond·bllutrrs pro•ldt'tl l'Yl'n more action fur tbt• Ch rl "tnm.. vncl\Uon fan.. os the homl' tl'•lm rolled on to brl'nk 1hc 100 point bnrrlcr In the cltJ1<lns mlnu tt'll of th~ 1uunc.

Mount Ro yo I'• Handy \t II· ner und Kl'n Shi l'ld.• WNl' ~landoui.. tor thl' \~>uni Royal Tigers, leadlna Urn vhltnra In polnLs with 15 and 14 re Pl'Cllvely. BOX SCORF!; ~!JC; Bill $!11th 18. $1ftVO

Brlxen D. Jlrn!llY Joe 16. Lrs Gardner I, Bob Bl'1llnard 11. Sam Br.rant 8. Dick Shultz 21. Wal!J SmPlleL1 3. OllYP Oa"I· ner 2. F'mnk Dnrlln llon 8.

MRJC· Rondy Milner I ~ . BIU \t,yem 2. F'n1nk SUl~>n 12. Clny GnlnN 2. Aftltloy court 13. Ken BnkN 2. Oar,y (;ol· lier 6 . Eu~cnc Allen 3. Ken ShlPlds 14. Slee lo Tollo­&tones. - -----

STARRED FOR VANDALS Rally 11UUu." h,.ad bask<'t·

bal I coach, playlld bib col· lege ball Ul lbP l)Jlver~tty Of Idaho. Coa.cb \\11Uams 1ta1 red for lhe VandaJ11 trorn Hl56·61. lie capta.lned thr.

l<!l&I" In ht f'nlor y19r or pla ..



Pti.o"'• ~()h • .,.i 4 Jl 4S or 4 1;47• 21) Sherm.1~ A.,. • Co.Hr cl'Ale.

........__ ......... ___ ..,,_ ··--·---.. ---~··- .... "' .... ---• ••• gym •••• tumble •••• flip ••• flop •• .lug ••• tug push ••• jump •• .leap ••• ••• chin ••• lift ••• pull ••• ••• run ••• puff puff ••• pause things go

b~~th Co Ke •

aou••d .._,,., 1,,. • ..._ 1101 ~ .. eoc.cor. Ca"'O>"' bf: HAPIRe• COcA-COl.A BOTTUN& CO. -