June 2017 THE 4360 Jackson Drive, Jackson, WI 53037 262.677.2345 email: [email protected] website: www.newhopeucc.com email: [email protected] or [email protected] SUMMER HAPPENINGS SUMMER HAPPENINGS Sun., June 5 Worship Time Change to 9:30 a.m. Wed., June 7 Consistory Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Sun., June 19 Father’s Day Sun., July 3 Worship Time Change to 10:15 a.m. Mon., July 4: Independence Day Sun., Aug. 28 at New Hope following the service Sunday Worship Services - 9:30 am June 4 through August 27 SUNDAY SCHOOL STAFF APPRECIATION! We extend a heartfelt “Thank You” for all the time, effort and talent you have put into each week’s Sunday School lesson! Our children have been blessed by your participation in our Christian Education program. Director & Coordinator: Alicia Halfmann Teachers: Emily Fait Holly Kunkler Christine Shelsta Paul Shelsta Helpers: Sam Budnik Easton Wiedmeyer FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS: We thank you for all the donations of food items that you have made throughout the years! For now, we are asking that you please hold off on bringing in any more items. The Community Outreach Team is doing some re-organizing and will let you know about any changes that are made.

THE - New Hope United Church of Christ · 12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will 15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg 19 ... 23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram 30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich Paul & Christine

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Page 1: THE - New Hope United Church of Christ · 12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will 15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg 19 ... 23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram 30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich Paul & Christine

June 2017


4360 Jackson Drive, Jackson, WI 53037 262.677.2345

email: [email protected] website: www.newhopeucc.com

email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Sun., June 5 Worship Time Change to 9:30 a.m.

Wed., June 7 Consistory Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Sun., June 19 Father’s Day

Sun., July 3 Worship Time Change to 10:15 a.m.

Mon., July 4: Independence Day

Sun., Aug. 28 at New Hope

following the service

Sunday Worship Services - 9:30 am

June 4 through August 27



We extend a heartfelt “Thank You” for all the time, effort and talent you have put into each week’s Sunday School lesson! Our children have been blessed by your participation in our Christian Education program.

Director & Coordinator: Alicia Halfmann


Emily Fait

Holly Kunkler

Christine Shelsta

Paul Shelsta


Sam Budnik

Easton Wiedmeyer


We thank you for all the donations of food items that you have made throughout the years!

For now, we are asking that you please hold off on bringing in any more items. The Community

Outreach Team is doing some re-organizing and will let you know about any changes that are made.

Page 2: THE - New Hope United Church of Christ · 12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will 15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg 19 ... 23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram 30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich Paul & Christine

June 2017


Pastor’s Message

The dawn laughs out on orient hills

And dances with the diamond rills;

The ambrosial wind but faintly stirs The silken, beaded gossamers;

In the wide valleys, lone and fair,

Lyrics are piped from limpid air,

And, far above, the pine trees free

Voice ancient lore of sky and sea.

Come, let us fill our hearts straightway

With hope and courage of the day.

Noon, hiving sweets of sun and flower,

Has fallen on dreams in wayside bower,

Where bees hold honeyed fellowship With the ripe blossom of her lip;

All silent are her poppied vales

And all her long Arcadian dales,

Where idleness is gathered up

A magic draught in summer's cup.

Come, let us give ourselves to dreams

By lisping margins of her streams.

Adown the golden sunset way

The evening comes in wimple gray;

By burnished shore and silver lake Cool winds of ministration wake;

O'er occidental meadows far

There shines the light of moon and star,

And sweet, low-tinkling music rings

About the lips of haunted springs.

In quietude of earth and air

'Tis meet we yield our souls to prayer.

“Going Green”

We planted a garden for the first time in the last 10 years—that’s because Sandi and I

found the “fountain of growth”! Actually we can save some money AND eat organically

grown veggies—yum! yum!

There’s something sacred about a garden; being outside, breathing fresh air, hands in the

soil, watching a little seed turn into an orange carrot or green lettuce. We garden— we

touch creation.

Perhaps in a broader sense, all of creation is “God’s Garden” — God tends to it, nur-

tures it, weeds it and eventually harvests. Each of us is then challenged to grow and be


Pain-free gardening to all!

“Green” Rev. Jim

Now there was a river

flowing out of Eden

to water the garden . . .


Hang dry

Get a clothesline or rack to dry your clothes by

the air. Your wardrobe will maintain color and fit,

and you'll save money.

Your favorite t-shirt will last longer too!

Wash in cold or warm

If all the households in the U.S. switched from

hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the en-

ergy comparable to 100,000 barrels of oil a day.

Only launder when you have a full load.


Page 3: THE - New Hope United Church of Christ · 12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will 15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg 19 ... 23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram 30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich Paul & Christine

June 2017


1 Darryl Kranz & Ed Forrester

5 Pat Herbst & Erica Fairbrother

8 Tim Smiley

9 Jim Lenz

10 Jenny Weyer

12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will

15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg

19 Katie Meier & Cheryl Phetteplace

23 Sue Lenz

26 Amy Schneider

29 Jenny Bateman

21 Jeff & Kimber Wiedmeyer

23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram

30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich

Paul & Christine Shelsta

Member News

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not be meeting during June, July or August. They will resume their meetings in September.

Enjoy your summer!

Mission & Outreach

Remember in Prayer…

Please take a moment out of your busy day to say a prayer for healing in the lives of those who are in need of spiritual, physical or emotional healing and support; that they may feel God’s comfort and love!


Ty Teadsdale-recovering from tonsil & adnoid removal surgery & replacement of ear tubes


If you know of someone in need of a Prayer Shawl or is going through chemotherapy and could use an ador-able hat to keep their head warm, they are available

in the sanctuary for the taking.

PLEASE let Karel Bretsch know who the item is for so she can add it to her records or put a note on the desk in the office with your name and the name of the person you will be giving it to.



There will be a graveside memorial

service for Doris R. Schmidt on

Sunday, June 4, 2017, at 1:30 pm.

The brief service will be held at Peace Cemetery on

Hwy P and Cedar Creek Road in Jackson, just south

of the old Friedens Church building. Both Doris's

and Ben's ashes will be buried at that time.

All are welcome.

Our deepest sympathy and prayers of comfort go out to Nancy Holmes and family

on the death of her mother.

We have no right to our possessions; they have been entrusted to us for the

good of all. Let us then invest with the Lord all that has been given to us,

for have nothing that does not come from God. ~fifth-century monk Paulinus of Nola

Page 4: THE - New Hope United Church of Christ · 12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will 15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg 19 ... 23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram 30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich Paul & Christine

June 2017



*4 Donna Poole, Chelli Rettmann,

Amy Schneider, Angel Buettner

11 Sheila Smiley, Andy Gross

18 Aaron Halfmann, Steve Ingram

25 Kirk Krueger, Donna Poole


4 Bruce Endlich

11 Russ Dobberpuhl

18 Gary Kranz

25 Sue Lenz



4 Larry & Lynn Koziol

11 Russ & Pam Dobberpuhl

18 Doug & Laurie Alfke

25 Sue Lenz


4 Matt Schneider

11 Andrew Haese

18 Matt Schneider

25 Brian Smiley

For God so loved the world that God gave God's one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

-John 3:16

Worthy by Marchaé Grair

Sometimes, I struggle to believe in my own worthiness.

I see my flaws and I reason that I'm undeserving of any

good because of my bad.

Am I really worthy of love and care when I don't always

return every call or every favor? Am I really worthy of my

laughter when I've caused others tears and sadness? Am I

really worthy of spiritual redemption when I've had so many

missteps in the process of finding it?

In the depths of my doubt, the Spirit whispers a reminder,

courtesy of "Worth," one of my favorite praise songs.

The chorus says:

"You thought I was worth saving. So You came and changed my


You thought I was worth keeping. So You cleaned me up inside.

You thought I was to die for. So You sacrificed your life.

So I could be free. So I could be whole. So I could tell everyone I


Who am I to question my worthiness when I've already

been declared worthy by God?

Before I took my first breath, God loved who I was, who I

am, and who I will become.

God's call for me is to embrace a spiritually abundant life,

despite my shortcomings. Thankfully, my worthiness isn't

something I get to decide.

Worth isn't some kind of currency exchange of good or bad

deeds, where I can try to make up for the things I wasn't or

perhaps will never be.

Heaven already thought I was worth saving. Thank God

that makes me worthy enough.


When I question my worth, I'm thankful that through Jesus

Christ, I've already been given my answer.


Marchaé Grair is the Digital Content Manager at

the United Church of Christ and editor of the

UCC blog, New Sacred.


4 Amy Schneider and

Scott/Donna Poole

18-- Nancy Holmes/Sandy Ross

and Dean/Julie Endlich

Page 5: THE - New Hope United Church of Christ · 12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will 15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg 19 ... 23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram 30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich Paul & Christine

June 2017


The summer after my freshman year in

college I worked as a lifeguard. In those

days, kids could earn enough in a summer

job to pay for a year of school, if we were

willing to live at home ... or if we had no


That August I learned of a high school kid I

knew slightly. He went to a school that was

even lower on the economic scale than

mine. His name was "Pig," which is just

about all you need to know in order to

know all about him. "Pig Raggio."

The only way Pig could ever go to the sum-

mer camp that had meant so much to me

was if someone provided a scholarship, but

Pig didn't have wealthy friends to make

that kind of contribution.

Somehow, that August, God pointed out

that Pig had me. I could provide the money

needed for Pig to go to camp. So, I did,

anonymously. I don't recall the struggle of

making the decision; I do recall the feeling

afterwards. Giving that money away, mon-

ey I'd earned that summer, I might not

have enough to fully cover the upcoming

year's school expenses. Oh, I could make

it, maybe, if I didn't go on a single date, or

to a single movie all year, and if there were

no lab fees and no surprise textbooks re-

quired. It was scary.

Still, I felt good about giving that money,

even as I wondered about tuition for the

Spring semester. Come Spring term, I

could be a reluctant college dropout.

Late that October, I was offered a job refer-

eeing basketball games in the Knoxville

Rec League. Two nights a week, Decem-

ber through February, I got all the exercise

I needed, received more than my quota of

verbal abuse ... and earned more money

than I'd made all summer long.

By the way, Pig had a great week at camp.

More than that, I learned at a 20th class

reunion, that Pig had a life-changing week

there. I also had a memory I would treas-

ure for the next five decades, a memory of

a time I sacrificed boldly, even dangerous-

ly, to do what I felt God wanted me to do.

Ah, to be young again.

This year, Debbie and I discussed what

God might want us to do in the Gifted

Past, Bold Future capital campaign at our

church. We determined an amount that

seemed appropriate, a faithful amount de-

termined by prayer and a careful assess-

ment of our finances. Living with that for a

while, we felt we'd made a good decision.

When I suggested, a couple weeks after-

ward, that we consider a slightly greater

amount, neither of us felt compelled to

make that increase. The original figure

seemed right.

Driving home from one of our early cam-

paign meetings, Debbie made a counter-

proposal. "I'd like for us to increase our

gift," she said. Then she named an amount

five times greater than our original figure.

"Please don't talk that way while I'm driv-

ing!" I replied.

When we pulled into the driveway, I ex-

plained. "My role as pastor of Pleasant Hill

Church is about to end," I pointed out. "It

wouldn't be healthy for us to continue our

investment in the church after this year, so

this would need to be a one-time gift, not a

three-year pledge. And though we have

planned for my retirement, the first year's

finances contain some uncertainties just

because we haven't traveled this path. This

is a time for us to be cautious, not crazy."

"Both of those points are true," she replied.

A couple mornings later over coffee, I re-

sumed the conversation. "Well, I think this

new amount is exactly what we need to

do," I said. So, that amount is the one on

our commitment card. I feel these days as

brashly audacious as a college freshman.

I just hope God remembers I don't have

the knees to be a basketball referee any-



If you have noticed that you are not listed on the birthday or anniversary lists each month,

please call or email the office with the missing information!

677-2345 [email protected]

By Dr. Dave Fry

Be sure to check the bulletin boards in the Narthex for information on church and community activities!

Consistory Meeting minutes can be found outside the office door.

Page 6: THE - New Hope United Church of Christ · 12 Mackensie Pauers & Mckenzie Will 15 Emmett Gross & Sarah Lundberg 19 ... 23 Steve & Kimberly Ingram 30 Bruce & Cindy Endlich Paul & Christine

June 2017


Kid’s Korner